#How To Figure Out Which Cat Is Peeing In The House
AITA for putting dishes I didn't know were washed in the dishwasher?
SMH this is the stupidest fight but I need outside perspective.
I (33f) still live with my dad (68m); reasons why aren't important it's just been a life thing.
We've lived in the same house since I was an infant, and the house is in great shape except for one thing: we have mice. We never used to this bad, maybe one or two a year, but it's gotten to the point we have to set traps out every night (Dad doesn't believe in humane traps and cats are out of the question).
They've recently started getting into our silverware drawers, making me reluctant to use anything since I don't know how clean anything is; mice pee as they go and it's apparently only visible by blacklight? So anything that looked clean could actually have been dribbled on.
Over the past 6 months I've gotten tired of being the only one who cares and flat out told my dad we needed to do something like hire an exterminator to find where they're getting in and he refused. IDK why, maybe because he knows I'm moving out eventually, and he wants to sell the house when that happens and he figures he can leave it for the next owners? Anyway, I told him he can clean the silverware the next time the mice use the drawer as a litterbox. Well they did the other day, and I reminded him today that he still hadn't cleaned it. He said he would. I checked later and all the poop was gone, but I didn't know if he'd washed everything or just picked up the poop (which he's done in the past and said "It's fine") and started loading everything into the dishwasher. He came in mid-loading and got angry I did that instead of asking him.
So am I the AH for trying to keep us from ingesting mouse droppings?
What are these acronyms?
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wonijinjin · 11 months
cat got your tongue?
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author’s note: i wrote this as a halloween special drabble (i know i am late) using this prompt generator (so fun!), enjoy!
synopsis: your perfect plans for halloween night with jeonghan did NOT include hoshi’s surprise.
word count: 0.7k | genre: humour/crack, halloween special, horror/thriller, fluffy ending | pairing: jeonghan x gn! reader, hoshi x jeonghan, gn! reader (platonic) | warnings: spooky themes, screaming, bit of physical fighting, jumpscares (nothing too scary or serious)
it was halloween night and you and your boyfriend jeonghan decided to go on a trick or treating trip around the neighbourhood. to say that you were excited was an understatement; you even bought a cute angel costume for yourself, and (after a big fight about him taking the fallen angel costume instead of the standard angel one) the black angel one for him, ready to be the most iconic duo of the year. you were getting ready in your bedroom, waiting for your boyfriend to come home so you could begin the route of 12 houses when the lights went out, leaving you in the dark. honestly you found the situation ironic; on halloween night the power going out. you felt a shiver run through you, not really liking how you were sitting in complete silence, in the darkness, alone in a big house. you stood up, trying to find your way in the hallway when you heard a strange noise from the kitchen. you were speechless, air caught in your lungs as you really didn’t like mysterious surprises. you collected all the braveness left in you and marched forward, looking for the sound when a black figure passed you. your first reaction was to run, or actually it would have been; but you froze in place. the shadow passed again, making you question if this was your last day on this planet, if this was the end for you, something scary taking you away in halloween, bones shaking with much more fear than before.
the figure peeked out from the kitchen, the only thing you saw was a pair of brown eyes looking back at you. you tried to scream, however you felt a pair of arms grab you by the waist and pull you into the other hallway, the arms that had been holding you inching further up in seconds, a hand covering your mouth. “keep your eyes closed and don’t make a sound.” a voice whispered in your ear, upon hearing which you relaxed; it was jeonghan’s deep tone, the one which he only used when needing to discipline some of the members, or when he was feeling a bit seductive. “you will be quiet and not watch what will be happening, understood?” he told you, to which you could only nod frantically, still scared for your life as you didn’t know what was going on. “i heard the footsteps too. don’t move.” he said and causally stepped aside, looking out to search for the owner of the eyes you had seen previously. although you wanted to ask him when he got home, it didn’t happen since you were focused on the events, breaking his rule of not opening your eyes. you were terrified, but couldn’t resist to look at the scene unfolding in front of you. “horanghae!” a moment later the figure jumped in front of a very cautious jeonghan and revealed itself by taking off a tiger mask; it was hoshi, laughing so hard you thought he would explode. ”got you!” he screamed while jeonghan just stood there, unable to speak. “gosh, you should’ve seen your faces! switching the lights off was an amazing idea, you two looked like you could pee yourselves any minute.” he wheezed, unable to stop. “you son of a-“ jeonghan screamed at him, already hitting hoshi by the shoulder. after a minute or two you finally managed to stop him from slapping his friend for the tenth time. “why would you do something like this soonyoung?” you stood there in disbelief, heart still racing like crazy after the adrenaline rush you had been through. “he did it because last year me and minghao tricked him on halloween. it must’ve been a payback, right, hoshi?” jeonghan smiled dangerously at his friend, waiting for an answer. “that is right. and i did a pretty damn good job.” soonyoung laughed. “well, i didn’t find this funny at all, so i would appreciate it if next time your silly pranks would stay in your friendgroup, okay?” you grimaced, getting hugged by jeonghan from behind, him patting your hair. he looked at hoshi with a warning expression, mouth pressed into a thin line, but eyes smiling, trying hard to contain his laughter ready to burst out. “oh don’t worry angel, i will make sure this tigerboy never pulls something like this again.”
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shadowthorne · 4 months
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I guess it's a good time to announce that I got a puppy! We adopted her three days ago. She's fourteen weeks old now, and allegedly a germen shepherd/ leonberger mix. She's already about 30 pounds and huge.
He name is ATV, or Attie for short 💕
She was from an accidental litter on a hobby farm, her momma is an outdoor livestock guardian, so at 14 wks old, she has never been in a house, played with toys, rode in a car, gone to the vet, worn a collar or walked on a leash, or taken a bath, nor is she used to all the sounds that come with city living. She was extremely shut down when she got home, but she's already blossoming and opening up so well!
She's silly, she's sweet and gentle. She has started following me around like a little shadow and she's getting so brave and gaining confidence so fast. We went from having to carry her in and outside, to her walking on a leash the entire way and sniffing and exploring. At first, when she saw someone or something scary, she would try to bolt, now she sits down and looks up at me, sees that I'm calm, and proceeds to watch calmly too. We ran across the same maintenance guy (a big guy in a reflective vest with little flags and a noisy walkie) a couple of times and the most recent time she even gave him a little, covert sniff while we were walking by. So she's doing great!
She's also figuring out that toys are really fun! She likes to gather them all into one place and proceed to play with all of them in turn. She figured out that if she steps on one, it'll squeak, and she squeaks back at it 😂
She's curious about the cats, but afraid of Marble, who gave her a good growl when she first got here, so she's very respectful of his space. They've shared a few covert sniffs when the other isn't looking. Sinn got a little too excited and ran right up to sniff her nose on the first day and she got scared and helped, and he's been taking that personally... But he's venturing out of the room he was hiding in as we speak to observe from that cat tree.
