#How to Reduce Substance Abuse in Youth
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astroscientia · 2 years
🌊Astrological Observations: Part 4🌊
Hard Neptune transits (square, opposition, conjunction) can cause health issues, especially if it is aspecting your natal Mercury, Moon, or Sun. For example, when Neptune touched my Moon last year, I caught a virus that wrecked my immune system for months.
Neptune-Sun transits weaken the body to infections, viruses, and bruising while reducing our ability to see through other people's deception.
The sign in the 6th house indicates the type of health issues people might have. Having Leo in the 6th could indicate heart issues, for example.
Having Neptune-Sun aspects in the natal chart could also indicate the father's absence either through illness, substance abuse, working abroad, death, abandonment, etc. These natives and 12th house suns feel like their power was taken from them and that they cannot change the course of things. As such, they learn to be passive in life. If they have more cardinal placements, they might experience a need to overcompensate for an inner sense of feeling powerless and helpless.
Hard Saturn-Mars or Pluto-Mars aspects can indicate violence. They usually need to exercise or healthily express their frustrations; otherwise, they risk becoming abusive. After years of bottling up their emotions, they're prone to harsh and intense rages.
Since Mars represents our ability to defend ourselves, survive, and feel vivacious, having Saturn in a harsh aspect with Mars can indicate that a person fails or is too terrified of defending oneself. They subconsciously accept that they will fail at holding their ground. With time, this creates a lot of frustration from feeling like they are constantly being stepped on. As a result, these natives overcompensate by self-asserting themselves in the wrong situations and in the wrong manner.
Saturn-Mars natives may also scare themselves out of any competitive situation even though they can succeed. Their belief in their own impotence and powerlessness makes them self-sabotage and detail themselves in competitive situations. Their life lesson is to be disciplined and self-assess their abilities properly so that they can enter any situation confidently. They need to learn, through repetition, how to be courageous.
Hard Mars-ASC aspects indicate lots of accidents and head injuries in youth. These people usually have scars on their bodies from surgeries or accidents.
Usually, when Pluto touches a part of the chart, secrets are involved. Pluto-Mercury means knowing the secrets of your friends, cousins, siblings, or local environment. Pluto-Venus indicates issues around secret love affairs or money.
Interestingly, I noticed that Pluto-Mercury or Pluto in the 11th house can indicate being sexualized by your friends or having a sexual relationship with them.
Having Sun-Mercury-Pluto aspects is an indicator of debilitating intrusive thoughts. It can create over-identification with one's thoughts while feeling like your mind is your enemy.
Sun-Mercury alone can mean that your intellect and communication skills are your source of pride, esteem, and achievements.
Saturn-Mercury natives feel like they must think 100 times before speaking because of their immense fear of humiliation. This placement, along with Saturn in the 3rd or 9th, is a big sign of feeling ashamed of how one communicates their ideas and identity.
Also, Saturn-Mercury aspects and a retrograde Mercury can make the person avoid doing exams or forget all their knowledge during exams because of their anxiety. This placement can also indicate a speech impediment.
Uranus-Mercury natives are usually incredibly intelligent, and their processing speed is phenomenal. They can catch and retain information quickly and with minimal effort, unlike Saturn-Mercury natives who need to drill the information into their heads agonizingly.
Jupiter-Mercury individuals are usually intelligent but sometimes incoherent and imprecise with their communication. They also struggle with synthesizing information. They are better researchers than they are articulators because they cannot focus on the information that they have except with a lot of effort. They're the type of teacher or professor with much information but are not very organized.
Thank you for reading!
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greyaugustuspoetry · 2 years
You are loved. What to do in a crisis and resources on how to get help with mental illness.
If you can, please reblog this so people can be aware of how they can get help.
Hello world! I just thought I’d provide some resources for all the mentally ill out there in this existence. These all worked for me and hopefully they can work for you. If you think you may be suffering from mental illness go to section two and three. If you are currently in crisis, which means you think about or have planned your suicide, go to section one and read through the rest of this post. You are not alone, 792 million people live with mental illness. 264 million live with depression, and 284 million live with anxiety. If you are reading this, it’s a sign to start getting help. If you are struggling, these resources can help you. Just give it a try, it’s worth it. Just remember. You are loved. You are wanted. You are cared for. You are noticed. You deserve to live.
Call a suicide hotline!!!!
Hotlines can be helpful at calming you down in a time of high emotion or stress, these people are literally trained to distract you. I’ve called them a few times in my life and it does work I promise. Just try it out.
The U.S number is 988
If you don’t live in the U.S, follow this link to find your countries hotline. Hotlines. Find it on the site and give it a call. Here are some additional hotlines and resource specific help.
Directory of international mental health helplines
A second list of global hotlines
Crisis hotlines for teens and youth
LGBT crisis support
Substance abuse crisis support
Postpartum support
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-7233
National child abuse hotline
Literally just a list of hotlines for everything
Either while you are on the phone with a hotline or after, send your location to a friend or family member so that someone can come get you or check on you. If that is not an option you can ask the hotline to send someone to come get you. DO NOT. I REPEAT. DO NOT. Stay by yourself in a time of need or crisis. The longer you are alone the more dangerous the situation can become. You are not a burden if you ask someone you love for help, that is what they are there for. Most likely you will be collected by emergency services and they will go from there.
Call 911 if you are in the U.S
If you are not in the U.S call your countries emergency number. Here is a list of countries numbers:
List of emergency telephone numbers
If you are at home with family members go to your family and let them know what happened. Even if they are asleep, wake someone up if you have to. Do this AFTER you have contacted emergency services .
If you are on a college campus, contact your RA or your campus crisis line AFTER you have contact emergency services.
If you are by yourself, WAIT FOR EMERGENCY SERVICES TO ARRIVE. Do not move from your location.
In crisis and after you need to make a safety plan. Safety plans reduce risk of future harm by planning out actions that you can do yourself to reduce emotional stress. Here’s how:
Safety Plan
After crisis assistance:
After crisis assistance can include therapy and psychiatry. I will provide thinks for find both of these things. If you are not currently in crisis but you are experiencing symptoms of mental illness, please make an appointment with one of these assistances. Below there are additional resources for mental health that can also be used as a first step.
International therapy directory
American Psychiatric Association
How to find a psychiatrist and other therapists
U.S Government resources
National hotline for resources
General mental health resources
GLOBAL mental health resources
Coping strategies:
Coping strategies are how you individually can cope and process emotions, thoughts, and feelings. They can be hobbies or things like journaling or writing or just something as simple as going on a walk. I will give links to lists of coping strategies that might help you.
Coping with anxiety
Self-harm coping strategies
Coping skills for depression
How to cope with suicidal thoughts
35 coping skills to try
Self- help techniques for mental illness
100 coping strategies for all things
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neurodiversitysci · 2 years
Are You Interested in ADHD Research? Here’s Where to Start
A reader recently asked me, in reply to a recent blog post about Russell Barkley, what important research is being done on ADHD, and who is doing it.
The best place to start exploring ADHD research is with the World Federation of ADHD International Consensus Statement (open access PDF here). This 2021 meta-analysis lists 208 evidence-based conclusions about ADHD. 
It makes an excellent introduction to ADHD research because it spans a variety of topics, including:
Who has ADHD and how common it is worldwide
Genetic and environmental causes, 
How the brain differs in ADHD,  
How ADHD affects skills in cognitive and academic areas,
What treatments are safe and effective, 
What life outcomes affect people with ADHD -- including educational achievement, peer relationships, health problems, rates of accidents and substance abuse, quality of life, and more.
The paper is well organized, with the conclusions placed under clear, useful topic headings. 
