clownkillsyou · 1 year
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themostloneliestday · 1 month
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⏾ 25, she/her
˙⋆✮ height: 174cm / 5'8
˙⋆✮ cw: 77kg 75kg / 165lbs
˙⋆✮ gw1: 70kg / 154lbs
˙⋆✮ ugw: 45kg / 99lbs
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˙⋆✮ ageless blogs/minors (please don’t ruin your body before it even has the time to develop)
˙⋆✮ people making so called fatspo posts, so comparing fat/thin people + insulting them, i will unfollow if i see that shit (absolutely deranged behaviour btw, stay tf away from me);
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⏾ General
˙⋆✮ if i followed you and you’re uncomfortable with my blog, you can just tell me to unfollow you (or block me), obviously i’ll understand, I don’t want to trigger anyone (i use tw ed tags on all posts for that reason too).
˙⋆✮ this blog is just for me to voice my thoughts so i don’t go insane and a lot of you are really fucking rude, i don‘t need that type of negativity, i got my own mental issues to deal with so don’t make your shitty personality my problem.
˙⋆✮ i occasionally have nsfw stuff (can have darker themes too btw) in likes, another reason i don‘t want minors here. I just want anyone coming on my blog to be aware of it so they can avoid it bc i don‘t hide them, it’s like my second little blog for my special things:) <3
˙⋆✮ i mostly don’t mind DMs but i’m really not the best mental support if it isn’t already obvious.
˙⋆✮ btw i don’t give a shit if you report my blog, it’s not that hard to create another one, so do your worst if you must. 
 ⋅ ˚ ‧ ₊ ⋅
⏾ Tags:
˙⋆✮ helpful posts by other creators: #ivory.reblogs🤍🫧
˙⋆✮ posts by me: #ivory.posts🤍🫧 #vision board #vision board series: body parts
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you get a big fat kiss if you interact with this in any way so i know you read it and are aware of it <3
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fizzywashere87 · 3 months
*saunters into your inbox and takes a look around. Raises sunglasses and smiles at you* Real cute blog you got running here, Kid. Now you don’t know me, and I sure don’t well know you quite either. But I don’t need to know you to know that you got something real special in that thing right there.
*points to your heart with a small smile*
You’ve got a sparkle, Hon. Don’t let nobody dim it. In fact, it’s your job to go out and aggressively infect everyone that possible can. *Doffs an imaginary hat with a small wink and calls over shoulder as I walk out*
That way the world’s just a tad bit brighter because of your handiwork.
... what the fuck
you're giving ominous because you're anonymous <- i had to look at that up top to actually spell it
i was not expecting this tbh- i was expecting some random ass shit
this is going to sound main character asf but- why me?
and are you saying to just hit everyone i see on my dash up and just like put a meme?- i'll actually do it
can we be friends? its okay if not you're preppier than i am you little skibidi toilet <3 :0
and you have a sparkle too taking the time outta your day to put this in my inbox- you made my world a better place with YOUR handiwork
i have a lot of nasty ass fanfics and reblogs in here- HOW TF
i don't think i did anything special but ilysm and i almost started crying- actually i kinda did
also nice hat i think it captures your ability to make people go 'am i fucking dreaming?' and it works on everyone by the way
also i paused my justin bieber to sit in silence and process this
im going to assault random inboxes now hmu in dms or something because i want to know who caused water leakage from my tear pipes
also thank you for using correct grammar because usually anons are dry asf- uhm yeah sorry for NOT using good grammar.
i hope all good things come your way and you get the same treatment that you give because if anyone's soul deserves it- it's you
here have a meme:
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My favorite one for you btw ^
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rose-milkteaa · 1 year
Let's go with all of the questions. No skipping, Ashlee~
1. What’s your favorite tickle tool?
Feathers. They’re soft as hell and will get me giggling up a storm if used 😭 I can barely handle soft tickles- too much for me that I’ll melt into a puddle.
2. Favorite Ler? (Tag them if you dare~)
Not again 😭
@flufflover7 (speckled, she’ll probably make a fuss about being a fav in my DMs again-)
@sakounari343 😭
@yourlocalzayzay … not a word 😇
@xxxmonterodapunk soft Ler, mf can be evil istg
@gaynior my love 🥰 but I hate how evil you are istg
I’m probably gonna get my ass CLOWNED after this.
3. Favorite Lee? (Tag them to call them out~)
@randomratty idk why tf I’m tagging her ass. I don’t even know her damn spots and shit- besides she may kill my ass😭
4. Opinion on blindfolds/restraints? Why or why not?
I mean, restraining? I’m alright with it honestly, as long as it isn’t too much. Besides- I’m a fighter when tickled 🥲 so I may accidentally cause the ler harm-
5. A spot that gets you squealing?
… *cries* ima die
Anyways.. my stomach is the worst one.. gets me squealing almost immediately. My ribs and hips are a second and third. And my neck is the fourth, I’m not that ticklish there, but still gets me squealing and giggling up a storm if targeted.
6. How long do you estimate you could last before calling mercy?
Depends on where the ler is tickling me. If it’s my hips, it’s at least 5 minutes. Same thing goes with my stomach-
Bad asf spots I tell you, it’ll have me begging for mercy
7. Ever have tickle fantasies?
Don’t we all?😭
8. Why did you make your tickle blog?
I honestly don’t know.. If I remember correctly.. I was maybe.. 9 when I got interest in this community? I made this blog when I was 11-12 years old, mostly to share experiences and see others experiences.
