#How to invite to Islam
shalom-iamcominghome · 5 months
You know, now that my dad knows about... all of this (as in, my religious views and community), I have yet another person to infodump to about judaism. This is great because I don't have many people at all who have the privilege of me speaking about everything from kosher to purim to hair coverings after marriage to views about g-d to traditional differences all in the span of twenty minutes (which then turns into an hour and a half)
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abnormallycreative · 4 months
#i am in a constant state of all because of s random man#im muslim and i invited a handful of married muslim Women to a pole dancing class#mind you i felt this group was scary so i wasnt gonna do shit but another sister had asked me to teach and set it up#the majority id them said no bc they ahd to work and whatever which was fine im not finna stop you from making money#but then this one sister who tbh does not dress appropriately done said something to the Woman thats over the Muslim women#or so i thought bc it doesn’t seem like she would have an issue#turns out her bitch ass husband was the one who said something to the man thats over the men#and the man thats over the men told the women thats iver the women and she called me saying its against islam#newsflash it isnt#any she used very long quran quotes to say thay pole dsncing was satanic and scared away the sister who were going to go#AND THE SIS THAT ASKED ME TO SET IT UP#and since my number was on the flyer it make me look like the master mind behind this thats tryna lead women away from islam#so i go up the sis whos husband had a problem and apologized if i offended her#she wasbt offendsd in the slightest#it was her BITCH ASS HUSBAND THE WHOLE TIME#who you get a sis who dont dress right snd get mad when she wanna pole dance#you pick and choose how you want a woman to express her islam#it was a PRIVATE FUCKING CLASS FOR WOMEN#and this the same bitch ass nigga who immediately got her pregant and since she cant drive she barely been to the mosque#hes a control freak and is insecure bc hes ugly as FUCK and his wife oretty and so be checking her phone to see if shes texying other dudes#hes a bitch ass nigga#and his daddy a bitch too#and pole dancing isnt against islan#if i were to pole dance in front of men that would be fucked up but i would never do thay bc i really dont like these nigga#like a borderline hatred for them#the reason there an issue with it is bc of how peiple sexualize women and how every thing we do#so instead of bresking down the patriarchy and the shit thats creeping into islam before our eyes#you just tell Women not to do anything!!!#but to get married and have babies#so when we find something fun for us to do its a damn problem. anyway i start my pole teacher training in September. fuck thwse niggas
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jotarrokujo · 1 year
goddddd a gay turkish wedding would be such a headache to think about omg
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johnbrand · 2 months
The Stages of Arabization
With @next-pharaoh
“Jeez, it’s so bright here,” Henry oriented his phone up in front of the sun, hoping to block out a few of the direct rays.
“Well, you are closer to the equator,” his boyfriend, Alex, joked. “Dubai is a bit farther south than Boston.”
Henry rolled his eyes, “What would I do without that intelligence of yours?” 
“Too bad you don’t have your own.” They both laughed at that remark. The pair had started dating in graduate school, with Alex venturing down the path of mathematics and Henry following the racial trends of Sub-Saharan Africa. Everyone joked it should have been the other way around, given Henry’s geeky, pale exterior fit the math nerd stereotype better than Alex’s lanky, darker frame. But Henry loved his studies, so much so that he had been invited to a conference in the United Arab Emirates to talk on them.
Suddenly, Henry received an email notification from one of his sponsors. “Dang, looks like I have to get back to work. Just received an essay to review before the next presentation.”
“How long do you have?”
“Barely 30 minutes.”
“Well forward it to me,” Alex replied. “We can tag team it. I know this isn’t my strong suit but at least I can help cover more ground.”
Henry thought that was a great idea. Without a second thought, he redirected the email and wished his boyfriend goodbye. Alex would send his thoughts over text when he had finished.
“‘The Stages of Arabization’,” Henry recited aloud. He was planning to head inside to read–gingers burnt way too easily in the direct sunlight–but he noticed the writing was pretty short. Barely even a page. Henry was surprised to realize the essay was in Arabic, but he quickly utilized a translator app to resolve the issue.
Stage 1: Islamization  Islam becomes the majority religion or state religion.
Strange formatting, but Henry understood the statement as rather truthful. The historically successful Arabizations of Morocco, Algeria, and Egypt had followed a similar suit. Even some of the countries he had studied had shown signs of this progression.
Stage 2: Linguistic Arabization Islam brings fixation on Arabic language, thus the Arabic language becomes central to the society's identity. Arabic becomes the state language.
Henry found this statement agreeable as well. There was something so methodical about the Arabic language, how it melodically ebbed and flowed in such a way that it twirled through the hearing canals directly into the brain. Anyone who listened to it almost became entranced, as if captured by its beauty and awakened by its fluidity. Henry closed the translator app before continuing on. 
Stage 3: Cultural Arabization Arab cultural practices become common due to Islamization. Own cultural heritage is deemed closer to ages of ignorance and thus gradually forgotten and replaced with Islam.