The writing style seems clear, and fairly easy to read. There’s not much jargon, as research papers go. However, I’m a former cognitive neuroscientist who has probably read thousands of research papers, so your mileage may vary, depending on your experience reading psychology and neuroscience research papers.
There were 80 authors from 27 countries and 6 continents, led by prolific researcher Stephen V. Faraone.  
Authors were representatives of national and international ADHD organizations, such as the World Federation of ADHD, EUropean NETwork for Hyperkinetic DisorderS (Eunethydis), the Latin American League of ADHD, the Chinese Society of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, etc.
What they Did:
1. The authors reviewed studies that had at least 2,000 participants, meta-analyses of five or more studies, and meta-analyses with at least 2,000 participants. 
2. Based on this research, the authors created 208 evidence-based statements about ADHD.
3. Finally, 403 people read the manuscript and agreed with its contents.
This was the second international consensus statement written about ADHD. It updates the original statement by “cataloging important scientific discoveries from the last 20 years.”
“Nearly 2 decades ago, an international team of scientists published the first International Consensus Statement on ADHD. They sought to present the wealth of scientific data attesting to the validity of ADHD as a mental disorder and to correct misconceptions about the disorder that stigmatized affected people, reduced the credibility of health care providers, and prevented or delayed treatment of individuals challenged by the disorder.” [bold added by me].
Keep in mind that not every interesting topic in ADHD research is covered: 
“If a topic is not included in this document, it does not mean the topic is unimportant; rather, it means the evidence found was insufficient to allow firm conclusions.  This could be because there were insufficient studies of quality, because no attempt was made to assess publication bias, or because the data available did not support the claims made.” 
What they Found:
Here are some of the conclusions I think will be most interesting and important to ADHD people and their supporters:
ADHD is not new. Signs and symptoms have been recognized as clinically significant for over 200 years.
The diagnosis of ADHD is valid, based on standard criteria for the validity of a mental disorder.
ADHD occurs throughout the world. It affects about 6% of youth and 3% of adults, and is more common in males than females.
ADHD has not become more common in the past 30 years.
There are many genetic and environmental causes for ADHD.
Environmental causes typically affect fetuses and newborns. Environmental causes include: exposure to toxins; nutrient deficiencies; very/extremely preterm birth or low birthweight; extreme deprivation, stress, infection, poverty, or trauma early in life; or traumatic brain injury early in life.
There are differences in the brain between groups of people with and without ADHD. However, these are not useful for diagnosing ADHD. First, these differences are typically small. Second, they do not differ between ADHD and other disabilities. 
Differences in the brain are structural (such as cortical surface area, gray matter volume, white matter integrity) and functional (activation in specific areas in general and while doing specific tasks, as measured by fMRI and electroencephalogram activity).
ADHD medications do not change brain structure. They do affect brain function, especially in inferior frontal and striatal areas that are atypical in ADHD.
As a group, people with ADHD have deficits in a variety of abilities measured with psychological/neuropsychological tests, including: academic achievement (reading, spelling, arithmetic); working memory; various forms of attention; planning and organization; impulsive decision making; and a preference for small immediate rewards over large delayed rewards.
Some medical problems are more common in ADHD, including allergies and asthma; obesity; sleep disorders; somatic disorders; and more.
ADHD can reduce quality of life for young people and their parents, relative to typically developing young people and their parents.
Children and youth with ADHD are more emotionally disregulated. They may be more emotionally reactive to novel or stressful events.
Children and youth with ADHD are more likely to have emotional problems, conduct problems, or peer problems/difficulty socializing with and rejection by peers, and to engage in bullying.
Children and youth with ADHD have higher rates of accidental injuries and traumatic brain injury (TBI), substance use disorders, risky behavior, and premature death.
Children and youth with ADHD have higher rates of suicide.
People with ADHD are more likely to be both perpetrators and victims of crime. However, they are also more likely to make false confessions.
People with ADHD are more likely to experience educational underachievement, such as lower achievement, needing special education services, dropping out of school, or not graduating high school on time.
Several medications are safe and effective for treating ADHD symptoms, including both stimulant and non-stimulant medications. These medications have specific adverse effects, including on sleep and children’s height gain. 
Some non-medication treatments for ADHD are safe and effective, including “behavioral and cognitive-behavioral therapies,” computer-based cognitive training and neurofeedback, omega-3 fatty acid supplements, and exercise.
What’s Next?
Remember that not every research finding about ADHD was included in the paper. The Discussion section lists things we still need to learn more about. Here are some of my favorites:
How culture affects the way ADHD manifests and responds to treatment
How ADHD affects older adults
Effects of stigma on people with ADHD
The nature of emotional regulation symptoms of ADHD, and whether they should be added to the diagnostic criteria
In addition, I noticed some topics were missing despite a large body of research exploring them, and in my opinion, good evidence (at least from studies with fewer than 2,000 participants):
The overlap between ADHD and other developmental disabilities, such as autism, dyslexia, dyscalculia, and developmental coordination disorder (DCD)/dyspraxia.
The role of dopamine in ADHD.
The rates of anxiety and depression in people with ADHD.
Variability in performance (especially response time) from moment to moment, which researchers call “intra-individual variability,” and which I’ve read is perhaps the best-supported symptom of ADHD -- is mentioned as part of the findings of one meta-analysis (#67), but not as a fact about ADHD in its own right.
How can I use the paper to learn more?
Here are some ways you can use this paper as a jumping-off-point to learn more about research findings that interest you. These suggestions are aimed mostly at people who don’t read a lot of research papers, so feel free to ignore them if you have more experience. 
1. First, see Table 1 for the summary of findings. You can follow links from the table to whichever findings most interest you.
2. Read the introduction, discussion, and the sections that interest you. 
3. Look at the references for claims that seem interesting or surprising. 
Who wrote these papers? Check out the authors’ websites, and see what they’re studying. Search Google scholar for their names, and you will find a list of their papers, which you can sort by date. 
4. Follow up by reading interesting cited papers: The easiest way to find specific papers is to search Google scholar for the titles. You can always find the abstracts free at the publisher’s website. On Google Scholar, you can often find a free pdf of the full text on the right-hand margin of the page. (If you don’t see one there, click the button “See x versions” next to the link to “Related articles”).
Have you read the International Consensus Statement? What did you think? Did anything in it, or not included, surprise you?
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mariacallous · 1 year
(New York Jewish Week) — No one can say exactly how many members of New York City’s Bukharian Jewish community have died of opioid overdoses in the last few years, but everyone agrees that the numbers are distressingly high.
Hiski Mierov, vice president of the Bukharian Jewish Community Center in Forest Hills, Queens, can think of 20 or so young people who have died in the last seven years, a steep toll on an immigrant community of about 50,000. “I would estimate the number is much higher,” he said.
David Aronov, who grew up in the community and now serves as its liaison at UJA-Federation of New York, offered an even more sobering estimate: “several dozen” overdose deaths in just the last five years.
“The community is so tight-knit that when one of these deaths does happen, it spreads really, really fast,” Aronov told the New York Jewish Week. “After a large number of deaths within a small amount of time, for the size of the community, you know that it is a really big issue.”
Now, Aronov and Mierov are playing leading roles in an effort to turn things around. A dozen synagogues in Queens neighborhoods with many Bukharian Jewish residents are newly stocking Narcan, a lifesaving drug that reverses overdoses, and training volunteers on how to administer it.
They are also planning community education on drug use and overdose response, with the goal of reducing the stigma of addiction. 
