#House Cleaning Service in Mentor
momsmop · 1 year
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cosmicpuzzle · 7 months
Pros and Cons of Venus ♀ in Each House
1st House:
♎Attractive, refined and diplomatic.
♎Balanced and amiable.
♎Social and polite.
♎Vain and superifical.
♎Uses charm to get things done.
2nd House:
♎Good taste (not just in food but in all things of value).
♎Financially successful
♎Makes others feel valued.
♎Vain spender.
♎Status conscious purchases.
♎Materialistic bringing.
3rd House:
♎Pleasant and tactful communication.
♎Good relationship with peers, neighbours, teammates.
♎Not argumentative.
♎Sweet talks and Flirting nature.
♎Superficial Emotions.
♎Tendency towards affairs (while travel or neighbours)
4th House
♎Good relations with family especially mother.
♎Domestic comforts and luxuries.
♎Good host to guests.
♎Private with feelings, emotions.
♎Wastes money on luxuries.
♎Needy in love.
5th House
♎Ability in arts, drama, music.
♎Deep and loyal in love.
♎Love of children and mate.
♎Attention seeker.
♎Tendency towards affairs
♎Vanity and excessive enjoyment.
6th House
♎Good relations at workplace.
♎Good sense of service,
♎Clean and hygienic environments.
♎Critical in relationships, argumentative.
♎Uses charm to climb at workplace.
♎Mean spender.
7th House
♎Good at forming relationships.
♎Deal maker and negotiator.
♎Fair and just in interactions.
♎Pleasure seeker.
♎Too many relationships.
♎People pleaser.
8th House
♎Deep conjugal bond.
♎Financial benefits from others.
♎Satisfying sexual life.
♎Taboo relationships
♎Marries for money or sex. Makes money illegally.
♎Porn Addictions and vices.
9th House
♎Love of learning, travel and cultures
♎Good relations with foreigngers.
♎Good parents and mentors.
♎Falls out of love due to boredom.
♎Falls in love with teachers, elders or inappropriate persons
♎Dislikes anything that reminds them of home or their culture.
Venus in 10th House
♎Positive social image.
♎Love of work.
♎Good relations with boss and superiors.
♎ Uses charm and beauty to get things done.
♎Works only for money or with aim on promotion.
♎Love based on status. May trap their boss or superiors in scandals
Venus in 11th House
♎Active social life and community.
♎Makes money through social platforms.
♎Good sense of design and brand building.
♎Social climber and tendency towards online affairs.
♎Uses network to get things done.
♎More interested in product building than its use.
Venus in 12th House
♎Selfless in love and relationships.
♎Charitable and giving.
♎Wise investments.
♎Excessive spending and indulgence.
♎Addictions and vices.
♎Keeps love hidden and suffers hence.
All the above points are quite general and can be modified by conjunctions aspects of other planets and the general nature of your birth chart.
Please don't get offended if you see something for yourself and you don't possess those traits. 1 in 12 people could have these.
For Readings DM
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lua-magic · 5 months
Third lord and your past Life skills
Third House is house of courage and initiation, that is why malefics are good in it, especially Mars is exalted.
Third Lord shows which area you will use your courage to manifest your desires.
Third Lord in first house 🏠
Such people are extremely hard working and get everything in their life only through hard work .
Natives love to learn new skills and start new projects in their life, only thing they should care is not to rush into anything and use your logic as well before starting any projects whether they are capable of finishing it as well or not
Third lord in second house
Such natives are good with communication and especially in cooking skills and has great financial knowledge as well. Native shows lot of courage to gain wealth in their life.
Third Lord is considered as malefic planet because wherever it sits it creates problems, so be careful about your family and communication. Choose your words carefully.
Third lord in third house
Good placement, as Native will show courage to fulfill their desires and to earn Money from their passion.
Such natives are extremely artistic in nature and loves to keep learning new skills. .
If you have siblings then keep healthy relationship with your siblings this will help you in your professional life. Such natives desires lot of material wealth in their life.
Third house is if travel, so short travels are good for manifeing their desires.
Third Lord in fourth house.
Fourth house is of comfort and luxury and native will show courage to earn comfort and luxury especially, they have subconscious desires towards owning a cozy home and vehicle and decorating it
Such natives sometimes suffer from anxiety and mental issues. Such natives should be careful about relationship with their mother.
Native has good skills when it comes to cleaning and decorating their cars and House.
Third lord in fifth house 🏠
Native will be skilled in teaching and show courage for romance, native have desire to earn name, fame and success.
Native would be attached to their kids.
Native should be careful with regards to kids as there could be misunderstanding and separation.
Third lord in sixth house 🏠
Native will use his/her skills in job and nitpicking and finding faults.
Native will show courage in solving other's problems and will serve others.
Native will be attached to pets and animals.
Native should be careful about his career choices
Third Lord in seventh house
Native has subconscious desires for relationship and show his courage in buisness and partnerships .
Native is skilled in buisness and public dealings.
Native should be careful about their marriage.
Third Lord in eighth house
Native has highly active subconscious mind and great Intuition.
Native is skilled in research, occult, astrology, and such natives are great spy, secret service agents as they can sense and hidden things
They will show lot of courage in understanding secrets and revealing truth.
They should be careful with relationship with their in laws
Third lord in nighth house
Native is highly skilled in counselling and mentoring and in higher education
Native will show courage towards travelling especially to religious places.
Native should be careful about their relationship with their father.
Native subconsciously seek righteousness and morality.
Third lord in tenth house
Native will show lot of courage in their job, but as third Lord is considered malefic, it does gives trouble in in professional life and won't let native to settle for long time and native desires job satisfaction.
Native should be careful about the profession especially, the boss under which they want to work, so don't choose company but rather choose the boss
Third lord in eleventh house
Native subconsciously desires lot of sudden gains in their life.
They will show lot of courage to create multiple sources of income.
Native would skilled in earning good amount of money.
Native should be careful, as sometimes native becomes too lustful and greedy and loose their wealth so always follow strict moral values while earning money and don't run behind quick money.
Third lord in Twelfth house
This also makes native subconscious mind active, and sometimes disturb night sleep.
Native desires to go spirituality, yoga and meditation and foreign land settlement.
Native will show lot of courage to move away from his mother land or settle away from birth place.
If native is religious then will be devoted to their deity and will see dreams regarding to to their deity as well.
Native may suffer from overthinking and anxiety as well .
Native also carries some past life memories or traumas or special skills that native can come to know through their dreams .
Native should be careful about their mental health and must learn about healing and spirituality.
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Venus in the houses (p1) -> and how you convince others your a beautiful person until your not Venus is beautiful, and entrancing but she is also greedy and vain; believes she deserves what she wants. venus gets hurt if she doesnt get it, then finds someone else who will help her get it.... Venus in the First - Charming people, love to get attention and adoration from others and know how to get it through their beauty and flattery, but they expect twice the flattery from you because usually they are more charming than you, plus they know they a prize. but they are quick to be resentful when others take them for granted. beautiful people who break easily at slights > makes others fall even harder for their fragility Venus in the Second - strong values, good at self affirming themselves, and their pride/self respect swoons others. but if you question their 'code' they will literally ignore you, because they are very prideful with what they value. its what got them so far, and its usually what stole your heart in the first place. plus they valued you, and you questioned them, now they are questioning their values.... get it? you fucked everything up by making them question themselves Venus in the Third - confident players, that know how to make you sit down and listen to their every word. good with their words, until you point out a flaw, then its game over for you. so if you dont play their games they will find someone else to play with. but they know how to emulate their voice well too, can talk to you like your mother or like your duaghter... whataver your into they just want to play with your brain Venus in the Fourth - know exaclty how to make you comfortable, very sweet and mothering, but if you ask for too much, you will receive zero comfort, or maybe just one less thing. but they love to mother you, but if you dont respect your momma (them) they will either try harder to make you a mommas boy once again (they'll blame it on your mum first) or will withdraw completely and adopt a better son Venus in the fifth - love to entertain and be the centre of attention for the sake of applause. if you fall for them just know they like more than one set of eyes on them, but they only have eyes for one... so if you csn handle jealousy that will go a long way for them, because they will not stop shining for you or for anyone. its what they like okay.. you know what you signed up for so put up or shut up. plus thats what got you interested in the first place, their flair for the dramatix Venus in the sixth - love to be of service, help you with your life, be a mentor, and watch you grow as their little pet. but if you cross the line and take a shit on the carpet, they will not clean up your shit, becsuse now the role play is over and you crossed the line. and you thought they would help you because they helped you with everything else. TF IS WRONG WITH YOU? YOU TOOK A SHIT ON DA CARPET?! DISOWNED Venus in the seventh - will do anything to please you. whatever it is you want they will become it and be the perfect partner for you. they dont have many requirements because they want you to stay so badly, but if you dont give them the basic necessities that they require. they will give you the coldest shoulder till you apologize. then love bomb you all over again. then expect you to have changed, when realistically you haven't, you had only apologized. then the cycle repeats itself for eternity.
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ember-owlet · 5 months
Hi! Can I request cg! Nanami hcs with little reader?
a/c : of course you can! i apologize in advance for using this image but he looks so peaceful here,, let's just pretend our baby boy is fine and we're all going to the beach with nanami, alright? ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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dynamic: cg! nanami kento
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a pretty straightforward caregiver, he would work best with regressors that prefer consistent routines.
just to get this out of the way- nanami is instincitvely super protective of those younger than him, whether physically or mentally. a tame example would be walking together and as he listens to you ramble he'd silently brings his hand out to stop you from stepping in a puddle. on the more extreme situations he will always put himself between you and danger, turning into an impenetrable fortress of strength and might.
he is extremely blunt when critiquing things that you present him as it can be hard for him to turn off the "mentor" switch. you'd be proudly showing off your skills in the hopes of receiving compliemnts and he'd lecture you on the ways your form could improve.
he prefers to be followed without much question or hassle. i would think that his caregiving style is very similar to his teaching (despite not being a teacher), and that he calls the shots but only to ensure your safety and well-being.
would understand regression from a logical standpoint rather than how it would feel to experience it personally. he'd do his best to provide everything you need to have a safe and comfortable experience, but lack the warmth of cooing you with soft words or bundling you in his arms.
a man of very few words, the majority of his caregiving would be in his own head. the two of you would be somewhere and he'd nod along while planning a thousand different bullet points to your schedules, from the outfits that the two of you would be wearing to the next formal to tomorrow's breakfast and whether he'll pick it up or have it made in the morning.
his main form of affection is including you into his routines. in the morning he'd let you help him fix his tie while he adjusts your outfit to perfection, or leaving you notes in your lunch to have a good day with a cute drawing of your favorite animal.
his second form of affection is noticing. he may not verbalize it but you bet your favorite snacks and drinks will always be restocked, your favorite show will always be favorited on your shared streaming sites and your preferred regression items always cleaned and ready for use.
when you have a particularly hard day he'll be waiting at the door with a soft grunt to your presence, carrying armfuls of flowers and plush toys.
if it could be summarized in a form of love language nanami is the ultimate caregiver for acts of service. making sure to make an extra cup of coffee/tea/warm drink next to his in the morning to silently putting on your favorite music to play throughout the house to make chores go by a little easier, it comes as second nature to him and you'd often wonder how he's able to perform such thoughtful feats mindlessly without ever asking or mentioning it to him.
because you'd never have to ask, once he undestood what it meant to be your caregiver you've become another meaningful addition to his secure and comfortable life and he wouldn't have it any other way.
