#Holy shit he played since we're alone????
imdead770 · 10 months
The Outsiders x Reader Headcannons
♡ Random things the gang would do if you dated them ♡
Darry -
He's fixing everything for you. Your shelf broke? Give him 15 minutes. Your car broke? He'll get Sodapop to fix it up for you. Your heart broke? He's fixing it. This man is Fix-it Felix.
I feel like he wouldn't be the biggest PDA guy, but if you're both alone, he's probably holding you in some way shape or form. Your back against his chest, your head on his shoulder with his arm around you, it's happening and he's perfectly happy with it.
Sodapop -
I don't know why, but I feel like Sodapop picked a specific night for both of you to just spend time together and relax. Probably a Saturday night since he won't have to worry about work. It's just a night where you sit together, eat ice cream, and watch a movie. He'll hold you and quietly talk to you, randomly peppering kisses on your face.
^ this makes me so lovesick holy shit ^
This man is HUGE on pda. He'll hold your hand, have his arm around your waist, kiss your forehead. As long as you're comfortable with it, he'll shower you with affection 25/8
Ponyboy -
He WILL watch sunsets with you. He'll take your hand, run you outside to his porch and sit on the steps with you. Your head rested on his shoulder with his arm around your waist.
" You were right Pony.. it's beautiful.. "
" Not as beautiful as you.. "
I know it's cliche but stfu
I feel like he isn't really used to PDA, so he doesn't really initiate it. But the moment you do anything, from holding his jaw as you kiss him to entertwining your fingers with his, his heart melts. With a bit of time, he'll return the favor, he just needs to get comfortable.
Johnny -
I don't know if this is accurate, but I feel like he'd bring you flowers. No reason, he just wanted to bring his girl flowers. He'll bring you your favorite if he can. If he can't find some he'll pick the prettiest ones he can find. You had to buy a vase for just how often he brings you flowers.
We all know this boy is shy, but I feel like once he warms up to you PDA is just normal. Not big PDA like Soda, but he likes holding your hand in public. In private he'll hold you against him, play with your hair, the whole thing.
Dallas -
He takes you to so many of Buck's parties it's not even funny. You're bored? He'll take you to go dance. You're stressed? He'll sit at the bar and drink with you. You don't drink? Well shit.
☆ On the dancing note, he's not a huge dancer, but he'll stand beside you to make sure nobody steps out of line. He also 100% watches your ass while you sway your hips. Probably grinds if we're being honest.
On the PDA side, he isn't big on it, in public or in private. Gotta maintain that tough guy image. He might have his hand in your back pocket or around your hip. In private he won't be big on it at first, but after a bit he might hold you. Not like hold-hold, but he'll put his arms around you.
Two-Bit -
I swear on my life, this man will throw the worst pick-up lines at you. He doesn't care that you're already dating, he'll do it.
" Yknow, if you were a vegetable, you’d be a cute-cumber. "
" Two-Bit, I love you, but shut the fuck up. "
PDA wise, he'll do it. That's about it. He'll do it. He wouldn't make out with you on the spot, but he'll hold you, kiss you on the cheek, whatever. He'll do it.
Steve -
He'd try to bake with you. This isn't a regular thing, but I think since he likes chocolate cake so damn much, he'd decide to make it. He just decided to bring you along for the ride. To summarize it, it was a mess.
" Steve.. when did that milk expire? "
" Says.. December, why? "
" What year, Steve. "
" ... Ohhh.. "
This mf is just a leveled-down Dallas ( in the best way possible ). He acts all tough/tuff but would do subtle acts. Hands around your waist, intertwining his fingers with yours, the basics. In private he'd definitely hold you, though.
I love them all so much
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 11 months
MWIII Campaign Thoughts and Reviews
(Played in the recruit difficulty because I suck at FPS games, and I want to explore and spent time in the campaign without dying too much). Leave some thoughts!
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So… that was devastating. 
(+) To start things off, Makarov - Boy, holy shit. Yes. YESSS. They didn’t hold back with the new Makarov. He’s a mastermind, he’s a charming fella, he’s a psychopath lol. And the fact that he smiles a lot in this campaign just adds to the creepiness. I might get some side-eye here, but this Mak can go head-to-head with the OG!Mak. He’s always onto something, he’s proven destructive, had the 141 hauling ASS to chase him.
Makarov had stolen American missiles from ULF, caused false flag missile attacks on Russian Military base, and successfully orchestrated a false airplane hijacking, all under ULF's name - everything in the span of 48 hours since he got out of prison. I saw people saying that this Makarov ain't got nothing on the OG one has to be inhaling some shit copium because this is only in one single game and he's destroying shit.
I know just one game with rushed development won’t be enough for an iconic character like him, so I’m glad they didn’t kill him.
(-) I absolutely ABHOR, DETEST, LOATH the Open Combat Missions (OCM). It is so very not Call of Duty campaignesque. it doesn’t help anything with the narrative, and if anything, it even took away the narrative for us. The former missions in former games are iconic in their own way because the mission designer put a lot of thought into how the game will be played, the situations we found ourselves in.
But OCM's, we're like... Left to our own devices without any story-driven dialogues.
I think one of the reasons why MWII was so close to everyone's heart was because of the banters between the characters, especially in Alone. Here, because it's literally our choice and our time, it left us with no actual given time to know and love the characters more than we already did. Yes we love the characters, MW19 and MWII did that for us. But in this one? They said "character development is done, mate. Now go to war.”
Then again, is OCM a product and evidence of MWIII’s rushed development? 100% yes. I don’t give a shit if they cover it with “oowh we make OCM so you can play the missions differently each time without repeating the same mission over and over again!”. Let me ask you this, Activision - Have ‘repeating the mission over and over again’ been a problem with us campaign-enjoyers? No! I played the MWII campaign like 5 times, in all difficulty (except realism I still love my life), and I enjoyed it, because the mission designers took a lot of time and thought to it instead of just creating a map, putting a bunch of loadouts scattered around the area and throw us in it. So yes, it’s clear that OCM is a product of rushed development. It sucks the life out of the campaign missions.
Some people may enjoy it, but I play the campaign exactly for the linear style missions, not DMZ style.
(+) Look, I said it before that I will go to the campaign with the lowest expectation possible. I expected Mak to be sub-par, I expected them to play safe with the characters, and BOY WAS I WRONG. Setting aside the point above where the character feels stuck on the character development (which is a huge minus btw), all the characters have time to shine in their own missions, especially Price because I feel like we play him the most. However, I do also love the fact that the girls get shit done here. Farah and Laswell did their work so beautifully and apparently it was revealed that Laswell will be a MP operator, so that’s cool. 
(+) Ghost being a menacing presence, can stood his ground. Price being level-headed though at the same time unhinged as usual. Gaz being the voice of reason throughout the entire fucking game LMAO. Soap being the brave man he is, the passion and fury is evident throughout the campaign. Farah being badass and dependable as usual. Alex being the main supportive guy to Farah (Faralex is canon at this point argue with a wall). Nikolai being our most reliable get-away guy.
And of course, Graves and Shepherd being the fucking goofy ahh duo I actually find interesting. The trial cutscene was such a goofy scene LMAO the fact that they backstabbed each other in the ass is real funny. I side with Graves though. However wrong and unhinged he may be, Graves is just a guy doing his job and did what he’s told to do.
(+) I love the fact that Mak tried to frame Urzikstan to pin the blame on them. It's exactly what the OG!Makarov did but in HD. The Passenger mission is phenomenal and more damn traumatizing if only it was a bit longer and more stretched. There are many more reference to the OG games and I absolutely love it.
Soap’s Death
Remembering all the MWII missions with Soap... It hits differently now, man. 
(-) I've read a lot of people's arguments about it that the fact that it happened is just for shock value and kind of disappointing. Because let’s be real here, Soap is an SAS who got the name Soap because of how much of a slippery bastard he is. Granted, Mak is an ex-Spetsnaz and can fight with Soap. But how he went down in a goddamn takedown without any chance of fighting is just… it’s not it.
To add to that, the reaction from the boys is just... Underwhelming? Like I get it they're battle-hardened SAS soldiers, but let them show some damn emotions for fuck’s sake. One of the main reason why the OG!Soap’s death is really painful is because of Price’s reaction to it. How he said “NO. NO NO NO SOAP!!” While he shook Soap’s lifeless body in the table. At least let Price kneel to him, straighten his body, touch his vest. Close his eyes, gather Soap’s hand and PUT HIS GUN ON his chest all the while Ghost and Gaz knelt beside them. I do love the fact that they literally went to Scotland to let go of his ashes with Ghost holding the urn though. I cried in this scene. 
And the fact that it happened with the shortest campaign out of all the reboot MW games, it just felt rushed. Yes. It’s completely rushed, there’s no doubt about it. Again, the result of rushed developments.
(+) Now, with that said, I kind of want to shed light on how Soap is literally the youngest guy in the group. He had so much to live for. He's a sunshine in the middle of this gruff emotionally hardened man. He's such a joy to be around. He's brave. He's fresh. The fact that he's got so much to live for adds to the sadness and bitterness, which I actually like.
Sometimes I do kind of like those kinds of deaths, where the character is too soon to die,  because it hit so much harder and in a different way than the OG! one. We got to see the OG!Soap went from when he was an FNG, turn to a captain, to a man of fortitude that  earned Price's honor and sacrificed himself to protect Price. We saw how he developed and changed. We saw his entire career with us throughout all the OG!MW trilogy.
Reboot!Soap's story barely even started, and the fact that he's still so young, imagining how he'd be one hell of an officer, how he'd lead his team in the future. 
OG!Soap’s death is sad because all the times and memories we’ve been through with him, but Reboot!Soap’s death is equally sad for the times we could’ve gone through with him.
I want to say this though, some people said that Soap's death is sudden, but I wouldn't agree with that. I think the telltales are all there.
In the helicopter scene after Price and Soap caught him in Verdansk, Mak literally SAID HIS FULL NAME. That is a literal pinpoint death sentence from Makarov. And how emotional Soap’s reaction is compared to the other boys when the airport blew up. The signs are literally all there! I saw it coming actually. 
So is Soap’s death rushed? Yes. Could it have been executed better? Yes. Is it for shock value? Yes. But is it as sad? Yes. Honestly, I blame the rushed development and due dates for this. Activision is a cash grabber who wanted a yearly release so they can catch more money. I fucking bet my ass that initially they didn’t want to kill Soap, but it’s like a last-minute decision to make this game actually look like it’s worth 70 dollars. 
Like by the end of the game, nothing has been accomplished. Big Bad Guy is on the loose, and we lost Soap. Yea we did stop some of Makarov's attacks, but we ended with a loss. It's a completely sad ending. I just wish we get to continue with more missions after Soap's death like in OG!MW3 though :(
Now. Shepherd is positively fucken dead. Price is now an actual criminal and a fugitive. He just killed a 4-star US Marines general in his own office. Price is entering his insane and unhinged era. I do wonder if he'll go even more unhinged than this.
