#How The Customer Explained It Cartoon
monstersflashlight · 29 days
Patreon commission for anon
Request: I was thinking a fem!vampire reader that works at a coffee shop and she has fallen in love with a werewolf customer, but he’s kinda oblivious and a bit of a himbo, and when she finally confesses he’s like…completely taken aback but not in a bad way? And if you feel like it sexy times, but I’m also open to serious fluffy stuff too…ummm the reader is chubby tho, like…I would really appreciate it if you keep it either neutral or make it apparent that the reader is short and chubs.
“You know I don’t like coffee?”
Werewolf (name: Toby) x fem!vampire chubby reader || heavy make out, fluff, pretty much SFW || TW: internalized fatphobia (very light9
“Order for Toby!” You try not to get amused by his taken aback stand as he approaches you.
He always looks so confused when you call his name that you don’t even know why he comes here in the first place. You always have to bite down on your lip to avoid giggling when he takes the first sniff of his coffee. Coffee black, two sugars, one vanilla. Every evening he comes and asks for that, even though he clearly doesn’t like it. It amuses you how he clearly wants to order something else but ends up ordering “the same” everyday.
“Tha- thanks,” Toby’s stutter makes you smile at him, your fangs glistening under the fluorescent and catching his eye. He licks his lips predatory, like he’s savoring your smell in the air, but once again he doesn’t say anything, he just leaves.
You grunt at the next customer, getting angry at yourself for being hopeful that such a cute werewolf would give you the time of the day.
That’s why after a couple weeks writing down your number on his cup and not hearing back from him, you had enough and start getting your break when you know he’s going to show up. The first day you almost give up and get back to work when his soft tone asks for you. But you endure. He didn’t call you. He didn’t show interest in you. Maybe he just likes the way you make coffee (even though he frowns every time he picks it up).
But the third day he shows up in a different time, making you prepare his order the same way you always do, writing your number one last time on the bottom, always hopeful that this time would be the time. When he grabs his coffee, you tell your coworker you are taking a break, wanting to get far for him. He doesn’t let you. He follows you to the back room, your coworker not even caring that he does that.
He crowds against you in the tiny room, he’s so much taller than you that you have to look up when he asks: “Why are you avoiding me?” His tone is a bit hurt and you have to swallow your regrets, because this is his fault.
You press a finger against his chest, accusatory, when you ask back: “Why didn’t you call me?”
“What?” He looks completely confused, and you want to kiss his stupid face so much you have to press your long nails into your palms, the little pain bringing you back to reality.
“I’ve been leaving my number on your cup for weeks and you never called, but then you show up here everyday even though you don’t like coffee just to see me. I don’t get it. I don’t understand it,” you explain. You try not to sound hurt, but it permeates your voice either way. It did hurt, it hurt so much that he didn’t call any of the times you left him your phone number.
“You know I don’t like coffee?” He deadpans, making you even more angry at him, forgetting your pain at his rejection in order to look at him. If you were a cartoon character you’d have smoke coming out of your ears.
“That’s what you wanna focus on?!” You whisper-shout to him. He steps back, completely taken aback by your tone.
“I- Sorry. What?” He questions again, his puppy eyes making you want to melt.
You want to be mad at him, you want to be furious, but when you open your mouth what comes out is: “You don’t... You don’t like big girls, is that it?” You hate yourself a tiny bit for letting your insecurities get the best of you.
Toby’s face contorts in what feels like a caricature. “What?! NO! I love your curves, I want to take a bite of every curve of your body, good goddess you look like my best fantasy came to life,” he says everything so fast that your brain is a bit dizzy by his confession.
When you fully register his words, you are even more confused than before. “Then why didn’t you call?” You are really missing something here. If what he says is true, and what you say is true… Why haven’t you been on a date or something?
“How would I?” His confusion is so clear in his tone, and his ears twitch so adorably when he tilts his head to the side that you want to squeeze him until he’s just a puddle of goo on the floor.
You take the coffee cup and turn it around, splashing some of the contents on the floor. You show him that there’s indeed a number written on the bottom. “My number. In your cup. Everyday,” you repeat.
His surprise is so evident that he gapes like a fish at the numbers and then back at you. Numbers. You. Numbers. You. “Wait. Wait. You like me? You gave me your number?” His question is followed by some mumbling that you don’t catch, like he’s talking to himself. Or more like cursing himself.
“Yes! I’ve been trying to get you to notice me since you first came in,” you confess. You are so glad you can’t blush, because if you could, you’d be as red as a tomato.
He repeats: “You have?” His surprise shouldn’t be as adorable as it is, and it shouldn’t make you want to kiss him senseless. It should make you mad at him that he’s been so obvious to your flirting.
“Yes!” You exclaim, throwing your arms up, exasperated.
“I- I… I didn’t know.” His tone is soft, almost a whisper, and his ears keep twitching over his head. He’s embarrassed, you realize. And that makes you want to coo at him. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry,” he keeps chanting as he squeezes your body against his. Your face barely gets to his shoulders, but the way he squeezes you against him makes every worry you had about him disappear. He wasn’t rejecting you, he was just too dumb to realize you were into him. Stupid werewolf himbo.
Toby’s arms hold you so tightly against him that you fear he’s going to break you. “Dude, if I wasn’t a vampire you would break me,” you let out.
“Oops. Sorry.” He lets go of you and looks like you just gave him the best Christmas present ever. “Can… Can I kiss you?” He asks, his big paws holding your face tenderly.
“I thought you’d never ask.” You grab him by the collar of his shirt and pull down with all your supernatural strength, giggling against his mouth when you hear the ripping sound. But you don’t care. And he doesn’t either.
Your lips are against his, and your fangs are pinching his lips as he whimpers. You deepen the kiss as he grabs you by the waist and pulls you up, your legs wrapping around his middle as you grind against his toned abdomen. His hands find your ass and he starts groping you, his tongue dancing against yours. You are in heaven. After so many weeks of pining, you can’t believe you are grinding against his body as he caresses yours. You’ve never been happier to be with a supernatural, his strength coming in handy to support your weight without any problem. It’s exhilarating.
You make out like horny teenagers for what feels like hours, but it’s probably no more than fifteen minutes. You are breathing heavily against his neck, your fangs gracing his artery without biting down, as he groans and moans, rocking his impressive erection up to meet your needy core. You want to bite him so bad, but you know it’s not the place. Your venom can induce some kind of frenzy in werewolves and you really can’t have him fucking you raw in the backroom of the cafeteria. You like this job.
“Your break is up,” a voice says behind you, making you let out a short scream as Toby giggles, his face buried in your neck and his hands still squeezing your ass like he’s kneading bread.
He lets you down and pats your ass once more, kissing the tip of your nose softly. “I’ll pick you up when your shift is done. I think we have things… to discuss.” The innuendo on his words and the way he looks up and down your body like you are his next snack is enough to make your non-existent pulse race.
You can’t wait for your shift to be over.
Reminder that you can commission me (info here) or suscribe to my Patreon (info here). And that my second account is @whiskis
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doubleddenden · 8 months
The topic of Palworld is pretty charged, but often times I see people be shamed for liking it because the CEO tweeted stuff about NFTs and the company using AI art in a separate game. Acting as if that's the most damning thing ever for a gaming company in an industry filled with similar people.
Make no mistake, I dislike both AI art and nfts, but do you realize how many gaming companies have involvement with that?
To begin with, Pokémon used AI art in a promotional piece for Pokémon Go in September, and nobody gave a shit because uwu Pikachu. The Pokémon Company also put a job listing some months back seeking an expert in NFTs. That's not quite damning evidence, but if I were a betting man, no "NFT expert" will willingly say "yeah nfts suck are bad for the environment, man, I'll take my paycheck and fuck off now." There's also a strong argument to be made that Pokémon has stolen ideas from fakemon artists (Finizen and Palafin, Scovillain, Dipplin, etc) and other franchises (kaiju movies, Dragon Quest, Megaman, final fantasy, western cartoons and food mascots, etc), a dubious legal statement that claims they own all fan art from the remixes and fakemon made on youtube to the pikachu your kid drew at breakfast; they have yet to apologize for the state of Scarlet and Violet while charging full price to millions of paying customers for a clearly unfinished and barely functioning game (which i did enjoy, but you can't tell me it was finished baking when it struggles not to shit itself just to run), and a bunch of other things people shit on Palworld for, but A. It's Pokémon so people don't care and think it's fine, and B. That's not the point of this post.
