#Home Cleaning Service in Cleveland West
texasobserver · 1 year
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”200,000 Steps on the Lone Star Hiking Trail” by Sergio Chapa, from the May/June 2023 issue of Texas Observer magazine:
I grew up in northwest Austin at the edge of the Texas Hill Country, where hiking through the woods and playing in creeks were daily activities. So, I’ve always been an “outdoors person.” After moving to Houston for a journalism job, I quickly began running and biking along the city’s mostly concrete-lined bayous. Then an environmental activist told me something intriguing: Just an hour north of the traffic and skyscrapers of downtown Houston is the 96-mile Lone Star Hiking Trail, the longest footpath in Texas.
During April 2020, I began a quest to hike the full trail along with a friend in my “COVID bubble.” It was a sunny and unseasonably hot day as we embarked from mile marker zero inside the 163,000-acre Sam Houston National Forest. So early in the pandemic, we hiked without seeing another person, hearing a car on the road, or spotting an airplane in the sky. The only sounds were chirping birds, squirrels and lizards scurrying, and the wind blowing through the leaves.
It was a Coronavirus-safe activity and I was hooked. 
On maps, the national forest is depicted as a massive patch of public land. But on the ground, hundreds of U.S. Forest Service tracts are broken up by private timberlands, farms and ranches, and a growing number of rural homes and subdivisions. Mostly flat to rolling terrain, the forest is laced with creeks as well as the east and west forks of the San Jacinto River and the not-so-scenic lanes of Interstate 45.
Starting near Richards and ending near Cleveland, the Lone Star Hiking Trail proper is 96 miles through the forest with five optional loops adding another 32 miles. Depending on one’s height and weight, that’s roughly 200,000 steps. Given a pace of about three miles per hour, it would take roughly 32 hours to hike the entire trail nonstop. Hiking about eight hours per day means less than a week of hiking and camping. 
But that’s not the path I chose. 
It took me sixteen trips with various friends over two years to hike the entire trail. Confession: We weren’t disciplined about it; sometimes weeks or months lapsed between forays. Most often, I’d park my car at one of the 15 trailheads and we’d hike for five or six miles and then head back. On every visit, the trail provided valuable relief with its clean air, social distancing, and an escape from the four-wall confinement of lockdown and stress. Our slower approach allowed us to experience the forest in all four seasons.
Spring is marked by fresh light green leaves, wildflowers and white color pops of dogwood and magnolia blossoms. The summer can be brutally hot, but it’s the best time to enjoy Lake Conroe or Double Lake. The fall brings orange, red, and yellow hues as purple beautyberries and red yaupon holly berries ripen in the understory. Pine trees and oaks stay green during winter while colonies of colorful mushrooms and fungus sprout on the forest floor. 
I shared our hikes on Twitter and Instagram, and the Lone Star Hiking Trail became a hit with my social media followers too.
It’s much easier to hike the trail virtually. To do it in person, you need plenty of water, snacks, insect repellent, spare socks, powder, paper towels and wipes, and willingness to rough it, since there are no bathrooms or vending machines aside from spartan amenities at the Stubblefield and Double Lake campgrounds. Good walking shoes and long pants with high socks reduce risks of scratches, bug bites and ticks. Snakes on this trail mostly flee from people. However, mosquitoes and spiders are fearless. 
Early morning hikes meant the person in the lead breaks overnight cobwebs. Scat with fur signaled coyotes and bobcats, but the most worrisome signs were the wallows and rooting of feral pigs. My worst fear was encountering hogs, which can attack when frightened or startled. Luckily, we never saw any.
Sam Houston is one of the state’s four national forests created by Congress during the Great Depression. The timber industry previously clear-cut large swaths of the Piney Woods. State lawmakers bought hundreds of barren tracts in 1933, with the intent of adding them to the national forest system. President Franklin D. Roosevelt proclaimed Angelina, Davy Crockett, Sabine, and Sam Houston national forests in October 1936. Roosevelt’s Civilian Conservation Corps planted millions of trees. The U.S. Forest Service gave the Lone Star Chapter of the Sierra Club permission to build the trail in 1967. The trail and all its loops were complete by 1978. 
It’s big enough that you can easily get lost. I’m an experienced outdoorsman, but we’ve gotten lost on the Lone Star Hiking Trail, marked by small reflective markers nailed into the trunks of trees. It’s easy to lose track of the markers after leaving U.S. Forest Service land and walking down a rural road to the next section. Cell-phone service can be spotty, so it’s best to download Lone Star Hiking Trail Club maps in advance. 
But not all of this wilderness is protected. Legally distinct from national parks and refuges, national forests can be used for hunting, fishing, timber, grazing, mining, oil, and natural gas. By law, the U.S. Forest Service must manage Sam Houston with no single resource emphasized over others. To that point, the 163,000 acres also include trails for ATVs, mountain bikes, and horses. Lakes are stocked with bluegill, largemouth bass, and catfish. Oil wells and easements for pipelines and power lines are common.
Historically, wildfires kept the forest from getting too dense and unhealthy. Today, the U.S. Forest Service uses controlled burns and sustainable timber harvesting in efforts to control a pest known as the southern pine beetle and improve habitat for the red-cockaded woodpecker, an endangered species that favors open “pine savannas” and nests from April to June. Over the decades, environmentalists and forest managers have sparred in court over forestry practices related to the beetle and woodpecker.
I looked for those woodpeckers, but only heard their distinctive high-pitched chirps and tap tap-tapping hidden in the canopy. 
Sprawl and suburbanization are the biggest threat to the forest and to this trail. I-45, the busy thoroughfare connecting Houston and Dallas, divides it in two, creating a formidable barrier for wildlife and people. The Texas Department of Transportation spent millions improving a 15-mile stretch of highway between Huntsville and New Waverly but spent little on allowing hikers or wildlife to cross safely under the roadway where cars speed past a white 67-foot statue of Texas founding father Sam Houston.
I wish the Texas legislature would use some of its $32.7 billion budget surplus to create a buffer for this trail—and improve the crossings that either don’t exist or have been damaged and make a through-hike so challenging. Unfortunately, this year has seen news in the opposite direction: The state recently lost a lovely park further north on the I-45 corridor that offered its own woodland paths.
In theory, animals can use the narrow corridor where Big Chinquapin Creek goes under the highway, but hikers must trudge four miles along three rural roadways and the I-45 frontage road in order to reach the next trail section. 
Country-club communities such as Elkins Lake and the Texas Grand Ranch subdivision with its two- to five-acre lots allow people to live at the edge of the forest. As an unintended result, nonnative ornamental plants are escaping into the wild and becoming invasive species. The average person may not notice, but I kept spotting exotic plants like nandina, wax-leaf ligustrum, Chinese tallow, chinaberry, bamboo, and hardy orange all along the trail. 
Volunteers with the Lone Star Hiking Club and the Houston area Sierra Club maintain the trail and try to clear out invaders. I’d love to give back and join them one day.
But it’s a big job—and progress is often slow.
A vehicle bridge to the Stubblefield Campground washed out during Hurricane Harvey in August 2017 but was not rebuilt until 2022. A footbridge over scenic and shaded bluffs of the east fork of the San Jacinto River in the Magnolia section of the trail was destroyed more than eight years ago and never replaced. 
Hikers are forced to take a complex detour, though I opted to park my car at the next trailhead and walk to the opposite bank. 
Even as the pandemic fades, I’m still going back for more, particularly to hike the loops outside the main trail. To me, this escape seems even more valuable with Houston growing at a pace that will see it overtake Chicago as the third-largest U.S. city. Even as the metropolitan area expands in all directions, the forest still offers respite.
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thefirelookout · 1 year
Emails from the other side
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The emails started coming in sometime in the Fall last year. I had a lot going on at the time: comprehensive exam, cat, spouse, spouse's thesis nearing completion, cooking and cleaning everyday, the works. The environment at home was high energy and fast paced like those startups promise you but the stressful kind. We were drowning in workload and grading and workload and grading and Nimki kept screaming at the top of his lungs.
