#Hollyleaf AU
twistedclaws · 2 years
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hollyleaf’s legacy au
Related to this picture and a redo of this piece.
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thenamessparkplug · 9 months
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awkward teenager to slaying murder queen?? i sure hope it does>:3
sorry i seriously love the concept of when cats go to the df they become like 10x more badass like tell me thats not so silly of them
anyways should probably give you a taste of what the actual au is lmao
In this AU Hollyleaf is killed during the rockslide that traps her in the cave system in the canon books. After the murder of Ashfur (and maybe a few others:33) StarClan decides to send her to the Dark Forest. Unfortunately, a massive oversight by StarClan, Hollyleaf meets Mapleshade, and over a mutual hatred of both ThunderClan and StarClan, form a partnership and run the Dark Forest training themselves.
What ensues?
Murder, vengeance, deals, mistakes, betrayal, perhaps redemption? Y'know, the usual:3
The majority of this AU will probably be conveyed through animations and mini-comics as I also try to figure out how the hell I want this story to go lmao
uhh no idea if anyone's already using the name Bloom AU for a warriors au, but if thats the case i can always come up with a new one
there is significance to the name but its not like i cant find a different one asdkljdsad
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cryptidclaw · 9 months
this is your ticket to ramble about anything that hasn't been asked but you want to talk about it so bad
okok ive been saving this oneee
The reason I chose Mockingbird as Hollyleaf's prev. incarnation's name is not just to fit into the bird theme, it is also thematic!!!
Hollyleaf's role within Po3 is to be the false cat/ replacement for Dove's Song as the real 3rd cat! What better fit for her past life's name to be Mockingbird then? when in many ways she was just like a mockingbird, mocking a dove's song.
Also the name is symbolic for Mockingbird herself as she spent much of her life desperately wanting to be like her mother and siblings, and be on the same level as them in importance, but she never truly achieved that. The song was never quite right.
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rainsnap · 9 months
Kit of Secrets - A Hollyleaf AU
Part 1
When Leafpool and Crowfeather’s secret was revealed to the clans. Both cats struggled to find their places in their clans once more. One day, Nightcloud approached Crowfeather with a proposition: she was pregnant by a loner, who, upon hearing of her pregnancy, fled. Afraid that her kits would be raised in hostility, she asks Crowfeather to pretend to be their father. As a means for both of them to be seen as loyal Windclan warriors. Crowfeather accepts, unaware that Leafpool is pregnant with his kits at the same moment.
Upon the winter time birth, the kits of Nightcloud are born weak and frail, each passing shortly after birth. Crowfeather and Nightcloud are both devastated, they watch their last kit (a small black she-cat) and wait for her to take her final breath. Then Crowfeather sees a vision of Feathertail, beckoning him to take the kit away and to follow her. He does exactly this. Feathertail leads him to the hollow tree where Leafpool is laid, birthing her own kits - their kits. As Crowfeather learns this discovery, the kit he is holding passes away and he demand to know why he had brought her here only to lose her too and be shown the kits he cannot have. It is then that Feathertail and Yellowfang point out the nearly identical black kit.
They tell Leafpool, Squirrelflight, and Crowfeather that the other two kits are gifted and will grow into greatness, but this third kit has no such powers and will grow to envy them and turn against them. So take her away to be raised in Windclan, a normal kit with a normal life. They all agree in the end and Squirrelflight requests that she is named Hollykit.
Crowfeather returns with Hollykit, alive and well, to Nightcloud. She is thrilled and grateful that Starclan saved her kit.
Hollypaw grows as a normal kit, doted on by both her parents. Unaware of the origins of her birth. When Crowfeather is invited to travel up the mountains, he wishes to bring Hollypaw with. It is here that Jaypaw, Lionpaw, and Hollypaw form a friendship and Hollypaw learns of their powers. All is well until the return from the mountain, when Hollypaw awakes in a field of flowers and meets a strange blue-eyed tom who tells her the truth: those two apprentices were her brothers and she should have been raised alongside them. Perhaps if she had, she would have had powers too.
Hollypaw grows resentful, beginning to train in the Dark Forest, but at the same time growing closer to her brothers. Often meeting in the tunnels beneath the moor. They train together in attempts to try to get Hollypaw’s powers to spark, but nothing happens and this pushes her only further into Hawkfrost’s manipulations. Perhaps being able to walk in the Dark Forest is her power? But her brothers would never listen to her, so she keeps it a secret.
