#Horus Lupercal x reader
ms--lobotomy · 2 days
“Yeet a plunger at Horus’s head. 100 points if you get it to stick on first try. The prize is my respect.”
Get bent bald boy
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Summary: You attempt to earn Sanguinius's respect.
Word Count: 717
Content Warnings: dumbassery, 40kness,
Image Credit: @squishyowl
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Your legs swung off the table, over the wooden floor as you looked at him incredulously. "What?" you asked, tilting your head. He wasn't in his regular armor; he had on a golden robe with a leather bag. "What are you--why points?" Your mouth hung open slightly as you looked up at him and he smirked down at you, his mouth revealing sharp fangs. "Where am I going to find a toilet plunger, anyways?"
Sanguinius reached into his bag. Out came a toilet plunger, just small enough for you to hold. He knelt down and handed it to you, and you loosely wrapped your hands around it before looking back up at him.
"Horus will be here any minute," he whispered. "You're going to need to find a good hiding place. I can distract him, if you want."
"Why am I doing this?" you asked, running your thumb up and down what little of the shaft you could.
"Don't you want 100 points?" he responded.
"100 points for what?"
You looked around the room for a place to hide, and found a nice little bookshelf. The manuscripts in High Gothic were pretty, and you almost felt bad about using the bookshelf for such a prank. But you swallowed your pride and you looked back at Sanguinius, nodding sagely.
"I'll wait here," you said.
"Good," he replied before he heard a knock at the door. He made a motion, ushering you behind the bookshelf before he turned around and walked forwards. You shrunk behind the books, your eyes peeping through an opening as you held the plunger like a gun.
Horus walked through the door, his steps rumbling the ground underneath you. He wasn't in his armor either, instead opting for a simple linen shirt and leather pants. He smiled at Sanguinius, and Sanguinius fluffed his wings up. Sanguinius made eye contact with you and raised his eyebrows before turning back to Horus.
"Ah, Horus, it's lovely to see you today..."
You watched the two talk at each other about some sort of offensive, where Horus put a little device down on the table and the hologram of a planet showed up. Your muscles tensed. You never liked talk of planetary offenses or whatnot, your job was to document the goings-on of everyday life. Humanize them, a little bit. It was hard when they were talking about planets you'd never heard of, spoke in princely tongues you'd never heard, or even breathed while being 10 feet tall.
You gripped the plunger in your hands. That was all the more reason to lob it at Horus's bald head.
You crept to the side of the bookshelf, careful not to make a sound. Your feet slid against the ground as if to avoid stingrays. The two of them were still entrenched in conversation. Perfect. Horus was facing away from you now, and Sanguinius was at the other side of the table, able to see you but focusing on Horus.
You slid, and slid, before you heard a creak from under you. The floorboard was loose. As soon as Horus turned his head to look, you leapt out from behind the bookshelf, toilet plunger in hand.
"GET BENT, BALD BOY!" you shouted at the top of your lungs as you threw the plunger. It sailed past his head, onto the wall behind Sanguinius, who had begun to let out a belly laugh.
"Wh-" started Horus, looking around before he caught sight of you.
Sanguinius looked at you, merriment in his eyes. "He's such a big target! How could you have missed him?" he asked, leaning onto the table for support.
"I don't know!" you exclaimed as Horus reached over the table and yanked the plunger off of the wall. Some of the paint came off with it, leaving chips where it was.
"Nice throw," he commented, sticking his lower lip out a little as he nodded. "Shame it didn't land on my head."
"You don't need to rub it in..." you mumbled, your hand moving to your upper arm and rubbing slowly.
"Eh, there's always next time," Sanguinius smiled, taking the plunger from Horus's hand and sticking it on his forehead. "You look like a unicorn like this!" he exclaimed as Horus turned back to him.
"I should boil you."
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Tag List: @bispecsual @justeverythingnothingelse @bleedingichorhearts @nekotaetae @historitor-bookshelf
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moodymisty · 2 months
Would you be comfortable writing some courting headcanons for the primarchs?? Thank you!!
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Author's note: Here you go, they're sort of random but I hope you enjoy them.
Warnings: Fem!Reader for some like Lion’el because of words like Legion Mother, A few very slightly lewd remarks
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The primarch who out of all has most devoted himself to things like the arts is nothing short of overwhelming, when he first expressed his desire for you. Flowers, paintings, clothing, food, whatever it is you enjoy, all of it gets gifted to you with no small amount of theatrics. Though thankfully, Fulgrim knows when to turn it down a bit, and you can enjoy his company. Even then however he is still very intense, kisses on the hand, the lips, and gentle caresses abound as he woos you with his silver tongue. His legion is also one of the few who at the start know about Fulgrim's intentions, and actually takes it decently well. Far better than other legions, when finding out their Primarch is indulging in romance. You are the socialite, the shining star in a room and the talk of everyone there, and Fulgrim will have it no other way. But as much as he does all this, he finds it cute if you’re shy or nervous about it. Shyness isn’t in his dna, so he finds it very adorable. You often get purfumed, hand written letters when he is away. Fulgrim has quite the way with words, and many of them you’re glad the one who reads them are him and you.
He might be a petulant manchild at times, but when the mood strikes him Perturabo can be a bit softer. It helps that you're one of the few people he trusts, now that the two of you are so close. Though it may often be more trouble than it's worth, with how often his mood changes. Perturabo can go from lavishing you with Olympian clothes to sulking in his workshop for hours if not days, leaving you to eventually wander down there and find him, and bring him out of his petulant sulk. A gentle hand on his own, asking if he can explain to you what he’s working on tends to help. Perturabo also becomes very possessive of you, not long after he starts courting you. If Dorn, Sanguinius or Lorgar so much as look at you the wrong way, he's more than ready for a fight. He has one person in his life who hasn’t wronged him, who actually respects him, and he isn’t losing that. Those softer moments with him as he speaks of his plans for amphitheaters and bathhouses while you lay in his arms are worth it, however.
Lion’el Jonson:
Lion'el is, complicated. Part of him wonders how he even got here, something as frivolous as romance was never a significant part of his mind. But here he is. He can’t complain, as he’s become so used to you now that often times, his nose wrinkles anytime he’s away and casts sight on an empty bed. He doesn’t say anything about it, however. Part of him laments he isn't able to give you rides on horseback, as he's far outgrown the horses he rode in his younger years. Though he can walk beside you, even if his men think it's demeaning of his position. Is painfully blunt about some things, and extremely obtuse about others. He wishes to marry you? Blunt. You get a military parade dedicated to showing the galaxy the Dark Angels new Legion Mother with no warning. He wishes for you to wear the colors of his legion and match him so when you arrive on Terra everyone knows who you are with? Vague and obtuse, he will grunt about every option until you choose the one he likes.
Rogal Dorn:
As with all parts of his life, he's extremely stoic and at first, you don't think anything's changed. He's the type that listens to the things you talk about, and silently gives them to you. For instance as a newcomer to Inwit it's incredibly cold, but your current dress just doesn't cut it for the harsh wind and un-acclimated body. You find a new one on your bed three days later made perfect and exactly how you like it, but Dorn says nothing about it. Those few late night moments alone when he brings you into his office, and you sit at his desk while he works are some of his favorite. Dorn gets to feel you safe in his arms, and while he’ll never say it out loud, he is overwhelmed in his love for you. Does not tell any of his fellow primarchs about you. The day they realize Dorn has a beloved is a stressful one, they’re all sneaking around trying to get information about you, and Dorn almost has to lock you in his quarters and shoo them all away. Is surprising talkative in written word. His letters or anything else tend to be very long, talking about the ins and outs of his legion, and their current progress. You’ve never heard him talk half that much in person, it’s sweet. Though once in a while those letters can get a bit salacious; And Dorn is nothing if not detailed.
Leman Russ:
This man's declaration that he wanted to court you was as brash and blunt as he is. You're pretty sure he was half way into sleeping with how drunk he was at the time, a massive hand on your shoulder as he smiles with a red face. Granted when he sobered up he was far more, romantic about it. By his standards. He still stunk of mjød, but at least he held your hand. From that moment on however Russ isn't a man shy of showing off, and wastes no opportunity to plop you in his lap and give you a kiss, pick you up off the ground, or say something far too inappropriate for the current locale. Whether it's day two or day two hundred, he finds keeping himself off of you too much trouble. He’s the type to make others turn away with how overt his affection is. Every one of his kisses and hugs feel like he’s treating it as the last one he’ll ever do. Loves when you comb and braid his hair. It takes awhile and he has no patience for it, but he enjoys when you do it.
