#Hunter Lydon
ultramagicalternate · 11 months
Alphabetical Character Encyclopedia
Here is the Alphabetized character encyclopedia. There will be spoilers throughout, so read at your own discretion.
Chronological encyclopedia
Master Post
Abraham Van Helsing
Adam Frankenstein
Adelaide Sallow
Albert Dirks
Albrecht Schindewolf/Allan Erkstrom
Alfonso Pari
Amadeus Briggs
Amanda Briggs
Amon, Duke of Hell
Andelin Sylvia Lillemor Lindbek
Andrew Gruell (The Ragdoll of Old)
Antares Briggs
Antonio Pari
Aoife Crawford (ULTRAMagic Devil)
Spiritus Magni Aphrodite
Asclepius, Son of Hermes
Spiritus Magni Athena
Auda Willfort
Aureolus Schindewolf (ULTRAMagic Disciple)
Barna Schindewolf
Barry Esko Boyle (ULTRAMagic Hunter)
The Beast of Old
Berislav Briggs
Bethony Briggs
Bileth, King of Hell
Blood-Wraith Raynot
Blythe “Witchblade” Finely
Boris Lazarov
Brendan Devilfay
Brenna Thompson
Brooklyn Langley
Spiritus Magni Brutus
King Brutus IV
Buster Ash
Carol the Traveler
Charles Blackwell Ford
Claudius Alfieri
Cliff Steele
The Colossus of Old
The Conspirator of Old
Cordelia Willfort
Corentin Schindewolf
The Crimson Abyss
Cronus (ULTRAMagic Reaper)
David Livesey (ULTRAMagic Magistrate)
Deimos (Eustorgio, The Mage of Old)
Desislav Robles
Dionysus, Lord of Madness
Dolus & Iocus
Donia Albronda
Dragoslava Raynot
Drazhan Thornefield
Spiritus Magni Drusa
Dunja Schindewolf
Elaine Gabriella O'Nessie
Eleanor Albronda
Duke Eligio Moretti
Ellen the Wayward
Empress Eliza-Rex/Eloise
King Englehart Schindewolf
Erika Storm
Sir Erling Vang
Dr. Ethan Luminate
Evan Dunn
The Evangelist of Old
Fausta Dracul
Faustus Ashman
The Fear of Old
Folkvar Haugen
The Forest of Old
Gabriella Pari
Gilgamesh, King of Uruk
Gostislav Robles
The Great Unspeaker
The Grass God
Gratiana Arlotti
The Grave God
Grendel Bombastus Scarfe
Gustav Dahlberg
Hades, Lord of the Underworld
Hanzou Nagasawa
Heinrik Rofocale
Herman Lydon
Hermes Trismegistus
The Hunger of Old
The Hydra of Old
Ignatius Darren Ford (ULTRAMagic Infinity)
Inkblot Fischer
Katsuko Yoshinaga
Kresimira Raynot
Kyu #9
Leif/Tyrant (The Dragon of Old)
Leonardo Hammond O'Nessie
Logan Bonneville
Lucifuge Rofocale
Mable Acheson
The Madman of Old
Chief Magnus Scully
Mal (The Malformed of Old)
Marion "Tanya" Devilfay
Mary Pickford
Maya Athenon
Mayhem Highland
Spiritus Magni Maxima
Maximus Raynot (The War Machine of Old)
Mazatl Nakahara/Adrien Irons
Mercurius II
Milan Proch
Milosh Proch
Mira Ashman
Mizuki Kitagawa
The Monolith of Old
Morana Dracul
Morrigan Devilfay
Mortis Theodore Kidd
Nathaniel "Haunt" Fernsby
The Night God
Spiritus Magni Octavia
Sir Odo, Knight of the Unlight
Olivia Briggs
Persephone, Lady of Darkness
Proteus (The Ocean of Old)
ULTRAMagic Quasar
Duke Radovan Raynot
Randalph Theoprastus Scarfe
Razor Scully
Dr. Reynard Woodall
Richard Callahan/Rostislav Dracul (ULTRAMagic Richter)
Captain Roger/Spiritus Magni Manius
Duchess Rose Raynot
Ryota Tsukumo (ANTIMagic Inferno)
Saul Bonneville
Seishin Mikoto
The Screaming God
Shigeko Tsukumo (ANTIMagic Mania)
Chief Sigmund Willfort
Six-Eared Macaque
Skari Willfort
The Sludge God
King Sten Haugen
Stolas, Prince of Hell
Stolon, Duke of Hell
Sun Wukong
Taro Miyazaki
Teunis Van Hautum (ULTRAMagic Ex)
The Taffy of Old
Thora Willfort
ULTRAMagic Thunder
Tiberius Philipus Skull (ULTRAMagic Scholar)
Timothy Finnegan
Torunn Craddock
Trevor MacQuoid
Trumna Wintergate
Tusk Willfort
ULTRAMagic Ultimatum
Valentina Pari
Vexation (Ermenrich Denzell)
Victor Von Frankenstein
Vlad III Dracula
Vlad IV Dracul
Vladislav Velimir Dracul
Vlastimir Bartholomew Dracul
Voltage Tessla
Walter Nithercott (ULTRAMagic Walker)
The Watchman of Old
Weaver Craddock
William Ford II (ULTRAMagic Shadow)
Sir Wolfgang
The Xanthous King
Xavier Dufort
Queen Yngvild Haugen
Zoltan Tenebrae Raphael Dracul
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Every fifth episode of an AOS season centers around a bus kid (except season 6)
1x5: Skye with miles
2x5: Jemma with Bobbi
3x5: 4722 hours
4x5: The prison fiight
5x5: Hunter with Fitz
7x5: Daisy getting captured by Malick
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ryder616 · 5 years
AoS got some Unfinished Business...