After the three receive their warrior names. The fire scene occurs with Ashfur - Squirrelflight reveals the truth of Lionheart and Jayfather’s parents, Ashfur recalls the odd story surrounding Hollybreeze (a combo of Breezepelt and Hollyleaf as Breeezepelt does not exist in this AU)’s birth is now seeming a bit peculiar with this new information.
Lionheart and Jayfeather tell Hollybreeze of what had occurred with Ashfur and how he has threatened to tell all the clans at the next gathering. Hollybreeze begins to worry about the secret coming out, so she strikes out and murders Ashfur. Only for Hawkfrost to appear to her again and point out that her parents had lied to her this entire time, that the stars had turned against her, even Nightcloud was a liar - the kit she replaced wasn’t even of the clans to begin with, but the kit of a filthy loner. Hollybreeze is overcome with rage and anger, she appears before the gathering and declares the truth. Only moments later realizing the harm she had caused when she looks upon the faces of her parents - Crowfeather, Nightcloud, and Leafpool. When she looks at her brothers, as she sees is the hurt of her betrayal.
She flees into the tunnels and is never seen from again.
Part 2
Hollybreeze has lived in the tunnels for ages now with Fallen Leaves. She has grown accustomed to the darkness and still often visits the Dark Forest. Wandering it, believing that this is her power and that someday it will come in handy. Fallen Leaves tries to keep her away from the Dark Forest, fearing the shadowy cats, but she refuses to listen to him.
Then one day, Hawkfrost brings a new apprentice to the forest: Ivypaw. Hollybreeze is made Ivypaw’s secondary mentor (With Hawkfrost as the main influence). The two grow close, closer after Hollybreeze learns that Ivypaw’s sister is the third cat from the prophecy. This fuels their anger of being abandoned by the stars, so they train together and become like sisters. At one moment, they meet briefly in the waking world when Hollybreeze aid’s in helping Ivy out of the tunnels.
Then comes the day of the great battle and Ivypool has shown that she had turned away from the Dark Forest, becoming a spy for Hollybreeze’s brothers. Hollybreeze is hurt and refuses to turn against the Dark Forest, for they had been by her side when Starclan and the rest of the clans had failed her. Ivypool is disappointed and leaves, but Hollybreeze does not tell of the truth of the plan to the Dark Forest cats.
Instead the Battle begins and Hollybreeze finds herself unable to fight for either side, torn by who she should be loyal too. It is only when she sees Hawkfrost about to kill Ivypool that she chooses who she wants to fight for - she saves Ivypool and the two fight side by side, killing Hawkfrost. They fight together thought out the entire battle, only for Hollybreeze to vanish when the fighting is done.
Part 3
Hollybreeze has remained in the tunnels, living her life between the two clans she was born from. She sometimes visits Ivypool and the two remain close after all they’ve been through. Ivypool encourages Hollybreeze to return to Windclan or to join her in Thunderclan, but she just can’t face the clans after everything she had done and seen.
Then one day, when Ivypool goes to visit her, she notes that the tunnels smell strange. Stoats begin to swarm out of the tunnel mouth, causing Ivypool to flee. In fear she tells Dovewing of Hollybreeze. Leafpool, Jayfeather, Lionheart, all hear of this news and worry about the safety of Hollybreeze. They all go out to search for her, only to be spotted by a Windclan patrol who ask what’s up. When told, Crowfeather and Nightcloud both join the search party, Nightcloud grows the most desperate of the them all, daring to take the plunge and enter the tunnels.
The patrol follows her, but are split up in the fight and each must flee. Only Nightcloud doesn’t make it out. The group continues to try to search for any signs of the two black she-cats, but with no luck. Eventually, Ivypool discovers that Hollybreeze had fled to the abandoned two-leg place after the stoats had taken over. She tells Hollybreeze of the party of cats, of her family, who were all searching for her worried and how Nightcloud is now missing. Hollybreeze still sees Nightcloud as her mother and joins the patrol. The rest of the cats are hesitant to enter the tunnels again, but Hollybreeze refuses to leave Nightcloud down there.
So she takes the plunge and fights against the stoats, making her way down into her old home. Discovering where Nightcloud has been stashed away by the stoats. Still alive. Hollybreeze saves her and the two fight their way out of the tunnels, joined by the rest of the patrol and greeted at the end by Jayfeather and Leafpool who are eager to treat their wounds. The family is reunited. Hollybreeze returns to Windclan and makes amends with her family.
After this, Hollybreeze struggles to settle back in clan life, but this time her family is there to help her. Encouraging her on and making sure she knows she isn’t alone. She grows close to her parents again and settles into clan life once more, Heathertail and her (who were close as apprentices) are now low-key mates. Eventually this leads to Hollybreeze being declared the deputy by Harestar (who, like her, trained in the Dark Forest and knows just how strong Hollybreeze can be.)