Our biggest hurdle right now is potty training and sleeping through the night. I expected potty training to be rough, since she's lived outside her whole life. What I wasn't expecting is that she would hold it literally until she can't hold it anymore, even if we're going outside every other hour so she can try... She can definitely hold her bladder all night, which is impressive for a baby, let alone one used to peeing wherever and whenever, but it makes it really hard to figure out when she needs to go and how to encourage her to go outside instead of inside. Plus she has no vaccines on board, so we have to be very careful where we take her, so longer potty walks to help encourage her to go aren't an option right now.
The crate is also very scary... She's happy to go in it during the day, but at night she freaks out a little. She's ended up sleeping locked in the bathroom both nights, which isn't the worst set up, and somehow much less scary to her?? She settled down on the tile and goes to sleep pretty fast honestly. So we're feeding her in her crate and giving her treats and toys in there and trying to make that a fun spot for her
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I’m going to try and list the events of today - just so I don’t lose track.
Dawn. Barnum got us moving by 7:00 as usual. Maggie had a pee accident in the night, and the stench was horrible. Bri took Bernie and Maggie out, I took Murphy, and followed up with the Woodge.
Fed the cats and started a fire in the stove in the kitchen. Yeah…we ran out heating oil yesterday afternoon. Had a limited supply of wood and coal, but it began to take the chill off…
Maggie threw up.
And now it gets serious. I googled up pyometra a deadly infection which un-spayed female dogs can get post-heat. Yup. Bri called the vet and talked them into seeing her immediately.
He called the fuel oil company and begged for a delivery - then off he went with Maggie into town.
I continued cleaning and moving things back to the studio - my client guy is coming at 2:00 to pick up his paintings. I bake two loaves of cinnamon bread, and loaf of white bread for tomorrow mornings breakfast. Swill down a cup of coffee, and keep tidying up.
The belt on the dryer busted yesterday, leaving me with two loads of wet laundry which will continue to be wet and will soon begin to get moldy. Bri ordered a replacement part and we will look forward to taking the dryer apart (AGAIN) in about a weeks time.
I mix a bucket of green mold killer and have a go at the front step and walkway - it’s become ridiculously slippery and neither one of us wants to hit the ground hard. I scrub with a chunk of old broom, and leave it to do its thing…
Bri returns with some cat and dog food procured from the vets - but no Maggie. “Shes going to have surgery today. She’s infected and has to have a hysterectomy.”
Barnum had surgery four days ago to remove a cancerous mass in his belly. Now it’s Maggie’s turn.
I take Murphy out again, apply the xeroxed info onto the back of all the completed paintings, and keep tidying. Magda the vet calls to say that Maggie will be operated on this evening, and promises to call and let us know how things went.
The oil guy shows up, pumps €500 into the tank - and leaves. Bri goes out to jump start the boiler.
It doesn’t start. “I’m going to drive to Belleek and buy more wood and coal” - and so he does.
I find the boiler-guys phone number. He’ll be here in two hours.
My client shows up, we chat, drink coffee - he refuses my cinnamon bread, but likes Woodgie very much? We load his Mercedes with the paintings (he’s brought me another BIG one) - I tuck several of my pillows and blankets around the art to cushion them for the ride home.
He does not hand me money.
Which leaves John the boiler guy unpaid. He arrives, works his magic over the next hour - I wrap up a fat slice of cinnamon bread and tell him we will drop his money off at his house tommorrow.
I start making the dough for tonight’s pizza. A figure looms in the doorway - it’s Pat. “I’m just coming from a funeral in Kilty and had to stop as we were passing. Do you mind if I show some people your house?”
Pat is always welcome, I would say “drunk or sober” but somehow we never see “sober”
He rolls in. He is followed by four other people from the funeral - three of whom are smashed. The kind woman who IS sober apologizes for the drop-in, but it really doesn’t matter at this point. They are roaming around the house, tripping over dogs and enjoying Pats tour.
The funeral is for a young g man who “was shot” -?! There is confusion as to whether it was suicide? “In his side” - and yet nobody mentions murder. We offer our sincere condolences.
The tour comes to an end, they all roll outside again - and we bid them farewell- “safe home.”
It’s now 8:00. The pizza dough is rising, the dogs are passed out in front of the fire - and we still have not heard from the vet.
It’s been a day, and no mistake.
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pinksilvace · 22 days
Hi!! I can't remember if I sent you an ask already, do you have any AUs for cats?
You have not, and yes I do!
@thepineconelord and I have been imagining a college AU (or I guess specifically dorm life AU) for a while - Alonzo and Munkustrap would be RAs of their (freshman) building (they are the main focus of most of our musings). Their supervisor is Jenny (other ACs include Asparagus Jr., Jellylorum, and maybe Skimble?). All of the kittens are residents, +M&R +Plato and Misto transfers into the building at one point. Tugger's in a different building, but he comes over often and causes problems that give Alonzo a headache. Typically, if there's a social thing going on, Munkustrap is called; if there's a facility issue like a clogged toilet or pee in the shower, the residents grab Alonzo instead, since they know he'll be annoyed instead of disappointed like Munkustrap would be. Anyway, here's the one (1) note I've previously had written down about this AU:
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Oh, and Pounce, Tumble, Plato, and Jerrie are in a quad room. Probably one in the basement. Pounce is scared of the bugs down there.
I've written about another of my AUs, which I guess might not technically be an AU, but it's basically another take on the "Alonzo knew Macavity pre-Jellicles" headcanon.
I have a crack idea in which Alonzo and Tugger are taken off the streets by a man named John (wink wink) and can't figure out how to escape his house. Tugger, being microchipped, decides to live his best life until his owners come retrieve him. Alonzo is much more desperate and emotionally constipated and generally having a Very Bad Time.
I once jokingly wrote about an apartment AU, though it's not very in-depth.
There are probably more, but these are the main ones I remember off the top of my head!
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ghostlychief · 2 years
Bts tropes: how each member would go through a haunted attraction with you
Pairing: Bts x reader (all pairings are bf bangtan and gf reader)
Warnings: none really? there’s some depictions of creepy things
Wc: 3.4K+ (don’t mention it)
A/n: I’m back with another bts x tropes, but spooky edition 🎃🎃🎃 I loveeee Halloween (it’s my favorite holiday) so I figured why not write another bts trope but Halloween related. Sorry for any typos, i plan to edit it later
I hope you enjoy! - Lee
Other BTS tropes:
- What trope I (reader) would have with each bts member (happy version); 500+
- What trope I (reader) would have with each bts member (sad version); 1k+
- How each member would take care of drunk you; 2.1k+
- How each member would take care of you while you’re on your period; 2.3k+
General masterlist
Seokjin: the haunted amusement park
I can picture you and Seokjin going to haunted amusement park. An amusement park just fits Jin’s vibes so much. It may be a busier attraction, but its scary nonetheless.
