#Honda Accord 2005
carlottawines · 1 year
Honda Jazz 2025 Specs
The Honda Jazz is back and better than ever! With the 2020 version, Honda has shown that they can take an already great car and make it even better. The new Jazz boasts improved features, sleek design, and impressive pricing. Let’s take a closer look at what makes the 2020 Honda Jazz a car to consider. Firstly, the pricing for the new Jazz is incredibly competitive. Honda has always been known…
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hotmentransformed · 2 months
The Tornado Wrangler
Kevin had always been fascinated by the sky. Growing up in the heart of Tornado Alley, he spent countless evenings watching the horizon, mesmerized by the towering clouds and the electricity of a brewing storm. So it was no surprise to anyone when he doubled down his efforts in high school to get a full tuition scholarship to study meteorology at the University of Oklahoma.
Despite his meek stature and unassuming presence, Kevin wasn't just your average meteorology nerd; he was also an amateur storm chaser, spending his weekends and evenings tracking storms, hoping to witness the raw power of nature up close and in person. His peers admired his passion for twisters but often worried about his safety. They'd warn him to be careful, and that he could get hurt. Kevin would simply laugh it off, saying he knew what he was doing.
One sweltering May afternoon, just after finals finished up, the atmosphere was ripe for severe weather. A tornado outbreak was forecast, and Kevin could feel the excitement building in his chest. He checked his gear, ensuring his cameras, weather instruments, and emergency supplies were all in place. His beaten-up 2005 Honda Accord, affectionately named Storm Seeker, was gassed up and ready to go.
The sky darkened, and the first storm cells began to form. Kevin monitored the radar, pinpointing the most promising supercell. He drove rapidly with a mix of caution and anticipation, weaving through the countryside, always keeping an eye on the sky and his instruments. The thrill of the chase was a feeling like no other. As he approached the massive, rotating storm, Kevin could see a funnel cloud beginning to dip down from the base. He pulled over to the side of a deserted road, his heart pounding with excitement. He grabbed his camera and stepped out of the car, eager to capture footage of the forming tornado.
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The tornado touched down, a swirling monster of wind and debris. Kevin watched in awe, his camera rolling. It was a perfect intercept, the tornado moving steadily away from him. Being out of harm's way, Kevin could take the time to truly admire the magnificence of nature's destructive forces: each tornado was special and distinctive. He couldn't wait to return to his dorm room and upload the photos to his database. He was about to return to his car when he noticed something alarming: the tornado was changing direction, and fast. Within a matter of seconds, the massive twister barreled straight towards him. Kevin's heart skipped a beat as he sprinted back to his car. He barely had time to shut the door before the tornado was upon him. The wind howled, the car shook violently, and the world outside became a chaotic blur of flying debris.
Then, with a terrifying lurch, his car was lifted off the ground and pulled towards the sky. Kevin gripped the steering wheel, his knuckles white, as he felt the incredible force of the tornado suck him and his car into its heart. He was weightless, tossed around like a child's toy in the vortex. The noise was deafening, a roar that drowned out his own screaming. Suddenly, the car door was ripped off, and the violent wind yanked Kevin from his seat. His lanky body was flung into the air, spinning uncontrollably, the world a chaotic blur around him. He felt the sting of debris cutting into his skin and tearing his clothing, the force of the wind threatening to rip off his scrawny limbs which flailed like a ragdoll. He saw, in the chaos, Storm Seeker crash onto the ground and crumple like a piece of paper.
He struggled to keep conscious, the pain and fear overwhelming him. As he was thrown across a field, the ground rushed up to meet him, Despite his best efforts, Kevin's vision began to darken, his brain struggling to keep up with all of the adrenaline and pain. He landed with a bone-jarring thud, the impact knocking the breath from his lungs. As darkness closed in, the last thing he saw was the towering tornado moving away. Kevin's world went black, and he passed out, surrendering to the storm.
Kevin's consciousness flickered back like a faulty lightbulb. He awoke with a massive headache, his head pounding in rhythm with the distant rumble of thunder. Groaning, he squinted against the harsh sunlight piercing through the dissipating clouds. Blinking rapidly, he tried to piece together what had happened. Slowly, he sat up, rubbing his temples in a futile attempt to ease the pain. He reached over and put on his sunglasses to try and make the sunlight more bearable. As his vision cleared, he looked down at his muscular body. Something seemed different, but he couldn't quite place it.
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His massive legs filled out his jeans, his arms bulged inside of his weathered leather jacket, the lines of his abs were visible through his sweat-soaked shirt, and his feet felt cushy and warm inside his boots. Looking to his right, he saw his cowboy hat lying beside him. That must be what was different!
Feeling disoriented yet determined, Kevin reached for the hat. As soon as his manly, calloused hands touched the worn leather, a sense of familiarity washed over him. He placed it on his head, and suddenly, his mind was flooded with memories. Images and sensations poured in, overwhelming him. He remembered filming videos and live streams, engaging with fans, and chasing storms across the Midwest. He saw himself standing in front of towering thunderheads, narrating the events with confidence and charisma. He recalled the thrill of the chase, the roar of the wind, and the exhilaration of driving headfirst into a twister.
