#Hollystar AU
m1smatched-starsigns · 11 months
Do you have any ideas about what hollyleaf(star) and breezepelts relationship or lack thereof would look like in your hollystar au? Just because breezepelt seems to have mellowed out a little which seems to be what you’re going for with hollyleaf, but in canon jayfeather and lionblaze have gotten … worse.
(I apologize that I'm answering this so late!)
So Breezepelt is a side quest in the Hollystar AU. After the Dark Forest battle, he sends Nightcloud back to WindClan by herself and he basically disappears into thin air.
The four leaders/deputies have a meeting after the battle to decide what to do with the trainees, and at that meeting it's revealed that Breezepelt is missing. Onestar admits that Breezepelt killed some of his own Clanmates and if he steps onto WindClan territory ever again, it's on sight.
On the walk back to their camps Heathertail (Onestar's new deputy) pulls Hollyleaf to the side and makes her an offer: If Hollyleaf so much as scents Breezepelt on ThunderClan territory, she'll only tell Heathertail so that Heathertail can deal with him. It's obvious that Heathertail disagrees with Onestar's "on sight" policy.
Hollyleaf is conflicted because she lowkey agrees with Onestar, and Breezepelt has proven time and time again that he can't be trusted, but Heathertail sweetens the deal: they're the future leaders of their Clans, and if Hollyleaf helps Heathertail here, then ThunderClan will always have an ally in WindClan.
So Hollyleaf keeps an eye out for Breezepelt on patrols, while she hunts, etc. She isn't totally sure what she'll do if she finds him; if she'll turn him into Onestar or if she'll let him go and tell Heathertail.
And then she finds him.
Sorry this doesn't really answer the question you asked! In short, it depends on which route Hollyleaf takes when she does find Breezepelt. In general I see Hollyleaf as the grudge holder between her littermates, the one who you screw over one time and that's it, but post-tunnels Hollyleaf is a little bit different. At the very least, I think she would be cordial with Breezepelt simply because she's a professional (and this is assuming he's eventually, somehow, welcomed back into WindClan and she's actually forced to interact with him on patrols and at Gatherings).
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skyclan-stan · 1 year
Hollystar's Legacy || Part 2
Hollyleaf of ThunderClan never dreamed that she would be able to return home. She assumed the rest of her life would be spent in the confines of the tunnels.
Upon her return home, she fights for the Clans against the Dark Forest. Tragedy strikes, and suddenly ThunderClan is left with neither leader nor deputy - and Hollyleaf is being asked to become the Clan leader.
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AU where Hollyleaf gets the happy ending she deserves :) open to suggestions about what should happen next!!!
**CW for canon-typical violence and blood/injury**
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She came back, and of course, there had to be a war. 
And now here she is, watching Hawkfrost fling himself towards Ivypool. Everything felt as if it was moving slower; Hollyleaf was making her decision in a split second, but it felt like an eternity. 
Defending Ivypool could mean certain death. But it was the only thing to do; after all, wouldn’t any one of her Clanmates do the same?
“Get off her!” Hollyleaf yowled as her powerful hind legs propelled her through the gorse and sent her slamming directly into Hawkfrost. She knocked the Dark Forest warrior to the ground and watched with twisted pride as he spat out a mouthful of blood.
Free from Hawkfrost’s claws, Ivypool turned on Thistleclaw and Snowtuft. She began slashing with her front paws, remembering in a crystalline moment every moon of training. Hollyleaf reared up beside her, matching her blow for blow, as though she instinctively knew where Ivypool would strike next. Blood sprayed the forest floor as Ivypool sliced Snowtuft’s muzzle and tore Thistleclaw’s nose.
Turning, she kicked out with her hind legs and knocked Thistleclaw backward, then sank her teeth into Snowtuft’s neck.
The white warrior screeched and ripped free from her jaws. Ivypool tasted his blood as he hared
away through the bracken. She met Thistleclaw’s gaze. Fear sparked in his eyes as she spat out a bloody clump of Snowtuft’s fur.
“Run,” Ivypool hissed. “Because if you stay, I will kill you.”
Mouth open, Thistleclaw fled, disappearing through the gorse. 
Hollyleaf refocused her attention on the battle. In an instant, she saw Hawkfrost preparing to leap and knew exactly what he was planning to do. His teeth were bared in a low snarl. She’d already stopped him from killing Ivypool before, and she would stop him again. 
Without even thinking, she pushed herself in front of Hawkfrost’s jaws. A shriek exploded from her mouth as she felt his powerful teeth dig in to the back of her neck. 
Despite the searing pain, she turned and swiped at his muzzle, claws fully unsheathed. The force of the blow sent the Dark Forest warrior crashing away. He dropped with a thump and scrabbled to his paws. Blood dripping from his cheek, one eye swollen shut, he glanced at Hollyleaf and tore his way through the gorse.
Ivypool stared at the black she-cat. “You saved my life!”
Hollyleaf staggered and fell to the ground.
“Hollyleaf!” Ivypool darted to her side. Hollyleaf could feel the deep wound on the back of her neck. The pain scorched through her body, fiery hot. It suddenly struck her that this could be the end.
At least I’ll die defending what I love, she thought. Her eyes slipped shut and her surroundings seemed to warp and warble. 
Ivypool shoved her shoulders underneath Hollyleaf’s limp body, struggling but eventually lifting her, and she began to carry her Clanmate toward the ThunderClan border. Jayfeather would know what to do.
“I’ll get you home,” Ivypool growled through gritted teeth. “I promise I’ll get you home.” 
Hollyleaf murmured, trying to beg her not to bother, but she couldn’t form any words. 
A tabby pelt crashed through the gorse toward them. Hollyleaf, still barely conscious, felt Ivypool bracing herself, ready to fight again.
“Let me help!” Tigerheart stopped beside her and shoved his nose beneath Hollyleaf’s shoulder. Taking half the weight, he pressed his flank against Ivypool. “We can do this together.” The screeches of the battle for WindClan faded behind them as they began to haul the injured warrior away.
-- -- -- 
Hollyleaf woke up to the sound of thunder. She raised her head, then flinched as pain spread from her neck through to her entire body. The wound felt stiff from the cobwebs and herbs plastered over it. 
“You’re lucky to be alive,” Jayfeather remarked as he passed by. “Ivypool told me what happened. Hawkfrost barely missed your spine.”
“He was going to kill me like a piece of prey,” Hollyleaf murmured, a little bit woozy still. The reality of her situation was finally sinking in - she was badly injured, but she was lucky, she was alive. 
