#I ❤️ jo
kaq3yma · 24 days
⸻ a brief mention of bully + shaming, very slightly angst, slight violence if you squint, hurt to comfort.
qeena's brief note: a very short drabble from me to make it up for (?) idk what (੭˃ᴗ˂)੭ if you guys somehow notice it from how i wrote this, im still having a bit hard times characterising togame (all winbre chacs actually (。•́︿•̀。) ) im having a hard time rn so very sorry if this is shit but im learning so bare with me TT TT thank u so much sayangsss and happy reading xoxo
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As the day draws to a close, the sun gradually sink beneath the horizon creating hues of gold and crimson. You settle on the swing, your feet bring you back and forth as the metal creaks and dip at the slight force. You had a pack of ice on your cheek, a futile attempt to soothe the swollen bump before he came. Without notice, the swing beside you creaks causes you to tilt your head. The prominent yellow colored jacket makes your eyes lit and brighten up.
Togame has two bottles of ramune in his hands. He pops both marbles inside the bottle with frizz spewing out and give you one "What's with all that ice? He chuckles, taking a quick sip of his drink. You shake your head, his chuckle mixing in with your faint laughter "My teacher slapped me because I hurt my classmate." His brows quirk in a surprised manner "...Yeah," You look down, fiddling with the marble inside your carbonated drink.
You look up to stare at him because he said nothing but his face, you can tell by his expression, he's pleading you to begin again. A wry laugh escaped past your lips "He was talking shit about me, calling me ugly. I was so pissed off... I think I broke his nose." That earns you a laugh from Togame. You look at him, offended that he find times to laugh when you're being serious and swollen. His laughter trails off and he stare at you "You should've gauge his eyes out, that can make sure he's really blind." You scoff, laughing at his reckless and playful demeanor "I'm serious, you dork. Why are you being so violent?" You huff, drinking half of your ramune in frustration.
Suddenly, he gets up and push his hands inside his trouser jeans "Let's go." He walks off and you look at him, baffled "Where are you going, idiot? I was just getting comfortable." Sighing, you pick your stuff and run after him.
The two of you walk alongside each other, finding spots to take a breather "You..." His raspy voice caught you in trance and you look up, one brow furrowed upwards "Huh?" He shake his head, picking his glass up from the bridge of his nose to adjusted it "You are actually really pretty, Y/n." You grin, nodding your head at him as a confirmation to his tender words. Togame hold, no, grasp your hand firmly and put them in the pocket of his jacket.
You look at him from the side, and because of his round glass, you couldn't make out his green irises. The Shishitoren second-in-command look down at you, tightening his hold on you. However, when he look down, your reflection flashes into your eyes, ables you to look at your face, your pretty face.
The next day, you woke up and get ready for school. You look at yourself in the mirror, feeling all giddy and confident about today. You pack your stuff inside your bag and hurry out to school. You didn't check your phone when it buzzes but it's a text, from Togame and it says; "Have a nice day at school."
When you arrives, you notice a particular seat is empty. It was that guy's. You look at one of your classmates, asking them for his whereabouts since it's unusual for him to be absent but they mindless shrug you off, saying they had no idea. Unbeknownst to you though...
"What can I do? It's your fault for picking up on my girlfriend, anyway~" A swift blow erupt from the narrow alleyway and this time, Togame knows, the guy's nose is broke, for real.
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𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓 is open. all rights reserved goes to @kaq3yma on tumblr.
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sneg-v-avgustu · 4 months
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(original video)
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leonsliga · 7 months
Q: Who would you trust the most?
Really depends on the favor, but I have many guys I can rely on. If it’s really important, then I’d probably call Joshua (Kimmich). 
Special thanks to @deep-blue-painted-golden for the translation help ❤️
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sunsetsandsunshine · 4 months
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Guess who has a new hyperfixation?
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bobasthrone · 2 days
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oh this pic.rew is cute
feel free to reblog with your s/i and your f/os if you want!!
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higheldertala · 19 days
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any day meeting katy manning is a good day 💛💛💛
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livelaughlovepedri · 5 months
lyon in the final oi this is personal to me
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td-rarepairs · 11 months
chat how do we feel about joeather. i think theyre toxic yuri real.....