Ferrus Manus:
As a recurring theme with all of these, Ferrus finds it a bit hard to show how he feels. While he has moments where he cracks a smile, often times he’s largely stoic. As such, he never really asked you to be with him, it was something that simply progressed overtime. He doesn’t invite you into his quarters and his bed if you aren’t his beloved, he assumes it wouldn’t take a genius to figure that out. Late night workshop time is a must. Ferrus can spend days in there with no issue, and oftentimes you have to come and climb into his lap if you want any time with him at all. He doesn’t mind as as long as you’re quiet; Though over time he’s begun to enjoy explaining his plans to you if you aren’t asleep. If you are asleep, sometimes he gets a bit emotional and talks or thinks to himself. He never thought he’d have someone like you when he lived on Medusa, he just needed to survive. Is actually somewhat hesitant when you first are together. Ferrus is well aware of his size (both out and in the bedroom, or any other local where he deems sex a daring and intriguing idea), and often tries to be quite gentle. It took a bit of coaxing to finally treat you like you weren’t made of glass. You get surprise gifts from Fulgrim at times. Some are sweet; Some are… They’re hidden until Ferrus returns from where ever he’s currently away to at the time and you can surprise him.
The same as Fulgrim; Excessive and grandiose, but unlike Fulgrim, there's a tad more subtlety to it. But only a tad. Horus still is eager to show off the love of his life (and so much more that he’s kept just in his head shh), but he’s aware that sometimes you require a bit more subtlety. For a primarch, he’s quite the romantic. Though there’s only so much you can do when you have thousands of gene-sons waiting on orders and don’t exactly get why their primarch is holding your tiny hand and helping you walk down the thunderhawk’s ramp. You can do it yourself, they think. He can also be quite a bit grandiose in the theoretical sense. Horus seems to have your entire future together planned, and he’ll speak it to you during very late nights with stars in his eyes. To marry you, to bring you into his legion as the mother of his gene-sons, to give you your own child one day. He’s more than a bit overwhelming, but it helps he’s so charismatic.
I... I hope you're patient. Angron isn’t one that is fond of things like romance. For multiple reasons. One being that it brings him pain because of the Nails, and the other being that in many ways, he doesn’t feel like he deserves it. He’s a slave, he’s a monster, he’s a man who failed his people, men like him don’t get to have someone like you. But you stay anyways despite the fear of him loosing control of the Nails, and eventually Angron supposes that there’s more annoying people to have around. He’s far more applicable to this in his early days. The Nails haven’t degraded his mental state yet, and his legion is still fresh faced and eager to prove their worth. If Angron accepts you, they will as well then. The downside is that many of the primarchs worry about Angron’s relationship and subsequent attachment to you, and the danger it brings. Some for your safety, but mostly for the fact that now that Angron is so deeply attached, if something were to happen to you it would well be within the possibility that Angron would completely loose control of the Nails, and become an unstoppable threat that would have to be put down. On the other hand, it seems that you can calm him down a bit, as much as the Nails will allow, something that not many are able to do. A double edged sword, your love is to him. Often times you have to restrain him during anything, strenuous. It’s for your own safety, though it seems like Angron doesn’t hate it either.
Roboute Guilliman:
The most traditional out of them all. He follows the 'rules' so strictly you have wonder if he's following some sort of manuscript. Your relationship progresses at a very methodical pace, which is a bit odd but you find it oddly sweet he puts so much thought into it. He does little more than hold your hand, kisses and anything heavier are strictly private; If it wasn't for the longing, puppy dog look in his eyes, no one would guess you two were anything more. He's not overt about it like Horus or Fulgrim, but you are still absolutely smothered in gifts. From jewelry to clothing to weird purfumes he's been gifted by high lords attempting to earn his favor through you (Guilliman has made it very obvious that he's not the type to be swayed by gifts but they hope you are and will put in a good word with your beloved), you quickly find yourself constantly or the receiving end of some sort of lavish gift. Roboute is very much in love, it's just hard for him to admit it. As you come to understand his own little love language is the day he's a very happy man. On a bonus note: It is very easy to get this man to completely melt for you. If it’s been a stressful time for him and he’s stressed, giving him a bit of a hand will make him a bit bashful, but overwhelmingly thankful.
As kind as he is beautiful, Sanguinius is one of the more heartfelt ones around. Romance abound, the angel and you are the textbook example of star crossed lovers the moment he proposes courtship to you. It almost makes some of the primarchs jealous at how incredibly perfect your love for each other is, like your feet don’t touch the ground He loves to pick you up and give you a hug or a kiss, wrapping you in his wings. He always says it's just so you feel safer, but he also likes the bit of privacy, hiding you from the worlds in his arms. You also enjoy playing with his wings when you’re in private, as they’re quite sensitive. A side note; He thinks it's cute that you use his fallen feathers as bookmarks and quills, and he now gifts you a few of his fallen primary feathers every now and again for you to use. You’ll know about the Red Thirst eventually when you’re with him. Sanguinius won’t ever ask for assistance, but if you were to offer a bit of blood? He’s incredibly careful, but the blood of his lover is nothing short of ambrosia and he will dutifully treat you afterward for sating his appetite.
Jaghatai Khan:
As one of the more reasonable primarchs, Jaghatai is a steal to have as your lover. He’s personable and kind, and funny to boot. He enjoys making you laugh, something his sons have picked up on. Sometimes they’ll tease you (or more likely unsuspecting commissars) when you’re in their company. If he's not able to hold your hand, he'll have a hand on your shoulder or back, always close to you whenever you're both together. He’s extremely dedicated to Chogoris, and it’s incredibly important to him that you adopt some of the culture he grew up in. You don’t have to, but it would make Jagahatai an extremely proud man if you attempted to understand Chogoran. He’s also private; His fellow primarchs don’t even know of your existence let alone close relation to him until you’re well into your romance, and Jaghatai has thoughts for no one else but you.
Konrad Curze:
Konrad’s romance is as toxic as he is. But at the same time, it’s like a drug you can’t get enough of. Because you’re fucking terrified of him, but the man is obsessed with you. Not many of the other primarchs understand the soul crushing, teeth grinding obsession Konrad has for you. He’s willing to fall to his knees and submit to you as long as you tell him you love him, and that he's worth more alive. But if you tell him you don’t?… You don’t want to tell him you don’t. Konrad is painful. He holds your hand too tight, kisses you too rough, bites you too hard. He doesn’t mean it, you don’t think at least some of the time, but he’s so caught in this obsession with someone trying to save him that his martyr complex melts away for a bit and he’s this self-loathing, sad excuse of a man. You almost pity him as much as you love him. Making him happy has become an arduous journey for you. Is the exact opposite of the others in wanting to show you off. You’re hidden for ages, until the primarchs realize Konrad has someone at his side. They worry, but they know separating him from you would cause more harm than good, and you keep Konrad’s emotions a bit more in check. And in the eyes of a few individuals, your safety serves as a good threat to keep Konrad and his unhinged legion on a leash and working towards a desired goal. A note; Konrad is surprisingly selfless in regard to more intimate matters. And he likes to bite. Your thighs don’t get much reprieve from him.
Sweet as sugar, no one is as good at a proper declaration of love or desire to romance like Vulkan is. No matter how much it breaks his back he’ll always hold your hand, give you a kiss, or pick you up to bring you with him across the Flamewrought or the Terran palace. Besides perhaps Sanguinius and Lorgar, no one is as star-crossed in love with you as Vulkan is.
He’ll do anything for you, if you just ask. He often paraphrases that he would shield you from any threat, but sometimes you fear he’d do it literally. Less seriously he loves to gift you various things, your favorite being a necklace. You never thought he’d be able to work at such a small level, but Vulkan is nothing if not skilled. He got quite the reward the evening he gifted it to you.
Is one of the quicker ones to get serious. Talks of marrying you, writing you down in the history of his legion as their Legion Mother, Vulkan is quite eager to tie himself to you, and you to him.
Corvus Corax:
Corvus is private, and also quite slow to trust. Even slower to admit he likes someone, let alone enough to express that he’s in love with them. Many moments with him are often spent in his private quarters or somewhere else alone, where only you have eyes on him.
Is one of the few primarchs conscious of the fact that he isn’t really meant to exist, and that he’s forcing it by being with you. Your body often bruises and aches if he isn’t careful with you, and it secretly pains him that the one person he loves is so easy for him to hurt. Finding out about this feeling he has swiftly turns you into a mess of reassurances that quickly overwhelm poor Corvus, and while he still feels it at times, he appreciate you trying to soothe him.
Loves to write you letters. He feels like it means more to put the effort into handwriting, and when you send him one back, it’s like he can feel your touch on the paper. One time you left a lipstick kiss on the parchment and the man was insufferable that evening from how pent up he was, unbeknownst to you millions of miles away. You paid for that transgression dearly one he returned.
Lorgar Aurelian:
Lorgar is yet another primarch who is sweet as sugar. He also has quite the way with words, though unlike Horus and Fulgrim, it isn’t intentional. He’s just very passionate and verbose. Is also very touchy. Loves to pick you up and kiss you, show you off to others. He’s so stupidly in love and everyone around him is almost annoyed by it. He just loves his tiny little goddess so much, you bring him light he didn’t know he needed. Lorgar is also very affected by his religious trauma. His self flagellation both emotional and literal has always been an issue. You’ve had nights where you’ve put ice on his back after he whipped himself bloody, crying over his wounds. If it isn’t bad he encourages you to not weep over him, and if it’s worse he often times is beating himself up over worrying you. Being with him is stressful emotionally, to say the least. In another path, he often time beats himself up over the idea of corrupting you with sinful thoughts. Though that doesn’t really stop him, especially if he comes to his quarters one evening seeing you wearing all white draped across his bed. Lorgar will sin alright, but he does it while speaking prayers to save his own soul as he worships you. He’s one of the quickest Primarchs to want to marry you, to make you his own and to bring you closer and closer to his side.