I feel like Seokjin would be super confident going in, you know, cracking jokes “oh, this isn’t going to be that bad. Psh.”
“I’ll be the one scaring the ghosts.” Idk something silly like that and he’d be too nonchalant about it
However, once you guys rolled up to the place, his ego started to crack a little, but just a little. He was still trying to make jokes to according to him, “help you feel less scared” (but we all know it was really a defense mechanism for himself, c’mon now)
I think you would be fine leading up to the park, not overly confident like Jin, but also not already peeing your pants, yk
Once you guys got in line, you started to get excited, exclaiming things like “oh my gosh I can’t believe we’re almost at the front of the line!” or, you’d tug on his sleeve and say “babe, look at the people that just came out. They look so scared.” And he would glance over your head to where you’re pointing to and visibly gulp
Once you guys were actually in the park, you both would tightly hold on to each other’s hands and you’d both be screamers for sure. You guys might even be the loudest group in the attraction
Just picture Jin’s classic scream (which also was heard whenever you guys took breaks and rode the roller coasters)
Seokjin would also flinch and exclaim in his typical way whenever there was a jump scare. But he’d also shield you (whether intentionally or not) from whoever or whatever popped out of the nowhere, by moving in front of you to block you from whatever monster was there. He’d also pull you closer to him whenever he felt you guy got separated too much
Let’s just say that by the end of the haunt, you both were starving for something warm and delicious to eat
And when you’re both sitting down for your warm meal, Jin boasts, “That wasn’t even that bad; we should find a more horrifying place next year.”
You look up, just give him a blank stare and mumble, “uh huh.” (Obviously thinking bs) and go back to eating
Yoongi: the insane asylum
Stereotypical or not, picture run bts ep 24 Yoongi aka the Yoongi that is about to throw hands with a zombie
Once you expressed to your boyfriend that you really wanted to go to a haunted house this October, Yoongi immediately started looking at different attractions, determined to find the most terrifying one (which turned out to be a haunted insane asylum)
You and Yoongi would prefer a less popular attraction, but still rated hella creepy (even though you both are low key scaredy-cats)
And once you guys found one, you were off, ready to be frightened
Both of you would be fine waiting in line, you know, pretty chill, just talking as you usually do. I picture Yoongi not really thinking too much about what’s gonna happen in the haunted house, and I also don’t see him being over confident in his ability to not get scared lol, like I think he’s ready to properly be scared shitless
But, if you started to get nervous or something, Yoongi would just wrap an arm around your shoulders and pull you into his side and draw circles on your shoulder or arm. He’d also give you the occasional forehead kiss, in which you would turn to him and peck his lips once, twice, maybe three times
However, once you guys got in the haunted house, it was all downhill from there
You both started holding hands, but somehow you got separated in the first room when fog came seeping out of the wall, and there was a purple glow in the room that made it even harder to see
You may have tripped over an arm or something trying to find your way back to Yoongi
Once you both realized you got disconnected, you guys panicked
Yoongi was in front of you, but it took you a little bit, arms sticking out in front of you and calling for him to reunite
After that fiasco, you stayed behind Yoongi, hands on each shoulder of his, using him as a guide but also a human shield incase a monster popped out to get you (thanks a lot- Yoongi)
Yoongi didn’t appreciate going first, so this resulted in lots of screaming on his end
And the jump scares got you both pretty bad too, which usually resulted in Yoongi cursing and you gripping his shoulders even tighter
Let’s just say that you both were so relieved to finally make it through the house, with only minimal damage made. After you got home, you put on AHS Asylum to finish off the night
Hoseok: the classic, haunted house of horrors
Ah man, Hobi (I love the man) would be the worst to go to a haunted house with. Hear me out before you come at me!!!!
I can picture you bringing it up to him one day, you love Halloween after all and he knows this. So, he was already anticipating you bringing something like this up to him (although each year he secretly hopes you forget to lol)
You tell him about this amazing haunted house you found on the internet that has great reviews, yada, yada, yada and all he’s thinking is “how can a haunted house be ‘amazing’?”
He tries not to show it, but you saw his face fall gradually the longer you explained what the attraction was, and why you wanted to go
he’s a little hesitant, but agrees nevertheless bc he loves you and who can say no to you, right?
He doesn’t hide his apprehension though; he wears it loud and proud
Yeah, Hoseok likes to dress up and go to festive parties, but the creepy, eerie, gory aspect of the holiday? No thank you. That’s more of a you thing
Anyways, the whole time you guys are waiting to go through the place, both of you are nervous and trying to distract each other from your impending doom. (Even though you love love love Halloween, you still sometimes get a littler nervous for haunted houses)
Hoseok is definitely more scared than you though (but you’re almost equally as terrified)
The first step through the door, Hoseok is already screaming about something and it’s like that the whole way through
He even ends up scaring you by accident, in which you yell at him and slap his shoulder and tell him to “get a grip”
I can also see Hoseok accidentally tripping, slapping, or smacking into you because he’s just so startled, like it’s bad and at this point you just want it to be done lol (but you still love your boyfriend dearly)
But of course, if he does that, he apologizes profusely once you guys are back on solid ground and away from the horror house and wraps you in a tight hug and leaves kisses in your hair
You just giggle into his chest, and bring your hands up to rub up and down his back, hoping to calm him down a little (it works, he feels much better now)
Obviously, it’s not that big of a deal to you, and you just laugh about it, and continue too poke fun at him on the car ride home, while he pouts in the passenger seat (because you didn’t trust for him to drive you guys back in one piece) any other night sure, he’s a great driver, but not tonight
You guys stop at your favorite place to eat, and when you get home you crack open a bottle of wine, and have a cozy night in, trying to relax after the stressful night you two (mainly Hobi) had and you do all the things he wants to do. Which ends up being face masks and a hot bath
Namjoon: The haunted ghost tour
With Namjoon, instead of going to a haunted house, I feel like you guys would go on a haunted ghost tour or something, and it would still be very creepy and would leave you both with a chill up your spine
You both are obsessed with ghost documentaries, unsolved cases, shows and movies (even books) like that where there is no clear explanation to what actually happened. That always creeped you out the most, the unknown
For October, Namjoon surprised you with a trip to travel around your country for a few weeks to the spookiest places and stay overnight to see if you would experience anything out of the ordinary
Think of it as a haunted ghost tour trip or something like that
The first night, at the first stop on your tour was definitely unnerving. You guys kept hearing weird sounds at night, such as footsteps in the hallway, but they made a dragging kind of sound instead of the regular footsteps you’d hear if a person was walking by. When you both heard this, you and Namjoon looked at each other wide eyed, mouths agape. This was the first ghostly encounter!