Hollyleaf took in her surroundings. The medicine den was overflowing into the camp hollow, the less severely injured cats taking shelter from the downpour underneath a tree. Jayfeather and Leafpool were working side by side next to her; Hollyleaf shuffled a bit to get a better look at what was happening, and gasped when she saw Brambleclaw laying there in a pool of blood. 
“Firestar?” Brambleclaw called out. His mew was shaky and garbled with blood. 
“Don’t speak,” Jayfeather snapped, pressing wads of cobwebs against the gaping wound in his throat
“Firestar is dead,” Leafpool replied, trying to keep her voice even, but Hollyleaf could hear the deep sadness in her mew. A silent sob wracked her body. 
It was silent for a moment while the medicine cats worked. 
“I’m supposed to be the leader now,” Brambleclaw murmured. 
“Don’t speak,” Leafpool repeated, adding fresh cobwebs to the still-gushing wound. He inhaled, an eerie rattle. Blood pulsed around the medicine cat’s red-stained paws. “StarClan, do something!” she pleaded. 
Brambleclaw inhaled again, drawing in a deep shaky breath. Suddenly his amber eyes flashed open. He struggled to sit up.
“Hollyleaf,” he called desperately. She sat up in her nest - too quickly, her head started to spin. 
“I’m supposed to be the leader,” he repeated sadly. “But I… I won’t make it.”
“Don’t say that…” Hollyleaf murmured. Of course, it was obvious to everyone in the medicine den that it was true. Still, they were all praying to StarClan for another miracle. They’d just lost Firestar - they couldn’t lose the deputy too!
As suddenly as he had sat up, Brambleclaw collapsed onto the ground. The bleeding slowed down, still pulsing rhythmically with the beating of his heart. Eventually the pulsing stopped; Jayfeather and Leafpool looked at each other. Leafpool shook her head, at the same time Jayfeather said “He’s gone.”
Her head was still spinning. She sat back down, slumping over a little bit. The downpour eased to a drizzle as the two medicine cats tended to the other injured warriors, some even from other Clans.
Time passed - Hollyleaf wasn’t sure if it was minutes or hours. Her eyes slipped closed again, and when she opened them, a very familiar cat stood in front of her.
“Firestar?” she mewed in surprise. “I thought you were dead!”
“And my spirit lives on,” he replied. “Hello, Hollyleaf.”
Then she noticed the slight transparency of the former leader’s form and the stars that now dotted his bright ginger fur. Of course, he was a StarClan spirit. 
“I’m here to escort Brambleclaw’s spirit to StarClan,” he explained in a mew tinged with sadness. The spirit padded over to Brambleclaw’s corpse and touched his nose to his; suddenly Brambleclaw’s form seemed to shimmer, and another identical spirit cat stood up and stretched. This cat was sleek and powerful, and where there should’ve been a gaping wound there was a silvery cluster of stars. 
“Did we win?” were the first words out of Brambleclaw’s mouth.
“Of course,” Firestar chuckled. He paused, looking over ThunderClan, then turned back to Brambleclaw. “Here, come with me.” The two spirits stepped away, out of earshot of any of the other cats. 
Hollyleaf felt her eyes growing heavy again. She rested her head on her paws and let her eyes close. Maybe she could rest again now…
“Hollyleaf.” She opened her eyes and sat up quickly, head spinning again of course. Firestar and Brambleclaw’s spirits were standing in front of her, waiting expectantly. 
“What is it?” Hollyleaf asked. 
Firestar’s spirit approached her first. He touched his nose to hers. Hollyleaf could feel an odd sensation running through her body; the pain in her wound was easing, and she could feel the edges of the jagged slice weaving themselves back together. Then Brambleclaw’s spirit approached and did the same. Slowly, and then all at once, the pain disappeared and her head cleared. She shook her ears in surprise and stood up on all fours. She felt… completely fine. Maybe even a little bit better than before. 
“There will be three, kin of your kin…” Firestar mewed, his deep mew gentle yet powerful enough to echo through the camp. 
“...who hold the power of the stars in their paws,” she whispered, completing the prophecy that she knew all too well. “But… I thought I wasn’t the third? I thought it was Dovewing?”
“Hollyleaf, your powers are a little less… supernatural,” the leader’s spirit chuckled. “Intuition. Common sense. Honesty. Loyalty. Leadership. These powers don’t come from StarClan, or even beyond - they come from within you. And they’re the reason why myself and Brambleclaw both believe that you should be ThunderClan’s next leader.”
Cats were starting to gather around in a circle to watch what was happening. 
“Hollyleaf, will you lead ThunderClan?”
“I don’t know what to say…” Hollyleaf whispered. Even in her wildest dreams, she never pictured herself becoming the leader of ThunderClan. 
“How about yes?” Brambleclaw chuckled. “I’m new to StarClan, but I know we aren’t supposed to just go around healing cats unless they have an important destiny to fulfill.”
Hollyleaf was silent; she didn’t know for how long. The gentle rain faded and the clouds parted. She raised her face to the night sky, searching for an answer that she knew was already within her. Then she looked back down, at the faces of her Clanmates. They were watching her expectantly, a mix of emotions in the crowd. 
“Yes,” she whispered. Then she repeated herself, her mew ringing out clearly for all to hear. “Yes. I accept.”
“Then it’s settled.” Firestar’s spirit hopped up onto the Highrock. “Let all those who are old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highrock!”
The Clan was already gathered; Firestar didn’t have to wait long before he continued. 
“While defending the Clans against the Dark Forest, you lost both your leader and your deputy.” At this, some cats began to cry. “But when one story ends, another can begin. Brambleclaw and I have spoken, and we choose Hollyleaf to become the next leader of ThunderClan.”
Firestar looked down expectantly at Hollyleaf and waved his tail. She crouched and jumped onto the Highrock, the spring in her hind legs feeling more powerful than before. She gazed out at ThunderClan - battered, bruised, war-torn, hopeless. 
“Cats of ThunderClan,” Hollyleaf began, “It will be my honor to lead you for many moons to come. I watched you fight by each others’ sides today, for the good of all the Clans, and I could not be prouder to once again call ThunderClan my home.”
The clearing was silent. As she surveyed the Clan - her Clan - she could see the doubt written on some of her Clanmates’ faces. Doubt, fear, anger… But more importantly, she saw respect. Pride. Joy. And most importantly of all, hope. 
