seriial · 10 months
who up frantically googling how to stay sober 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯
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Wednesday x Sibling!reader - no one’s messing with you
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hi love, please may i request a Wednesday Addams with a younger sibling reader who is mute and gets overwhelmed easily and Wednesday is only nice to them and is really over protective with them. Thank you, i love your writing - Anon💜
A/N: sign language will be in bold
When you were told Wednesday was moving school you were adamant that you were going with her much to your parents sadness.
They didn’t want you to go, but they knew you you were really close to Wednesday and didn’t want to break that bond, so after a while of trying, they finally got you into the same school a few weeks later.
It was nerve wracking as you sat in the office while your mom explained everything to Weems, you sat with your dad while he held your hand.
“Any trouble and you’ll call us right my little sunshine?”
You nodded your head, squeezing his hand.
“You’ll keep an eye on your sister?” He asked.
You nodded again and smiled softly at him, pulling your hand away from his for a second.
I’ll be okay. I’ll keep an eye on Wednesday. And I’ll call often.
Your dad nodded his head and kissed your forehead.
“Good, I hope you make lots of friends little sunshine.”
You smiled at him and turned to your mom who had finished her conversation.
“You’ll really like it here.” She smiled softly.
Thanks mom.
You hugged her tightly and turned to your brother who sniffled a little.
“I can’t believe you have to go as well.”
You will always be my little brother. Don’t worry.
Hugging him, you walked them to the gate to say bye and watched as they all left with Weems stood at your side, and you felt someone else there too.
You just smiled, you didn’t need to turn around to know who it was.
“Your dorm is near mine. Let’s got.”
You nodded, following behind your older sister with a soft smile on your face as she lead you to your dorm where your stuff was already waiting for you.
She let you into the room and followed you in, closing the door behind you.
“Why did you come here really? Did mother and father put you up to this?”
You shook your head.
No. I didn’t like school after you left. I wanted to be here.
Wednesday looked at you and nodded her head.
“Fine, let me tell you some things you will need to know.”
She told you about some others students, what students you could find around this place and why, and what was currently going on.
Wednesday immediately saw you growing anxious when she said about the killings.
“Don’t be such a baby, I’ll be here with you.”
You won’t let anything happen to me?
“No. As tempting as it is, mother and father would have my head.” She droned out.
You nodded your head and smiled, starting to unpack your things while she said she was going.
You were putting everything in your bed when you noticed s little hand helping you out and you beamed brightly.
He waved and crawled up your arm, resting on your shoulder while you unpacked happily.
It was nice knowing your sister and your best friend, and your little family pet as you liked to call him were here with you.
But it was still nerve wracking, you weren’t in any of your sisters classes, and because you couldn’t talk to anyone, no one really bothered with you.
Sitting in the quad, you watched as a shadow loomed over you and you turned around to face one of the students you recognised from Wednesday’s class
“So you’re the new Addams? What is it with you creeps coming here?” She asked.
You blinked and slowly backed away.
“What? Siren got your tongue?” She smirked.
She took a step forward and you took one back, bumping into a chest you looked up to see Wednesday behind you.
“Wednesday.” The siren snarled.
“If you so much as approach (Y/N) again I will chain you to s rock, and shove you to the bottom of a lake, making sure you fall so far down no one will ever find you again.”
“Whatever you freak.”
Bianca scoffed and walked away and Wednesday spun you around so you were looking at her.
“Let’s go.”
You followed behind her, and she led you to a group of her friends and sat you down, and she sat right next to you.
They introduced themselves and you offered a shy wave in return.
“Here. I don’t like them.”
Wednesday handed you some of her food and you smiled, happily eating the snacks she had given you.
“But Wednesday I thought you like those ones?” Xavier asked.
“I. Don’t. Like. Them.” She said lowly.
The boy raised his hands and no one brought it up again.
They simply carried on talking while you ate your snacks and Wednesday sat next to you, doing some homework.
She handed you a note and you opened it to read her best writing.
If anyone else gives you trouble tell me. I will deal with it.
Smiling, you nodded your head at her and stuffed the note in your pocket.
From that day on Wednesday never left you spend time by yourself, whenever you could you were with her and her small group of friends.
She would even spend most nights in your dorm, sleeping on the floor.
She never let you out of her sight unless she absolutely had to, and if anyone got too close to you they were threatened in the most horrifying way.
She was your body guard, and she was making sure that everyone knew if they messed with you, they messed with her too. And no one wanted to mess with Wednesday Addams
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waywardcrow · 4 months
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Chapter VI.
Summary: 1943. 1975. 2024. Three different decades, three different lives, three different times your life and Bucky's interwined; he lost you twice, will he do it again?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader.
TW: It can change each chapter but themes of Bucky as soldier in WWII and as the Winter Soldier in general, talk about war, a hint of Sam’s love life, some cursing, kissing, lots of feelings, reader having strong "headaches", bad coworkers, some painful flashbacks and 40s mom of reader being not great, a protective Bucky, 40’s!reader is mentioned to be named Beth but that changes for 2024 version of her so I nicknamed her little bird for Bucky, Ace for everybody else, this will be a +18 story so minors dni.
Disclaimer: Please remember english is not my first language so if I make a mistake or forget something let me know.
Pictures from pinterest and graphic and dividers by the amazing @ firefly-graphics so all credits to the creators.
Previous chapter <<<
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You should have never been sent to Europe.
The only reason you were a nurse was because being a doctor was forbidden to you and then the war called at your country’s door. Alex enlisted, to your mother’s pain and you followed him, not allowed to do any less than he did. You couldn’t fight but you could serve as well.
Everything was going fine until a letter came and your mother started to be crueler with you. Alex was her perfect son, the only one she loved, why God took him and left you there with her?
After a life of being pushed aside, of feeling unloved by her and with your dear dad long gone, it wasn’t hard to write to Colonel Philips and ask him to help you but you didn’t expect to land right in Bucky’s unit right after Steve Rogers became Captain America and rescued his unit and your brother’s among several others.
Alex wasn’t happy you were there, he knew how vicious your mother could be and you were his little sister, he insisted on making you go back home with him.
“I can’t Alex, I made my choice” you had honor too, run and hide just because you didn’t need to be there anymore was a coward’s act.
“I can’t protect you, little sister, not like this” he was sent home after his left leg was heavily injured, his country found him not useful to them like that and he saw enough death in his time there to don’t want to leave you behind.
The only reason you were there was him and Colonel Philips’ help, your father fought with him before passing away, Alex could use that to convince him to send you to New York.
Before he could speak, Steve approached you both.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to hear but I think I have a solution”
That’s how you stayed in Europe and your brother got to live his life.
Present day.
His little bird was avoiding him.
He couldn’t blame you, if he was honest, Bucky needed to be away from you too before he did something reckless like kissing you just as he wanted that night.
Then Sam came with the perfect way to ensure he would stay far from you.
“I’m telling you terminator, something is happening in Madripoor and I think the power broker it’s going to try to fuck with us”
Bucky trusted him; Sam’s instincts were as good as his, still he wanted to tease him.
“Are you sure it’s that? Maybe you’re really eager to leave the country after you messed your date with Harper” he shouldn’t laugh, really but Sam would get back at him eventually, it was only fair.
His friend let out a frustrated groan, reclining the seat of his chair to stare at the ceiling of his office.
“I don’t know why I tell you things, Barnes”
“Because you like me, not enough to have an allergy reaction just to make me smile but-“
“I didn’t know the freaking dessert had almonds, ok?” Captain America, the right, the just, the brave, yelled like a child in a tantrum and Bucky chuckled.
“You should sent her flowers and reschedule your date after we come back”
“Why should I listen to you, Buck? You have the love life of a two hundred years old man, wait” Sam made a dramatic pause “you are a two hundred years old man”
“Hundred and seven” Bucky correct him “and fine, don’t do it, I’m going to pack for Madripoor” with that he started walking to the door and when this closed, Sam yelled at him one last time.
“This time you are the one wearing heels!”
His smile lasted until the elevator, he had a reputation after all and people couldn’t see him smile. Then the doors opened and he saw you in the corner, focused on your planner, not paying attention to anyone around until someone said his name.
Bucky barely acknowledged the agent with a nod and went into the elevator, staying as far from you as he could but it wasn’t enough, he could hear your heart beating like a drum, he could smell you, if he closed his eyes, he could feel your skin.
He needed to control himself but how could he do it? Bucky was addicted to you since the first time he saw you and the only thing between you and him were two agents that when they got out, both sent a poisonous glance on your direction and that made him act without thinking.
The massive body of Sargent Barnes stood in front of you, shielding you from them until the doors closed. That didn’t went unnoticed by you when you reacted like if someone else directed your actions and touched his back to calm him down, making the muscles relax under your fingertips.
“I’m sorry” he was the first one to speak, turning around to face you, holding your hand between his. Three days without you and he was going insane, after decades being apart, having you back for a few days just to be separated from you was more of what his old heart could handle.
Maybe Sam should take someone else to Madripoor.
“What for?” was the only question that left your lips before he punched a button behind him to make the metal box stop and he took you in his arms to kiss you.
Bucky was weak but only when it came to you, he was powerless for you in 1943, in 1975, right now in the fucking elevator of the Avengers tower and he couldn’t give a damn about it.
The first touch of your lips on his got him hooked on you again, the way you hold on his shoulders to stay on your feet while you kissed him back with the same desperation, letting him in when Bucky’s tongue searched for yours, melting in his arms when you intertwined your fingers in his hair.
You missed his long hair.
A wave of pain dragged you away from him; one second Bucky was kissing you like the world would end and the next he was on his knees holding you close, afraid you were going to disappear right in front of him.
“Did I hurt you, little bird? Tell me, tell me how to fix it, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry” the soldier mumbled against your hair while you tried to make sense of his words, gripping the material of his shirt with your fingers, fighting the pain that made you close your eyes.
“It’s my head, I’m fine Jamie, you did nothing wrong” his heart hurt in his chest hearing you call him Jamie again. Only you did that, in the 40s.
“I’m going take you to the medbay, little bird” he stood on his feet taking you in his arms like it was nothing and put the elevator in movement again but you shook your head, looking at him with wide eyes.
“I’m fine, I swear, put me down please”
He refused, something was happening and he would not stand there pretending everything was fine, besides the doors opened again and Yelena and Kate saw you being carried by Bucky. Your face felt so hot you could fry an egg on it for sure.
“Should we ask?” Kate looked very confused but Yelena just shook her head.