But when Namjoon went to peer out the door, he said that “there’s no one in the hallway”
He hurried back to bed, jumped in and tucked you into him, his chin on top of your head and arms wrapped tightly around you. Honestly, you guys probably made out or had sex to distract yourselves lol
Needless to say, you both had a hard time falling asleep that night and Namjoon gave you endless kisses in the morning because he was so thankful you guys made it through the first night
At your second attraction, you could have sworn something was looming over your face while you were sleeping, but of course when you woke up, nothing was there, and you just turned towards Namjoon and cuddled into him, hoping his warmth would scare away your bad dreams
The ghost tour trip turned out to be a success because at each location, at least one eerie thing occurred, that left you and Namjoon both puzzled
It helped having your big, strong boyfriend with you throughout the trip, because when in doubt, you’d just cling onto him if you ever felt frightened
You and Namjoon also took lots of pictures on the trip and much to your horror, some of them depicted apparitions, looming in the background with a faint white glow around them, but you only noticed them when you guys were looking through at pictures after the trip, once you got back home
You probably were scared the most between you two, but Namjoon occasionally would get spooked and, in those cases, would just quietly exclaim, curse, whatever but then go on his day because he’d find some way to rationalize it
By the end of the trip, you guys got your fair share of ghostly sightings and encounters, and were ready to go back to your peaceful apartment
Jimin: the killer clown carnival
I feel like Jimin would be so fun to go to a haunted house or attraction with. He’d be the perfect mix of someone who would get scared but also make the most of it and have such a great time
I can picture you guys going to a haunted fair/carnival so the main theme was a clown circus or something (super creepy I know)
The fair had different rides and games, to entertain you, but the whole time you never knew when a monster would appear out of nowhere and grab you
You and Jimin would have so much fun with this too. Like both of you love Halloween so much, and especially love the horror behind it all. So a carnival with games, rides and food, but also killer clowns? Sounds like a perfect October night
Occasionally, you guys would scream and cling onto each other as another clown slowly approaches you
But then you guys would grasp hands, and run off together in the opposite direction, escaping the bloody clown
Once you guys got far enough away, you guys would be laughing, trying to catch your breath from all the running
Luckily for you guys, you wound up in front of the cotton candy machine. However, this cotton candy was blood red and puke green. It was still a yummy and a sweet treat for you both
You accidentally got some stuck on your lips since you were wearing the prettiest of lip glosses (according to Jimin), so he smiled at you and pointed to his lips saying, “you’ve got something there”
But of course you didn’t get it off, so Jimin leans into you, hand tenderly cupping your jaw, before he covers your lips with his in a saccharine kiss, cleaning you of the sticky candy
It would have been the perfect kiss, if not for the tall clown looming behind Jimin with a wide grin
You pull away from your boyfriend screaming and Jimin turns around suddenly and sees what got you so spooked. You guys are back to running, screaming, and laughing. This time you end up in front of a ride, the Ferris wheel
You guys spend rest of the night wrapped up in each other, enjoying the killer clowns and all they have to offer
Taehyung: the pumpkin patch by day, alien ridden corn maze by night
I think we all know that Taehyung would be the least fazed out of everyone lol, this man has a resting bitch face that would scare the scarers
Alternatively, Taehyung would be the best boyfriend to go to a haunted attraction with, especially if you got scared easily
I picture you and Taehyung going to a haunted corn maze
He’s the epitome of boyfriend material, so I imagine that your day started out at the pumpkin farm where you guys got hot apple cider and delicious food. You guys also toured the pumpkin patch and each picked out a pumpkin to take home and carve
All while Taehyung is being silly and making you laugh. He’d also take endless pictures of your day together; some of the farm and the animals, the pumpkin patch, but his favorite were the candid of you.
Even though you and Taehyung are stylish people, I feel like this day you guys dressed down, (and you also didn’t want to ruin your nice clothes later that night when you went through the corn maze). Taehyung looked as boyfriend as ever in his grey sweats, scarf, and long coat. You sported a similar outfit, always accidentally matching with Tae
And when the sun went down, and the wind started to pick up, you guys maze your way over to the farm’s haunted corn maze, that stretched far out ahead of you
What can you say, you were already anxious and so you quickly grasped onto Taehyung’s bicep, anticipating the daunting maze in front of you
Taehyung was excited though, he loved shit like this and before you guys entered, he really tried his best to make you smile or laugh and he was successful. He pulled a few giggles out of your lips
But that was short-lived because when the worker said that it was your turn next, you froze and your face went blank
Taehyung turned towards you and leaned down to whisper in your ear, “you’ll be fine, jagiya. You’ve got me.” He placed a gentle kiss on your lips, before turning straight ahead, ready to head into the dark. You, not so ready, but clutching onto Taehyung
The maze ends up being confusing, eerie, and dark (just what you anticipated)
and there were bloody scarecrows missing limbs, and 8-foot-tall aliens lurking in the shadows that reached out to grab you with their less than human like fingers. A couple of times they actually touched you, which left you mortified
I can picture taehyung just giving the monster like a death glare of smth because it touched you lol, he wasn’t too pleased (the monster didn’t pass his vibe check)
You might have screamed one or twice (ok more than that), even Taehyung lost his cool guy persona a few times
But whenever something would jump out at you Taehyung was quick to pull you behind him or closer to him
You guys finally made it through (thank god) you both actually had a great time (yes even you)
and for the remainder of the night, Taehyung gave you endless affection in the form of tender touches that melted away your remaining fear
Jungkook: fright night - the forest of fear
Ah Jungkook. This fucker would 100% drag you to a haunted forest attraction of some kind, and the really well rated one too. So basically, you know that it’s going to be super terrifying
It’s the kind where the send you out in groups of 7-9 people where it’s just you and your group, in the middle of a dark, empty forest (well not really empty due to all the monsters and stuff)
He’d be super excited about it too. But you’d also be excited because you love Halloween and all things scary
This attraction would be a bit of a drive away, so you and Jungkook make sure to load the car with all the essential snacks and drinks
Once there, Jungkook would be so eager to go in, bouncing on his heels while waiting in line
Now for the haunt
Picture a dark, endless forest with tall trees. It would also have the vibe of the Blair Witch Project
Once you and your group are let out into the forest, you immediately grab onto Jungkook, and close your eyes. which isn’t the best choice because you end up tripping on tree roots. And it makes Jungkook turn back to you to see what happened
You’d just utter “I’m fine” (not at all embarrassed that you tripped less than 5 minutes in).sooner or later the monsters start appearing. They peer around the trees and once they lay sight on you the start chasing you, but unlike other places, these monsters don’t give up, they just keep on running after you, screaming