Tyler Owens stood up, still unsteady on his feet from being tossed around by the wind, and looked around. His outfitted storm-chasing truck was parked just where he had left it. As he strutted over to his truck, he turned back towards the sky and saw another twister forming in the distance. Pulling out his camera from the cab, he began to set up for his next livestream adventure. He was going to show everyone online why he earned the nickname Tornado Wrangler.
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stevebattle · 1 month
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Toyota Partner Robot ver. 1 Walking Type (Trumpet), Toyota, Japan (2003). Partner Robot version 1 is a “Walking Type” bipedal humanoid that plays the trumpet. The robot actually blows air from a bellow, through rubbery lips, while playing the notes with its fingers. "Toyota’s Partner Robots played music on drums and trumpets at their 2005 World EXPO debut in Aichi Japan. Their use of musical instruments demonstrated the excellent hand and arm coordination Toyota has developed for their robot franchise. Toyota’s Partner Robots are designed to work in the health care industry to help attend to Japans aging population, but Toyota also intends to implement them in their automotive manufacturing facilities. According to the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Toyota plans to become the first in the industry to use advanced robots in all production processes, with the aim to cut production costs to levels comparable to those in China. The bipedal humanoid Partner Robot is similar in height and stature to Honda’s ASIMO and has human-like lips that allow it to play the trumpet." – Partner Robots v.1
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am i the asshole because i (nb20) don't want my parents to trade my car for a stick shift because my brother (m16) wants to learn how to drive stick because of his interest in formula 1?
i found out about this this morning when my dad came into my room to tell me, not talk to me, tell me about it. he said we're trading my 2005 toyota camry (which has been my baby since i learned how to drive, was my nonna's car before it was mine, and hasn't needed anything beyond a brake pad replacement/oil change since we've had it) for my uncle's 2009 honda accord that's a stick shift. they're doing this because my brother developed a special interest in formula 1 three years ago and has wanted to learn how to drive stick since then.
my brother and i share the 2005 camry, and for the sake of complete transparency, i go to school out of state and only drive it when i'm home, but i feel like i'm home enough to warrant at least having a say in this. i don't know how to drive stick. i don't want to learn how to drive stick. i think it's obsolete, more dangerous, and would be nothing but another layer of shit both of our autistic asses have to think about while driving. if he wants to learn how to drive stick when he's an adult with a fully formed brain that's good and fine, but i don't see how it's fair or safe that i would need to as well when i have no interest and neither of us have a need to do that. they've never once indulged a special interest of mine at this level. in fact, if a special interest of mine has effected my brother/the household at all, they've actively discouraged it. i'm not saying they have to indulge my interests, but i feel completely sidelined and left out of this decision that would impact me in a huge way.
in all fairness, my mom is on my side with this, which does mean a lot to me and has kept me from having a full blown freakout. but i felt the need to submit something because i can't tell if i'm now the one discouraging my little brother who i adore the same way i was discouraged, or if i'm justified in feeling like this. aita?
What are these acronyms?
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rimouskis · 3 months
get to know me game (as tagged by @yippayappa [thank you!])
do you make your bed?
Every morning! It's one of those chores that once I got in the habit, I now cannot NOT make my bed. It's an essential part of the morning for me! Also perhaps I'm kind of a control freak about my space and having an unmade bed would drive me batty.
what's your job?
WELL I'm about to start a new job ahaha so my job is: new :) but honestly I've had a mildly interesting and unorthodox career path, and I've worked in kind of a lot of "industries" for someone my age. There have been some weird vaults that look peculiar on my resume until I explain them. Jack of all trades, master of none, perhaps?
if you could go back to school, would you?
If it was free? Sure! Yes! I think...
can you parallel park?
I mean, yes. Can I parallel park WELL? that... is up for debate.
do you think aliens are real?
Statistically speaking I think it would be very, very unlikely no other life exists in the universe. Of course that life could be, like, amoebas jiggling around on a rock somewhere. I don't really buy into the idea that intergalactic space travel has been conducted by an advanced alien species, but I think life of some sort MUST exist out there!
can you drive a manual car?
No. My dad tried to teach me with his old Honda accord and I gave up after a single lesson lol
guilty pleasure?
You're scrolling it, baby!
No because I'm a sensitive baby with commitment issues :)
favorite color?
green 4 eva, baby!
favorite type of music?
I recently impressed a new friend with my varied taste in music 😌 I literally listen to bits and pieces of everything. Top 40 pop, rap, hip hop, rock, country, classical, hyperpop, metal, folk, alt/indie, electronic, synth-pop, tons of 90s rock (thanks dad)........ I like a LOT of stuff. There is so much good music in the world!
I've been really enjoying the new charli xcx album. However, I think my heart belongs to rock. I know I've hawked this artist a lot in the last year, but in my defense I've seen him twice in the last six months and he's a hell of a performer. So go listen to Des Rocs:)
do you like puzzles?
