so I was looking thru ur pinned post and saw that u wrote for Harry Potter and was wondering if you would do a fic for George Weasley? ( fem reader pls) but basically, I was just kind of thinking of an introverted Gryffindor who loves books and George meets them and they both (very obvious to others) have a crush on each other? Maybe George just asks them for book recs even tho he had no interest in reading before just so he can find a way to talk to the reader? I know you have a lot of fics in the making so take ur time please<3
A HP REQUEST?? This is amazing I'm so excited to be branching out from maze runner again, and I absolutely love this request it's super cute ❤❤. Ty for being so kind and sweet as well :)
Umm :D So I wrote the above ^^^ response as soon as the request came in and now... IT'S BEEN TWO MONTHS IM SO SORRY ANON!! Hope you're still out there to read 😭
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It's a love story
George Weasley x fem!reader
I am not British *thumbs up in australian* so prepare either for out-of-place non-british dialogue or cringe attempts to fit into the universe. idk which one it's gonna be so I guess we'll find out
3.1k words
Warnings: language (swearing)
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You turn the corner and register a flash of red hair before colliding hard with a body.
You groan as you sit up, staring around to see your books have been knocked out of your arms and onto the floor.
"Fuck, sorry, listen I've gotta-"
You turn in surprise as Filch marches down the corridor, fist raised with an expression of rage on his face.
"Shit," you whisper.
"Yeah," says the person who knocked you over, who you've now found is none other than George Weasley. Of course, the guy you've kinda sorta maybe liked for years is only talking to you after literally bowling you over.
"Here." He points his wand and charms all your books into little palm-sized rectangles, before gathering them up and stuffing them in his pockets. "We've gotta go."
"Where?" you stare around the empty corridor, unable to find a decent hiding spot.
"Follow me." George leads you over to a dusty-looking tapestry and ducks behind it.
"What the-"
"Come on!" he reaches out and grabs your hand, tugging you in.
You stumble through the gap between the tapestry and the wall, practically falling into George's chest.
"Sorry," you mutter, and you're glad it's dark because you can feel your face blushing like crazy.
"I know you're 'round 'ere, Weasley," you hear Filch snarl from outside.
You hear him muttering to himself as his footsteps eventually recede, and you let out a breath. "He's gone."
You turn to push through the tapestry to get out, only to be met with a thin slab of solid stone. "What-"
George winces. "Yeah, once you get in here it closes for about half an hour."
"Half an hour?" you repeat incredulously.
You can barely see his nod in the dark. "I mean, one of them closes for two hours once you get in, so half isn't too bad."
There's beat of silence, before, "Lumos."
The tip of George's wand lights up, illuminating the small space. "Oh, it's you," he says, seemingly on instinct the moment the light appears.
He seems to catch himself, shaking his head. "Nevermind, just- Here, sit down."
You sit down on the floor with your legs crossed, heart skipping a beat as your knee brushes against his in the cramped space.
"We're in the same Transfiguration class, aren't we?" asks George.
"Yeah." You're pleasantly surprised by that. You tend to be pretty quiet in class, mostly keeping to yourself.
"You're always the first person to get a new transfiguration successfully. Bird to glass on the first try, right?"
"I- yes," you say, warming at the recognition of the hard work you've always put into Transfiguration.
He nods. "Took me the whole lesson to get that one right. Hey, I never caught your name in class?"
"It's L/n," you say. "Y/n L/n."
"Good to meet ya, Y/n," he grins. "I'm George."
"I know," you can't help but say, smiling slightly.
"Oh, your books." George empties his pockets of your miniaturised books. "Engorgio." He waves his wand over them, changing them back to their normal size.
"Thanks," you say, pulling them towards you and stacking them up.
"You read a lot?"
You smile to yourself, picturing the dozens of books you go through in a term. "Just a bit."
"Sure," says George, eyeing the four novels sitting in front of you now.
Before long, you reach out and push against the tapestry, finding it to be cloth again instead of stone.
"Time to go?" George stands and pushes through, and you follow him into the corridor.
"Finally," you say, stretching before grabbing your books.
"Sorry about earlier," says George with a sheepish smile. "And for trapping you for half an hour."
You shake your head. "It's okay."
He grins at you. "Alright then, see you 'round, Y/n."
You stand still, rooted to the ground as he leaves, waving behind him, and something in you clicks. Oh shit.
Any thoughts about George a put aside for the night when you settle down with your book.
The common room late at night is your happy place. Most people are sleeping in the dorms, save for a couple 6th years finishing their assignments.
You tune out their little whisperings as you sit beside the crackling fire, and you can just pretend you're alone in the common room, getting lost in your book.
Before long, you're actually alone, with the remaining people all retreating to their dorms - except for one that you haven't noticed.
George is sitting across the room, barely paying attention to the essay he's meant to be editing. Every so often, he glances up at you without you noticing.
After years of sharing the same Transfig class, something about you has piqued George's interest, though he's always tried to mark it down as pure curiosity.
He can't believe it's taken literally knocking you to the ground to get your attention, and he doesn't understand how he hadn't properly met you before earlier that day. But now, he can't seem to resist the strange pull you have on him.
Get yourself together, you've only met once, idiot. George frowns as he silently berates himself, but he can't help but watch as you repeatedly flick away a strand of hair that keeps falling into your eyes.
Fuck it. Go talk to her.
George stands abruptly, nearly knocking over a goblet in the process.
You, the oblivious centre of all his thoughts for the past few hours, are still just sitting beside the fire, reading your book.
You jerk slightly in surprise, grabbing your book as it starts sliding out of your lap.
"Um, hi. What's up?" you manage to say coolly.
George blanks. He hadn't exactly come in with a plan. He glances down at the assignment he'd been working on; good enough. "Did you finish that work Flitwick gave us?"
"I haven't yet," you say slowly, slightly confused as to why he's here. "I've just gotta write a conclusion and edit the rest."
"I haven't got a clue how to write the damn conclusion," says George, flopping down beside you and complaining about the rigid essay structure.
You realise as he's talking that it's strangely intimate. Earlier, you'd been sitting on the floor with your back leaning on a couch and your knees up, braced against the coffee table.
Now, you're both wedged between said couch and table, and despite the generous space between the two of you, you feel oddly close to him.
"Can I read yours?" he asks, pointing to where your assignment has been sitting since you gave up and decided to just read your book.
"Sure," you say, sliding it to him.
He leans against the couch as he skims your work, fingers tapping absent-mindedly.
"God you write like a professor, Y/n," comments George. "...the fuck are all these words- incandescence?"
"I... read a little," you say with a little smile, cheeks warming at the way your name sounds in his mouth.
He glances up at you. "This is brilliant. So you've just got the conclusion to do?"
You nod, taking back the assignment as he pushes it to you.
You end up staying up way longer than you'd intended, talking to George as the conversation topic quickly strays away from any Charms essays.
By the time you go to your dorms, you haven't even finished your conclusion.
"Mate, you're not nearly as subtle as you think you are," says Fred, elbowing his brother.
George elbows him right back. "What're you on about?"
"The staring," says Fred, grin teasing. "It's getting embarrassing. If whatever little crush you've now got starts affecting my reputation, we're gonna have to have a chat about this twin thing."
George rolls his eyes. "Git."
"So..." Fred drags out the word. "Who is it then?"
He jerks his chin towards the group of girls on the other side of the Gryffindor breakfast table, where George had been conspicuously staring at you all morning.
"The one on the left - Y/L/N, she's in our Transfig class."
"Oh!" says Fred, eyes lighting up in understanding. "Oh she's great, I did a project with her once. Quiet type, bookish. Fun, though. Pretty, too," he adds, raising an eyebrow at George.
"Shut it," retorts George. "What should I do then?"
"I don't fuckin' know Georgie, just go talk to her. Ask for book recommendations or something."
"That's... actually a decent idea."
" 'course it is," says Fred. "Anything to get you guys together as fast as possible so I don't have to deal with your lovesick horsecrap."
A Quidditch game has just finished (Gryffindor victory, of course), and you're avoiding the inevitable party in the common room. You can enjoy parties on a good day, but you're just not feeling it right now.
So you're in the library, wandering around as you wait for dinner.
"Y/n!" You turn to see George doing a weird half-run toward you, not wanting to be yelled at for running in the library.
"Oh, George. Hey."
"I figured you'd be in here," he says.
"You figured...?"
"Well," he raises an eyebrow at you. "Since you read a little."
You huff out a soft laugh, shaking your head. "So why were you looking for me?"
You try to listen as he speaks, but you're immediately distracted by just about everything about him.
His cheeks are flushed red, probably cause he just transitioned from the cold outside to the heated library, and his hair is windswept and slightly wet from melted snowflakes.
He's gotten rid of his Quidditch gear, but it's strange to see him in just the casual clothes students usually wear in the dorms and common room again.
And he's still speaking. Pay attention, Y/n.
"Anyways, I just wanted to find you, cause you know, hobbies... and literature, are really... important. And the Christmas holidays are coming up. So I just wanted to ask if you had any recommendations."
You frown slightly as you remember it's only the start of November, and he barrels on, almost seeming nervous.
"For books, I mean. To read, over the holidays. I don't, uh- come in here very often, so I don't know what's good. You seemed like a good person to ask." He scrubs a hand over the back of his neck as he speaks, giving you a hopeful smile.
"I am," you say with a smirk. You straighten up confidently, banishing any nervousness because books; books you can do.
"Great," says George. "What've you got for me, Y/L/N?"
"Well what kind of books do you like?"
His grin falters. "Um-"
"Fiction, non-fiction, stories, biographies?"
"Sure." You navigate to another aisle, moving into the more fiction-y section. "Action, ooh- historical, adventure, romance?" You lift an eyebrow at the last one.
"I-" He clears his throat, and you smile slightly to yourself. "Action is good, I think," he says uncertainly.