You know who else does NFTs and AI art? (Yes I heard Muscle Man from Regular Show in my head just now, too, moving along)
Square Enix sold several of their IPs for NFTs and claims to have used AI art "a minimum amount" in Foam Stars, yet I see nobody yelling for boycotts of Final Fantasy 14, 16, Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Quest, Life is Strange, etc etc etc.
Sony has invested in both, they want to implement AI into gaming, and has a patent for nfts to be used in games and consoles, yet there's no movement to throw out your playstations.
Bandai Namco- you know, that company with a hand in pretty much most anime games on the market and popular games such as the Dark Souls games? They have a game called RYU that's essentially a virtual pet game that uses the blockchain, and its AI driven, among other projects. Yet there's no outcry to stop playing the many, MANY games they brand with. This also includes quite a few Nintendo games (btw they just partnered together to form a special studio quite recently) like Smash Wii U/3ds and New Pokémon Snap. Nobody gives a shit though.
Android, Microsoft, Google, Apple- I don't even need to explain those, they have whole teams dedicated to both. Even popular VPN companies accept crypto.
I'm just saying an awful lot of you guys that scream and shit bloody murder about Palworld's company being involved with that shit are either the biggest "It's okay when my favs do it" type of hypocrites, or you're sorely ignorant to just how evil and greedy most corporations are. You'll be hard pressed to find a game company with popular AND fun games that DOESN'T have some interest in either, let alone movie and show studios. That's the awful reality we live in.
You have 2 options
1. You basically stop doing anything involving most modern tech, including throwing out your pc and smart phone. You could probably live a comfortable life with tech circa 2010, but you have to be aware that any thing you buy may go towards a cause you don't like.
2. You accept that people can enjoy a product while not necessarily agreeing with the CEO of said product. Most CEOs tend to be jackasses anyway, that's kind of the shared trait they all have. You can also discourage companies from using them while understanding it is everywhere.
Palworld at the end of the day is just a toy, that's it. From the looks of it, it's not even actually hurting anyone, and it seems like the company at least treats their employees pretty decently- at least according to a few things I've seen here and there that seems rather progressive for a Japanese studio (with room for doubt obviously, it's a company after all and as we've established, they're all evil). At the least its not like when people supported Hogwarts Legacy and directly put money into JKR's wallet so she can openly hurt more Trans women. In fact, the only people seemingly hurt in all of this Palworld drama are obsessed Pokémon stans that can't accept a parody, or the Pokémon Company themselves, who rightly deserve some punching up tbh.
You can just say you dislike the game, that's fine, I totally get that. Even though I personally think The Pokémon Company deserves a few nut shots after the way they've treated fans these last few years with the state of their games (and you know, stealing ideas from fans without credit), I can see why someone would be turned away from a parody that's literally meant to be Pokémon with guns. I can totally understand all of that, personally I'd prefer if the game was MORE like Pokémon with turn based combat.
But if you're going to defend Pokémon because you think its perfectly innocent because of Wooloo or something like that, just be sure you're aware you're defending the World's Richest Franchise and their own attempts at AI and NFTs while calling out an indie company (a real one thats learning as they go, not the fake "We're totally indie" franchise that hasn't been indie since gen 3) for having a ceo that also seems interested in the same stuff. And remember, you don't become number 1 without hurting people somehow (we could dig up receipts about certain partners Pokémon has teamed up with, such as Tencent with Unite, but I'd rather not right now.)
Just saying. I don't think you're an irredeemable person for still liking Pikachu, cuz I do too believe it or not. I've been a life long fan and still have fun with the games despite the clear scummy business practices towards their paying customers. Just maybe extend that courtesy to the millions of players just trying to have fun in this awful, putrid, shithole planet that just keeps getting worse and worse with each passing day.
Plus... you know, think about it. Do you think Pokémon would ever get around to making a gunless Palworld? Probably not. Do you think Palworld would exist if The Pokémon Company and Nintendo were the slightest bit chill about Pokémon fan projects like SEGA is with Sonic? Also probably not. From what I've read, the devs just wanted to make a fun game that happens to mostly be ARK with Pokémon adjacent monsters. That's not really a bad thing, all things considered, and it seems like the worst they've done is reference official Pokémon when making their own models.
Palworld being successful is actually beneficial to Pokémon fans, as well. It'll never really truly compete, but it has outsold Legends Arceus in terms of units sold (not as much financially because Palworld was only $30 plus a sale recently, but still impressive), and it is enough that Game Freak is aware of its existence. Let Palworld light a fire under their ass, and maybe GF will actually finish their next game before releasing it for full price (and no, we're not bringing up the tired imaginary ball and chain game devs, game freak owns 1/3rd lf the franchise and can easily take methods to get more dev time, they just haven't because money). Just saying, at least the Paldevs were honest enough to sell it in early access for half the price.
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his-tamine · 7 months
Okey Dokey, so no more tiptoeing around the issue, with many people's helpful private opinions, I've come to the conclusion it does need to be addressed.
AI "art." From here on out, anyone I see posting it is getting blocked. I'm not arguing with anyone about this, that's not what I'm here for, but I've seen it too much as of late, and I feel I should at least say something about it, especially as an artist myself. There's never an excuse for it.
- Need a visual/reference of what your oc(s) would look like, but don't think highly of your own artistic abilities? Surprise! There are still plenty of ways to obtain one, without using AI. The amount of incredibly talented artists in this community, some of whom are in need of commissions. The incredibly talented artists who sometimes draw for free, out of hobby or perhaps need for practice. And then even if neither of those work for you, try some of the character customization mediums we've all used before, that have existed on the internet for years now. (Think Gacha, Picrew, etc. Even if it's seen as "cringe" by some people, it's better than this.) Or hey, try drawing it yourself. "Bad" art is allowed, and everyone starts somewhere. Even if you don't like how what you're drawing looks at first, you will eventually if you keep trying, I promise you. Watch speedpaints, animatics, cartoons, study the way things look through your human eyes, and apply them to your process. Learn. Grow.
- Ignorance? There is no way that you've dipped your toes in AI generated images, without knowing what needs to occur for an AI to generate said images. It does not come from thin air. These robots use real people's faces to produce images of people, real animals to produce images of animals. So, in the case of "art," that's right, they're using a real artist's artwork to produce it. In short, stealing. If you've not heard about this by now, and have still been using AI generators to generate "art," then I'd have to assume you've been doing it blindfolded.
- Just for fun - or worse - for fet? ...Let's be serious. As I've explained above, there's no reason to be using it at all, but especially here on fucking SNZBLR of all places! Like... Guys, this is a sneezing kink/fetish community. And you're really knowingly using a robot - which grotesquely melds together other people's work - to generate fetish content? Do we... not realize how gross that is?
I'm not coming after anyone specifically, because I've seen more than just one person doing this, but if the shoe fits, wear it. And that's all I'm saying about this. I'm really tired of seeing it, so if those of you doing it won't change, I will. Though considering the blatant disregard some of you have for human artists, one blocking you shouldn't bother you too much, right? ♥
Anyways, sorry if I freaked anyone out with my cryptic ass posts from before, I was hesitant to say anything, because I didn't wanna start shit, but sometimes it's just not worth it to bite your tongue. If the snzblr art community can (rightfully) come down on tracers, then we should be doing the same with AI "art."
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mayzi33 · 4 months
*clears throat.*
(apologize in advance for any mistakes english isn't my first language)
Alright. Here we go.
Look, I haven't watched MLP in a LONGGGG time. But recently with all the stuff I missed our and since the fandom is still pretty much alive and well I decided to take peek by peek in the seasons I haven't watched.
Until I came across, these guys
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And I have so much to say.
I didn't write a script for this or anything so I don't know where this rambling is going so I just ask you to bear with me for as much as you can, okay?
Look, watching the Young Six episodes I've experienced one of the things that angers me the most. SUCH. WASTED. POTENTIAL.
I homestly don't know what Hasbro WAS THINKING in giving them so little screentime. There's so much I have to say but I'll try my best to keep my thoughts organized.
First things first, we'll need to talk a little about G5 or "Make Your Mark" series or whatever. I personally enjoyed the movie, though the story didn't make much sense (we'll get to that later) the characters were pretty nice, the songs were catchy and the animation was mwah. I didn't bother to watch all of the G5 series, because- (pardon to all who enjoy it) it's so. Freaking. Boring. Like I know there's a pony girl that's supposed to be a traitor among them but then grows onto being their actual friend and there's a villainess and that whole conflict and yada yada yada. But honestly there just isn't anything I found enganging in the entire thing. I can't explain it, it just feels- off. I know I probably don't have much right to talk, cause again, only now I'm diving into the mlp again after missing out A LOT, but I just can't bring myself to like that series.