Then one day I paid attention to one of the emails: it invited me, a manoniyo shudhi, to their annual sharodiya Durgotshob. From the email I could gather that they are a tiny little Bengali community in the North American diaspora. Their acronym reminds me of the much-dreaded Bangladesh Civil Service exam, except they're the Bengali Cultural Society, Cleveland, Ohio.
Now what business a BCS (a different BCS) from Cleveland, OH, has with a grad student somewhere out there in Kingston, ON eludes me. I can guess that they found my email from some mysterious listserv and assumed that I'd be interested in coming to their Durga Puja, Dol Utshob, Shangskritik Shondha, film screening, potluck or family day events. What surprises me is that they placed my very racially ambiguous sounding name as somehow Bengali, as Bengali as them. Otherwise in every way I am the wrong kind of Bengali: I'm Muslim or Muslim-looking, I'm from the "wrong" side of Bengal that didn't deserve a university back in the day (but got one anyway), I'm from a place that exists in the West Bengal imagination as a part of the Ghoti-Bangal debacle, I speak in that poorly imitated idea of an accent that sometimes appears on jibon maane Zee Bangla.
But I have a little something else: an independent country somewhat free from the agrashon of Hindi, the jamdani sharis in my closet are actually the real thing, the ilish is costly but it's really Padmar ilish, I can go to that pre-Partition ancestral home they think about all the time somewhat faster than they can. Our shared language is probably safer in my side of Bengal (but we never know).
BCS Cleveland, OH still invites me to their picnics and parties and ladies nights and alochona shobhas though. I'm too lazy, or perhaps too emotional to unsubscribe from those emails, or tell somebody in their executive committee to please take my name off of their list. Thing is, I don't want my name to be off of their list. I want to keep getting emails about what they do in their little Jhumpa Lahiri or Shamita Das Dasgupta-esque world.
So keep 'em coming, BCS Cleveland, OH. I won't be the one to break that spell.
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So now it comes time to render a final verdict. Is Cleveland a renaissance city, a comeback king of the Midwest? Or is it a moribund metropolis, a mistake by the lake with a few shiny, new landmarks added? The answer for me is somewhere in the middle. There are definitely assets the city can leverage to improve its economic fortunes, but the city needs a fresh approach in its thinking and should embrace its Midwest character more.  
As a Southern boy, who is used to the bright, shiny postmodernism of an Atlanta or Charlotte, there is a lot to commend Cleveland from an architectural perspective. I may be in the minority, but I’d much rather visit Cleveland with its beautiful collection of pre-war architecture than a Las Vegas or Phoenix, which largely came of age in the sprawl era. A lot of the city’s early 20th century character still shines through in downtown and the Ohio City neighborhood. Even Shaker Heights, on the edge of the city, feels like an intact early 20th century suburb.
America’s pre-war architecture is worth its weight in gold and Cleveland has been fortunate to escape the urban renewal era relatively unscathed in my mind. I say that with the caveat that I am not a long-time resident, just a visitor with an intense interest in urban development and city planning. The downtown I spent close to a week walking was one that presented me with a cohesive architectural vocabulary: one steeped in pre-sprawl America’s urban ambitions and not the flawed modernist paradigm that became America’s calling card from 1950 and onward. Whether this is the result of thoughtful historic preservation or simply neglect, I can’t say, but Cleveland has good bones, provided that the city and its populace is appreciative of the architectural legacy bequeathed to them.       
However, like a lot of the Midwest’s large cities, Cleveland has an identity crisis. Many of the city’s best assets are poorly managed. The Cleveland Arcade was largely devoid of other retail businesses and serves mainly as a giant lobby for the Hyatt Regency. Cleveland’s West Side Market has languished under city management and time will tell whether it can get a little spring in its step. The terminal tower has a dead mall problem it needs to contend with and that facility will need a serious makeover since it is the major hub for interurban transit in Cleveland.
Some of this can be attributed to the vacuum of leadership in the city of Cleveland. Regional cooperation has been a chronic issue for some time and the city lacks the strong corporate presence that other cities of its stature and prominence boast. The Ohio City neighborhood seems to be home to a number of innovative business ventures and practices, but the core downtown still seems to be mired in the prior hopes and dreams of the 1990′s. Change is needed and while I can offer no panacea, I think what the city needs most right now is something quite simple: effective municipal leadership and governance.  
The pandemic has been an enormous blow to the reputation of America’s cities and there’s been the perception that big cities suffer from a major vacuum of leadership. Walking punchlines such as Lori Lightfoot in Chicago and Bill De Blasio in New York have been detrimental to civic confidence and increasing concerns over crime and social order have halted the urban investment witnessed in the 2010′s. Office Buildings, which were the bread and butter for downtown investment throughout much of the 20th century, have languished in the post-pandemic years as more companies opt for remote work. America’s largest cities all seem to suffering from a distinct lack of competent leadership and that is where Cleveland can gain ground.
While a good mayor cannot pick winners and losers in a market economy, what they can do is be an effective advocate for urban hopes and aspirations. They can reform ailing city services and serve their constituents well by keeping streets clean and crime low. There are other components of city reform to consider as well such as zoning reform or the power of economic gardening, but right now basic competence will suffice for America’s cities. A lot of what make cities successful is the mundane. What is the call response time for police? Are the streets sweeped regularly? How quickly can I obtain a permit? Does the city conduct its business in a fair and transparent manner? The more cities work for the average resident the more they can enable and sustain the emergent qualities of urban life.     
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momsmop · 1 year
Mom's Mop
Mom’s Mop is locally owned and provides professional home cleaning services and office cleaning services in Lake County, Geauga County, Cuyahoga County, Portage County, and Summit County. We provide service in Concord Township, Mentor, Solon, Cleveland West, Painesville area. With our 116 Point Sparkling Home Checklist and 100% Happiness Promise, your satisfaction is guaranteed! Our features are Locally Owned Fully Insured No Contracts No Hassles Get your Instant Estimate or schedule a cleaning with Mom’s Mop today.
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leseltruiste · 1 year
Get the Most Out of Window Cleaning in Cleveland, Ohio
Cleveland, Ohio is a great place to get the most out of your window cleaning needs. From the East Side to the West Side, Cleveland has a wide range of window cleaning options available to serve your needs. Whether you need residential or commercial window cleaning services, you can be sure to get the highest quality results from a reliable and experienced window cleaning team in Cleveland. With a variety of services available, including pressure washing, gutter cleaning, and window tinting, you can get the exact window cleaning service you need to keep your windows looking their best. With experienced professionals and top-notch equipment, you can rest assured that your windows will remain free of dirt, dust, and debris. Window Cleaning Cleveland Ohio is a premier service that provides professional window cleaning services to residential and commercial customers in the Cleveland area.
How to Effectively Clean Your Windows in Cleveland?
Cleaning your windows in Cleveland is essential to maintain the aesthetics of your home. To clean your windows effectively, you should start by using a mild soap solution to remove dirt and debris. You can make the soap solution with a few drops of mild dish soap and a bucket of warm water. After the windows have been washed, you should use a squeegee to remove any excess water. You should also use a clean, dry cloth to wipe down the window frames and sills. When you are finished, you should use a glass cleaner to finish off the job and add a streak-free shine to the windows. Following these steps will help you clean your windows effectively and keep them looking great.
Tips for Clearing Away Stubborn Grime and Dirt
Stubborn grime and dirt can be difficult to remove from windows, especially in Cleveland, where industrial and manufacturing activities can leave windows covered in a thick layer of dirt and grime. To clear away stubborn dirt and grime, it is important to use the right tools and products. Start by using a brush to loosen the dirt and debris, and then use a cleaning solution, such as vinegar or window cleaner, to dissolve the dirt and grime. Then use a microfiber cloth to wipe away the dirt and grime, and finally use a squeegee to remove any excess solution from the glass.