(in order of disappearance) 
The Rising Tide: The international hacktivist organization Skye belonged to carried the promise of double agency and divided loyalties for our plucky future superhero. For five episodes. After that, it was only referenced a couple of times, going from S.H.I.E.L.D.’s cyber nemesis in the pilot to Daisy’s “deep web contacts” that never really know or do anything anymore (odds are she's just been trolling 4chan on company time when she says she’s been searching those). Guess it’s obvious who was doing the heavy lifting and who was just in it for the LULZ, uh?
UB Score: 7/10
Miles Lydon: they left him in Hong Kong, with no money, his mad hacking skillz neutered and, presumably, a broken heart. The only Daisy’s on-screen LI who is still breathing. Probably.
UB Score: 5/10
Donnie Gill: the last time we saw him, he was turning into an icicle. And his body - or his ice cocoon - had yet to be found by the end of the episode. Did he pull a Captain America or is he really ice-cold-dead?
UB Score: 8/10
Raina’s prophecy: Your mother isn’t leading our people, she’s misleading them. It’s you who are destined to lead. Taking this quote fully in context, Daisy is destined to take up her mother’s mantle and lead the Inhumans. Unless we count the Secret Warriors - they were 4 people and lasted 5 minutes so, no - she has yet to do that. The broader interpretation - leading S.H.I.E.L.D. - has hit a few snags and isn’t fully realized yet either.
UB Score: 9/10
Anne Weaver: one of the two surviving members of Real S.H.I.E.L.D.’s council of hufflepuffs, assuming Agent Calderon Asshole didn’t die while “barely hanging on” after Skye accidentaly impaled him, the former Head of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Sci-Tech Academy completely disappeared after the S2 finale even though she was supposedly on the new Advisory Board to the Director. Rumor has it she left S.H.I.E.L.D. to practice medicine and reunite with her sparky ex-husband.
UB Score: 6/10
Felix Blake: the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who touched Lola and was later mangled by Deathlok (I don’t wanna say karma, but…), resurfaced in season 3 with a considerable axe to grind against powered people. Credited for turning the Watchdogs from a bunch of bigoted keyboard warriors into a (still very bigoted) full-blown paramilitary terrorist group, he was nowhere to be found when they went international on Ivanov’s dime. No honor gratitude among intolerant pricks?
UB Score: 8/10
Vijay Nadeer: Senator Nadeer’s cute Inhuman younger brother who she shot and dumped into the sea, the bitca. When we last saw him, his body was enclosed into a terrigenesis husk again, signifying a second transformation in progress and possibly hinting at his true power: reactive adaptation (*squeals*). Voted “Plot Leftover Most Desired to Be Fished Out of the Water”, 3 years running.
UB Score: 9/10
Alistair Fitz: his framework version was despicable but stuck around to raise an even more despicable son. The “Real” world version left when Fitz was 10 years old - survey says: he’s a douchebag as flesh and blood, too - and used to be Radcliffe’s buddy in school. Where is he now and do we care?
UB Score: 5/10
Robbie Reyes: after leaving permanent scorchmarks in the fabric of space-time with that exchange of looks with you-know-who, he travelled through a mystical portal into an unknown hellish dimension. Now that he’s getting his own show, it turns out that the hellish dimension was actually Texas. I’m not even joking (much).
UB Score: 10/10
Bobbi Morse & Lance Hunter: disavowed and banished to the Land of Unpicked TV Pilots, they’ve been spending their time fighting Ninjas at weddings and reading obscure football fanzines for coded messages from their friends. Bobbi’s recent undercover mission as first officer on the USS TNGLite might have left Hunter with too much time on his hands. Hijinks must ensue. Right?