“Hollystar!” Leafpool was the first to call out the name of the new leader. Her amber eyes shone with pride and hope. Hollyleaf - no, HollySTAR - looked down at her birth mother and blinked slowly, an expression of her love, as if to finally say all is forgiven. 
Next, Ivypool joined in. “Hollystar!!” she cried. Hollystar met her eyes too and silently thanked her for fighting by her side.
“Hollystar! Hollystar!” The chanting was a bit halfhearted, but the calls of her family and friends outweighed the hesitant voices of those unwilling to voice their support for StarClan’s choice. 
The spirits interspersed with the crowd all stood up after cheering their support. Silently they walked as a group towards the camp entrance, then after calling out their final goodbyes, returned home to StarClan. 
Jayfeather called up to his sister, his blind blue eyes glinting with pride. “It’s time to choose a deputy,” he prompted gently.
Shit. Being leader meant big choices, she knew that of course. It just hadn’t occurred to her that she would have to make a big choice so soon. 
She couldn’t pick Lionblaze. He was still hot-headed, still had too much to learn. He was a great warrior, but he wasn’t ready to be a deputy. 
Graystripe was a solid choice. But he was close to retiring; if she picked him, she would have to pick another deputy soon. 
Brightheart was another good choice. Loyal, intelligent, and kind-hearted. She was about to make her decision when a thought came to her: could Hollyleaf really depend on Brightheart? 
Suddenly the choice was clear as day. Hollystar knew someone she could depend on no matter what. She padded over to her adoptive mother. Squirrelflight’s clear green eyes were brimming with tears; after all, she had just lost her father and her mate in the same battle. Hollystar knew she was making the right decision and hoped to StarClan that her prospective deputy would accept the offer.
“Squirrelflight,” she began, lifting her head to meet the molly’s tearful eyes. “For my whole life, you have been there to support me. More importantly, you have been there to support ThunderClan. Will you be our deputy?”
The ginger she-cat blinked a few times, clearly surprised by the offer. Eventually she replied; her resounding answer of “Yes, I will,” echoed through the ThunderClan camp. 
She wasn’t sure who started the cheering this time. 
“Squirrelflight! Hollystar!” a cat called out, their mew clear and proud. A few cats echoed it, then more, until eventually the whole camp was cheering. 
“Squirrelflight! Hollystar! Squirrelflight! Hollystar!”
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atypical-insamniac · 1 year
i wasnt planning to post this but i haven’t done anything in literally so long 💀 heres leader au hollyleaf doodles for u
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mud-castle · 9 months
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Dark Mirror Dove and Ivy for your viewing pleasure
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cryptidclaw · 2 years
Do you wanna maybe draw and updated design for when Hollyleaf becomes hollystar?
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Here she is! Thought she would look cool with a red star! I also gave her some scars from the cave falling in.
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aspenwynd · 2 months
My AU/Warriors rewrite ☺️
-everything stays the same except:
- Longtail is made deputy after Whitestorm instead of Graystripe 
- Barley dies in the battle with BloodClan and Ravenpaw returns to ThunderClan 
- Firestar names Ravenpaw Ravenflight
Firestar's Quest/TNP
-everything stays mostly the same 
-Graystripe is made deputy after Longtail is blinded
-Hawkfrost and Mothwing are Leopardstar and Tigerstar's kits (sorry Sasha, but this makes more sense)
- Graystripe is neutered (Millie is also spayed, so sorry GrayxMillie kits 😭) 
- Squirrelflight is low key named after Ravenflight
- Hollyleaf is one of the three and her power is to "bring out the truth", ie. she can tell when she's being lied to and can psychically influence others to tell her their secrets
- the 4th cat prophecy is given earlier. Dovewing is the 4th cat and still has her power although she can only hear things from far away (no smelling or seeing, or hearing into the Dark Forest) 
- Hollyleaf still kills Ashfur, exposes her parentage at the Gathering, and runs into the tunnels where she is believed to be dead. Jayfeather believes this is why they need to find the 4th cat
- Ravenflight gets very sick and dies of stomach cancer
- story progresses the same as the original
-  Longtail is crushed by the falling tree but is the only one who was caught in the tree-fall
- Hollyleaf does not die and Bramblestar makes her deputy (he promises she will mentor Seedkit to get around the deputy-mentor rule) 
- Squirrelflight is killed by Hawkfrost instead, with Brambleclaw and the 3 reconciling with her before she dies
- Brambleclaw confesses he still loves her before she dies and she confesses her love back to him
- Very tragic. Much sad.
Bramblestar's Storm/Dovewing's Silence
- story progresses the same as originals
- the 4 do NOT lose their powers (although their powers dim a little over time) 
- Bramblestar's early leadership is further complicated by him heavily grieving over Squirrelflight. Holly, Lion, Jay, Bramble, Leaf, and Sand all grow closer in their shared grief.
- Hollyleaf makes a fantastic deputy
- Jessy stays in ThunderClan along with Frankie, and is named Nettleblossom
- Bramblestar and Nettleblossom have 2 kits; Timberkit and Goldenkit
- Timberheart= Alderheart, Goldenlight= Sparkpelt
- Lionblaze's kits play bigger roles
- The Sisters are introduced along with Tree
- the events from Squirrelflight's Hope never happen
- Leafpool dies saving Cinderheart's kits from a rockslide
- Hollytuft has kits with Stormcloud (Flamekit, Leafkit, and Smokekit)
- story progresses mostly the same as original
- Squirrelflight rejects Ashfur in StarClan so he possesses Bramblestar to get revenge on her and her kin
- the imposter makes it a point to avoid Jayfeather and Hollyleaf to evade their powers (although their powers aren't as strong as they used to be), but Jayfeather realizes that Bramble is possessed fairly early on
- Molewhisker takes the place of Stemleaf and dies/is mates with Spotfur (Bristlefrost does not have a crush on him but instead is just more naively obsessed with finding a mate in general at the beginning of her arc)  
- Lionblaze is appointed deputy while Hollyleaf is acting leader
- Squirrelflight breaks through Ashfur's tunnel and tries to help Bramblestar in the DF
- Hollyleaf gets pulled into the Moonpool
- Bramble and Squilf have a rushed but heartfelt goodbye, with Squilf saying she'll be waiting for him in StarClan ❤️
- Squirrelflight and Leafpool play large roles in helping the Clan cats in the DF
- Mistystar does not go into the Dark Forest but Hollyleaf volunteers to go back in along with Graystripe, Bristlefrost, and Shadowsight
- story progresses mostly the same as original
- Flamepaw becomes Nightheart
- Bramblestar steps down and Hollystar becomes leader, making Ivypool her deputy
- It is discovered that Brambleclaw had 2 lives left so Hollystar only gets 7 since Bramble is still alive (none of that "giving lives back to StarClan" nonsense)
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notwarriorswiki · 1 year
Out of curiosity what is the situation with flametail and Shadowsight in tbc. Who supports Shadowsight and who opposes him
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Shadowsight is largely an outcast, being seen as weird due to his mannerisms. His weakness and disability can make him rather frail, so many of the kits avoided him for fear of getting in trouble by accidentally hurting him. While he did have some challenges, that didn't stop him from wanting to become a Medicine Cat. He wanted to help other cats like himself, and he was always supported by his father Tigerheart. He would be apprenticed to the very elderly Littlecloud, who knew an apprentice needed to be trained, and actually welcomed Shadowpaw under his wing - a stark contrast to Flametail's experience.
