#Hxh phantom troupe headcannons
la-squadra1234 · 1 year
Any uvogin headcannons? 👀
….uvogin supremacy. 
i feel like when nobody is around he would do the stupidest stuff just to try it out 
he definitely sings in the shower really loudly
He’s the kind of guy to make fun of his own clothing choices
He’s very goofy
When he’s drunk, he says the most dumbest things especially with nobunaga
if you are somebody that he cares about, but you make him mad I feel like he’ll run up to you and lightly bite your arm and then run away
 him and Nobunaga definitely had a Twerking battle at one point no doubt about it
he loves eating tacos
 he occasionally plays video games, because once he starts playing, he gets locked in and plays for hours
That’s all that I could really think of right now lol sorry that it’s a little short
I hope everybody enjoyed as much as I did writing this I like writing headcannons because I can actually just freestyle it completely instead of staying onto one topic
I will see everybody in the next Post bye now
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r0semaryt3a · 5 months
Some pre/during Yorknew Phantom Troupe Identity hcs + Illumi and Kurapika
I do not care if you disagree with these- my word is not law and honestly I want to hear some other headcannons so feel free to drop them down
Chrollo Lucilfer -
Ah Chrollo, my wife <3
He/him (surprising the masses after my wife joke)
Bisexual (no pref)
Monogamy - don’t even suggest otherwise it will be shot down.
“My identity? I’m a bisexual man…hmm? He/him.”
Feitan Portor
Has not and will not ever think about it (if he likes you he’ll date you he won’t label it)
It would be like pulling teeth trying to get him to answer on his identity. Like, it’s just not important to him. Why do you want to know so bad? Just call it whatever, it’s not gonna humour you with a conversation anyways.
“He.” ‘is there anything else?’ “It.” ‘And your sexuality?’ “…like you, date you. Simple.”
Phinks Magcub
Messed around once - quickly learnt he was indeed straight
These people really don’t see the prevalence in their identities so they’re all pretty blunt on answering.
“Eh? Why’d you wanna know? So what? I’m a guy. What? I like girls sure.”
Machi Komacine -
my absolute favourite
Messed around w gender for a bit; doesn’t care but will let you know “she’s a girl”
Bisexual - fem pref
Was the opposite of Phinks - thought she was lesbian then messed around and realised she was indeed bi
“Call me whatever…I’m a girl though.”
“I mean I like everyone, I think? Girls are probably better. No they are”
Woman has to double check with herself whenever asked, it’s like answering a quiz
Franklin Bordeau
Like one of the only ones who’d give you a straight answer if you ever asked
“I’m a man and yes, I like men.” Type of answer
Bi - male pref (the phantom troupe is just a bisexual chat room atp)
I Cannot decide whether I like Nobunaga or Shalnark w this guy
You’ll find out from fucking around with him. In no world is he answering you.
L e s b i a n
Can imagine her being the only one of the group to just have her identity down from day dot
Definitely had a fling with Machi at some point that didn’t work out (they ended on good terms obviously. I can and will go into lengthy detail as to why I believe they had something going in the past and weren’t still together during Yorknew)
This woman is the died in the arc she first appeared in rep I needed!
“She/her honey. I like girls, that’s all that’s to it.”
Does not care
Literally just a colouring book, do what you want he won’t correct you (there’s nothing to correct to)
“Oh? Hmm, well I’ve never really thought about it much. It makes sense for me to be pan though, I guess!”
Nobunaga Hazama
He’s like that grandad that tells you about his time out in clubs and you’re sat going: “YOU? YOU did those things?”
“I’m a homosexual.”
Hisoka Morow
Call this amalgamation of a human whatever you want. As long as you can fight, you can talk to him/j
Type of guy to make a “Yours” joke
I really don’t see Hisoka caring for what people see him as. Like you wanna call him a he? Go for it. She? Sure why not! They? It? All on the table!
Another bisexual - his preference is fight me
Would 100% be down for poly, but depending on his attachment would also demand monogamy
“Why don’t we set a date and you can find out hmm~?”
Shizuku Murasaki
Straight or Aro, one or the other she’s either heavily into romance or completely repulsed and I can’t decide which I think it is.
Will blink at you for two minutes before sighing a response
“Well I don’t mind she or it I suppose.”
I don’t really have that many thoughts on Kortopi so this is like all I’m giving
No one really has a clue on his sexuality and he doesn’t tell any of them, ever. Like he knows what he is, but he just never says it
Illumi Zoldyck
He’s never really thought about it much, after-all aside from family it’s not like most people will live long enough for his identity to matter
Sexuality? Who knows! He sure doesn’t. Does he even like people? Who’s to say!
“What does it matter? I’m a man by all accounts, so refer to me as such.”
Kurapika Kurta
I don’t even really know why he’s on this list tbf.
Will give you his whole coming out story if you ask about his identity. You’ll be there a while.
This was actually really fun to sit and do-
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What HxH characters eat for breakfast.
Main four and Zoldyck kids + bisky:
Killua: Chocolate chip pancakes with Nutella.
