#cleaning service in Mentor
momsmop · 1 year
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cosmicpuzzle · 4 months
Pros and Cons of Venus ♀ in Each House
1st House:
♎Attractive, refined and diplomatic.
♎Balanced and amiable.
♎Social and polite.
♎Vain and superifical.
♎Uses charm to get things done.
2nd House:
♎Good taste (not just in food but in all things of value).
♎Financially successful
♎Makes others feel valued.
♎Vain spender.
♎Status conscious purchases.
♎Materialistic bringing.
3rd House:
♎Pleasant and tactful communication.
♎Good relationship with peers, neighbours, teammates.
♎Not argumentative.
♎Sweet talks and Flirting nature.
♎Superficial Emotions.
♎Tendency towards affairs (while travel or neighbours)
4th House
♎Good relations with family especially mother.
♎Domestic comforts and luxuries.
♎Good host to guests.
♎Private with feelings, emotions.
♎Wastes money on luxuries.
♎Needy in love.
5th House
♎Ability in arts, drama, music.
♎Deep and loyal in love.
♎Love of children and mate.
♎Attention seeker.
♎Tendency towards affairs
♎Vanity and excessive enjoyment.
6th House
♎Good relations at workplace.
♎Good sense of service,
♎Clean and hygienic environments.
♎Critical in relationships, argumentative.
♎Uses charm to climb at workplace.
♎Mean spender.
7th House
♎Good at forming relationships.
♎Deal maker and negotiator.
♎Fair and just in interactions.
♎Pleasure seeker.
♎Too many relationships.
♎People pleaser.
8th House
♎Deep conjugal bond.
♎Financial benefits from others.
♎Satisfying sexual life.
♎Taboo relationships
♎Marries for money or sex. Makes money illegally.
♎Porn Addictions and vices.
9th House
♎Love of learning, travel and cultures
♎Good relations with foreigngers.
♎Good parents and mentors.
♎Falls out of love due to boredom.
♎Falls in love with teachers, elders or inappropriate persons
♎Dislikes anything that reminds them of home or their culture.
Venus in 10th House
♎Positive social image.
♎Love of work.
♎Good relations with boss and superiors.
♎ Uses charm and beauty to get things done.
♎Works only for money or with aim on promotion.
♎Love based on status. May trap their boss or superiors in scandals
Venus in 11th House
♎Active social life and community.
♎Makes money through social platforms.
♎Good sense of design and brand building.
♎Social climber and tendency towards online affairs.
♎Uses network to get things done.
♎More interested in product building than its use.
Venus in 12th House
♎Selfless in love and relationships.
♎Charitable and giving.
♎Wise investments.
♎Excessive spending and indulgence.
♎Addictions and vices.
♎Keeps love hidden and suffers hence.
All the above points are quite general and can be modified by conjunctions aspects of other planets and the general nature of your birth chart.
Please don't get offended if you see something for yourself and you don't possess those traits. 1 in 12 people could have these.
For Readings DM
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lua-magic · 2 months
Third lord and your past Life skills
Third House is house of courage and initiation, that is why malefics are good in it, especially Mars is exalted.
Third Lord shows which area you will use your courage to manifest your desires.
Third Lord in first house 🏠
Such people are extremely hard working and get everything in their life only through hard work .
Natives love to learn new skills and start new projects in their life, only thing they should care is not to rush into anything and use your logic as well before starting any projects whether they are capable of finishing it as well or not
Third lord in second house
Such natives are good with communication and especially in cooking skills and has great financial knowledge as well. Native shows lot of courage to gain wealth in their life.
Third Lord is considered as malefic planet because wherever it sits it creates problems, so be careful about your family and communication. Choose your words carefully.
Third lord in third house
Good placement, as Native will show courage to fulfill their desires and to earn Money from their passion.
Such natives are extremely artistic in nature and loves to keep learning new skills. .
If you have siblings then keep healthy relationship with your siblings this will help you in your professional life. Such natives desires lot of material wealth in their life.
Third house is if travel, so short travels are good for manifeing their desires.
Third Lord in fourth house.
Fourth house is of comfort and luxury and native will show courage to earn comfort and luxury especially, they have subconscious desires towards owning a cozy home and vehicle and decorating it
Such natives sometimes suffer from anxiety and mental issues. Such natives should be careful about relationship with their mother.
Native has good skills when it comes to cleaning and decorating their cars and House.
Third lord in fifth house 🏠
Native will be skilled in teaching and show courage for romance, native have desire to earn name, fame and success.
Native would be attached to their kids.
Native should be careful with regards to kids as there could be misunderstanding and separation.
Third lord in sixth house 🏠
Native will use his/her skills in job and nitpicking and finding faults.
Native will show courage in solving other's problems and will serve others.
Native will be attached to pets and animals.
Native should be careful about his career choices
Third Lord in seventh house
Native has subconscious desires for relationship and show his courage in buisness and partnerships .
Native is skilled in buisness and public dealings.
Native should be careful about their marriage.
Third Lord in eighth house
Native has highly active subconscious mind and great Intuition.
Native is skilled in research, occult, astrology, and such natives are great spy, secret service agents as they can sense and hidden things
They will show lot of courage in understanding secrets and revealing truth.
They should be careful with relationship with their in laws
Third lord in nighth house
Native is highly skilled in counselling and mentoring and in higher education
Native will show courage towards travelling especially to religious places.
Native should be careful about their relationship with their father.
Native subconsciously seek righteousness and morality.
Third lord in tenth house
Native will show lot of courage in their job, but as third Lord is considered malefic, it does gives trouble in in professional life and won't let native to settle for long time and native desires job satisfaction.
Native should be careful about the profession especially, the boss under which they want to work, so don't choose company but rather choose the boss
Third lord in eleventh house
Native subconsciously desires lot of sudden gains in their life.
They will show lot of courage to create multiple sources of income.
Native would skilled in earning good amount of money.
Native should be careful, as sometimes native becomes too lustful and greedy and loose their wealth so always follow strict moral values while earning money and don't run behind quick money.
Third lord in Twelfth house
This also makes native subconscious mind active, and sometimes disturb night sleep.
Native desires to go spirituality, yoga and meditation and foreign land settlement.
Native will show lot of courage to move away from his mother land or settle away from birth place.
If native is religious then will be devoted to their deity and will see dreams regarding to to their deity as well.
Native may suffer from overthinking and anxiety as well .
Native also carries some past life memories or traumas or special skills that native can come to know through their dreams .
Native should be careful about their mental health and must learn about healing and spirituality.
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evilminji · 8 months
Gold can be exchanged for goods and services (o.o )
Pariah's Keep probably has a shit ton of Precious Goods from various places.
Danny is become King?
If Danny becomes King... then the Zone will somewhat obey him. The Crown and Ring could EASILY tell him where the next natural portal is, where it opens up, and for how long. How many there are. Could probably make a few.
Probably WAS supposed to be making them. Consciously. But, well, Coma(tm).
Would probably count as Kingly Duty to filter and collect. Clean Ecto goes out for souls that remain, a Gateway home for those that wish to LEAVE, so forth and so on.
Effectively, being The Grim Reaper. You don't CAUSE Death. You just guide the way home. If folks so choose.
And that's neat! Horrifying, but neat! And Danny can TOTALLY see how it would eventually drive him completely breakfast cereal fruity nuggets! LUCKILY, he's got a vaguely bro's/Mentor thing going with the ghost who has ALL OF POSSIBLE TIME flowing through HIS head! So Danny should be Gucci!
The headaches suck though.
But WHAT... to do with all this Gold and valuable Space Goods? Most of these aren't even recognized currency on earth! Like the Shells. You could buy a mansion with one of those... on the right planet. On Earth? Pretty paperweight. Hmmmm >.>
<o> *points to top of head!* CROWN! It can? Predict and make PORTALS!
Portals lead any WHERE and any WHEN!
Gold... can be exchanged for goods and services. He remembers, holding a gold brick, about to eat so, SO much pizza.
But WAIT! I hear you wondering! Surely, you mean? Within his past? The history and region of space he knows, right? Ha ha :) Nope! Cowards.
Danny is on the alien otter's planet, trading those sweet, sweet Shells for some snacks no human could eat and a shawl for his sister! He's hiding, badly, behind a food stall in the Martian market place. Hoping future hero J'onn Johnes doesn't notice him.
Lying to the Space Cops, bout where his untraceable Space Money came from, on an alien trading satellite. The Green Lantern's not buying it. Oh noooo >.> sudden Fright Knight. Looming Menacingly by the loading doooocks. Everyone's upset! Definitely not related to him! Better go check on that! :) *gets the heck out of dodge* (my king. Please stop using me as a distraction.) (No promises)
But! It's all fun and games? Until your human friends get sick. Like... REALLY sick.
And then you suddenly remember time and space mean nothing to you. One 15 minute flight that way, two doors, a quick flight of stairs, and a literal child's play place slide? You could be in the 32nd century.
That disease is AT BEST, an unpleasant afternoon, there.
Here, your friend could die.
You trade a student two Spanish dubloons. They have no idea what they are. Just like the look of them and know they're real metal. They walk into the pharmacy for you. Don't question your "social experiment paper" lie.
You're back in less then an hour.
The screaming argument about ethics and mortality lasts hours.
She still takes the medicine. Gets better. Won't talk to you for months. Because why does HER life matter more? Why bend the rules for HER? And you can't bring yourself to say what pulses as Truth from both Crown and Ring.
You could because she didn't Matter. Time... would not notice, nor change. She was in no way pivotal to the flow of history, must one more ant beneath its unrelenting march. Mattering only because those who love her CARE. Because one or two little things might change for the better.
But it takes the shine off of it, a little.
Being able to go to the FUTURE. Watch movies and see aliens and humans alike in the crowd. Read books and dance to songs from people who won't be born for hundreds of years. Eat snacks from the farthest reaches of the cosmos. Or the early BCs!
And that's BEFORE other time travelers clock him as That Shopping Guy. The one who keeps popping up... buying things. For what? Unknown. Probably dinner. Half the time it's food. Trinkets. Once it was a really, REALLY nice goat. (His aunt was THRILLED.)
It probably drives Bart crazy. Because NO ONE knows anything about the guy? Everyone just universally goes "oooh yeah! HIM! Yeah, he sure does Exsist(tm). Very... present and exsistant." Like that's not CRAZY! He has so many question. So Many! What is he even BUYING!? Why? Is there an order? Or is he winging it?!
*pulls out list* he needs ANSWERS!
@hypewinter @hdgnj @ailithnight
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buckets-and-trees · 1 year
SALT (Bucky x Reader)
Fandom: MCU Characters/Pairings: mostly-dark!mob!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Word Count: 2.8k  Summary: True achievement in the restaurant industry requires a relentless drive. No compromises. You've risen through the ranks, and when your mentor retires, you're rightly given the mantle of executive chef at Devour. On your night of ascension, the dining room is packed, and among the guests is someone equally as relentless to get what he wants.
Content Warnings: imbalanced power dynamics, bribery, workplace manipulation, NON/DUBIOUS CONSENT, explicit language, risk of being caught, food play, knife play, nipple/breast play, vaginal fingering, forced orgasm, edging, unprotected vaginal intercourse, non-graphic cream pie (not the food kind)
Additional Notes: Written for @the-slumberparty's April Mob AU challenge. Using dark prompt #23 (bolded in the dialogue).
tagging some peeps who showed interest in the preview for this little thing: @sidepartskinnyjeans @vonalyn @winterslove1917
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“You’re not serious, Stanley.”