Mortarion isn’t an easy one to love. He doesn’t really consider the emotion valuable until one day he suddenly realizes that you mean something to him, more than just another baseline human does. Like Ferrus in that he never does the official courtship nonsense, and just upgrades your relationship in his head overtime. Someone who isn’t his lover doesn’t spend hours in the Pale King’s study watching him work, keeping one of his hands in their lap while he uses the other. Is a bit of a pushover in some ways, and takes his self loathing a bit too far sometimes. You’ve learned that sometimes he needs you to kiss him and tell him you love him more than anything else, to get him to stop sulking. Everyone is extremely surprised he found sometime. Let alone someone so personable. Fulgrim jokes that Mortarion should just send you instead of himself to Terra when the primarchs meet up to discuss things, as you’re easier to deal with. Mortarion hates when things like that are said, and he’ll hide you from the world obsessively for awhile after. He loves you, but sometimes for him love and possess get intertwined in his head when he thinks for you.
Magnus the Red:
Isn’t the worst beloved to have, but he has his quirks. He can be a bit stuffy at times, and often times forgets that relationships needs nurturing to grow. Magnus often times gets stuck in his own head and forgets everyone around him, including you. Loves to show off his warp magic to you, especially if you show literally any interest at all. He’s so used to everyone fearing it, fearing him, hating psykers no matter what, that any interest by you gives him hearts in his eyes. You’ll be up all night listening to him read you tomes. Which you don’t mind, it often helps you fall asleep. Since Magnus can change his size, he knows exactly how to make your squirm. You know you’re in for a wild ride when your beloved becomes bigger than Ferrus and starts taking off his armor.
The twins are complicated. Given the primarchs consider you only Alpharius’ beloved, you spend more time with him than Omegon. As such, sometimes Omegon can get a bit possessive whenever you two are together. You don’t entirely blame Omegon for it; His other half is the one holding your hand and showing you off, joking about marrying you to his fellow primarchs. As such, those topics tend to be a minefield in your weird little relationship. They often use you to get information about the other Primarchs. It seems your smaller stature makes them almost seem like you're less of a threat, and get a bit more talkative around you than they are around whatever twin is currently frontfacing. You hate when they ask this of you, but you have no power to refuse them. As the twins are extremely meticulous and through, they've been careful to not show anyone how in love with you they really are. If they how just how much Alpharius loves you, it would be easy for you to be used against them. So affection is limited, and they put up an aura that you're not much more than an arm piece when in view of others. They eagerly make sure to show you this isn't the case in private, however.
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aqua-the-smiter · 10 days
Horus and his breeding kink 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ (and his partner being already pregnant)
Don't do this shit to me man, it's too good. NSFW under the cut, divider by the lovely @squishyowl Horus x female reader, more wife AU shizz You've already been knocked up, but he is...enthusiastic Unsurprising breeding kink, lactation, Horus being Horus
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Let it never be said that Horus Lupercal was not a responsible husband.
He was overjoyed when you told him you were pregnant. Granted it shouldn't have come as much of a surprise. Even outside of his rut, he was among those of his brothers who could barely keep his hands off his beloved wife. But many of those brothers (Ferrus, Leman, Sanguinius, and Perturabo) already had a child (or several in Leman's case) of their own. Now, it was finally you and your Primarch's turn.
And he was as attentive and gentle with you as your condition demanded. Almost a little too much, although he was quick to correct his mistakes. Never wanting you to feel too helpless and delicate. Most of the time. Sometimes he knew it was beneficial to be a little rougher. Like now, while he was helping you through a...hormonal episode.
You were sitting sideways on his lap. His stiff, throbbing cock buried deep inside your needy slit. The hormones and increased blood flow around sensitive areas had driven your libido through the roof. And your dear husband was always happy to help bring you back down.
"There there." Horus soothed, kissing your temple. "That feels better, doesn't it?"
He asked, as he slowly bounced you up and down his manhood. Practically fucking himself with you. Not that you minded. It felt good, and with your newfound weight it was harder to ride him with your usual vigor.
And he definitely enjoyed using you like that.
You let out a soft moan. "It does. P-please, more like that."
He wiped a line of spit from the corner of your mouth, and picked up the pace a bit. Your toes curled in at the delicious increase in friction. You loved it, being held in his huge, strong arms for hours while he made you ride his cock. While he stuffed you full of his cum despite having already planted his seed in you. You'd be more than happy to sit on him like this all day if you could. Listening to his own growls and moans of pleasure.
One hand slithered between your legs to work you clit. His other hand cupped one of your dripping breasts. Taking one of your puffy, reddened nipples into his mouth. Enjoying the sweet taste of your milk on his tongue. That helped too, relieving some of the weight they had gained.
Needless to say, but you came easily. And frequently. He never ceased to tease you about it.
"It takes me no effort at all to please you." He purred in your ear. "You could try and make it a little more challenging."
"Can't." You replied between breathless pants. "Too good. You're too good."
Stroking his ego worked every time.
He kissed you and pinched your clit. You whole body shivered as he fucking you through another orgasm. You could taste your milk on his lips. They were back on your breast before you could miss them.
Oh yes. You were going to be here for a while, and you relished the thought.
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lxvvie · 8 months
Being in a relationship with Horus Lupercal would consist of the following:
Horus essentially sweet-talking you into a full-fledged relationship. Not that you're complaining. Much.
Horus being both protective of you and shameless in parading you around.
Learning to pick up on the more subtle cues behind his smile(s). As such, you're more attuned to whether or not they're genuine or performative.
Knowing just about everything about his brothers thanks to him. Everything.
Horus spoiling the absolute shit out of you. If he had it his way, your feet wouldn't even touch the ground.
Physical touch. A lot of it. The Warmaster can't keep his hands off of you. And if the occasion doesn't call for touching, he's close by, looming over you like a protective, charismatic shadow.
Having the privilege of meeting the Emperor of Mankind under less formal circumstances. The same goes for Malcador.
Also having the privilege of riling Abaddon up to Horus' amusement.
Going just about every place Horus goes. You can count on one hand the number of nights he's spent away from you.
And when you sleep, you're almost always asleep on his chest. Might as well use his chesticles as a pillow.
Horus being pleasantly surprised at the moments when you take the initiative and... initiate.
Speaking of initiate, uh... you tend to sleep in more often than not the next day. Because of reasons. Reasons that pertain to Horus and his stamina.
Kissing that shiny bald head of his for good luck or something of that nature. It's turned into an inside joke between you two.
While verbal proclamations of his affection are few and far between, Horus makes no secret of his love for you, little wolf. Everyone can see it, especially those who would use it to their own ends... and perhaps at your expense.
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sirenscriptures · 3 months
primarchs + fantasies
summary: basically just a ramble thirst post because i want to drag 30k/40k into my already mess of a blog. i’m still figuring out certain pieces of characterization/lore so be patient with me here <3 i am suffering this brainrot and dragging you down with me!
warnings/notes: nsfw themes (18+ only), fem-bodied depicted reader, mentions/depictions of exhibitionism, of course size difference, hints of breeding kinks, slight mention of blood drawing, bondage/rope play. (these are partial fantasies i think they’d have but also they are genuinely so touch starved i think even the slightest form of physical intimacy could make them combust. in a good way.)
featuring: lion el’jonson, fulgrim, leman russ, magnus, sanguinius, mortarion, and horus lupercal (pre-heresy)
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lion el’jonson
look, if there’s one thing each of the primarchs could use in some way, it’s a fucking break. lion is definitely one of those primarchs. the man has always been on high alert, and has never truly known how to relax. that is, until he bonded with you.
the fact he’s found himself so close to you is quite a milestone of sorts. being a primarch of many secrets, you can assert that he isn’t someone who trusts easily. he doesn't let many others know what his deeper thoughts contain, not even some of his own blood.
however, it’s almost like he’s a different person in your presence. when he’s with you, he feels a profound sense of peace, like he can shut his mind off from his usual stressors and worries. especially during your alone time.
but it’s when he’s completely alone (a rare occurrence) that his thoughts tend to wander more than usual. it isn’t a total shock in the slightest when all he can think about is you. but when his thoughts are crowded with curiosities of what sounds you’d make while on top of him and how you’d feel wrapped around him…yeah it gets a little concerning to someone of his stature.
the thoughts of you like this start small…then they bloom into much more , to the point where if he even looks your direction when in this state of mind he’s a stuttering, flustered mess. a completely rare state for a primarch to be caught in, yet here we are.