Now, the whole School Of Friendship saga in the G4 series with our beloved Young Six, I know some people had some issues with it and it didn't please everyone, and while it does have some flaws and is certainly not perfect, you can't deny there was lots of potential. (I'll try to not overuse that word I'm sorry)
I personally, really liked the concept of different creatures from different cultures coming together and forming the perfectly diverse friend group. Episodes like The Hearth's Warming Club and What Lies Beneath were particuarly really fun, it was nice to dive into their cultures and backstories while also watching the six of them be vulnerable in front of one another and grow closer. If only they had more screentime and more deep episodes like that, they could have been in the top 10 found families in cartoons.
Now, just some other reasons as to why I think they're interesting characters and should've gotten more than what was given to them.
1- Their whole deal is that they're not all ponies, that they're all different species. We get to learn lots about their different cultures and customs. It would've been such a good way to teach children about acceptance and respecting differences while also being entertaining. Especially in a school enviroment.
2- We got not one, but TWO male characters in the group. It would make little boys that are interested in mlp feel more comfortable and valid for it. AND those two males also have distinct personalities and their own active roles. Gallus being sort of the leader of the group, and Sandbar being the only pony therefore the one to stand up for his friends.
3- While they're supposed to be the new represantives of the elements of harmonies, their personalities are still interesting and different from the Mane 6.
Onto that, I really like how it's implied they could be the next helders (or whatever its called) of the elements of harmony. Given their special connection to the tree, how similiar they are to the previous groups (Mane 6 and The Pillars) and how Twilight LITERALLY LIFTED THEM UP AS WELL WHILE SHE SPOKE ABOUT HOW THE ELEMENTS WILL LIVE ON, it would've been such a cool concept.
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Onto that, I wanna talk a bit about each of their characters too and how I think they could've been dealt with.
Gallus is the element of magic, but unlike Twilight who's all open and confident-spoken about friendship and all, Gallus is probably the one in the group that's the most closed-off and dislikes getting all cheesy. It would've been interesting seeing his development as the helder ot the element of magic. AND ESPECIALLY since he doesn't have magic in the first place, since Twilight and Starwirl were unicorns. So maybe he could make posions? Get powers someway else? Many posibilities
Sandbar is the element of kindness, but unlike Fluttershy he's extrovert and down to making friends. His overrall personality is that he's constantly very chill-going and nothing seems to ever upset or annoy him. So it also would've been interesting to see how that pattern would break, especially because of his element.
Yona is the element of honesty. She's probably the one that has the hardest time adapting to the Equestrians among the group, and even tried to act like a pony instead of herself one episode. It would've been interesting to see how her element of honesty reflects on how she should be true to herself, especially since her Yak culture comes a lot with honor.
Ocellus is the element of genority, yet, unlike Rarity, she's a lot more like Fluttershy, being timid and insecure, while also being smart and well-read like Twilight. It would've been nice if her development with her element would be gaining confidence in herself and being generous to others that way. Especially since she has a fear of being like the old changling queen (forgot her name) so imagine if she just turned out to be the opposite of her. Instead of selfish and cruel, being generous and kind.
Smolder is the element of loyality, but also like Gallus, she's also not into getting cheesy. But what I find imteresting about her is how she tries to keep her tough, agressive persona (since thats how dragons are) yet it is revealed she's actually interested in cute, fluffy stuff like tea parties and dresses. So it would've been cool to see her growing confident in admiting her interests, therefore being more like Rainbow Dash, who's always confident on herself
And last but not least, Silverstream is the element of laughter. But what's hooking about it is the fact that Silverstream herself probably hasn't KNOWN what laughter is for a long time, having to hide under The Storm King's rule. She's very talkctive, creative and extrovert, like Pinkie Pie, but she also has her trauma that haunts and intimidates her, unlike Pinkie who usually faces her fears headfront. Another great development story.
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So just hear me out, okay. I don't care if MLP is over. I don't care if there's G5.
We. Need. A. Young. Six. Spin-off. Series.
I know it sounds crazy, but I genuely think this idea could work out if it was handled well enough, and Hasbro could make some good money out of this.
Just bear with me. A spin-off series set on the timeline between season 8-9 aka, still on the School Of Friendship, focused entirely on the Young Six. We could still get the Mane 6, of course, but mostly as support characters. It doesn't have to be a particularly long series, (though maybe that could work as well IF handled with enough care) maybe just 2 seasons or so. And I'm not thinking like a slice-of-life or fun little extra kind of thing, I'm thinking of ACTUAL lore. Just more about how the tree and the elements work, and how these six students could grow into being their new helders. In each episode it becomes more and more evident to them and the Mane 6 themselves that they're going to be the next generation of the elements. So imagine once they all fully it figure out and talk about it, the Y6 suddenly feel this pressure about how they're supposed to live up to their teachers and fear that they have to be EXACTLY like them. So we see Sandbar taking extra kindness classes with Fluttershy, Yona taking extra honesty classes with Applejack and heck even Gallus is taking studies more seriously (especially since he's supposed to be the element of magic which again I find imteresting since he doesn't really have magic at least not the way Twilight and Starwirl do. ) So we could have an entire episode about the M6 getting through to them and showing they don't have to be JUST LIKE THEM nor The Pillars. They can be their own people.
Another main-plot idea would be having more villains, probably trying to test them or tear them apart (cough cough like Swift Foot from the idw comics cough cough) or maybe you could even fit someone as intense as King Sombra, or maybe even even the return of Tirek, Cozy Glow and Chrysalis in there. (I remembered her name yay)
And, of course, more onto their characters, flaws, backstories and cultures! I would love to see more about their people and customs, just as much as I would love to explore their traumas, fears, ugly sides and how they overcome it together (cough cough found family COUGH COUGH GAGS)
And another thing, I especially would've liked to explore Yona's and Sandbar's relantioship.
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Don't they give massive beauty-and-the-beast vibes? I love how their colors and body types contrast with one and another, and their personalities aswell. Yona being loud, cheerful and clumsy while Sandbar is calm, thoughtful and carefree. I just love the big girl x soooorta small guy vibes and I especially loved how gentle and reassuring Sandbar was towards her in that episode. I mean, "I don't care if you're not a pony, you're the best Yona I know." SERIOUSLY? WHO WROTE THAT LINE? I'D LIKE TO GIVE THEM A HUG. And also, onto the spin-off series matter, it would also be a cool topic to explore. Imagine if some ponies/yaks are judging them for having a relantioship while being different species and they learn to ignore them and live past that??? I usually don't care much for romance, (always prefered friendship and found families) but this would've been a nice little arc and episode theme to see.
Lastly, (I'm almost done I promise) to the more technical/economical part.
Like I said in the beggining, I genuely think Hasbro could make some good money out of this. Firstly because it will be using the G4 characters and lore and not...whatever mess of a plot G5 is.
And secondly because, if they took the time to give them some cool power-up designs like they did with the Mane 6, I'M SURE the toys would sell.
I mean- JUST LOOK AT THESE COOL DESIGNS I FOUND ON THE INTERNET?? (not mine, credits to whoever made it, you ate that)
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And if anything, they could be as bold as to make an extra Equestria Girls (well, girls and boys) series with them. I know it sounds kinda dumb, especially given the fact that I'm not sure about how that would work given that when Spike went to the "human dimension" or whatever he turned to a dog... So Smolder would also be a dog? Sandbar would be the only actual human in the group?... BUT I'm sure they could come up with some excuse to make it work. Give them some cool, colorful outfits for different events and I'm sure it would sell. And ESPECIALLY since with Gallus and Sandbar in the group, it could get the attetion of young boys aswell.
Anyways. That was it.
Uhm. Conclusion: Hasbro should hire me. I know what I'm talking about. I think. At least a bit.
And I genuely think this could work if only SOMEONE gave it the time and care.
I don't know how to end ramblings so uhmmmm thank you all for coming to my pep talk.
They deserved better.
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haru-dipthong · 2 years
The Japanese language is one of the most indirect languages in the world. There are the obvious examples of this, such as when some customers try to enter a busy restaurant without a reservation and the staff say 難しいですね (”this is tricky…”) instead of simply telling them that there are no seats. However, I've noticed that Japanese’s indirectness may go much deeper than simple euphemism.