The story will undoubtedly continue in the MP seasons (although probably only 2 seasons that mattered because it'll also undoubtedly be filled with skins and collabs and shit). I think it will also focus more on transitioning to the next CoD games, which will be Black Ops (It is confirmed that for the 2024 and 2025 CoD, it will be Black Ops games).
We're talking future here, so if there's going to be a CoD MWIV, It might be possible that this is the game where we'll finally defeat Makarov while the 141 copes with losing Soap. I do wonder if Price will become too unhinged and will get rid of everything on his way to kill Mak. Price's reckless acts will become too much for Gaz that it's starting to hurt other people and himself, and Gaz will do something against Price's command or wish - and Ghost will have to choose a side. Now that's the kind of drama I want to see.
What do I score this campaign, what do I score this campaign... The story is actually good, but because the development is evidently rushed, the packaging feels a bit hollow. It's a 7/10 for me!
Wait you know what
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We get to pet a dog named Riley. 10/10, Game of The Fucking Year.
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Reboot!Logan/Hesh (?) 👀
So there it goes! If you've read this far I love you and Activision will pay for my therapy (ʘ ͜ʖ ʘ)
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whygalaxy · 6 months
Can i request that the reader and Quackity visit his or hers family/friends house and they try to have sex “quietly” but they end up hearing it
Stay quiet
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♡⃕ Relationship} Quackity x Fem!Reader
♡⃕ Summary} "Cellbit invites Quackity to a project, he takes you along. You end up having to sleep at Cellbit's house and Quackity gets horny"
♡⃕  TW.} NSFW; Smut; Semi Public Sex; Slight Blood; Cum inside; Mild Somnophilia; Unprotected sex.
♡⃕ Notes} English is not my first language, there may be mistakes. I’m sorry for anything. )
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You traveled to Brazil together with Alex. He was invited to participate in something Rafael (Cellbit) was planning to do, and you went as his companion.
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“Thank you so much for letting me stay at your house” Alex says when he arrives at Rafael’s house. He had let you spend time at his house, claiming it was his “fault” that you two had traveled to Brazil.
You had plans to stay in Brazil for two days, so Rafael had no problem leaving you two at his house.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨🧸୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Currently you two were in the guest room of Rafael's house.
It was already one o'clock in the morning and the two of you were lying down, almost falling asleep. You were lying on your side, your back pressed against Alex's chest while his arms were wrapped around your hips.
You weren't fully asleep when you felt Alex start kissing your neck. “Alex… please… it’s one in the morning…” you moan sleepily.
“Sorry, mi mullida. But I can't resist when you wear my shirts…” He says, his hands moving under the shirt you were wearing, heading towards your breasts.
You helped Alex with Rafael's project, when you finished it was almost one in the morning. You decided to wear one of Alex's shirts as pajamas since it was much easier and you were so tired.
Alex continued sucking purple marks on your neck while squeezing your breasts. This woke you up, and you began rubbing against the bulge growing in his sweatpants.
“Fuck, mi amor, you really are a tease…” He groans. He stands up, pushing you to climb on top of you. He lifts your shirt enough to show your breasts, he bends down to suck one of your nipples while playing with the other.
You moan particularly loudly, making Alex put a hand over your mouth. "Be quiet. We're not alone…” He whispers, you forgot for a moment that you were at Rafael's house, and his room was close to the room you two were in.
Alex pulls down your wet panties, and then pulls down his sweatpants. He lets out a sigh of relief when his cock finally frees itself, precum oozing from the tip.
He spreads the precum around his cock to act as lubricant, he gets on top of you and positions himself in front of your tight entrance. He gives you a kiss to shut you up as soon as he enters you, you moan into the kiss.
Alex's thrusts were slow but deep, he was trying his best not to make the bed creak. You held his back tightly, scratching his gray tank top.
You tried your best to hold back your moans, biting your lips to the point where blood came out. Alex did the same, biting your neck to keep from letting out moans.
You can't help but moan loudly when you finally come, biting his shoulder to keep any moans from coming out. His thrusts were getting sloppy, and soon he stops brutally, thrust deep inside you.
He comes, biting your neck too hard to the point where blood comes out, to prevent moans from coming out. He pulls out of you, falling next to you.
You were both panting, he pulls his sweatpants back on, and gets up to grab your panties, helping you put them on.
He pulls you closer to him, hugging you with a stupid smile on his face. “Holy shit… that was… incredible…” he whispers in your ear, the idea of ​​being caught along with the adrenaline made it all so much more exciting.
“I agree… but now, let’s go to sleep…” You say, snuggling into his chest. He laughs, kissing your forehead as a good night.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨🧸୧⋆ ˚。⋆
You two were together with Rafael and Lorena, having breakfast. You were calmly eating toast until she said, “you know you two could have gone to a Motel, right?” You and Alex choke on your food, did they hear you?!
You both look at them blushing and wide-eyed, while Lorena laughs and Rafael rolls his eyes.
♡⃕ (I'm not sure how to translate this. But motel is an exclusive accommodation for adults with a focus on sexual relations on a night in Brazil)
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leoandmarz · 2 months
𝘛𝘰-𝘥𝘰 𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵 - Schlatt!
based off of "B.s." by Jhene Aiko where your wack ass bf treats u horribly so u sleep with his roommate • also based off of H.E.R.S line where she goes "I just met your roommate put him on my to-do list" enjoy! <3 
"Done fucking with you, don't know how to love me."
"It seems like I give so much and don't get nothing back!" 
"I really thought it was love but you're so fucking wack." 
We're the last 3 messages you sent to your now ex-boyfriend after you found out he cheated on you for the 2nd time now, fed up and not taking any apologies of his anymore.
You pulled a suitcase from the closet and started packing all your things, not having to pack much since you had your own apartment and kept some of your stuff at his house, as you packed most of your things up, you went into the bathroom to get all your perfumes, lotions, etc
While making your rounds you soon bumped into his roommate, Schlatt.
You couldn't lie to yourself, especially not anymore since you were "single" you had always thought Schlatt was attractive but never made things awkward since he was your boyfriend's roommate, and friend.
"Where ya off too in a rush toots?" He asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion, as you blushed at the nickname he always called you "toots" fuck. you couldn't even remember the last time your boyfriend had called you "baby"?!
"I'm leaving, I found out Andrew cheated on me, again." You told him, as his eyes got wide
"Again? Holy fuck I'm sorry I didn't even know he cheated the first time?!" He told you, his eyebrows furrowing as he thought in the back of his head why the hell Andrew would ever cheat on someone like you, especially twice.
"Do ya need help packing than toots?" He asked as you shook your head "I don't have much here" you told him as you both chuckled.
As you two crossed paths and you went back to the room to finish up the last of packing you had to do when your phone started blowing up, already knowing why and looking at the notifications 
"Of fucking course" you muttered to yourself as you opened your phone to see text messages from Andrew apologizing and telling you it was a one time thing and that he'll never do it again.
As you left his messages on read you scoffed and put your phone in your pocket, Andrew still blowing up your phone you zipped up the suitcase and turned around when you saw Schlatt standing in the doorway, his hands in his pockets
"Is that him blowing up your phone?" He said, scoffing as you nodded your head, the way he was leaning on the doorframe and had his head tilted, looking at you, had a million thoughts running through your mind.
"What're you looking at toots?" He asked, grinning from ear to ear, as you shook your head "nothing, sorry you scared me" you told him, playing it off as if you weren't just checking him out.
"Are you sure thats the case? Cause I'm sure the look on your face wasn't anything near to you looking scared, toots" He said, taking his hands out his pocket as he walked up to you, looking down at your figure
As he looked down at your embarrassed state, chuckling as he picked his hand up to your chin, making you look up at him, as you gulped, your voice getting stuck in your throat as his other hand trailed down to your hips, his head leaning down into the crook of your neck
"You know, I really don't understand how that wack ass boyfriend of yours even managed to pull you" his voice tickling your neck as a shiver ran down your spine, "Let alone cheat on you? I don't think you realize how long I've kept my eyes on you wishing I was him toots"
A whine spilling out your mouth as his mutton chops brushed up against neck even more, and you could practically feel his lips on your neck, driving you absolutely bat shit crazy.
"Schlatt-" you whine, now both his hands are gripping your hips, as his breath starts getting faster as you whine his name, looking up from the crook of your neck, "Wha'cha need doll?" His hands letting go the grip of your hips as he starts exploring your body 
"Please Schlatt m' need you" you whine louder, as his hands instantly pick you up and throw you on the bed, leaning down and leaving sloppy kisses along your jawline and down your neck
His quick actions making your back arch and grip his hair as you wrap your legs around his waist, "Holy shit Schlatt!" You yelp, gripping his hair harder, dragging a groan out of him making him grab your hands and pin them against above your head
You gasp at the quickness of his doings, "Keep doing that and you're not gonna get what you want, okay doll?" He tells you, as he continues to mark up your neck making you nod and whine
As he gets up and leads his hand down to your pants, looking up at you for permission as you immediately nod your head making him scoff at your need for his touch, quickly yanking off your pants making you yelp as he throws them behind him somewhere as he looks down at your spread out body, chuckling to himself as he pulls your panties down your legs and swiping a line up your folds, making you moan and throw your head back.
"That feel good toots?" He says as his hand proceeds to play with your clit making you squirm and moan
"Gotta stay still for me if you want this okay baby?" He says, pressing a hand down on your hips, as his continues to play with you before shoving in a finger without any notice making you moan even louder
"Shit doll" he scoffs "never been fucked like this before by that douche?" He says, laughing to himself as he pushes in another finger, curling them making you go absolutely crazy
As he continues to rip moans and whines from your mouth you could feel yourself getting close, "Schlatt m' close please-" as he speeds up his fingers, slipping in a third making you cum right there on his fingers as you arch your back and moan his name.
"Holy fucking shit." You say, looking up at Schlatt, sitting up on your shoulders.
"You think that we're finished here?" He says, making your eyes go wide as he chuckled at your reaction, as he pulls at his sweats, pulling both his sweatpants and boxer down in one swift move, as you see his cock spring up and hit his stomach, you arch your back at the thought of his length in you.
As he wastes no time, grabbing his dick and rubbing his tip up and down your folds, making you moan loudly, and without any further notice pushing himself in you, making both of you throw your heads back and groan, as he let you adjust to his size, "Let me see your phone toots" as you look up at him in confusion but grab it from the side of the bed and hand it to him, as he opens your phone snapping a picture of your fucked out face and his dick in you and sending proceeding to send it to somebody.
"Who'd you send that to?" You ask worryingly, "Nobody, but we better make this quick before we get interrupted okay toots?" He says as you nod and he quickly snaps his hips, pushing his cock deep into you making you fall back and grip the sheets, your legs still wrapped around his waist as he holds them and continues to push himself as deep into you as he could, groaning and moaning your name.