Depends. Can I solve them? Then I like them. Are they notoriously difficult and annoying and I can't figure them out? Then I cast them into the depths hahaha
any phobias?
Dead bodies. Can't be near them. Every funeral I've been to has been a careful act of avoiding the casket. It's like... the only bone-deep "my body literally will not allow me to get closer" fear I have.
favorite childhood sport?
I was a softball girlie for the longest, but I also enjoyed dance a ton while I did it!!! I played soccer, tennis, volleyball, and gymnastics when I was younger though, haha. My parents just threw us at the local rec center all summer long.
do you talk to yourself?
Rarely. Usually only when I do something stupid and I just say my own name in an appalled tone, haha
tea or coffee?
neither:) one tastes like bitter beans and the other tastes like bitter leaves
first thing you wanted to be be when growing up?
I think a spy 😂 I was SO into the Alex Rider novels as a kid.
what movies do you adore?
The Princess Bride, Twilight, Robots (2005), and Top Gun: Maverick are some of my favorites!
Tagging @horkey @ticklefighthockey @yabagofmilfs @timbitshockey @goofingup @simmyfrobby @icedbatik @idontlikeem and... whoever else would like to partake!
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bleachbleachbleach · 6 months
Hi, guys! I was wondering, what are your favourite Bleach intros and why? Genuinely curious about this
@whipplefilter: I'm a fake fan and don't have strong attachments to any of the Bleach music, but looking back through my off-the-top-of-my-head faves, they all have two things in common! They all have some kind of engagement with urban environments, and they all prominently feature Matsumoto. Which, like, very on brand of me, albeit unconsciously!
Top Fave: Ranbu No Melody - SID
AKA what we here at B3 call "the marble OP." I know it's the hougyoku, whatever. I'm into the experimental, subject-less first third of this OP, though, which is just a series of urban environmental shots, shown first in full and then with an overlay reminiscent of a film negative. The intensity/gravity/bananasness of having moved and replaced Karakura with Fake Karakura is minimized in the story itself, but I feel like it comes roaring in this OP, and I love it.
And then we have this GORGEOUS shot of Matsumoto (crying over Ichimaru's dead body), which is beautifully rendered and also makes my heart hurt for her. And I think it's cool that it plays forwards and also judders backwards--there's a destabilzation of time/affect happening that intrigues.
Also, I actually do like the song itself! The refrain as the imagery changes from urban stills to character motion makes my heart flutter.
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2nd Place: Rolling Star - YUI
Nothing but wins here, honestly. More Matsumoto, and Ichimaru's representative ghost holding her in a strangling embrace. (Her hair also seems a bit shorter than usual, so either it's caught up in the way his body is pressing against her back, or it's from an earlier point in canon--either reading delights me.)
Then we have Ichigo manspreading in a hipster loft/cafe and the Advance Team in a different industrial hipster cafe, with RENJI AND HIS HAT, and it's all gold. (Not pictured but imminently entering the third screenshot is Matsumoto, just to note the Matsumoto quotient required of all my fave OPs.)
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3rd Place: Shoujo S - SCANDAL
I mostly like this one because it's the "Dancing Girls OP," and I especially love Orihime and Rukia dancing their duet, because the physicality of their bodies and movements brings out the ways they contrast and complement each other.
But the "Shinigami in Random Urban Settings" motif isn't to be slept on here, either! LOOK, IT'S SASAKIBE POSING WITH SOMEONE'S LAUNDRY. YAMAMOTO WITH A VENDING MACHINE.
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@ippoddity Ngl I am not good at remembering OPs off the top of my head and I also don’t have any strong attachments to any of them, because I never watched Bleach while it was airing. I also don’t know the names of any of these songs, I only know them by nicknames LOL.
For some reason, my top favs also align pretty closely with my co-blogger’s. I’ve been sitting here just trying to bring OPs to mind, and the "Marble OP" is one of the most memorable. I’ll also always remember “Hitsugaya Cafe”, because we spent a long time trying to color match Renji’s hat. (whipple: I could not for the life of me find the additional version where actual color balancing was involved, though you'd think it'd be a reblog of that post or at least appear in the archive around the same time. Choosing to believe Tumblr deleted it out of Hatgate censorship!!) “Dancing Girls” will always be a fav, because I think this was one of the first times I tried to make a GIF? And it was simply because I love everyone in their girl group era.
chAngE - miwa
I also have to give a shoutout to this song, because it is one of the few OPs that I know how it goes off the top of my head. The animation is also gorgeous and has a lot of fun action shots!
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STARS - w.o.d
I will admit that I didn’t really like the song itself when it was first introduced, but it really grew on me over time. Plus, I really love the animation. It’s such a fun modern AU. I mean, who can resist Ichigo wielding a double-necked guitar like he’s going to bludgeon someone with it?
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franklycharmed · 2 months
There as a cat, Frankie knew, trapped in a box. He was sort of alive but also sort of not, no one was sure which one. He had a German name, or was that his owner?
She picked up her highball glass, the sunset of Long Island iced tea sloshing around in it as her mouth fished for her straw without looking. Her eyes were on the fuzzy TVs over the bar, basketball on one, football on the other, but her sight was miles away, warily taken in a sprawling stone estate.