Japanese seems to come built-in with ways of avoiding directly addressing your conversation partner.
The Japanese way of expressing things often involves voicing your internal monologue, which means people will say things ostensibly to themselves, even though what they really want is to communicate to the other person. When I first noticed it, I thought it was a bit similar to how some (western) cartoons occasionally handle exposition by having a character mutter something to themselves so that the audience can hear. This can be seen in the following extremely common forms of expression:
Using adjectives as an exclamation
うま!Literal translation: “Delicious!” Semantic translation: “Wow, this is really good”
怖い!Literal translation: “Scary!” Semantic translation: “I’m scared!” or “This place is giving me the creeps”
It could be argued that these single word exclamations may not always be “talking to yourself”. But imo more often than not, they are spoken with the vibe of “I felt this adjective so strongly that the word just slipped straight through my internal monologue and out of my mouth”.
Wondering aloud (かな)
雨降るかな? Literal translation: “Hmm, will it rain or not?” Semantic translation: “I wonder if it’s gonna rain.”
今夜来るかな? Literal translation: “Hmm, will [they] come tonight or not?” Semantic translation: “I wonder if they’ll come tonight.”
Compared to the adjective examples, this is less ambiguous. There’s no direct translation for the verb “to wonder” in Japanese - you just wonder aloud! The literal translations sound funny because they only make sense if the speaker is talking to themself.
Explaining stuff to yourself (んだ)
あそこにあったんだ!(context: the listener has just shown the speaker something they were looking for) Literal translation: “There it is!” Semantic translation: “There it is!”
In this example, the literal and semantic translations are the same, because this is a case of talking to yourself in English! If you think about it, it doesn’t make sense to say “there it is” when the person you’re talking to clearly already knows that’s where “it” is. Instead, the phrase serves to convey satisfaction and surprise.
まだ20歳なんだ!(context: the speaker has just found out from the listener that a friend of theirs is younger than they expected) Literal translation: “[She’s] only 20!” Semantic translation: “She’s only 20? That explains so much!”
In this example, んだ is used to mark the sentence as an explanation of something. The listener already knew the friend was only 20, so the aim of the sentence is not to convey new information, it’s to show that some sort of internal reasoning is happening within the speaker’s mind.
In the immortal words of Carly Rae Jepsen:
🎶 Do you talk to me, when you're talking to yourself? 🎶
For every Japanese speaker, the answer is yes!
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minecraftbookshelf · 1 year
For the succession thing I would love to hear about The Ocean Empire and since i assume it’s also probably linked somehow - How Joel became King and also a Consort.
(You can’t just drop the whole “prisoner of war” line and the harem thing without explaining! I need to know what chaos these two got up to and why that came up!)
Please know that I immediately converted into a cackling cartoon villain when I saw this ask XD
The Ocean Empire had a royal family, actually. Very standard bloodline succession model. Then, everything changed when the fire nation salmon army attacked.
At that point, the Ocean Empire was both entirely underwater, and a good bit further out from the mainland, they didn't really interact with the Dryland kingdoms, and hadn't in a very long time (about the same amount of time Pixlriffs has been King of Pixandria, though I'm sure that's just a coincidence and had absolutely nothing to do with the greater geopolitical events happening around that time.)
When the attack happened, a significant portion of the Oceanic ruling class was killed pretty much immediately, including the entirety of the royal family, and many of their extended relatives. But that did not leave the Oceanic throne empty (metaphorically, it was destroyed in the attack) because a bit earlier, one of the god-eggs had hatched.
Rewinding a bit; the Ocean Empire had, in their temple of the Sea God (who's name and nature were lost but who they knew they had once had) were the god-roe. a dozen or so eggs, each containing...a being. Their exact nature was unknown, whether they were demi-gods, or incarnations of the original sea gods who ruled under The Sea God and were his children, or new gods altogether, no one knew. What was known was that they were a last gift from a god who could no longer be there to protect their people. And in times of great strife and upheaval, one of them would hatch and would lead the Seafolk through the time of adversity, until all was well and they were no longer needed.
And then they would leave, vanishing into the depths and wilds of the ocean from whence they presumably came, and would be remembered by their title. (The last god egg to hatch had been several hundred years prior, The Golden Shark)
The Blue Axolotl had hatched and grown into an appearance of the equivalent of a human in their mid-teens, just in time for the fall of the Empire. And so she was placed on the throne.
(And then there were many adventures and encounters and the Empire was rebuilt and then...)
Not only did the Blue Axolotl not leave, not feeling the call as her predecessors had, the knowledge that her time was done...
another of the eggs hatched. (The only one of the eggs to have survived, though it was damaged in, the salmon attack)
(And everyone got very concerned very quickly.)
Joel and Lizzie's initial marriage was part of the "adventures and encounters and rebuilding" phase. the tldr; of that is that the Ocean went to war with Mezalea, Mezalea did not win, and so the treaties and negotiations after were heavily slanted in the customs and to the advantage of the Ocean Empire, and so Joel kind of got married off as equal parts war prize and trade agreement.
Obviously this ultimately worked out for them but it was a bit awkward at first. They did get to have a very sweet, very epic romance and basically Joel got promoted from "first member of harem, and probably a low-ranking one at that" to "official consort of the queen". They had a very lovely ceremony for that that was basically a coronation (and when he got his trident) and when they refer to their wedding this is usually what they are talking about.
Harems were, while not a requirement of Oceanic royalty, customary. It got brought up to Lizzie a lot in the first century or so of her marriage to Joel, before everyone got the hint.
Most people (on the Oceanic side) expect that Jimmy will eventually have one, even if he has moved out into the Cod Swamp. (Jimmy does not realize this at all)
AU Masterpost
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britt-kageryuu · 23 days
A video is uploaded onto the VTurtles! Clips Channel. 💜🐉🐲
It opens with an animated version of Purple Wyverns' model (Kendra).
"So, I was a bit bored after finishing up some projects so I went through a number of VODs to look for the various Cups and Mugs the Turtles use on stream." Kendra explains while showing a picture of a Tumbler that reads 'With a Great Workload, Comes a Great Amount of Coffee!'. "I actually asked Dee about this, they don't really own hundreds of cups, just alot of temporary graphics, put onto a few different styles of cup."
"Anyway, this is a compilation of clips featuring some of the more interesting one I found!"
Donnie and Leo are playing a game, and Donnie pauses to drink from a cup that reads 'Blood of My Enemies!'.
Leo looks at the cup, "How is that filled with the blood of your enemies, when the drink is green?"
Donnie without missing a beat answers, "Aliens. Keep up Blue. Besides yours says 'Hater Tears'!"
Leo is casually taking a sip from a cup that reads, 'You better Be-Leaf, I'm Feeling Tea-rrific!', "Gotta love that Stealthily Strawberry blend. Yes, I will plug our personal Coffee and Tea Company the Caffeinated Turtle. Yes I will act like a sellout."
The boys are all together doing some exercises, and in the foreground close to the camera is 4 color-coded cups each with a anime style character. They resemble Waifu Cups.
Red has Star/Mona Lisa, Blue has Usagi, Orange has a version of Spider-man, and Purple has Atomic Lass.
Mikey is doing some street art on a large canvas. On the canvas is what looks like Spider-Man but he has paint splattered pants, and jacket. And there's letter art that reads Painted Spider.
He steps back to take off his custom respirator mask, to take a drink from a tumbler labeled 'Definitely Not The Paint Water!' that has a fake paintbrush glued to the rim.
Raph walks through the frame behind Donnie taking a drink from a very large bottle that has 'Pre-Workout Hydration!' written on it.
Donnie doesn't notice, but there are some confused messages in the chat.
Leo and Donnie are in sync drinking from cups that read, Leo: I got the Beauty, Donnie: I got the Brains.
Donnie is chatting about the coffee blend he was testing, and lifts a mug that reads 'My Body is 87% Coffee', "We think this blend might be too close to a unsafe level of caffeine, but that's why the placeholder name is 'A Cup with Death'."
A Clip from a Merch promotion that featured some Cups with different graphics.
1: 'Hydrate Like A Boss', 2: 'I Will Bite Before, and After My First Cup' , 3: A Cartoon Slider drinking from a Japanese Tea Mug, and 4: A Cartoon Box Turtle holding a paintbrush and the cup is splattered with paint.
Leo is chatting to the audience while holding a mug that says 'Hot Soup!' with a cartoon Lou Jitsu. "And then he said 'When will you give me Grandchildren?' Like Pops, we haven't gotten passed 2nd Base!"