Henry had followed this trend through his research. Many of the countries he had analyzed over the years had demonized their traditional practices once introduced to Islamic culture. It was like watching a child being given a new toy; the original quickly discarded for one deemed far more superior. These assimilations had even started to appear in Henry’s life. Thobes were the new fashion craze among his fellow researchers, midday prayer rooms had taken over labs, and even the cafeteria had become completely halal.
Stage 4: Ethnic Arabization Planned migration of many Arab tribes and deliberate suppression of the numbers of natives, consequently major demographic shift. Media encourages Arabs to multiply and mix.
This too had arrived in the workplace. Rapidly, it had become obvious that the university was prioritizing hiring Arab and Arab-American employees. Political discourse on abortion had suddenly disappeared, instead dropping birth control from medical insurances and advertising “Reversion Through Fertilization”. Luckily, Hussein had not been influenced much by this change. In fact, he almost felt as if he was somehow a part of it.
Stage 5: Fully Arab State Arabs and the Arabized become elite and majority. Non-Arabized are shunned and pressured to revert until no opposition remains.
Hussein smiled with pride, closing the essay he was sure to give high remarks to. His best friend Ali had a similar response, a text from him glowing with praise about the truth in the writer’s words. The essay was eloquent, thought-provoking, and would become mandatory literature at his lab, and soon throughout the reverting world. It reflected the future, similarly to his own phone screen: masculine, virile Arab men. Hussein felt a divine sense of conformity with Islam, one all were soon destined to see.
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sissa-arrows · 4 months
French Israeli piece of shit: Wanna know why the Arabs don’t protest and break and burn shit in Israel like they do in France? First Arab who walks by gets beaten up. Even the nice Arabs. The peaceful ones with nice corner shops. We beat them up, broke everything did a carnage. It’s the only language the Arabs understand, they think that as long as you’re not in the streets to kill them you’re weak and they can do whatever they want. The war, what we’re doing in Gaza hasn’t been done in a long time. What we’re doing in Gaza… you know what we’re doing. Not a single Arab in Israel is moving not even their ear unlike 2021. Not a single burned tire. Nothing because they know that Israelis, including the leftists, if they do anything we will catch them and hang them to a traffic light.
People in the conversation: That’s good!!!
The same piece of shit: I can send you pictures of Arabs taped from head to feet. Their face, their eyes everything.
Mila a piece of shit: I absolutely want to see this.
A third piece of shit: If you want Mika I have really nice ones from the army.
Mila the piece of shit: I want to see it.
The two pieces of shit who have pictures: Sending you the pics in DM.
Mila: *laughing*
Come again and tell us how “Israel” is nice and how the “Israeli Arabs” are not mistreated. The thing is the three people who were talking are easily identifiable. We all know who they are know their names and faces. Mila is even invited on TV regularly to pretend to be a victim. But none of them was arrested. Let’s pretend a group with white supremacists and Muslims who can easily be identified because they are known and use their picture and full name on social media was calling for the murder of Jews? Do you think for one second it wouldn’t be all over the news and the piece of shit would be in police custody already? But hey it’s just anti Arab racism so nothing to see here. They are just celebrating the death of Palestinians. Fuck Zionism. Fuck every single person who stand with “Israel” in any form or shape even the “neutral” ones and both siders. You’re a piece of shit and I have absolutely zero respect for you or even any empathy.
(The two guys in the conversation are Zionist Jews the girl Mila is a white supremacist. A couple years ago when she was 17 and nobody knew her she insulted Muslims during a live video, idiots answered by insulting her cause she is queer. And she became a symbole in France they started using her to show how the Arabs are savages and saying that blasphemy is a right in France. They didn’t listen to us when we were like “Nah she didn’t insult Islam she insulted Muslims that’s not blasphemy that’s racism” and now years later after being told her behavior was perfectly okay multiple times including by politicians and the medias, she is casually calling for the murder or Arabs and asking for pictures of dead Palestinians.)
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benevolentbirdgal · 1 year
Is it appropriate for non-jewish authors/designers to take inspiration from jewish mythology and writing? I’ve seen a lot of media that does that especially in fantasy.
That's a loaded question, and while I certainly don't Speak For All Jews Everywhere - I am Not The Jewrax, I basically hold that it'd be fine in theory but in practice, it's almost always problematic because few gentiles bother to engage with Jewish perspectives on what they're using.
I'm not 112% sure on what you mean by mythology and writing, nor am I 112% sure what you mean by inspiration, but I'm going to make some educated guesses and invite both you to DM me or ask again and other Jews to float other possibilities.
I'm imagining you mean something to the impact of the use of Jewish folklore, theology, and stories in non-Jewish media, like art and literature, so I'm answering in that context. Specifically, I feel like you might be asking about angels and demons, Lillith, and golems, although that is very speculative and just because Those Are The Things Gentiles REALLY Want To Use.
The TL;DR is that I think while in theory, it's fine for gentiles to incorporate elements of Jewishness into their story, in practice they usually screw it up pretty badly if not veering into antisemitic trope-age altogether. There are a few factors that make this the case.