“Everybody in the community has either been touched by this issue or knows someone that has been touched, but people don’t want to reach out for help,” Aronov, who is at the helm of this program and worked with UJA-Federation to launch it, said. “We want individuals in the community to be more open and talk about the issue… and we want to make sure that stigma is not preventing individuals from getting the help that they need.”
The “Save a Life” program is a collaboration among UJA-Federation, the New York City Department of Health and the Jewish Board, a Jewish health and human services nonprofit that is licensed to distribute Narcan. Their goal is to curb an acute crisis within one community that has been affected by an 80% increase in overdose rates within New York City since 2019.
While there is no reliable data on drug-related overdoses specifically in Jewish communities, it is clear that they have not been spared from the skyrocketing rate of overdoses across the country in recent years as dangerous street drugs, often laced with fentanyl, have replaced prescription pain pills as the most widely available opioids. 
But people within the Bukharian Jewish community — immigrants from Central Asia — say they can see particular risk factors for drug abuse within their community. 
Many parents spend much of their time working, Mierov said, and there can be a lack of communication between children and their parents and a lack of supervision for young people, which the Centers for Disease Control says is a risk factor for substance abuse in youth. A deepening disconnect between generations who grew up in different worlds, with different responsibilities and resources, could also make it hard to address drug abuse, Mierov said.
“The parents are oblivious to what’s going on because the kids are always out with their friends. They come home late, and parents are busy working. Like many immigrant families that come to this country, they live paycheck to paycheck — the father has two jobs, the mother has two jobs. They’re never home,” he said.
Aronov added that in many of these immigrant families, children can feel “an immense amount of pressure,” to do well in school, get married early and earn money to support their families and parents.
In some cases, parents don’t want to discuss the issue for fear of being judged by others in the community, Mierov explained. 
“They feel embarrassed to reach out to people that are in the community. They have a fear of not being able to marry off their children in the community because of things that happened in the past,” he said. 
“They don’t understand that these kids are dying from their silence,” said Jack Musheyev, 35, who grew up in the community and is in recovery from drug addiction.
Musheyev was 9 and living in Forest Hills, the main hub of New York’s Bukharian community, when he drank alcohol for the first time. At 12, he started smoking weed everyday. By junior year of high school, he started using harder drugs like cocaine, which led to skipping school to get high and often getting into fights.
His mother, who like many others in the community immigrated in the 1980s, eventually sent him to Miami to finish high school with the hope that, outside his circle in Queens, he would be less inclined to fall into trouble. But it would take another decade before Musheyev entered rehab and got sober. 
“I witnessed a lot of abuse in my family between the parents and what that led me to is to find peace outside with my friends,” Musheyev said. “What that entailed was smoking weed, drinking. It was helping me cope with my feelings and suppress them in the real world.”
For Musheyev, the new initiative is “a great approach,” but he thinks even more can be done, like opening up 12-step chapters in Bukharian communities in Queens and providing mental health services for people in the community who are struggling as he did. 
“We need to get more therapy for these kids, we need AA meetings and materials, a place where they can go every single hour to hear somebody with some clean time to share their story,” he said, adding what they need more is “love, hope and inspiration.”
In addition to trainings, Aronov is also implementing a public affairs campaign. Educational flyers and videos in both English and Russian about Narcan and the resources UJA is offering are being distributed on social media and WhatsApp.
“What they did with this program is bring people in Forest Hills, Queens, closer together,” said Mierov, who is the UJA’s point person for distributing the free Narcan kits and trainings at BJCC, a synagogue, community center and Hebrew school in the heart of the neighborhood.
He said getting to work with the other participating locations had helped him feel some of the same relief that he hoped would spread to families in his community.
“There’s no more shame where you are wondering, ‘Oh my god, is this only happening with the families that are affiliated with our center? Are we doing something wrong? Are we not doing enough?’” Mierov said. “It’s nice to have this support system where you can reach out to other synagogues in the same city and kind of talk things out and figure out different perspectives and ways to handle the situation.”
The 11 other synagogues and community centers participating in the program are in other Queens neighborhoods with large Bukharian populations — Rego Park, Fresh Meadows, Flushing, Jamaica Estates, Kew Gardens and Corona. Each of them will get kits that include two naloxone (Narcan) nasal sprays, gloves, alcohol pads and how-to information, and volunteers will learn how to use the supplies.
Aronov has appointed a “point person” at each of the 12 locations to give out the Narcan kits. 
“One of the things I make sure that I come across when I speak to people is that there’s no judgment,” said Ahuva Lilliana Yelizarov, who runs the Forest Hills synagogue Anshey Shalom with her husband, and who has already deployed several Narcan kits in the community. 
“It doesn’t discriminate, unfortunately,” she said about addiction. “It impacts everyone, whether you’re a secular Jew, or you’re an Orthodox Jew. So unfortunately, we have to step it up and do what needs to be done.”
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The Vital Role of Counseling Services in Phoenix, AZ for Mental Health
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Mental health care plays an important role in the modern desert city of Phoenix, Arizona. With our increasingly complicated and demanding lives, professional counseling services are more in demand than ever. This blog post looks at the benefits involved in Counseling Services Phoenix AZ, and how the general mental health of the community benefits from them.
A Growing Need in a Growing City
Phoenix attracts immigrants from all walks of life and is ranked among the fastest-growing cities in America. The negative consequence of such rapid growth is multifarious psychological problems, among them being:
1.Stressful change of residence and adjustment to a new environment 2.Anxiety about job market competition or change in career 3.Depression out of cultural adjustment or social isolation 4.Substance abuse issues due to the entertaining and nightlife scene of the city
Counseling services in Phoenix provide a safety net for long-time residents and fresh arrivals who need assistance with these and many more forms of mental health concerns.
Cultural Competence in A Diverse Community
The counseling services in Phoenix are sensitive to the population with varied dimensions. Many of the counselors within the vicinity are trained in order to understand the particular difficulties that different ethnic, religious, and cultural groups face, hence providing them with culturally competent care. In essence, this strategy is set to establish trust within the community and provide good treatment for them.
Combating the Stigma of Mental Health
The progress does little to eliminate the stigma of mental illness. Among the leaders to try and make the services of taking care of one's mental health more accessible are Phoenix counseling services. The professionals offer education, outreach programs, and accessible services that help eliminate barriers for patients so they can seek care without shame or fear.
Preventative Treatments and Interventions
Counseling does not only treat reactions to crises. The majority of the services in Phoenix are about early intervention and preventative treatments. These services are crucial in ensuring community wellbeing and preventing the onset of more debilitating mental health issues because these services treat difficulties while they are still manageable.
Assisting Children and Families
Given that a large percentage of the Phoenix population constitutes young families, pediatric, teen, and parent counseling services are especially helpful. These programs help address issues with family dynamics, the mental health of the youth, academic pressures, and developmental concerns. Such counseling services ensure that the future of the community is secure in terms of mental health by not neglecting the young population.
Coping with Environmental Elements
Phoenix is known for its extremely hot weather and very long summers. All these factors make the residents feel low mentally. The counseling services help the residents cope with seasonal affective disorder, the stress caused by extreme weather conditions, and the changed lifestyles imposed by living in the desert. Such programs include practices that can be put to use by an individual in order to maintain their mental health despite bad conditions.
Integration with Overall Healthcare
Given that physical health is related to mental health, most of the counseling services in Phoenix liaise with other health professionals. This approach brings forth better outcomes in the patient's general health.
Economic Impact
Counseling services are vital for more than just reasons dealing with one's own health. The overall quality of life is enhanced, treatment saves healthcare, business productivity will increase, absenteeism will be reduced, and this will make the society of Phoenix a better place to live and work with positive mental health.