You scan the shelf currently at your eye level, before picking out a book. "I love this one," you tell him. "Pretty fast paced, which might be good for you. Also, dragons."
"Dragons," he repeats. "Great."
"How many books are you looking for?" you ask.
"Just one, I think. I wanna... get into reading, before the holidays start."
"Sure," you say, holding the book out to him.
It's like sun breaking through, when he smiles in return. "Do you think we could meet up?" he begins. "To talk about the book once I've read it?"
"Yeah, I'd like that," you smile. "And you have to tell me what you like, so I can recommend you the next one."
Ever since giving George that first book you've started seeing him almost every day.
The two of you can be found huddled together in the little nooks around the library, or behind the greenhouses, or down by the lake, talking about books and school and everything in between.
But soon the holidays arrive, and you're saying goodbye to him and the rest of your friends.
Your parents are being forced to travel a lot over Christmas for work, so the first month of the holiday flies by in a whirlwind of tea in the morning with the few remaining students in Hogwarts, long peaceful walks on the grounds, and lots and lots of reading.
You've devoured a row of books in the library by the time Christmas has passed, and you've planned to go through another row, when George materialises in the common room one day, two weeks after Christmas.
"George?" you exclaim, spotting him in the common room.
He turns as he hears your voice, and his face splits into a wide grin. Without hesitation, he runs up to you and pulls you into a hug, lifting you just slightly above the floor.
Your heart swells as his laughter rings in the air, and suddenly everything is complete.
"I missed you so much," you tell him, almost surprised at your own admission. Truth is, Hogwarts is beautiful during Christmas, but it's a little lonely with everyone else having gone home.
George's responding smile is worth the wait though, and he tosses an arm around your shoulder as he leads you out of the common room.
"C'mon, it's a Hogsmeade day. No time to waste!"
The two of you settle down at a table in the Three Broomsticks, grabbing Butterbeers as you go.
"Alright then, Weasley. Did you get through the holiday book I got you?"
He smiles. "I did. And you know what I was thinking when I read it?"
"Y/n would hate Chaolie, and she'd love Alosia."
You blink in surprise. "I- yeah, those are my exact thoughts on the book."
George smirks. "See? I know you."
"I mean yeah, I loved every chapter Alosia was in; she's my favourite. Typical, I know, everyone likes the side characters, but god, Allo would've been so much better as a main character than fucking Chaolie. G.T.L. is brilliant- we know that, she fits insane arcs and storylines into a single book, but please,-"
George listens, a small smile playing at the corner of his mouth, as you continue rambling animatedly about the book, your hands gesturing enthusiastically as you speak.
"And the cover: gorgeous. You know stories like this can have the silliest cover art if they're not done well, and the choice to go almost muggle-style with a non-moving cover is perfect."
You brush a stray piece of hair away from your face, oblivious to the way George tracks the movement, desperately wanting to reach out and tuck it behind your ear for you.
The bell on the door chimes and you look over George's shoulder to see a bunch of familiar redheads walking in.
"Ah, Y/n," says Fred, floating towards your table. "Lovely to finally see you again after having to hear so much about you over Christmas."
You giggle as George thumps his brother with his book, face turning almost as red as his hair. "Stupid- git."
"This is the Y/n?" says Ron, another one of George's brothers.
His sister joins in too. "Ah, so you're the reason we had to come back early."
"Early?" you repeat, confused.
"Enough," snaps George. "Piss off, all of you," he says, fruitlessly shoving his siblings away from your table.
He groans. "Come on Y/n, we're leaving." He tugs on your hand, and you snort as his family's antics as you down the last sip of Butterbeer and hop off your seat.
"Until we meet again, Y/n." Fred salutes you as you exit, and you laugh as you wave to the rest of the Weasleys.
"Sorry about them," says George, slightly pink in the cheeks.
"Don't worry," you laugh. "It's fine. But what did Ginny mean when- hey!"
You're cut off as George yanks off his scarf and starts wrapping it around your neck and face. "...It's cold out," he explains weakly as you give him a look.
You pin him down with your gaze, and he sighs. "Fine."
He grabs your hand and leads you away from the Three Broomsticks, brushing snow off a park bench before sitting down.
Every memory he's had with you, every moment he's spent falling for you, flashes through his head.
The shy smile you had in your first few days of meeting, which he could only describe as cute, the mischievous glint in your eye when you'd almost recommended him a romance book, your laugh that he's memorised the sound of... damn it, he better not fuck this up.
You sit down beside him, giving him a concerned look.
"Okay, here it is," he says abruptly. "I like you."
You blink, caught off guard.
"You're so- you're bright," he says. "There's this light in you, and it's so fucking bright, and people don't see it. I don't get that. But whatever, they don't matter. I just mean, I've been pretty much blinded by you since we met... well, since I knocked you over running from Filch. I- god, fuck this metaphor. The point is, every time I'm not with you, I'm just wishing that I was. Cause I like you, and I wish- I'd hoped, that maybe you like me back?"
You're still silent, your brain trying to catch up with what your ears are hearing.
But George takes the silence differently. "It- it's okay if you don't. You know, I don't want to pressure you, at all. It's completely-"
"George." You take his hand. "I like you too, so damn much. I was just... I've never done this before. I didn't know if I should ask you out, or confess, or anything."
George lets out an incredulous breath. "Oh. Well then."
He rests his forehead against yours. "Y/n, will you do me the great honour of becoming my girlfriend."
You're smiling so much it almost hurts. "I'd love to," you whisper.
It's only on your first date, that you realise; "You know, we've practically be dating this whole time."
"What do you mean?" asks George, digging into his icecream.
"Meeting up, just the two of us. We've been doing it for ages, except we thought it was just book meetings."
The spoon stills halfway to George's mouth. "...fuck."
You snort, "We're both idiots, aren't we."
"Could've saved me so much grief if I'd known we were already dating. It was well shit, overthinking everything over the holidays."
"You mean when you missed me so much you convinced your whole family to come back to school early?"
"Sod off," he replies, nudging your foot and grinning. "You thought it was cute, anyway."
"I did."
There's a beat, before; "Kissing," you say, pointing your spoon at him. "We weren't totally dating, cause we didn't kiss."
"Right," agrees George, nodding. "Speaking of..."
You let out a laugh, setting your icecream down on the table, and then you let him pull you in.
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Alosia, Chaolie, and GTL are just silly little details cause I can't help myself. Thank you for tolerating my self-indulgent easter eggs.
Thank you for reading, everyone! Hope you enjoyed my first fic in the HP universe <3
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bimbosupreme · 3 years
mephistopheles love post
the equivalent of a mental breakdown tangent is all going under a read more
yes believe it or not that freaky ass literally not even human clown in fgo gets love, and love from who? me and like 3 other people
first off
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ok and with that out of the way,
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i’m not even familiar with their lore. Reason why i stopped caring about the lore behind faust and mephistopheles is that an interlude happens that shows that mephistopheles is just some homunculi made by some mage nobody named faust. and even then the interlude doesn’t talk about the lore behind the novel, its just you helping mephy kill faust
that being said though i would hope the developers expand on their origins more and potentially even release a “true” mephistopheles (a girl can dream)
So, they’re not even the real deal demon known as Mephistopheles in the first place, and i can hear u going “well that’s lame” and like, no, we just need to redirect our feelings from appreciating a demon to appreciating a homunculi who has a weird characterization in the fate universe
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Design tangent:
Fgo was actually my first gacha, and so when I came across this servant I kinda instantly fell in love with their design, I love the colors used in their final ascension and overall appearance. The hat that has horns but they're not quite horns, theyre these weird colorful pointy twisty things, the large garish butterfly ornament on their chest (which isnt ugly at all and somehow works so well with their everything on them) is cool, the tights are so cool to look at, i mean look -- a checkered pattern with golden lining on the shorts portion, the tits out look like yes we get it youre insane, the gloves??? purple and also cool, plus theyve got this gradient thing going on? and the fingers have this line going through them, thats so cool. actually the only other servant that comes close to this in terms of “out there” colorful designs is probably final ascension kama and qsh ( i love them both). Also, mephy has this scissor weapon?? thats so cool lol i dont see any other servant wielding giant scissors (for the love of god give mephy an animation update i need to see them use the scissors while doing flips) and they also have this bomb obsession going on? cant relate, but the bombs designs are so so cool i mean its a fucking centipede -- no idea if centipedes are a thing in the original faust but thats something Ill have to look up at some point. ALSO mephy is wearing heels oh my god anytime people wear heels is an automatic win. No clue whats going on with the hair but its kinda cute (dont question me on that) and it has curls and the hair colors are cool i mean its like a lavender thing with darker purple highlights? i love colorful things and i love people with wacky personalities so. Oh my god their tail how could i forget that its so cute and dumb i almost forgot it was there, like what is that even a whip? i dont.. but its got these little purple tips to them that are kinda cute/cool but more cool because tails are fucking up there alongside heels in terms of cool stuff on characters. and of course their fluffly cape -- again no idea what the designers were going for i mean look its a mess of a design i have no fucking idea what any of it means and i hope they explain it someday because that hair and the butterfly and the tail and the hat and the fluffy garb and a bomb obsession?? and this got the go ahead - yeah lets add that to the game like what
appreciate these with me for a second
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oh and the blue lipstick and face paint god thats a cool design ugh
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they can be normal too or at least as normal as possible i mean they even trimmed their eyebrow here lol but you can see the not so well hidden insanity/goofiness peaking through with the inside of the suit at the bottom being highlighter purple and a green shirt with gold accents underneath the black coat at the front <3, fuckin hate that hairstyle tho bro we gotta get that middle part hairstyle outta hereeeee--
anyways this is me going off all about why i like their design! but we haven’t even touched the nitty gritty of it all. their personality! what personality you may ask? havent they always been some weirdo laughing a lot and saying dumb shit all the time? well yes and no
True to their dumb little clown design mephy also acts like one.