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lumiereandcogsworth · 2 months
favourite belle headcanon(s)?
oohhh my beloved girl….
these got long so i’m putting them under the cut 😁
one i think about all the time is how she kind of becomes a forever student. and by that i mean, once she becomes ✨royalty✨ she gets in contact with the headmaster and other professors at the university of paris and she just like. always studies there. i think her & adam live in paris sometimes too so she gets to be in classes occasionally. but she just CRAVES knowledge and wants to learn EVERYTHING. by the time she’s older she probably has like every possible degree you could get there. like literally i think she’s like a pokémon trainer; gotta collect ‘em all!!!!
and of course she’s always working on the education system as queen, trying very hard to get more schools built, create laws that mandate it for all children - INCLUDING GIRLS!!!! and she’s just. soooo involved in education. she loves studying and learning and she wants to make sure no one has to grow up deprived of it the way she was. (because not everyone has a cool papa who taught them as much as he could and encouraged them to read so much !!) so yeah just. all things education✨ i have a wip i need to revisit that’s set when adam & belle are first married and she’s back from spending time with her tutor and she starts rambling about all the things she’s learned and adam’s listening with heart eyes and then she stops and apologizes for rambling and he’s like no i love it tell me more !! and it kinda makes her choke up because no one’s ever loved her for that amazing mind of hers….🤧
another one i really love is that i think she’s very clingy/snuggly in bed. and i don’t think she realized how much she loved being held when she slept until adam held her and she felt so SAFE. i think because she’s always been so independent, always had to fend for herself, she just didn’t realize how much she actually liked having someone to protect her — even if there isn’t any actual danger while they sleep. just knowing he’s holding her, it kind of helps her to let her guard down. which she needs to do just as much as adam does!
when she and adam travel (which is very often) she keeps diaries of every place they go. it started with their honeymoon, when adam gifted her, on their wedding day, a journal to take note of their adventures. and she loves it so much that she keeps it up! she has DECADES worth of journals in the shelves of her study back home, by the time she’s older. she loves to make notes about the food and the people and the whether and the flora & fauna and all of it!!! she loves exploring SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!! her and adam usually have to do some kind of Royal Thing™️ while they’re anywhere, but they also take time to go off the beaten path and explore and meet local people and just dive in wherever they are. and i like to think that, in their universe, the Travel Diaries of Queen Belle remain very well-preserved throughout time, and are some of the coolest artifacts in french history 🤌
she love baking and cooking !!!!!! she doesn’t get to do it very often since being the queen and having a million other responsibilities, but it was always one of her favorite things to do both for and with her father. and she LOVES the giant ass castle kitchen, i just know she goes crazy in there at least once a week. it’s the most fun when she’s pregnant and having wild cravings. she makes insane concoctions that literally do not taste good but she loves them. i have another random little unposted scene of adam finding her in the kitchen, acting like a mad scientist cooking three different things at once, and adam gets suspicious and asks if she’s pregnant again lmao. she laughs and says she isn’t, she just happened to be reading a cook book recently gifted to her and she couldn’t decide which to try first so she’s making 3 at once!!!!!!!! (but not combined. THAT would definitely be the indicator of another little one)
speaking of her babies!!!!!!!! gosh what can i say about my mama belle headcanons? one big and important one that i have is that she elects to nurse her own babies. which, as you can imagine, is super uncommon for a QUEEN to do. i elaborate on it in This Fic, but essentially she just couldn’t bring herself to adhere to the tradition of a wet nurse. i think because she wanted to find a way to be closer to the mother she lost as an infant, she wanted to do everything her mother did for her before she died. i think her pregnancies, ESPECIALLY her first, were when she thought about her mother the most. because… that was the most time they spent together 🫠 her mother died when belle was only three months old!!!! and she knew, of course, that her mother nursed her. i just think she felt this deep need to honor her & connect to her this way. and adam was originally advocating for a wet nurse, purely thinking about time efficiency, how busy belle is and how much work time she’d have to give up to do this, but after hearing her lament her mother and cry that she couldn’t be here to help show her how to be a mama… he understood. he knows how desperate one can be to connect to a lost mama :( so he supports his queen and they never hire a permanent wet nurse for their children! (there was a temporary one for a FEW times they HAD to go on small trips when they had a baby and they just couldn’t take her or him, but it was only under that kind of urgent/dire circumstance.)