“I am.”
You laughed and shook your head. “Sure. Whatever. I don’t have time for customer meet and greets during a normal service, let alone tonight of all nights.”
“You will do it,” Stanley insisted, “because it’s James Barnes and he’s got more money and influence than any god. He owns the mob scene in this town.”
When your maître d’ didn’t say anything more, you turned to truly look at him. 
You frowned but set down your pan with a huff. “Fine. Charlie, take over while I apparently go make an appearance.”
“Table twenty-seven,” Stanley said, handing you a clean dish towel, which you pressed against your forehead, cheeks, and neck as you headed for the door that led from kitchen to dining area, tossing the towel in the laundry bin under one of the counters. 
You pushed past the kitchen doors and walked through the dining room towards table twenty-seven, one of the handful booths and tables nestled in small alcoves that offered a little more privacy for VIP reservations, set off on a small dais with walls of green plants strategically placed to create ambience while sectioning off the area from curious eyes and a plethora of potential phone cameras. 
There were five individuals seated around the table, but he drew your attention first as you approached. He clocked your progress before any of his companions, and when he looked up, his stare fixed on you with such intensity that you took a brief pause before your next step, which he clearly noted, and the corner of his mouth ticked up in the slightest smirk. It made your blood heat with irritation, but you focused on remaining calm and professional as you stepped up to the table. 
“This was an exquisite meal, Chef,” he said, drawing the attention of his companions to you immediately.
“Thank you,” you replied. 
“Sam here hasn’t been able to shut up about it since the first course came out,” a blonde man sitting to his right said. 
“And you haven’t left even a crumb on your plate through any course, Steve,” he chided back good naturedly. 
Each of them had a girl tucked in next to them, but not the man with dark hair and steel blue eyes you still found it difficult to look away from who had to be the infamous James. His friends and their companions continued to rave for another minute or two about different parts of the meal’s courses. You expected them to be closer to the age of your parents, not much nearer yours. 
“Well, thank you again,” you finally said. “We’re pleased to have you dining at our restaurant tonight. Devour is a dream for all of us on the staff. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to get back to the kitchen to oversee final preparations for the dessert course.”
“I’m eager for what’s to come next, Chef,” he said, looking you up and down, his eyes darkening. You’d delivered the overture for your exit, but he somehow made it clear it was only with his approval that you would leave in that moment. 
Twenty minutes later, you sprinkled a touch of flaky salt over the ribbon of whiskey-laced caramel drizzled over the chocolate mousse, Charlie adorned it with a perfect rosette of the Chantilly cream, and you slid the final plate across to Stanley, who put it on the final tray and sent the waiter on his way. 
“That’s service, everyone!” you announced, and some of the staff clapped and whooped. 
You smiled, truly satisfied. Charlie bumped elbows with you, and when you turned your head to look at him, you couldn’t help the genuine smile bursting across your face. 
“Truly a triumph for you taking over,” Stanley said, loud enough for everyone to hear.
“You’ve more than earned your new title as the executive chef of Devour and this kitch–“
He was cut off as there was a burst of activity at the doors coming in from the dining room. “Everyone, clear the kitchen! Out the back, please,” came a booming voice that you’d heard speak much more congenially earlier in the dining room. It was clear this man was used to giving orders and having them followed without question. 
“Excuse me,” Stanley turned to look, but on seeing who was sweeping in and ushering his staff out before him, but his tone shifted when he saw who was giving the orders – now guarded but polite, “Oh, Mr. Rogers.”
“And if I could have a word with you in particular,” Steve said, addressing Stanley and nodding towards the back. 
“Of course,” he responded.
You and Stanley exchanged a glance, and you began clearing out with the rest, but Steve put a hand on your shoulder. “Not you,” he said a little more quietly. “You stay here.”
You frowned and tilted your head as you looked up at him. He only smirked at you. 
“The rest of you, keep it moving, let’s go!”
You chewed on your bottom lip and let your hand drop to the silver surface of the counter where your fingers immediately began to drum impatiently. After a moment you turned to look over at the door to the dining room, and your breath hitched. 
He was there, leaning up against the door frame, blue eyes fixed on you. 
His face was unreadable, and so you tried to keep your face blank as well as he stalked toward you, coming around the plating area and to your side of the counter. 
“What is this, Mr. Barnes?”
“I’m buying this restaurant. Steve’s arranging everything with Stanley right now.”
Your brow furrowed.
“I own this kitchen, and I own you, Chef.”
You opened your mouth to protest, but he put two fingers to your lips. 
“I’m tripling your salary,” he said as he stepped right into your space, backing you up against the counter, only a breath of space between you. 
Your heart was racing for too many reasons – anger, incredulity, but also a thrill of arousal. You wanted to refuse him, but he also drew you in, and you could not deny that. You knew he was dangerous, you were infuriated by his audacity, and yet…
“You can’t turn down an offer like that,” he continued, “especially not after the years of hard work I know you put in for the executive chef apron in this kitchen. Our stories are not so different in that way. You earned this. You won’t walk away.” 
“I can–“
“But you won’t,” he cut over you. You glowered, but he ignored your slow burning anger and instead reached around behind your back to tug at the ties of your apron. Then his voice dropped down an octave as he spoke again, “Don’t fight me. You will give yourself to me.”
“I won’t.” You cocked your chin up.
“You will,” he insisted. He pulled the black apron away from your body and tossed it onto the counter behind you.
“You will give yourself to me now.” He pushed forward, pinning you to the counter with his pelvis. You tried to suppress a shaky exhale, feeling his erection pressing into you.  “Soon you will warm my bed,” he bent his head down to ghost a kiss at your temple, then another on your cheek, before he moved his mouth further down and murmured his next threat down the column of your throat, “and I promise it won’t be long until you will beg for me to take you apart without any coercion.”
When his tongue darted out over the sensitive spot just under your jaw, a whimper escaped from your chest before you could stop it, and you felt him smile against your skin. 
You squeezed your eyes shut. “Please, anyone could catch us.”
He chuckled. “Sam and Steve are preventing that,” he said, pulling away just enough to start unbuttoning your black chef’s jacket. “But,” he continued, “if you make too much noise, you’ll confirm that we’re doing anything more than talking.” 
Once he had finished with all the buttons, he pushed the coat open. Your eyes were still closed until you felt the cool edge of a knife on your sternum, and your eyes burst open again, fear and adrenaline rushing through your body, but luckily he wasn’t looking at your face, focused instead on your chest where his metal fingers skimmed lightly over the bared skin for just a moment before they gripped the fabric of your black camisole and bra while his other hand tore his knife down in a swift movement, splitting your undergarments down the middle, putting your chest on full display for his hungry eyes. He pushed the clothing out of the way fully only over your left shoulder. 
He lifted his gaze to meet your eyes again. “Dessert was exquisite, but it didn’t satisfy what I wanted.”
He reached for a nearby saucepan, which still had a ladle in it, and smiled as he gave it a stir. You watched as he took a scoop of the caramel sauce and poured a little over the round swell of your breast. It was warm, and started to slowly spread, but not enough to drip and make a mess. You imagined in his line of work, he knew how to be precise, not leave anything extra to clean up. He set the pan back down on the counter, and then reached for something else, returning with a pinch of the flaky salt that he then sprinkled over the caramel. 
For a moment he merely admired his handiwork. then his warm hand came up to cup the underside of your breast, and then his mouth descended to lap up the salted caramel from your tender flesh. Heat bloomed across your chest and straight to your head and your core, his ministrations eliciting a low moan from you. He hummed in approval, then took your nipple into his mouth. Your nipples were always very sensitive, and he was not careful with his attention there, sucking, nipping, and licking until you whimpered and tried to push him away. He kept mouthing painfully at your nipple another moment longer. 
He leaned back for a moment to look own at you, scrutinizing your face. You were not sure what he saw there, truthfully you didn’t know how to feel and what front to put up, but whatever he assessed didn’t deter him. 
He lifted one hand to your neck and then trailed the back of his fingers down your sternum, between your breasts, over your stomach, a light touch that wasn’t rushed, knowing he could draw a shiver of anticipation from you with the purposeful action. He unbuttoned your pants, and as he slipped his hand into your panties and cupped your mound, he leaned in close to your ear and softly said, “You earned this, too, Chef.”
His fingers sought your folds. “And you are wet for me.” You didn’t need to see his face to imagine the satisfaction that must be there – it was evident in his tone. His breath was hot on the shell of your ear. “Close like this,” he whispered, “I’ll still hear even the small pretty noises I’m going to draw from you with my fingers in your cunt.”
And even though you were expecting it – dreading it? – you gasped when he quickly thrust two fingers inside you, knuckles deep, and moved them expertly in and out of your tight heat, questing and quickly finding the sensitive spongy spot on the front of your pelvic wall. You bit your lip to keep keening as quiet as you could, and your arms gripped his biceps, looking for an anchor to reality. He played your pussy quickly, nimble and knowing fingers familiarizing themselves too easily with your body for your comfort. 
His thumb went to work expertly drawing tight circles over your clit, still thrusting his fingers inside you, and the additional stimulation forced you into an intense orgasm you didn’t want to give him, burrowing your face into his neck to smother your small cry of ecstasy. 
You didn’t want to see his face – undoubtedly haughty knowing he’s pleased you despite you wanting to refuse him the satisfaction – and in this you are spared at least for the moment as without pretense he abruptly spins you around and tugs your pants and underwear down your thighs. You heard the quick unbuckling of his belt and unzipping of his pants as he freed his hard length. You had only a second to brace yourself against the countertop as he gripped your hip with one hand and used his other to guide his tip to your thoroughly slick and ready opening. One full and quick thrust had him fully sheathed inside you, punching the air from your lungs. He leaned forward against your back, his mouth close to your ear again. “Feel me in there? Stretching you to the limit.” 
He rolled his hips ever so slightly, slowly, and your head fell back against his shoulder.
“Yes, Chef. Just like that.”
He pulled his hips back, then gave another slow and powerful drive into your cunt. “Feel as smooth and velvety around my cock as that caramel sauce was on my tongue.” While one hand remained on your hip, as he began to pick up the pace with his thrusts his other hand brushed up your spine, then moved around to grasp your breast, the one he’d overstimulated just a few minutes before. You whimpered and tried to jerk away, but you’re met with his strong chest up against your back. He chuckled and then began to tweak and roll the nipple between his fingers. 
You tried to pull his hand away, still whimpering. 
“I intend to leave you feeling me for days from this, Chef,” he growls in your ear. His thrusts become rougher, faster, slamming into you over and over again. Your hands pulled at his wrist torturing your nipple, but your strength was nothing to his, and soon tears were spilling down your cheeks. When an audible sob escaped your throat, he finally relented and released your breast, but then he gripped your hips with both hands, showing no mercy for your pussy as he chased his own pleasure. 
Without the pain, your body focused only on the pleasure mounting in your core now. This felt good. He felt good. His cock filled you exquisitely. You tried to rock your hips just slightly to where you know he’d hit that pleasurable spot in you again, but he controlled the movement and forced you to stay at the angle he wanted. 