Gon: toast with Orange jam, eggs and bacon.
Leorio: Raisin toast with butter and cinnamon.
Kurapika: coffee brewed with Red Bull instead of water.
Bisky: Cottage cheese and pineapple.
Illumi: A piece of toast that either has a shit TON of jelly or just plain there’s no in between.
Hisoka: Froot Loops.
Kalluto: scrambled eggs covered in hot sauce.
Milluki: bacon and eggs.
Alluka: waffles with whip cream and strawberries.
Phantom troupe:
Chrollo: Oatmeal.
Machi: banana and strawberry smoothie.
Shizuku: Wakes up at 11 and skips breakfast.
Phinks: Bacon, that’s it.
Shalnark: Fairy bread.
Nobunaga: Toast with Vegemite. I will not elaborate.
Kortopi: boiled eggs.
Paku: Avocado Toast.
Bonolenov: He just doesn’t like eating breakfast.
Fetain: some sort of pastry that he gets made fun of for eating, croissants, donuts.
Uvo: Anything. Literally anything you will catch him breaking out the Chinese food at 9 in the morning.
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feitansbitch · 2 months
As of now, i don't think he has an actual age.
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feitansballsack · 10 months
Phantom Troupe Dick Headcannons Collab with @ging-pegger
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My side:
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Bonolenov ➬Shower, 5 inches, thicker, same color as his skin (purple-ish), consists of two holes, one on the base and one in the middle (on opposite directions), thin hair at the base, a little unkept, smooth with little to no prominent veins, the tip is slightly darker of a purple, circumcised. ✪ In bed, he's very nervous. He's unsure if his dick would feel bothersome due to the holes, but they only add to the pleasure. He's similar to a small dog once he gets his pace going, only stopping when you're begging and crying. Doesn't care too much for how you feel at the end, only reaching his own high. Encouraged you to leave marks on his back, and even implored you to use his holes as handles once.
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Feitan ➬ Grower, 2 inches to 5 inches (at most), average thickness, fair like his skin, curly black hair at the base, well kept, smooth with thin veins even while soft, tip is a blush pink, circumcised. ✪Loves to use external toys, and is heavily into bondage. Likes to tease and whip your ass before even touching you with his hands. Roughly relieves your built-up pleasure with his hands before building you to a high again and again until you're begging for him to pleasure himself too. When he finally does, he spreads it out (it takes a while for him to cum), and uses his hand on your clit/member at the same time, making you finish over and over again. By the time he's finished with one round, you're too exhausted to do another. (But that's okay, because he'll do everything for you.)
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Franklin ➬Grower, 3 inches to 8 inches hard, very thick, paler than his skin tone, thick black hair at the base and on the skin going slightly up from the base, more veiny in comparison to Bonolenov but not thick veins, the tip is flushed, and twitches easily, uncircumcised. ✪He is a little too enthusiastic about starting, slamming in and out before you're fully stretched (doesn't understand the size of his dick is above average). Slows down once he sees the tears forming in your eyes, caresses and calms you down, making sure you're ready to continue. After the initial beginning, his strokes are gentle and smooth, teasing him but increasing the pleasure for you. Wants to go several rounds before he's finished, and leaves small love marks around your thighs and wrists.
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Shalnark ➬Grower, 4 to 6 inches hard, average thickness, more pink in comparison to his skin tone, light brown hair lightly at the base but tickling up the side of the bottom, smooth with small veins once hard, the tip is similar to his lip color, produces precum easily, circumcised. ✪Teases you before he even begins, precum dripping down his shorts the whole time. He's expressed that he could get off just by seeing you suffer before him. Uses lots of toys, and doesn't feel like just his dick is enough for the two of you. Interested in cock rings, but is shy to admit that. Cums quickly during actual sex, but can go on for several rounds. Look at Cherry's blog for Chrollo Lucilfer, Nobunaga Hazama, Phinks, Hisoka, and Uvogin!
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laughinggrass444 · 1 year
Feitan just kind of seems unvaccinated. Not like he’s an anti-vaxer or anything, and it’s not that he’s missing the covid shot specifically, but like he didn’t get those rabies shots you’re supposed to have when you go into kindergarten.
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crusty-chronicles · 1 year
is there any chance you could add killua for the airheaded but strong s/o headcanons? If not, then no worries, I just love how you write them!
Yeah, I don't mind but it's gonna be platonic because I'm a little iffy about writing for him romantically. He's just a boy 🥺🥺🥺 This is mostly a crack fic.
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Honestly tried to kill you at one point
Oh you're strong huh?
Then proceeds to hit you with everything he's got, only to see that it hardly affected you. (Kinda like the way he first treated Zushi)
After that he's petty, but impressed.
Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉 You've earned his respect 🥳🥳🥳
You're basically Gon 2.0
And he hates it
Cannot take you two anywhere
"We should break the lock to get in." Gon suggested.
"Are you stupid?" You scoffed.
"What's the point of having a door if you're just gonna break it?"