The services of Counseling in Tempe AZ, are not only vital; they are essential. They are the backbone of a resilient and vibrant community; they provide critical support for the health of individuals and families and improve the overall health and quality of life for the entire city. Programs that prevent mental illnesses and promote mental health cannot be overemphasized as Phoenix continues to grow and evolve. If you're struggling, just know that help is out there, and it takes more guts than it does weakness to ask for assistance, no matter how much time you've spent in the Valley of the Sun.
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thc2024 · 12 days
Rehabilitation Centre for Drugs in Faridabad: A Lifeline for Recovery
A rehabilitation centre plays a vital role in addressing the complex issue of drug addiction by providing professional help to individuals seeking recovery. In a rapidly growing city like Faridabad, the need for such centers is increasingly felt due to the rising cases of substance abuse. These facilities offer structured environments where individuals can focus on their healing process under the guidance of trained medical professionals. This article explores the essential components of a drug rehabilitation centre in Faridabad, the treatments they offer, and how they serve as a beacon of hope for those grappling with addiction.
The Need for Rehabilitation Centre in Faridabad Faridabad, a thriving industrial hub in Haryana, is home to a large population, including a significant youth demographic. Unfortunately, the availability and easy access to illicit substances have led to an alarming rise in drug abuse cases. The pressure of urban life, peer pressure, and socio-economic challenges have also contributed to this growing issue. In such a context, having a dedicated drug rehabilitation centre in Faridabad is essential for addressing the problem at its core. These centers provide not only medical treatment but also the emotional and psychological support necessary for individuals to reintegrate into society as sober, healthy individuals.
Services Offered by Drug Rehabilitation Centres Rehabilitation centres in Faridabad offer a wide range of services aimed at treating drug addiction holistically. These services include:
Detoxification: The first step in the treatment process is detoxification, where the patient is helped to rid their body of drugs. This stage is often the most physically challenging and is closely monitored by healthcare professionals to manage withdrawal symptoms safely.
Inpatient and Outpatient Programs: Depending on the severity of the addiction, patients can either stay at the facility (inpatient) or visit the centre for regular sessions (outpatient). Inpatient programs offer round-the-clock care, ensuring the individual is in a controlled environment free from the temptations of substance use.
Counseling and Therapy: Individual and group counseling sessions help patients understand the root causes of their addiction and develop coping strategies. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), and family therapy are common methods used to assist in the healing process.
Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT): For some individuals, certain medications can aid in reducing cravings and managing withdrawal symptoms. MAT is often combined with behavioral therapy to enhance the chances of long-term recovery.
Life Skills Training: Recovering individuals are taught essential life skills such as stress management, anger control, and decision-making, which help them navigate life after rehabilitation.
Aftercare Programs: Recovery is a lifelong process, and most centres offer aftercare programs that include continued counseling, support groups, and regular check-ups to ensure individuals stay sober after completing their rehabilitation.
Importance of Family Involvement A key aspect of drug rehabilitation is the involvement of the patient’s family. Many rehabilitation centres in Faridabad encourage family participation in therapy sessions. The reason is simple: addiction not only affects the individual but also the entire family unit. Family therapy helps to rebuild trust, repair relationships, and educate family members on how to support their loved ones during recovery. Additionally, family members are often given guidance on how to create a supportive environment that discourages relapse.
Finding the Right Rehabilitation Centre in Faridabad With many rehabilitation centres in and around Faridabad, choosing the right one can be challenging. It’s essential to look for a centre with:
Qualified Staff: Ensure that the rehabilitation centre is staffed with licensed professionals, including doctors, psychiatrists, therapists, and counselors, who specialize in addiction treatment.
Comprehensive Programs: Opt for a facility that offers a wide range of treatment options, from detox to aftercare, and can cater to both inpatient and outpatient needs.
Holistic Approach: A good rehabilitation centre will focus not just on detoxification but also on the overall well-being of the patient, including mental, emotional, and social aspects.
Patient Testimonials: It’s important to hear from former patients or their families to gauge the effectiveness of the centre’s treatment programs.
Conclusion The rehabilitation centre in Faridabad are a crucial resource in the fight against drug addiction. With their structured treatment programs, professional staff, and supportive environments, these centers offer a second chance at life for individuals struggling with addiction. In a city that faces the challenges of urban growth and the accompanying social issues, drug rehabilitation centres play a pivotal role in building a healthier, drug-free community. For those battling substance abuse, seeking help from a rehabilitation centre in Faridabad can be the first step toward a brighter, sober future.
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tallmantall · 3 months
James Donaldson on Mental Health - Mental Health Challenges of LGBTQ+ Kids
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James Donaldson on Mental Health - Mental Health Challenges of LGBTQ+ Kids A look at risk factors and protective factors Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Pexels.com Writer: Juliann Garey Clinical Expert: Emma C Woodward, PhD What You'll Learn - What factors make LGBTQ+ kids more likely to develop mental health problems? - What can reduce those risks? - How can parents support LGBTQ+ kids’ mental health? - Quick Article - Full Article - Key risk factors for LGBTQ+ youth - Key protective factors - How parents can help Being LGBTQ+ doesn’t cause mental health problems. But because LGBTQ+ kids often face factors like rejection, bullying, discrimination, and violence, they are at a higher risk of challenges including depression, anxiety, and attempting suicide. However, there are ways that parents and others can support their mental health and help them grow up safe and happy. Factors that make kids more likely to develop mental health challenges are called risk factors. The stress of being LGBTQ+ is a risk factor for nearly all kids who identify as LGBTQ+. They may be scared of being rejected or worry that they might be harassed or discriminated against because of their identity. Directly experiencing bullying or discrimination is also a major risk factor, and so is lacking support at home and/or at school. Not having access to supportive mental health care and being addressed by the wrong name or pronouns are risk factors as well. Things that reduce the impact of risk factors are called protective factors. They make it less likely that kids will develop mental health challenges. The biggest protective factor for LGBTQ+ kids is having unconditional love and support at home. Other supportive adults can also make a big difference, and so can getting good health care, attending a school with supportive policies, and being able to safely use the name and pronouns that match their identity. #James Donaldson notes:Welcome to the “next chapter” of my life… being a voice and an advocate for #mentalhealthawarenessandsuicideprevention, especially pertaining to our younger generation of students and student-athletes.Getting men to speak up and reach out for help and assistance is one of my passions. Us men need to not suffer in silence or drown our sorrows in alcohol, hang out at bars and strip joints, or get involved with drug use.Having gone through a recent bout of #depression and #suicidalthoughts myself, I realize now, that I can make a huge difference in the lives of so many by sharing my story, and by sharing various resources I come across as I work in this space.  #http://bit.ly/JamesMentalHealthArticleFind out more about the work I do on my 501c3 non-profit foundationwebsite www.yourgiftoflife.org Order your copy of James Donaldson's latest book,#CelebratingYourGiftofLife: From The Verge of Suicide to a Life of Purpose and Joy www.celebratingyourgiftoflife.com Link for 40 Habits Signupbit.ly/40HabitsofMentalHealth If you'd like to follow and receive my daily blog in to your inbox, just click on it with Follow It. Here's the link https://follow.it/james-donaldson-s-standing-above-the-crowd-s-blog-a-view-from-above-on-things-that-make-the-world-go-round?action=followPub Parents of LGBTQ+ kids can support them by making home a safe space and advocating for them at school when necessary. It also helps to connect them to health care (both physical health and mental health) that respects their gender identity and sexual orientation. This kind of support can make the difference between a child who develops mental heath issues and one who thrives as they get older. If you have a child who’s LGBTQ+ you may worry about whether they’re getting the support they need to be safe and healthy. You may be aware that LGBTQ+ kids are at higher risk than other kids for developing mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. They also have higher rates of contemplating, attempting, and dying by suicide. That’s why it’s important to understand what factors make an LGBTQ+ young person more or less likely to develop a mental health problem, including considering or attempting suicide. Being LGBTQ+ doesn’t cause mental health problems — and is not caused by mental health problems. Rather, these kids’ increased risk of developing mental health problems stems from exposure to factors like rejection, bullying, discrimination, and violence.   