This cat, S- something, Siegfried she would call him– Frankie pinched a few peanuts from the dusty glass dish on the sticky bar top –he was alive and dead, but not a zombie, and so long as no one opened the box, no one had to deal with this sad, dead cat.
Chewing on stale peanuts, she set the glass back down, careful to avoid placing the wet rim on the half-opened envelope waiting expectantly before her. Siegfried was in there.
Several drinks and a shot later, Frankie had her hand underneath a worn Browns t-shirt and her mouth on a man with an awful taste in football teams. She didn't know his name, but strangers were just friends you hadn't gotten a chance to know yet.
He pressed her closer to the wall opposite the bathrooms, crinkling the envelope stuffed into the back pocket of her low-rise jeans. She moved from his mouth to his ear and nibbled on it thoughtfully before pulling away, her gaze settling on his face somewhere close enough to his eyes to count. She was ninety percent sure they were a sexy blue. "But if you don't open it, you won't know if Siegfried is alive."
He blinked, looking not at her eyes, but her chest. Which, totally fair. "What?"
She tilted her head back, her breasts forward. "The German cat," Frankie giggled. "He could be totally alive and have forgiven you." Browns-fan dipped down to kiss at her neck, and she lifted her chin to let him, jostling the brandname beer prints framed on the wall with the back of her head. "Maybe he doesn't want to like, sue you. Maybe he loves you and just wants you to come home. But you have to open the box."
"Uh, yeah, I love cats," her new friend said, and began sucking a hickey onto her collarbone.
Frankie sighed. "Me too."
Red-mouthed with several blossoming bruises along her neck and chest, Frankie stared at her fragmented reflection in the cracked bathroom mirror.
"You can do this."
She could see her lips moving, but she didn't feel the conviction the words were meant to carry. She felt tired and anxious, like crashing down from a high. She looked down at the stained, crumpled envelope in her white-knuckled grip. She tapped at it with a chipped acrylic nail.
"It's won't be that bad. It'll be really good actually!"
God, she was going to barf.
Oh. No. Seriously.
She stumbled into the stall just in time to vomit into a toilet that had seen better days. When you were alone, there was never someone to hold back your hair. Tears sprung up at the edge of her eyes, being sick always made her want to cry.
After heaving twice more, she settled cross-legged on the discolored linoleum. She picked up the envelope and without hesitating, tore open the rest of the seal. The crisp, cream parchment that fell out was heavy in her hands where her head felt light.
It wasn't Richard's handwriting.
She did cry then, a sniffling, brush away snot with the heel of your hand, mascara slowly running affair. She very nearly tossed the letter into the toilet along with her sick, and once she finally read the letter, she desperately wished she had.
Several days, a broken down Honda Accord she never should have bought, a missed ceremony she refused to acknowledge, and misplaced faith and trust in Greyhound Lines, Inc. later, Frankie knew she was somewhere between Syracuse and Bolton. Not in what was now home and not where home used to be.
Eventually, they would reach Bolton. The bus doors would open and she would have to choose one reality or the other. Woodrow House or a bus ride straight back to Ohio. Her last meeting with Richard or–
Frankie's hand, previously twisting a strand of hair round and round her finger, froze, dropped limply into her lap. She leaned her forehead against the cool window; it had rained for the past hour, frosting the glass with condensation. After a moment, she lifted her finger again, idly tracing hearts into the window.
There was a game they would all play on campout nights: Picnic. Richard would always start, "I'm going on a picnic, and I'm bringing..." The rest of the House would have to guess what the secret rule was based on the items he listed.
Frankie turned the rhythm of it over now in her head. She couldn't go exactly where she had planned to go before, that event she couldn't name, because it hadn't happened. Or maybe it had. She hadn't been there, so how could she know?
She taped the box closed.
"I'm going to a reunion," she sing-songed under her breath, "and I'm bringing twenty bucks, a bottle of tequila, and an Ohio driver's license."
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yisanged · 4 months
i like how this song sounds the guitar bwah but more importantly i resonate with the "in my 2005 honda civic" line because my mom drives a 2007 honda accord which is close enough and it's gonna be mine once i get my license. l literally am this guy basically
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waru-chan8 · 2 years
Coming here so that I’m not flooding racingmuppett’s notifications since I have another question.
What’s the deal with Dani and Puig?? I know almost all fans dislike him. I’ve heard things of him supposedly pushing Marc too hard, but Marc had a lot of praise for him in the Honda video highlighting his role (I know he wasn’t going to sit there and trash on him, but the praises seemed different). And I’ve heard things of him pushing Dani out??
I don't think they mind their inbox flooding. But happy to be considered for historic ask!
What's the deal with Dani and Puig?? Where do I start? Their relationship goes back a long way. In fact, people will say (Puig including) that Dani owns his career to Puig. Dani started his racing life in mini-bikes/pocket bikes (those small bikes, I'm not sure the name in English). He actually manages to win the Spanish championship on his first try. Dani's parents could not afford to pay for a 125cc bike, so Dani gave up and was going to focus on bicycles, until he was informed about a new promotion cup.