UB Score: 10/10
Mike Peterson aka Deathlok: he showed up after two seasons to save the day when Coulson was having an existential crisis being cloned through space-time patching a dimensional rift and attend The Wedding(tm), then off he went again. Where? Doing what? Is Ace okay? Who’s maintaining his hardware? And is he still single? Asking for a friend my favorite character whose current romantic options really suck.
UB Score: 9/10
Taryan Kasius:  Sassed and spurned by Daisy, the Master of the House of Kasius was last seen obliviously gloating right before his fiendish plans collapsed. And while (part of?) the Confederacy’s fleet has been commandeered by the Chronicoms, he's still out there with his armies, seething. If you were a megalomaniac Kree warlord with a God complex, Shatneresque enhunciation and a fancy for powerful Inhumans, would you give up on Quake that easily? Exactly.
UB Score: 8/10
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An observation I had about Daisy Johnson’s character in AOS:
Anyone else notice that Daisy went from being the most shippable character in the show to the most un-shippable? Hear me out on this. When we first met Skye, the show was already playing up the idea of Skye x Ward. Then we had Fitz admitting that he found Skye attractive and then we had parts of the fandom who shipped Skye with Jemma or even Coulson and Trip. Also, let’s not forget that we were introduced to Skye’s canon boyfriend, Miles Lydon. For a time, it seemed like Skye was the most shipped character / the character with the most possible romances. 
Then the HYDRA twist happened. Although it did sink the idea of a canon Skyeward relationship, you could still argue that romance wasn’t out of Daisy’s radar. We were just introduced to our Grant Ward replacement aka Lincoln Campbell and the Skyeward fandom was still going strong at that point. 
But then Lincoln and Ward died. Trip also died before the show could properly develop a relationship between him and Daisy. From seasons 4 to 7, Daisy Johnson’s love life just imploded. 
Compare her love life to literally every other main character on the show: 
1) Phil and May’s relationship developed into a “will they, won’t they” romance
2) Fitz and Simmons’ romance is now regarded as one of Marvel’s most recognized love stories
3) Mack and Elena were already decided to end up with each other the moment they met
4) Bobbi and Hunter’s love life was already talked about even before they reconnected
5) A significant chunk of Holden Radcliffe’s character arc was connected to his romance with Agnes Kitsworth
6) Even Deke had two flings with Sequoia and Snowflake. 
Meanwhile, Daisy has had almost nothing when it comes to romance. Despite Quakerider having a solid fanbase (even me!), Robbie Reyes was just a friend and ally. Deke was interested in her but it was completely one-sided. In fact, the closest thing to a romance Daisy has gotten is with Daniel Sousa and it’s only because the actors have chemistry and Sousa has the most potential. Other than that, nothing’s really happened between them yet. Just the fact that it’s Daniel Sousa who has the most potential to be Daisy’s love interest highlights the fact that Daisy’s love life has been barren since he appears in the final season.
It’s really fascinating to think about since usually in these superhero shows, the main superhero has a somewhat successful love life. Barry Allen has Iris West, Matt Murdock has Elektra Natchios, Oliver Queen has Felicity Smoak, Smallville Clark Kent had both Lana Lang and Lois Lane and so on. However, Daisy has had nothing for at least four seasons, which makes her stand out against these other superhero TV shows. 
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eclecticmuses · 3 years
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Author: @eclecticmuses Rating: Mature Chapter: 11/11 Relationships/Characters: Leo Fitz/Jemma Simmons, Bobbi Morse, Lance Hunter, Daisy Johnson, Elena Rodridguez, Alphonso Mackenzie, Daniel Sousa, Lincoln Campbell, Antoine Triplett, Robbie Reyes, Miles Lydon, Milton, Background Huntingbird, Background Mackelena, Background Daisy/Lots of People Additional Tags:  Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - No SHIELD, Humor, Fluff and Humor, Fluff, Fake Dating, Pining, Holidays, Light Angst, Mild Sexual Content, Happy Ending Summary: After coworkers Jemma and Fitz both have miserable Christmases with their families, they realize they have the perfect solution to the same problem they share: pretend to date on major holidays so both their families and their friends will get off their backs about them being single. But as the year goes on, they realize that their platonic setup might be producing more genuine feelings than expected. It might be a problem neither one of them can solve. AU of the Netflix movie of the same name.
Excerpt from Chapter 11:
Chapter Text
Jemma was miserable.
