redhotarsenic · 10 months
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Pictureeee picture for my cool buddy @nowfallc <3
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stolen-glass-bottle · 11 months
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yutadori · 4 months
OKAYYYYYY SO TODAY WENT SOOOO WELLLLLL OMG I COULDNT STOP SMILING AFTER I LEFT okay okay so . class started and my friend and i entered class and we were like happy belated bdayyyy and he was like !?!? and he was soooo so cute and really happy it was so sweet omg . because we didnt know his age my classmate got him a question mark candle LOLLLL omg she took a photo of him posing with the cake and he has the cutest smile in the fucking world i feel soooo so fucking crazy . eye smile + smile = my inevitable death . anyway i was the one who cut the cake and he was like 'you can do it i believe in you' and i wanted to scream LIKE YOU CANT JUST SAY THINGS LIKE THAT TO MEEEEEEEE gfdsgfdsgdsgdsfgfdsgdfs
anyway i did that and we passed out cake to people and my classmate handed me a plate and told me to give it to the professor and i was like omggggg it can't be meeeeeeee >__< after all that the final started and then it ended and my friend and i stayed and hung out in his office for like thirty mins :3 guys.... i learned so much about him omg he did an #AgeReveal and i was shocked to find out that i was initially way off omg at first when i saw him i thought he was twenty seven but if he's a professor he has to be older... also just as the semes went on i was like oh yeah he's gotta be in his early thirties at least.... anyway omg . he asked us if we were going to be here in the fall and when we said ya he SAID !!!!!! that he's going to get us souvenirs from his trip to jpn I ALMOST DIED !?!?!?!??!!?!!?!?!?!?!
please give me a moment i feel so ill thinking about it . omg . omg . he's the nicest fucking person in the world omgggggg omggggg i'm going to throw up and start balding holy fuck i STILL CAN'T BELIEVE IT AOUGH AOUGHHHHH T____T i feel so crazy . not to sound corny or whatever but the fact that he's going to purposefully intentionally think about getting me a little souvenir gift during his little vacation um . yeah that'll kill a guy
he's going for a month to visit his younger sister which is so cute to me.... we also learned that he used to have shoulder length hair and i felt so crazy in that moment i hope he grows it out again he'd be soooo . haha hey . anyway i can't believe all of that happened. OH FUCK I ALMOST FORGOT WHEN WE LEFT HE HUGGED US BOTH I DIED THREE TIMES IN THIRTY MINUTES !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! HE HUGGED MY CLASSMATE FIRST BECAUSE SHE LEFT FIRST SO I HAD LIKE A MINUTE TO MENTALLY PREPARE MYSELF (#NORMAL) AND omg i was holding a plate of cake in one hand which i was really focusing on not dropping so when he hugged me i pretty much blacked out and when i messaged my friend immediately after she asked me how it felt and all i could say was 'he felt solid' GFDSGFDSGFDSGSDFG
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steaksex · 2 months
idk how you feel abt spanking but an idea for a punishment is spanking your cock hrmmm how many times... lets say start with 15 because i know you knew better than letting yourself cum n you dont deserve any less than that. another idea is spending a few hours cockwarming a toy so you know how to learn to be denied! i hope these r ok punishments w you hehe -🍓
NO DONT WORRY THESE ARE MORE THAN OKAYYYYY TYYYYYY STRAWBERRY ANON MY BEAUTIFUL SAVIORRRRRRR O777 i luuuuuuuuv spanking my cock i dont do it as often because its so loud im worried my family will hear. alsooo big fan of the cockwarming idea, may just have to use it on someone else too!
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saturniade · 7 months
replaying bgate is so fun man...
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matamisin · 2 years
my hair reaches past my knees and it drives me crazy everyday BUT it's the only thing I get complimented on so she gets to stay.. for now 🤨
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radiotorn · 1 month
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lazyfox411 · 1 month
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nereidprinc3ss · 4 months
spencer better be groveling like he's gna die if reader doesn't forgive him in dybmn 6 bcs anything less than that and i will be throwing tomatoes at him 🤥
i hope u guys forgive him like did i go too hard w the bar scene😭 ITS A MISUNDERSTANDING HE DIDNT MEAN ITTTTT
but also i wrote the apology scene and im gonna workshop it tonight to make it so good none of you can ever be mad at our perfect angel boyfriend ever again!!