The 'Moviestar Joven Activa Cup' was a promotion cup organized by DORNA and in front of the project they have put an ex-rider Alberto Puig. Dani was too young for it. He was 13 and a half (1999), and they asked for the 'riders' to be at least 14 years old, and he didn't know how to use the gears. Despite all of that, Dani was selected because Puig was impressed because Dani decided to put a personal dossier with all his wins and photos with the application. So Puig asked Ezpeleta and they both agree to bend the rules, so Dani could get in the cup. Dani was selected after the bike's test (spoiler, the bike was too big and everyone was questioning (even Puig at some point) if Dani was suited to be there). Dani was not the fastest out there, but despite that, Alberto chose him because he saw the lines the kid was choosing on track. Puig went with a 'gut feeling' and choose Dani among other rider to be part of the cup.
According to Dani, the top-3 riders from the Moviestar Joven Activa Cup (1999) were going to move on to the CEV (Spanish Velocity Championship), which now is the Junior Championship. Dani finished in 8th position, so he was supposed to do another year in the cup. Puig decided that Dani was going to be the 3rd rider for the Moviestar team, and he didn't care about the protest or breaking the law. (Puig's word about this 'I broke twice the laws with Dani and I was concerned, but I also was concerned because I knew I was gonna break the law').
At the end of the first year (2000), Dani finished in 4th position in the CEV, and his teammates finished 1 and 2. In 2001, the Moviestar team debuted in the championship, it was supposed to be Tony Elias and the 2 best riders of the CEV team, Dani was not gonna join the team. But guess what? Yes, Puig acted again! At this point, everyone knew that Dani was Puig's project/Dani was Puig's protégé. Puig become Dani's manager in 2006.
In 2005, Dani described Puig as his best friend, but something happened between that moment and the end of 2013. I think their relationship become a bit colder or maybe it was Dani thinking he needed a change, but Dani fired Puig as his manager. I think it has to do with Dani being in the official team and being outshone by his teammates. In 2011, it was supposed to be Dani's championship and his teammate, Casey Stoner won it. And then 2012 it was the closest he was to be world champion, but Jorge took it. And then in 2013, his rookie teammate Marc Márquez won in a bike that was supposed to suit Dani's riding style. There's this article (it's in Spanish) that says Puig moved to a HRC role in the promotion cups, but apparently Dani fired him as a manager and Honda wanted to keep him around.
In 2018, Puig become Repsol Honda's team manager. There are articles that say he really tried to help both Dani and Marc as the bike was one of the most difficult to ride, but at the end of the year, Puig choose Jorge Lorenzo instead of keeping Dani. The same Jorge Lorenzo, who has been Dani's biggest rival, and the same rider Puig was not a fan of. Some people say he did it because Puig was pissed with Dani firing him as his manager. Anyway, Puig talked dirty about Dani once Pedrosa retired from MotoGP. He just implied that Dani threw away all his chances of getting the MotoGP title once he was not there to supervise him.
There's also the test rider contract thing. Apparently Honda and Puig offered it to Dani, but Pedrosa rejected it and choose KTM and it's a big question mark. I can't remember the year when it was, but was already with Marc in Honda, Dani accepted a considerable reduction in his salary to stay loyal with Honda, despite other teams offering more money. So again, why did he choose to say 'no' to the team and manufacturer he has worked all his life? There were rumours saying that the test rider offer from Honda was fake, or that Dani and Puig relationship was so broken that Dani just jumped out of the boat.
Why people do not like Puig? Maybe it's his attitude. He is a brash person, and he goes to the media and lie to them. It's also the way Honda has acted and destroyed riders' life since he arrived.
In 2019, Jorge was Marc's teammate and it was one of Jorge's worst season ever. It was so bad that Lorenzo decided to retire after a big crash and a back injury.
In 2020 Cal was supposed to be Marc's teammate, so Álex had an easier time at Honda without the pressure of his brother as a teammate. Cal refused because he did not want to change his crew. Álex debuted as Marc teammate, and Honda did not renew Cal's contract. Yes, Honda butted him out. It's true that Cal was already thinking about retirement, but Honda never sit and talked with him. Instead of keeping Álex, who had a podium in 2020, at the Repsol Honda Team, Puig went fishing and choose Pol as Marc's teammate and 'demoted' Álex to the LCR team. I want to note that Álex was supposed to start there, but he was already in the manufacturer seat, he could have stayed.
In 2021-2022 Pol was miserable, Álex was miserable and Puig and Honda did terrible. I know that's not Puig's fault, but his job is to protect and make the rider's happy with the bike, and he can't do that. Honda has been erratic and Puig is the visible face of that. He can't make the factory listen to the riders when Marc is not there and his job is actually that, make the rider's voice be heard. Honda is a sinking ship since he got there, and it's not completely his fault.