Flametail preys on Shadowsight's insecurities and struggles, and he's good at it. Because Flametail was Shadowsight once. He was the outcast who didn't have friends. He knows Littlecloud, and Tigerheart, and Dawnstar, and much of the clan. He knows Hollystar, Harestar, Willowshine. And he knows Lionblaze.
Flametail makes Shadowsight believe balance can be restored if the "Codebreakers" pay retribution. Shadowsight is given supreme intelligence and knowledge of all secrets around the forest, revealing them and punishing many all in his desire to do right by the oath he swore upon - to serve StarClan and his beloved clanmates.
He has great influence and control over Hollystar, who spirals into paranoia after the betrayal of her sister and former apprentice, Sparkfire. This even allows Shadowsight to get Jayfeather and Lionblaze banished from ThunderClan.
Dawnstar has her reservations and suspicions, but as Shadowsight is her kin and medicine cat, she listens. Even when she does express doubts, Tigerheart is there to defend his son. After all, she blames him for the death of her son, Juniperclaw.
Harestar is the most apprehensive. He's uneasy when asked to exile Crowfeather, but ultimately does so in order to stay in Hollystar's good graces. He's worried about her, and his clan for that matter. He wants stability more than anything, and if Shadowpaw can provide it, he will consider listening...
Mistystar is... incredibly old at this point. Pebblefoot is at her side constantly advising her. It is incredibly stressful trying to take care of your frail elderly grandmother, helping her lead a clan, and managing a crisis that is targeting some of his most beloved friends and clanmates. He's a gray cat growing gray.
The only cats able to combat Shadowsight's posession and Flametail's influence are Bristlefrost, who was touched by the stars when she fell into the icy depths of the Moon Pool, and Rootspring, who can channel raw spirits in their ghostly form...
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animalechochamber · 6 months
Instead of her being yet another female character as a tool/sidekick to the actual evil bad guy she’s doing it all. It was never Ashfur. It was just her, spurred on by her newfound almost complete power over TC, killing of her “dad”, and slowly festering anger, she starts down her path. She starts out with demanding they stick closer to the code. That all of this is because they’ve strayed so far from Starclan’s word! From little punishments to straight up persecution. But it’s still getting worse. Why won’t they respond. Why can’t they see what she done for them?!
And it turns out she had a power. Except it was sorta an opposite to her siblings. She’s a black hole, a destructor, the vessel for a great reset. Her holy war ends with her literally colliding the afterlives together- but she can’t destroy it all. As with her own will, Bristlefrost bursts forward and the two implode.
The shred of “Starclan” that is left is so fragile. Shadowsight tries to reestablish a connection but he can’t anchor one. Rootspring only finds a sliver of what was left of Bristlefrost, a small sharp star of pure will!
ASC would instead be The Starless Clans as they are split across cats trying to adjust to a world without their afterlife, cats chasing after a fix, and others taking this as the end of the clans and leaving all together. In this fragile period there’s power grabs, plots, and desperation.
We’d still get Squirrelstar but at the start of the arc. Except she has no 9 lives, none of the leaders do actually since there’s no afterlife to support the stitching back together process
Frostpaw is pretty similar but her and Shadow get to talk more cuz I want them to
I think maybe the other prophecy cats should lose their powers here instead. They have it taken with the black hole, their strength, dream walking, super senses.
No more Starclan let’s GOOOOOOO
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leafpoolstanblog · 4 months
Leader: Hollystar (18 seasons). Short-furred red mackerel tabby molly with white paws. (Apprentice - Hollypaw) Deputy: Jayfeather (18 seasons). Short-furred brown mackerel tabby tom with white patches along his flank and blind blue eyes. Seer: Willowclaw (17 seasons). Short-furred blue molly with white patches. Snowbush (5 seasons). Short-furred blue mackerel tabby tom.
Warriors Millie (37 seasons). Short-furred blue mackerel tabby molly with hazel eyes. Rosepetal (15 seasons). Long-furred cream mackerel tabby molly with white patches. Cherryfall (10 seasons). Short-furred black trans-tom. Molewhisker (10 seasons). Short-furred black tom with white paws. Lilyheart (6 seasons). Short-furred black molly. Seedfrost (6 seasons). Short-furred black molly. Ambermoon (5 seasons). Short-furred blue mackerel tabby molly.
Apprentices Hollypaw (3 seasons). Long-furred dilute caliby molly. (Mentor - Hollystar)
Nursery Briarlight (14 seasons). Short-furred black molly. (Kits - Alderkit, Sparkkit, Juniperkit, Dandelionkit, 0 seasons)
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amirisqueer · 2 years
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OLD 2020 ART
A silly AU I made a couple years ago. I still think it's kind of fun. Here is the original description:
"So, first off, this is going to be pretty loose concepts for a Warriors AU I had in mind. I need to work on personal projects at the moment, so I won't go too into detail with this. Additionally, I should have reread Power of Three and Omen of the Stars before this, to make it more detailed and accurate, but again, I need to work on personal projects.
I may come back to this when I have time for it. As for now, it'll stay pretty loose. Unless some of you want to mess around with the concepts, and I fully welcome you to do so! It'd be really cool to have a bunch of people putting their ideas into this, and making it a community thing!
I've removed anything to do with Rock, the ancients, the stick, and the Tribe, because they're all pointless and irrelevant to the plot, and contribute nothing to the story. The undergroud tunnels remain, but they're left a mystery.
Anyway. On with the villainy.