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Some servants bond 1 lines are like “fuck off” and some actually talk to you, nah this bastard mephistopheles’ just laughing. and for the second bond line it seems to imply theyre fuckin with you more (showing up and dissapearing and saying ‘afterimage’) so thats nice that theyre actually making some effort to mess with you in a way? some servants take a long time to actually interact with you so this shows theyre not afraid of interacting with you and thats just at bond 2. and of course the third bond line implies they were probably trying to betray you, its stated in more than 1 place that mephistopheles (actually isnt this a caster class thing?) will betray you or attempt to do so. So the third bond line seems to imply that their attempts have been stopped by you and that’s what they say after some failed attempts. So after stopping this freak from doing some shit their next bond line is actually doing a confession! a jester being honest who couldve seen that one coming but theyre 100% not lying, they really arent a demon but a homunculi made by faust
speaking of faust we’re going to backtrack a little into their interlude that i brought up at the start of this post, its one of those dream interludes and it starts with mephy asking you to help him plant bombs for their eventual reuinion/showdown with faust -- in the meantime faust keeps sending golems in an attempt to kill both you and mephy
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When you track faust down, it’s shown that faust was your typical mage, inhumane and uncaring. It’s also pointed out that this faust killed innocents, but this typical mage behavior is boring to mephy, and they say that boring typical behavior is why they wanted to kill them
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 so i really cant blame mephistopheles for being the way they are, being raised by this type of guy, even if mephy was always messed up and wacky from the beginning its no reason for faust to attempt to kill him.
Mephistopheles also shows up in salem, cu alter’s interlude, and of course the knk crossover event, and some other things im most likely forgetting but those 3 are ones that i find notable
anytime they show up theyre actually helpful, in salem mephy points out that the nature of the being responsible for the salem epic of remnant is something alien rather than a typical foreign god, mephy also tells you that time is also being sped up and in their weird way they try to cheer you up by spouting some nonsense at the beginning (guda needed some kind of distraction from the grim events that had just transpired at that point in the story), i cant quite remember what mephy did in the knk event but they were a part of your group and were helpful the whole time, actually @/zeravmeta does an amazing analysis of their role in the knk event as well as some extra character analysis here
mephistopheles is kinda cryptic in a weird way though,
like overall i mean theyre a jester homunculi in appearance so yeah its to be expected but come on i love morally gray characters, despite their supposed betrayal hints scattered around here and there
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they have this one line that always gets to me
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and this line is said with a completely serious face too
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the rare serious mephistopheles face! its kinda grim to see that line, no laughs, no nothing, their voice is kinda serious and monotone too. of course this could be just to get you to lower your guard but its still kinda out there that they have this rarely used portrait and that line, so i like to take it as being said to you when youre by yourself and with sincerity
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and at least sei (with her wacky outfit and all lol) seems to get along with mephy and thinks theyre nice woohoo
so at the end of the day you have this guy that laughs a lot and gives mixed signals
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and they fuck with you
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and will most likely try to kill you more than once but hey thats just another tuesday at chaldea
Before I finish last thing I want to point out is this snippet from the fgo source material book which provides more information on servants, and this specific translated bit under mephistopheles
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at the core of it all this homunculi....can be your friend! you just need to not go into despair i guess
of course this entire post is an overanalysis into an underwritten character, quarantine + all online college classes have done this to me, i have a douman icon what did you expect
i cant believe they drew mephy
twice !
and for those of you on twitter check out @cuz_pb and @L0VEYAMA003
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sarasfm · 4 years
Sarauniya “ Sara ” Davies, 24, pansexual, cisfemale, ISFP Enneagram 9w1; Pisces sun, Sagittarius moon, Pisces rising 1st year Advanced Encryption Major; did not go to a spy prep hs
Imma keep it real with you, chief, I have absolutely no idea what’s going on. I mean, obviously, I know what espionage is ; I’ve read books and articles, and I’ve seen Spy Kids and all the Charlies Angels and James Bond movies, but I genuinely think I need a minute to wrap my head around everything. Make that two weeks, because what’s this I hear about two murders ?  I literally just got sent here to be safe, I — I’m sorry, I’m freaking out. Give me five seconds, and we can start again, because I promise I can totally pretend this is all normal. @gallagherintro​
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full name: sarauniya “ sara ” davies
dormitory room: 105
birthday: 20 march 1995
soundtrack: “ go gina ” by sza
favorite dish: efo riro
aesthetic:  when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of light reflecting from her earrings, eyeglasses perched on top of her head, and a caviar iphone always in her hands
Bio Points
her mom’s a nigerian baddie billionaire & her dad’s a soft academic brit
she grew up between london and abuja where their family’s business is based. it’s a trading enterprise, the largest industrial conglomerate in sub-saharan africa
she’s the eldest of three siblings, was raised to be prim & proper and groomed to run their family’s business. her family’s not pushy though and they’re really cool. very healthy dynamic so she doesn’t mind ; she loves her fam and would do it w a smile !
Coding is her Passion though. total dork. stayed up all the time just sleuthing and being an internet geek since she was a youngin’
loves education and is the type who would willingly stay in school to learn. has a degree in economics from harvard and was almost done with her mba when her littlest sister got abducted !  was it about business ? money ? who knows ! the sister’s fine now but her family sure is Scared especially since sara’s alone in the big bad united states
her mom made some calls and went “ gimbiya, look, u aint safe n we sorry. we’ll work something out to make sure u get ur mba degree somehow but shit is wild so we gotta get u somewhere near that’s safe asap. u like studying & ur a geek with computers right ? cool beans, go back to school & welcome to gallagher, babe ”
she enters gallagher in the middle of the spring semester very overwhelmed & inwardly ignoring how unhappy she is about having to be here bc she is not & does not want to be a spy. she just tryna distract herself by looking at this entire thing as a weird vacation where she can do stuff she wasn’t able to before because it’s literally detached from the world. she is mostly probably in way over her head, but let’s see ! 
Other Information
Nicknames: Sara (to everyone), gimbiya (to family, means princess in Hausa)
Languages: English (native), Hausa (native), Arabic (C1), French (B2)
Strengths: is money a strength ? also coding. and being the sweetest. and a general smartypants but that’s in a university setting & gallagher probably doesnt give a fuck
Relationship History: only has one (1) experience. ( well,,, 2 if a three-second drunken kiss w kass counts ) his name’s royce and they’ve known each other since their bougie secondary school back in britain. started dating at sixteen and went to harvard together. they’re long term as fuck. he’s like her best friend and their families adore the couple & each other. got engaged last september and sara broke it off before leaving for gallagher, oof. she deadass milked the opportunity but lbr she wasnt rlly Feeling It so she’s kinda glad for the ‘valid reason’ to appear bc it rlly wasn’t Love for sara so boy bye
Physical appearance: 1.76m, 55kg, long black hair, slim and toned build
Classes: GEN 105, GEN 206, AE 101, AT 101, PE 101
the sweetest. v charming & sensitive to others & curious about things. enthusiastic too ! loves adventures & is very passionate. queen of empathy. 
she’s not stuck up even tho she loaded. she doesnt rlly talk abt her family having 12B or the fact that she’s an ivy league girl, bc she’s just generally very uwu 
easily stressed and flustered and overwhelmed ! man, gallagher’s gonna shook this goddamn academic dork to her core for the love of god someone pls get the aed ready
rlly fun !!! can be a lil unpredictable bc it b lyk dat for rich girls. loves her independence which she hasn’t maximized bc of her ex fiancé & responsibilities but it’s chill so chill totally chill, no ounce of further longing exists in the crevices of this girl’s heart
she is so not good with confrontation and is so allergic to conflict ok. she will sweep discomfort under a rug and lie on it ‘til it’s flat which makes her a queen of repression & conforming
is she easily overwhelmed & stressed ? yes, but she’ll try not to show it so much. it’s all mostly an internal monologue so don’t underestimate her pls. she’s v smart and competent. can be so competitive ( albeit mostly inwardly ) and a boss ass business bitch like her business momma bc that’s what she’s been training for altho she is still generally a soft bab so ... yeah, if u would be so kind as to Estimate her, that’d be grand
she needs to always be on top of her game. maybe not the best in the class, but definitely pushes herself to be her best, so a lot of late nights studying & won’t settle for bad grades ever. gonna be rough in gallagher bc she is not spy material ok, she’s just a pretty rich geek behind a computer
just imagine her as the nice girl in ur ap classes who’s a lil awkward & just so happens to be super hot & stinking rich
Fun Facts
has a six-month old rescue pup named sooty ! who kinda looks like a sheparnese
has a tendency to ramble if she’s comfy w u enough or mayhaps if it’s too much man 
is v diligent w keeping a journal & does it everyday 
likes to dance ! not super good but she likes it. hits da clubs for dat shit 
is a lil instagram famous bc she’s a gorgeous rich harvard girl & all that jazz. queen of selfies & of looking hot but doesn’t actually get to play around rip ffff 
doesn’t drink much bc she is an extreme lightweight and 2 is her tap out limit
if she’s had more than 2 drinks, she is Very Honest but still very ramble-y 
she is physically active but mostly just runs and does yoga. knows very basic self-defense. is not sporty, definitely not a fighter, may god have mercy on her soul
isnt a virgin but is not sexually experienced lmao lbr she kinda Itching to get out there 
don’t ask me what her accent is because i have no clue it’s all over the place
Established Connections — just bc i think y’all would like to know
kassandra sutton — internet friends ! loves kass to bits. have known each other since sara was 14. when kass was 18, sara took her on a grad trip to montreal and became a lil lowkey into her. doesn’t help that kass drunk kissed her & doesn’t remember lmfao. poor sara told her then-bf & they had a lil fight but they made up bc sara didn’t talk to kass for months. eventually they became friends again & now sara’s in gallagher w no idea that kass is a mf sutton & honestly, my girl is just very shook w everything 
Possible Connections
crushes — she does not know how to flirt. she is ,,,, p pathetic tbh but a real heckin cutie. will be super nice to ur bab ok  
flirtationships — sara and i r gonna continue to keep it real w u chieves, her ex fiancé royce was vanilla and bland as fuck. can u believe she has not been single in a decade ? ? someone give her love & attention & fluster this soft innocent child. get her Experienced but also dont hurt her
enemies/angst !!! —  or maybe do ! maybe hurt her. maybe obliterate her. maybe smash her poor heart to pieces, because tbh i would love that.  so someone pls for the love all things holy and divine, someone hurt her !!!!