And Killua is momentarily at peace that at least one of you has some sense. Until you open your mouth again.
"Obviously we should smash open a window."
And Gon is nodding along enthusiastically
"You're right! What would we do without you 🤩"
And Killua is just 😮‍💨.
He is the parent of the group and I will die on this hill
If Gon's the sun, you're a nuke
He's constantly dragging you away from Hisoka
Nope. Not today
Why do you insist on talking to strangers.
No scratch that.
Why do you insist on talking to creepy strangers????
It gives him a massive headache everytime you almost get abducted.
Honestly thought about putting a tracker on you to avoid this happening.
But then he remembers you're practically indestructible so he drops it.
Is afraid Illumi will come for you and hurt you.
He was never allowed to have friends, and after Illumi threatened you and Gon at the Hunter Exam, he's very protective.
But then he remembers something you said after Greed Island.
"The three of us are all gonna become the best of the best. We're gonna get all wrinkly and old together and still kick butt!!! We're gonna stick together no matter what!"
And it temporarily quells the fear of his brother.
It makes him look forward to that outcome and gives him something to fight a little harder for.
When it comes to fighting, he does get a little envious of how you and Gon just rush in without thinking.
And how you always manage to win despite the circumstance.
But he never feels left behind because of it.
Like with Gon, he won't baby you, just call you an idiot and move on.
You fell?
Get up loser.
You can't read?
Find somebody else to translate. Or he'll make you do it and be laughing nonstop while you struggle to pronounce the word "Apple"
"Gon what color's an orange?"
"An orange is the same color as it's name. Just like a lemon."
Please somebody take you two back to first grade.
Killua is begging.
Even though he won't baby you, he'll rush as fast as he can if you're in actual danger.
You got caught by the phantom troupe?
"Are you completely brain dead!?!!? Where are you!?!?"
Now he regrets not putting a tracker on you.
"This nice clown man gave me candy and told me to follow him." You tell him over CALL.
He is screaming and panicking.
You trespassed into the mountains his family lives to see him.
And when he gets there he sees you rubbing the monstrous canine's tummy. Petting him and calling him a "Good Boy."
Names he has called you out of spite: Idiot, Moron, Dummy, Psycho, Airhead, Ditz, and probably Pea Brain
On the bright side, you are Alluka's favorite person.
"Give me your ribs."
"Oh, are you hungry? Let's see if we can't find you a smokehouse for those ribs."
And it baffles both souls so much that Nanika accepts that as fulfilling her command.
Plus you have endless amounts of energy that works to drain both girls out. Even when they've both already swapped twice.
Killua designates you her official babysitter when he's busy.
You are a complete lunatic and moron, but you're one of the people he trusts the most.
Even if he does complain about you a lot.
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illubean · 8 months
Can you write a scenario/headcannons where the hxh characters have a crush on Zoldyck!reader? (I think reader would have such overprotective brothers, killua and illumi lol)
HXH with a crush on Zoldyck!reader
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Characters: Kurapika Kurta, Leorio Paladaknight, Chrollo Lucilfer Type: Fluff?, Headcanons, Gn!reader
why is illumi the only one with eyebrows and a mouth in this photo
Warnings: none
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Kurapika Kurta
out of his two older friends Killua thinks Kurapika is the better option
but he still doesn't like the idea of you dating anyone
like his dear older sibling is giving their attention to someone other than him? unacceptable!
Kurapika is a lot more reserved with his feelings than Leorio, leaving not much room for Killua to meddle
so the younger boy just watches from afar
he gives the blonde glares and intense side eyes, and when he feels he's getting too close he won't hesitate to swoop in and steal you away
Kurapika is pretty smart so he's probably found a few ways to get around your brother
after a while of you two talking without Killua's knowledge you eventually get together
one day he caught you two holding hands under a table at the diner or sitting at a bench
he actually screams
with erratic gestures to your guys' hands he's like "WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN"
the boy is slack jawed
he thought he did such a good job keeping you separated
"watever just...don't hurt them or anything!"
Leorio Paladaknight
Killua's first reaction to learning this information is "No way, you're too old for my sibling!"
Killua babes he's only like 19
Leorio is by no means subtle with the way he feels about you even if he thinks he is
Killua makes it his life mission to keep you separated 💀
The group is splitting up and Leorio volunteers to go with you? So does Killua. He wants to sit next to you on the train? Aw too bad, your little brother is already sitting there
but if by some miracle you get away from your brother he doesn't waste a single moment in asking you out
after learning that his attempts to keep you separated failed, Killua gets a little pouty
"Seriously? You chose THIS guy!?" "What the hell is that supposed to mean you little shit!"
knowing you guys got together doesn't stop the boy from trying to get in the middle of things though
he's a pro at this point
he will find a way to crash literally any date you plan on going on soo you guys gotta be secretive about it
you probably had to come up with code words in order to plan dates 💀💀💀
Chrollo Lucilfer
the only way I see this working is if you were already part of the troupe so lets go with that
out of literally anyone on the planet he just HAD to have a crush on a Zoldyck
to say your family wasn't pleased would be an understatement
especially Illumi
the Zoldycks typically don't do -ships...like friendSHIPS or relationSHIPS so Chrollo pining for you is definitely an issue
and when two of your brothers end up joining the troupe after you
let's just say Chrollo isn't having the best time.