Part 4
The time has come for the cats to face Ashfur in the Dark Forest. The chaos he had wrought upon the clans has gone on for long enough. Each clan choose a cat to enter the Dark Forest, and Hollybreeze is one of them. She tells Ivypool that she will do everything in her strength to protect her daughter, Bristlefrost. Ivypool doesn’t wish for Hollybreeze to leave, no one does, but she enters the Dark Forest and is a great aid, for she knows the forest well having trained in it since being an apprentice.
The fight with Ashfur begins, she sees Bristlefrost racing to save Shadowsight from Ashfur’s grasps. They begin to go over, into the dark waters and Hollybreeze cannot let this happen. She cannot allow Ivypool to lose her daughter, she promised to protect her! Hollybreeze snatches Bristlefrost away, throwing her back to land and taking her place. Fighting Ashfur again. She makes a comment about not having killed him good enough the first time, gotta try again. The two drown together in the darkness.
Hollybreeze dreams not of a world that doesn’t exist, but of the world she ended up gaining in the end. Of her mate, of her family, of her parents (Leafpool, Crowfeather, and Nightcloud are now in a poly relationship), of her aunt and her uncle, of her brother and of Ivypool who was like a daughter to her and of Bristlefrost, who can now live and be free to love. She dreams that she was part of a prophecy, one that no one was aware of, of a kit born into the darkness of secrecy in order to truly defeat it.
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star-echo-fur · 4 months
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Hollyleaf learning about the prophecy and what happened to it and how starclan meddled with it.
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There's a lot of "the Three as ____'s kits" aus (and they're probably really good) so I'm gonna propose my own that has also possibly been done before:
since multiple fathers can get a cat pregnant, the three are Ashfur's AND Brambleclaw/star's.
and maybe one of them is Leafpool's? If you want to split them all completely and Squirrel could take them in easily since in this case she is legitamately pregnant.
Squirrel confirmed that she was never mates with Ashfur, but again this is an au anyway. So say she was with Ashfur, and got pregnant with his kit around the end of her relationship with him.
So instead of finding out that their parents weren't who they always thought, their parents AND each other aren't even who they thought they were in terms of their blood connection.
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mad-raptorzzz · 8 months
can’t remember if I’ve talked about this here before and too lazy to look so:
Warriors AU where the three are reincarnations of cats per the usual but Hollyleaf was always supposed to be the third cat. But something went wrong. The dark forest maybe found out and interrupted the process, causing that third soul to be partially tethered to Holly but without the use of any power. StarClan, being the bunch of crazies that they are, panic because they only had enough power/juice/magic beans/ Cosme energy to make three reincarnations and now one of their souls is trapped and useless. So what do they do?
They send terrible prophetic dreams to Jayfeather about his sister. Telling him he must kill her or the world will end and the Dark Forest will win. He managed to convince Lionblaze and together they kill her in an accident (aka the tunnel collapse). This frees the soul and allows it to be reworked into Dovewing. But, Hollyleaf is now a ghost. She’s not welcome I’m StarClan because she a symbol of their failure and they can’t have her spilling their secrets. But she’s not done anything to go to the Dark Forest. She does now have a burning rage in her heart against her brothers, the clans, and StarClan. But no means to get her revenge. Until….
Ivypaw. Forced to watch her sister excel while she suffers as a spare. Perhaps, they could help each other. So Hollyleaf (not Hawkfrost) reaches out to her in dreams and offers training. Hollyleaf shows Ivypool to the Dark Forest where they work together with the cat spirits there. She also shares her story with Ivypaw and shares her hatred of the all powerful three. Hollyleaf also shares something else, something she learned from talking to Sol and lurking on the borders of StarClan and the Dark Forest. That the three’s souls could also be untethered, and harvested for a living cat to use, if done correctly.
So that’s their plan. They go through and destroy each of the three. Starting with Jayfeather. Ivypool is able to absorb all their powers into her body by harvesting their reincarnated souls. She is able to help the Dark Forest and Hollyleaf topple StarClan and the Clans themselves. Placing Ivystar as the leader of the living world and Holystar as the leader of the heavens and underworld. Aka gaslight, gatekeep, girl boss the AU.
This would all be told with PMVs using songs from Tangled the Series. Because the songs are very good and fit very well.