Not the most original idea, but I thought it was funny.
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cerame · 1 year
Artisan’s and Archer’s designs
So a little bit ago, I got a compliment on the two designs of Echoes of Courage I'm proudest of. I do love all these characters, but these two took a bit more creativity on my part, so I'm going to explain them because I am a sucker for design. I will try to remember as many of my own details as I can, but no promises.
Let's explain Archer first.
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Behold, the most recent Link! Breath of the Wild took a departure from the classic green, so I kept with that and made his tunic the main splotch of color on him. The browns and monotone colors are subdued in comparison so that the blue can have the spotlight.
In regards to the tunic itself, botw and totk both have significant influence from traditional Japanese culture, as seen with the sheikah taking on a more japanese fashion sense and the dragons being eastern instead of european shaped, so I kept that with the design of his shirt. His tunic was originally the shape it was in botw, but after the calamity, it sustained such damage that Impa was only able to save some parts of the tunic. Using those parts, she repaired it as best she could, but Archer took a liking to Kakariko fashion anyway, so he's perfectly happy with it. In addition, with the looser fashion of the ancient clothes, I changed his belt to a more ribbony shape.
Thinking about how his shirt might have worked during botw. Perhaps he wore it as a haori, or maybe it was damaged, of a shorter cut, etc. and his Zelda made him the current one. Nothing is concrete about that yet, and I think it would be neat if it was different than it is post-totk.
The turtleneck and the leather armor from the new tunic in totk is incredibly charming to me, so I naturally had to keep it, but in order to show it off practically over the tunic I'd decided on, his sleeve got pulled down. I also designed him before totk came out but after the first trailer came out, and from the trailers, we could all tell that something was going to happen to his arm. I had no idea what purpose it would serve or how Link would end up by the end of the game, so I kept his arm covered up but outside his shirt. Turned out to be a good call.
As for his hair, I loved seeing his hair down so often in totk. It feels all free and wild and soft, so I kept it, except it felt a bit impractical to have it hanging all around him like that, so I did a half-bun. He gets to keep his hair down while tying it out of his face. This also lends itself further to eastern style inspiration.
A note on the smaller details: he does wear his amber earrings, and he's got scars across his body.
Now, we have Artisan.
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It was a bit more difficult to figure out Artisan at first. I took inspiration from as many links meet aus as I could find, but everything for him is so varied, and while it's fun, it does make it difficult to nail down what does work. Unlike with Archer, I had no real direction in the beginning, so I searched for what made him unique as a Link. I also went back to the original ideas of character design, the most prominent being outlines and silhouettes. I'm still a bit iffy on his silhouette, but overall, he works.
First, the albw aspects: His bracelet from Ravio went inactive after the rifts between Lorule and Hyrule closed, but he still wears it. It's becoming comforting to him. As for the clasp on his cloak, it is absolutely the two triforces, and he got it custom-made in Hytopia. His pegasus boots are also from albw, and since Collector and Forge both had their unique pegasus boots, I had to come up with something just as striking for Artisan..... and then, I looked upon none other than the Zelda cartoon of olde, and I decided that Artisan would absolutely wear over-knee boots. So that's what he got.
Now, his triforce heroes parts. I know the green one is player one and all that jazz, but I wanted to see if I could do something not-green, just like Archer or even Piper. The sword suit in the costume catalogue stood out, and not just because the red link is wearing it in the official art. It's more tame than most other choices, and it's casually royal, which is a strange flavor of style, but I discovered after significant experimentation that when you pair it (or the idea of it) with poofy bardic sleeves (yellow, courtesy of albw's blue tunic) and gloves, it takes on an almost roguish look while maintaining the fancier feel. Also, when I lined him up next to Collector and Scout, I found that their colors together were red, blue, then green, and I couldn't not keep him blue after realizing that.
Notes: his cloak is still a bit weird to me, but I've gotten too used to it. Hytopia pushes the boundaries of fashion anyhow, so he can do whatever he likes. His hair is dyed because that's just fun, and it's braided because everyone else in this AU has short hair or a ponytail, and I wanted him to feel more well-groomed than everyone else. He gets to take care of it, and he has gotten hair care advice from Princess Styla. I didn't originally intend for this effect, but the pale outlines of white and gold on his clothing really make his outline pop. The consecutive dark colors of his tunic, pants, and boots would not work without those lines. His eyes are, in fact, purple! Ravio, in turn, has green eyes. I did doubt the choice of yellow sleeves at first, since it's not exactly the secondary color of my choice, but I went with it, and I was pleasantly surprised to see it work so well. Perhaps it was the yellow of his hair and the golden accents, but I am very pleased with it. He only comes a century or so after Collector, so I had to pick a tunic shape that could hold similarities between the two of them, which is why the collar of their outer layer is the same for both of them.
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lostuntothisworld · 8 months
I know the popular headcanon these days is that Gabe and Emilie were in their early 20's when they created Adrien but I'm going to have to politely disagree. Let me explain:
I think they had a whirlwind romance and married extremely young (between the ages of 18 and 21, with Gabe being a little bit older, but not by much.)
And yes according to the Representation play, Emilie, after trying to conceive for a long time, DID go for fertility treatments in the UK, but for whatever reason they did not work because she's a sentimonster and cannot create life because of unknown reasons.
We only know snippets of Gabi Grassette's life before he erased his past and became Gabriel Agreste, but by the time Adrien was created, he had:
-Had been discovered by Audrey Bougeois
-Formed a fashion empire and became rich
-Built, or at least extensively renovated the giant Agreste mansion that Adrien still lives in (There's way too much customization for it to not be his designing)
These things take time. And presumably while all this was happening, he and Emilie were trying for a child. It takes a while to be deemed infertile, and then more time for fertility treatments to work (or not work in her case).
Then when that fails, he's traveling the world extensively to find the Peacock Miraculous with Emilie and Nathalie, which would also take time.
I'm allotting a very short time period of about 10 years for all of this to occur.
I know Emilie and Gabe look very young during the flashback in Evolution, but really, you don't start looking old and decrepit the second you turn 30. A quick glance at celebrities in their 30's and 40's, and even 50+ will clue into how humans actually look like when they have money to look young and beautiful. Also this is a cartoon. It doesn't need to be realistic.
I think Emilie was in her early 30's and Gabe in his mid 30's in the flashback we see in Evolution, and Gabe was about 45 when he died.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk
(Edited to add a sentence)
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Hey I really liked that bots and gender drabble thingy you did, but it spark a question...how would the bots explain their choice of pronouns they choose on earth to the kids if they asked? Like why did arcee choose she/her instead of he/him like the others? Or vice-versa?
Feel free to ignore
Hm, intriguing concept. Don't mind me while I answer this.
Previous part here.
It was bound to happen eventually after the team revealed their lack of care toward pronoun usage in general. But after a few months of the children knowing about the strangeness that was Cybertronian pronoun customs, the question was asked.
How did you pick your pronouns upon coming to earth?
The answer varied for different members of the team.
When it came to Ratchet, he explained his choice quite simply. He didn't give a frag and found it to be too much trouble to eternally correct the humans they worked with on his pronouns should he have chosen female or neutral pronouns. Thus he went with "he" for the sake of his sanity. Not only that, but he was taken more seriously that way and more often than not he preferred masculine terms. There was no deeper meaning involved, he just didn't want to be bothered constantly banging his helm on a wall trying to get it right and so chose the easiest pronoun to use in all languages on Earth.
Bulkhead's explanation was similarly simple. He wanted to be strong and found masculine pronouns fitting for that goal. Besides, he too was well aware that using more feminine terms would lead to confusion considering his frame type. He was built like a wrecking ball and had no interest in constantly having to work around human customs. As with all Cybertronians, pronouns were merely a way to blend in with others, it was too much work to bother making a big deal out of it. Wheeljack was the same in this regard. He too didn't care enough to go through the trouble of swapping around his pronouns more than necessary when he could just use the most common pronoun among human government.
Compared to Ratchet and Bulkhead, Bumblebee's answer was more personal and seemed on par for his personality. Shortly after arriving to earth he consumed absurd amounts of human cartoons. He was enthralled with the heroes of those cartoon, those like He-Man, GI-Joe, Lion-O, and many more. He only became more enthralled when he found Marvel and DC comics. He admired the heroes in both the shows and the comics and so took on the pronouns of the heroes he liked best, that being "he". He gained his earth name through similar means.
