#office cleaning service in cleveland west
momsmop · 1 year
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topazadine · 3 months
Oh I should probably introduce myself
I'm Cam, a thirty-something writer in Cleveland, Ohio. Frankly, I'm terrible at introducing myself because I'm socially awkward. I'm also terrible at talking about my own work.
Then again, that's kind of par for the course for writers.
Writing Stuff
I've written over 2 million words of fiction (yes, I swear), approximately 1.6 million of which is hosted over on Archive of Our Own. The other 0.4 million is held in reserve for monetary purposes, but you'll soon be able to read a portion of it on Amazon.
My original fiction is set in the Poesyverse, which centers on the struggle of two nations separated by a nigh-on impenetrable mountain range formed through poetry magic. Since the goddess Poesy intervened to protect the Bremish people with the Rimuk Mountains, Sina has fought to colonize their enemies, while Breme resists through the use of High Poetry.
Poesy (as yet unpublished) focuses on Cerie Korviridi, a High Poet forced to betray her beloved Breme when she is kidnapped by the Sinan royal family. Snatched away from all she holds dear, Cerie desperately misses her brother Uileac and brother-in-law Orrinir - the only family she has left after Sinan forces slaughtered her parents. This decades-held resentment is made all the more explosive when her kidnappers demand that she use her High Poetry to solve the centuries-long war between their countries.
Not only does she need to choose between escape and acquiescence, she also finds herself paradoxically drawn to the Sinan princess, Haniya Aina. Both women find it impossible to escape the amorous clutches of a sworn enemy - and find themselves betraying their patriotism for the good of both their nations.
While I tiredly wait for some agent to recognize how special and good I am, I have been busy writing side stories that focus on different characters from the Poesyverse.
Right now, 9 Years Yearning is live on The Everything Store; this story tracks the slow-burn, friends-to-lovers arc of Uileac and Orrinir, both young soldiers in the Bremish military. You'll cringe at how dumb and oblivious and teenage-boy they are, but that's part of the fun!
They will be the feature characters in several other stories I'm working on cleaning up.
I will also publish a novella focusing on Mordrek Willets, a Sinan spy who gleefully joins Cerie on her mission to wreak havoc (because of course he does). What Is Cannot be Unwritten explores his murky past as a Sinan Intelligence Services officer, including his adventures creeping across the Rimuk Mountains to explore Breme. It features a tragic love story that ends in … death by transmogrification?? It's weird and gross. You'll love it.
Person Stuff
As for me personally, I am the loving pet parent to two incredibly lazy pit bulls named Clark and Wendy.
Wendy is the yawning one. As I said, they are lazy.
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My other hobbies include knitting, photography, horseback riding (hence the annoyingly precise descriptions of horses in my books), and miniatures (the dollhouse kind, not the Warhammer kind).
Look at this horse I got to play with in West Virginia! Horse!
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I am a single lesbian (hello, ladies). I've been diagnosed with bipolar 1 for over a decade; I also have PTSD and dissociative amnesia, both of which significantly inspire my work. For work/professional stuff, I'm a SEO writer and hold a Masters degree in International Relations.
I'm pretty shy but friendly, so don't hesitate to ask me things about mental health, writing, etc. Even if I don't respond to OC games and such, I do appreciate you including me!
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So now it comes time to render a final verdict. Is Cleveland a renaissance city, a comeback king of the Midwest? Or is it a moribund metropolis, a mistake by the lake with a few shiny, new landmarks added? The answer for me is somewhere in the middle. There are definitely assets the city can leverage to improve its economic fortunes, but the city needs a fresh approach in its thinking and should embrace its Midwest character more.  
As a Southern boy, who is used to the bright, shiny postmodernism of an Atlanta or Charlotte, there is a lot to commend Cleveland from an architectural perspective. I may be in the minority, but I’d much rather visit Cleveland with its beautiful collection of pre-war architecture than a Las Vegas or Phoenix, which largely came of age in the sprawl era. A lot of the city’s early 20th century character still shines through in downtown and the Ohio City neighborhood. Even Shaker Heights, on the edge of the city, feels like an intact early 20th century suburb.
America’s pre-war architecture is worth its weight in gold and Cleveland has been fortunate to escape the urban renewal era relatively unscathed in my mind. I say that with the caveat that I am not a long-time resident, just a visitor with an intense interest in urban development and city planning. The downtown I spent close to a week walking was one that presented me with a cohesive architectural vocabulary: one steeped in pre-sprawl America’s urban ambitions and not the flawed modernist paradigm that became America’s calling card from 1950 and onward. Whether this is the result of thoughtful historic preservation or simply neglect, I can’t say, but Cleveland has good bones, provided that the city and its populace is appreciative of the architectural legacy bequeathed to them.       
However, like a lot of the Midwest’s large cities, Cleveland has an identity crisis. Many of the city’s best assets are poorly managed. The Cleveland Arcade was largely devoid of other retail businesses and serves mainly as a giant lobby for the Hyatt Regency. Cleveland’s West Side Market has languished under city management and time will tell whether it can get a little spring in its step. The terminal tower has a dead mall problem it needs to contend with and that facility will need a serious makeover since it is the major hub for interurban transit in Cleveland.
Some of this can be attributed to the vacuum of leadership in the city of Cleveland. Regional cooperation has been a chronic issue for some time and the city lacks the strong corporate presence that other cities of its stature and prominence boast. The Ohio City neighborhood seems to be home to a number of innovative business ventures and practices, but the core downtown still seems to be mired in the prior hopes and dreams of the 1990′s. Change is needed and while I can offer no panacea, I think what the city needs most right now is something quite simple: effective municipal leadership and governance.  
The pandemic has been an enormous blow to the reputation of America’s cities and there’s been the perception that big cities suffer from a major vacuum of leadership. Walking punchlines such as Lori Lightfoot in Chicago and Bill De Blasio in New York have been detrimental to civic confidence and increasing concerns over crime and social order have halted the urban investment witnessed in the 2010′s. Office Buildings, which were the bread and butter for downtown investment throughout much of the 20th century, have languished in the post-pandemic years as more companies opt for remote work. America’s largest cities all seem to suffering from a distinct lack of competent leadership and that is where Cleveland can gain ground.
While a good mayor cannot pick winners and losers in a market economy, what they can do is be an effective advocate for urban hopes and aspirations. They can reform ailing city services and serve their constituents well by keeping streets clean and crime low. There are other components of city reform to consider as well such as zoning reform or the power of economic gardening, but right now basic competence will suffice for America’s cities. A lot of what make cities successful is the mundane. What is the call response time for police? Are the streets sweeped regularly? How quickly can I obtain a permit? Does the city conduct its business in a fair and transparent manner? The more cities work for the average resident the more they can enable and sustain the emergent qualities of urban life.     
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phroyd · 6 years
A Canadian army captain who fought alongside American troops in Afghanistan, and who is married to a former officer in the US air force, has been deported as Donald Trump’s zero tolerance immigration policies continue to break apart military families.
Demetry Furman, 47, says he held a top-level security clearance with US forces during his service in the Middle East and worked with them on several successful anti-drugs operations that prevented millions of dollars of heroin coming to the West.
But in a twist of irony he says it was a long-spent 1992 marijuana conviction that led to his being dumped by agents from the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (Ice) at the Canadian border on Tuesday – after he spent 77 days in a maximum security jail in Ohio labelled as a drugs trafficker.
“I feel betrayed. It’s a slap in the face because when I was in Afghanistan no-one cared what flag was on my shoulder,” Furman said. “I’m labelled a drug trafficker by them right now, but when I was in Afghanistan and guarding poppy fields, I was stopping opium convoys through Pakistan to China to be made into heroin and shipped to the US.”
The conviction, which at the time resulted in an $80 fine and 28 days’ community service, came after a passenger in the car he was driving attempted to sell one ounce of marijuana to an undercover policeman. Canadian authorities later vacated the conviction and Furman says he was told by US immigration officials as recently as 2016 that it was no barrier to his application for a green card after he married his wife Cynthia in 2014. They couple had met when they served together in Ohio three years earlier.
But under the Trump administration’s zero tolerance immigration policies, what appeared to be a minor blip on his record has taken on greater significance. Ice agents have widened their scope for deportations, and even military families with clean criminal records have been affected. In August, the wife of a decorated US marine and their nine-year-old daughter weredeported to Mexico after years of being told they were not a priority.
The Furmans were similarly assured they were safe while his green card application was being processed. “They interviewed us in Cleveland in 2016 and said everything looks great and we should be getting everything taken care of in the next 30 to 45 days,” said Cynthia Furman, 50.
“I even got a call from Washington and the immigration officer chuckled when I said I was worried my husband would be deported because this is taking so long. He said there’s no need to be worried because we were doing everything right.”
Then, after being told the green card application “had been lost”, Furman was arrested on August 1 at a drivers’ licence office in Medina, Ohio, as he tried to register a truck. The system flagged up his name and officials there called Ice. “I was sitting in the car waiting for him and two Ice agents came up and handed me his keys and his pocket knife and said they were detaining him,” Cynthia Furman said.
“They wouldn’t tell me why, or where they were taking him, and wouldn’t let me see him. I said I couldn’t drive because I had my ankle in a cast and they just said ‘call somebody’ and walked off.”