Learn the Best Techniques to Make Windows Sparkle
To make windows sparkle, it is important to use the right techniques and products. Start by washing the windows with a mild soap and water solution, and then use a squeegee to remove any excess water and soap from the glass. Use a microfiber cloth to dry the frame and window sills, and then use a soft cloth to polish the window, giving it a beautiful finish. To remove any stubborn dirt and grime, use a brush or sponge and a cleaning solution. Finally, use a soft cloth to polish the window, giving it a beautiful finish.
Get the Most Out of Your Window Cleaning Investment
Cleaning windows can be a time consuming and costly task. To get the most out of your window cleaning investment, it is important to use the right techniques and products. Start by using a brush to loosen the dirt and debris, and then use a cleaning solution, such as vinegar or window cleaner, to dissolve the dirt and grime. Use a squeegee to remove any excess solution from the glass, and then use a microfiber cloth to dry the frame and window sills. Finally, use a soft cloth to polish the window, giving it a beautiful finish.
The Benefits of Professional Window Cleaning Services in Cleveland
 Professional window cleaning services in Cleveland can provide many benefits, including a thorough and efficient cleaning process, the use of the latest equipment and products, and the ability to clean hard-to-reach areas. Professional window cleaners also have the expertise to remove stubborn dirt and grime, and can provide additional services such as window repairs, gutter cleaning, and more.
Strategies for Protecting Your Windows from the Elements
Windows in Cleveland can be exposed to many elements, including harsh winds, rain, and snow. To protect your windows from the elements, it is important to use the right strategies. Start by applying a water-resistant sealant to the window frames and sills to prevent water from seeping in. Replace any worn or damaged window panes and weatherstripping. Finally, use awnings or window shutters to protect the windows from the sun, wind, and snow.
Discover the Right Products and Tools for Window Cleaning in Cleveland
Window cleaning in Cleveland requires the right products and tools to ensure that windows are effectively cleaned and sparkle. Start by using a mild soap and water solution to wash the windows, and then use a squeegee to remove any excess water and soap from the glass. Use a microfiber cloth to dry the frame and window sills, and then use a soft cloth to polish the window, giving it a beautiful finish. To remove any stubborn dirt and grime, use a brush or sponge and a cleaning solution. Finally, use a soft cloth to polish the window, giving it a beautiful finish.
In conclusion, window cleaning in Cleveland, Ohio is a great way to improve the look and feel of your home or business. Not only will it make your windows look better, but it can also help to reduce energy costs, improve air quality, and even increase the value of your property. With a team of professional window cleaners, you can be sure that your windows will be sparkling clean and looking their best. With the right cleaning products and techniques, you can get the most out of your window cleaning in Cleveland, Ohio.
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diverolli · 2 years
The lumen cleveland
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Make your home at the doorstep of world-class entertainment and the country's largest performing arts center outside New York at The Lumen at Playhouse Square. Concierge provides you with greater confidence and Butterfly MX Video Entry System offers simple access to the building for you, your guests and service providers. The expansive fitness and yoga areas allow for a social distancing friendly workouts with additional cleaning efforts in high touch areas. Multiple state-of-the-art fast elevators to reduce wait time and number of riders. With 22,000 square feet of amenity spaces, The Lumen not only provides something for every resident but plenty of space to enjoy community amenities and additional conveniences that help you comfortably practice social distancing. Work-from-home spaces, they're everywhere. Need a change of scenery? No problem, Enjoy building-wide private Wi-Fi and get a new setting every day simply by moving to a different community space. The Lumen is a high-rise apartment building in the Playhouse Square district of downtown Cleveland, Ohio. Completed in 2020, the 34-story, 396-foot (121 m) tower sits at the southwest corner of Euclid Avenue and East 17th Street, adjacent to the Hanna Building and across Euclid from the Keith Building.
Working from home has never been easier with floor to ceiling windows that flood your home with sunlight and fresh air and solid wood apartment doors provide noise control for your at-home video conference calls. The Lumen is a high-rise apartment building in the Playhouse Square district of downtown Cleveland, Ohio. Fresh air is no longer exclusive to the outdoors. Not only do we feature a leading edge Fresh Air System that circulates fresh air throughout the building but also open-latch windows in every home. The Lumen at Playhouse Square is the ideal place to stay social while distancing. Studio, one-bedroom, two-bedroom and three-bedroom apartments with penthouse selections. The Lumen sets a new standard in a sophisticated design with elegant finishes, breathtaking views, rejuvenating community spaces and elevated service.
The entire project is expected to be completed by the end of August, Falco said.Raise the curtain on a premier residential experience at The Lumen in the heart of the vibrant Playhouse Square district in downtown Cleveland. Golden Hour is a rooftop happy hour series for artists, entrepreneurs, and other creative endeavoring people in Cleveland. The Lumen's 318 apartments will be available for pre-lease in early March. There were no injuries.Įven with that setback, according to Falco the Lumen project is on schedule and on budget. The $135 million construction project had a hiccup in October 2018 when several steel beams dropped from the crane and damaged an adjoining parking garage. Playhouse Square also nicknamed the crane Ichabod the Crane and started a Twitter account for Ichabod.Ĭleveland looks great from up here! Check out for a live webcam of me! /hgsYPywA9A Since then, Playhouse Square has sought ways to get the community excited about and interacting with the construction project, including a live webcam with a bird's-eye view of the construction maintained by Gilbane Building Company, the contractor for the Lumen project. The 34-story building, which is owned by the Playhouse Square Foundation, broke ground in April 2018. “The Lumen is going to be a building that everyone is going to see, whether you’re coming in from the south or you’re coming in from the east, from the west, so everyone will know where Playhouse Square is just by seeing the Lumen,” Falco said. įalco called the temporary road closures the “price of progress.” The Euclid Avenue stretch from East 14th to East 17th streets will be closed through Saturday.
For theater-goers, drop-off and valet will also be available in front of the Connor Palace, but drivers will have to come in from Chester Avenue to East 17 th to Euclid Avenue. Sidewalks on Euclid Avenue and the crosswalk at East 14 th will remain open. It will take a few days for construction crews to disassemble the crane completely, so Euclid Avenue between East 18 th and East 14 th streets is scheduled to be closed through Saturday, but inclement weather could delay that process. Weather permitting, the crane should be completely down by the end of the weekend. “Most of the work from this point on will be completing the apartment units.” “The project is now completely enclosed with glass,” Falco said. The crane towering over the Euclid Avenue construction site of the Lumen building in Playhouse Square comes down this week.ĭismantling the crane means the exterior of the 400-foot tall high-rise apartment is almost complete, said Art Falco, Playhouse Square’s senior advisor for special projects.
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ucflibrary · 5 years
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May is Asian Pacific American Heritage Month!
 Asian Pacific American as a topic covers vast oceans of identity and information. By definition, an Asian Pacific American is an American (whether born, naturalized, or other) who was born on or has heritage from anywhere on the Asian continent and the Pacific islands of Melanesia (New Guinea, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Fiji and the Solomon Islands), Micronesia (Marianas, Guam, Wake Island, Palau, Marshall Islands, Kiribati, Nauru and the Federated States of Micronesia) and Polynesia (New Zealand, Hawaiian Islands, Rotuma, Midway Islands, Samoa, American Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu, Cook Islands, French Polynesia and Easter Island). These areas cover a wide array of languages, cultures, religions, and ethnicities that have brought countless skills, hopes and dreams to the United States.
 UCF Libraries faculty and staff have (very enthusiastically) suggested 24 books and movies within the library’s collection by or about Asian Pacific Americans. Click the link below to see the full list, descriptions, and catalog links. These, and additional titles, are also on the Featured Bookshelf display on the second (main) floor next to the bank of two elevators.
A Concise History of China by J. A. G. Roberts
In this overarching book, J. A. G. Roberts refers to recent archeological finds--the caches of bronze vessels found at Sanxingdui--and to new documentary reevaluations--the reassessment of Manchu documentation. The first half of the book provides an up-to-date interpretation of China's early and imperial history, while the second half concentrates on the modern period and provides an interpretive account of major developments--the impact of Western imperialism, the rise of Chinese Communism, and the record of the People's Republic of China since 1949.
