#Httyd zephyr
beebooca · 4 months
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I made stickers of my next gen and I am so happy with how they turned out! <333
(not including the next gen ages 14 to 16, I might do them another time tho)
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dagursb1tch · 2 years
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httyd 3 soundtrack —
once there were dragons
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otwdfanfic · 6 months
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Gustav was suddenly in motion, sweeping curls of parchment and wood shavings from his workbench. “It’s beyond the bounds of these charts,” he explained, glancing at her map, then pausing to take another look. “Gods, who drew this? A mainland cartographer?” His tone was incredulous as he lifted the delicate paper by one corner. “The scale is ridiculous and it’s practically falling apart… wait, is this Hiccup’s scrappy old map?” “He charted the whole Archipelago with Toothless,” she huffed defensively, swatting his hand. “Don’t tear it.” He let the map fall to the table. “I know, I was there. Or around. But really, Freckles, this is too lousy to use. I’ll give you a better one.”
— Into the Polar Night, chapter 5: Bite the Hand
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Gothi is underrated, fight me
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reviewinghiccup · 2 years
Title: Your Life is Made Up of The Everyday
Characters: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Astrid Haddock, Fishlegs Ingerman, Snotlout Gary Jorgenson, Spitelout Jorgenson and introducing, Zephyr Haddock.
Author's note: Hey guys I'm so proud of my first little fict on HTTYD. The timeline is set after the movie, including after they met Toothless and his family. I have been writing a lot about father-son relationship and was tinkering around with the idea of Hiccup as a dad. Hope you like it. Wishing you guys a wonderful weekend reading!
Its been 5 years since Hiccup, Astrid and their children went to meet Toothless at the tip of the Hidden World. Zephyr is now older. An intelligent, strong-willed viking pre-teen. With her father's brains and mother's brawn, she traverses the great island for new discoveries. Unfortunately, there is only so much to discover within the thickets and forests of New Berk. Things have fallen stale, and the child wonders if that is all there is about the world.
It is a cold, but sunny Wednesday afternoon. A knot welled in the middle of Hiccup's forehead, swelling into a migraine as Snotlout, once again insists that the new Storehouse be named in honour of his father.
"It is the right thing to do and you know it!" Snotlout says accusingly. "Snotlout, for the last time, we don't pay tribute like this unless the person has passed on."
"SO?" Snotlout replies indignantly.
"SO?! YOUR FATHER IS NOT DEAD! He's standing right there," Hiccup's hands gesture towards Spitelout, aged and white haired. "Oh, don't listen to him Boy-O. He's changed a lot since becoming chief. Pride can overcome a man of weak consti-tu-tion," Spitelout spewed, taking Snotlout by the shoulder as they left the Great Hall.
"What? No! That's not, what - Oh gods," Hiccup lets out, rubbing his forehead with his thumb and index finger. "What's next on the agenda Fishlegs?"
"Well, the Timbermans are wondering whether you can officiate their son's wedding this Friday?"
"Which one?"
"Didn't I officiate his wedding last week?"
"No, that was Jazon. Zen. With a "Z"."
"Why would they name their sons the same name?"
"Its not, if you really think about it. Not technically. At least," Fishleg mumbled. The knot spreads to the back of Hiccup's neck. "Yeah, yeah," he relents, shoulders slumped, "put me down for it."
Just then, a huge beam at the entrance of the Great Hall cracks. Hiccup hears it. His head turns to the sound. "Do you hear that?" he asks. "Hear what?" Fishlegs wonders. Instinctively, Hiccup yells "Get out of the way," to the family walking towards the beam. Grabbing a long staff, Hiccup quickly intercepts the falling beam with it stabilising the structure.
"What happened?" Astrid said, panting. She had come from the armour mason's shed to the Great Hall when she saw the commotion. "The beam gave way," Hiccup said, studying the rotten wood.
"You see here? This is where the woodmites bit through the stem. They've eaten all way through the bark! I told you this would happen. Didn't I tell you this would happen? We need to apply the Funnel Glue to drive them away. The woods dry. When was the last time the Funnel Glue was applied. When?" he said getting up and looking around for answers.
Astrid and Fishlegs tried not to make eye contact. "Whose responsibility was it to apply the glue?" he asks. Astrid looked guilty.
Hiccup sighs, "Zephyr."
"Where is she?" he says, storming out of the hall. Astrid runs after him. "You know where she is."
"This is irresponsible of her. This is very irresponsible of her. She knows the danger of woodmites. After the crashing of Bucket's Barn last summer. She knows the danger, I've told her many times," he rants. Astrid nods. "She knows. I know she knows because when I asked her if she did, she said she heard me."