Kalluto is a lot less aggressive or opinionated on the matter than his eldest brother, but he still isn't fond of the idea of you ending up with the leader of the phantom troupe
he finds ways to draw your attention away from Chrollo
whereas Illumi isn't so passive
if he catches the head of the spiders so much as glancing at you he's going to stand in his line of vision with a stern "Stay away from my sibling."
and just to keep things easy on himself Chrollo heeds these warnings
well..until he's able to catch you alone
you guys are gonna have to date on the dl and be SERIOUSLY sneaky
dating while coming from a family of assassins is not an easy feat
In conlusion alongside being professional assassins, the Zoldyck boys are also professional cockblockers
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0asisbliss · 5 months
Yandere HXH headcannons
A/N: No specific order. Phantom troupe and other characters are separated though.👍🏾💞 Tysm for 300 followers guys!!!🤍
Characters included: Chrollo, Shalnark, Uvogin, Feitan, Nobunaga, Pakunoda, Phinks, (Phantom Troupe) Kurapika.
Warnings: Dark themes, choking, kidnap, mentions of murder, torture, gore, Feitan being his own warning, Non-con. NOT PROOFREAD
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Phantom troupe:
-`♡´- You’re special you’ve caught the mysterious man Chrollo Lucifer’s attention.
-`♡´- Keeps you a nice little room with no windows. Plenty of light though. Cute little lamps, posters of band you like or a anime. Fluffy blankets. You know you won’t be uncomfortable with him at all.
-`♡´- Yes the room might be all fine a dandy, but where you are located is a whole different subject.
-`♡´- As we all know Chrollo just doesn’t stay in one spot, but you will. He places you in a comfortable little cottage in the middle of nowhere. Even if you were to find a way to escape it’ll be hard find civilization.
-`♡´- He makes sure to check up on you every week, and if not evey week, every month. Chrollo knows that he’s not able to stay with you for long periods of time, so he make sure that your stocked up on every type of food you want. Water and supplies that will last you a while. In that case that’ll you’ll rarely run out of anything.
-`♡´- When Chrollo is there with you. He’s clingy. Not so much in a physical way more of a “Where are you going now?” Or “Why are you always getting up and leaving me. (Name)?”
-`♡´- Yes he gives you your freedom, but don’t get to happy. He has eyes everywhere. You can go outside, but he almost is always watching you.
-`♡´- He’s one of the people on this list that constantly has you under surveillance.
-`♡´- If you do decide to have the balls and leave. Once he finds you he will strip you of everything he gave you. Your no longer staying in the nice cottage he placed you in, you get any food that he gives you like it or not, and you going with him everywhere 24/7. No brakes. If you decide to be hostile that’s when Chrollo has to inforxe punishments.
-`♡´- Punishments can include spankings, restriction of food, No baths, etc. Anything that could make you dislike him for a while, and show you not to do it again.
-`♡´- Chrollo could never want to physically hurt you. He’d only do it if you decided to escape, and you run.
-`♡´- The only thing he’d do is break your legs. In order for you not run for a while.
-`♡´- Will not force himself on you unless you want it. He doesn’t want to scar you for life he just wants you to love him.
Danger level 4/10. Probably one of the most chill and nice ones on this list.
-`♡´- I’m sorry for you really. He’s a meanie. Dressing you up in clothes he thinks looks cute on you. Mocking you when you say you don’t want to do something. When you beg, and cry for him to stop doing something he just continues.
-`♡´- He also treats you like his personal doll. Something that he can play with.
-`♡´- Shalnark most likely has you placed somewhere he visits often, or at his own home. He also has you chained up unlike Chrollo who lets you roam freely.
-`♡´- He is another one that is on the go very often, but he’ll stay with you if he has the opportunity.
-`♡´- He’s also the clingy type. He leans more on the physically side more than any one else on this list. Randomly hugging you from behind, kissing your neck when you two are on the couch, threatening to stick a pin in you if you decide to fight his affection.
-`♡´- He’s one of the people on this list that likes when you do domestic duties. He even buys you cute little aprons, and other supplies to help out.
-`♡´- He tells you ahead of time when he’ll be arriving home so you can greet him like the good little darling you are he wants you to be.
-`♡´-Will drug you if you become to hostile or try to fight him. He sees it as a win win situation. You’re calm but also vulnerable to him.
-`♡´- He’s a pervert :(. He gets in the shower with you . He’ll randomly take his clothes off and jump in with you offering to wash your back and clean your face. He touch your ass randomly too no matter how big it small it is. He thinks it’s soft. When he showers with you he expects you to do the same with him, and if you don’t suggest or ask to wash his back he’ll get pissed off and take it out on you.