Suggested by Richard Harrison, Research & Information Services
 A Tragedy of Democracy: Japanese confinement in North America by Greg Robinson
Most remarkably, A Tragedy of Democracy is the first book to analyze official policy toward West Coast Japanese Americans within a North American context. Robinson studies confinement on the mainland alongside events in wartime Hawaii, where fears of Japanese Americans justified Army dictatorship, suspension of the Constitution, and the imposition of military tribunals. He similarly reads the treatment of Japanese Americans against Canada's confinement of 22,000 citizens and residents of Japanese ancestry from British Columbia. A Tragedy of Democracy recounts the expulsion of almost 5,000 Japanese from Mexico's Pacific Coast and the poignant story of the Japanese Latin Americans who were kidnapped from their homes and interned in the United States
Suggested by Richard Harrison, Research & Information Services
 An Artist of the Floating World by Kazuo Ishiguro
In the face of the misery in his homeland, the artist Masuji Ono was unwilling to devote his art solely to the celebration of physical beauty. Instead, he put his work in the service of the imperialist movement that led Japan into World War II. Now, as the mature Ono struggles through the aftermath of that war, his memories of his youth and of the "floating world"—the nocturnal world of pleasure, entertainment, and drink—offer him both escape and redemption, even as they punish him for betraying his early promise. Indicted by society for its defeat and reviled for his past aesthetics, he relives the passage through his personal history that makes him both a hero and a coward but, above all, a human being.
Suggested by Rachel Edford, Teaching & Engagement
 Born Confused by Tanuja Desair Hidier
Seventeen-year-old Dimple, whose family is from India, discovers that she is not Indian enough for the Indians and not American enough for the Americans, as she sees her hypnotically beautiful, manipulative best friend taking possession of both her heritage and the boy she likes.
Suggested by Sara Duff, Acquisitions & Collections
 Cora Cooks Pancit written by Dorina Lazo Gilmore and illustrated by Kristi Valiant
When all her older siblings are away, Cora's mother finally lets her help make pancit, a Filipino noodle dish. Includes recipe for pancit.
Suggested by Cindy Dancel, Research & Information Services
 Dance Dance Revolution by Cathy Park Hong
Named one of the Los Angeles Times's Best Science Fiction Books in 2007, Dance Dance Revolution is a genre-bending tour de force told from the perspective of the Guide, a former dissident and tour guide of an imagined desert city.
Suggested by Sara Duff, Acquisitions & Collections
 Darius the Great is Not Okay by Adib Khorram
Darius Kellner speaks better Klingon than Farsi, and he knows more about Hobbit social cues than Persian ones. He’s a Fractional Persian—half, his mom’s side—and his first-ever trip to Iran is about to change his life. Darius has never really fit in at home, and he’s sure things are going to be the same in Iran. His clinical depression doesn’t exactly help matters, and trying to explain his medication to his grandparents only makes things harder. Then Darius meets Sohrab, the boy next door, and everything changes. Soon, they’re spending their days together, playing soccer, eating faludeh, and talking for hours on a secret rooftop overlooking the city’s skyline. Sohrab calls him Darioush—the original Persian version of his name—and Darius has never felt more like himself than he does now that he’s Darioush to Sohrab.
Suggested by Peter Spyers-Duran, Cataloging
 Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng
“Lydia is dead. But they don’t know this yet.” So begins this exquisite novel about a Chinese American family living in 1970s small-town Ohio. Lydia is the favorite child of Marilyn and James Lee, and her parents are determined that she will fulfill the dreams they were unable to pursue. But when Lydia’s body is found in the local lake, the delicate balancing act that has been keeping the Lee family together is destroyed, tumbling them into chaos. A profoundly moving story of family, secrets, and longing, Everything I Never Told You is both a gripping page-turner and a sensitive family portrait, uncovering the ways in which mothers and daughters, fathers and sons, and husbands and wives struggle, all their lives, to understand one another.
Suggested by Rachel Edford, Teaching & Engagement
 Fa Mulan: the story of a woman warrior by Robert D. San Souci
A retelling of the original Chinese poem in which a brave young girl masquerades as a boy and fights the Tartars in the Khan's army.
Suggested by Peggy Nuhn, Connect Libraries
Front Desk by Kelly Yang
Mia Tang has a lot of secrets. Number 1: She lives in a motel, not a big house. Every day, while her immigrant parents clean the rooms, ten-year-old Mia manages the front desk of the Calivista Motel and tends to its guests. Number 2: Her parents hide immigrants. And if the mean motel owner, Mr. Yao, finds out they've been letting them stay in the empty rooms for free, the Tangs will be doomed. Number 3: She wants to be a writer. But how can she when her mom thinks she should stick to math because English is not her first language? It will take all of Mia's courage, kindness, and hard work to get through this year. Will she be able to hold on to her job, help the immigrants and guests, escape Mr. Yao, and go for her dreams?
Suggested by Peter Spyers-Duran, Cataloging
 Impounded: Dorothea Lange and the censored images of Japanese American internment by Dorothea Lange
Censored by the U.S. Army, Dorothea Lange's unseen photographs are the extraordinary photographic record of the Japanese American internment saga. This indelible work of visual and social history confirms Dorothea Lange's stature as one of the twentieth century's greatest American photographers. Presenting 119 images originally censored by the U.S. Army―the majority of which have never been published―Impounded evokes the horror of a community uprooted in the early 1940s and the stark reality of the internment camps. With poignancy and sage insight, nationally known historians Linda Gordon and Gary Okihiro illuminate the saga of Japanese American internment: from life before Executive Order 9066 to the abrupt roundups and the marginal existence in the bleak, sandswept camps.
Suggested by Megan Haught, Teaching & Engagement/Research & Information Services
 John Okada: the life & rediscovered work of the author of No-no boy edited by Frank Abe, Greg Robinson, and Floyd Cheung
No-No Boy, John Okada's only published novel, centers on a Japanese American who refuses to fight for the country that incarcerated him and his people in World War II and is cast out by his divided community. The novel faced a similar rejection until it was rediscovered and reissued in 1976, becoming a classic of American literature. As a result of Okada's untimely death at age forty-seven, the author's life and other works have remained obscure. This collection offers the first full-length examination of Okada's development as an artist, placing recently discovered writing by Okada alongside essays that reassess his legacy. Meticulously researched biographical details, insight from friends and relatives, and a trove of photographs illuminate Okada's life in Seattle, military service, and careers as a public librarian, technical writer, and ad man. This volume is an essential companion to No-No Boy.
Suggested by Missy Murphey, Research & Information Services
 Little Fires Everywhere: a novel by Celeste Ng
In Shaker Heights, a placid, progressive suburb of Cleveland, everything is planned -- from the layout of the winding roads, to the colors of the houses, to the successful lives its residents will go on to lead. And no one embodies this spirit more than Elena Richardson, whose guiding principle is playing by the rules. Enter Mia Warren -- an enigmatic artist and single mother -- who arrives in this idyllic bubble with her teenaged daughter Pearl, and rents a house from the Richardsons. Soon Mia and Pearl become more than tenants: all four Richardson children are drawn to the mother-daughter pair. But Mia carries with her a mysterious past and a disregard for the status quo that threatens to upend this carefully ordered community. When old family friends of the Richardsons attempt to adopt a Chinese-American baby, a custody battle erupts that dramatically divides the town -- and puts Mia and Elena on opposing sides.
Suggested by Sandy Avila, Research & Information Services
 Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
In Memoirs of a Geisha, we enter a world where appearances are paramount; where a girl's virginity is auctioned to the highest bidder; where women are trained to beguile the most powerful men; and where love is scorned as illusion. It is a unique and triumphant work of fiction—at once romantic, erotic, suspenseful—and completely unforgettable.