"Fuck baby you feel so fucking amazing, shit!" He says, his head thrown back as he's still fucking you so roughly the bed is moving with every thrust, throwing both you and him off the edge, "Fucking shit-!" You moan, as Schlatt leans down, kissing your neck sloppily, leaving more marks this time as he slows his thrusts
"Shit I'm close again Schlatt!" You cry out, gripping his hair again while he's still leaving hickeys all over your neck and chest, hearing this makes him fasten his pace, reaching his climax as he grips your hips, his grip surely leaving bruises but you could care less right now.
As both of your heads are thrown back still, he's fucking you like there's no tomorrow making him hit your g spot totally throwing you over the edge and crying his name out and you thug on his hair and ride out your high, tightening your thighs making him cum quickly after and collapsing on-top of you, both of you laying there trying to catch your breaths. 
"You don't know how long I've wanted to do that with you toots, thought I'd never have the chance" he admits, making you scoff and hit him lightly.
Shortly after you grab your phone to see that Schlatt had sent the photo of you fucked out on his dick to Andrew, and than silencing your phone, seeing how you had a bunch of missed calls and messages from him calling you a cheater and how could you do that to him, as you responded "just met your roommate put him on my to-do list."
As you laugh and show Schlatt, who's now cleaning you up with a warm rag and helping you into a fresh set of clothes, laughing and shaking his head 
"He's not gonna do anything toots, promise me and if he does it'll be to me" he says, pecking your cheek and carrying you to the living room, leaving the mess you guys made for your ex to see on his bed.
As time went on Schlatt had packed all your stuff into your car for you and went inside to go get you, "You ready toots? Or want me to drive you home" he asks with a grin on his face as you nod, leaving him to pick you up and put you in the passenger seat and start the car and start driving off to take you home
"What about you? How are you gonna get home?" You asked, "Ah, I'll just call an Uber or maybe stay at yours?" He says, a sly smirk on his face as he rests his right hand on your thigh rubbing circles with his thumb, and his left hand controls the steering wheel.
"Maybe we'll have a round 2 I don't know toots" he says, making you playfully slap him and making him chuckle and squeeze your thigh.
(P.s. u guys did indeed have round 2 🥰)
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oddballwriter · 9 months
My god I just finished reading all of your moon boys as dads blurbs and holy shit
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I was hoping you would write a blurb/one-shot where Marc just can't help but compare fem! reader (they have 2 sons) and his mother, but the reader doesn't act the way his mom would and that is slowly but surely healing him. Maybe also where their younger boy gets hurt while playing with his brother and she calms their oldest by saying "It wasn't your fault, you didn't do it on purpose". Poor Marc would definitely start crying as soon as they're alone. Anyway, toodles!
Healing Wounds
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Summary: Fatherhood was something that really healed Marc in a way that he couldn't imagine, and with that, situations are a lot less stress-inducing and let him enjoy finer moments with his family.
Warnings: Talk about Marc's trauma. Thoughts of self-doubt and being unable to let go of the past. Y/N and Marc (and the rest) being good parents. A whole lot of fluff at the end.  
Author’s Snip: We love letting our man heal his mental and emotional wounds.
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Word Count: 859
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It was kind of funny. Of course, you and him end up having two sons. It just had to happen like that didn't it. It wasn't like he didn't want them. God, no. Marc would never trade his boys for anything and he knows that neither would you.
But it was always there in the back of his mind. The faintest overlay in his vision and memory to back when he was a kid and all of its awful moments. All the screaming, crying, pain, and moments and milestones that were stained no matter how much he tried to scrub the bad out.
With your first, Aaron, there was the dread of being a parent and doing it wrong. He didn't want to get any of it wrong but there was the dilemma of where exactly he was meant to be. Too much of a pushover then his son would be spoiled and never get the hang of life. Too strict and demanding then he'd just be her. And Marc would rather die than even be her in the slightest. It was a hard thing for him to balance in his own mind. Marc was gone for a while but you all knew that it was for him to reflect and gather himself. Marc very much still had some wounds that he needed to lick before he took that journey.
And he did great. All three of them did great in their own ways but Marc clearly felt more comfortable and secure with himself being a dad and also working with you. You knew deep down that you were a part of that security, that the image was mostly on you. And you made sure that Marc never saw her in you even once. It's not like you were planning too, of course. You couldn't even imagine doing such things, or how any mother could have the audacity.
But when Matthew, or Matty as you all call him, came along there was a new dilemma that brought on more thoughts that wouldn't leave him alone. But Marc knew that Aaron and you managed to heal those wounds, so he knew that this would heal up so much more. He just needed to believe in himself and you, and the process.
Marc had the usual talk that a parent would with a soon-to-be older sibling, the whole "Just because we're having another one and are giving them more attention doesn't mean we don't love you. They just need more attention because they're small". Aaron understood, matter of fact he seemed really excited to be an older brother. Marc took that and made it something to use for healing. You and him taught Aaron how to help take care of Matthew and how to hold him, letting him be a part of his baby brother's life.
Years went by and they both grew, you bought a house, Marc started feeling better, and everything felt perfect. Sure, there were some moments but they never really impacted anything. There was no fear, no nights spent laying awake worrying about something happening, no moments where the ghosts of a past long since passed showed up in his mind.
That was until one day when everything was seemingly normal. You were doing something, Marc wasn't really paying attention and also couldn't remember what he was doing either. The boys were playing in the backyard. But at some point, you both hear a scream and then a cry coming from the backyard.
Rushing out, you find Matthew sitting on the grass crying and holding his foot while Aaron is kneeling next to him and looks upset and panicked. You go and pick up Matthew while Aaron is repeating "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." and possibly about to cry himself. That's when it all gets Marc, and hard.
He feels overwhelmed by everything, but just before it gets too much he sees you try and settle your boys down. "What happened?" you asked Aaron calmly while holding Matthew who was sniffling into your shoulder. "We were playing soccer and he was going to get the ball in my goal so I tried to stop him, but I didn't know where his foot was so when I kicked he fell." Aaron explains as he starts to cry. You kneel down to his eye level, "Hey, it's okay, sweetie." you shush, "Was it an accident?" you ask. Aaron nods as he whips his tears. "Okay, then it wasn't your fault. You didn't mean to trip him." you say as you help him whip away his tears. "Are you okay, Matty?" you ask the smaller boy to which he nods.
"Alright. Then why don't we just hug it out and maybe sit down for a little or do something inside, yeah?" you suggest. The two boys immediately go in for the group hug, but you glance up at Marc, seeing him watch the whole thing, and gesture for him to join in. Marc, trying to hold back the water in his eyes, joins in. It lasts a few seconds but Marc can feel the situation healing up something again.
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cowboybeepboop · 1 year
Late Night Fantasy
“Princess, is this okay?” “That’s my good girl,”
Tumblr media
Pairing: Steve Harrington x AFAB reader
Genre: romantic smut
Word count: 2066
Summary: An innocent sleepover turns to something less than innocent
Warnings: perv steve, perv steve as your bff, play fighting, not proof read, masturbating, just oral sex, sappy ending, lots of lovey-dovey nicknames
a/n: i see a lot of like Eddie being a perv as your best friend and I could not find much steve as a pervy best friend so in the same fashion as how this started (me writing smut), I’ll just do it myself. Also this literally took like 4 months to write and idk why. Since I’m on break I’ll hopefully be uploading more frequently <3
We’re just friends.
We're just friends.
We're just friends.
Steve repeats the same thing over and over again, barely being able to keep his mind off of you. It didn't help that you showed up on his doorstep in a soaked white t-shirt with a bright red bra underneath, it especially didn't help that he knew you were naked 50 feet away from him in his shower. It was almost like you did it on purpose. Like you knew he wouldn't be able to keep his thoughts pure.
For fucks sake. He runs a hand through his hair while slouching on his couch, he grabs the remote flipping through every channel until he finds some romance movie that he could cringe at. Because at least that would stunt his erection.
That was until you came into the living room, wearing his shirt and sweatpants, you smelled like him, you were wearing his clothes. Holy hell did he love this.
“Oh my god steve, I cant believe youre watching this without me.” you plop down next to him on the couch, drying your hair with the towel he gave you.
“Hm?” his eyes flicker to the screen, “Oh, yeah it was the only decent thing on.” he shrugs.
“Sure, sure.” you smirk, “I’m sure you were totally uninterested in seeing this hunk fall for his best friend who has been there all along, waiting for him to just notice her,” your tone is sarcastic and dramatic all at once.
“Y/N shut the fuck up,” he rolls his eyes and reaches for the remote.
“Wow Steve, no reason to resort to foul language,” you steal the remote from him, putting it on the other side of you.
“Give that back,” he furrows his eyebrows while crossing his arms over his chest.
“And what if I don't wanna?” you bat your eyelashes innocently and pout your lips. He leans over you grabbing the remote, you push him back, straddling his hips as you take it away. “Steveee, I’m watching this. Don’t be cruel,”
“I’ll let you watch it as long as you never whine again, you know I hate that shit.” you smile sweetly.
“I know,” you pat his cheek lightly, “it always makes you cave.” his hands rest on your hips, his body wants to grind them against his, but his brain is fighting every urge.
You shimmy off his lap, turning your attention back to the tv, Steve sits up and pulls your legs onto his lap.
“You'll be more comfortable laying down,” he nods, proud of his stupid excuse. You shrug it off fully laying down, his hands run up and down your legs.
Steve is driving himself insane. Why did he want your body on his, he knew it would give him a raging boner if your thigh was almost touching his dick, he felt like roaming his hands on your legs was taking advantage of you in some way.
God hes a fucking pervert and he knows it. He just doesn't care anymore.
Steve notices you sleeping, this makes him smile to himself. He turns off the tv and picks you up bridal style, carrying you to his room. He lightly tosses you onto the bed, pulling the covers off so he can cover you up later, he pulls off the sweats you were wearing.
Harrington chews on his bottom lip softly as his thoughts run wild, on one hand he should probably deal with his boner before you wake up, but on the other hand youd probably freak the fuck out if you woke up alone in a bed you werent previously on.
“Baby,” Steve whispers into your ear as he pulls up the blanket, covering you up. You groan quietly and turn to face away from him, “Y/N,” he tries again.
“What is it,” you mumble, half asleep.
“I’m going to take a shower,” rolling over you look at him sleepily. “Okay?” Steve questions softly, nodding in response you pull the covers over your head.
“Don’t take too long, Stevie.” Harrington practically sprints to his bathroom, he turns the shower on and strips. As soon as he takes his boxers off his dick jumps straight up, he sighs running a hand through his hair whilst biting on his lower lip.
Around 5 minutes pass with you tossing and turning before you give up on trying to fall back asleep, sitting up you cross your arms over your chest yawning quietly. Soft groans fill the air causing you to perk up, looking in the direction that they’re coming from, you slow your breathing trying to stay as silent as possible.
Steve groans out your name and you hop out of the bed, knocking on the bathroom door, “Harrington, is everything alright?” shit, shit, shit. His thoughts run all over the place, he hisses silently while keeping his hand around his cock.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?” Steve swallows a moan as he pictures you on your knees in front of him, your pretty little lips wrapped around his dick, leaving lipstick rings on his flesh.