Jungkook and you run hand in hand, and you eventually loose your monster. But while you guys are catching your breath, leaning against a tree, another one finds you and Jungkook. However, this one is fixated on you
Jungkook notices this too and before you know it, he sweeps you off your feet and starts sprinting with you in his arms (he wasn’t taking any chances)
You make it to a clearing \, finally away from that one creep, but then some of your other group members slam into you guys. you and Jungkook get separated, and now you’re all alone
This kind of attraction actually makes its participants cry lol and unfortunately, you end up as one of those people; it happened when you lost Jungkook
So now you’re alone, tired, and crying and of course a zombie looking thing is chasing you
you yell out for Jungkook because frankly, you’ve had enough of this stupid forest and you slam into a hard chest
thankfully it was your boyfriend and not a three headed witch and you start crying even harder and you cling onto Jungkook and bury your face into his chest
Jungkook is alarmed that you’re crying this much, but he just rubs your head and coos at you until your breathing calms down and then rubs the wet tears from under your eyes and cradles your face
You blubber to him explaining how you lost him, then another monster started to chase you, and you were tired, soft hiccups escaping your lips, and again, he just coos at you while rubbing your head
He’d then give you the biggest hug, squeezing you to his chest
Once your panic attack is over, you and Jungkook continue on, hand-in-hand and eventually make your way out of the forest (you guys were in there for like 2.5 hours)
Jungkook may have felt a little bad he brought you here, but you reassure him that it was actually a lot of fun, even though it felt so real and scary
He pampers you the rest of the night
He buys your favorite dinner, and once you guys get home, you curl up on the couch, tucked under his arm as you guys have a horror movie marathon (why you decided to prolong your frightful night with an abundance of thriller movies, you don’t know)
But this time, whenever you felt scared, Jungkook made sure to pull you impossibly close to him and never leave your side
hope you enjoyed <3
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doberbutts · 1 year
Jaz help
I am on the waitlist for a Chi pup [not your propaganda, I wanted a chi since before I knew about your blog, but you did keep that fire going] and I am worried about issues with feeding. I have only ever had dogs somewhere around the 60lb mark. I have never free fed dogs or cats. BUT I am worried about both over feeding such a little thing and underfeeding leading to hypoglycemia. You have two itty chihuahuas and have worked with other toy or very small breeds. Do you keep emergency cheese or honey on you for the chis. How do you ensure that the chis have 'safe' areas away from the playful peeb, do you crate any of the dogs at night to keep pups from getting squished [have a dog about 65lb that sleeps where he wants to right now, willing to change that though]
I am so excited about getting a Chi but this is all new to me. Getting my boy was easier because grew up with dogs his size.
For Fae I freefed until she was about 6 months, then off and on (ie, only if I'd be gone from the house for 10ish hours) until she was about a year, and partially only because I added Tater around that time and Tater had been exclusively freefed at their breeders' house and I didn't want to shock my 3lb dog's system by forcing her to adapt quickly.
Once they were both pretty consistently finishing their food quickly whenever I put it down, I went to twice daily feedings and that's what they're on now. The main difference between them and the big dogs is that if they don't finish their food, they have the option to finish while I'm at work because I don't remove it. It's gone by the time I'm home and they gobble down dinner so w/e if it works it works I guess.
I have nutrical on hand at all times as well as easy soft protien sources. In honesty however I have never actually needed to use them. Any time I've been tempted, it's because they were Actually Sick and so weren't eating due to that and I had to solve that problem before I could solve the not eating. I was pretty worried about them when they had HGE last year (we just passed the anniversary of that 🙄) but again, emergency calories isn't going to fix "dog has bleeding from intestines until it dies disease" so I had to fix *that* before I could get any food in them.
I use baby gates that have cat doors :) I bought them in advance when I still had my cat Saffron, to give her a dobe-free place because my first dobe had scared her so badly. I have two gates with cat doors and then a third gate that doesn't necessarily have a cat door but the bar spacing is small enough for a chihuahua to fit through (this was unintentional considering I'd bought FOR THE CHIHUAHUAS) so that works too.
But overall they're also really good about establishing boundaries and for all Phoebe's a bit of a spaz she *is* really generally very good about respecting said boundaries. She annoys them on purpose yes but when they tell her to fuck off she does leave them alone. And she has gentled her play considerably for them because she's recognized that the more punchy she is the faster the chihuahuas are done with her.
Right now, everyone except Sushi is crated at night, and Sushi sleeps in the kitchen so she can sprawl out on the cool tiles. It's my preference to sleep with the dogs in the bed however recently a few dog-on-bed mishaps has led to me banishing everyone from the bed until I figure out who keeps peeing on my bed (pretty sure it was Phoebe...... but why.........) and how to keep all these allergens from Sushi from affecting my sleep (don't sneeze challenge: impossible). Also Phoebe will be going back to her coowner this fall for a while and she can't be out with that person's dobes because they won't accept a new bitch so she's gotta be crated at night since the resident dogs are loose. Which means she's gotta get used to sleeping in there again now that she's had a taste of being cuddled all night long.
That being said I've definitely had all four in my bed at once and honestly it's not that bad. The chihuahuas sleep in my arms, Sushi sleeps against my back, and Phoebe curls up in the nook of my knees. Tater sometimes goes through phases where she wakes me up at 3am by pawing at my face until I kiss and cuddle her- I don't know what sparks this behavior as it comes and goes but while it's cute it's also fairly aggravating because I am an insomniac so any sleep I get is hard won and I don't really appreciate being woken just to pet a dog knowing I might not fall back asleep for hours.
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jankwritten · 6 months
Day two of re-deep cleaning my carpets: I went over each room TWICE and the water was still coming out black. However, I have figured out how to REALLY effectively use the machine now, and got out way more of the stains than I did when I deep cleaned the carpets before Christmas time.
My cousin suggested a cheaper cleaning solution than the name-branded one I’ve been using, which I might investigate after I run out of soap. I’m positive that if I did another sweep of both rooms, I’d still be pulling out huge clumps of nastiness, so the soap I’m using right now is good and all, it’s just expensive.
My other worry is that the carpet feels slightly sticky after cleaning. I’m not sure if I should put some hot water into the machine with no soap and run that over to clean up any residue or what, but right now I’m too tired - I’ve been cleaning this shit for 3 hours.
Right now, I’m just satisfied that instead of huge discolored patches everywhere, there are smaller areas of it in smaller, harder to see places.