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houseofthelilypads · 1 year
Shrek Princesses Rewrite Edition 🐸👑🍎👡😴💇
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Based on my own headcanons & plans for their roles in my rewrite of Shrek 3. Because if I can redeem Artie and Charming then the ladies deserve that same chance!!
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Had a private tutor during her time at the tower
When food wasn't available she took to eating lava bread and smoked rats and bugs
Is heat resistant
She did venture out the tower when dragon was away
Studied martial arts through books and watching on the magic mirror
Her friends often stopped by to visit her, but as they got settled in adult lives grew too busy
Fiona loves kids and hopes to give her own children a childhood she never had
Does carry some resentment towards her parents she only vents in private tho
She can sing but on a normal range. Any higher it well... The bird scene in the first film
She loves swimming and water activities partly due to being surrounded by lava half of her life
Her favorite colors are green and blue they remind her of nature and to her, nature = freedom
Has bleached her hair a few times
She makes mud based beauty products and sell them on the side
Still listens to Sir Justin's music and has been to his concert
Knows of Artie's existence; they bond a lot over their parental issues
Fiona mentors artie how to defend himself, he has some proficiency in martial arts
Inherited her red hair from her grandmother
The reason Fiona was an ogre is partly due to her father being the Frog prince and guess where frogs live?
It's also believed that one of fiona's ancestors actually married an ogre but VERY long ago; the curse just brought out her genes
Fiona loves to stargaze; she also collected obsidian and volcanic rock
Sleeping Beauty
Is in a long distance relationship with the Sandman
Her dress is green because that's the color her disney counterpart never wears
Is the last one to arrive at a ball and the first one to leave
She has beds in every room but is usually found sleeping on the floor
Doesn't want children because she's too exhausted and fears any potential kids might inherit her condition
She actually understands Fiona dating someone who isn't human nor royalty, she dates the freaking god of SLEEP
Has the most patience with Snow because she sleeps through her nonsense anyways
Just like the video game adaptation of the third movie, she has the power to summon an army
Was the most hurt by Rapunzel's betrayal, they were the closest due to their similar backstories and lack of a biological family
Used to date another prince but he never came back to her tower so she eventually rescued herself. This is why she latched on to Charming in canon (and Bruce in my fanfic)
After getting charged with treason Rapunzel is made to serve community service. She hates it but considers it better than exile
She wears gold to match her hair
She owns a lot of wigs after suffering loss of her real hair (which she shaved off).
Cleans her own home
Lives in a smaller house compared to the rest
The others tease her for it but understands it's to make it easier for her to clean; having spent her whole childhood cleaning a giant estate
Is a master at blacksmithing and glassblowing; what she didn't JUST clean her home she had to do repairs too
Carries some cleaning supplies
Is VERY careful in leaving crumbs
Dislikes rats and cockroaches; she has a cat named Chandelier for this reason (my twist on Disney's Cinderella)
Is working to unlearn her people pleasing
has a better relationship with her stepsisters as adults
Her prince suffers from face blindness and as such gets her confused with other ladies. He even mistook Shrek for her
She doesn't mind kids but she rather work on reconciling with her stepfamily and heal from the abuse than pass down any baggage
The third strongest princess due to years of heavy lifting
Had the closest relationship with Fairy Godmother; was even considered a potential suitor for Charming but Cindy didn't like his vanity and immaturity.
When Cindy finds out about their plan to break up Fiona's marriage she is saddened but not surprised given Charming's past behavior
Snow White
She's my least favorite but I can explain why she acts like that
Developed an Ice Queen persona to protect herself
Living with seven bachelors rubbed off on her
Love rock music
Trained her animals to fight; found the larger animals surprisingly easier to tame
There's another Snow White but she is younger and has white hair.
If she ever sees her MGA doll irl she would be impressed that it's the only doll that managed to stay the most accurate to how she looks. She'd cut the hair
Does feel a little guilty for her mean girl attitude especially after it pushed Rapunzel away so post canon she works to be a little nicer
Her prince is actually the huntsman sent to kill her; he disguised himself as one to warn her of the evil queen
Still visits the dwarves time to time and even lets them live with her
Chose to reconcile with Cinderella after taking a good long hard look at herself
Is the girly girl of them all
The first thing she brought with her first paycheck was a purple dress, she couldn't afford the color after losing her home
Doesn't like to talk about her mother
After Fiona she is the 2nd physically strongest Princess
Knows every beauty trick in the book, every ingredient, foundation shade, even which brand of Lead
Shaves her legs using a sugar and lemon wax method, she doesn't use razors
She knows my OC Gwynn from when Gwynn was a teenager first arriving at the Poison Apple
She still has a crush on Charming, but tones it down after he starts dating Gwynn
Her friction with Mabel started after Doris expressed desire to make up wth Cindy, Mabel didn't see what they had to apologize for.
After Shrek 3 Doris works at the Candy Apple, which is an extension of the Poison Apple but FOR KIDS
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Mika i hope you know that the ask you sent me a few days ago made me wanna work on my Hatano fam designs so now i'm passing the question back to you (sorta)
Do you have any hcs about the cast's families? The ones we haven't seen of course
family HCS time!!
-Kanata's mother worked as an accountant before passing away during the tragedy.
-Ayame has an older brother named Kazuma. He didn't end up working for the kisaragi foundation, but he does spend time with some of the other family members when he has free time.
-Not quite family, but when Akane first started working as a maid, there was an older woman(maybe in her 40s?) who started mentoring her and even offered to take her in if Akane wished, despite her(the older woman) not having a very nice house.
-It was completely unintentional, but the Maki parents sometimes played favorites towards kiyoka-- she was the ultimate, after all. They didn't really realize what they were doing until Kiyoka's disappearance and Ryutaro lashing out at them.
-It's canon that Haruhiko's brother is more interested in women than he is. it's not a headcanon or anything i'm just pointing this out. source: the dra evernote.
-Satsuki's other nineteen siblings all suffered somehow during the tragedy. At least two died because of the despairs and at three got severely sick because they were too scared to look for help.
-Mitch's brothers are actually pretty normal! less douchebaggy than he is, at least. One works food service and the other is in college. Neither have ever wanted fame since they both think that the fame mitch got from football changed him for the worst.
-When Kanata was first adopted, her older brother struggled to adjust to having a little sister. He didn't know how he was supposed to behave, so most times he was pretty awkward and tried to avoid her.
-does aiko maeda count as one we already know? yeah? well uhhhh i'm talking abt her anyways, my girl deserves attention. Anyways, I think she was a single mother and yet did everything she could to provide for yuki. She's also a good cook :3
-After having to give up Rei, mr and mrs Mekaru always kept her room tidied up and ready for her to return. Even when the tragedy started, they kept cleaning it and trying to put newer clothes in that would maybe fit her. Only after they died and she returned to her childhood home to collect anything of worth from her youth did she really see how much they missed and cared for her.
those are all the hcs i have. sigh.
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ettawritesnstudies · 10 months
Aspec prompts part 2
because I can't find something like this and so I guess I have to make it myself. This is meant for characters on the aromantic or asexual spectrums (grey-ace, demi-ace, romance-favorable, etc.) who are in relationships but doesn't erase that part of their identity
Watching TV together and the ace one ruthlessly mocks the bad romance subplots or analyzes why the compelling ones work so well, their S/O mentally takes notes
The ace one cringing at kissing or sex scenes in movies or TV shows, their S/O gives them the remote so they can skip it. (They get a kiss for being so considerate) (jokes are made about double standards)
The extended family finds out the avowed spinster/bachelor cousin finally got a s/o and the gossip chain lights on fire. If this comes out at a family gathering, someone might faint. Interrogations ensue. Pictures are demanded to know if this person really exists.
People make comments about looks and whether or not s/o is attractive and they get incredibly defensive "no they're the most gorgeous person in the world how dare you" while also being befuddled because "the looks aren't the point they're beautiful because they're a lovely human being why are you all so shallow?"
S/o gets a new haircut or tries on a new outfit (or for an angsty version, gets some new scar or illness or something that makes them self conscious about their appearance) and asks ace partner how they look, ace responds with some combination of genuine aesthetic advice, flustered approval, or "you always look lovely to me" because the trappings don't change anything about their emotional connection.
Going from one "level" of intimacy (hand holding to hugging to kissing etc.) can take a LONG time. Like, "they were friends for three years before dating" and "they've been dating for over a year before they have their first kiss" long time. The slow burn to end all slow burns.
Allo S/O never pushing for physical intimacy, genuinely (but pleasantly) surprised if grey-ace or demi-ace partner is into it because it was never expected. Grey-ace partner is just as surprised as they are.
Ex: after dating for a year+ the grey-ace partner gets caught staring and gets all flustered, less because they got caught (they are dating after all) bit more because they were staring and it feels weird but nice but awkward but nice
S/O must meet the seal of approval from friends/siblings/trusted mentors, their advice is invaluable but also comes with a healthy degree of heckling.
Non physical forms of affection, you already know these but double down on them:
Quality time: dropping everything to meet each other for lunch, scheduling weekly date nights, parallel activities and sharing ideas, watching their favorite TV shows or reading their favorite books to share the fandom experience. Inflicting absolutely terrible memes at each other.
Gifts: getting trinkets while on vacation, memes at 1am, painstakingly hand making something for a birthday or anniversary, "I got you a coffee because you're stressed, I have your order memorized"
Acts of service: doing dishes or other cleaning for each other on bad days, researching solutions to problems, getting groceries, taking care of admin adulty bullshit so their partner can have a moment to relax.
Giving each other space for their projects. "I know you barely have any free time to work on this Thing you care a lot about so I'm going to make sure no one disturbs you today"
Words: leaving poetry or little notes around the house, praising each other for their accomplishments, "do you want me to kill [nemesis, asshole professor, etc.] for you?"
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world-of-wales · 1 year
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The Princess of Wales in her role as the Patron of the Forward Trust visited HMP High Down in Surrey ahead of Addiction Awareness Week.
The Forward Trust has been helping people break the vicious and destructive cycle of addiction by delivering a large and diverse range of addiction, employment, and mental health services to help them build positive and productive futures since 1991. It works with 25 UK prisons, helping people to address issues ranging from substance misuse and mental health to finding employment and housing for those leaving prison.