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oflgtfol · 4 months
MarvelDC anon x5 sorry im back again I just wanted to say I agree 100% with everything you say and don’t rly have anything to add there that isnt just recycling your points. It’s genuinely fucking crazy how the entire point of the superhero in 90% of cases is that they are vigilantes who operate outside of the legal system and yet so many of them are given plot lines about how the cops or the military are Awesome. Or like will show them buddy buddy with cops or the government. LIKE STOP ITTTT. STOP ITTTTT. And most of the time too it’s for characters where them being hyper connected with the government etc makes their overall story Worse. Ill use flash as an example bc You Know that guy but I LOVE flash I love him as a disabled character struggling w addiction issues for personal reasons BUT HIM LOSING HIS LEGS LIKE SHOOTING PEOPLE IN THE SWANA REGION AND THEN BECOMING A GOVERNMENT GUY IS SO FUCKING ASSSSSSS IT MAKES HIM WORSE AS A CHARACTER AND A PERSON IN A WAY THAT ISNT INTERESTING BECAUSE THEY NEVER SAY ANYTHING INTERESTING ABOUT IT!!!!! Like why the fuck did Flash even become disabled in regard to Going To Commit Imperialism For The U. S. A like NYC gets destroyed on the daily!!!! Have him lose his legs by a building falling on top of him!!!! Im spitballing ideas here but why wasn’t Venom Flash uhhhhhh Him Losing his legs in an event like that, in conjunction with him saving someone else, since this is the era of Symby and Eddie's breakup Symby is slithering along + sees this and helps him out, bc you know they can make their own choices and do what they want and maybe they wanna be a hero too even for a moment, then like maybe a few months later or whatever They Meet again and Symby is like hey….. I felt something when we bonded for that brief time. Im going through something rough too right now (The Divorce) so why don’t we try something new together. AND NOW BOOM. you can have Flash as Venom. Now without the stupid venom as addiction metaphor too! Like if you really fucking want you can include stuff about the government trying to manipulate them or whatever but as a whole this would have been so much better of an angle to start venom flash with but NO that we DIDNT GET Because Of The Military Complex meaning We Cant Ever Have Good Things
i know this is so controversial among the venom fans but like i'm really not that attached to flash lmfao i know nothing about him he's just some guy to me i just know he's so much better than mac gargan cuz by god that was a dark time for venom comics.
so now i'm the one nodding along with you and not adding anything lol. i trust you to come up with a better backstory for him because i literally don't know anything about him beyond the vaguest outline. i don't even know what war he fought in that he lost his legs to i dont know Anything. eddie some little absolute freak to me but flash is just some guy
Like if you really fucking want you can include stuff about the government trying to manipulate them or whatever but as a whole this would have been so much better of an angle to start venom flash with but NO that we DIDNT GET Because Of The Military Complex meaning We Cant Ever Have Good Things
i do have to say though that this is totally how i thought venom 2011 was going to go. the first like, four-ish issues got my hopes up so much. i really honestly thought it was going to be drawing parallels between symby and flash how they are ultimately just tools of the government, just weapons that can be discarded in pushing the military's agenda.
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this whole page drove me insane at the time and it still kinda does. the way flash is lying directly to his superior to stay with symby longer despite how much he's been drilled that being with the symbiote too long is a danger. they aren't friends yet this early but there's still this impulse to stick with it. and it's because they're parallels!!! the symbiote is quite literally being treated as a mindless tool by the government - it's deprived of all rights that a sentient, sapient being requires. it's trapped and it's being forced into serving and fighting on behalf of a government that doesn't even care for it. likewise, flash is being given the illusion of choice, and to some extent he still does have a choice, but he's being so manipulated by the government here that really he is also just a mindless tool for them - or at least, they want him to be mindless about it. the final fucking panel at the bottom of the final page is crazy.