While acceptance of LGBTQ+ kids has increased over the last few decades, the current moment is an especially challenging one. The coronavirus pandemic took a serious toll, isolating many queer kids from important support networks — friends, teachers, allies, and adult role models. Recent homophobic and transphobic legislation may also contribute to increased mental health risks. In a 2022 Trevor Project poll of 34,000 LGBTQ+ youth between the ages of 13 and 24 years old, 73 percent reported feeling symptoms of anxiety, and 58 percent reported symptoms of depression. Forty-five percent said they had seriously considered suicide. For transgender youth, the numbers are even worse: 1 in 5 actually attempted suicide.What can be done? The more we know about what helps — and harms — LGBTQ+ kids, the better we can support them. Here, we look at both the risk factors — things that increase the likelihood that an LGBTQ+ kid will develop serious mental health problems — and the protective factors, or things that reduce that risk. If a child has a lot of risk factors and hardly any protective factors, they are particularly vulnerable. On the other hand, if they have a fair number of risk factors but a lot of protective factors, they may be less vulnerable. Key risk factors for LGBTQ+ youth The stress of being LGBTQ+ is a risk factor that’s near-universal. “These youth’s identities carry stressors with them related to being in such a marginalized and misunderstood group,” says Emma Woodward, PhD, a clinical psychologist at the Child Mind Institute. The pressure and distress that come with feeling the need to conceal their identities, the fear that they will be harassed or discriminated against, the feelings of rejection and self-doubt that can result from being treated as if who they are is something to be ashamed of. Additionally, LGBTQ+ kids often have stressful or even traumatic experiences that can impact their mental health, including: - Being bullied or actively discriminated against. “Bullying, discrimination, and social exclusion are hugely important risk factors for these kids,” says Dr. Woodward. According to the Trevor report, 73% of LGBTQ+ youth reported that they have experienced discrimination based on their sexual orientation or gender identity at least once in their lifetime. - Little or no family support. One of the biggest health and safety risk factors for queer youth is lack of familial support and acceptance. - Lack of support by teachers and school administration. - Lack of access to mental health care. (The 2022 Trevor Project poll found that 60% of respondents were unable to get necessary mental health services.) - Physical harm. The Trevor poll found that 38% of LGBTQ youth reported having been physically threatened or harmed due to their sexual orientation or gender identity. - Being threatened with conversion therapy. Therapy designed to make a queer or trans person “go back to normal” has been consistently associated with negative mental health outcomes and greater risk for suicide.  - Being misgendered (addressed using the wrong pronouns) or not being called by their chosen name. Key protective factors While their struggles can be significant, with support and acceptance, LGBTQ+ kids can thrive. Most experts agree that the most important protective factor for LGBTQ+ kids is a high degree of support from family or caregivers. The Trevor Project poll bears that out: Having a strong family network and support reduced the percentage of youth who considered or attempted suicide in the past year by more than half. Other important protective factors include: - Access to the health care they need. If a child is struggling to get help, parents, caregivers, or community support networks can step in as advocates, says Dr. Woodward. In some ways, that may actually be easier now than it was two years ago, especially in areas where in-person mental health care has historically been limited. - Being able to wear the clothes they need to express their identity or change their appearance to match their identity. - Having a supportive adult in their life. This can be a teacher, family friend, coach, guidance counselor — anyone who can provide kindness and support when kids need it most. “Just having an adult who is understanding and supportive and will listen to a child can be really helpful,” says Dr. Woodward. “I think people have the ability help on a micro scale. People can provide individual support for these kids.” - Being allowed to use their chosen names and pronouns at home, school, and work. One study showed that this significantly reduced depression and suicidal thinking in LGBTQ+ youth. - Having strong LGBTQ+ role models. Positive representations of LGBTQ+ individuals in the media — on streaming platforms, in films, music, sports, and even advertising — are becoming more and more common. - Attending a school with supportive policies, such as allowing LGBTQ+ kids to use the bathroom of their choice or a zero-tolerance policy regarding bullying. - Having a doctor who is an ally. - Exposure to happy, thriving LGBTQ+ adults. How parents can help Though we can never entirely protect LGBTQ+ kids from the challenges they face, reducing risk factors and increasing protective factors can make a big difference. Here are a few ways that parents and families can do just that: - Make your home a safe space. “Just having home be a place that they can be themselves without judgment or rejection or consequences makes a big difference,” says Dr. Woodward. - Advocate for your child in their school. “Parents can help kids advocate for and get the services and accommodations they need,” Dr. Woodward says. “And, if their teen is having negative experiences in school, parents can play a role as well. Those are ways in which parents can help kids feel supported.” - Get your child connected to health care (both physical health and mental health) that affirms their sexual orientation and gender identity. For many LGBTQ+ kids, working with a supportive mental health professional is an important way to process challenges and learn coping skills. You can learn more here about finding affordable mental health care in your area. - Have a talk about social media — what’s safe and what’s not. Parenting can be hard at times and being the parent of an LGBTQ+ kid can be harder for a lot of reasons. But even if it takes you a long time to accept who they are, you can support them from the moment they come out to you. And that support can be the difference between having a kid who thrives or one who struggles with ongoing mental health issues. Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Pexels.com Read the full article
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calidarehabcenter · 3 months
Rehab in Mumbai for Young Adults: Tailored Programs for Youth
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Addiction and mental health issues are challenges that can affect individuals at any stage of life, but young adults face unique pressures and circumstances that require specialized care. In response to this need, many rehabilitation centers offer tailored programs specifically designed for young adults. In this blog, we will explore the various aspects of rehab in Mumbai for young adults, focusing on how these programs cater to the unique needs of youth.
Understanding the Need for Youth-Specific Rehab in Mumbai
Young adulthood is a critical period characterized by significant physical, emotional, and social changes. During this time, individuals are often transitioning into independence, facing academic and career pressures, and navigating complex social dynamics. These factors can contribute to the development of substance abuse or mental health issues. Rehab in Mumbai recognizes these unique challenges and offers tailored programs to address them effectively.
Key Features of Youth-Specific Rehab Programs
Age-Appropriate Therapy Rehab in Mumbai for young adults typically includes therapy sessions designed to resonate with the youth. Therapists employ techniques and communication styles that are more relatable and engaging for younger individuals. This approach helps in building trust and facilitating more effective treatment.
Educational and Vocational Support Understanding the importance of academic and career development during young adulthood, many rehab centers in Mumbai incorporate educational and vocational support into their programs. This can include tutoring, career counseling, and job placement assistance, helping young adults stay on track with their goals while undergoing treatment.
Peer Support Groups Connecting with peers who are facing similar struggles can be incredibly beneficial for young adults. Rehab in Mumbai often features peer support groups that provide a safe space for sharing experiences, offering mutual support, and building a sense of community among participants.
Holistic Approaches Recognizing that young adults often respond well to holistic and integrative therapies, many rehab centers in Mumbai offer activities such as yoga, meditation, art therapy, and adventure therapy. These activities not only promote physical well-being but also enhance emotional and mental health.
Family Involvement Family plays a crucial role in the recovery process, especially for young adults. Rehab programs in Mumbai emphasize family involvement, offering family therapy sessions and education to help families understand addiction and mental health issues. This approach fosters a supportive environment at home, which is essential for long-term recovery.