The theme of this year's Addiction Awareness Week is 'Everybody Knows Somebody', which aims to highlight the vast array of people across society who are affected by addiction.
HMP High Send is a Category C men's prison and young offender institution and houses around 1,100 prisoners.
Catherine shadowed a family during their normal visit, starting with the security procedures that must be followed before visitors enter the premises. She heard about the impact the process has on families and learnt about the recent efforts HMP High Down has put into practice to make the experience more positive for children in particular.
She also visited The Clink, a public restaurant run by those incarcerated in partnership with The Clink Charity where they study for NVQs in cooking, food service and cleaning while they work. They also receive mentoring upon release, including support with employment and accommodation.
The Princess also met with those prisoners who working with The Forward Trust while being incarcerated and heard about their experiences and about the support that they are recieve from the charity and the prison.
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thethistlegirlwrites · 7 months
Blood Stained
Joey unzips the blue canvas duffle bag that’s sitting on her coffin-bed, ignoring high-pitched singing from the hallway bathroom and the sounds of someone in the next room over slamming drawers. She’s one of five vampire mentees living in this halfway house, eligible now that she’ll be participating in an apprenticeship. She’s one of the lucky ones. Her counselor said before Chimera got grants for halfway housing options, vamps in the mentor program were stuck finding their own accommodations. And places that will take vampire tenants at all often charge exorbitant rates for the privilege.
Inside the bag, on top, is the folder that holds her copies of the mentor program agreement, the list of expectations and terms, and her visitation plan. She pulls out the plan and pins it to the corkboard over the head of her bed. The first three weeks are solid red, but there’s a yellow bar halfway through week four. Conditional potential to see family members in a controlled environment. 
She’ll take it. Video calls with Mauri and Via are more contact than she thought she’d ever be able to have again, but now that she knows there’s the possibility of more, waiting three weeks’ probation feels like an eternity.
She tacks up the stained, creased photo of her family beside it. Over the years and miles, the corners have gotten blunted, the color has flaked away on the fold lines, and the faces have changed. But she’s held onto it this long, and it’s a reminder of what she’s going through all this for. She’s absurdly grateful someone chose to tuck it into her coffin with her. 
Everything Josefina Quintero has done for the past six years has been to protect her siblings.
Even, if necessary, from her.
There’s another folder in the duffle bag, this one with a company’s logo on the front. The same logo that’s on the azure sweatshirt and t-shirts folded up inside below it. Even on the pen clipped to the front.
Joey sits down on the bed and starts filling out the employment papers for Nico’s Custodial Service. She can even answer the work authorization honestly for once. Chimera’s legal team got her provisionally cleared to work while Carmen Stoker of all people is using Joey’s case to make an argument for citizenship status for vampires based on location of home earth. 
As far as starts to an un-life go, this isn’t the worst. 
She isn’t counting the two weeks she spent locked in a crypt trying to keep herself from feeding on humans after her first fledgling hunt, or the next ten days in Chimera’s infirmary with their medics treating her blood-starvation and throwing her a lifeline in the form of the synthetic replacement. 
She takes two easy-open packs from the mini-fridge in the corner of her room and tucks them into the insulated lunch bag that was folded under the shirts. Eventually, she’ll only need one, but her body is still riding the peaks and valleys of the newly fledged. 
By the time a blue-and-white van with the cleaning company’s logo pulls up in front of her building, she’s checked off nearly every item on the paper at the front of her personnel manual. 
Long hair out of the way; braided in a single tight French style down her back.
Wearing the company t-shirt and sweatshirt (if desired, and apparently most vampires appreciate the extra warmth), as well as the grey cargo pants that were folded up below them, and the sturdy ankle-high work boots she found in a box under that. 
Copies of her work authorization documents to be filed with her I-9, made at Chimera’s office this morning. 
Signed front page of the personnel manual.
Signed technology policy and her new (very basic, very locked down) cell phone in one pocket. There’s only three numbers in it right now. The cleaning company’s office line, her mentor’s personal cell number, and the Chimera number that will take her directly to the department that deals with anyone in the mentor program.  
She’s met Nico Pontevecchio a couple times before this. Once in one of the interview rooms at  Chimera when they were determining if the two of them were a good fit for each other, then again in Huntmaster Lawson’s office when they signed the mentorship agreement.
The vampire in the driver’s seat is wearing the same sweatshirt she’s seen every other time, a faded version of the one she was just given, with bleach stains (that seems like the wrong word, but she can’t come up with anything else for it) on the stomach pocket and grimy, frayed wrist cuffs.
He’s chomping away on another of what seem to be ever-present sticks of gum as he reaches across the front seat and opens the passenger door for her. Joey climbs in, looking for a place to set her paperwork. There’s invoices stacked on top of the dashboard, and the console is a clutter of rubber gloves, empty sanitizer bottles, and gas receipts.
She’s not sure how much faith she has in the professionalism of this cleaning company.
“Sorry for the mess,” Pontevecchio says, grabbing the invoices off the dashboard and setting them down somewhere between the backs of the seats and the grating that keeps the cleaning supplies from coming up into the cab with them at any red light. “I’ve been keepin’ all my stuff on the passenger seat. Haven’t had anyone in here in a bit, and last night was crazy. Wish it was cleaner for ya.”
“I don’t mind.” Joey sits down and straps in, and they pull away from the curb. 
“Nervous?” Pontevecchio asks as they make their way through evening traffic.
“Kind of. I’ve never done this before.” It sounds like cleaning for a janitor service has a lot of different responsibilities.
“Don’t worry about it. You’ll catch on quick. Once you learn your building layouts, you’ll get a feel for it. You can start making a sort of pattern.” He hands her a flat plastic clipboard, also blue, with a stack of papers on it. One is a list of addresses. One is a list of tasks. “Some of our clients have in-house janitors that they’re just supplementing, and we do a little less at them. Those are the places we’re going to start with.” 
He reaches across the dash and opens the glove box. “There’s a pack of gum in there if you want some.”
“No thanks.” Her stomach is tied up in enough knots.
“Ok, so here’s the deal. My first mentee said it was just me being an enthusiastic Italian, but I will talk your ear off today if only to keep your mind on something other than getting overwhelmed by a new job. You can be getting overwhelmed by my inability to shut up instead.”
Joey actually laughs at that one.
“So ask me anything you want. Otherwise I’m just going to start rambling about weirdest work stories.”
“Why did you start a cleaning company?” She’d sort of figured a former hunter would have opened a private investigation service or done something similarly…cool.
“My great-great-grandmother cleaned rich people’s mansions in New York City after my family came over from Italy. If it was good enough for her, it’s damn well good enough for me. Runs in my blood. And it’s a good job for young vampires. Little to no interaction with humans on shift, and all night hours.”
“That makes a lot of sense.”
“We advertise we’re 100 percent vampire owned and staffed. Bleeding hearts who wanna put their money where their mouth is are honestly competing for contracts right now. There’s more people on our side in LA than it feels like sometimes.”
It takes Joey a few seconds to remember that ‘bleeding hearts’ isn’t an insult to vampire supporters anymore. They’ve sort of commandeered the term, deciding it’s pretty accurate, and made it a rallying cry instead.
He digs around in the tangle in the console, pulls out a cigarette-lighter phone charger and tosses it up on the dash, and eventually comes up with a pen and a small rectangle of label paper. “Your ID’s got all your info on it, but if you don’t want anyone you bump into knowing your last name and all, you can just make your own nametag. We had some trouble with one of our employees getting harassed, so now I offer everyone this option. As long as we still have the work IDs to show building security, no one minds.”
Joey wouldn’t have thought of that issue, but she’s glad her mentor did. She unclips the badge with her whole name, photo ID, and a little strip like a credit card on it, slips it into her pocket, and starts writing her nametag out.
“We’ll get you a real nameplate ordered, just let me know what name you’d like on it.”
She looks at his own, a plain white plate with smallish blue letters spelling out Domenico P. 
“Is it better to use our full first names?”
Pontevecchio laughs. “I just do this so no one knows I own the company. They don’t usually bother readin’ all the way to the end.”
“Why, less people harass you about how you’re doing the job?”
“Actually more like the opposite.” He shrugs. “I work the first few nights at any new location. They can be perfectly respectful when they’re talking to the company owner, but what matters to me is how they’re gonna treat my people.” He taps the nametag. “But you can call me Nico.”
“In that case, I’m Joey.”
He pulls into the parking garage of a tall office building. Joey feels like panicking for a second, until she realizes the garage is shared with the low building next door that advertises itself as the HR software company whose name is on their list. Okay. One floor. One building. She can do that. 
They climb out of the van and start unloading the equipment they need. 
“Three pairs of gloves, in your pockets, at all times.” Nico hands her a box of bright green ones. “You didn’t indicate any known allergies to the supplies we use, but tell me right away if something starts bothering you.”
She nods and tucks the gloves into one of the big leg pockets. She’s starting to understand the specific clothing choices whoever put together her work bag made. 
He talks her through the rationale behind every other piece of gear they collect, and then they’re headed in through the back door.
“This one’s easy. We deep clean once a week, but that’s not today.”
Joey picks up her clipboard to double-check what her checklist for this building will be, and then realizes this isn’t her clipboard at all.
There’s a photo of a kid with braces, floppy hair, and a lopsided model volcano taped to the back of the clipboard under the list of addresses, checklists, and cleaning supply order forms. 
She’d known Nico had a kid. She was told upfront that the best mentor-mentee matches share something deeply personal in common. Wanting to get their lives together to be part of their families’ again, well, it doesn’t get a whole lot more personal than that.
“That’s Ricky,” Nico says. There’s an undercurrent of hurt in his voice.
“He’s sweet.”
Nico just nods. She has the feeling there’s something there that hurts. Something that, for all his enthusiastic rambling, he can’t bring himself to talk about.
She doesn’t talk about her family. She never has. It was safer for them all. No one knew she had younger siblings unless it was absolutely necessary. Not when they were trying to cross the border, and definitely not when she was trying to pay for Via’s seizure meds with her bookie gig. 
Nico folds the papers back over the picture, tucks the clipboard into a side pocket of the trash cart, and reaches for the trash can near the door while Joey unwinds the vacuum’s cord and searches for a wall plug.
For a while, the whine of the motor is their only background noise, and then Joey shuts it off and fights with the catch holding the dirt cup in place so she can empty the astonishing amount of grit and hair it’s collected into the trash cart.
“I bit him,” Nico says, out of what seems like nowhere.
But Joey knows exactly who he means.
“My family knew what I was gonna be, and buried me anyway. I guess they wanted another chance. They were there waitin’ to help me dig myself out. And…I attacked them.” He looks down at the gloves on his hands. “I almost strangled my wife, and when Ricky tried to pull me off her I bit his arm. I’m just lucky I didn’t infect him. But…he’s been terrified o’ me ever since. For good reason.”