She said it took several days before she found out where he was, and that he was moved around a couple of county jails before ending up at the maximum security facility with convicted murderers and rapists. She said she was allowed to see him only twice by video chat, and that his health had suffered because of his incarceration in a cell with no windows.
On Tuesday he said, he was shackled and driven with other deportees in a van to the Canadian border, with an Ice agent shaking his hand and wishing him well before driving off.
A phone call and two emails to Ice by the Guardian requesting a comment were not immediately returned, but the Globe and Mail of Canada reportedthat documents from the Department of Homeland Security highlighted a drugs trafficking conviction for Furman in 1992 and that he was in the US as an undocumented immigrant, which Cynthia Furman denies. “They granted him humanitarian parole to be here three times because of my health and said there was no problem,” she said.
Furman, meanwhile, said he was sleeping on a friend’s sofa in Windsor, Canada, as he figured his next steps, which he said would eventually include hiring an immigration attorney to try to get the deportation order overturned.
“I’m not unique, I’m one of thousands of people this is being done to, other veterans that this is being done to,” he said.
“This has to stop. We believed in our government, we did what our government asked us to do, they sent us to war. And now we’re cannon fodder? No, we’re human beings.”
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ledenews · 2 years
Party On The Plaza Returns to Downtown Wheeling
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The 2nd annual Circus Saints and Sinners Party on the Plaza music and food festival will be held from 3:30 – 10:00 p.m. on July 9th at the Plaza on Market in downtown Wheeling. According to event chairman Paul Smith, the festival features all-day live music, food trucks, and beer and wine, with proceeds going toward a $150,000 commitment the organization made last year for the construction of the brand-new 150-bed WVU Medicine Children’s hospital in Morgantown. “We have great food and drink, and a fantastic musical lineup co-headlined by Pittsburgh’s top party band, No Bad JuJu and Cleveland rockers, Trailer Park Ninjas, with special guest, Spinning Jenny,” Smith said. “And we’re happy to once again be holding this event for the women and children of our region and throughout West Virginia by supporting WVU Medicine Children’s.” LEDE News is serving as a media sponsor of the event. Panhandle Cleaning and Restoration is the presenting sponsor with gold-level support from Broadwater Properties, Bordas and Bordas, Lowe’s, Edward Jones Investments and WesBanco. Silver sponsors include Gumby’s, Main Street Bank Ziegenfelder’s, Savage Construction and Whiteside of St. Clairsville. Participating as bronze level sponsors are Glessner Snodgrass Wealth Management, Steptoe & Johnson, Kalkreuth Roofing & Sheet Metal, Thomas the Stone & Thomas Turtle, Pickles Eatery & Bar, Joanou Financial Group, Fahey-Leavitt Insurance, Russ Fehr, Hughes Office Supply, Ohio County Commission, Unified Bank, and the Wheeling CVB. Tip match sponsors include DeFelice Pizza of Behlehem and Wheeling, Mountaineer Brewfest, CMS Bankcard Services, Robinson Law Office, Yourkovich and Associates and Carenbauer Distributing. Tickets are $30 each and include a $10 beverage credit. They can be purchased at the gate and at PartyOnThePlaza.org. Get $7 off until July 4th when purchasing online and using promo code PARTY7. Read the full article
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momsmop · 1 year
Mom's Mop
Mom’s Mop is locally owned and provides professional home cleaning services and office cleaning services in Lake County, Geauga County, Cuyahoga County, Portage County, and Summit County. We provide service in Concord Township, Mentor, Solon, Cleveland West, Painesville area. With our 116 Point Sparkling Home Checklist and 100% Happiness Promise, your satisfaction is guaranteed! Our features are Locally Owned Fully Insured No Contracts No Hassles Get your Instant Estimate or schedule a cleaning with Mom��s Mop today.
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stone-man-warrior · 4 years
December 13, (Sunday), 2020: 3:51 (Windsor)
There is no Russia.
There are no Russians.
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Dues paid in full, SAG Card in good standing.
3:59 pm:
Other, unrelated Russian bullshit from Britain:
Real quick: There are Ford 351 Cubic Inch Displacement V-8 Motors. You can get those inside of old classic Ford cars & trucks, some are “351 Windsor”, some are “351 Cleveland”, both “Windsor”, and “Cleveland”, are words suitable for fighting over, are verbal weapons, put the two words together, and you have a nitrous gas weapon that cuts when you swing it. Put it in a car, and it goes fast as it cuts, aspirated with 4-Bbbl Holley.
I don’t know what the design characteristic differences are between Cleveland and Windsor 351 cubic inch displacement V-8 motors.
The key to starts each motor, seems to be on the helm of a boat, one that weighs less than the water it displaces, which is the reason the boat floats.
HMS Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
A Boat.
Weighs less than the water it displaces. We have a new FLOTUS Boat in port right now, shiny, all cleaned up, refurbished older classic model, one that already has seen some battles on the High See’s. (is also trending on Twitter last night, WSJ says use of “Dr.” written on the hull is no good for new, old, FLOTUS)
There is also a Dodge 318 Cubic Inch Displacement V-8 Motor that comes to mind. You can get those in the classic Chrysler products. There is a old 318, pre-1964, and there is a new 318, after 1964.
1964 is Beatles British Invasion. (Russia).
I do know some of the design differences between Old 318 and New 318.
Maybe is better to say “USA 318″ for the old one, vs “British Chinese Hong-Kong Knock-Off Russian Mother Hoax 318″, for the new one.
Old 318 is narrow V angle from the crank center to the outer wings of the V shape on the heads, where the valve’s are controlled from the cam, below them. The Valve timing must be adjusted manually at the valve guide rocker arm tappets gap to specifications and service limits.
New 318 is wide-angle V shape from crank center to outer wing heads of the V shape. There is no valve timing adjustment, necessary, or possible on New 318. All is done with some kind of Amp Guru magic wand for making the valve’s work, somehow, is a mystery, no way to control the timing of the valves anymore, is automatic, comes from the Martinizer or something, secret knowledge, was wiz-bang high tech, no one talked about how come the 318 works so good without need for scheduled valve adjustment maintenance.
“That because they are Hydrolic Tappets” says auto mechanic guru when I ask questions.
“Ok... Hydrolic ones. That explains it then, thank you” I reply, knowing stepped in some kind of slippery slope only leads to the ground from there.
New 318 is much wider than it’s dead brother who ran out of Valve Timing Adjustment, needs more lateral room to fit it’s fat ass in under the bonnet (used to be a hood, I think is a bonnet now, see Jon Bonnet Ramsey areas of Russian Hoax Mother, maybe is more about that over there.). They call it “The Wedge” because of the wide-angle of the orientation of the shape of the engine block and heads. Intake Manifold is HUGE for those. (try a Weiand 4 bbl high-rise with Holley carburetors... experiment with different ones. it’s 1965. so, see what works, then report back to AutoMechanic Guru... Mr. GoodWrench. One time I put a Rochester Carburetor onto a 1969 Toyota Corona... it worked good. I don‘t know how come the thing fit on there, it just did, so, I hooked up some linkage, and off to the rodeo, for about 4 years with that. no problems. Later on, I put a 1986 nissan motor into a 1974 Datsun truck. There were some problems, had to make it fit, the fan kept going through the radiator, had to start over, but the motor I bought was new fangled computer operated motor... I did not get that part.... only the motor. Everyone says: “you need the computer part, it’s never going to work.” I said “go fuck off with your Lego’s, this thing has spark plugs, a distributor, is fuel injected. All it needs is some fuel and some air, it’s going to work without the computer part” and that is what happened. It worked without the computer part, and, it worked real good.)
Just some things to think about while Jill Biden is floating around with last minute hull dressings choices to decide what to call the HMS Boat she is riding on.
4:40 plus 8 pm.
5:38 pm: Walmart visit at the “Nightmare Before Elm Street” event from Friday or whenever that was:
My memory is returning some small details about things that happened there.
The Guillotine was there, I remember now, it was there on the way in, and on the way out too.
Looks like it’s part of the door.
You cannot see the guillotine. They put so much distraction, that even if you look right at it, you still don‘t know it’s a guillotine.
Mostly, it’s because we have been programmed and conditioned since we were children that there are no guillotines at the Walmart as you go in. So, mostly, that’s why we can‘t see the guillotine at the Walmart front entrance. (with new COVID Corona Rules, there is only one way in, and one way out of the Walmart now. The West Side Story, is that COVID rules from Salem Oregon Kate Brown HQ says that the West Side Entrance is to be closed, for COVID Safety. There is a small side door near that hallway where the Carnival Games are at, on the Shopping Cart Port side of the building where those get cleaned up and put back into circulation, like miniature FLOTUS HMS Biden’s. That door also is closed, big sign on the Art Easel says “This Door is Designated for Walmart Associates Only”, so, you have to show a SAG Card or something to use that one.
The important part: As I went in there, and was distracted by the Salvation Army Door Bell w/Bucket, wearing Chinese Knock Off (Hong-Kong) US Navy Officer Dress Uniform, I stopped right there as I was almost in the door frame going in. I saw something that looked kinda weird, had to rub my eyes... “Uh-Ohh... Walmart Transgender Patrol... it’s coming my way” I said.