-`♡´- He’s also one of the ones on the list that will force themselves onto you. He’ll do it while you’re unconscious though. And if you unlucky and your conscious while he’s doing it he isn’t as rough as you might think. He’s aware that you’re fragile.
-`♡´- When he’s doing while you re conscious he’ll mock you. He’s thinks your tears are so adorable.
-`♡´- He will kidnap you he won’t try to give you freedoms. Although he will give you access to social media. You can play games and even have a phone.
-`♡´- Don’t try to contact the police or any friends. He’ll know and you can’t do that anyway. He’s already ten steps ahead of you with that. He either locked all access to that or he disabled it.
-`♡´- Danger level 7/10. Will stick a pin in you if you piss him off enough.
-`♡´- Awe man. He’s not as bad as you might think. He’s at heart a real sweet heart. Though he has audacity to act like your in a perfectly normal relationship he has his moments where he snaps back into reality.
-`♡´- You most likely go everywhere with him.
-`♡´- Uvogin is very clingy for his size. It doesn’t matter what size you might be. He is larger than you.
-`♡´- He takes you everywhere he goes. He another one on this list that thinks you feel the same way about him. Honestly it looks pretty sad when he realizes from time to time that you actually hate him.
-`♡´- If I could give you any advice it would to never try to escape. He another one on this list that will lash out, and hurt you physically. He does not care how much it hurts he will choose to punish you if you upset him enough.
-`♡´- Even though Uvogin has his moments he knows what boundaries are. He gets it. If you’re not in the mood right now he’ll back off.
-`♡´- For punishments he won’t just lash out on you randomly. He’ll only punish and harm you if you give him a reason.
-`♡´- He actually loves you. He wants you to be happy not just comfortable. He’ll try to ask you if want something or if there something particular that you might be looking at.
-`♡´- He gives you freedom to wonder around the town you two are currently staying, or even travel somewhere.
-`♡´- Like Shalnark you can have a device or devices of such. He won’t lock or block any number on your phone. He won’t even go through it.
-`♡´- Uvogin’s mere appearance is enough to tell someone to fuck off. And if that doesn’t work he’ll just simply kill them. It’s your fault anyway you couldn’t keep your mouth closed.
-`♡´-Honestly if you just don’t do anything to piss him off you’ll be fine.
-`♡´- Danger level 6/10. Not really dangerous unless you provoke his anger.
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-`♡´- He’s the worst person to be stuck with on this list. Most people headcannon Feitan to be a Sadist but I think he both a Sadist and Masochist.
-`♡´- He just plain awful. He finds ways to toy with you when he’s bored. He’ll take down to his torture chamber, and take a finger nail or two off, and maybe a couple of teeth out.
-`♡´- When he’s not doing that he’s violently fucking whenever he feels like it.
-`♡´- Feitan loves you. He’s going to do things you don’t like. Feitan hasn’t felt this kind of love for anyone so he’s going to think of you as a threat. Something that is getting his head. You cloud his thought 24/7. It irritates him.
-`♡´- “C’mon pretty want to see your face.”
-`♡´- Worse part about this is that he has that shit eat grin on his face the whole time.
-`♡´- Sometimes. Just sometimes he’ll unchain you and let you roam around the house.
-`♡´- He keeps you in his room chained to his bed. Only when he get bored and takes you to the basement or when annually lets you walk around the house after dinner is when you get let your legs breathe.
-`♡´- All in all Feitan is a danger to society, and you.
-`♡´- My advice to you is to escape, and don’t get caught. If you do he won’t kill you, but you will have zero limbs. Sorry. :(
-`♡´- Danger level 8/10 he’s not that bad, but just be careful what you say. And follow every single one of his orders.
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-`♡´- Nobunaga is delusional. Wants you around his 24/7 will never let you go. Want some space? Wheat is that again?
-`♡´- Will pout like an immature child if you don’t give him what he wants. He one of the people in this who will expect you to have sex with them sorry.
-`♡´- Will show you in physical affection how much better loves you.
-`♡´- He also one of the few you can manipulate very easily. Nobunaga is blind with his love for you. Simple kisses or hugs that you give him willingly instead of the one-sided affection that is usually there will leave him feeling like you actually love and care for him.
-`♡´- Will force himself on you. Actually cares if you cry. He’ll stop or if he doesn’t stop he’ll go slower. He also wants you to enjoy yourself. He can be a little selfish when it comes to pleasure, but if you ask him nicely to give you more attention he’ll be more than happy to give it to you.
-`♡´- Very nagging. If don’t give him your attention 24/7 he’s gonna be pretty pissed. He’ll drag you to the nearest bedroom, and show you how much attention he wants.
-`♡´- He will never physically hurt you. Punishment can include taking away baths or Tv privileges. (I know 😭)
-`♡´- If he does end physically harming you it’ll be spankings. Not as hard as Chrollo might be.
-`♡´- Danger level 5/10. He’s very good at finding you if you ever try to escape. So don’t.
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-`♡´- She constantly gets you gifts etc.