so, it’s safe to say that while lion isn’t one to deeply “fantasize” like some of his brothers might, his intrusive thoughts about you certainly have a habit of spiraling and he has to physically slap himself to snap out of it.
in terms of fantasies, where do we even start with fulgrim? ever since you let him get close to you, whether that be on a personal or physical level, it was like opening pandora’s box. when you get him started, there is no going back.
it doesn’t have to be much to get him started with you. just your beauty alone and seeing you smile at him could get his dirtier thoughts racing. (horny bastard <3)
the fact that you were totally oblivious for a while of the power you held over him was amusing at times. though he was much bigger than you, he often thought about what you would do if he let you take the reins over him.
even just the thought of your soft hands running over his bare body could make him shiver. he could picture perfectly how beautiful you’d look if he had you on top of him. but he could also picture how beautiful you’d look if he had you in front of a mirror.
the way your delicate frame would lean against his chest as he fucked into you, massive hands roaming all about your perfect body…
most of the time he has to stop himself from thinking any further, for just the thoughts alone aren’t enough. maybe he’ll show you what he means when you’re alone with him in his chambers.
leman russ
if you want to delve into literal ferality, it is absolutely leman’s brain. and his actions, of course. so it isn’t far fetched to say his fantasies about you are in the same realm as his normal thought processes.
now, just because he is one of the more “feral” primarchs doesn’t mean he lacks complete restraint. but when it comes to you, let’s just say his restraint goes a bit…out the window if you know what i mean.
when his mind does wander and you’re not around, he tends to imagine showing you off. exhibiting how well he can pleasure you and how good you look while he does it to you. he doesn’t mind those of his legion seeing him with you like this, and even when you two are alone during these moments, he almost wants someone to see.
he would love to display the way he makes you whimper and squirm around him while rutting into you. though, he won’t let anyone get the wrong idea. you’re his, and he won’t let you forget that in the slightest.
but that’s not even half of what he’d like to do to you. and you can tell so blatantly in the way he teases you, unashamed of who’s around when he makes his usual remarks. but at the same time, he does it all out of love. he knows how annoyed you get from him pushing your buttons all the time, but he can tell you wouldn’t change it for anything.
magnus the red
for someone who sees most physical intimacy as a “waste of time” like a few of his other brothers, he certainly doesn’t stick to that thought process when it's you he's thinking about.
with magnus being as knowledgeable as he is, it genuinely frustrates him when he can’t figure out at first why he feels this way about someone like you. yet the more time he spends around you, and the more you show how open you are to learning from him and that you actually listen to him, the more these feelings start to increase.
in a strange way, he feels comforted by you. though when he’s closer to you than usual, these feelings of comfort seem to…deepen into more than he first expected.
even though he can’t pinpoint it at first, he finds that every time he’s away from you, the want for your presence grows within him like some sort of hunger. yet, it’s now laced with the craving to feel your touch.
his mind is generous in being able to envision you beneath him, body trembling with arousal as his touch travels your bare skin, admiring and caressing every inch of you. all of his senses are ablaze; the craving for your touch, voice, scent, everything becoming too much for even someone of his stature to endure.
shaking away these thoughts is much more of a challenge than magnus would first anticipate. but now that he’s come to this self discovery, he doesn’t want to waste anymore time merely thinking about it.
while sanguinius is the more compassionate of the primarchs when it comes to overall personality, don’t let that fool you. when this man gets down, he’s an absolute freak.
on a serious note, the one thing sanguinius loves is spoiling you, on all levels, of course. but he just has a little bit of extra fun when he gets to do it to you physically. he does love when you return the favor, but if he’s being completely honest he likes it more when he gets to please you.
when he’s with you in an ordinary setting, he doesn’t let his more “sinful” thoughts take over. out of many of his siblings, he is certainly one of the most restrained and can control himself when it comes to feelings such as these. one of the lucky ones, he supposes.
but despite being able to hide it, you do make it quite difficult at times. it can be anything that triggers that burning within him—the way you unsuspectingly bat your eyelashes when you stare at him, or when you look so bashful when he greets you with a kiss on your hand. or even when you accidentally brush up against one of his wings. and you aren’t even aware you do so much to him physically…
yet there’s not much that gets him going quite like the thought of driving you absolutely mad with pleasure (much like fulgrim if we’re being honest here). whether it’s the thought of how you’d react to his head in between your thighs until your legs tremble uncontrollably, or how pretty you’d sound when he drains just the slightest bit of blood from your tender neck…
sometimes he’s left heavy-breathed at the thought, and you’re not even in the same room as him. if only you were aware of the effects you had on him. though, something inside sanguinius felt as though it wouldn’t be a mystery for much longer.
believe it or not, mortarion is not a total stranger to these kinds of thoughts. though, it’s much more intensified since you’re the only person he’s had these thoughts about.
with mortarion being one of the more distant and reserved of his brothers, his sex drive is one of those things he’s never had to deal with since he’s never felt this way about anyone else before. so it’s no surprise how easily pent up he can become.
even just the slightest things you do can get him electrified, and the poor, touch and affection-starved soul doesn’t even fully understand why. the way you smiled at him with genuine fondness from a distance the other day? he’s still thinking about it for weeks. the way your hand gently brushed against his face by mistake? still has him reeling even when he’s in your presence.
the way his thoughts of you overwhelm him is far from easy to deal with, and you immediately notice the way his behavior changes in response to these newer sensations.
it’s so much worse when he’s away from you for long periods of time, though. his mind is racing with everything from how beautiful you would look tied up in various positions; the imprints of rope staining your soft skin, to what sweet sounds he could get you to make in response to his mouth in between your legs.
his poor legionaries when they have to deal with him in this state…he’s so helplessly tuned out from everything and they have not a clue what’s going on with their primarch. but he won’t have to worry much longer, for he’ll be venting his sexual frustrations out on you when you’re both reunited.
horus lupercal (pre-heresy)
honestly, what doesn’t horus think about when he’s thinking about you? not many people can make his mind wander to even the most dangerous of places like you can. while he isn’t sure how this all started, he is far from complaining. honestly, what doesn’t horus think about when he’s thinking about you? not many people can make his mind wander to even the most dangerous of places like you can. while he isn’t sure how this all started, he is far from complaining.
the way he is around you is his usual self, but his thoughts about you aren’t restrained in the slightest. you’re so captivating, and while he wants to hang on every word you say to him, he can’t help but fantasize in the process.
horus doesn’t expect you to have a very strong effect on him at first, yet he’s proved wrong very quickly when he’s away from you. when he’s finally alone is when it hits him.
he thinks about how much he’d love it if he had you all to himself. he could imagine spoiling you in every way imaginable, but especially physically. he could imagine all the noises he could cause you to make, and all of the sensations he could make you feel. but most of all, he could imagine breeding you—filling you up with his seed to where you know that you’re his.
from there, you’re the cause of all of horus’ sleepless nights until he gets to see you again…
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squishyowl · 3 months
preview of a Horus piece I'm workin on below the break
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wxnheart · 1 year
Lawyer Anon. The primarch in question, is to be honest, My evil side wants Curze, but for the sake of rationality, lets go with Horus. The sneario is essentially, you got hired by the ruling class family to essentially negotiatie the terms of joining the IMperium (the Tithe costs, the minerals and resources..) Like you managed to do such a fine job that you are offered (read: forced) to join the Crusade
𝐂𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 (𝐎𝐫 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐌𝐞𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐁𝐢𝐠-𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝)
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This was supposed to be your finest moment, having studied under some of the brightest minds your planet had to offer.
You prided yourself on your cerebral and diplomatic nature, having parlayed that into your current career.
You also knew it was inevitable, the planet's absorption into the growing Imperium. You kept mum on your personal thoughts on it, even though you harbored your reservations. For the preservation of your planet, you suppose.
And so, you diligently went about your duties. You considered it an honor to be chosen as mediator, especially when your peers and the planet's ruling class expressed fears that the negotiations would be... contentious to say the least.
The time came to begin the proceedings and you met... him. Or rather, his barrel chest first. Your neck hurt the rest of the day. You'd heard rumors that the Imperium would send one of their leader's vaunted sons to spearhead the negotiation process but not the Warmaster himself. Oh, dear...
And if you weren't so keen on making a good impression in public, you might've shuddered at the way he smiled at you. It was welcoming. Too welcoming. Too... nice. You felt like small prey every time you met his gaze when he looked down at you. But of course, you did; he was twice your size, and that pelt around his shoulders did him no favors. That and having to crane your neck just to look at him in the eyes was more often irritating than not.
The proceedings took longer than was anticipated; it seemed there was no end to the greed that defined the planet's rulers (because why wouldn't they want to keep their way of living) and the Imperium remained resolute in the terms they offered. How wonderful.
Despite that, however, the Warmaster was incredibly amiable to you. Too amiable but you didn't want to risk the already tenuous relationship between the two groups. Risk of planetary extinction and all that.
