#Hiccup as a dad
reviewinghiccup · 2 years
Title: Your Life is Made Up of The Everyday
Characters: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Astrid Haddock, Fishlegs Ingerman, Snotlout Gary Jorgenson, Spitelout Jorgenson and introducing, Zephyr Haddock.
Author's note: Hey guys I'm so proud of my first little fict on HTTYD. The timeline is set after the movie, including after they met Toothless and his family. I have been writing a lot about father-son relationship and was tinkering around with the idea of Hiccup as a dad. Hope you like it. Wishing you guys a wonderful weekend reading!
Its been 5 years since Hiccup, Astrid and their children went to meet Toothless at the tip of the Hidden World. Zephyr is now older. An intelligent, strong-willed viking pre-teen. With her father's brains and mother's brawn, she traverses the great island for new discoveries. Unfortunately, there is only so much to discover within the thickets and forests of New Berk. Things have fallen stale, and the child wonders if that is all there is about the world.
It is a cold, but sunny Wednesday afternoon. A knot welled in the middle of Hiccup's forehead, swelling into a migraine as Snotlout, once again insists that the new Storehouse be named in honour of his father.
"It is the right thing to do and you know it!" Snotlout says accusingly. "Snotlout, for the last time, we don't pay tribute like this unless the person has passed on."
"SO?" Snotlout replies indignantly.
"SO?! YOUR FATHER IS NOT DEAD! He's standing right there," Hiccup's hands gesture towards Spitelout, aged and white haired. "Oh, don't listen to him Boy-O. He's changed a lot since becoming chief. Pride can overcome a man of weak consti-tu-tion," Spitelout spewed, taking Snotlout by the shoulder as they left the Great Hall.
"What? No! That's not, what - Oh gods," Hiccup lets out, rubbing his forehead with his thumb and index finger. "What's next on the agenda Fishlegs?"
"Well, the Timbermans are wondering whether you can officiate their son's wedding this Friday?"
"Which one?"
"Didn't I officiate his wedding last week?"
"No, that was Jazon. Zen. With a "Z"."
"Why would they name their sons the same name?"
"Its not, if you really think about it. Not technically. At least," Fishleg mumbled. The knot spreads to the back of Hiccup's neck. "Yeah, yeah," he relents, shoulders slumped, "put me down for it."
Just then, a huge beam at the entrance of the Great Hall cracks. Hiccup hears it. His head turns to the sound. "Do you hear that?" he asks. "Hear what?" Fishlegs wonders. Instinctively, Hiccup yells "Get out of the way," to the family walking towards the beam. Grabbing a long staff, Hiccup quickly intercepts the falling beam with it stabilising the structure.
"What happened?" Astrid said, panting. She had come from the armour mason's shed to the Great Hall when she saw the commotion. "The beam gave way," Hiccup said, studying the rotten wood.
"You see here? This is where the woodmites bit through the stem. They've eaten all way through the bark! I told you this would happen. Didn't I tell you this would happen? We need to apply the Funnel Glue to drive them away. The woods dry. When was the last time the Funnel Glue was applied. When?" he said getting up and looking around for answers.
Astrid and Fishlegs tried not to make eye contact. "Whose responsibility was it to apply the glue?" he asks. Astrid looked guilty.
Hiccup sighs, "Zephyr."
"Where is she?" he says, storming out of the hall. Astrid runs after him. "You know where she is."
"This is irresponsible of her. This is very irresponsible of her. She knows the danger of woodmites. After the crashing of Bucket's Barn last summer. She knows the danger, I've told her many times," he rants. Astrid nods. "She knows. I know she knows because when I asked her if she did, she said she heard me."
"Well..." Astrid hummed, he didn't hear her. "That's it I need to say something." Astrid grabs his arm. "I know what you're gonna say," he claimed.
"Well, then let me say it anyways. She's young -"
"Young? I was young once too, but I did my chores as I was told. We all did. Even the Twins. Albeit they could've done it better, but we did everything we could to help the community. I didn't say anything when she didn't take out the trash. I didn't say anything when failed to water the community garden and we didn't have cabbages for four weeks. But, this is too much Astrid, I need to say something now. I'm putting my foot down."
"Ya done?"
"Not completely, but go on," he said, arms folded.
"She's going through something Hiccup. Can't you see? Don't you recognise it? That sullen boredom. Small island syndrome. You had it? I see it in her eyes. She going through the same thing you went through, and what she needs now, is not a lecture, what she needs now? Is her father."
God I hate it when she's right, Hiccup said inside. "And you know I'm right," Astrid replied confidently. He rolls his eyes. She was right. "Fine. I'll go find her."