Joey knows fledgling hunger. She knows what it did to her, what she was afraid it might lead her to. He’s lived her worst nightmare come true.
“I’d just gotten my feet back under me and started figuring out how to control myself when I found out he’d gotten himself accepted to an oceanography program in San Diego. I had to get out of New York anyway. My old agency was hunting me down, and they were closing in. So I moved out here. It was about as far away as I could get from my old life.”
“Have you two reconnected?” Joey asks. 
“We’re still…workin’ on things. This is the best compromise, gives him some distance but if he wants to get together on weekends, I’m close enough for it. And Lawson and I had crossed paths a few times before this. I knew she was starting a mentor program here, and I figured I might as well be useful to someone else. No one should be doin’ this alone.”
“Yeah, it kind of sucks.”
He laughs. “Lawson helped me get this business started on the condition I’d be another mentor for people when she needed it. It’s worked out pretty well so far.”
“How many mentorships have you done?”
“Two so far, you’re my third. It’s picking up now, I guess, after everything with your friend Barrett.”
Joey nods. She’s still shocked he went to the trouble to track her down. They’d been friendly enough when he was an underground fighter and she was taking bets on the action, and she’d never believed what the news had said about him killing those people, but she’d never expected him to remember her, much less realized she’d been infected. 
Apparently, according to his partner, he’d put her name at the top of a list of likely candidates for a pilot program the agency is running with people who are infected, but haven’t turned.
He found her too late for that one, but at least there was still an option.
If it’s working for him, she’s pretty sure it’ll work for her too. 
“Okay, that’s it for this place.” Nico hauls the trash cart out back, and the two of them reload their van and pull out.
The next location is a resource center that caters to people recently released from prison, connecting them to housing, food, and employment options. It isn’t so different from the office Joey was sitting in just this morning, getting the keys to the halfway house, her few possessions she’d had on her when she was brought to the clinic, and the blue duffle that contained everything else she currently owns in the world.
She walks into the bathroom to start cleaning, and stops cold.
The floor is covered in red smears.
There’s a coppery scent in her nose, a ringing in her ears, and a tingling in her jaw.  
Blood. Fresh blood. 
Someone touches her shoulder, and she spins with a snarl. This is hers. She found it. Her food.
“..ey? Joey?” The threat to her meal resolves itself into Nico’s worried face, accompanied by the strong smell of wintergreen, overpowering the metallic tang of blood.
“I told them to stop using kill traps,” he says apologetically. “They’ve been having issues with rats since they set up the food pantry in here, so they’ve been setting traps, but these kind make a mess.”
A rat. A rat is what bled all over the floor.
And she’s so out of control that the blood from some dead vermin would have been enough for her to tear into Nico over.
She chokes, pushes her way out the door, and rushes into the corner behind a rack of business suits with a faded sign that says “Interview Closet” on it. 
She’s not sure how much later it is that Nico wheels aside the rack and crouches down beside her.
“It’s all taken care of,” he says gently. “I threw the rat out, cleaned up the floor twice, sprayed the whole room with wintergreen, and threw out every kill trap I could find in this place. They can bill me for it if they want, and I’ll bring by some live traps tomorrow.”
Joey doesn’t answer him. She can’t.
“It’s okay. You’ve barely been a vampire two months,” Nico says quietly. “Nobody expects you not to react to blood.”
“What if I never get better?”
“You will. It just feels impossible right now.”
“But I thought I was controlling it, and then this happened. What if I only think I am when they let me see my family?”
“No one is going to let you hurt your family. I promise. We know what we’re doing.”
“I was only ever trying to protect them,” She whispers. “My mother was a reporter, back home in Venezuela. She went after a powerful man with dangerous friends. When he had her killed, I was afraid to stay in the country. My aunt had married an American businessman years before and gone to live with him in Los Angeles, and my sister needed good medical care. I thought Tía Patricia could help.” What none of them had known at the time was that the marriage had lasted three years, and ended in a messy divorce that left Tía Patricia barely scraping by on an office assistant’s salary. They’d only found out after they made it to the city.
Our family isn’t really much for sharing our failures.
“We didn’t have enough money for most of the coyotes making border runs. I was told about one man who would do it for cheap, but he wanted more than money. I thought I knew what he was asking for.” 
She still remembers that night like it was yesterday. The blood-red semi. The flickering halogen lamp with moths fluttering around it. The sting at her wrist and the chill in her blood.
The last thing she remembers from her human life is a pair of bright headlights, coming straight for her.
“He was a vampire. Did border crossings for blood.” They were lucky he wasn’t one of the sort who kept his human cargo as a food source. She was in the Chimera infirmary when a raid team brought in some victims of one of them. “He must have lost control and infected me when he fed on me.” She shakes her head. “Mauri and Via didn’t know what he was. I should have told them but I didn’t want them to know what I’d done. I didn’t want them to think it was their fault. It was stupid. I was stupid. I thought there would be time, when they were older, to tell them everything. So they’d know what to do when the time came. But I was wrong.”
Red lights reflecting off the hood, painting the car the same blood red as that semi.
And in the split second before impact, the oddest feeling that she’d seen moths clustering around the lights, narrowing them down to searing pinpricks of brilliant death. 
“They didn’t know I was going to turn, and they buried me.” She chokes back a sob. “I made some bad decisions. Some really bad decisions. But I was nineteen and I was scared and I didn’t want to lose the only family I had left.” She looks down at the floor, seeing those smears of red all over again. “But it didn’t matter what I did. I lost them anyway.”
“You haven’t lost them yet.” Nico puts a hand on her shoulder. “Come on. We’re done here. Let’s go out to the van and eat. Even I’m not immune to smelling blood. I feel like I’m starving.”
She’s not sure if he’s just trying to make her feel better, or telling the truth, but it sort of helps.
Maybe he’s right. 
Maybe, someday, she’ll be okay.
(You can read this story and more from this universe on my WorldAnvil here!)
@catwingsathena @nade2308 @the-one-and-only-valkyrie @telltaleclerk @ettawritesnstudies  @writeouswriter
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ariesbroad · 5 months
Headmaster Challenge
aka Wizard Boarding School
Start with normal young adult sim and an abandoned, disgusting castle, residential lot (will become residential rental). Travel to the Magic Realm and become a Spellcaster. Inherit your abandoned property with freerealestate on and begin your dream of starting your own legendary wizarding school. 
Main goals:
Build up your Wizarding School to Legendary Status
Repair/clean/maintain the facilities 
Provide students breakfast, lunch, dinner and baked goods/desserts every day. (The more students you have, the more food you’ll need)
Complete weekly social events
Breezy mode:
Keep your $20,000 starting funds 
Allow your sim to marry for money
Give your sim whichever likes/dislikes you’d like
Allow your sim to exploit copy/pasto to earn money once you have a 3* school
Sweaty mode:
Start with $0
If you add sims to your household, don’t keep the money
Give your sim one negative trait you personally annoys you 
All likes/dislikes and new personality traits are discovered through gameplay; always say yes
Copy/pasto is not allowed to make money 
Delicioso/Grand Delicioso cannot be used for student/social event meals until your sim is level 10 in cooking, gourmet cooking, and baking
Other suggestions/settings:
Cats and dogs allowed as familiars
Aging off for household
Neighborhood stories off for your student households
Fame turned on?
Neighborhood action plans turned off
Bust the dust on
Residential rental events turned on or off, you decide (don’t forget to add electrical panel and water heater)
Season length one week 
Start in Summer, for Autumn opening
Make all residential rental rents $1 with a seven day lease. Instead, some imaginary magical government entity will pay you $500 per student every week
Students must be teens. Children can’t learn and practice magic until they age up.
Friendly reminder to self: it's supposed to be fun! If it's becoming too stressful/boring, change your rules as needed!
Lot traits: 
Gnomes or penny pixies
Study spot
Cat Hangout
Lot Challenges:
Creepy crawlies $10,000
Cursed $20,000
Filthy $30,000
Gremlins $40,000
Mold $50,000
Reduce/recycle $60,000
Simple living $70,000
Spooky $100,000
Lot challenges can be removed at any time by paying the fee into a vault. Money cannot be retrieved until you reach Legendary Status. 
All services must be paid for; no free services until unlocked
Suggestion: Littlemssam’s Better Butler mod, allowed for additional butlers, live in ranch hands. Live in staff should have their own quarters and individual bedrooms.
Certain reward traits, spells, activities are locked behind milestones:
Delicioso/Grand Delicioso-level 10 skills
Incredibly friendly-1*
Money tree-5*
Mentor-Add when sim has Pristine Reputation 
Free Services-3*+ Fabulously Wealthy Aspiration completed 
Cauldrons at home??-2*
Frog breeding-2*
Farm animals-4*
Seance tables-5*
You have one week (until bills are due in new save) to prepare to open your doors. If you are prepared earlier, award your sim $1000 for every day you are early as a one time bonus. If you are late opening, fine yourself $200 per day.
First week task list:
Become a spellcaster
To "clean up" and remove debris on the lot (through b/b) must first learn:
Scruberoo (grime, trash)
Repario (cracks, repair broken/burnt furniture)
Infurniate (delete unwanted items)
Floraloriate (landscaping cleanup)
1 dormitory for 7 sims, 1 bedroom for the Head of House and common room. Will setting up curfew board work? (Gryffindor-esqe: brave, adventurous, loyal, active)
Communal bathroom facilities 
Communal dining hall w/ tea and coffee makers
Lockable kitchen for preparing food for students (staff only)
Communal laundry room
Library/study room
Headmaster's private quarters (that’s you)
Boiler room/workshop
Build an astronomy tower. Include the large telescope and a secure charging area for cut gemstones and jewelry.
1* Task List
Congrats! You can now open your doors to your first group of students!
Bills are free this week, credit yourself the money to pay them
Give yourself the Incredibly Friendly trait from the rewards store
Add your new star to the lobby/common area wall
Change your lot to a Residential Rental and make your student dorm and common room into its own unit.
Create and move in 7 teen spellcasters. (Suggestion: choose a personality trait for every student that reflects their house)
Clubs will represent the different houses at your school and should have their own distinctive style and personalities. Create a new club, give yourself enough club points to increase the club capacity fully, add a handshake, and any other perks appropriate for this club. Add your students, set the club hangout to your lot, and leave the club.
Create an elderly Head of House and move them into the dorm lot.
Host a welcome dinner party for your students the first day.
Daily tasks:
Cook breakfast, lunch and dinner with enough servings for all of your students and staff. Brew a pot of coffee and a pot of tea for breakfast. After school, serve baked goods and another pot of tea. (Waiters stations and/or money trash cans are a great idea.)