The Warmaster—Horus, because he insisted that you call him such—took every available opportunity to pick your brain. Or to have a conversation. Or to just... spend time with you? If this was anyone else, you wouldn't have minded much but because the man is larger than life (literally and figuratively), you're... you're a little afraid.
And you have every reason to be because the man has, on multiple occasions, glared stared down would-be interlopers in your interactions. With a smile. With an incredibly tight smile. You were lucky enough not to see the mask almost completely slip but you did wonder why some kept their distance from you...
Horus has taken to just about monopolizing your thoughts on the matter. Of course, he disguises this as advice lest another one of the nobles attempts to sway negotiations in their favor but the reality is that he'd much rather be privy to that brilliant mind of yours than anyone else.
And let's not forget that you are almost always placed nearby him during these meetings. Yes, it's intentional. Yes, it was him, HORUS—
Your free time has also pretty much been spent with Horus, learning the ways of the Imperium, its history, its culture, the vast reaches of its empire, and, admittedly, it's intriguing. You didn't understand why Horus was absolutely pleased by your comment.
...Until you did. And (FINALLY) when you managed to negotiate the terms of your planet's integration into the Imperium (without bloodshed, might I add), Horus pulled the biggest ass-pull you've ever seen (but was it, though?).
"There is one other matter that must be settled." Horus' booming voice echoed throughout the chambers. Oh, what now?
What now indeed. The trepidation on everyone else's faces turned to shock when he reached down and grabbed you up. Just like that. No warning whatsoever. Oh, dear...
"That will be all," Horus said, a warm smile on his face but a warning in his eyes. There would be no room for dissent. Not for this. "Welcome to the Imperium..." He left no room for response as he made his exit with you in tow. Or, er, in his arms.
You did have to admit his chest felt rather nice to rest against, though. And that is how you met your big-tittied girlfriend.
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thevoidscreams · 7 months
If requests are open, could i request a fluffy fic with horus and his baseline human companion. Maybe when he gets appointed Warmaster or just something along those lines?
"You deserve it. No one but you could have been fit for this job. Otherwise, the Emperor would have picked someone else."
Horus sighed and relaxed into his bed. "I know that. But what if I fail him. My father has put so much on my shoulders, and now I'm expected to do what he did. Lead the crusade."
You set your brush down on the desk he'd gotten for you to keep your things on and went over to the bed. You were both dressed for the evening and getting comfortable before bed.
"I think you don't give yourself enough credit." You smiled and climbed into the bed Horus had aquired for you both. He'd wanted you to be comfortable.
The newly appointed war master took you into his arms and set down the old Terran book he'd been studying.
"I'm the primarch of the 16th, and now I've been made the warmaster, I think I've been given my fair share of credit."
"Still not enough, in my opinion. I won't be happy till every city, on every world, has a statue of you." You smiled, and Horus sighed warmly.
Leaning down, he kissed the side of your face. It was such a soft gesture for one so big and powerful.
"What would I do without you?" He smiled, you smiled too.
"Probably what you're doing now, just without me." You said. He shivered at the thought. In your short few years together, he'd grown so attached to you.
You were his soft place, the place his hearts longed fit at the end of a long day. He'd keel your closet when he could, but he'd never risk your life by bringing you onto a battlefield. So time away was inevitably going to happen, and he'd long for you every moment you were apart.
"Don't even joke about that. I couldn't do this without you."
You kissed his cheek. "You would be just fine. You're a primarch. You're built to withstand much worse things than not having a human to keep you warm at night." You chuckled.
Horus frowns, his eyes softening as one of his large fingers combs through your freshly beushed hair. "I wouldn't want to do this all without you. Why do you think I went through all that trouble to have you augmented to live longer. I don't do that for just anyone."
"I know, Lulu. I'm just poking fun." The only person who had nickname for him like that was you.
He pulled you closer. No one else would have been allowed to call him Lulu and get away with it. But he didn't hate the nickname when it was from you. Because Horus did indeed love you.
"My strange little companion, whatever shall I do with you?"
"Some cuddles before bed would be nice."
"Then cuddles it shall be."
You both slipped into a calm, comfortable silence. Lupercal staves off sleep just a bit longer, though watching you sleep soundly in his arms.
Leaning down, he kissed your cheek, causing you to hum and smile in your sleep.
"I love you." He said, so soft it was barely above a whisper. "More than I'll ever be able to tell you. More than I'll ever be able to explain." He closed his eyes, and peaceful sleep took him.
The future and all its responsibilities could wait.
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2lim3rz · 2 years
horus constantly distracting his partner from work with that brand of really demanding, deep kisses and such. trying to complete administrative work? really hard to do when horus lupercal is mouthing at your neck and rubbing your thighs
HIS LOVELY STAR [Horus Lupercal x Reader / WH30k / Lightly NSFW]
It seemed one day of peace was one day too much when it came to working on paperwork. Paperwork that you initially procrastinated on until the last minute. Not that it was difficult, no, you simply had.. Distractions.
So begrudgingly, you left the warmth of the bed in the Warmaster's chambers. You left his unyielding arms after convincing him that you both had duties to get back to. You knew that he was watching your leave with a mischievous gaze. He always had something up his sleeve after all. Even with your own reluctance to actually work..
After all, you really wanted to stay in those strong arm. Feeling the strength of the primarch held back in favor of gentle teasing strokes and light groping of your thighs and rear. His kisses quite literally taking your breath away before he had enough of dominating your mouth and began to go lower.. trailing kisses to your breasts..
Oh that left you and him both annoyed when business came to call. Which was how you were in your current predicament. Impatiently filling paperwork as your leg bobbed up and down in a way to hopefully shake out your jittery feelings. Eyebrows arched downward and your face pulled into a pout.
Maybe.. if he had time this evening..
The door opened, and the heavy steps that followed were the only reason you didn't actively turn around right away. "Mmmnh, how long since you took a break?" his voice was suddenly beside your ear. Jumping with a squeal, you turned in your chair to behold a large bald head. His handsome face (one that no statue or picture could hope to recreate the ethereal qualities of) was smug appearing. "Some hours ago I had lunch." you breathed out, hoping to soothe your jittery heart as you kissed him upon his cheek and turned back to your paperwork.
"Hm." was all he hummed out. Peering over you as you worked. Companionable silence was something you enjoyed on occasion. Maybe.. he'll find a peacefully compliant planet and you two could see the stars together as you did on some..
Your content thoughts of the more mundane side of you two's.. relationship were dashed away as his lips caressed your neck, pulling away just as you felt his warm breath.. "..Horus?" you questioned. Shivering as you felt his massive hand settle on your thigh. "Don't mind me, sweetheart," he purred and you tried your hardest to so as he said as he continued to kiss upon your throat.. at times lingering and sucking upon the skin, others he nipped and lick "Just finish your work."
Oh.. it was a painful request. Your torment further added to as his dreadful hand squeezed and rubbed at your leg. Occasionally his fingers go close.. so close to rubbing between them that you whimpered.
"Horus-" you whined. You needed more, wanted him. It was maddening to feel his lingering touches as his other hand moved your shirt so he could have further access to more of you. "Don't let me-"
You both snapped an angry glare to the panel beside the door as the intercoms patched through. "Warmaster Lupercal, requested at the command deck. Warmaster Lupercal, requested at the command deck." droned a bored voice. You felt the primarchs reluctance as he pulled away after leaving a final hickey upon you. His hand momentarily groping between your legs this time.. You even caught a glimpse of him adjusting himself to look more presentable.
"This must be my punishment for taking my time," he mused, glancing over to you with a wink "I will see you tonight, my lovely star."
You had no idea how you were going to last that long.
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roroco316 · 1 month
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I've been busy with work so I haven't drawn fanart for a long time. I hope you like it.
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ms--lobotomy · 3 months
Are y'all down for some heresy?
NSFW under the cut. Don't say I didn't warn you.
LION EL'JONSON - "Stay quiet," he grumbled. He pushed you against the wall and kicked your legs apart before tearing off what garments you were wearing. You wanted to open your mouth, but a large hand pressed against it, almost obfuscating your entire face. He unzipped his leather trousers with the other hand, only pulling them down far enough to reveal himself to you. He didn’t prepare himself before he went in, and it hurt. His hands moves towards your wrists, and he held you up against the cold wall as he went in deeper, and deeper. You relaxed into his grip and kept your lips sealed until you couldn’t, and the moan that escaped you was nothing short of content.
??? - SEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FULGRIM - Intricate knots kept you suspended in the air as he ran his hand along your collarbone. You wanted to cry out, to beg him, to scream that he should get on with it. But there was a gag in your mouth, impeding your speech. His hand ran lower, down to your breast. He hovered slightly above it, a smirk dusting his face before he squeezed your nipple and you let out a little whimper. His hands trailed lower and lower before he reached between your legs, sticking a finger in. You couldn’t make any comprehensible sounds with that gag in your mouth, but he still knew that you were finally enjoying yourself.