Blade in hand, Zephyr attacked a bush "TAKE THAT!" she challenged it, slicing off its branches "It might be small, but never underestimate a sharpened blade!"
"Wow, you really showed that bush," Hiccup said, coming from behind her. He gave her a gentle smile. "What did I do now?" she murmured, shoulders slumped.
"What? What's with the third degree? Can't a father watch his daughter completely annihilate an inanimate shrub?" Zephyr smiles. "Of course he can, it's just. Whenever you come see, there's always something to tell me, and its not always good news."
Hiccup recalled feeling the same with his own father once. That on the most times his father sat him down "to talk" it was more of a one-sided directive than a two-way conversation. "Have you always felt this way?" he asks.
"Not always. But, more so recently, yes."
"Well, you're wrong. Because today, I'm here to see what you're up to."
"Yeah! Anything you want to do."
"Don't you have to work?"
"Your mother will deal with it. Between you and me, I let her wear the pants once and awhile. Good for morale," he whispers.
"Sure you do Dad," she replies, cheekily.
"Hey, what does that mean!" Zephyr lets out a slight giggle. "Come here missy!" Hiccup catches his daughter and places her on his shoulders. She falls into uncontrollable fits of laughter and Hiccup's heart swells three times its usual size. The knot in his head and neck melts.
He has grown bigger in ten years while, his daughter, smaller in size than most children are (as he was) could still sit on her father's shoulders. "Now tell me, what have you found?"
She showed him Lars Creek. A body of water Isla Ingerman named after her great uncle Lars. She then brought him up stream where they found huge conifer trees, and pointed to the one she wanted to have and decorate for Snoggletog. "I marked it with an Z, that's my initial," she said proudly "the other kids know not to touch it. Or else," she held up her tiny blade in defence.
"Oh, I see that," he encouraged.
She then took him up the high hill and showed him a view of the village from it. "That's where I look to know you're coming to find me," she says "I'll pass through those pines and into the thickets by a shortcut to reach the stone you always see me on. Just so you know where I'll be."
"Wow, this view. I've never seen New Berk like this. In this light."
"You've never had the time."
"Yeah, you're right. I've been neglecting you," he admitted.
"Nah, it's alright. It's my fault to. I've been avoiding you too."
"Me? Why?"
"Because I know that I've been slacking behind my chores, and well... the less I saw you, the less I felt guilty about it."
Hiccup then realised, she could see the Great Hall from here. She could see, in particular, the entrance of the Great Hall now fallen and lying on the stony pavement. She knew that it fell. She knew why.
"You've really had this place figured out, I'll give you that," he decided to say instead of giving her lecture on Funnel Glue.
"Uncle Fishlegs said that we used to ride dragons. He said that we don't anymore because it was safer for them to live in the Hidden World. But I just can't help but feel..."
"Like, maybe that was a mistake. What if, we need dragons and its better for us to have them? Like, life would be so much more interesting than... than..."
"Than this?" her father continued.
"You know Zeph. I was in your shoes too."
"How could you be? You got to ride a Night Fury. I doubt you know what boredom feels like."
"Yeah, but before I rode one, I was like any kid on Berk. I was just like you too. I had my chores. I rummaged and scouted the forests. Marked my trees. I did almost everything you have. And then one day, the adventure found me."
"Woah! Woah there," Hiccup laughs. "You're only 10 my dear. You have your whole life to build."
"I just wanna be like you Dad. I wanna go on adventures like you and mom did. I wanna be a great leader too. A great warrior like mom."
"And you will be," he said, taking his daughter by the hand "Zeph, I know what it feels like to want more. Wishing that I could push the invisible walls on this island and walk away from it. Fly away from it. But your life is made up of the every day. Whatever you choose to do, it reflects on whatever happens to you in the future. As a kid, mom practiced every morning, her backflips, cartwheels, sword-fightings. You still see her do it now. I used to have to practice flying dragons. It took years to study them, and even with all the knowledge I have, I'm still learning. Things takes time. And the best part about you, is, you have so much more of it."
"We all have to do mundane things in preparation for the greater things to come, you know?"
Zephyr nodded. "Let's get back. It's getting late," Hiccup says getting up. The town was quiet, and empty. It was supper time. The sun had set, and the moon painted the village light blue. They were three blocks down to their home. Zephyr could see her mother setting the table through the window and Nuffink jumping up and down helping her. She took her father's hand and squeezed it.
Hiccup held on to it tightly. All said and done, he loved his daughter, more than anything else and he wanted her to know that he is there for her, in all her good and all her bad, trusting that she will indeed, find her way someday.
"Hey dad?"
"Yeap," Hiccup said, his other hand pressed against their house door, about to push it open.
"I forgot to put Funnel Glue on the pillars of the Great Hall."