The weeks since Thanksgiving had all been a mess. To start, Fitz was avoiding her at work. He would only speak to her when absolutely required to complete their assigned work and stayed very quiet otherwise. Whenever she tried to engage him in conversation or attempted to ask him why he’d dumped her, he would either redirect her, say he had a headache, or flat-out ignore her. It was maddening, and Jemma’s heart sank more and more every time he dismissed more. 
Then came the day that he was pulled away to go on loan to the engineering lab downstairs, and she couldn’t help but think that Fitz had requested it on purpose. To get away from her. Because he didn’t want to see or talk to her.
Read the rest on AO3!
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everythingirl44 · 4 years
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Rating: General
Words: 705
Relationships/Characters: Skye | Daisy Johnson/Daniel Sousa mentioned - Character Lincoln Campbell, Phil Coulson, Grant Ward, Miles Lydon, Bobbi Morse, Lance Hunter, Kora (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.), Jemma Simmons, Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie
Summary: Daisy goes to a fortune-teller on an alien planet, only it wasn't' the type of fortune she wanted to see.
Read on AO3
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butchhistorynerd · 5 years
A list of lesbian / wlw fiction and non-fiction
This list is entirely based on what I have read or want to read in the future. I can not attest to whether or not the ones I haven’t read are any good. I hope someone enjoys reading this list just a fraction of how much I enjoyed compiling it.
Butch/Femme culture; gnc lesbians 
Stone Butch Blues - Leslie Feinberg
Butch is a noun - S. Bear Bergman
Persistence: All Ways Butch and Femme - Ivan Coyote
S/He - Minnie Bruce Pratt
The Persistent Desire: A Femme-Butch Reader - Joan Nestle
Dagger: On Butch Women - Lily Burana
My Lesbian Husband: Landscapes of Marriage - Barrie Jean Borich
Female Masculinity - Jack Halberstam
Boots of Leather, Slippers of Gold: The History of a Lesbian Community - Elizabeth Lapovsky
wlw; lesbians in general
Gentleman Jack - Anna Choma
The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister - Helena Whitbread 
New Our Right to Love: A Lesbian Resource Book - Ginny Vida
Zami: A New Spelling of My Name - Audre Lorde
The Sewing Circle: Hollywood's Greatest Secret. Female Stars Who Loved Other Women - Axel Madsen
Inseparable - Emma Donoghue
Vita & Virginia: The lives and love of Virginia Woolf and Vita Sackville-West
Charity and Sylvia: A Same-Sex Marriage in Early America - Rachel Hope Cleves
Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers: A History of Lesbian Life in Twentieth-Century America - Lillian Faderman
Gentleman Jack: A biography of Anne Lister, Regency Landowner, Seducer and Secret Diarist - Angela Steidele
Female Fortune: Land, Gender and Authority - Jill Liddington
No Priest But Love (The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister Vol. 2) - Helena Whitbread
Nature’s Domain Anne Lister and the Landscape of Desire - Jill Liddington
The Moss House - Clara Barley
Carmilla - Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
Good enough to eat - Alison Grey
Mac and PC - Fletcher DeLancey
All the Little Moments - G. Benson
My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness - Kabi Nagata
She's my Ride Home - Jacquelyn Bushore
Everything Leads to You - Nina LaCour
Taking the Long Way - Lily R. Mason
Her Name in the Sky - Kelly Quindlen
The Gravity Between Us - Kristen Zimmer
Patience & Sarah - Isabell Miller
The Price of Salt: or Carol - Patricia Highsmith
Hunter’s Way  Gerri Hill
And Playing the Role of Herself - K. E. Lane
Dare Truth or Promise - Paula Boock
Wildthorn - Jane Eagland
The World Unseen - Shamim Sarif
Leaving L.A. - Kate Christie
Keeping You a Secret - Julie Anne Peters
Crybaby Butch - Judith Frank
Rubyfruit Jungle Rota Mae Brown
Once & Future - Cori McCarthy
In the Vanishers’ Palace - Aliette de Bodard
Ash - Malinda Lo
Thorn - Anna Burke
This London Love - Clare Lydon
The Long Weekend - Clare Lydon
London Calling - Clare Lydon
Once Upon a Princess - Clare Lydon
All I want - Clare Lydon
Twice in a Lifetime - Clare Lydon
You’re My Kind - Clare Lydon
Noting to Lose: A Lesbian Romance - Clare Lydon
Bond the Trail: Six Short Stories - Jae
Laid Bare: A Collection of Erotic Lesbian Stories - Jae
Ein Happy End kommt selten allein: Dreizehn romantische und erotische Kurzgeschichten - Jae
Vollmond über Manhattan - Jae
Westwärts ins Glück - Jae
Vorsicht, Sternschnuppe - Jae
Berührt von ihr - Jae
Aus dem Gleichgewicht - Jae
Hängematte für zwei - Jae
Perfect Rhythm - Herzen im Einklang - Jae
Liebe à la Hollywood - Jae
Cabernet und Liebe - Jae
Alles nur gespielt - Jae
Tintenträume - Jae
The Case of the Good-for-Nothing Girlfriend: A Nancy Clue and Cheery Aimless Mystery - Mabel Maney
Sword of the Guardian - Marry Shannon
Finding Ms. Write - Jove Belle
In Development - Rachel Spangler
Sweet Surrender - Anna Cove
Lucky Love - Anna Cove
Gay Pride and Prejudice - Kate Christie
Tipping The Velvet - Sarah Waters
Fingersmith - Sarah Waters
(I included some German ones as well since that’s my main language)
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ao3feed-skimmons · 4 years
Agent 084
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3hFzY1M
by h0neyboba
Even though she’s tried to kill her at least three times, Jemma Simmons can’t not want to kiss her.