9. Does anyone irl know of your interests?
Hell to the no. I’ve been thinking about telling my best friend but hell nah😭 ain’t doing that.
10. Can you say the t-word?
I can’t say it out loud😭 it’s hard and flusters tf outta me. I can only say it in text or when in Ler mood.
11. Verbal teases, yes or no and why?
..yes- though I’m embarrassed as hell about it and will start complaining about how it’s getting to me.
12. Upper body tickles or lower body tickles?
I’d have to say… upper body? Most of my spots are lower body and they’re sensitive as fuck.. I won’t last for a minute.
13. Neck or ear tickles?
*slams hands onto table*
Neck tickles. Hands down. Just scratching gently at my neck will make me melt into a puddle of giggles istg.
14. Pinned on your back, or your stomach?
If I’m pinned on my stomach I won’t be able to see where the Ler is going (but that’s the fun in it correct? Sitting in anticipation?).
I’d have to say on my back, I’ll see where the ler is going and have time to act, even though it seems like I want it.
15. What do you love about the lees you know?
@yourlocalzayzay she’s all snorty, like a cute little piglet. And, she gives off the best reactions, making me want to continue to tickle her.
@sakounari343 Sako is a damn puppy when tickled istg. How can you not love him-
16. What do you love about the lers you know?
All of these lers know how to get me back into the mood.. istg- whenever I’m sad or upset these mfs just be like:
*pops into DMs*
I love these idiots to death <3
17. Feathers or Paint Brushes?
18. How long have you known about your interests in the community?
6 years-
19. What’s your favorite way to be tickled? (As in provoked, teased into asking, etc.)
I provoke people 😭 mostly by tickling them first with pokes or just pissing them off into tickling me-
20. Are you/Do you like Polite Lees or Bratty Lees? (Asking for tickles vs Pissing someone off for tickles)
Im a Bratty and shy lee. Hands down. Im so fucking shy like I can’t ask for anything.
Still shy lees.. they’re so cute I just can’t
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joyswonderland1108 · 1 year
See now this is why i hate this place
Y’all motherfuckers be testing my patience sometimes. Sorry not sorry for cursing, anyone who has been around mu blog long enough knows me and knows i’m not insulting no one by cussing or whatevuh.
I’m barely back to this goddamn account after i initially decided to leave when it got too fucking toxic in here, didn’t even want to come back but decided to listen to some dear friends in here to come back. I’ll just let anyone know that if i make a damn post, if i’m not specific in what i’m saying, if i’m not repeating shit you’ve been doing or saying then the world doesn’t revolve around you, i have better shit to do. 
If anyone of you feels like my words are hitting a nerve, bitch if the shoe fits fuck you just fucking wear it and go. Opening my dms to find someone telling me that someone is basically replying to my post because they feel like they’re the target of my words.. Do i look like i have time to argue about useless shit? Or to post about someone i don’t even see their posts on my timeline? God bless i’m a psychic i guess. 
I said it once, and i’ll say it again, don’t fucking test my patience or i’m sacrificing your soul to the devil. Go find drama somewhere else i ain’t got time for that shit. I will say it one time and never fucking again, if you feel like my words are directed to you there’s always an option to ask me. The one time my post called out someone was because it was a bunch of people who decided to fucking look down on another blogger and call her crazy, i ain’t got time to talk to each one of them especially when their words not only were targeted to one blogger but also to anyone who thought like her or who supported her. 
This place feels toxic af, since when did it become a shithole for gang shit tf? Barely trying to find the time to get back on my feet to this fucking account and mfrs already testing my goddamn patience that i do not have --”
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carpedanneel · 2 years
Ya’ll are fucking wild here. no wonder why this rp has just been the same 5 people for the last 4 years. But I thought maybe things are different, maybe it’s changed. Wrong. Admin, you still make rules to cater to the admin or the “inner” 3 other members they’ve deemed “worthy”. You make rules that cater to pretty much you only. You dont care about how you make other people feel, as long as you're getting your way. And the members here have been so brainwashed by the bullshit either theyre too scared or too intimidated to say anything. You still find a way to corrupt people from playing certain fc’s you have history with STILL forcing history on certain fc’s. A history ONE player expects you to remember every detail to even if you don’t like the plot. That one player who makes SO MANY people uncomfortable, whether they want to admit it or not, who also just happens to be the main admin. The main admin who doesnt even do a god damn thing on the main, and then will make every excuse as to why not. Sarah, you’ve found so many ways to provoke, gaslight, bully, guilt or force threads, histories, plots on probably every single player here. It’s gross. You deserve every call out youve gotten. But I don’t even 100% blame you. I also blame most of the spineless people you claim to be your “friends”. Here they complain and shit talk behind your back but then turn around and lick the ground you walked on. But probably because you’ve bullied them into it. I love how you post this long ass thing from the main saying how this place isn't for everyone and if youre bothered, blah blah. Just say this place is for you to do whatever tf you want whenever you want, and be done with it. At least be honest. How many times did you ask if you should drop certain chars looking for pity and how many people begged you to stay, Sarah? No one. That's telling. But its good to know this group is only here for you and your bullshit. Since this group is "anything goes" then the second someone calls your character out ic, you do the same thing you do ooc and come up with every excuse on why youre not wrong. Amd then kick them out! Maybe instead of always blaming everyone both ic and ooc, maybe look inward.I tried, I really tried to come in with an open mind that maybe this place had changed over the many years, but it clearly never will.Also, on the subject of bullying, Lena, you're also a god damn bully, which is funny since youre barely even on. But you still found a way, thought it was okay to message me and try to get me to drop ashley. First time we spoke you instantly were guilting me saying I swiped up Ashley before you could. And then to actually IM me the other day trying to guilt me into giving her up? So fucking rude. But at least you got your wish. Ya’ll have zero class. RP should be fun. This place sucks the fucking life out of you. I now remember why Sarah used to be banned from so many hollywood rps back in the day and why this place was basically blacklisted. Why i used to have to block her and other members here from my character pages bc youd steal shit. I bet I could log onto an old blog and find FANMAILS of her TRYING to force ships and plots in old rps, thats how long its been going on. I will say i do feel bad for some of the quality players in this group. I just dont know why you put up with it when there are groups out there where you dont have to be foeced into ships or plots just bc youve known someone for so long. Where you dont have to NOT come on the dash bc a player/character is being redundant and miserable 24/7. You dont have to sit here and keep letting sarah and this group take advantage of you. Anyways, I'm out. To the few here who actually reached out to plot or even just to chat, ya'll are cool and feel free to dm me or hmu on discord. New members, I'd beware if I was you.
