torturedpcets · 10 months
i love having relationship trauma
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inkbloodpages · 1 year
Chapter One- Defying Gravity
"Jackie.", I say. I try to say more, but my nose burns, and my jaw is threatening to tremble.
"No, June. Don't. Please. You know I can't let you do this." Her voice is shaky, and her nails are digging into my hand.
"Then come with me. You're just as miserable as I am. I know you are," my jaw has stopped threatening and started doing, so my voice shakes as I continue to speak, "Together we can be unlimited."
"Don't fucking-," Tears are streaming freely down her face now. I stop myself from wiping them off, " Don't you dare quote musicals to me right now."
I laugh, and the tears begin to fall. We're laughing and sobbing, clinging to each other like the world will fix itself. And isn't that the way it's always been? Me and Jackie against the world, beating our circumstances into submission. But it's all different now. I'm tired. I'm done fighting. I'm just ready to be free. To be gone. And it kills me that I can't be gone with her. I feel like I'm performing my own brain surgery, cutting the tumor that my family has become out of my brain. But it's connected to her. And I have to take her out with the tumor.
"I can't stay, Jackie. You know I can't do it. I'm getting out, one way or another, and I'd prefer the route that doesn't involve pills and a body bag."
"Promise me you will come back. Even if it's just to visit, promise you will come back to me." She's still crying. All signs of fighting are gone. I'm looking up at her, but I still see her for what she is, a scared little girl. Her grip on my hand hasn't loosened, and half my fingers are tingling or numb, but I don't care. If taking all feeling from my right hand is her way of saying goodbye to me, so be it.
"I promise I will visit you."
She lets go of my hand, and I feel like I have just been pushed off the world's edge. I taste blood as my teeth slice through my bottom lip, trying so hard to stop the sobs threatening to tear from my throat. I feel like I'm floating out of my body as we climb out of the tree, not feeling the pain in my lip or my hands as the bark digs into my palms. The sadness seems to float away, too, replaced by a deafening numbness.
She says more, but I don't hear. It's not until she hugs me that I return to my body. My tether to the world has returned, and a wave of anxiety crashes through my senses. What am I going to do without her? My lip continues to gush blood as I chew at it, ripping at the edges of the new wound. What am I going to do without her?
The question echoes through my mind, the only thought I can think of before she speaks.
"June. The sun is setting. I have to go home." I try to speak, my lungs fighting against my ever-tightening ribcage, but all I can manage is a sob. I hug her tighter before I let go, hoping she understands all the words left unsaid. She doesn't say goodbye to me before she walks away, and I don't blame her.
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darwindrawz · 3 years
GTFO Team 729 AU fic (no one should read this except Sky)
@skyllion-uwu here it is, sorry it took me so long to figure out how to get it here lmao
Some notes:
- if you are not Sky, please save me the embarrassment and don’t read this. If you do read this, don’t make fun of me for it.
-Tore is Italian-American and has extreme anger issues, Bright is a stuck up ex-spy German asshole, and they both hate each other (at least at first).
-The team is currently trying to find a way to a lab on the upper levels to retrieve a dna sample, but Tore insisted on navigating even though Bright is the scout and he got them lost. Bright then took the map files from him to prevent any further confusion, and they are still fighting about this.
Warnings: lots of swearing, some light angst, Flea being too pure for this world (or the gtfo world I guess)
The crackling of the team’s campfire nearly drowned out the screams of sleepers behind a nearby wall, but not enough to put Flea at ease.
He kept one hand on his gun, careful not to let the others see, lest they find out he wasn’t as tough as they all thought he was.
“I’m tellin you, we’ve been headin the wrong way for days now! We’ll never find our way outta this shithole if you don’t fuckin give me the map files!”
He rolled his eyes under his helmet. Tore and Bright were arguing again. Not that it was anything unusual; they were all under stress, and it didn’t help the two’s ongoing feud to be trapped in the same seemingly endless hallway for four days.
“Oh of course, because you know what you’re doing more than any of us do.” Bright snapped back. “Get a grip. You’re acting as immature as that mangy little kid.”
Flea perked up at that. Where was the kid, anyway? He had seen them while they were setting up camp, but now that they had a fire going it seemed that he had skulked off somewhere in the darkness surrounding them.
He stood up, eliciting a glance from Tore and Bright but no questions. “I’m gonna go find...” he trailed off as he realized neither of them were listening, his deep voice muffled by the sound of them chewing each other’s heads off.
“My fuckin rank is “tech”, dumbass! What do you think that means? THAT I’M IN CHARGE OF THE TECH.”
“Ach, verpiss dich!”
Flea sighed, picking up his gun and stepping into the shadows. Idiots. And he was supposed to be the big strong dumb one.
It wasn’t long before he heard Teeth’s raspy breathing coming from somewhere up ahead in the dingy hallway. Knowing better than to call out to him, he pulled out his flashlight and clicked it on and off several times, shining it at the opposite wall.
There was a pause, and then Flea heard the sound of hurried footsteps coming toward him. Just in case, he put a finger on the trigger of his combat rifle.
Flea felt his shoulders relax as the kid came into view, holding his helmet in one hand and a nutrient block in the other.
“Hey kid. What’re you doing out here? It’s not safe.” He asked, lowering his flashlight as he realized it was shining directly in Teeth’s eyes.
He barked a gravelly laugh, his sharp teeth exposed. “This whole PLACE isn’t safe. Here is just extra not safe.”
Flea chuckled, shaking his head. Weird kid.
“What are you doing out here?” Teeth asked, spreading his scrawny arms to gesture at the dark hallway.
Flea sighed. “Tore and Bright are-“
“Fighting again.” Teeth groaned dramatically. “Yeah, yeah. What else is new.”
Flea smiled. “Yeah.”
“Hey!” Teeth exclaimed suddenly, making Flea jump. “You wanna see something cool?”
“Uh... sure? Whoah!” He yelled as Teeth grabbed his arm, dragging him into the dark shadow he had come out of at as fast of a pace as he was able.
Well, technically Teeth wasn’t dragging him. Flea was letting himself be dragged by someone half his height, mostly out of confusion and amusement.
Flea couldn’t tell where they were going, but before long he knew they had walked further than he and the others had scouted. The hall looked unfamiliar here, and the screams of sleepers gradually became distant and hushed.
Suddenly, after what Flea judged to be around 20 minutes of stumbling through the dark, Teeth stopped, bouncing on his toes as he grinned up at Flea. “TADA!”
Flea frowned confusedly, looking around. As far as he could see, there was nothing but a dark, empty, grey room with a large pile of old rubble in the center where the ceiling had caved in.
Even if there was nothing, at least there weren’t any sleepers.
He grunted as he felt Teeth’s sharp elbow dig into his side. “No, you big dummy! Up there!”
Flea followed his friend’s gaze, squinting against the light.
Wait, light?
“How...” he murmured in awe and confusion.
Teeth beamed. “Isn’t it great? And it’s MINE, cause I found it. If you climb on top, you can even see the sky-shiners!”
Flea looked down, confused. “Sky-shiners..?”
Teeth nodded vigorously. “Yeah! C’mere, lemme show you!” He said, grabbing Flea’s arm again and “dragging” him up the pile of concrete chunks and metal.
He let go of him once they had reached the summit of the tiny mountain, practically shaking with excitement as he pointed at the hole in the ceiling where the shaft of pale light streamed in. “There! Look!”
Flea took off his helmet, breathing in the fresh air that had somehow, miraculously, found its way to them. He looked up, his mouth falling open in awe as he looked from Teeth to the night sky above them. They must have gotten so lost they somehow ended up in one of the upper levels.
Which explained a lot. Tore had the sense of direction of a blind cow.
“That’s somethin else.” He smiled, feeling peace for the first time in days uncountable as he observed what Teeth had called the “sky-shiners”.
Stars. He means the stars. Poor kid probably either has never seen em, or doesn’t remember what they are.
He glanced at Teeth, who was squinting at the light with a look of pure, unfettered joy on his face. “How’d you find this place?”
Teeth’s face fell and he hesitated, shrugging. “I dunno.” He mumbled. “Just sorta bumped into it I guess.”
Flea raised an eyebrow. “You just happened to bump into a room half a mile away from camp?”
Teeth squirmed under his gaze, picking at the scar that ran across his face without giving an answer.
“Alright fine!” Teeth gave in, sighing as he plopped down on the rubble pile cross-legged. “I was tryin to run away, but I got distracted.”
Flea’s eyes widened in surprise. “Run away? To where???”
Teeth shot him a look. “I hadn’t thought that far ahead, ok?!”
Flea stared at him, half in shock and half in sadness that Teeth would just run off like that. They were friends, so he had thought.
He sat down next to him, thinking for a moment before speaking again.
“Why’d you wanna run away?”
Teeth glanced at him. “You wouldn’t get it.”
He scoffed, smiling gently. “Try me, kid.”
His friend sighed, planting his chin in his hands as he stared at the sliver of navy sky above them. “I... I guess I just got sick of it all. Y’know, Tore and Bright fighting, non being able to spit without hitting a sleeper, bein scared all the time... d’you not get tired of all that shit sometimes?”
Flea paused, thinking about his answer. “I do... but we have no other choice. We do what the Warden says, or we’re not around to receive it’s orders. And... even if Tore and Bright are a bit much sometimes, they’re all we’ve got, y’know? You’re all I’ve got. I can’t just give that up.” He finished, smiling passively at the sky.
Teeth was silent for a while, before he burst out laughing. “Wow.” He said in between cackles. “You’re a big cheesy idiot, y’know that?”
Flea laughed. “Maybe. That’s just my opinion though.”
They both went silent for a while, before finally Teeth spoke again in a quieter voice.
“D’you think I’m a mutt?”
Flea looked at him confusedly. “What?”
Teeth shrugged, chewing at one of his fingernails. “I dunno. Bright and Tore talk ugly. They say I’m some kinda animal.“
He raised his eyebrows, making a mental note to pound the others into a bloody paste later. “That’s just stupid.”
“Nah. Maybe they’re right. I only got one brain cell, according to Bright. Whatever that means.” He said, flopping down onto his back with a sigh.
“Kid, that’s not true. You might be a little... charismatic at times, but you’re not a mutt. Tore and Bright are the ones with only one brain cell. Whatever that means.” Flea added, smiling at him.
Teeth sniffed. “You’re pretty cool, Flea. Maybe I’ll stick around a while, since you’re not goin nowhere. Besides, how am I gonna prove I got uh... a lotta brain cells if I never see the others again?”
He laughed. “That’s a good point. Maybe you’ll even teach them a thing or two.”
“Yeah.” Teeth grinned.
“Do you want to go back to camp now?”
“Depends. D’you think they’ll be done fighting?” He shrugged.
Flea laughed. “Heh. Never. Maybe they’ll have their panties in less of a twist, though.”
Teeth stood up, dusting off his hands. “Well c’mon then. I got places to be, the team’s not gonna annoy itself.” He joked, looking at an imaginary watch on his wrist and cackling.
He smiled, standing and putting his helmet back on. “Lead the way.”
As his friend took off enthusiastically down the dark hallway, Flea turned and savored one last glimpse of the moon. He missed it; being on the surface. The fresh air, and trees, and no constant petrifying fear of whether or not you’d make it to the next day.
But as he followed Teeth down the twisting concrete passage, and heard the sound of Tore and Bright’s bickering accented voices begin to grow louder, he felt the longing and sadness drain from his weary body. They were his family now, and it was his job to keep them together. And if he was going to die in a dark, filthy, sleeper-ridden shithole, he was going to do it fighting for them.
“Where were you?” Bright asked impatiently, looking up as he and Teeth stepped back into the comforting circle of warmth around their fire.
Teeth snorted. “That’s real sweet, Bright. I didn’t expect you to notice we were gone.”
Flea shot him a silencing look. “We found a way forward.”
Teeth frowned. “We did?”
“Are you serious?” Bright asked, raising his eyebrows.
He nodded. “Teeth found a way to the upper levels. Just where we need to go to get to the labs.”
Bright turned to Teeth skeptically, looking him up and down. “This mutt found a way up that we couldn’t find in four days of scouting?”
“He’s not a mutt.” Flea growled, causing Bright to look back away with a frightened expression on his face. “And yes. Now are you two gonna sit here squawking like an old married couple, or are we going to get out of here?”
Bright glanced at Tores, who flipped him off briefly before nodding at Flea. “Sounds good to me. Let’s go.”
He looked down at his friend, who was shifting uncomfortably under the multitude of eyes locked on him. Flea patted him on the back, smiling even if Teeth couldn’t see it through his helmet. “You’re in charge, kid. Lead the way.”
Teeth grinned, puffing out his chest slightly as the power visibly went straight to his head. “Follow me, assholes!”
Bright and Tore reluctantly followed him as he took off sprinting down the hallway, nearly tripping several times in his excitement. Flea brought up the rear, stomping out their fire as he followed after them, smiling.
Back on the move again, and no sleepers chasing them this time. It looked like everything was going to be ok.
For now, at least.
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vikingsagine · 4 years
My Religion & Your Pagan Ways (Ubbe Ragnarsson x Reader)
Yo whats up goisss? Okay, ew. Never doing that again. But anyways, yeah my heart will always scream Team Ivar but got to give this gentleman his spotlight. Thank the Gods for the actor that plays him, hottie. 
Summary: You are a Christian girl who lives in the world of Anglo-Wessex with a dream of adventure and freedom. That might just happened when you meet one of the many sons of the famous, Ragnar.
Warning: Sexism. 
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It was known. You were weak and many people took advantage of that. You were weak because of your lack of voice, lack of skill at anything like cooking or cleaning, weak because you were so...tamed. It was known and most found it right. A woman is weak. 
That is why, when the most feared and legendary folk set foot in the land of Wessex, seeking shelter and protection for allegiance, it was meant to be. You knew, the first you laid eyes on their pagan faces, life was about to take a different turn. Better or for worse? It is yet to be settled.
Night came sooner than expected and you were sitting at the dining table, awaiting your Father and Mother’s company. Afton was still coming back from an emergency council with the other priests, whereas your Mother was sitting across from you, taking timid bites of her meat. 
“Mother there is news I would like to share with you and Father. It is quite important.” You avoided eye contact, fiddling with the cutlery in hand. You wanted to ask permission to leave Wessex and journey to other lands, there was a sense of adventure that stirred in the pits of your stomach. Yes, you were a Christian woman, obedient to their parents but you had dreams. Impossible as they seem, they were vibrant like the colors of a rainbow.
“Please don’t tell me it’s about your problem of seeking adventure.” Mother replied and took a sip of her wine. You felt slightly dispirited and glanced up at the woman, her nose too buried in the reflection of a mirror. “Your Father and I discussed these terms with you. There is no way you are going to leave the walls of Wessex, your position remains here until you marry a high lord or priest.” Just then, Afton walked through the doors, his clothes slightly disheveled and lips too pink. You pushed the noticeable different details away.
“What have I missed?”
“Oh nothing dear, your daughter still has the insane notion of going to ‘explore’. I think it is the fault of those barbarians.” Your Father gave you a hard and stern stare, daring you to dear speak or even explain yourself or hold eye-contact. But, as per usual you lowered your head and gulped.
“I see.” He hummed with a crude expression. You could feel the obvious rage from his ungraceful slurp of wine and chew of meat. “You must get rid of those dreams right away. You know you are destined to be here in Wessex and marry the future pope. It is a stupid idea for you to believe.” He let out an amused laugh, finding your want to leave the burdening walls of your home so absurd and entertainment. 
“Yes Father, I am sorry. I will pray to the Lord and the blessed Mary in hopes to keep my mind pure.” It was a rehearsed answer you repeated ever since you were a child, only changing the lines every so often. He gave you a small smile of forgiveness.
“Good, that is good my dear.” You bit back the burning tears and the sour pit of retaliation. But, oh you were ever so good at obedience and continued as if nothing had happened. If all has been forgiven. “You are a woman. You wouldn’t know how to fend for yourself. You are too gentle and soft, a true lady.”
At that moment, something snapped from inside. The barrier of what kept you from retaliating and what kept you submitting to every word thrown at you. A fiery storm that had been bottled up over the years popped and sizzled to every cave of your body. This world was a world you had been trying to fit in for too long, you yearned for freedom and choice. Strength. Your fate was set and you’d prove to your Father that because you are a woman, does not mean you are weak. It was time to be bold. You stood abruptly from the table and excused yourself, hiding the raging emotions. 
If it’s freedom and strength you seek, you know where the answer lies.
You swung back and forth, jabbing the tree with your supposed ‘weapon’, a stick. It wasn’t ideal but you had to start somewhere and even so, it wasn’t as easy as you’d thought it to be. A, this is the most physical activity you had ever committed, there was no reason for you before. B, it was scary being alone in the forest yards away from town, anyone could kill you and no one would hear.
“What are you doing?” Ubbe stood, arms folded in front and wore an amused smirk. You jumped at the sound and stumbled over a few branches, only to land on the ground with a thud. Seriously? This earned a low chuckle from the viking who made no move to help.
“You shouldn’t be here.” Heat flew to your cheeks as you stood up and dusted the leaves off your dress. “If you hurt me, m-my Father will-”
“Your Father will kill me?” He took a step closer to you and instinctively you backed away. This man was staunch and stood over your frame like a tower even if you were on the chubbier side of most women. His aroma seeped with power and it made you shrink inwardly. “Not to break your bubble princess, but you are miles away from town, in the middle of a dense forest, alone with me. No one would even hear your screams.” His form was close, you could feel him burn holes into your skull. This made you let out a scream and drop to the ground, eyes screwed shut and hands up as a way of defense.
“Please, please don’t hurt me.” 
“You Christian women are truly unbelievable.” You heard the crunch of his footsteps back away and watched as he left. “Worse then the men, weak.” He muttered, barely audible but you heard. Heard as clear as day. Without thinking you picked up the stick you were using moments before and struck the viking. Immediately regret filled your body. Ubbe froze in his tracks, not knowing whether to laugh or to be angry.
“I-I-” Say it, tell him you’re not weak.”I-I, I’m sorry.” The voice inside hurled, you were disappointed but you were afraid. It wasn’t like you wanted to hit him but it just happened. Something took over you like wildfire, something you never felt before. He marched up to your being, gripped the stick and threw it behind him with one swift movement. Your words were caught in your mouth as he held you firmly against the tree, body pressed into yours like glue. You tried to scream but he held his hand over your mouth. 
“Be quiet.” With a nod of his head, you followed his analytical gaze and saw four men. Strangers. Enemies. Vikings. You thrashed around in an attempt to run away but Ubbe squashed you against the tree. Not only was it completely violating your space but it made it worse because of the situation you were in. “Stop moving.” He barked with a firm tone, you obliged. “Stay here and don’t move.”
You watched as he crept onto the four men, head low and body slumped against the tree. Fear shook your body, so unaccustomed to violence or any dangerous situation. It was the first time you felt adrenaline and a rush of pumping blood. Ubbe weaved behind trees, a sword in his hand and then he spoke. Words you couldn’t understand but obviously the exchange wasn’t exactly good because the next they swung their swords and attacked each other. You watched in awe, how easily though rugged and rough, the Viking swung from man to man, killing left and right. The sight wasn’t pleasing however, it was beautiful to watch Ubbe so fluently whip the metal weapon like a pure sight of passionate art. 
“Ahh, please, please, ahh.” Someone grabbed you from behind, hands rough and smells intoxicating in the worst way. He smelled of old rotting flesh, alcohol and musk. A knife was held against your neck. “Please, please, please..” You started to cry and shake, there was no doubt that this man had no mercy. He yelled something which earned Ubbe’s attention, finishing the last man with a brutal blow. His chest heaved up and licked his lips, assessing your dire situation. Before another word came out of your captive’s mouth, his face was pierced by a sword and he was instantly dead. “Oh heavenly Father, please forgive me. Please, please. Oh my.” 
“You okay?” Ubbe questioned, eyeing your form for any injuries of some sort but there were only blood stains. Small but still real. You gave him a slow nod and held the cross necklace around your neck. “Good, we have to go back to Wessex.” He pulled a barely living man from the ground and dragged him along. 
After your unfortunate incident with Ubbe Ragnarsson and the random enemies of some other Vikings, it gave you a clear sight of how you would gain strength. Not only did that scary experience open your eyes to what you had to do but it also made you realize how you lacked a backbone. You are helpless and you are weak. And that had to change. 
“You can do this. You can do this. You can do this.” Repeating like a chant, you approached Ubbe Ragnarsson. He was once again fighting with the blonde woman, both intensely swinging their metallic arms and wore daring smiles. You couldn’t help but wonder if the two were an item. They did seem perfect for one another. There was a part of you that was envious of the viking women, they were brave and free. Though still looked down upon, they stood firm against all odds and beside their men. Soon enough they both finished, speaking in their native tongue until the woman left to another destination with two children.
“What is it you want princess?” Ubbe spoke, back still turned to you. You blushed slightly, he knew you were watching. 
“I-I, I haven’t thanked you for saving my life.” You stepped from the wall, standing a fair distance away from the viking. You noticed the subtle outline of his muscular back from behind his shirt. Even his backside made your heart thump. “So, thank you.”