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riverripplespeaks · 10 months
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day 5 and 6 of drawing favorite characters until my birthday!
picture 1-shrewtooth
rushed, but i love this guy. i didnt get the chance to post it yesterday, oops. one of my top fav characters the guy ever.
picture 2-hollysword
my fnaf au of hollyleaf! i havent read pot, oots, or hollyleafs story but ive heard quite a bit abt her so i think she fits well as elizabeth/cassidy, and also bristlefrost (bristlebunny), lionblaze (foxblaze), and jayfeather (jaycry)s sister!
(7 days until the party.)
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honey-snap · 2 years
old art but i made a hollyfawn drawing on animal jam of all places and it has no right to go this hard
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Since it’s your favorite… 7 again?
in response to this post:
7. Post a snippet from a wip.
Sandstorm touched her tail to Hollyleaf's shoulder. “Sorreltail was my first apprentice. She was Leafpool’s closest friend, and she was a mate and a mother, and a loyal friend to all of us. She'll be missed by many."
“I will miss her,” Hollyleaf said. “But there’s still so much work to be done and we don’t have time to lay around feeling sorry for ourselves all day!”
She hadn’t meant to raise her voice, but suddenly Hollyleaf became aware of her Clanmates’ stares. Underneath their gazes, her pelt suddenly felt too hot. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
“To disrespect my mother’s memory?”
Out of all of her littermates, Poppyfrost had always been the most reserved. But now, as she shook Berrynose off and stood to her paws, her eyes burned.
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thenamessparkplug · 10 months
oh boy its starting >:33
just a wee mini animatic to mess around with the design for my hollyleaf au thats been in the works for a couple of weeks lets just say hollyleaf gets a little bit silly:3
song is applause by lady gaga (but a cover because i thought it sounded nicer (and also because its the one in the villains map which ive been watching religiously))
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cloverrallover · 1 year
okay so lately I've been thinking abt a hollyleaf au where she WAS born with powers but isn't the third, or at least wasn't meant to be :3 kinda like she strongarms her way into having the special qualities she always wanted, that her siblings and bloodline seemed to hoard so obsessively. I'd like to think her power would have something to do w her word being believed as law (inspo bluejump they r so cool) and starclan using her as a sockpuppet :3 they shape her into everything they want, just as they do with the others (although they're less hands on w the Three), but eventually blah blah stuff with Sol stuff with leafpool The Gathering and Ashfur etc etc :3 if anybody wants 2 hear morre abt it lmk.....
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spiritofafeather · 2 years
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This was mostly a test because I got a new iPad for Christmas - it’s no longer a mini so I really need to get used to the size. I also have so many new features! It’s great!
So, as per usual, I suppose, Hollyleaf! In case it wasn’t clear, she’s in StarClan. I have a really bad habit of drawing StarClan in complete darkness, but I want to make it look prettier, especially as I want the background to sort of contradict how StarClan is portrayed in this AU.
Anyways, this piece was more of a test, but I thought I should show it and more of my AU off. I hope you still enjoy it!
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star-echo-fur · 5 months
Siblings growth chart for jayfeather, lionblaze, and hollyleaf. From kit/paw to warrior/medicine cat.
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Hollyleaf got a helpful growth spurt from some deal she made with the mysterious spirit. the growth spurt had side effects and also a surprise complication of her soul rejecting the deal, causing her body a few hours to have a painful spasms for a few seconds in the middle of camp before fainting in coma for a few (2) days but but since hollyleaf agreed to it her soul/body eventually stops rejecting it after the fainting but she still stays fainted for the 2 days for her body to recover. This causes some problems for the spirit when the spirit wakes up and hollyleaf is still unconscious, while they're both in the medicine den and jayfeather sees hollyleaf seemingly awaken.
Additional info.
The growth spurt wasn't immediate but gradual.
The spirit didn't know hollyleaf's soul/body would reject it. But did know there would have be side effects of using its soul to manipulate hollyleaf's soul to cause hollyleaf to grow like their old size when alive. Side effects were growing similarities to the spirit's most pronounced physical traits.
Spirit was a Maine coon
The Spirit is a real cat from the books not an oc.
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gigi-cleo · 2 years
Thinking of reasons why Hollyleaf would turn into ashes after some time in the tunnels, but Fallenleaves would still be alive.
Current theory: Starclan was too scared to let a burning cat into their ranks but they cannot bring him back to life because it would cause havoc between the clans if it was known that cats can be revived so the Starclan cats decided to leave him in a sort of limbo state.
Not quite dead, but also not alive. But they accept Hollyleaf because Goldenflower (yes i am dragging her into this AU as well) is pretty much one of first Starclan cats to accept a different cat amongst their ranks.
But that idea still needs a lot of work.
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a-step-into-the-past · 9 months
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hollysword on her way to kill <333
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