“This one is for me, Chef, not you,” he grunted. 
Still, you pant together, lungs heaving, and you’re hurtling toward another orgasm. His hips stutter for a moment, and with a groan he releases his spend inside you, slowing his movements. 
You couldn’t hold back a needy whine as he pulled out of you. You looked over your shoulder at him incredulously, edged to the very moment before but then denied your second release. 
He paused after tucking his softening cock back into his boxer briefs and gripped your chin, demanding an abrasive kiss from your lips. “When you come apart on my cock, I want to watch your beautiful face and hear you beg for me.”
Years in the kitchen have taught you to hold back your words when there’s even a shade of uncertainty, and you are uncertain if you will give him what he wants or not, because you can’t deny that your body absolutely wants him, and part of your spirit does, too. Relentless power recognizing another like its own, and you hate that you’re more than a little intrigued. You don’t want to just give him what he wants, but a tiny sliver of you whispers that you shouldn’t cut off your nose just to spite him. 
You pulled up your pants while you heard him zip and buckle his own pants again. One he had tucked in his shirt, again with swift precision, he turned you back around to face him. He reached for your apron, wiped his hands, then set it back on the counter. He didn’t mess with your torn shirt and bra other than to adjust them well enough so he could close your chef coat and button that back up over your chest. 
He gazed right into your eyes again, brushing his thumb over your lips, parting them slightly, then pushing them closed again. 
“I’ll be back for more soon,” he finally said, then walked away without another word. 
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Masterlist | Aspen's Ask Box | Field Guide to the Forest
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lets-try-some-writing · 4 months
What does Ultra Magnus's funeral plan for Kids includes? 😂 Is it based on Cypertron or Earth customs? UM's search history looks very worrisome, "How to bury a dead child?". Ultra Magnus has funeral folder for each kid.
Ultra Magnus's plans for each of the children varies wildly between all three of them. He has not told anyone about his funeral plans, but the team know he has them stored away somewhere and have helped him work on them in quiet ways. His plans are as follows:
According to Earth customs, Jack still being a minor, is to have all of his inheritance go straight to his creator for her to handle. Aside from that and the legal hassle, according to the laws of Cybertron, Jack is also to receive additional honors in the event of his death.
As a chosen Herald of a Prime, in the event of his death, he is to be given religious honors and buried on Cybertron's holy grounds. Or barring that, his frame is to be melted, or in this case burned and turned into an ornament that the reigning Prime may wear on his frame. This way the Herald may serve eternally, at least according to religious doctrine. His remaining family is to be given a singular wish within reason to be granted as payment for his service.
Ultra Magnus made some additional notes in response to Jack's habits. That being that Jack's body will need to be cleaned out by humans before funeral handling since no Cybertronian in their right mind will want to run that kind of mortuary work. His body is to also be dressed as the humans see fit before being fitted with ritualistic armor, as is only proper according to the Primacy.
In accordance to Earth customs, Miko's body will go back to her family for a limited time so that they might settle her affairs. But in the event of her death, that mourning period will only be permitted for so long. As a Wrecker, Miko's body must undergo the correct Cybertronian rituals.
Her body is to be cleaned and then a badge of honor laid over her chest. From there, the Wreckers who mentored her, worked with her, or had direct interactions with her are to give her a funeral rite that they feel fitting with their knowledge of her personality. In this case, all control over her funeral rites falls to Bulkhead and Wheeljack. Ultra Magnus got their statements and according to them, the only end they find fitting for her is simple.
Wheeljack has stated that for a Wrecker like Miko, she should go out with a bang and have a pyre built and laced with explosives. Her body can then be lain on it and join the flames. Bulkhead suggested instead having her body preserved within Cybertronian crafted armor in order to honor her warrior's spirit. Those two ideas are likely to be combined in spectacular fashion if and when she dies.
In accordance with human customs, Rafael's body will be entirely returned to his family, except for one key component. All his affairs will be handled by his human family due to his youth and position, but there is one small Cybertronian addition that must be seen to.
Rafael doesn't know. Ratchet doesn't know. Not even Bee knows. But in order to protect Rafael and give him proper honors, he is listed as a Cybertronian special agent on record. His name is Redacted and all information on him is carefully secured. According to Cybertronian tradition and law, when a special agent dies on a foreign world, a piece of their frame is to be returned and added to the hall of the fallen faceless.
Very few are allowed into that hall, and only there will his identity be revealed for the correct parties to see. That way he will be forever remembered, but in a way that won't compromise those closest to him. It was Optimus's suggestion to list him as an agent, and so in the event of his death, an officer is to retrieved some core part of Rafael, be it his heart or his brain, to be turned into a gemstone and preserved.
Ultra Magnus is prepared for their deaths. He knows fleshies don't last long.
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soapoet · 1 year
who is thinking about you?
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Shufflemancy: Power over me by Dermot Kennedy
For many of you this is someone with whom you share a somewhat professional relationship with. They may be a colleague, fellow student, a client, or service provider. Anyone who has some authority over you or simply holds a higher position. A person you turn to for help or guidance. To put it into perspective, this can be either your boss or someone you have hired or vice versa, but for some it could be the dm or fellow player of that d&d campaign, somebody you collaborate or work with towards something.
This person is very easy for you to talk to, and regardless of the professional or goal-oriented undertones of the connection, the two of you meet at a similar wavelength as equals. Lines are blurred both ways due to the ease and comfort of your rapport. Their day is made brighter in your presence, and they may smile to themselves whenever you cross their mind. Though on occasion they are filled with concern. It is possible that you have confided in them recently, and knowing your struggles sometimes leaves them feeling helpless. As if they wish they could do more. They certainly have a bit of a saviour complex, or identify as a problem solver and wish to fix some situation in your life or offer their support and guide you through rough terrain.
They are treading a fine line within their mind. They have thoughts and ideas swirling in their head, figuring out ways to best be of assistance to you and help you help yourself. Simultaneously, however, they catch themselves frequently smiling, heart perhaps fluttering, at various little moments you have shared, and the way those moments could have played out differently if only they had the courage to act more freely. They are caught off guard, possibly even disturbed sometimes, by their own capacity of crossing lines, even if just in their mind. They may even find it hard to sleep sometimes because they have you on their mind. But still they find these imaginary escapades intoxicating and rejuvenating. They find ways to justify their thoughts, telling themselves it is okay because it is all in their head and they have the wits about them not to act on them. Because their primary concern is with work or their obligations and role as a mentor or colleague of yours, they try their best to hold back and act normal. But if there is one thing they are not normal about it is you.
For some of you, this person is already in a commitment. Either to another person, married to their work, or glued to their projects and all their efforts are set on a goal they are pursuing. You stand as a distraction, a detour off their path, but what they may not know or fail to understand is that straying sometimes yields experiences and tools to make the journey to the destination easier or better altogether. It is also tangible the monochromatic nature of their life. Their relationships feel stale and uninspiring, as though they are trudging through an endless swamp. This may have been the case for so long they had forgotten what it feels to be light on your feet. They feel a pep in their step when you're around, and it is making them question many things and choices that they have made thus far in life. They may even be considering a change in direction, leaving circumstances behind or cleaning their contacts and assignments to make room for new things. They are excited, albeit a little scared, of the possibilities that they invite by closing old chapters. They may be slow to do this, as they favour routine and comfort and are a little afraid of the unknown no matter how their heart beats for some adventure and new winds in their sails.
They are holding their cards very close, and may have built their walls higher as of late. If you are observant, you may notice the disconnection between what they are feeling and what they are saying and doing. It looks like they are ready to boil over but are keeping the lid closed with brute force to prevent anything from spilling. They have much to tell you, secrets to share, confessions to reveal. But they are taking their time. They may be fluctuating between a decision to come forward, and just letting it be and get over their messy thoughts and feelings. To simply wait this one out. Especially because sharing what is on their mind could really shake things up not just in their life, but yours. They want to help you, support your growth and make sure to walk alongside you and enjoy the time you share together, but their vision of the future has gotten blurry and uncertain. This unnerves them greatly. They are likely to come forward, though with great subtlety. Keep your eyes peeled, as they may be watching for a signal or a clue from you before they make a move. They are testing the waters but may need a push before they dive in.
Additional details: Dark hair and/or clothes, blue or tired eyes, rabbits, computer screens, coffee, swivel chairs, hiking, size difference, "are you cold?", virgo/leo/pisces/capricorn, 27/31/911/93/21, T/A/U/S/K, June/July/August, LOTR, video games, d&d, board games, travelling, circus, strength, health, green cargo pants, glasses, skulls, frown lines, very straight teeth, rare but genuine smile.
Shufflemancy: August by Taylor Swift
This feels very familiar. For many, this is a friend or somebody you view with gentle affection. Even if you haven't known each other for long, it easily feels as though you have known each other your whole life, maybe even longer. For some, you may have met them online or there is a physical distance at present. For those of you in close proximity, there is some other kind of distance. Perhaps you or this person have been busy as of late, or closed off somehow. Especially if you normally talk to each other daily, something may have put the communication on pause, caused delays, or simply shortened the duration or depth of your conversations.
They have a lot of admiration and respect for you, and find you very endearing. They may frequently show this appreciation through words of affirmation, always ready to remind you of how highly they think of you. They may also get you little gifts and tokens of their love and care. Anything to put a smile on your face, especially if you have been stressed or upset. They are quite smitten with you, and you may already know this. You have surprised them somehow. For some of you, this person is used to being in charge and knowing what's best, being right and correcting others, but you seem to have put them in their place to some extent. You might be the first person in a long time, or ever, to switch it around and have them be the one learning and growing and changing because of somebody else's thoughts, guidance, advice, and knowledge. It does not even seem to bother them, because really it feels quite refreshing to follow instead of leading for a change. They admire your perseverance and your strength, and find your ability to strive like a dandelion growing through a crack in the concrete sincerely inspiring.
Either one of you may have recently gone through a break-up within a major relationship in your lives. Something has been lost, be it romantic, platonic, or familial. You may have been of great support and a source of hope and comfort for them during this phase of their life, or vice versa. Their eyes seem to have opened up to the reality of certain habits or cycles in their lives that have not helped them progress, but instead turned into a hamster wheel. If they were in a commited relationship, they may have realised that they have been taken for granted or their partner may have taken advantage of them to some capacity. For some, there may have been quite a bit of toxicity within whichever kind of relationship or situation that ended for either of you. They seem to have you on their mind 24/7. They enjoy talking to you, hearing about your day, listening to your rants, and wish to spend a lot of quality time with you. They may frequently imagine scenarios that have to do with the simple things. Grocery shopping or walking together aimlessly. Even the mundane feels light and airy and brand new when it is with you.
I'll be honest. This person may harbour very strong feelings for you. Funny thing is, though, that you may be very aware of this. For a few of you, this is a very welcome and exciting development in your friendship, but you wish to take things slowly and see what happens without forcing anything. Especially if they recently ended something long-term, and you wish to avoid being used as a bandaid on a broken heart and would rather walk alongside them as a friend while they heal from the past. To just support them in their next chapter and see if the feelings they have developed for you have a strong foundation or if they're fleeting and rose-coloured due to their past blues. For others of you, however, you may be a bit put off by this. You may sincerely doubt your compatibility as partners in anything beyond platonic.