“You’ve said what you must, you can go.” He turned around to finally face you. It was no surprise to you to see sweat dripping from his forehead and soaked the front of his shirt. Sticking to his prominent chest that puffed and heaved. He noticed your lingering gaze and chuckled. “Unless the Christian girl wants something else.” He leaned back on the bench which held many different weapons. Some you’ve never seen before.
“Yes, I do.” You took in a deep breath and finally peered into the vikings eyes for the first time. Oh, how you regret it. It was like falling into a  void of freckled specs of white in the endless pit of the purest blue. So light and so delicate. But hard as stone. “I-I-I, want you to, to, to um, to, there’s, well.” You pulled yourself back into reality and cleared your throat. “I want you to teach me how to fight, please.” Ubbe threw his head back in laughter, his voice bouncing with the sweetest sound of bitter muse. 
“It has been a long time since I’ve laughed like that.” He turned back around to his prior doings wearing a large smile. You didn’t expect any less of his reaction, it made you huff. “And here I thought you had a stick lodged up your ass.” You scoffed.
“I do not have a-ugh. Please teach me.” You followed his form as he walked around the wooden bench, ignorant to your voice. He was being nothing then rude. “I can pay you, gold and silver.” It still didn’t earn his attention, not even by the slightest. “My Father, he is one of the council members to the King, he has a lot of money. I will do anything for you to teach me.” Whatever you said, earned a reaction. He turned around abruptly and entered your personal space, blue eyes wandering over your face. 
“You are a priest's daughter?” You took a step back, he followed. You didn’t know whether it was a heathen thing to barge in each other’s personal space or whether or not it was just him. You placed your hands in front of yourself, keeping enough distance.
“Y-yes, I am.” He stood there giving you the most curious and intense stare anyone has ever given you. Especially a man. Not many men even glanced your way because of the reputation your Father held, daring not to touch a hair on your body. It was strange and uncomfortable to have the undying attention of a man. 
“You know a lot about your God.” The statement came out as more of a question and you gave him a slow nod. “Good. I accept the conditions of you teaching me your Christian ways.” As soon as he pulled his being away, you could feel the cold bound around your body. You were stunned. Why would a barbarian want to learn about God or Jesus Christ?
“It is none of your business. Did I ask why you want to learn to fight? No.” He was undeniably right. Instead you grabbed his hand and shook it, Ubbe gave you a skeptical look. “What are you doing?”
“I’m sealing the deal. Now you are bound to me.” He raised his eyebrows at your answer. “I mean, not bound ‘bound’ to me. Just, bound to me to not take your word back.” You let his hand go and flushed the color of pink.
“You mean, a promise?” He reached for your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. Sealing the deal. But instead all you could feel was the flutter of your heart and the chatter of your knees. His touch was warm, rough from tough skin but still so tender. You retracted your hand and cleared your throat. “We will train in the forest, where we first met, early in the morning and later in the afternoon. Be there.” 
“Right, oh and no one can-”
“Don’t worry princess, your secret is safe with me.” He gave you wink, then packed the last of his weapons and left. You turned on your heel and headed home. Not only were you enormously happy but you felt accomplished.
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Back To The Past Chapter 6
Description: Daryl has a conversation with two people he cares greatly about. 
Back To The Past
Daryl struggled against the bonds holding him trapped against the tree. The ropes had begun to cut into his skin.
He thought back to how he had come to be like this:
“Stop right there!” Shane said authoritatively with his gun up.
Daryl didn’t hesitate to hold his hands in front of him, dropping his bow to the side. He didn’t want to get into it with Shane.
He was a damned psycho.
“Who the hell are you?” the ex-cop questioned.
Daryl sighed. This wasn’t going to go over well.
“Daryl Dixon,” he grunted with some reluctance. He knew they weren’t going to believe him.
Shane frowned and looked him up and down.
“Dixon? You don’t look nothing like him,” Shane assessed, but then he paused, looking Daryl over again. “Actually, maybe a little.”
Daryl huffed and swore under his breath. He should have just made something up and pretended to be some long lost relative of himself.
Too late for that now.
“I’m telling ya man, I’m Daryl Dixon and I know this is gonna sound like a loud of bullshit, but I’m from the future.”
“You expect me to believe that?”
“I don’t expect you to believe shit. But it’s the truth.”
“Man, show me your hands.”
With that said, and with Daryl holding his hands out in front of himself, Shane had produced a pair of handcuffs.
After securing them around Daryl’s wrists, Shane had led him further into camp, past many curious and afraid on-lookers.
At some point after a lot of walking, Shane had swapped the handcuffs out and had coiled a length of rope around him and a tree, keeping his hands down by his side.
So, that’s where he was and where he had been for a few hours now. Shane had yet to question him again, but Daryl knew it wouldn’t be long.
He shifted again, testing the ropes holding him. He wasn’t really trying to escape but the damned thing was uncomfortable.
Besides that, he couldn’t save Sophia or Carol like this.
Daryl continued to stretch his hands, trying to get the rope to give a little.
He stopped when he felt eyes on him. He turned to look and came face to face with a girl long since dead.
“You saved my mom, didn’t you?” she asked in a timid voice.
“It weren’t nothing,” he answered feeling stumped by the sight of her. He knew he must be gaping at her. He couldn’t stop the feeling of guilt that gripped him. He had failed to save this little girl.
“What do you mean, why?” he asked her instead.
“None of the others do. They just pretend it doesn’t happen,” Sophia explained, looking down.
Daryl scoffed. He remembers this.
No one in the camp acknowledged the abuse going on in front of their faces.
Even he, back then, had wanted to step in but only didn’t because Merle said it would make things worse. Back then he always listened to Merle. A stupid thing to do, in hindsight.
“Yeah, I know. Bunch of damn hypocrites, the lot of ‘em,” Daryl spat and then he cleared his throat, “I helped your mom because she shouldn’t have to go through that. She deserves better.”
Sophia’s eyes brightened and she smiled a little.
“Thank you.”
“’Course,” Daryl choked out, feeling oddly emotional.
“Sophia!” came a stern but panicked voice.
Daryl groaned inwardly.
That was someone he had not missed at all. He knew it was disrespectful to think badly of a dead woman, but Lori Grimes just pissed him off. She always had.
The thin brunette came marching over and grabbed Sophia’s arm.
“You stay away from him, okay, sweetheart?” Lori chided the girl.
Sophia frowned at her.
“But he saved my mom!” she protested as she was tugged away.
Sophia turned back to look at him over her shoulder and she gave him a shy smile.
He nodded back at her in acknowledgment.
He would save her this time.
It was much later when a, still, confused looking Shane approached. The man rubbed a hand over his head, as was customary for him.
“Okay, let me get this straight. You’re from the future. You’re the same Daryl Dixon we know, that lives here in this camp?” Shane recounted with a dubious tone.
“That’s right,” Daryl said in a tired voice.
“Can you prove it?” Shane offered, looking him over with the same scepticism.
“Prove it, how?” Daryl huffed. A round of twenty questions wasn’t going to solve this mess. None of them knew him back then.
That was how he had wanted it. He had not cared one bit to get to know these people. The only reason he had stayed with them at all was because of the safety that could be found in numbers. Not to mention Merle’s dumbass plan to rob the unsuspecting group.
“I don’t know man. The way I see it, the only options we got is to wait until Daryl gets back from his hunt,” Shane suggested with a frown.
Daryl sighed in frustration. That could be a long time to wait.
Sometimes his hunts could last for weeks if he didn’t have any luck. Especially since he remembered being extra determined to bring something back. Despite his front of not caring, he had wanted to provide food for the kids so they wouldn’t starve.
“Fine,” he said, because there didn’t seem to be any other option.
Shane nodded and walked off again.
It was going to do wonders for his back to fall asleep like this, he celebrated bitterly.
Worse still, was when the scent of food began wafting through the camp. His stomach growled against his will.
He watched the camp dwellers pass by him every so often with plates full of food. They didn’t bother hiding their pointed stares. They looked terrified of him.
He resolved to look ahead of himself, to block out the sight of the passers with their plates. If he didn’t see it, he didn’t need it. He’d gone longer without food.
He had just grown used to the ease that the communities provided. There were times when he didn’t need to hunt anymore to get his food. A lot of the time, he mainly went because he wanted to. There was barely a necessity for it anymore.
He almost didn’t notice the footsteps approaching him, so intent on distracting himself was he. He looked up, seeing Carol standing there with a plate.
“Hi,” she muttered awkwardly, as she shifted from one foot to the other.
“Hey,” he replied, staring at her in surprise. He hadn’t expected to see her again, at least not this soon.
“I figured Shane probably didn’t give you anything, so, I made you a plate,” she explained with an unsure expression.
“Uh, thanks,” he said in as kind a tone as he was able. He knew he could be off putting at times, so he didn’t want to give her a reason to be afraid.
Carol smiled shyly at him, looking a little surer in herself. She sat herself down in front of him, leaving a small gap between them.
“It’s no problem. I figured I owed you one anyway.”
Daryl immediately shook his head.
“Nah, you don’t owe me nothing.”
Carol looked at him for a beat before she looked back to the plate in her hands.
“Anyway, I know it’s not going to leave you with much dignity, but I can help you eat, if you like,” she offered with a pink tinge to her cheeks.
Daryl scoffed with a small chuckle.
“What dignity?”
She let out a tiny giggle of her own before quickly stopping. She looked around, as if checking if she was seen. Which reminded him.
“Why’d you stop me?” he asked out of nowhere.
Carol blinked at him in confusion. It took another few seconds before understanding filled her gaze. She looked down at her hands.
“Because if I don’t have him, I have no one. We have no one. Me and my daughter.”
Daryl’s heart clenched. She really believed that.
“I know it ain’t gonna make sense to ya, but, you would have me,” Daryl vowed in a strong voice.
Carol watched him, her eyes trailing over his face. Something in her gaze softened.
“I overheard your talk with Shane. Are you really Daryl?” she asked with some doubt in her eyes.
“Yeah, I am,” he answered after chewing his lip.
She seemed to think this over for a moment before she nodded. When she looked at him again, there was confusion in her gaze.
“Why do you care about what happens to me?” she asked in an emotional voice.
He was taken off guard by the question and he gaped at her for a moment before clearing his throat.
“Because you’re my best friend. In the future were friends.”
Carol looked shocked by his words. He couldn’t tell if it was a good shock or a bad one.
“Best friend? Why?” she asked this time, appearing baffled.
Daryl frowned.
Why was she his best friend?
“What do you mean, why?” he asked her, reminding him of the conversation he had with her daughter.
“Why would you want me as your best friend?” she elaborated, insecurity raw in her voice.
Daryl didn’t hesitate in his answer.
“Because you’re the strongest person I know, and because you never gave up on me. Wouldn’t let me pull away when I tried.”
“That doesn’t sound like me at all,” she proclaimed with a sceptical look.
“You’ll get there,” he promised, thinking once again of the strong, fiery woman she becomes.
She didn’t respond but she watched him, as if searching for a lie.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” came an authoritative voice from their left.
They both looked up to see Shane standing there, looking incredulous.
Carol scrambled to her feet and wrung her hands. Her eyes were lowered to the ground.
“I was just…” she mumbled, trailing off.
Shane shook his head and placed a hand on her shoulder.
Daryl glared at his hand.
“You can’t be around him, Carol. We don’t know who he is, and we don’t know how dangerous he is yet,” instructed, speaking to her like a child.
Carol nodded, looking thoroughly berated.
“I’m sorry…” she said in a quiet voice, not meeting Shane’s eyes.
He caught sight of her action immediately when she shifted her shoulder, that Shane still held. She didn’t want him touching her.
“Let her go!” he barked at Shane, making him snap his attention to Daryl, still captive against the tree.
“Why don’t you just shut up, and mind your business?” Shane retorted back at him with an indignant frown.
Daryl’s glare intensified. Was everyone just wildly less observant than him.
“Why don’t you stop putting your hands on someone who clearly don’t wanna be touched?” Daryl spat back, making Shane flinch.
Shane looked at Carol, almost reluctantly, and noticing her uncomfortable posture, removed his hand from her shoulder.
“Sorry,” Shane muttered as he wiped his hands off on his pants, looking embarrassed.
“It’s okay,” Carol replied, reaching up to rub her shoulder unconsciously.
She looked back at Daryl and there was a silent gratitude in her eyes.
Daryl gave her a brief nod in return.
He didn’t understand how it seemed like he was the only one to notice anything about Carol.
It was like they had an idealised version of her concocted in their heads. They didn’t pick up on all the nuances that made her up. That seemed like a crime to him.
It was the same years ago, when she had been spiralling.
Rick never saw it. He just assumed she had grown cold, consumed by violence. Had sent her away in a feeble attempt to protect his children from destruction.
Daryl had seen the truth of it. She was tormented by the beliefs she held close to her from the old world.
She was someone who had believed deeply in the idea of God, and heaven, and the afterlife. Now she had found herself as someone who killed people, sometimes daily. The overwhelming power of it had threatened to crush her.
It had taken even Daryl far too long to realise what was going on. This was due to how adamant she became in pushing him away. It made sense. If he had known what she was going through, he would have tried to help her. But she didn’t want to be helped. Part of her wanted the flames she was fighting off to consume her, in the same way she explained to him in the women’s shelter in Atlanta.
As he watched her walk off with Shane, Daryl hoped he would be able to change the events that led to her downfall.
She deserved to be happy.
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blackasteriia · 5 years
A Drabble for @deadmenanddemons​
|| because i love jay 
Curls of steam rose from the surface of the hot coffee. The white mug rested on a coaster by Xion's elbow. Stacks of paper and manila envelopes strew across the table, haphazard, but organized. Xion tucked her leg under her and tapped her toes against the crossbeam of the chair. Her free hand threaded in her hair. She wrote out the accounts with a mechanical pencil. In her head, she subtracted and added sums to running numbers. She chewed on the eraser and adjusted some of the costs. Xion finished the budget proposal without a flourish. She pushed it aside and moved onto the next stack. 
Thoughts wormed between the lines on the paper. Xion reflected on the day: busy, hectic, exhausting. The visitation that morning was a disaster. The deceased's mother was furious, grieving. Looking for a place to put her frustrations. Xion was an easy target. She screamed at Xion for twenty minutes then broke down sobbing in the middle of the wake. Xion led the woman into the kitchen and prepared her coffee to drink while she cried. Out of sight of her judging family. It was the first lesson Xion had learned: don't argue with the mourning. 
The woman babbled nonsense and her insults misplaced. It left Xion raw though. Like she'd been sand blasted. The words didn't hit but the weight of emotion broke Xion's back. The mother had shrugged off her burden and laid it on Xion's shoulders. Xion drew comfort from the coffee, the warmth, the terrible taste. She hadn't been ready for this job. Xion could admit that now two months later. Since she'd checked out three books on accounting from the library. She was too young in mind and face. She was sick of explaining, 'yes, I am the funeral director here,' and reassuring people she could burry their loved one. Because she could do the job, now. After a learning curve as steep as Mt. Everest. 
The numbers blurred before her eyes. The second lesson: go to bed on time, and it was past eleven. Xion gathered the papers and pushed them into their corresponding folders. The third lesson: keep things organized. Each family had its own folder, tucked away in a stuffed filing cabinet. Everything was inside: the identity of the deceased, the arrangements, the burial place. Xion carried the stack to the front desk and filed them away. She returned to the kitchen and drank the last of her coffee. She washed the mug in the sink, dried it, and put it back on the shelf.  
Xion braced her hands on the kitchen counter. Her head bowed to her chest. Her hair was longer now, grown to her shoulders-- uncut for months. She looked to her left. Halphas laid on the living room rug. His head rested on his paws. Xion glanced at him and he rolled onto his back. His warm, brown eyes invited her for belly rubs. Her focus broke from him as her hand fell to her phone, where it charged by the sink. Xion composed a text for Aeleus and sent it off. She went to satiate Halphas. His tail smacked against the floor as Xion rubbed his belly and scratched his sides. Strategic wiggles encouraged Xion to find the best spots. Her phone buzzed, the air conditioning clicked off, Halphas barked.  
He flipped onto his stomach, head lifted. Dog and girl froze. Xion's hand rested between his shoulders, caught in a kneel. Two sets of eyes stared at the back wall of the living room, North. Xion rose to her feet. Halphas' collar jingled as he scrabbled upright. He leaned against her leg, tail brushing the back of her thighs. A wet nose pushed into Xion's hand, snuffled against her palm. Xion patted his head and scratched him behind the ears. Absent-minded and focus elsewhere.  
“Something's coming,” she muttered. She looked down at Halphas, “you stay here.”
Halphas never listened to her like he listened to 'Taker, so the dog followed her. His nose was in her face as she laced her boots in the mudroom. Xion stepped out the back porch door and Halphas jumped out after her. Xion caught him by the collar and hauled him back into the house. He whined behind the door as she clambered down the porch steps. She continued on, ignoring his barks. Through the backyard and then a short leap across the stream. She broke into the thicket of trees and arrived at the foot of the cemetery gate. Xion unlocked it and entered the yard.
No raven cry, no brush of wind, and no voices-- complete silence. As if the entire graveyard, all the dead and dearly departed, waited with bated breath. The air tasted of stagnant, dry and warm air, a break in the winter cold. Tonight the dead were rapt and impatient. Magic ran deep in the soil and it spoke of old stories the tellers were too rotted to utter. It was in the ground and it was opportunistic.  
Except, this was a graveyard, and there were a lot of things buried out here. So, the dead would be no help. She ventured into the yard. Xion's boots echoed on the cobblestone of the central pathway. Her heel trod the grass into soft mats. She came to the light post in the heart of the yard. A cast-iron lamp lit with a small flame. A warm glow bathed the surrounding clearing, the sole watch of the night. It was too bad Jake Reid was two weeks gone. He was the most coherent ghost here. The timing didn't feel like an accident. While the winter was thickest and the old guardian gone-- strike quick.
Xion stepped from the stone round and continued North. The shadows slinked, the air chilled and the eyes watching her grew wary. Hungry but observing, predatory yet measuring, gazes burrowed into her skin. She came to a stop at the edge of the tree line. New growth vanished, leaving the petrified trunks of ancient oaks. A clearing spread before her and this was the source of the trouble. What had everyone in a tizzy. The grass was dead. A wide circle spanning a diameter of ten feet, filled by dead, dried, and decaying vegetation. Xion leaned forward, straining for a closer look without breaching the boundary.  
The ground sunk. Dirt began to fall into the center. A pit formed and expanded. Xion stumbled back as the circumference grew. The hole sank ten feet deep. Rock and sand tumbled down into the depth, turning in on itself. Then down in the bottom glinted something. Xion peered at it, squinting, trying to make out detail. It was a crystal. A pure chunk of quartz the size of a quarter. The ground settled and she inched towards the hole.
Then the entire Earth moved a tectonic shift that broke Xion's balance. She wobbled, feet crossing under her to find firm footing. She grunted, and then the ground stilled. Down in the hole, the rock began to tremble. Stone, dirt, sand, conglomerated, bunching around the crystal. A rib cage of dust bone guarded a heart of crystal. Arms, legs, claws of iron, pulled from deep in the crust. Long fingers ripped into the soft sides of the hole, scrabbling, struggling-up. It rose free, hands tearing into the grass at the edges. A face formed and Xion matched gaze with the furious red eyes of a snarling expression wrought in stone.  
She shuffled back as the golem dragged itself out of the pit. It stood ten feet tall. Towered over her. Muscles carved in a malleable rock that breathed with each heaving rasp it took. It regarded her. Then it opened its mouth. A gargled sound erupted, a low growl, like grating, grovel, nails on the chalkboard, steel scream. Syllables began to form, indistinct at first.  
“.... I've waited,” it told her, “My greatest moment has come and the sole witness is a little girl.” 
“Sorry, the welcoming party's so sparse,” Xion apologized. She put her hands on her hips. “I can go get my dog and dad, and we can give you a proper greeting? If you'd like?”
“Tell me, child,” the golem growled. It crouched, coming level with her gaze. It lingered, face inches from hers. Heat burned from its face, “Where is the keeper of this cemetary? Who holds the keys to its locks?”
“I do,” Xion answered. “I'm the caretaker of this graveyard now since my daddy died. I'm Xion, it's nice to meet you.  
The golem paused, and for a second, its head tilted a small angle to the side. Then the corners of its mouth upturned into what could be a smile. “Youth does not beget wisdom, but it would be wise for you to give me that key, child.”
“Well, I don't know who you are,” Xion said. “I won't be giving you anything until you introduce yourself.”
“Do not your legends speak of me?” The golem demanded. “Have your kind forgotten the songs of your people? Are you so complacent that you would forget my name?”
“Well, I'm sure it ain't personal,” Xion said with a shrug. “Tell me then.”
“I am the inferno, the storm,” it declared. “I am Malchemus;  I have come by the beckoning of my master for the intention of destruction. Child, I will spare you for the price of the keys which you hold. Give them to me and I will not reap them from your corpse.”