“Let them get out Bishop, is better if we don’t know”
Bucky didn’t spare them a look but you, oh, this day was getting more interesting every minute.
First Stephen Strange stopped canceling his meeting with Pepper and when you introduced yourself, he stared at you for a whole minute like you were in a zoo exhibit, then that two dumb agents followed you an entire floor whispering things about you, about your simple clothes and how you probably slept with someone to be there after what you did on the last gala, then Bucky Barnes kissed you.
He kissed you and it was enough to stop the world.
His lips were so gentle with you, coaxing you to let him in, to let him taste you. Bucky kissed you like you were something to be worshipped and only your stupid headache was strong enough to separate you from him.
“What happened?” was the first thing Dr. Banner said when he saw you both coming through the glass doors. He finished his work on Peter’s cut and Bucky placed you with gentleness on one of the beds.
“I’m fine” you started but were interrupted by blood coming out of your nose “oh no, I’m sorry, let me…” before you could move, Bucky was there holding a Kleenex box for you, making you curse in your head.
What was happening?
Dr. Banner narrowed his eyes, taking in your appearance.
“She had a strong headache that made her almost faint minutes ago”
“And it’s not the first time that happens as far as I know” Dr. Banner gave you a polite smile when you looked at him confused “I got your medical file when you started working here and we remember what happened at the gala”
That incident would haunt you forever.
Cleaning your nose again, you made your choice.
“It’s fine, the doctor in ER told me it was probably due to stress and lack of sleep, maybe my body is still catching up” trying to don’t make this bigger than it was, you made an effort to get up but your legs gave away and if not for Bucky and Peter you would have end up on the floor.
“You should stay miss” Peter’s eyebrows were furrowed in concern. He was so sweet.
“Please little bird, you can’t go around feeling bad” Bucky took your hand on his and started to rub circles on your skin, oblivious of the other two avengers’ presence.
It was true but you just started working with Pepper, people talked shit about you already, this would not help.
“Sorry, Ace but you need to stay for a few tests; if everything is in order you can go back to work” Dr. Banner promised. After you gave him a hesitant nod, he fixed his glasses on his nose “FRIDAY, please scan Ace’s vitals”
“On it, Dr. Banner” a red light covered you and then the whole room drowned on darkness “I detect something amiss, we should call Dr. Stephen Strange” were the last words FRIDAY spoke before she went completely silent.
Tag list: @cjand10 @bunnyforhim @cookingdancingchick @moon-light1928
If you want to be added or removed from the tag list feel free to let me know.
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Hello! I'm so sorry for leaving this long but a lot happened and the inspiration abandoned me, I didn't know what to do with this story so I just went to the point and made these two kiss haha and know we are back! Tell me what you think!
Love, Lily.
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ljnsdump · 1 year
ATTRACTION (Jeno x F!reader)
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Jeno x Female reader
Summary: Her insecurities drowning her and breaking her apart, oh if only she saw herself in his eyes.
Genre: M/F, brother’s best friend, fluff with a tinge of angst, senior high school setting
Warnings: vaping, talking about insecurities, mention of corruption
Word count: 2 103 words
Please support me as I venture into writing! This is my first post, although I have literally had this story on my notes since last year. And I have a lot more so stay tuned! 
Please leave constructive criticism so I know in which areas I have to improve. Thanks, enjoy!
“Mom, I’m moving to Dad’s.” Y/N finally mustered the guts to tell her mom that she wants to leave.
Her mom raised an eyebrow, removing her eyes from the papers she’s reading and pulling down her eyeglasses. “And why is that?” Tension is starting to build up between the two.
She puts down the spoon and fork. “I can’t live like this forever. I hate this town, I hate the people. They make fun of me, talking about me behind my back and it’s already affecting my studies.”
“Why would you let it affect you?” Her mom argues, never seems to understand or even try to understand the suffering that her daughter is going through.
This time it was Y/N’s turn to squint her eyes in disbelief that she heard those words coming from the mouth of the school director. “Are you serious?!” She walks out and goes to her room to start packing.
The next day came.
She lazily opens the door of her mom’s office. “Dad’s coming to pick me up today, just in case you don’t want to see his face.” Y/N says. 
Not even bothering to look at her daughter, she replies, “Close the door when you leave.”
Y/N is just getting used to living with her dad and twin brother, Mark. She just got here two days ago. Her dad is still processing her transfer that’s why she has a whole week to herself.
She changes to her fresh clothes after a bath. She looks at her reflection in the mirror as she slowly hovers her finger on top of the big dark patch of birthmark on her jaw area going down her neck that’s about the size of a penny.
“Ugly.” She mumbles to herself. 
Grabbing a book, she then goes to the porch connected to their dining area and sits by the coffee table to read. 
Just minutes later, noise from people talking and laughing are heard all over the house. It’s her twin brother coming back from school with two of his friends coming over. 
Their maid smiles when they arrive, Mark notices her and she gestures, pointing her hand towards the porch where Y/N is and he immediately understands.
Mark was told by his dad that his sister is still adjusting, she needs space and peace of mind the most right now. 
“Guys, let’s tone it down a bit, my sister’s just by the porch.” He tells his friends, Jaemin and Jeno. “None of you are allowed to talk to her.” He warns. Y/N hears what her brother is telling his friends and it makes her smile a little. 
“Your sister’s here?” One asks.
“Yes, she’s gonna be staying with us from now on.” Mark nods. “ Which also means that both of you will be sharing a room because there’s only one guest room left.”
Oh, so they’re staying here for the night, Y/N thought. She listens to their conversations, how they played their games, and all. Through the big sliding window, Jeno sees Y/N’s side profile, her tiny smile at their jokes and it seems like she’s no longer reading the book in her hand. 
Mark notices so he kicks his friend’s foot lightly. “Don’t even think about it.” He warns and Jeno just chuckles, obviously amused seeing his friend’s new possessive side. Something in him though is even more intrigued by her innocence, something in her is drawing him in. Maybe it’s because she’s too protected that he kinda wants to be the one to slowly corrupt her? May it also be her soft and gentle aura that makes him want to bring out the fire and anger in her?
“You’re no good.”
Jeno scoffs. “I’m good! Jaemin is the one that’s no good. Every mother wishes their daughters would end up with me!” 
This time it’s Jaemin’s turn to scoff in disbelief. “What are you talking about, I’m the best!”
Mark just shakes his head. “Dude…” Then brushes them off. “Let’s just play.”
After about an hour, their maid called them. “Snacks are ready, kids!”
Despite being 18 year-olds, their maid still treats them like babies because she’s a lot older even than their dad. She’s worked for the family even before the divorce of the twin’s parents. 
The smell of freshly baked pizza soothes into their noses, they all gathered on the dining table, including Y/N.
She was just looking at the food while Jeno is trying his hardest to get a glimpse of her face. It’s kinda hard because she’s a lot shorter than him. He notices that her skin is just as fair as Mark’s, dark brown hair, fully plump lips, slightly smiling at the sight of the food in front of her. 
Jeno elbows Mark lightly and points at Y/N by protruding his lips to her direction. Mark just rolls his eyes, knowing exactly what his friend is trying to say. “Y/N, these are my friends.” He introduces the two guys beside him, making his sister look up. “Jeno and Jaemin.”
She smiles at both. Jeno observes her face intently, she looks very similar to Mark except for a few features that make her look more feminine than he is. But their eyes are almost identical, forming crescent lines when they smile. Also, there is a brownish-greenish patch on her face. “Hi, I’m Y/N. It’s nice to meet you.”
“Kids, sit down.” Their maid pulls the chair out for Y/N.
“Thank you.” Y/N smiles as she sits down.
“Is Dad done processing your transfer requirements?” Mark asks.
She shrugs. “I don’t know. Mom may be giving him a hard time getting those. She’s the school director and those papers would need a signature from her, I believe.”
“Ey, don’t worry. Dad will get those for sure. If you wanna transfer, why would she hold you back?”
"Will she be joining our class?" Jeno asks Mark, still looking at Y/N, their eyes meet that took her back. He's such a charming, flawless-face. She pretends that didn’t happen and immediately looks down to her food that made Jeno smile a little. She looks cute when flustered. 
Mark shrugs. "Hopefully. There's a lot of people there she can be friends with." 
"Is that a stain on your jaw?" Jaemin points out and she immediately covers it with her hand and fear takes over her eyes. 
Jeno gives her a comforting smile upon seeing her reaction. "Why cover it? It's unique and cool." 
It is her first time hearing that from another person, because she's been called a freak, weird, and whatever words they come up with just to describe it. 
A flush of pink appears on her face as she looks at Jeno. "Thanks." 
"No problem." 
Mark didn't mind the smiles his friend and his sister shared. He's just glad they were able to make her feel better somehow. 
"Wanna play with us?" Mark asks. 
She shakes her head. "I'd rather just watch." 
A few hours later, their dad came home and then they ate dinner. He said that she's already enrolled and she can start going to school on Monday. After dinner he gave her her new credit card, and key of the car that she'll use. It wasn't the most expensive car but at least it does the job of getting her from point A to B. 
He touches his daughter's birthmark and caresses it with his thumb. "Promise me, you'll enjoy." 
Y/N smiles tearfully. "Yes, dad." 
Their dad left because he has a business trip to Macau and he needs to meet his business partners there in the morning. That's why he has to leave tonight. 
"Manang Nancy, yung mga bata ha." 
 They boys spent the night playing games nonstop and at the end of the night they ended up cleaning the area and got more than 10 bottles of Red Bull and wrappers for their junk foods. 
And just an hour later, Y/N notices that the light from the living room is off. That's the signal for her that says they're already in their rooms so she goes out because she wants to sit under the moon. 
She jumps over the porch bannisters to the lawn outside. She isn't scared of the night because the moon shone so bright and also there are lights around the house. 
While watching the night skies, she also has her airpods on. She's just singing along to the songs when the skies in front of her are covered with a cloud of smoke so she immediately sits up feeling so frightened. But she sees Jeno's face looking so amused with a vape on his hand. 
"You scared me." She mumbles. "Jeez." 
"Sorry, you just were so focused with what you were doing." 
She stands up and brushes herself off. "What are you doing here?" 
"Vaping, you?" 
"Well, I was enjoying the night skies." 
"You can still enjoy it." He remarks. 
But she shakes her head. "Nope." She jumps to sit on the bannister and so does Jeno. They sit beside each other staring into the empty space. 
"Why do you vape?" She asks. 
"Kinda helps me relax." He replies. 
"Is it good?" 