-`♡´- She keeps you in a nice ass penthouse that she lives in. You can roam around you can even go outside, but she sometimes prefers you just go out with her. At least she goes out pretty often.
-`♡´- She likes it more when she’s making you happy rather than uncomfortable.
-`♡´- She’s also another one that’s overly clingy
-`♡´- She’s sweet, but she’s the type to kill on of your friends to show you she means business when it comes to your behavior. Don’t worry she’ll make it up to you by getting you your favorite animal. :)
-`♡´-Can’t outsmart her, and don’t even try to think of plans to escape. She’ll find out every single plan and tell you to not even think about it.
-`♡´- Won’t physically hurt you, and can’t bring herself to do that ever.
-`♡´- Doesn’t like it when you hostile or when you get angry. She’ll do her best to calm you down.
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-`♡´- He’s sweet, but he’ll still beat your ass if you fuck up enough.
-`♡´- He’s sorta like Uvogin when it comes to patience. He has a very short patience span.
-`♡´- He wants you to be happy of course, but he also wants you to obey him. You have to always be self aware of your body language and attitude around him. He notices everything literally.
-`♡´- He clingy but in a suffocating way. You get up to get water and he is constantly asking where you’re going. You’re better off stating it before you get up.
-`♡´- Piss him off even the slightest and it’s back to the basement for you.
-`♡´- He likes it when you approach him first about things. If you want something just ask, and you’ll most likely get it. That all depends on you behavior though.
-`♡´- You’ll be fine. Just make sure you stay out of his stuff. He probably won’t tell you he’s a troupe member unless you find out.
-`♡´- Danger level 6/10 just because he’ll break your legs if you piss him off enough. Not the worse on the list though.
Probably one of the most delusional ones on this list.
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-`♡´- Probably one of the most delusional ones on this list.
-`♡´- Because of his lack of social skills he probably won’t be aware of you liking him.
-`♡´- He probably the only one on this list that wasn’t stalking you beforehand and actually knows you in ways you didn’t know he did.
-`♡´- He won’t exactly kill his rivals. The only time he’d go out his way to kill them if they threaten or harm you.
-`♡´- Will most likely not have you in any harm. Unlike other people on this list.
-`♡´- Wants to have children in the future with you if you would like it.
-`♡´- Won’t force you into anything, and won’t make you be anything you wouldn’t want to be.
-`♡´- He likes the way you say his name so he’ll get you to say it multiple times a day.
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untreated · 2 years
𝑷𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒐𝒎 𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒑𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒉 𝒉𝒄𝒔!🏖
𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒐 𝑳𝒖𝒄𝒊𝒍𝒇𝒆𝒓
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Doesn’t like the beach as much as the other members and won’t take any of his clothes off no matter how hot it gets
More likely to watch the ocean from afar at the hotel pool
Hates the salty and fishy smell of the ocean but does like the breeze
It bothers him how many people are there but he enjoys it when the sun goes down and it’s just him and the troupe
𝑭𝒆𝒊𝒕𝒂𝒏 𝑷𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒐𝒓
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Absolutely hates the beach and only came because chrollo asked him too he would rather be playing games or torturing a poor soul
Stands on the boardwalk with phinks most of the time but gets grossed out and leaves once phinks starts smoking
A piece of seaweed touched his foot and he freaked out and was in the shower for an hour
When it was time to leave the troupe could not find him anywhere but eventually they found him in the car sleeping waiting to go home
𝑴𝒂𝒄𝒉𝒊 𝑲𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒄𝒊𝒏𝒆
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Loves the beach probably the most out of the members because she can get a nice tan and it’s relaxing compared to her other work
Plays with the beach ball with shizuku and shalnark for a bit but won’t get fully in the water and spends most of the time tanning
Sits in front of uvo when the sun gets to much because he gives a lot of shade
Finds a really cool pair of sunglasses while buying everyone drinks and wears them the whole trip
𝑺𝒉𝒊𝒛𝒖𝒌𝒖 𝑴𝒖𝒓𝒂𝒔𝒂𝒌𝒊
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Will forget if they came for a job or not but Franklin keeps telling her just to have fun
Lounges in a float she stole while no one was looking and will play some volleyball with shalnark
Builds the coolest sand castle on the beach with phinks and kotoropi
Likes sitting on the sand near the water with pakunoda and touching the water
𝑺𝒉𝒂𝒍𝒏𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑹𝒚𝒖𝒔𝒆𝒊
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For the most part he enjoys the beach a lot but hates the annoying seagulls
Likes walking to the stores and buys everyone souvenirs and buys himself dumb little things
Keeps bugging phinks to a swimming competition and gets pouty when he loses
Is even more mad when he loses to shizuku in volleyball
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la-squadra1234 · 1 year
Everytime I saw your post with the Spider children everytime I think of how Shizuku would be as a mom- and everytime I imagine her forgeting her son in school, park, at his friends's, ect... 😭🤌
Soooo... this is Shizuku's son. Can you please make some headcanon for him please ? 🥲🙏
(P.S: he doesn't have memoryloss)
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Oml I’m so mad right now I was just about to start getting into the headcannons like halfway done if you know you know but anyways, then I got kicked out of the app that’s just so annoying
Anyways, of course I can do that for you!