Xion looked into the red of its eyes. The golem rolled with rage, seething, burning; It was not from here. Another place over, the realm that 'Taker spoke of. She lifted her chin, “No.”
Stone grated and a massive arm swept through the air. The golem's fist struck her across the chest and tossed Xion. The air left her and she crashed into the ground several meters away. Gaze blackened, spots dotted her eyes, and she heaved a labored gasp. Her head rung like a chimed bell and her mind churned through a half-dozen, useless, thoughts. Malchemus lurched after her. It walked in a slow gait, the Earth trembling with each of its steps.  
“I have seen ten thousand years,” Malchemus said. Xion pushed onto her elbows and flipped onto her back. Sweat struck her forehead as it approached.   It dipped its hand into the dirt between strides. Iron ore smelted in its grip to form handle and blade of a sword. It was a rough forge, edges chipped but blunt to rend flesh. Malchemus lifted his foot and implanted it on Xion's chest. The full weight of the golem leaned into her sternum. It forced crushing pressure on her. Malchemus lodged the sword point beneath her throat.  
“And I have never seen a human survive a blow such as that,” It observed. “I shall remember you, for surely there have been few so fearless as to refuse me. Goodbye, child.”
It plunged the blade forward. Xion rolled tossing the foot off her and dipping between its legs to emerge on its rear flank. The lumbering stone golem began to twist to catch her in a horizontal swing. Xion lifted her foot and kicked into its back thigh, breaking its balance. She planted her falling foot, pivoted her hips, and put her fist through the back of the golem. Rock ricocheted off, smashed through by the power of the strike. Malchemus chuckled and rock filled the hole she made. It finished its swing.  
The blade cut through Xion's collarbones, nicking her as she stumbled back.  The jagged edge ripped through the skin along her clavicle. Blood stained the front of her shirt. Xion jumped back in time to avoid a downward strike that shattered the Earth.  Xion ducked the next swing. She put her palm through the knee of the golem, sent it crashing to the ground. Xion drove her heel into its rib cage, dislodging more rock.  
The Earth trembled again. A pillar of stone rose and smashed into her. The entire ground shook, broke, unsteady footing. Malchemus stood again. The spells of her aqua and aero rebuffed off its armor. Xion backed as it lurched forward. She saw the range now. A wingspan her height doubled by a sword. The golem was deceptive in its speed and power. Rushing in was a good way to eat something. She eyed the blade, impromptu but hardened. Xion nodded to herself, shifted on her toes. Then, she turned and ran.  
She sprinted through the trees. Full speed, legs pounding to propel herself forward. The ground broke beneath her, rough stone, daggers of iron, and the lash of the wind through her hair. The attacks cut at her clothes, skin, and hair, left bruises for later. Down the pathways, through the plots, she leaped over tombstones and graves. Malchemus surged after her, she heard him follow. On her heels as Xion ducked and weaved grasping hands. She broke from the graves to the tomb and mausoleums towards the front of the yard.  
Xion ran for an old tomb, its face worn off by time. She ducked behind it as Malchemus swung. His blade smashed into the stone and it yanked it out, growling at his near-miss. Xion rolled around to the side and Malchemus followed her. She cowered, pinned against the rock. Malchemus lunged and stabbed for her throat, to sever her head, end her quick. Xion ducked at the last second and the blade pierced the old tomb. The uneven edges caught on the stone, and the blade was stuck. 
Xion pivoted and planted her foot. She put her into weight into the next strike. She put her fist through the middle of the blade. It shattered, fracturing to the hilt. Malchemus' balance broke and she capitalized. Without fear of counter-strike, she was able to dart in close. Ice magic formed in the palm of Xion's hand. She shoved it into the body of the golem and burst it. The ice fractured the rock and the body exploded. Rocks shot off, scattered across the grass and the cobblestone pathways. The center crystal, attached to a small stone, flew off into the grass. Xion exhaled, catching her breath.  
She straightened and walked towards the crystal. She was cautious. Xion could sense magic rolling deep in the crystal's heart, nowhere near stilled. The stone it connected to trembled, began to pull on the soft dirt to rebuild itself. Xion surged forward, diving to scoop it up. Flames licked and lashed out, a sudden spark of heat. Burned her hands and she jerked back from the pain. 
Malchemus reformed, made anew into flame and molten stone. Clouds gathered, black and bearing overhead. A shift in the pressure, a building of static and humidity. Wind picked-up, pulled at her hair; A screaming, wailing; buffeting Xion and the yard. Magic formed water in her hands and she blasted Malchemus across the side. The fire flickered, an arm went out; Then it took the element and reformed the limb. Its laughter haunted her as she backed away, edging towards the gate.  
“So full of surprises,” Malchemus chuckled. It looked down at his hand of water, swirling and eddying into the fine ligaments of muscle and tendon. “I know well the clan that claims this valley. For we have fought many times-- and you may be powerful child, but you are no Valdis.”
“Is that supposed to mean something?” Xion spat.  
The gate was a long sprint behind her. In theory, Xion could open and close it without Malchemus following her. back with Aeleus for help. The storm grew-- the power evident in the shift of the very climate. If it got out there was no guarantee Xion could put it back in. Some risks weren't worth their benefit.  
“A dozen times I have risen,” Malchemus explained. It strode forward, breaking apart the feeble distance between them. Xion stumbled back,  “And each time the guardian of this place has rebuffed me. I have waited centuries for a chance such as this. The master of the house is out-- and he has left a child in his stead. One not even of his own blood.”
“The Undertaker is my father,” Xion snapped. She held her ground, heel planting. “I do what I can now that he's gone.”
“It won't be enough,” Malchemus warned.  
The clouds opened and a deluge fell. Pounding rain that soaked through Xion's coat and clothes. Malchemus backhanded Xion, tossing her aside. She struck the side of a tomb. The impact jarred the air out of her and rattled her skull. Xion collapsed at the base of the tomb. She gasped through broken ribs and pained breath. Xion's vision blackened. A hand of water reached for her. Gripped her around the throat. Water surged up, covered Xion's mouth and face. Short on air she choked, and spluttered, lungs strained, burned. She could not grip what drowned her, her hand passed through the arm without break. 
Malchemus hooked its hand around her shoulder. It lifted her by the arm, crushing the muscle and bone in a bruising grip. The hot stone burned through her coat. Pain, a raw agony that had Xion kicking and squirming to escape it. Out of air, her vision faded. Instinct ignited the depths of Xion's power. Light, bright and golden, erupted in pillars. The magic ripped through Malchemus, scattering rock and the water him. Xion collapsed to the ground as it crumbled.  
Braced against her arms and fallen to her knees, Xion heaved for breath. Pain splintered through her back and arms. Her fingers probed the tender, split skin. A quick cure soothed the burn, took the edge off, returned the mobility of her arm. Tears pricked the corners of her eyes. Xion looked-up to see the crystal swept away by a current. Water gathered, hardened into ice; Cold and sharp. Xion surged to her feet. Fire swept from her hand, sizzling and evaporating the rain. Before Malchemus formed again she buried her hands into its chest. The ice melted, evaporated, she aimed to crush the crystal.  
Thunder call, rolling deep; Shaking the land. Spears of ice lanced through Xion's shoulders pinned her to the ground. Sharp as daggers they pierced her skin, impaled muscle. Flash of light, searing pain. Malchemus called down lightning. White-hot heat spread through Xion's entire body. Muscles locked in a full-body ache in the wake of the static. Bleeding, burning, and aching, Xion sprawled on the ground. Her cheek pressed to her shoulder. Too in pain to even groan. A tremble of the ground and in a couple strides Malchemus stood by her. It loomed over her, red eyes glowing through a flurry of flame. Xion choked and spat-up water. Her heart pounded in stutter step.  
“You are not quite human, are you?” It observed. It looked down at her, head tilted to the side. “You are a curiosity. Pray to your god now, child, make your peace and prepare your last words. Provided you can speak them. I do hope you fall to hell. It would please me to dissect a creature such as you.”
It spent too long talking. Time was of the essence and Xion was in surplus. She cast haste between the syllables of 'curi-o-sity.' Xion was not human. Magic coursed her veins and built her bones. The muscles and nerves of her body were hers to command. She began at her fingertips, forcing the seized ligaments to unlock. She watched each word form on the heated lips of Malchemus. Xion clenched her fist, her nails bit into the palm of her hand. She loosed the static, healed damage nerves with rushed spells. All the way down to her shoulder. it lifted his foot to crush her skull. Time snapped-back into play and Xion's hand lifted. The blast of light shattered the leg. 
Tendon by tendon, Xion's body released. A full curaga, green and gold, the scent of lily blossoms, and spring wind, cut the air into sweet scents. Healed her wounds, supported broken bones, and refreshed her mind. Xion swung her leg beneath her, rising-up into a kneel. She seethed, fingers pressed into the dirt. Caught her breath. She did not have enough magic left. Xion was powerful, her reserves ran deep-- but Malchemus outpaced her. Force-to-force, she could not match him. One step forward and two backward.  
Anger rolled in her. 'Taker could handle this just fine. She could never match his pure talent. Oh, she could hear the scolding, trying to handle this on her own. Go get Aeleus. Back off, no shame in walking away. Except Malchemus would be left in the yard to wreak havoc. The storm had not let-up. Record rainfall for the valley. 'Taker may have some words for her for doing something as stupid as this. 'Taker wasn't here though. And that left Xion to problem solve.  
Xion stood one more time. She balanced on her toes, staying light. Xion steadied her breathing. Her hands opened. Malchemus reformed, this time of a variety of material: stone, water, fire, iron, even the wind. Her eyes focused on its chest, watching the shift of its balance. Well guarded by a construct of iron. Metal that shone in the dark. A hard shell, still only iron. Xion looked past physical, past the elements that made Malchemus. To the magic that bound it together. It was a powerful Elemental, and so was she. She began to grin. “Okay,” she breathed. “Let's do this.”
The rain hardened into icicles, piercing lances. Xion knocked them from the air with flicks of her wrists. She was quick, never committing, but remaining light. Xion ducked and weaved strikes, lashes of fire and stones. She darted into Malchemus'. Fire on her fingers, not hot enough to melt, but when she drove them into a key point the iron yielded. The impurities, the imperfections of the ore bending to the strike. Malchemus retaliated, a massive arm of rock missed her clean. Xion bounded out of the teleport several feet away.  
She began to gather the rain.  Twists of her arm pulled the droplets from the air around them. She drew on the saturated Earth, a torrent a dozen feet deep. The water circled them, trapping them together.  Malchemus pointed at her, the static in the air built. The coming lightning strike. Xion pivoted on her heel. A hook kick broke the wall and water blasted Malchemus. Thousands of pounds of pressure distilled to a few inches. The iron bent, rusted, stone scattered. It abandoned one form for another. The iron fell to the ground and it took the malleable water.  
Xion's hand lifted for the sky, poised and waiting. A beat of her pulse and the lightning snapped, drawn to her veins. She caught it. The electricity coursed through her arms. She guided it through her, past her internal organs along highways of magic. Xion grounded through her rear leg. The arc formed from fingertip-to-finger. Xion pointed at Malchemus and the lightning escaped her. Bright flash and thunder crack. Lightning struck the heart of Malchemus' body and it erupted into steam. 
Xion swiped her hand and all the water froze. The rain stopped like a switch flipped. In gentle flakes, snow fluttered to the ground to melt in the ankle-deep pools of rainwater. Xion's hand lifted above her. The crystal dropped into her waiting palm and she curled her fist around it. Xion looked down at the crystal in her hand. A slight warmth emitted from it. She hummed, turning it over. Malchemus could manipulate the air but it wasn't solid enough to support his form. Furthermore, it could only manipulate elements it was in contact with. So long as Xion didn't drop the crystal on the ground or in water, it was helpless. It provided some interesting theoretical possibilities.  
A little magic pulled from her core was enough. Xion held out the stone. The projection was ephemeral, the form of Malchemus pulled from her power. It stood shorter, no more than six feet, pale and thin as smoke. Red eyes burning as two little dots. It regarded her in silent contemplation.
“Clever girl,” It praised. “You have outmaneuvered me so thoroughly-- Tell me how you did it.”
“Hydrolysis,” Xion answered. “An electric current through water separates the hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Two elements that you can't manipulate. You gave me the lightning. All I had to do was move it around a little. You know, chemistry has come along way since the dark ages. Maybe you should pick-up a textbook while you're here.”
“Do you intend me to visit your library?” It asked, incredulous.  
“Yeah,” Xion said with a nod. She shrugged her shoulders, “So long as you promise to be good. All you had to do to get out was ask.”
“So it seems,” Malchemus breathed. “What is this, that you have made me of?”
“Pure magic,” Xion answered. “A little of the same stuff I'm made of. I built myself around human flesh, bone, and blood; You chose the elements. We're not so different, you and I. You don't have to go back to who sent you. Stay here, start a new life.”
“Truly,” Malchemus said, “you are a child.”
“Maybe so,” Xion agreed. “That doesn't mean I don't understand.”
Malchemus did not respond. It stared at her, eyes narrowed in silent scrutiny. Xion matched his gaze, unwavering. The crimson softened, rolling into sunrise golds, cooling under the wind. Xion offered it a slight smile. A sensation rose from the base of her spine. A feeling of movement, a shift in magic. Xion ducked and the stone whizzed past her head. It broke through the projection of Malchemus and clattered a dozen feet away. Malchemus lunged for her, taking the magic she gave and turning it on her. Its hand extended for her.  
Steel pierced its chest. Malchemus froze, mouth gaped in a wordless gasp. Her keyblade sunk into its chest. Burning light caught on the metaphysical organ. Hair fell over Xion's eyes. Her face stained with blood and sweet. The crystal fell to the ground at her feet.  
“Oh, wow,” Xion whispered, “you do have a heart.”
Xion sunk the blade deeper, impaling Malchemus through. Piercing the fragile, emotive heart in his unreal chest. All things have hearts, so long as they are sentient and uncorrupted. Even demons. Xion would have to write that down later. It's such an interesting note.
“You were right,” Xion told him. Keyblade split him but no blood spilled, no organ cut. “I'm not a Valdis. I can never be like my father. No matter how much I want to make-up for my mistakes I can't do it, but--” she licked her lips-- “I am still the guardian of this world.”
Xion twisted the keyblade, rent deeper into the heart. She flashed her teeth in vicious smile, eyes dark. The light claimed her now but that was not where Xion was born. Nothing made her, the darkness was her home. Xion was not sweet and kindness was her choice. Mercy was not in her nature. Xion has been the edge of the universe and spoken to the abyss. Malchemus' worldview was limited.  
“I want you to go back to your master,” Xion snarled, “And tell him that the yard is under new management. I'm not half as nice as the Undertaker never was. He'd just kill you. I would leave you in pieces.”
Xion ripped out the keyblade, freeing Malchemus. Her foot stamped down onto the crystal where it laid on the ground. His projection retreated into the crystal. “There are some things you don't understand. The world is a lot bigger than the rock you crawled out from under-- when you're ready to see that, I'll be waiting.  
The crystal sunk into the dirt, returning to the pit it once came from. Xion watched it go, the wind pulling at her hair. The fountain burbled, the ravens cried, and the dead sighed in collective relief. Xion put her hands on her hips. Her shoulders sagged and she sighed in pure exhaustion. The yard was a wreck: torn-up grass, flooding, broken tombstones. Calculating the cost of damage terrified her. A few infuriated shouts of furious ghosts joined the chorus of pleased whispers. Her groan was long and loud. Tomorrow, a problem for tomorrow.
There was no escaping the pain. Every muscle in Xion's body hurt. She dragged herself out of the yard, stumbling through each step. She locked the gate behind her as she passed through it. The bay of a dog caught her attention. Xion turned in time for Halphas to jump on her. He pawed at her legs and waist, sniffing her.  
“How did you get out?” Xion demanded.
 She looked-up through the trees to the house. The back door swung open but she could feel Aeleus still at home, a half-mile away. Halphas barked and wiggled, and otherwise behaved like a dog. No answers there, it didn't matter. Xion returned to the funeral home. Xion slinked through the back door with Halphas on her heels. Xion shed her ruined coat and clothes, changed into a sleep shirt. She was more than eager to pass out on the couch with the dog.  
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thepleasureisguilty · 6 years
misty morning~ were wolf au pt 3
ongoing rp with @ask-a-slippery-boy part 3 of 3 
part1: https://thepleasureisguilty.tumblr.com/post/180510647144/into-the-woods-werewolf-au
part 2: https://thepleasureisguilty.tumblr.com/post/180510912084/howls-throughout-the-night-were-wolf-au-pt-2
SFW~ (ish) has conversation about happenings from previous night, being sore etc. does contain: long drawn out after care  and allot of dog and wolf puns... enjoy! 
*the sun begins to rise, i am so happy i have been able to ease this process for you. I take a few moments to take in the wolf scent, i savor  the feeling of your fur... And the light hits you*
*I give you a long final lick followed by a howl before the light hits me. Like before I’m seized with pain as my body cracks and snaps. Instead of growing I’m folding in on myself like a spy glass. Each pop brings a new wave of pain. My howls and snarls become more like screams and moans. I’m slowly turning back to normal under you.  I dig my fingers into the dirt and shake violently as the changes grip me.*
*I hold you through the change being mindful that im not crushing you during this already painful experience, i am overwhelmingly excited to talk to you again and see the look on your face when you realize I "layed with the dogs" all night. *
*there’s a few loud final cracks before my body is finally still. The pain fades from me and I tremble from relief as it leaves me.* M-mast... *my mouth feels wrong. Formulating words is a struggle all it’s own. My voice is raspy and faint.* Im not on the tree...? *I sit upright quickly with a yelp* mast! Mast are you okay? Did I hurt you??? Did I???? *I hold you at arms length and look your body up and down. There’s the bite, but I did that before I turned. But you’re covering in scratches and dirt. Tears well in my eyes and I hold you close to me* Mast Oh Mast I’m so so sorry. Are are you okay?? Darling oh my love...
*I hover over you, now wanting to touch you and make it worse, your fluids dripping from my entrance and onto you as you still. i am relieved when you a make up and hold you close when you sit up. I rest your head against my chest and straddle back down on you, petting you lovingly.* ilya you were extremely gentle with me the entire night... You earned the name good boy
*I pet your hair lovingly and kiss your cheek* ilya I am fine! I am happy! You have nothing to apologize for *I pull your face back to look at me* you protected and cared for your mate so well *i rub our noses together*
*I look at you concerned* B-but I bit you! I mean I was lucid for that, but I was so horny I wasn’t in control really... and you’re all scratched up... and dirty... *I pull you back against me. I’m so tired, my limbs are shaking with the effort of sitting up but I’m so worried.* Darling are you sure you’re okay?
Comon my love *I pet your hair and smile loosening your chains* lets get you in that hammock handsome
*I suppose I can question you about the night when I wake up. I don’t remember most of it. Just how good it felt to be with you, my mate. Once free of the chains I pull myself up using the tree with a whimper* fuck... god... I’m too tired to interrogate you but I will in a few hours
*I stand up with a wince, cum still pouring down my legs, i can rest later, right now i need to be strong for you. I wrap your arm around my neck and shoulder and lead you to the hammock, i lay you down and hobble over to my bag, collecting the wool blanket, a biscuits and the bottle of water, i hobble back over and lay the blanket over you* hehe talk about a wolf in sheep's clothing *I laugh a bit at my own joke, both being proud of it and trying to raise your spirits*
*I shoot you a look when you wince, i don’t like the look of that. But the cum pouring down your legs more or less answers that question for me.  I do my best to hold you and help you walk too, but when you lay me down I basically collapse. I’m nearly asleep already when you make it back. I pull you into the hammock with me and wrap my arms around you.* I’d bark with laughter, but that joke wasn’t worth it. *I grin but it’s broken by a long yawn*
Ha neither was that joke *i smile and open the cork to the bottle* here drink something before falling asleep love
*I don’t have the energy to sit up so I pour the water into my mouth from here and inevitably spill some on my face. Not that I have enough energy to give a shit. I pass it back to you* T-thanks Mast. I... it’s better with you here. So thank you for coming...
* i take a swig and place back on the cork, setting the bottle to the side* darling... I dont want you to go through this by yourself ever again...
*i yawn again* L-let’s talk about it when we wake up... I’m so tired... I can’t think too good... I love being with you but... safety? I just... we need to talk more about it... when I’m not falling asleep, or really wolf horny...*I pull you close to me* but thank you for being here. I love you. You’ve made this whole thing much better...