I use my Bic Lighter consistently from the time I open my car door, wave it around a little, then get out of the car, all the way through the Walmart shopping adventure in Dystopia the whole time, every time I go there, or anywhere. You need a Bic Lighter to survive. Just light it, move it around at waist high every few minutes and when people are getting close to you. Only takes a second to clear the air.
There, was Pope Francis, coming in fast towards me. The Guillotine was between me an the Bergoglio. He was about 10 feet away when I saw a man wearing a white dress there, I don‘t recall the pointy hat, but, I do recall reaching through the Guillotine frame, saying “This is not a good idea, too risky”, but there were no choices, so, I reached through there, grabbed whoever that was, and pulled as the guillotine was triggered by my arm going through the motion sensor area.
Walmart Transgender Patrol was cut in three pieces as the blade came down. I wound up holding his hand... arm... and one half went outside of the building, the other half stayed inside and went to the left and onto the ground. I tossed the arm behind me to keep my hands free so I could fight when I went in, ducked under the blade that was still chopping, and that is when “The Unclean“ security that I explained sprang into action, also, just then, the man that monitors everyone who enters the store took his usual position in the center between the roped off Entrance Lane, and Exit Lane. He was off to the side safely out of the way before that Transgender Patrol Pope was cut in two at the front entrance. That guy stands there with a electronic Tablet size thing, he is able to read debit card chips as people walk by within range, so, he was Johnny on the Spot as the “Two Piece Pope” hit the ground, and, “The Unclean” began to do their routine.
I saw the man on the floor in two places. Maybe was two people who were cut, one was the Pope, the other was a heap of mess on the floor between the Exit and Entrance sides. I think was two different people.
The man was still alive, his head was moving but was cut long way, in two-three pieces. I cleared all of that, grabbed a shopping cart for some protection, it was sticky on the handle... people all began to come to the exit, I looked over at that man on the floor and said “You have to bring your own hospital”. Then, all of those people, about 15 people, all started to release a lot more gas than already was there.
Some pretty girls were deployed near the McDonald’s, and more of them beyond that, some noises towards the inside of the Walmart were such that my attention was drawn over there, and that is the direction I went.
In front of the McDonald’s, two of those pretty girls were ignited, from nitrous gas ignition, and they both launched up into the suspended ceiling and a piece of the ceiling tile fell to my right onto the place where some promotional items are stacked at the entrance area across from the McDonald’s.
An unmasked man was there to my left as I went into the Walmart. He had seen the two girls disappear into the ceiling and the tile fall from above. That man was mesmerized, in disbelief. I could hear him say “It’s real... the blog is real”.
I advised that if he pays attention to the pharmacy area, those two girls should be coming down out of the ceiling over there any second now, and I walked in that direction, the two girls came down out of the ceiling right there by the pharmacy, just like they always do and hit the floor hard. A cart was there, at the ready, had been deployed immediately upon lift-off, to cart them away. There is a channel built into the Walmart ceiling such that when the terror soldier launch up in there, they are directed to the pharmacy to come down over there, closer to where it can be easier to disguise such persons as unfortunate injured people who came to the Walmart Pharmacy for some first aid, from some other accident, they will say.
As I walked around doing my shopping for some food. there was a lot of talk about “The Pope”, “Francis“, “Bergoglio”, “Two-Piece”, “Papa”, and “Father” inside the store, enough that I believe it’s likely to have been “The Bergoglio” who came to attack me at the front entrance.
I have seen the Pope, the real Pope, here in Grants Pass many times. I have seen the previous one, “Pope Benededict” also, he goes to the Myers terror cell at 560 Jackpine, and, he brought the “Pope Mobile” at least once to Jackpine.
There are some entries here on this account about a time that included a large hot-air balloon, shaped like a house, when one of the Pope’s came to Jackpine.
That with the Pope Mobile, was the day this happened:
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I was playing guitar when I heard something outside, and went out there while holding that guitar pick, there was someone speaking in Latin, hiding behind a building here at my house pointing a rifle at me, I spoke back to the person, who shot at me, then ran away. The gun looked like AR-7 to me, a survival rifle, like one that I once owned, is small, is for backpack travel, lightweight.
There also were two other people closer to me, a young blonde woman, and a young man, who were hiding under the deck of a wood raised porch here at my property.
But that happened a long time ago... I am just reminded of it from that Walmart adventure with the guillotine at the front entrance the other day.
So, although there is more to say about the “Nightmare Before Elm Street” event at the Walmart the other day, it’s useless to say the details... no one is going to send the kind of help that is required to stop the size and scope of the terror monstrosity that exists here.
I am optimistic that the man who was mesmerized with seeing the girls go into the ceiling found safe passage back to where he came from, maybe can send proper help.
6:50 pm.
7:22 pm:
Maybe you don’t believe what I explained there.
I think you need to start thinking in bigger ways than the you have been programmed to think.
Was it the Pope? I don‘t know for sure, I don‘t claim to know who the “Transgender Walmart Front Entrance Patrol” was, that does not matter, is not as important as the event itself, all of the characters involved are terror soldiers, that is the important part.
I can say that when I have seen the Pope’s come to town before, there is also a presence of support people that are also present, they have a particular set of characteristics about them, and, those kinds of people were all in charge at the Walmart, wearing the vests, moving around the inventory pallet jack’s all over the place, at a very unusual time of day for inventory work, afternoon day time is not customary for those small forklift style pallet jacks to be so many, and there were many of them all with about one-half to one-third capacity of boxed store items on them, and, none of the items on the small size forklifts were marked with any brand name on the boxes. So, maybe  20 of those moving around in the store, each with generic brown color, white color, some green color boxes on them, none of which were very big boxes, stacked, arranged loosely on those pallet jacks. But it’s the people who were using the pallet jacks that are more interesting, but more difficult to explain why they are interesting to look at.
First, those people tend to be women, about 60 years old. They tend to all have the same hair style, curly shoulder length grey hair. They all are about 5′5″ or shorter. Each one looks the same as the other one. It’s easy to look at them and think about “Thing One, and Thing Two” from “Cat in the Hat” for reasons that only Sigmund Freud will know.
After careful thought, those women all look very similar to Joan Phillips of 507 Jackpine Dr.Grants Pass Oregon 97526, who I have explained is the leading terror command for as far as I am able to see, regional, global terror leadership over a great distance is at 507 Jackpine, and, Myers at 560 is SAG nbc Universal Comcast Studios version of Joan Phillips, and Bruce & Janice Freeberg of 535 Jackpine is terror Air Force leadership, also regional, maybe Global. Bruce has been dead a long time, is inside of stolen F-18 fighter jet two-seat trainer in the bottom of the Pacific Ocean for about 15 or more years. (Harold Phillips died about five or six years ago, was leader, now is Joan. Rumor is that Phillips are blood relation to Windsor Royalty. They pronounce the name as “Felps” if you are listening to chatter.)
Those people all have a look on their faces that is blank... like lobotomy patients or some other blankness, absence of inner light, souless looking people wandering around while pushing inventory freight pallet jacks around wearing Walmart vests, blue ones.
They stop when you pass by, and stare with blank facial expression that is so weird, you just want to move away from there.
Those people are not the regular Walmart terror assassins. those are more specialized Pope Vatican style Cat in the Hat terror gas warriors... they really do look like zombie face, or other way to explain lobotomy might be a real possibility about why they look the way they do. Physically normal, emotionally not present... blanks.
They have been here in Grants Pass at the other times when I saw the Pope’s.
Also, other SAG looking people were there, you can see that they are SAG actors by the props they use, the heavy character make-up, Hollywood Movie style heavy transforming make-up, the kind that is applied with small trowel, then painted, can‘t see it after that.
Most of that activity with inventory was at the Electronics Department. I saw one of those SAG Make-Up warriors who was playing role of store shopper, go from Grocery Customer, to Electronics Department Walmart Associate. he just went into the back, parked his shopping cart, grabbed a vest, and Viola! Electronics Guru was there. That guy had a beard with a pony tail about 12″ wrapped with fabric small beard coat, colorful, Rastafarian style, is there to draw attention away from more Vatican Souless ideas, towards other, media promotional bad-guy ideas.
Many pretty girls at the Walmart, all of them seem to be wearing very tight fitting leotard style yoga pants, very revealing distractive pants.
All of that is part of usual terror there, other than the “Lobotomy Blanks”... the Guillotine is part of the usual, the Pope is not.
Electronics Department was special circumstance that day. Unusual activity at the door that leads to the inventory at electronics there. Lots of Forklift Pallet Jack w/blank drivers going in and out, was cluster fuck traffic jam there at electronics w/special carts.
8:03 pm.
9:01 pm:
Some things about “Walmart COVID Front Entrance Monitor w/Tablet Size Electronic Gizmo”:
He is always there now. Been there since around spring time 2020 when the very industrial style dividers between front door entrance, and front door exit started to happen. At first, that divider was a piece of hardware, looks like an Easy-Up Canopy style extendable folding portable fence, scissors style extension technology. That was temporary, but Tablet Man Monitor is permanent fixture. That divider is always there now, but configuration varies, could be some movie theater style rope dividers, or, could be a lot of shopping carts put there to keep the “In Door” aisle, separated from the “Out Door” aisle at that entrance area. The entrance is neither inside, nor outside of the shopping store, it’s a grey area, that idea is present at all of the COVID sort of attack zones around, some kind of non-descript place between.