Address any cleaning or maintenance as needed. Take out trash/kill bugs if needed
Laundry as needed
Make money with your side hustles. Side hustles should be related to Magic (selling potions/magical artifacts) crafting (woodworking, candlemaking, jewelry making, cooking, etc.) or the natural world (gardening, gems, frog breeding, etc. (Littlemssam’s home business mod to autonomously sell any leftovers in the vending machines?)
Donate to all charity donation requests
Weekly tasks:
Monday morning receive boarding payment:
   Receive $500/student x star level
   Pay $750/HOH x star level
  (ie 3 stars, 21 students, 3 HOH
        Get (500*21)*3=31,500
        Pay (750*3)*3=6,750
        Weekly total: $24,750)
1 star=$2750
2 star=$11,000
3 star=$24,750
4 star=$44,000
5 star=$68,750
 (Bump HOH payment to 1k/star and gift the simoleons??)
Host a weekly brunch for your staff and HOHs on a school day in your residence or in an employee lounge. 
Throw a welcome dinner party for any new students on their first day.
Saturday morning invite a dorm and their HOH for a trip to the Magic Realm. Stay at least 4 hours. 
Saturday night host a goaled event either at the school or a public venue for students. (Costume party, bowling, sleepover, etc)
Sunday morning start a Friends and Family club gathering at the school. Serve lots of snacks so guests can eat and mingle. (Create a club of sims who represent the family of your students. I just add random townies.) End the gathering around dinner time. 
Put up any new stars you’ve earned (detective career reward)
Volunteer once a week?
If any HOH or student dies, pay a fine of $10,000 per star. 
If you notice your teen students age to young adult, you’ll need to move them out and replace them with new students. 
Optional: add a new potential cause of death with every star (pool, telescope, Murphy beds, wild rabbits, robotics station, evil chicken, serve pufferfish for dinner?)
To reach 2 stars:
Build a greenhouse for herbology including 3 cowplants. Do your best to keep them alive, replace any that die throughout the challenge. (Suggestion: Add the Oasis Springs rare pond so you can fish for cowplant berries. Work on grafting your own cowplant berry bush)
Before end of challenge, complete at least one of the telescope print collections. Display all collected prints in your new tower (size prints down as needed and sell duplicates)
Learn all Practical Magic spells  
Paint from reference or photograph 3+ views of your school and your new HOH. Keep and display. Optional: take a photo of every new student
Fully upgrade everything that can be upgraded (excepting fuel cell upgrades). Beds, plumbing, appliances, fireplaces, etc. You may hire Jim the Handyman (gallery) if you can afford his rates. (Rates are listed in his career description. Temporarily move him into your household and cheat his needs so he can just work.)
Create a new recreation/skill area (pool, painting, music, games, tv room, etc)
Build a new dorm (Hufflepuff-esqe: friendly, loyal, generous, outgoing, cheerful, party animal)
Optional: pay to remove a lot challenge
Congrats on getting your 2nd star!
Give yourself the Frugal trait from the rewards store
Add your new star
To reach 3 stars:
Fill your new dorm and start their club like before. 
Host a welcome dinner party for your new students
Build a potions room. Include several cauldrons, workspaces, frogs, fish, crystals and minerals, etc for potion making. Include at least one of every potion ingredient. Also include fire suppression system
Learn every potion recipe
Start building your potion collection: one of every potion ingredient, one of every potion, including all reward potions. Complete before end of challenge. Optional: include a Fully Aged Vitality Nectar.
Paint from reference or photograph the changes to your school and your new HOH. Keep and display. Optional: take a photo of every new student
Fully upgrade your new items including your new dorm. 
Create a new recreation area
Build a new dorm (Slytherin-esqe: evil, mean, materialistic, ambitious, klepto, proper)
Have at least a Good Reputation with other sims.
Optional due to bugs: Make sure all dorm apartments are at least 3 stars
Optional: pay to remove a lot challenge
Congrats on getting your 3rd star!
Give yourself the Carefree trait from the rewards store
You can now use copy/pasto as a money making strategy 
Also, at this point in the challenge if you manage to complete the Fabulously Wealthy Aspiration you may give yourself the Free Services trait from the rewards store. You also no longer are required to pay your HOHs out of pocket either. Um, someone else is now paying all salaries. Through donations. Or something. 
Add your new star
Optional: age your sim to an adult
To get 4 stars:
Fill your new dorm and create their club
Host a welcome dinner party for new students
Build an outdoor dueling space. Create a dueling club (spellcasters and activity: fight) of any magical sims. 
Before the end of the challenge, complete the magical artifact collection by dueling, shopping, or even crafting with Littlemssam’s expanded woodworking mod.
Build a display space for your Magical Artifact collection. 
Learn all Mischief Magic spells 
Paint from reference or photograph the changes to your school and your new HOH. Keep and display. Optional: take a photo of every new student
Upgrade all new items
Create a new recreation area
Build a new dorm (Ravenclaw-esqe: genius, nerdy, booklover, loner, geek, overachiever)
Have at least a Great Reputation with other sims.
Optional: make sure all dorms are 4 stars
Optional: pay to remove a lot challenge
Congrats on getting your 4th star!
Give yourself the Savant trait from the rewards store
Add your new star
To get 5 stars:
Fill dorm and create their club
Build a Care of Magical creatures area. Build a barn for unicorns (create or download at least 2 unicorns from gallery; pay $15,000 for every unicorn you add). Add chicken coop w/ chickens, and at least one other farm animal type (cows, llama, sheep or goats).
Sell 2 unicorns foals to other Spellcasters. Paint or photograph your foals before the leave.
Before the end of the challenge, collect either every type of milk or every color wool. (Alternative: learn recipe for every kind of animal treat)
Earn gold hosting a petting zoo or ranch day event
Learn all Untamed Magic spells
Paint from reference or photograph the changes to your school and your new HOH. Keep and display. Optional: take a photo of every new student
Upgrade all new items
Create a new recreation area
Build a new dorm (artsy/creative students?: creative, foodie, maker, painter, dance machine, music lover)
Have a Pristine Reputation with other sims.
Optional: make sure dorms are 5 stars. Remodel any dorms that might need a refresh.
Optional: pay to remove a lot challenge
Congrats on getting your 5th star!!
Give yourself the Brave trait and the Money Tree fruit from the rewards store.
Add your new star
Optional: age your sim to an Elder
To get Legendary status:
Fill dorm and create their club
Host a welcome dinner party for new students
Build a Divination tower. Seance tables, tea, lots of pillows, mugs, and incense
Max the Paranormal skill and get your Paranormal Investigator license
Befriend Bonehilda (if you can without Haunted Residental?)
Create a duplicate of yourself and add them to your household
Become immortal
Have your duplicate paint a formal portrait of you and write your Book of Life. Display in the main lobby. Glass case and velvet ropes?
Paint from reference or photograph 3+ views of your school as well as your new HOH. Add these to your collection and display. Optional: take a photo of every new student.
Cheat (if necessary) your fame level to global superstar. 
Complete your telescope print collection.
Complete your Potion collection: all potion ingredients, cauldron potions, and other reward potions. Optional: include fully aged Vitality Nectar.
Complete your Magical Artefact collection.
Complete your milk or wool collection (or display your animal treat collection).
Have an heir
Have a Pristine Reputation with other sims.
Optional: pay to remove all remaining lot challenges 
Legendary Status
Congrats!!!! You legend, you!! 
Give yourself any and all reward traits your heart desires! If you haven’t already, become the most interesting sim in the world!
The only task left is to complete anything that feels incomplete, max any skill you feel needs maxed. If you have any money in a vault, you are now welcome to withdraw it. 
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momsmop · 1 year
Mom's Mop
Mom’s Mop is locally owned and provides professional home cleaning services and office cleaning services in Lake County, Geauga County, Cuyahoga County, Portage County, and Summit County. We provide service in Concord Township, Mentor, Solon, Cleveland West, Painesville area. With our 116 Point Sparkling Home Checklist and 100% Happiness Promise, your satisfaction is guaranteed! Our features are Locally Owned Fully Insured No Contracts No Hassles Get your Instant Estimate or schedule a cleaning with Mom’s Mop today.
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Red White And Royal Blue OC Masterlist
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Name: Abigail Claremont-Diaz
Story: Miss Americana
Face claim:  Zion Moreno
Love Interest: Bea Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor
For all that Abigail Claremont-Diaz wanted to build a name for herself outside of being First Daughter Of The United States, she also couldn’t imagine her life without the past four years.  Without her daily commute from the White House to the GWU campus, without the secret service always a step behind her, without the beautiful, bustling streets of DC to call her own.  She missed Texas, it would always hold a special place in her heart, but she couldn’t imagine life if she’d never left.  She certainly couldn’t imagine her life if she’d never started dating the Prince of Wales — although did it count as dating if her eyes always strayed to his sister?  Abi had spent four years building her perfect life under the microscope of Capitol Hill but, much like a £75,000 wedding cake, her twin brother’s lack of impulse control and obsession with her boyfriend had to send it crashing down around her. 
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Name: Caroline Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor
Story: Sweet Caroline
Face claim:  Sabrina Carpenter
Love Interest: Oliver Cochrane
Caroline Henrietta Alexandria Theresa Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor.  Princess of Wales.  Britain’s sweetheart, the tragic princess.  If her life were her own, maybe Caroline could have followed her dreams, could have followed her father’s footsteps and become an actress, the first female James Bond.  But her life belonged to crown and country, and Caroline’s free will only extended far enough to choose which media smile to use on any given day.  Caroline Fox had dreams, hopes, ambitions, secrets.  Princess Caroline was just a doll, a piece in her grandmother’s never ending game of chess.  This time, Caroline’s job was simple: to clean up the mess caused by her older brother and her dearest friend, to make the so-called Cakegate look like a silly misstep between best friends and not like an international incident that could determine the fate of American politics for the next four years and beyond.  In theory, it shouldn’t have been too hard, after all, Henry and Alex were quite possibly her two favourite people in the world, and Caroline had never not been able to charm her way out of trouble.  The only problem is that her grandmother’s plan involves a staging a relationship and eventually an engagement, possibly even another royal wedding.  The only problem is that this relationship would be between Caroline herself and Alex Claremont-Diaz.  The only problem is that Caroline knows that Henry has been in love with Alex for the past four years.