I’m a little scared of the big living room, which is the worst in the whole house (aside from my papas room). My littlest cousin, now 17, would camp out in one chair for DAYS out there, and he’s notorious for spilling shit. Just the other day he spilled soda all over the carpet, though he did apologize to me for it because he knew I’d cleaned the carpets semi recently LMAO. Those stains were easy enough to get out, but the ones in the big living room are INSANE. Streaks of orange and bright pink completely caked in, nasty speckly spots from food spills, etc. I shudder at the thought. I’ll try tackling that room on Sunday. I’ll have to move all the furniture out of the way, but my grandparents have been good sports about letting me fuck with everything for the sake of cleaning the house.
(Please note that this carpet hasn’t been cleaned in about 10 years, that it has weathered at least 6 children from infant to teenager, and is in the home of two older folks who can’t vacuum or clean as often as the place needs. Since moving in in 2022, I’ve made it my mission to help make the house cleaner, and I’ve so far succeeded! The kitchen is a nightmare, but some battles I just can’t win LMFAO.
Also please note that glitter is a generational curse and at least 1/4 of the debris I keep pulling out of the carpet is chunky silver glitter. I don’t know how but it is in EVERY inch of the carpet in this house.
Triple note that I am in dire need of moving the furniture out of my room and closet and hitting the carpet in there again now that I know what Horrors lie beyond one imperfect deep clean. My room was originally inhabited by nightmare meth aunt who had mold growing in the windows, burnt a huge hole in the carpet that the old cat used to pee in, had broken mirrors laying on the floor, and left behind various, sticky brown stains all over the carpet that I figured I just wouldn’t be able to get out. I now know how to get them out and by the gods. Will I do that. Sometime. Eventually.)
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breezycheezy · 2 years
realized i haven’t introduced ✨ this guy ✨
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his name is dusty, he’s 2 1/2 years old and he’s a reject garbage cat. we found him behind my parent’s house eating the stray cat’s food (the stray cat seemed v confused about this). at first we figured he had to belong to somebody bc he was so friendly, but after a few nights of him hanging out and meowing and trying to barge in whenever we opened the door we let him in. obvs oakley and bobo weren’t crazy about this, so i took him with me when i moved a couple months ago, and he’s been terrorizing me ever since [affectionate]
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the weird thing is that he had a chip, which led us to a rescue org, but they had no record of him being adopted? they had his medical records tho which is how we know his age. we looked at all kinds of pet registries but nobody listed him as missing or anything. he does like to bite and chomp and kick and occasionally pee on things, so maybe he got abandoned for that? but overall he’s a pretty affectionate and healthy cat, so idk
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anyway he’s here now, so you’ll probably be seeing more of him in the future!
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mercurialsmile · 2 years
Ya know it’s interesting how one negative experience can really change an opinion on something
I’ve never owned a cat and figured I would one day once I had my own apartment/house since I’m surrounded by (let’s be honest) obnoxious cat owners.
That is until I had to cat sit a friend’s apartment. Holy, literal, shit.
There was feces scattered all over the apartment along with litter. Wet cat food smashed into the carpeting, which dried there. The entire place smelled musky and like cat pee. Cat hair everywhere since they were long-haired cats. Toys and dry food scattered everywhere too with no rhyme or reason. Two different water bowls on carpeting that the cats would slosh water out of. Oh and half the dry food bowl was caked in old food like it was never cleaned.
It disgusted me so much that I can’t even stomach thinking about getting a cat anymore. Just thinking about getting litter everywhere and having paws that tramp in a litter box all over counters and places I make food or eat physically makes me ill. Say what you want about dogs but they won’t be jumping on my counters after running around in litter that’s soaked in feces and urine.
What’s funny is that I’ve been to plenty of cat owners places where it’s perfectly clean. The cats don’t jump where people eat. They’re friendly and will let you pet them.
But that one experience just. Ruins everything else for me. I know I’ll eventually have a cat in my household as my partner is a cat lover and has wanted a kitten for a long time. But I wanna teach it to use the toilet if at all possible ‘cause yeesh
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outofbinaryspace · 3 months
So I’m living with my parents rn and bc they have two big dogs, we use a baby gate to keep my cat downstairs and them upstairs (my cat can and will jump over the baby gate but the dogs respect the gate for some reason)
Now for the past week or so I’ve been sleeping on the couch in the living room and violet (my cat) will stay near me so we didn’t have a problem
But now I’m in the second bedroom (they were using it for storage so my mom had to clear it out)-an important note about this house…the doors don’t latch very well or at all…the door in this room doesn’t at all which means the dogs who usually are either in my parents room or in the hallway between us can come in to my room and bug me
Sunday night I put the baby gate on the stairs bc violet for whatever reason can’t jump the gate that way and the dogs won’t try at all
And that worked fine
Last night my dad asked that I not put the gate on the stairs bc he has to take the dogs out at random times in the morning (the younger dog always has to go at random times)
So I put it back where it normally was, in the section between the living room and kitchen where violet can jump it
Well about an hour ago, my cat decided “fuck it” and fucking sprinted up the stairs (presumably she jumped the gate) and busted into the room I’m in, followed quickly by the older dog who is very curious about her, and like slid under the bed where oldest dog can’t reach her
I was asleep for most of this until I heard claws on wood followed by oldest dog
I get doggo out of my room, checked over my cat for injuries just in case
And all was well
Until five minutes later when she decided to pee in my suitcase full of clean clothes
That I then had to throw in the wash and figure out how to clean the suitcase
And to make this so much more fun: I’m allergic to both dogs and cats
I’m not as reactive to them now but cat pee is one of those things that instantly causes a pretty bad reaction (if she uses the litter box, it’s fine. It’s situations like this where she does it just to be petty that I’m dying)
So now I feel like shit because my cat decided it was so unfair and mean of me to make her stay downstairs
(And yes she has food and water and a litter box downstairs, and yes the litter box was clean)
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musiconanironingboard · 8 months
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11 January 2024: Sun to Sun, Alice Gerrard. (Sleepy Cat, 2024)
Alice Gerrard is an American bluegrass legend known for her extensive collaborations with Hazel Dickens. I first heard of "Hazel & Alice" from reading Bob Dylan's liner notes to his 1993 album World Gone Wrong. At the time I thought Dylan was just being hopelessly obscure, but I came to learn that for people deeply familiar with traditional American music Gerrard and Dickens are prominent figures. I've accumulated a small stack of the two musicians' albums, both together and apart, and here we have a brand-new album by Alice Gerrard, who is 89 as of this writing.