Words: 13105, Chapters: 9/9, Language: English
Fandoms: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Jemma Simmons, Miles Lydon, Skye | Daisy Johnson, Leo Fitz, Bobbi Morse, Lance Hunter, Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie, Phil Coulson
Relationships: Jemma Simmons/Skye | Daisy Johnson
Additional Tags: skimmons - Freeform, Slow Burn, Enemies to Lovers, Hydra (Marvel), opposite teams
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3hFzY1M
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ao3feed-danielsousa · 4 years
Agents of SHIELD Season 8
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3iaXt2N
by EmilyJaneDancer
Set after the events of "What We're Fighting For", this story explores the adventures of Daisy, Sousa and Kora when a person from Daisy's past arrives on the Zephyr Three with an urgent request from Director Deke Shaw from the alternate timeline. Daisy, Sousa and Kora get sucked back into the timeline that Sousa and Kora came from, only to discover that Deke's S.H.I.E.L.D. is drastically different from the one that they left, albeit with many familiar faces, both loved and loathed ones.
Words: 1391, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of The Return
Fandoms: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Skye | Daisy Johnson, Lincoln Campbell, Daniel Sousa, Kora, Deke Shaw, Jemma Simmons, Leo Fitz, Grant Ward, Miles Lydon, Lance Hunter, Bobbi Morse, Antoine Triplett
Relationships: Lincoln Campbell/Skye | Daisy Johnson, Skye | Daisy Johnson/Daniel Sousa, Leo Fitz/Jemma Simmons, Lance Hunter/Bobbi Morse
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3iaXt2N
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welovedaisyjohnson · 4 years
Agent 084
by h0neyboba
Even though she’s tried to kill her at least three times, Jemma Simmons can’t not want to kiss her.
Words: 13105, Chapters: 9/9, Language: English
Fandoms: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Jemma Simmons, Miles Lydon, Skye | Daisy Johnson, Leo Fitz, Bobbi Morse, Lance Hunter, Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie, Phil Coulson
Relationships: Jemma Simmons/Skye | Daisy Johnson
Additional Tags: skimmons - Freeform, Slow Burn, Enemies to Lovers, Hydra (Marvel), opposite teams
Read this at https://ift.tt/3hFzY1M Ao3 works tagged 'Daisy x Simmons'
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ULTRAMagic Alternate Character Encyclopedia
Here's the Encyclopedia of Characters in UMAE. Click link and you will be taken to a relevant post about a character. You can read further posts from the point onwards. Unnamed characters will be italicized.
All of these are in order of appearance and there are minor spoilers throughout this encyclopedia.
Alphabetical Encyclopedia
ULTRAMagic Prelude:
Blood-Wraith Raynot
Dragoslava Raynot
Desislav Robles
The Seer?