fwb — probably just one (1) bc she’s still a romantic ? and she’s probably gonna want something exclusive even if it’s no strings attached and will surely want to ,.,. get to know them a little bit more first ,,, at least ideally , idk , maybe impulse & thirst gets the better of her one of these days who knows lets find out !
friends !!! — sara will love u ok. she may be a lil easily flustered but she’s doesn’t rlly give up on ppl quickly. as i’ve said, queen of empathy. probs feels v sorry for majority of the gallagher & georgetown kids bc, .,.,., this environment just screams highkey Trauma to her and she’s valid bc she’s right
mentors !!! — she hates feeling dumb ok she Always has to be on top of her game, so u can bet ur ass after her first meetings in her classes she goes to ppl going “ hey could u help me out w working out ? boxing ? firing a gun ? literally everything & anything ? ”   
anything & everything — meaning just come @ me & let’s talk about it uwu 
( did i just create georgina’s antithesis ? fuck yes, and i am sooo excited to have a child that’s not always plotting & scheming & being mean like y’all have no idea ;_; nywy, that was long bc shutting up and brevity are things i do not possess. whats up it’s ur og flower garden girl rose here aka bugleweed aka fiancée of many and lover of all, and i am open to anything and everything ! just drop an IM or hit dat like & ill slide in ur dmz w love, plots & sanitized hands x )
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kronos-the-timelord · 5 years
Dude, do all of the numbers for that getting to know you better ask! Or half bc 200 is a lot :0
ahhhhhh,, you so nice
1: My name? - Margaret
2: Do I have any nicknames? - maggie, mag, mags, maggles, at one point my friends called me parky
3: Zodiac sign? - libra
4: Video game I play to chill, not to win? - i’ve never been too good at video games (but i like watching ppl playing them) and i’ve only ever had a wii so my sims kingdom was a favorite of mine
5: Book/series I reread? - divergent and pjo
6: Aliens or ghosts? - yes
7: Writer I trust enough to read whatever they write? - @kata-chthonia
8: Favourite radio station? - 103.3 fm, although i mostly listen to spotify now
9: Favourite flavour of anything? - grape and blue raspberry
10: The word that I use all the time to describe something great? - great or cool
11: Favourite song? - a to b by matt hires
12: The question you ask new friends to get to know them better? - it usually has to do with what drew me to them in the first place followed up by a version ‘why do you think that?’ i like knowing how ppl think bc it gives me a better way to start understand their view
13: Favourite word? - aurora
14: The last person who hurt me, did I forgive them? - i can’t really remember, so i dont know what that says :/
15: Last song I listened to? - serial killer by moncrieff
16: TV show I always recommend? - dexter or if they don’t like blood and violence, any of john mulaneys specials
17: Pirates or ninjas? - i liked pirates when i was younger, but ninjas are cool
18: Movie I watch when I’m feeling down? - any studio ghibli or song of the sea
19: Song that I always start my shuffle with/wake-up song/always-on-a-loop song? - lately its been SLUT by bea miller
20: Favourite video games? - i really love boderlands, the art style is great
21: What am I most afraid of? - snakes and failing at something i’ve been saying that i wanted to do my entire life
22: A good quality of mine? - im nice??
23: A bad quality of mine? - im a bit aggressive and im really blunt about things
24: Cats or dogs? - dogs!! I like cats too but i dont know how to interact with them
25: Actor/actress you trust enough to watch whatever they’re in? - he’s a voice actor, but crispin freeman is really cool!
26: Favourite season? - fall and spring
27: Am I in a relationship? - yeah, but it’s long distance during the school year ;-;
28: Something I miss? - my boi,, he’ll be back soon tho
29: My best friend? @keencheckerboard and @memeathon
30: Eye colour? - brown
31: Hair colour? - brown with red and blonde highlights
32: Someone I love? - my mom
33: Someone I trust? - @keencheckerboard
34: Someone I always think about? - @memeathon
35: Am I excited about anything? - finals to be over!
36: My current obsession? - bnha tbh
37: Favourite TV shows as a child? - i loved avatar and ed, edd, and eddy
38: Do I have someone of the opposite sex that I can tell everything to? - to an extent, but i dont tell them /every/thing
39: Am I superstitious? - kind of
40: What do I think about most? - right now, school
41: Do I have any strange phobias? - not really, i mean i overthink a lot of things, but there’s no phobias
42: Do I prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? behind
43: Favourite hobbies? - drawing/reading/writing/sleeping
44: Last book I read? - i think it was called stung, i actually finished it bc i wanted to complain about it properly
45: Last film I watched? - dumbo, my friend wanted to go see it, it wasnt good
46: Do I play any instruments? - i played clarinet for 3 years
47: Favourite animal? - dogs
48: Top 5 blog on Tumblr that I follow? - @wemakuu @wemakuutwo @keencheckerboard @memeathon @kata-chthonia
49: Superpower I wish I could have? - teleportation
50: How do I destress? - getting cozy and warm under my blankets with the lights off
51: Do I like confrontation? - i can be aggressive so i will be confrontational if i have to but i don’t go out of my way for it
52: When do I feel most at peace? - in my bed with the lights off
53: What makes me smile? - my friends, my boi, and goofy animal videos
54: Do I sleep with the lights on or off? - gotta be pitch black
55: Play any sports? - i played roller derby for 3 years
56: What is my song of the week? - really feeling be by hozier
57: Favourite drink? - …..water…. and a slushee
58: When did I last send a handwritten letter to somebody? - i think last summer???
59: Afraid of heights? - nope
60: Pet peeve? - slow walkers
61: What was the last concert I went to see? - does my high school’s band count???
62: Am I vegetarian/vegan/pescatarian? - nah
63: What occupation did I want to do when I was younger? - ob nurse, i still do
64: Have I ever had a friend turn enemy? - no, i’ve had ppl i tolerated turn into ppl i hate tho
65: What fictional universe would I like to be a part of? - bhna, but i feel the hero drama would get annoying after awhile
66: Something I worry about? - failing my classes
67: Scared of the dark? - nope
68: Who are my best friends? - this is the same as 29
69: What do I admire most about others? - their drive and where their motivation comes from
70: Can I sing? - no ;-;
71: Something I wish I could do? - sing
72: If I won the lottery, what would I do? - pay off my loans and (hopefully) for the rest of my college and then put whatever i had left into a savings account
73: Have I ever skipped school? - yes
74: Favourite place on the planet? - i think the smoky mountains are really pretty and i loved vacationing around them, but colorado was really neat too, so probs one of those places
75: Where do I want to live? - somewhere on the northeast coast!
76: Do I have any pets? - yeah!! He’s a doggo named dageus,,,, here he is,, the big boi!! (hes 121 pounds of love!!!!!)
Tumblr media
77: What is my current desktop picture? - something @memeathon drew me
78: Early bird or night owl? - night owl
79: Sunsets or sunrise? - im usually awake during sunset, but sunrise is really pretty
80: Can I drive? - yeah!
81: Story behind my last kiss? - i was saying bye to my boi at the airport
82: Earphones or headphones? - earphones
83: Have I ever had braces? - yeah,, they weren’t fun
84: Story behind one of my scars? - i have a couple little ones from acne on my back but other than that i don’t have any
85: Favourite genre of music? - i think indie rock?? Is that a genre?? Punk maybe????
86: Who is my hero? - florence nightingale,, she was hella cool and i went to her museum in london
87: Favourite comic book character? - i didn’t read a lot of comic books but i always liked spiderman and witchblade
88: What makes me really angry? - when ppl make fun of my friends >:l
89: Kindle or real book? - i like real books but ebooks are nice for traveling!!
90: Favourite sporty activity? - roller derby or skating
91: What is one thing that isn’t tight in schools that should be? - im not really sure what this question means????? But i didn’t like that in my middle school that the behavior coach(es) would already pick sides or would already hate kids that did nothing wrong and then in my high school no one cleaned up after themselves bc ‘the janitors can do it’ :/ it was really annoying
92: What was my favourite subject at school? - english/creative writing and art!!
93: Siblings? - i got an older brother who’s a big nerd
94: What was the last thing I bought? - i went to target last night and i got $68 worth of stuff including planty stuff, food, and gift stuff for my boyfriend’s moms
95: How tall am I? - 5’6” but i will not hesitate bitch
96: Can I cook? - yeah!
97: Can I bake? - yeah!
