tired-sapphic · 1 year
I'm kinda tuned in🧍
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completeoveranalysis · 4 months
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Criteria for candidates include: (a) his mother's name is Sakura, (b) his mother is a dream seer, (c) they are vaguely Sakura and Syaoran shaped, (d) they end up in the Jam Jar
Potential Answer 1: Cardcaptor Sakura and Syaoran Li, from Cardcaptor Sakura
Hints in favour: Almost everything. Clamp drop constant hints that imply Cardcaptor Sakura, including but not limited to: the world Lava Lamp is 'from' resembles our world, his father's name is Syaoran Li, his mother's magic circle is the same one from Cardcaptor Sakura, his father's sword is identical to Cardcaptor Sakura!Li Syaoran's sword, his magic circle, Touya and Yukito (in 216, his relatives) are shown in ordinary clothing resembling our world, Lava Lamp's mother gave Yuuko the Star Wand, Lava Lamp's grandmother looks like Nadeshiko, Lava Lamp's father is descended from Clow Reed.
Counterpoints: Lava Lamp doesn't seem to recognise Touya and Yukito in the Clow Kingdom, CLAMP wouldn't need to hide their faces if we already correctly know who they are, Lava Lamp doesn't seem to know how Cardcaptor Sakura is related to Clow Reed.
Also: It's a bit dark! Even though Clamp are OVERFLOWING with hints that Lava Lamp's parents might just be the Cardcaptors, it would be a bit of a downer for the main characters for such a sweet and uplifting manga like Cardcaptor Sakura to end up here.
Theory Status: The one the narrative most strongly backs up, but still doesn't feel quite right
Potential Answer 2: Someone from Tsubasa
Hints in favour: THEY DON'T SHOW US THEIR FACES. EVER. Why leave their faces out unless we would recognise?
With this in mind, let us narrow down the potential Syaorans we have seen who could be considered JUST KIDDING THERE'S ONLY ONE: CLONE SYAORAN. He's the only one with an appearance distinctive enough to be immediately recognisable: he has heterochromia.
What if Clone Syaoran is Real Syaoran's father? Which would make Lava Lamp's mother either Clone Sakura or the new Fusion Sakura we just met.
Counter point: That's completely batshit.
Counter Counter Point: Logic in the universe is dying. Also this is CLAMP. It should be completely batshit.
Another Counterpoint: Hiding their faces could be a red herring just to torture us on purpose
Which I have no defence against that is 100% what they would do
Yet Another Counterpoint: Clone Syaoran and Clone Sakura are currently dead.
Unless? There is a gap in the timeline where they could have disappeared for a long period of time? Ie, long enough to disappear to another dimensions, have children together, raise them, and then hop in the Jam Jar for an undisclosed number of years? And then time travel to still make it back into the narrative on time?
And - sure! There are MANY holes times where Clone Syaoran disappears from the narrative entirely. Most notably, his magic growth is extreme between the end of Nihon and his reappearance in the Reservoir. Also that was arguably when his soul was restored. So he MIGHT have disappeared, done all that, and still made it back in time to die in the Reservoir.
Also, if that IS the order of events, that would explain why we can never see his face AND ALSO why he still has Fai's eye when fighting in the Reservoir. Because he hasn't died yet.
Big Counter point: Yuuko has never met Lava Lamp's parents. Also, Lava Lamp's parents don't have the power to cross dimensions.
Which, yeah. That seems to rule them out entirely. Yuuko has met Clone Syaoran.
(Unless she means technically, since she wasn't in the same dimension as Clone Syaoran when she first met him in Chapter 1/2, but surely that's splitting hairs.)
So that seems to... rule them out pretty solidly?
Unless Yuuko HERSELF doesn't know exactly who they are, which seems even more unlikely than anything else.
Theory Status: Doesn't compute but I kind of want it anyway
Potential Answer 3: A completely unrelated pair of Sakura and Syaoran
Hints in Favour: It wouldn't counteract with any other facts we have so far, since we know nothing about them.
Counter point: It's boring.
Theory Status: It would work but it would be disappointing.
PS - no confirmations or denials in either direction please and thank you :D
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ratstuckinamarble · 1 year
I'm really only making this post so I can easily reference all the mh parents and whatnot, but here's everyone we hadn't seen yet:
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Cleo's dad looks awesome, damn. I love that design, he's so pretty!