Leif/Tyrant (The Dragon of Old)
Kresimira Raynot
Valentina Pari
Proteus (The Ocean of Old)
The Forest of Old
Auda Willfort
Eleanor Albronda
Chief Sigmund Willfort
Tusk Willfort
The Lich of Old
Vlastimir Bartholomew Dracul
Corentin Marin Schindewolf
The War Machine of Old
Gustav Dahlberg
Sir Odo, Knight of the Unlight
Donia Albronda
Aureolus Schindewolf
The Ferro of Old (Metal Oasis)
Deimos (The Mage of Old)
Duke Radovan Raynot
King Englehart Schindewolf
Barna Schindewolf
The Beast of Old
The Evangelist of Old
The Crimson Abyss
The Screaming God
The Great Unspeaker
Ekaterina Moore
ULTRAMagic Interlude:
Brenna Thompson
Herman Lydon
Cordelia Willfort
Skari Willfort
ULTRAMagic Ultimatum
Duchess Rose Raynot
Thora Willfort
Captain Dusan
Dunja Schindewolf
Councilor Octavius
Councilor Caius
Councilor Theobold
Councilor Regnault
General Drazhan Thornefield
Ivar Thompson
Sven Thompson
Rowena Hayes
Olga Crowe
Mariya Radovich
Andelin Sylvia Lillemor Lindbek (Andelin the Doom)
ULTRAMagic Interlude: Shadowland
Gabriella Pari (Update pending)
Weaver Craddock
Claudius Alfieri
Allan Erkstrom/Albrecht Schindewolf
Prince Folkvar Haugen
Gummi Proch
The Rumbling Beast
Torunn Craddock (Torunn the Mountain)
Timothy Finnegan
Gratiana Arlotti (Gratiana the Glory)
King Sten Haugen
Logan Bonneville
Bjorn Henningsen
Brynhild Henningsen
Delphine, Discordant God of Desire
Saul Bonneville
Milosh Proch
Sir Wolfgang Bramson
Red-hooded mage
Blue-hooded mage
Green-hooded mage
Spiritus Magni Maxima
Queen Yngvild Haugen
Severin Wheeler
Fyodor Aleksandrov
The Fear of Old
Boris Lazarov
Lucifuge Rofocale
Xavier Dufort
ULTRAMagic Interlude Bonus Chapters
Howard Bowen
Vilho Rinne
Zoltan Tenebrae Raphael Dracul
Morana Dracul
The God of the Abyss
Spiritus Magni Drusa
Tiberius Philipus Skull (ULTRAMagic Scholar)
Barry Esko Boyle (ULTRAMagic Hunter)
Cronus (ULTRAMagic Reaper)
Mal (The Malformed of Old)
The Hunger of Old
Alexia Lavoie (ULTRAMagic Vanguard)
Sir Erling Vang
Stolon's wife
ULTRAMagic Chaos
Chief Magnus Scully
Mainchín "Razor" Scully
Mizuki Kitagawa
Mayhem Highland
General Karnage
Hank Lyon
Ealdhelm the Destroyer
Waltheof the Shield
Cyneberht the Cunning
Osbeorn the Tempest
Beorhtric the Stalwart
Sir Gebhard Vestegaard
Arrogant Mage
The Madman of Old
The Automaton of Old
Wynstan the Storm
Randalph Theoprastus Scarfe
General Raisa Frankenstein
Adelheid, Discordant God of Blood
Ulrich, Discordant God of Gravity
Dr. Alfred Schwartz
Master Aeron
Helga Gertrude Arlotti
Magus Percival Clair Dan Beaumont
Kleitos, Discordant God of Knowledge
Karnage's Servant
Apothecary Gaius
Archibald Wallins
Agatha Allan
Murdoch Allan
Calvin Allan
Unnamed Recruit x2
Driskoll, Discordant God of Death
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blight-of-my-life · 5 years
Vanity in hindsight
I know a lot of people hate the “She was so very vain” line from the Sylvanas “Edge of Night” story (third paragraph down on this page) but I never read it as a judgment by the author on the character.
The valkyr are forcing Sylvanas to relive select memories from her past, and Sylvanas is narrating her reactions.  She is calling herself vain as she looks back on herself in a simpler, more innocent time.
Read it again with that in mind:
Without warning, a vision filled her head. A memory. She found herself in a warm, sun-drenched bedroom. Shafts of golden sunlight spilled through the window, illuminating aimless motes of dust and casting ornate patterns on the floor. This was her room. A lifetime ago. She had not yet seen her twentieth autumn, yet already young Sylvanas was the most promising hunter in her family. She pulled on her thigh-high leather boots, carefully measuring the laces and decoratively tying them. She adjusted the leaf-patterned embroidery, then bounced herself off of the bed to admire her reflection in the mirror. Her waist-length blonde hair flowed like water, absolutely translucent in the light of the sun. She beamed at the mirror, teasing her hair until it dashed around her long, slender ears in just the perfect way. It wasn't good enough to be the best hunter in her family. She needed to take everyone's breath away as she ventured out. She was so very vain.
Note that the last line is italicized.  Elsewhere in the same section of the story italics are used to indicate current-Sylvanas’ thoughts.  Furthermore, the entire piece is clearly split between her POV and Apothecary Lydon’s, each from what writers call a third-person limited perspective.  Whatever bias is present is coming from Sylvanas herself, not an omniscient narrator.