PERTURABO - You were situated atop him, with his hands on your waist. You needed a little bit of help moving up and down. He was difficult to straddle as he was twice your size, but you made it work. He moved you up and down on him, stretching you out. Between the little noises that you made, you managed to eek out a few words. "Oh, you're doing wonderfully." He froze, holding you down on him. Maybe it was the almost pleading expression on your face that did it, or the words themselves. Either way, you saw his expression soften for just a moment before you felt him slam you onto himself, hard.
JAGHATAI KHAN - You hadn’t had the idea to stop until your clothes were cast to the side of the bike and you were sitting on his lap, facing him. You looked up at him as he brought you down upon him. You let out a quiet whimper and felt your face go warm. “Let it out,” he told you softly. It took you a few seconds to do so as he raised you up and down on him. Your hands trailed to his chest as he started to go faster. And faster. You were practically howling by the time he was done with you, finishing inside of you. You felt something wet and sticky dribble down your leg. "Let's get you cleaned up," he said, picking you up and putting you back down before he went to grab something to clean you off.
LEMAN RUSS - Your face went warm when you saw his sons staring at you, leering at you. You still pulled your shirt over your head, and you didn’t say anything as he grabbed you by the shoulders and pinned you down, whispering sweet nothings into your ear. One hand roamed down your body, the other pushed your legs apart. You looked to the side, towards his sons. They were talking amongst themselves, and more importantly, staring at you. As Leman put a finger between your legs, you let out a delicate moan. You knew it was going to be a long night.
ROGAL DORN - He had you right where he wanted you, tied down to his bed with a toy between your legs. He watched as you squirmed and writhed as you had been doing for the past couple of hours, unable to turn the device off. You moaned, looking up at him. He was looking at you as warmly as a man like him could, his expression soft and loving. He made his way over to you, kneeling over you. He put a large hand to your cheek, and you leaned into it as you climaxed yet again, loud and hard. He chuckled. "You're beautiful when you climax."
KONRAD CURZE - His fingers dug into your legs, breaking your delicate skin. He was coarse and rough and he threatened to snap your body in half. Blood lightly glazed his fingers as he slammed himself into you, with no care to how you may be feeling. A ravenous grin graced his face. Tears began to well up in your eyes as you gently called out his name. His grip moved up to your arms, just above your hands, and it once again drew blood. You looked up at him, barely able to keep your eyes open. "Please," you begged, as he started to go faster inside of you. He grunted something in his native Nostraman as he finished inside you, burying his face in your neck.
SANGUINIUS - You tried running and you tried hiding, but when the Brightest One wanted you, he wanted you. He’d excused himself from his previous calling and roamed the ship looking for you until he had you exactly where he wanted you. He’d pinned you to the wall, ripping off your clothes with a wild desire in his eyes before he sank his teeth into your neck. You winced as he siphoned blood from you, and you gently clutched the back of his head. You ran your fingers through his hair as he planted kisses lower and lower on you, using his teeth. You knew it was going to leave a mark, but you didn’t struggle against him as he made his way between your legs.
FERRUS MANUS - He pinned you to the wall as if you were an object with one hand and planted his other right on your throat. His metallic hands were cold and slippery against your skin. He tapped his fingers against your neck, teasing you, before he grasped your neck and air became nothing less than a privilege to you. You gasped for air, but nothing came through your windpipes. “Winded?” he asked, blood rushing to your face. Your hands instinctively grappled for his, but you didn’t want to choke out your safe word. Not yet. Before you lost consciousness, though, he let go of you. You collapsed to the floor and gasped for air, clutching your chest. He grabbed your jaw and tilted your head up to look at him. “You’re cute when you’re winded.”
??? - I think they need to check my apartment for a gas leak.
ANGRON - Here he is, the Red Angel, restrained before you. You felt his face. It was warm. "You're going to be okay," you cooed, planting a kiss on his scarred lips. You took out some lube, and rubbed it on him. He throbbed in your hands. You saw his face scrunched up in pleasure before he let out a moan, low and guttural. You paused to plant another kiss on his lips before you went back to him. He writhed in the intricate ropework you had done on him, but nothing broke. "You're doing so well," you said. He grunted in response. Before long, you'd finished him, and the noise that he let out was nothing less than beautiful.
ROBOUTE GUILLIMAN - Before you even had time to think about it, he’d cast his paperwork aside, stripped your clothes off and spread you out over his desk like a delicacy. He slid a finger over the area between your legs, and you could see a slightly devious smile cross his face before he stuck it in. You let out a yelp and clung to the sides of his desk before he put his other finger to your lips. “Ssh,” he said. “We wouldn’t want anyone to hear us, right?” he asked, pushing his finger all the way up. Your face scrunched up as he went up and down inside you. A few times you got close to revealing your whereabouts, but you managed to reel it in.
MORTARION - Not many people got to see the Pale King’s lab, but you were one of the lucky few. You rubbed up against him, time and time again. You did this until he pushed his materials aside, set you on the counter, and pulled your clothes off. He pulled his mask down and put his mouth on yours, sliding himself in. He trailed kisses down you, stopping briefly at your nipple, before he spread your legs open. "You did this to yourself," he murmured, before he put his tongue between your legs and you let out a loud moan. You knew that you were going to be here for a long time.
MAGNUS THE RED - Here you were, bound via warp magic (for lack of a better term), Magnus in front of you. You shivered, bare as you ever were, and he grabbed your hands before he kissed you, rubbing himself on you. He was only slightly larger than the average human now, able to comfortably fit inside of you once the time would come. You let out a little moan, and he chuckled at you. "Sensitive?" he asked, before sliding into you. Your fingers interlocked with his, and you threw your head back in pleasure. He chuckled. "Look at me," he said, grabbing your chin and tilting it down to look at him.
HORUS - You cried out, in pleasure and in pain. He'd pried your legs open as if it were nothing and forced himself in, not even bothering to prepare you for the experience. And here he was now, looming over you, smile cocky as ever. You swear the two of you were going at it for hours, his breath hot on your neck and his hands effortlessly pinning you to the bed, until he suddenly slowed down. He shoved himself in you once, then twice, then three times. You looked up at him with wide eyes. You opened your mouth to speak, but he spoke first. “You’re going to make a great mother.”
LORGAR - He wanted to fuck his problems away, release all of his frustrations onto you, but he simply couldn’t. You were already whimpering underneath him, tears gathering in your eyes, and he was being as gentle as he could be. His hand grazed the side of your face, and you leaned into it. A tear fell from your eye. “You’re taking it so well, my love,” he cooed, wiping your tear away. “If only you could see how gorgeous you look.” Your face went warm, and you turned your gaze to the side. With one hand, he turned your head back towards him. “Look at me,” he said. “Let me watch you come undone.”
VULKAN - You looked up at him, your face scrunched up as he struggled to fit it in. Your hands were intertwined, his massive hands engulfing yours. You whimpered and moaned as he slowly slid in, pressing hard against your walls. He leaned down, his lips grazing your ear. “Good girl,” he said. “Just a little more, okay?” You gulped, and you nodded as he pressed into you. He pressed a kiss to your neck as he pulled himself out. It was much easier for him to put himself in you this second time, stretched out on him. You looked down at him, wrapping your arms around his neck.
CORVUS CORAX - He sat next to you, staying close by your side. Your skirt was shorter than usual this meeting, and you had “neglected” to put on underwear. As he talked, he slid a finger between your legs, and started to make a motion as if he were beckoning someone over. You tried not to make a face as you looked at everyone else at the meeting. Nobody was looking at you particularly funnily. As he stopped speaking, he slid another finger in. You looked up at him, and there was a slightly bemused smile on his face. Your face went warm as he stuck another finger in.
ALPHARIUS - There were lookalikes all over you, touching you, inside you. You could barely handle the one in your mouth, but there was one in each hand, one in your chest and one between your legs, buried to the hilt. And when he had spilled himself inside you, leaving that mark that you belonged to the Alpha Legion, another took his place. Your hands began to tire, though, and your eyes began to droop. You looked up, as much as you could. The one in your mouth took himself out, and cupped your face. "Tired yet?"
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moodymisty · 4 months
May I request a yandere primarch of your choice getting very jealous after seeing you laughing with one of his brothers at a party and then dragging you back to his room after to remind you who you belong to?
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[ 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖞'𝖘 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 | 𝕬𝖔3 ]
Author's Note: the community wanted Yandere Horus, so Yandere Horus you all shall have. I hope you enjoy, anon. I'm ok with this, but there's more I wanted to do. But at the end of the day I had to just bite the bullet and post it so I can take a break without this looming over me.
Summary: It's the first real outing since you've been officially named as Horus' beloved, and he realizes how much he dislikes how curious everyone is of you.
Relationships: Horus Lupercal/Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW, Big Dick Lupercal, Takes place well before the Heresy, Yandere, Toxic relationship, That typical sort of yandere dubcon but not really dubcon kinda thing, Breeding kink if you squint, Size kink/Size difference, Getting absolutely obliterated by a ten foot tall man built like a truck, if you squinted hard you could take some dialogue as a bit sexist but it’s a stretch, Aftercare? lmao this is 40k
Word Count: 2714
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Perhaps you aren't the foremost expert on parties, but the last you had thought, a party was supposed to be...