On the one hand, I want to see more representation of Jewish stuff, and not just the same three stereotypes ad nauseam. I legitimately do want more Jewish elements in stories, and I recognize the quantity I want would heavily benefit from, if not outright require, some contribution from the 99.8% of people globally who are not Jewish.
With that said, I think that gentiles tend to fuck up Jewish representations, both from a folklore perspective and a Jews Are People That Exist perspective. It's not some fatal flaw to view other cultures through your own lenses - it's only human, but it is challenging to address and something to be aware of. I see Christianity, Islam, and other religions (and atheism, for that matter) through the view of a Jew who was raised in and lives in a Christian-dominated society. Gentile writers see Judaism through the lenses of their own backgrounds and the backgrounds of their society. For reasons that merit their own post, gentiles tend to forget that Jewishness exists independent of and predating many of their own lenses. For many of the same reasons, many gentiles have no interest in actually consulting Jews or Jewish sources on Jew things - we aren't regarded as minority enough or different enough or whatever to merit research, even among many gentile creators who normally research cultures they are not part of. Without getting into it, a lot of people also A) really can't handle the idea that Some Things Are Just For Jews (like Kabbalah) or accept closed and semi-closed say what they mean on the tin and B) have (at the very least) implicitly supersessionist attitudes in their approach to Judaism - applying other religious and cultural contexts backwards even if they're directly at odds with the original Jewish ones. They learned about Jew Stuff in their Christian, Wiccan, Muslim, Unitarian Universalist, Atheist, etc. spaces, and how those spaces approached Jew Stuff (and the attitudes inherited from those spaces) are prioritized over what the Jews think of their own Stuff. This often results in Jewish "representation" being filtered through the eyes of the dominant culture group (i.e. Christian), even if that's not the intent. This happens a lot with depictions or appropriations of Kabbalah, Lillith, and the Golem - specific cultural and theological biases are superimposed to the detriment of original context and meaning.
If you want to represent or take inspiration from a group, you need to understand that group. It doesn't mean you have to know EVERYTHING (no one does) but it means engaging with and researching the community beyond this One Cool Thing You Liked. The degree to which you do this depends on what you're using, but you want to be able to use stuff without stripping it of its original context.
Writing, mythology, and folklore are broad categories. If you want to use the zayde from Something From Nothing or make Sammy Spider real, that's way less loaded than taking traditional folklore and going Mine Mine Mine a la the birds in Finding Nemo. Good questions to ask when determining if you want to use a thing: is it explicitly closed or semi-closed? Has it been used to cause violence against its community of origin? Is it and its uses considered sacred?
Specific topics that you just shouldn't use because they are closed and/or have been used against Jews to cause us great pain: Lillith, Kabbalah, Golems, anything that implies or uses the blood libel, any kind of Jews-and-horns thing, or anything leaning into antisemitic conspiracy theories. I'd also tread very lightly and get sensitive readers on anything to do with angels and demons, circumcision, and kosher. [above list is def non-exhaustive, other Jews please add stuff]
Also stay away from any "this is the SECRET meaning of this Jewish Thing And The Jews Are Wrong And This Proves My Religion/Conspiracy Theory/Worldview." Even if it does not promote a specific worldview, there's some major ick in saying "no this is what your holiday/beliefs actually mean/imply." Don't Da Vinci Code us, basically.
If you are wanting to write or make something with Jewish elements, consult Jews on the specifics! Seriously, most of us are SO happy to help you workshop.
Again, I do not speak for all Jews, but this is my personal take, and the kind of stuff I've heard a lot of other Jews opine as well.
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swaggypsyduck · 2 years
i hope you don’t mind me asking but how does ramadan actually work? i know you can’t eat or drink anything while the sun is up and there’s something about music (?) but what other things are part of the celebrations?
hi anon!!
so ramadan is the holy month of fasting! its the 9th month of the Islamic lunar calendar and lasts 29-30 days depending on the new moon sighting. Islamic fasting is basically no food, water, and sex (not no food/water/sex at all just not during the day) from dawn to sunset. now then if u have medical issues (ex. diabetes) u dont have to fast. and if ur on ur period u dont have to fast those days that ur on ur period but unlike the ppl w medical issues u have to make those days up throughout the year.
ramadan is also the month of the quran and also when we believe the quran was first revealed to the prophet mohammed (pbuh) so we try to read as much of it as we can the entire month. it's also when all the evil djinns/shayateen are locked up so it's easier for us to make good decisions. if ur still sinnin then that's 100% a habit and u problem lmaoooo. so basically it doubles as showing us what we need to work on as ppl for the next year.
as for the music part its recommended u cut it out and replace it w quran. which is general advice but ive yet to meet someone who does that to a T lol. but if u must (for studying purposes) have music then islamic nasheeds or music w no words is ideal.