Full credit to la-squadra1234
(I do not take any credit for the art only for the headcannons)
Shizuku’s sons headcannons!!!
He is definitely very sadistic
He loves being around the phantom troupe, but specifically Feitan
 He honestly hates loud people
He is very quiet
He enjoys wearing hoodies
He has a bunch of hoodies
(of course all of them were all stolen tho-)
He is a major introvert
 The only loud person that he can stand to be around is phinks
Or more so I should say the only loud person that he can actually tolerate being around-
He doesn’t smile often, but whenever he does smile, it’s never with his teeth
There is not one picture that any of the phantom troupe members have, and or shizuku have of him, smiling with his teeth
 He is a very fast runner
For some reason, he has a odd obsession with cracking his knuckles
 He loves looking at airplanes in the air
He also loves being alone by train tracks, watching the trains go by specifically those big trains that have a bunch of things on it that go for so long
 He has an entire bookshelf, just full of books 
He really likes paku
He also always refers to her as paku
He doesn’t really like Chrollo
There’s no real reason why or any explanation why he doesn’t like Chrollo he just doesn’t like him for some reason
He doesn’t like Chrollo know that he doesn’t like him Chrollo things that he is perfectly fine with him but in reality, he just doesn’t like him
He is a nen user
 he sits crisscross all the time
 He enjoys stealing peoples cats and taking the cats in to be his own
 He silently makes fun of people
He is very judgmental, but he keeps his thoughts and his opinions to himself
That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed as much as I did writing this. I love reading head cannons so much it’s my favourite thing to do by far.
I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!
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r0semaryt3a · 2 months
Hiiii, could I please ask for how you think the Phantom Troupe would act to being hugged / held by their S/O for the first time? Thanks 🥰
It’s been done for like months now I just entirely forgot to post it I’m so sorry Anon.
I’m here for the fluffy ideas (I will warn, I feel like these are a tad Ooc as this is mainly based on my own personal headcannons woven into snippets of what we see in HxH) it’s nice to write them!! I’m gonna admit I haven’t written anything in a dang hot minute so this was: interesting to proofread.
Characters: Chrollo, Feitan, Pakunoda, Shalnark (I know that’s not a lot compared to my other 2 but I was flagging so hard for ideas)
Despite his occasional interest in domestic life and the comforts that came with it, Chrollo never pushed for physical contact.
You’d sat down together before, reading under candlelight, but had never really been lovey dovey. It wasn’t a prevalent concept within the Troupe.
Which is why, when you’re sat beside each other -both enthralled in your own separate texts- a slight jolt races through him as your palm meets the top of his hands (your thumb absentmindedly tracing circles). It was nothing major: nothing that was noteworthy. his eyes barely left the page before him, but, it was nice.
However, when your book settles on the floor and your arms wrap around him. Well, that he can’t not notice. At first the scene is quite awkward, or to him, it’s not like he’s never been hugged before: more the lack of preparation. Chrollo’s shoulders were raised and his hands seemed to struggle to find their place. It’s not like you’d particularly notice this, the small fumble is a fleeting moment.
Once the initial shock had settled though, the two of you lay comfortably together. His head resting agaisnt yours and yours resting agaisnt his shoulder.
Let me tell you, though he may not have shown it, his heart skipped a couple beats. Having you agaisnt him, arms laying around his waist, it was a slice of domestic bliss he truly savoured. The life his city had given him was a life he did cherish, but the spark of normalcy you provided was always a treat. (You’d later find out: this would be a regular occurance anytime you read together; any attempts to protest against the idea would be immediately shot down.)
Feitan isn’t big on touch. Never has been.
He prefers all his limbs free to move, he’s an agile person who heavily values his own self autonomy and being able to react in a matter of milliseconds. Nothing more than simple handholding (for no more than a specified 3 minutes 24 seconds) has passed between you two.
So, when you practically jump at him with open arms: he seizes up.
Seriously, you almost gave him a heart attack.
“Off.” “Off now.” Is all that would be said as he tries to pry you off from whoever you’d latched on. Safe to say: the first time you give him a hug is certainly an interesting event.
Don’t get me wrong, you don’t miss the way his eyes dart towards you; and how almost immediately his body eases once the initial shock had faded. Nor do you miss the way: he does indeed reciprocate the act.
A mixture of happiness and annoyance fill him in equal measure. On one hand: the sudden contact had dusted his skin a slightly reddish hue, for all his protests, Feitan’s well aware it’s a show of comfort and given your relationship: it’s not an action he particularly hates. On the other hand? No.
This moment does however, spark the slow build up to your first “proper” hug (and the many more things that would follow)
For now though? It’s best you don’t try that again. For a while.
A long while.
Surprisingly tense.
You’d think a member so seemingly well composed would be better equipped to hug his partner. But, no!