"It smells good." He watches her as her eyes linger curiously at the vape on his hand. "Wanna try?" Her eyes meet his with excitement. "On second thought, no. Your brother is gonna skin me alive." 
Their eyes meet and she pouts. "He's not. Why would he?" 
"Because he plays the part of a protective brother who doesn't want his innocent sister to get influenced negatively." 
"I'm not that innocent!" Her head cocks to the side. "And how does vape influence one negatively?" 
Jeno raises the vape on her eye level. "Because this is just like cigarettes, and it's not good for you." 
She scoffs. "But it is for you?" 
"No, but I don't have someone who's over protective over me." 
She rolls her eyes and snatches the vape from his hand. "Oh, give it." 
"Y/N." He warningly says and somehow she found it endearing. Her name coming out of his lips. "You don't know how to use that." 
"Then show me."
He sighs then says, "Just put it on your mouth then inhale, don't swallow, just exhale." 
"I can do that." She positions the vapour in front of her lips. "I'm doing it." Glancing at Jeno then puts it in her mouth to inhale the smoke. 
Jeno also inhales heavily unconsciously along with her as he watches her use the thing. Watching intently how she does it because it's her first time after all. 
She exhales and a cloud of smoke comes out of her lips. She watched it giddily and the surroundings smelt like strawberry and vanilla. 
He smirks. "Not bad." 
"Told you I'm not that innocent." She smiled ever so gorgeously that he just stared at her. "W-what?" She immediately thinks he's looking at her birthmark and covers it right away. 
He took her hand away from her jaw. "Why do you keep covering it?" 
"It's ugly." She replies. 
But his forehead creases in confusion. "It's not." 
"Yes it is! You're just trying to make me feel better by saying it's not."
With one hand, he holds her face by the jaws and pulls her forward to him. She held her breath as they got closer, and her eyes widened at the same time. He gently kisses the birthmark on her face that made Y/N's heart fall to her stomach and jump along with the fluttering butterflies. "I'm not." He whispers.
 "Jeno..." Thank God it's dark and he can't see how her face is turning into a tomato. 
He shakes his head as if waking up to reality. "I-I'm sorry, I-I couldn't help myself." But he notices her more shocked than he is so he pulls her closer again and his lips perched on top of hers. "Relax." Then he holds her on her waist, she feels so stiff and tense. He slides his tongue in her mouth and kisses her like it's the last time he ever could. "Y/N, just relax." She exhales and just goes with the flow. 
Y/N has never felt this feeling before. She's usually scared, frightened, and even sometimes feeling threatened but now she just feels warm and it's like there's a blanket over her heart. 
Her eyes got teary and she bit her bottom lip when they separated. 
"I literally just met you today but I can't stop the attraction I'm feeling for you." He confesses.
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pickalilywrites · 3 days
Modern AU, 10 year old Zeke gets to meet his new baby brother, Eren at the hospital
ty this was rly satisfying to write :)
zeke jaeger. modern au. 1806 words.
“Aren’t you excited to be a big brother?” one of the nurses asks. She kneels beside Zeke, smiling up at his disgruntled expression. Rather than being inside with the doctor and other nurses, this woman had the unfortunate assignment of appeasing ten-year-old Zeke, who wanted to be as far away from the hospital as possible. She had done everything she could: offered to play games with him, coaxed him with toys, and given him sweets. Nothing seems to be able to lift his mood.  
“I’m not going to be a brother,” Zeke says stubbornly once more, kicking at the floor and nearly hitting the nurse beside him. He doesn’t bother with an apology. He had already told her to leave him alone. He glances back at the room where his stepmother is currently giving birth. He can hear her cries through the door and the encouraging words of his father and the doctor as they guide her through her labor. “That’s not my mom. No matter what anyone says, I’m not going to be her kid’s brother. We’re not family.”  
Zeke knows that he’s too old to be throwing a tantrum, but he’s told his father time and time again that he could never accept his new family. He wanted his family to be the way it used to be: just him, his father, and his mom. He hated it when his parents told him they weren’t living together anymore. When they officially divorced, Zeke didn’t leave his bedroom for two weeks. He didn’t care for it when his father brought home a new woman or when he eventually announced that Zeke was going to have another mom. Even though his father and Carla were over the moon when they announced that Carla was pregnant, Zeke just stormed up to his room in a huff and waited for his mom to come pick him up.  
His mother doesn’t care for Carla and his father’s new kid either. She only rolled her eyes when Zeke told her about Carla’s pregnancy. Whenever Zeke’s father brought up anything about the baby — the baby shower, the baby’s new room, the due date — Zeke’s mom would nod and listen passively, but she never asked any questions because she didn’t care to hear any more than was necessary.  
Zeke had hoped that he would be with his mom when the baby was born. He didn’t want to be stuck in a hospital, abandoned in the hallway while his father forgot him for his new family. He hates the sharp, sterile smell of the hospital hallways and the strained cries of Carla as she struggled through her labor. He’s been here for hours waiting, probably half a day, but his mother hasn’t even come by to pick him up. He can’t really blame her, though. He wouldn’t want to see his dad either.  
The nurse sits down next to Zeke, the same patient smile on her face. He’s been incredibly stubborn this entire time, but she hasn’t let her smile crack even once. Zeke doesn’t know if it’s because she’s a saint or just good at hiding her emotions. 
“I’m sure you’ll feel different when the baby is born,” the nurse tells him.  
Zeke scoffs and slumps lower into the uncomfortable hospital chair, his arms crossed against his chest. “I doubt it. It’s not like it’ll be any different from other babies. It’ll just cry all the time for its mom.”  
The baby hadn’t even come and Zeke was already tired of it. It was all Carla and his father would talk about it. They would talk about potential names for it — Eren if it were boy and Faye if it were a girl. They spent so much time converting their home office into a playroom for the kid, buying new furniture and painting the walls a pastel blue. Carla would ask if Zeke wanted to help decorate the walls with decals of different fish and ocean critters, but Zeke would icily decline. He didn’t understand what the fuss was about. Zeke could somewhat understand Carla’s excitement, but his father was equally restless as if he didn’t already have a kid from his first marriage.  
“I want to go home,” Zeke says sullenly. His head hangs so that his chin hits his chest. He hates the way his bottom lip trembles. “I don’t know why my dad brought me here anyway when he’s going to have a new kid.”  
“Oh, sweetie. It’s not like that at all,” the nurse says, and she reaches out to cover his hand with hers. Zeke wants to snatch it away out of spite, but her hand is so comforting. It’s been a while since anyone has ever thought to comfort him. Even his mother doesn’t bother with him sometimes, too caught up in her own bitterness to attend to him because he should be old enough to handle his emotions anyway, so Zeke lets the nurse hold his hand. “Zeke, your father loves you. Your stepmom loves you, too. They keep asking about you. Why do you think the nurses keep coming in and out of the room?”  
Zeke bites his bottom lip. He had noticed the nurses coming in and out, but he thought that was normal. He assumed they were just grabbing supplies. Now that the nurse mentions it, he does remember the other nurses casting a glance at him every time they passed him, but he thought it was because they were afraid he’d run off while his parents were in the delivery room.  
“They care about you so much, honey,” the nurse says. She gives his hand another comforting squeeze. “Before your father went into the delivery room, he told me to take good care of you. He told me to yell if you needed anything at all. Luckily, you’ve been such a well-behaved and mature kid, so I haven’t had to call him for anything.”  
Zeke purses his lips, feeling guilty. Even though the nurse had praised him, he knows he’s been ornery and difficult this entire time. Carla and his father had been in there worrying about him amidst the baby’s delivery, and he hadn’t even been concerned about Carla and the baby’s wellbeing once. 
Hesitantly, Zeke asks the nurse, “Is the baby going to be born soon? They’ve been in there for a really long time. Is it bad if the mom is there for a really long time?”  
The nurse reaches out to pat Zeke on the head. "It’s sweet of you to be concerned, but you don’t have anything to be worried about. It usually takes a long time for the baby to come, especially if this is your stepmom’s first baby. It won’t be long now. We just need to be patient.”  
Zeke sits up straighter and nods. Even though it was the nurse that had held his hand earlier, now he clings to her, his grasp so tight that his knuckles have turned white as he waits for news of the baby to emerge from the doors of the delivery room.  
The nurse had said it would only be a little while until the baby finally came, but every minute passes by so agonizingly slow that Zeke isn’t sure time is passing by at all. When the time came that the baby was finally born, the doors of the delivery burst open and Zeke’s father emerged, red-faced and sweating. He kneels before Zeke, grasping his son’s hands in his with an expression of pure delight on his face. 
“Zeke, the baby’s here. You’re a brother!” his father gasps.  
Zeke isn’t used to such attention from his father, but he doesn’t pull his hand away like he usually would. He gives his father an uncertain smile. “I-is Carla okay? The baby is alright?” he stammers.  
“Yes, yes, let’s go see them,” Zeke’s father says. He pulls Zeke up and begins to usher him towards the delivery room. 
Zeke stumbles towards the door and gives the nurse a backwards glance, but she gestures for him to go on with a reassuring smile.  
When Zeke enters the room, he sees the nurses fussing about the hospital bed where Carla lays with the baby. She looks exhausted, her hair plastered against her forehead and her face shining with sweat. Still, the expression on her face is serene as she looks down at the child in her arms, her gaze full of love as she looks at the little one. For a moment, a familiar jealousy surges within Zeke before he recalls what the nurse had said to him earlier.  
He approaches Carla’s bed with hesitancy. He had always been cold to her, but she looks over and smile at him with the warmth she’s always had when she sees he’s arrived.  
“Oh, Zeke. I’m so sorry. You must have been waiting for so long outside. I didn’t mean to make you wait that long,” Carla tells him. 
“It’s okay. I’m a big kid now. It wasn’t that long anyway,” Zeke says. His gaze is drawn to the baby in Carla’s arms. It’s far smaller than Zeke had expected it to be. Its face is red and scrunched up, and it begins to fuss in Carla’s arms even as she rocks him and coos. “Is it ... is the baby alright?”  
“He’s alright. He’s just excited to meet everyone,” Carla replies with a little laugh.  
“Yes, he. You have a little brother now. His name is Eren,” Carla says. She smiles when she sees the surprise on Zeke’s face. “Would you like to hold him?”  
“I don’t know how -” Zeke begins, but Carla is already holding out the baby to him. He’s afraid he might drop the baby and that Eren will shatter into a million pieces, but Carla gently guides his arms so that he can properly hold Eren and support his head. Once again, Zeke marvels at just how small the baby is.  