Aftercare and Relapse Prevention Maintaining recovery after completing a rehab program is a major concern for young adults. Rehab centers in Mumbai provide robust aftercare plans and relapse prevention strategies, including regular follow-up sessions, support groups, and continued counseling to help young adults stay sober and healthy.
Success Stories: Inspiring Youth Recovery in Mumbai
The effectiveness of youth-specific rehab in Mumbai can be seen in numerous success stories. Young adults who have undergone these tailored programs often report significant improvements in their mental health, reduced substance use, and better overall life satisfaction. These programs not only help individuals overcome their immediate challenges but also equip them with the tools and skills needed for a healthier, more fulfilling future.
Rehab in Mumbai for young adults offers a unique and comprehensive approach to addressing the specific needs of youth facing addiction and mental health issues. With age-appropriate therapy, educational support, peer groups, holistic activities, family involvement, and strong aftercare plans, these programs provide a supportive and effective pathway to recovery. If you or a loved one is a young adult in need of rehabilitation services, consider exploring the tailored programs available in Mumbai to embark on a journey towards recovery and well-being.
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sweetkoalastarfish · 4 months
Understanding and Addressing Excessive Youth Violence: Causes, Impacts, and Community Solutions
The issue of excessive violence among some youth today can be attributed to a complex interplay of factors. Here are some key reasons contributing to this phenomenon:
1. Media Influence
. Exposure to Violent Content: Regular consumption of violent video game, movies, and television shows can normalize aggressive behavior and desensitize individuals to real-life violence.
. Social Media: Platforms often highlight and sensationalize violent acts, potentially glamorizing such behavior and encouraging copycat actions.
2. Family Dynamics
. Lack of Supervision: Children and adolescents who lack proper guidance and supervision from parents or guardians may be more prone to engaging in violent behavior.
. Domestic Violence: Exposure to violence within the home can teach children that aggression is an acceptable way to resolve conflicts.
3. Societal Factors
. Economic Disparities: Poverty and lack of economic opportunities can lead to frustration, hopelessness, and ultimately, violence as a form of expression or survival.
. Communty Environment: Living in neighborhoods with high crime rate and limited access to recreational facilities or safe spaces can increase the likelihood of youth violence.
4. Psychological Factors
. Mental Health Issues: Unaddressed mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and trauma can manifest as violent behavior.
. Substance Abuse: Drug and alcohol use can impair judgment and increase the propensity for violence.
5. Educational Challenges
. School Environment: Overcrowded schools with inadeguate resources can struggle to provide a supportive environment, leading to frustration and aggression among students.
. Bullying: Both victims and perpetrators of bullying can become involved in violent behavior.
6. Cultural and Social Norms
. Normalization of Violence: In some cultures and communities, violence may be seen as an acceptable or even necessary response to conflicts or challenges.
. Peer Pressure: Adolescents are particularly susceptible to peer influence, and being part of a group that condones violence can increase individual participation.
Impact of Violence
. On Families: It creates a cycle of fear, trauma, and instability, affecting the emotional and psychological well-being of all family members.
. On Society: High levels of violence lead to increased crime rate, strained law enforcement resources and higher healthcare costs due to injuries and mental health issues.
. On Environment: Violent neighborhoods may experience neglect, vandalism, and decline in community infrastructure, making the area less desirable for residents and businesses.
Community Help Strategies
1. Educational Initiatives:
. Implementing programs in schools that teach conflict resolution, emotional regulation, and empathy.
. Providing education for parents on effective parenting techniques and how to support their children's development.
2. Support Services:
. Increase access to mental health services, including counseling and therapy for youth and families.
. Establishing mentorship programs to connect at-risk youth with positive role models.
3. Community Programs:
. Creating safe and structured environments through sports, arts and other extracurricular activities.
. Developing community centers that offer recreational activities and safe spaces for youth.
4. Policy and Advocacy:
. Advocating for policies that address economic disparities, improve mental health care access, and increase funding for education.
. Implementing ccommunity policing strategies to build trust between law enforcement and community members, focusing on prevention and early intervention.
Addressing the root causes of violence among youth requires a comprehensive and collaborative approach. By focusing on prevention, support, and community engagement, society can work towards reducing violence and fostering a safer and more respectful environment for future generations.
Thank you for reading. Until next time, salamat and see you soon!
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thehealthyandwellness · 5 months
Equipping for Empathy: Understanding Youth Mental Health First Aid
The Importance of Youth Mental Health First Aid In today's complex and fast-paced world, mental health challenges among young people are becoming increasingly prevalent. As advocates for youth well-being, it's essential to equip ourselves with the necessary tools and knowledge to provide effective support. Enter Youth Mental Health First Aid – a vital resource in fostering understanding and empathy while offering practical assistance to those in need.
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Understanding Youth Mental Health First Aid
Youth Mental Health First Aid is a training program designed to empower individuals to recognize the signs and symptoms of mental health issues in young people and respond with confidence and compassion. Through interactive workshops and educational materials, participants learn how to offer initial assistance, provide reassurance, and connect young individuals with appropriate professional help.
Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms
Central to Youth Mental Health First Aid is the ability to recognize the signs and symptoms of common mental health conditions affecting young people, such as anxiety, depression, and substance abuse. By understanding these indicators, individuals can intervene early and offer timely support, potentially preventing crises and promoting positive outcomes.
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Promoting Empathy and Understanding
Beyond providing practical skills, Youth Mental Health First Aid fosters empathy and understanding towards young individuals facing mental health challenges. By listening non-judgmentally and offering validation, Mental Health First Aiders create a safe and supportive environment where young people feel seen, heard, and valued.
Breaking Stigma and Building Resilience
One of the overarching goals of Youth Mental Health First Aid is to break down stigma surrounding mental health issues and encourage open dialogue. By promoting awareness and acceptance, Mental Health First Aiders play a crucial role in reducing barriers to seeking help and fostering a culture of resilience and well-being among young people.
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Conclusion: Empowering Communities for Positive Change
In conclusion, Youth Mental Health First Aid serves as a cornerstone in building supportive communities where young people feel empowered to prioritize their mental health and seek help when needed. By equipping ourselves with the knowledge and skills to recognize and respond to mental health challenges, we can create a more compassionate and inclusive society where every young person feels valued and supported on their journey to mental wellness.
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Empowering the Next Generation through Comprehensive Teen Counseling
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Adolescence can be tumultuous, marked by significant physical, emotional, and social changes. It's a phase of life where teens navigate through many challenges, often feeling overwhelmed by academic pressure, peer relationships, family dynamics, and personal identity development. In Peachtree City, Georgia, the community recognizes the importance of supporting its young residents during this critical period. They are doing this through comprehensive teen counseling services that empower the next generation. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of Teen Counseling in Peachtree City and how it plays a crucial role in nurturing the well-being and potential of the youth.
The Role of Teen Counseling in Peachtree City, GA
Teen counseling, also known as adolescent therapy or counseling for teens, is a specialized field of mental health care designed to address the unique needs of teenagers. In Peachtree City, teen counseling plays a pivotal role in empowering the next generation by providing the following key benefits:
Emotional Support: 
Adolescence is intense, and many teens struggle to understand and manage their feelings. Teen counseling in Peachtree City offers a safe and confidential space where adolescents can express themselves, discuss their concerns, and receive empathetic support from trained professionals.
Academic Stress Management: 
Academic pressure can be overwhelming for teens, leading to anxiety and depression. Teen counseling helps students develop effective study habits, time management skills, and stress-coping mechanisms to excel academically while maintaining their mental well-being.