Just for context, this was what I wrote in the ooc of an rp I just left. I'm sure it got deleted but I wanted to put it in the tags to let the rpc know this rp is still a problem and so are some members. Beware if joining, it's all shady.
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signofthestriking · 1 year
"She's not trying to be rude or anything. Shes just shy."
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Oh my god I'm actually making an OC intro post I haven't done shit like this since I left Amino-
This is Maize! A teenage hermit of few words, with a dad she's supposed to avenge. I say "supposed to" because it's not really her idea, but more on that later. She's one of the main characters from my fanfic book, Three Musketeers.
So what's Maize's life like before the start of the book? Well, pretty simple. Train, read books, hunt for food, rinse and repeat. Up until she was about 13, she was under the supervision of her mentor, Master Limax.
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I still need to learn how to draw old men.
Limax was a harsh teacher, to say the least. And his whole goal was to prepare her for a fight with the man who killed her father, another Saiyan warrior and no stranger to combat. And Maize agrees to this goal, because why wouldn't she? It's Master Limax. If he says avenging her father will put her to rest, she'll trust him.
After all, Maize does find herself feeling quite hopeless and distant at times. She often finds herself unable to understand what Limax is trying to tell her, and can never meet his gaze. Her mood is always weighed down by something, and her expression often remains flat no matter what she's feeling. But that's all just grief, ri-ight...?
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But anyway, once she turned 13, Limax left. He said he would return when she had proven her true strength to him. Presumably, he wanted to test how she took care of herself. And she managed to take care of herself pretty well! She could hunt her own food, she adhered to her training routine as always, and she joined the World Martial Arts Tournament once she was old enough. Of course, there was only so much any human could do against a Saiyan, even a teenage hermit like Maize. So she won twice in a row, and earned herself some money! Which she barely used, but hey, she has it!
Now, right around when Limax left, Maize soon sought out Penguin Village. Technically, she was forbidden from interacting with humans, and had been punished for sneaking out to the village before. But she went there anyway, and found the local library. There, she found a whole new world to explore, and dove deep into a newfound love of reading. At least Limax gave her a basic education.
Maize asked if there were books on Saiyans, and of course, the librarian had no idea what that meant. So they directed Maize to a working computer and suggested she look it up. She did, and her search yielded one result: a blog post that briefly mentioned Saiyans by name, specifically a vent post of sorts. So, naturally, Maize immediately reached out to contact the other person.
That other person happened to be Konnie Sai, a half-Saiyan in Central City who was on lunch break whe Maize reached out.
"hey are you an alien" "who tf are you and why are you in my dms-"
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The two got to talking, and while Konnie didn't immediately trust Maize, the two soon grew to become friends! Maize would make regular trips to the library just to talk to Konnie, even figuring out how to setup a way to talk to her new friend from her island home. Konnie would gripe about her dad a lot, but Maize still enjoyed the company of her long-distance friend. Limax had warned her away from having friends, citing that they would turn on her once it benefitted them. But once Maize met Konnie, she broke that rule as well.
Which turned out well for her, because three years later, Konnie found a Dragon Ball. In the basement of her school. There's a reason it was left there but shhhhhh. So you know what that means?
"Hey what if we used the wish to learn more about Saiyans?"
Because, despite Limax knowing a lot about the Saiyans and what they were up to in this universe, he's never told Maize the details. Deliberately. He's only said that he wants her to be "better than that". Konnie's in a similar boat with her father, but that can be explained in its own post. So, with two young Saiyans left in the dark about their own history, what can they do? They can hunt for the Dragon Balls and get their own answers!
And that turns out to be the catalyst of a whole new adventure:
Anyway fun trivia about Maize:
She likes to talk to animals, at least when they can talk back. One of her first conversations with someone aside from Limax was a talking turtle who was curious about what she was training for.
She survived rabies for a couple of months, due to her Saiyan constitution. It was a rough couple of months, and it would have killed her had a passerby not intervened.
Maize's favorite food is fish. More specifically, the giant fish she catches below the ocean outside her island home. They're big enough to satisfy her appetite, usually.
She once drank out of a decorative water fountain, not understanding that those are just for show. She still thinks they're a waste of water.
Despite being a two-time champion, Maize doesn't actually like going to the World Martial Arts Tournament. Too loud, too crowded, and too many eyes looking at her.