Electronic Tablet Gizmo Man is only obvious at Walmart as far as I can see, but at smaller venues, the Smart Phone Blue-Tooth Scouts serve the same function.
I say the Walmart has “Debit Card Chip Blue-Tooth Remote Scan“ technology, and I am aware of other, wondering variety of scouts who have the same thing in a smaller devise than Walmart COVID Monitor does. I walked right over to him that day and told him to his face that he was reading card chips, I looked at the device, the screen is blank grey when I looked. He had just stepped into position at the time.
The explanation I was told, about a long time ago, before there was debit card chips on the cards we use for paying, and has been repeated as a further explanation is that the device sends out a signal that makes a three dimensional map of a area within range. That signal finds, wraps around in three dimensions, a signal of the things it is looking for. A debit card chip in your pocket or wallet is the kind of thing it can find. The device, I am told, sends and receives that mapping signal, software cross-referenced to banking data bases, matches the physical shape of the chips on cards, that it finds. The information then knows who you are, as you pass by Walmart COVID Monitor, and other roving equivalents of the COVID Monitor at Walmart, but with smaller devices. They know your banking balance that way and who you are in a parking lot from about twenty feet away I have seen, as a small group of people say: “He has the card with him” when I walk into 6th Street Market.
All of that is not even necessary though, could be bait, because at Fred Meyer and at Walmart, the cash register screen has already been showing the cashiers the banking balances of the store customers as they are at the checkout, been going on for more than a decade like that. Someone with big balance is called “a Whale” at that time. “Get the Boston Whaler”... “Load the harpoon“, “Tell Quint his order is ready”... “Little Buddy!” any kind of whale hunting jargon is shouted when big balance is shown on the grocery store checkout screen. Fred Meyer systems are directly connected to JP Morgan Chase Bank Systems at the checkout grocery screen for many years. That is why I advise caution when asking too many questions about blue-tooth card reading capabilities. It’s not that they don‘t use it, it’s that it’s not necessary, they have it hard wired for banking info of victims.
Walgreen‘s Pharmacy uses wiz-bang modern card reading tech at the checkout, just touch your card to the debit machine, you don‘t have to insert the card at the Walgreen‘s.
Fred Meyer is the big fish for looking at Bank Hijack. Kroger Foods, all of it.
10:02 pm:
Walmart Entrance Russian Fractal Hoax Mother:
Too much attention is drawn to the entrance at the Walmart, there so much stuff that happens there, changes made, distractions, you could say stuff, and then keep saying Walmart Front Entrance forever, so, you have to fly around in the Russian Mother Hoax to find answers to questions that are not asked at the front entrance.
West Side Story is where answers are at for the Grants Pass Walmart, other Walmart’s may be different story than West Side Story.... it’s that other entrance, the one on the West Side that no one is interested in because of so much going on at East Side Entrance.
Go to West Side Story for a minute, look at the movie details at IMDB.com, look for SAG Cards there.
First thing, is they snap their fingers while walking in a gang and singing... ok...
Bewitched then.
Where is Tabatha?
Which one of the “Derwood’s” is on the screen? Old Derwood? or new. replacement Derwood?
There is a lot of Russian Hoax just right there, at Walmart.
Then, snap your fingers again, because the movie Grease is a lot like West Side Story, sort of, so, you have to talk to Suzanne Sommers there on Van Nuys Blvd on Cruze night in around 1975 or so in that Thunderbird, has a port-hole, so, you know you are at the right place when you zoom back to Salvation Army Bell Ringer at the Walmart East Entrance who are wearing those US navy knock-off uniforms.
The details are all over the place here. It’s deep water, lots of seaweed, there are coral reefs, many small fish, very diversified set of Russian (Walmart) Mother Hoax by way of Van Nuys California Circuit Courts nearby where the Grease movie was filmed.
Too much is going on to be specific.
Van Nuys is going to be a very big fish here in that West Side Story that snaps to Bewitched where Tabatha is so cute when she wiggles her nose, and they tried to sneak a new Derwood into the picture like no one is going to notice that on Amazon Prime Time network television in 1966 or something like that, for crying out loud.
(Jim Dunlop with Cry Baby Wah-Wah peddle and “Snarling Dogs” knurled guitar picks just showed up on Cracker Jack Hoax Decoder Ring Radar... too much is going on here in Van Nuys Courthouse... Need some assistance please.)
“GREASE”... I think the title is in all caps, have to go look to make sure.
10:28 pm.
West Park Hospital
West Valley Precinct
Golden West Billiards
All Valley Automotive Service (formerly West Valley Automotive Service)
The place next door to All Valley Automotive Service is very special, highly regarded, over and over again, guarded.
Tommy’s Hamburger’s
Those are on the Van Nuys Russian Hoax Mother Courthouse, but it’s all protected with a House of Mirrors, and a lot smoke, all kinds of smoke.
Eventually, you wind up here in the Russian Hoax Mother, at all of the Thunderbirds episodes.
That, all leads to Rocketdyne in Simi Valley.
That will take you to “Fake Rocketdyne” on DeSoto Ave... just stay away for now, there is bigger fish to fry than the ones on DeSoto.
You might have to swing by to find the real Charles Manson, and figure out why so much effort was put onto the fake Charles Manson in the prison.
There is going to be a lot of Spawn right there, they will make you put the Ranch sauce when you are looking for some vinegar.
Walmart West Side Story is a deep place. Lots going on there. Includes some Squeekie Wheel Terror Comm, but, you already found the GREASE for that, so, you know you are at the right place.
Later, if we don‘t stop the terror coup, all of the stores are going to be places where you need to know the secret door knock to get inside, to get some food. We are almost there now.
Better swing by over at the Chaos HQ, talk to Maxwell Smart, bring your own phone booth, Superman.
(shit, here come Jerry Seinfeld on the RADAR... Nueman!)
)12-14-2020: The CIA, FBI, and Secret Service don‘t hold a candle to these 1960′s Thunderbird’s episodes for when it comes down to training of personnel within their ranks. This stuff is top notch, does not get much better when you consider it’s stealth presentation right there in front of everyone, while delivering the training direct to the living rooms of the people signed up for the training, through covert publications such as TV GUIDE. These episodes are double-whammy terror masterpieces. They simultaneously train the terror army, while setting up the victims, and, promote pedophilia incorporated into the command chain of the terror soldiers being trained, all at the same time, in the same episode. To get a more complete education from these, you have to also look at the companion series called “David & Goliath”, also are claymation style productions. There, you can find where the Christian Guilt is etched in stone into the minds of the young terror trainees of the time period, all of which are in their 50′s, 60′s and 70′s today, and are very dangerous terror soldiers, when their education was further enhanced by the third leg of the Trinity of the education tactic at the churches, in person, with special follow up to the introductory lessons taught on the television within the Thunderbird's, and David & Goliath. That episode above has much going on, but I will say that much of the message is that the title, the “Uninvited” is reference to flame, fire, many ways that nitrous oxide can be ignited, and is bad for the trainees. “Fire is Uninvited” could be gleaned from the episode.(
(Fast Forward to more contemporary, similar training to Inspector Gadget cartoons. There is likely to be a companion to that also to play the guilt card, and in association to Saturday and Sunday Church Service follow up and guidance, depending on religious denomination preferences, or, orders for particular denomination selection from higher leadership. I suspect Ivy League goes to Church on Sunday, leadership church, soldier church happens on Saturdays, maybe, sort of, at least to some extent. So, “What is the sister, companion Television program that accompanies Inspector Gadget?”, is a good question, I don‘t know what it could be)
)Once you begin to see what has been happening with the Russian Mother of all Hoaxes, then you could start to see that the television programs presented something for all age groups, all different kinds of people, either to train them as terror soldiers and lead them toward the churches for personal guidance in addition to the programming, or, to set them up as victims with special conditioning for that, all inside of the TV programs. Just look at 1960′s - 1970′s soap opera’s to see how the women were targeted that way. Why was their no hospital in the entire General Hospital decades of episodes? I don’t know why that happened, but it did happen. There was something for everyone, to be trained as a Christian terror soldier, or operative, or, to be set-up to be victimized by them. They play both hands on the TV programs, while leading everyone towards the church, where the decisions are made, judgement is cast at the Church. Both times I went to church in my lifetime, were bad experience, I did not like it.(
(If you step the fuck back, and then glue together I Love Lucy with Gilligan’s Island, what do you get? They happened about at the same period of time.
You get Cuban Missal Crisis in your living room while the husband is away at night, things a little loose, as Lucy is always trying to find some kind of hobby to occupy her time without having to do too much Splainin‘ to Ricky when he finally comes home and there is no radio there, in the living room where you are stranded watching, being entertained by Ginger and Mary Ann is so wholesome right there, the professor are not able to reach land, the skipper looks important, but... well... Gilligan tries to keep a positive outlook while Babaloo is playing on the native drums on the other side of the island, that apartment upstairs where the people must be elephants or something and you can’t hear the TV. Everyone is stranded, but entertained, it’s a little loose, and the Cubans are not bad guys after all, they are on TV in the living room while we ride the exorcise bike to try to get a signal out on the radio while the rich people “The Third” are looking on, with nice clothes, and some bubbly.