Gerrard's not really on my must-purchase list, and I'll admit that this album was one of quite a few that got swept up by my panicked end-of-year trawling for everything I missed and might have liked. Ostensibly it was released in October 2023; I assume that's when it became available for download and that might have been when CD copies were mailed out. I'd have bought the CD, but fortunately Sleepy Cat Records had the integrity to disclose on their website that they would be CD-Rs, a format I consider temporary and disposable and that I try to avoid. That meant I'd be getting the vinyl, and the label was also up front about the availability date being unknown other than "sometime Winter 2023," which I fully took to mean 2023-24. They said they'd provide pre-order customers with updates, but the only update I got was a shipping notice, earlier than I expected! I figured I might not get this thing until April and just put it out of my mind. Now here it is and I'm almost all the way through my first spin.
This doesn't sound like an 89-year-old. Gerrard is in fine voice and her playing is intact. Like many folkies of her generation, she sometimes is a little cornily straightforward, and songs like "Keep It Off the Seat," a declaration that it doesn't matter what goddamn bathroom people want to use, they just need to avoid peeing on the seat, will make plenty of people laugh and I suppose that might be part of the point. (In the liner notes, Gerrard says "Dedicated to the misbegotten NC House Bill 2, and the misbegotten legislators who came up with the worst idea ever!) That song is about as jovial as the album gets, but overall Sun to Sun does seem a little more lighthearted than other Gerrard albums I've heard. Despite sounding half her age, she gives a poignant quote on the back cover: "In the dark of the night I think sometimes about how this might be my final recording, my final mattress, my final car, my final dog—but then you never know..."
Above you see the front and back covers.
Next we see the front, interior, and back of the fold-out insert.
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Last, here is side one's label.
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nawilla · 9 months
2023 Year in Review:
Did I make any of my goals for 2023: in short no. But I'm not being too hard on myself because this year was crap. M the Cat died. My friend died. Work was nutty. My house is still a pit. I had a stalker. N the Cat murdered my computer. But hey, I DID start cleaning a bit over the holiday break, which is something.
Personal goals made in 2023:
1.  Clean something every day.  No, this didn't happen, unless you count the last three days of 2023 and a huge push at yardwork in the summer/fall. But I am making improvements now.
2.  Start cooking again.  No, this didn't happen either, but since the most recent cleaning has been in the kitchen, this is looking hopeful for 2024.
3.  Track my money.  Not yet. I used to do this, but got overwhelmed with work and my murdered computer. I HAVE started doing this for January 2024 but I'm not going to fuss over trying to backtrack 2023. Just do better going forward.
4.  Drink more water.  I did this intermittently. I did notice in the summer that I had stopped peeing at work because I was sweating out the water and it kind of scared me when I realized I wasn't drinking enough water. Dug out some fun water bottles and am continuing to do so.
5.  Get back on the writing bandwagon.  I actually did do quite a bit of writing, started a few projects that stalled out (I think I ended up doing the third project idea for Star Wars Day, not the first one). I also posted a fic for Valentines Day that I finished in the spring. I also ended up writing most of a fic that I was on schedule to complete and post by the end of the year, but when my friend got sick at the end of summer I just got off the bandwagon again between visiting her in the hospital/rehab center, then trying to help get her affairs in order after she passed. There was much drama and pets with no human anymore. I did start posting and I did start writing a bit more this weekend so hopefully I will get done before I run out of chapters to post. It's doable, but we know me, I probably won't finish before I run out. I should also mention I was working on a fourth project, but a chunk of it is on the murdered computer, so I either have to find the handwritten draft of take the computer in for service to at least get the documents off it. (The hard drive is fine. N murdered the connections to the monitor AND keyboard).
Here are the writing goals I set in January 2023:
1.  My first goal this year is to finish the largish fic I’ve been working on intermittently for a while.  It’s in the Little Lights Universe, and is Simet and Bes focused.  I think I figured out everything that has to happen and how it needs to end, but there is a bunch of middle that has to be worked out.
Yeah, this is the one on the computer with locked in syndrome.
2.  My secondary goal is the sequel to ‘Love and Indifference.’  I got a good chunk written but it got stuck in the sense that I think the scenes planned need to be reordered as opposed to needing more material.  Not that more material might not happen.  It’s a bridging story, so hopefully people won’t hate it.
This story remains stalled out (computer death didn't help), but I did write the Valentine's Day story in the same universe, so I feel less bad about it.
3.  The Jedi Ghost story I outlined but only wrote the first scene of.
This was idea 1 for Star Wars Day that went nowhere. I need to watch Clone Wars for this I think.
4.  Finishing the WIP I started LAST CHRISTMAS BREAK (Lock and Qui).  It only needs 1-2 short chapter, dammnit.
Yeah, never did.
5. Outlining a story to follow Evenstar, exploring Obi-Wan’s relationship with his childhood mentor Master L.
Did not explore this.
6.  Outlining a 5+1 fic for our favorite Rare Pair.
Might try this again this year.
Mind you, I only expected to make 2 out of 5 goals. I did end up posting three stories this year (one still unfinished) so I'm not displeased considering I got off the writing bandwagon for several MONTHS.
As for my craft goals for 2023, um, I did not make any of them. I think I already explained how nutty a year this was.
January: Boba Fett Cross stitch. Still not finished. Had to stop because M the Cat started putting his feet in the water bowl and then wanted to crawl all over me and I had to keep putting it away before it got yucked. N is generally less yucky when it's hot. Generally.
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February: Gingerbread Tree skirt: I have the yarn. This could be the year.
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March: Floral Wreath. Yeah, didn't happen.
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April: Socks. Didn't make any socks for me, but did make socks as a Christmas gift for someone else. And T bought me a yarn bowl for my work office so I can knit while in Zoom Meetings to prevent me from saying things I shouldn't. I did have to ask to have the recipient's feet remeasured since it has been so long since I've made socks for other people.
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May: Crack open that embroidery kit. Nope, didn't happen.
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June: crack open that crochet kit. Nope, didn't happen.
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July: crack open that rock painting kit. Nope, didn't happen.
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August: crack open that diamond painting kit. Yes, I actually did this one over the weekend and it's almost done and I will probably finish it very soon. I also fell down the diamond painting rabbit hole (they have coaster set kits!) so yeah, expect more of that.
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September-December: I did not paint any tree ornaments, but I did end up making scarves for most of my co-workers, utilizing three different patterns, including keyhole scarves, which I had never made before. All seem well-received, despite me frequently gifting scarves. I'm not kidding, it was a lot of scarves.
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I also did Inktober this year, but did not finish until November due to my friend's illness kind of sucking the creativity out of me.
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And while I didn't do any holiday baking or cooking, I did give out gifts, drew my holiday card (and got it printed and sent out!) and was an actual participant in the holidays this year.
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So while I still have a long way to go to get back to a healthy lifestyle that is good for me and N, and I will no doubt make goals this week that will go unrealized, I am trying and I did get some stuff done this year.