Perhaps you once considered it. Wondered what the future would hold should you allow yourself to be swept away by their waves, but that likely was not long-lived and went no further than idle what-ifs. You value their friendship, and don't want to ruin it by changing the status and the nature of the connection. You may even get the ick from some of the things they say or do, count red flags and deal breakers in an attempt to stand firm in your decision to not give in. Some of you may even have a history of lowering your standards or jumping into things too quickly because of the rush and excitement of new beginnings, only to be left disappointed and regretful later. If this rings true for you, stand firm in your convictions and don't let anything make you feel like you owe anyone anything.
Additional details: Number sequences/angel numbers/mathematics, airplanes, tech, IT, travelling, languages, studying, music, guitars, mean girls, pet names, norse mythology, E/J/A/R/D/G, 7/6/85/35/29, February/March/July, minecraft, discord, online, princess, water, cancer/pisces/libra/aries, starbucks, dogs, "you are incredible", gifts, adopting interests/hobbies, control.
Shufflemancy: Break my heart by Dua Lipa
You may or may not have noticed someone stealing glances or studying your face closely when you're not looking. This person admires you greatly. It likely began as something quite simple. At first you were a source of comfort and guidance. They may have come to you for advice or help with direction, uncertain of where to go and may have been depleted of their energy. They are likely around your age or a little bit younger, but they certainly have more of a youthful energy to them. It seems like their childlike wonder is a front to the many scars they hide from a horrific past. The easiest way for you to identify this person may just be by finding out who seems to have been caught up in a series of unfortunate events their whole life. It might surprise you how much pain they carry specifically because of their otherwise sunny disposition and bubbly, sweet, and fun character. They find home in your presence. It seems like they have always had to be the strong one, carrying the world upon their shoulders, but in your presence they can lower their walls and show the grief that they hide. Far from trauma dumping, they very carefully calculate what to share with you, and do so in a gentle way that communicates that their burdens are theirs and wish not for you to carry them on their behalf, but to simply see beyond the surface and understand their turmoil. There can even be a bit of a disconnect between head and heart here, wherein they have distanced themselves from their pain to cope. They may speak of their fears and challenges with a smile on their face, as though they are joking around and telling tales of someone else, not themselves. At first you may have had to do a double take, shocked by the juxtaposition of light and dark so tightly intertwined, but you seem to understand their suffering on a deep level and sympathise with them greatly. This person may find you quite magical. In their mind you are like an angel. They don't expect you to heal them or make all their problems go away, but instead are filled with gratitude for the solace your presence provides. They find it easier to get out of bed in the morning simply knowing that they exist in the same realm as you. You inspire them to help themselves and do away with what no longer serves them. Your kindness and care is not lost on them, and they cherish your every word. They look up to you, and in many ways you may have resparked their will to journey on. No longer do they wish to roll with the punches and let themselves be at the mercy of their circumstances and fight the same demons every day. Though they often feel hopeless and have the light in their eyes quickly dim when clouds roll in, you have planted seeds in them which will slowly but surely begin to sprout and help them grow stronger and reach for the light they so dearly desire.
For some of you they may have an equally positive effect on your life. Despite the dark clouds that hang over them, they are radiant and full of fun and love and care. They might feel to you like a gentle wind blowing through your hair, a cooling breeze on a hot summer's day. Their energy is as invigorating as it is inviting, and you may find yourself leaning outside your own comfort zone and daring to be bolder, speak your mind and take yourself less seriously. They are comfortable to be around. The two of you may also share a deep compassion and care towards your environment, be it your community, nature, or humanity overall. You are both nurturing and caring people, but differ in your approach. You may find that things which come easily to you are things they struggle with, and vice versa, and you naturally seem to benefit each other and strengthen each other's weaknesses. For some of you, this is a very pure form of admiration and an almost familial sense of security that they have with you. For others they may have leaned further into it and caught very real feelings for you. Regardless, this feels fated, and is potent with healing and growth for both of you. You are frequently on their mind, almost as though you never truly leave and merely move to the side when they need to focus on something else. They think the world of you. They want to do better and be better, not to impress you but to truly make you proud of them and feel like your efforts weren't in vain. They love your voice and their days are made much brighter by you, especially if you think the reverse is true and they are the ones letting the sun into your life.
Additional details: Cats, messy hair, braids, spiders, networking, green or hazel eyes, big or glossy eyes, loud music, expressive face, K/S/H/R/T/P, 67/93/6/9/5, cancer/gemini/aquarius/virgo/pisces, September/June/July/August, mental health issues, lgbt+, rock/indie music, cartoons, hands, nail polish, muted colours, air, vanilla, chips.
Shufflemancy: Disappear by eli.
This one is a little different, and I wish to tread carefully. This may be a person very dear to you, or someone who treasures you dearly. For some of you, this person is no longer with us. They may have passed recently or perhaps you never had the chance to meet them, but their energy still lingers. Especially when you find yourself at your lowest. For others they are amongst the living, but are in separation from you somehow. Radio silence, cut contacts, abrupt endings, the years took you in different directions, or something was left unsaid and feels stuck now. This could be a family member, relative, an old friend, significant mentor or partner, from this life or beyond, however it resonates with you and your beliefs. You have been in their thoughts and prayers lately. Their heart aches when they see or feel you breaking, crumbling under the weight of all which has been placed upon your shoulders. It seems like so much, too much, for someone so dear to them to carry all on their own. In their eyes you are so strong. Able to withstand so much heartache and still keep going, one step at a time even when it gets dark and grim and the lights become so dim you don't see where you are going. It is as though you tell yourself you have to. Because what would it all have been for if you stopped? Many may rely on you and your strength, but you need to rest and you need something to lean on, too. This person wishes they could hold you and tell you that it will be okay. That it's okay to cry and scream, but to never give up. Even when the light seems to fade from your eyes that otherwise burn so bright with hope and drive, they want to encourage you to keep going. The world would become so dark without your light. They wish they could apologise for any wrongs done to you, by them, your near and dear, really, the whole world. They want to help nudge you to greener pastures and help you receive your due. When you are sad and scared and weary, they try to nourish your seeds and saplings because you deserve a good harvest. They wish for you to become more selfish. To take up more space and let demands of your time and energy fall on deaf ears. To restore a balance in the give and take and make sure you ask for what you need, and accept the love you so freely give to others.
For those of you for whom this person is amongst the living and simply at a distance, they frequently wonder how you are doing. They feel regretful for how they treated you or feel like they failed you somehow, and wish they could give you their sincrerest apology. Not to be forgiven and clear their conscience, but to tell you what they should have said and done before but never did, or did not do or say enough. They just want you to know that you are seen and that they are truly sorry. And for others, this person is around you and you are closely on their mind and in their heart. They grieve as you grieve and wish to make it all better. They know they cannot erase the past or undo your wounds, but hope to see you make it and get where you are going. To find those with hearts as pure as yours and finally feel like you belong. You deserve so much and even I am tearing up writing this. I am so sorry for what you have been through in this life. Please hang in there. Additional details: Lavender, floral scent and/or fabrics, champagne, piano, keys, freshly cut grass, clutter, photos, journals, doodles, biting your nails, sagittarius/scorpio/capricorn/gemini/taurus, 2/22/5/8/95/27/3, May/December/November/April, country roads, apples/fruit in general, freckles or birth marks, fog, woods, nightmares, dark night of the soul, difficulty breathing, comatose, midnight, deer and antlers.
Shufflemancy: All the things she said by Poppy
This feels a little bittersweet. The person with you on their mind may have once been a dear friend of yours, a childhood friend or neighbour, someone who once walked alongside you through important times in your life. For some, this person drifted away from you naturally, for others there was a more decisive cut to the chord between the two of you. Either way, however, in both cases you were left bitter and sad and alone to lick your wounds. You may on occasion, whether you like to admit it or not, think back fondly to the good old days and the sweet moments that you shared. Your inside jokes and the dynamic between the two of you may be something you miss, but you're still firm in that whatever happened here, be it a fight that broke out or the lack of effort and time on their part letting you drift apart, you do not wish to repeat this cycle. Perhaps you wish them well now that you have healed, or will once you do, but your life may now look very different from when they were a part of it. This brings me to why you have been on their mind lately. It's possible that they have seen you, bumped into you or seen you from a distance, or you have been mentioned to them by somebody else who has caught you out in the wild. You may be unrecognisable to them in some way. Be it a glow up or a sudden shift in your life having made you step into an energy more authentic to you. People from your past, beyond bridges you have burnt, may speak of you in negative tones and gawk at who you have become. Likely because those bridges you burnt lit the way to a much brighter future for you. Regardless of how your life is going, the past may be embittered with envy for what you do and who you are now that you are free from their rigid expectations. This person is not quite as vindictive in their thinking, though they may nod along and agree with those around them. In their mind and heart they have a bit of admiration for you. You may have done things they wish they were brave enough to do themselves. Perhaps even in the past they admired your reluctance to stick to the status quo or how you, unlike their peers, had little concern for what others thought. It might just be that the box they have placed themselves within, or where they have been placed by others, has become uncomfortable and restricting rather than cozy and secure. Their peers may have a lot of expectations and demand a lot of their time and energy, whilst giving very little in return. Especially if they ever accused you of toxicity, they may have opened their eyes to how giving and supportive of their growth you actually were. Those they now surround themselves with seem to need them to bend to their will and grow a specific way and at a specific rate, lots of things to keep track of and always say and do the right and correct thing, whilst you now seem like such a forgiving, understanding, and patient energy that they are sorry that they lost. They may have come across old photos or tokens of your friendship, and quietly reminisced about the past and wondered how different life could have been had they stuck by your side. Looking at you now they may feel quite stunted, lacking the experience and feeling a little lost within themselves and their life. They're running through various stages of your friendship and pondering the right and wrongs of every hiccup, and finding fault in themselves. Finally, you may even scoff. Because in many ways you were abandoned by them, you may rejoice a little bit at the thought of them at last seeing where they did wrong or not enough.
For some of you, you could hear from them in the near future. Especially if they clean up their social circle and let go of harmful influences that they have let dictate their heart and mind. For others, you may hear from them, but not very soon. They may attempt to draw motivation from you at a distance to conjure up the courage to pave their own path forward. In doing so they will in many ways follow in your footsteps, and burn many bridges. You more than anyone know the vulnerability, fear, and pain associated with the destruction before rebuilding, and if they aren't as strong as you it will take some time before they find their footing. So, maybe find it in your heart to send them an energetic thumbs up for finally shaking things up and making their own way. This may eventually lead them to cross paths with you again, and you may reconnect and reminisce together. They will come with apologies, and you will find them truer than what they could have mustered before their transformation. You may not turn back time and become inseparable again, but it feels like things will become lighter and brighter in various areas of life for the both of you after your reunion.
Additional details: Soft hair, literature, neat handwriting, cosplay, masquerade, swords, cobblestone, crows or other birds, mom friend, hometown, I/J/P/F/C/N, 1/17/20/99/23, capricorn/sagittarius/scorpio/virgo/libra, January/November/October/December, backpacks, instagram, trains, puzzles, animal crossing, family holidays or events, muted colours.