“I heard some groaning, and I thought I heard my name. Are you sure you’re alright?” your hand is wrapped around the golden doorknob as you press your ear into the door.
“Mhm, everything is 100% okay,” Steve tries to keep his voice as normal as possible, though it shakes a bit as his movements become sloppier.
“Can I come in? Just so we can talk or something. It’s too quiet in your room,” Harrington’s eyebrows furrow as he throws his head back against the tiles, warm water spilling all over his chest.
“Of course, Angel,” his voice is barely loud enough to hear over the running water. Nevertheless, you open the door and take a seat on the lid of the toilet. Even though you came inside with the disguise of having a conversation, the room stays silent other than the shower running.
“Could you hand me a towel?” Steve sighs quietly, he’ll just have to have blue balls until you fall back asleep and he can sneak away again. You squeeze your eyes shut as you open the shower curtain to hand him the towel. “What darlin? Not even gonna try to sneak a peek?”
“Steve, don’t even joke about that,” his eyes trail over your body. You turn your back to him, keeping your eyes on the wall. He wraps his arms around your back, flooding your senses with the smell of his body wash and shampoo.
“You’re getting my shirt wet,” you pull at his arms, trying to remove them from your waist.
“I can get other things wet too,” Steve whispers into your ear, chills run down your spine as your face turns red.
“Steve!” you laugh softly while shaking your head. “You’re so childish,” your body relaxes into his.
“Y/N,” Harringtons voice is low as his lips hover over your nape, he moves a hand lower on your hip, squeezing gently. “I’m serious,” he presses a kiss onto your neck, “stop me if you’re uncomfortable, okay?” his hand slips into your panties, using two fingers he runs them between your folds.
Your legs close subconsciously as you lean your head back against his shoulder, eyes tightly shut and lips parted. Steve pushes a finger into your hole, rubbing your clit with his thumb. “This okay, Sunshine?” using his free arm, he squeezes your breast.
“Mhm,” you bite down on your lower lip, moaning softly. Steve kisses the back of your neck, finger fucking you gently.
He inserts a second finger, widening his pointer and middle finger to stretch you out, you grasp onto his upper arm while trying to hold back moans.
“Let me hear you,” he whispers into your ear before biting on your earlobe, “don’t hold back, Y/N.” Harrington kisses your jawline, pulling your face to his, your eyes lock with his. “Fuck Y/N,” he kisses you passionately, pulling his hand from your panties and flipping you around.
Your fingers tangle into his hair while Steve's hands cup your ass. He lifts you up letting you wrap your legs around his waist. He carries you into his bedroom, laying you down on the bed gently, his fingers hook around the waistband of your panties.
Harrington leans over your body, leaving a trail of kisses as he lowers himself onto his knees and pulls your hips to the edge of his bed. Steve brushes his lips over your hip bones, he pulls your panties off, throwing them to the side.
“Princess, is this okay?” he locks eyes with you, his breath fanning over your pussy. You nod rapidly while leaning your head back, “I wanna hear you say it,” he leans away from you.
“Steve, Steve, please. I want this, I want you, please,” he smirks, dipping his head down, he sucks dark marks into your thighs.
“That’s my good girl,” wrapping his arms around your legs he spreads them wide, he kisses wet kisses up your thighs sucking in a deep breath as he reaches your throbbing clit.
Your body twitches in anticipation, he licks a long stripe between your folds, his lips landing on your pink nub. Harrington sucks on your clit gently, pressing his nose into your warm flesh.
You moan loudly, arching your body into him, “oh god,” he flicks his tongue against the sensitive bud. Sending shivers all over your body, his fingertips squeeze into your flesh.
Steve pushes two fingers into your cunt, moving them in and out at an achingly slow pace, he sticks his tongue under your clit hood. Running the tip back and forth, before flicking upwards, he used his thumbs to keep your pussy lips spread. You feel a pressure building in your core, like an itch in your gut.
“Cum for my baby.. I want to taste you, my pretty girl,” he mumbles against your sweaty skin as sensations continue to build in my core demanding release. You tangle your fingers in his hair pulling him as close as you can.
He rubs the tip of his nose at the right angle into the sensitive bundle, hitting just the right spot. Your body shakes, you try to pull away as an itchy feeling of ecstasy takes over your brain, he presses his thumb onto your clit, rubbing circles. You moan loudly as the itch starts to become overwhelming but he won't let up, he keeps pushing and prodding until cum spills out of your pulsing hole.
He licks up every last bit of cum he can, he wipes his mouth with a proud expression painted on his face, leaving his fingers to keep playing with your pussy pushing the orgasm further. Steve sits you up and brushes your hair back with his clean hand, tucking the loose strands behind your ear.
“God, you’re so hot like this,” his voice is low and hoarse. Steve presses kisses on your collarbones, he pulls you into his lap.
“Steve..” you mumble against his chest, he lays back and pulls you against him.
“Yeah baby?” His hand reaches up to your head caressing your hair softly, “if you’re tired, then sleep” he whispers softly.
You press both hands against his lower stomach, lifting yourself off of him “not yet,” you move between his legs taking his hard dick in your hand, you peer up at him innocently as you wrap your lips around his tip. Steve moans while he wraps his fingers in your hair, pulling at the roots.
“Fuck, I’ve been dreaming about this forever.” he grunts as you start to lower yourself on his length, pushing it in as far as you can. His hips buck up into your mouth, “Darlin’ it won’t take much to get me off, you don’t have-” he cuts himself off as you begin bobbing your head up and down on his dick.
Much to his own dismay it took just a few minutes before he came, his eyebrows furrowed as his chest rises and falls rapidly. Steve grasps your arms gently and guides you onto him, he wraps his arms around you pulling you in for a hug. “Let’s sleep, Y/N”, he mumbles into your ear, closing his eyes.
You nod against him, your eyes begin to feel tired as the sound of his heart beat draws you to sleep.
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bengiyo · 3 months
Wandee Goodday Ep 8 Stray Thoughts
Last week, everything went to shit. Dee's dumb ass went to Ter's apartment in his kink outfit when he was expecting to have a romantic dinner with Yak for whatever reason. Kao showed up and didn't kick Ter's ass, but Dee got mad at Yak for introducing Ter to the school of Talk Shit, Get Hit. Yak ended up taking his necklace back and then blowing his next fight, clearly causing more money problems for Oyei. Ter passed out drunk on Dee when they were in Japan, and I am over that man. Dee and Yak finally kissed, but it was not emotionally rewarding in the least.
What the fuck?? Why is he giving the necklace back already?? Nothing is fixed!!!
I know they're into sex play, but I see we're letting Dee blow smoke up Yak's ass now. Ter is a doctor so he can't get his ass beat? Fuck him and fuck that. Why won't Dee let him kiss still??
So the dad isn't in the picture? We need to dig into why they need to be world champions after their shitty dad.
I am going to need to revisit Yak's school angst in light of him asking Oyei to help him become a world champion. I had presumed he was pushed into doing this.
Hold on, what is going on with this trip at the gym??
As interesting as a mental health plotline might be...can we NOT have Kao treat Yak, too??
Not the devil trying to ask Dee to the not-prom.
Why does Yak have to go because of Ter? I thought we were done with the make him jealous shit. Worse, are we using it to push Yak to do something again?
I know we not pretending we give a shit about the neighbors when they were playing that guitar at 3:30 in the morning before.
Dee still thinks they're being fuck buddies and fake boyfriends? Please be serious.
Well, the money issues are back.
I'm glad Golf got to direct the first episode of a show acknowledging the marriage bill passing.
This proposal got me. He needs to put a proper ring on this man after we solve this money crisis.
I don't like Taem getting jealous now. She's rebuffed this man for most of the show.
Well, this is turning dark. Been a while since we had to hate an AJ character.
Why would Yak not just say Taem is in danger?? He understands emergencies!
Why would Dee make sure everyone knows he's alone?
So, Team is right that she probably didn't lead this dude on. He deserves to get what's coming to him. I'm just confused about why we're doing this now because the primary purpose of this scene is to separate gays.
Let's be clear: The Devil said he wasn't into men. Why is he here now? Why is he determined now? The mirroring of the vanilla line is just not landing for me, because I just don't get why Dee is still caught up in proving something with The Devil at this stage.
Kwan did not deserve this, holy shit.
Clothes perfectly clean after a fight and a run? I'm impressed.
Did the devil really go looking for Kwan?? Hell to the no!
I like Yoryak saying he loves Dee plainly, but like last week, I didn't like how we got here.
This show baffles me. I want to like it, but it's just not coming together into something I can really enjoy. It's a real bummer for me.
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bluelizze · 4 months
I DECIDED TO MAKE A POST ABOUT MY GENERINE REACTIONS TO ACCIDENTAL BF PT 4 (omg pls read this series it’s a gem by the wonderful @tenkover)
also i was just causally looping this edit while i was doing this
"You reach up and fix his crooked septum. He blushes. That damn thing."
SINCE WHEN DID TOMURA HAD A SEPTUM (ngl I actually looked up what it was bc idk what it was and I WAS SHOCKED MY JAW DROPPED)
“Why would I want to,” Tomura smiles and kisses the top of your head. He wants to absorb you… you can crawl into his ribcage any day and make yourself at home."
“The Izuku thing, for example, like, we started off as friends just getting to know each other and out of the blue he gets handsy. It felt like all the friendship building was just… fake– and it was. His entire personality changed when I told him I won't be with him. I've had that happen before. It makes me feel… so alone. Or just generally talking to men. If you're nice you are flirting and they feel entitled to your… well, body. It hurts. And if you aren't nice… you put yourself in danger. My dad taught me to always be polite– well, too much because…. I was nice to my stalker. It's dumb– I am. That's also why I always do what people want… it is the path of least resistance.”
also reader being real here bc I always feel like I have to put on a mask around certain people so I sometimes have identity crisis (that’s why I relate to furina and mafuyu A LOT)
“He's always late!” Himiko sighs. “I'd never let you wait, (Y/N)-chan! If Tomura ever lets you wait– just text me, kay?”
“Really? Voice changer? Cmon, man,” Tomura says and pinches his nose.
“Is it because… your friend who got a girlfriend?” He sobs.
OMG????? Does touya love reader?!?! (I wouldn’t be surprised if that were the case)
“Y-Yes. Sorry. I… I wanted to ask if I can soft launch you on Instagram?”
“When I'm back… can we maybe go on a date? Get Boba and sit in the park?
BOBA DATE BOBA DATE BOBA DATE (I’m drinking one rn)
“Please just leave… go to your boyfriend.” You frown and a lump grows steadily in your throat. You look at the back of his head. His light hair looks badly tangled. “Touya… is that the problem?” “Yep.”
OH I AM RIGHT!!! (not but surprised but STILL THE REVEAL 😤😤😤)
Yes. Thank… you. Hey, one more thing… you're not a serial killer?” “When does it become serial?” “After 5?” “Oh no then we're good.”