The baby no longer fusses now that he’s in Zeke’s arms. Eren lets out contented noises as Zeke rocks him back and forth gently. He reaches out his tiny hands, grasping for something, and Zeke offers his younger brother a finger. Eren’s fingers barely wrap around one of Zeke’s fingers, but it delights the baby, who lets out a delighted gurgling noise. 
“Look at that,” Carla smiles. “He likes his older brother already.”  
Zeke feels his face flush after being referred to as Eren’s older brother, but he finds he doesn’t dislike it. Zeke looks down at his baby brother clinging onto his finger. Having just been born, Eren can’t even open his eyes yet, but he grasps on to Zeke so tightly. The elder can’t help but smile. He doesn’t know what kind of brother he’ll be, but he’ll try to be a good one.  
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ladylooch · 8 months
Omg I must see how timo and Liv make up? And what role Emma and Luca (maybe even lio) play in the making up. Maybe like something really big and/or exciting happens in Liv’s life and it makes her wish she had her dad around and Timo finds out and wishing he was there for the important moment. And of course starts to like Luca:))
A/N: This one got loooong. Our sweet girl liv 🥺💜
Liv cannot believe the email that she is seeing. 
She is going to be a published author! Her first publication is going to be a whole freaking book! She lays back, kicking her feet up in the air. She grabs her phone, rolling onto her stomach as she listens to the FaceTime jingle connect to her mom back home.
“Hello Livy.” Emma murmurs into the phone. It is late, Liv realizes now.
“Oh I’m sorry. Did I wake you?”
“No, dad and I were sitting by the lake. How are you?” Liv tries not to let her smile falter at the mention of her still estranged father.
It’s been months since the summer night Liv left home. In October, Emma had come to parents weekend on her own. Timo flew over with her, but spent all his time with Lio, giving Liv distance. Other than a few, brief moments together at Lio & Luca’s game, Liv continues to keep her dad at an arm’s length. 
“I am great. I have news.” She wiggles her shoulders. Emma perks, face expectantly glistening at her daughter. “I’m going to be a published author. My professor submitted my short story collection to a small company in Chicago. They want to do a full, 100+ page collection and publish it!”
“YES!” Emma cheers, jumping up and down. “Of course you are baby! I am so proud of you!” Emma’s eyes drift above the phone, then dart quickly back down to the screen. “So what are the next steps?”
Liv fills her mom in. This is the early stages, but because it is a shorter collection, it can be printed and released within the next 3 months. Right after Liv’s birthday is their target date. As Liv speaks, her mom moves into her office, closing the pocket door behind her.
“How wonderful! Oh, I knew you would reach your goal well before you were done with school.”
“Mama.” Liv chuckles. She is Liv’s biggest fan. The two women chat a little longer before Liv needs to head out to her next class. Before she goes, her mom has one final question.
“Is it okay with you if I tell daddy?” Emma asks, nervously. Liv nods. Despite everything, she wants him to know. 
It’s a grueling couple of months. Liv has to learn quickly to balance a long-distance relationship, several rounds of edits and her school work. Several times, she is crying to Luca on the phone that maybe she can’t do this. Maybe she should back out of the book. Luca talks her through every wave of uncertainty. 
“You can do this, baby. Don’t worry about us right now. We are solid. Worry about you and your dreams. I’ll see you when I can, okay?”
The problem is, Liv wants to see Luca. And her mom. She really needs a hug from her mom right now.
The night of the book launch, her publisher hosts a party in her honor. It just so happens to coincide with Luca’s schedule, and an off-day when the Wild are playing in Detroit. A quick flight gets him in Liv’s arms for the first time in months, where she refuses to let go of him. Lio is playing in Chicago the next night. It all perfectly came together for her big day.
For once, she is the main focus of the family.
But when her family walks in to the event space, beaming at her, Liv’s heart cracks in her chest. Discouraged tears rush into her eyes as she hugs her mom. Liv knows Timo came with her mom and younger brothers, but he is not here tonight. No one asked if he was invited; they all assumed it would be this way. Liv did too. But now that this is all happening, it feels wrong. Wrong in her heart. Wrong in her soul. Wrong in every rush of aliveness in her being.
She needs her dad.
“We are so proud of you!” Emma squeezes her tight again. “This is only the beginning. Anything you want is within your reach. I know it.” Emma squeezes her hand, then steps aside for hugs from the boys. 
Once those squeezes are done, including the half asses ones from the twins, Liv grabs her mom’s forearm. 
“Mama, can we talk?”
“Of course.” The two women leave the boys to talk shop aka hockey. “What’s up?” Liv swallows hard, looking into her mom’s brown eyes. 
“Ah… What is daddy doing right now?” Emma straightens, pausing to read every flicker of Liv’s face. 
“Um, he’s… at the hotel.” 
“The four seasons?”
“What room?”
“Okay. I’ll be back.”
“Okay.” Emma whispers in awe. She thinks about warning Timo briefly, but ultimately, this is not her place.
Liv’s teeth chatter the entire ride to the hotel in the passenger seat of Luca’s rental car. His hand on her thigh is the only thing preventing her from clattering off the seat to the floor mats. She keeps trying to pull in deep, calming breaths. When Luca pulls into the valet, he pauses, putting the car in park.
“Do you want me to come in?”
“No.. well.. yes.. No.” She shakes her head, unclipping her seatbelt. The valet opens her door. She swallows hard. “Could you just wait in the lobby?”
“Yes. Whatever you need, babe.”
“Thank you.” She whispers.
They walk hand in hand to the elevators. Liv’s fingers reluctantly leave his.
“I’m right here.” Luca reminds her as the doors close, separating them. When they steel presses together, her anxious expression looks back at her. She had her make up professionally done. She looks so much like her mom, so beautiful and elegant. The doors open and she walks to the left. Their room is in the corner, at the end of the hall. Before she can talk herself out of it, she knocks. 
“Baby, did you forget your… purse.” Timo asks, holding up her mom’s black bag. Timo freezes when he realizes she is not Emma. He is dressed to the 9s in his best, blue suit. A shiny black bowtie is perfectly arranged at the opening of his neck. His loafers are shined, ankles exposed, and hair perfectly slicked into place. He looks dressed for the exact kind of event she came from.
“Um, no, but we can bring that to her.” Liv blurts. She can hear her blood pounding through her body.
“Hi Liv.” Timo says. 
“What… ah… are you doing here? Did mama send you for her purse?” His eyebrows pull together in confusion. “I could have brought it. But I thought maybe I’m on a certain black list. Wouldn’t be the first time.” He adds a half-hearted chuckle. Liv folds her bottom lip into her mouth.
“No, I don’t think mama knows she forgot her purse.”
“Oh. Well here.” Timo awkwardly extends the YSL shoulder bag out by it’s gold chain. Liv tentatively takes it, letting it rest in her hands in front of her. They stare at each other, not quite believing they are breathing the same air. Liv has darker hair than before. She always loses her summer highlights in the winter. Her brown hair is deep and rich like her mom’s. She’s so beautiful; Timo can’t believe she’s half him. “So, why are you here?”
“I was having a great night tonight. At least I thought I was. But then mama and the boys walked in without you and, I felt so.” She pauses, licking her dry lips and swallowing to ease the static in her throat. “So incomplete.” Timo’s eyes drop to the floor. “I don’t want this night to happen without you. It won’t mean as much. Everyone important is in that room, except for you.”
“Sweetheart, if mama told you I was sad earlier and you feel like you have to invite me, you don’t. I don’t deserve to be there.”
“I am not here because of mama. I know we have a lot to talk about, but I really want you there with us. Will you come back with me?”
“Yes.” The rush of air from Timo is immense. He sucks in a shaky breath after, trying like hell not to break down into sobs. “Of course. Thank you. Liv, this means.. so much to me.” Timo turns to go back into the room. “I’ll grab my wallet and we can go.”
“Okay. You should know Luca is downstairs. He brought me here.”
“Okay. That’s great.” Timo nods, searching under his clothes, trying to find his wallet. “Here it is.” Timo chuckles. “Your mom still insists I need a chain on this but… yuck.” He shake his head.
“Not fashionable at all.” Liv smiles, knowing her dad’s preferences all revolve around the season’s hottest trends coming out of Italy. Timo puts it in the inner pocket of his suit jacket as he looks at his daughter.
“Livy I am so proud of you. And I love you so much.”
“Do you?” Liv whispers. Timo’s face shatters, cheeks tight with emotion. 
“Yes. Every day of your existence. I used to cry at the mere thought of you in my arms when you were in mama.” Liv knows this. She’s seen the videos her mom took of him wiping his wet cheeks. “Although I know I have not gone about this the best, every thing I’ve done has been with your best interest in mind… keeping you safe too. But you are grown up now. You’re way smarter than me and it’s your life. I respect that.” 
“Daddy, Luca and I are in love.” Liv says as she steps towards him, putting herself into his arms.
“I know, hon. Mama told me.” Timo responds. “Heard about your birthday too… The celebration you always deserve.” He trails off. “Sorry I missed another one.” 
“You’ll come over next year?” 
“Of course. Wouldn’t miss it.” Liv rests her cheek on his chest, closing her eyes as he hugs her close.
“Are those the cuff links I gave you?” She wonders after they separate.
“Yeah.” Timo chuckles, bringing his wrist up for her to see. 
“Remember when I thought those were just my initials?” She grins, looking up at him.
“Yeah…. Your mom and I couldn’t think past L I guess. Sorry about that.”
“It’s okay, you kept me as the only girl and that seems better.” 
“Our perfect girl.” Timo murmurs. “Let’s go. I wanna tell everyone all about you being my daughter.” 
Timo and Liv head down to the lobby where Luca waits for them. He grins wide when he sees the two Meiers walking towards him. Liv is so happy. Her arm is laced through Timo’s and they laugh about Emma forgetting her purse and still not realizing it. Timo’s smile stays even when he sees Luca. 
“Are we ready to go back?” Luca asks. 
“Yeah. We are all here now.”
“Hi, I’m Timo, Liv’s dad. It’s nice to meet you.” Timo grins. Luca laughs, shaking his hand solidly, while going along with it.
“I’ve heard a lot about you. You should know I keep my hands to myself, sir.”
“I’m sure you do.” Timo chuckles. 
“Really?” Liv asks Luca.
“It’s funny. We’re laughing, no?” Luca laces their fingers together then opens the door for Liv so she can walk through first. It takes everything in Luca to not let his eyes drift to the sweet curve of her ass in that dress.