Shufflemancy: Sinner by Trevi Moran
Oh my. It seems like somebody has learned that their actions have consequences. This is somebody you probably blocked or simply stopped putting up with. They seem a little arrogant and not at all careful with their words. They entertain numerous people and enjoy the spotlight. There is a strong sense of entitlement and powerlust here. It feels a little icky to be in contact with, ngl. You may miss the sparks and the fun of this connection, but they really knew how to push all the wrong buttons while they were at it, didn't they? It seems like the good was so good but the bad was so bad it drove you up the wall. You may have frequently felt cornered, with your boundaries crossed, made to feel crazy and ridiculous even if they were the ones steering the train off the rails to begin with. I hope you have healed from this, because I assure you that your reactions cannot be compared to their actions. How you act when pushed has far more justifications than their act of pushing. Some of you may have needed to hear that. This person has done much to distract from your departure. Especially at first they may have lived under the assumption that it isn't permanent. That surely you will return. If you have a history of being on-and-off to any capacity, they relied on that to eventually bring you back. That dynamic itself made them reckless with their words and actions. They felt no need to take your feelings into consideration and assumed they could do whatever they please. There is an air of superiority to them, as though they think very highly of themselves, or look down on others. Your chemistry may have been phenomenal, but you saw through their bs and knew they are not as virtuous and good as they parade themself to be. You saw a hypocrite where others see a saint. They grew increasingly aware of your absence. They checked the time, counted days and compared your prior absences. Finally it hit them that this time you may truly never return. That you were really done this time and decided to outgrow them and move on. This has kept them awake some nights. They are very good at finding themselves things to do and socialising with a wide variety of people with various intentions, so it's not like you are stuck on their mind constantly. But when their thoughts land on you, it stings and burns and does it so hard and cuts so deep. It screws with their perception of themselves. They may know they are unlike who they portray themselves as, but it seems like a hard pill to swallow to truly admit that you no longer want anything to do with them. They miss you a lot. And it is a very selfish longing, too. They may hold on to hope that you will return once more, and disgustingly enough it seems this hope is weighed less in love for you and is heavier in the need to be right and get to say 'I told you so'. They may stalk you on social media, and for those of you who have made this impossible for them to do they often wonder what has come of you. They don't know how much you have grown and how much brighter the world seems when they are no longer there hanging over your head like a raincloud. They may assume you are stuck exactly where you were when you walked away, but you never stopped walking once you took off. Every day you are healing, decluttering your life and manifesting a better reality for yourself. And your intentions are so pure and good it would truly bother them that you are the saint they try to be. Their sainthood is a ruse, their altruism full of fine print and schemes and ulterior motives. Yours is a genuine path and title earned through a heart that bleeds for the weak and weary. The two of you are like night and day, and perhaps the clash between you had gorgeous sunsets, but it's darkest of all before the dawn and you no longer wish to be consumed by darkness and have chosen to walk in the light.
Additional details: Passports, sugar, alcholic beverages, social events, charity, real estate, formal wear, chess, strategy games, J/E/T/M/K/Y/A, 22/21/12/80/85/2/8, capricorn/aries/leo/cancer/gemini/aquarius, sharks, typhoons, spreadsheets, cash, coastal area, fish, religion, tan, the little prince.
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Venus in the houses (p1) -> and how you convince others your a beautiful person until your not Venus is beautiful, and entrancing but she is also greedy and vain; believes she deserves what she wants. venus gets hurt if she doesnt get it, then finds someone else who will help her get it.... Venus in the First - Charming people, love to get attention and adoration from others and know how to get it through their beauty and flattery, but they expect twice the flattery from you because usually they are more charming than you, plus they know they a prize. but they are quick to be resentful when others take them for granted. beautiful people who break easily at slights > makes others fall even harder for their fragility Venus in the Second - strong values, good at self affirming themselves, and their pride/self respect swoons others. but if you question their 'code' they will literally ignore you, because they are very prideful with what they value. its what got them so far, and its usually what stole your heart in the first place. plus they valued you, and you questioned them, now they are questioning their values.... get it? you fucked everything up by making them question themselves Venus in the Third - confident players, that know how to make you sit down and listen to their every word. good with their words, until you point out a flaw, then its game over for you. so if you dont play their games they will find someone else to play with. but they know how to emulate their voice well too, can talk to you like your mother or like your duaghter... whataver your into they just want to play with your brain Venus in the Fourth - know exaclty how to make you comfortable, very sweet and mothering, but if you ask for too much, you will receive zero comfort, or maybe just one less thing. but they love to mother you, but if you dont respect your momma (them) they will either try harder to make you a mommas boy once again (they'll blame it on your mum first) or will withdraw completely and adopt a better son Venus in the fifth - love to entertain and be the centre of attention for the sake of applause. if you fall for them just know they like more than one set of eyes on them, but they only have eyes for one... so if you csn handle jealousy that will go a long way for them, because they will not stop shining for you or for anyone. its what they like okay.. you know what you signed up for so put up or shut up. plus thats what got you interested in the first place, their flair for the dramatix Venus in the sixth - love to be of service, help you with your life, be a mentor, and watch you grow as their little pet. but if you cross the line and take a shit on the carpet, they will not clean up your shit, becsuse now the role play is over and you crossed the line. and you thought they would help you because they helped you with everything else. TF IS WRONG WITH YOU? YOU TOOK A SHIT ON DA CARPET?! DISOWNED Venus in the seventh - will do anything to please you. whatever it is you want they will become it and be the perfect partner for you. they dont have many requirements because they want you to stay so badly, but if you dont give them the basic necessities that they require. they will give you the coldest shoulder till you apologize. then love bomb you all over again. then expect you to have changed, when realistically you haven't, you had only apologized. then the cycle repeats itself for eternity.
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itsabouttimex2 · 2 months
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A Brand New Journey:
Part Three
(Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three) (Part Four) (Part Five) (Part Six)
The screen of your phone is lit up with a cheerful blue, displaying a picture of a shipping container that’s been converted into a restaurant, decorated with images of stylized kittens and tea bags.
Glowing reviews from visitors, praising service and atmosphere. Even more praise for the tea. Overwhelming adulation for the felines present at the establishment. The only thing that’s lacking is information on the food.
Pictures of the menu, drawn on a standing chalkboard easel. The prices are fair and reasonable, each item having a printed photo pinned up near the flowery writing.
The most recent deal of the day- for mooncakes. Buy one box of six, get one box of six free. And for a slight upcharge to the original price of the first box, two bottled drinks.
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That was… entirely unhelpful. You would have expected your mentor to comment on the picture you had sent, or maybe to be told what flavor they’d like you to pick up- but it seemed that he had either not seen it or simply thought you were giving him an update on your general status.
Also, you really had to get his information updated. Since no one else ever really touched your phone, you’d probably be safe putting his name and a photo- all you had to do was talk him into holding still for a picture.
Aside from all that…
The restaurant was close enough that you could walk to it on foot, so it’s not as though you’d be out so long that you’d miss training. The deal was incredibly good- and each customer could use it twice for a total of four boxes and four drinks, which meant that even after having a meal with your mentor there’d be leftovers to snack on after long training sessions.
All you had left in your fridge was… what was it? A jar of peanut butter, several bananas, some yogurt aaand… maybe a few protein bars? Oh, and several bags of mixed nuts.
You make a quick note to restock your post-workout snacks the next time you come into Megapolis. Concealer, too.
You plug in your headphones and turn on directions, then shove your phone into the pocket of your bag, heading towards the restaurant.
Although you don’t get to the city as often as you once did, it’s a sort of ‘second home’ to you. The air is fresh, the people are kind. The streets are clean. The food is very good.
You love it, a little bit.
Your thoughts soon turn away from the city and back towards your mentor, who you had never managed to talk into a visit, even for just an hour. Sure, he’d indulge in the snacks and drinks you brought around. And he seemed a little interested in the locations you offered to bring him to.
So much coaxing and reassuring, so many proffered hoodies and sunglasses to disguise his face- but he hadn’t ever accepted them.
You would get him out for a trip one of these days, you had sworn to yourself. Drag him out to the zoo or a museum. Maybe one of the public gardens.
But, until then…
You’d just have to enjoy the all the wonders of the city by yourself-
Like the converted shipping container that’s standing in front of you, labeled “Mo’s Cakes”, and painted blue. The “o” is a replica of the moon, painted so that the famous ‘bunny’ mark is actually a cat.
The craftsmanship is incredible, and it doesn’t look too crowded… so you hurry and go inside, peering at the menu.
…what would he like? With twenty-four mooncakes in total, you could introduce him to- no, it wouldn’t be introducing, really. He had probably had lots of these before. They’re a popular food throughout China, and tons of stores sell them in Megapolis. But with how far out you had to go to see him, it felt sometimes like he was an old hermit.
“Excuse me,” calls a gentle voice, standing at the counter. “Can you come over here?”
So not introducing, not really. Maybe there’d be a few new flavors in the mix somewhere he hadn’t tried yet, but it’s not like it’d be his first time eating mooncakes. Maybe a few of the more modern makes. Ice cream filled, perhaps? Or transparent crystal jelly?
“I just need you for a minute, please!”
And then maybe one of these days you could introduce him to several other treats that he might not have had access to. Cheese tea? White Rabbit Candy? Pineapple buns? Hell, there were a couple of “exotic snack” shops in Megapolis. Maybe you could bring a bag of konpeitō or a tin of florecitas for him to try.
“Mo? Could you…?”
Unbeknownst to you, a blue-furred cat sits on one of the many scratching board platforms nailed into the walls, peering down at the customers. He stretches out with a little ‘mrrow’, then leaps from his perch and lands on the space between your shoulder blades.
You’re pretty composed, most of the time.
But when an unseen and very fuzzy thing lands close to your neck and clings tight? It’d have been more of surprise if you hadn’t freaked out.
There’s a few embarrassing seconds spent squealing and flailing around, futilely trying to reach for the furred thing, only stopping when someone grabs your shoulders. Warmth and power in equal amounts enfold your upper arms, two hands lifting you off the ground, turning you around, and placing you in front of the checkout counter.
“You must be Y/N!” The man- not quite a human, now that you get a better look at him- says, hurrying back to his station. When he holds his arms out, the cat on your back leaps in them. “Pigsy’s been telling me about you!”
“…Mister Pigsy told you about me?”
The river demon smiles ear to ear, baring fangs that would be intimidating on anyone else. But with his pink apron and blue cat and white sweatpants, he’s actually really endearing.
“He did,” the demon confirms, one large hand reaching out to meet the one you tentatively offer. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Y/N! I’m Sandy, and this is Mo!”
“It’s nice to meet you too, Mister Sandy. And you, Mo.”
“Aww, you’re so polite!” Sandy warmly praises, still grinning. “Thanks, little guy!”
His words might have been patronizing from another mouth. But there’s a genuine sincerity in them, a kindness blooming from every word that makes them feel truly flattering instead of condescending.
“Um, then… you must be one of Mister Pigsy’s friends, right?”
“That’s right! We’ve known each other for along time, actually! Now, what can I do you for?”
“Oh, um… is the buy one get one deal still… going on, like, currently? I wanted something to, uh… share with my mentor, and this seemed like a good deal, so I thought… to come check?”
Smooth, Y/N. Tell him you have a mentor and stumble over your words. Typical, really.
“That’s sweet of you,” he eagerly says, uncaring of your fumbling. “Two boxes or four, kiddo?”