We will *I kiss your head and hold you close* we will ilya well talk about everything *kisses head* rest now my love *I pet you and humm to you softly as you fall asleep in my arms, i am brought back to my hiding hole, sketching beetles and little matters of wildlife... I was so lonely then... Now in this hammock there is you... I cant help but take that as a metaphor for you entering my life and hopefully staying here... I hold you similarly to how you held me the entire night , protective, loving, kind... Your my mate... I love you so much*
*I fall asleep almost instantly. I don’t dream really. I sleep too deep for that. My body and mind are still aside from my breathing and the beating of my heart. Normally this time is so filled with struggle and pain. I could have never of imagined how much better it would be if I had you here by my side. I’m not scared to deal with the consequences when I wake up, I’m just excited to see you again.*
*I hold you and stroke your hair while you sleep, occasionally dozing off from my own exhaustion. And occasionally shaking myself awake, wanting to be there for you the same way you were for me last night* my wonderful mate... I want to always be here for you... *i whisper into your hair as you slumber*
*after a while of fighting it, i fell into a deep slimber as well*
*Early afternoon light shines brightly into my eyes. I groan and hide my face into your neck. I’m vaguely aware of my surroundings but my whole body aches. Especially my pelvis for some reason. I’m not ready to wake up yet. I nuzzle my face deep into your hair to pretend that I never woke up. It won’t last, but I can pretend.*
*I wake to your nuzzling and nuzzle back kissing your neck gently taking a deep breath of your scent, still feeling animalistic from the night*
*As the sun shifts it shines down and warms the blanket and makes us extra toasty. I still don’t want to wake up. Sunburn be damned. I find your hands and hold them. I yawn and  press deeper to you*
*I hold your hands sleepily and become more awake and persistent with my neck kisses for you*
*I groan as you kiss my neck. My body feels like lead. I have a bit of a headache. To be honest I’m in a foul mood. But it’s softened by your presence. It’s difficult for me to find things to be irritated about when I’m in your arms. I brace myself and open one eye to look at you. Gods it’s so bright. And gods you look stunning, maybe a little worse for wear, but some joe still so stunning just the same. I give your hands a little squeeze.*
*I gaze at you lovingly* would you like some breakfast?
*i can tell you are upset, groggy, cranky, like a hangover on steroids . thankfully i know how much food helps you*
*I swallow. Speaking seems enormously difficult. Despite being so pissy, I’m doing my best not to take it out in you, who by the way, I am deeply grateful for.* Breakfast would be phenomenal... *My stomach growls in agreement* but sadly I can’t get up, nor can I bare to part with you. *I swing a leg over yours to anchor you down*
*I let out a chuckle* i was afraid of that *i present you with the cloth full of biscuits from my bag* eat up darling I'll make ham and eggs when we get our energy back *I smile at you and kiss your chest lovingly* i know your upset my love, but its all okay. Its over now till next month *I nuzzle into your neck giving into the cuddles*
Mast, you are truly miraculous. *I fumble to untie the cloth and pass you a biscuit. I can’t really sit up, but I practically stuff a whole biscuit in my mouth while you talk. I moan as I chew it. Fuck it’s delicious.* I-I’m sorry for being so groggy... I do really appreciate you being here.
Haha ilya, you have no need to apologize you just turned into a giant horny wolf man for the night! Haha I'm just glad your okay *I nibble on my biscuit happily, i am fairly hungry myself*
About that *I swallow the rest of my biscuit* are you really alright? I... I can’t imagine last night was easy for you. Whatever happened.... actually could you tell me what happened, when you feel up to it? It’s all rather fuzzy for me at best, no pun intended...
*I swallow my biscuit too* I must admit I bit off more than i thought when I told you i wanted to be bred yesterday haha... You handled me with care the entire night though, even the light scratches on my body... I know you were holding back allot... It seemed like you just simply wanted to be as close with me as possible.
That would explain why my pelvis in particular is so damned sore. *I put a hand on your thigh* I’m sure it must be far worse for you. I do recall... well... er... it’s rather /bigger/ than usual. Mast... I’m sorry if I pushed you too far last night. Is there anything I can do now to help?
*I flush, a lot of last night was animal instinct for me as well, i expected the moment i agreed that. It would probably be rough... We luckily have been resting the past few days so that makes me not /as/ sore...* ...im sore, there is no hiding that, but i figured i was going to be *I smile at you* you didn't push me too far star strand, it hurts but its also an experience I wouldn't want to remove from my life...... Did.. Did it help you at all? Do you feel any better today because of it?
*I frown* I’m sorry that you’re sore... I... Ive never done anything sexual in wolf mode before... I er... well I didn’t know it would be... like that... *Im blushing pretty obviously. I hadn’t even though about the changes my cock itself would go through. Let alone using it.*  A-anyways... it did help that I wasn’t trying to get away all night. Usually I wake up with grooves carved into me from pulling against the chains all night. I’ve dislocated my shoulder before... and the one time I did get out I had burns from the silver... so thank you for giving me a reason to want to stay...
*I cup your cheek with my hand* well you did not hurt yourself on the chains , you havent been burned and everything is in place... I call that a successful night *i smile and kiss you softly* the best thing you can do for the next few days is not hump me *I smile and chuckle a bit, lightening the mood*
*Im still really worried about you, but I kiss you back softly and chuckle with you* Mast, I dont think I could hump you if I wanted too... those muscles are very spent. *I pull you into a slightly deeper kiss* I mean, on the other hand..  if you wanted to hump me *I tease with a wink. I suspect we’ll both be pretty spent for the next day or so at least. But... but for the most part you seem to be alright. And having you here did make everything so much better for me, as selfish as I feel about it...*
Haha I'll need a few meals first my love *I kiss you smiling* i am okay ilya... I'm just sore *I pet your hair and scritch behind your ear again* your a good boyyyyyy
I can’t imagine why *i tease. I flush deeply when you call me a good boy* I- I... well... you know! I ... I just... and you!! Well... I.... *I hide my face with my hands*
*i giggle at your reaction* your so fucking adorable *I begin rubbing your belly with my other hand*
*I hide my face from you in the covers. It was harder to be embarrassed about this when I was uncontrollably horny.*
Hehehe *I scritch at the side of your tummy * such a sweet boy
You’re so mean! *I tease from the safety of the blankets* did you come all the way out here just to tease me? Fate is a cruel mistress but not half as cruel as you!
*I scratch your tummy with both hands * you are in love with this cruel mistress my darling *I purr and laugh mischievously as i attack*
*I gather my limited strength to throw my hands out of the blanket and grab yours. I pull them to my mouth and pretend to bite one of your fingers before kissing the rest of them* Mast I am /so/ in love with this cruel mistress
Ahh!!! Do i have to muzzle you again * I bark laughing*
Oh come on now love, my bark is worse than my bite
*i laugh* I would make you howl if i wasnt so tired
I’d make another pun if I wasn’t in such a bad mood. *I roll over and yawn. Normally I’d suck it up and stumble back through the woods so I can go home. But.. but being with you is far more satisfying than being at home will ever be. I’m happy to just spend some time in the woods with you.*
*I hold you in a big spoon position* dawww grumpy puppy
*I shake my ass against you too be cheeky* I’m you’re grumpy puppy
*I buck against you gently* haha yes you are... Is there anything i can do to raise your spirits my wolfy lover. *I nuzzle into the back of your neck*
Yes, there is ... *I wrap my arms around yours* hold me tighter
*I smile and wrap you in a tighter hug nuzzling my face into your back and kissing you, i also try to wrap my leg around you but wince a bit from being sore*
*I smile to myself when you nuzzle into me. But I notice that you wince when you try and swing your leg. I roll over to face you and wrap my own leg over you. I kiss your cheek* I really am sorry for pushing you past your limits
*I smile* ilya... Do you feel any closer to me today than yesterday?...
*I nestle myself into your neck, waiting for your response, last night felt like ... Yet another bond was made between us... Or at lease between me and wolf you... I dont even know how i would go about a conversation like that... It wasnt just you rawing me... There was something else behind it too ...at least i thought there was...*
*I rest a hand on your cheek* You know? I think I feel a little closer to you with each passing day. There's always something new, another reason that makes me proud to be by your side. But... this is something I've never told anyone... It's a fairly new affliction.. . I I'm still figuring it out. I don't remember much from last night, but I do remember how incredibly right it felt to be with you. I remember feeling whole, happily mated, and bound to you for life.  I... I don't think I've ever felt like that before. I don't think I've ever felt perfectly content, partnered, and without anxieties or doubts. It's true that I had limited capacity for second thoughts or worries, but.. but I think it means something that I felt so deeply content just to share my life with you. Underneath all the needless worrying, there's just love for you
so... yes. I do feel closer.
sorry, I realize I kind of rambled there... its alright if you dont feel the same way I just... wanted you to know that's how I feel
*I lay there and listen to you talk and bring my face out of your neck when you finish* ...ilya... Thank you so much for trusting me with this part of you, i promise to make these nights as easy for you as possible...i I felt very primal last night... Unable to really communicate with you through words, but when ever I looked into your eyes..  There you were, this grey and red that looks into me.... It felt right to mate with you... Even with the pain.. It felt like it was much more of a bond forming than just trying to get off. It seemed like you wanted me specifically to be there, and even though you were sore too... You wanted to breed me!... And... I wanted you too.... Ilyashka I love you and i am honored to be your life mate! I only hope i can keep up with you *I kiss you softly*
*I kiss you back but look at you a little bashful when we part.* He... I... the wolf... I I think "mating" is serious business for him... like I dont recall very well, but I think last night I did have every intention of breeding you for real, of raising "pups" with you... of being bound with you, for life even... *I brush your hair behind your ear and flush* I-it still doesn't sound like a bad deal to me...     *I look away for a moment to collect myself. All that being said...* Mast we do need to talk seriously though... I agreed to let you come here because I was being selfish. And gods it is so much better with you here, but... but I don't know if you should come back. Its so dangerous for you mast! even when i was trying to be gentle I hurt you!  I... I don't want to put you at risk!
*I flush too* pups huh.... *I try to think about what it would be like to raise a family with you, us adopting a orphan off the street and giving them a loving home .... You would make a wonderful papa there's no mistake about that... I never thought of myself as having "pups" before you...* oh yes we do need to talk about this... We need a more comfortable situation for you... You were in misery allot of the night that you were chained up, it was uncomfortable for you! No wonder you hurt yourself trying to get out! I want to make you a little bed to put out here! I want you to have food and water available through out the night, a full meal before and after, i also want a to build a fire for you, its winter soon you'll get cold without moving.
*I blink at you* Mast.... *Of course you would be thinking about me. You're so kind and loving to me, I actually feel a touch of guilt, like I don't deserve it. Old habits die hard.* Mast I'm not trying to talk about me right now... Its dangerous  for you to be any more involved than you already are. Mast I.... *a lump forms in my throat* I couldn't live with myself if I ever seriously hurt you....
Would you prefer it if i wasnt here while you were full wolf? I dont think you'll hurt me... But i want you to be comfortable... *a rock is in the base of my stomach... I want to be here for him but not if it will upset him so much *
I... *Gods I want you here so badly. The previous nights have been just short of agonizing. But with you? Yes I spent some of it in pain, but mostly... mostly I was overjoyed. I don't want to be alone again. * I... *I bury my face into your chest* How could I be so selfish as to ask you to stay?
*I hold you close* you dont have to be... I want to stay with you ilya... I want to support you through these nights *I really do, i want to be a comfort to you in this harsh experience and also be kinder to you than you have been to yourself*
*I hold you tightly* but what if something happens? What if I turn you? Or what if I really hurt you by accident?
Then we would deal with it together *i kiss your head* you are a doctor ilya, with a almost functioning clinic, you could fix any scratches you might give me and as for turning me? That just means well ve chained to a tree together. *i smile down at you*
I I I love you so much mast... I I just don't want to see you hurt... *I frown up at you* I do want you to be here! I just... I just don't want anything bad to happen to you if I become careless
*I stare down at you and cup your face* if WE become careless.... Your no longer alone ilya....
*I hold your hand to my face* I.... I know that I’m not alone but.... but if WE become careless it’s YOU who will get hurt....
*I nuzzle the hand* then lets try to not be careless *I smile at you*
*I scan your face for a second before taking a deep breath* okay... we won’t be careless
*i kiss your cheek* is there anything else you want to talk about darling? Any other issues you have?
*I have countless concerns, and countless worries. I have more what if’s than I have energy to say them all. But I also have you. I hold your hands and give them a squeeze* .... just promise me you’ll tell me if it gets to be too much... please don’t continue on helping me if it becomes too much of a burden. Promise me you’ll take care of yourself first.
*I smile at you softly * deal. And I want you to take better care of yourself too... I'm serious about making this more comfortable for yourself
*I relax some when you agree* Okay, I'll work on taking better care of myself too.
*I push our foreheads together* good
*I wrap my arms around you with a yawn* And speaking of taking better care of ourselves... Darling I am so tired. Can I seduce you into a nap?
Haaha yes you may *I snuggle into you and am.ost immediately fall asleep*
Oh thank gods... *I tease. As you settle back into me sleep takes me easily. *
*I stirr hours later, the sun is beginning to set and it is getting colder out, i rise and check on your breathing, your sleeping soundly, my stomach twists in hunger... I think it's about time we both eat something*
*I only stir because you do.* mmmm Mast? *I yawn and my stomach growls loudly* jeez... *I sit up with a groan and rest against you*  good morning..?
Haha good morning *I kiss your forehead* i'm starving, mind if i make some food for us?
*my stomach growls impatiently in response* Please..... Can I help at all?
*I roll out and hit the ground with a o of * oof! Haha no i got it love *I am weaker than i thought i would be but I can wobble over to my bag and get my flint and steel, luckily with it being late fall there is allot of dried leaves and sticks around, i pick up a few and clear a small spot near the hammock making a tp formation and striking the flint and steel together, it forms little sparks that burn through the leaves but are not going up in flame... I eventually catch it though and get the little fire going. I pull out the bacon and eggs and a tiny pan and begin cooking*
*i lay the bacon, it pops and sizzles as it cooks, making my mouth water and slicking the pan with grease. I take the bacon out and crack the eggs in 3 for me and 5 for you, it gives a satisfying sizzle onto the grease and all but the yoke cook thankfully quickly, while it is cooking i ace my clothes back on as best as i can, it is cold out bit the fire is comforting*
*I wince as I watch you hobble away. You said you had it, but I’m still worried. I sit up and stretch. I feel like every one of my joints needs to be popped. I ease my self carefully out of the hammock. And promptly lose balance once I’m back on the ground. I hold the tree for dear life while I get my bearing. Once my stance has firmed up I stumble over to my clothes and shimmy into them. I collect the silver I placed in a wide ark around the tree. Touching them still tingles slightly. But only slightly. When I make my way back to you you’ve already got food well on the way of being done. I put the silver back in my bag and lay the blanket from the hammock over your shoulders. I kiss your head.* Mast, you really are amazing... *I sit besides you, the fire makes me feel cozy. The food smells phenomenal. I press myself to your side* Honestly mast... thank you so much for all you’ve done for me, specifically last night and today. I... I really appreciate it. And you.
*I instinctively hold up a arm to catch you when you almost fall, granted i do nothing more than give your tummy a good squeeze , you were already latched to the tree,  a sense of warmth and coziness falls over me when you lay the blanket on my shoulders and kiss my head, i open a wing of the blanket and wrap it around your shoulder as well when you come to sit next to me* ...ilya... I meant it when i said i was here for you... Always here for you... *I kiss your head* I love you ilya
*I hold your hand to my face and kiss you palm.* As gentle as you'd like me to be
*When you offer a wing of the blanket to me I snuggle in close to you and rest my head on your shoulder. * Mast, love, thank you so much for being there for me. Thank you for all of your love and support. *I kiss your cheek* And I'll always be here for you. I want to be by your side through anything.
*I kiss your head* well that will make telling you i'm a vampire so much easier!!! *i give you a devious smirk*
*I look at you, exasperated. Normally I'd assume you were joking but after everything we've been through it's not out of the question. Either way. I lean my head to the side to expose my neck* Oh? are you feeling thirsty?
and thats it! hope you all liked it! please feel more than welcome to tell @ask-a-slippery-boy and or i what you think! 
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coupd-hashirama · 6 years
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The sun had just dipped down below the horizon, a cold winter breeze kicking up as the sun's beautiful rays dimmed themselves for a brief slumber. Leaves rustled as it's branches moved and swayed, the sounds of rapid footsteps hitting the bark as the group rushed towards their destination. Time was not on their hands, as there were strange rumors that word got around about the plans. Assassination was a crime and was punishable  by death in this land, the claws of the law keeping this group down collectively with fear. If it all went wrong, there was no going back.
Tiredly, the leader of the group paused on the highest branch of the tree and raised his hands to motion the rest of the group to pause as well. With a keen eye, the man crouched down carefully and focused on the compound that lied beneath him. There were no guards, no one was out and about. Nothing seemed out of place, and thankfully it was just how they saw it the day before. Peaceful and quiet. He assumed that this was going to be an easy accomplishment. Assassinating the Hokage? What a wonderful feat! It would surely put fear in the people's eyes and to show who is truly the top dog.
With quick motions, the murderous leader dropped down onto the roof of the building. Without paying attention to the  rest, he produced a kunai from his butt pouch as defense as he entered the opened window. The scent of a fire wafted through the air, generating a beautiful heat that felt warming to his angered soul. There were several futons laid out on the floor, taking notice of how many were there in the fire lit room. The sun was dipping down quicker, heart thrashing in his chest with anxiety. Fear generated deeply within his bones, hands nervously shaking with false confidence. A sliver of fear washed over hiss face just as goosebumps formed on his arms. There was no way that he could do this, Hashirama was Hokage for a reason, there was no way that this would work. Thickly, the man leaned back against the wall, staring into the fire with dread.
Wood creaked behind himself, and the mysterious male whipped his head back just to see the rest of the group take their learned formation. Scoffing, his facial features hid his true emotions and he attempted to hide himself so that he could surprise whoever would step into the room. For now, they wait. There were no more of the sun's happy rays pouring into the room, and the only sound was the crackling from the fire. Some of his men started to nod off with how late it was becoming, but soon sprung into action as they heard the door slide open. Several footsteps padded across the creaky wooden floor, unknown mutters exchanging among the members. Idle chatter, nothing of importance.
Waiting for such minute speaking was tedious, many of the hiding ninjas growing painfully restless. Only until it was certain that all persons have fallen asleep was  when the unknown leader slowly crept out of their hiding spot. The grip on the kunai grew tighter as he snuck towards the slumbering men. Nervousness washed over his form once again, shaking as he grabbed the vile from his pouch. Sweat dripped from the tip of his nose, dripping onto the slumbering man's face, as he carefully unplugged the container. Thankfully, Hashirama's mouth was already partially opened and made it much easier for the assassin to pour the liquid into his mouth. This caused a rather violent reaction from the Hokage, sitting up with immense speed. The poison for the most part had spewed out from the corners of the Senju's mouth, but with extreme unluckiness some was swallowed.
His vision was already starting to blur, but felt rather blessed when he felt his siblings and wife awaken from their slumber. A fight broke out between the ninjas, blood splattering across once pristine walls as the first several hits were taken. Skin was shredded with sharp weapons with a smooth precision, lodging into soft flesh as quick finishing blows took their rightful places. Blood coated their hands, breathing heavily as the quick skirmish finally stopped. The leader was left, clutching a couple vials of mysterious liquids. He managed to smash the glass onto the ground, a faint purple smoke rising to the ceiling, before a kunai was thrown at his throat. Gurgling and sputtering broke the tense silence, all watching as the assassin took his final breaths.
At this time, the rest of them looked to each other for support. Thankful that each were alive. Sadly, they overlooked a crucial point. It took a perhaps far too long to realize how off that the oldest was looking as well as acting.
His body looked suddenly weakened, and for this moment they assumed it was from the adrenaline wearing off. Fear was the perfect response to having his life be threatened. Tobirama spoke first, leaning forward with concern. His sibling would never let such wounds go unhealed...
"Brother, please. Heal yourself-"
"Don’t worry about me. Just rest now. You’re going to live... It is time to rest, all of you.” Hashirama smiled after he had cut his brother off, his hazy gaze making its way towards the silver headed man. There was an uneasy feeling in those words.
There was a collective weariness among the group, all staring at the elder. Quietly, one by one they started to close their eyes to sink back down into a quiet slumber. Almost. The first to wake up was Mito, slowly sitting up and stared at her husband.
Those words rattled in her brain uncomfortably, a nasty headache forming. Something felt terribly off. With caution, the red head began to move towards Hashirama, leaning towards him with a careful look. Blood was pouring from wounds he had from the brief fight, noticing rather quick that he was not going to heal them any time. It was strange, never would the boisterous man just let wounds go unhealed. It was unlike him. Even if it was as small as a paper cut.
Guilt was beginning to eat her alive, opening her mouth to speak but Hashirama beat her to it, "I cannot sleep. We... We were not careful enough. I am unsure what happened, but you are not acting yourself. Please... Heal yourself. I cannot heal everyone..."
A thick silence draped over the couple heavily, staring at once another. His eyes no longer held their warmth, cold. Pupils were dilated, his complexion pallor. Another way of shaking sickness came over both, finally noticing how badly the outcome was.
"Do not talk such nonsense," his wife harshly whispered, "I am sure we are all fine. Start on your own wound, I urge you Hashirama."
The said man drew in a deep, hard breath.
"Please understand. No one is safe," he took her by the hand, swallowing thickly as he clasped it in a friendly manner, "Before... That man broke containers. I believe there is poison in all of us."