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nei-ning · 1 year
It seems I now see bad and good dreams about my father and life in my old home in turns.
Other night I was alone at home with my sister since mom and dad had gone somewhere. In the dream we had strict rules and we weren't allowed to touch anything since if father noticed something had been moved, he would beat us. I had long haired orange cat but I had to keep her on a leash inside the house since she was allowed to be only on this one particular area (very small). However, I took her on a walk in the small open kitchen and while she walked, she started to pee on the wooden floor. I started to panic, rushing to get paper to clean it all up since the pee was going to leak between the planks and dad would smell it, beating me. I asked my sister to help me since I heard our car coming to our yard, but sis just stood on the background doing nothing. After this I woke up. I felt so afraid in the dream.
Last night / now I woke up after having this dream: Somehow my mother had managed to talk dad to take us 3 kids out and shopping (he never did that in real life). We were small, my bro was maybe 5 at max, I was probably 8 or so and my sis 11 at max. At first he was taking us to our small town's own super tiny shop but there was too many people so dad didn't stop, not even to get fuel. He said he could get it in next town. We drove a while, then coming inside this weird building. It had many rooms and floors while being quite small / tight, some rooms were old fashioned. By some miracle we had done some shopping already since I had full food shopping back at my feet while sitting at the back. We stopped on top of small wooden stairs. Across us was old, big dance room which had been decorated to a wedding with older style. I instantly loved it and the big dance floor corner. I wanted to go dance there (waltz) but we didn't enter because the room was occupied. Someone was going to have wedding party there soon. So instead I waltzed back to the car but stopped on top of the stair.
Now that I turned around, I saw my dead grandmother's apartment. A bit different than it was in real life. I took my phone since I wanted to take a picture of my grandmother who sat in her rocking chair. My father was close to her on a chair and some darker male figure was further to my right but apparently he was visible only via camera. My little brother was sitting beside my grandmother on the rocking chair, squirming and sliding down from it. He didn't want to be in the picture but I managed to convince him to just stay still a few seconds. He turned to look at grandma and I took the photo. My grandmother didn't appear on camera's screen nor on the photo but I saw her clearly with my naked eyes.
Then we were back in a car, my sis sitting at the front as she said how she should had brought a character X plush / figure to take photos with. I had remembered to take mine but I just don't remember who or what the figure was. We were now coming back home, at first driving to current town's market where I live. While we drove past the market's door, I saw a couple who's my mother's and my friends. Mom was with them with our old neighbor and they all were fat! Like 600lb / 300kg each at least! I was so surprised and confused. My little brother, who sat with me at the back, asked why mom was there with our ex-neighbor. I told him that her husband had worked in a local hospital for decades and had now retired so they were celebrating him (this is all true and happened last week). After that I woke up.
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christophertoms · 1 year
How to Select Perfect Bed for Your Dog?
Shopping for a dog bed at a pet store is an inconvenience most people would rather avoid. Your dog probably will not pay much attention to the dog beds you are checking out at the pet store because a trip there is likely to be too intimidating or distracting for him. It is not realistic to allow your dog pick out his or her own bed, so you will need to know what to look for while shopping for a bed for your dog.
When looking for a dog bed or Best Dog Poop Bags, there are several factors to think about. The bed size is the first and foremost consideration. Choose a dog bed or Pee Pads for Dogs that is suitable for your dog's physical requirements. If you measure your dog, you can find the perfect size. For this purpose, Take the dog's measurements while he or she is standing. Take an assessment from the top of the head to the floor. Then, measure the distance from the ground up to the top of the head or shoulders. To get the right size Orthopedic Mattress for Dogs, add 12 inches to the length and width of your pet.
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This will give you a ballpark figure for the dimensions of flat Orthopaedic Dog Beds. Your dog's length while completely spread out, or their diameter while curled into a ball, may be the most accurate measurements of his preferred sleeping posture. If you are looking for a nest bed, it is best to get your dog's length while he is curled up in that posture. Add 7 to 9 inches to the length you get by measuring from the head's top to the base of the tail.
Your dog will be most comfortable on a bed that is slightly bigger than what you need. A bed which is small enough will likely not be suitable for your dog's comfort. When your dog continues to be a puppy, leave some extra space for him to grow into, and whether he is full grown or not, make sure he has plenty of freedom to roam.
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The local climate is also a major consideration. You will want to get your dog a bed that can withstand the elements. You should think about whether your dog needs a warm bed in wintertime or a cool bed in the summer. Do you plan on putting this Basket Dog Bed Online inside your home, or in a dog house in the backyard? Tell me about the highs and lows that each season brings to your area. The answers to these questions will help you narrow down your search for the perfect dog bed or Automatic Cat Food Feeder.
Another crucial consideration when buying a Donut Bed for Dogs online is the bed's form. Different dog beds can be distinguished by their shape: nests, donuts, cuddlers, balls, pillows, flat mattresses, and even sofas. If you want more products for your dog and Auto Cat Litter Box Online, you can check shop for cat and Dog Care Products Online.
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You guys it's barely after 10:30 AM and I am genuinely already done with today. So like last month we had this stray cat give birth to kittens in our shed because the doors were open. We have a dog. We are a dog house. But we were respectful of cat mom and said "Okay, just leave them alone and wait for them to get out and it will be fine.".
Oh reader, it was not fine. See, in my house, to get to the backyard, you go into the garage and through a screen door in order to get outside. And when I got up this morning, as per usual, I go to take my dog outside. When I open up the door that leads to the garage, my dog starts barking like crazy and I look by the screen door. Somehow, this kitten had gotten UNDERNEATH THE DOOR CRACK to get into the garage and the mom cat was on the other side of the door was trying to help it get out. So immediately I'm like "oh shit!" and I yell at my tiny dog to get out of mom cat's way so he doesn't get hurt and we stand there and watch mom cat make a getaway with her kitten. I wait five minutes. I calm my dog down and check the backyard which now seems clear. My dog still has to pee and I can't take him out front because I need to be able to get him a collar that fits him better so I can use his leash. I let my dog into the backyard and stand in the shed to have a smoke. All seems well. It's 9:45 in the morning and my dog is sunbathing and pleased. And then, I hear it. The yelping. I look, and the mom cat has positioned herself under a nearby table and is trying to swipe at my dog. I run and yank him out of the way and we stand there in the shed until she leaves. Obviously my morning did not get off on the right foot. But the thing I can't figure out is how, with all that barking, my dad didn't end up getting woken up. I'm grateful for it, but also: Just how can you sleep through something like that? So now I have to figure out how to get the door sealed better so this doesn't happen again. Anyways, how are you guys doing today?
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