Things with Timo may have calmed, but Luca knows better than to press his luck any further tonight.
Plus, tonight isn’t about any of them, it’s about Liv. And she deserves the best.
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Mr. Magic Duck
Part 1: “A Baby”
Summary: They tell Sally and Paul
They wait to tell people. It’s safer to wait until after the first trimester, Annabeth knows this, but it’s the hardest secret to keep.
At work, it’s easy. She sits in her office, meets with clients, and goes about her day as if nothing has changed. Except, she doesn’t have that second or third cup of coffee throughout the day. She sticks with the one Percy makes her at home every morning.
At home, with Percy, it’s easiest because he knows. He tries not to treat her any different but Annabeth can see how having a pregnant fiancée is disrupting his routine a bit. Like offering to do the dishes so she doesn’t have to stand for too long. To which, Annabeth usually replies that she sits all day and wouldn’t mind. So Percy dries and Annabeth washes as he tells her about his day.
It’s hardest around their friends and family. Sunday night dinners with Sally and Paul become acting practice. They’re decent liars and it’s not like Sally or Paul suspects anything. It’s really when they ask about wedding planning that it’s harder not to tell them.
When Sally asks, “when are we going dress shopping?” All Annabeth pictures is a tight mermaid dress hugging a little baby bump.
When Paul asks how much of their godly side is invited, Annabeth sends up a prayer to everyone up at Olympus to not interfere. She designed their new temples after several thousand revisions, they owe her this at least.
In all honesty, Annabeth isn’t sure if Athena would come if invited. She knows Poseidon would likely show up, their reception venue is at the beach. Annabeth’s mom never really approved of Percy even though they’ve saved the world twice.
Estelle is the only one they can trust. All she asks about is playing dress up or staying late enough to read her bedtime stories.
But Annabeth is counting the days until her second trimester begins. Even as she crosses over, she starts to feel differently about keeping this secret.
It’s something that’s just theirs right now. Does she really want to share this with the world? If they tell Sally and Paul, they can’t leave Annabeth’s dad and stepmom in the dark. Then, her brothers will know too. And it just goes on from there.
When Percy comes home, he finds Annabeth in their bedroom. It’s a rare day when she arrives home first. Her last meeting had ended at 4 so she finished up some work from home. Her laptop is pushed aside and she’s laying half under the covers. Not asleep, just deep in thought.
Percy moves the laptop from the bed and crawls in behind her.
“What’s going on?” He asks, “you’re thinking very loudly.”
“If it’s so loud, you should already know what I’m thinking.”
“You’re worried about telling my mom about the baby,” he says, instantly proving that Annabeth should stop doubting him.
Percy has always understood her best.
“What I can’t figure out is why, you know she’s going to be thrilled to be a grandma. Gods, she talks about our future kids like they already exist sometimes.”
“One does,” Annabeth comments.
“No, like with a full blown personality and stuff. This one,” he touches her still flat stomach, “barely has fingers and toes.”
“What if she thinks it’s too soon? We didn’t plan to get pregnant.”
“Annabeth, if you honestly think my mom is going to lecture us about having this kid, you’re crazy. We live together, we’re getting married, we are mostly responsible.” She elbows him. “Okay you’re responsible and I’m sometimes adult enough to do taxes.”
He can’t see her smile but she does it anyway.
Life gets away from them. They miss Sunday dinner, which postponed telling Paul and Sally for almost two weeks.
But they’re back at the dining room table again. Percy is trying to tell his mom not to pick up everyone’s dishes. In the end, he and Paul load the dishwasher together. Estelle is telling Annabeth about her new rubber duck.
“He’s got a top hat!”
“Why don’t you go grab him?” Sally says, “he’s on the bathroom counter.”
Estelle sprints upstairs yelling “Mr. Magic Duck!” all the way.
Percy and Paul come back to the table. Annabeth grabs Percy’s hand. They’re sitting directly across from his parents. Two people who have always accepted her. Sally who truly was the mother Annabeth needed.
Telling Sally first meant the world to Annabeth. At first, they wanted to do something grand but it didn’t really matter how they did it. It was going to be special no matter what. It was going to be memorable no matter what.
“She’s so excited about this duck,” Paul tells them, smiling.
“We’re really excited too,” Percy replies.
Annabeth stares at him, like seriously that’s the best segway he could give her.
“I’m pregnant.”
It’s like they don’t hear her at first but Annabeth knows they did because the table is silent. Then Sally throws her chair back, muffles her sobs and pulls Annabeth up and into a hug. Paul is saying something to Percy, likely congratulations, but Annabeth is too absorbed by Sally.
Her hugs are all healing. It’s like a superpower.
“I am so happy for you,” Sally says. “Both of you.”
She lifts her head up from Annabeth’s shoulder and pulls her son into the hug.
It’s then when Estelle returns, duck in hand.
“Why is mommy crying?” She asks Paul.
“She’s very very happy right now.”
Sally lets go of Annabeth and Percy and turns to her daughter.
“Look! Mr Magic Duck!”
When Sally begins to laugh, Annabeth joins in. Percy wraps an arm around her shoulders and kisses her cheek.
“Stopping Sally Jackson from happy tears? That is indeed a magic duck.”
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skymaiden32 · 8 months
Testing 1, 2, 3
Read on AO3 here
Fandom: Thunderbirds
Tagging: @dragonoffantasyandreality @thundergeek59 @janetm74 @katblu42 @liseylou @amistrio @uniwolfcorn (Please ask if you would like to get alerts when I update or post new stories.)
Thundertober Day 12 - Hospital
They were just going in for a few tests.
Continuity: TAG
“I really don’t see why I have to do this with you guys…” Alan grumbled, clambering out of the car to follow his brothers, who were both waiting patiently for him.
“Because, Alan,” Virgil sighed, “it wasn’t just us who had check-ups due.” He folded his arms. “May as well get all of them done at once.”
Scott quickly sent a message to home, and put his phone away. “Besides, it’s just a few tests. We should be in and out.”
Alan gave him a look. “And if we’re not? There’s no way I’m staying at the hospital overnight for observation, or whatever they call it.”
“Trust me. Neither one of us would want that either, but it’s better safe than sorry.” Scott assured. “If we do have to stay, I’m sorry to say we’ll just have to deal with it. 
“I guess…” Alan huffed. 
The three brothers walked into the building, stopping when they reached the front desk. The receptionist looked up at them, and without smiling, asked, “Name?”
“Tracy.” Scott answered, causing the receptionist to raise an eyebrow at the surname. “We have an appointment with Dr Kirst.”
In the most monotone voice she could muster, the receptionist threw a couple of forms the eldest brother's way. “Fill these out. I’ll let the doctor know you’ve arrived.” She stood up, pointing to a row of chairs that was clearly a waiting area. “I’ll call out and give directions when she’s ready to see you.”
“Thank you!” Scott nodded to her, and forms in hand, the three brothers made to sit down. The papers were passed around, and they sat in silence for a moment before Alan interrupted it.
“She was a bundle of laughs, wasn’t she?” He huffed, taking a pen from Scott to fill out his form.
“Well,” Virgil started with a rare mischievous grin on his face. “After maybe years of sitting at a desk being greeted by folks as hideous as you…” Big brother mode was on.
“Mature, Virgil. Real mature…” Alan deadpanned. Two could play at that game. “I thought Gordon was the one who made the jokes in this family.”
“Oh, and I suppose I can’t make them, huh?” Virgil asked, still a teasing glint in his eye.
Alan looked his brother up and down, as if considering it, and then stated in the most even tone possible, “No.”
“Guys…” Scott warned, sighing. “If we could leave this hospital without a fight breaking out, that would be amazing.”
Virgil finished up his form quickly, still smiling. “Just brotherly banter, Scooter…”
“You sure about that?” Alan asked, but he was also smirking.
“It’ll all end in tears…” Scott prophesied ominously. Virgil and Alan quickly changed their target. 
‘Wow, that’s such a Smotherhen thing to say,’ came at the same time as, ‘If you say so, ‘Mom’…’
Scott snorted. “Okay, okay.” He held up his hands in defeat. “You guys win this round. But you will never win the war…” He promised, gesturing for the two of them to hand him the complete forms. Once he had them, he walked up to put them on the front desk. The receptionist snatched them up quickly.
They were there for about half an hour, bored out of their minds, before the woman at the front desk called their names, telling them where the doctor's office was. The trio was out of the seats in an instant.
“That wasn’t that bad, was it?” Virgil asked matter-of-factly an hour later, pulling open the door of the car so he could sit down. His brothers clambered in after him.
“No, it wasn’t.” Alan agreed.
Scott wasn’t so sure. “If I never see a needle again in my life, it’ll be too soon…” He shivered.
Alan opened his mouth to tease his eldest brother, but thought better of it when Virgil gave him a death glare. He closed his mouth sheepishly. Right. He’d completely forgotten. His brother’s fear wasn’t irrational; there was a reason for it. And a darn good one at that. “I’ll just be happy to be home.” He said instead.
His brothers nodded, agreeing. “It sure will sprout.” Virgil said, pulling out of the sea of cars. “It sure will…”
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lip-scrub · 5 months
my grandmother passed away a couple days ago, and today was her funeral. she was very fragile and her health wasnt very good. a few weeks before her passing, we get a call from her aid that shes having trouble breathing and that we should come over. my grandmother was desperately trying to cling to my mother. my mom was holding her, and i hear my grandmother say “dont leave me!” “tell me you love me!” and other things of that nature. after a bit of hearing that, i had to go help the handyman at the front door because my grandmother was getting a new lock installed. i had to help get this lock together while my grandmother was potentially going to die a couple rooms over. after the handyman left i walked into her office away from everyone and cried. i texted my brother saying i was scared, and that she will be taken to the hospital now.
hospital visits were hard. she barely responded to anyone, until the doctors kept trying to use her needle injection sites to try and hook her up to whatever medicine she needed, and she was very uncomfortable by it. i didnt want to visit her in the hospital. to be honest i was afraid. i had no idea how id handle the situation if i was in the room with her if she died.
my grandmother was then put into comfort care, which is when doctors stop giving her treatment, and give her morphine and other drugs to completely ease her pain. she died a few hours later.
today when we had the funeral, we drove to the cemetery. we are jewish, so in our tradition, everyone who wants to can shovel a scoop of dirt and throw it on to the casket. we chanted oh se shalom and shalom rav.
as we were walking away, since the funeral was over, i walk up to my mom. she is emotional. it was a very cold day and the wind was blowing hard. my grandmother got cold very easily. my mom says “we can’t leave her like this, she’ll be too cold.”
i didnt cry about her passing until my mom said that. this is the second funeral ive been to in 6~ months. i tend to not cry at funerals. im not sure why. but the sentence my mom said broke me. she will be too cold. she hates the cold. she was always bundled up when we left the house and she hated the winter. her home was constantly at least 70-72 degrees. she always had a sweater on hand. we cant leave her there she will freeze.