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Name: Cate Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor
Story: Diamond Eyes
Face claim: Liz Gillies
Love Interest: June Claremont-Diaz & Nora Holleran
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Name: Eileen Eisner
Story: Come On Eileen
Face claim: Lily Collins
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Name: Isabel Luna
Story: We Built This City
Face claim: Ana De Armas
Frankly, the entire goddamn country should feel grateful that Isabel Luna loves Alex Claremont-Diaz as much as she does.  She wouldn’t be stepping back from her beloved — and well earned, no nepotism required — job as her older brother’s chief of staff to babysit just any First Child for the entire year leading up to Ellen’s reelection.  But it was Alex.  Alex, who she’d known for pretty much ever.  Alex, who she’d comforted through his first heartbreak.  Who she’d given his very first shot of tequila, who she’d mentored when they worked together on Raf’s campaign.  Alex, who was her brother just as much as Rafael.  And it was for Ellen — and maybe Isa wasn’t as close to her as she was to Oscar, but Ellen had always been an inspiration to her and she would do whatever it took to ensure that she beat Richards in the election.  Besides, she’d been babysitting Alex since he was a pubescent little shit, she was probably the most qualified person to wrangle him around for the next year.  Honestly, preventing another Cakegate level international incident should have been easy; if only Alex hadn’t decided to fall in love - and bed - with the Prince of Wales.
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Name: Kennedy Quinlan
Story: Winding Roads
Face claim: Ashley Benson
Kennedy Quinlan couldn’t remember a time before Alex Claremont-Diaz.  The three musketeers, along with their other best friend Liam, they’d been inseparable since pre-school.  For well over a decade, they had done everything together.  And yes, Kennedy had known that graduation would change everything, but she hadn’t expected this.  With Ellen winning her election, Alex no longer had a reason to return to Austin.  With Kennedy on the road, following wherever the rodeo circuit led, she never had time to visit either boy.  And Liam, well, she wasn’t sure what had happened, but he had completely ghosted.  Without her best friends to ground her, Kennedy lost herself in her horses.  No other life, no other interests, being “Rodeo Barbie” had become her life, not just her job.  That was all that she was.  Until the fall.Injured, untethered, with no idea who or what she wanted to be if she wasn’t a rodeo star, Kennedy had no idea what was supposed to come next.  Until Mama Ellen offered her an internship under Zahra Bankston, a home within the White House, and some semblance of direction in her life.  But Kennedy is no longer the girl she’d once been, and Alex is no longer the boy she once knew, and one way or another, the impending election was going to force Kennedy to figure out who exactly she is.
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Name: London Carter
Story: Closer To Fine
Face claim: Emily Alyn Lind
London Carter had plans.  She had plans for graduating Magna Cum Laude with a double major in political science and international relations.  She had plans to work on Ellen Claremont’s reelection campaign, to help make another four years of Claremont-Holleran a reality.  She had plans for winning her senate seat, and for becoming Secretary of State.  She had plans to be Vice President in the Claremont-Diaz Carter administration of 2032-2040 alongside her best friend, FSOTUS Alex Claremont-Diaz.  Her plans did not include Alex causing an international incident with the Prince Of England.  Her plans also did not include having to use every bit of her upcoming international relations degree to clean up his mess.  And her plans definitely did not include Alex falling in love with said Prince Of England, especially in the middle of Ellen’s reelection.
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Name: Lucy Kent
Story: Lucy In The Sky
Face claim:  Maude Apatow
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Name: Madison Richards
Story: All-American Bitch
Face claim: Madelaine Petsch
Aside from her general and entirely justified dislike for her father, Madison Richards had several other issues with his plan for her to – in his words – seduce the youngest British prince and steal the trade deal out from President Claremont.  To start, judging by the fact that he had never once attempted to sneak a glance down her dresses, Madison suspected that she was far from Prince Henry’s type.  Furthermore, his plan failed to consider the fact that she had spent the whole campaign trail so far sneaking around for clandestine hookups with Alex Claremont-Diaz, the First Son himself.   And, last but certainly not least, her father still had no idea that she had spent her entire time in rehab sleeping with the Prince’s older sister.  But then again, getting herself in close quarters with the Prince and Princess of Wales and the First Son could only help in her own plan: to do whatever it takes to stop her father from getting elected.
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Name: Margaret Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor
Story: Heartbreak Princess
Face claim:  Florence Pugh
Love Interest: Pez Ojonjo
Where Henry was the Prince Of England’s Hearts, Margaret had always been the Heartbreak Princess.  Filling the void left by her father’s death with a string of meaningless flings, Margaret had never been anything but completely transparent about what she was looking for: a distraction.  Not love, never love, but a way to pass the time in between Bea’s breakdowns, Mary’s lectures, and trying to draw Henry out of his shell.  But when Henry falls into a cake, and a torrid romance, with the American First Son, Margaret finds herself swept up in an international whirlwind as she tries desperately to protect her twin brother’s heart — only to realize that in doing so, she may have left her own heart far more open than she’d ever intended.
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Name: Oliver Cochrane
Story: Sweet Caroline
Face claim: Thomas Doherty
Love Interest: Caroline Fox
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janetbrown711 · 2 years
Just A Little Sting...
Mei and MK find a scorpion while cleaning Wukong's house on Flower Fruit Mountain
tw for arachnophobia and major character death
Ao3 Link
Cleaning Wukong’s house on Flower Fruit Mountain was a task MK’s mentor delighted in giving him– to the point where training sessions often just turned into “MK’s Cleaning Service” (as if he didn’t clean enough at Pigsy’s Noodles). Still, he didn’t complain (much) because he knew if he squinted there was usually a lesson about fighting in there somewhere, and he knew better than to complain.
So when MK hit Mei up out of the blue about wanting her to join for a training session, she had a feeling this one was going to turn into one of those. She had nothing better to do on a Tuesday afternoon and so accepted and headed on her merry way.
“Ugh, is it just me or is the heat even worse than normal this time of year?” MK groaned and fanned himself.
“I don’t feel a thing,” Mei stuck her hand out and traced the car-created breeze with her hand.
“I forget you’re technically cold-blooded sometimes,” MK scoffed and tried to drive faster, but alas he was already at the cart’s maximum speed.
Mei snorted. “I think it’s more a ‘samadhi fire’ thing than a ‘dragon family thing.’” MK laughed, turning a corner before finally arriving at the waterfall. The pair hopped out and MK parted the water with his staff before the two of them headed in.
“MK! There’s my favorite student,” Sun Wukong greeted them from his home with a big grin, which MK returned until he noticed the golden cloud right beside his mentor.
“You’re seriously dipping out?” MK crossed his arms. “I thought we were gonna all hang out and clean together this time– c’mon Monkey King, it would be fun!”
Wukong fluffed his hair cheerfully. “Sorry kid, I have a centennial celebration in heaven to attend to, and we wouldn’t want those celestial spirits to have a completely boring and normal party now would we? Besides, I totally trust you with my place– so long as you swear not to break the wall with that Flaming Fist of Fury, right?” He gave Mei and MK a look at that and the two laughed it off.
“Alright, alright, just don’t have too much fun,” MK laughed and moved Wukong’s arm off his head.
“Knew I could count on you bud,” Wukong winked. “Besides, you got Dragon Girl with you, and she’s certainly company enough.”
“Yeah, but you better not be lying again,” Mei gave Wukong a glare she could tell spooked him a bit.
“Geez kid, I promise,” Wukong assured with a nervous smile and Mei snorted.
“Kidding! Gosh, you’re a lot easier to make nervous than you’d think,” Mei laughed so hard she rested her hands on her thighs.
“Yeah yeah, I’m not lying, you kids have fun,” Wukong shook it off with a wink, falling back onto his cloud and zooming away.
“Welp– there goes my belief this maybe would have a good lesson in here somewhere,” MK sighed and went inside the hut looking for his cleaning supplies.
“What? You think there’s no opportunity for a lesson on the Power of Friendship? You think I can’t be your mentor?” Mei sighed dramatically. “Oh, MK you’ve wounded me.”
“Mei, you and I both know we mastered the Power of Friendship years ago,” MK teased and handed her a sponge and a bucket.
Mei took it with a smile, “Yeah, you right, you right.”
“Hope you’re ready for some Poor People Chores™ because Wukong has refused to install a running water system so it’s up and down to the river for us,” He grinned.
“MK, how spoiled do you think I am? I’ve had to clean my family’s artifacts with a toothbrush since I was little– a little water bucket going up and downhill a little bit is no biggie,” Mei placed her hands on her hips.
“Rrrrright. We’ll see,” MK said, not doubting his friend’s strength per se, but doubting she understood just how much of a hike all the stairs could be.
MK had apparently forgotten the White Horse Dragon was a water dragon.
Mei had summoned her inner dragon to divert a large part of the waterfall to create a semi-lake by Wukong’s home so they didn’t have to do much more than walk out. At first Mei wouldn’t let him as a way to punish him for ever doubting her, but she eventually let him use it because she couldn’t stay mad at him forever.
They got to scrubbing the walls and windows, sweeping and scrubbing the floors, then wiping off what little furniture he had, and reapplied the duct tape holding the previously mentioned punched-through wall together. Mei went to go get more water before she noticed something crawling towards her.
“Ah gross-! Is that a scorpion?” Mei laughed and squatted to examine the little beasty closer.
“S-scorpion? Did you say Scorpion Mei because if you said scorpion then that’s really gross because honestly all arachnids are terrifying if you asked me so if there is one maybe you should just trap and release it and not tell me it’s actually there because they’re so freaking terrifying and I really don’t need that right now– mmmmmmmmmmm’kay?” MK turned away from the bathroom.
Mei laughed. “It’s just a little one, it’s no big deal MK,” She called, and an alarm must’ve gone off in MK’s mind or something because he instantly dropped his broom and grabbed Mei’s arm and dragged her out, slamming the door shut behind them.
“What the heck didja you do that for?” Mei yanked her arm free.
“Sorry Mei, I just– you know the smaller ones are deadlier right? Freaky scorpion stuff– plus… Now that I think about it, it’s kinda weird there's a scorpion here, Flower Fruit Mountain doesn’t have any dangerous pests other than tics and I think that’s mostly because Wukong and the other monkeys like eating them and picking them out of each others fur,” MK scratched his chin in thought.
“Huh. Weird,” Mei agreed. “What’re we gonna do about it though?”
“I dunno, hope it stays in the bathroom and wait for Monkey King to come back?” MK shrugged, which gave him a look from Mei.
“MK, I refuse to let you handle this like how you handle spiders at your place. I’ll take the broom and dustpan and release it outside– it’s not like it’s a mystic scorpion or anything,” Mei sassed.
“Why not? I happen to like that method very much,” MK huffed and crossed his arms dramatically.
Mei stared blankly, picking up the broom and smacking him over the head with it. Mei then went to open the door with a huff, but instead of a scorpion, there was a six foot woman with long, dark black hair in a black and red ensemble that made Mei almost drop the broom.
“No Wukong, hm? Pity, I’ve wanted revenge for centuries now,” The woman smiled almost seductively. “But I think you’ll do just fine,” her eyes glistened and Mei had to force herself to snap out of her trance and bring out her family’s sword.
“Good luck lady, he’s the Monkey Kid and I’m a descendant of the Ao Lie so don’t even–” Mei’s bragging was interrupted by the demoness summoning two tridents and immediately going in for the attack.