“Four, please. I’m trying to introduce him to, uh, new things. He’s kinda, I guess… traditional with what he eats?”
“I can get you two of a few things so you can try them together!”
“Oh, um, please! And thank you, Mister Sandy!”
“Of course, of course! And what four teas?”
“Two green and two oolong, please!”
“Coming right up!”
…today has been a good day. You got to see MK and Pigsy again, and made what you think is probably a new friend. And you’ve got twenty four mooncakes to share and good, healthy tea for workouts. And for such a good deal, too- Sandy had applied a “friend” discount almost without you realizing it, probably because you were dear to someone he cherished. You had slipped a tip under Mo’s collar before you left, under the guise of giving him scratches.
As you head back to your mentor’s house, the events play on repeat. Today was a really good day. And, as you look ahead of you, it only gets better.
The trees down the path are newly blooming, it seems. Each one branches proudly towards the sky, standing tall. Down the middle of the path is a neatly paved stream, full of aquatic flora blossoming in the crystal waters.
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momsmop · 1 year
Mom's Mop
Mom’s Mop is locally owned and provides professional home cleaning services and office cleaning services in Lake County, Geauga County, Cuyahoga County, Portage County, and Summit County. We provide service in Concord Township, Mentor, Solon, Cleveland West, Painesville area. With our 116 Point Sparkling Home Checklist and 100% Happiness Promise, your satisfaction is guaranteed! Our features are Locally Owned Fully Insured No Contracts No Hassles Get your Instant Estimate or schedule a cleaning with Mom’s Mop today.
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ember-owlet · 2 months
Hi! Can I request cg! Nanami hcs with little reader?
a/c : of course you can! i apologize in advance for using this image but he looks so peaceful here,, let's just pretend our baby boy is fine and we're all going to the beach with nanami, alright? ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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dynamic: cg! nanami kento
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a pretty straightforward caregiver, he would work best with regressors that prefer consistent routines.
just to get this out of the way- nanami is instincitvely super protective of those younger than him, whether physically or mentally. a tame example would be walking together and as he listens to you ramble he'd silently brings his hand out to stop you from stepping in a puddle. on the more extreme situations he will always put himself between you and danger, turning into an impenetrable fortress of strength and might.
he is extremely blunt when critiquing things that you present him as it can be hard for him to turn off the "mentor" switch. you'd be proudly showing off your skills in the hopes of receiving compliemnts and he'd lecture you on the ways your form could improve.
he prefers to be followed without much question or hassle. i would think that his caregiving style is very similar to his teaching (despite not being a teacher), and that he calls the shots but only to ensure your safety and well-being.
would understand regression from a logical standpoint rather than how it would feel to experience it personally. he'd do his best to provide everything you need to have a safe and comfortable experience, but lack the warmth of cooing you with soft words or bundling you in his arms.
a man of very few words, the majority of his caregiving would be in his own head. the two of you would be somewhere and he'd nod along while planning a thousand different bullet points to your schedules, from the outfits that the two of you would be wearing to the next formal to tomorrow's breakfast and whether he'll pick it up or have it made in the morning.
his main form of affection is including you into his routines. in the morning he'd let you help him fix his tie while he adjusts your outfit to perfection, or leaving you notes in your lunch to have a good day with a cute drawing of your favorite animal.
his second form of affection is noticing. he may not verbalize it but you bet your favorite snacks and drinks will always be restocked, your favorite show will always be favorited on your shared streaming sites and your preferred regression items always cleaned and ready for use.
when you have a particularly hard day he'll be waiting at the door with a soft grunt to your presence, carrying armfuls of flowers and plush toys.
if it could be summarized in a form of love language nanami is the ultimate caregiver for acts of service. making sure to make an extra cup of coffee/tea/warm drink next to his in the morning to silently putting on your favorite music to play throughout the house to make chores go by a little easier, it comes as second nature to him and you'd often wonder how he's able to perform such thoughtful feats mindlessly without ever asking or mentioning it to him.
because you'd never have to ask, once he undestood what it meant to be your caregiver you've become another meaningful addition to his secure and comfortable life and he wouldn't have it any other way.
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somanyratsinthewalls · 4 months
Burning Hearts Chapter 12
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Pairing: Law x Straw Hat Zoan Type (named) OC 
Summary: *SLOW BURN BUT THE MATCH IS SO LIT* You were teleported across the globe in an instant, away from your crew. Your body was badly broken and beaten, thrust into the harsh landscape of a Northern island. You are discovered by the Heart Pirates and brought back to health. Startled upon waking up in a foreign place with an unfamiliar crew, you are shocked with the news that you’ll be spending two years there. Trafalgar Law, the captain of the Heart Pirates has made a promise to train you, but will it become something more than a mentor relationship?
WC: 2600
Taglist: @cottoncandyloverrrr @zoros-fourth-sword @nothing-but-brass
Burning Hearts Chapter 12: Acts of Service
— — 
Training was on hold again.
The majority of the Heart Pirates had fallen ill with the stomach flu, leaving you, Law, and Bepo the only ones in normal physical condition. Law had attributed your collective good health to your immune systems and the fact that Bepo wasn’t a human. Whatever the reason, you were just happy you weren’t retching over the toilet every 20 minutes. 
You were at the stove most of the morning, simmering chicken and beef stocks to try and replenish the crew’s electrolytes. 
“I don’t know how many more puke buckets I can clean… didn’t you say the captain was working on some sort of medicine for this? I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get this smell out of my fur…” Bepo comes lumbering into the kitchen wearing a comically large pair of yellow rubber gloves. 
“He’s been at it since last night.” You sigh as you stir the large pots on the stovetop. “He’s going to work himself sick and then it’ll just be the two of us.” 
“He better hurry up then, Penguin’s so pale it looks like he’s been lost at sea for weeks, and Uni sweat all the way through his mattress, so that’s ruined, and Ikkaku has been asleep for 20 hour I’m starting to think she might be dead! And-“ 
“I’m sure Law will figure it out, he always does.” You say as you throw your dish towel over your shoulder. 
Moments later, the metal door to the kitchen swings open and Law comes in with a tray of syringes, rubber gloves, and alcohol pads in hand. He looked out of breath and exhausted, but he managed a small, tired smile. 
“I got it. This should fix everyone by tomorrow.”
“Oh thank goodness, Captain! I’m so tired of smelling like barf. Should we administer the medications now?” Bepo asks with a sigh of relief. 
“Yes, come with me.” Law nods towards the door and the two take their leave to give the ailing crew their medicine. 
You smile and sit down at the kitchen table with your cup of tea. You relax into the chair and sip your tea after cracking your sore neck. There was an overwhelming sense of relief that washed over you, now that things can go back to relative normalcy here on the base. Realizing how much work you still had to get done, you finish your tea and head to the sink to clean up the dishes. 
“Hey.” You hear a familiar deep, tired voice from behind you. You jump a bit. 
You turn around as you wipe the last of the pots and pans dry. 
“Hey back. You jabbed everyone already?” You ask. 
“Yeah. Everyone should be fine by tomorrow.”
“Good. You look wiped, you should get some rest.” 
“I just might… and you? You’re not exactly fresh as a-“ Law begins to smirk.
“Don’t! Don’t say it. You’re not funny. And as much as I would love to relax for the rest of the afternoon, the garden is overrun with weeds due to neglecting it for your sickly crew members. I’ll probably be up to my ears in dirt for the rest of the day.” You sigh and take off your apron. 
“And if I helped you?”
“In the garden. Would it take less time if I helped you with the garden?”
“I… I mean yeah, but I doubt you’d enjoy doing the weeding…” You chuckle and go to grab your gardening gloves and a few buckets for the discarded weeds. 
“Well, if we both work a bit more, we can take the rest of the night off. It doesn’t seem fair that only one of us can rest tonight.”
“Yeah but you were up all night making the vaccine and-“
“You were in here with Bepo making food and scrubbing vomit off the floors… and the walls from what I hear…”
You shudder after being reminded of your harrowing past 48 hours. 
“Fine. I’m heading out there now. Grab some gloves and roll up your sleeves.” You smirk as you chuck the spare gloves at Law’s exposed, tattooed chest. 
— — 
Law looked very silly in a pair of green gardening gloves. They stuck out like sore thumbs against his lightweight blue summer jacket. 
“Ok rookie! I’m going to take care of the flowers since they are sensitive and require someone who knows what they’re doing. You sir, will be weeding the vegetable beds!” You push a plastic bucket into Law’s hands and walk towards the rose bushes. You begin preening your prized pink roses when you notice Law still standing yards behind you where you had left him. 
“… Something wrong?” You holler over your shoulder. 
“I… Uh, what do the weeds look like?” Law stares at the bottom of his bucket as he calls back to you awkwardly. 
“Gods… you are the dumbest smart person I’ve ever met…” You rise from your knees in the dirt and approach Law. You pull him by the jacket sleeve over to the carrots and broccoli that were growing in your vegetable beds. 
“Here.. Look.” You crouch down on your knees. “Anything that looks like grass, dandelions, or anything with spiky leaves like this milkweed…” You grab hold of an overgrown leaf that was strangling your poor little cauliflower. “This needs to go.”
You look back up to Law who was still standing next to you. 
“Make sense?”
“I think so.”
You rise to your feet. 
“Great. Hop to it, little bunny!” You smack his shoulder harshly and head back to your rose bush. 
Law sighs and drops to his knees, beginning to dig his gloved hands into the dirt. 
— —  
After a few hours, you finish tending to the rest of the garden and decide to check on Law’s progress with the produce. You approach him from behind and begin to notice the skin on the back of his neck. 
“Hey you, how’s it going- Oh my gods!” You exclaim. 
“What? What is it? Are you hurt?” Law jumps up and turns to face you. 
“Not me! The back of your neck! It’s so red! You’re sun burnt as shit!” You grab his shoulder and turn him around and inspect his neck further. You pull at the collar of his jacket with your two fingers, peering further down his shirt. 
“Shit you even burnt through your jacket. You pasty mother fucker… Go inside. I’ll cut some aloe and bring it to your office. Hurry, get! Before you turn into a crispy slab of bacon.” Law nods wordlessly and heads inside the base. 
You quickly grab your shears from beside your rose bush and haul them over to your giant aloe vera plant that sat happily in a large terracotta pot in the middle of the garden. 
“Sorry my baby, I’m gonna need a few of these… he’s torched pretty bad…” You whispered quietly to your plant as you cut its thick leaves and stick them under your arm. 
— — 
You head through the base with several long aloe leaves tucked in your armpit and a clean white tee shirt from the laundry room. You arrive at Law’s office door and push in without knocking. 
“Alright tomato boy, let’s get you fixed up.” You sigh as you walk in and plop your supplies down on the couch. You sit down next to the leaves and pat the spot next to you. “Come here.”
Law rises from his desk slowly and makes his way over to you. He turns his back to you as he sits down next to you on the leather sofa. 
“This might sting at first, okay?” You squeeze the aloe leaf from tip to tail, releasing its sticky goo out into your palm. 
“hmm.” Law nods. 
You begin applying the gel to his bright red neck.
“Fuck!” Law lurches forward and exclaims. 
“Hey, I said it would sting for a second! Relax… some warlord you are…” You giggle as you rub the gel into his skin. 
“Watch it…” Law warns. 