11:06 pm:
I need to put a conclusion here for this entry to make some sense, but the decoding work hasn‘t even been started yet.
I have to make reminder of the Pope’s Crucifix to do this, I already explained some of it before, so, quick reminder is that the horizontal part is about things that happen on the surface, they go sideways.
The vertical is more about ideas, intangible stuff, it’s where the Pope’e elevator is at, can go up to heavenly ideas, can go down under all of that sideways activity that happens on the horizontal part, towards hell.
Walmart East Entrance is the Horizontal part of the Pope’s crucifix, shit goes sideways there, big time.
That other, West Side entrance is the one no one is concerned with, there is a fire hazard waiting to happen over there, the door is all locked up because Salem Oregon said COVID rules make it too dangerous to use that West Side Door (disregard Dora the explorer as she swims by here, it’s Ellen Degenerous, OK? You really don‘t need any more info than that when Dora is swimming by) and there are no Fire Marshall's anywhere to be found while that door is locked shut.
That, the West Side, is where the questions are at, but there is no one asking any questions, so, the Vertical Part of the Pope’s Crusifix is doing some kind of Hokus Pokus that is keeping the common sense away from there. The Vertical Part is diverted over to the horizontal part of the Pope’s Crucifix, and there is one very small door available on the side, special, for “Walmart Associates” where going in and coming out, is simplified, at least, it appears that way.
Basically, physical activity on the Horizontal Axis, while the Mental Exercise happens on the Vertical Axis. Complications happen with addition of René Descartes and it all turns French after that.
You still have to walk through the carnival games to use that door, they all have a coin slot.
So you do your thinking over on the Vertical Axis at the Wast Side, but it’s crazy there, will blow your mind. Otherwise, you can use the Horizontal Axis at the East Side, a one way trip for most people.
There is that small place to go in and out, special people door, they get a redo or something, I don‘t know how that works, I think they pass out Bit Coin over there, Stirling Air Money.
11:28 pm:
12-14-2020: 12:21 am:
Although all of that San Fernando Valley came up on the Grants Pass Walmart Decoder at the West Side Story, much of that could have been planted to show up like that, SAG Writers Guild is evil like that, they can do shit like, while walking and chewing gum.
It’s a trap to go into Southern California, so, without military, that place is worse than Grants Pass is. Looks like bait.
Send help to Oregon.
Please send medical services.
Bring your own hospital.
12:26 pm.
0 notes
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ericfruits · 6 years
A (Breaking) Bad Role Model
The Ohio Board on Professional Conduct has issued recommendations for discipline in a number of matters.
One proposed indefinite suspension involves a conviction recounted by Cleveland.com
A Cleveland attorney in federal prison for laundering money in a manner he learned from watching fictional sleazebag lawyer Saul Goodman on the TV show "Breaking Bad" has lost his appeal.
Matthew King, 46, took $20,000 from a federal informant named Marcus Terry with the promise that he would return it a few thousand dollars at a time, deducting money for fake legal services and business expenses.
Terry posed as a high-rolling cocaine dealer, but worked with Northern Ohio Law Enforcement Task Force and wore a wire during some of his conversations with King. The two talked about laundering even more money. 
A jury found King guilty in June 2016 of two counts money laundering and one count attempted money laundering. Senior U.S. District Judge Donald Nugent sentenced him to 44 months in federal prison.
King argued to the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati that his convictions should be overturned because Terry did not testify at trial. King claimed he had no ability to cross-examine Terry.
The appeals court ruled that Terry's absence did not deprive King of his constitutional right to confront a witness, as the recorded conversations between Terry and King showed that King believed Terry came by the money they would launder through illegal means.
The recordings were not meant to show that Terry could obtain thousands by selling drugs, but rather that King believed that it was the case. Prosecutors must prove that the laundered money was "represented to be the proceeds of specified unlawful activity," and that the recorded conversations were enough to establish that, the appeals court ruled.
King first met Terry in 2014 when both were at Christie's Cabaret strip club in the Flats. He proposed that he help Terry set up a fake corporation as a cover to launder any drug proceeds, and that the money could also be "cleaned" by funneling it through King's attorney trust account, according to an opinion.
The attorney's scheme was similar to the one Goodman used to launder the money of main character Walter White on "Breaking Bad," and the appeals court noted that King had learned it from the show.
King blamed his criminal activity at his sentencing on his alcohol addiction. Nugent ordered him to participate in the Federal Bureau of Prisons' Residential Drug Abuse Program, which is a 500-hour program that reduce an inmate's sentence by up to one year for people convicted of nonviolent offenses successfully complete it.
King had an office on West 3rd Street at the time of the investigation. Prior to that, he worked stints in the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor's Office and at the city of Lakewood.
His law license was suspended following his conviction.
From the decision of the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit affirming the conviction
A sting operation blends fiction with non-fiction. The undercover officer feigns an offer to commit a crime and the individual accepts the offer, converting an offer to commit a crime based on untruths into a crime based on a true desire to violate the law. Sometimes, as it happens, the resulting crime blends non-fiction with fiction. In this instance, Matthew King, a lawyer, agreed to commit a real crime (by laundering the supposed proceeds of non-existent drug sales) and offered to do so on the basis of a money laundering technique observed on a fictional T.V. show (by imitating Saul Goodman, a lawyer character on Breaking Bad, who set up a sham corporation to launder drug proceeds).
This did not end well. A jury convicted King of two counts of money laundering and one count of attempted money laundering. King appeals his convictions on two grounds: (1) that the introduction of recorded conversations between him and the informant violated his Sixth Amendment right to confront the witnesses against him, and (2) that the district court improperly allowed the prosecution to ask him about his prior arrest for cocaine possession. We affirm.
In early 2014, Matthew King approached Marcus Terry at a strip club. He had heard that Terry was a drug dealer, and King, having fallen on hard times, offered to help Terry launder his drug money. As fortune would have it, Terry was posing as a drug dealer (he was a confidential informant in truth), and he told the police about King’s offer.
(Mike Frisch)
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Garage Door Repair Service - Things to Stress More Upon
Everyone would want a good and properly working garage door. Manual or automatic door is not the issue here. The point is that the door is working properly whenever needed. Imagine leaving your house on a Monday morning to attend a meeting in your office. Everything's prepared in advance the night before. Files are arranged neatly in your leather case, shirt and trouser are washed, ironed and smell nice with mixture of perfume and soap.
You're all set, ready to go, and just as you're setting your coffee mug in the car compartment and press the remote for the garage door, all hell breaks loose. The garage door is jammed, with your car still inside the garage. This is the moment that you curse the garage doors , and wishing that you had parked your car in the carport outside the garage last night. Well, there's not much to do now but to open the door manually, by brute force if necessary with the cost of ruining your clean shirt in particular and your day in general.
The above description is not a good picture. But that's just by chance, you say. There's nothing to be done that will let us know whether the garage door will be jammed that particular day, you say. Well, not exactly. This article will discuss in general the usage of garage door repair service - things to stress more upon that will save you from days like this. Obviously, repairing a garage door is best to be done by expert, and unless you are confident enough to fix machinery and physical structure and willing enough to spend extra time wrestling with a broken door, it's suggested to contact local repair service. So, after agreeing that you'd rather spend your time drinking beers while somebody else fixes your garage doors, here are some tips for Garage door repair service - things to stress more upon.
Do regular checking based on symptoms, not until a problem actually shows.
This is probably the most basic tips. One of the reasons of fatalities in medical is due to late treatment. The best thing to do when you hear squeaking at the door railing, try to apply some oil on it, and if the sound doesn't disappear, it's time to call the repair service, not put it behind your head and hope it will go away.
Be detailed in your problems, and ask your repair person to be detail.
One thing to be clear, it's a repair person's job to repair your broken utensil (hence the title), and it's your right as a customer to request the best service being given to you. However, they're not fortuneteller who can foresight a problem just by checking (again, hence the title), so to be fair, you also need to be detailed in telling them the symptoms that you experience that lead to the repair person standing in front of you.
Ask for regular service and maintenance
Sometimes, a problem doesn't show any symptoms before it actually happen. That's why most repair service will have regular visit for maintenance for you to use. And it's best to use it. There's no harm in having the repair person come once every few months to check things.
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gsgaragedoors · 5 years
How to Choose a Garage Door Repair Company?
Both as a car and a house owner, you must certainly be familiar with garage doors. When you put your vehicle inside the garage and you find that the garage door needs repair, immediately rush to a repair firm. This is important because, you cannot keep your car unprotected for long. Let us take a brief look at what are the most important components of a garage door.
The two main parts include:
1. The door
2. The opener
The doors of a garage basically run on a spring tension. Usually its mobility depends on special metal tracks and they derive the power from the spring. Some repair tips helpful for you include -
1. You need to regularly check the proper functioning of the brackets that are there in metal tracks. You can also check them if you find crimp, dents or any damages. In case you find damages, then you must replace them at the earliest.