The people of Penguin Village don't see anything strange about Maize. They just think she's a wandering swordsman who stops by to read books from the library. She also bought an old laptop from someone there so she could talk to Konnie from home.
Anyway idk what else to put here I just love her a lot
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goldenfharry · 1 year
You guys this is SO irrelevant to Harry but I really need to talk to someone about this personal problem of mine. So i have been talking with my ex the past few weeks after a very long time. We were together 10 years ago and he recently came out of an engagement. He got cheated on and that relationship ended horribly. I visited our town where he lives, a few weeks ago (I live FAR away and only visit once or twice a year) and he came to me and confessed everything about his break up to me and even apologized for everything bad he did to me when we were together. And he looked so honest, he almost cried. He said that he loves me still and that he talked about me to his ex and that he still talks to his family about how he still loves me (it's true, his mum told that to my aunt) we talk every day and every day he says that he loves me and that he misses me and asked me to visit again and when I told him that I will, he looked happy but now that we talked again he said a few things that I didn't like. He wants me to go see him OUT of our town. He told me to take the bus and go meet him at the town that he works. He won't even come and pick me up. He wants me to travel across the whole country for him and he won't even make the effort to come and pick me up. And he even indirectly told me that he won't hang out with me IN our town because of the people who know us. And I am confused. Because how tf are you going to ask me to come see you and when I actually do, you won't hang out with me because you care about what people will say? And I'm thinking, is he doing this because he doesn't want people to gossip and he's just trying to protect us or is he doing this because he's embarrassed for me? I don't understand him. He tells his own mother that he's in love with me, he tells his ex that if he had the chance to be with an ex, that ex would be me, he's begging me to go see him and when I do, he doesn't want to lift a finger for me?? Not even do the bare minimum to just come and pick me up after the VERY long travel I'll do FOR HIM? I want y'alls opinions on this please because idk what the fuck is going on.
Firstly, even though this is clearly a Harry blog, feel free to always, ALWAYS VENT HERE! this is a free place
Now, I’m not going to fully get into details of my personal life here but I’ve been in your position before (I’m more than happy to tell you my personal experience through dms anytime) so I totally understand how you must be so confused! Usually I’m all for love, because life is hard and to me any chance of being happy is a privilege. But he needs to make an effort. Honestly bestie, you’re the only person in the world that can make a decision that is good for YOU. But with that comes the responsibility of respecting YOURSELF. It’s not fair for you that YOU need to do the effort when HE was the one suddenly coming back to your life after ending an engagement. And if you are telling us this, then it means that it is a personal boundary of yours that you want him to respect it.
Choose you, always. If that means finding love again, whether it’s with him or any other person, if you’re feeling something, respect it and give yourself the power of having a voice. And trust me, if he wants you, he will make the fucking effort. If not, his loss! Clearly you are a keeper by just helping him dealing with his tough time.
Hope it helps. I’m here for you anytime! 🫂
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pantherxdrawz · 2 years
Oh fucc forgot to do an intro
and AFTER the 500 post point-
…I ain’t putting all this in my bio
Anywho, Welcome to my blog!
[That is of course, unless your a proshipper, MAP, lgbtphobic, bigot, TERF, racist, support the shitshow that is TBATF and/or the creators (that parts just because I’m in the Eddsworld Fandom).]
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^Visual representation of me tapping my lil DNI list
YK the common basics. (Tbh who WANTS those guys interacting with them/rh)
If your one of them,
very kindly fuck off
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(You WILL be blocked if not)
With that out of the way,
☄️-I’m Panther/Nyx/Shade
I’ve also got many other names take y’all’s pick [pulls out a comedically large tophat with names], I even have names like Cloudberg and Roomba at this point as long as it’s not offensive anything is on the table really-/hj
At this point you could point to me and go “your name is Tom now your Tom” and I’d go: “…okay guess I’m Tom now”
💫-I currently use all the pronouns, He/She/They/Xe/It etc. Whatever just go for it, still figuring that shit out and I don’t really mind
☄️-I‘ma hobby artist, also hobby animator if I feel like it, but I do take Discord Nitro commissions at times (info below if you’re interested, you could also just DM me right off the bat for info, however since I also have school I might not get to it straight way as fair warning)
I also feel like I should’ve charged for completion and not crop and that these are embarrassingly cheap, and full body’s are embarrassingly expensive but hey I don’t have this as my full job what do I know
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You can DM me on here, or on my Discord RandomPurplePantherGorl#2046 if you’re interested
Edit: So since the Twitter (or “X” *gags*) forced update with the username changes, my Discord is now pantherxdrawz just like my Tumblr
Disclaimer: I have all rights to deny a commission for any possible reason, even if it’s perfectly fine by all the guidelines I’ve put, I still have full rights to deny it (I probably won’t though, but still) ★・・・・・・★
Current Hyperfixations:
-Ensemble Stars (This one’s the newest and current strongest)
-Project Sekai
-Ace Attorney
-Eddsworld (Well, actually not really anymore, Been Hyperfixated on it for a year then eventually just kinda…lost interest and left the fandom. but I’m still gonna put it here, I might return one day)
I’m basically Multi-fandom friendly and post whatever tf I want when I want, basically I just see a cool thing and hit reblog
so if you followed me for only one fandom and don’t like multi fandom posting, uhhh sorry pal you’re in the wrong place, feel free to unfollow in that case
I’m just a little guy trying to post their art and reblog stuff
★・・・・・・★ Filtering tags of mine, everything else on this fucking blog is a cluttered garage:
#pantherxdrawz My art/animation tag
#pantherxeditz My edit tag, where you’ll find my au edits of game/show shots
#pantherxwritez My tag for writing/fanfics that I make
#pantherzocs / #panthersocs My tag for if you ever get interested in my Hand made blorbos (my ocs) and want to see everything I’ve posted of them
#for the pocket friends My tag for showing my mutuals stuff simple as that
Enjoy your stay :]
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ryuusjacket · 2 years
okay so i wanted to share this post that i made a while back from my personal nsfw blog but i feel kinda embarrassed just reblogging it here and showing off the url to that blog publicly (i. literally have like 2 maybe 3 followers on this blog so far lmao) even tho like. i Do share the url w ppl who i trust and who Want to read long ass posts that go into indepth descriptions of my sexual identity, my sexual health, my desires/feelings with regards to sex, and my experiences w sex (w myself bc idk how to initiate a sexual encounter w another human being). you're welcome to dm me for the url if ur Really interested in reading turbo tmi content (it is all text btw. idk how to take nudes so those don't exist sorry)
ANYWAY i sometimes do thought dumps on there that involve nsfw topics like smut fanfic n stuff, so i've tried to brainstorm for my planned sskk fic on there before and well i actually found a wordy one i did where i rlly tried to explain in detail just exactly i Want to create and accomplish w this fic idea of mine. and even just re-reading the post myself, i found it to be very concise and illustrative of my goal for the fic's overall mood and tone. it was a very well-needed reminder for me to read my thought process from a month or so back when i was a bit more hyped to begin this project.