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ckerouac · 7 months
It’s been a goddamn week™️
Honestly it’s been a goddamn three weeks.
It’s appeal season so I’ve been working on this goddamn mailing for a month, but didn’t build in time for the comms director to absolutely HATE everything I’d set up. So I had to start from scratch last Monday. Which then I had to drop that on Wed to take my mother for surgery but can we do it in town? Nooo, it needs a specialist so we have to go 2 hours away so I take her while my brother stays home with my dad. Working on a new concept while my mom is in surgery and recovering in between making sure she’s taking her meds.
Finally get her back home Fri and I stay until Sun night. Go back to my home for 36 hours while my brother stays because I have a full day workshop cause we’re switching CRMs and I’m part of that process (while redoing this appeal while I’m on the zoom call). Find out that the USPS can’t find our new lockbox in their system aka where all this money I’m raising is supposed to be mailed so add in yelling at the Bank and the Postal Service to WORK IT OUT because I need this settled before the mailing goes out.
Back to the parents on Tuesday morning. New version of creative. Comms hates it less, still not great. The office in London doesn’t want to share their diagrams (we’re the same goddamn org, give me the art files). It’s already into Nov and this is going to land around Thanksgiving which is LESS THAN IDEAL. Third version of a letter. Second database workshop. Now Dad needs to go get bloodwork so I take him, another few hours out of the afternoon.
Wednesday my laptop decides that it no longer recognizes the concept of WiFi, so I’m in a corner of my parents house on the floor plugged into the router until my IT guy has space in his schedule to figure out what happened. Fourth version of the letter, replacing 50% of what was in there yesterday. IT cancels on me. Blows off my 6:30am meeting because I haven’t slept in a week at the UK staff can’t be arsed to schedule this during our overlapping working hours because ‘it just works better for us at this time’. It’s a nonessential meeting I’ve been given permission to skip for the next two months. Get yelled at. Dad has a doctors appt but at least Mom is feeling better. Another couple hours in the afternoon at that appt. I’m late to the second IT meeting cause Dad has to fucking socialize, then he gets grumpy I don’t have time to get him food well WE HAVE FOOD AT HOME cause I did the grocery shopping last night.
Get verbally slapped down by my boss because of course. Finally have approved pieces, but the mailing list just came in so I’m doing that this weekend because of course I am.
I’ve had stress dreams every night - but like stupid ones that I’m aware of while they’re happening but have big ‘well this might as well happen’ energy during the five hours I’ve been able to sleep.
The thread I’m hanging on by right now is really fucking thin. But maybe maybe I’ll get some sleep tonight?
If not this may be my villain origin moment.
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theriu · 1 year
Ok but like, what is a Mennonite?
Great question! I’d first like to preface that I am far, far from an expert on this; I go to and was raised in a Mennonite Church, but we are a little odd because we’re the only Mennonite church around (you often find several in a community) and we don’t uphold the typical dress code of head coverings and skirts. Also my mom was the daughter of an army chaplain, so because of her experiences growing up and being around people of many Christian groups combined, we are pretty comfortable with many denominations. Here are some basics, though:
Mennonites are part of the Anabaptist movement, which is largely noted (among other things) for believing that people should choose baptism as adults as a sign of their commitment to Christ, rather than be baptized as infants.
We do still do dedications, which is where the parents and baby go up front at church and oil is put on the baby’s head and the congregation verbally commits to helping raise the child to know the Lord - basically showing they plan to be a good and supportive church family for this new member and the family.
Another notable difference is peaceful noncombatance. Mennonites generally hold that using force is wrong and that we shouldn’t join the military because it divides our allegiance between God and our country. This is another one that my church, at least, is more relaxed on - at least one of our members is a police officer, and my brother wanted to join the national guard (he couldn’t due to a minor but chronic medical issue). Also, as mentioned, my grandpa (who was not a Mennonite) was an army chaplain. I support my brothers and sisters in Christ who choose military service, but I also respect those who feel they should stay apart from it (and count myself one of them).
Fun Fact: Mennonites and German Baptists and other Anabaptist denominations are often confused with Amish because we are all Anabaptists and we all have a tradition of the women wearing head coverings and old-fashioned-ish skirts/dresses. However, the Amish came after the Mennonites, and Mennonites aren’t against using electricity or owning technology and such. I wont speak further on that because I am even less of an expert on Amish customs. (I mentioned German Baptists because I see them frequently around where I live; I know little of their differences from Mennonites except their head coverings are typically a cute boxy shape instead of the flat lace circle traditional Mennonite women wear.)
These next ones are, I think, pretty common across many or most denominations, and they are what I consider the core tenets of faith in Christ:
Jesus Christ is the Son of God and part of the Trinity (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are all one God but are also distinct persons).
Jesus came to Earth as both fully man and fully God, He lived a sinless life and died on the cross to pay the debt of our sins so we could be reunited with God, and He rose from the dead to defeat the death that is the just punishment for our sin.
The Bible is the Word of God and it is true and good for guiding, teaching, comforting, and correcting.
We all have free will, and while God desires all people to be saved, the gift of salvation is freely offered, and we must choose to take it. We are saved by accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior and asking forgiveness of our sins, accepting his payment of our debt.
We cannot “earn” our salvation through good works, but genuine faith in Christ should lead to doing good works as a demonstration of our love for Him and of His love for others.
The Holy Spirit is the one mediator between us and God, and we can ask the Holy Spirit to pray through us when we don’t know how to express what we want to pray. God always answers our prayers, even if the answer is “No” or “Wait,” and we can trust that His answers are for our good and His glory, even when we can’t see how from our limited perspective here on Earth.
I think that’s a decent summary, but let me know if you have questions or are interested in the Bible verses that support the different points. And thanks for asking!
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aajjks · 4 months
“you should go wash up” you tell jungkook before calling a maid to escort him and make sure he’s okay since he’s feeling lightheaded since the transfusion. you can’t bring yourself to be away from jinseoul because you’re scared that this is all a dream and that you’re just hallucinating but your son reassures you that he’s okay with a cold hand to your warm cheek. “i’m okay, mom. it’s really me” he says with a smile, a smile resembling his father’s.
“your highness, i brought—“
“JINSEOUL!!!!!” yells ae-cha who runs up to her brother and wraps her arms around him.
“oh my god is it really you? is it really, really you?” she cries as she pulls away to get a good look at his face. the bruise, the cut, the doe eyes, ae-cha examines it all to make that her older brother isn’t a figment of her imagination.
jinseoul rolls his eyes “yes, it’s me” he says in his hoarse voice. “c’mere guys, i’ve missed you”
this is how you know you raised your children with love. watching your children hug one another brings tears to your eyes because all seven of them are here.
“don’t you ever scares us like that again” areum cries.
“i promise, i won’t” he replies.
“i’ll be right back, okay? you guys talk amongst each other and be gentle” you say as you wipe your eyes and give each one of your children a kiss on their heads.
from ae-cha all the way to your youngest, jaehan.
as you leave the physicians office and wander the halls of the palace, you come across an old portrait of jungkook’s mother. although you’ve yet to meet her, you wonder if she whispered to an angel to bring jinseoul back to you and jungkook to restore her son’s happiness, to give him another chance because if no one believed in him, it she who did.
you smile at the large portrait and continue to your old bedroom, the room where you started in before you agreed to share a bedroom with jungkook.
you sit on the bed and let out a sigh of relief.
this day, this week has been a lot and tested the strength of your family but you’re happy to say that you all made it through despite the cuts, bruises, and scars.
you should be celebrating this victory with your kids but here you are sitting alone, crying.
once you’ve finished shedding your tears, you lean back on the comfortable bed and idly stare at the ceiling.
Now, he can finally be with you after everything, this week- no ever since he came back everything has been going downhill and almost loosing his son has made jungkook realise that he needs to spend more time with you and his children.
You guys are really his everything, the maid insists to him with fear in her tone to rest but the stubborn king doesn’t listen,
And why aren’t you in your shared chamber, Jungkook is a little confused but you do deserve to be alone for a little while so you can deal with your own feelings,
You have always put others before your own self and seeing how you comforted jungkook throughout his grief, you’ve given him a new life.
And he’s so thankful to God for returning him his son back. Jungkook is now all clean with a fresh bandage on his neck wound and fresh pair of clothes, he did have a bath first because he was covered in blood.
He feels so at peace after killing Nami because she almost killed jinseoul, even though his son is not aware of what happened to him, what Nami did or planned to do, jungkook has to be with you right now.
He just wants to hold you and fall asleep in your arms. It’s been too long since you’ve been together, held each other or been intimate.
It’s okay though, he’s not in a hurry.
You’re overwhelmed and so is he, what you two need to do now is to be there for each other, Jungkook searches for you everywhere and he almost panics when you’re nowhere to be found, he’s got his best guards guarding the children so now he just has to look for you.
Jungkook almost screams from fear when you’re not in his sight but then he remembers that you just might be in your old chamber,
He almost runs towards the direction of the room but then, he has to be a little careful. “Yn, my love?” Jungkook gently calls out as he enters your chamber, and it’s been quite sometime since he last saw this room so the memories come rushing in.
And he smiles.
This is the exact same room where you and him were intimate for the first time together, exactly the room where jinseoul was conceived.
Yeah… you did it in your bedroom that night.
“Yn baby… please can I lay down with you?”
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writingmaidenwarrior · 7 months
Sin Eaters Part 6
This next update might be slower because next Friday is my birthday (btw pheita's is on Wednesday if anyone wants to know) , that means I will have barely time to write the next days.
Warnings: none
Tagging @cljordan-imperium
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Packed with multiple bags and the hope Talindra and his mother neither killed each other nor started to plan a revolution Wynthan made his way back. He just turned around the corner and back on the main street when he spotted a familiar figure.
The tip of his tongue stuck out as he snuck up behind the man who had his back to him. The woman next to the man might or might not have seen Wynthan. If she did, she didn’t show it.
“You still need some training, Nat.”
“Damn you, Gilmyrn”, Wynthan laughed but straightened up again, “What gave me away?”