By this time, his siblings have woken up from their restless slumber. All eyes were now locked on Hashirama, who licked his lips.
There was no time to waste.
"Please allow me to get rid of it. I must. It will easily kill all four of you." came the plea, voice retaining its strong confidence.
It did not take long for the younger siblings to understand what was going on, collective "No" and "Brother" spewed from their mouths. Hashirama could only shake his head, eyes flittering down to his sweaty hands.
“Sisters, Brother, Mito... Please. Just let me do what I want for once, without argument. I’ve made my choice. I want to heal all of you. I want you to live.”
Katana gritted her teeth together, words harsh, "So... You choose to die?"
"I am not afraid of death."
The response took all four aback. The choice was clear, and all of them knew how strong headed the eldest was. There was no way that any of them could change his mind. Tobirama started to walk towards his brother, crashing down to his knees as he gripped Hashirama's clammy hand. His chest started to tighten at the sight of his weakening brother, chewing on his bottom lip. Sadness hit him harshly, tears dangerously hanging at the corner of his eyes. Quickly, the Senju blinked them away. Now was not the time to get upset. At least, not in front of everyone else.
Slowly, Tobirama managed to press Hashirama's hand a wound in the poor attempt to try and get him to at least heal something. To prolong his dwindling life. No hope, the wood beneath them cracked and tree roots encased the younger' arms. His heart stopped, eyes widened. it was now all of them realized how serious Hashirama was.
“I’m sorry.” Hashirama says to them, letting out a rather forced laugh in the feeble attempt to make light of the situation. He felt warm tears slide down his pale cheeks, tight chest heaving as he let out a shuddering breath.
His hands were growing noticeably clammier as precious time passed. For the first time, the mokuton curse was starting to take its dangerous course through his feeble body. No longer could he move his legs, and it was getting harder to breath. It was becoming indistinguishable if it was the curse or the poison that was making his body stiff, but either way he did not care about anything but his family. While his body continued to grow weaker, his family was starting to become rapidly healthier. Just a bit longer...
But in the end, they did not need to try - Hashirama withdraws the restrictions himself. With a tired sigh, he manages to sit up just a bit to grab the handle of the blade that’s stuck in his leg. It took almost all of his strength to pull out the weapon from his leg, blood so dark that he can not even call it red gushes forth. It was Hikari that held him in an instant, trying to stop the flow with her hands.
He knows it’s in vain, he’ll bleed to death in no time like this…
“You damned fool,” Katana gasps as tears poured down her cheeks. The words come from somewhere far, from behind the terrible, unbearable pain that grasps his heart in an iron grip.
“I’m really sorry, little sister,” Hashirama smiles at her faintly, voice quiet, “But this is my time to go.”
He closes his eyes, the woody  roots that confined Tobirama came crumbling to the ground just as he would have crumbled to the ground as well if Mito wasn’t there to catch him. His breathing became harsh, gasping for air through his mouth and shaking intensely, There was no longer any sense in demanding him to save himself, in cursing or pleading him. Instead, Mito shifted until she could hold him in her arms and cradle him close to her chest.
In replace of his fast paced breathing came their fortunate health, steady breaths yet heavy hearts. Sniffling starting to fill the silence as they all watched as Hashirama struggled during his final moments, all regretting how careless they were.
Mito touched his face with a bloodied hand, smiling as she watched Hashirama open his eyes slowly. He returned the gesture, smiling ever so slightly. It was better this way, sacrificing himself for the survival of his family and for the future.
He turned his head ever so slightly, weakly looking towards his brother. The dying Senju opened his mouth partially before speaking, “Please continue after me,” he asks his brother quietly, little strength in his tone, “Tobi please be the Hokage. Do what is the best for the village, for its people.”
Those words broke the albino, tears now freely flowing down his flushed cheeks, almost yelling at the other out of shock.
"You... You can not just name me like that! Why do I have to tell you this again!? How could I be! This was your dream... Your wish. How could I do it without you, Hashirama?"
"This was not just my dream, little brother, focusing his gaze on the blurring ceiling, "My little brother, you will be so much better at this than I have been."
Darkening eyes slowly shifted towards Hikari, who was sobbing quietly at his side as she was still attempting to stop the heavily bleeding wound.
"Do you think you'll see him again now, Hashi?" Came the obvious yet painful question. She wished that she did not say those words, seeing the pained look in his brother's eyes.
Hashirama didn’t answer her for a long time before finally, “I dread that as much as I long for it,” a single tear rolls from the corner of his eye.
It was Tobirama that wipes away the tear, hands quivering terribly as he touched his brothers cold skin. He began to brush away stray strands of hair, tucking them lovingly behind his ear. Just as he liked it. Just how their mother used to do when either of them were injured. A sob racked through his body, tears dripping onto his brother's face.
Mito gritted her teeth, whipping her head away from Hashirama. Of course he would choose that swine over her still.
"He never deserved you… How can you... Even choose him over me?” She cried in agony. She doesn’t want to waste their last minutes together on Madara but how can she? She still couldn’t compete to a dead man.
“I… I’m sorry…” He breathed out, not much time left.
Will you be there? Will I ever see you in the next life?
To the heavens or anywhere else that hears this silent plea, please allow him to see the one who holds his heart.
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noexit-ff · 6 years
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It’s been a while since I have actually got to watch Paw Patrol but I swear these are repeats, Junior is actually quiet and sitting up on the bed, I personally think I am more interested in the show now “aye, you see that. Ryder is a little bitch” I said looking behind me, seeing Junior with my phone in his hands “the hell you get that from?” I swear he didn’t have that, Junior just stared at me and started chewing down on my phone “get off that, eww you nasty ass” reaching over, grabbing the phone from him but he wouldn’t let me take it “little nigga no! Let go” Junior got a good ass grip on him “I said no Junior! You are Junior when you are naughty” yanking it out of his grip, the saliva on my phone. Junior fell backwards onto the pillows and went into a full fit of tears “you took my phone and you crying” Robyn the saviour rushed into the bedroom “what did you do to him?” I gasped in shock “me?” I am offended “I told you he is teething and is not well Chris” wiping my phone against the bed covers “he stole my phone and started putting saliva all over it” Robyn picked Junior up from the bed “I know, daddy is mean. Chris you placed it in his reach so it is your fault” Robyn sat on the bed, watching my son being a mini me “he is crying for boob, look at him. He is face planting in those but when I do it you’re like oh no, that hurts” Robyn glared at me like I needed to grow up “Chris, your head is huge and leave him alone, look at him. He has cried tears” Maurice stared at me all sad, he is dramatic. Robyn moved his hand “look at this, his front teeth are coming through” Robyn opened his mouth “you can just see it but leave him alone, he needs loving” Robyn wrapped her arms around Maurice.
Pulling Maurice’ hoodie down a little “you friends with me now, you ain’t crying now are you?” he seems to be over it, Robyn placed his pacifier in his mouth “you both look so cute, matching outfits. I want to take pictures, come. Both wearing Black Pyramid is too cute and I think red is his colour” walking behind Robyn “you know once people see you both in the matching Black Pyramid hoodie and sweatpants they will want it, we should do the kids line. I am telling you” walking down the steps “you said no work?” Robyn has banned me from doing anything “yes but we don’t need to do much, what ever Junior has got we can bulk make it and sell it” Robyn is right, as soon as people see it they want to copy. Robyn pointed “stand there, the sun is shining just perfectly” the hell does she think this is “just take a picture so we can go” turning Maurice around in my arms so he is facing towards Robyn “Junior, look at me!” Robyn shouted, Maurice did look for a second “awww it’s your sister” Princess is here, crouching down with Maurice “hey girl” touching her head with my free hand, placing Maurice on his feet holding him up. My hands on his waist, he spat his pacifier out as he stared at Princess. She walked over sniffing him, Maurice got ever so excited smiling and I couldn’t help but laugh “she making you happy” until Maurice gripped Princess’ ear “you’re a monster, get off her” placing Maurice on my lap, looking up at Robyn still aiming that camera at us “look baby” I pointed up at Robyn, Princess barked twirling around and then sat next to my leg “these picture have come out better then I thought, god. I am so family proud” Robyn gushed, Maurice is back to chewing on his fingers now.
Robyn really got me out here Christmas tree shopping, this shit is just boring. I done told her that we can just get one, no need to come here but we have to do it. She is going all out, we have to do these stupid things but I guess being parents we have to do everything, go all out for him “I really like this one” Robyn said again, I keep saying no to it “it is too big, think of the house” this is some bullshit I am lying about, the tree will be fine “I am getting two, we are having one outside with fake snow” she is doing the most, Maurice is more happy to be outdoors and looking around “so you want two Christmas trees? Who the hell is decorating this? You?” Robyn pointed at me “you know it will be you, stop being boring. I want them both, I don’t want the fake trees. I want the real thing, I want fake snow too. I want to make out like Santa was for real at our home, you need to make it happen Chris” she really loves Christmas “fine but that shit ain’t going in my car, it’s being delivered. Happy?” She has not moved away from these big ass trees “thank you baby, you know it’s going to be special” now she is being all cute with me.
Kissing the top of Maurice’ head as he tried to yank the menu away from my hands “you are an animal” everything just belongs in his mouth “are we ready to order?” the waiter said to us, placing the menu down “uuuh yes, Maurice no” moving the menu away from him “I’ll have the chicken taco salad” Robyn said, frowning at her in confusion “salad? Is that it, why are you trying to lose weight when I like meat on you?” Robyn gathered the menus “we can speak on that after, order” looking up at the waiter “uuhhh I’ll get the southern fried chicken burger with steak cut fries, cheese sauce on that. I want chicken wings and also nachos and I ain’t even sharing” the waiter smiled “it will be with you both shortly” he took the menus from Robyn “you’re fat” Robyn said just after he left “I’m hungry, not only that I am having to eat because the thought of seeing my parents again is depressing, then Ethan. It’s just wack” Robyn looked down at Maurice, hearing Maurice whining out so I looked down at him “what’s wrong baby?” Robyn said, Maurice grabbed his ear and started pulling at it “hey, don’t be crying now” turning him around to place him over my shoulder “he needs something to chew on, he’s going through it my poor baby” Robyn pushed her seat back to get to his changing bag.
Pulling Maurice pacifier out from his mouth “what are you doing?” Robyn questioned “well since he is tasting new things” placing my little finger in the cheese sauce “you’re the type to give him a lemon and don’t you dare think about doing it” placing my little finger in his mouth and then moved it back, looking down at his reaction as he slowly tasted the sauce in his mouth with a slight confusion on his face “don’t you dare give him anymore” Robyn pointed at me giggling “he is not liking it at all” Maurice glared up at me with a slight hate in his eyes “what?” I laughed “I can’t wait for Junior to talk and walk, he is going to set yo ass straight” Maurice legit hates me now “you want to fight me? We can fight now little nigga” Maurice looked away “your dad won’t do shit baby, I know you missing me. Why are you like this? Honestly” Maurice gripped the edge of the table and tried to push himself up off of my lap “he wants my food” picking up a chicken wing, Maurice let go of the table and then watched me eat “mhmmmm” holding it near him “want some” he moved his face forward but I moved the wing back “hell nah, I don’t share chicken nigga” Robyn rolled her eyes at me.
I personally hate this, I would be happy with just Ethan but my parents have really come back and I don’t know why. Pushing my snapback down further and crossing my arms across my chest, I am bored of hearing my mum “I understand that you are upset Joyce, as a mother you failed to keep him safe at such a young age. He was left to deal with it but this is about Chris” Ethan said “and Chris why are you hiding your face?” resting my head back “because it’s the Joyce show, I am letting her take the limelight. She wasn’t supposed to know, she was blind to it, the bitch I fucked was right under you, well the bitch that fucked me” I snorted laughing “stop it” Robyn said yanking the snapback off of my head “you speaking on it like it was nothing brings you nothing but more pain Chris, stop joking about it” looking over at my dad, he is staring at me like he wants to beat my ass until I say I am ok “but I have accepted it, I know what happened and I accept it. Just my parents won’t, they find me troublesome. I am the same one that feeds them, paying for a guy that left me. Everyday I am feeling great but I don’t think them two are feeling great” Ethan can help them two “I have always paid for myself, I live a humble life” my dad said “so humble that you didn’t want me ruining your vibe, you’re so sick minded Clinton that you rather me just be high off my ass then you having to admit to the fact your son got abused and it was your fault. You didn’t want me, the shit didn’t stop there. I got shipped off to Harlem, not to you but to Harlem, you failed. You wack as fuck, you think this dickhead will pay for your trash. How do you feel that this is all of your fault, I was a child and I was thinking of killing someone that was abusing my mom because nobody helped, when I asked for help do you know who came? Nobody, so you live a humble life and repent your fucking sins” he is driving me crazy, he out here judging me.
I shook my head “and you think I am an angry nigga, look at him” I pointed, Ethan just put his hand up to me “why can’t you speak to Chris and tell him how you feel? Is there a reason why you was never there, it’s good to talk” my dad shook his head “it’s not my fault he can’t control himself, he has issues because that is just him. I reached out to him but he hates me, you know what I feel? I feel like he is a rich guy that just can’t be faithful and wants to live out luxury like all of these rapper boys out there, I always said to you that Rihanna and you are bad for each other, she drives you crazy. You need to just grow up boy, this boy is stupid and I am done. Joyce you created him so you deal with him, I am too ill for this drama that Chris likes” I felt a stab to my heart, my dad got up from the couch “so is that it, you have cut your son from your life? Don’t ever come here and ask for money again or use his name because I will sue you” Robyn said but I am not actually registering what is happening, is my dad disowning me and not caring. Clenching my jaw looking to the door seeing my dad walk out, the same feel of when he walked out that night when my mom got beat, like it was nothing. Looking away from the door and stared at the ground, blowing out air “I guess he doesn’t want to know” I said looking at Ethan but feeling the hurt in my heart.
The room is awfully quiet “I forgive you mom” I choked out but fighting back the tears “I forgive” I paused swallowing back the lump in the my throat “I was going to forgive him but he didn’t want to know, how can he not care” it hurts to hold this back “it’s ok to cry Christopher” feeling Robyn hold my hand “come here Chris” slowly moving my body and laying my head on Robyn’ lap, I feel so numb “it’s ok, you know your answer. You can move on now” I blinked my eyes and a tear fell “I am so sorry Chris, please believe. I am ever so sorry, I didn’t know” my mom got on her knees “I would have protected you, I am so sorry. I was so stuck in wanting a man to look after us. I am sorry” I swallowed hard “you’re ok though, he couldn’t hurt you anymore. If he didn’t leave, I would have killed him for you. I still will now” moving back from Robyn’ lap “I still remember it, I still see it, I still hear it. I saw a motherfucker blow his brains out and people expected me to be normal. I forgive you mom, I do. But I don’t forgive myself because I didn’t do anything, I just grew up and became this. After all these years and I still wanted my dad” shit kills me.
Staring down at Maurice in his crib, it makes me think. What goes on in anyone’s mind when they leave their child, I couldn’t walk out on Maurice. He has got my heart, everything I didn’t get in love he got, he will have me with him. I may be the most annoying dad but I am going to be there, on god I will never let him see the shit I ever saw. He will never be me, Maurice screamed throwing his toy to the side “you ready to sleep now” picking the toy out “you think there is enough room for daddy?” placing the toy on the floor “I am sure I won’t break it” climbing into the crib, hearing Maurice gurgle “if I sleep on my side, then I’m good” laying on my side just behind Maurice “come on, lay down” laying him down, he keeps on giving me weird looks “let’s put your blankie over you, that way you will sleep” placing the blanket just on his cheek, how he likes it “and this” placing his pacifier in his mouth “now you are ready for sleep” resting my head down, Maurice just stared at me “I’m taking too much space?” he looked and reached his hand out touching my tee “I love you” I said as a sob left my lips, I will love him to the moon and back but I didn’t get that and I will learn to accept this, I will accept this .
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fanfic-collection · 7 years
Hades and Persephone: Loki x Reader - Pt 4
Option one: This was a dream?
Option two: I have some humor to go with this for certain things... I can’t decide so feedback would be nice.
Waaaaay big warnings - this is my first time attempting this sort of scenario so please feedback if I can on that as well. Thank you, hope you enjoy!
Tag thing list: @mariadoghorses @noeypiiepiie @captainnbarnes @ex-bookjunky @frenchfrostpudding
“I’m not very hungry.” You muttered sitting down at the table.
“Are you sure?” Loki asked, voice filled with concern.
Your stomach grumbled. Vaguely a warning not to eat came to mind, but you couldn’t recall the reason why. Biting your lip, you looked around, wary that the demon, Harold, might come back. Another demon strolled into the room, a clay bowl in its black clawed hand.
“Fruit, my lord?” The demon asked Loki.
“Put it on the table.” Loki ordered, not breaking eye contact with you.
You turned your gaze to watch the bowl as the demon placed it on the black ebonwood table. The legs of the table was adorned with carvings of skulls and a horned motif, almost at odds with itself. You looked back up to Loki with his back to the massive fireplace, heating the room.
Picking up the bowl, Loki walked around the room, stopping at your side and kneeling down. With a sharp jerk of Loki’s head the demon bowed low and left the room, leaving the two of you in silence.
“Here.” Loki murmured, slowly removing the glove from his left hand. It was deathly pale, as though literally touched by death itself. He reached into the bowl and pulled out a handful of red pomegranate seeds, their blood red skins clashing brilliantly on his hand and shining like small rubies. “Just a few?”
Hesitantly, you took one and placed it in your mouth, savoring the taste. Self consciously, you chewed it down and swallowed hard.
Loki smiled, reaching for more. You took a few more from him, losing track of the exact number. Loki’s grin widened as he watched you.
In spite of yourself, you couldn’t help smile back, he looked so sincere and pleased with himself that he had given you this.
As you smiled, some of the juices ran down your chin, sliding down your throat. “I,” you tried to speak but Loki’s hand shot out, sliding along your chin and wiping away the red liquid.
His left hand slowly made its way to his lips, brushing along the skin as he slowly licked them. You felt yourself mirroring his action as you watched him. For a moment, his eyes seemed to flicker red, the same brilliant shade as the pomegranate seeds. Then once more, his eyes were green again, but this time darker and a sort of... hunger?
Loki’s hand shot out, gripping the back of your neck as he lunged forward into a kiss. Your lips meshed together, the taste of the pomegranates still fresh in your mouth. His lips, so soft feeling, yet so harshly pressed against your mouth as he hungrily kissed you.
Pulling you to your feet, Loki straightened up, his hand gripping the back of your head, nails digging into your hair. He dominated the kiss hungrily, nipping and sucking at your lip until you gasped and he was able to force his tongue into your mouth, searching and tasting and feeling you.
Your senses slowly returned, something telling you this was wrong. Struggling to push against his shoulders, your squirmed away from him, dizzy from lack of air.
Loki pulled back long enough to breathe heavily, his cool breath wafting over your face as you panted.
“No,” you whispered through heavy breaths, “This, this is wrong.”
“Is it?” Loki growled, pushing you onto the table, “Yet here I am, able to make a meal out of you.”
Magic bonds appeared around your wrists, holding you in place as you struggled. Loki still wore his glove on his other hand, spreading your legs for him and standing between them as he pushed up your skirts. You squirmed, attempting to get away but already you could feel a strange wetness building. Loki reached his gloved hand up, slipping past your undergarments and slid his thumb along your clit. You shivered, letting out a moan as your back arched back. His gloved index finger slipped into your folds, the leather fabric foreign yet not unwelcome as he felt your womanhood. Just as quickly, he pulled his hand out.
“And here we are, my glove soaked.” Loki purred, inhaling deeply as he held the leather glove to his face. Deftly, he removed it, tossing it to the side. “Now then,” he pulled out a dagger, some hidden sheathe at his waist and lifted it towards you. “I don’t want reminders of where you came from, you are my queen, my beautiful, beautiful queen.” He pressed the blade to your dress, slipping it between the fastenings and cutting them before tearing the garment from your body. It pooled around you, covering the table like some strange table cloth. You were completely bare before him, save for your meager panties.
Loki traced the cold blade along your thigh, up to the apex of your thighs, watching with a satisfied smile as your eyes followed the blade. Your heart raced, breath coming in short bursts as the tip of the blade traced along your clit, teasing you ever so slightly. Was it arousal or fear? Both?
“I will never hurt you.” Loki whispered, his grin fading, “I want you to know that, I need you to know that.”
“Is that why you’re holding a knife to my womanhood?” You shot back, clamping your mouth shut out of fear of reprisal.
Loki chuckled, “To remind you what I am capable of, that I could, but that I would never.”
“Then you’re just as terrible as they say you are.”
“If the glove fits.” Loki glanced over to his discarded glove.
For a moment, the bonds weakened and you were able to break free, pushing against Loki and shoving with all your might. Loki stepped back, surprised as you took off running, almost completely naked.
You ran with reckless abandon, not knowing, nor caring where you were going. Calls from the various demons filled the air, each more vulgar than the last but you couldn’t care, you just had to get away. Your feet padded along the ground nearly silently but no matter where you ran, you could hear the heavy leather bootsteps following behind you.