it was such a strong start to a run that i was very apprehensive about due to aforementioned lack of knowledge of flash as a character, and my general fed-up-ness with the way the comics had been handling venom and eddie in general during that irl time period. so i was so so hoping that it would be taking a blatant and staunch anti-military stance, or even at the bare minimum if it was even still done in a liberal way, as long as there was still SOME criticism of the military complex i would be jumping for joy. and the idea of flash and symby then also bonding during all that?!! crazy. but then it just kinda. goes off the fucking rails halfway through that run/??? like demons and hell and satan kinda off the rails. absolute bonkers. i need to reread venom 2011 actually i barely remember it it was like a fever dream to me. could have been because i descended into madness shortly after i read it but i digress
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sparrowmoss · 2 months
aight back on it. the acolyte ep 7 live reaction. this is going to be so bad
ahhh here we go. the full story (i presume). wonder what theyre looking for
SEVEN WEEKS… i’d be throwing a fit too
oh this concept is cool as FUCK!!!! a vergence… yes… i love it. but i think they may be wrong. idk
sol having beef with indara and her saying well thats why i have a padawan and you do not HFHEHFJEHFKDF
need that speeder bike
bro mother koril just teleported
from what little he saw of that interaction i dont blame him for being concerned but maybe also realize u dont have the whole picture
why the fuck did mother aniseya do this to this kid what the hell. what the fuck is happening
i think. both sides are wrong honestly. only at 15 mins in but sol saying that his assumption that osha is not being cared for properly here does not mean that the jedi order or any singular member of it has any right to come in and take this child from her family by force without some sort of clear assessment of her actual treatment beyond a few glimpsed moments and without first consulting the child as to what she needs at all. to me this should have been handled by someone without a bias of wanting osha to come with them to be a jedi through claiming to feel a bond with her/that she is “meant to” join them
ummm this is getting alarming i would have assumed mae meant in the future but no indara knew she meant. like. Now. like Tomorrow. were they. were they all going to sacrifice themselves in mass suicide
sol why you so twitchy
bro what the hell is with the jedi order in this time period you all are fucked. council says no you cant take the kids also you cant come home/leave the planet where you have created hostility also you have interfered too much. theyre in danger. it doesnt matter. you formed an immediate emotional attachment. yelling that you arent emotional. can you all please get it together
oh shit they found out. ohhhh aniseya used the vergence to create them. WHAT
one consciousness into two bodies what the fuck
i think aniseya was going to let osha go
ABIGAIL!!!!!!! im so glad she got a couple more lines because for real shes the main reason i got interested in this show in the first place KFJDJFJSF
please use the force to get up that damn wall ill cry if i have to see you climb it again
ohhhh this is all so fucked dude im so nervous for whatevers about to happen
oh no mae tried to put it out and couldnt nooooo NOOOOO
LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO aniseya u dont know how right u are
um. instead of going to help mae. koril decided to fight the jedi?
this is so fucked dude everything is SO bad
THATS how they died??????? being forced out of group mind controlling kelnacca????
fuck. fuck fuck fuck
indara beat the shit out of this guy please. “i had to make a choice” sol patrol it is so over
man i was prepared for pain with this episode but i was not prepared for how fucking angry i would feel oh my GODDDD im gnashing my teeth EVERYTHING went wrong my GOD. if these people on both sides could have not jumped to violence as a first resort. not both immediately assumed the worst of the other side. these two little girls never would have had to be put through any of that. it makes me so much angrier that the girls were the source of this fight that didnt need to happen and suffered so immensely from it and the jedi can go on with their lives despite that guilt but osha and mae lost everything. every choice was made for them every option was taken from them everyone they loved was killed and every dream they had was ripped away. im so fucking mad
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bareee · 2 months
are you planning to ship your tav with any of the companions? youve mentioned that the main 6 he would considsr too young but halsin or someone along those lines? i think the mutual stability in their characters would soften each others edges in a very sweet way but if you plan to keep your tav single i think their friendship would be extremely interesting too! will minthara get killed or added to the party? im so excited to see how all the characters resolve their arcs and how the creche and moonrise and everything else goes :D your art is so gorgeous too!!! the way you draw all of the characters is just so good <333 you really catch all the aspects of them that make people adore this game and thats such an amazing skill to have!!! i hope you have a good whatever it is when you read this!!!!!
Imma try keepin this short…but I doubt it’s gonna be XD
1. ‘Ppreciate ya~ happy ya enjoy my mess XD even though Im always over in the corner muttering about my poor consistency that drives me crazy
2. I’ve said this many times I’m pretty sure as replies to comments lost in the void somewhere, Through the 2 full playthroughs I’ve done, I didnt care to romance cause I couldn’t help but cringe myself even at the gale and Astarion stuff I couldn’t get away from. Im not good at romancy stuff movin so quickly like the game puts ya through,so I was dyin. And ‘in game wise’ Mark is like how Jaheria is, I’ve found thats the best way to put it. He’s gone through enough for himself to handle already at this point in his background story, and the best way to describe it is he’s just tired. Maybe in post game he’ll warm up, I think Imma leave that up to all yal and yer votin’ honestly. I’ve thought about it for a bit now and yal’s choices in Mark’s story I give you directing who he grows close to works well for me as I warm up to these goofballs, course as I said It’d still be more post game when he relaxes with stuff like that depending on what path yal put him on.