so yeah! anyway im just gonna copy and paste the whole damn post here bc i think it's an interesting read and good presentation of my inner thoughts wrt to what i'm hoping to write (hopefully) someday soon. and really... this fic idea is still barely in its infancy like there's still SO MUCH left to brainstorm and plan out like fuck!!! it's still too early to even start an outline doc (and that's like one of my fave parts of the fic writing process)
oh and some background context: a few months ago there was an event on twitter/ao3 (not sure if here on tumblr? i unfortunately don't follow many or any bsd/sskk blogs at ALL yet) for bottom akutagawa week which was HEAVEN for me 🥰🥰🥰 literally could not have been a better event to appeal to my interests in this fandom i s2g. and i got my hopes up that maybe i could write a lil fic in time to share during the week but that unfortunately didn't happen. anyway here's the post:
so i might not be able to write the bsd smut fic i was initially hoping to publish during the bottom aku fan week this week... but that doesn't mean i have to give up on this fic project completely! if anything now i don't have to worry about meeting an irrefutable deadline and i can technically do anything i want. so yeah i still wanna write this fic.
but first. i have to figure out What The Fuck i'm gonna write lmao cause i still don't fucking know. i was Intending to do a < 4k word one-shot fluffy getting together that somehow... transitions into a sex scene. and i still wanna do that... but i just. don't rlly have any specific detail or image or moment or dialogue line in mind to start building a story from. AND LIKE yeaH i know that sounds dumb cause it's like. if i don't have ANYTHING fantasized yet then WHY AM I EVEN BOTHERING to start this fic at all!?
.......im not really sure tbh lmao
nah it's cause i love these dudes and i wanna write something for them and interact w the sskk fan community.
i literally just. need to figure out the BARE BONES premise to this dang fic. like where tf is it gonna take place? is it mid/post-mission? is it at one of their flats? also WHERE are they gonna HAVE SEX???? im actually a big fan of sex scenes happening in non-conventional places (e.g. some dusty ass room in an abandoned building they were investigating or in a public restroom oR FUckinG in an airplane holy shit i haven't seen that one done yet lmao MILE HIGH CLUB ONE-SHOT LETS GOO) but yea idk maybe i should just. keep it simple and do what every other fic does and let them get down at ryuu's place in his luxuriously huge bed (that hasn't canonically been shown, let alone wherever he lives)
i should AT LEAST settle on how fast this fic is gonna be paced. tbh i kinda Always prefer sskk's first time being a bit... feverish and rushed. it just suits them best. maybe there’s a little angst or miscommunication of feelings/intentions thrown in before they Eventually get their shit/feelings together. but anyway i don’t wanna write that lmao that’s too complicated (but like. yeah. these are two Very complicated (i.e. traumatized) guys with a VERY complicated relationship so. yeah it’s actually kinda rare/weird to imagine things working out Too smoothly for them tbh). 
while objectively that complicated/messy/aggressive type shit is their Brand, i would still like to keep things soft and gentle and Nice. that stuff is Not Impossible w these two ofc. it’s... tricky, but def possible. and i wanna achieve That. a getting together that is soft, hesitant, shy, and puts a heavy emphasis on Both of these men’s inexperience wrt romance and sex (that. is. my. Shit. they are both virgins and absolutely clueless and i Refuse to accept anything other than that. ......okay no... that’s not rlly true... basically all of my fave fics have a somewhat experienced atsushi and that’s okay bc like. how else is he gonna be able to Take Care of ryuu if he doesn’t already have an idea of how to take care of someone during sex? anyway ryuu is the most virginal virgin of all virgins to exist THAT IS INDISPUTABLE!!!!!)
so. i guess what i’m wondering is... how fast can i manage to pace the flow of the story while still keeping it soft overall. cause i don’t feel like writing a super super hot n filthy sex scene that’s charged and exhilarating and just a fucking blur of fucking. i wanna write feely, emotional sex. an aching intimate exchange of trust between them, still laced w hesitance and anxiety and sheer disbelief that this is really happening and that they can have this. both of them express unwavering consideration for each other’s comfort, constantly asking for consent and reassuring the other that “yes, i want this. yes, that feels good. yes yes yes.” they’re both taking careful, yet still enthusiastic, steps together. TENDERNESS is my ultimate goal here.