Arcee chose her pronouns partially out of defiance and also out of formality. It was customary for at least one Cybertronian to take on feminine pronouns when visiting other worlds so that, it need be, the inhabitants of the world could feel more comfortable speaking to one of their own gender if they had something to say. That was part of the reason, but of course the more personal reason for her choice was because she wanted to make a point. It was a bit of a personal goal of hers, but she found it fun to take on feminine pronouns and show that it really didn't matter what one was called if they could kick Con tailpipe. In her mind, if you fought well, it shouldn't matter what you were referred to by and she liked to be a living reminder of that.
Then there was Optimus, and his entire reasoning was for logistic benefit. His observations showed that the human government and army was largely composed of males. Not only that but most often the humans found it easier to communicate and be amicable toward a leader who presented as male due to the way their minds were wired. Thus is made the most sense for him to take on male pronouns to make communications easier while still driving home the point that him and his team were not to be trifled with. There was no personal preference involved in his decision, it was all for ease of communication.
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connoisseur-of-love · 10 months
I have a smurfs AU where instead of being more like gnomes, the smurfs are instead a more humanised elf race instead!
here is me infodumping about them
Smurfs are still quite short in this AU, at least in comparison to other humanoid creatures, being about 5'2 to 5'4 on average (with an exclusion of a few smurfs whom are notably taller like Hefty who is tall even for human standards)
they still age quite slow and for about a 1000 year lifespan
The smurfs in my au are the same age as of the 1981 cartoon (a range of 100-150)
smurfs also have the ability to do or aquire magic, though most don't and instead do alchemy
majority of there customs and languages are pretty much the same from canon, the only difference is that they have more defined roles similar to fantasy kingdoms (like Hefty being the village knight and Brainy being Papa smurfs advisor in law)
smurfs have an iffy relationship with other elf races, due to how completley different morpholigcally they are and also culture differences. they still are noted to hate humans
They have hair and majority of them still don't wear shirts
the reasoning behind the sexes being in completley differen villages has actual reasons this time
-a few hundred years ago, there was three notable scenarios that caused the split and loss of communications between either villages
a human war the smurfs where indirectly involved in, caused majority of the male smurfs from smurfy grove to join in at the village to help protect and fight for there safety. this caused quite a loss and also majority of the female smurfs from the village went to join smurfy grove
during the end of the war, before the smurfs could immigrate back to their homes there was a massive natural disastor that caused a natural loss of communication between two villages for many years. and when either smurfs made it through the disastor, both thought either village was completley lost
a magical event that caused more of the already extremley limited population to almost deplete on itself, leaving only a few smurfs who all hapened to be the same gender in either village
then, having believed they where the last smurfs on earth, decided to each make a deal with the nature fae, where the fae creates smurfs themselves (due to having powers similar to god) and deliver them via the stork every blue moon.
This also explains why their is so little of Papa smurfs generation as well.
though it is to note that the smurfs plan to take down the whole stork thing as female and male smurfs get assimilated again and majority of the initial fae elders are retiring
they also do have families in this au. where the storks bring a small batch of babies at the same time that they automically deem as 'brothers', also due to the fact that the fae created them with similar genes
some familes include:
Hefty and wild are long lost twin brothers, Clumsy is their younger brother, and snappy is the youngest Storm and lily are sisters
Nat and farmer are brothers
Chief and baker are idetical twins
Blossom and Bergonia are twins also
fae would usually deliver notes to papa smurf/willow explaining each family in detail
non fae created smurfs (like smurfette) are still a thing! they are more similar to the hommonculi from fate/stay night, in that majority of them have more natural magic in them and they age much quicker into adulthood (with an exclusion of sassette whom drank an slow aging potion, which reverts her to the normal aging for smurfs)
gargamel is still a thing in this au, and is still incredibly fucking racist about the smurfs. he's reasoning for killing them has reverted to him wanting power (also selling elf blood goes for a crazy high price in the black market)
thats all I have for now, If i have thought of more I might do another post
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Toontown: Rewritten Recap: January 2003 (Cattlelog)
January 25, 2003
Sir Max had a very important announcement to make: Clarabelle Cow has officially opened her business!
She’s sent everyone free sample packages, including phones that can be used to call her to order MORE furniture. The phones can’t be used to call anyone else, though, only her.
That said, serving 300 customers is, understandably, very hard. Thus, Clarabelle Cow had the Toon Troopers (such as Sir Max, who reported this event) boxing and delivering the goods themselves.
Also, sending out all the “sampler packages” wore out the Toon Troop so much that they genuinely did NOT have the energy to open the Cattlelog for business. So the Toons are going to have to be happy with the starter set for now.
Also, for some reason, moving the furniture crashed the game.
January 26, 2003
LL-Terminal43 made an emergency monitor broadcast, and the 26th manifested as an anomaly that made it broadcast as an encrypted blog post.
Decrypting it reveals what it was broadcasting.
Flippy and Sir Max visited Doctor Surlee’s lab, with Flippy wanting to find Surlee’s blueprints on laff.
Slappy had 42 laff, the highest laff of any Toon at the time, while Flippy only had 38. Flippy was worried that Slappy’s higher laff might make him more appealing to the voters, and thus sought to find a way to make his own Laff higher. They found the Laff Meter blueprint, and Flippy copied it. That, however, set off Doctor Surlee’s Security System, getting locked in his lab in the process.
They were not going ANYWHERE until Surlee came to let them out.
Also, click here for a decrypted version of the blueprint they found.
January 27, 2003
Sir Max created an inescapable maze of furniture inside his house to trap the other Toon Troopers.
He also explained that he had gotten stuck while doing a Task with Flippy, which is why there hadn’t been any news yesterday.
Also, furniture can be moved now, thanks to the Toon Troops and Clarabelle visiting everyone’s houses and cleaning up all of the glue that had been spilled all over the furniture while they were unpacking it. Not sure how they didn’t notice that, but it does mean that toons can FINALLY personalize their estates! It only came at the cost of delaying the grand opening of Clarabelle’s Cattlelog again, but as everyone’s furniture was glued to the floor, this is probably for the best.
Also, Sir Max didn’t put an exit in his maze. The other Toon Troopers were genuinely trapped with no way out. He closed off the blog post as he left to feed them again.
January 28, 2003
The servers hosting Toontown rewritten had some technical issues, temporarily taking the game offline and causing a blackout in the world of Toontown.
Thankfully, being cartoon characters, Sir Max and friends’ eyes glowed in the dark, so they weren’t COMPLETELY blind in there.
January 29, 2003
The Toon Troop tried to send out everyone’s Cattlelog shipments, but had to deal with a sudden bug infestation.
Sir Max, in particular, would deny freaking out at the sight of the bugs, even if he was very clearly freaking out.
Perhaps some bugfixes would help.
January 30, 2003
Fat McStink announced his annual fan-favorite event: Improvaganza! He was then alerted to the fact that the venue he rented out was closed due to health code violations involving bad pies.
He then decides to go with his back-up plan: Hosting the event at his house! All his friends can come over and have some fun!!!
Y’know, for the first time in five years.
As soon as he left to find the others, Sir Max came out of hiding to let the players know that the Toon Troop had chosen to lay low and mentally prepare for a couple of days, given how the Improvaganza tends to be quite the ordeal.
(Also, Fat McStink apparently ruined the update by putting it in the wash. Don’t ask how that works.)
January 31, 2003
Sir Max posted a message in morse code, explaining that he had gone into hiding to avoid the Improvaganza. It was just too cheesy to endure.
Also, more words were added to the whitelist.
I love how they add the fuckups to the lore. Like ‘oh moving furniture crashes the game? Uh.... actually we spilled glue!’ and the wordplay on ‘infested with bugs’
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sonicasura · 7 months
Transformers Prime: Toonsanity
Yes, I'm going back to the Weretoons with Transformers idea well specifically the Prime version. Rescue Bots will have it's respective post so don't you worry! Let's get started. (Incomplete as Tumblr posted early)
Miko lives in Jasper with her Weretoon foster father instead of canon's host family. She is already Jack and Raf's friend but they don't know about her Weretoon nature. A common rule that's not just for the safety of other Weres but people close to them. Every werecreature has a respective hunter and those for Weretoons are extremely dangerous to put it simply.
The two boys would've been left unaware if wasn't for the fateful encounter with the Autobots. (Miko is still a chaos agent and being a Weretoon just amps it up.) It doesn't really take long for everyone to find out either.