Suggested by Peggy Nuhn, Connect Libraries
 Music for Alice by Allen Say
As a girl, Alice loved to dance, but the rhythms of her life offered little opportunity for a foxtrot, let alone a waltz. World War II erupted soon after she was married. Alice and her husband, along with many other Japanese Americans, were forced to leave their homes and report to assembly centers around the country. Undaunted, Alice and her husband learned to make the most of every circumstance, from their stall in the old stockyard in Portland to the decrepit farm in the Oregon desert, with its field of stones. Like a pair of skilled dancers, they sidestepped adversity to land gracefully amid golden opportunity. Together they turned a barren wasteland into a field of endless flowers. Such achievements did not come without effort and sacrifice, though, and Alice often thought her dancing days were long behind her.
Suggested by Peggy Nuhn, Connect Libraries
 No-no Boy by John Okada
No-No Boy tells the story of Ichiro Yamada, a fictional version of the real-life "no-no boys." Yamada answered "no" twice in a compulsory government questionnaire as to whether he would serve in the armed forces and swear loyalty to the United States. Unwilling to pledge himself to the country that interned him and his family, Ichiro earns two years in prison and the hostility of his family and community when he returns home to Seattle. As Ozeki writes, Ichiro’s "obsessive, tormented" voice subverts Japanese postwar "model-minority" stereotypes, showing a fractured community and one man’s "threnody of guilt, rage, and blame as he tries to negotiate his reentry into a shattered world."
Suggested by Missy Murphey, Research & Information Services
 Severance by Ling Ma
Candace Chen, a millennial drone self-sequestered in a Manhattan office tower, is devoted to routine. With the recent passing of her Chinese immigrant parents, she's had her fill of uncertainty. She's content just to carry on: She goes to work, troubleshoots the teen-targeted Gemstone Bible, watches movies in a Greenpoint basement with her boyfriend. So Candace barely notices when a plague of biblical proportions sweeps New York. Then Shen Fever spreads. Families flee. Companies cease operations. The subways screech to a halt. Her bosses enlist her as part of a dwindling skeleton crew with a big end-date payoff. Soon entirely alone, still unfevered, she photographs the eerie, abandoned city as the anonymous blogger NY Ghost. Candace won't be able to make it on her own forever, though. Enter a group of survivors, led by the power-hungry IT tech Bob. They're traveling to a place called the Facility, where, Bob promises, they will have everything they need to start society anew. But Candace is carrying a secret she knows Bob will exploit. Should she escape from her rescuers?
Suggested by Sara Duff, Acquisitions & Collections
 The Astonishing Color of After by Emily X. R. Pan
Leigh Chen Sanders is absolutely certain about one thing: When her mother died by suicide, she turned into a bird. Leigh, who is half Asian and half white, travels to Taiwan to meet her maternal grandparents for the first time. There, she is determined to find her mother, the bird. In her search, she winds up chasing after ghosts, uncovering family secrets, and forging a new relationship with her grandparents. And as she grieves, she must try to reconcile the fact that on the same day she kissed her best friend and longtime secret crush, Axel, her mother was taking her own life.
Suggested by Megan Haught, Teaching & Engagement/Research & Information Services
 The Chinese Exclusion Act by directed by Ric Burns and Li-Shin Yu
Examine the origin, history and impact of the 1882 law that made it illegal for Chinese workers to come to America and for Chinese nationals already here ever to become U.S. citizens. The first in a long line of acts targeting the Chinese for exclusion, it remained in force for more than 60 years.
Suggested by Richard Harrison, Research & Information Services
 The Making of Asian America: a history by Erika Lee
The definitive history of Asian Americans by one of the nation's preeminent scholars on the subject. In the past fifty years, Asian Americans have helped change the face of America and are now the fastest growing group in the United States. But as award-winning historian Erika Lee reminds us, Asian Americans also have deep roots in the country. The Making of Asian America tells the little-known history of Asian Americans and their role in American life, from the arrival of the first Asians in the Americas to the present-day. An epic history of global journeys and new beginnings, this book shows how generations of Asian immigrants and their American-born descendants have made and remade Asian American life in the United States: sailors who came on the first trans-Pacific ships in the 1500s; indentured "coolies" who worked alongside African slaves in the Caribbean; and Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, Korean, and South Asian immigrants who were recruited to work in the United States only to face massive racial discrimination, Asian exclusion laws, and for Japanese Americans, incarceration during World War II. No longer a "despised minority," Asian Americans are now held up as America's "model minorities" in ways that reveal the complicated role that race still plays in the United States.
Suggested by Missy Murphey, Research & Information Services
 The Night Tiger by Yangsze Choo
Quick-witted, ambitious Ji Lin is stuck as an apprentice dressmaker, moonlighting as a dance-hall girl to help pay off her mother's mahjong debts. But when one of her dance partners accidentally leaves behind a gruesome souvenir, Ji Lin plunges into a dark adventure: a mirror world of secrets and superstitions. Eleven-year-old Chinese houseboy Ren also has a secret, a promise he must fulfill to his dead master; to find his master's severed finger and bury it with his body. Ren has forty-nine days to do so, or his master's soul will wander the earth forever. Dazzling and propulsive, The Night Tiger is the coming-of-age of a child and a young woman, each searching for their place in a society that would rather they stay invisible.
Suggested by Sandy Avila, Research & Information Services
 The Way You Make Me Feel by Maurene Goo
Clara Shin lives for pranks and disruption. When she takes one joke too far, her dad sentences her to a summer working on his food truck, the KoBra, alongside her uptight classmate Rose Carver. Not the carefree summer Clara had imagined. But maybe Rose isn't so bad. Maybe the boy named Hamlet (yes, Hamlet) crushing on her is pretty cute. Maybe Clara actually feels invested in her dad’s business. What if taking this summer seriously means that Clara has to leave her old self behind?
Suggested by Megan Haught, Teaching & Engagement/Research & Information Services
 Thich Nhat Hanh: essential writings by Thicht Than
Zen master, poet, monk and peace advocate, Thich Nhat Hanh is a Vietnamese Buddhist monk who has lived in exile in France for 30 years. Through his writings and retreats he has helped countless people of all religious backgrounds to live mindfully in the present moment, to uproot sources of anger and distrust, and to achieve relationships of love and understanding.
Suggested by Cindy Dancel, Research & Information Services
To the Stars: the autobiography of George Takei, Star Trek's Mr. Sulu by George Takei
This is the autobiography of one of Star Trek's most popular stars, George Takei. It tells of his triumph over adversity and of his huge success, despite an inauspicious start in a wartime US Asian relocation camp. In his lifetime, he has become an actor, a successful businessman, a writer, and a man deeply involved in politics and the democratic process. His story also includes his early days as an actor when he had brushes with greats like Alec Guinness, Burt Lancaster and Bruce Lee, as well as his first meeting with a writer/producer named Gene Roddenberry.
Suggested by Tim Walker, Information Technology & Digital Initiatives
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architectnews · 3 years
HUO Restaurant, Chelsea London
HUO Restaurant, Chelsea Commercial Interior, London Building Project, UK Architecture Images
HUO Restaurant in London
2 Aug 2021
Design: Jonathan Clark Architects
Location: Chelsea, south west London, England, UK
HUO Restaurant
HUŎ is a new restaurant in Chelsea which joins sister restaurant ULI in Notting Hill serving clean, fresh and healthy Asian food.
Many people may remember the adjacent stretch of the Fulham Road and surrounding streets being referred as ‘Chelsea Beach’ and it is this association which has inspired much of the interior design.
Driftwood colours by way of bleached timber banquettes and flooring and a white timber raft ceiling, combined with an abundance of natural light surrounded by tropical plants ensure a fresh and airy ambience in which to enjoy some of the capital’s best Asian food.
In a similar way to ULI, we have avoided any direct references that would normally be associated with far eastern design.
The main design element of the space is a suspended ceiling raft of bleached timber strips that start at the front of the space and take your eye all the way down to back. Apart from providing a visual feature, this ceiling also disguises several unsightly low structural beams and mechanical and electrical services.