Bursting out of the door, you found yourself in the courtyard, outside and free of the inner building. You rushed over to the trees, their familiarity calling to you.
Just as you reached them, you felt a vicelike grip on your wrist, spinning you around and pinning your back to the tree.
“Then I will have you here.” Loki growled. Once more his lips were upon yours, kissing you fiercely and pressing you against the tree. His body pinned you in place, his leather armor rubbing along your breasts, the various buckles rubbing against your nipples until they were pert and hard, wildly sensitive.
Only vaguely were you aware of Loki unbuckling his trousers and lowering them, revealing his massive cock, erect and wanting. He managed to do this with one hand, the other wrapped around your shoulders as your back rubbed against the bark of the tree, scratching at your skin. Yet the pain sent a wild thrill through you as Loki continued to kiss your mouth furiously.
You felt something hard press against your lower lips, teasing at the entrance before slowly pressing in, filling you entirely. You gasped out, not even realizing that Loki had removed your panties.
“No?” You asked uncertainly as Loki pulled back for breath, gritting his teeth as his nostrils flared at the tight fit.
“Perhaps I overestimated you,” Loki murmured, “Relax, pet, enjoy this.” He wrapped his left arm around your shoulders, pulling you tighter against him as he pressed further into you, struggling to reach his desired depth. Almost unwittingly, you lifted your legs, wrapping them around his waist and digging your heels into his lower back. Loki’s eyes widened but he merely smiled softly, hissing as he struggled to stay slow.
You groaned heavily, arching back against, skin scratched by the tree. The leaves wrapped around you comfortingly, stroking your skin as Loki slowly began to pull back out. Very slowly, and carefully, mindful of the little noises you made, Loki began to thrust in and then out.
You sighed as his cock hit a particularly sensitive spot, a soft cry quickly following it. “Yes.” You moaned, head thrown back as Loki began to set a faster pace, hitting you harder and thrusting ruthlessly. You started to rock your hips in sync with his, meeting his thrusts with your own as your toes curled. The tree continued to scratch at your back but it reminded you more of Loki’s nails, those which were digging into your shoulder as he held you in place, body pinned to the tree by his. With his right hand, Loki gripped your thigh, working to hold you upright. He shifted you upward on the tree, a soft hiss of pain before more cries of ecstasy escaping you. Now his pubic bone was hitting your clit, new waves of pleasure rushing through you. From within your core, you felt a knot begin to build, desire racing through you as stars started sprouting across your vision.
Then it happened, a wonderful feeling burst through you, starting in your core and spreading to your toes, curling them tighter as you screamed loudly, uncaring who heard you. Your walls clamped around Loki’s cock, his own body spasming as his orgasm wracked through him. You milked him of his seed, panting heavily as Loki moved to pressing kisses and nips to your throat and breasts.
“How was that, my queen?” Loki finally asked, easing himself out of you.
Your legs straightened out shakily, nearly giving out as he allowed you to stand. He easily caught you before scooping you up into his arms. A metallic clink sounded where you couldn’t see and you figured he must have redressed himself magically, why he had bothered to do so by hand originally was a thought that quickly passed as you leaned against him exhausted. Loki reached over his back and covered you with his cloak, hugging you tightly to his chest.
“Was that so bad, love?” He asked, hand sliding along your skin as he held you.
You giggled, “I guess not.”
“You will make a fine wife.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead. “All of you bloody wretches get back to work, the show is over.” Loki roared, glancing towards the courtyard. The assembly of demonic creatures quickly bowed their heads and returned to their tasks, each pretending as though they had neither seen nor heard a thing.
“Let’s get you washed up, perhaps you will join me in bed tonight, it would be nice to wake up with you in my arms.”
You rested your head tiredly against his shoulder, “Mmkay.” You mumbled, drowsy, body exhausted over the array of emotions you had expended.
Loki chuckled, the trees behind you seemed to quiver with new life, branches spreading and signs of new leaves sprouting. “Did I please your lady?” Loki asked the trees, amused.
A silent breeze seemed to run through the copse and Loki grinned, proud that the trees seemed to approve. Slowly, he turned and made his way back towards the castle, holding you tightly in his arms. He had a wife.
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kitty-bandit · 7 years
Fandom: D.Gray-Man Rating: T Paring: Laven (Lavi x Allen) Words: 1.5K
For the D.Gray-Man Fanworks Initiative, Day 7: OTP; Friendship; Love; Romance
Read on AO3.
The first bell rang and Lavi slid to a stop just next to Allen as he was closing his locker. Students were rushing through the halls to make it to classes, but he just took his time as he watched Allen tuck his Chemistry and Algebra books into his bag. The smile on his face grew, and Allen sighed as he looked up at him. “What are you up to?” he asked, zipping the backpack and shouldering it. His lips were drawn into a thin line as he leveled a glare at the redhead. “Al, I’m hurt. Really, I am.” Lavi pressed his hand over his heart and sighed dramatically. “Why the sudden accusations? It’s like I can’t wait for you at your locker without having some ulterior motive.” “Well, do you have one?” Allen asked as he began walking to class. The halls were starting to clear, and they only had a few minutes before they were marked tardy. Lavi winced. “Okay. Maybe.”
“Lavi…” “Hear me out, Al. Hear me out!” He pulled Allen to one of the side hallways, distinctly away from their Algebra class. “It’s such a nice day out and—” “No.” “But Al—” “We’re not skipping class. We’ll get in trouble.” Allen turned on his heel, ready to retreat to class, but Lavi held him back. “We won’t get in trouble if we’re not caught.” Allen sighed heavily. “Are you even hearing yourself? The last time you skipped out on class, you almost got suspended.” He tilted his head and crossed his arms. “We’re not skipping. C’mon, let’s just go to class.” Lavi hummed, still holding onto the hem of Allen’s shirt to keep him from leaving. The hallways were almost empty by now, and they only had a minute, maybe two, before the final bell rang. They wouldn’t make it unless they ran all the way across the school. “Oooor, we could leave now and I could buy you some snacks at the convenience store.” Allen pursed his lips and narrowed his eyebrows. He said nothing, and Lavi knew he was close to breaking him. “I’ll buy you whatever you want,” Lavi suggested, the grin on his face growing by the second. Chewing on his lip, Allen hesitated. “Anything?” Lavi almost had him convinced. “I’ve got cash burning a hole in my pocket as we speak,” he said, leaning in closer to Allen’s ear. “And I’ll spend it all on you.” That did it, the promise of food and lots of it. “Okay. Okay.” Allen leaned in closer and pushed Lavi. There was an exit just down the hallway, and if they hurried, they could leave without getting caught. “Let’s go. But you owe me.” Lavi grabbed Allen’s hand as they hurried towards the exit. “Trust me, Al. You won’t regret it.” Allen could only let out a heavy sigh as they disappeared outside. The sun shone down brightly as they weaved through the school grounds and out to the street. Lavi rushed past windows and doorways, ducking out of sight when they needed to avoid getting caught by one of the teachers or staff. He had a firm grip on Allen’s hand, and by the time they made it to the public street, their fingers were entwined. Allen didn’t shy away from the grip, even when he had to adjust the strap of his backpack on his shoulder. “Okay, we’re out. Now where are those snacks I was promised?” Allen asked, no hesitation in his tone. “Oh, so demanding. I love when you talk like that,” Lavi said with a laugh. He pressed a light kiss on Allen’s temple, then led him down the street. “C’mon then. I don’t want to keep your stomach waiting.” They walked hand-in-hand to the convenience store a few blocks down the road, the sun beating down on the their shoulders. The streets were quiet, most people at work or school in the early afternoon. In the distance, Lavi heard the sound of a lawn mower buzzing. A dog barked playfully at them as they passed a fenced in lawn. “You have to admit,” Lavi began, a grin creeping over his face. “It’s too nice of a day to stay cooped up inside.” In spite of himself, Allen smiled. “We’re supposed to be in class, though.” Lavi shrugged and pulled Allen closer. “There are a lot of things I’m supposed to do, but I don’t. We’ll add this to the list.” “We’ll be in trouble tomorrow,” Allen added, looking up at him. “That’s tomorrow. Today, we’re free.” Lavi tightened his hold on Allen’s hand, giving it a gentle tug. They were already out of sight of campus and he felt bolder. “Now, do you want those snacks or what?” Allen chuckled. “Yes. I might as well enjoy my freedom before I end up in detention.” “That’s the spirit, Al!” They meandered down to the main street, quietly enjoying the weather. A warm breeze wafted through town, and the early summer air left a pleasant chill running up Lavi’s spine. He couldn’t keep the grin off his face, even as they entered the convenience store. The clerk paid them no mind as Allen raided the shelves. Lavi let him pick everything he wanted: a hefty bag of cheese puffs, chocolate bars of various sizes and brands, and some orange soda. After Allen set everything on the counter and the clerk rang it up, Lavi winced at the price, but paid it without complaint. A deal was a deal, after all, and Lavi never left Allen hanging. Taking the flimsy plastic bag full of treats with them, they headed back out and towards the park. There were only a few kids playing on the swingset, but it was peaceful overall. They headed to one of the picnic tables under the shade of some large maple trees. As soon as they sat down, Allen dug into the bag and opened the soda, taking a long swig of it before he ripped into the Hershey bar. Lavi leaned forward, resting his arms against the warm wood of the table. He turned and watched as Allen devoured the candy bar in seconds flat. A chuckle crept up his throat. “Your appetite never ceases to amaze me. Didn’t we eat lunch not more than an hour ago?” He sat up straight again, watching Allen with an amused gaze. “There’s always room for snacks, Lavi,” Allen teased, grabbing another candy bar and peeling open the wrapper. Their shoulders were flush and Lavi felt the heat radiating off Allen’s skin. He leaned in, burying his nose into the side of his neck. The hair tickled Lavi’s skin, and Allen ignored him as he focused on the food. Another candy bar was devoured, and he took a break to drink down some more soda. “Where do you wanna go after this?” Lavi asked, still nuzzling at Allen’s neck. He slipped an arm around Allen’s waist, pulling him closer. Allen capped the soda and tilted his head to the side, inviting Lavi to continue as he pleased. They did this often, and Lavi knew that as long as he let Allen eat, he didn’t care what Lavi did to him. With a hum, Allen turned his head. He smoothed a hand over Lavi’s thigh. “My place should be empty right now. Cross is out of town and we’d have it to ourselves. We could—” Allen cut himself off, gasping as Lavi nipped at his ear. “—could watch a movie, or something.” “Or something sounds good to me,” Lavi mumbled. He slid two fingers along Allen’s jaw line, tilting his head up enough so Lavi could kiss him. It was soft and warm and tasted like orange soda. He exhaled from his nose when he felt Allen reciprocate in kind, his heart jumping up into his throat. Even now, after over a year of being together, his boyfriend’s touch still left him excited. When they pulled back, Allen’s eyes were glassy and hazed over. He let out another soft hum, and tugged at the front of Lavi’s shirt. “Let’s go now.” “Already? I thought you wanted to eat your snacks first.” “They can wait,” Allen said, already tucking the remaining snacks into the bag. Lavi laughed and eased up from the bench, taking the bag from Allen’s hands as they began walking again, this time in the direction of Allen’s apartment. “Hungry for something else, are you?” he teased, nudging him with his elbow. Rolling his eyes, Allen plucked the soda from the bag and started to drink it again. “You’re so crass. Keep it up and I’ll go back to eating the candy bars and leave you to your own devices.” “Ouch! Allen, you wound my heart!” Lavi whined, over-dramatic and loud. Allen nudged him away and continued on down the sidewalk. He tried to hide his smile. “Such a pain in the ass.” “But a lovable one, right?” Lavi asked, catching up and falling back into step with him. With a chuckle, Allen nodded. “Yeah. Definitely lovable.” He stole another kiss from Lavi before the redhead could notice. “Now hurry up. I don’t like to be kept waiting.” Lavi snickered and grabbed Allen’s hand again, picking up their pace. “Yes, sir.”
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xiumin-on-this-shit · 8 years
I Am An Alpha Ch 3: I Can Do This, I Think...
“I can’t do this!” I groan as Jin drags me behind him through the forest. We spent most of the night figuring out where the black dragon’s home base is located and finding a quick path back to the camp so we, or I guess I mean they, can run back after. The land near the massive mansion reeks of them, not in a bad way it’s just so over whelming for me. I smell four wolves inside, three are unfamiliar and one is the wolf from yesterday. A small sigh of relief leaves my lips when I know the head alpha is not there, though that is a problem that Jin quickly realizes.
“The head alpha is out,” Jin informs the group, stopping us just behind the last row of trees that separate the forest from their main property.  There is a green house on one side of the mansion, I can smell flowers and fruits and vegetables. Even with the massive windows on the back of the house I can’t see a single person inside but I know they are here. “They know we’re here.”
“How can you tell?” Tae stares into the house with so much focus I feel like his eyes are going to pop out of his head.
“They are coming out,” Jin nods in the direction of the green house. Four figures step out and scan the forest line. Jin quickly tucks me behind him.
“Come out, come out where ever you are,” One sing songs. His voice sounds so warm and alluring I almost feel tempted to obey but Jin’s firm grip on my arm keeps me low.
Another sighs, already bored with the situation, “We know you are out there, don’t make us come look for you.”
“So many trespassers in two day? I wonder if they are with that mutt we cut up last night,” One chuckles in a deep voice.
My heart shatters at those words, “Cut up?” I echo.
“What a pretty voice,” The first voice purrs.
Another hums in agreement, “I wonder what pretty little creature it came from.”
“Should we go find out?”
The annoyed one voices his opinion, “I think we should just slaughter them now before the hyungs come back.”
“If you insist.”
“Wait,” Namjoon sighs as he stands up from cover. “No need to bring out your claws.”
“You are trespassing on our territory, that gives us permission to slit your throats without question. Lucky for you though, I’m feeling friendly today, now tell us what you are doing here.” The first voice demands.
“The rest of you stand too, I want to know who had the pretty voice,” The other commands. Jin pulls me up with him, still blocking me from view. The others join us, Joon is standing at point, Jin and Yoongi are flanking him with the other three standing at the back.
Namjoon bows as he introduces himself, “I am Kim Namjoon, we came looking for our pup, you caught him yesterday. We are sorry for being on your territory, we didn’t realize who you were until after. So if you could just give us back our pup we will be on our way.”
“Why would we just hand him over? We have a nice new chew toy.”
“We have something that you want more,” He offers.
One chuckles, “What do you have that we would want?”
“Your mate.”
There is a brief moment of silence before a chorus of growls come from the four alphas, “Mate.” I cling to Jin’s jacket, both out of fear and excitement. There is a silent fight for dominance as both my pack and my mates release their alpha pheromones. My omega instincts are screaming at me to drop to my knees and bare my neck, to submit just to get this to stop. I hold on to Jin tighter as my knees begin to loose their ability to hold me up. Jin, who is masking my scent, notices my suddenly trembling hands.
“Where is she? Do you have her with you? Where the fuck is she?” The first demands impatiently.
“We want our pup first, but since neither your head alpha, or your second in command, aren’t here we are going to have to come back later.”
“There is no way in hell we are letting you leave without handing over our mate.”
“We aren’t holding her back, she’s here for the pup as well,” Jin tells them, slipping a hand behind his back he offers it to me for stability and comfort. I accept it and let out a breath I didn’t even realize I was holding. “Please reel your pheromones in though, you are scaring her.”
“Why can’t we smell her?” The first whines almost desperately.
“I’m masking her scent with mine.”
“Stop it,” Another snaps.
“It makes her feel safe, so no.”
One growls, “We would never hurt her.”
Jin scoffs, “Your head alpha almost killed her thirty years ago. You,” Jin raises his free hand to gesture to one of them, “you almost attacked her yesterday.”
“Yes, you. But you missed her and attacked our pup instead.”
“Can we at least see her?”
“I don’t know,” Jin hums, “It’s all up to her. Do you want to see them Insoo-ya?”
I gulp, “As long as they don’t freak out or anything.”
“Wait,” Joon stops me, “Maybe it’s better if they don’t see you yet. I will be harder for both parties when we have to leave.”
“Where the hell do you think you’ll be going with our mate?” Someone barks, again I find myself under a massive amount of pressure. I hold Jin’s hand tighter.
“Control your anger!” Jin snaps back.
Namjoon gives his second in command a stern look before turning around to face the four men, “We aren’t running away, we are just waiting until your alpha comes back. I figure we should leave since none of you seem to be able to control your emotions which means Insoo is struggling to even breath with so much alpha pheromone in the air.”
“We will call him, just don’t leave.”
“Will you at least go inside or something?” Yoongi suggests, “None of us are enjoying the hostile atmosphere and at this point you are going to give her panic attack.”
The four men are silent for a moment before one speaks for all of them, “As long as we have your word not to run.”
“We came to you for our pup, we aren’t leaving without him.” Joon tells them.
“Does that mean we can see her? Since you won’t be leaving now?” One says hopefully.
“Insoo?” Jin wonders.
“I really want to peek,” I admit meekly. My pack is watching me intently, this isn’t my normal personality, I’ve always been strong and brave, not like this. I take a deep breath and take a shaky step to the side to look around Jin. The four men are standing a few yards away from the forest, watching with an intense stare. Three are really tall, about Namjoon’s height or a little taller. The other is short but only by a few inches, he’s absolutely beautiful, I mean they all are, but he is strikingly so. I’m surprised to see faded pink hair and darkly outlined eyes but they fit him so well, it makes him appear other worldly.
The tallest of the group is to his right, this one has tan skin and bags under his eyes. He doesn’t make me think of a wolf, maybe a cat or possibly a bird. Next to him is slightly shorter with a scary looking face. I find myself actually taking a step back when our eyes lock. He is the one from the forest, I can feel his familiar scent calling to me, drawing me in again. His hair is a light blond, beautiful pale skin stands out against the two tan men standing on either side of him. The other tan boy on his right has soft features compared to the other but he looks just as dangerous. Jin has to hold my hand to keep me form taking another step back.
“So beautiful,” The pink haired man purrs taking a step closer.
“Hello little wolf,” The next one coos. The other two just continue to stare. “What is your name?”
“Insoo,” I say softly.
He smiles, “So pretty, I’m Tao, this is our hyung Baekhyun. These two are our youngest pack members, Sehun and Jongin.”
I gulp, “Hello.”
Their eyes turn a brilliant gold.
“Hyung,” The youngest, Sehun, says with a cold voice.
“Sehun,” Baekhyun says with a obviously forced calm voice. “We have to wait for Kris hyung to get home, you should go call him.”
“But nothing,” The eldest says sternly, “go.”
With that the boy nods and turns to leave, not before giving me one last glance. Even his stare seems so cold, I wonder what I could have done to earn such a frightening look. “Sorry about him, he’s still so young but you can understand that. This pup of yours, he’s younger than our Sehun, he must be quiet a handful.”
Joon shakes his head, “He’s pretty well behaved. We were pretty strict since that is how we were raised but he never really caused any problems.”
“Um,” I open my mouth to ask a question but quickly close it when all eyes switch to me.
“Go ahead little wolf,” Baekhyun urges with a sweet smile that reminds me vaguely of Tae’s.
I take a deep breath to calm my pounding heart, “You didn’t hurt him did you? You didn’t cut up my little pup, did you?”
“Your pup?” Jongin finally speaks, his is like ice as he glares daggers as Jin.
“He is not really her pup,” Namjoon clarifies, “She raised him since he was a child so she considers herself his mother.”
“How long have you all been together?” Tao wonders.
“Over one hundred years for most of us. Insoo has been with us for about 109, the three younger than her about 70 to 50. Jungkook was the one she took responsibility for.”
Baekhyun’s brow furrows, “109 years? How have we not found you?”
“We wandered frequently with a larger pack for most of that time,” Jin explains simply.
“You said something about our leader attacking her, when did that happen?”
“It was thirty years ago, he tackled her and almost ripped open her throat.”
“Excuse me,” I call their attention hesitantly.
“Yes my little wolf?” Baekhyun gives me a kind smile.
“Our pup, Jungkook, is he okay? Could I see him?”
The three men share a look but Baekhyun’s smile doesn’t falter, “If you want to come in, of course you can. But because of certain  rules I’m not going to bring him out yet.”
“How is he?”
“He’s fine,” Jongin answers shortly.
“How about you?” Tao asks, “Are you okay? Are you hungry or cold? Would you like to come in and warm up?”
I tuck myself against Jin’s side, “I’m fine thank you. I’ll just stay out here with my pack.” I watch as most of the warmth in his eyes fades to a obvious distaste for me actions. His hands clench to fists at his side and his jaw is clenched.
“As you wish, we will be inside if you need anything,” Baekhyun nods curtly and begins pulling the stubborn younger boys inside with him. As soon as they are gone I drop to my knees, ignoring the cold seeping into my jeans. Even though I already miss my mates and yearn for them to come back out and just take me in their arms I’m happy I can finally breath. Just them staring is enough to take the air out of my lungs.