PoT and OotS were disappointing, to say the least. PoT had a good build up, and had tons of potential, but, as usual, the Erins wasted it. OotS is a hot mess; like PoT, potential was wasted, the plot meanders, there are far too many inconsistencies and plot holes, character motivations are weird, characters are unlikeable and boring, a ton of important points in the story feel really contrived, and it's poorly written over all. I still enjoyed these arcs, though, just for how bad they were.
I think it would have been really cool if the Erins explored the potential for villainy Jayfeather and Hollyleaf had. Jayfeather expresses quite a bit of resentment and disrespect for Starclan, and seems to feel like he's above everyone else bc he's part of a prophecy (one that really never is used or explored meaningfully). He's also pretty interested in plants that harm people, which is unique for a medicine cat.
Hollyleaf is a stickler to the warrior code, though we see her twist it and her logic to fit what she wants, especially when she goes out of her way to murder Ashfur, and threaten Leafpool. She's also shown to be very ambitious, and wants to be leader one day. She wants to be important to her clan, and be respected.
Lionblaze, in this AU, is a lot softer, and much more caring and gentle. While he does want to be a great warrior, he doesn't enjoy fighting, which makes his power a point of angst for him, since it's one that enables him to hurt other cats without any physical consequences to him. Lionblaze in the books always stuck out to me as particularly bland; he was just another cat who wanted to be the greatest warrior, who loved fighting, and was aggressive. I want a soft, gentle hero. I want a hero who can and will fight for what he believes in, but would much rather take a pacifistic route.
Again, I need to reread PoT and OotS to refresh myself, but bear with me.
What if we explored this in a way that made Jayfeather and Hollyleaf villains? These traits certainly make it easy.
What if Jayfeather grew especially resentful of Starclan, and, upon learning of the prophecy and how much power he held, turned against them? After all, Starclan gets increasingly annoying, petty, and downright irritating as the series goes on. They act as though they know more than the living cats do (which they don't, and this is shown multiple times), and instead of actually doing anything to help the clans, they give vague omens and signs that could easily be interpreted as anything!
So Jayfeather, resentful of Starclan, plots against them. He wants them to hurt. He wants them to admit they're no better than anyone else. He wants them to stop being so pretentious and full of themselves. He also hates Starclan for making him blind, and, like he said in The Sight, he wishes he had never been born because of it. Jayfeather's bitter and vindictive nature is explored a ton here.
He comes up with a plan to wrest the clans from Starclan's control. He wants everyone else to resent them, too, so Starclan will lose what power they have over the living cats. And to do that, he'll need to take over clans and spread his ideology, much like Sol.
Meanwhile, Hollyleaf wants to be leader, as mentioned before. And Jayfeather sees this as an opportunity. He's the mastermind behind all this, as the most intelligent of the three; he's the one pulling the strings.
By the way, Hollyleaf has a power in this AU. Her power comes from her dedication to and belief in the warrior code; she can always tell when cats are lying, and when they have broken the code, as well as convince them to believe in her own convictions, too. The more she believes in an idea, the more easily she can persuade cats to take her side, and believe in her version of the truth.
And so Jayfeather uses her. Throughout the books, he'll help her become deputy, and then leader, by strategically poisoning clanmates (as well as cats from other clans) to help her gain power. He's also making up visions, too, and manipulating clan politics, trying to turn them against Starclan that way, too. He tells Hollyleaf the things he reads in other cats' minds to help her find weaknesses to exploit.
Hollyleaf believes that what she's doing is right, and that she's fulfilling the prophecy, and making Thunderclan strong. In reality, she's simply carrying out Jayfeather's attack on Starclan.
Lionblaze, meanwhile, is blissfully unaware of this. He does what he does best; fight and try to be a good warrior. The best he can be, in fact. While Lionblaze isn't very intelligent, Jayfeather is wary of trying to involve him, because Lionblaze is a genuinely kind hearted cat, whereas Hollyleaf isn't.
Also! Throughout the PoT arc, there are tons of bonding moments between the three; for Jayfeather, it's all manipulation, but for Hollyleaf and Lionblaze, it's genuine. I've always been irritated by how Warriors never actually shows bonds between families and friends; the books just usually go "they were friends" or "they were family" and that's it. It makes all the family/friend deaths so unemotional and contrived when they happen, because the bonds are never explored. I don't care that Feathertail died; you never showed me the relationship she and Crowfeather had. His grief feels fake, and I'm not invested, at all.
In addition to this, friendships between the protagonists and side characters are also more deeply explored. For example, Hollyleaf and Cinderheart would have a very deep, loving friendship, and Lionblaze and Berrynose would have a friendly rivalry, but are also there for each other. Lionblaze also deeply cares for his family, and loves his siblings, Brambleclaw, Squirrelflight, Firestar, Sandstorm, and Leafpool dearly. Hollyleaf is close with her mother and father too, of course, but not quite as close as Lionblaze. Jayfeather is too wrapped up in his hatred and fantasies of revenge to really bother with friendship or family, and thus is viewed as even more prickly by his clanmates.
Jayfeather makes sure to make Hollyleaf look like an excellent warrior and leader, helping her find opportunities to do so. He encourages her to use her power to persuade Firestar to give her an apprentice, so she could be made deputy, and it works. Eventually, she'll use this power on Firestar to convince him to make her deputy after Brambleclaw dies.
Also! In chapters from Jayfeather's POV, it's shown that he grows to hate himself, too, for his actions. He knows very well what he's doing is wrong, but he keeps doing it. He feels horrible for using Hollyleaf the way he does, and feels slimy and gross about it. He thinks he's too far gone, that there's no hope for him. So he keeps making things worse and worse, and hates himself every second of it.
This only serves to make him more bitter and resentful, and he lashes out at clanmates even more, taking out his anger and other mixed emotions on them. It's pretty clear he's developed some sort of depression. At this point, it's obvious that revenge on Starclan won't make Jayfeather happy, at all. But that's what keeps him going.
Eventually, Sol comes along, and Jayfeather sees him as an ally; after all, he's trying to dismantle the clans' belief in Starclan, too. With Sol, he helps spread disbelief and strife, leading to Shadowclan being reduced to the state it was in. Thunderclan is following lead, though a bit more slowly, because, annoyingly, Firestar and Brambleclaw are still there.
So Jayfeather sneakily poisons him, without any cat in the clan knowing. He, of course, does this after Firestar has taken a liking to Hollyleaf, and during his grief, Hollyleaf goes and consoles him, as well as giving him advice on who the new deputy should be, strongly hinting that she thought she would do a good job, by stating traits that she has, and that Firestar has seen in her.