Conflict Resolution: 
Peer conflicts, family disputes, and interpersonal issues are common during adolescence. Teen counseling equips teenagers with conflict resolution skills, teaching them how to communicate effectively, build healthy relationships, and navigate difficult situations.
Self-Identity Exploration: 
Adolescents are in the process of discovering their identities and values. Counselors assist teens in exploring their interests, passions, and aspirations, helping them make informed decisions about their future.
Mental Health Awareness: 
Teen counseling promotes mental health awareness, reducing the stigma of seeking help. This encourages early intervention and prevents mental health issues from escalating.
Substance Abuse Prevention:
Teen counselors in Peachtree City are trained to address substance abuse issues. They educate teens about the risks of substance abuse and offer strategies to resist peer pressure and make healthy choices.
Grief and Trauma Support: 
Adolescents may experience grief or trauma, such as the loss of a loved one or exposure to a traumatic event. Teen counseling allows teens to process their emotions and develop coping mechanisms.
Parent-Teen Communication: 
Teen counseling can facilitate better communication between parents and their teens. It helps parents understand their child's perspective and equips them with tools to support their child effectively.
How to Access Teen Counseling in Peachtree City, GA
Accessing teen counseling in Peachtree City is straightforward. Parents, guardians, or teenagers themselves can take the following steps:
Research: Research local teen counseling centers or therapists in Peachtree City specializing in adolescent counseling.
Consultation: Reach out to the chosen counselor or center for a consultation to discuss the teen's needs and concerns.
Session Scheduling: Schedule counseling sessions as recommended by the therapist. Sessions can be in-person or virtual, depending on the counselor's availability and your preferences.
Commitment: Encourage the teenager to commit to the counseling process. The number of sessions required may vary depending on the issues being addressed.
Teen counseling in Peachtree City, GA, plays a vital role in empowering the next generation by providing essential support, guidance, and resources to adolescents as they navigate the challenges of adolescence. It fosters emotional well-being, personal growth, and healthy decision-making, setting the stage for a brighter future for Peachtree City's youth. By recognizing the importance of comprehensive teen counseling, the community is investing in its young residents' mental health and success, ensuring they have the tools they need to thrive.
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roshmedia · 9 months
juvenile justice system
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The juvenile justice system in the United States is a specialized sector of the legal framework, dealing with offenses committed by individuals typically under 18 years of age. This system diverges significantly from the adult criminal justice system, with a foundational emphasis on rehabilitation rather than punishment. However, the approach to juvenile justice has fluctuated over time, reflecting changing societal attitudes and legal philosophies.
Historical Background
the establishment of the world's first juvenile court in Cook County, Illinois, in 1899. This court was grounded in the "parens patriae" principle, which allows the state to act in a parental role for those unable to care for themselves, such as children. Initially, juvenile courts were reform-oriented and paternalistic, focusing on rehabilitating rather than punishing young offenders.
Core Concepts
Emphasis on Rehabilitation: Unlike the adult system, the juvenile system prioritizes rehabilitating young offenders, based on the belief in their greater capacity for change.
Less Formal Proceedings: Juvenile court proceedings are typically more informal than adult trials, aiming to create a non-intimidating environment conducive to rehabilitation.
Confidentiality: Juvenile records are usually sealed to prevent the long-term impact of early mistakes on future education and employment opportunities.
Tailored Responses: Recognizing the diversity of individual circumstances, the system seeks to provide personalized justice, addressing the specific needs of each juvenile.
Changes and Critiques
The juvenile justice system has evolved significantly, often mirroring the prevailing societal attitudes towards crime and punishment.
Shift to a Tougher Stance: In response to rising juvenile crime rates in the late 20th century, many states adopted stricter laws, making it easier to try juveniles as adults, particularly for violent offenses. This shift faced criticism for moving away from the system's rehabilitative roots.
Modern Reforms: More recently, there has been a movement back towards rehabilitation, with an increased focus on community-based programs, mental health treatment, and educational opportunities, especially for non-violent offenders.
Disparities in the System: The system has been scrutinized for its disproportionate impact on minority and low-income youth, who are more likely to face arrest, charges, and detention.
Addressing Mental Health and Substance Abuse: There is growing awareness of the importance of mental health and substance abuse in juvenile offending, with a push for programs that address these issues.
Current Challenges and Prospects
Today, the juvenile justice system in the U.S. grapples with balancing public safety and the rehabilitation of young offenders, addressing racial and socioeconomic inequalities, and securing adequate resources for effective programs. Future directions may include:
Expanding Alternative Programs: Such as diversion initiatives, restorative justice, and community-based treatments.
Implementing Evidence-Based Practices: Focusing on methods that have been proven to reduce reoffending and improve outcomes.
Enhanced Support Services: Improving access to educational, mental health, and vocational training services.
Increased Family and Community Engagement: Acknowledging the critical role of families and communities in the rehabilitation and reintegration process.
In summary, the U.S. juvenile justice system is continually evolving, shaped by ongoing debates about how to effectively address juvenile delinquency, the state's role in youth development, and the most effective strategies for balancing public safety with the needs and welfare of young offenders.
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thedarkthingcreator · 11 months
Suicide prevention
Suicide is a global public health issue that transcends age, gender, and culture. Each year, millions of lives are lost to suicide, leaving families, friends, and communities devastated. The World Health Organization estimates that around 800,000 people die by suicide annually, and for each completed suicide, there are many more suicide attempts.
However, it's essential to recognize that suicide is preventable. There is hope even in the darkest moments, and suicide prevention is not only possible but also a collective responsibility. In this article, we will explore the importance of suicide prevention and strategies to save lives.
Understanding the Factors
Suicidal thoughts and behaviors are complex and can be triggered by various factors. Some of the common ones include:
Mental Health Issues: Conditions such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and substance abuse significantly increase the risk of suicide.
Social Isolation: Loneliness and a lack of social support can exacerbate feelings of hopelessness.
Economic and Personal Stressors: Financial problems, job loss, and relationship difficulties can be significant contributors.
Access to Lethal Means: Easy access to methods of self-harm, such as firearms or medications, can increase the likelihood of suicide.
Stigmatization: The stigma surrounding mental health issues can prevent individuals from seeking help.
Prevention Strategies
Promote Mental Health Awareness: Increasing awareness about mental health and reducing the stigma surrounding it is a crucial first step in suicide prevention. When people feel safe discussing their struggles, they are more likely to seek help.
Early Intervention: Identifying warning signs and intervening early can save lives. Encourage friends and family to reach out and offer support to those in need.
Access to Mental Health Services: Ensure that mental health services are readily available and affordable. This includes counseling, therapy, and crisis hotlines.
Responsible Media Reporting: The media plays a significant role in shaping public perceptions. Encourage responsible reporting to avoid sensationalizing suicide, which could trigger copycat incidents.
Safe Environments: Limit access to lethal means by implementing gun safety measures, medication control, and reducing access to dangerous substances.
Training for First Responders: Police officers, paramedics, and healthcare professionals should be trained in recognizing and responding to individuals at risk of suicide.
Support for High-Risk Groups: Certain populations, such as veterans and LGBTQ+ youth, are at a higher risk of suicide. Tailored prevention programs and support networks should be available.
Education in Schools: Teach young people about mental health, coping strategies, and how to seek help when they or someone they know is in crisis.
Crisis Helplines: Set up crisis hotlines and text services where individuals in distress can seek immediate help.
Community Involvement: Communities should come together to create a supportive environment, where individuals feel connected and less isolated.
Suicide is a deeply concerning global issue that demands our attention and action. Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy, and we have a moral obligation to do everything in our power to prevent it. Suicide prevention is a collective effort that requires the involvement of individuals, families, communities, and governments.