This site previously operated as a restaurant, and we understand that the rear area of the space tended to be avoided by patrons. Our aim was to turn this situation around by making the rear area just as attractive as the front area. Our solution was to install false mirrored ‘windows‘ to create the impression of a rear courtyard, with recessed boxes for tropical plants. The opening up of a rear skylight also provides additional daylight. Finally, we installed six circular banquettes, each to seat four to six people and these are proving to be the most popular seats in the restaurant.
Finally we very carefully curated the artworks, furniture and soft furnishings with our clients.
HUO Restaurant in Chelsea, London – Building Information
Architects: Jonathan Clark Architects
Project size: 115 m2 Completion date: 2021 Building levels: 1
Photography © Charlie McKay
HUO Restaurant in Chelsea images / information received 020821
Location: Chelsea, London, south east England, UK
Architecture in London
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brewerlinda1995 · 4 years
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gordonwilliamsweb · 4 years
Kids Are Missing Critical Windows for Lead Testing Due to Pandemic
CLEVELAND — Families skipping or delaying pediatric appointments for their young children because of the pandemic are missing out on more than vaccines. Critical testing for lead poisoning has plummeted in many parts of the country.
In the Upper Midwest, Northeast and parts of the West Coast — areas with historically high rates of lead poisoning — the slide has been the most dramatic, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In states such as Michigan, Ohio and Minnesota, testing for the brain-damaging heavy metal fell by 50% or more this spring compared with 2019, health officials report.
“The drop-off in April was massive,” said Thomas Largo, section manager of environmental health surveillance at the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, noting a 76% decrease in testing compared with the year before. “We weren’t quite prepared for that.”
Blood tests for lead, the only way to tell if a child has been exposed, are typically performed by pricking a finger or heel or tapping a vein at 1- and 2-year-old well-child visits. A blood test with elevated lead levels triggers the next critical steps in accessing early intervention for the behavioral, learning and health effects of lead poisoning and also identifying the source of the lead to prevent further harm.
Because of the pandemic, though, the drop in blood tests means referrals for critical home inspections plus medical and educational services are falling, too. And that means help isn’t reaching poisoned kids, a one-two punch, particularly in communities of color, said Yvonka Hall, a lead poisoning prevention advocate and co-founder of the Cleveland Lead Safe Network. And this all comes amid COVID-related school and child care closures, meaning kids who are at risk are spending more time than ever in the place where most exposure happens: the home.
“Inside is dangerous,” Hall said.
The CDC estimates about 500,000 U.S. children between ages 1 and 5 have been poisoned by lead, probably an underestimate due to the lack of widespread testing in many communities and states. In 2017, more than 40,000 children had elevated blood lead levels, defined as higher than 5 micrograms per deciliter of blood, in the 23 states that reported data.
While preliminary June and July data in some states indicates lead testing is picking up, it’s nowhere near as high as it would need to be to catch up on the kids who missed appointments in the spring at the height of lockdown orders, experts say. And that may mean some kids will never be tested.
“What I’m most worried about is that the kids who are not getting tested now are the most vulnerable — those are the kids I’m worried might not have a makeup visit,” said Stephanie Yendell, senior epidemiology supervisor in the health risk intervention unit at the Minnesota Department of Health.
Lifelong Consequences
There’s a critical window for conducting lead poisoning blood tests, timed to when children are crawling or toddling and tend to put their hands on floors, windowsills and door frames and possibly transfer tiny particles of lead-laden dust to their mouths.
Children at this age are more likely to be harmed because their rapidly growing brains and bodies absorb the element more readily. Lead poisoning can’t be reversed; children with lead poisoning are more likely to fall behind in school, end up in jail or suffer lifelong health problems such as kidney and heart disease.
That’s why lead tests are required at ages 1 and 2 for children receiving federal Medicaid benefits, the population most likely to be poisoned because of low-quality housing options. Tests are also recommended for all children living in high-risk ZIP codes with older housing stock and historically high levels of lead exposure.
Testing fell far short of recommendations in many parts of the country even before the pandemic, though, with one recent study estimating that in some states 80% of poisoned children are never identified. And when tests are required, there has been little enforcement of the rule.
Early in the pandemic, officials in New York’s Erie County bumped up the threshold for sending a public health worker into a family’s home to investigate the source of lead exposure from 5 micrograms per deciliter to 45 micrograms per deciliter (a blood lead level that usually requires hospitalization), said Dr. Gale Burstein, that county’s health commissioner. For all other cases during that period, officials inspected only the outside of the child’s home for potential hazards.
About 700 fewer children were tested for lead in Erie County in April than in the same month last year, a drop of about 35%.
Ohio, which has among the highest levels of lead poisoning in the country, recently expanded automatic eligibility for its Early Intervention program to any child with an elevated blood lead test, providing the opportunity for occupational, physical and speech therapy; learning supports for school; and developmental assessments. If kids with lead poisoning don’t get tested, though, they won’t be referred for help.
In early April, there were only three referrals for elevated lead levels in the state, which had been fielding nine times as many on average in the months before the pandemic, said Karen Mintzer, director of Bright Beginnings, which manages them for Ohio’s Department of Developmental Disabilities. “It basically was a complete stop,” she said. Since mid-June, referrals have recovered and are now above pre-pandemic levels.
“We should treat every child with lead poisoning as a medical emergency,” said John Belt, principal investigator for the Ohio Department of Health’s lead poisoning program. “Not identifying them is going to delay the available services, and in some cases lead to a cognitive deficit.”
Pandemic Compounds Worries
One of the big worries about the drop in lead testing is that it’s happening at a time when exposure to lead-laden paint chips, soil and dust in homes may be spiking because of stay-at-home orders during the pandemic.
Exposure to lead dust from deteriorating paint, particularly in high-friction areas such as doors and windows, is the most common cause of lead exposure for children in the U.S.
“I worry about kids in unsafe housing, more so during the pandemic, because they’re stuck there during the quarantine,” said Dr. Aparna Bole, a pediatrician at Cleveland’s University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital.
The pandemic may also compound exposure to lead, experts fear, as both landlords and homeowners try to tackle renovation projects without proper safety precautions while everyone is at home. Or the economic fallout of the crisis could mean some people can no longer afford to clean up known lead hazards at all.
“If you’ve lost your job, it’s going to make it difficult to get new windows, or even repaint,” said Yendell.
The CDC says it plans to help state and local health departments track down children who missed lead tests. Minnesota plans to identify pediatric clinics with particularly steep drops in lead testing to figure out why, said Yendell.
But, Yendell said, that will likely have to wait until the pandemic is over: “Right now I’m spending 10-20% of my time on lead, and the rest is COVID.”
The pandemic has stretched already thinly staffed local health departments to the brink, health officials say, and it may take years to know the full impact of the missed testing. For the kids who’ve been poisoned and had no intervention, the effects may not be obvious until they enter school and struggle to keep up.
Kaiser Health News (KHN) is a national health policy news service. It is an editorially independent program of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation which is not affiliated with Kaiser Permanente.
This story can be republished for free (details).
Kids Are Missing Critical Windows for Lead Testing Due to Pandemic published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
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stephenmccull · 4 years
Kids Are Missing Critical Windows for Lead Testing Due to Pandemic
CLEVELAND — Families skipping or delaying pediatric appointments for their young children because of the pandemic are missing out on more than vaccines. Critical testing for lead poisoning has plummeted in many parts of the country.
In the Upper Midwest, Northeast and parts of the West Coast — areas with historically high rates of lead poisoning — the slide has been the most dramatic, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In states such as Michigan, Ohio and Minnesota, testing for the brain-damaging heavy metal fell by 50% or more this spring compared with 2019, health officials report.
“The drop-off in April was massive,” said Thomas Largo, section manager of environmental health surveillance at the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, noting a 76% decrease in testing compared with the year before. “We weren’t quite prepared for that.”
Blood tests for lead, the only way to tell if a child has been exposed, are typically performed by pricking a finger or heel or tapping a vein at 1- and 2-year-old well-child visits. A blood test with elevated lead levels triggers the next critical steps in accessing early intervention for the behavioral, learning and health effects of lead poisoning and also identifying the source of the lead to prevent further harm.