98: 3 things I love? - my friends/family, animals, and plants
99: 3 things I hate? - slow walkers, rasict/homo/trans/biphobic (anyone who just hates ppl for no reason tbh), and rude ppl >:l
100: Do I have more girl friends or boy friends? - more girl friends,,, i’ve kinda lost contact with most of my guy friends over the years,,,,
101: Who do I get on with better, girls or boys? - i feel more comfortable around other girls now but when i was younger i was okay with everyone
102: Where was I born? - in the cornfields of the midwest (i fucking hate this state)
103: Sexual orientation? - straight
104: Where do I currently live? - in the cornfields of the midwest, i am the creature you’re warned about, don’t walk alone at night
105: Last person I texted? - @memeathon : D
106: Last time I cried? - yesterday,,, finals hit me hard but i feel better now :D
107: Guilty pleasure? - uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,,,,,, looking at gross stuff,,, like surgeries and sometimes those pimple popping videos,,,,,,,,
108: Favourite Youtuber? - i’ve been watching a lot of gordon ramsay videos lately but i think brandon rogers or sovietwomble are up there
109: A photo of myself. - heres one i took on my break at work
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110: Do I like selfies? - no,,, i don’t really like looking back on photos of myself bc i think i just look weird,, like even in my super nice senior photos,,, or baby pictures,,
111: Favourite game app? - does neko astsume count???
112: My relationship with my parents? - it’s p good :D
113: Favourite accents? - i’m not really sure,,, i think just a flat accent, like midwestern bc its the one im most familiar with so its like homey???????
114: A place I have not been but wish to visit? - japan,, nowhere in specific i just want to see the country
115: Favourite number? - 23!!!!
116: Can I juggle? - no
117: Am I religious? - im a polytheist (a bad one, but oh well)
118: Do I like space? - i love space!!!! Its so neat!!!!!!
119: Do I like the deep ocean? - no!!! Its awful!!!!
120: Am I much of a daredevil? - i think my friends think i am, but i dont really think so, i mean i’ll try anything if it sounds fun, but not everything
121: Am I allergic to anything? - not that i know of
122: Can I curl my tongue? - yes
123: Can I wiggle my ears? - no
124: Do I like clowns? - not really
125: The Beatles or Elvis? - a little bit of each
126: My current project? - my creative writing portfolio ;-; its not that hard but im trying to figure out how to get this character right
127: Am I a bad loser? - depends on what i lost in, like if it was a game i didn’t really care about than no, but if it was something that i cared about a lot than yeah
128: Do I admit when I wrong? - i always try to, but sometimes i don’t
129: Forest or beach? - forest,, i don’t like the beach,, too much sand
130: Favourite piece of advice? - it’s not really advice but just the reminder that your current situation is not your final destination
131: Am I a good liar? - i think so
132: Hogwarts house / Divergent faction / Hunger Games district? - slytherin (its funny bc im scared of snakes)/ dauntless/ and i think district 6 (i live in the crossroads of america so yeah)
133: Do I talk to myself? - all the fucking time
134: Am I very social? - sometimes, i am kinda a social introvert
135: Do I like gossip? - i like to hear it but not be part of it
136: Do I keep a journal/diary? - i have a bullet journal and i try to keep up with my habit and mood tracker daily
137: Have I ever hopelessly failed a test? - no, but i have gotten like high d’s and low c’s before that make me sad
138: Do I believe in second chances? - depends on what they messed up on the first chance, like if someone cheated then no
139: If I found a wallet full of cash on the ground, what would I do? - i would like to say that i would return it with no money taken, but im just not sure :/
140: Do I believe people are capable of change? - yeah, if they’re really trying and realize that they need to, but even if they do change i know not everyone will accept them back into their lives and it shouldn’t be expected that they should after someone changes for the better
141: Have I ever been underweight? - no
142: Am I ticklish? - very and i have this weird tactile thing thats like i dont like ppl lightly touching me, it freaks me out
143: Have I ever been in a submarine? - no
144: Have I ever been on a plane? - yes!! I love flying!! Its so much fun!!
145: In a film about my life, who would I cast as myself, friends and family? - uhhhh,, im going to go by face,, i think for me - shailene woodley bc when she had her short hair ppl told me i looked like her @meme - liana liberato, she got the round face @keen - winona ryder (but back in beetlejuice) boyfriend - tucker west, i know he’s not an actor but he looks so much like him,,,, also it took me forever just to find these guys so im not finding family :p
146: Have I ever been overweight? - no
147: Do I have any piercings? - i have my ears pierced!
148: Which fictional character do I wish was real? - hari jurono,,, i love him ;-;
149: Do I have any tattoos? - no, but i already have some picked out that i want
150: What is the best decision I have made in life so far? - ummmm??? Im not sure?????
151: Do I believe in Karma? - yeah
152: Do I wear glasses or contacts? - contacts during the day and glasses at night
153: What was my first car? - i have a subaru crosstrek named inko!!! I love her!!
154: Do I want children? - no
155: Who is the most intelligent person I know? - my mom tbh,,, shes really smart
156: My most embarrassing memory? - omfg,, so this goes to show how oblivious i am about social interactions, but it was my first week in college and this junior was talking to me and i didnt realize he was flirting with me until after we traded snapchats and he left, so i panicked and never said anything to him again and blocked him
157: What makes me nostalgic? - when i walk around my neighborhood sometimes (i live near the preschool i went to) and i was over at my elementary school almost a year ago now, but i remember walking down the hall and seeing all the different teachers there now and it made me sad
158: Have I ever pulled an all-nighter? - yes, just last week
159: Which do I value more in others, brains or beauty? - brains
160: What colour mostly dominates my wardrobe? - darker colors like black and blue, but im trying to get lighter ones in there too
161: Have I ever had a paranormal experience? - yes, many times, but the one that sticks out to me is that one night i woke up at like 5 am for no reason, but i was just suddenly wide awake and something felt off, so i was trying to get comfy again and flipped over on my other side so i was facinging the door into my room instead of my wall and in front of my door was a tall black figure with red eyes staring at me and when i blinked it went away,, now i know this can be explained by some other things but with my family it seems more likely to be paranormal
162: What do I hate most about myself? - uhh, i procrastinate way too much
163: What do I love most about myself? - i always support my friends
164: Do I like adventure? - depends on the adventure,,, i like traveling, but not too much walking bc i have bad knees
165: Do I believe in fate? - not really
166: Favourite animal? - question 47
167: Have I ever been on radio? - no, but i was on my school’s announcements and i hated it
168: Have I ever been on TV? - no
169: How old am I? - 19
170: One of my favourite quotes? - “The Gods envy us. They envy us because we’re mortal, because any moment could be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we’re doomed”
171: Do I hold grudges? - im petty
172: Do I trust easily? - no,, im just cautious around ppl bc i just don’t know them
173: Have I learnt from my mistakes? - some of them
174: Best gift I’ve ever received? - im not too sure,,, i got a p cool backpack for my birthday tho that i use everyday
175: Do I dream? - yeah, cant remember too many tho
176: Have I ever had a night terror? - no??
177: Do I remember my dreams, and what is one that comes to mind? - can’t remember a lot after i wake up, but i just recently had one with some bnha characters in it, i can’t remember what happened, i just know that they were there
178: An experience that has made me stronger? - i know this might sound a bit morbid, but my aunt’s funeral, it was the first funeral i went to where i understood what was happening and it made me more open to learning and accepting death
179: If I were immortal, what would I do? - want to fucking die,,, i’ve never understood ppl who are scared of dying/want to live forever,, like why would you want that??? What’s the point??? You’ll just watch everyone you love die,,, i know it’s going to be hard on me when that happens to my closer family members, but even the new ppl you befriend,, i just couldn’t
180: Do I like shopping? - yeas
181: If I could get away with a crime, what would I choose to do? - tax evasion
182: What does “family” mean to me? - the ppl who i care about deeply and who love me, not all of them are blood related and not all the blood related ones are part of it
183: What is my spirit animal? - idk?????? Maybe a turtle???
184: How do I want to be remembered? - tbh, i don’t really want to be remembered
185: If I could master one skill, what would I choose? - drawing
186: What is my greatest failure? - im not sure
187: What is my greatest achievement? - uhh, i feel like its hard to point at a specific point and be like “that was the best thing i could have done, if i didn’t do that i wouldn’t be who i am today”
188: Love or money? - money
189: Love or career? - career
190: If I could time travel, where and when would I want to go? - probably to some point in the future,, i dont know where tho
191: What makes me the happiest? - the ppl i care about being happy
192: What is “home” to me? - the house i currently live in,, my family is here and im surrounded by ppl i love,, it’ll probably change with time, but for now its here
193: What motivates me? - spite
194: If I could choose my last words, what would they be? - it’s important to keep moving forward, don’t let the past hold you down
195: Would I ever want to encounter aliens? - kind of, i think it would be p cool
196: A movie that scared me as a child? - it wasn’t a movie but i know the animated wolf from peter and the wolf freaked me out
197: Something I hated as a child that I like now? - i hated mushrooms, but i love them now
198: Zombies or vampires? - vampires
199: Live in the city or suburbs? - suburbs super close to city
200: Dragons or wizards? - DRAGONS
201: A nightmare that has stayed with me? - its silly but when i was younger it would be my mom and i going to the mall downtown and the escalators were missing the part that connected them to the floor so you had to hop over it and when we would get to the 4th floor i would miss the jump and fall
202: How do I define love? - i know a lot of ppl are like “i would die for you or kill for you” something along those lines but i think it’s more living for someone, wanting to see them accomplish everything they wanted, being there for them during their lows203: Do I judge a book by its cover? - yeah, i wont pick up something that doesnt catch my eye
204: Have I ever had my heart broken? - no
205: Do I like my handwriting? - yeah!! Its loopy
206: Sweet or savoury? - sweet
207: Worst job I’ve had? - ive liked all the jobs ive had
208: Do I collect anything? no
209: Item of clothing or jewellery you’ll never see me without? - a hoodie/sweater of some kind
210: What is on my bucket list? - going to greece
211: How do I handle anger? - i usually rant for a bit, maybe cry to get the extra hormones out, maybe break something
212: Was I named after anyone? - no, but i did have the same name as my great grandma
213: Do I use sarcasm a lot? - yes
214: What TV character am I most like? - im been watching bnha a lot so i think either kirishima or uraraka
215: What is the weirdest talent I have? - i can cross my eyes and then move one of them
216: Favourite fictional character? - ,,,,, im not sure,, i really love eric from divergent
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astralgloss · 6 years
im a curious meanie so 1-134 muhahaha you get to relive the hell i just went through
etab i haTE U
1: Name
my name is marit lol but please just keep it mar
2: Age
i am 17 but i’ll b 18 in 2 months!!!!
