#Hurk Drubman Jr.
thewanderer-000 · 1 year
Sleeping Over Far Cry 5 Edition(fluff)
Another random writing thing. It's somewhat long. Or short, you decide.
(Platonic and romantic)
Adelaide Drubman: strictly platonic, she doesn't want to give Xander a reason to not trust you. But she flirtatious says she can keep a secret if you can, but it's a joke. You think. Nothing happens, honestly she kind of scares you, you're not ready for her brand of frisky.
Romantic: you weren't ready, Adelaide takes lead and you're putty in her hands. Honestly she makes you, her and Xander a throuple, ready or not you'll be putty in her lovely and capable experienced hands. You all sleep cuddling.
Jess Black: she complains about sleeping indoors, till it's actually time to sleep but she's out like a rock once her head hits the pillow. Snores super loud but it's fine so long as you don't have to sleep in the same room as Jess.
Romantic: she isn't particularly fond of closeness with just anyone but when Jess picks you, you can't sleep without her snore in your ears or by you.
Grace Armstrong: quiet, and gets more quiet then she says good night and she is off to do her nightly routine before going to sleeping. But she does have her nights when sleeping isn't capable, especially when she's anxious. Sometimes she and Jess are up late playing cards with Sharky and others.
Romantic: she gets more quiet but rests on you till she wants to sleep. You'll pick up her routine and sleep patterns for the most part, but she definitely will stay by you instead of going and playing cards or talking.
Nick Rye: kinda chatty, gets more chatty as he gets tired, then Grace and Adelaide tells him to go to bed. He does, if they don't Kim usually tells him to go to bed and he will.
Romantic: definitely enjoys the throuple aspect of this arrangement, Kim has someone who is awake when she is or when he's awake. But they just talked about Kim's pregnancy, you all are just excited.
Hurk Drubman Jr.: he can sleep anywhere and will if you let him, sometimes when drunk he can sleep standing up. Sharky and Nick like to stack beer cans on or around him, but it takes quite a bit for that to happen.
Romantic: if you're not joining Nick and Sharky in Hurk Jenga, you are snuggled up with Hurk. Most likely using him as a pillow.
Sharky Boshaw: tries to fight his sleep but gets cranky, Nick offers him a beer and a chair then he's out. But most times he's up late with Grace and Jess, he'll offer to play cards even though he sometimes forgets what they're playing.
Romantic: with you and Sharky, you're listening to him read his furry fanfic in privacy of Boshaw manor. Falling asleep wherever you were, Sharkys sweater covering you like a blanket as he's cuddled up next to you.
Faith Seed: makes flower crowns, plays catch with you if she finds a baseball lying around. Knows enough science stuff to do little quick experiments, likes to read anything. If she finds something that would interest you, she'll read it out loud to you, once you're asleep she will go to sleep.
Romantic: any article of your clothing Faith is wearing, except for pants they're too big on her, you're both wearing her flower crowns. She'll sleep same time as you, you both look thrashed because the flower crowns fell apart.
John Seed: after organizing his homemade beauty products he's reading a book enjoying his reads till bed time, does his routine. Once he's done it's time for bed, John doesn't say but he likes being close to someone when asleep. You wouldn't have known if you hadn't woke up with his hand holding yours.
Romantic: almost keeps his routine but with you in the same room, John is more interested in what you are doing. Just asking what your doing as his hand finds your arm or shoulder. Once in bed he's got you in his arms, and you'll mostly stay there, John will sleepily look for you if you roll away. Kind of cute when you intentionally roll away.
Joseph Seed: praying, conversing with God after dinner, will read to you when giving you a private sermon. When you go to sleep you can hear him pray for everyone safety, he'll say you're name as well. Honestly you wonder if he's actually sleep or just doing meditation after the whole prayer. It was pretty long, though you'll just stay where are, no need to disturb Joseph.
Romantic: Somewhat similar to John, essentially does prayer. Uses your pet name in his nightly prayer, likes to sleep close but will move closer. On stormy nights will need to be touching you.
Jacob Seed: he's not sure about sleeping over, but what's another night of not enough sleep. Smokes and observing everything, once he's finished outside he will clean his weapons then reads if he still can't sleep. When you can't sleep either, you join Jacob and you both end up discussing his choice in book. The debate on the book puts you both to sleep.