Because of the pandemic, though, the drop in blood tests means referrals for critical home inspections plus medical and educational services are falling, too. And that means help isn’t reaching poisoned kids, a one-two punch, particularly in communities of color, said Yvonka Hall, a lead poisoning prevention advocate and co-founder of the Cleveland Lead Safe Network. And this all comes amid COVID-related school and child care closures, meaning kids who are at risk are spending more time than ever in the place where most exposure happens: the home.
“Inside is dangerous,” Hall said.
The CDC estimates about 500,000 U.S. children between ages 1 and 5 have been poisoned by lead, probably an underestimate due to the lack of widespread testing in many communities and states. In 2017, more than 40,000 children had elevated blood lead levels, defined as higher than 5 micrograms per deciliter of blood, in the 23 states that reported data.
While preliminary June and July data in some states indicates lead testing is picking up, it’s nowhere near as high as it would need to be to catch up on the kids who missed appointments in the spring at the height of lockdown orders, experts say. And that may mean some kids will never be tested.
“What I’m most worried about is that the kids who are not getting tested now are the most vulnerable — those are the kids I’m worried might not have a makeup visit,” said Stephanie Yendell, senior epidemiology supervisor in the health risk intervention unit at the Minnesota Department of Health.
Lifelong Consequences
There’s a critical window for conducting lead poisoning blood tests, timed to when children are crawling or toddling and tend to put their hands on floors, windowsills and door frames and possibly transfer tiny particles of lead-laden dust to their mouths.
Children at this age are more likely to be harmed because their rapidly growing brains and bodies absorb the element more readily. Lead poisoning can’t be reversed; children with lead poisoning are more likely to fall behind in school, end up in jail or suffer lifelong health problems such as kidney and heart disease.
That’s why lead tests are required at ages 1 and 2 for children receiving federal Medicaid benefits, the population most likely to be poisoned because of low-quality housing options. Tests are also recommended for all children living in high-risk ZIP codes with older housing stock and historically high levels of lead exposure.
Testing fell far short of recommendations in many parts of the country even before the pandemic, though, with one recent study estimating that in some states 80% of poisoned children are never identified. And when tests are required, there has been little enforcement of the rule.
Early in the pandemic, officials in New York’s Erie County bumped up the threshold for sending a public health worker into a family’s home to investigate the source of lead exposure from 5 micrograms per deciliter to 45 micrograms per deciliter (a blood lead level that usually requires hospitalization), said Dr. Gale Burstein, that county’s health commissioner. For all other cases during that period, officials inspected only the outside of the child’s home for potential hazards.
About 700 fewer children were tested for lead in Erie County in April than in the same month last year, a drop of about 35%.
Ohio, which has among the highest levels of lead poisoning in the country, recently expanded automatic eligibility for its Early Intervention program to any child with an elevated blood lead test, providing the opportunity for occupational, physical and speech therapy; learning supports for school; and developmental assessments. If kids with lead poisoning don’t get tested, though, they won’t be referred for help.
In early April, there were only three referrals for elevated lead levels in the state, which had been fielding nine times as many on average in the months before the pandemic, said Karen Mintzer, director of Bright Beginnings, which manages them for Ohio’s Department of Developmental Disabilities. “It basically was a complete stop,” she said. Since mid-June, referrals have recovered and are now above pre-pandemic levels.
“We should treat every child with lead poisoning as a medical emergency,” said John Belt, principal investigator for the Ohio Department of Health’s lead poisoning program. “Not identifying them is going to delay the available services, and in some cases lead to a cognitive deficit.”
Pandemic Compounds Worries
One of the big worries about the drop in lead testing is that it’s happening at a time when exposure to lead-laden paint chips, soil and dust in homes may be spiking because of stay-at-home orders during the pandemic.
Exposure to lead dust from deteriorating paint, particularly in high-friction areas such as doors and windows, is the most common cause of lead exposure for children in the U.S.
“I worry about kids in unsafe housing, more so during the pandemic, because they’re stuck there during the quarantine,” said Dr. Aparna Bole, a pediatrician at Cleveland’s University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital.
The pandemic may also compound exposure to lead, experts fear, as both landlords and homeowners try to tackle renovation projects without proper safety precautions while everyone is at home. Or the economic fallout of the crisis could mean some people can no longer afford to clean up known lead hazards at all.
“If you’ve lost your job, it’s going to make it difficult to get new windows, or even repaint,” said Yendell.
The CDC says it plans to help state and local health departments track down children who missed lead tests. Minnesota plans to identify pediatric clinics with particularly steep drops in lead testing to figure out why, said Yendell.
But, Yendell said, that will likely have to wait until the pandemic is over: “Right now I’m spending 10-20% of my time on lead, and the rest is COVID.”
The pandemic has stretched already thinly staffed local health departments to the brink, health officials say, and it may take years to know the full impact of the missed testing. For the kids who’ve been poisoned and had no intervention, the effects may not be obvious until they enter school and struggle to keep up.
Kaiser Health News (KHN) is a national health policy news service. It is an editorially independent program of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation which is not affiliated with Kaiser Permanente.
This story can be republished for free (details).
Kids Are Missing Critical Windows for Lead Testing Due to Pandemic published first on https://smartdrinkingweb.weebly.com/
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dinafbrownil · 4 years
Kids Are Missing Critical Windows for Lead Testing Due to Pandemic
CLEVELAND — Families skipping or delaying pediatric appointments for their young children because of the pandemic are missing out on more than vaccines. Critical testing for lead poisoning has plummeted in many parts of the country.
In the Upper Midwest, Northeast and parts of the West Coast — areas with historically high rates of lead poisoning — the slide has been the most dramatic, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In states such as Michigan, Ohio and Minnesota, testing for the brain-damaging heavy metal fell by 50% or more this spring compared with 2019, health officials report.
“The drop-off in April was massive,” said Thomas Largo, section manager of environmental health surveillance at the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, noting a 76% decrease in testing compared with the year before. “We weren’t quite prepared for that.”
Blood tests for lead, the only way to tell if a child has been exposed, are typically performed by pricking a finger or heel or tapping a vein at 1- and 2-year-old well-child visits. A blood test with elevated lead levels triggers the next critical steps in accessing early intervention for the behavioral, learning and health effects of lead poisoning and also identifying the source of the lead to prevent further harm.
Because of the pandemic, though, the drop in blood tests means referrals for critical home inspections plus medical and educational services are falling, too. And that means help isn’t reaching poisoned kids, a one-two punch, particularly in communities of color, said Yvonka Hall, a lead poisoning prevention advocate and co-founder of the Cleveland Lead Safe Network. And this all comes amid COVID-related school and child care closures, meaning kids who are at risk are spending more time than ever in the place where most exposure happens: the home.
“Inside is dangerous,” Hall said.
The CDC estimates about 500,000 U.S. children between ages 1 and 5 have been poisoned by lead, probably an underestimate due to the lack of widespread testing in many communities and states. In 2017, more than 40,000 children had elevated blood lead levels, defined as higher than 5 micrograms per deciliter of blood, in the 23 states that reported data.
While preliminary June and July data in some states indicates lead testing is picking up, it’s nowhere near as high as it would need to be to catch up on the kids who missed appointments in the spring at the height of lockdown orders, experts say. And that may mean some kids will never be tested.
“What I’m most worried about is that the kids who are not getting tested now are the most vulnerable — those are the kids I’m worried might not have a makeup visit,” said Stephanie Yendell, senior epidemiology supervisor in the health risk intervention unit at the Minnesota Department of Health.
Lifelong Consequences
There’s a critical window for conducting lead poisoning blood tests, timed to when children are crawling or toddling and tend to put their hands on floors, windowsills and door frames and possibly transfer tiny particles of lead-laden dust to their mouths.
Children at this age are more likely to be harmed because their rapidly growing brains and bodies absorb the element more readily. Lead poisoning can’t be reversed; children with lead poisoning are more likely to fall behind in school, end up in jail or suffer lifelong health problems such as kidney and heart disease.