“During semester break he showed up here and introduced himself as my boyfriend to my dad. I don’t know if you know how charming Izuku can be… my dad loved him. And… I had to play along because if my dad knew that I have a stalker he would never let me go back to uni. So… when he finally pissed off I tried to do damage control and told my dad that I was planning to break up with him– this is so stupid.”
IZUKU you mother fucker 🙃
He snorts. “Talk later… honey..?”
HE CALLS US HONEY 🥹🥹🥹 (I love nicknames like those)
Toshinori wraps his arms around you, almost smothering you with the intensity of his embrace. “Kid, you don’t ever need to justify coming home.”
“You love him,” Toshinori chuckles and wipes his hands on a kitchen towel before starting to chop up some tomatoes. “You should see how your eyes are sparkling right now.”
“You are Dabi!” You wave the phone.
“Holy shit. Now I get what you were saying– Tomura is the guy you have a crush on."
omg first spinner and now touya. everyone having a crush on tomura on this fic and honstly, that's valid
"Dude, I thought you were confessing TO ME!”
“No– did you just forget I am gay or what?! Be for real.”
Tenko doesn't remember and Tomura can't face the truth.
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sable-skies · 2 months
I wanna see some drama.
oh boy this is gonna be interesting.
okay okay so lets make a few things clear: I haven't played every zelda game, so my opinions on the boys are mostly based on vibes or my personal headcanons for them! For reference, I've played a lot of modern loz games, but not a lot of the old ones. so take my opinions with the biggest grain of salt :]
We'll go in ascending order of good boy to scrimblo, because i love the dramatics.
9. Good Lad - Time.
Okay, I'm so sorry to all the OoT and MM enjoyers out there, but I do not care for these games. I have no attachment to them, and growing up on the internet in the late 2000s and early 2010s, where everyone and their mom acted like OoT was the tits with fries, has forever kinda ruined my relationship with those games. I acknowledge what they did for the series, and that they're important for 3D Zelda's as a whole, but holy shit. People on the internet were OBNOXIOUS
That being said, I still love Time! I'm more attached to him via the Hero's Shade rather than his own games, but I still like him regardless. I don't have many thoughts on him though past enjoying that he acts like a perpetually old man. Yknow that one post thats like "hey grandpa." "THE WARRR" "okay." Thats him.
Overall, 10/10 lad, I enjoy him a lot and I feel like he'd be nice to me so we're even steven.
8. Gooder Lad - Warriors.
It's been so long since I've played Hyrule Warriors, and I never played its DLC because I was a poor teenager at the time, but I appreciate the captain a lot! He's only higher than Time because I've actually played his games, so a technicality really.
Otherwise I love this slightly arrogant but otherwise whole and good hearted fella, and I love it when people give him dragon imagery. I also like to think he might be the most normal guy out of the entire group, like he's got a 401K and a retirement organized back in his time, so when he talks to everyone else and learns that they're literally just wild children he's like "huh. hm."
7. Gooby Lad - Wind.
THE GROUP BABEY!! THE ITTY BITTY FELLA!! Love him, love him so much. It's been years since I played Wind Waker and I never played Phantom Hourglass, but I loved this guys whole 100+ personality and everything. And dude, his whole journey being one fueled by personal stakes to get his sister back? Love it, absolutely love it.
I like to think he's the group baby at 13, with Four being 14, and it pisses him off endlessly. He wants to grow up so he can be of use to everyone around him, but little does he know that everyone wants to protect him because they want him to enjoy his youth, not like the rest of them who lost it in some form or another. Overall, excellent lad.
6. Goodest Lad - Four.
Again, did not play this dude's games, but I read the Four Swords manga so I'm a bit more familiar with his whole vibe. Hell a couple of years ago I did a headcanon post on how he divides into four people (based on personality theories), and I like his depth because of it.
I also love how he's probably given too much responsibility because of his maturity within the group, he's still a kid but because he acts a lot older sometimes the others just kinda forget. I also like to think that when he's having an internal/emotional issue he'll write up a note, split himself, and let the four figure it out. they'll find the note and it says some shit like "20 minutes. Figure it out. (please)"
Also he's excellent material for the burnt out gifted child. Love that for him.
5. The slightest of scrimblo - Hyrule
THIS DUDEEEE a few years ago I kinda dipped back into LU for a bit and found this artist that made some fucking like. renaissance shit for him and that's what unlocked my love for this dude. Unfortunately, I cannot remember the artist so i must live with the memory.
I really like how alone he was in his journey, how he only had the land and nature itself to guide him and offer comfort. Love how when he enters a bigger group he has to learn how to work in that setting, alongside maybe come out of his wilderness tended shell. Also I like to think that his possible fae traits make him a bit more uncanny than people realize.
4. A bit more blorbo - Sky
Eepy guy (just like me FRRR), overall fatigued but still kind hearted fella, I love it. I loved his game (fuck you Arin Hansen /j), and I love the personal stakes he has in that game as well. It's actually the only LoZ game that makes me a ZeLink truther, because otherwise I'm neutral on it.
What I also enjoy about him a lot is the untapped terrifying energy he could have. He's a god-killer, Hylia's Chosen Hero, he may not show it a lot, but I think he has the potential to really fuck some shit up but chooses kindness. I would love to write something someday where he's forced to choose otherwise.
But yeah squishy soft guy oh my goodness wubwuwbuwbuwbwubwb :33333
3. Blorbo parasitism - Wild.
The first parasite. The first brainworm on this list. I need to get an anti-parasite antibiotic.
OBVIOUSLY all the angst and buildup from his games is so much fun. I love when he has an internal crisis of going back to who he was 100 years ago, a quiet and burdened knight, or allowing himself to remain free-spirited and a bit deranged that his new life has given him. It's such a fun dynamic. And of course, I love his bond with Twilight. I think he needs someone to set him on the right path every once in awhile.
I also like to think he has a subtle undead quality to him. Similar to his mentor, something is inherently wrong with him on a spiritual or magical level, but that's for later. (maybe)
2. The ultimate stink - Twilight.
THE GUY!!! MY FAVORITE GUY!! No matter what he will always be the number 1 Link incarnation in my heart. I love him so much and when things get rough I just gotta be like "Twilight wouldn't want this for me" and keep on fuck it we ballin.
The untapped ANGST and TRAUMA from his journey drives me insane, I literally could write a whole essay about the shit he endured and how that must have affected him. I wanna write something one day about it but alas, perpetually tired, and I'm nervous about my writing so wheh.
Also I like to think he's horror adjacent. Don't ask me why, I couldn't tell you, but he has the same vibe as the dog from The Thing (1982) to me and I love that for him.
Actual fucking war criminal parasite in my head GET OUT GET OUT GET OUTTTT - Legend.
UGH this fucker. Who let this guy in???? Kill him, smasha with rock.
But on a serious note, while I finished his games (only really played ALBW), the depth he has from those adventures intrigues me endlessly. I love his bitter exterior yet still warm and kind heart, I love characters who act mean but are genuinely good deep down, they just need time to show it.
Also something possesses me when I draw him that makes him look so much more cunty than he actually is and I don't know what it is. I'm sorry for this, I cannot fight what the universe is clearly telling me to do.
He only outrights Twilight rn, because otherwise he would switch places with him. For now he's in my head and I'm shining sunlight on him through a magnifying glass like he's an ant on the pavement. Something Will Happen To Him if I have anything to say about it.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 5 months
More Than Words
A Rovickie one-shot with a side of Jargyle and Platonic Vargyle. Okay, platonic Vargyle turned out to be a big side. Oops.
Vickie had wanted to be paired up with Robin for their next and supposedly last mission, but Hopper had other plans. It might have been a smart idea, though, she thought. She would have just gotten distracted, but she hadn't really had a chance to talk with Robin since all of this happened. It all had to happen quickly, though, to save Hawkins. They were sure that this time, Vecna would be destroyed or, rather, they hoped he would be now that more people were in the know and were willing to help out.
Argyle and Vickie were on guard duty while the others took on the main mission. They all had their own little jobs. Vickie couldn't believe how much Robin had spoken up for her and trusted her enough to have her watch over Max. Jonathan had trusted Argyle enough to watch over Max as well. They didn't know the girl at all or the others, but Vickie was learning quickly that these people were family and they would do anything for each other. It was so clear to see.
"I don't like them either," Argyle spoke up.
Vickie stopped humming to Kate Bush, the music that was currently playing in the hospital room, and looked at Argyle, who stood on the other side of Max's bed.
"Pardon?" Vickie asked.
"Guns," Argyle said, raising his own. "You had this weird look on your face, man, I thought it was the guns. I hate having to use them, but I will if it means protecting this girl."
"I was just thinking about how close these guys are," Vickie said.
"And you feel like you're intruding a little even though they put their trust in you?" Argyle asked.
"Yes! How'd you know?" She asked.
"I'm more than just a pretty face, Lady Vickie," Argyle said, and then he paused. "I feel the same way, too. It feels odd. They all have this history, and I feel like we're both coming in during the final inning. . .did I get that right?"
"Yes, well, I'm glad I'm not alone in feeling this way. I know it's not the most important thing, right now. . .I just feel weird, and I'm glad to be helping here, but I also wish that I was out there with Robin and helping her, you know? I mean, what if she dies? What if I die and I never get to tell her how I feel? But again, there are more important things to worry about right now than that, but then I think about her lips and the fact that she rambles just like me - do you know how many people have told me to just shut up and that no one cares about what I think and the fact that Robin understands that, that she makes me feel like I'm not the only one in the world who does that, who's not a freak for talking like this - and holy shit, I just came out to you before coming out to Robin! I don't even know you!" Vickie exclaimed and slapped a hand over her mouth.
"It's alright, I get it. I'm the same way with Jonathan. I'm still not sure if he's still with Nancy or not," Argyle said. "We're both lone wolves with a shit ton of anxiety. I wanted so badly to help him with that when he first moved to California. . .this adorable boy, who looked completely out of his element. I just wanted to hug the stuffing out of him. We both had shitty dads and were both raised by a single mom with a ton of anxiety because of it. No one ever really wanted to be my friend before because people think I'm too weird, and I say stupid things, but most of it is just me trying to brighten people's day. School sucks, I just thought I could make their day, but it took me a long time to realize that they were laughing at me and then pretending to be my friend for my weed. Jonathan was never like that. He was my first real friend. He actually thought I was funny, and I didn't need to try so hard to be funny around him. I didn't have to be afraid when the laughter stopped with him."
"So, you drove him all the way from California to Indiana and risked your life doing so?" Vickie asked with a soft understanding smile.
"Wouldn't you do the same for Robin?" Argyle asked.
"I would," she said sweetly.
Argyle and Vickie shared a knowing smile with each other. It was nice to know that she wasn't alone with feeling this way, and she was starting to feel relieved that it was Argyle she had been stuck with. . .happily stuck here with. Vickie stared at Max's prone form and Argyle's eyes followed her line of sight.
"I hope she wakes up," Argyle said.