And lacking in the drawl of military strategy and logistics. This seems more so like an ineffective way for the High lords of Terra and other high value persons of the Militarium to speak to the Primarchs and their captains, but with wine involved.
As the recently crowned Lady Lupercal, many of those high value persons are now eager to make friends with you, attempting to smile as wide as comfortably possible and earn any sort of good will they can. For many of them speaking to a Primarch, let alone making connections of a Legion would be hysterically rare; Though it seems many of them have the idea to do so through you.
Horus had warned you of it, so you suppose you shouldn't be so surprised.
Only just now have you managed to get away from them all, taking solace in a quiet corner of the palace. A Custodes on guard had given you an odd look- and by look you mean just a glance from the corner of his eyes- but he seems content to allow you somewhat near him as long as you remain quiet. Though you suppose you can't remain here for long. You have to be a part of all this, as much as you might dread it.
“Lady Lupercal?”
You turn the moment you hear the distinctive accent of Macragge-born Guilliman, who approaches you as you stand close to one of the palace's myriad of balconies. That title still feels odd to hear. He brushes just past you to stand on it, and waits until you join him. His head is tilted downward at an angle to make eye contact with you.
It's night now, and you can see the lights of hundreds of ships orbiting Terra up high above. It darkens his armor and the lights of the palace cast a harsh shadow on Guilliman's clean face.
"Had your fill of this evening?"
Normally Guilliman is quite forthright, so his small talk is a bit of a surprise. Everything has lead you to believe he was a very politely blunt sort. Though you've only spoken to the Primarch a handful of times, and very briefly.
Only just recently as Horus has made it known to everyone that you are his beloved, have you begun speaking to his legion; And his fellow Primarchs.
"A little bit. I just need a bit of air, and then I'll come back."
Guilliman crosses his arms over the delicate and expensive looking robes he currently wears, having shed his armor for the evening. It must be from his home world, judging by the interesting style and shape.
"I am a bit surprised he's thrown you to the wolves like this. Before, he was quite secretive about you." You doubt Horus would let you leave his sight unless it was extremely important, and it's not as if you can rely on him forever. Or demand him to stay.
"I assumed someone had managed to catch his attention enough for me to get lost." Guilliman shifts his weight slightly, and lets out a very quiet chuckle. It's sincerity makes you smile.
"Don't tell any of the others, but we've all gotten lost our fair share of times in this maze of a palace." He rubs his temple with two fingers. "It just keeps growing, it's like a Labyrinth. I've begun to wonder if Dorn will ever cease."
His genuine exasperation makes you laugh. It's such a human gesture, and such a human problem. It's quite easy to forget they are human, at times.
You hadn't realized you'd been smiling the whole time, but it grows when you see his disgruntled face. It goes away however when he realizes he amused you.
"If I figure it out before you, maybe I'll make us a map." Guilliman smiles.
"I will hold you to that, you know. If cartography isn't yet familiar to you, perhaps you should begin learning."
You were about to respond to him, a smile on your face, but Guilliman turns his head away towards the inside of the palace; Your own gaze follows shortly thereafter.
He must've heard Horus before he could see him, because not moments later you can see Horus walking towards the both of you; His pelt shifts on his shoulders as he does. He makes a straight line towards the balcony the both of you stand on and ignores anyone else along his path.
"Here you are," Horus smiles at you, but it's not his usual one. The one that's warm and casts the room and a pleasant atmosphere. "I see you've been chatting with one of my brothers." You nod with the smile Guilliman gave you still partly on your face, but before you can speak anything more- perhaps what the two of you were talking about- Horus does so for you.
"Perhaps we should take our leave for the evening. It is quite late, and it seems nothing or anyone worthwhile is going to make it's appearance."
He looks towards Guilliman and for a split second it almost seems like an argument is beginning to brew, with the way they're looking at each other; Guilliman is confused and defensive while Horus' jaw tenses. You can't understand how his mood has so suddenly changed, neither can Guilliman clearly, but it seems something has happened in your absence.
Now you stand literally and figuratively in the middle, before retreating your Primarch's side. He will always serve as your anchor, even when he's this turbulent.
Guilliman simply gives a curt hum in response, and seemingly decides to not uncover Horus' sudden change in disposition.
"Very well. I hope the rest of your evening fares you well," He looks down to you, though the pleasant aura he had has now returned to the cold and structured one he is known for. "And I enjoyed our chat."
Horus gives Guilliman no more than placeholder platitudes and farewells, of which the man takes with a short nod, before leaving with you in tow to return to his chambers.
That entire trip to return to them, is intense.
There is no chatter, and Horus doesn't even have the soft upturn of his lips he usually wears. Instead his face his firm, with something clearly boiling beneath the surface. You wonder if it's something from when he was gone that you could ask about, when he isn't in such a sensitive state.
Even as friendly and easygoing as Horus is, his fellow Primarchs are largely not the same apart from a few, and you wouldn't be surprised if one of them managed to- in a phrase not suited to describe a Primarch- pissed him off.
When you enter the deepest most room in Horus' wing of the palace, what serves as his bedroom, you suddenly feel his hand on your shoulder. You would've turned around even if he hadn't done it for you, as he takes a knee to get more on even height with you. But even with it, you still have to almost look slightly up at him.
Suddenly that hand on your shoulder moves to your face, gripping your jaw and forcing you to look at him. That firm, irritated face has been replaced with an angry, irritated expression. His nose slightly wrinkles at the top, brow furrowed.
He holds your jaw tight, but you’re not fooled into thinking it’s anywhere near him putting in effort.
“What is your title.”
You’re confused for a moment, frightened by the look in his eyes, as he adjusts his grip. You try to stay his name, but it just comes out as a confused stutter. He reiterates with more clarity.
“What is the title I gave you.”
You grasp his wrist tight and whimper out:
“L-Lady Lupercal.”
The noise that arises from him is somewhere between a hum and a growl.
“Did you forget it while you were busy being a little coquette in front of my brother?”
You hadn’t; It had been the focus of your short conversation with Guilliman. You’d tried your hardest to be nothing but polite to him, with the formality expected of speaking to a Primarch. But this is all new to you; Whatever Horus saw wasn’t there, and you’re desperate to prove as such.
"N-No, he just came up to me and I was trying to be polite, Guilli-"
He swallows the name of his fellow primarch with his lips, pressing them against your own. It's angry; Forceful. You can feel his hot breath on your skin as he takes in heavy breaths, and how tense he feels. You moan softly into his mouth but even the brief moment of pleasure is overcast by Horus’ fuming anger.
He pulls away from your lips with a soft pop, and still in a kneel begins undoing the broach of his cape. Once it falls to the floor his eyes meet yours and he states:
"Take it off."
His sentence is vague and you stand unsure in the gargantuan room, as he now removes his wristguards. Once they're off, he puts a hand on your waist and pushes upward, disturbing the fabric of your dress. You feel it pull and stretch against his hand, as if it’s little more than parchment. He could ruin it all in one fell tear.
"I am being patient with you."
It's hard to disobey a primarch, especially one staring at you with those eyes. The fabric of your dress falls to the floor moments later, undone and forgotten. You step out from the circle it makes at your feet.
You imagine the only reason he hadn't simply destroyed it was after having it made just for you, in the colors of the Sons of Horus and to his exact specifications- their legion mother needed to be in worthy attire he has said- his patience won out over the potential days of headache.
But it feels like a blink you go from standing to being nearly swallowed by his sea of a bed, blankets tussled around your naked form. You think you might’ve backed up until you fell onto it, but it’s all a blur.
"The Crusade has taken much of my time, and since I have introduced you to my brothers, perhaps you have forgotten your place,” He says as he undoes the fastening of his belt.
Even on pieces of furniture meant to handle a man of such size it still buckles and bows underneath his weight, shifting your body as he cages you underneath him. His hand grips your thigh, and the sheer size forces them apart. Your body tenses and squirms underneath him.
To think such a short conversation would've had him so fuming, as his hand presses against your cunt. It makes your lips purse and and words that you might’ve considered saying don’t even leave your lips. His fingers roughly press through your folds curl inside of you, an aching stretch that has you squirming underneath him.
Though it’s not as if you have any chance of moving, even the slightest bit of his strength has you completely at his mercy.
You can feel his anger in every motion, but your blood is pounding in your ears enough that you can barely hear him. You think you might've said his name, told him to slow down, but even if you had he doesn't listen in the slightest.
Pulling his hand away from between your thighs he’s quick to flip you onto your stomach, and you lay exposed before you suddenly feel him press again the back of your thighs.
In an odd, impossible to explain way, you at times almost forget that your beloved towers over you at near or over double your height. That he possesses neigh untenable strength.
Now is a moment you do, as he presses his hips against your ass and buries you in the plush material of the bed.
Your fingers grip the blanket like a lifeline as he buries himself as deep as he possibly can, staying for a moment for seemingly little other reason than to torture you. Even with only the slightest bit of his weight on you, you feel trapped and barely able to move.