3: 3 Fears
the dark, complete and utter loneliness, and clowns
4: 3 things I love
books, forest fruit tea, the sound of rain
5: 4 turns on
a nice smile that reaches the eyes, a nice smell, having a dog ngl, a soft touch
6: 4 turns off
extreme arrogance, insisting to pay for my meal if i want to pay bc its “what a man should do”, forcing lifestyles on me, not caring about my interests
7: My best friend
she does have tumblr but idk it but hey demi if u ever see this ur the bomb.com
8: Sexual orientation
im bi fam
9: My best first date
my bf and i went to amsterdam to go shopping and he followed me everywhere (even the bookshop even though he hates books) and idk i just love him it was a nice day
10: How tall am I
im 1,65m or 5′4″ but i can and will kick ur ass
11: What do I miss
nothing really??
12: What time was I born
ok so i asked my mom and she said i was born on a tuesday at exactly 12pm but i bet she’s lying
13: Favorite color
yellow!! im basic!!
14: Do I have a crush
well i sure hope so @ boyfriend
15: Favorite quote
to the stars who listen, and the dreams that are answered
16: Favorite place
my bf’s house tbh, specifically his bed
17: Favorite food
pizza, specifically the hot chicken one from ny pizza
18: Do I use sarcasm
nah fam (ofc i do im a little shit)
19: What am I listening to right now
god is a woman by ariana grande
20: First thing I notice in new person
how they look at other people when those people don’t notice it
21: Shoe size
38/39 idk the other size lol sorry 
22: Eye color
its blue but it changes with my mood (oh my god im so sorry im kidding please don’t hate me)
23: Hair color
im a blondie
24: Favorite style of clothing
sth casual but also a bit towards the punkish style, but i also rlly love looking tiny and soft and cute lol
25: Ever done a prank call?
ok so there’s this hotline for kids who have troubles with their parents and families but it was a shit hotline tbh so once i called it up with my friends pretending i was crying and the man on the phone asked me what was wrong so i told him that all my friends had fire type pokemon and i only had grass type pokemon and they kept beating me and i didnt know what to do and then man was so confused it was funny af
27: Meaning behind my URL
idk man i wanted a name that could b easy to remember and i was inspired by ridgeport tbh
28: Favorite movie
the perks of being a wallflower
29: Favorite song
Fav song atm is anything from p!atd's newest album and my fav song of all time is probably train of consequences by megadeth
30: Favorite band
megadeth lol
31: How I feel right now
pretty good but also annoyed bc i have to go to work in half an hour :(
32: Someone I love
my bf
33: My current relationship status
if u guys havent noticed by now im taken
34: My relationship with my parents
p ok
35: Favorite holiday
36: Tattoos and piercing i have
I have my ears pierced and thats it lol
37: Tattoos and piercing i want
i rlly want a few bookish related tattoos, like a tiny raven, a little lightning bolt, and the city of velaris and then i also rlly want a sleeve tbh but imma be a teacher and idk if i can :/ about piercings: i rlly want a helix or tragus and maybe get second holes in my hearlobes
38: The reason I joined Tumblr
ok so ive been on tumblr for about 5 years and initially it was bc i was Depressed™ and then about a year ago i found out about simblr and i was hooked
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?
tbh i dont even talk to him anymore i dont rlly care about him in any way
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?
yes bih
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?
hes my bf so yea lol
42: When did I last hold hands?
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?
about 45 minutes bc im lazy and i keep getting distracted
44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?
45: Where am I right now?
in bed lol
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?
either my bf or my best friend
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?
depends on where i am
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?
49: Am I excited for anything?
tbh moving out but thats gonna take a few more years
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?
*insert bf here*
51: How often do I wear a fake smile?
every time im at work lol
52: When was the last time I hugged someone?
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?
lol bye
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?
55: What is something I disliked about today?
the fact that i have to work a day shift instead of an evening shift
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
my internet friends tbh it’d be cool to meet all the people from my bookish discord or from @booptherat​‘s discord
57: What do I think about most?
what book i should read next
58: What’s my strangest talent?
i can finish a book in about 4 hours
59: Do I have any strange phobias?
not rlly? i hate the whole asmr thing tho ew
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
behind lol
61: What was the last lie I told?
i dont remember tbh
62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
neither lol
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
look im not saying that believing that we’re the only living species in the entire universe is narcissistic, but it is. also dont fuck with ghosts
64: Do I believe in magic?
hell yes
65: Do I believe in luck?
hell yes
66: What’s the weather like right now?
idk probably cloudy and windy
67: What was the last book I’ve read?
fahrenheit 451 by ray bradbury 
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?
nah not rlly
69: Do I have any nicknames?
i guess mar?
70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?
when i was 2 i fell from sth and slammed the corner of my eye onto the corner of a table and i couldve been blind but thank god im not
71: Do I spend money or save it?
72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue?
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me?
post it notes
74: Favorite animal?
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?
reading lol
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?
idk man
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?
i gotta feeling by the black eyed peas lol
78: How can you win my heart?
give me a samoyed and a 1000 books
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?
“a boss ass bitch”
80: What is my favorite word?
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr
@cubersims​ @imvikai​ @ridgeport​ @cowplant-pizza​ @bloomlet​ @tiptoptab​
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?
spend fiddies, pet kitties, hold tiddies
83: Do I have any relatives in jail?
not that i know of lol
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?
the power to choose whatever power i want at any moment
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
“do you like working here?”
86: What is my current desktop picture?
its an august background from @emmastudies​
87: Had sex?
88: Bought condoms?
89: Gotten pregnant?
90: Failed a class?
91: Kissed a boy?
yup, i’ve been kissing my bf for about 2,5 years now lol
92: Kissed a girl?
yup, i’m living the bisexual dream lol
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?
94: Had job?
yes, im working at a movie theater right now!!
95: Left the house without my wallet?
tbh all the time now that i can pay with my phone
96: Bullied someone on the internet?
yea i used to but that was when i was 12 and i’d like to say that i’ve grown a lot in the past 5 years
97: Had sex in public?
98: Played on a sports team?
99: Smoked weed?
nope, even though i live like 20 minutes away from amsterdam lol
100: Did drugs?
101: Smoked cigarettes?
102: Drank alcohol?
yupppp, i love me some raspberry cider
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?
104: Been overweight?
105: Been underweight?
106: Been to a wedding?
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?
lol all the time tbh
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?
109: Been outside my home country?
yup, however never outside of europe tho
110: Gotten my heart broken?
a few times
111: Been to a professional sports game?
yess, i saw the dutch female volleyball team once!
112: Broken a bone?
113: Cut myself?
114: Been to prom?
we dont do prom in the netherlands lol
115: Been in airplane?
116: Fly by helicopter?
117: What concerts have I been to?
k3 (only dutchies and belgians remember this), one direction, megadeth, and ed sheeran
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?
119: Learned another language?
i mean im from the netherlands and im fluent in english thanks to myself
120: Wore make up?
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?
122: Had oral sex?
lol yes
123: Dyed my hair?
124: Voted in a presidential election?
not old enough to vote :(
125: Rode in an ambulance?
126: Had a surgery?
127: Met someone famous?
128: Stalked someone on a social network?
129: Peed outside?
a few times lol
130: Been fishing?
131: Helped with charity?
132: Been rejected by a crush?
a few times
133: Broken a mirror?
lol yes
134: What do I want for birthday?
some books, money, cake, more books, makeup
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putting read more so i dont clog y’alls dash with my nonsense
God, Gods, The Universe, And the school basically said fuck Papu rights
Last Day of my 2 T-Th classes are on the same day which is tomorrow, tuesday.
On one hand i get it all done in one day and im free....
but on one hand is like, i gotta due the take home essay for ancient art and briefly look at the pictures of the art peices and roughly what era theyre from and its for the “latest unit”. For Italian I’ve fallen way behind on my practicing, like i havent touched the book or duolingo since the last test. Also i gotta do the oral test??? or basically record my self having a convo in italian, like bruh i have no idea how to pronounce words cause im too awkward to talk to myself out loud, and i mainly learn by reading and hearing(its just how i decided apparently....bitch why)
tho relearning chapters 1-3 should save me cause he said it will be on the test, but also i should actually study 5 and 6 cause i barely even looked at the pages for them
0 notes
transssexualheart · 7 years
oh boy
1. namerain
2. age14
3. three fearsnever being loved back, hurting the people i care about, and the people i love secretly hating me
4. three things i lovepokemonnice weatherthe piano
5. 4 turn onsgetting hit by a car is apparently one of themi actually dont know honestly if i’m attracted to you, because i so rarely find people attractive, everything u do will Get Me Goin and that’s all i can think
6. 4 turn offsdamn bitch idk
7. my best friendyall know who i would choose if i had to choose one do i really gotta say it again
8. sexual orientationim pan, i also think i’m demisexual but god who knows
9. my best first datei don’t even know what qualified as a date bc ive only gone on dates with one person and i don’t know what we actually considered a date or just hangin out??