i think belle is an absolutely iconic and very involved queen, but early on i think she struggles with it a lot. one of my favorite things to think about for her is how like… she was an outcast in the village, but she’s STILL an outcast in royal society. like i think she had this secret hope that this new position in life would be the answer; that she’d finally find her place. and she does eventually! but at first it’s rough. adam believes in her wholeheartedly and he LOVES that she is queen, but the rest of their court doesn’t fully take to her as easily. it’s strange enough that she came out of the woodwork, not from royalty, not even from a prominent noble family as far as they can tell! but As Queen she’s so much more involved than any of them could have anticipated. the older court and council members recall adam’s mother and grandmother, both very inactive queens (because they were very abused and disregarded by their husbands…) and therefore are confused by this sudden shift (especially because they KNEW of adam’s delinquency prior to meeting her, so they can’t fathom how he’s changed so much and is so supportive of her) and the younger court and council members just have no idea how to respond. they’re all willing to play the part and respect their queen, but then she’s… actually in meetings and actually sharing ideas and plans and making decisions and it’s like ???
and not even to mention, her ideas are very ahead of her time and forward thinking — and they don’t care for that shit at all! it’s just all very strange. and french court people are gossiping little pricks and so people talk about her a lot, and she feels just as isolated and different as she did in the village. she struggles a lot with it early on. and adam does everything he can to support her and comfort her and believe in her. but he also takes a lot of the blame for how she’s treated, because he feels like it’s his fault for bringing her into this life. even though she obviously chose all of this willingly. so, it’s just TOUGH. but time does carry on, and eventually belle does have the respect of her court, at least the vast majority of it. she does find her place in the end, it just doesn’t happen as swiftly as she had hoped.
gosh, okay, one last note that i will make much lighter: she loves loves loves loves loves LOVES to read to her children. which is obvious, i know, but oh my gosh. she just loves it. she loves when adam reads to them too, but i think something fills her heart so completely when she’s sitting with them gathered on the floor, or she’s in bed and they’re snuggled around her, she’s just whisking them away to all these adventures. reading was always her escape, and i think she likes that, for them, it’s just a way to expand their dreams. she loves teaching them so much, she loves watching their little minds expand with curiosity and creativity. she never really expected to become a mother, because she wasn’t going to let herself settle in that village, so now that she IS one, i think she just loves giving them the whole world. she loves listening to them read, too. she loves listening to them talk and sing and play and laugh. she loves being a mama so much more than she ever even considered. i think because she always attached that kind of thought to being in a loveless marriage in the village she’d be stuck in forever. but there’s so much love between her and adam, it always multiples with each of their three little babies. and she didn’t have to give herself up for any of it. she gets to be a brilliant queen; a student, a teacher, a leader, while still being the best wife and mama (and daughter!!) to the ones she loves the most. i just love writing her happily ever after so much. i think she was really beginning to lose hope in that village, and i love how it all changed, and that adventure in the great wide somewhere is always right at her finger tips :”)
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19871997 · 3 months
this nhl awards lets bring back connor voting leon for best player last year which tbh i can only assume he’s done every year since 2016
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cannibalismyuri · 10 months
wow are u seriously romanticizing eating ppl and lesbianism :/
sorry my foot slipped and i made that my url i'll change it asap 😔 i cant believe i romanticized such things ☹️
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Gold standard otp dynamic (to me) is autistic & adhd besties
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jungwonswife · 10 months
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Happy one year to my boys!! I love them so much. I've been supporting them since the beginning and I can't wait to keep supporting them in the future ❤️
I hope the next year is even better than the last!
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bobasthrone · 5 months
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whatarethe0ddsac · 1 year
Bigger Person- Chestappen One Shot💙✨
AFTER LITERALLY ONE MONTH AND A BIT- I FINALLY finished my most dramatic and longer one short!
This is a story that touches many delicate matters, so pls read the tags first so you are warned
I really really hope you guys enjoy this! LOVE Y’ALL! Happy October! 🧡✨✨✨
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thegengarprincess · 5 months
!!!!! Magical girls!!!! Joker Out Magical Girls!!!!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, sounds very cool 👀👀👀😻😻😻😻😻😻😻.
Hope you have a nice day 💛💛💛💛
Magical girly supremacy F.T.W >XDD!! Wearing their pretty lil dresses defeating bad guys N serving so much cunt while their at it 🥰🥰✨,fr got notes opened N ready 2 go 4 brainstorming ideas as we *speak* :33! It was a big hyperfixtations 4 awhile N mixing it was another hyperfixtation is gonna be so much fun aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh!!💘💘💓💓💗💗 I can’t wait 2 get started N 4 U 2 read it,have a f4n *AMAZING* day N promise I won’t let U down! >:33
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