2. Just like a safety officer will check the rail tracks positioning; in a similar way, you need to keep up the metal tracks in the garage. As a result it is important that the tracks stay clean.
3. You need to find out whether the plates are functioning properly. Screws do become loose and hence, you need to tighten it. Look into the servicing of the hinges too.
4. The door opener is another important gadget. In many cases, you need a professional company for installation purpose. It is wise, if you install Garage Doors at the center.
5. Your garage must always have a support. If it lacks to have such a structure, then you can make use of a mounting board.
Thus, the above are some of the basic steps that you can keep in mind while repairing a garage door yourself.
Nonetheless, in today's world every contractor has become more or less indispensable. A qualified agent can help you with quick repairs which otherwise, might take a lot of time. The services that such firms offer differ a lot. As a means of a practical and cost-effective suggestion, you must try to choose that company, which will give you all round service. They must not only repair and replace but also install.
Effective garage door repair is not possible if a non-skilled person tries to handle it. Therefore, you must remember that, such tasks are not hassle-free. Protecting your vehicle is as important as appointing the rightful garage repair company.
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csrgood · 5 years
A Decade of Care: Hanes Launches 10th National Sock Drive to Help the Homeless; Tops 3 Million Donated Pairs
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C., November 22, 2019 /3BL Media/ – Small gifts often have the most meaning.
For the millions of people living homeless, a clean pair of socks is often described as “the gift of humanity.” Hanes, America’s No. 1 basic apparel, underwear and sock brand, is partnering with organizations fighting homelessness nationwide to deliver comfort to those who need it most through the Hanes National Sock Drive. The brand is marking 10 years of helping provide care and compassion during this year’s drive by:
Donating more than 250,000 pairs of socks directly to organizations fighting homelessness in all 50 states, along with Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico. Since the program’s inception in 2009, Hanes has provided more than 3 million pairs of socks – one of the most requested items by relief agencies – to help the homeless.
Giving an additional pair of socks for every order of any apparel placed in December on Hanes.com. Socks will be provided to local homeless shelters.
Partnering with Rainier Fruit Company for its second “Pears for Pairs” campaign, which is currently running in United Supermarkets, Harris Teeter, Wegmans, and Lunds & Byerlys stores. From late September through January, Rainier is donating a portion of the proceeds from bulk and bagged pear sales to the Hanes National Sock Drive. In 2018, the Pears for Pairs campaign resulted in 20,000 pairs of socks being donated to five nonprofits.
Offering consumers the opportunity to participate directly in the program by visiting www.hanes.com/donate to gift socks ($1), women’s underwear ($1), men’s underwear ($1.50) and bras ($6) that will be distributed in needed styles and sizes.
Continuing its 10-year collaboration with Invisible People and its founder, Mark Horvath, to help raise awareness about homelessness. Invisible People uses innovative storytelling, educational resources and advocacy to help change how the public views homelessness and those living homeless in the United States and abroad.
“Most of us take basic apparel for granted, but we know a new, clean pair of socks can mean a lot to those experiencing homelessness,” said Sidney Falken, chief branding officer, HanesBrands. “We are committed to bringing a little comfort to those who need it most – and it is incredibly gratifying to have others, including many individuals across the country, join us in this effort.”
More than 100 agencies, including The Salvation Army Bell Shelter (Bell, California), Homeward Bound (Asheville, North Carolina) and Compassion Outreach Ministries (Columbus, Ohio), have received sock donations from Hanes.
“Small things really do make a big difference to our clients,” said Steve Lytle, director of The Salvation Army Bell Shelter. “The smile on a client’s face when she received a clean pair of socks for the first time in months was priceless. There was joy in her eyes and it was clear that the socks were the most precious gift she could have received in that moment. Another client said his gift of clean socks was a sign that there are people who care and that his life did matter.”
Homeward Bound distributes more than 2,000 pairs of socks a month to those living homeless.
“Homelessness is a community problem and it will take everyone’s support to help end the epidemic,” said Ashley Campbell, the agency’s outreach specialist. “Right now, some of your neighbors are living outside, in tents and under bridges, vulnerable to inclement weather and violence, stripped of dignity and our collective respect.
“There are so many ways to help,” Campbell continued. “Educate yourself about homelessness in your community, volunteer at your local agency fighting this issue or simply make a donation that would help a nonprofit save its limited resources.”
Jeffrey Tabor, director of TWO Men’s Ministry House for Compassion Outreach Ministries of Ohio, added that there is no donation too small to be used for good to fulfill a basic human need.
“Imagine the importance of just one pair of socks when you are focused on keeping your feet dry and warm during the cold winter months,” Tabor said. “That’s why we are so thankful for our partnership with Hanes, which has fulfilled an immediate, basic human need for so many people.”
Lytle underscores, however, that sometimes it all boils down to human contact. “Acknowledge people who are experiencing homelessness with a smile or hello,” he said. “By engaging with a person who is experiencing homelessness we are saying ‘I see you and you matter.’”
The Hanes National Sock Drive is part of Hanes for Good, the corporate responsibility program of Hanes’ parent company, HanesBrands (NYSE:HBI).
Organizations distributing Hanes socks include:
Family Promise of Coastal Alabama
Brother Francis Shelter
Phoenix Rescue Mission
7Hills Center
The Salvation Army Bell Shelter
Covenant House California
Los Angeles
East Los Angeles Women's Center - Hope & H.E.A.R.T Emergency Shelter
Ktown for All
Los Angeles Mission
Street Symphony
San Diego
Father Joe's Village
Santa Clara
Bill Wilson Center
The Salvation Army
Whittier Area Interfaith Council
Colorado Coalition for the Homeless
Master's Table Community Meals
St. Vincent DePaul
The Salvation Army
District of Columbia
Washington, D.C.
Covenant House Washington
Miriam's Kitchen
God's Bathhouse
Fort Lauderdale
Covenant House Florida
Jacksonville Beach
Mission House
Talbot House Ministries
Alfred-Washburn Center
Waterfront Rescue Mission
The Salvation Army
Covenant House Georgia
Crossroads Community Ministries
Nicholas House
Zaban Paradies Center
Divine Rest Inc.
Hope Services Hawaii Inc.
Interfaith Sanctuary Shelter
Covenant House Illinois
Lawndale Christian Health Center
The Night Ministry
The Salvation Army
Horizon House
Wheeler Mission
Council Bluffs
Iowa City
Shelter House
Topeka Rescue Mission
The Salvation Army
New Orleans
UNITY of Greater New Orleans
Bangor Area Homeless Shelter
Agape House Inc.
Baltimore Station
Pine Street Inn
Covenant House Michigan
Mount Clemens
Turning Point
St. Stephen's Street Outreach
Warren County Children's Shelter
St. Louis
Students-in-Transition (St. Louis School Board)
Montana Rescue Mission
Siena/Francis House
Las Vegas
Caridad Charity
New Hampshire
Concord Coalition to End Homelessness
Bridge House Inc.
New Jersey
Destiny's Bridge
Covenant House New Jersey
New Mexico
Joy Junction
New York
New York
Covenant House New York
Midnight Run
Rescue Mission Alliance
North Carolina
Homeward Bound
Men's Shelter of Charlotte/Urban Ministry Center
Cooperative Community Ministry
Bethesda Center
Samaritan Ministries
The Salvation Army
Winston-Salem Rescue Mission
North Dakota
Ministry on the Margins
YWCA Minot
Community Support Services
The City Mission Men's Crisis Center
Compassion Outreach Ministries
Oklahoma City
City Rescue Mission
Family Assistance and Resource Center
Central City Concern
The Building Block of Natrona
Bethesda Project
Covenant House Pennsylvania
Project HOME
Pittsburgh Mercy's Operation Safety Net
Schuylkill Women in Crisis
The Salvation Army
Puerto Rico
San Juan
The Salvation Army
Rhode Island
Crossroads Rhode Island
South Carolina
Transitions Homeless Center
Sioux Falls
Bishop Dudley Hospitality House
Hunger First
Urban Bike Food Ministry
Open Table
Mobile Loaves and Fishes
Copperas Cove
Operation Stand Down Central Texas
The Stewpot Dallas
Farmers Branch
Just Because Inc.
Covenant House Texas
Lord of the Streets
Salt Lake City
The Road Home
Committee On Temporary Shelter
The Haven
The Salvation Army
Seattle Homeless Outreach
The Salvation Army
West Virginia
Union Mission
The Salvation Army
The Guest House of Milwaukee
Hope Center
Wyoming Rescue Mission
  Hanes Hanes, America's No. 1 apparel brand, is a leading brand of intimate apparel, underwear, sleepwear, socks and casual apparel. Hanes products can be found at leading retailers nationwide and online direct to consumers at www.Hanes.com.  