So! She becomes deputy! Lionblaze is, of course, proud, but he's a bit unnerved by the fact that Jayfeather and Hollyleaf don't seem bothered by their father's death. The fire scene happens at some point, and they learn about Squirrelflight's lie. Ashfur is still killed by Hollyleaf to keep the secret. And this time, she doesn't spill it.
Sol is also eventually killed off, because when Jayfeather realizes he's also trying to destroy the clans, not just ruin their belief in Starclan, which isn't what he wants. He doesn't want Starclan or the clans to die; he wants Starclan to suffer. So, he comes up with a plan to kill Sol, and Hollyleaf executes it.
At this point, Hollyleaf too is becoming resentful of Starclan, and twists her version of the code to fit with that, silently vowing to enforce it when she becomes leader.
Thunderclan is starting to grow really angry with Starclan, due to Jayfeather's and Sol's influence. Firestar continues to have faith in them, and the clan slowly turns on him, seeing him as a weak and incompetent leader. Other unfortunate things start to happen as well, like prey being scarce in greenleaf, warriors being injured more, fights on the borders breaking out, etc. It should be noted that Hollyleaf also uses her power to help convince the clan of Jayfeather's beliefs, and it works really well, seeing as she believes them herself. The majority of clan starts to believe that Starclan has abandoned them.
But not all of them, which is key to the rest of this AU!
Hollyleaf believes this too, and believes that the clan would do far better being lead by her. She speaks with Jayfeather about this, and, of course, he's pleased by it. They hatch a scheme to kill Firestar in secret, using a lethal concoction of herbs and framing it as a sickness.
Also! As Jayfeather's ideology spreads, other medicine cats' connection to Starclan grows weaker and weaker, until, finally, at the end of the PoT arc, they cannot communicate with Starclan at all. Only Jayfeather can, as that's one of his powers.
Once Starclan is entirely cut off from the clans, Cinderpelt's spirit (in Cinderheart) is released; her link to Starclan has been severed, so the whole reincarnation sort of thing no longer works. Cinderpelt is instead stranded in some sort of limbo, and never finds her way back to Starclan.
However, Leafpool has noticed Jayfeather's interest in toxic plants, and grows suspicious of him... so she must be killed, too. While gathering herbs with Jayfeather, Hollyleaf ambushes Leafpool and kills her. Jayfeather has Hollyleaf injure him, too, so he can frame it as an accident with some rogues, which he just barely got away from. Hollyleaf is never mentioned in his explanation, so she's completely free of suspicion.
Two of the three never learn of their true parentage, and only Lionblaze ever really cares about it, because of his deep connection with his parents, grandparents, and aunt. Lionblaze later learns about it from Squirrelflight.
With Leafpool out of the way, they can finally kill Firestar. Jayfeather slips deathberry juice into some of Firestar's fresh kill, and, when the leader is unconscious and in the medicine den, Jayfeather poisons him with more and more herbs (like foxglove, water hemlock, deadly nightshade, etc), which prove powerful enough to kill all his remaining lives.
The clan doesn't suspect a thing, and grieves for him, despite his weak leadership. This further reinforces the belief that Starclan has abandoned them.
Hollyleaf becomes Hollystar. And, despite everything she's done, she gets her nine lives. This is because, since Hollystar and Jayfeather are part of the proohecy, and supposedly hold the power of the stars in their paws, they can force them to give her nine lives. Especially with Hollystar's power of conviction.
I'm not sure who her deputy would be, but it would have to be someone incredibly loyal to her. Perhaps Cinderheart, seeing as they were close friends. Maybe they even get to be a cute, villainous lesbian couple. You know what, they do. CinderHolly is canon in this AU.
However, Lionblaze notices how unbothered Jayfeather and Hollystar are by Firestar's death, and starts to suspect the worst. He has kept his faith in Starclan, by the way, despite his siblings' attempts to sway him. He has also gathered a small group of the clan together who still believe in Starclan, and they worship in secret at night, outside the camp. This group, critically, includes Whitewing and Birchfall, Dovewing and Ivypool's parents. It also includes Squirrelflight and Sandstorm, who were, of course, incredibly loyal to Firestar.
With Hollystar in her leadership position, and a blindly loyal deputy and mate are her side, she pushes her anti-Starclan agenda, and actually forges an alliance with Shadowclan and Blackstar. They promise to help each other in the coming days, seeing as Starclan has left the clans, and they can only depend on each other.
Windclan and Riverclan are horrified, especially the medicine cats (except Mothwing, she actually sees this as wise), but through Hollystar's conviction, these ideals infiltrate the other two clans. Each clan splits into factions: those who have faith, and those who do not. Consistently, the latter groups are larger.
Lionblaze is incredibly upset by this, and is torn between his love for his siblings, his care for his clan, and his faith to Starclan. Hollystar starts to weed out the disloyal cats, the ones who still have faith in Starclan, and makes them sleep in a separate den from the other cats. She keeps a close eye on them, and monitors their movements at all times, with the help of Cinderheart, Jayfeather, and a few other extremely loyal warriors.
One evening, Lionblaze manages to sneak out from under the gaze of his clanmates, and eavesdrops on a conversation between Hollystar and Jayfeather. He learns of their manipulation, and how they killed Brambleclaw, Leafpool, and Firestar, and, in fury, attacks Hollystar. This grabs the whole clan's attention, and during the battle, Hollystar loses a life.
Lionblaze, being the big hearted cat he is, stops fighting once his sister dies once, horrified at what he's done. However, the clan has turned against him, and he, as well as the other Starclan faithful, are driven out of Thunderclan territory. Hollystar has convinced Thunderclan that any Starclan faithful cats are dangerous traitors, and, at the next gathering, encourages the other clans to drive them out, too.
Lionblaze and his group, meanwhile, shelter beyond Thunderclan territory, and Dovekit and Ivykit are born. They slowly recover their strength, and set up a sort of temporary camp. Lionblaze tells them about Hollystar and Jayfeather's treachery. All the cats are bereft, and have no idea what to do. Soon enough, though, a group of Shadowclan cats find them, and reveal they've been driven away, too. The clans by the lake have all lost cats, and they are weaker now, which is critical for OotS. This is where the PoT arc ends.
Hollystar's regime is as strong as ever in Thunderclan, and the rest of the Starclan faithful cats in the clans have been driven out. The Dark Forest sees this as an opportunity to take advantage of, and starts recruiting warriors and apprentices to their cause to destroy/take over the clans, or whatever the DF was trying to do. Like. Seriously. What exactly were they trying to accomplish?