“What? I’m not the doctor that went out without sunscreen on an 85 degree day… Now I need you to take this off, I have to do the rest of your back or it won’t heal.” You tugged at the shoulders of his jacket. 
Law hesitates. 
You sense his unease. 
“Hey… it’s okay. It’s just me.” You chuckle. “Shit, you’ve already seen me naked anyway, this shouldn’t be a big deal.” You laugh remembering how he set nearly all of your bones back together months ago and sewed up your injuries from the landslide. 
Law sucks in a breath. He slides his jacket off his shoulder revealing his bare back. His skin was a shade of bright red excluding the large black tattoo of his Jolly Roger which you had never seen before. You can’t help but trace it lightly as you apply the sticky gel from your fingertips. 
“I didn’t know you had this one. It suits you.” You lower your voice as Law flinches away from your touch. 
“t-thanks… I didn’t realize I was burning this badly…” 
“It’s okay, happens to the best of us. I guess I should have realized how little time you spend out in the sun…” Law flinches against your fingers again as you rub more aloe into his skin. “You’re… you’re not really used to this, are you?” You inquire. 
“Used to what?” Law asks. 
“People touching you. I can tell. I do the same thing. Different reasons, I guess.” 
Law didn’t reply, only breathed heavily. There was a long silence. You continued slathering aloe gel all over Law’s sunburn, the flesh searing hot under your fingertips. 
“Gods, dude, you have a knot the size of the moon back here. Want me to get it out?” You dig your thumb lightly into the bulging, painful-seeming knot in his mid-back. 
Law scrunched his eyebrows in pain as you gently worked out the kink. “Shit, that fucking hurts.” He grits out. 
“I know, but I promise I can get it out and you’ll feel much better.” You say softly. 
Law grunts. 
“Do you trust me, Law?” You lean over his shoulder to ask more closely. 
Law hesitates. 
You smile. 
“Alright, deep breath in-“ You jam your thumbs into the knot and start pressing hard circles into it. 
“Fuck!!!” Law cries out. 
“I know, I know, it’s almost out.” You coo as you add more aloe to smooth the glide of your hands against his skin. Law continues to sigh and tense under your touch as you work to deftly relieve the tension in his back. 
“Ahh, shit.. where did you learn to do this?” Law asks through clenched teeth. 
“Oh this? My friend Usopp, he’s a nervous wreck, carries all his stress in his shoulders. Since our doctor has hooves, he isn’t exactly the best at working out muscle tension. Somebody had to pick up the slack, I guess.” You rub harder into the knot. 
“Nnng, fuck.” Law groans as the knot is so close to giving.
“Just a bit more, you can handle it.” You feel Law suddenly inhale sharply as soon as the words leave your lips. 
“You alright?” You withdraw your hands. Law looks down at his lap. 
“I-… Uh yeah. Keep going. I think it's almost gone.” 
“Right.” You continue your ministrations. “You know if you weren’t always sitting hunched over like a gargoyle, you might not have this problem.” You chide. 
Law couldn’t help but laugh. 
“I guess my posture leaves a little to be desired…” Law smiles. “Hey that’s much better, actually…” 
“Actually? You’re surprised I know what I’m doing?” You lean back and pull your hand to your chest and feign being wildly offended. 
“No it's not that, I mean-“ Law scrambled to try and make a recovery. 
“I’m just teasing.” You grab the folded white shirt and hand it to Law. “This should help the aloe absorb into your skin. You’ll be good as new in a day or two. Frankly, you might even be a little tan for once.” You say jokingly. 
“Whose shirt is this?” Law says as he unfolds and holds up the garment. 
“It was in the laundry room, it had to be one of yours. It isn’t a 6XL so I assumed it isn’t Bepo’s. Now shut up and put it on before anyone else gets stunned by those milky white washboard abs.” You wink. 
Law blushes deeply before he pulls the white tee over his head.
“Sorry I got so burnt, we could have gotten more done if you didn’t have to-“
“Hush now.” You interrupt. “We got far more done than if I had just been out there myself. Thank you for helping. It really made my life a lot easier. I appreciate it a lot. I’m just sorry you got toasted like a marshmallow in the process.” You look at your lap as Law turns to face you on the couch. 
“I can handle it.” 
“I know you can.” You smile again.
A few moments of awkward silence go by without making eye contact. 
“Yeah?” You look up. 
“Before.. when I.. um… You know that time from before when… and we… and I-” Law chokes and trips over his words.
“When you kissed me?” You raise an eyebrow. 
“Yeah, that...” 
You smile at him softly. 
“What about it?” You ask. 
“Could I… Could I ask to try again? Properly, this time?” Law is still staring at his lap nervously. 
“What are you asking me, Law?” You cock your head to the side. 
“Can I kiss you?” Law spits out as he finally meets your gaze. 
You barely needed a second thought.
“yes…” You say quietly as you shuffle your body closer to his. 
Law lets out a heavy sigh and cups your cheek with a trembling hand. You eyes close and eventually your parted lips are met with Law’s as he draws you in to a gentle kiss. This time the kiss wasn’t frantic and rushed, it was soft and tentative. After a few moments of the briefest of touches, you begin to move your lips against his slightly chapped ones. It was clear he was following your lead, letting you have control of the situation. You bring your hands up to lace behind his sunburnt neck and pull him deeper into your mouth. He grunts softly at your touch and continues to try and match your movements. 
Law uses his free hand to grab at your waist, index and middle fingers slipping up your shirt unintentionally and gripping at your bare skin. You sigh at his calloused touch. He wasn’t a good kisser, but nothing you couldn’t fix with a bit of practice. You begin to tangle your fingers into the coarse hair at the base of his neck and ready yourself to swing onto his lap when-
Startled, you pull back from each other and look towards the door. 
“Captain? The fire alarm is going off, I think Shachi tried to use the stove again!” 
You hear Bepo’s nervous voice from the other side of the door. 
“God damnit…” Law whispered. 
You couldn’t help but laugh. 
“Well, we should probably save the base from burning down.” 
Law rolls his eyes. 
“What else is new.” He bemoans as he slips his jacket back on.
— — 
*Author's Note* HI Y'ALL HERE WE ARE. They like like each other hehehehehe. Thank you guys so much for reading and interacting with the story, it makes my day every time I get a notification that someone commented on it! Please feel free to let me know if you want to be on the tag list or have an idea for a chapter! Love y'all!
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Sicktember 23, 13. Anxious Stomach (TTD)
(Same Hero and Villain than here and here, but you'll be fine if you'll only read this one.)
Hero sighed, squared their holders, preparing themself to go into the training room where Superhero waited. It was the end of the day, and they hadn’t eaten a thing. At the morning, they’d stared at their breakfast as if they could have been fed by the simple vision of their cereal bowl. Former Villain had seen them and wrinkled their nose in disgust over their sixth cup of coffee.
“No wonder you can’t best me if you casually consume this,” they’d declared.
“I have bested you,” had grumbled Hero, looking at a spoonful of milk and crunchy bits without touching it. “You have reformed and we are roommates.”
“I don’t see your point. It proves that I was successful at invading your lair. Can you even best me at the killing of countless living organisms in your own flat ?”
“Cleaning. You mean cleaning.”
Villain had shrugged:
“You lack panache in the morning.”
Well, maybe they did. Unlike some smug jerk, they had a job and they knew exactly what was going to happen. After a whole day of patrolling, they were going to meet Superhero like every month. And they couldn’t eat.
Lunch was the same. They’d stared at a bar and at a bakery, but the simple idea of actually chewing something made them sick. The knot that was their stomach refused to untie, so they’d spent the day eating nothing but coffee. Which was, of course, a terrible idea. Training with Superhero was at best exhausting, even under normal conditions. They opened the door, looked at their mentor who looked so tall, so fierce, so unbeatable, and something in them snapped. They couldn’t. Not today.
“I’m sorry, Superhero,” they began nervously. “Can...can we postpone this ?”
“Why is that ?”
“I – I guess I’m a bit sick.”
Superhero stared at them with cold, unimpressed eyes:
“I see you have no trouble standing up, though. May I remind you, we at the agency are not your babysitters. We are your employers. Does crime rest, Hero ? Will villains let you have a nice break if you ask politely ?”
The one I have at home would, thought Hero, and they bit their tongue to stay silent about it.
“We are worried about you, Hero. Very worried. Face me.”
“Why ?” they asked, resignedly preparing themself.
Barely looking at them, Superhero threw a large energy beam in their direction. Hero rolled over and dodged dutifully.
“We’re looking at your monthly results and they are not satisfying. In fact, if you keep on like this, you’re going to find yourself at the bottom of the list.”
“I don’t understand. I thought I was improving ! I made very little property damage this month.”
“You’ve been called for twenty-six incidents. I only see one arrest.”
“Ah yes, I couldn’t prevent it.”
“The incidents ?”
“The arrest. That guy had to be stopped.”
“What about the others ?”
“I could manage. I’m working with Social Service people, so I’ve learned one thing or two about deescalation.”
“You mean you’ve let the culprits go free.”
A larger energy beam invaded the room; this time they had to jump very high to avoid it. Once back on both their feet, they felt their heart beating way too fast. They had to rest their back against the wall for a moment. Their stomach had hurt all day, but it was dangerously grumbling now. How calm and nonchalant Superhero looked next to them, how cool his voice was when he softly said:
“Sloppy. Slow. Lazy.”
“I’ve brought down Villain !” they protested. “Forgive me but it seems like a big victory.”
“If you’d done that, yes. But are you sure of it ? Maybe they’re just biding their time. Maybe they just wait for you to reveal the agency’s secrets. Are you strong enough to beat them ?”
Hero had no time to move. In a flash, their mentor was right in front of them, a hand wrapped around their throat. He didn't squeeze. He didn't need to.
“We doubt it,” he gently said. “We doubt it very much. To be clear, we won’t be sure about Villain’s status until they are still breathing. Am I clear ?”
“Crystal,” answered Hero, their voice weak.
They collapsed.
Hero gently pushed the door of their flat, with a hand that had no strength left. His return wasn’t unnoticed; darkness seemed to surround the spot they were in. At the same time, a long, thin silhouette loomed over them, with cold eyes and no smile.
“ So you’ve come to my lair, Hero,” declared Villain. “You shall be spared if you’re ready to pay the price.”
Hero sighed and put their shopping bag on a chair nearby.
“ Yeah, yeah, I’ve got your batteries.”
They shook their head while Villain rummaged through the bag and found their prey. Once they retrieved the small package, they threw back their head and gave their usual booming, evil laugh:
“The power is mine ! Miiine !”
Hero gently rubbed their forehead and tiredly asked:
“It’s for your Gameboy, right ?”
“Yeah. Old-fashioned you might say, but I am a person of refined taste.”
“ Uh-uh. Sure.”
They had no energy left for a more biting retort. All they thought about was collapsing into their bed. Villain called them back, though:
“Wait, o my nemesis ! One last ordeal for you.”
Hero stopped. Hero rolled their eyes. Hero turned back and stared at them. They watched them trotting toward the fridge, pulling out a blender container full of a white, smooth, thick liquid. Hero eyed at it suspiciously.
“What is that thing ?”
“To my knowledge, it is called a smoothie. Soy milk, coconut, pineapple and lemon.”