after the last mandatory prayer (isha) of the night there is a optional prayer that only happens in ramadan called taraweeh. it's where u go to the local mosque and pray as a community. and hopefully finish reciting the quran by the end of the month. its super fun bc after prayer ur friends and family bring desserts and tea and socialize a bit before going home and sleep/preparing for suhur.
once ramadan is done we have 3 days of EID UL FITR!!! which is the big celebration for after Ramadan. (ill make a post on that closer to eid)
NOW FOR THE CULTURE!! so different cultures do food differently. and some have foods specific to ramadan. we also invite friends and and family to iftar and its generally a super fun time!! and in some mosques taraweeh turns into a fashion show/pintrest board of inspiration. not that u have to be dripped out just be presentable in the house of god uk!!
p.s. i left out more specific information bc itd get too confusing but if u have anymore questions then feel free to ask!!
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Jewish Song of the Day #12: Bellida
Okay so at one point I went spelunking for more female Jewish singers singing in classical styles, and I stumbled upon this song, which is sung in Haketia, a Moroccan dialect of Ladino that also incorporates some Arabic.
It's a secular(ish) song, but very much culturally Jewish.
I'm not going to explain it well, so instead I'll simply quote from this article about it:
On October 25, 2019, Bloch and Zaaluk released their newest hit single Bellida. The song is sung in the traditional Haketia, an endangered Jewish Romance language also known as Djudeo Spañol, Ladino Occidental, or Western Judaeo-Spanish. Tamar is part of a new generation of young artists from Arab and Islamic countries who sing in their mother tongues. Her mother was born in Morocco. “I’m not involved in a preservation project and the social narrative isn’t what’s important to me. In my music I have found, after much searching, a real place for intimate expression – a language that’s a home, ” said the singer in her interview with Haaretz Magazine. Bellida is “definitely a pop album. It’s not world music from a distant and inaccessible culture, which is being preserved. I bring the songs in modern arrangements in the understanding of how relevant this music is.” The song was arranged with the help of Roee Fadida. It is a humoristic women’s song that represents the tradition of women singing in everyday life. “It tells the story about a Jewish-Moroccan girl (Bellida) who falls in love and marries Pepe, a Christian man. The ladies in her village make jokes about it but comfort her with local food.” Although Bloch and primarily sings with the goal of inspiring audiences to sing and dance, she understands her creation bears social obligation. Specifically, it is the female responsibility aspect of Bellida that Bloch warmly embraces. “It is something that I really yearn for,” she says. “Jews assimilation is a very serious prohibition, yet Bellida is not ostracized. She is cared for by means of tradition and food.” Bellida is Bloch’s interpretation of secular feminine folklore. “I imagine these women dancing together. Music brings people together. In Morocco, you see everyone sitting and singing, and being familiar with the words,” she says. “In Israel music reflects the various cultural homes from which we came. The real challenge is to try to create a new sound from within every such home.” In sharing her story of how the heritage songs came into her life, Bloch explained that in 2014, Roee Fadida, a role model, invited her to join a band that plays contemporary Moroccan music. She described having a physical reaction to that music. It felt like I was “smelling a roll outside a bakery and I had to take a bite.” Bellida is performed alongside Bloch’s band Zaaluk, a trans-Mediterranean and North African ensemble that revive lost Haketiya women’s songs. Their age-old melodies are performed to inspire people to sing and dance together and embrace the heritage of the ancient Jewish community of Spanish Morocco. Their sounds are inspired by Andalusian, North African, and Balkan musical traditions. Their music is a combination of electric guitar, bass guitar, drums, percussion, and powerful vocals, performed in Israel and abroad. The name of the band refers to a local Moroccan salad and captures the group’s multi-cultural essence.
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sethshead · 5 months
To free Palestine from Israel, first we must free Palestine from Hamas. Hamas is a force that abuses and oppresses Palestinians. It murders, tortures, and disappears dissenters, opponents, LGBTQ, civil rights and peace activists, and anyone who resists its power, including respected Islamic clerics. It allows women few rights save to be the brood mares for more shuhada. It steals food donations and resells them at inflated prices to the rich, provokes Israel only to then hide behind civilians, and denies civilians anyplace to hide. Hamas is a death cult. A Palestine under its rule, whether within the pre-‘67 borders or from the river to the sea, would be a violent, criminal, gangster failed state.
Yes, Israeli leadership must also change. Likud has never been willing to part with “Judea and Samaria”, no matter how much grief that causes Israelis within the pre-‘67 borders. Netanyahu has been a consummate bad-faith actor, and even the country’s more dovish leaders have still wanted to manipulate the “facts on the ground” to make final negotiations more advantageous to Israel. It is certainly past time for Israel to stop playing games with the futures of two peoples. But Likud can be and has been voted out. The same is not true of Hamas.