Weretoons tend to carry a small bottle of ink on them as it triggers the Toon transformation instantly. An emergency tool to be precise. What better time to use it than on a hostile alien spaceship full of trigger happy robots?
Like any other Toon, Miko has a hammer space with her preferred cartoony weapon being a giant mallet. Jack pretty much felt like he was going insane at this upon seeing his friend flatten a Vehicon into a metal pancake. Raf is taking it a bit better than him. The bots however...
Ratchet: What in the pits is this?!!! *Points at Toon!Miko*
Miko: *eating a carrot she pulled from her hammerspace* What's up, Doc? Never met a Weretoon before? Congrats on being not only the first non-Weretoon aligned doctor but the first 'normal' doctor I done this joke with!
Jack: *notices everyone staring at him* Hey, don't look at me! I didn't know about this until now!
Ratchet obviously grilled Miko for answers as he barely knows how to treat humans! Now he has to worry about an unknown subspecies getting injured or ill. Miko explaining the whole 'Weretoons' thing so nonchalantly didn't help either. (Optimus wrote everything in stride as the unknown reawakens the archivist within.)
Ratchet shuddered knowing others can be infected and rather not find out if Cybertronians are susceptible. (They are Ratty. It's another reason why Miko wears a mouth guard. A simple bite with their actual teeth is all a Weretoon needs to turn someone even if they don't penetrate skin or metal.)
No one purposely tries to test Miko's squash and stretch capabilities whenever she's in toon form. Doesn't stop a cartoony shenanigan from occuring. Or the fact every single bot on the team has fallen for the inherent gag trying to get Miko outta harm's way like in every other cartoon.
Bulkhead got whacked in the face by his own lob ball as it preceded to roll off the shelf after Miko.
Optimus somehow slipped on a banana peel and accidentally falls on Bumblebee from trying not to squish the Weretoon.
Ratchet crashes into the ceiling when Jack's knife set is hurtled at Miko with the medic taking said blades to the aft. (Toon law: Anyone struck by a pointy object always launches upwards.)
Miko reveals her beast form during the Scrapheap episode. She gotten pissed when some Scraplets had munch on a metal custom road plate her dad made for her room. Never anger a toon who can turn into a serpentine dragon like mole cause Miko chased the little pests everywhere with a vengeance.
Jack already resigned to the insanity after this little reveal. He's just glad they got a heavy hitter that the Scraplets couldn't munch on. Optimus and Arcee were really confused about this new development but let Miko help warm them up. (She runs hot as a mole dragon plus long enough to coil around someone OP's size.)
Hostage situations with Miko will always go wrong for the kidnapper. She either slips out their grasp like a snake or go beast mode on their ass. Makeshift learns that moles bite especially if they're half dragon.
Knockout and Starscream doesn't have fun with Miko during their respective encounter either(TMI/Rock Bottom.) Her claws can do more than just dig through dirt as she left behind pretty larges gashes on their frames. Starscream and Knockout constantly about still finding sand in their frame.
The ugliest confrontation between Miko with a Decepticon is Predaking. Dragons aren't exactly friendly towards each other as they are territorial as fuck. (Moles are even moreso.) Especially if it involves a claim. Her friends and the Autobots' can be considered Miko's plus considering Predaking is more dragonlike...
She fucking mauls the Predacon with their respective breath attacks leaving freshly made glass everywhere. Ultra Magnus had to hold Miko like an angry extra long ferret so she didn't fly after the retreating Decepticons. Our girl may be strong but not invincible.
Toons can have their own rules turned against them plus Miko can't sustain her toon form for long. She's got an hour to an 1 hr 30 minutes before reverting back. Then there's the threat born from the film 'Who Framed Rodger Rabbit': The Dip.
It can burn a Weretoon in their human form but becomes truly lethal if they are a toon. Dip is their wolfsbane and is the main tool in a Cartoon Hunter's arsenal. Two things Miko wasn't happy to explain to the bots when movie night came around.(Bumblebee apologized btw.)
It's gonna take awhile for the Decepticons to find out. Sadly a certain mechanical based organization knows about Weretoons...and most are hunters. Or that one particular spider bot might add Miko to her list of targets too.
For Miko's father, he'll remain mostly anonymous. This is because I want to keep the main ides separate from any extra doses of insanity should it peak my interest. Like making her foster father Dynamite Anton from Antonball/Antonblast.
What better way to do the 'Meet the Father' bit than this fucker throwing hands with a bunch of moles, called BALLBUSTERS, because their boss Satan stole his booze. (The literal plot for Antonblast.) It would obviously have the fandom wide headcanon of Anton being a demon and his demon form being usually portrayed like this. (Can't resist the sheer irony when you consider the fact Optimus is basically robot jesus in most iterations of the series.)
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Things are gonna be chaotic with Ratchet wanting a drink either way it goes.
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asmo-cosmetics · 1 year
brothers + smoking hcs
because like, they're vices, i bet they have vices, y'know?
genuine cuban cigars. barbatos has had them imported from the human world for him ever since diavolo found out about the habit.
he still finds it embarrassing, of course, but they are very good quality cigars. he doesn't have it in him to refuse.
he keeps two, wrapped, in the inside breast pocket of his coat. if you see him taking one from there (rather than the cigar box that sits eternally beside the gramophone in his bedroom), you know something particularly heinous just happened.
he keeps his lighter in that pocket, too. it's a zippo-style refillable, sterling silver and engraved with his name and the demon lord's crest.
another gift from diavolo. again, it's just excellent quality. the fact that it rests over his heart nearly at all times is incidental.
blacks, almost exclusively.
-- is what he says. they're menthol blacks, but he's old enough to remember when menthols were marketed primarily to women in the human world, and he's still kind of embarrassed about his "girl" cigarettes.
they're a devildom brand, but don't get it twisted, he still prefers the most expensive variety they have.
he also likes those flavored cigarillos, the cherry or honey ones, usually.
(there's also a demonus flavor in some stores. he loves those.)
prefers weed.
is one of those guys who is really annoying about the fact that he prefers weed.
to be fair, this is probably mostly to annoy mammon.
probably has a vape pen and an online store he likes that does those dumb cartoon-themed carts but with like. nostalgic anime.
but... it's levi. so, like... bongs.
no, but it's levi, so seriously like a legit kind of impressive collection of custom bongs purchased directly from the glassblower's akuzon page.
one of them looks like ruri-hana's flower staff.
def one of those guys who can explain to you in scientific detail how all that shit works, too.
"but what's he like high" giggly. more talkative. fascinated by everything. really honest.
he'll have cigarettes sometimes. usually when he's lonely and he wants something that smells like his brothers.
he grows, prepares, and blends everything he smokes himself. everything he blends smells fucking divine.
usually uses a pipe, but he has an antique hookah from the human world that he'll get out on occasion. also not opposed to rolling clove cigarettes if he finds good rolling papers.
(levi gets him those sometimes. in return for satan rolling joints for him because he can't roll for shit and satan's are always perfect.)
the pipe is a sherlock holmes replica. it was a gift from barbatos. he treasures it.
sometimes he'll infuse magic into a blend, usually for hookah sessions with other people. with satan, you can smoke a memory, or the sound of a string quartet, or an entire ballet.
but usually, it's just a taste to fit the book he's reading. some go best with an apple cider feel, you know?
he used to get those little disposable vapes all the time, but eventually levi felt bad and helped him pick out a permanent one.
his juice is like. all fruit and sweets and candy flavors. he has one that tastes like vanilla cupcakes that everyone likes the smell of.
also maybe this is kind of a pull but you know that brand black devil? that makes the strawberry cigarettes with the pink paper? yeah.
looong black audrey hepburn cigarette holder. he has a little collection, actually, because, well, they're accessories, but the black one is his favorite. it's elegant and cool and looks sexy in pictures.
beelzebub & belphegor
beel doesn't really smoke unless belphie's smoking, and belphie usually just steals from his brothers.
he has a brand of reds he likes but he mostly relies on someone else picking them up for him because he is Too Lazy to go to the store.
beel actually likes the taste of asmo's best, but the reds are still his favorite because they smell/taste the most like belphie.
belphie's favorite are actually a blend satan makes and rolls for him to help him sleep.
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starsaviour48 · 1 year
For a request how about Arcee and June hanging out with each other?
Two girl bosses coming right up.
The space bridge opened and a clearly upset and muddy Arcee stepped through it.
"Wow soooo the scouting didn't went well." said Wheeljack while jumping out off Arcee's way.