“You mean beside the fact Melleis saw you and started chuckling?”
With this Gilmyrn turned around with a broad smile.
“I am sorry, Nat. One day you will succeed”, Melleis snickered and went in to hug him tight.
“This day isn’t today, don’t encourage my little brother like this.”
Gilmyrn acted all serious, but the amusement sparkled in his eyes like a traitor.
“What are you doing here anyway?”
His brother nodded to all the bags with a small frown. Wynthan shook his head.
“I just wanted a haircut …”
“And mom made you her errand boy again?”
“It is not that easy. It started with my human partner.”
Melleis opened her mouth in an expression of remembrance.
“Oh right, you became a Sin Eater yesterday. We saw it on the TV on our way back from the mission. How is she? And why did it start with her?”
Again, Wynthan realized why he liked Melleis so much. Even if Gilmyrn and he were six years apart and Melleis about three years older than him, she always had this childish excitement about meeting new people on her.
“Why don’t you come with me to mom? She would love to see you are all well and you can meet Talindra. Beware of the surprises she holds.”
The dismissive sounds of Gilmyrn only turned this into more fun for Wynthan. It would be funny to see his reaction once he learned about Talindra being a horned one.
“She can’t be worse than Mel.”
“You have no idea.”
“Stop bickering, let’s go.”
As always, Melleis was already a few steps ahead of them. Gilmyrn took some of the bags without a word. They watched as Melleis marched down the street to Kimesnin in a serious air.
“She is on a mission now”, Gilmyrn stated with laughter in his voice.
“I can see. Is there something serious you aren’t at the barracks?”
“I could ask you the same.”
They stared at each other for a few steps until Gilmyrn budged with a snicker.
“Nothing bad. Our unit just needs some rest. Half of us is at the hospital and the doctors made it pretty clear to the commanding officers none of us will go back into the field until the last one had been cleared to be ready to fight again.”
“You won’t get bored with a few weeks off?”, Wynthan teased.
“I might come over to help you young ones train. I know Melleis has some frustration to work out.”
“Young ones, don’t sound like mom …”
“Ouch, that is foul play.”
Their laughter made Melleis turn around with a questioning glance.
“Stop making jokes and move. People could think you are mountains as slow as you are.”
“Not everybody is as impatient as you, love.”
“Not everybody gets as old as time, honey. Now move.”
Shaking his head, Wynthan readjusted the bags in his hands and glanced over to Gilmyrn who just smiled at the back of Melleis.
“How do you get away with this?”, he asked seriously wondering about his brother and Melleis.
“With what?”
“This. Do you hide it when you are at the barracks?”
Gilmyrn stopped confused and tilted his head in a way Wynthan only saw in their mother before.
“Why should I? Isn’t it what they want from us? To become romantic partner as well? They shouldn’t care how it happens unless they get what they want.”
For a moment Gilmyrn paused and looked over to Melleis who just stopped at Lyndhyrr’s bakery.
“We played them in the beginning, to save our lives and buy time to think of any other way how to handle it. Somewhere along the line we actually fell for each other. I will kill anyone who hurts her.”
Wynthan followed his brother’s gaze.
“Can I ask you something serious?”
“What’s up?”
“Do you and Mel have some strange connection? Like trusting each other instantly?”
The look he got was already an answer.
“No, what are you talking about?”
“There is this weird connection between Talindra and me. We sense each other when close by. There is this instant trust with no holding back. I already had the situation with her where she panicked for a good reason and was able to get through to her within seconds. I shouldn’t be able to.”
“I see.”
Gilmyrn frowned and motioned to keep walking.
“You know something?”
Waiting for an answer Wynthan kept his eyes trained on his brother.
“I can’t recall everything, but I remember one of the elders talking about something like this the year before I got taken to training during the Festival of the Eternals. Something about a bond between warriors of the old times.”
“A bond between warriors…”, Wynthan repeated with his thoughts already making connections left and right.
His brother’s gaze rested on him with a smirk.
“She isn’t human, is she?”
“You partner. You said we should beware of her secrets and this questions about a strange connection led me to this thought.”
A slightly manically laughter escaped Wynthan that got worse when he spotted Melleis with another big bag coming out of the bakery.
“She is the daughter of Sin Eaters, got horns during puberty and hid it all those years. If I go just by her eating habits, she is more one of us than human. And speaking of eating habits...”, he nodded towards Melleis, “Talindra already had a taste of the pastries. Melleis needs to defend them.”
Gilmyrn looked to his partner with a raised eyebrow and an aloof smirk.
“Could be fun to watch. Melleis eats more sweets since a few days. I don’t know if she is stressed or if this is a sign for something else.”
The mental picture of the women fighting over the sweet treats made Wynthan smirk as well even if the possibility of Melleis being pregnant wasn’t as pleasant as it sounded. They could only hope that their leaders would allow Kimesnin to raise the child so Melleis could see the kid at least once in a while.
“You just got checked up. She didn’t say anything?”
“Maybe it doesn’t show up already.”
“If someone notices it’s you and mom”, Wynthan snickered.
“What do they notice?”, Melleis interjected.
Lost in their conversation they didn’t notice how she waited for them.
“Changes in people. Either because of sorrows, sickness, or mom’s favorite: early detection of pregnancies.”
The laughter of Melleis made both wonder.
“Would be fun to see one day.”
She pushed Gilmyrn’s hand away as he tried to get a pastry and marched on. He threw Wynthan a pointed look.
“As long as you aren’t the one?”, he threw in.
She shrugged and took another pastry.
“I wouldn’t mind if it will hit me if I just witness this. But something tells me you were talking about Natty-Boy’s partner.”
A broad grin on her face she bit into the baked good and marched on.
“We did. Seemed like you will like her”, Gilmyrn helped him out.
“How so?”
“Mischievous, loves sweets,…”
“I hope she got her own pastries.”
“No worries, we got out own.”
Her worries about her bag of treats made Wynthan’s laughter worse.
“Good, I won’t share. This is the only thing that will prevent you from me killing anyone today.”
With two huge steps Gilmyrn closed the distance to her.
“Did something happen I don’t know?”
“Just the regular: When are you going to get pregnant? Speech every time I am at the hospital”, Melleis growled into her pastry, “One day I am going to kill one of the staff with their little pointy things just for annoying me.”
“Sounds fair to me”, Wynthan shrugged, “They should be aware that sending us off into fights without an end and barely any time to recover isn’t the best base to reach their stupid goal.”
“Did you ever experience any commanding officer thinking?”, Gilmyrn asked cynical, “All they do is repeating the orders of the triumvirates like little puppets. Cruel, sadistic puppets.”
A collective sigh went through the small group. Melleis held her pastry in front of Gilmyrn for him to take a bite before she dug into it again. The small moment started the next chain of thoughts in Wynthan. If the higher ups were already on Melleis’ back for getting pregnant how bad will it be for Talindra with her unique heritage?
“Whatever you are thinking about, Natty, you better stop it before we enter the house or Kimesnin will hug you till you lose conscience.”
Melleis’ voice pulled him out of his dark thoughts. A small smirk on her with syrup smeared face greeted him.
“I try my best.”
The next moment Gilmyrn opened the door.
Talindra and Kimesnin sat with their backs to the door, hunched over the table and deep in musings as it appeared. The short cut on Talindra was already noticeable. Carefully Wynthan put the bags down and went over as silent as possible. With the intention to blow on her neck he bent down.
“Do it and I hurt you”, Talindra stated without even turning around.
“Do what?”, he inquired with an innocent tone.
“Whatever your plan was. Just because my neck is exposed doesn’t mean it’s an invitation for you to pull a prank.”
Gilmyrn and Melleis burst out laughing at the door. Astonished Kimesnin jolted up and glanced over.
“Gil! Mel! Eternals with us, what are you doing here?”
Laughing Kimesnin almost ran over and hugged them tight.
“Forced vacation because the unit is down in the hospital. And this one over there must be Natty’s Talindra. I already like you.”
Melleis wiggled out of the hug and much to Wynthan’s rising panic straight to Talindra.
“Looks like I am famous now”, Talindra joked.
“I got asked about you, that’s all.”
“Naww, poor Natty”, Talindra copied Melleis.
He didn’t know what to think about that. A second later the two women vanished out into the backyard. His eyes still on the door to it he frowned.
“I am fucked, am I?”
“You have no idea how much, sweets”, Kimesnin snickered, “Come and let me cut your hair. Mel won’t let go of Talindra for the next hour at least.”
The deep chuckle of Gilmyrn carried through the room.
“I’ll start dinner preparations. I am afraid we must fight for it today.”
“I am betting on Talindra”, Kimesnin stated dryly with a sly smirk.
With the number of twists and turns the day took, Wynthan gave up and sat down for his hair cut.
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So many memories going through these pictures! I’m surprising everyone with a photo book with the best pictures of all of us at the house. This was Jim D, my total obsession when I was a junior in high school. We were so broke at that point, we were going to food banks trying to keep the house. I was desperate for a new dress, and my mom splurged and bought me this at Nordstrom which was so extravagant. She always tried so hard to make sure we had nice things, and this was a sacrifice for her. We got to the dance and Jim’s old girlfriend who he was obsessed with - she’d broken up with him a few weeks prior - was wearing the same dress. I remember him being embarrassed for me. She was so pretty in the dress, and so cool, I was completely intimidated. I was broken hearted by his reaction, and the whole situation. He also called me thunder thighs that night, and ended our relationship soon after. I was devastated for the entire year. He became a police officer and is allegedly, just as much of a dick now as he was then. I just realized I’ve never told that story to anyone until now.
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At some point we had a bit of money and went on a cruise (we found out later that my parents did quite the amount of creative bookkeeping in their business - I think other people might call it fraud but what do I know?) This was fun, an older dude kept hanging out with us and one night said to me “I’d really like to hold you tonight”. I was 14, I think? He was in his late twenties. I told my mom and she said “oh he just likes being around our family, he is harmless.” I told my siblings and they may have confronted him in the disco that night, I can’t really remember. All I remember was being terrified that my dress was so “low cut”. Wut. I hated my body and stayed as far away from it as possible, so anything too revealing was very uncomfortable.
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My parents threw me a really lovely 30th birthday party, my mom was SO GREAT about that kind of stuff. We had it at this club and my whole family and all of my friends showed up - my dear friend Scott and Kimo made up a Jeopardy game - one of the categories was “things under Diane’s bed”. 😂😅 I was pretty messy.
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My little tiny head niece L. Who knew she was the one to get the generational mental health bomb in her brain. I love her so much.