I accept that Hamza Howidy is not necessarily representative of the Palestinian electorate. I do not tokenize him; I simply agree with is observations and conclusions. Though most Palestinians do still demand a river-to-sea state or “right of return” (which in practical terms amount to the same thing), Howidy recognizes the obvious. Israel is going nowhere, nor are the Palestinians. Jews and Palestinian Arabs have connections to the land. Each possesses a kind of indigeneity and a right to self-determination in the land of their national origin, whenever that was. Neither wishes to live under the rule of the other.
Any one-state solution is foolhardy, an invitation to further conflict and bloodshed. None who desire that can legitimately be called a friend to Palestinians or Israelis. Recognizing the legitimacy of both of our national aspirations and finding a way to bring us together as neighboring states in respectful peace is the only thing that could remotely be called a victory for either side. If you and all your chants, slogans, rhetoric, and demands do not amount to that, you are doing more harm than good to both peoples.
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By: Douglas Murray
Published: May 21, 2024
THE President of Iran died at the weekend in a helicopter accident – news that the BBC marked with the headline “President Ebrahim Raisi’s mixed legacy in Iran”.
“Mixed legacy” is an interesting way to sum up the life of someone better known as the “Butcher of Tehran”.
Raisi rose through the ranks of the revolutionary Islamic Government that overthrew the Shah in 1979.
And he made his name in the usual revolutionary Islamic way.
By killing his political opponents — including the leftists who the regime rounded up, imprisoned and murdered by the thousands in their jails.
Some of the obituaries have noted that Raisi helped speed up the backlog of trials in Iran.
That is true. He did it in the same way Stalin did — by killing his opponents fast.
The United Nations noted his passing in its own unique way.
At the Security Council, the member States were invited to stand and observe a minute’s silence for Raisi.
Those taking part shamefully included our own deputy ambassador to the UN, James Kariuki.
At the same time, Iranians were letting off fireworks and handing out sweets in their own streets.
There has been more mourning at the United Nations than there has been in Iran.
Perhaps that is because the Iranian people are the first ones who have had to suffer under the cruel rule of President Raisi.
It was on his watch that students and others who have protested against his regime have been abducted, tortured and killed.
It is Raisi’s regime which has overseen the harshest rule of Islamic law — which includes the hanging of women who have been raped.
That’s right. If you are a woman who has been raped in Iran, you are the culprit.
And you will be the one that is hanged.
Are the women who suffered that horror worth a minute’s silence at the UN? I would have said so.
Is their hangman? I’d have said not. Yet the UN and others continued with this gross spectacle.
Today, the organisation flew its flags at half-mast at its HQ in New York.
How morally sick can an organisation be?
We seem to have come to the stage where international bodies, as well as some sick people at home, will love anyone so long as that person hates us.
And Raisi and his foreign minister, who died with him, certainly did hate us.
Theirs is a regime which has, for 44 years, called for “Death to America” and “Death to the UK”.
It is a regime which has caused a numberless loss of lives inside Iran and in the wider region.
It is a regime which has been trying to expand its power in its own region and whose assassins have made it as far as New York and London.
Only last month, a member of the Iranian opposition was stabbed outside his house in London.
Almost certainly by assassins sent to the UK by the government in Iran.
All the time, Raisi and his friends have tried to make their regime invincible by gaining a nuclear weapon.
So far they have had that project delayed many times.
But they still seek the bomb and are one of the very few regimes on Earth that has said they would like to use it.
We should take them at their word.
It is the regime in Iran that has, for years, funded and trained terrorists across the region and indeed the world.
‘Mass slaughter’
In October last year, when Hamas terrorists broke into Israel and carried out the largest mass slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust, it was Iran which backed them.
It is Iran that has funded Hamas. It is Iran that has trained Hamas. And it is Iran that has armed Hamas.
Just as they have also trained, funded and armed their other terrorist groups.
Notably in Yemen. Where Iran’s Houthi friends have fired missiles and attacked British ships.
But also in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq, where Iran’s weapons have killed British and American soldiers.
And that is before even getting on to the 150,000 missiles Iran has helped Hezbollah store up in southern Lebanon.
Or the drones and other munitions it has been giving to Vladimir Putin’s Russia as he tries to overrun Ukraine.
All of his foul life, Raisi hoped to start and win a massive regional war.
Why should the man who oversaw all this and very much more be given any respect?
You might say it makes political sense to keep doors open — as most of our Foreign Office seems to think.
But it is quite another thing to mourn, or lament, the passing of this man.
The BBC, Foreign Office and United Nations may not know what a tyrant is. But the Iranian people do.
If only we could show that we are on their side.
We could start by showing that we are also on our own.
Good fucking riddance. The Earth is a better place with him as a splatter stain upon it.
The absolute moral confusion that has infected our institutions is truly dire.
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octuscle · 1 year
Dear Support-Team,
I just downloaded the App for my mobile but I guess I'm too overwhelmed with all these settings. Thats whyy I am asking you for help.
I'm 25 years old, german. Just finished university and now I'm working a boring job, but at least good income.
Sometimes I see old classmates (the cool kids, most of them are Moslem and with Arabian (?) family backgrounds) on Instagram and I wonder: where would I be today if these People where my friends at school and today...