so yeah anyway i’ll try to keep thinking about this and hopefully i can actually come up w some ideas that i wanna implement into whatever this fic eventually becomes. just haven’t had enough time.... or horniess.... to get down to some real brainstorming yet lmao
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jasperwhitcock · 4 years
hello, ive noticed that my feed has been super dry lately even though I follow lots of people and i think it’s because a lot of fans have left tumblr :( and i follow people from different timezones so when I’m asleep my feed is full but when I’m awake it’s just *crickets* so can you please recommend me active twilight blogs, preferably who go by PST, please? im on tumblr 24/7 cause i need distractions lol also throwback to pre-midnight sun release when twilight tumblr was hella active and there was so much content :( i miss that
only the strong remain 💔 alright here is my twilight blog starter kit follow list. some of my fave blogs, the blogs i see most often on my dash, my bffs even if they’re on hiatus, etc. i’ll try to note their time zones if i’m sure of them bc if i’m wrong that’d be so embarrassing fhjshfjsf if u want to dm or reply w ur time zone i’ll update this post!
PST/MST: @paulxlahotee (wolfpack content, a cutie, will make u earrings that make u feel like a bad bitch) @the-golden-onion (a literal angel from heaven above i truly adore mads w my entire heart she got u on mike newton & mr. molina content) @cullen-collective (esme if smeyer wrote her to have a sense of humor and witty tongue. will take u under her wing and sing to u) @phil-dwyer-stan-account (hiatus but pls ask her astrology questions she will explain to u why u are the way that u are), @lemonadebottlecap (idek remember what it was but one of her tags made me LAUGH so much the other day), @edytheelizabethcullen (alex is the sweetest, u must follow),
CST: @howlonghaveyoubeenseventeen (JACOB/WOLFPACK CONTENT, truly EVERYBODY’S friend, the sweetest person, pls send her pics of cute dogs)
EST: @kaquiche (funny, friendly, twilight video editing QUEEN, will be ur bff in 2 seconds), @bellaskhakis (cursed content, a demon, my greatest enemy, ok i’m kidding she will be so sweet to u but once u get close she will roast tf out of u we are like sisters), @teamjacobthot (wolfpack content, dij is probably the coolest person u will meet on this site), @bellasredchevy (kae is the god of the renaissance idk what else to say besides that bc this is a proven fact i adore her & her witty humor), @inthemiddleofmymidnight (that’s my best friend she’s a real bad bitch i love kim not a single post fucking misses), @swanresidence (CUTIE, she got JOKES she been making me laugh so much in my dms), @leahclearwaterdefensesquad (LEAH CONTENT/wolfpack content, kate has my heart), @volturialice i will forever be in love w g she is the mother i never had, she is the sister everybody would want she is the friend that everybody deserves i don’t know a better person, alice/fanfic content), @bellas-dumptruck-ass (i will never not giggle at this url but elaine is sososo funny but also so smart, always making POINTS), @renegadepack (wolfpack content, aaron is a tru must follow)
GMT: i think they’re GMT if i’m wrong i am deleting this whole post and my own blog in embarrassment: @carllisle @notquitetwilight / @stillnotquitetwilight (literally the chaos twins that people headcanon emmett & bella to be, they are putting out the best & also maybe the most cursed content rn), @carlislesscarf (they keep my dash alive), @witchyangela / @incorrectwolfpack (a tru angel, wolfpack/angela content)
IDK THE TIME ZONE: @stregoni-benefici (also responsible for keeping my dash alive, a cutie w lots of esme/carlisle content), @iknowyouloveme-thanks (literally the funniest memes), @su-angelvicioso (if u want maria content look no further), @rosaalee alex & bri are a package deal so u must follow bri too, moodboard content), @ohyoudosmellgood (omg i just realized i think i need to dm u back we have literally been having the same conversation for like three months we suck, an angel, carlesme content), @influenzabella (if ur looking for active, i always see influenzabella on my dash!!!) as well as @rose-lily-hale (CST) @redeyedsaint @twilightofficial @khakiskirtslut @edwardssnail (EST) they give me something to look at daily i adore u all thank u for ur service, twilight veterans that were here before my time and ain’t going nowhere post midnight sun craze, post the end of the world: @panlight @edwardsvirginity
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babyjakes · 2 years
Wanna second what others have said and say that while yes you are there for people and you care about others and people who may follow you and seek comfort and find a friend in you and your blog and your writings it’s so unfair for someone to make you feel obligated to be a sort of on call therapist for them or to always be open to hearing others problems or things they wanna vent, you’re just another human being with a blog and your own struggles and needs and I’m sorry people treat you that way! I’ve also had the same issue at points where people get upset that I didn’t help them out or give them advice and it’s like I love to help and want to help people out but it also isn’t my responsibility! You’re amazing and one of the sweetest and friendliest people here, Eun! People should treat you as such and not demand things from you!! 💜
thankyou friend, i’m sorry you’ve experienced some of the same. it really does at times feel like i’ve become somewhat of a therapist, not even just through asks but also ? i dm regularly with many people who talk to me bc i “understand trauma” and like yes and maybe i brought this upon myself for always being like “come talk to me about whatever” but, ,, you know who else understands trauma? who could probably help way better than me? a mental health professional 😔👍 and like. yes i love writing the fics and giving support that way. and even listening in moderation but. i have realized especially in these past few days that i am doing way too much. i am having ongoing therapy sessions with people in dm’s that i’m not qualified to run. and i’ve got a ton of shit going on outside of tumblr. i am burnt tf out.