“Mei!” MK shouted, summoning his staff and immediately jumping into action.
The demoness only laughed. “I hope you can make this at least interesting, Monkey Kid, or else this battle will be over very, very shortly.”
“S-says you-!” MK tried to sound cool, but she immediately swung her trident and he barely ducked in time.
The demoness laughed darkly, sweeping his leg, but MK was on his feet again quickly. He summoned his staff and was able to properly fight back now. However, despite the two of them having two of the most powerful weapons mankind ever saw, she still was extremely tall and powerful, and for some reason it was just impossible to try to attack from behind.
There was lots of falling and making up for the other’s slippings, then attempts at coordination, and then falling back and catching a breath, and spinning and ducking and frustration as to why they just couldn’t get a hit on this lady, it was driving them insane. The fight went from inside the house to out, to down to the training level of the mountains, to the trees where normal monkeys fled in terror.
“C’mon– you’re just a stupid bathroom scorpion-! Why won’t you just get hurt and die already???” MK groaned at one point before once again trying and failing to whack the back of her head.
The demoness laughed before looking up at the sky.
“Looks like we’ve got company,” She said with a sparkle before none other than Sun Wukong showed up again and took the staff from MK’s hands and started fighting her instead of him.
“Ah, Xie Zi Jing, I knew Zhu Bajie couldn’t have really finished you off for good. Hate to break it to you but there’s no reincarnation of golden cicada for you to munch on here so you best be on your way now,” He said, kicking her with enough force to back her away a few feet.
“I’m not interested in immortality, Sun Wukong, I’m far more interested in you and–” The demoness glanced at Mei for a split second before smiling at MK, “–and your little student too.”
Wukong growled. “Leave now, or else I’ll send for Star Lord Mao in mere seconds.”
The demoness laughed, leaping to attack Wukong, who grumbled and continued to fight until something bright and fast hit him, causing him to fumble back and mutter to himself.
“Monkey king! Are you okay?!” MK immediately ran to his teacher’s side.
“Stupid fucking scoprion tail– why can’t she be more like her sister?” Wukong muttered to himself, blinking and holding his forehead. “I’m fine bud– don’t turn your back–!”
“Right– yes!” MK took the staff back and got into the fight again. However, The demoness was still interested in fighting Wukong, and now the main goal was not to hurt her but to keep her from attacking Wukong while he was down and ignore the fact that whatever she did was powerful enough to stun Sun Wukong the motherfucking Monkey King– hahahaha–
Wukong was able to pluck a hair to at least have a weapon, but Mei and Mk still had to do a lot of blocking for him, until the four of them found themselves nearing the edge of the mountain.
“MK–!” Mei pointed it out in hopes that he’d understand making her fall off would probably be a good solution hopefully–? maybe–? Look, it’s what they had.
MK caught this and nodded at her, and the pair slowly focused their efforts on getting her closer and closer to the cliff’s edge and away from Wukong, whom she was no longer focused on attacking (red flag, but they didn’t focus on that).
However, right when they were just close enough to tip her over the edge and MK was going in for the kick, the demoness looked Mei dead in the eyes, flashing them to a pitch black. In the blink of an eye, she grabbed MK’s leg and tossed him over the ledge. Just as Mei was about to scream in terror, she saw it– A bright flash of light so strong and powerful and then–
An intense burning sensation filled her entire body, as she collapsed to the ground twitching, her vision going almost completely white, and an ear piercing ring consuming all other senses.
A sonic boom passed her by as Mei heard the soaring of Wukong’s cloud no doubt, and then she heard– something like crunching? Mei couldn’t see– she could barely hear– she couldn’t make sense of anything. Her heart was pounding, she was twitching, she couldn’t breathe– lord what was that weapon???
She heard the demoness shriek, more crunching, and then far off booming sounds. Humorous banter between Wukong and MK, clashing, booming, and– holy fuck it felt like her inside were being liquified and all she could do was lay down in the grass.
A horrible chill crawled up her spine. Her body jerked and shook in motions she couldn’t control if she wanted to, she was feeling the absolute worst migraine of her life, she was sore and bleeding in several places from the battle, she was so, so alone– she was–
Soft chirping and sounds of distressed monkeys in the distance came to Mei's attention before one of them touched her and she realized they were surrounding her.
Not alone.
Burning filled her lungs, just as hot but different than the samadhi fire. She wanted to cough, but laying flat on the ground didn’t put her in a prime position to do that–
A soft weight sat on her chest now. She placed a trembling hand to try and figure out what it was–
Ah, a normal monkey– must be a baby too.
Not alone…
She stroked it with a shaky hand, soft chirping replacing the ringing in her ears, much to her relief. She tried to copy the sound, but it made the migraine feel about a million times worse and Mei was suddenly filled with a desire to just crack her own skull open to relieve the pressure.
More crashing, a sudden and very loud crow of a rooster, and a shriek, but Mei only paid attention to the little chirps of the monkey on her chest and tried to copy it despite actively feeling the poison spread throughout her body.
“MEI!!!!” A familiar voice and hand gripped her own.
Mei’s eyes shot wide open despite the fact she knew it wouldn’t improve her vision in the slightest, which was almost pure white by now. She could still make out a familiar shadow falling to his knees by her side while the little monkey jumped off and away.
“M-MK, I-I can barely see you– I–I’ve been alone, ‘cept for the lil guy– I-it fucking hurts, MK– take me home, I wanna go home,” She said, unsure of where to look.
“Mei– oh my god– you’re gonna be okay, okay? I-it’s just a scorpion sting, Wukong and Zhu Bajie survived it– I remember the stories, s-so you’re gonna be just perfect, alright? Just breathe, it’s totally calm and cool now,” MK squeezed her hand as it twitched.
“I-i’m not like them, I-i’m not like you, I-i can’t– I can’t–” Mei was losing her breath which didn’t make sense, she was just lying down– the burning sensation filled her lungs more than before and with MK’s help she sat up quickly (facing a nightmare combo of whiplash and vertigo) and coughed more than she ever had her entire life. She continued like this and it got no better when MK wrapped her in his arms.
“It’s okay Mei, I-i got you– sorry for falling off that cliff– If I’d thought to turn into a bird then Wukong wouldn’t’ve had to save me and he could’ve stopped that weapon a-and then– I-if I had just looked back– why didn’t I look back???” MK squeezed her tighter just as the coughing stopped.
Why didn’t he look back?
Mei didn’t know what the answer was but either way she couldn’t blame him– he was MK, always either in the moment or somewhere else entirely and this time it just happened to be the moment.
“MK, I-it’s–”
“W-what am I even saying? S-sorry, Mei, it’s just– you’re gonna be okay, okay? Wukong will be here, I’m sure there’s gotta be something he can do, right?” MK’s hand touched her forehead a brief moment, causing a shocking pain to flood Mei’s entire body as she let out an involuntary yelp of pain.
“Ack–! Mei, i’m sosososossosososo sorry– I-i don’t know what I’m doing– I-i just– stay with me, okay?!” MK pleaded with her.
Mei wanted to say “it’s okay” but knew that would be met with protestation, and so just squeezed his hand.
“G-god I feel like the Fire of Samadhi right now,” Mei tried to joke, but the intense throbbing in her brain made it hard to laugh.
“W-well that’s because you are the Fire of Samadhi– you cannot and will not ever burn out, ever, no matter what happens– we didn’t even finish cleaning Wukong’s house, Mei, we gotta finish cleaning his house,” MK sniffled and hugged her closer, which made her start to cry too.
The numb sensation was crawling down her chest to her stomach to her legs now– she could barely feel a thing anymore except hot, flaring, unending pain.
“M-mk…” her voice was a lot more hoarse all of the sudden. She forced her hand upward, and MK took it and put it against his face. Mei smiled a little.
“T-tell Piggy I’ll miss him, mkay?”
MK put the hand down and away. “N-no, you’re gonna be okay– there’s no need for promises– don’t make me promise, please,” MK pleaded.
“A-and Tang– tell him and Piggy I’ll pay the tab, put it on ye olde card,” Mei managed a pathetic chuckle that turned into a cough she desperately tried to bury.
“M-mei I’m not doing any of that– you can do it, w-we can get home soon– where the hell is Monkey King?!” MK spoke that last part away from her.
“Pet Mo, get ‘em right under his chin, he likes it right there and only I really do it right,” Mei’s voice was becoming a painful whisper. “A-and if you can’t sleep, promise me you’ll g-go to Sandy's, okay? D-don’t–”
“N-no, Mei, you can’t just tell me what to do! I-i can’t let this happen– this can’t happen, I-i–” MK’s tears finally got the best of him, and he just held her close and started to just weep.
Mei was slipping though– she could feel a tugging, a whisper–
A dragon’s voice…
“M-MK please… I-i can’t… i’m not…”
She couldn’t help but feel alone in his arms.
“MK, please,” She grabbed his shirt and pulled on it. MK snapped out of his sobbing with a loud sniffle and wiping of his face. If Mei could see it, she bet she would be weeping like that too…
“I-i’m so sorry Mei– I keep making this about me– I-i– I promise– I’ll do everything right, I’ll keep the sword safe, I-i’ll pet Mo a-and help Tang and Pigsy, a-and– god, please don’t leave Mei,” He ducked his head into her shoulder.
“I-i don’t wanna… b-but…” her body jerked again as the burning sensation reached her feet and was just getting worse and worse, and MK set her down on the ground and held her hand.
“R-right, y-yeah,” she could practically hear MK cursing himself out in his head.
“Tell m-mom and dad I'm sorry– b-but the sword’s okay, right? Ha… some guardian,” She smiled weakly.
MK just squeezed her hand tighter.
Her eyes were feeling especially heavy now.
She could hear the voice now clear as day.
“I love you, MK, y-you’re the best pseudo-brother a girl could ask for,” She squeezed his hand clear as day.
“I-i love you too, Mei,” MK assured with a little laugh that despite everything made Mei smile. “A-and I’m so, so sorry, I just– I know I shouldn’t b-but.. I wish– I– I know you know, and I just–” MK sighed. “I wish we could have another movie night.”
“I’ll miss ‘em,” Mei replied sadly.
“I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you too, MK.”
“I-i’ll–” Mei gave a weak cough– “I’ll put in a good word with ol’ gramps for you.”
MK laughed. “I-i’ll make sure Wukong beats the Ten king’s asses if they’re mean to you.”
“Thanks,” She smiled pathetically.
She could see Ao Lie clear as day now, as well as two emissaries of–
Yes, the emissaries of death.
Suddenly Mei was very terrified. She went to squeeze MK’s hand but–
“M-mei? H-hey Mei– j-just cough if you need something– c-can’t sleep now, w-we gotta– y-you gotta–”
“No…” Mei whispered, sitting up. She turned around and saw–
MK let out an ear piercing cry, picking up Mei and rocking her body in his arms, and Mei immediately leapt to hug him, but fell right through.