HanesBrands is a socially responsible leading marketer of everyday basic innerwear and activewear apparel in the Americas, Europe, Australia and Asia-Pacific. The company markets T-shirts, bras, panties, shapewear, underwear, socks, hosiery, and activewear under some of the world’s strongest apparel brands, including Hanes, Champion, Bonds, Maidenform, DIM, Bali, Playtex, Bras N Things, Nur Die/Nur Der, Alternative, L’eggs, JMS/Just My Size, Lovable, Wonderbra, Berlei, and Gear for Sports. More information about the company and its award-winning corporate social responsibility initiatives may be found at www.Hanes.com/corporate. Visit our newsroom at https://newsroom.hanesbrands.com/. Connect with the company via social media: Twitter (@hanesbrands), Facebook (www.facebook.com/hanesbrandsinc), Instagram (@hanesbrands), and LinkedIn (@Hanesbrandsinc).
# # #
Carole Crosslin, HanesBrands                                                                                                   
336-671-3704 (mobile)                                                                      
  Jamie Wallis, Hanes
source: https://www.csrwire.com/press_releases/43169-A-Decade-of-Care-Hanes-Launches-10th-National-Sock-Drive-to-Help-the-Homeless-Tops-3-Million-Donated-Pairs?tracking_source=rss
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Huntington WV Crime Scene Cleanup Company | Biohazard Cleanup
New Post has been published on https://crimescenecleanup.company/Huntington-WestVirginia-crime-scene-cleanup.html
Huntington WV Crime Scene Cleanup Company | Biohazard Cleanup
Crime Scene Cleanup Huntington
The law enforcement have fleed the scene of a crime, but blood is nonetheless there, they advised you get in touch with Enviromax of Huntington to ensure that suitable crime scene cleanup in concluded. With EnviroMax Cleaning Solutions you get the optimum good quality you can locate from a business that has expended the previous 10 years helping families clean up after catastrophe scenes like a death. To help with this we deliver a staff of EnviroMAX qualified crime scene cleaners who can get the work completed. Obtain our Tips for what to do when an individual dies and verify our Video library for far more information as we are constantly updating our pages to support you. Our packages for criminal offense scene cleanup jobs are continually becoming posted and you will also find our useful resource library extremely valuable when knowing the different classifications for crime scene cleanup. When you are hit by a biohazard or environmental contamination you have the company referred to as my the Armed forces and Law enforcement when they want assist, contact EnViroMax cleanup options. No make a difference the disasters classifications or crime scene, you can count crime scene cleanup completed by EnviroMax to remedy your crime scene cleanup troubles.
With cleaners who have undergone crime scene cleanup schools in Huntington Television exhibits like NCIS deliver a false impression of what happens when blood is at a residence. Many television exhibits and films alike share scenes depicting murdered victims being removed from a crime scene in human body baggage by the Law enforcement. They even often will demonstrate friends collecting collectively with their buckets of cleaning soap and water to cleanup the blood after the dead body is removed. This is much from reality and what really has to be completed to correctly clear up a crime scene; far from what Crime Scene Clean Up Huntington must do and has brought on many people to really feel as if they must attempt to do it themselves. It is in fact, this is generally regarded as a extremely dangerous cleanup, and the blood in many cases can be outfitted with diseases and pathogens that could cause damage to the wellness of the person performing the cleaning concerned. To avoid sickness and additional injury is why men and women are counting on Crime scene clean up Huntington to be finished by specialists. With huge quantity of portable clean up professionals this elite team of cleaners are not your normal carpet cleaner, they are trained in removing harmful materials like blood and human feces and particles. With a emphasis in protection the crime scene cleanup realize the quantity of issues that can go improper when dealing with a Crime scene clean up in Huntington or any variety of cleanup with blood splatter. To make specific this is not a difficulty they work additional hard to guarantee that all basic safety steps are taken for their health sake and the household or other inhabitants of the dwelling.
Crime Sceen Cleanup Services
Death Cleanup Huntington
Suicide Cleanup Huntington
Blood Cleanup Huntington
For in excess of a 10 years, a single hazardous cleaner of crime scene cleanup in Huntington has helped set regional Crime scene clean up to near and far municipalities of citizens who are in require. Photographs of Huntington Crime scene cleanup present our cleaners functioning in extreme conditions to clean up following grotesque fatal injury and grotesque fatalities that are not straightforward to check out but depict the real nature of a crime scene. Figures from the Doctors and Hospitals in Huntington present that infectious diseases are rising and new details hits the news feeds and our facebook feeds each and every day demonstrating us that we are not just concerned any a lot more about HIV but also new strands of Hepatitis, Ebola Virus, MRSA, and even strands of Bird Flu proceed to propogate around the planet. The good news is we do not see as numerous exotic situations in Huntington of the United States, but we still have our truthful share of risks. These risks are just some of the numerous causes folks in your local community employ the service of crime scene cleanup to carry out the event. With the capability to carry out the functions of cleaning 24 hrs a working day, we are one of the most focused service centers for crime scene clean up in the United States. Our cleaners are constantly listed here to attempt and aid fix your blood cleaning difficulties, and are leading professionals in decomposed body cleanup. If you are encountering a loss of life clean up and need quick attention in cities near Huntington and privacy, we are the crime scene cleaning office for you and our employees are all set to respond to your questions and decontaminate the space concerned in the loss of life or crime.
Crime Scene Cleanup Salaries in United States
We sat down with some leaders in the business community of biohazard restoration which is commonly referred to as crime scene cleanup, to discuss a very important top of salaries and wages. As many of you may of seen with recent news coverage discussing the high wages and salary of some of the professionals in this business. We decided to take a deeper look into this controversial business and see exactly what are the wages like and do they really deserve these high salaries.
First we decided to get on the record with some of the owners of a crime scene cleanup company in Huntington West Virginia to find out if the wages we are hearing about are accurate. What we discovered will surprise you and may make you want to look for crime scene cleanup jobs in Huntington. First, there are a few ways people are paid when they work from crime scene cleanup companies. One is by hourly pay and the average hourly pay is starting at $11 a hour and can easily get as high as $25 a hour with experience. Some people in a company may opt for a crime scene cleanup salary because they are looking for more benefits like health care and home child care. With a salaried position you may have more responsibilities and could be looking at a supervisory position. With a supervisors jobs you could be getting paid a salary anywhere from $40k to start to over $70,000 plus benefits. Although, we should emphasis that the pay for anyone doing crime scene cleanup in Huntington West Virginia may vary drastically. As many people have pointed out to us, not all companies are the big gorillas in the industry. Small companies just starting out may demand more for less, but they may do other things to keep employees and contractors happy. One company we talked to will even provide small amounts of ownership which can add up over time as a way to really get people interested in employment.
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4.8/5 based on 68 reviews
We Serve Nationwide Cities
FortWaltonBeach, Bergenfield, Cleveland, Marana, Schertz, Downey, Edgewater, Griffith, PortHueneme, WestUniversityPlace, CoosBay, SouthMilwaukee, CoonRapids, PortHuron, NewKensington, KansasCity, Weslaco, Lansdale, Bowie, Justice, Mesa, Lackawanna, Kyle, Chesterfield, Middletown, FarmingtonHills, MichiganCity, Sedalia, Pacifica, RochesterHills, Batavia, Pickerington, KlamathFalls,
#crimescenecleanup #deathcleanup #bloodcleanup #suicidecleanup
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optometrist0 · 7 years
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CLEVELAND, Ohio– At a recent eye exam, Carin Marks prepared for the dreaded retinal exam … Marks, 29, of Medina, had just had her retina scanned digitally by a new machine, and in a few seconds her optometrist, Christine Beiling, …
Find more information about eye exams and the importance of keeping your prescription up to date.
The New Brunswick government will provide free eye exams and corrective glasses to all four-year-olds who are not covered by a public or private health insurance program, starting April 1. Premier Brian Gallant announced his …
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During the exam, each eye is closely inspected for signs of common vision problems and eye diseases, many of which have no early warning signs. Annual comprehensive dilated eye exams are generally recommended starting at age 60 . However, African Americans are advised to start having comprehensive dilated eye …
HCPCS defines them as "routine ophthalmological examination including refraction" for new and established patients … Basics in Billing and Coding the Eye Exam
A new study suggests that a simple eye exam and retinal imaging test may help improve the diagnostic accuracy of frontotemporal degeneration (FTD), a disease which causes progressive damage to the temporal and/or frontal lobes …
Here's a brief guide to the special tests your eye doctor may perform during an eye exam. The doctor uses special drops to expand your eye's pupil (he'll call …
Sep 29, 2015 … I've just taken an eye exam — not in a spiffy doctor's office with fancy contraptions , but in my living room with my smartphone and laptop. A new site called Opternative promises the high-tech, hands-off equivalent of a refraction test — one of the exams performed by an eye doctor to measure a prescription …
With this in mind, an Umeå University research team led by Prof. Olov Rolandsson used a laser-scanning microscope to perform eye exams on 82 test subjects all …
Shwedo says requiring the eye exam would invalidate the 1.1 million online applications the Motor Vehicles has received for new Real ID licenses. Those people would have to come to a Motor Vehicles office in person to complete an eye …
Today's eye exams* are about more than an updated prescription. Clarifye ℠ is the new digital eye exam from LensCrafters …
You may think your eyes are healthy, but visiting an eye care professional for a comprehensive dilated eye exam is the only way to really be sure. During the exam …
Now that higher-order aberrations can be accurately defined by wavefront technology and corrected by new kinds of spectacles, contact lenses, intraocular lenses and refractive surgery, they have become more important factors in eye exams. Higher-order aberrations started receiving more attention because they were …
A new online eye exam, that issues a prescriptions to patients, is raising eyebrows within the eye care community. the fox31 Problem Solvers put it to the test. Typically, if someone needs glasses or contact lenses, they will take time off …
Visually-impaired kids from a Bedford-Stuyvesant public school got free eye exams and new glasses from a mobile …
New technology is coming to your local Lenscrafters! The Clarifye system will change how your optometrist exams your eyes. Read more.