"Is that so?" he replied, smiling "Well, then, something for us to look into tomorrow morning."
So, I did it! Ha-ha. If anyone is willing to share their drawings of an older Hiccup / Astrid and Zephyr, feel free to do so. The post has no drawings, because I can't draw and I didn't want to take from googled sources because they don't always pin the original creator.
So if you have any you wanna share, feel free to reblog the post with your characters in mind. I might reach out to use some of your work in the future if this Fan Fict actually becomes a series.
I took liberties and named Fishlegs and Ruffnut's daughter Isla Ingerman. Thought it sounded pretty. Also, Lar's in an homage to Ruff and Tuff's actual uncle they mention in Episode 13 - When Lightning Strikes, Season 1 (Riders of Berk).
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spacenintendogs · 5 months
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hiccup: my dad after he said "keep the damn dragon off the bed"
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itsybitsybatsyspider · 2 months
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is this a Narnia Au?
yes it is
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jackshiccup · 1 year
hiccup being passed around like a fucking hackeysack from bounty hunter to bounty hunter in midnight scrum was INSANE? getting knocked unconscious three separate times with 1) a hit to the head 2) a tranquilizer and 3) a punch to the stomach, being roughly dragged around by metal chains wrapped around his neck, almost falling off a cliff and then losing his metal leg i’m sorry but what in the fresh hell this episode should just be dubbed hiccup and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day
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skynapple · 6 months
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Zephyr definitely did not sign up for this.
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sarnai4 · 4 months
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A crying shame to me is that Hiccup grew up thinking Dagur was a bully. I genuinely don't believe that the Berserker thought he was. I'm not saying that Dagur didn't behave like a sadistic bully, but I bet if you asked him, he'd never think that. Dagur even said "the laughs we had" (WE) when he was referring to the time he tried to drown Hiccup. Dagur's someone who actually knows what it's like to be bullied too, so I bet he wouldn't want to put someone else through that. At the time, he had no reason to dislike Hiccup and called him his "old friend" when they met up again on Dragon Island. I wish Stoick and/or Oswald would've stepped in to tell Dagur that his behavior didn't match those of good friends. If they had, I really believe that the kids could've bonded way sooner. Dagur even points out how they're similar. Too bad he didn't realize how much. Not only were they sons of chiefs, but they were two bright lads who were outcasts in their homes for one reason or another (the body and the mind, respectively).
I'm considering writing either a one shot or a relatively short story where Hiccup tells Dagur he's acting like a bully and the redhead finally sees that what's fun for him isn't also fun for the Berkian. They became such good friends in the future. It didn't have to take so long. They could've been brothers way back when they were kids if there had been just a bit of communication. This is really on the dads, though. I just wish there was a world where they got to look out for each other. Dagur would've stood up to the other Berkians kids for Hiccup and Hiccup could've made some invention to use against Ansson. Even if they wouldn't have had the perfect solution to their problems, they still could've helped each other.
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toothle-plama-blat · 11 months
Hiccup: alright Snotlout, ready to do the test of incomplete sentences?
Snotlout: yes
Hiccup: remember to answer quickly, with the first word that you think of
Snotlout: yeah i know
Hiccup: first one: i believe my father rarely...
Snotlout: thinks
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seaglassdinosaur · 7 months
I know we collectively agree that Hiccup isn’t romantically inclined, and his getting married and having kids didn’t make sense in the epilogue, but consider: Hiccup getting married for political reasons.
It’s a marriage of alliance, which is recognized both by him and his partner, and they enter it without expectations of romantic involvement. Since they’re now married, they live in the same castle, spend time together, and Hiccup finds he really likes his spouse. They’re funny, get along with his friends, and has the same interests and values. They both probably speak multiple languages. She understands why Hiccup is so dedicated to making the Wilderwest better, and holds similar views. She’s a good politician (her job after all, was to be an ambassador). Hiccup likes spending time with them, and the feeling is mutual. They’re not in love, they have their own lives, but they’re dedicated to each other and eventually decide to raise children. They teach their kids how to train hawks and hunt with dragons, riding, history, the Languages, and all the necessary skills of their world. They’re not in love and they’re happy together.