It's taken time for you to get used to taking Horus without hours of preparation- and while it still does take time, you'll always feel like he's overtaken your entire stomach. It’s that teetering on the edge of pain that has you gasping, a body not made for him being forced to. Horus is normally exceedingly gentle, but less so tonight. He is at least gentle enough as to not break you.
Whatever he saw that wasn't there between you and Guilliman, he seems intent on teaching you a lesson on not doing.
“Horus, pl-“
His massive hand grips the blanket beside your head as he grunts overtop of you.
“You are the legion mother of my sons.”
Your back arches and lips purse as his cock brushes against places so deep that it almost has your eyes watering. You swallow the massive knot in your throat and try not let out enough noise that passersby could hear.
“You will be the mother of my blooded sons, one day.”
The implication has your heart race with fear and something else as the primarch holds you down. You barely have the time to think about it, it only sends a jolt of feeling right down your spine into your gut.
Given his size it’s so easy to push you around, that he often times has to press on your shoulder and hold you like some sort of toy. Even the softest thrust can push you forward and nearly off of him; You don't have the strength to hold strong against it.
Worn and tired your nerves spark from so much sensation, cunt tightening around him. Horus continues to thrust into you with little care and your teeth grind, toes curling.
It feels good, so good, but it teeters on the edge of dangerous. Especially knowing his mood. Then again, sometimes even the simplest things are dangerous, with someone like him.
The primarch curses and swears in both high and low gothic as he finally cums inside of you, the inhuman amount leaking from you when he pulls out.
Horus looks over you, and it seems whatever you’d seen in him earlier is gone- for the time being. Even if you can't look directly at him, it's almost as if you can feel the emotion in the room change. More odd Primarch things, you assume. Not that it matters much in the end.
You lay tired, legs limp as your body aches.
Perhaps in the moment it may feel good, very much so, but oftentimes your body then reminds you that it isn’t made for a Primarch. Particularly one who decides not to be gentle with you.
There has time where no one sees even a hint of you for days, after he's done with you. He apologizes it for it, but you can always tell with that smile of his, he isn't actually apologetic.
He gently pushes you with a hand to that you roll on your back, and you look up at him worried, wondering if he's still angry.
“I am sorry, my love.” His words are sweet like wine, like they so often are, as his hand not gently holds your cheek. He isn't anymore, and you don't question it. You don't want to bring it back.
Though this isn't the first time he's become this way, though it is the first time he's done something physical in response.
“Now that my brothers know of you, I can’t help but feel as if they might take you from me, once they realize how perfect you are.”
There’s words you want to say, many of them, but you can’t manage it. Only a requited whisper of love is what you manage to say. Horus takes it well and his saccharine sweet smile always manages to pull you in and ignore the things behind it.
“I only wish for you to be mine. Always and forever.”
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lemanslittlefox · 21 days
Horus in a chest harness.
Encouraging you to bite at his pecs, gently pushing your head closer.
Playing with his own chest as you grind on his lap.
You pulling him down by the harness to kiss him.
Pulling Horus around by his harness and him going willingly.
Inspired by a friend and Horus's fat tits <3
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lxvvie · 9 months
So as I was writing and getting requests done, I had a thought: how about we take that trend I did with Call of Duty and apply it to your favorite primarchs? This begs the question: How would your dearly beloved primarchs react if you called them by their full name... because of reasons?
Horus - Hits you with one of his most dazzling smiles. It's too dazzling, which lets you know that Horus got into some shit. You question him and he gives you a vague answer while still smiling.
Leman Russ - You and he both know he's been up to no good so he'll either proposition you or make sure he's not in the vicinity to hear you call his name lmao.
Ferrus Manus - Instantly stops whatever it is he's doing; contemplates a response and ultimately decides to make himself scarce somewhere else.
Fulgrim - Is affronted that you'd call his name with such... irreverence. Will actually ignore you. Bastard.
Vulkan - Will also stop what he's doing and answer your call just as fervently as you called him. Has a tendency to resort to hugs to placate you. Those hugs are amazing, though... You can never stay mad at him for too long.
Rogal Dorn - Responds by calling you by your full name. With no intonation. Smart ass.
Roboute Guilliman - Will give some bullshit explanation while multi-tasking that would make Horus proud as to why he got into shit and how said shit has been resolved. May or may not work depending.
Magnus - It becomes a staring contest because you want him to give you an answer and he's trying to figure out why you called him.
Sanguinius - His foresight never prepares him for the way you say his name. Would put on his best saccharine smile that Horus would also be proud of but it's ineffective because his wings usually give him away.
Lion El'Jonson - Gives no fucks. Save for a quick glance will refuse to acknowledge your call. Because of reasons that have nothing to do with the fact that he's in deep shit.
Perturabo - Will pretty much stomp his way to you and get eye-level with you with a sneer. "Why do you call me?" A battle of wills and glares ensues.
Mortarion - Will look down on you, literally and figuratively.
Lorgar - Is the one who puts Horus and Sanguinius to shame because he ALWAYS placates you. ALWAYS. It never fails. But this is after he's winced and bowed his head some, even though he towers over you.
Jaghatai Khan - Gotta catch him first to find out lmao.
Konrad Curze - Results may vary. Might even hear some gremlin screeching... er, do you really wanna know?
Angron - Smirks and chuckles because he most certainly did some shit and he's practically begging you to say something about it.
Corvus Corax - May or may not be repentant, depending on the severity. Also may or may not make himself known but an effort was made, I suppose.
Alpharius - You're better off wondering what it is he didn't do. Whenever he comes, you're left wondering if that's the real Alpharius or if he sent a proxy like the last couple of times.
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heabitfruity · 6 months
Sexuality Headcanons: Primarch + Emperor Edition
Lion - On the Asexual spectrum, but not sex repulsed. He is willing to do it for someone he loves; prefers to be in control.
Fulgrim - Pansexual, prefers women to anyone else, wants someone he considers perfect because he’s fucking vain. (definitely the bitch to say “all women are queens” but then go "not you, darling")
Perturabo - Honestly, he is aceflux. He frequently has spouts of "ew, sex."
Khan - Straight. Simple as that.
Leman - Bisexual, prefers AFAB people because of tits. Man is a breast fan, but if he sees an AMAB person with some nice pecs he will definitely enjoy them as well. (Definitely does the honk-honk thing with consent, makes him giggle)
Dorn - Aroace, fully romantically and sexually repulsed.
Konrad - Asexual; he does feel romantic feelings but he has no idea what to do with them
Sanguinius - Bisexual with strangely high standards, also wants to romantically spoil someone.
Ferrus - Straight, but has definitely questioned his sexuality before, and is now comfortable.
Angron - TBD, he hates himself too much.
Guilliman - Straight, in a DILF way.
Mortarion - Aroace, in a normal aroace way.
Magnus - The type of man to say Sapiosexual and Morosexual. He doesn’t care about gender, he just enjoys if they can fight back in a debate or if they’re a him/bim/theybo.
Horus - Pansexual, doesn’t care; he simply wants someone to snuggle with. He also has a lot of charisma so he definitely is probably polyamorous.
Lorgar - Straight. (he gets no bitches)
Vulkan - Bisexual, in a wholesome way.
Corvus - Aromantic and Demisexual, sex is kind of weird with him. He doesn’t trust it.
Alpharius/Omegon - Nobody knows.
The Emperor - Pansexual, doesn’t have time to give a rat’s ass about gender when he fucks.
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corvusspecialartist · 6 months
Ranking Primarchs Based on personal hair day pt 2
This is will a wrap up of the Neutral Tiers. For the reader in this.. you will have 4C type hair, and that you will be going natural.
Corvus Corax
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One of my current favs.
Although, he is from a literal jail cell of a planet. I dont think he would really know/be experienced enough with other types of hair. And the fact is that he expelled a good part of legion due to issues their former practices. But, he seems quiet and a good listener.. so if you need to rant. He's a go-to sensative guy.
2. Lion El Johnson
He, although he has the knightly look, is very much a turbo douche. He has mellowed out a bit every since he reawakened, a long time later...Like he won't give you the side eye for your hair, but he would "encourage" you to try and make it straighter if you are going out in public. So on the lower end of neutral.
3. Rogal Dorn
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Honestly, he would just leave you to it, tbh. Would probably recognize the process of maintenance as a form of mediation. (Like his mind clearing Pain Glove) He is a stoic, so if you try and get him to try and comb your hair.. he may accidentally just comb it though a bit too hard, not get the right comb or messing with it while it isnt wet.
4. Jagathai Khan
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To be honest, if you get him to settle down. I dont think that he would be really that helpful... but try and give you sage advice about it. I mean, it would be rough, but no more or less rough from any of the others.
5. Horus Lupercal
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Although he is bald as an egg, I would think that he would take at least some time to charm/convince others to do your hair for you, and just spend the time to continue with his duties. He is the Warmaster after all and that is a 24/7/365 job.
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