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My little tiny head M. I drove an hour on a gorgeous Sunday afternoon to watch her in her dance recital. She got too scared right as they went on, and ran off the stage. She spent the rest of the two hour recital on my lap as we watched stranger’s children. Hilarious.
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I love this picture of my brother and his oldest tiny, S. She was always so serious - we had to trick her into believing in Santa because she thought the whole thing was bullshit. I ended up leaving a Santa hotline voicemail on my phone - a “recorded message to all of the kids from the elf in charge” and would give updates where he was flying to next. I’d sneak to the bathroom and change it, and when he’d be approaching Seattle, they would all lose their minds and run to bed. Except S, she was so suspicious, she’d stare at me and then slowly climb the stairs to bed, lol. My friends would always call to hear it and said I sounded like a very old Asian man, whatever that means.
So good, there was a lot of tough stuff but so much good too.
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
kind of not happening for a long time but is it okay to request an emergency Dudes meeting when Hawwy learned about Otto and Annie? 😆
- 🌻
Sooooo....I can't do that because the way that Hawwy finds out about Otto and Annie, well it's dramatic. Story and Carter find out first, and that's very dramatic. To the point of anger from Carter, and tears from Story. So instead, I present to you the next time Otto sees Annie and he visits his brother, and stays the night...
Just Silly
Summary: Brooks and Otto actually catch up. Annie questions things
Pairings: Brooks/Annie X Otto
Rating: mild
Warnings:  language, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 1.4K
Desperate lives AU Masterlist
Brooks Baizen Masterlist
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“Coming!” Brooks shouts, glancing around the apartment, realizing Annie hadn’t returned yet. Changing his pace to a jog. Opening the door, his face drops, before faking a smile, “Otto, what’re you doing here?”
“Came to see my little, Brookie,” he pushes past his brother, going to sit on the couch, propping his legs up, and he playfully taps on the seat next to him. “I would ask if we could have a movie night, and I could have my little brother snuggled up against me. But…I think you’ve already got you a bed buddy to snuggle with.”
“One that you can’t stay away from,” Brooks sits in the chair opposite of his brother, just staring at him.
“Did that bother you? Literally we just talked at a coffee shop. Oddly enough, one that we have invested. We, as in you and me. Wanna pull the camera footage?”
“Already did.”
“This is awkward.”
“I trust her. It’s you I worry about. Mr. Golden Boy,” Otto rolls his eyes at the nickname his brothers had given him, and even more so the first comment. “You’ve always been able to get what you want.”
“I don’t want your girlfriend, Brookie. Honestly,” he puts his hands up in surrender, finally looking around the apartment. “Annie is a girl you marry. Otto doesn’t get married.”
“Right. You like a one and done.”
“How’s Dean?” Otto reaches over grabbing a blow pop from the candy bowl beside his table. “Was this Audi’s idea?”
“She always needs candy,” Brooks reminds him. His sisters don’t visit a ton, but when they do, his perfect princess Audriana is always digging around for candy, so now Annie makes sure she has plenty.
“Dean is fine. He’s a licensed mechanic officially now. And just wants to get into dad’s garage.”
“Don’t we all,” the two boys actually laugh, and Otto tosses him his own lollipop. “Wanna watch a game and bet? You got gushers?”
“You cheat. You still do that, I win because I’m Otto Baizen gig. I’ll order us some takeout. How long are you in New York?”
“A few more days. By the way, my luggage is outside your door. Thank god for private elevator access,” Brooks goes ahead and calls in some Chinese food. The two brothers actually getting along for once. Feeling like they were almost kids again. Laughing about the trouble they got into, and always using Brooks or Archie to get them out of it.
“Babe, there’s some luggage in the,” Annie stops seeing the laughing Otto and Brooks. Unsure how she should feel seeing the two of them together when it was less than a month ago that she was told to stay away from Otto. “I’ll go get the bag and put it in the guest room.”
“Annie, you just got home. Don’t worry about it,” Otto starts. “Brookie ordered us some Chinese.”
“She’s fine. Thanks, Annie,” Otto gives his brother an odd look while Annie goes to grab Otto’s things. Walking into the guest room to make sure it’s good and stocked. “What? That’s what she is supposed to do.”
“What the fuck?”
“I’m telling mom you said a bad language word,” Brooks laughs. “That’s what she does. I work. She can…”
“First off, Brookie, your entitlement is showing. Secondly, you saying that because that’s what mom did? You know dad told her every time she didn’t have to. And mom worked.”
“I know she worked. I worked in her office.”
Otto lets out a strained snort, “I did I worked in her office as my high school job.”
“You sat in a cozy chair and helped her and Lucy decide colors for the characters. Or a title of the book.”
“Yeah, well, going to work with dad wasn’t an option, since you and Archer already went. Dude, I don’t want to fight. I worked just as much as you guys. Uh, not as much as Zeph. None of us worked as much as him. Except…”
“Iclynn,” they both answer together.
“You boys know the only reason Icy worked with James is because of Arlo, right?” Annie asks starting to sit on Brooks’ lap.
“Why don’t you go and put on something more comfortable. Otto is staying the night. You know I don’t like day clothes on me,” Otto shoots Brooks another harsh look, but Annie is already heading to the bedroom for some shorts and a shirt.
“What the hell does she mean about my baby and Arlo? Annie!” she gives them a giggle, crawling into Brooks lap.
“Nothing. Forget I said anything about Icy and Ari Jr. I’d call him AJ if there wasn’t already one in the family.”
The three actually get along. And enjoying her time with Brooks, she snuggles right into him. Only getting up once the food gets there.
Enjoying a moment with them, until it’s time to clean up, “I’ll help,” Otto offers.
“It’s fine. You two spend some time together,” she cleans up the kitchen, taking out the trash, before going to give Brooks a kiss.
The man pulls her into his lap, deepening the kiss, “Brookie, I’m going to bed. Don’t stay up too late, okay?”
“Okay, babe. Love ya,” Annie repeats the sentiment, giving a little wave to Otto, before retiring to their room.
“So things good in paradise? Or you just trying to turn her into mom?”
“What?” Brooks looks over at him, brows furrowed and on the defense.
“Even dad helped mom clean up after dinner. Hell, we did sometimes, too. He always said, never take your mother or any woman willing to clean up after you for granted.”
Brooks rolls his eyes, settling back in the seat. “Not everyone’s life is a fairy tale.”
“Have you ever talked to them? It wasn’t. You know sometimes you gotta get out of your own head, and talk to the people around you. Not everything is about you.”
“Correction, not everything is about you, Golden Boy. I’m going to bed with my girlfriend. Might want some noise cancelling headphones on. If you didn’t pack any there’s some in the top drawer.”
“It’s tacky to brag about sex, Brookie.”
Annie pushes Brooks arm off of her, needing a drink of water. Grabbing up his discarded button up, she puts it on, walking out of the bedroom, yelping at Otto diddling around on his computer. The older man looks up at her, apologizing. “You’re fine, it was…I forgot you were here a moment.”
She awkwardly walks into the kitchen, asking if he wants anything while she fills up a glass, “I’ll take a beer.”
Popping a top off a Sam Adams, she walks to hand it over, “Beer after midnight?”
“Yeah,” he shortly answers, refusing to look at her. She looked too good coming out of that bedroom, and he will not allow himself to check out his brother’s girlfriend.
“Everything okay?”
“Doesn’t Brooks need you to clean something up or anything?” Annie bashfully looks away, turning to go back in the bedroom, before looking back at Otto.
“He’s under a lot of stress.”
“I’m sure college isn’t stressful?”
“I don’t mind,” Otto nods at her, finally looking up at her. “I don’t. It’s the least I can do. He pays for everything.”
“So, he’s your keeper? Not allowed to be around me without him, so I suggest you run along.”
“Annie, he’s made it perfectly clear to the both of us, he doesn’t want us as friends. And seeing how you do whatever he tells you to, I see where this is going. It’s fine. It’s your life. Harry wanted more than you to fold over for some man.”
“My dad wants me to be happy, and I am. You’re not being fair.”
“Neither is Brooks. Goodnight, Annie,” she whispers out a goodnight, walking in to see Brooks move his hand over her side before looking back up at her.
“You get thirsty?” she gives him a nod, drinking on her water before crawling back into him. A quick moment of how her and Brooks once was.
Even the way he clings to her, bringing her as close to him as possible, and ghosting his lips on her. A deep sigh rolls off of him, and she settles down onto him. Wishing that this was the Brooks she always got. “I love you, Brooksie.”
“Love you, too, Sa…Annie,” if it wasn’t for a soft snore coming from him, she would question more. Thinking she almost heard him say someone else’s name. But he wouldn’t. He couldn’t. He’s usually working. And he’s been working later.
“Brooks?” just more snoring. She tells herself it was a snore, and he wasn’t going to say someone’s name. Because that would be just silly.
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darthstitch · 2 years
Started at my new office this last week, which I won’t disclose here, for obvious reasons.  
It helps with the grief, because it’s a new place, new faces, something to focus on, instead of the soul-crushing grief and loneliness I feel whenever it’s time to go home.  
It’s only just my brother now, and slowly and surely, it’s sinking in that it’s just the two of us now and we really do need to watch out for each other.  
My real life friends and relatives are amazing and I do need to make an effort now, more than ever, to keep the connections going.  Because I can’t go mad with grief.  I can’t give in to despair.  I am Mommy Duck’s daughter - she wants me to fight and to be strong and to keep going. 
There are things I have to sort out, the bits and pieces of Mom’s life, burial assistance, death claims, debts.  
It was just last month, that she was with us.  That I got to hug her and tell her that I loved her, to hear her voice saying that she loved me just as much.  
I dream of her now - maybe Morpheus is kind enough to let her visit me in my sleep, as my other dead loved ones do.  When she does, I sleep well.  
Sometimes, I hear her voice clearly: I love you, my Duckling.  Waddle-waddle! Pray to St. Michael.  Don’t forget to eat!  
And sometimes, I hear this, which she’s never said in life:  I’ll always be here, anak. Huwag kang susuko.  Lumaban ka.  Andito lang ako.  Andito lang kami ng Daddy mo.   
I will hold on to that.  I won’t fear the end now, when it comes, and it won’t come yet for a long, long time.  I’ll work and live and travel.  I’ll waddle waddle to the places we both wanted to go.  
One day, I’ll open my eyes and Daddy Alien and Mommy Duck will be there to take my hand, and we’ll go together to that beautiful land with white shores and a swift sunrise.  
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