"Well..." Astrid hummed, he didn't hear her. "That's it I need to say something." Astrid grabs his arm. "I know what you're gonna say," he claimed.
"Well, then let me say it anyways. She's young -"
"Young? I was young once too, but I did my chores as I was told. We all did. Even the Twins. Albeit they could've done it better, but we did everything we could to help the community. I didn't say anything when she didn't take out the trash. I didn't say anything when failed to water the community garden and we didn't have cabbages for four weeks. But, this is too much Astrid, I need to say something now. I'm putting my foot down."
"Ya done?"
"Not completely, but go on," he said, arms folded.
"She's going through something Hiccup. Can't you see? Don't you recognise it? That sullen boredom. Small island syndrome. You had it? I see it in her eyes. She going through the same thing you went through, and what she needs now, is not a lecture, what she needs now? Is her father."
God I hate it when she's right, Hiccup said inside. "And you know I'm right," Astrid replied confidently. He rolls his eyes. She was right. "Fine. I'll go find her."
Blade in hand, Zephyr attacked a bush "TAKE THAT!" she challenged it, slicing off its branches "It might be small, but never underestimate a sharpened blade!"
"Wow, you really showed that bush," Hiccup said, coming from behind her. He gave her a gentle smile. "What did I do now?" she murmured, shoulders slumped.
"What? What's with the third degree? Can't a father watch his daughter completely annihilate an inanimate shrub?" Zephyr smiles. "Of course he can, it's just. Whenever you come see, there's always something to tell me, and its not always good news."
Hiccup recalled feeling the same with his own father once. That on the most times his father sat him down "to talk" it was more of a one-sided directive than a two-way conversation. "Have you always felt this way?" he asks.
"Not always. But, more so recently, yes."
"Well, you're wrong. Because today, I'm here to see what you're up to."
"Yeah! Anything you want to do."
"Don't you have to work?"
"Your mother will deal with it. Between you and me, I let her wear the pants once and awhile. Good for morale," he whispers.
"Sure you do Dad," she replies, cheekily.
"Hey, what does that mean!" Zephyr lets out a slight giggle. "Come here missy!" Hiccup catches his daughter and places her on his shoulders. She falls into uncontrollable fits of laughter and Hiccup's heart swells three times its usual size. The knot in his head and neck melts.
He has grown bigger in ten years while, his daughter, smaller in size than most children are (as he was) could still sit on her father's shoulders. "Now tell me, what have you found?"
She showed him Lars Creek. A body of water Isla Ingerman named after her great uncle Lars. She then brought him up stream where they found huge conifer trees, and pointed to the one she wanted to have and decorate for Snoggletog. "I marked it with an Z, that's my initial," she said proudly "the other kids know not to touch it. Or else," she held up her tiny blade in defence.
"Oh, I see that," he encouraged.
She then took him up the high hill and showed him a view of the village from it. "That's where I look to know you're coming to find me," she says "I'll pass through those pines and into the thickets by a shortcut to reach the stone you always see me on. Just so you know where I'll be."
"Wow, this view. I've never seen New Berk like this. In this light."
"You've never had the time."
"Yeah, you're right. I've been neglecting you," he admitted.
"Nah, it's alright. It's my fault to. I've been avoiding you too."
"Me? Why?"
"Because I know that I've been slacking behind my chores, and well... the less I saw you, the less I felt guilty about it."
Hiccup then realised, she could see the Great Hall from here. She could see, in particular, the entrance of the Great Hall now fallen and lying on the stony pavement. She knew that it fell. She knew why.
"You've really had this place figured out, I'll give you that," he decided to say instead of giving her lecture on Funnel Glue.
"Uncle Fishlegs said that we used to ride dragons. He said that we don't anymore because it was safer for them to live in the Hidden World. But I just can't help but feel..."
"Like, maybe that was a mistake. What if, we need dragons and its better for us to have them? Like, life would be so much more interesting than... than..."
"Than this?" her father continued.
"You know Zeph. I was in your shoes too."
"How could you be? You got to ride a Night Fury. I doubt you know what boredom feels like."
"Yeah, but before I rode one, I was like any kid on Berk. I was just like you too. I had my chores. I rummaged and scouted the forests. Marked my trees. I did almost everything you have. And then one day, the adventure found me."
"Woah! Woah there," Hiccup laughs. "You're only 10 my dear. You have your whole life to build."
"I just wanna be like you Dad. I wanna go on adventures like you and mom did. I wanna be a great leader too. A great warrior like mom."