"Me too," Vickie said softly and touched Max's fingers. "Hey, I know that you don't me, but my name is Vickie, and this here is Argyle. We're looking out for you while your family is out there fighting for you. No pressure or anything, but I hope you're fighting just as hard as they are. I know my word doesn't mean anything to you because we're complete strangers, but I want you to know that we're going to fight just as hard for you."
"You should listen to her, man. She knows what she's talking about," Argyle said to Max. "And not just because she's also a redhead like you."
Vickie grinned, flashing her dimples at him. Suddenly, their radios crackled to life.
"Fuck! Goddamnit! Demogorgons in the hospital - stupid, Callahan!" Powell's voice said. "One is heading your way, Miss Fisher and Mr. Argyle!"
They had been guarding the entrance to the hospital along with some of the people who served and people who just wanted to fight. Vickie and Argyle paled. He raised his gun and faced the door while remaining on that side of the bed. His long hair was braided and out of the way. It was startling to see his usual soft face suddenly become hard. Vickie shook her head and turned away from him, pointing her own gun at the door. They heard the sound of the demogorgon coming closer, and then they heard it trying to get in. There were tons of objects blocking its path, and she hoped it was slowing it down. Heart pounding in her chest, she managed not to jump when it finally burst through the door. It opened its face and roared.
Vickie and Argyle began to fire immediately. The force of the bullets stunned it for a moment, and it flew back into the mirror that was hanging in the room. Shards of glass fell onto the floor. It only pissed it off. Argyle's weapon ran out of bullets, or it jammed, she wasn't sure. Either way, he tossed it aside and threw his entire body on top of Max's.
"You have to get to me before you get to her, asshole!" Argyle yelled as its claws swiped at his leg, causing him to bleed.
Vickie kept firing, but she ran out of bullets, too. The demogorgon roared again and moved closer, stumbling on the glass. It was bent down at an odd angle now. She saw a shard of glass on the ground and swiped it up immediately. Vickie used the hospital bed as a jumping off point and wrapped herself around its back. She plunged the glass into its neck, not caring that it was also cutting into her hand. Vickie screamed as she stabbed the thing in the neck repeatedly. She did a lot of damage, but it wasn't what stopped it or made it collapse. She fell to the ground with it, and a moment later, everything started shaking. Vickie moved to sit against the hospital bed, Argyle sliding down to sit next to her. She took Argyle's hand with her cut up one and held onto it tightly despite the pain. The shaking stopped a few minutes later.
"Do you think it's over?" Argyle whispered.
"I hope so," Vickie said. "I really hope this means it's done."
"The demogorgon is dead, so I think so," he replied.
"God, my hand is fucked up," Vickie whimpered.
"Yeah, so is my leg," Argyle said.
"We're quite a pair, aren't we? I think I know what this means now," Vickie said. "We're what Steve and Robin are, I think. What's that word. . .it's completely fallen out of my head."
"I think you're in shock, man," Argyle said. "So am I. I could go for some purple palm tree delight right about now."
"Yeah, me too," Vickie said and paused. "Wait, what's that?"
"Weed," he replied.
"Ah, never had any. . .always wanted to try, though," Vickie said.
"I'll show you the ropes," Argyle said.
"Thanks," Vickie said and winced.
"Platonic!" Argyle exclaimed.
"That's it," she giggled.
"I can't believe that I had to come to Indiana in the middle of Apocalypse to find my platonic soulmate," Argyle said.
"I feel like that should be on a shirt," she said and winced again. "God, my hand!"
"I have two good ones. I'll let you use my other one as long as you give it back," he said.
"Done. As long as you are willing to use my leg and give it back to me when you're done," Vickie replied.
They both burst into laughter, which is how the others found them after they came screaming down the hallway with news that they had won. They froze at the sight of them laughing and looked in confusion at the pair. Steve and Robin seemed to somehow get it, though, smiling at them in understanding. The smile slipped off of Robin's face when she saw Vickie's hand.
"Oh, my God! Vickie, your hand!" Robin exclaimed.
"I'm fine now that you're here," Vickie said as Robin knelt down next to her.
"Argyle! Your leg!" Jonathan exclaimed as he rushed over to him.
"All I need is a little bit of purple palm tree delight, and I'm good to go, man," Argyle said. "Also, Vickie wanted to try some."
"What the fuck? Who's there? It's fucking dark. . .can someone turn on the lights?" Max's voice startled everyone.
Lucas was by her bedside in an instant, jumping over the dead demogorgon to get to her.
"I'm here, Max," Lucas said.
"Lucas. . .?" Max asked. "Fuck, I'm blind, aren't I?"
"I'm here, Max," Lucas whispered as he placed his hand on her cheek. "I'm here."
The next morning, Vickie had woken up before anyone else. They were all at Steve's house, the base of operations doubling as a shelter as well. She was sitting in the kitchen, staring at her bandaged hand that was resting on the island. She wiped the tears away with her unbandaged hand, and then she hurried to clean her face when she heard familiar voices coming closer.
"I really think you're doing it on purpose, Robin," Steve said as he walked into the kitchen.
"My mother herself told you that I've been kicking in my sleep since the womb. You were warned," Robin said, following him.
"Whatever, I'm up now," Steve said. "Oh, hey, Vickie. Are you an early riser, or does your dad kick in his sleep, too?"
"No," Vickie giggled. "By the way, thanks for letting us stay here."
"You're welcome. The more the merrier. Although, I wish it were under better circumstances," Steve said.
Vickie burst into tears and threw herself into Robin's arms.
"I dreamed you were eaten by a demogorgon, and I couldn't save you!" Vickie sobbed. "And I never got to tell you how much you mean to me that I like you how I like boys, which I guess means I also like women. It's weird but a good kind of weird, you know. I mean, I should have known when I kept pausing on Phoebe Cates's boobs, you know?"
"You know, I'm going to go. . .somewhere else. Uh, I'm cool with it, by the way, Vickie," Steve said. "I'm bisexual too."
He left the kitchen. Vickie pulled back and stared at Robin.
"I'm bisexual?" Vickie asked.
"If that's what sounds right to you. . .I'm a lesbian," Robin said. "I like you how I've always liked girls. It's weird but a good kind of weird."
"You like me?" Vickie asked softly, sniffling.
"I really do. You absolutely drive me crazy in a good way, and I like the way you laugh, especially when I make you laugh. I like the fact that you have a good heart and you're willing to go out of your way to help people. You went above and beyond for Max. You and Argyle both. I love the fact that you ramble like me because I know I'm not the only one who does it, who's not alone in getting odd looks from people when you just can't stop the words from escaping. You make me lose my words more than anyone, and I honestly could just sit here rambling forever. . .to know that you would be there rambling with me would be a dream come true. You're the girl of my dreams, Vickie Fisher," Robin said.
"You're the girl of my dreams, too, Robin Buckley," she whispered. "You know. . .I think I've finally run out of words."
Robin grinned, picked her up, and set her on the counter before stepping in between her legs. Vickie's heart leaped into her throat, her stomach full of butterflies now. She wrapped her arms around Robin's neck and drew her in for a kiss. Her lips molded against Robin's perfectly, her lips as soft as she thought they'd be. There were so many good things to do with your mouth. . .talking, kissing. . .oh, she definitely liked kissing Robin. A euphoric feeling filled her up, from her toes to her stomach to the top of her head. She wrapped her legs around Robin, her hand running through her hair, and nibbled on Robin's lip. Vickie smirked when she let out a moan. Everything around them no longer existed. It was just Robin and Vickie wrapped up in each other. Robin. Robin. Robin. It was the only word floating around in her head. Suddenly, the door to the kitchen burst open.
"Oh! You got the girl!" Argyle said cheerfully. "Way to go, my dude!"
Argyle and Jonathan stood in the kitchen with Steve breathing heavily behind them. Vickie noticed that Argyle was holding Jonathan's hand.
"I see you got the boy," Vickie grinned.
"Hell yeah!" Argyle exclaimed and high fived her. "Well, we'll get out of your hair. Jonathan had a bad dream, so we came in here for a glass of water."
"Oh, don't feel like you have to leave. The kitchen is a common area," Vickie said.
"What are you guys doing up so early? I mean, besides making out in the kitchen," Jonathan said.
"I had a bad dream, and apparently Robin kicks Steve in her sleep," Vickie said.
She looked at Robin and smiled, loving how flushed the other woman looked. She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. Robin grinned.
"I don't think I'll be able to get back to sleep," Robin said.
They all gathered around the island, and for a moment, there were no words needed. It was just the feeling of being around each other, knowing that you weren't alone after everything you've been through. Sometimes words were needed, and sometimes they weren't. Vickie enjoyed the feeling of having Robin in her arms. They didn't talk or ramble. . .they had the rest of their lives to do that. Vecna was dead, Hawkins was saved, and his victims freed from his grasp. Eddie's name would soon be cleared. Yeah, people were dead, Max was blind but life constantly showed you that things could always be worse. Vickie felt like they could get through this together. She could fight the nightmares, knowing that she had her newfound family by her side. Strange how quickly that happened.
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davepetacreates · 2 months
used to be, you and me, matching kawasaki z's, ride around 270 in kawasaki tees two fighter jets with matching energy, trying to forget that we're in ejection seats
dave leans back, sprawled on the couch. tonight is a night to relax and try not to remember. he's happy. he's happy. he's happy. he's got to remind himself of this fact. [that would be a red flag if he knew how to get in touch with his emotions at all.]
it's kind of funny, how fucked up he is... how fucked up it all is. how karkat stormed out the door, late one night, never came back. how downhill everything was from there. no one to bring him back up. old polaroids, ripped up, burned, flushed down the drain. he'll never get those memories back. and right now he doesn't want to. right now is the time to forget. or at least try not to remember. because he's happy right now.
jade is sound asleep in her bedroom, and he can hear her snoring from here, even over the (quieted) sounds of the television, which is currently playing an old superhero movie. the romance subplot makes his stomach churn a bit but it's sweet enough, he supposes. just reminds him too much.
a roll of thunder interrupts his thoughts, and he jumps, eyes darting as he sits up straight. it's safe, isn't it? he's all alone, in his apartment. calm down, dave. no one's there.
and then there's a knock on the door.
so he gets up, goes to open it. it's going to be fine. bro is dead, and dirk is with rose this weekend. it's not like anyone is going to hurt him.
he takes a look through the peephole, and it feels worse than if he'd been physically hurt.
that's karkat, back from the dead. how fucking dare he. the insolence. his first reaction is to cry, his second to yell, his third to open the door and slam it in karkat's face, his fourth to open the door and hug him, bawling. that's so uncool, but he doesn't care. karkat's alive. karkat's alive! karkat's alive.
he opens the door, tears in his eyes, no sunglasses, uncaring of the rain pouring down and soaking karkat's outfit as he pulls the shorter boy into a hug. karkat makes an oomph noise, hugging him back. "ack- strider- i'm all wet-"
"you're alive," dave says, in wonder. "i thought you'd died! gone off and committed suicide in the woods somewhere! holy hell, karkat, you're thin- come in, come in, i'll get you something."
the last time he saw karkat, the boy had been running from an abusive family, and dave accidentally said the wrong things. he has to do better. he has to work harder. he has to communicate right.
karkat hesitantly steps inside. "so, what brings you back here?" dave asks him, the air tense. "are you safe?"