“Mei Long, your time has come.” One of the emissaries– an ox-headed one– spoke.
“M-my time–?” Mei blinked away tears that were rapidly forming in her eyes. “Y-you mean this was–”
“–Destiny? Yes,” The horse-headed emissary spoke.
“N-no-! I need to be with MK and the rest of my family! You can’t do this–!” Mei stumbled to her feet and away from them.
“My child, you have served your family well, and it’s time for you to rest with your ancestors,” Ao Lie spoke to her, but she closed her eyes and tried to ignore him.
“No! I won’t! I-i can’t just– I was lying— I can’t go, I wanna stay, please,” She begged her great, great, great (etc.) grandfather, but the dragon just closed his eyes.
“I am afraid you don’t have a choice in the matter. Come along,” He said sadly.
The emissaries went to grab her but she ducked away.
“Bud, I-i’m–”
Mei looked over her shoulder and saw Wukong had finally returned.
“No! Stay away!”
“I said stay away!”
Even Mei tensed at that– it was unheard of for MK to snap at Wukong, it just–
“C-can I stay for at least a little while..? Just to make sure he goes home okay,” Mei knelt on the grass, watching as MK hugged her body closer and Wukong dropped his staff and sat on the grass too.
“It is not the–”
“Let her be, she will go when the time is right,” Ao Lie interrupted the ox-headed emissary and shifted into his human form to sit next to Mei.
They sat in silence, watching as MK slowly looked at Wukong and accepted his teacher’s comfort, allowing him to hug him while he still held her body in his arms.
“...I miss him, you know?” Ao Lie broke the silence between them. “He was a very loyal friend, a hard worker too.”
Mei sniffled and wiped her eyes with her sleeve. “Sounds like MK.”
Ao Lie chuckled a little. “It appears so.”
Mei wanted to pick up the grass, but it all just slipped through her fingers, so instead she drew her knees close to her chest.
“I-i already miss him too…” she croaked softly.
Her ancestor placed a hand on her back. “I wish I could say that gets easier…”
Mei couldn’t stop fighting her tears anymore, bursting into sobs. As she began to cry, she felt Ao Lie attempt a side hug, but instead she leapt into his arms and buried her head in his shoulder, clearly startling him.
“I’m so sorry, Little one, but this is out of our hands,” He said.
Mei cried more.
It wasn’t fair– she didn’t even finish cleaning Wukong’s house, and it was probably even more of a wreck now because of the battle and she had felt so alone and she just–
She was supposed to act as Guardian for her family and friends.
She pulled herself away from her grandfather and saw that MK had stood now with Wukong’s assistance, and several of the wild monkeys by their sides chirping sadly. She too stood up instinctively, walking over to MK and wishing, begging she could hug him or something, but her hand just fazed right through.
And so she stood there, watching as the two of them made it back up the mountain to Wukong’s place and Mei was left behind in the grass and dirt by the edge of the mountain.
“Sun Wukong will care for him well,” Ao Lie placed a hand on her shoulder.
“A-and the others will too, I know,” Mei said, not looking away. Her ancestor nodded.
“H-he’ll… he’ll be okay,” Mei said to herself.
“He will be okay,” Ao Lie smiled fondly at her.
“Right,” Mei nodded slowly.
A moment of silence passed, except for the distant warm summer breeze.
“...We can go now,” she said now that MK and Wukong were long gone.
“As you wish,” Ao Lie offered his hand and she took it as he alerted the emissaries who all guided her to the afterlife.
“MK will be alright.”
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romaevelizz · 2 years
My Aphmau Re-write/Headcannons PDH-Mystreet
Im doing this out of pure entertainment for myself
Character of the day: Aaron Jaxon Lycan
Art by me
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Hes Black. He has locs
Though during high school his hair was buzzed due to him bring sent to military school.
werewolf ovi
He had a close nitted friend group Zhuri(oc), Logan, Elijah(oc), Niyleah(oc), Ryan(oc), and my self instert (Crystal)
he’s dating Lily(hes like so in love with her it makes me sick)
His love language is acts of service
He loves caned peaches
When he finds out Aphmau is Sue hes nice to her and all around a mentor to her. Theyer age gap isnt gross nore wierd they are about 3 years apart but 4 grades apart idk if i want them to end up together really tbh like when it come to mystreet.
Aarons record is pretty clean hes not some angsty bad boy who gets in fights
He thought Gene was kinda hot before he started acting like a douche to him
He plays lacrosse and hockey those are the only times he gets pretty violent. (He literally had to beg and used the excuse it will make me seem normal isn’t that what you want? For his parents to let him play)
Malissa is the only one family wise that knows about Lily.
He’s actually really good with kids.
Hes really quite on his feet so he accidentally scares people a lot
He has some acne scars bc he pick at it sick fuck.
He had piercings bc most of the time has them out due to sports he has snake bites and an eyebrow his ears are double pierced as well.
6’4 hes a pretty beefy guy
Niyleah loves designing clothes so she uses Aaron as a mannequin for masculine and feminine clothing Aaron actually enjoys it
Lily loves doing his make up when hes over at her house. He loves it
He has a major side eye problem.
Always has a judgemental face like for no reason at all so the friend group is like “boy whats your problem like do you wanna fight or sum?!”
He gets major heartburn for no reason.
He pierced lilys belly button for her bc he mom wouldn’t let her go do it professionally done and she asked aaron to do it he was like okay🤷🏽‍♀️
“Nigga what..🤨” says when he’s confused asf
He randomly will catch someone in a ‘bofa deez nuts joke’ and has a stupid grin after telling them alway get lily in them
and her face goes 😄..😀..😐 “stfu aaron.”
He likes to crochet.
Likes teaching little kids to say shit they’re not supposed to
Always has weird socks
He wears rings
Silver jewelry
hates algae/slime it makes him want to throw up.
Lily asked him if he was more interested in aphmau bc she was hitting on him after they found out they where close friends and he was like “oh girl no..” with 😟 face.
He loves princess Disney movies like oh lord wanna watch everyone with him then sit your ass down and you better know the words to the songs.
He’s actually so unorganized to normal ppl bit to him hes like “ITS RIGHT THERE OMG” like its bad
Hes a reader(romance and horror)
He has a studder sometimes like when hes talking about something he enjoys and stutters bc of how fast he talking.
Has scars on his arms from being pushed into a black berry bush in middle school by Logan.
Hes deathly allergic to blueberrys.
He knows morse code
He has very long eyelashes
He has a big birth mark on his stomach thats really light compared to his skin.
He bites his nails
If he sees someone’s elbow on the table hell flip just bc his mom made it a habit not to put elbows on the table.
I have more but ill keep it just with this!
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trevorhunter · 21 days
Stop Complaining and Start Earning: How to Build a Business From Nothing
Let’s get straight to the point. Every day, I see people talking about how they can’t find jobs, can’t find income, and are struggling to get by. It’s the same old story: complain, complain, complain about whatever situation they’re in. I get it; maybe it’s a little tougher to get by today than it used to be, but here’s the reality: the only thing holding anyone back is excuses. Call me insensitive if you want, but I’m not the guy who’s going to pat you on the back and say, “Yeah, it’s rough; things will get better.” No, it won’t get better until you get off your ass and do something about it.
If you’ve got a phone, a tablet, a computer, or any access to the internet, you’ve already got everything you need to start earning. I’m not talking about a side hustle, I’m talking about making a real living.
There’s nothing you can’t learn online. If you’ve got the will, YouTube’s got the way. There are plenty of small businesses you can start with almost no money. I once broke down five businesses you could kick off with under $1,700 and turn into a six-figure income. You can check out the details here: https://youtu.be/MxFXv6IdDFI. But let’s take it even further. Let’s say you only have $100.
House cleaning? You can start with almost no money. You don’t have a car? Cool. Ride a bicycle, walk, take a bus, or get a ride from a friend. All you need is to post on Marketplace that you’re offering house cleaning services, put up a quick Google Business Profile, make some Facebook posts, and start running some revenue. Car washing? Same deal, same scenario.
So, what’s the excuse? The truth is, there isn’t one.
The problem isn’t the lack of opportunity; it’s the unwillingness to do the work. Take house cleaning as an example. People want to start a service, then they look at what others are charging and decide they need to charge $60 an hour. Let’s be real: most jobs pay anywhere from $12 to $25 an hour, but suddenly, cleaning a house should demand $60? No way. You could charge $25 or $30 an hour and be booked solid. But instead, people hold out for that $60 and then wonder why they’re not getting any work.
The hard truth is, you’re overvaluing yourself. If you’re sitting around not getting work and complaining online, it’s because you’ve priced yourself out of the market. You’ve got to price to get the work first, build a reputation, and then raise your prices. This isn’t a popular opinion, but it’s the truth.
When I started building websites back in 2002, I charged $150 per site. It took me days to complete one, but I got so full I couldn’t take on any more work. A mentor told me to double my prices, so I did. Got booked again. I doubled them again. Fast forward to today, and my websites go for $5,000 to $12,000, and I’m booked through next year. But I didn’t start there. I charged what I needed to survive, to get the work, to build my name.
That’s what too many people miss today. They want top dollar before they’ve proven their worth. If you want to make it, you’ve got to earn it. Build your reputation first, then the money will follow. No excuses, just action.
Alright, if I were in that position financially, here’s exactly what I’d post on Facebook. And here’s the crazy part: pride is the only thing keeping most people from doing this. They’re not willing to be genuine, real, and vulnerable. That’s what’s stopping them.
Take a minute, set your ego aside, and get real. Jump on Facebook or whatever social media platform you’re on and share something like this. If you’ve got a car, add errand running to your list. If not, adapt the list to what you can do. Post it, charge a fair price, and let your phone start ringing. Answer it, be nice, be respectful, and by the end of the week, see what you’re getting hit up for the most.
Start a business. Don’t even worry about naming it yet, who knows what it can grow into? After a week or two, you might figure out what your niche is, which one of these tasks you don’t mind doing the most. You’re not going to love any of it, this is hard work. It’s not going to be easy, but you might find something you enjoy more than the others. Then, grow it.
🚀 Starting a New Chapter – I Need Your Help! 🚀
Hey everyone, I’m in a bit of a tight spot financially, and I’m looking to start a business. I need your help to make it happen. Below is a list of services I’m offering, I’ll come to you, work hard, and do the best job I possibly can. I really need a chance to get this off the ground. I’ll charge you a fair price, so if you’re interested, send me a DM. Let’s make this happen together!
Here’s what I can help with:
- House Cleaning
- Lawn Care and Gardening
- Car Washing and Detailing
- Errand Running
- Window Cleaning
- Laundry and Ironing Services
- Packing and Moving Help
I don’t have everything figured out yet, but I promise to give it my all. Your support would mean the world to me!
Good luck, guys.
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