About him pushing Marc? I'm not a Marc fan nor a Honda and let alone Puig's one so I don't know about that. But what I know is that Honda is dependent of Marc and the only thing Puig did well was to actually prevent Honda to push Marc. He gave Marc the space to heal and take his own decisions regardless of the eye and arm. He did the same for Jorge too. Jorge was supposed to do 2 years with them, but allowed him to retire. I guess he is not so bad after all.
I think I'm not forgetting anything. Please people feet free to add stuff or correct me if I'm wrong.
Sources all in Spanish, sorry. Pedrosa, elegido para ganar. This is a documentary based on Dani's history up to 2003. From there is where I got most of the info and is told by Dani, Dani's parents and Puig. If anyone wants to see a young Dani and can set a VPN to a Spanish location, please watch it. https://www.rtve.es/play/videos/programa/pedrosa-elegido-para-ganar/596134/ (I think Videopass has it too). Puig as a talent recruiter for Honda: https://www.mundodeportivo.com/20131203/motociclismo/alberto-puig-y-dani-pedrosa-se-separan_54394774398.html Dani fires Puig + Nasty comments: https://www.diariodeleon.es/articulo/motogp/pedrosa-todo-piensa-puig-tenia-haber-dicho-cara/201812161951511815818.html
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realcarreviews · 2 years
2005 Honda Accord
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This was my first car so its my first review. 
Mine looked sorta like this one I guess. I dont really remember too well but it was the same sorta gray metallic color. I think the color of my car was called meteorite or some weird closeted-esque thing like that. Like you know just a little fruity but wears khakis and sketchers. These are really about as generic as you can get. This car has “love listening to music” in its tinder bio. Associates of Liberal arts ass car. 3.0 gpa no extracurriculars ass car. “I can only draw stick figures” ass car. 
I got mine during my junior year of highschool from my dad. It was a 5 speed manual 4 cylinder making, according to wikipedia, “ 161 hp (120 kW) and 160 lb⋅ft (217 N⋅m)”. Nothing crazy, I remember it used to shake a lot when it got up to like 75-80 mph. That was probably cause I was a kid and didnt maintain it well but who knows. Its for sure one of the cars of all time. For a car, it can drive, reverse, go forward, and if you have a manual, you can shift gears as well.  
I probably loved it at the time and I do have a lot of fond memories of it. It was perfect for highschool me, but I never had a whole lot of fun with it. Theres not really much to say about this car honestly. They’re about as mid as you can get for a car. I beat mine up using it for pizza delivery, it broke down on me a few times. Once the clutch broke while I was on the job. Another time it was 1 am and I was driving with my friend. I was taking a left turn when suddenly it slammed into the ground. My front right axle broke mid turn and sent my front wheel grinding into the street. I remember when I got out to see what happened I heard an evil witches laugh somewhere in the distance. I mean a real like witchlaugh.mp3 ass laugh. Fuckin halloween decoration ass laugh. So if you have one of these watch out for witches I guess. It seems to be a very cursable car. Mine eventually died becuase I didn’t put coolant in it and the head gasket blew. So you do need to maintain them which is weird for a Honda.
All this being said this is a fine car. If you need a car and can find one for cheap it’ll work. You wont stand out or win any races but who cares. It’ll get you there. Thats all that really matters. The manual transmissions for these are easy to work. Nice and rubbery, easy operation and fast enough to merge into traffic reliably.
-Its a honda, cheap to maintain and repair. 
-Its a car.
-good turning radius actually
-Witches will curse this one.
-You have to put coolant in it or it will break (abnormal)
-A girl who I dated one time said it was the best looking car in the senior lot and she was wrong about that. I took her to prom but we only ever kissed. Im more gay now thank god.
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clydebravo14 · 1 day
FCC OUCG8D-380H-A Remote key 3 button with panic 313.8Mhz/315Mhz ID46/ID13 Chip for 2003-2010 Honda Accord Element CR-V P/N 35118-SDA-A11 35111-S9A-305
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FCC OUCG8D-380H-A Remote key 3 button with panic 313.8Mhz/315Mhz ID46/ID13 Chip for 2003-2010 Honda Accord Element CR-V P/N 35118-SDA-A11 35111-S9A-305
(1) Part number: 35118-SDA-A11
Frequency: 313.8Mhz 315mhz
FCC: OUCG8D-380H-A Chip: ID46
work on: 2003-2007 Honda Accord   2010-2010  Honda Element
(2) Part number: 35111-S9A-305
Frequency: 313.8Mhz 315mhz
FCC: OUCG8D-380H-A Chip: ID13
work on: 2005-2006 Honda CR-V
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ujjinatd · 15 days
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¿Cómo se compara un Honda Accord híbrido 2023 con la primera edición lanzada en 2005? ... https://ujjina.com/como-se-compara-un-honda-accord-hibrido-2023-con-la-primera-edicion-lanzada-en-2005/?feed_id=755125&_unique_id=66dc44f0d5095
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alianoralacanta · 21 days
Guide to F1 Part 3: Teams (22/11/2007)
Warning! Long entry alert!