"here i am," karkat grumbles. "the kid i moved in with when i left overdosed, and you were the first person i thought of to come to..."
"shit, that sucks. are you alright? want a hug or a talk or something, i guess?"
"wow, dave strider offering to talk about feelings? that's new. i never thought i'd see the fucking day," karkat snarks, and dave laughs.
"yeah, i've been... working on myself," dave admits, running a hand through his hair. "ever since you left, i realized i still had a lot to do about myself, and... well, thinking you were dead kinda made me realize my own mortality."
"i'm sorry i ran off like that," karkat says. "i know i was a fucking pissant back then, still haunts me. doesn't excuse what i did but hopefully it'll give you some closure..."
"yeah, that's fine..." dave doesn't know what to say. he just looks into karkat's eyes, and karkat looks back. "i missed you, dude."
"heh. missed you too, dave."
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angel---eater · 2 days
i think the main problem is that despite both me and my partner system stating outright that this campaign just cant be our priority, in between work, rest/recuperation bc we're both disabled as fuck, and our partner system prioritizing DMing their own campaign w/ us and our friends, the 5e DM is continuing on expecting their campaign to be our main priority because its theirs. there is no shame in saying that other autistic folks can be assholes especially when they do shit like this and just cant seem to parse that not a whole lotta other ppl will drop absolutely everything to play their game, especially, again, if theyve got stuff like jobs and wobbly mental/physical health to balance while trying to keep that job, and ESPECIALLY if they've only known e/o for a month and only talked within that month a handful of times
DMing even a oneshot involves so much, i know this first and second hand watching my partner DM and being their soundboard for years, but tbh im havin trouble finding sympathy when this dudes chosen 5e based on its ''simplicity'' like dude.... dude. they've admitted to never playing anything else. Call of Cthulhu is right there. the Apocalypse Engine games are RIGHT THERE. literally if it werent for the fact that our partner wants to at least try the first proper session to really test it out outside of a pressurized situation (and i agree that thats a good idea imo) i'd be outta here in a heartbeat based on how theyve spoken to us today alone. and they wanted us to do all of this in a WEEK at first?!?!??!!? bro my dads best friend whos been a D&D DM since he was a fuckin teenager couldnt do any of that shit in a week and he wouldnt expect any player of his to do so either!!!! be SO for real. classic Dungeons and Dragons is MEANT to be complex- complexity is its SELLING POINT. its evolved from fucking tabletop war games and 5e isnt even its most simplistic form be SO FOR REALLLL. you want an easier time planning and through that, you want more time TO plan? pick a system that isnt 5-fuckin-e mate. i can name at least 4 right now that would support this game fantastically and would also completely negate all of the fiddly little fuckin mechanics giving everyone, including the DM, at the table headaches. be kind to yourself and dont choose 5e for a casual time holy shit
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nick--knack · 27 days
What's your favorite music album(s)?
oh my god. alright. i have so many in mind that i really like. so.
Well my all-time favourite has gotta be none other than Viribus Unitus by Dragony. I fucking love this album so much, the premise is so ridiculous but also fun and goofy and it feels like it was written specifically for me. The album tells a story about WW1 and Austria-Hungary's participation in it while putting a massive spin on history that includes dark magic, a zombie apocalypse, and more. I'm not good at explaining things but if you want, you can read the entire synopsis here and I guess there are a couple songs that I tend to skip while listening to it but nontheless it is a very good album. cough cough Love You To Death is the best song cough cough. Oh, and since we're talking about Dragony, Masters of the Multiverse is also worth checking out. That album is also full of bangers.
There is also Into The Enchanted Chamber by Timeless Miracle. Its the only album that the band released before disappearing, and every power metal fan eventually discovers it either as a blessing or a curse i'm sure, but goddamn its so good. I really love the sorta dark and gothic theme that the entire album has with its songs - again it's another album thats right up my alley. Good shit.
The last power metal albums I really like is The Monumental Mass: a Cinematic Metal Event by Powerwolf. If you listen to it in order, the songs are set up so the ending of one song blends into the other and I just really love it when albums do that. Also the slightly more intense and... well... cinematic sounding covers of their songs sound nice - Dancing With The dead in particular sticks out to me especially with the loud drums in the latter half. I often listen to this while i'm playing minecraft alone.
If you like folk rock, Herzblut by dArtagnan is absolutely full of bangers. Ruf der Freiheit, Mosqueteros, and The Riddle are my personal favourites, I couldn't stop listening to them on repeat the moment it came out. I also still find it a little crazy that they did some collabs with Visions of Atlantis, like I did not expect them to do a song together, this is like the music equivalent of some crazy cartoon crossover for me. Speaking of, Pirates II - Armada by Visions of Atlantis has SOOO many good songs aswell, this band in particular just keeps getting better with every release. Hellfire is peak.
For more history stuff, Foreign Skies by the Dreadnoughts is an album about WW1. Black Letters and Back Home in Bristol always get me a little emotional, and there's an EP that goes with this album called Foreign Sides (B-Sides) that you don't want to miss. Additionally, I've already mentioned it before but Pack Up Your Troubles - Wartime Favourites by The Billy Watson Band & Singers has a bunch of good history songs and its one of few albums where theres not one song that I skip.
As for classical music, my go-to for when I want some nice calming background music is this nifty little album simply called Viennese Violin by Michael Snyman and the Brooklyn Theatre Salon Ensemble. Alot of the songs in it are pretty short compared to the regular pieces that I listen to, and they all sound very nice so I guess thats another no-skip album on my list. This one is a bit of a random one but Komzák, Kmoch, Fučík: Old Czech Marches and Dances by Czech Philiharmonic also has a nice collection of songs, all of them sound very regal and/or energetic. We got some songs by our boy Fučíc in here. You know, the guy who wrote the circus theme. If regular old classical is too boring then you can listen to the album Wiener Blut by Céline Roscheck which are essentially violin dubstep remixes of a bunch of Strauss songs. I fucking love Strauss, he's probably my favourite classical music composer, so I really lost my shit when I first listened to her remix of Tritsch Trastch Polka and Radetzky March.
If you want something darker and cabaret-ish, Red Hot & Holy by Sarah and the Safe word and Counterfeit Arcade by Shayfer James are good to check out. I don't really know what else to say, just go listen go them.
As for lately, i've been listening to did an oopsie by Uamee alot. It's his latest release and I dunno man, he kinda cooked with this one - ESPECIALLY Dirst Ej Cake. I've also been listening to Rokotsu by syundou lately, it wasn't recently released or anything but that one is also great.
ANYWAYS im cutting the rant short here otherwise i'll be up all night talking about music. As much as I would love to, I have to work tomorrow so I can't.
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tobiasdrake · 7 months
Nope. No. We're not doing that. It's time to delve into the secrets of the Music Box.
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Holy shit, the first Blue Robe? Are they even alive? I have so many questions for them. Like. What's with the blue robes? Why is that a thing? Do you know how searing on the eyes all of this blue eventually becomes when you've lived here for weeks? Why are there--
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How does it feel to be a jackass who withholds critical information?
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Wait, you've been holding onto that grudge this whole time!?
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Oh, fuck me. I insulted your shop and I got offended when you wanted to wear a cool hat like mine. It's me. Hi. I'm the problem. It's me.
They say that if you meet one asshole, that just means you met one asshole. But if everyone meet is an asshole then you might be the asshole. And I sure have met a lot of assholes... Uggggggggh I hate facing down the consequences of my mistakes and having to grow as a person.
This is why I've never had any friends before you guys. ._. I get it now.
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"Civilization" might be a bit of a stretch given that the Ovates couldn't give them sentience. But ChatGPT did safeguard the entrance to the Sea of Stars and police who comes and goes from our world.
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And we have Khukharr to thank for that. The joint project of the Ovates and TIA, he was designed for the specific purpose of hoisting Mesa Island high above the waves when the prophesized flood came. Presumably he's still down there now. Uh. Sleeping, probably.
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It's interesting to me that you're apparently the only Blue Robe who knows all of this. As if you, and you alone, were present for it. I mean, Artificer's old enough to have been there too but Prophet explicitly said you, not him, were the first of the order. So I guess he hadn't come along to pitch in yet.
Level with me, Shopkeep; Are you Muse?
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Makes sense. They hit the cloud giants first since ChatGPT was guarding their entry point. Luana's crew did the same thing to Aephorul's Guardian when they began their siege of Otherworld.
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Okay, so you're not Muse, then. Glad we got that clarified.
...maybe. ≖_≖
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And it went super well? He beat the Demon King's ass because Demon King ain't got shit and then went home to brag about it? And we all lived happily ever after?
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Hold the fuck up
I thought the cycle was about us. Nobody's ever killed Demon King before so I thought... I thought that mattered, you know? I thought they reigned supreme and the curse keeps us repeating the same events over and over.
But it's them? They get to spring back to life every so often regardless of how many we kill? So even Demon King is just off waiting to respawn?
Ugh. That really takes the wind out of my sails. It took divine intervention to slay the Dweller of Strife after the Four Chucklefucks died and stopped weakening it. I hate the idea that this thing can return to life.
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So the demons are immortal as long as the music box continues to play, and the music box will continue to play so long as Phantom is imprisoned and mind-controlled within it.
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And that's the Scroll. The one that "You must carry to the highest peak" so that it can summon the Tower of Time.
This is all coming together.
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neonangelshifting · 8 months
info dump about my doawk dr !
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low key funny how everyone who shifts over here is only doing it for Rodrick 😭 everyone else is either too young or a total jerk tbh
about me !
my name in this dr is Valentín de la Rosa (what? sounds pretty 🤷🏽), I'd be 16 and my context will be that I just so happened to move in Rodrick's neighborhood over the summer. I'll basically be this badass rockstar guy, low key androgynous, yk.
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even though I'd be technically middle class, I did script infinite money because, well, I fucking felt like it. also this is one of the very few drs where I actually script a decent and healthy family, even though it's pretty much only my mom, I still scripted that we're close and that she's permissive and supportive.
also I have a red fucking motorcycle isn't that sick, sorry neighbors
I'll become Rodrick's friend and then become bassist for Löded Diper, and I scripted that me and Rodrick have this friends to lovers thing going on lol, Rodrick seems really fun to date, he's also hotttt like
things I really really really wanna do there
holy shit, what wouldn't I wanna do there? it sounds so damn fun.
first things first, go to the wildest party ever. I'm about to graduate and I was never even invited to a high school party, I'm not missing out on that shit !!! I'm gonna make bad decisions do weed play spin the bottle and get blackout drunk, thank you very much.
it was always a dream of mine to be in a band too. but it was kinda hard because in my cr I can't play for shit and even though I sing well, I literally don't know anyone ☠️ so yeah being in a band and rehearsing and doing gigs does sound a whole lot of fun
I feel like dates with Rodrick would be AWESOME. like I know bro wouldn't be very romantic but we'd both be doing it like the stupidest shit ever
also like, have friends, that sounds fun idk
random shit I scripted for no reason
a fucking girls generation album and merch collection. I mean, it wouldn't be a very large collection since the year will be 2010, but at least Run Devil Run was out, and that was the coolest posters
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I also scripted that I can play a shit ton of instruments, and that I used to play classical guitar for music contests. classical guitar slaps idc. speaking of guitar I also scripted that I'm amazing at guitar hero LMAOOO LEAVE ME ALONE IT'S 2010
I also scripted that I did kung fu and have an antique Chinese weapons collection. I actually used to do Kung Fu but stopped going one day lol, I was never really good. but it'd be so badass
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so yeah basically
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final-girl96 · 1 year
Firefly Chapter Nineteen
YN 2023
After we got out of the subway we made our way to the hotel across the street. As soon as we were inside Ellie's eyes widened and she spun around. "Wow. You've gotta be kidding me! You ever stay in a place like this?" She asked. I shook my head, "No. Well, not before all this shit."