She is looking back on her past self, at all the luxuries she took for granted while she was alive, at the time when being pretty was important to her because she wasn’t burdened by thoughts of death, undeath, the fall of kingdoms, and the fate of the Forsaken.  In Warbringers she called her past self a fool.  This is more of the same.  She’s being too harsh on herself, but it’s also understandable that she would have disdain for her younger self because that’s easier to cope with than thinking longingly of all she lost.
Much of the criticism aimed at Blizzard for their less-than-stellar handling of female perspectives is warranted, but I don’t believe the often-quoted “she was so very vain” line is part of the problem when viewed in the proper context.
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One More Light (Goes Out)
The song is One More Light by Linkin Park, yes this is a songfic, I tried to break up the lyrics, for better reading and formatting, check it out on Fanfiction.net my user is at the bottom. 
I have no rights to any of these. I'm just trying to have some joy in my life.
I DO NOT OWN THE SONG One More Light OR Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D
One-shot possibly will be a sequel. 
“Agent Daisy Louise Johnson fell on November 15, and she was the representation of what S.H.I.E.L.D is supposed to be.” Coulson says as the team sits around a coffin, tears cascading down their faces. “Agent Johnson would be happy to see us all gathered here today, to not mourn, but to celebrate her death and all she has done in her lifetime.”
Should’ve stayed, were the signs, I ignored
Almost all of S.H.I.E.L.D was in attendance, her main team and close friends would have another more private service later. “Agent Johnson died a hero, she stayed strong and loyal to S.H.I.E.L.D until the very end.” Coulson continues, he clears his throat, “I would like a moment of silence and then all agents will be dismissed, Thank you.” 
Can I help you not to hurt, anymore
Coulson moves to sit in his chair in the front row with Jemma, May, Fitz, Mack, Yo Yo, even Bobbi and Hunter were able to come. 
We saw brilliance, when the world was asleep
One hour later the team sat in the director's office to privately say goodbye together. “Daisy had a tougher life than she deserved,” Coulson says “But she took that hurt and pain and turned it into who she was. A brilliant, amazing, and powerful woman.” 
“Daisy went out the way she wanted to, protecting her family,” May said, Bobbi and Hunter didn’t know how she died, but knew it was for S.H.I.E.L.D. “We didn’t know we would be ambushed on that mission, we didn’t know she would have been taken and tortured. It probably won’t stop any of us from blaming ourselves but there was nothing we could do,” 
There are things we can have, but can’t keep
“We could’ve done more, we could have followed them or worked harder on finding her.” Jemma said with anger, “She was my best friend, and we were her family, and we let her down.” 
If they say, who cares if one more light goes out in a sky of a million stars
Bobbi puts her hand on Jemma’s shoulder and Jemma reaches up to grab it, and sighs. 
“We will be okay, in time.” Bobbi said
“People die everyday love,” Hunter says.
“Today we lost Daisy,” Mack says.
“And it hurts like hell,” Fitz says.
“But we need to take that hurt and crush the people who did this to her,” Coulson said.
It flickers, flickers
The next few months were slow, to say the least. Until someone calls Daisy’s phone, Coulson liked to keep it charged as a reminder to the girl who could never go anywhere without it.
Miles Lydon
Confusion washed over Coulson as he looked at the phone, he picked it up and answered it. 
“Uh, I think I might have the wrong number, who is this?” Says Miles
“This is Phil Coulson, Miles we picked you up in Austin a few years back.”
“Oh, shit, Daisy is totally busted.” Miles gasps “Where is Daisy, I need to talk to her.”
“Miles,” Coulson starts “Daisy’s dead, she has been for a while. I’m sorry.”
“No no no no no, Coulson that can’t be, I need her WE need her.”
Who cares when someone's time runs out?
If a moment is all we are,
“Who are we?” Coulson asks.
We're quicker, quicker
Who cares if one more light goes out?
“Me and,” Miles says “Her daughter.”
Well I do
Hey guys!  Let me know if you liked it or if you didn’t and tell me if you want a possible sequel. I know it's short but oh well it's what you get! I post most of my fics to fanfiction.net my user is galaxygirl084! 
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ao3feed-fitzsimmons · 4 years
Young, Dumb, and in Love
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Vk1Cr5
by Everythingirl44
Life had put Daisy through the ringer, but now it was finally giving her a chance. She just had to learn to take the chances life was throwing her instead of rejecting happiness. An AU where Daisy gets a family and actually happiness, but not without some challenges.