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Hiii. Omg I can't believe here I am finallyyy. Ok so, towards the end of summer last year, I was looking around for a good Jiminie focused fanfic account, and Google search led me to your blog.
I did not have tumblr at that time and read your stories on chrome heheh. I got through more than have of your Masterlist at that time by going one fic a night, SAVORING your *chef's kiss* work. Then my uni opened and I lost the rhythm, but it got my gears grinding to try my hand at writing BTS fanfic. Much later, I gathered the courage to make my own blog and start writing myself and I (I'm sorry) kinda forgot about you for a lil while, and THEN two nights ago, I couldn't find a good fic for the life of me and I thought damn I miss that fine ass Masterlist I was reading and then I went "You absolute buffoon you've been on Tumblr how long why tf haven't you followed them yetttt"
Ngl I was half scared that you'd have deactivated, because I think of worst case scenarios like that, BUT YOU DIDN'T 😭 AND HERE I AMMMMM to tell you that you singlehandedly gave me some of the best written Jimin ffs I'd read in a long while and defos the firsts I'd found on tumblr, ANDDDDD you made me make my own acct ANDDD write my own stuff and this is suchh a full circle moment for me.
I hope you know you'll always have a special place in my heart for that, and you changed my life for the better just with your words... 🥺💜💜
On the hazard of coming off as cringey, can we please be friends? (Yes I'm an elementary school kid 😂) Anyways much love bb 😚😚
Omg hello, I was not expecting to get something like this in my inbox!!! I started out writing the exact same way and it’s just crazy to me that I’ve influenced someone to also start creating 😭. Thank you for this love letter, we can absolutely be friends and you’re free to dm me whenever 🥺
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cryo-locket · 3 years
Rules & Info
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General Info
❖ This is a highly sfw blog, so please refrain from sending/tagging me in anything sexual.
❖ I am mostly open to any sort of conversation you’d like to bring to me even if it’s unrelated to Genshin.
❖ I ask of you to please be respectful to one another. I’d rather not have any conflict happening.
❖ I write based on my own viewpoint of everything, so please do not try to criticize me if my viewpoint differs from yours, as everyone has their own way of characterization.
❖ Feel free to drop some mail into my inbox at anytime! If you have any other questions, I’ll try my best to answer them!!
❖ You can just ask if you want to be mutuals, but please be sure I at least know you and it’s not a situation where I have no idea who you are at all for that would be very awkward.
❖ Tumblr is also known to sometimes bug out and eat asks. I keep count of the asks in my inbox on my pinned post, so if I don’t reply to your ask within a day or two, and the number of asks in inbox on pinned post doesn’t change, you could send in an ask to check with me!
❖ Please stay away from my blog if you’re homophobic, transphobic, lgbtqia+ phobic, sexist, racist, etc.
❖ Dark content creators and consumers kindly get tf off my blog, thank you.
❖ I spam random posts a lot at times.
❖ I’d rather not have anyone at the age of 12 and under interacting with my blog as well, thanks. (You’re literally not allowed on Tumblr what are you doing??)
❖ If you’re here just to send hate to me or anyone else, you may leave now. Save your breath and don’t make a fool of yourself on public media.
❖ I often use nicknames/pet names for people, so do let me know if you are uncomfortable with any of them.
❖ I’m honestly still quite confused about how tone indicators work, so please be aware that most of the things I say are mostly sarcastic and I do not mean any harm by them.
❖ I will not hesitate to block you should you try to start any sort of conflict, or violate any of my blog rules. If there’s anything you are unsure of, you can ask me in dms or send an ask on anon if you’re more comfortable with that.
❖ Please do refrain from acting all familiar with me right off the bat when I do not even know you/have never really interacted with you, because it’s just weirdly uncomfortable. And yes my dms are always open for questions of my blog you’re not comfortable with asking through asks, but don’t message me casually through dms otherwise if we’re not close(moots).
Requesting and Writing
❖ I currently only write for Genshin, but I do play ‘Obey Me!’ and Twisted Wonderland, so brainrots are very much welcomed!
❖ I may take quite a while to finish your request, so please do not rush me. Though if you’d just like to pop in to check with me if your request got through without tumblr eating it then that’s fine!
❖ As stated above in the general info section, no nsfw stuff, this is a sfw blog and I am uncomfortable with such things.
❖ Anything too gory, yandere related, cheating, suggestive, etc. I will not write for.
❖ My posts are mainly gender neutral unless stated otherwise, but I am known to make mistakes at times, so do correct me if you notice anything.
❖ I write for every currently playable character plus one stray Scaramouche. (Aloy’s origins are not of Genshin so I don’t write for her either)
❖ I write both platonic and romantic. Small beans are only allowed platonic.
> Small Beans: Qiqi, Klee, Diona, Sayu
✫ Please do not ask romantic troupes for any other minor characters if you are an adult!
❖ I don’t accept requests often, as my mind often goes blank when I do requests, but my inbox is always open for any sort of other shenanigans you’d like to send in! (Even an occasional ‘hi’ is absolutely fine!!)