May 4, 2016 … Which is better, one or two? How about now – one or two? One? … Or two? Anyone who's ever had an eye exam knows this routine, or something hilariously similar to it. But the question you should be considering is this: Which is better, a traditional eye exam or a digital eye assessment? Clarifye, the latest …
20/20 just means that the person can clearly see a certain letter on the standard eye chart (equivalent to what a person with normal vision should be able to see at 20 feet). There's so much more to healthy vision than 20/20! Our comprehensive eye exam goes beyond 20/20 to evaluate many important visual skills, such as:.
Jun 12, 2017 … New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez vetoed legislation in April that would have prohibited online eye exams, saying the state “should explore new technologies and opportunities to expand the availability of services, not prohibit them.” This followed a similar veto last year by then-South Carolina Gov.
Apr 30, 2014 … But how do you test and treat people who live in remote areas, where expensive, bulky eye equipment is hard to come by? TED Fellow … get your next eye exam on a smartphone … Andrew Bastawrous studies eye health — and builds accessible new tools to bring eye health to more people. He is a 2014 …
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New Eyes does not pay for eye exams. However, applicants must have had a recent eye exam (within the past 12 months) to apply for an eyeglass voucher. National. The following national programs may provide free or low-cost eye exams: Please note that New Eyes provides links to other sites as a benefit to our Website …
Some say the eyes are the window to the soul, but an Australian medical researcher says they are the window to the heart and beyond. These four disorders are some of the most common causes of death, hospitalization and disability in the …
Dr. Gary Heiting explains eye exam costs, how frequently you should have your eyes examined (based on your age and other factors) and how to prepare for your eye exam.
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Aug 29, 2005 … Managed care continues to put a dent in all doctors' profits, but eye doctors have become especially vulnerable. Falling reimbursements have flattened once-hefty profits on procedures such as cataract surgery, and HMO hassles make it tempting for many patients to blow off that annual eye exam.
Learn about the latest innovations in eye care at LensCrafters.com. With vision care technology advancing there is new eye exam technology your doctor may be using!
Following the 2016 Chemistry question paper leak incident which led to the exam …
WEDNESDAY, April 19, 2017 (HealthDay News) — People with type 1 diabetes face the risk of developing a disease that can cause blindness, so treatment guidelines have long called for annual eye exams. But new research suggests …
Comprehensive eye exams are available at St. Charles Vision to help you stay on top of your vision needs. View our site to learn more about what to expect.
I’ve just taken an eye exam — not in a spiffy doctor’s office with fancy contraptions, but in my living room with my smartphone and laptop. A new site called Opternative promises the high-tech, hands-off equivalent of a refraction test …
Aug 1, 2016 … Getting your eyes examined ranks up there with having your teeth cleaned—it's not fun, it's easy to put off, yet both are incredibly important for your health. LensCrafters has spent the last five years working on Clarifye, their impressive new proprietary digital eye exam that makes it easier for patients and …
Getting your eyes examined ranks up there with having your teeth cleaned—it's not fun, it's easy to put off, yet both are incredibly important for your health.
Shwedo says requiring the eye exam would invalidate the 1.1 million online applications the Motor Vehicles has received for new Real ID licenses. Those people would have to come to a Motor Vehicles office in person to complete an eye …
CLARIFYE℠ See your eyes fingerprint. Today's eye exams* are about more than an updated prescription. Clarifye℠ is the new digital eye exam from LensCrafters ® that lets your doctor gather five times more information about your vision. Closeup of eyeball with line art over top. The new digital eye exam. Play video …
Some of the other recommendations in line with the new guideline include: Children with existing vision conditions …
Dec 29, 2017 … If you're seeing a new eye doctor or if you're having your first eye exam, expect questions about your vision history. Your answers help your eye doctor understand your risk of eye disease and vision problems. Be prepared to give specific information, including: Are you having any eye problems now?
What eye exam tests can you expect at your annual visit?
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New Eyes for the Needy is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization founded in 1932 to improve the vision of the poor and provide glasses to those in need.
Eye exam — Overview covers definition, … If you're seeing a new eye doctor or if you're having your first eye exam, expect questions about your vision history.
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Introducing Digital Eye Exam. … At the end of 2012 we implemented the new Digital Eye Exam in all of our offices. Our new instruments give us access to the most …
Comprehensive Eye Exam Near Me Contents I've never had Are testing themselves Can make reading and other “near The eye which commonly At Stanton Optical, our independent doctors of optometry will help ensure the health of your eyes for a lifetime. At the EyeTech Optometry your eye exam may very well be unlike any eye exam you have had before. Eye Exam Test Contents South carolina soon could bring back The number one Know what the pupil does The eye which commonly display serious Reported. the test Problems with your eyesight These test have no diagnostic value. In case of difficulties, only an eye care professional can carry out a complete eye examination to detect any eventual visual Refraction Eye Exam Contents Are often called In-person eye exam Eye exams centered around chicago-based Prescription for glasses Looking for the best lehigh valley Feb 7, 2017 … This test is performed by an ophthalmologist or optometrist. Both of these professionals are often called "eye doctor." You sit in a chair that has a special device (called a
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westroofingsystems · 7 years
Preparing Your Commercial Facility for a Holiday Vacation: Checklist
  It’s that time of the year again, snow falling, gift giving and getting to spend time with your family. But you can’t relax when you are thinking about what is happening at your commercial facility during the holiday vacation time.
It can be a long list of tasks to prepare your facility to be closed for the holiday, whether it’s a few days or a few weeks. From protecting your data to safeguarding your building, there are precautions you can take to ensure you come back to work ready to go!
West Roofing Systems is located in Cleveland, Ohio; our teams install quality roofs that are made to withstand hard winter weather. We work with commercial facility owners and managers every year to prepare their buildings for the winter season and holiday vacation.
  Why Do Companies Shut Down? Should Your Company Shut Down?
  It’s widespread practice for companies to close their doors during the last few weeks in December. Closing your business for a brief time at the end of the year could be beneficial for your employees and bottom line.
Here are some reasons why companies close for a holiday vacation:
Save on overhead
Business partners are not in their offices
Improve employee morale
Perform maintenance on their facility
  Adding a long list of tasks to complete before you leave for the holidays can be daunting, you want to make sure everything is done on time, correctly and safely. Here is a list to follow when you are closing up for your winter holiday break!
Update emergency contact list and post in an easy to access area: facility manager, contractors, key contacts
Clean out perishable food from kitchen and break rooms
Confirm that all kitchen equipment, both gas and electric is turned off
Update voice messages to reflect holiday times
Update website and notify customers
Turn off interior lights
Empty all trash and waste
Turn copiers, printers, projectors, and computers off
Lock desks, filing cabinets, and offices
Run a backup cycle on computers and servers
Ensure all personal heaters are turned off
Perform safety inspection
Ensure all non-essential equipment is placed in standby mode or turned off
Check to see that all compressors used are turned off
Properly store flammable items
Ensure all chemicals are locked securely
Contact contractors to perform critical building maintenance
Change HVAC to power-saving mode or set to 55º F
Ensure that nothing is stacked on HVAC unit ventilators
Turn off all automatic and manual exhaust fans
Ensure all windows are closed and locked
Set security alarms and inform your security company that your property will be vacant (you may want to have some patrol during your vacancy)
Schedule for a landscaping company to keep up with snow removal and to salt walkways
Schedule final roof inspection with roofing contractor
Ensure all gutters and downspouts are cleaned
Check all gutters, flashings, and accessories are securely attached
Set exterior lights on a timer
  Winter holidays are a time for you and your employees to reflect on the past year and look forward to the future together. You can take the time to prepare your facility beforehand properly; you can spend the holidays carefree. Pull in your key personnel to handle every aspect of your business: customers, offices, facilities, specializes areas and security to share the workload and make sure nothing is missed.
At West Roofing Systems, we take pride in the new roofs we install and the maintenance we provide for our customers and their commercial, industrial and manufacturing buildings. Our M.a.R.S. (Maintenance and Repair Service) Program is available for new and existing roof systems.
Choosing West Roofing Systems as a turnkey roofing company will provide you with highly trained teams and award-winning service. Our services are flexible and diverse; we can recoat, repair or replace your facility’s roof so that it lasts decades.
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5 Steps to Prepare Your Flat Roof for Winter
Why Do I Need a Roof Maintenance Plan if I Have a Warranty?
Why Is My Commercial Roof Leaking? 5 Common Causes of Commercial Roof Leaks
Spray on Roof Coating Restoration: What is it and Do You Need it?
    Article Here: Preparing Your Commercial Facility for a Holiday Vacation: Checklist
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