3. Kinda related to #2, Half of the main six are too young, not all. Gale is i think literally Mark’s age if not close and if I ignore elves and their age weirdness, Astarion and Shadowheart are fine. If/when the vote options open Mark up more to someone, Wyll,Karlach, and Laezel will never be more than family/kids to him. Nu….
4.We’ll get to Halsin…. I know I say that a lot when he comes up, but ughhh…. I will say I agree him and Mark have a lot they share and can grow together, but the horny side of Halsin drove me insane in the game and really made it where it was hard to talk to him cause the niceness felt so….uggghhh…. I’ll get to it,I’ll get to it, I’m gettin around that part of Halsin that loves to be constantly shoved in front… but aghhhh. Jaheria’s my favorite outta the side peeps obviously XD and Minsc is fun
5. Spoiler, I’m letting yal decide on if Minthara stays around! Wooooo, we’ll get thereeee XD And if yal choose to keep her alive it wont mean other peeps leave like the game does, we’ll see how that goessss. Halsin and wyll and whoever else will stay around of course, Wyll’s adorable and yal ain’t takin em away from me. In my playthroughs I could never go her route officially, never will. Little baby tieflings too cute, I refuse…
Think that’s all of it, woooooo I did ittttt! Hope I make senseeeeee yaaaay
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lesbianatomy · 10 months
havent been on tumblr for a while but i have been rewatching yuri on ice recently (yes, its that time of the year) & ive been listening to stammi vicino almost non-stop (thank god spotify wrapped alr came out bcs im inclined to believe it wouldve been my top song for this year otherwise) so needless to say i have heard this exact song looped many times & tell me why i just realized that we hear two different versions of it in the anime !!!!!!
im sure many avid fans of the show have long known this already, which is truly embarrassing for myself, having grown up in a music school, but i digress. the first is the original stammi vicino, used in viktor's fs program (the one that yuri famously copies). the other is the duet version we hear during yuri and viktor's pair skate in the former's exhibition.
there are quite a lot of noticeable differences. firstly, the duet is cut in length; perhaps because they didnt require the full duration of the song for the part that it was included in or other reasons, but i think its notable to acknowledge the lyrics that were excluded:
With a sword I wish I could cut those throats singing about love I wish I could enclose in ice the hands that write those verses of burning passion
This story that has no meaning Will vanish tonight together with the stars If I could see you, eternity will be born from hope
this is taken straight from the yoi wiki page. essentially, in the original this can be interpreted as viktor mourning his loneliness and yearning for a great love. its highly sentimental but also bitter in a way, even. viktor's status as someone of incredible fame and talent has distanced him from life and love, which is ironic given that he is now skating to a love song. the music naturally reflects this: cmiiw but i think the ensemble fits the standard of an orchestra from the romantic period; you can tell from the dramatic use of percussion, wind instruments, and the grandiose crescendos and range of emotion in general. the way i see it, this very much encapsulates what viktor is actually skating about: it displays itself as a very bold declaration of love, in line with viktor's reputation as a legendary, almost mythic figure, but the reality is that no one is there to stay close to him. he is begging for a love that does not exist; an absence of it.
compared to the original, the duet is much more subdued, but no less sentimental. there is a sweeter, more assured quality to it that i feel is missing from the other version, which is clearly yuri's effect on viktor's life. i remember reading a fic recently about how the main instruments used in yuri on ice (the song) aka the piano and the violin actually represent yuri and viktor's respective roles in yuri's journey, though i believe they also took inspiration from someone else's idea. regardless, thank you to whoever it was that initially came up with that analysis!!!!! because of that i understand why the duet begins with piano instead of a wind instrument like in the original; another nod to yuri's presence. there's also a much clearer emphasis on the violin in the duet!