❖ Though I do write angst, it’s probably only once in a blue moon, because I’ll most likely cry three times over before I finish the story. (╥﹏╥)
❖ If you have any other questions, feel free to send in an ask or even dm me! Whichever is more comfortable for you
This list also randomly updates whenever I remember something I should add, but I’ll most likely make a post notifying about it. So please remember to pay attention to #notice locket for announcements and stuff!!
<Head Back to Navigation Locket
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thunderdilf · 3 years
//real talk, friends… if you ever have the urge to chat with me, do it. DM me, inbox me, tag me idgaf. Never hesitate to reblog a post and add hilarious tags or comment on the reblog. I literally love that shit. It fuels me.
I will talk to pretty much anyone with like, ZERO hesitation. If I could pull up testimonials to prove this, I’d do it. I know folks are antsy and shy and straight up scared ‘cause fandom is/can be a fucking nightmare zone and holy cow this one is no exception, but if you’ve skimmed my pinned post and rules (not necessary, but it does put perspective on whence I’m coming), you’ll realize that I am NOT like a good chunk of this fandom. You may have noticed, but I’ll post whatever tf I want with nary a worry, because this here’s MY blog, y’all. If you’re entertained, I encourage you to join in the mirth! If you’re not, also cool; I’m sure someone has content you’ll appreciate.
I believe in second chances, but that’s for friends, not potentially aggressive strangers. I haven’t got time for those; I’m too busy being hilarious and enjoying myself.
If you’ve been blocked, maybe examine the kind of crap you reblog—I mean, run your blog how you want, but I’m going to protect myself and my mental health: I am under no obligation to suffer the abuse of strangers. And no, trust me, it’s you, because I don’t do guilt by association (not purposefully), so it’s not the people with whom you run, it’s how YOU conduct yourself—call-outs, bullying, ship hate, anti behavior? All that earns a block, because I don’t wanna see your shit on my dash/in the tags; I don’t frankly care WHAT your problem is, being verbally violent and aggressive forces my awareness and again, I simply could care less. Don’t make your hang-ups everyone else’s problem. For every person who sings your praises, there are ten who wish you’d be quiet.
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dmdumouchel · 3 years
Rules: Answer 20 questions and then tag 20 people you want to get to know better
Thanks for tagging me @tangys-crispy-pajimmyjams!
Nickname: DM or DMD online but most pple call me DM
Zodiac: Apparently a gemini, but I don’t relate to most of the traits. I relate more to pisces generally
Height: 5’4” I think?
Last film I watched: Crimson Peak. Tom Hiddleston in a period drama /and/ it’s goth?? Sigh me tf up
Last thing I googled: a Lolita store called Baby, the Stars Shine Bright. Or that’s the last interesting thing I googled, other than that’s it’s boring stuff like Gmail.
Favorite musician: At this moment? I don’t really know. But a new band I’ve been getting into lately is Maneskin.
Song stuck in your head: Gimme More TikTok slowed version/remixes….lol
Other blogs: I used to have another blog for ace stuff but of course I almost immediately got harassed, this was at the peak of the popularization of aphobia and discourse online, especially tumblr 😂😬 I lost/forgot my login info for that one. I also have side accounts for my Controversial(TM) ships lmao, but they’re not that active.
Blogs following: 473
Amount of sleep: It really varies. Usually during the work week I’m sleeping at least 7-8 hours
Lucky number: I don’t know if I have one, but I have favorite numbers: 4, 6, 11, 24, 34, 96
What I’m wearing: I’m feeling unwell and resting at home. I’m wearing a mint-green butterfly shirt and lime-green sweatpants
Dream job: Full-time writer.
Dream trip: Italy!! There’s a lot of places I haven’t been that I want to go, like Scotland, England, Sweden, Switzerland, New Zealand, Norway, Russia, Japan, South Korea….but lately I’ve especially been thinking of Italy. I blame Luca.
Favorite food: I’ll say raspberries.
Play any instruments: I used to play the piano very briefly, and then violin for a few years. I’m extremely beginner-level on the guitar (I keep saying that year after year…but time seems to get away from me). I want to get a keyboard and pick back up piano. And eventually I want to play electric guitar…hey I can dream right?
Languages: I’ve dabbled in a couple different languages but the language I spent the longest learning was German for 5 years as a kid. I’ve forgotten most of it. 😐 (but I remember enough to be familiar with words and phrases and some of the grammar rules, pronunciation, stuff like that). I took French in high school, sucked at it. I took Japanese in community college and really liked it. I’ve been considering picking it back up someday.
Favorite songs: uhhhhhhhh hmmm. Usually I say my most favorite song ever if I had to pick one, which is a childhood favorite hippy folk song lol. But I’m gonna shake things up and just say one of my new favorite songs that I’ve been listening to lately, which is this one specific mix of Adore You/Moon Song: https://youtu.be/6JLAIi88GRc (and the funniest thing is, I’m not even familiar with the original songs)
Random fact: I always say this because it’s the one cool random fact I can ever think of: I’m related to Anne Boleyn through the maternal line of my family.
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: I like a lot of different aesthetics, mainly goth and dark aesthetics (especially romantic goth, batcave, punk, pastel goth, Lolita), forest/nature/cottagecore/fairycore stuff lol, cold colors, iridescent stuff, bi lighting (when you use pink/purple/blue lighting in film), I also like skater boy/skater girl aesthetics. So. A lot of range lol
I’m tagging @incredibly-unprofessional @mystitrinqua @chadthechowchow @akira-of-the-twilight @ourimpavidheroine @franticscrawls and anyone who sees this and wants to do it!
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