I don't know how to program the app to find out. Hopefully you can help.
Thanks a lot!
What a cool car! Your father-in-law was really generous. But when you marry his son tonight, when your new brothers and cousins block the inner-city ring road of Dortmund honking their horns, when you dance in the streets and shoot your guns in the air, then everyone should also see that someone is getting married here who made it. An alpha Arab. And you, his German husband.
Damn, you wouldn't have thought that twelve years ago. You were only 13 years old. And a car fanatic. But your father was unemployed and your mother had to work as a cleaning lady. In life, you would never be able to afford one of the cars that stood at the luxury car dealer in the industrial park. That's where the soccer stars of Borussia Dortmund bought their cars. And other people you didn't even want to know where they got their money from. You always stood in front of the shop windows with wide eyes. And then you took heart and asked if you could have a student job. To be allowed to be close to the wonderful cars. And then you started vacuuming floor mats, polishing rims, cleaning air vents with a toothbrush. Always on time, always hardworking, always thorough. The boss's eldest son quickly noticed this, and as a result he gave you more and more errands to run. And more and more responsible tasks.
You must have been about 16 years old, you had just finished secondary school and changed to high school when the Aouns invited you home for the first time. And that's when you saw Chafik for the first time. A cool man. Well built, well dressed, disarming smile. It was probably love at first sight. Even if you had to keep your love a secret for a long time. But in the years that followed, you earned the unreserved trust of the Aouns. At the latest, when your mother died of breast cancer and your father later of his alcohol consumption, you were the sixth son here. And at some point it was clear that there was more than brotherly love between you and Chafik. Mr. Aouns was furious. But at some point he accepted that he could not imagine a better son-in-law than you.
After graduating from high school with honors, you joined the family business and took over the fitness center division. And you made the business flourish. In the meantime, more pharmaceuticals were sold in your gyms than in the pharmacy of the nearest university hospital. And you were always clean. Even if you didn't convert to Islam, you didn't drink alcohol. Of course you would have liked to decorate your muscles with tattoos. But that would not have been godly. At some point, you fit perfectly into the clan. As one of the area leaders. You were only always the only one without a beard and with a smooth chest.
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You turn into the underground car park of your mansion at the Phoenixsee. Now you have to hurry. In an hour you will marry Chafik dressed in a suit. Then suddenly you are Christian Aoun. Although no one calls you Christian anymore anyway. Because of your radiant smile, you're just Bassem to everyone here!
Thank you, @jacobadler2 for the perfectly fitting picture!
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determinate-negation · 11 months
im not jewish myself so i could be very wrong, but the current situation in palestine and gaza and israel seems like itll be bad for jewish people and antisemitism the world over. it seems like a lot of antisemites could use the world's response to israel as an excuse for antisemitism/"proof" that jews control the world or something. furthermore, israel calling anti-israel/anti-zionism stuff antisemetic i think could confuse well meaning but ignorant people on what is or isnt antisemetic. also, it seems that some people (mainly tumblr bloggers cause thats the only social media site i use (unless youtube is social media)) are using it as an excuse to be antisemitic while pretending to be propalestine.
wanted to hear your thoughts on it cause afaik your jewish and im like 90 percent sure youve talked about something like this before, if you dont mind.
ive been making and reblogging a few posts about this that generally sum up what i think because yeah
this is just actually so awful. we do not need to ontologically define our safety and identity and very existence in relation to a genocidal ethno nationalist state that is being propped up by the forces of american imperialism. it is so morally wrong and were choosing to side with an oppressor that doesnt actually have any commitment to us and supports israel for political economic and strategic reasons, rather than siding with oppressed people. also israel and pro israel organizations puts a lot of effort into redefining criticism of israel as antisemitism, and you can see reflected in everything the ADL puts out (more info here) and also the IRHA working definition of antisemitism that has been critiqued for this. i havent seen any antisemitism on tumblr in particular, but i think thats just bc of who i follow. in general the the radical right always is quick to capitalize off of how tightly controlled news on israel is and the left needs to have the real analysis. i also have seen instances of increased antisemitic attacks, in tunisia, france, and germany, and its really terrible but im glad at least to see a lot of organizations and popular pro palestine people denounce it and tell people that jews arent equivalent with zionists and this isnt a religious conflict, SOMETHING THAT ISRAEL IS ESSENTIALLY ARGUING THE OPPOSITE OF by the way. the us government and us media's relationship with israel is literally dangerous to us. but also, israeli politicians have connections to european neo nazis and shit. they benefit from jews in the diaspora feeling unsafe and being persecuted because it means people are more likely to settle in israel
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machinesonix · 7 months
Dune 2 is out, and as a huge fan of the franchise I am in a semiferal state of hyperfixated fervor. I’ve been reading the book again as a coping mechanism, but it has been sort of difficult finding a social outlet for it. See, there is a lot of fascinating worldbuilding that isn’t in the movies and a lot of messianic philosophy that isn’t quite summed up by ‘well actually it turns out Duncan is the real Space Jesus.’ My wonderful girlfriend suggested this metablogging thing might be a better way to get my fix than stopping strangers on the street with a passion for science fiction easily mistakable for radical Islamic fundamentalism so HERE WE GO
One thing that kinda blows my mind reading through Dune is how both movies have given us radically different portrayals of Baron Harkonnen and how both of them are totally believable in the context of the original text. If you’re not familiar, the new sexy Dune gives us this raspy Kingpin type Baron that wades around in a bunch of unsettling fluids with this villainous gravitas like a fascist hippopotamus. In David Lynch’s 1984 Dune we are still dealing with a caricature of obese evil, but he’s just so goddamn jolly about it. He’s giggling and spitting and cavorting around in antigravity while Games Workshop writers take note about how everyone loves his boils. These depictions are so opposite to each other that seeing them both in the text is giving me this weird double vision.