By promoting mental health awareness, early intervention, and accessible mental health services, we can create an environment where individuals at risk of suicide find the support and hope they need. Together, we can be a lifeline for those in despair, reminding them that there is always hope, even in the darkest of times.
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How Embark Treats Depression, Helping Young People Heal
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As depression continues to be a serious issue among young people, Embark Behavioral Health is providing the space and resources for youths and young adults to alleviate their symptoms and find healing.  According to the company’s 2022 annual outcomes report, most Embark clients reduced their depression symptoms, with 72% of long-term residential, 80% of short-term residential, and 77% of outpatient clinic clients experiencing improvement. At these programs, therapists like Brandon Bustamante are dedicated to helping youths and young adults improve their mental health.  “For me, seeing all the different Embark programs available for young people is very impactful,” said Bustamante, a licensed clinical social worker and the assistant clinical director at Embark Behavioral Health in Alpharetta, Georgia. “These programs allow them to work on issues like depression sooner in life instead of allowing them to build up.”  Addressing depression is a key part of the Embark Behavioral Health mission, which is to lead the way in driving teen and young adult anxiety, depression, and suicide* from today’s all-time highs to all-time lows by 2028.   Who Depression Affects, and What’s Behind It Depression affects some more than others. For example, according to the National Library of Medicine’s Medline Plus, teens can be at a higher risk for this mood disorder if they:   - Have existing mental health conditions, such as anxiety, eating disorders, or substance use issues.  - Have family members with mental illness.  - Experienced trauma in childhood.  - Have low self-esteem, a pessimistic outlook, or poor coping skills.  - Are members of the LGBTQ+ community, especially if their families aren’t supportive. Depression among teens is an important concern for parents. According to a 2018 report for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, in the past year, 14.4% of adolescents ages 12-17 had a major depressive episode.  Embark Chief Clinical Officer Dr. Rob Gent, who has a doctorate in psychology, said it’s important to help young people with depression because the condition taints their way of thinking and emotions. Over time, that tainted thought process affects how they feel and react, which can lead to making poor decisions.  Depression symptoms can include feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and anxiety as well as getting too much or too little sleep, according to Gent.  How Embark Treats Depression When youths and young adults arrive at an Embark program, they’re introduced to treatment teams that include therapists, nurse practitioners, and psychiatric nurse practitioners. They then learn about the Embark treatment approach, which provides an evidence-based therapeutic structure to create effective growth, learning, and healing.   Multiple types of therapy are part of this approach, including:  - Attachment-focused therapy, a relational approach that promotes establishing safe, secure, nurturing relationships that can help youths and young adults regulate their emotions. - Experiential therapy, which engages a client’s physical, emotional, and relational aspects to help them get out of self-preservation mode and stop ruminating — dwelling — on their depression and hopeless feelings. - Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which promotes identifying the causes of their depression, changing unhealthy behaviors, and setting realistic goals as ways of mitigating symptoms so they can find joy. - Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), a type of CBT that strives to change negative thinking patterns and pushes for positive behavioral changes. The Embark treatment approach is based on the company's CASA Developmental Framework, used to developmentally heal and strengthen functional, mental, and physical health. By practicing commitment, acceptance, security, and attunement (empathy in action), young people and their families can co-regulate, a process that involves a reciprocal exchange of emotional, neurological, and physical safety. Co-regulation sets the foundation for treating depression.  “The first step for us is to look at how we can create some sense of connection,” Gent said. “This is done through an interpersonal, safe, and secure attachment experience.”  Integrating the family into treatment Oftentimes, families come to Embark with some misconceptions about depression, such as the impact of the depression a youth or young adult is experiencing. They also may not know how to define depression. This is why Embark involves the entire family in treatment from the very beginning.   Clients and their families participate in family therapy sessions and receive education about what depression is, what leads to the disorder, and the accompanying symptoms, including isolation and low motivation. They also attend treatment team meetings to understand how the family system works and to develop effective strategies to address the experiences and factors that contributed to the client’s depression.  “I think it’s important to address that we’re treating the depression, not just putting a band-aid on it,” Gent said. “We are really focusing on changing what’s driving the depression.”  Assessing progress during treatment During their time at Embark, clients complete assessments that measure their depression symptoms. The goal is to see improvement in overall demeanor and stabilization. Embark also measures improvement through the progress made in the treatment plans. Gent said parents will always know when their child is ready to either move to another level of care or discharge from the program.  Discharging clients from treatment During treatment and prior to discharge, clients work with the treatment team to put measures in place so they always know how to get back to a place of co-regulation. These measures include:   - A discharge summary detailing the client’s time in the program, including treatment received and medications taken.  - A transition plan that includes post-discharge therapy recommendations, ways to assess signs of emotion regulation issues, and co-regulation and self-regulation strategies.  - A safety plan with information to help keep the client safe during a mental health crisis, such as coping skills to use and who to call in an emergency.  - A medication plan, if the client takes medication, detailing prescriptions to be filled and dosage instructions. Families also leave with various skills needed to help them cope with tough situations, express themselves in a healthy way, and communicate effectively. Because families practice these skills during their journey at Embark, they’re prepared to implement them once discharged from the program.  Treatment In Action at Embark in Alpharetta While sharing how the Alpharetta outpatient clinic has helped clients with depression, Bustamante recalled a biracial client who’d been adopted by white parents. The client, a teenager, didn’t feel supported or understood by them. In addition, the family moved to a town that he felt lacked representation of people like him, and he often felt singled out due to his race. His parents were unsure how to help him through that. He was also in friend groups that caused his behavior to become disruptive while dealing with all that had happened to him.    The client was at a residential treatment center for three months, then came to the Alpharetta clinic for a therapeutic day treatment program, also known as a partial hospitalization program (PHP), to continue treatment for depression. During a few therapy sessions with the teenager, Bustamante had an African American intern who could relate to the teen’s experience help him see it was OK to feel the way he was feeling and then process his feelings and experiences.   Over the course of time, Bustamante saw a difference in this client, and the parents noted he was more loving with them. They also said he was more communicative, an aspect of their relationship he’d struggled with before.    “This experience gave him the opportunity to feel heard and seen and to also understand that there are people out there who’ve experienced situations like him — and how to best move forward,” Bustamante said.  *This article is for informational purposes only and not to be considered medical advice. If your child is having a mental health emergency, contact the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline for immediate support by calling or texting 988 or chatting online. You can also text HOME to 741741 ─ the Crisis Text Line ─ from anywhere in the country to talk with a trained crisis counselor. Read the full article
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"Raising the Legal Vaping Age - How Addiction Affects Youth"
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Recently, the U.S. government has taken steps to prevent the underage use of e-cigarettes. In December 2019, a bill was passed in Congress that raises the legal age to buy e-cigarettes or other vaping products to 21. This new law puts vaping in line with alcohol and tobacco regulations. This law aims to address the issue of youth vaping, a rapidly growing problem. Over the last few years, there has been an alarming increase in the number of teens who vape, putting them at risk of nicotine addiction and other negative health effects. Many people are hopeful that this new law will reduce the number of teens that vape and improve the health of young people. Here are some of the potential benefits this new law will bring: -A decrease in the number of teens exposed to nicotine and other chemicals -A decrease in the number of teens developing nicotine addiction -Reduced access for teens to purchase vaping products E-cigarette usage has become an important public health concern. Fortunately, the government is taking initiatives to help reduce youth vaping, and it remains to be seen what positive effects this new law will have. If you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse or addiction, consider reaching out to a drug rehabilitation or addiction treatment center for help.
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