(also, idk about you but when i listen to the duet as it nears the end, even though they never show the full exhibition program, its so easy to imagine how they continue skating the rest of the routine. down to the ending pose & everything. just soooo visceral and excellent)
whew. long-winded rant about stammi vicino over. i love this song & i genuinely think that even if you have no interest in yoi you should still listen to the soundtrack (passacaille in barcelona & kamome are in my top 3). worth ittttt
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casa-amor · 10 months
SO MUCH DRAMA?? so many twists and turns..... i literally love this season and im not afraid to say it anymore. literally there is so much to unpack this volume its actually crazy
MOST IMPORTANTLY. RAPH AND DAPH GOT DUMPED. an incredibly ballsy move from fusebox that i really respect. it really increases the stakes this season knowing people as relevant as them could get dumped. dont get me wrong im gonna miss raph so much... its just so unexpected that it works. the safe choice wouldve been for one of the useless/irrelevant couples to be dumped (ehem.. bonnie and joyo) but they dumped one of the strongest couples of the villa. super ballsy
Estelle (LIs ex) making up SHIT so that our LI would sleep on the day beds. funny crazy and a little immature? yes yes and yes. entertaining? HELL YES. i know some ppl on r3dd1t will complain about this, but who cares, its a game, its a funny and entertaining. besides, our life with out LI has been literally perfect since casa, and im so thirsty for any drama. i love it. plus we get to clear up the drama and ofc make up sex bc lets be real weve had like 10 opportunities to have sex in the villa
ALSO RAFAEL SNOGGED MC IN THE CHALLENGE. I didnt want to choose rafael because i wanted to be "respectful" but he ended up choosing MC anyway... omfg i screamed.
UMA BEING UMA AGAIN. okay im 100% on her side. she has done nothing wrong ever in her life. i know this and i love her. but its literally so crazy that they didnt really give any indication that raph was rejecting uma's advances. implying theres more to raph than we thought...... hes not as loyal as he says he is......
BONNIE AND JOYO literally acting like kids (theyre coupled up in my game). it makes so much sense considering they literally have ZERO connection in my game. i love that not everyone is mature and Right all the time and that some characters.... literally do the wrong thing all the time
JOYO BEING IN LOVEEEE WITH MC. i love ittttt. lots of LIs have had "crushes" on MC in the past but its never been this explicitly acknowledged. i really love how it opens up another slow burn route with joyo which i will probably play in the future ... nyehehe
okay lastly something I found weird.. the game says whoever we "marry" has significant impact in the future episodes. does this mean we cant graft and couple up with anyone else?? that would suck but also.. eh. its a weird thing that i wish didnt really have much impact because its literally just like a challenge
okay this was much longer than i thought but i think after all these years and seasons, ive never had a volume impact me THIS MUCH. there was so much info and so much drama. im so optimistic for the next volumes although tbh i dont expect them to top this one....
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2leggedshark · 2 months
Sam can be really really awful and I will go "but he just has problems :(( he didnt mean ittttt" but Dean can be a dick to sam for completely understandable reasons and I decide to put him in the bad boy prison in my mind.
Putting him in time out. For being mean to his large little brother.
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onlyjaeyun · 9 months
WE MADE ITTTTT WE TRULY MADE IT 🥳🥳 WE FINALLY REACHED THE STAGE OF THE I LOVE YOUS AND THE LOVE OF MY LIFE’S LETS GOOOOOO🤾 okay now onto the chapter. AHEM. (i totally didnt cry lol haha 🤣) no but i loved this chapter so so much :(( it felt so pure so soft and intimate this is my fav chapter from sb so far ngl 🙏🏼🙏🏼 i was literally screeching throughout jay’s entire reaction & speech like 😧😧 do men like that even exist anymore 💔 anywho ! i’m so glad yn & jong are on better terms now and that they (practically) made up 😁 my parents 🙏🏼 and then freaking jay crying at the end like NOOOOO :( i was so heartbroken genuinely they both deserve sm better :( and i just read the note u had at the end of the chapter ??? ??????????? hello?? YO??? what was that 😀. now hold AWN BECAUSE WHAT DO YOU MEAN BIG BANG??😨 it’s gonna get WORSE? 😦😦😦 like. atp. what am i even supposed to do w myself 🤣🔫 how is shit gonna get WORSE ⁉️ how are we gonna go LOWER WHEN WE’RE ALREADY IN THE TRENCHES 😨⁉️ please have mercy on us what is going on istg if shitah or jay’s dad or jiwoong or yn’s shitty family really make an appearance and come back then just💔💔 oR WORSE if jungkook and jaehyun do smth ☹️ man what the hell💔 idek what to say anymore 🪦
love you zadie hope you’re taking care of yourself <33
WE MADE IT 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
you calling this your fave made me throw away ALL my doubts like i was SO insecure about this chap but your ask made me get rid of them all so thank you sm baby 🥺🥺
i wanted to include jay's breakdown in their conversation but i feel like it wouldn't have fit his character and him hiding his tears just made it angstier 🤪🤪🤪
and i cant say anything about that note or i'll spoil you guys but please i promise i will go easy on you guys (mostly 🤕) YOU GOT THIS IK YOU DO 🤒🤒🤒
i love you bb sending you the fattest kiss rn
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