That’s why lead tests are required at ages 1 and 2 for children receiving federal Medicaid benefits, the population most likely to be poisoned because of low-quality housing options. Tests are also recommended for all children living in high-risk ZIP codes with older housing stock and historically high levels of lead exposure.
Testing fell far short of recommendations in many parts of the country even before the pandemic, though, with one recent study estimating that in some states 80% of poisoned children are never identified. And when tests are required, there has been little enforcement of the rule.
Early in the pandemic, officials in New York’s Erie County bumped up the threshold for sending a public health worker into a family’s home to investigate the source of lead exposure from 5 micrograms per deciliter to 45 micrograms per deciliter (a blood lead level that usually requires hospitalization), said Dr. Gale Burstein, that county’s health commissioner. For all other cases during that period, officials inspected only the outside of the child’s home for potential hazards.
About 700 fewer children were tested for lead in Erie County in April than in the same month last year, a drop of about 35%.
Ohio, which has among the highest levels of lead poisoning in the country, recently expanded automatic eligibility for its Early Intervention program to any child with an elevated blood lead test, providing the opportunity for occupational, physical and speech therapy; learning supports for school; and developmental assessments. If kids with lead poisoning don’t get tested, though, they won’t be referred for help.
In early April, there were only three referrals for elevated lead levels in the state, which had been fielding nine times as many on average in the months before the pandemic, said Karen Mintzer, director of Bright Beginnings, which manages them for Ohio’s Department of Developmental Disabilities. “It basically was a complete stop,” she said. Since mid-June, referrals have recovered and are now above pre-pandemic levels.
“We should treat every child with lead poisoning as a medical emergency,” said John Belt, principal investigator for the Ohio Department of Health’s lead poisoning program. “Not identifying them is going to delay the available services, and in some cases lead to a cognitive deficit.”
Pandemic Compounds Worries
One of the big worries about the drop in lead testing is that it’s happening at a time when exposure to lead-laden paint chips, soil and dust in homes may be spiking because of stay-at-home orders during the pandemic.
Exposure to lead dust from deteriorating paint, particularly in high-friction areas such as doors and windows, is the most common cause of lead exposure for children in the U.S.
“I worry about kids in unsafe housing, more so during the pandemic, because they’re stuck there during the quarantine,” said Dr. Aparna Bole, a pediatrician at Cleveland’s University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital.
The pandemic may also compound exposure to lead, experts fear, as both landlords and homeowners try to tackle renovation projects without proper safety precautions while everyone is at home. Or the economic fallout of the crisis could mean some people can no longer afford to clean up known lead hazards at all.
“If you’ve lost your job, it’s going to make it difficult to get new windows, or even repaint,” said Yendell.
The CDC says it plans to help state and local health departments track down children who missed lead tests. Minnesota plans to identify pediatric clinics with particularly steep drops in lead testing to figure out why, said Yendell.
But, Yendell said, that will likely have to wait until the pandemic is over: “Right now I’m spending 10-20% of my time on lead, and the rest is COVID.”
The pandemic has stretched already thinly staffed local health departments to the brink, health officials say, and it may take years to know the full impact of the missed testing. For the kids who’ve been poisoned and had no intervention, the effects may not be obvious until they enter school and struggle to keep up.
Kaiser Health News (KHN) is a national health policy news service. It is an editorially independent program of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation which is not affiliated with Kaiser Permanente.
This story can be republished for free (details).
from Updates By Dina https://khn.org/news/kids-are-missing-critical-windows-for-lead-testing-due-to-pandemic/
0 notes
Steps to Avoid Expensive Garage Door Repair
The importance of effective garage door repair cannot be overstated. With a broken , for instance, home security becomes terribly compromised. A nonfunctional door can also prove extremely inconvenient, especially when parking a car and taking it out. Blemished garage doors can also be an eyesore. But while garage repair is practically a necessity, it can sometimes be quite expensive, and the cost of labor and materials can often hurt a homeowner's budget. However, there are particular ways to keep the cost of repair from reaching unreasonable amounts. Here are a few steps one can take in order to avoid expensive garage door repairs.
Maintain the Area
Even before a garage shows signs of breaking down or chipping off, it is important to keep the garage area clean at all times. The space in which the door moves around should always be free of dirt and debris which may block the door as it opens and closes. Large objects, in particular, should not be placed on the way of the door so that it can move efficiently and thus avoid mechanical issues. The rollers and hinges of the garage should meanwhile be regularly lubricated. The use of high-quality lubricant in consistent intervals is an excellent practice in keeping the door at its perfect form. It is worth noting, however, that certain parts of the garage door, such as the track and chain should not be lubricated. When these good practices are observed, damages on the door will be prevented and so will the expenses that entail garage door repair.
Tighten Loose Components
When garage develop issues with their opener mechanisms, they will require some serious repairs that may cost a significant amount of money. To avoid this, there must be regular maintenance of the door's mechanical components. As a rule, one must be wary of any loud screeching noise when the garage opens, as this is a sign that some components of the garage door are loose. To keep the problem from getting worse, one must immediately address it by finding the problematic parts and fixing them respectively. Oftentimes, a simple tightening up of screws and bolts will do the trick. However, there are certain problems in the door's mechanism that require professional garage door repair.
Replace Springs
Another common problem with garage, especially for the old ones, lies with the springs. These parts of the are among the easiest to get worn, so it is important to look out for signs of loose springs. When the garage door does not fully open or close, this may be an indication that its springs have loosened up. In this case, the replacement of the springs is recommended, as these parts are typically beyond salvation. However, one can also adjust the limit switch in order to ease down the pressure on the springs. As for very old springs, there is no better solution than to get rid of them because keeping them may end up harming the motor. Therefore by replacing the springs, one can avoid further damage and thus further garage door repair costs.
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gsgaragedoors1 · 4 years
Steps to Avoid Expensive Garage Door Repair
The importance of effective garage door repair cannot be overstated. With a broken , for instance, home security becomes terribly compromised. A nonfunctional door can also prove extremely inconvenient, especially when parking a car and taking it out. Blemished garage doors can also be an eyesore. But while garage repair is practically a necessity, it can sometimes be quite expensive, and the cost of labor and materials can often hurt a homeowner's budget. However, there are particular ways to keep the cost of repair from reaching unreasonable amounts. Here are a few steps one can take in order to avoid expensive garage door repairs.
Maintain the Area
Even before a garage shows signs of breaking down or chipping off, it is important to keep the garage area clean at all times. The space in which the door moves around should always be free of dirt and debris which may block the door as it opens and closes. Large objects, in particular, should not be placed on the way of the door so that it can move efficiently and thus avoid mechanical issues. The rollers and hinges of the garage should meanwhile be regularly lubricated. The use of high-quality lubricant in consistent intervals is an excellent practice in keeping the door at its perfect form. It is worth noting, however, that certain parts of the garage door, such as the track and chain should not be lubricated. When these good practices are observed, damages on the door will be prevented and so will the expenses that entail garage door repair.
Tighten Loose Components
When garage develop issues with their opener mechanisms, they will require some serious repairs that may cost a significant amount of money. To avoid this, there must be regular maintenance of the door's mechanical components. As a rule, one must be wary of any loud screeching noise when the garage opens, as this is a sign that some components of the garage door are loose. To keep the problem from getting worse, one must immediately address it by finding the problematic parts and fixing them respectively. Oftentimes, a simple tightening up of screws and bolts will do the trick. However, there are certain problems in the door's mechanism that require professional garage door repair.
Replace Springs
Another common problem with garage, especially for the old ones, lies with the springs. These parts of the are among the easiest to get worn, so it is important to look out for signs of loose springs. When the garage door does not fully open or close, this may be an indication that its springs have loosened up. In this case, the replacement of the springs is recommended, as these parts are typically beyond salvation. However, one can also adjust the limit switch in order to ease down the pressure on the springs. As for very old springs, there is no better solution than to get rid of them because keeping them may end up harming the motor. Therefore by replacing the springs, one can avoid further damage and thus further garage door repair costs.
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