"And you will be," he said, taking his daughter by the hand "Zeph, I know what it feels like to want more. Wishing that I could push the invisible walls on this island and walk away from it. Fly away from it. But your life is made up of the every day. Whatever you choose to do, it reflects on whatever happens to you in the future. As a kid, mom practiced every morning, her backflips, cartwheels, sword-fightings. You still see her do it now. I used to have to practice flying dragons. It took years to study them, and even with all the knowledge I have, I'm still learning. Things takes time. And the best part about you, is, you have so much more of it."
"We all have to do mundane things in preparation for the greater things to come, you know?"
Zephyr nodded. "Let's get back. It's getting late," Hiccup says getting up. The town was quiet, and empty. It was supper time. The sun had set, and the moon painted the village light blue. They were three blocks down to their home. Zephyr could see her mother setting the table through the window and Nuffink jumping up and down helping her. She took her father's hand and squeezed it.
Hiccup held on to it tightly. All said and done, he loved his daughter, more than anything else and he wanted her to know that he is there for her, in all her good and all her bad, trusting that she will indeed, find her way someday.
"Hey dad?"
"Yeap," Hiccup said, his other hand pressed against their house door, about to push it open.
"I forgot to put Funnel Glue on the pillars of the Great Hall."
"Is that so?" he replied, smiling "Well, then, something for us to look into tomorrow morning."
So, I did it! Ha-ha. If anyone is willing to share their drawings of an older Hiccup / Astrid and Zephyr, feel free to do so. The post has no drawings, because I can't draw and I didn't want to take from googled sources because they don't always pin the original creator.
So if you have any you wanna share, feel free to reblog the post with your characters in mind. I might reach out to use some of your work in the future if this Fan Fict actually becomes a series.
I took liberties and named Fishlegs and Ruffnut's daughter Isla Ingerman. Thought it sounded pretty. Also, Lar's in an homage to Ruff and Tuff's actual uncle they mention in Episode 13 - When Lightning Strikes, Season 1 (Riders of Berk).
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wolfasketch · 5 months
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HTTYD Wolf AU Lore!! Whoo!!!
Eret was left with the pups while everyone else either out on a night hunt or patrolling the territory and took the time to explain to Zephyr and Nuffink(the triplets eyes and ears are still shut) how the stars are wolves who have passed and how the moon is the Home of the Gods and the reason it changes shape is because the Gods are always inviting the newest stars to the Moon to celebrate their life accomplishments, so the Moon slowly grows until its full, lighting the way for their loved ones who still live. And, when it starts shrinking until the Moon can no longer be seen, it means the stars there are slowly leaving so that new ones can be with the Gods for a time before repeating the cycle
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mysticshadows13 · 2 years
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He hides under her cape!
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died-of-feels · 10 months
So I made some charts cause I was bored and stressed with school
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bluefire12348 · 2 years
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Hey everyone, more character updates on my httyd fanfic that I have official names Dragons : beyond the hidden world.
New characters include: the ingerman triplets who are ruffnutt and fish legs kids
Lorelai who is Dagger and malas daughter who a year older then zephyr
A 13 year old nuffink
Alaric who is from England and is a knight in training
And some drawings of the titanwing nightfury and his mate
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elshe · 4 months
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I’m going to hop on the “what if Hiccstrid had Zephyr during rtte” bandwagon, and shamelessly contribute to what has caused my devastating brainrot these past few weeks, cause it’s just. so. good.
Can you imagine all the reactions and conflicts?!??
Not to mention the SCANDAL jk😩
my bebe boy Snotlout takes any opportunity to tease Hiccup about it, because, really, it is sooo funny.
might write a whole fic on it fr fr
That Hiccup angst is just— mmm… *chefs kiss* 🤌🏻
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revive-the-fandom · 5 months
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What if Hicctrid had Zephyr wayyy early ?
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beebooca · 7 months
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I decided to use my lovely httyd next gen to practice a little since I haven’t drawn in my usual style for a good while I put them all in orderly age groups (20-22, 18-19, 14-16)
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hoodeenie · 9 months
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Make way for Uncle Snot and Cousin Fang!!
Also snotlout being the best uncle towards Zephyr and Nuffink!!
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(Ignore the fact that hiccstrid has a free babysitter, uncle Snot loves being there for his niece and nephew)
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vairsmania · 11 months
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trying out the httyd concept art style! here's a design of older zephyr, around the same age of hiccup in httyd1 plus some doodles :o
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winxrus · 7 months
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Happy birthday Hiccup Haddock!
29th February 2024
Happy 5th anniversary HTTYD 3
Happy 10th anniversary HTTYD 2
Happy year of the DRAGON 🐲💚
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