We'll just go with destroying the clans, due to their festering, bitter hatred for Starclan, and how the clans wronged them in their past lives.
Starclan is completely cut off from the clans, except for Lionblaze's group, which has become its own sort of clan. Each of the groups of Starclan faithful have found their way to him, and they live an unsteady, unsatisfying life outside the clan territories. They want to go home. They want their clans back. But if they dared set paw at the lake territories again, they'd be killed.
Enter Dovepaw and Ivypaw. Despite not really being a clan, the group has still continued clan traditions, and Dovepaw is apprenticed to Willowshine, while Ivypaw gets Brightheart. For extra drama, Brightheart and Cloudtail were split over the Starclan debate, and Cloudtail remains with Hollystar.
In this group, there's a lot of quarreling over who's in charge, as they don't really have a leader. They eventually agree to have a small council of four cats, one from each clan, to lead them. Lionblaze, Tawnypelt, Heathertail, and Mistyfoot are the leaders of this group, and they are trying to form a plan to take the clans back. Tawnypelt was also able to convince Tigerheart to remain faithful to Starclan, so he's here, too.
Squirrelflight, in a soft, emotional scene, reveals the three's parentage to Lionblaze. Instead of driving them apart, this makes them grow even closer, as they both understand what it's like to care for their siblings deeply, even when they've done something wrong.
The fourth cat from the prophecy remains, and it's Dovepaw. She doesn't have any powers, and yet she'll be key to turning the clans back to Starclan. During their time spent as a group, the borders between the clans here dissolve, and they become united and strong.
Dovepaw is actually trained as a medicine cat here, and is the only one in the group who can connect to Starclan. Her faith is particularly strong, given how her life began with being driven out of her home. This is how the connection between the clans and Starclan is slowly restored.
Meanwhile, in the clans, as the year progresses, things get worse. The draught happens like before, and a patrol is sent upstream to investigate the cause, like before. Leopardstar dies, and someone replaces her; possibly Reedwhisker. Perhaps he didn't go with his mother, and remained with Riverclan. This could be a source of grief for Mistyfoot, and affect her actions in the rest of the arc. Reedstar it is, then.
The DF keeps training and corrupting warriors in the clans, and as the arc goes on, some of them start to fear that Hollystar was wrong, and that they should've stayed faithful to Starclan. Of course, no one says this; anyone who speaks like that is immediately exiled.
Hollystar practically controls all the clans, given her power. Her propaganda has taken hold of the leaders' minds, and they all follow her suggestions. Jayfeather is both happy and dissatisfied at the same time; he is glad Starclan is suffering, and frequently visits them to gloat, but he feels that something is wrong. He isn't truly happy. He's still bitter cold and angry inside.
If I'm being honest, I barely remember what happened in OotS between the first and last books. The whole arc was a disaster, and, like I said, its plot was boring and meandering. I apologize for the stark lack of detail in this part. Like I said though, this is just a loose concept for this AU, and anyone can add their ideas to it, if they want!
Essentially, in the end, there are 3 factions fighting: the Starclan faithful, Hollystar's clans, and the Dark Forest. Jayfeather, once he learns what the DF is up to, is upset about it, and opposes it, simply because he doesn't want the clans destroyed, he just wants Starclan to suffer, and have them watch helplessly as the clans live perfectly well without them.
Lionblaze and his faction also, through the arc, spy on what the clans are doing, and learn how things are slowly falling apart. This isn't so much due to the lack of Starclan, but due to the Dark Forest taking advantage of that lack of faith. Had the DF not been an issue, the clans would have made it perfectly fine through that period of drought, and lived well w/o Starclan's influence.
Ivypool is also recruited into the DF like usual, but this time, she immediately knows something is up, bc of Lionblaze and the rest of the group having such firm faith in Starclan, and passing that onto the kits. However, since Ivypool is smart, she decides to spy there, along with Tigerheart, which give the Faithful an advantage. There, they finally have a name: the Faithful.
Hollystar's clans eventually learn of the threat from the DF, and things devolve into panic. Hollystar and Jayfeather are losing control, and both the DF and the Faithful take advantage of this.
Dovewing is especially gifted with speech in the AU, and is really compassionate and dedicated to what she believes in. She rallies a good portion of Hollystar's clans to the Faithful, and their numbers grow steadily. She is, in a way, like a cleric in DnD, and Lionblaze is a paladin. Dovewing does most of the speaking, while Lionblaze does most of the fighting.
Then, the battle breaks out. It's DF vs the Faithful vs Hollystar's clans. Like the Great Battle in the other books, this battle is chaotic, takes place all over the clan territory, and a ton of cats die. Hollystar and Lionblaze have an intense encounter, and Lionblaze pleads her to see sense and join their side. However, she is too far gone, and too convinced of her own flawed beliefs to listen. Hollystar is killed by Lionblaze in an emotional battle, and Jayfeather is eventually cornered, too.
Lionblaze also pleads with him to switch sides, and it is here that Jayfeather finally reveals what he's been doing all along, and has his traditional villain monologue. At the end of his monologue, he admits that he isn't happy with how things turned out, and feels hollow, numb, and bitter cold instead.
Jayfeather loathed himself as much as he loathed Starclan. He knew his actions were wrong, and hated himself for it, but he couldn't stop himself. He wouldn't. From his first kill onwards, he thought it was too late for him to change paths, that he'd always be a despicable, miserable cat. He sees no chance at redemption, and asks Lionblaze to kill him. When he won't, Jayfeather eats the deathberries he had kept with him, killing himself.
In the end, the Faithful are victorious, and take back the clans. Lionblaze, however, is completely devastated by all the loss. He had lost family and friends during all of this, and feels utterly swamped by grief. The loss of his siblings hurts the most; not only had he lost them to death, but he had really, truly LOST them; their personalities had completely changed, and the cats he once knew had vanished.
Despite this, he pushes through with Dovewing and Squirrelflight's help. Lionblaze becomes Lionstar, at the urging of his clanmates. He names Squirrelflight deputy, and Dovewing is his medicine cat. The clans are recovering from Hollystar's reign, and are turning back towards Starclan, for better or for worse. Either way, their faith has only strengthened during this time, and once again, the medicine cats can connect with their ancestors.
So! That's it! That's the villain Hollystar and Jayfeather AU! In my opinion, this is MUCH better than how things actually went in the books, and I would have rather had things go this way. Potential isn't wasted (as far as I know), and each of the three is more fully explored.