“They looked pissed,” Taehyung stresses. The younger wolf joins me on the ground, letting out an exhausted breath of his own. “You have some strong mates, and that’s only four of them.”
“Of course they are pissed,” Jin snaps as he also collapses. “Their mate is clinging to another wolf, jealousy with wolves is a scary thing. I’m surprised the tan one didn’t rip my head off.”
“How many are there?” Yoongi wonders, not taking his eyes off the house.
“I’m not sure, their numbers have never really been discussed since many don’t live to see them all but I know there is about six or seven,” Namjoon answers.
“Do you think all of them are my mates?”
Namjoon nods, “I believe so. They all seem to have the belief that they will have the same mate.”
“They probably smelled you on Jungkook like the youngest one,” Hoseok figures.
“Are you okay Hyung?” Tae checks on me, placing a warm hand on my back.
I sigh and run my fingers threw my hair, “I feel so tired. It has been awhile since I had so many powerful alphas around me, I’m not used to it anymore.”
“Well you better get used to it because there is no way in hell we are getting out of here with both you and Jungkook,” Hoseok gives me a sad smile.
“I know,” I return the smile briefly before suddenly tackling the male.
“Fuck,” The older boy curses as we roll in the snow, wrestling for dominace, “What are you doing?”
I can’t hold in my giggles as I’m able to get on top and pin him down, “I’m enjoying my last bit of freedom with you guys.” The others stare at our fight for a brief moment, letting my words sink in before sharing a look. Soon they are joining in on our fight.
“Dog pile on Insoo hyung!” Jimin declares. Suddenly I’m on bottom with six heavy wolves on top of me. There are laughs and curses as everyone is scrambling to be king of the pile. I push, punch, and kick my way through, doing my best to not seriously injure anyone, but in a fight like this, anything can happen. With lady luck on my side I’m able to concur my pack to reach the top.
“King of the hill!” I yell happily.
This is it. My last few hours of freedom before I have to commit to seven mates and leave my crazy world and past behind. I will no long be a alpha, or a hyung, or a boy. I will be a pretty little omega like I was always meant to be, like I always wanted to be when I was slaughtering villages. But now that I have the possibility in front of me, I don’t know if I want it.
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moosofconfusion · 6 years
The Extent of Paradise Chapter 1
A man stands staring out at the seemingly unending terrain. Light stretches across the rolling hills that stretch across the unchanging landscape. It passes over the reaching branches of pale barked trees and shines off the golden leaves that break off to float to the loamy soil that rests beneath the trees. Rainbow winged birds fly beneath the pure white clouds drifting in the pale blue sky. Their chirps and whistles compliment the gentle babbling of a stream flowing from a crack in the rocks by the man’s feet. His right thumb rubs a portion of the scarred skin that encircles his left wrist. A reminder as constant as the scenery before him. There is the whisper of scales against the smooth stone of the path the man had left to stare into the distant. The man sighs, a scowl pulling at his features as the sound softens and the grass parts around him. He does not move as the head of a violet hued serpent rises into the periphery of his vision. A black tongue darts out to tease at the man’s cheek and a rumble like that of laughter resonates through the ground causing more leaves to fall.
“What does she want from me now?” the man asks. His mismatched eyes, amber and silver more pure than any color can be found anywhere in the world, slide to regard the serpent’s slit eyes. The serpent does not speak. It twists around to look elsewhere in the realm. The man sighs again, a deeper one than before that pushes all the air from his lungs in a steady rush. He turns on his heel and follows the serpent’s gaze to a massive tree still adorned with gold leaves. Beneath the boughs of the tree the man can see a figure standing there staring back at him. One of the figure’s hands is pressed against the bark of the tree while they raise the other and beckon the man forward. With a roll of his eyes the man steps over the body of violet serpent and begins to make his way across the marble path towards the figure. As he gets closer the man can hear the plucking of strings as an unseen musician plays. The woman at the base of the tree smiles at the man’s approach, flashing pearl white teeth. Her hair of spun gold billows behind her in the windless air. She gestures for the man to take a seat at the marble bench that had been hidden behind her and the curve of the hill. Sharp eyes like cut sapphires alight as the man obeys without hesitation. The woman settles beside the man. She folds her hands in front of her atop her crossed legs. The slide of the pale blue fabric of her dress reveals a hint of golden tan skinned legs.
“You summoned me?” He keeps his eyes locked on hers though they narrow in irritation. The woman laughs politely as if he had told an unfunny joke.
“No pleasantries? I am hurt, truly.” She touches her right hand to her chest, above her heart, in a mocking gesture of pain. The man’s eyes narrow further before he softens them and forces a smile onto his face. He raises his left hand and twists it so his palm is facing upwards. The woman’s smile sharpens and she places her hand in his. He brings her hand towards him and bows his head to brush a feather light kiss over her middle finger.
“My deepest apologies, Great Goddess,” he says as he releases her hand. The woman rests her hand on the man’s knee and shifts forward to lean in the slightest bit.
“Come now, Opharious, it has been long enough that we can dispel with the formalities.” The flicker of a scowl passes over the man’s face before he is able to catch it.
“Of course Kalypsa. I will endeavor to break myself of the habit,” he says behind clenched teeth.
“Very good,” the woman coos. She leans back again and takes her hand from Opharious’s leg, settling them atop her own once more.
“Would you care for some wine?” she asks as Opharious opens his mouth to speak again. He closes it with a click and dips his head in a nod. A single hand is raised and with a flick of her wrist the woman summons another snake into being. It is coiled around the trunk of the tree, deep amethyst scales a sharp contrast to the unblemished white of the bark. The snake flicks its tongue out to dance along the tip of the Goddess’ finger.
“Fetch us a red wine and an assortment of cheeses if you will.” The snake bows its head at the order and just as it appeared it disappears again.
“It is a lovely day, is it not?” Kalypsa asks idly as she looks out over the idyllic scenery.
“As it is every day in your realm,” is the reply she receives. Her eyes snap back to meet the man’s and she raises a single thin eyebrow.
“Of course I would never subject myself to a poor one.”
“Of course not.” The woman frowns as the pair lapse into silence. Not long after a woman glides up the walkway towards them. Her upper half is of a dark skinned woman while her lower half is serpentine with scales the same amethyst color as the Goddess had called upon earlier. Within the snake woman’s arms is a silver tray, a tall bottle and two crystalline glasses balanced beside a covered platter.
“Thank you my dear,” the Goddess says as the tray is placed between the man and woman. The cover is taken off to reveal a platter with a spread of cheese and crackers. After opening the wine and pouring each person a glass the snake woman vanishes once again. Kalypsa brings her glass to her lips. She watches over the edge as Opharious takes a slice of a deep orange cheese and pops it into his mouth. He chews slowly, contrasting eyes fluttering closed for the briefest of moments before they snap open to look back at the woman. She smiles and takes a sip of the red wine, humming in pleasure as it coats her tongue and slides down her throat.
“You should try the wine, I am sure you will find it enjoyable.” Opharious pauses as he reaches for another slice of cheese, his other hand occupied with holding a rounded cracker. Pulling back the man takes the stem of his glass between the forefingers of his free hand. He tips it in a toast to the woman across from him and takes a long sip, downing nearly half the glass at once. Kalypsa’s mouth twitches into a scowl for a second before she schools her features once again into a polite smile.
“Well?” she asks once Opharious lowers his glass. The man takes a moment to ponder, swirling a remainder of the wine in his mouth back and forth before swallowing to answer.
“It is unlike any I have had before,” he replies. The woman scoffs.
“You say that of every wine I give you.”
“And it continues to be true as you have never given me the same wine twice.” Kalypsa narrows her eyes at the grin dancing at the edge of Opharious’s lips. The man places his glass back on the tray and finishes loading his cracker.
“I do not think you summoned me here for a snack and wine tasting,” Opharious says after some time passes. He has eaten the majority of the cheese plate, leaving only a crumbling white cheese closest to the Goddess. Kalypsa tilts her head to the side. She eyes the man in front of her for a moment before she places her empty glass back on the tray. With a wave of her hand the tray disappears.
“Of course not,” she sighs. “I have need of you once again, Opharious Khan.” The man straightens and a genuine smile spreads across his face even as tension fissions down his spine.
“Of course you do. My time in Paradise is always so,” he pauses and glances about before his gaze returns to the Goddess, “fleeting.” The woman forces a smile of her own onto her face, pearl white teeth bare and the hint of fangs peaking out to rest above her bottom lip.
“Yes well depending on your actions this may well be the last time I call upon you.” She looks away and closes her eyes, her face pinched as if in pain. Opharious blinks. He leans forward slightly, curiosity getting the better of him. Something like concern wells within the man and he barely stops himself from reaching out.
“What futures have you seen in your dreams, Great Goddess?” he asks in a voice barely above a whisper.
“Foreigners walk upon my beaches. They bring with them the Gods of another Land.” Her eyes flutter open. When they look back at Opharious they are clouded like a storm at sea.
“I have seen my fall too many times, Opharious. I want these intruders run from my Land, no matter the means.” The man nods, a far away look in his own eyes. The Goddess’s eyes sharpen into clarity. Her hand snaps out and grips the man’s face, forcing him to look at her. Her nails dig into his cheeks and jaw causing blood to well up beneath them.
“Need I remind you that you are bound to me Opharious? If you fail me here this life I am giving you will be last your spirit will ever live,” she hisses.
“Do you understand?” At his nod she relaxes her grip. The pads of her fingers brush across the punctures she had caused.
“Good.” She pats his cheek, a serene smile flowing back over her features as she pulls her hand away. The Goddess stands and brushes the wrinkles from her dress away.
“Enjoy your new life, Opharious,” she says as she turns. She takes a few steps then pauses and looks back over at the man.
“I will be watching.”
Opharious is left sitting on the bench beneath the tree. The music that had been playing has stopped since the Goddess’s departure. Without it the silence is deafening. The stillness that permeates the realm is suffocating in a way. A constant pressure that forces itself onto the lone man. He exhales a shuddering breath and wrenches his gaze away from where the woman had left. When he does so he feels a shift in the air around him. Wind breezes through the area. It rustles the leaves on the tree, causing a few to finally fall. Opharious blinks as a young boy, looking no older than ten, steps out from behind the tree. The pinwheel in the boy’s left hand squeaks as it is moved and the boy beams a smile up at the man when his eyes fall to the toy.
“Hello Coalescer,” the boy greets.
“Our Goddess has asked me to bring you to The Guiding Light and help shape your next life,” the boy holds out his other hand. “Are you ready now?” Opharious nods and takes the offered hand. His own dwarfs the boy’s, Opharious himself is nearly three times the boy’s size, and allows himself to be led across the winding marble pathways between the same pale trees with gold piled at their bases. It is a path Opharious has walked four times before and could probably do so again even without the guidance of the Lifebringer.
Eventually the pair stops at a humble looking hovel. A structure of dark wood stained with ash that looks out of place in the rolling whites and greens and golds of the landscape surrounding it. The Lifebringer releases Opharious’s hand and knows on the door, three soft raps in quick succession. There is a beat of silence then the sound of a lock sliding out of place. The iron door handle slowly lowers before the door swings open. Glowing eyes shine through the darkness of a hooded face and dart between the boy and the man. A raven’s claw wraps around the edge of the doorway, its talons digging into the wood and scraping away a layer of ash.
“Welcome back Lifebringer,” the figure wreathed in shadow rumbles, its voice caught somewhere between a raven’s cry and the billow of a forge. “I see you have brought our long standing guest.”
“Ashenarn,” Opharious greets. The figure shifts backwards, ripping its hand from the doorway and stepping aside.
“Please, come in, I am told we have business to attend to.” Opherious follows after the Lifebringer into the dark interior of the hovel. The door closes behind him with a soft whoosh of air. Without the light of the realm Opherious strains to see even the outline of the other two occupants of the room. There is a snap then the rush of heat and light. Fire flares to life to illuminate the room. Opherious blinks rapidly as his eyes adjust to the sudden change. He looks over at Ashenarn as the fire settles into the shape of a flickering arm. That arm gestures for Opherious to sit in a frayed woven chair in the center of the sparse room. As Opharious takes a seat in the chair the boy conjures a cloud and settles hovering at his eye level. Behind him, Opharious can feel the heat of the Guiding Light moving back and forth across the room. He can hear the clicking of the raven talons as they move around, pick up, and put down various instruments scattered over the desks that are pushed to either side of the room. Finally Ashenarn settles into place behind Opharious. A clawed hand encompasses his head and forces him to stare into the fogged grey eyes of the Lifebringer.
“Let us begin.” With those words there is a rush of energy within the hovel. Opharious’s eyes glaze over as the power presses down upon him. The illusion of time within the realm fades. Opharious seems to slip away from his body. An odd feeling that the man has experienced before but grows no easier to process each time. The Lifebringer speaks and though Opharious can see his mouth move he cannot hear anything. A rumbled response from the Guiding Light shakes Opharious to his core. A talon taps the center of his forehead and Opharious is snapped back into focus. He blinks at the smile the Lifebringer gives him.
“You are done, Coalescer, on the Land’s next day you will be reborn again to carry out our Goddess’s will,” the boy says as he hops off his cloud. Opharious nods and glances back at the other being.
“Do either of you know anything about the circumstances surrounding this rebirth?” he asks. The two beings pause. They glance at each other, faces shuttering into careful neutrality.
“The Great Goddess rarely tells us of these matters,” Ashenarn says curtly.
“The Watcher is the only one of us privy to her dreams,” the Lifebringer adds. Ashenarn barks a croaking laugh.
“You are more likely to get the information you seek from the Goddess herself than from Lady Luck and the Mother of Misfortune.” He brushes past Opharious and the Lifebringer, pausing to reach out to run a finger of flame over the boy’s bald head. The Lifebringer bats the hand away but does not appear affected by the fire.
“If you are going to speak with Tessana I would wish you luck but we all know that means nothing when it comes to that woman,” Ashenarn comments. He opens the door and sweeps his arms to the side gesturing to the doorway. Opharious stands on shaking legs. He allows his eyes to fall shut as he recenters himself. After a moment he opens his eyes again. The Lifebringer is staring at him not having moved from where he had set down from his cloud. As Opharious meets his gaze the man can see concern in the boy’s otherwise smiling face. Without a word the man breaks their gaze and begins to walk out the door. Ashenarn watches him blankly. The fire that was his right is arm now gone leaving only curls of smoke in its wake.
“Have a good life, Opharious Khan,” the Guiding Light says as Opharious passes. The man pauses and glances back at the other being. He narrows his eyes but nods. With one last look at the boy Opharious leaves the two behind. The door closes behind him with a slam. Opharious has little doubt that the two inside are talking about him, as the other denizens of this realm are want to do when his role or the circumstances in which he resides here are brought up.
Opharious wanders aimlessly through the realm. The light has started to fade causing the landscape to change from a golden white to a softer deepening blue. No doubt mirroring the Land the realm is tied to. The man stops at the top of one of the larger hills in the area. He lowers himself to the grass covered ground, crossing his legs and resting his hands on either knee. Taking multiple deep breaths Opharious forces his body to relax. It will not be too long until his spirit is wrest from this realm once again.
“I heard you were leaving us again,” a soft voice says just behind the man. Opherious cranes his neck back to peer at the gently smiling face of the voice’s owner. The woman taps him on the nose with a giggle then shuffles to his left side and settles beside him. Her hunched form is covered in layers of robes and her face is obscured as she stares out into the distance.
“You would not happen to know anything of the Goddess’s dreams, would you Mysha?” Opharious asks. The woman laughs, doubling forward as she does so.
“You are not normally this inquisitive about your duty, young one.” Opharious snorts a laugh.
“No, but since this has the possibility of being my final mission I feel as if pursuing that knowledge is not an oddity.” The woman glances at him out of the corner of her eye. The smile has slipped from her face.
“Really that just depends on your actions,” a new voice pipes in. Opharious tenses. He turns his head to gaze at the new arrival. This woman would stand as tall Opherious if he was standing and holding a basin full of blood red water.
“Mysha, the Great Goddess has asked for your presence.” The woman in question looks between Opharious and the other woman. With a world weary sigh she stands, using Opharious’s shoulder as leverage.
“Well whatever happens I hope you find what you are looking for dear,” Mysha says. She pats Opharious’s head before walking away, gait slow and hobbled. Silence reigns until the woman’s footsteps no longer echo through the darkening sky.
“So, Khan, I heard you were wondering as to the mind of our Goddess.”
“Pure speculation, Tessana, nothing to concern yourself over.” The woman pouts but it melts into wicked grin when Opharious looks over at her.
“That is not exactly what a little bird told me,” she purrs stepping closer. She reaches a hand out to him and Opharious side steps away from her. He knocks her hand away as he does so, eyes narrowing. A moon forms in the sky, round and full and smoother than the purest pearl. There is a pulse of energy that causes the man’s form to shimmer and fade. Tessana sighs pulling her hand back to rest beside its twin. The water in her basin has lightened and changed into the color of the deepest parts of the sea.
“I suppose it does not really matter. Whatever happens will happen.” Opharious feels a tug, familiar and foreign at once.
“Good fortune, Opharious Khan. We will all be watching.” In a flash of light Opharious is pulled from the realm. With his last moments of clarity he forces those words to imprint in his memories. When everything goes dark for him, the spirit of the man is picked up by a raven bearing a torch and flown across the Land. It is then passed onto a boy standing beside a woman asleep in her bed wrapped in the arms of her lover. The boy runs a finger over the shivering soul a faint smile on his lips. Without a word the boy releases the spirit and nudges it towards the woman. The soul pulses, once, twice, then disappears. His job done the boy walks away. He meets up with the torch bearing raven and together they return to Paradise where the Great Goddess is waiting. Watching and waiting.
0 notes
sunriseoverastorea · 6 years
♬ Jeremy Soule - Secunda
Rajya Sleekfur grew up in the copper valleys of Ascalon. The lake near her fahrar was tainted, turned shifting shades of oily incandescence, so she didn't learn to swim as a cub. It wasn't until she became a full-fledged soldier, when a superior pushed her into a river because she had sneaked away to read a book, that she miraculously, by virtue of necessity, figured out how to keep her massive weight from sinking like an anvil into the murky depths of the water. The book had been ruined, swept away and soaked. The Priory forgave her for the loss. They never hesitated to loan her books.
Now, Rajya Sleekfur finds herself on the sea. She can't feel the waves, the swell of the ocean. Nor can she feel the sun, the blessed, blinding sun, or the sharp, salty wind that cuts through the ship's sails and sends sailors running about the deck, yanking on ropes and shouting orders to each other. She cannot feel, but she can hear, and see, as if in a dream.
The Unending Sea is bigger than she ever could have imagined. Of course she understood the concept of a sea, a huge body of water spanning hundreds of miles, if not thousands. If not millions. After all, it is called 'unending.' Is it simply due to Tyria's limitations, or could it go on forever and ever? Her chest tightens at the thought of such a thing. Sucked into the depths of an ancient, unknown world. All it would take is one storm, one undetected leak, one small mistake.
Pen Yfan pats her own shoulder, shaking her head as she turns away from the sea. “Do not be afraid. Nothing can happen to us, not as long as I am in charge of my body. You understand? No more screaming at the captain. He thinks sylvari are strange as it is. We will find her, wherever this ship takes us. I am sure of it.” She speaks softly, as if to a child. Rajya is conscious of this, on some level—condescension. She should be insulted. A seasoned scholar of her years. But she is not who she once was. A shadow of a creature, reduced to basic instincts—fear, brooding, longing, and love. She clings to Pen's words as to the hand of a mother, and knows that Pen would do the same with her.
The sylvari makes her way to the captain's quarters, dodging a scampering young deckhand as she slips through the swinging door into the cabin. Typhon Bashere sits at his desk, a large map spread before him, covered in scribbles of coordinates and notes. He holds his weathered head in his hands, deep in thought.
“Captain Bashere,” chimes Pen, sitting on the little stool in front of the desk. She pushes her fronds back from her face, and smiles warmly, trying to seem approachable. “Any news on the search? I see you have made some additions to the map. Perhaps I could look over them again?”
Bashere glances up at her with eyes sunken into sun-baked wrinkles. “Aye. That seems a fine idea. Though I do dislike having a talking tree upstage my own plans. There's no denying that you earn your stay on this ship with that intellect of yours.” He relaxes, sinking back into his threadbare armchair, and crossing his arms over his chest. “We detected tremors from the northwest at approximately 6:02. We've been heading in that direction since then, but the wind is fighting us. Perhaps you can discern the trajectory of whatever caused the tremors. Save us some effort.”
Pen bows her head obligingly, ruddy fronds falling about her face once more, and she leans in over the desk. She closes her eyes for a moment. Releases the reigns of her spirit to Rajya. And when she opens her eyes again, they glisten gold as they take in the intricacies of the map. Every minor slash and dot, hastily erased coordinates, frustrated doodles of squids and octopuses, every detail settles into place in Rajya's mind, and a thousand scenarios unfold beside them.
What do you think, Rajya? Are there conclusions to be drawn?
Yes. Unfortunately.