Romantic: does what needs doin', but still has a tendency to be awake. Even though he gets in bed at the same time as you, he can't sleep, unless you're sleeping on him he will be reading. But doesn't push you away if he wants to read, he's lucky if you can't sleep either. Though likes it better when you both sleep on the hunting stand in the trees.
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voices-of-hope-county · 4 months
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moriavamp · 7 months
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Practicing my chibis.
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wrathfulrook · 2 months
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Far Cry 5 as Text Posts - dril tweets (pt. 1)
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squira180 · 1 month
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Old piece lol
More good stuff coming soon
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lulu2992 · 18 days
Deleted answering machine messages from Far Cry 5
I found more unreleased content! Here are three messages that were cut and are not available as sound files, but are still transcribed in the oasisstrings file.
“Cult Follower Female 3” - Holland Valley:
Just need to elaborate on somethin' John Seed said earlier. He said we can't think of these people who're joining us as "prisoners." More like people who've been led astray by the world out there. A world that made them dismiss first and think later. They will say YES to their new lives. We need to give them time. Give them love. Make them feel it.
Adelaide Drubman - Whitetail Mountains:
Alright you limped-dick son of a bitch. What on God's green earth did you say to my Xander? Poor sweetheart's been starin' like a deer in headlights for near an hour, eyeballs big as a kitty-cat's. Said you came by is all. Did you threaten him? I swear on my mother's grave, if you threatened him, I will shove my rifle so far up your ass you won't even hear the gunshot. You have no right to be here. Not you or your damn son. So stay clear, you hear me?!
Tweak - Henbane River:
You destroyed my life. Once I've come down from this high I'm gonna get you somehow
I don’t know why they didn’t make it to the game, especially since they all seem still relevant to me. Maybe they were linked to locations that were eventually cut. I’m just speculating but, for example, it’s possible the inside of Fort Drubman (which is in the Whitetail Mountains) was going to be explorable at some point and Adelaide’s message was on a phone in the house. Also, I really wish I knew who Tweak is talking to...
There’s another recording, still available as an audio file, but that I don’t remember ever hearing in the game.
And there are deleted messages from Joseph (one) and Faith (seven), all in the Henbane River region, but I’ve already talked about them here :)
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theprojectatedensgate · 6 months
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The bunker gets boring quickly lmao
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feyroon · 10 months
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meme draw over because i saw someone else’s and it made me think of fc5 for some reason
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derputy · 1 year
Far Cry 5 as Community (with terrible closed captions) Because I'm Running Out of Ideas & I Thought It Kinda Fit || @racheljo47 @ms-rampage @i-am-the-balancing-point
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alwaysonly-you · 1 year
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another day, another memeset
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voices-of-hope-county · 10 months
Hurk's salutations:
Neutral: - Gender-neutral Deputy - Male Deputy - Female Deputy
Friendly: - Gender-neutral Deputy - Male Deputy - Female Deputy
- Requested by Anonymous.
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miles-is-so-gay · 6 months
what if the jr deputy had whatsapp huh what would happen
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lady-hammerlock · 1 year
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Gorgeous art of my boy Hurk that the amazingly talented @redreart did for me. Thank you so much! 💓
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ms-rampage · 9 months
How good of a soldier is Kenneth? This good.
Sharky and Hurk were Kenneth's cheerleaders 🤣🤣🤣
I'm surprised I got all those peggies at the beginning with one shot! Especially the guy going for the zipline!
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wrathfulrook · 8 months
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Far Cry 5 as Text Posts - Onion headlines
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deputy-sennaviste · 3 months
So I'm playing fc5 again because of course I am. And I had something happen that made me want to write a short fic.
After running from John's bunker, you know the "let them run, let them HIDE!" bit, I always feel like my Deputy is really shaken up by what she saw and she runs until she just can't anymore and hunkers down and hides in the woods. This time, I have Hurk and Sharky with me and they showed up right as I made it far enough away. I have this idea that they are really boisterous and happy to see the Dep again but they slowly grow quiet as they realize she looks really freaked. Cue worried looks and sudden uncharacteristic gentleness as they put Dep in their vehicle and take her somewhere safe.
Totally gonna write this
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