It takes about a minute for him to actually reciprocate the hug, a series of awkward pats meeting your back before he (not at all subtly) peels you off of him.
It’s almost like the action completely resets him, as in a matter of seconds he’s laughing and pulling you in for another hug. The scene is…sweet enough. Though, the action is swift with the two of you parting (again) and Shalnark instead slipping his hand over yours: fingers intertwining as he began to jump from topic to topic.
Physical touch (especially that of unprompted physical touch) is an odd spot for Shalnark. Sometimes, he loves it! A goofy grin is sure to paint his face as he reciprocates the action. Sometimes, it seems like a completely foreign subject to him.
This woman adores you.
Completely and utterly.
The second your arms wrap around her: she is beaming and quick to reciprocate the action.
Arguably the most openly emotional. It may just be a hug but it makes her heart flutter! Her arms come to rest upon shoulders as she pulls you in close, the act a rather jovial scene. A simple smile is painted upon her face the whole time, it’s honestly quite surprising that such an act could light her up like a child on Christmas.
Any surprise your hug may have sparked is almost immediately washed away the second she realises what’s happening.
As with any of the members: her lightbulb moment is slow. None of them are particularly touchy individuals after-all. However, Paku is certainly the quickest in her return of your hug.
After the moment you’ll find her fingers laced between yours more often than not..
I feel like there’s more I could do with this idea but I’m entirely sure how to lay it out in the scenario/headcannon based format these are usually in, so, who knows! If someone wants a oneshot of the idea with a specific troupe member I’ll be happy to deliver-
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Kalluto is now in the troupe and has been for a while so the troupe members consider him family. Well, he has a tendency to think out loud about his family situation and needless to say the Zoldyck parents are now (unofficially because Chrollo values Illumi’s help to much to piss him off) on the phantom troupe’s hit list.
Phinks: “So kid, what’s it like having a family?”
Kalluto: “Well, I guess things have gotten a little weird. Since Killua left mom has been really sad and Illumi has been helping and lot more, Milluki has been kinda worried because he thinks dad is being weird or something I’m not sure he keeps saying he’s not allowed to tell anyone which is really annoying. My dad keeps calling Illumi into his office and then Illumi is constantly checking up on us but he also leaves the house a lot for work which is normal but he hasn’t been taking me with him and my dad is mad because he’s out so much and then meals are really awkward because my dad just talks about how much Illumi looks like our mother and how great Killua is and all that. Then Illumi is kinda mad at my dad for letting Killua go and so him and my mother have been conspiring to get him back and like kill his friends but apparently Hisoka won’t let him and I don’t know it’s gotten kinda weird and I’m not really sure what’s going on.”
Phinks jaw on the floor, Shalnark and Machi stopping their conversation to do a slow head turn, Shizuku confused, Chrollo interested because this is good blackmail and the rest of the members internally cringing.
Illumi coming to pick Kalluto up
Illumi: “May I ask why everyone is looking at me like that?”
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I’m trying to think of how hxh characters would cope with pandemic life. Like where are the girlies quarantining? Obviously Leorio is on the front lines risking his life every day. I feel like whale island could be a good place to deal with intermittent lock downs, so maybe some of the gang can stay there. The zoldyck’s are pretty much constantly on lock down except when they work either way. Hisoka didn’t know what was happening until people started wearing masks and illumi had to explain it to him. Phantom troupe is definitely cautious but they are still taking jobs since some places are left unattended. Ging is anti-mask and won’t stay home but he reluctantly gets vaccinated. Pariston changes what he does to make whoever he’s with mad. If he’s with someone strict about protocol, he’s anti-mask and anti-vax; if he’s with someone anti-mask and anti-vax, he’s double masked and fighting them about getting vaxxed.
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sawakochankitty · 3 years
How do some people think kurapika can cook??? He was not born with the gift of cooking have y’all seen him in the hunter exam or not??. I am still wondering what he ate or drank while he trained for the 6 months. I also wonder what his cultures food was like.
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vale-writes-stuff · 4 years
Feitan with an s/o that plays the violin (gn!reader)
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A/N: Can y'all tell I'm a Feitan simp?
Warnings: uh, should I include cussing up here?? Mentions of torture (nothing gory or anything, but it's Feitan), Hisoka (he needs his own warning)
Tbh you'd probably have to be a member of the Troupe for him to acknowledge your existence
Honestly, I applaud you for somehow getting with him???
When he first heard you play, it took his breath away
It was so pretty?
Your nen ability probably has something to do with the violin
How your fingers moved across the neck of the violin, hitting every note? Perfection.
He could listen to you play for hours
Low-key gets jealous when you play in front of the other members of the Troupe
If anything were to happen to you? Or your violin?
Well the person who did it would die, eventually...
He'd want to take his time with them-
Honestly the Troupe would all be a bit scared to be around him for a while
You'd have to convince him to eventually either let the poor guy go
Or kill him
You have 99% of his attention when you play (The other 1% is making sure Hisoka stays the fuck away from you)
Long story short, he's obsessed
Plz love him.
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