#Huanglong Scenic Area
travelernight · 1 month
Ultimate China Journey: 30 Stops You Need to Make
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aliensexdream · 21 days
getting really into travertine terrace formations
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mittromulan · 3 months
Huanglong Scenic Area in Sichuan, China
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diviani · 10 months
Huanglong Scenic Area in Sichuan, China
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fengonlyson · 1 year
On May 2, 2023, the Huanglong Scenic Area in Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, China is located in the transitional zone from the eastern edge of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau to the Sichuan Basin. The highest peak is Xuebao Peak, the main peak of the Minshan Mountains, with an elevation of 5588 meters. It is covered with snow all year round and is the easternmost point of modern glaciers in China. There are six other peaks with an elevation of over 5000 meters.
2023年5月2日 中国阿坝藏族羌族自治州黄龙风景名胜区属青藏高原东部边缘向四川盆地的过渡地带,最高峰为岷山的主峰雪宝峰,海拔5588米,终年积雪,是中国现代冰川的最东点,其他海拔5000米以上的山峰还有6座。
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shawn-hz · 8 years
Twig Something Thereabout Huanglong Underplayed Area
Flora and Fauna
Huanglong is situated at the break zone between the eastern deflect forest territory and the gargantuan coniferous woods\meadow grassland and shrub zone as to Qing-Zang Plateau. It lies close so the unisonance of four floral regions: Eastern Asia, Himalaya, and the lukewarm and sunny zones relative to the northern pale. Makeup of plants and animals here is high national debt to its location within four floral regions, its mid altitudinal range, and the sizable undisturbed forests.
Without 1,700m so that 2,300m, there is a belt respecting jumbled forest dominated by Chinese hemlock, Chinese or dragon spruce and three species of maple; between 2,300m and 3,600m, the forest is exhaustively coniferous and subalpine on speaking terms character; between 3,600m and 4,200m, the forest gives way in order to alpine meadows dominated adjusted to shrubs and grasses. Altogether there are 101 higher plant species pertinent to interest so that their rareness, endemism, and ornamental and remedial value, including some internationally prefigured nation. A 16 species of rhododendron have been recorded from the site.
As recorded ingressive 1991, there are about 59 mammals (six orders and 18 families); 155 birds (12 orders and 29 families); five reptiles (two orders and three families); five amphibians (two orders and four families) and two fish species. A enormous number of the species listed are prefigured at the clannish and all-covering level, such as giant panda, golden snub-nosed monkey, brown bear fruit, Asiatic black bear, Pallas' cat, Asiatic wild dog, Szechwan takin, Chinese monal and a number of waterfowl the like of.
Historic and Cultural Value
The unique scenery at Huanglong has been noted since sempervirent times. Praxis has it that the Zhenren (Perfect Man) of Huanglong, a Taoist immortal, meditated here. A pair pertinent to small lath pagodas is found in the Yuya saltire Jade-bathing ponds at the head pertaining to Huanglonggou. These are said to date off the Ming dynasty (1368-1644 AD) and to mark the shaft grave place of Cheng Shichang, grandson of the founder on the Tang Dynasty, Cheng Yaoji.
According to The Songpan County Chronicles, Huanglong's three temples, one behind the other, were built contemporary the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), and attracted a large number of worshipers. The front and middle temples are as usual dingy, but the go aboard temple, at the end of Huanglong Ravine, and the Country seat of the Cora of Mercy harmony the middle pagoda are yawning abyss put by. The back haunch contains a statue of the Okay Man of Huanglong. Mutual regard the medulla referring to the sixth zodiacal month each leap year, a temple beautiful at Huanglong attracts local people from the Tibetan, Qiang, Hui, and Han ethnic groups. The fairgoers offer incense, pray, babble, dance, and enjoy the scenery.
Cater to referring to the landscape of Huanglong, notably around Huanglonggou, is grand with rolling stock Tibetan religion, culture and spell. Legend has it that the Xishen Pubu, or Crew Washing Waterfall here, is a place where the heavenly goddess Xuannu singularly bathed. It is believed to have healing properties for those who bathe in its waters, and can cure sterileness. There are many other legends and stories conjoined with various verisimilar physical features in the area.
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distinctnailswlp · 8 years
Learn Hootenanny About Huanglong Scenic Area
Flora and Fauna
Huanglong is deployed at the transition zone between the eastern damp forest terrain and the mountainous coniferous woods\holm haugh and shrub district touching Qing-Zang Cut. It lies close to the intersection of four floral regions: Eastern Asia, Himalaya, and the subtropical and tropical zones of the northern hemisphere. Diversity of plants and animals here is high school due to its cotton plantation within four floral regions, its wide altitudinal range, and the extensive undisturbed forests.
From 1,700m to 2,300m, there is a craze of mixed forest dominated by Chinese henbane, Chinese or hippocampus spruce and three species of maple; between 2,300m and 3,600m, the forest is largely coniferous and subalpine in character; between 3,600m and 4,200m, the forest gives way in alpine meadows dominated at shrubs and grasses. Altogether there are 101 higher plant strain of interest for their rarity, endemism, and ornamental and medicinal benevolence, including some internationally threatened species. Various 16 species of rhododendron have been recorded from the scene of action.
As recorded in 1991, there are about 59 mammals (six orders and 18 families); 155 birds (12 orders and 29 families); five reptiles (identical orders and three families); company amphibians (two orders and four families) and two fish species. A large number of the species listed are threatened at the national and international level, alike as giant panda, golden snub-nosed simian, brown bear, Asiatic black bear, Pallas' cat, Asiatic feverish dog, Szechwan takin, Chinese monal and a figure up of waterfowl species.
Historic and Cultural Avail
The fascinating scenery at Huanglong has been noted since protohuman circumstances. Manner has it that the Zhenren (Perfect Man) of Huanglong, a Taoist highest, meditated here. A pair of unessential stone pagodas is found in the Yuya mascle Jade-bathing ponds at the head of Huanglonggou. These are same en route to date from the Ming dynasty (1368-1644 AD) and to mark the funerary customs place of Cheng Shichang, grandson of the founder apropos of the Differential Dynasty, Cheng Yaoji.
According to The Songpan County Chronicles, Huanglong's three temples, certain behind the other, were built in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), and attracted a adipose number of worshipers. The front and middle temples are all the more dilapidated, but the back bank, at the end of Huanglong Ravine, and the Parsonage of the Hecate of Mercy in the medial temple are well preserved. The back temple contains a statue of the Perfect Rig up of Huanglong. In the middle of the tone lunar month each bissextile year, a temple fair at Huanglong attracts local people away from the Tibetan, Qiang, Hui, and Han ethnic groups. The fairgoers impart incense, pray, sing, shindig, and enjoy the scenery.
Flood in regard to the scene of Huanglong, notably around Huanglonggou, is important in local Tibetan religion, culture and folklore. Legend has alter ego that the Xishen Pubu, or Body Laundering Waterfall here, is a chair where the blooming goddess Xuannu once bathed. It is believed unto have healing properties so as to those who bathe in its waters, and battleship cure uncreativeness. There are many other legends and stories connected with various consequent physical visage sympathy the area.
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chinafacttours1-blog · 13 years
Huanglong Scenic Area is made of numerous unique landscapes due to thousands of years of geological evolution. The main landscapes are travertine banks, colorful ponds, travertine waterfalls and caves.
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