Pen lifts her head, and allows the charr to speak through her lips.
“Captain, I am afraid there is no trajectory. Just as with all of the past tremors, it was extremely powerful, and remained in a fixed point throughout the episode. If it were to have moved, we likely would have suffered from the fallout of such an obstruction in the sea. It also seems unlikely that the source of the episode remains; however, if we can reach the coordinates before nightfall, we may be able to find evidence of the cause.”
“Aye,” Bashere says softly, taking off his glasses to rub at his eyes. “That'd be the closest we've gotten, at least. We should make it in time.”
Rajya lets go, willingly, and Pen has the sudden, jarring sensation of plopping back into her body. She jerks in her seat, as if startled awake, and Bashere raises a tufted eyebrow.
“Sorry,” Pen says with a chuckle, “I had a chill. These ships are awfully drafty, are they not?”
“They can be. Best get you back in the sun, warm your bark, or whatever.”
“Yes, certainly! Thank you for allowing me to assist in your search, Captain. As always, I look forward to the day when we either find my friend, or your enemy.”
She tilts her head back, and smiles at the mural on the ceiling. A pearly white squid, tangled in a mess of tentacles and indigo ink. A tiny human depicted for scale—merely an ant beside the primal, otherworldly beast. She waves to the depiction, and then turns on her heel, making her way back to the hectic, frenetic world of the deck, where she sits in the sun, and tells Rajya of the warmth on her back.
Hundreds of miles away, Marea descends from the sky. She breathes deeply as the ley lines streak past her ship. She can feel them, buzzing in her blood. The air is alive with magic, intoxicating, sending the automated controls on her ship into a frantic beeping frenzy. She performs the landing unaided, coming to a smooth stop in the shallows of the ocean, and drifting forward a few more feet until the bottom of the ship becomes lodged in the sand. She quickly fills a small pack with rations and ammunition, hands shaking with anticipation, and then she's out on the deck, leaping into the water and wading the rest of the way to the beach.
As her feet connect with solid, dry ground, she drops to her knees. A smile of pleasure tugs at her lips, fills her eyes with a manic light as she swivels her gaze from side to side. The beach is small, only a couple miles long, before it meets the bulk of the island—those spire-like cliffs, pirouetting high into the sky, almost high enough to touch the clouds. Fairy tale towers with a dense network of pulsing rainbow light weaving through them.
“This is fucking crazy,” she says aloud, cackling lightly. “How has nobody found this yet?”
In her ecstatic state, she spares little thought for how she found it herself—there were no changes in the readings, no warning bells, not a single telltale ley line that she could've followed from farther back in her journey. It was as simple as nothing, becoming something.
She gets to her feet, and makes her way up the beach, to where the cliffs begin, their foothold shrouded by sparse, wiry jungle plants. Lush and green, she plucks a leaf from one, and experimentally shoves it in her mouth, chewing loudly. It tastes like shit, but she keeps at it anyway, never one to waste 'food,' and presses on past the trees and bushes.
The foliage only lasts for a moment. Soon she stands in a sandy valley of spires, and she cranes her head back, eyes straining to find their tops up in the violet sky. Down on the ground, the spires are far wider than they appeared, each one at least twice as wide as she can hug—and hug them she does. She wraps her arms around the base of one, pressing her face to the cool gray stone, flecked with a slightly porous pattern. A surge of energy flickers through her bones, and she imagines she could kill the birds in the sky with so much power. Though it occurs to her suddenly that there are no birds. She pulls back from the spire, and her eyes slowly scan the valley floor. Not a single sign of the smallest lizard, or even a fly. Just a few plants, like a rudimentary shield against the ocean, protecting their rocky friends from the water.
Despite the lack of life in a place so teeming with energy, she is unperturbed. She forms a metal fist and knocks on a spire experimentally—a hollow, deep chime echoes through the valley, bouncing from spire to spire until it fades into the distance. The ley lines high above seem to tremble from the vibrations. She feels each knock like a heartbeat, pulsing against her skin, trying to burst forth from her pathetic, mortal body. So weak, flesh and bone. So sad, a human form. Her teeth suddenly ache. She pushes the feeling away, and strides deeper into the forest of stone, footprints absorbed by the sand as soon as she leaves them.
The sky fluctuates softly, shifting from violet to indigo to deep blue and back again. The light here feels strange—there is no warmth to it. It comes from nowhere, and fills everywhere. Still, the island is comfortable, not cold or hot; in fact, she came to realize a short while ago that she could feel no temperature, as if the air was constantly adjusting to her body heat. Soothing her senses. There are no smells, either, except for the faint hint of steel on the breeze, like pavement after the rain. She sees an oily puddle in her mind's eye. With tiny bare feet, she splashes into it, splattering her pale legs with mud. An older child's hand grips her shoulder roughly, wrenching her away from the water, steering her into a dark alley, and putting a finger to her lips. “Shhhh,” she whispers. Marea stares at the girl's face, and after a moment, she realizes it's Winnie. Deep, cool brown skin, a round face, and rattlesnake braids that hang loosely over her shoulders. She stumbles along beside her guardian, the alleyway swimming before her eyes. She feels something, in the pit of her stomach—hunger. But so great that it spreads to her chest, and she struggles to breathe. Suffocated by it. Her ankle twists, and she crashes to the ground, not even a peep escaping her lips.
“Come on, Marea,” Winnie snaps, fingers gripping her wrist and yanking at her, to little effect. Winnie was always rather weak. Not in Marea's way, where she could have been more, had more, if only someone had bothered to notice her. For Winnie, it was ingrained in her being. A part of who she was. Physically and emotionally, the girl had little to offer. But if she picked on her baby doll, the infant she found abandoned in the trash and chose to tote around like an accessory at the ripe old age of five, she could be powerful. Everyone in the family picked on her doll, her stupid, tiny 'Rea, and the doll would come to her for comfort. Which she would give to her, for a time. A few minutes, perhaps. Before she found more interesting things to do.
Winnie yanks at Marea's wrist, and her stomach drops as she realizes the girl isn't getting up. She falls on her butt, shell-shocked, and begins to cry, holding the cold hand of her charge, stricken with the fear.
Marea awakens with a shout. Her head bangs into one of the spires, and she squeezes her eyes shut in pain as the echoing stone chorus rebounds through the valley once more. The eerie sound reverberates in her eardrums, increasing with intensity, until suddenly, without preamble, it stops. Blissful silence once again sits upon the island.
She slowly looks around her, eyelids heavy with weariness. She had been meditating—but at some point she must have fallen asleep. She remains where she was before, deep in the sea of spires, stretching up like pillars to support the ripening sky. It must be morning, of a new day. Surely not that much time has passed? Yet there it is, the sunrise. Without a sun. The sky only goes through the motions, here.
She gets to her feet, and reaches into her bag. She makes grabbing motions—unable to feel with her prosthetic appendages, she simply digs in and hopes to pull out what she needs. But this time, she grasps nothing. She upends the bag. Flattens it on the ground. The rations are gone. When did she eat them?
With an irritated huff, she turns back the way she came. She squints at the stone spires ahead of her. They fade into the distance, becoming a mist-like blur the farther off they get. She whips her head around, looking in the opposite direction.
Endless spire forests, in every direction. The sand unmarred by her passing—wherever she passed from. Her stomach grumbles, and with sudden urgency, she reaches for a lone bramble sprouting from the ground, stuffing it in her mouth, stems and all. The leaves are sweet, but the stem is bitter. It reminds her of Winnie—a strange person to recall, at a time like this, or any time. She tries not to remember her. She tries not to remember anything of her life before Rajya. Even without thinking about it, the lingering effects of that time cling to her like poison.
She chooses a direction, and she walks.
Winnie digs her fingers into a cake. An entire chocolate sheet cake, stolen from a bakery window. She pulls out filthy handfuls and stuffs them in her mouth, then offers the bits that cling to her skin to Darius, who drags his tongue over them slowly. Winnie giggles wildly, swinging her legs. Marea also swings her legs, wanting them to be like Winnie's. Skinny but pretty. They sit atop a crumbling wall in the courtyard of an abandoned townhouse, shadows of the towers of Divinity's Reach  stretching across them in the afternoon sun.
Marea watches her companions. Darius is slightly older than Winnie, with a classic Krytan look, bronzed skin and brown hair, long and unkempt in a way he thinks is dashing. The rest of the family agrees with him. Their mop-headed savior. He knows the routes the Seraph will take before the Seraph themselves do. He has informants, real adult ones, leaders of gangs. Sometimes, when Winnie and Marea are out walking, gathering food or medicine, Winnie gushes about marrying him.
“One day, Darius will be the greatest crime lord in the whole city. We will live in a mansion with silk curtains and Elonian antiques, as my mom always wanted, and we'll eat the finest food, drink as much alcohol as we can without dying, and have lots of pets. I want five cats, personally. Darius will probably want something nastier, like a drake.”
Marea spots an apple in the gutter, likely fallen from someone's shopping bag, and snatches it up, promptly biting into it. It hurts her teeth.
“What about me?” she says softly, but with an edge to her voice, unable to keep the bitterness from surfacing. Some days are like that. Days of clarity, awareness. Few and far between.
“Marea!” Winnie snaps, whapping the apple out of her hand. It rolls right back into the gutter, and seems content to stay there. “You do not eat first! I don't know how many times we have to go over this. You get what's left. And now nobody gets the apple, because you've ruined it. Wasted it.”
“Wh—what about me?” Marea asks again, unfazed, until Winnie's hand cracks across her face, and her spindly legs topple over.
“You!” Winnie hisses, sticking a foot on her head to keep her down on the cobblestones. The street is suddenly empty. Marea imagines she can hear the sounds of doors and windows locking, curtains being drawn. “You might get to stay with me and Darius, if you're very good, but I wouldn't count on it. Selfish and inconsiderate. I regret the day I ever took you in. You know that?” She shouts down at her, wild, sudden rage filling her voice. “You would be dead if it weren't for us! Show a little gratitude!”
With that final note, her foot connects with Marea's face, and the world goes dark.
The three of them sit on the wall in the townhouse courtyard, and Marea watches chocolate cake crumbs tumble into the grass. Ants have already assembled for the feast, picking up bits five times their size and marching off towards their fortress. Marea hops down from the wall, and crushes them beneath her bare feet.
The awakening is worse this time. She gasps so hard her chest cramps, and the pain is piercing. She grits her teeth and waits for it to subside. And as soon as it has, she rolls over onto her stomach, face to face with lush green moss. She digs into it without hesitation, teeth tearing up greenery and sand alike. She sighs, she laughs, and at the end of it, when the binge seems to be over, she presses her face to the ground and begins to sob. The magic is everywhere. When she looks at her hands, they seem to vibrate before her very eyes. She has to get out. Has to—eat. No, she is a human, not a cow. She doesn't eat moss and leaves. She hates vegetables. Hates them, hates them. Even so, she finds herself digging up clumps of moss a moment later, and sticking them in her mouth.
“What the fuck is this?” she whispers through her mouthful, green juices dripping onto her chin. “Ship. Ship is that—that way. Because the stars, no stars, right. Okay. So the ship is, it's gotta be that way, because that feels right, and, and--”
“And you wouldn't want me to get hurt, would you?” Darius says gently, though not without a hint of warning. Of consequences for Marea's that don't put the needs of others before themselves. “You're a big girl now. I just need you to keep watch, and make your best judgment if anything goes wrong. Got it?”
Marea shakes her head. She's not a big girl. Winnie told her that she just turned five. She gave her a gift—a small knife, though not small enough for a five year old's hands. Grape vines decorate the handle, and her own name has been sloppily scraped into the blade. She's never seen it spelled before. It looks strange to her.
Darius gives her a hug, too tight, the touch of his hands filling her with a feeling she can't yet place—revulsion. And he rolls his eyes as lets her go and starts away. “You better not fuck this up.”
Marea slinks behind a pile of crates, peering out attentively, though she trembles like a frightened rabbit. After only a minute, a man in fine clothes, perhaps a merchant, appears at the end of the alleyway. He storms toward Darius, furious, counting something off on his hands as he attempts to lord over the younger boy. Marea hears his exclamations, but the words don't add up in her head. Too many, too fast, and with so much anger. She picks out the letters of the alphabet as she listens, and they spin about and tangle in her mind like an alien language.
The merchant draws a pistol. He backs Darius into a corner. Marea hears Darius call her name, and the reaction is automatic—she lifts her dress, taking her knife from the holster on her thigh. She walks into the open. Her hand moves. There is resistance. She struggles to plunge the blade into the merchant man's waist. Her appearance alone buys her enough time, as the man stares at her, dumbfounded, by the skeletal little girl that just appeared from the shadows with intent to kill.
As the man falls, her knife slips out from his flesh. She grips it tightly in her hand, and watches as thick drops of blood dribble down the blade. It reminds her of icing. Or ketchup. Or the sweet sauce that the butcher's wife puts on her homemade meatloaf.
Darius wraps his arms around Marea and spins her through the air, clutching her tight to his chest. “Nice work, kiddo! Wasn't expecting the man to pull a gun on a kid like me, but hey, you were there to save the day.” Her plops her back down on the ground, and wipes at a bit of blood on her cheek, where she was sprayed from the dying man's wound. “I'm proud of you, 'Rea. And I know Winnie will be, too. Hey, what's the matter? Don't get all teary eyed on me. This is exciting! Come on, I know you're a little brat, but you can do better than this.”
She stares at the merchant's lifeless body, a crimson pool spreading beneath his hips. She wipes at her eyes, but the tears just replenish themselves, hot against her chilly skin.
“What's, wr—wr--wrong?” She whispers, vision blurring.
Darius looks from her to the man, and back again, an eyebrow playfully raised. “Well, he's bleeding out on the ground. You killed him. That's the magic of knives.”
Marea shakes her head.
Darius nods.
Marea looks up at the sky, pure and blue across the low rooftops of the Commons. It sickens her.
She sits up, and before she can grab the nearest flora and begin ingesting it by the handful, she turns to the nearest spire and bangs her head against it, as hard as she can. The valley echoes like thunder, and she screams in pain at the sound, ears ringing, warm blood dripping down her neck. She gets to her feet and she runs, footsteps light as a child's upon the smooth sand.
She runs, and she runs, and soon she sees the faint outlines of bushes on the horizon, sprinkled amongst the misty gray spires. A flurry of memories fight for dominance in her mind, but she forces them away, she thinks only of her ship, of her friends, her cat and her books, she thinks of what she left behind, good and bad, old and new. She thinks of what she has learned to live for. She thinks of Rajya's burnt remains, Kaylee's crushed face, Noctis appearing behind her as if he were her shadow; and she thinks of her first kiss, with an uncouth, juvenile sylvari. She hasn't seen him in a long time. She tossed him aside, and he made certain that he would never feel anything but disappointment towards her, ever again.
She thinks of Raigar and Geneva. She thinks of the world, and how wrong it feels. Of how it has always felt wrong, since Darius swept her off her feet and twirled her around with joy. How dare he? How dare Tyria? How dare they allow her to be made like this? How dare they allow her to remember a world in which she wasn't the monster—everyone else was. She clings to memories of Raigar and Gen, sitting with them in the Sun, flying with them on the Rogue and lounging with them in the refuge. She clutches tight to Raigar's face in her minds eye. With the hands of a frightened little girl, who hasn't yet learned how to be empty.
She breaks through the foliage. Collapses to her knees in the sand, right where she knelt some time ago. Perhaps one day, perhaps several. After a minute spent catching her breath, she realizes the buzzing is gone. The humming in her veins, pulsing in her bones. She looks over her shoulder. And the island is only a patch of sand, perhaps a mile long. There are no bushes or trees. No spires, not even rocks. The ley lines are gone, and even as she stares, the far shore is growing closer, the relentless waves of the ocean eating it up and turning it to no more than particles, drifting in the endless abyss of the sea.
She is back in her ship, her eyes to the sky. It is black, now, just as it should be. The stars are all in their places. They fill her with hope. She munches on jerky from a large bowl, several day's servings within. She remembers little from the island. But whatever happened, it left her starving.
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crazyartdad · 7 years
Married Life
I'm not sure what woke me up first the birds squawking outside, the continuous snorting spilling out from Garrett, or perhaps it was the nagging fear I would be suffering from my writer's block. As I blink away the sleep I look bleary eyed though my bangs at the red lighting of the alarm clock. Five-twenty. I let out a sigh of disgruntlement for waking up two hours early. I shifted a bit in the bed wondering to myself if i could go back to a dreamless sleep or get up and start my day. Maybe work around in the garden a bit since the petunias should be blooming this month. Turning around to face my husband I gaze straight at his mouth where the sound barrier was close to breaking.Only God knows how i'm able to sleep through that, I lost count of the times I had to kick him out of bed or go sleep on the couch myself to get away from the horrible noise. I slowly raised my hand to touch his scruffy beard around his cheeks and his jaw and slowly pushed away some hair from his eyes. He continued to sleep like the hulking rock he was and I was content with that.
I leaned in close and gave a kiss to his scruffy neck and wiggled away to go get the coffee started. As my feet touched the bare wood floor I grabbed the dark dressing robe that hung on the back of the bathroom door. I kept a steady pace as I dragged myself to the kitchen only to almost trip over our beast of a dog,Bear. I made a disgusted noise as I eyed the English Mastiff at my feet. This son of a bitch made life pretty difficult, with his annoying bark and huge body shedding his hair everywhere, chewing everything but his damn toys,scratching and biting to where welts form on my arms from his constant “playing”. Crawling up on all the furniture and crushing my lap, and the energetic attitude makes this dog completely repulsive...But God isn't he cute.... Really it's the only reason he's still here,That and I love my husband as well. As I step over him proceed to the kitchen while being greeted with a huge yawn that dampened my eyes. I start my coffee through the brewer and glance at the window watching the sun peer over the trees from the backyard, A mist was flowing steadily through.
Black is how I take my coffee along with a tablespoon of sugar when the his eyes aren't watching, I may seem on edge to people, hardcore or rough but my heart isn't a black hole that can somehow choke back black espresso. I blow off the steam from the coffee mug and take a lingering sip as I look around the garden. The grass is full of mildew and the earthy smell mixed perfectly with the roasted black coffee. The petunia buds are still closed but they looked ready to open around the evening and as I looked over to the vegetable patch I saw the shriveled little tomato bastard that always refused to grow fully. A rap on the glass window behind me brought me out of my concern turning my body around partially to see Garrett tiredly wave before getting coffee himself. His messy hair yet kept beard was always dashing no matter how ugly it stood up, I made my way back inside to spend the rest of the morning with The champion before we went about our day and meet back for dinner.
Yep there's the dog up and wagging,Garrett fills the dog bowl and stands back to watch the chaos unfold. Watching Bear devore and Garrett sip his coffee gingerly I drag myself to the breadbox and toaster to make some breakfast. He sets his mug down and asks how I slept, I lied and said fine but the look on his face shows he's felt me toss around multiple times.
“If I snore to loud” “Your fine’ “Then maybe the mattress?” “Its to my liking”
I see he wants to question sleeping pills but since he knows better to bring that up he complies with the silence and takes another sip of coffee. His gaze doesn’t falter from mine however and I smile genuinely back at him to reassure. The toaster startles me and he breaks into laughter causing Bear to halt his feeding time. I glare as I pluck the bronzed dough from the volcanic appliance with the tips of my fingers, I grimace and proceeded to cool them with the refrigerated jelly as Garrett gathers the butter and cinnamon-sugar.
Nearing me he kisses the back of my neck while placing down the sweet condiments. With the prickling feeling of his beard I jerk away with a chuckle gripping the jam jar. Garrett lingers with a haughty smirk until he was interrupted by Bear digging into the back of his knees making him bridge.
“Dog wants out charming” “You think i'm charming?” He says with a hopeful voice “Awww that's so embarrassing, you think i'm charming” “....Alright then your vile” He sighs with a defeated expression peering at me till my smiles grows larger. “You're supposed to say, Honey we've been married for five years~” “I'm not partaking in your internet jokes, or meemee’s however you call them.” “Ok now you're mispronouncing on purpose!”
He raises his voice in exuberant tone as Bear decides to barge his head into the back of his knees once more.Defeated, Garrett holds the back of Bears collar and gets dragged to the back door. I stand in silence eating my toast as I listen vacantly to the calls of the beast and the barks of our dog. The noises eventually fade and im left the the devices of my own thoughts.
“What am I going to do about this book?” I speak allowed to no one, pressured by the sudden silence.
What Am I going to do?,I have fifty-one pages in so far but I feel I only really scanned the surface. I dont feel im blowing up to my full potential, my writings slacked and lazy. My characters are dull or mary-sue ish and I'm notoriously known for being so far gone in my writing that I don't feel determined to finish anything, and when I do its ending is moderate.
Leaving a corner crust on the plate I decide to clean up and stagger back to the bedroom.Hopefully a scalding shower will knock back some sense and bring forth some willpower, maybe I'll head back into the swing of things. I hate the days where I inevitably melt into a pile of slime but with many other problems it's just another thing I have to live with I tell myself silently as I turn the water on.
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