They opened the lid. It smelled...good. More than that, actually. Hero’s stomach grumbled.
“Can I have a sip if I do the dishes ?”
They expected to be soundly rebuffed, but Villain rolled their eyes and put a large glass before them.
“It’s your ordeal, isn’t it ? Drink it up, idiot. I’ve made it for you.”
Hero tried it. Their stomach begrudgingly accepted it.
“Again, my dastardly plan was successful,” said Villain, watching their nemesis emptying the blender glass by glass with satisfaction. “And now, since you’ve foolishly proposed, you shall do the dishes and – what ?”
The last word was squeaked in surprise. Hero had stood up, their face emotionless, and had thrown their arms around them. Villain froze and frowned in their confusion.
“I’m uh – not sure what is happening here,” they said.
“To my knowledge, it is called a hug.”
“That I’ve figured. What I lack is...context ?”
“Yep,” sighed Hero. “We need to talk.”
Back to These Two Dorks masterlist.
Or to Hero x Villain Masterlist.
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stubz · 21 hours
"CAPTAIN!" Calis bursted through the doors panting.
"Yes, Calis?"
"Ki- The humans...the human!" they panted.
"The humans?"
"Yes! I have...urgent news about them. Everyone, out."
The control goes quiet. All eyes on the captain and his second in command.
"Give the room to me and Commander Calis." When everyone leaves he sighs and takes a seat in his chair.
"Captain...the human has betrayed us. My scouts who follow General Morbius spotted Kim along with several other humans conversing with him. Numerous times have they seen them together...surely they have betrayed us."
The Captain looks at Calis and pulls out a drink. He sips it. "What I'm about to tell you does not leave this room." He motions for them to sit.
Calis sits and accepts the drink offered by their Captain. Strong yenx.
"When we discovered that Morbius was feeding classified information to enemy forces we had you follow him with your best scouts. And for a time that was sufficient...until recently." Calis nods.
They stopped the general from leaking information but they still have yet to gather enough evidence to charge him with treason. Not only that but he has gotten more cautious and rarely leaves his home when not at work.
"Well we went through the data base of the Coalition looking for clues or evidence to use when I stumbled upon Kim Greene's file. Here," he hands them the electronic document. "you'll see why Kim, along with some other humans, are conversing with the general so much."
Calis read over the document. At first glance it was nothing special. References, personal information, education, etc. normal things. Until they saw the green triangle next to one of the interview questions.
"...Why is she marked down for secret intelligence? In brackets, honorary...what is a honorary secret intelligence?"
"It's because she along with all the other humans you spotted have experience in befriending the enemy in order to report them to their superiors.
During her interview we asked about what was the toughest thing she had to do at her previous job.
The previous child centre she worked at had several people who were spreading false accusations against their fellow co-workers. One even falsely accused her mentor of illegal activity."
"At a child centre??"
"Yes, I can't believe it either. Carrying on, she was rather quiet at the time and always did her duty with a smile so the enemy ignored her. She used that to become a spy of sorts for her superiors who she respected very much.
Eventually she managed to gather enough information for them that they managed to fire and report the enemies to the proper authorities."
"Are the other humans like this?"
"In a way yes. Steven Smith one of our cafeteria chefs, worked at a restaurant as a waiter and has the patience of a god. He can be belittled, insulted, and be stuck in a never ending conversation that would rot your braincells without cracking."
"Something that would be perfect for the general."
"Indeed. Rebecca Cheng, worked at a cleaning service company and has mastered the art of being unseen whenever she wishes. She has caught several of her employers doing illegal acts or being unfaithful to their spouse simply because they forgot all about her.
And that's just the first few, we have at least a dozen of humans like them who are capable of hiding their presence while at the same time capable of 'befriending' the most unpleasant, foul, and infuriating beings."
"I shudder at the thought of going through the training they went through to achieve this."
The Captain regretfully shakes his head. "This wasn't no training Commander...this was them adapting so that they may survive."
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teecupangel · 10 months
I've been replaying Nobodies and in the middle of the second game I thought "Hey this guy talks like Desmond!" then I thought it would be pretty funny if Desmond became a murder cleaner lol
Nobodies: Murder Cleaner is available for Android, PC (via Steam) and Apple if you want to try it. It’s a point and click game where you play as a member of a secret government organization and your job is to clean up after other members have killed the target.
So we have two option for this idea.
Option 1: Canon ‘Verse where Desmond becomes a Cleaner instead of a Bartender
In this one, the only thing we have to tweak is what Desmond’s history becomes when he left the Farm. Maybe he saw one of the Cleaners doing their job in Rapid City and the Cleaner didn’t want to kill a kid to cover his tracks so he makes Desmond his accomplice, helping him clean it up, all the while teaching him the ‘craft’. After that, Desmond tags along because the Cleaner says that’s the only way he’ll survive and maybe Desmond’s upbringing mess him up enough that he thinks this is okay. That this kind of life is actually better than the life he had back on the Farm. The Cleaner keeps a close eye on him and notices how ‘unique’ Desmond’s upbringing is. He even thinks Desmond has what it takes to actually be one of the ‘messy ones’ but Desmond preferred to clean. It feels… more distant to his life before.
We get our timeskip and Desmond is one of the best cleaners out there. His identity is ironclad because his Cleaner mentor gave him a new one and their organization made it official since they do have a bit of leeway with the government. In exchange, Desmond will be in their service which he doesn’t mind because the organization pays for everything he needs (other than the equipment and items he might actually need when it was time to clean up because having such equipment with him when he gets to the scene would be security guard bait).
At this point, the organization has an idea that Abstergo is very sus and there’s a shadowy organization that does questionable things against Abstergo most of the time. They don’t know the full story though but Desmond believes that his parents’ cult is actually an ecoterrorist group. He keeps it to himself though since he doesn’t want to be anywhere close to them.
With the backing of the organization and his more honed skills and espionage, Desmond is actually more or less a ghost even to Abstergo. They know Desmond Miles exist but they also know that he disappeared nine years ago. Desmond’s government records are all fake data but authenticated by the government itself. Hell, he even has an SSN and tax records. (Your call if he keeps his Desmond Miles name or he changes to like Desmond Miller or full on fake name like Derek Milton or something XD)
If you still want Desmond to be part of the Animus Project or to kickstart the main plot, Desmond gets caught because the organization has traitors and one of them took him while he was cleaning a scene that turned out to be a trap. However, Desmond knows how to play the game and his childhood training only help him become better at his job.
If Vidic kept the same ‘security’ in AC1 (cameras only, no visible guards), Desmond would find a way to kill Vidic and (maybe) Lucy before the guards even get there. Once he gets access to the computer (thanks, Lucy), tampering with the security feed would be easy because he’s done it before as a Cleaner. He’s also used to using items and devices he sees on the ‘scene’ so yeah…
Before the even finishes Altaïr’s memories, he’d most probably already made his escape after cleaning the scene.
And that’s when…
The Bleeding Effect starts…
Option 2: Full Spy AU where every Assassin is messy and Desmond has to clean after them
Okay, this one plays loose with the lore.
In this one, the Brotherhood is a secret organization that has the capital and the influence that a usual Hollywood super spy organization has.
And Desmond is the poor son of a high ranking member of the organization. He was being trained to be an operative but he didn’t want to be an operative like his father.
So… he became a cleaner instead.
In this one, I think it would be fun if Desmond is just some poor cleaner who has to clean up for the messiest of the operatives because he’s one of the best cleaners.
So the setup could be Desmond appearing on the scene and deducing which of his messy ‘regulars’ did this one and he all have nicknames for each of them.
One of them is super good at his job that Desmond just have to take care of the body most of the time. That one he calls “the light of my life” because it means a quick easy job then Desmond can just chill somewhere and see the sights until he’s called again.
Another one is someone who always has to chase their target and dear god, Desmond wants to strangle this operative so badly because Desmond has to clean up multiple places and that includes CCTVs used by the local government for the roads and such. That one he calls ‘the bane of my existence’.
The funny thing?
Both operative are the same person: Altaïr who seesaw between absolutely the best or having a bad day that can only be summed up as “the universe is conspiring against him to get some cardio today”.
Of course, there’s a lot more operatives that Desmond cleans after.
There’s one that liked to actually steal shit and Desmond just usually make that a burglary gone wrong most of the time.
There’s another operative who may or may not have a dog that he uses to rip apart his target and Desmond always prays the scene is somewhere outside so he can just make it look like a wild animal attack and always hate it whenever it happens in an office building or anywhere indoors to be completely honest.
There’s another one that tries to be sneaky but that only makes Desmond’s life harder because he has to make sure to look everywhere just to be sure that the sneaky operative didn’t miss or fuck up somewhere.
In other words, Desmond has a lot of complaints for his regular operatives XD
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ramu-ego · 1 year
Yo ramu i saw your latest post about ego and it made we wonder how he would as a dom you don’t gotta answer btw 😏
(nsfw) THE EGOIST DOMMING :: fem!Reader
the only sub reader you'll ever see from me bc this man has me under lock and key like it's unreal 😩 ♡ -askbox open cw: fem!Reader, sub!Reader, bdsm dynamics, sexual themes, unedited word count: sloppy headcanons character(s): Jinpachi Ego
DNI :: minors, blank blogs + m!Reader blogs
Tumblr media
big talk and calculated action - full lazy dom
he's not interested in expending inordinate amounts of energy to "tame" a sub so brats are for the most part not his thing
not to see he doesn't enjoy a little cheekiness in the moment
greedy greedy greedy man
has a bit of a....backwards way of thinking though in terms of fulfilling his greedy egotistical nature
he wants the best and by any means does what he needs to to get it that way
Ego wants you sopping wet and clenching around his dick like a personal cock sleeve and really the only way to achieve that is to overstim you to the point of perfection for him
accidental service top but don't tell him
he thinks little of your pleasure but it comes so naturally bc the wetter, tighter and eager you are to please him well- then he's in a gluttons heaven
not a fan of elaborate positions or too many things that might force him to break a sweat
sees no issue with tucking you under his desk to leave you to nurse on his cock while he works diligently on what he wants to
but also demands a break every now and then from doing the same thing so nothing spices it up like putting you in that chair and fingering you until his seat is sopping wet so he can belittle you a little bit for making a mess
that he has no intention of cleaning up himself either
loves to waste company time, money and resources to fuck you on the clock at Blue Lock
its honestly probably a kink at this point
control through skirting the edge of utter dehumanizing degradation and just enough praise to keep you in line wanting more of his praise
he's very good with his words
if that's not enough he's not above fucking you to the point of tears and quite enjoys the unraveling of the human mind when confronted with so much pleasure
you on top is almost always his go to position and he doesn't care if you already came on his fingers because that was just prep for his main course
leaves him free to lay back and enjoy with minimal effort as well as double down and hold you still to fuck you senseless if he doesn't like how you're doing it
not so secret breeding kink
one that's worsened at Blue Lock when he's mentoring all those youngsters
loves the humiliation of you cumming to quick or watching your body betray you for what he wants from it
full of taunts and quips about how you're his and his alone - extremely possessive
you're at his beck and call but it's hard to see it as a bad thing when he can leave you fucked out of your mind from a quickie in the office or a full fledged fuck in those cramped little sleeping arrangements
and you bet your ass he's threatened to record you while he fucks you just to get your reaction
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