The blue femme turned around slowly and looked at her team with a murderous glare.
"You think?!? I had had enough doing you guys dirty work!" said Arcee and pointed to Bulkhead and Bumblebee who were the original team that should have done the mission.
"I'm also tired of your remarks like do you always feel the need to point out the obvious?"
It was Ratchet's and Wheeljack turn to be the target off Arcee's rage.
"And you..." Arcee turned to Smokescreen but realised that this time she has nothing on the rookie.
Smokescreen just lifted his servos in defence.
"I will just cross something off the list "Why Arcee is angry at me this time""
Optimus turned to Arcee to offer her an olive branch as the human saying goes.
"You should take this day off. You deserve it."
"Damn right I do."
Having the day off is one thing, doing something with it is another. After a good oil bath provided by Bee and Bulk as apology for their overworked teammate she had no idea what to do. She tried to go to the training room but Smokescreen stopped her saying that she has the day off and training isn't the way to spend such a rare opportunity. On one hand she agreed with him but still...
"I heard of a human activity that you should try!"
"You having an idea? You scare me Smokescreen."
"Ha ha ha. I'm starting to think you enjoy bickering with me."
"Believe me I have a better way to spend my time than being in your company."
"Yeah? Like how?"
Arcee opened her intake to answer her teammate but closed it the moment she realised that she had nothing worthy to mention. Still she tried because she was stubborn after all.
"Watching cartoons with Bee, you and the kids. Have you forgotten?"
"No but you must have forgotten that me and Bee literally dragged you with us to watch anything. So no that doesn't count."
Arcee sighed.
"Fine. You win this time. What is that activity you mentioned."
Smokescreen smiled before explaining Arcee the beauty of slumber parties.
"I will...think about it." is all Arcee said before waving goodbye to the younger bot.
June was looking at Arcee who seemed to be out off it. The nurse thought that although Arcee was Jack's guardian they didn't really spoke a lot. Maybe it was time to change that.
"Everything's okay Arcee? You look...lost."
Arcee stopped walking in circles and looked at June.
"Yes of course Miss-"
"Call me June."
"June. Everything's fine. It's just... This will sound weird but do you know how to have a slumber party?"
June blinked up at the femme. Yeah something is definitely up with the serious bot.
"Do you know what a slumber party is Arcee?"
"If I can trust in Smokescreen than yes I know. He said it would be a great way to relax."
June weighted the pros and cons of having a slumber party with a giant alien robot before answering.
"I think I can help with that!"
Arcee looked a little bit confused. At that June raised a brow.
"I was young once too you know."
The Darby house wasn't really unknown for Arcee especially their garage. However all this colorful and eye catching human things made a place look somewhat foreign.
"What colour do you want for your nails?"
"Let's go with pastel pink." hummed Arcee after a little thinking.
June carefully started painting her digits. Arcee didn't really have nails but she said it was okay to paint the end off her digits.
"Sooo do you have a bot you like?"
That question took Arcee off guard. Although Smokescreen told her that human girls mostly talk during this custom but she didn't expected June to ask something like that out off the blue.
"Not really. I mean I had a little crush on Cliff, nothing serious. And you?"
June chuckled at that.
"Well to be honest Mr. FBI agent is quite the looker but I don't think Jack would approve."
"Just give him time. He will accept it."
"You think?"
"He will understand. He loves you more than you can imagine. If you are happy he won't stand in the way of that happiness." smiled Arcee softly.
It was a rare moment they shared and the femme has to admit it was nice. Really nice.
"What do you think off your teammates? You can tell me anything. My lips are sealed." smiled mischievously the nurse.
"Good question."
"Who's your favourite?"
"I have to say Bumblebee. He is like a little brother to me. He has quite the temper and can be childish from time to time but he is a great bot with endless potential."
"Who would you spend a week with?"
"Hmm... Bulkhead I think. He is a good travelling partner and he has a lot of stories. I have to admit that he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed but he means well."
"Who would be your shopping partner."
"Definitely Ratchet. He knows what he needs and he will do it swiftly. He is a really grumpy and straight forward bot but he puts life above all else and I respect him a lot."
"Who is your bff?"
"You wouldn't believe it but after the whole you aren't fit to be an autobot fiasco I would say Smokescreen."
"Really? I thought you guys are... you know...have bad blood between you two."
"Not really. After a long talk provided by Optimus we came to terms with eachother. Since than we like to goship, you wouldn't believe how much info the kid has it's honestly entertaining to listen to all the "beef" in the elite guard. He can be annoying sometimes but he is just a kid after all."
"Who would you live with?"
"Can I say humans too?"
"Than Jack. It's kinda obvious why."
"I'm glad my son has such a great friend like you." smiled June.
"I'm also happy that I met him."
"Next question. Who would you go on a vacation with."
"Wheeljack. He knows how to party and relax. He is also fun to be around. We are the lone wolf companions. Also he has a spaceship so we could visit some interesting planets too."
"What about Optimus and Ultra Magnus?"
"Well they are like the bosses of me so I wouldn't be that comfortable with them as I'm with the others. Although I would definitely go to a museum with Optimus. He has great knowledge on Cybertron after all. But I think I would drink the Cybertronian equivalent of coffee with Magnus."
The rest of the night went with decorating Arcee with various colorful items and chatting. If Arcee showed up tomorrow with a flower crown on her helm and pink digits nobody said a thing.
"Pink is soooo your colour. Have you ever thought on a new paint job?"
"I would paint myself pink but than I would have to constantly explain myself to Ratchet and Optimus as to why I have so much energon on me."
"So you have been walking around the base coverd in energon but because of your base colour we could see it?"
Arcee nodded and Smokescreen chuckled.
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shadowredfeline · 27 days
Two in One Post
For my Filipino Friend’s On this Day Post
Hope we’ll have a nice National Heroes day. Even the Ramcats will celebrate it with the Speedsters and the Rabbits too. Plus I’m sure Riya and Vanilla holding a child would be something for both of them to be a hero of child development. And maybe Riya and Vanilla can be heroes too when they want to help out with their friends to save the day.
Debby 😺📱🖥️: We’ll always be heroes together like a family. And I’m sure your parents will be pleased and can be heroes with us.
Shadow R 😺🗡️: Sure, Mom. You’ve been a hero to us as well as for dad. Because you both care about us.
Debby 😺📱🖥️: Uh huh. Even the Speedsters and the Rabbits can be heroes too. We’ll all be heroes to this whole family.
Shadow 😺🗡️: Indeed. And Lisa will be a great hero too. Since she has tried her best to be a good hero as well as for Tory.
And for Response to my A-Pal and my Filipino friend.
Yeah I couldn’t agree more how Warner Bros. Discovery has gone overboard as well as for Cartoon. And to they’ll you both that I don’t like Teen Titans Go either. Plus the way of their movie is like where they go to the movies, that’s how I wanted to do Cartoon Cinema Labyrinth and have Robin as the bad guy. I have made Robin as a Bad Guy ever since I wanted to do Cartoon Network in Persona 5 Royal, because he wanted to do wrong things by making the Cartoon Network characters in a false happy Reality where they got their wishes to come true. But Gumball and Rigby didn’t want that, because they can both feel something isn’t right. And that’s how I got Robin to be the Final Boss. And I also wanted to add something new to the Cartoon Cinema Labyrinth story, I also wanted to include Sonic characters in it while they wear their Cinema attires. Plus they also got Sanrio character emblems on their hats. Sonic has Pochacco, Tails has Chococat, Amy has Hello Kitty, Cream has Cinnamoroll, Zooey has MyMelody, Perci has Kuromi, and Shadow the Hedgehog has Retsuko, and sometimes for people don’t want characters to get confused with my character, Shadow, I can let a character give him a nickname like how Paul calls Shadow, “Chuck” and Shadow might call him Red Feline, and Sonic can call him “RC” because it’s short to “Red Cat”, or he might call him by his real name, “Carmen”. And I know a lot of people would call Shadow a Red Cat since he is a cat after all. But I’m sure the Sonic characters will help Shadow R and his Friends to save them and the movie theater and stop Robin and his henchmen who are controlling the different films and companies. Since Robin is controlling the Warner Bros. Films, then we might have other people who are controlling the other movie companies. Now Shadow and his friends will help and stop Robin and save the movie theater.
And a quick Response to my Filipino friend, even though it is blurry, I bet you’ll love to taste some my customized cakes and we can both enjoy a delicious cake.
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