#pushing the aromantic hiccup agenda and also the queerplatonic agenda#as much as the idea of hiccup getting married was always a little off to me it was more the romantic angle#which I why I like the idea of a marriage of alliance and a partner who understands that#and then of course the montage of them being a good team and getting along#and going ‘yeah I like this person. I think this is the person I want to spend my life with.’#also a) a lot of arranged political marriages did have the foreign spouse function as an ambassador#b) polyglot hiccup is canon and I think it would be neat if his spouse was as well. it is a marriage alliance after all.#she isn’t from the small area of berm#(actually give all the Vikings regional accents. I think it’s neat)#c) she/they because I didn’t feel firmly about the partner’s gender and the nords were pretty gender diverse#anyway I think the partner would probably be fond of the library and admire hiccup got it open way back when#get along with Fishlegs and camicazi well enough#and enjoy dramatic stories of their adventures. maybe have some of her own#also: normalize people having their own lives outside their partners. hiccup and they are happy together but also have their own friends#oh and you know hiccup would be a great dad. he loves Stoick but he would so much be the dad he wished he had growing up#are the kids bio related? are they adopted (cast off and No Names)? who knows!#I could build in my head what hiccup’s spouse is like but I’ll leave it here#they exist as we construct them#httyd#httyd books#my post#book!hiccup#hiccup the third#hiccup horrendous haddock iii#book hiccup
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astridhoff03 · 18 days
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Let’s cry for a while 😢
Hiccup and Darius had both dads, who loved their boys to the end of the world. But both had to go, one sacrificed himself for his son, the other had no choice but to leave, otherwise he would never recover.
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dragonnnfly · 2 years
Kid Hiccup: I’m not scared of dragons when I’m with you
Stoick: Oh?
Hiccup: They’ll eat you first cause you’re fatter
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spinaroos-47 · 1 year
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Hiccup 1 :]
And now we're done with the Hiccup designs! I noticed a certain theme that I had going around with the other ones I did, with Hiccup 2 being yellow and purple (pink purple but still purple) and Hiccup 3 being green and red, so for Hiccup 1 I went with blue and orange! (well. way more to the browns but still orange hues)
I did base him a little bit on movie Hiccup, but probably not that much by the end. Just the hair color, vague hair shape and the fur coat cape thing
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saturnniidae · 10 days
Other than the blatant sexism of it, I think part of why it bothers me so much that Valka was reduced to 'Mother figure' in the third movie because I've always felt that despite their efforts, Hiccup will probably never genuinely see Valka as a mother figure since she didn't actually raise him and he's an adult by the time they meet. Like yes, of course he knows she's his mom but they don't have that kind of relationship and likely never will.
I've always thought this based on a few things, mostly when she apologizes and says "can you give me another chance" because all Hiccup does in response is smile sadly, he never verbally forgives her (that I can remember) so she immediately starts going on about how she can teach him about dragons and that's what connects them, but very little else because they don't actually know each other (And it's so sad because you can tell Valka's trying so hard, she loves Hiccup and he loves her but no amount of talking about dragons will make up for two decades of absence).
The other main thing that I think about with this is that cut footage from when Valka was still planned to be the antagonist, where Hiccup says: "fine! I guess I kinda like the idea of having a mom, alright?" Despite being scrapped, it ties in well with how excited he was for them to all be a family again when Stoick shows up because that excitement is definitely based on the very unrealistic, idealized version of what a 'complete' family is, what Hiccup didn't get to grow up with but probably fantasized about having.
I think the way circumstances kind of forced Hiccup and Valka together could've been really interesting to explore, them mourning Stoick together, exchanging stories about him, Hiccup actually getting to know her outside of the very surface level 'expert dragon lady'. I think Gobber could've really helped with this, bridging the gap between them since he actually knew Valka and has known Hiccup for his entire life (and has experience doing this exact thing with Hiccup and Stoick years ago).
The single year between httyd2 and thw would definitely not have been long enough for it, but I think after a while Hiccup and Valka could be good friends. But they'll never be as close as they could've been and they both know that.
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duoatomica · 17 days
Im giving Viggo a child again
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Shoutout to the outfit I got inspired by
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Congratulations Viggo for your 3rd child created by me
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thatrandomblogsays · 2 months
Hiccup’s a better person than me for forgiving his mom, because if my mom, who I was left without and mourned my whole life, turned out to be alive and well and left me, a baby in the cradle to grow up without her all because she thought Vikings were being too aggressive to creatures that routinely burned down their houses and hated them for not changing, I’d lose my fucking. Wtffffff what was the point of having me if you weren’t going to love me
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westwindy1 · 11 months
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This is the episode description on Google and?? I'm going to tear up??? Yes, Gobber is Hiccup's dad.
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the-halfling-prince · 6 months
So I play Rise of Berk a lot but I've only recently gotten to the parts that take place past the second movie and basically I can sum it up as:
Gobber: Hiccup you have to run the village.
Hiccup: No thanks. Bye ✌️
Astrid: Gobber, Hiccup won't pay attention to me.
Gobber: Idk what you want me to do about it.
Valka: Hey how do I have a heart to heart with my son?
Gobber: With your son? You don't.
Eret: What the fuck is this fucking village.
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