10. how tall am iuhhh i cant remember exactly i think i’m 5′5
11. what do i miss?honestly?? i kinda miss the way things used to be before i confessed to liking the person i currently like. i mean nothing has actually changed between us but i still feel bad about liking her and hate that i can’t comfort her without it seeming like “oh, you just think i’m great and talented because you have a crush on me” i feel like me comforting her ends up less sincere now and i hate that and it’s also,, like god i didn’t want to feel this way i really intended on taking a break from romance but my dumbass heart was like “no” and ughh fuck
12. what time was i bornidk
13. fav colorblue
14. do i have a crushfeel like i just made that pretty clear
15. fav quote “And you know it’s not good–that there is no good–that there’s absolutely nothing that can ever come of it.But you do it anyway. And then…Well. Then you burn.”(from Carry On by Rainbow Rowell)
16. fav placethis is gross but anywhere with her
17. fav foodidk
18. do i use sarcasmof course 
19. what am i listening to rni’m being Exposed,, i’m listening to sarah smiles by p!atd
20. first thing i notice in a new personusually their clothes, like the way they dress
21. shoe size8 and a half or 9 in womens
22. eye colorbrown
23. hair colordark brown
24. fav style of clothinguhh idk
25. ever done a prank call?no
27. meaning behind my urlit’s just a pokemon lol
28. fav moviewho knows
29. fav songi really like robbers by the 1975 and rn i’m obsessed with do i wanna know by arctic monkeys 
30. fav bandgosh idk
31. how i feel right nowgay
32. someone i loveall my friends!! all of u!!
33. my current relationship statussad
34. my relationship with my parents:/
35. fav holidayeither halloween or xmas
36. tattoos and piercings i haveone piercing in each ear lobe and one tat on my ankle
37. tattoos and piercings i wanti kinda want a lip piercing but idk and i wanna be like,, covered in tats 
38. the reason i joined tumblrmemes
39. do i and my last ex hate each other?no, i dont hate any of my exes
40. do i ever get good morning or good night texts?sometimes goodnight texts
41. have i ever kissed the last person you texted?god i wish,, no tho
42. when did i last hold hands?gosh it’s been so long i don’t remember
43. how long does it take me to get ready in the morning?like an hour maybe more
44. have you shaved your legs in the last three days?idk i forgot
45. where am i right now?my bedroom
47. do i like my music loud or at a reasonable level?loud
48. do i live with my mom and dad?ya
49. am i excited for anything?excited to die
50. do i have someone of the opposite sex i can tell everything to?nah
51. how often do i wear a fake smile?i usually don’t, i just let myself look sad and my friends usually don’t say anything or they’re making me laugh and i’m distracted
52. when was the last time i hugged someone?i huged @strawberrymilk-kid when getting off the bus today
53. what if the last person i kissed was kissing someone right in front of me?i’d be like “dude!! did you get a girlfriend holy shit i’m happy for u!!”
54. is there someone i trust even though i shouldn’t?nah
55. what is something i disliked about today?um all the parts where i started being a jealous bitch 
56. if i could meet anyone on this earth who would it be?dan avidan
57. what do i think about the most?wtf do you think bitch
58. what’s my strangest talent?haha talent whats that
59. do i have any strange phobias?no not really
60. do i prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it?depends
61. what was the last lie i told?this is emo but probably that i was alright hah
62. do i prefer talking on the phone or video chatting?gosh idk,, calling is less stressful bc i don’t have to worry about my disgusting face i guess
63. do i believe in ghosts? how about aliens?there are probably aliens, but idk about ghosts i mean like who knows
64. do i believe in magic?could be real, might not be, who knows
65. do i believe in luck?yeah i guess
66. what’s the weather like right now?it’s alright
67. what was the last book i read?hitchhikers guide to the galaxy
68. do i like the smell of gasoline?no
69. do i have any nicknames?my mom calls me rainbow but not really other than that but i love nicknames so someone call me by a nickname
70. what was the worse injury i’ve ever had?i sprained my arm once
71. do i spend money or save it?spend
72. can i touch my nose with my tongue?no
73. is there anything pink ten feet from me?im wearing pink so
74. fav animal?idk
75. what was i doing last night at 12am?sleeping after a long day of mental breakdown 
76. what do i think satan’s last name is?burke
77. what’s a song that always makes me happy when i hear it?uhh idk
78. how can you win my heart?be funny, love music (especially if you play it/can sing), and if you have curly hair or freckles i’m probably already in love with you so
79. what would i want written on my tombstone?“i’m gay”
80. what is my fav word?i have a few, my top three are “gentle”, “lover”, and “soft”
81. my top five blogs on tumblrman i dont know
82. if the whole world were listening to me right now, what would i say?that’s too much responsibility 
83. do i have any relatives in jail?my dad went to jail a few times, two of my uncles have been in there too, but none of them are still in there
85. what would be a question i’d be afraid to tell the truth on?i sat here trying to think of one for live five mins and i cant86. what is my current desktop pic?danny sexbang 
87. had sex?no
88. bought condoms?no
89. gotten pregnant?no
90. failed a class?not for a quarter grade or anything but there have been times where i was failing
91. kissed a boy?yeah i think so
92. kissed a girl?no sadly
93. have i ever kissed somebody in the rain?no
94. had a job?no
95. left the house without my wallet?probably
96. bullied someone on the internet?no
97. had sex in public?no
98. played on a sports team?i was on the soccer team in seventh grade
99. smoked weed?nah
100. did drugs?no
101. smoke cigarettes?no
102. drank alcohol?no 
103. am i a vegetarian/vegan?no
104. been overweight?nah
105. been underweight?idk
106. been to a wedding?ive been to two
107. been on the computer for 5 hours straight?probably
108. watched tv for five hours straight?probably
109. been outside my home country?no
110. gotten my heart broken?yep
111. been to a professional sports game?no
112. broken a bone?no
113. cut myself?no, but i’ve wanted to
114. been to prom?no
115. been in an airplane?yeah
116. fly by helicopter?no
117. what concerts have i been to?i went to one twenty one pilots concert that’s it
118. had a crush on someone of the same sex?oh yeah
119. learned another language?no
120. wore makeup?i wear it everyday
121. lost my virginity before i was 18?i’ve never had sex so no
122. had oral sex?no
123. dyed my hair?yeah
124. voted in a presidential election?nope
125. rode in an ambulance? no
126. had surgery?i had a tooth extracted but that’s it
127. met someone famous?no
128. stalked someone on a social media account?dude every time my friends are online i look through their whole blog just bc i like seein what my friends are rebloggin
 129. peed outside?a long time ago but yeah
130. been fishing?yeah
131. helped with charity?i don’t have money to donate to charities 
132. been rejected by a crush?hoooo boy i sure have been
133. broken a mirror?no 
134. what do i want for my birthday?a nude binder
thank u for asking!
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toomanyskeletons · 8 years
So, who are your OCs?
BOY that is a silly/weird/strange question to ask because i have SO FUCKIN MANYThe ones i tend to focus on are:Category One - Super Dead Brother Games OCs (from my novel-ish thing of the same title)Probably my newest OCs which are developed but not much. There are 12, kind of, and about 7 which are more important.Here goes:
Sad and Dead: basically a parody of Sam and Dean from Supernatural. They die every chapter, and are probably the laziest characters becauss i had to do JACK SHIT to make them vaguely real people. All I had to do was Sam and Dean and then exaggerate them slightly. I think. Every character in the SDBG is ‘exaggerated’ anyway, meaning that so far they have pretty strange reactions to things, which may be written out, or it may not.
Linda: started off as the 'I’m a vegan’ stereotype. I got kinda attatched to her though. Likes cooking. Soccer-mom type person without having any children. Sucks at cooking.
Lily: A chilled out kinda person. I realise here that actually i dont know much about my characters but hey that’s why im asking you all for questions. Wants to be a pro skateboarder. Victim to a heterosexual love triangle in chapter 3.
Ashlee: Foodie. Vaguely stereotypical white girl. Possibly autistic? I realised that she could be, and then tried to write her as so. Not entirely sure if it worked. Considered 'annoying’ by most of the other characters to be 'annoying’ because of her habits and her voice, which is often loud and screechy.
Marilyn: was originally a cotton ball with some wool and some eyes glued on, and before you look into that for meaning, i mean it literally. I made her in science class, starting as marilyn monroe, then a parody of marilyn monroe, then could be rose lalonde, then her own character ish. Can talk to eldritch abominations, which come up frequently in the story. Her best friend was an eldritch abomination named N'gwit, and during the story she befriends another one.
Clyde: an eighty seven year old man (though i may have changed that, i dont remember) with some form of memory problem. Believes he is multiple fictional characters throughout the story, including anakin skywalker, nemo’s dad and katniss everdeen. Befriends Dominus Apis (next on the list) under the belief he is Luke Skywalker.
Dominus Apis: google translated his name from english to latin to sound cooler, 'Bee Lord’. Super ripped, i think i described him as being built like dwayne the rock johnson sometime in the story. Can control bees with his mind, but is severely allergic to them.
Jeremy: he. I dont know much about jeremy. Mostly, he’s an asshole who doesnt like dogs or shakespeare, and he is willing to die for a girl he has only known for three days.(spoiler alert here, if you want to read the story i wouldnt recommend reading it)Or. Isn’t willing. Either way, he does. Dont misunderstand, its not for her protection. He tries to win her love and instead jumps head first into a pool of very sharp and non melty ice.(spoiler alert over)
John McJohn: also an asshole. Dies about 500 words into the first chapter so you cant blame me for not knowing about him.
Anon: based off the 4//chan// anon, is also a kind of asshole. Wears a hood over their head the whole time. Likes My Little Pony. Does not interact with other characters much. Mostly just exists to die. Their gender is never revealed.
Spencer: he likes weed. Thats basically his whole character. He’s a clone of another guy, though that never comes up in the story. Spends basically the entire story stoned.
So that’s the first batch of characters, i think there’s 12 there but knowing me i’m forgetting someone. Anyway.
The Dungeon Master: started as a temporary name, then grew on me. Kind of like the game makers of the Hunger Games, except one person. They rush into decisions VERY quickly, as you will hopefully discover if you read the story. Never meets face to face with the first twelve.