The OotS part is definitely lacking, because like I said, I've forgotten what happens through most of it. Lionblaze also gets a bit shafted, because I wanted to focus on Jayfeather and Hollystar, and also because I don't know his personality as well. I really wish I had given him more content, but my pool of ideas was a bit shallow for him :'D. If any of you have any ideas for him, or for the rest of the AU, please feel free to share them!!
I may come back to this in the future, after I've reread PoT and OotS, and add more details. For now, though, it is this.
Let me know what you guys think! I'd love to hear your ideas, too, like I've said a billion times before! As I've said many times earlier, I think it'd be really cool if you all contributed too, and we made this a community thing!"
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the-owl-tree · 2 years
i know the erin’s would’ve done something terrible and weird with hollyleaf had she lived past oots but i really do wish she’d at least made it to tbc to complete her arc of becoming entirely disillusioned with the code
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Since it’s your favorite… 7 again?
in response to this post:
7. Post a snippet from a wip.
Sandstorm touched her tail to Hollyleaf's shoulder. “Sorreltail was my first apprentice. She was Leafpool’s closest friend, and she was a mate and a mother, and a loyal friend to all of us. She'll be missed by many."
“I will miss her,” Hollyleaf said. “But there’s still so much work to be done and we don’t have time to lay around feeling sorry for ourselves all day!”
She hadn’t meant to raise her voice, but suddenly Hollyleaf became aware of her Clanmates’ stares. Underneath their gazes, her pelt suddenly felt too hot. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
“To disrespect my mother’s memory?”
Out of all of her littermates, Poppyfrost had always been the most reserved. But now, as she shook Berrynose off and stood to her paws, her eyes burned.
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skyclan-stan · 1 year
Hollystar's Legacy || Part 1
Hollyleaf of ThunderClan never dreamed that she would be able to return home. She assumed the rest of her life would be spent in the confines of the tunnels.
Upon her return home, she fights for the Clans against the Dark Forest. Tragedy strikes, and suddenly ThunderClan is left with neither leader nor deputy - and Hollyleaf is being asked to become the Clan leader.
-- -- --
AU where Hollyleaf gets the happy ending she deserves :) open to suggestions about what should happen next!!!
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Hollyleaf padded through the territory just beyond ThunderClan’s borders, her thick black pelt shrouded by the cover of night. She gazed up one more time at the moon, her face bathed in silver light, before blinking and disappearing with a flick of her tail into the wide dark mouth of a tunnel. 
“I’m home,” she called out gently, her mew echoing off of the walls of the cave. Her companion, Fallen Leaves, stood from their shared nest with a stretch. His eyes lit up when he spotted Hollyleaf; he walked over and smiled softly. 
“Welcome back,” he mewed. “How was your latest voyage to ThunderClan?”
Truthfully? It was bittersweet. She’d seen her brothers, Jayfeather and Lionblaze, sharing a squirrel as the sun set. Suddenly a wave of nostalgia hit her; that used to be her. Before she ran away. Before she made so many mistakes that she had to run away, as if it was her only choice. After all, in Hollyleaf’s mind, it was the only choice she could have made. 
“It was fine,” she replied evenly. 
-- -- -- 
Days later, Hollyleaf was on the surface again. She still had to eat. More and more often these days, she had found herself forgetting her need to eat, or sleep, or do any of her normal cat behaviors. Her ghostly companion oftentimes had to remind her that it was time to go hunting again. So here she was - hunting. Again. 
Some days, Hollyleaf wished she was a ghost too. 
The ability to simply fade away… she could finally disappear completely. And yet, something itched at her mind like a prickle left in her nest: did she really want to disappear? 
If Hollyleaf had the choice, she would rejoin ThunderClan again in a heartbeat. 
-- -- --
“Get us out of here!” a young gray-and-white cat whispered.
“I followed the voices to get here!” her all-gray companion replied fearfully. “I… I’m not sure of the way out.”
Hollyleaf sighed. Cats these days… She knew Dovewing and Ivypool were ThunderClan cats, and she had quickly figured out that they were here in the tunnels to spy on WindClan cats. Now they were about to be discovered by the WindClan patrol… unless she stepped in. 
“They’re coming to look for us!” Ivypool’s mew was growing frantic. “Dovewing, we have to go now!”
There wasn’t time to lead these cats out from the safety of the shadows the way that she had done before. Hollyleaf would have to show herself to them, to let them know that she was a cat who could be trusted. She took a deep breath. 
All the moons of hiding, trying to forget she had ever belonged to a Clan, seemed to vanish in a single heartbeat. The blood of a warrior flowed through her veins. Nothing was more important than loyalty to her Clan.
She ducked into the side tunnel, speaking quickly yet softly.  “Come with me,” she ordered into the darkness. “Quick!”
“No way!” Ivypool hissed. “You could be with them.”
“I’m not,” Hollyleaf mewed, trying to keep her voice calm.
“Prove it,” Dovewing challenged.
“I shouldn’t have to,” Hollyleaf snapped. Didn’t these cats recognize ThunderClan scent
when it was in front of them? “For StarClan’s sake, let’s go.” 
In the faintest gleam of starlight filtering from the river cave, Hollyleaf saw Ivypool’s eyes widen
as she exchanged a glance with her sister. “StarClan?” Ivypool echoed. “Then you—”
“Do you want to get out of here or not?” Hollyleaf interrupted.
“Yes, we do,” Ivypool snapped back. “But how do we know you won’t lead us farther in?” Hollyleaf let out a hiss of frustration. Couldn’t these questions have waited? And yet perhaps it
wasn’t surprising that these young cats had no idea who she was. She was going to be a stranger to many of her Clanmates after being away for so long.
“Because I’m a ThunderClan cat like you,” she meowed, raising her voice over the pounding of her heart. “My name is Hollyleaf.”
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sillypuppybarks · 1 year
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Here y'all go! More rt is on the way just feeding y'all some food! Btw likes < reblogs! If you like my art please reblog it so ppl see it!
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hickorytwist · 1 year
I’m curious! Reblog and tag your favorite warrior cats character + one thing you wish had been written better/wish could’ve happened to them in canon
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Here are two warriors of ForestClan- Sandythorn and Flarepond! Complete total opposites. While Sandythorn is energetic, his awkwardness overrides that. Flarepond, on the other hand, loves bragging about his skills and is way more social.
These two are both open to asks- ask away!
Design Facts:
Yep! Flarepond has heterochromia AND his ears are just a little bit scarred from frostbite.
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