Context: As part of the three-part series for rookies, I went into something of a classification of teams, along with the purpose of each type. The purpose of each category has changed little. Who is on each has not. Now, the classification is:
Manufacturer A-teams: Ferrari, McLaren, Mercedes, Alpine (until the end of 2025), Audi (from 2026), Aston Martin. Manufacturer B-teams: None currently. Alfa Romeo (mid-2016-2023) was somewhere between this and "Corporate A-team".
Corporate A-teams: Red Bull, Alpine (from 2026), Sauber (until the end of 2025), Williams, Haas. Between 2008 and 2023, there was also 1Malaysia/Lotus/Caterham (2010-2014), Virgin (2010)/Marussia (2011-2015 - Marussia claimed to also be a car manufacturer but the nearest it got to actually making a car was the one in computer game "Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2012)")
Corporate B-teams: Alpha Tauri.
Privateers: None currently. Teams that have been privateers after this point but no longer are: McLaren (until Bahrain's Mumtalakat fund fully took it over on 22 March 2024), Williams (until it was sold to Dorilton in 2019), Hispania/HRT (2010-2012), Manor (2015-2016, after it was rescued from administration by John Booth and Graeme Lowden, then sold to Stephen Fitzpatrick), Sauber (from 2010 when Peter Sauber re-purchased the team he founded from BMW, until it was sold to Longbow Finance in mid-2016). F1 did not take my argument about the importance of privateers seriously (which did not surprise me - apart from anything else, I argued it on a blog rather than, for instance, to Bernie Ecclestone's face).
In Formula 1, there are a number of teams (currently 11 or 12, depending on whether you believe Prodrive will make it onto the grid). Each team has a different approach to racing and therefore its own group of supporters. In this part of the guide, I intend to give a description of what each key category of team is like.
Manufacturer A-teams
Current member(s) of this group: Renault, Honda, Toyota, BMW, Ferrari, McLaren*
These teams currently form the core of F1's teams. They aren't really in it for the racing, they're there because they want to increase the sales and/or profile of their cars.
Manufacturers come and go according to how F1 fits into their plans. On most occasions, they supplied works engines with perhaps one or two manufacturers trying F1 as a whole-team effort at a time.
The exception to this rule is Ferrari - in fact it is the exception to a lot of rules one might make about manufacturers. It's the only team to have been there since F1's inception in 1950. It is also the only manufacturer that didn't start off as a manufacturer. Enzo Ferrari only started to make and sell road cars in order to finance his team's motor sport activities. All other manufacturers are car salespeople first, racers second.
The manufacturers' current simultaneous occupancy of F1 began in 1999 with Honda's aborted attempt to enter F1 as its own team. Then Jaguar bought the Stewart privateer team, Renault bought Benetton (a corporate team which had itself bought privateer team Toleman in 1986) and Toyota created a new team from scratch. Honda eventually joined in when it bought corporate team BAR at the end of 2005, at the same time as BMW bought privateer team Sauber.
However, their participation has not been without tension. In 2004, they threatened to create a splinter series to satisfy their ambitions (in reality these were to deprive Bernie of some of his income and to get themselves out from under some of the more onerous engine rules - actions they thought suited their bottom lines). This failed, but the three years of arguments it took for the FIA and Bernie to subdue the series made for an ugly political atmosphere.
In case you're wondering, I've asterisked McLaren because it is partly owned by a manufacturer (Mercedes) and partly by private individuals who are in it for the racing (chief among them being Ron Dennis). Therefore McLaren is unique in straddling the privateer and manufacturer categories.
Manufacturer B-teams
Current member(s) of this group: Super Aguri
This is a new concept in a sense, for Super Aguri represents the first time a manufacturer has had two works teams. However, it used to be very common for a team that designed its own cars to sell some to smaller teams. The first race of 1970, for instance, featured five March cars.
Super Aguri was started from scratch in twelve weeks flat at the end of 2005. While its initial purpose was to save face over the dismissal of Takuma Sato (a fast driver, but rather erratic at the time), it has also caused quite a stir. This year, the B-team was faster than the Honda A-team for most of the season.
Apart from the risk of being embarrassed by the B-team, the A-team runs other risks. Resourcing a B-team effectively is very expensive, which is why B-teams could only be done properly during a time of financial plenty such as the current one. In leaner times, it is also the first thing to lose its resources - as Super Aguri found out when Honda was suddenly reluctant to let it have the front wings it wanted for Spa 2007…
There is controversy attached to the B-team concept, too. In the current version of the concept, it requires that the A-team gives the B-team a customer car. That is to say, the B-team doesn't design the car - the A-team does. Some teams think it's very important that all teams in F1 design their own cars for reasons of sporting purity. Other teams disagree, and argue that customer cars would save money for the poorer teams that need that sort of help the most. It doesn't help that the current regulations are ambiguous about this point.
Corporate teams
Current member(s) of this group: Red Bull, Toro Rosso, Force India
These are teams run by organisations that are not racing teams, but not car manufacturers either. They share with the manufacturers the goal of improving the sales and/or profile of their products. However, their efforts are more blatantly marketeering-based, since there is no possibility of developing things relevant to their core product in F1, something that some manufacturers assert they do while in F1. While this is historically based on truth (particularly for Ferrari and other sports car manufacturers), nowadays the road-relevance effect is more limited, even if Max Mosley claims his current rules will change that.
