#I <3 <3 <3 SHEPHERD <3
plutonicbees · 4 months
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studying for a degree in yapology
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joleneghoul · 4 months
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Two Fallout protags and their animal friends!
More info/rambling under cut!
The Lone Wanderer (Al) and Dogmeat the wasteland mutt!
She canonically in my stuff has two puppies, which Al, because while he is a medic, he is not a vet, thought she was just fat/had worms until they appeared.
This is kind of my version of fo3's Dogmeat, i realize in the game, dogmeat is a boy dog, but I always bc of the fact puppies can appear in the cave of vault 101 just been like "omg what if girl".
Al doesn't really know much about dogs in general, but when he realized Dogmeat wasnt going to stop following him around, he was pretty fucking stoked about it.
Heres a doodle of the orange sized babies
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Courier Six (Deano) and his trusted horse Rosemary + Rex the cyberdog!
When Deano found out the Kings dog was sick, being someone who cares deeply for animals (the health of them, the training, the care, etc), agreed to find him a new brain w.o any questions. In Deano's ideal future, he has 6 dogs, so he very much enjoys his time traveling with Rex.
Rosemary is a former working draft from a ranch near the Rio Grande Valley. She has been with Deano since before he was a courier (around 8 years). She loves to steal hats off peoples heads, much to Rex's delight and everyone elses annoyance.
She is very desensitized because of the life they have lived but terrified of motorcycles.
A fun fact: She has killed multiple people.
He teaches Rex how to handshake for iguana bits despite the much touted myth "you can't teach an old dog new tricks". Yes, he shows everyone this.
Also, not shown here are the various stray dogs and other animals he picks up/saves along his travels much to (sometimes) the dismay of his companions.
Rosemary the Horse based on the Sleipnir breed by @owligator !
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shepscapades · 4 months
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Prepping for Art Fight for the first time, so I’m finally making some solid refs for my sona!! :] Figured I would share her here!
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ghost-qwq · 7 months
Here's the Fallout 4 ones 👍
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gamebunny-advance · 24 days
Nintendo out there just casually (kinda) confirming the "descended from humans" and "the wraiths are involved in all of the spaceship crashes" theories.
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Okay, they're not really "confirmations" but more like they're officially addressing the different theories that people have about the true nature of PNF-404 and are telling you to keep on speculating on your own time.
Take these translations with a grain of salt since they're machine translations.
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dandeleon · 2 months
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moar pikmin doodles 😋
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somerandomdudelmao · 5 months
THANK YOU BFXJFMJH YEah he is intentionally designed like that ehehe. He is a shark and a star and a robot~
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slf-cntrl · 11 months
there’s just too much going on lol
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seagulley · 4 days
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patron saint of the end of summer.
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shepherds-of-haven · 6 months
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This just makes me giggle, chasing chase lololol
Chase's memory of their first meeting:
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MC's memory of their first meeting:
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plutonicbees · 5 months
no but it's actually insane that tommy shepherd was introduced with the lore that he accidentally blew up his high school, and his first public action as Speed™️ is blowing up the UN building, and then marvel proceeded to go "so his power is just being fast, and his twin gets to fuck around with the fabric of reality, and he gets... nothing!"
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v1x-holo · 2 months
Having ultimate fun w the Hunger Games generator OMG
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lucky-draws · 10 months
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(transcript + some notes/explanation under the cut:)
i feel like the context of this is maybe only apparent in my own head LOL so basically ive kind of imagined an au where, based on the rebirth ending, james has succeeded in bringing mary back to life, but also maria, and also james gets killed in the process. so it's basically just maria and mary alone in the townTM trying to figure each other out. and this is a letter maria sends mary at some point basically. transcript in case the font is annoying to read:
Mary, You’ll have to forgive me if any of this sounds a little weird. I haven’t written anybody a letter in years, and I’m not sure if I have much of a way with words. Though I’ve been spending a lot of time in Ernest’s library lately, so hopefully some of his great literature has rubbed off on me. Somehow, I had this idea that I never liked reading much - that it wasn’t really my style - but I ended up getting kind of hooked. His dusty old books sure aren’t the worst company in this town, at any rate. I wonder what we really are, you and I. I used to think of us as two music box dolls: dancing side by side, spinning in perfect unison to somebody else’s tune. Like a pair of clocks keeping the same time. Two parallel lines, and an impossibility for us to ever intersect, to face each other head-on without some kind of disaster.
We’re not completely identical, though. If you looked closely at me - if you could bear to do that - you’d see all my imperfections. I lack your fine details. The paint on my lips is messier, my joins are showing, and there are bits of sprew left between my fingers. Pick me up, and you’ll feel how much lighter I am - I’m missing a lot of internal parts, you see. I’m a knock-off - we were cast from different molds. You were born of nature, while I was born from your very own killer. But I suppose I don’t need to tell you that. Do you hate me? I understand if you do. Or maybe I’m not so important - maybe you can only think of him. Or perhaps you’re trying not to think of anything at all when you sit by that lake for hours on end. I don’t know how you can stand it - going to the lake every day. It's so quiet. No ducks, not even a single bird. I’d go crazy, I think. That’s why I like to stay at the bar: there’s no one here either, of course, but it feels easier to imagine there might be. To pretend that we’ve only just closed, that those drinks on the table belonged to the last customers, and not to me. I’ve been so restless lately, sitting in the bar all night. I wonder if - no, I guess I’m hoping that - something’s going to give, soon. I think I’m losing the beat  - I’m spinning slower than you are. I think it’s because I keep getting distracted, always thinking of you. I don’t know what it is. Perhaps it’s simply because you’re the only thing in this dreadful town that’s not a monster. But I think you must be as lonely as I am. Much more so, probably. And I can’t help but wonder what it would be like if you’d only reach through the mirror and touch me. I’m full of missing pieces, I know - but I have this notion that between us, we might just be able to come together into something like a real person. You know, some days I feel I hardly know who I am; but other times I feel so sure that I’m beginning to dance to my own beat. It’s no fun dancing alone, though. Well, I guess you know where to find me. I’ll be waiting at the bar tonight. I always am. I’ve waited there every night - for something, someone, anything, anyone - for what feels like forever. But these days, I’m just waiting for you. See you around, Maria
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shepscapades · 9 months
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brosif40 · 1 year
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Shepherd would absolutely take them out to get icecream :3c
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Garrus "The rules at C-Sec annoyed me so I joined the first human Spectre on her mission to hunt down and murder my fellow Turian Saren" Vakarian. Garrus "if the dalatress had offered me the same genocidal deal for the safety of Palavan I probably would have taken it" Vakarian. Garrus "I'm gonna hunt this organ-stealer down and murder him in cold blood. You coming?" Vakarian. Garrus "calibrating weapons of mass destruction is my hobby" Vakarian. Garrus "I was so good at killing mercenaries I accidentally united them into a single, bigger mercenary group, then killed them too" Vakarian. Garrus "the Turians planting a secret bomb on Tuchanka was ingenious" Vakarian. Garrus "the collectors used this base to liquify hundreds of thousands of innocent people into a reaper, but waste not want not" Vakarian. Garrus "You've been hanging out with an anti-alien terrorist group after being dead for two years? Let me just sign up" Vakarian. Garrus "this guy is responsible for the death of my squad. Lure him into a crowded area so I can gun him down in the middle of the Citadel" Vakarian. Garrus -
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