George: the DM’s assistant. Spends most of the time being bossed around by them, and gets sick of that. Not much i can say here without spoiling an entire chapter lmao. He doesnt come up much anyway.
On to part two, the ocs of a universe which is called the Spectraverse currently, but has gone through many names.
I have so many characters in this universe, including eight gods, their children the eight archangels, THEIR children the Third Generation, and the god’s parent/s named Gaia and Xavier which merge into one being called Spectra.
The important characters are, mainly from the first book because i really think i will bore you if i keep going on like this. If you want to talk abou t spectraverse with me, do it in a specific ask. Otherwise i will talk f o r e v e r.
Taylor: Third Generation angel, if you want me to explain all the mechanics behind that just ask. He’s basically my first OC, if you dont count Marina, who he blended in from. Okay its a long story but basically, it was Marina, then Taylor for about 10 years but as a girl, then i discovered i was trans and decided that My Somewhat Self Insert should reflect me in that way, so he is now Taylor, a transgender guy whose dead name is Marina. Has been training in magic from the age of four, isnt good at much else. Has a large collection of vinyls. He currently has the abilities of fire manipulation and shadow manipulation, and he’s an illusionist as well. Was the strongest person in his country, where magic is basically a sport, but faked his death and didnt go back. Yes he is ENTIRELY one of the most overpowered characters but then again most of them are also ridiculously overpowered, so whatever.
Mystic: a third generation nephilim, which means his dad was an archangel and his mother was human. Taylor’s boyfriend. Has good control of his emotions, typically, which means he can reliably learn the magic of temperature manipulation, which is a sort of secondary magic to water manipulation. Stays on the sidelines and doesnt do much for the first book, which i am kinda angry about, but you get to hear his backstory in the second book, as well as a plot based on him.
Amelia: third generation half angel half demon. In the process of changing from one universe to another, her relation to the MC’s drastically changed which means that yeah i also basically dont know shit about her, either. currently the strongest mage in the country, which was basically the entire plot of the first book.
Gabriel: archangel, also known as the second generation. Bisexual. Autistic. Is proud of both of those things. Manages to convince the main character to do some things in the first book. He was supposed to have a plot line ans then i completely fucking forgot to write the subplot, so. Fucks off to god knows where in the second book, and returns in the yet to be written third book as a father figure to an orphaned child. Is the archangel/guardian of lightning, which is one of eight elements. I’m not going to go into that either.
Nathaniel: Taylor’s dad, also an archangel. is dating Gabriel. Known for his tendency to fuck off and disappear for decades at a time. Most of the other archangels hate him. Was an important figure in Taylor’s life, as the only family member who accepted him as transgender.
So. That was long. Im sorry i really enjoy talking about my OCs lmao, even if that isnt all of them. I have so many and yeah there ar e so many things i did not explain here for the sake of saving time on mine and your part. Did that make sense?Anyway. If you want to ask more about my oc’s, go ahead. Most questions, if as vague as this, will end in an answer like this.
lmao thanks for sending an ask i love you for it, feel free to send another bu t i wont answer it because i just spent like 1.5 hours typing this and i gotta be up relatively early tomorrow so i’d better go to bed.
Thanks tho
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smireyac · 6 years
yea boi u already kno what it issssss 🍾🎆🎉🍾🎆🎉
hey so i started writing this at 8 o’ clock so i would be ahead of the game and actually have more than an hour to write but HEY its already 20 after midnight so who the eff care amiright ladies
WOOOOO 🍾🍾🎆 🎉 🎆 🍾 🎉 🎉 🍾 🍾 🍾 🎆🎆 🎆 🎉 🎆 🎉🍾 🎉 🍾🎆 🎉
so.................... its 2019.....................
i watched vox’s “2018 in 5 minutes” video and cried so thats how this year has been :^) a lot of lows......... we always think we leave the shittiest year behind then lo.............. the next year rears its ugly head and we never learn............ despite this, im gonna try to keep a positive outlook on the new year......... its literally just another day and i have to be in at work @ 9 tmrw but its what ever im already super fucking tired whats losing another hour of sleep anywahy?? its practically expected of me any way what with being a youth,,, ANYWAY i spent my time ringing in the new year watching spiderman homecoming so i think that wa sGREAt its also great  that im gonna get to see spiderverse AGAIN tmrw after work so SUCK ON THAT im ringing in the new year RIGHT!! its a very spidey new year and i wouldnt have it any other way heh.....
so its time.... to reflect...........
and actually reflect this time last year was weak sauce compared to the first year “im too unfocused right now happy new year or whatever” *scoffs* what r u too good for self reflecting now a days huhh
been doing a lot of self reflecting this year,,,,,, but today we will look back on how the previous years have gotten me to where i am today...
if 2016 was the year of change and 2017 was the year of getting used to things.............. 2018 felt like............ the year of getting TOO used to things, of not ENOUGH change............. like alright i scratched a few of the bigger things on my yearly “to do” list/resolutions, i. e. finally going back to school and getting a job at the library, but like.......... i definitly dont feel like i did enough........... my art game was SO WEAK and i feel like i wrote less than 10,000 words ALL YEAR (not counting my academic papers) i didnt really CREATE anything this i dont have ANYTHING significant to show for this year............and to get more negative i didnt even make any friends all year NONE FRIENDS im only *just* starting to get more friendly with people at the library thank GOD theyre nice and gave my shy ass a chance to open up but i still dont feel like ill make FRIEND friends theyre just work friends and u kno what thats making me so pissed bc its tricking my dumb ass into thinking i have a crush on someone at work aND that i want a *romantic* relationship with them!!! OUTRAGEOUS im so peeved.......................... i also still havent gotten behind a wheel but at this point im not sure if i will anytime soon bc im That Way..... grrrr im just mad thinking of all the things i didnt do so motherfucker i will make 2019 the year of DOING!!!! and i had so many resolutions last year i feel like the more i had the less i felt like i had to do them, like i was just saying all that to be like “oh wouldnt it be nice if any of these things happened lmao” so yeah 2019: the year of DOING... and since ive kinda sorta figured out that writing is my thang.... i think i wanna focus on doing that.. and anything that will help me do it
SO: #GOALS for 2K19
-WRITE AT LEAST 50.000 WORDS U COWARD, more than just “brainstorming” too bc thats like a cop out, write like stories or dialogue or scenes or scripts or WHATEVER just make it to 50,000 pls some people do that in like a month
-READ UR GOD DAMN BOOKS, u *cant* buy anymore if u dont read the ones u’ve already bought,,,, im willing to make an acception re: checking things out from the library................ but u rlly shouldnt IT WOULD’VE BEEN SO EASY TO WIN THE BET DUDE srsly..... maybe .... an hour b4 bed ? try to read ? at least try to read once a week dude....
-heres a curve ball WATCH MORE MOVIES !!! u say u love film well fuckin act like u do...... u only went to the movie theater 5 times all year and three of those were all in the last month to go see spiderverse, more than that HOW MANY movies are there on netflix that u see and go “oh i should watch that finally” or “people say thats rlly good bro” and u scroll right past to watch the same 3 fuckin movies i s2g
-oh yeah back to the writing thing, to reach that 50,000 goal u should write about what you read and watch, there u’ll prob meet the goal b4 summer if u do that bro but....u actually gotta do it....................
ok those r the 4 im REALLY gonna work on and try to keep track of in either of the journals sien got me :^) these next few i rlly want to happen but..... we’ll see
-make some friends pls.... pls be more friendly......... ENGAGE  people when u have the opportunity askQUESTIONS about them like if they have a dog or a hobbie jesus h christ
-go out..... on ur own..... do stuff............by urself if u have to... go to the movies by urself go to a park, walk around down town for the fuck of it idk DO STUFF
-finish something............ for once in ur miserable life...................................... finish the vlog or the scrapbook..... or the reading list or this set of goals PLEAsE ANYTHING
im not even gonna put draw/art blog related stuff on here bc........ its not what i want........ like i love drawing and i dont think im terrible at it, im at a good place with it but i dont wanna put my energy this year into drawing stuff for the sake of me being able to say “i did it” like...... last yr and the yr b4 i rlly RLLY wanted to get better at art to idk prove that i could?? but like i havent picked up my drawing tablet in months ... that makes me really sad but i dont really feel like picking it up either? ? i said i wanted to take a painting/color theory/ life drawing class maybe i will this yr and it’ll reinvigorate my love of drawing........ tbh spiderverse got me *this close* to being pumped about art and animation and like yeah i still am, i love the medium and its still a dream of mine to be apart of it but it feels like a pipe dream if i try to go thru the art angle........ so many people r better than me at that and its not really what i wanna do,,, i wanna CREATE STORIES and worlds and characters and like i used my art to help *me* develop those but... i dont wanna use my art to do it for someone else i guess............. the art of animation itself still facsinates me so they door isnt close yet but,,, i wanna focus on the other aspect of myself that im more and at the same time LESS confident about lmao WRITING like alright,,, i think im a good writer .... sorta ? like yeah people tell me i am and sometimes when i look back on things ive written im like “dAMN i wrote this ???” but like,,,, there are some things to writing that still. escape me... like poetry.... and a lot of other aspects to it that i cant describe write now bc it would take too long and im getting cold and tired SO YEAH hopefully this english class will help me, even tho its just writting for college essays, i need to start somewhere and if shes rlly as good of a professor as rate my professor says then ill learn smthg new
where was i
well the year wasnt ALL bad, like i said i got the job at the library i wanted and FINALLY got to go to school, stressful as that mightve been........ and i got to see my love, my darling, the light of my life rhys again for one glorious week,, hopefully ill be able to see more of my friends this year? either in miami or milwuakee idc which MAYBE BOTH lmao im not that rich but hey i can dream,,,
alright its 1:12am i think im ready to sign off,,,,,,,,, here’s to DOING in 2019
🥂 cheers
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