I think the reason is this beautiful context we don’t really see in either version of the film, and that is the psychopath mentat Pieter DeVries serving absolute cunt with his exposition. It’s a worldbuilding thing. The Baron has a 15 year old Feyd-Rautha watching his uncle to learn a thing or two about statecraft. Pieter is a twisted mentat, which is like a human computer with an OS optimized for human rights violations and he is just having none of the Baron’s shit. He flaunts his expensive drug addiction, offers to dance, and repeatedly reminds the Baron that he was too stupid to have come up with this Snidely Whiplash shit by himself. Pieter correctly reasons that the Baron will have him dead as soon as he has outlived his usefulness and that his attitude isn’t going to be much of a determining factor. For now he is very confident that he remains useful.
So eventually Feyd is like ‘Uncle, I’m just watching you argue, I could be playing GameBoy right now’ because GameBoy is what Feyd-Rautha calls the guy with needles for teeth that he hunts through the steam tunnels. And the Baron goes ‘Ah, but you are learning something. See, one of the great things we lost during the robot jihad were Excel spreadsheets that weren’t little bitches.’ And that’s where it gets me. I can’t tell if this is an impatient mastermind flexing his general obesity or a plague-clown who invited his sassy laptop in to make everyone watch his sick burn. Maybe those aren't mutually exclusive. Maybe it’s not that weird and it’s just David Lynch brain poison leaving its indeliable mark. 
Mostly I think it’s a profound tragedy that we don’t have an on screen adaptation of Pieter DeVries going full fucking Starscream. Like yeah, we see some animosity but we as an audience have been robbed of seeing a dude who can do orbital physics calculations in his head acting like he just figured out nothing actually happens when mom finishes counting down from ten. As a millenial STEM graduate, I feel a deep sense of empathy for this human calculator vocalizing to his employer that he hopes his home burns down. 
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eretzyisrael · 4 months
by Brendan O'Neill
This denudes the Palestinian side of agency entirely. It lets even the fascists of Hamas off the hook. It represents the globalisation of identity politics, where the idea is that only ‘white’ forces can be held responsible for what they do, while ‘non-white’ forces must be excused, apologised for, forgiven. Behind the phoney anti-colonialism of the Israelophobic left there lurks the nauseatingly colonialist belief that Arabs are essentially overgrown children who must never be judged – not even when a small section of that people launch a pogrom against the Jewish State and invite war across the Palestinian territories. Behold the double racism of the woke left: the racism of hating the Jewish State above all others, and the racism of refusing to condemn Palestinians for anything, ever. The racism of unrealistic expectations of Israel, and the racism of no expectations of Palestine.
We see this so often in the Western coverage of the Israel-Hamas War – the invisibilisation of Hamas. Think about how rarely we hear about Hamas operations. Its gun battles with IDF soldiers. Its booby-trapping of its vast network of tunnels. Even its firing of missiles at Israel. And, most importantly, how many of its operatives have been slain by the IDF. There has been next to no effort by the mainstream media to figure out how many of the Palestinian fatalities in this war were armed fascists of Hamas, killed as part of the war against the Jewish State that they started. Hamas is being written out of a catastrophe that it itself authored, by observers who see Israel as the only blameworthy actor in the region. It is deceiving war propaganda disguised as reportage.
The end result of this dishonest depiction of Rafah as a crime scene of Israel’s making is that Hamas gets moral cover to continue its war on the Jews. When the International Court of Justice haughtily demands that Israel stay out of Rafah, it is essentially saying ‘Leave Rafah to Hamas’. When the Biden administration condemns Israel for its ‘devastating’ missile attack on Rafah, it unwittingly emboldens the Rafah-based terrorists who attacked Israel first. And when the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court compares Hamas to the IRA, and says Britain didn’t bomb Belfast in the Seventies and therefore Israel shouldn’t bomb Rafah today, he demonstrates the shocking historical and moral illiteracy of the globalist elites; their inability to grasp how existential is the threat posed by Hamas to Israel, and how vulnerable Western civilisation itself is to the menaces of radical Islam.