Finnegan's parents make me question something. See, I thought whether monsters like him and Lagoona have hair depended on the specific monster type, but if his parents are both mer-creatures (which is kinda implied), then... Why does his mom have hair. Instead of a fin. Does this depend on gender??? I really hope not. (Unless his mom isn't a mermaid, then disregard this entirely.)
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Here are Medusa and Lyra again because they are prettyyy and I love them already. Lesbian moms ftw.
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We know them. But everyone pictured here is going to show up in the upcoming episodes! I was really hoping to see more of the parents so I'm excited about that. Disappointingly, it seems like Frankie's parents and Draculaura's mom won't be there this season :(
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Plus the little announcement card because I like it :P
That's all!
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acommonanomaly · 6 months
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Maedhros and Maglor for @feanorianweek.
Inspired by a scene from my fic, What Fades Away.
Maitimo swallowed hard. It was disconcerting to be so near one of the Powers. Though he had been taught that the Valar loved Eru’s Children, he could not help but be aware that such a being could reach out and crush him or one of his family if it so desired.
Oromë’s head turned to Maitimo suddenly, as though he knew his thoughts, but the Vala only blinked his bright yellow eyes, watching Maitimo curiously for a long moment before turning back to Atar and Amil.
Makalaurë had squeezed his hand hard when Oromë glanced over, and Maitimo looked down to see that his little brother’s face was pale with fear. Despite this, Makalaurë moved around so that he was standing in front of Maitimo, as if to shield his older brother with his slender frame. Maitimo wanted to whisper reassurances to him, but he did not want to draw the Vala’s attention again, so he settled for lifting Makalaurë into his arms.
Makalaure’s thin arms wrapped firmly around his neck, nearly choking him, but he could feel the frantic beat of his brother’s heart against his own chest, so he did not try to loosen his hold.
“What is his name?” Oromë asked in a voice that was both as deep as thunder and as soft as a breeze. The air shook with it but quickly settled.
“He will be called Turkafinwë,” Atar said, an arm now around Amil’s shoulders.
Maitimo was amazed when Oromë stooped down and lifted a hand toward Amil’s belly. He glanced between Amil and Atar and asked, “May I?”
Atar gave a curt nod, holding himself proudly, but Amil smiled when she nodded her consent.
Maitimo took a step closer, but he stopped when Makalaure twisted around with a fearful lurch to see what was happening.
The Vala spoke again, his voice quieter this time, so that it seemed as if whisper wound around whisper, only hinting at words beneath the hiss of the sound. Then the Vala smiled wide.
“His spirit is fierce and bright like wildfire,” Oromë said, looking pleased as he stood, towering above them again.
Amil looked like she did not know what to think of this pronouncement, but Atar raised his eyebrows a little, and Maitimo wondered what he would say.
“He is my son. My fire burns in him as it does in my other sons, and as it will in all of my children.”
“Yes,” Oromë said. His smile did not fade, though his eyes changed somehow, as though seeing something not here. Maitimo had seen this look on his mother’s face before, and it always unsettled him when she fell into solemn contemplation afterward.
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forthehonoroflove · 1 year
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green-neggs · 6 months
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"... Do I have to? Would it make you feel better?"
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cinnamon-flame · 3 months
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It's that time of the year again! Artfight link : whoosh
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kurozu501 · 3 months
Hate to be a pessimist, but as excited as i am to finally get a game with playable zelda, the game play they showed… worries me. I really, really hope zelda also gets some kind of basic magic attack you can use to damage enemies normally with a simple button press. If you have to constantly pause the action to scroll through a stupidly long menu of every single item/monster you can copy every single time you want to do anything that's going to get old real fucking fast.
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superhusbands4ever · 5 months
I don’t know man I feel like at this point either the end will be so rushed as they wrap it up that it’ll be unsatisfying or they’re gearing up to cliffhanger it and announce a new animated show to replace The Bad Batch like they did with The Clone Wars
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aquarii-if · 5 months
Quick question how much effort the gods would put into making up all the time they lost with MC
Thank you for your ask. ♥️
I'd say they'd all put in a lot of effort, but they would do so in different ways. Aurora, Alula, Cielo, and Soleil may be a bit overbearing at certain times, as they feel terrible about leaving MC alone for so long, MC would have to set clear boundaries if they were uncomfortable with the overprotectiveness. Delano, Aquila, Ida, Sirius, Anatole, and Celeste would also put in a lot of effort, but they'd definitely be much calmer about it. They'd take small steps with MC, to learn what they're comfortable with and what they're interested in so they can become closer with their child. As for Donati... While he does care about MC's interests, he can be overbearing about it, but it's only because he wants his children to succeed in whatever they're interested in. MC may have to tell him to back off a few times.