The current batch of corporate teams are all fairly recent. At the end of 2004, Jaguar was bought by Red Bull. The year after that, Red Bull also bought Minardi, which they named Toro Rosso (because that's Italian for Red Bull and Minardi are based in Faenza, Italy). Force India is the newest name in F1, arising because Vijay Mallya, a prominent Indian businessman, bought Spyker in September 2007.
Force India are the only team on the grid to have been a privateer (Jordan), a manufacturer (Spyker) and a corporate team (twice - Midland and Force India). If you get the impression that its ownership has been slightly unstable in the recent past, you'd be right.
Current member(s) of this group: McLaren*, Williams, Prodrive (if it gets into F1 this year)
The traditional core of F1 and motor sport in general, the privateers are sadly not as numerous as they once were. Formula 1 costs got completely crazy in the last 20 years. It is no coincidence that McLaren and Williams were founded in 1978 and 1980 respectively. Prodrive isn't on the grid yet, but in theory it should be. In theory…
Privateers are absolutely necessary because they are the only category of team that stick it out in F1 through thick and thin. Such teams are still the mainstay of many other series, and yet F1 has been oddly lukewarm about them of late.
The rate of F1 inflation is ridiculous, and has been for a while. Since privateers are dependent on sponsors to fund their efforts, they are the first to feel the effects when F1 gets too expensive for its own good. When the manufacturers entered F1 en masse as full team efforts in the early 2000s, their boards were able to finance their teams to a great extent. Also, their international corporate cachet was far more attractive to sponsors than motorsport-only privateer squads. This led to a polarisation of sponsorship funding. There was much talk about making F1 a friendlier place for privateers, but nothing meaningful was done. As a result, nearly all the privateers have gone bust or been obliged to sell out.
You may have noticed from the previous sections that the vast majority of the teams began as privateers. The privateers were traditionally the ones that gave new drivers and engineers their start in the F1 world. They would then (often) be given money by the larger teams and manufacturers in return for them moving up the ladder. Then they were the roots from which manufacturers could develop their campaigns. Now that there are so few privateers left, and little sign that the powers-that-be realise how important they are to F1's well-being, it is unclear what will underpin F1's future.
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saintlaurentproblems · 2 months
I need advice guys!! All the cars I’ve ever owned have been ones I payed in cash. One of them It was hand downed from my sister.
They’ve all been pretty old. Like 2005-2006.
I currently drive a 2006 Toyota Corolla that has 109k miles. I bought it off an older man for 7k.
It had 80k miles when I bought. It’s been giving me problems the last year. I recently fixed it this pay weekend. Now, there’s another problem.
I went to a tuffys and they said they want to charge me 900 to fix the problem. The front passenger strut is blown badly.
I’d have to fix it to sell it. I just don’t know if I could afford to pay in car In payments. I’ve never had to make car payments. But I am tired of fixing the Toyota Corolla. I’m wasting money I shouldn’t be wasting tbh.
Any advice? Help a sister out plsss 😫😫
If you sold it how much would you get for it? Would it make sense to lease a Toyota or Honda instead??? Btw I drove a Honda accord in college and LOVED IT!
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tumblesdownhill · 2 months
2005 Honda Accord Coupe V6 Automatic. The official car of not coming out of the closet because you don't want to be an inconvenience. Official car of staying away from alcohol because you know that once you start liking the taste you will fall into alcoholism. Official car of swearing you're not a normie Honda boy since your car has a V6 instead of an i4 while secretly wanting to turbo it like it's a b16. Official car of pretending the 5 speed auto isn't a slushy time bomb just like the straight mask you live behind. Official car of wanting to be a top but accepting that you will be bottoming in your first actual homosexual experience.
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az-parts-now · 3 months
This genuine part is produced in Honda auto parts factory, so we guarantee high quality spare accessories that is affordable, reliable and built to last on Honda cars. AZpartsnow.com is your prime online source with the biggest and best selection of genuine Honda parts and accessories at giant discounted prices. We have all genuine OEM Honda parts and accessories you need at the wholesale prices. AZpartsnow.com has you covered no matter what type of Honda vehicle you drive.
Part No.: 14120PPA010, 14120-PPA-010
Parts Description: Honda Acura Genuine Exhaust Camshaft Ex RSX Civic Si Element Accord CR-V.
Interchange OE: 14120-PNA-020, 14120-PNA-010, 14120-PPA-000, 14120-RAH-H00, 14120PNA020, 14120PNA010, 14120PPA000, 14120RAHH00
Weight: 1.50 kgs.
Packing Size: ‎20.79 x 2.72 x 2.6 inches.
Condition: New Genuine
Fitment Type: Direct Replacement
Warranty: This genuine Porsche part is guaranteed by Honda's Factory warranty
Shipping & Return: Shipping Policy, Return Policy
This part fits 2003-2005 Honda Accord, 2002-2006 Honda CR-V, 2002-2005 Honda Civic, 2003-2006 Honda Element.
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