At this stage in the Israel-Hamas War, if you are not condemning Hamas, if you are not calling on it to return the hostages and surrender to Israel, then it’s clear your concern is not with saving Palestinian life but with humiliating the Jewish State. You are not fighting to end the war – you are giving cover to Hamas’s war. All morally serious people who, like spiked, want to save Rafah and the rest of Palestine from further violence should have as their priority the complete and final defeat of Hamas.
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 7 months
by Dave Huber
Cops cite ‘freedom of speech’ 
An Israeli physics professor’s lecture at the University of Nevada Las Vegas was interrupted by anti-Israel protesters late last month, but campus cops refused to remove them — citing the First Amendment.
This led Professor Asaf Peer, who was discussing the topic of black holes, to ask “What about my freedom of speech?”
According to The Jerusalem Post, Peer was but a mere quarter-hour into his lecture when the shouting protesters (pictured) “burst into the room […] with banners and flags.”
Protesters’ placards commemorated Islamic University of Gaza physicist Sufyan Tayeh (killed in a December Israeli airstrike) and accused Peer of getting his physics degree in “illegally occupied” territory via the 1948 Nakba.
In an edited video of the incident (below), a protester accuses Peer of “spreading violent rhetoric” on his Facebook account, and tells his students they should “all be ashamed of themselves.”
An Instagram statement by the UNLV chapter of Nevadans for Palestinian Liberation calls Peer an “anti Palestinian [sic] academic with extremist views” and a “genocide apologist.”
Peer, from Israel’s Bar-Ilan University, actually invited the activists to remain to learn about black holes and then discuss “unrelated issues” after his lecture.
But the demonstrators continued their antics, leading to the UNLV police to be called in. (No word if Peer’s lecture topic was an issue for the protesters.)
MORE: Israeli scholar to Notre Dame audience: Hamas ‘not morally equivalent’ to the IDF
The police had a discussion with the lecture’s organizer and ultimately decided to end Peer’s talk and escort him off campus for his “safety.”
Nevada Current reports UNLV Director of Public Affairs Francis McCabe said Peer’s lecture was an “open lecture as part of a public physics symposium.”
But according to the UNLV Policy on Speech and Advocacy in Public Areas, it doesn’t appear anyone can just shut down academic lectures:
[Free speech] activities must not, however, unreasonably interfere with the right of the University to conduct its affairs in an orderly manner and to maintain its property, nor may they interfere with the University’s obligation to protect rights of all to teach, study, and fully exchange ideas. Physical force, the threat of force, or other coercive actions used to subject anyone to a speech of any kind is expressly forbidden.
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Members of the UNLV Jewish Faculty and Student Group and the local Anti-Defamation League pointed out free speech doesn’t mean “interruptions of academic opportunities,” and that targeting Peer due of his national origin is “unacceptable.”
UNLV President Keith Whitfield said in a statement the university is investigating the matter “to help determine how [it] can better handle such situations in the future.”
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i-cant-sing · 3 months
omg did you like jinn stories growing up?
when I was younger I'd sit with my grandmother for hours begging for a singular jinn story
and then the coward I am would be terrified for days after
100% girl. I used to go to my Pakistani neighbours house and after munching on anything they cooked, their sons would gather around to tell me all the stories and stuff. ofc, their parents would scold them whenever they were caught because "u guys shouldnt joke around about these creatures. its practically an invitation to haunt you guys" and then yknow i found out how Islam actually confirms the existence of jinns.
as i grew up, my interest in this world also grew and then i found out about jinn possessions, which sounds like boring because everyones heard of demonic possessions and what not. BUT theres been a couple of stories where the jinn haunts and may even possess someone because well.... they like said person.
and yall know as a writer/daydreamer- i comjured up some delicious scenarios in my head.
lol i used to ask my grandma for horror stories, and im expecting her to tell me jinns or ghost stuff but nope. miss girl decides her 6 year old granddaughter is old enough for true crime, HORRIFIC MURDER STORIES omg she told me about a gang who used to terrorise the country by brutally murdering people- whole families, just for shit and giggles. and they were never caught and had no surviving witnesses except for one kid, who was so traumatised he couldnt ever speak again. again, i ate these stories up.
my grandpa, he was an engineer so he wanted to hear me tell him stories than the other way around. oh and he adored the stupid tales i told him. I'd come home from school, running straight to his room, banging on the door because i couldnt reach the knob (until he installed one for my small height, so then his door had 2 door knobs lol) and i'd be sat on his lap as i proceeded to tell him about the baby chicken story i learned at kindergarten, but yknow- with all the dramatics, youd think i was telling him about jurrassic park. but funnily enough, he remembered EVERYTHING, all the details, all characters names and whatnot. and this is all happening after i was quiet in the car with my mom all the way home. and she's just standing there like ??????wthh???? cause whenever she asked me what happened at school or what did i learn today, i'd just shrug and look out the window, or say "the same thing as yesterday." and what was that? "u can look at my timetable" 💀
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