Mahina, however, would not put in the effort. If MC wants a close relationship with her, they'll have to put in the effort, as Mahina sees no reason to be close with her children, especially if they're not even from one of the galaxies she rules over.
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obis-kenobis · 8 months
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i came across this beautiful art by samira yanushkova
and since the (fem) obikin brainrot is back, i was thinking obi-wan secretly knows how to sketch and is actually quite good at it, but with all her responsibilities, she almost never gets a chance to. but she still does it on her free time, and ends up sketching anakin all the time.
she always sketched anakin, and others from her life, but as her and anakin's relationship changed, so did her sketches of anakin. now she thinks of the quiet mornings they have together, or the hurried meetings between responsibilities, the late nights... and she sketches things like this.
she never shows anakin, of course, it would be too embarrassing, etc.
but anakin, of course, finds her book of sketches.
and is delighted by them all.
but she's shocked when she sees the sketches like this. her face reddens, her heartbeat quickens, she gets that familiar swoop in her belly. obi-wan has made her beautiful, probably even more beautiful than she actually is. but the thought of this is how she sees HER is almost overwhelming.
...andddd that's it! (apologies for the lack of anakin's mech-arm, obi-wan would certainly draw it! but i wasn't going to edit this art) <3
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Reputation by Taylor Swift is so Levi Ackerman finding peace coded.
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Cheeto, have you ever heard of "Watergate salad"? If so, what are your thoughts?
I have not. Please, enlighten me
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amagnificentobsession · 5 months
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[Amag finds a note in the garden]
We could have had some fun last night if it wasn’t for your crying. Oh yeah, I posted that letter you gave me. Just remember, you ASKED me to.
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I can’t think of anyone else I would have drunkenly written to. Maybe the post will lose it.
OMG, it’s Sunday! It couldn’t have been picked up yet.
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pureleafpeachtea · 10 months
Im gonna say something about sanders sides.
Because here's the thing. I love sanders sides. I grew up alongside it, i introduced friends to it. But im so, so tired.
Its been what, 3 years since we got an episode? And im not counting the ads, or the most recent aside. 3 years since we got actual content continuing the main storyline.
Its so frustrating. Thomas tells us nothing. No idea what hes working on, no timelines to expect, nothing. We're working with crumbs here.
He keeps putting out ads and i used to be excited about them, because who doesnt love merch for your favourite show? Especially a niche one. Official merch, supporting the creator you love, etc. All great things. But when hes posting ads but no actual content, it becomes less exciting and more... sketchy. Like. I dont like the idea of continuing to sell merch for a show that you havent made in years. It feels cheap.
I have a lot of more articulate thoughts that i will eventually articulate but at this point its just frustration. The show was good, it was really good! It had its flaws but overall its a good show. Loveable characters. Compelling plotlines. At this point i dont think we'll ever see the resolution of romans plot.
I thought they were finally gonna address it, it felt like they were building to it, but then they switched to pattons control issues, logans anger issues, virgils (for lack of a better word) anxiety. And while i like those plotlines, it feels like he got swept to the side, a bit. And Roman was never my favourite character but seeing the way hes treated in the show makes me kinda sad. Like theres so much potential. And if the season finale resolves the orange side and logans anger issues and virgils stuff and then after that we can focus on roman a bit? Then great. But when will that be? 2030?
I loved sanders sides. I still do. But the humour is getting dated, and my goodwill is running out. I dont watch any other thomas sanders content. I dont really care about it, tbh. And im getting tired of waiting for another episode of the sides.
I just wish he would say something. Give us some sort of information about whats going on and what to expect instead of serving us ads and filler and in-character livestreams
Idk. Im just so tired. This story and the fandom deserves better
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mustluvcatz-reloaded · 2 months
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Hmmmmmm. Not 100% sure about this one. TBH, I can't see well enough to be playing or building at all but I was bored last night.
I may decorate and move a sim into a copy and see how things go. If it's worth sharing, I will. :) But not today. I woke up feeling yucky and just want to lay here and be miserable for a while.
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