Words: 1698, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Skye | Daisy Johnson, Lincoln Campbell, Melinda May, Phil Coulson, Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons, Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie, Yo Yo Rodriguez, Lance Hunter, Bobbi Morse, Grant Ward, John Garrett (Marvel), Antoine Triplett, Victoria Hand, Andrew Garner, Will Daniels, Mike Peterson, Miles Lydon, Robbie Reyes, Thomas Ward, Christian Ward, Maria Hill, Donnie Gill, Rosalind Price, Raina (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.), Kara Lynn Palamas
Relationships: Lincoln Campbell/Skye | Daisy Johnson, Phil Coulson/Melinda May, Melinda May & Skye | Daisy Johnson, Phil Coulson & Skye | Daisy Johnson, Leo Fitz/Jemma Simmons, Leo Fitz/Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie, Lance Hunter/Bobbi Morse, Jemma Simmons & Skye | Daisy Johnson
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - High School, Friendship/Love, Teenagers, Hurt/Comfort, Family, Fluff, Past Child Abuse, Slow Burn
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Vk1Cr5
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eclecticmuses · 3 years
Tumblr media
Author: @eclecticmuses Rating: Mature Chapter: 9/11 Relationships/Characters: Leo Fitz/Jemma Simmons, Bobbi Morse, Lance Hunter, Daisy Johnson, Elena Rodridguez, Alphonso Mackenzie, Daniel Sousa, Lincoln Campbell, Antoine Triplett, Robbie Reyes, Miles Lydon, Milton, Background Huntingbird, Background Mackelena, Background Daisy/Lots of People Additional Tags:  Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - No SHIELD, Humor, Fluff and Humor, Fluff, Fake Dating, Pining, Holidays, Light Angst, Mild Sexual Content, Happy Ending Summary: After coworkers Jemma and Fitz both have miserable Christmases with their families, they realize they have the perfect solution to the same problem they share: pretend to date on major holidays so both their families and their friends will get off their backs about them being single. But as the year goes on, they realize that their platonic setup might be producing more genuine feelings than expected. It might be a problem neither one of them can solve. AU of the Netflix movie of the same name.
Excerpt from Chapter 9:
“Are you sure this costume looks alright?”
Bobbi turned away from where she was adjusting the lacing on her corset to look at Jemma, who was tugging on the hem of her wool sweater and frowning critically at herself. “You look great,” she reassured her. “You and Fitz are going to be so cute together.”
Jemma edged into view of the full-length mirror hanging on her apartment wall and took in her sweater, pleated skirt, and knee-high socks. “I think I would have much rather gone with Ravenclaw,” she said, tapping her gold-and-scarlet tie, “as that’s the house I prefer, but those colors are harder to find. And Fitz wanted to do Gryffindor, anyway. So here we are.”
“Don’t ask me to explain it, but Fitz feels more Gryffindor to me.” At Jemma’s curious look, Bobbi shrugged. “It just feels right for him. And it’s a classic. He’s not wearing glasses and drawing a lightning bolt on his forehead, is he?”
“No.” Jemma shook her head. “We’re just regular, no-name Hogwarts students.”
Bobbi smiled. “Good, I think that would have been a bit much.”
Read the rest on AO3!
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reignofkings · 5 years
Funny COCA - COLA Happiness Factory Full Movie
Coke Comes From Happiness Factory A journey through a coke vending machine into a fantasy land of wondrous characters and spectacular landscapes contributing to the delivery of the bottle.
Credits Coke Happiness Factory was developed at advertising agency Wieden+Kennedy Amsterdam by executive creative directors John Norman and Al Moseley, creative directors Rick Condos and Hunter Hindman, agency executive producer Tom Dunlap, and agency producer Darryl Hagans.
Animation for Coke Happiness Factory was developed at Psyop, New York, by creative directors Todd Mueller and Kylie Matulick, with executive producer Justin Booth Clibborn, producer Boo Wong, assisted by Kate Phillips and Viet Luu. Other Psyop artists working on Happiness Factory were Flame artist Eben Mears, lead 3-D Artist Joe Burrascano, 3D Artists/Animators Kevin Estey, Josh Harvey, David Chontos, Jonathan Garin, David Lobser, Naomi Nishimura, Ylli Orana, Clay Budin, Chris Bach, Dylan Maxwell, Kyle Mohr, Miles Southan, Boris Ustaev, Dan Vislocky, modelers Jaye Kim, Joon Lee, storyboard artist Ben Chan, matte painter Dylan Cole and editor Cass Vinini.
Live Action was directed by Peter Lydon, via Hungry Man, London, with executive producers Matt Buels and Tim Nunn, producer Debbie Ninnis, and director of photography Ray Coates.
Music was produced by Mark Altshuler at Human Worldwide.
The sound was designed by Bill Chesley at Amber Music & Sound Design, with executive producer Michelle Curran and producer Kate Gibson. Audio post-production was done at AudioEngine, New York.
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