Summer 2004
"Holy shit! Look at this place!" I spun around in the lobby of the fancy hotel we decided to stay in until the storm passed. The rain was starting to come down hard, thunder rolled in the distance as it got closer and closer. Tommy was behind the counter. "Looks like we're getting a good night's sleep tonight," he said.
I grabbed Joel's hand and tugged me towards the stairs. ''Come on, let's go find a room," I said. "I think we need to look around first and make sure we're alone." He pulled me to a stop and looked back at Tommy. "You check down here, first and second floors. We'll check three, four, and five and meet back down here." Tommy nodded and Joel led the way up the stairs to the third floor. "Don't stray too far," he said.
We started at one end of the hall checking all the open doors first. It was clear that people were in a rush to get out of here. Luggage was forgotten and scattered all over the rooms and halls. "You don't think there's any infected in here do you?" I asked Joel. He turned around and walked back over to me. "I ain't gonna let anything happen to you, okay?" He said, holding my face in his hands. I nodded my head, "I know. I just haven't seen any since we got into this city."
"Let's just get this done, and we can pick a room, eat, clean up, and then just relax." He kissed my forehead and started looking in the rooms. That's exactly what we did; I made sure everything was clear, ate, cleaned up, and then found rooms to sleep in. Tommy decided to take a room at one end of the hall on the fifth floor while Joel and I stayed in one at the other end.
The storm had reached us completely now. Thunder shook the build, lightning lit up the room, and the rain pounded against the windows. Luckily it didn't matter because we didn't have to be out in it. We were warm and dry inside a once fancy hotel. "I used to love thunderstorms," I said, standing at the sliding glass doors that led out onto a small balcony. We had candles lit to illuminate the room. We didn't want too much light just in case someone saw it.
I was only wearing one of the few flannels Joel had that was clean. Luck had been on our side when we searched the kitchen earlier. We found gallons of water that we could use not only for drinking but to clean up. I had grabbed a clean metal bowl from the kitchen too and used that to pour some of the water in to make it a little easier. It's been a while since I was able to wash my hair. None of us have had a proper shower since the apartments in Arkansa, and that was a couple months ago. It's just been cleaning up in rivers, lakes, or streams when we could.
Joel came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. Chin rested on my shoulder. "Yeah? Why's that?" He asked, kissing the side of my neck. His hand slid down to the hem of his flannel I was wearing. "Because…" I moaned when his lips started to suck right below my ear. "Keep going," he whispered in my ear. "They–they're um…they're relaxing."
He hummed and started to unbutton the flannel. "Are you okay with this?" Joel asked, kneading one of my breasts in his rough yet soft hand, lightly rolling my nipple between his fingers. I nodded my head before letting it fall back onto his shoulder. "I need to hear you say it out loud, darlin'," he whispered, moving to my other breasts. "Yes," I replied in a breathy moan.
His fingers traced slowly down the valley on my breasts, down my abdomen, stopping at the waistband of my underwear. "Are you sure you want this, sweetheart?" He asked, playing with the plain black fabric. "Please." It was a pathetic whimpered answer, but it was enough for Joel. He slipped his hand under the waistband and slid his fingers through my wet slit. "Look at that. You're already wet for me."
He rubbed lazy circles on my clit while his lips attacked my neck again. He slowly applied more pressure. "Joel." I felt my walls flutter the more pressure he added, the faster he went. It soon went away when his fingers left my clit. "Not yet, baby." He pulled away, slipping the flannel down my arms and off my body, turning me to face. "That's not fair," I whispered. "What's not?" He asked, drinking me in before looking me in the eyes.
"You're still fully clothed," I said. He hummed and pulled his tee shirt over his head. He was fucking beautiful. I moved closer to him, standing on my tippy toes and pressing my lips to his. My hands came to the waistband of his boxers and slowly slipped under it. He was already half hard and I could tell he was going to be bigger than I've had before. His hands came to my waist, his fingers squeezing the flesh. I wrapped my fingers around him and he squeezed harder.
I felt him harden more as I stroked him a few times. Before hooking my fingers into the sides of his boxers, dragging them down as I lowered myself to my knees. "You don't have to do that, sweetheart," Joel said, pushing a strand of hair out of my face. "I know, but I want to." I have been keeping eye contact with him the whole time, and when I finally looked down, I gasped.
'Yup. He's definitely bigger than anyone else I've been with. Not that I've been with a lot of people. Only two and both times were horrible.'
I wrapped my hand around the base of his cock and kissed the tip. A hiss came from Joel, his hand tangled itself into my hair. "Come on, baby, no teasing. Open up." I opened my mouth and he guided my head closer to the tip of his cock. I wrapped my lips around it, swirling my tongue and let him push himself further into my mouth. "Open wider, sweetheart so you can take all of me." I opened as wide as I could for him and he pushed himself in further until he hit the back of my throat. "Good girl."
I let him fuck my mouth, gagging everything he hit the back of my throat. Tears streamed down my cheeks and a drool ran down the corner of my mouth. "fuck!" Joel swore, pulling himself out of my mouth. "Get on the bed, legs spread wide for me." He helped me up and onto the bed. I shimmed myself up until my head laid on the pillow, legs spread wide for him. "You're so beautiful and too young for me, but fuck, sweetheat…."
He crawled on the bed, so his head was between my legs. His lips peppered soft kisses up my inner thigh, the scruff on his face scratching my skin, rough hands spreaded my legs wider. "I'm already addicted to you. And I won't sit here and lie and say I haven't thought about what you'd taste like…" his tongue licked a single strip up my pussy and he hummed. "Or what you'd feel like wrapped around me." Another lick and the tip of his tonight flicked over my clit.
"I shouldn't have been thinking about that. You were only eighteen at the time. And now I have you spread open in front of me." He sucked it into his mouth and my hand flew to tangle in his hair. He sucked and slicked his tongue and brought a finger to my entrance, teasing it a little before slowly pushing it inside of me. He pumped it in and out, shaking his head with his tongue flat on my clit, sucking on the bundle of nerves and adding a second finger.
I gripped his hair tighter, pulling and tugging at the dark strands. His name fell from my lips over and over again. My walls fluttered around his fingers, the coil low on my belly tightened more and more when he hit that spot the two guys before could never find. His hum of approval and permission vibrated against my clit, his fingers hitting the spot again and the coil finally snapped. My cum coating his fingers as he kept pumping them as I rose out my high.
When he finally pulled away his chin and lips were covered in my arasol. He sucked his fingers into his mouth as he sat up, crawling up to hover over me, and arm on each side of my head. "You taste so good." He connected his lips to mine, slipping his tongue inside of my mouth to let me taste myself on him. I could feel his cock brushing against me. My hips lifted and rolled up into him. "There's no condoms," he said, pulling away and taking the base of his cock in his hand, pumping a few times.
He looked me in the eye while rubbing the tip between my soaked slit. "And as much as I'd love to come inside of you…" he nudged the head of his dick at my entrance, teasing it by pushing in just the tiniest bit. "We can't take that risk. Not in this world. So let's hope I can pull out in time." I gasped when he pushed into me, my hands searching for something to grip. "Shit, you're so fuckinf tight. Come on, baby, relax and open up for me."
I moaned his name, one hand gripping the duvet and the other grabbing his bicep, nails digging into his skin. He pulled out almost all the way and then pushed back in until he was completely settled inside of me. "Shit! Fuck, your so goddamn tight!" He stayed still, leaning down to kiss me. "You're doing so good, sweetheart." When I rolled my hips up he pulled out to the tip and pushed back into me hitting that spot that had me clenching around him.
His pace picked up, the sounds of skin against skin, moans of each other's names, and the sound of how wet I was filled the room. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he flipped us so I was on top. His hands gripped my hips, helping me move up and down on his cock. "Doing so good, sweetheart, taking my cock like this. Letting me stretch your tight little cunt." His finger came to rub tight circles on my clit. "You like being fucked by a man better than a little boy playing dress up, don't you. Those college boys could never make you feel this good."
He flipped us back over, pulling me to my hands and knees before sinking back into me. One hand came to push my face into the bed while the other gripped my hip tightly as he fucked me from behind. I let out a loud moan when his hand came down on my ass, his cock hitting that special spot deep inside of me over and over. He brought his fingers back to my clit, rubbing fast and harsh, his cock thrusting in and out of me at a brutal pace.
I tightened around him and he swore. "Fuck, baby, come for me. Come on, let go and cover my cock in your sweetness." One more harsh thrust and I was coming undone around him. His thrust slowed down and got sloppier the closer he got to his release. He finally pulled out, flipping me onto my back. "Open!" I opened my mouth and he moved up so he could come on my tongue. "Good girl. Now swallow!" I did as I was told and he collapsed beside me.
"Yn! Hello, earth to yn!" I shook my head and looked at Ellie, who was waving a hand I'm front of my face. "What?" I asked, eyes wide. "Are you okay? You kind of spaced out." I nodded my head, "yeah, sorry. Come on, let's go." I walked closer to where the fee steps would be. Joel was already there giving me a look that said he knows exactly where my mind had gone. The lobby of the hotel was filled with water.
"Um…I can't swim!" Ellie said. Joel looked all at her, "Seriously?" He asked. "Do you think we have pools in the QZ?" Ellie sassed. He gave her a deadpanned look, "no smart-ass. I mean…" he jumped into the water that only.came about knee high. "Oh. Well, how was I supposed to know that?" I shook my head and followed after Joel, Tess close behind. Ellie went right to the counter and started pretending.
She hit the bell, making it ding. "Yes, sir. I would like your finest suite, please," she said. "Yes, ma'am. Would you like me to take your luggage? Yes, ma'am. Right away, ma'am…" She said I'm a deeper voice. I smiled, shaking my head. "You're a weird kid," Joel told her. "You're a weird kid. Oh fսck!" Joel and I both rushed over to her to see a skeleton by the luggage cart. "Oh, my God. Uh, sorry," she said, breathing heavily. "You okah?" I asked. "Fucking fabulous."
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