#I HATE the 'Jinx tricked Ekko to blow him up' take
starry-nights12 · 11 months
Need an episode in season 2 where Jinx still thinks Ekko is dead.
She sees something that reminds her of him and holds back her tears as she reminisces about a childhood memory with him.
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calucadu · 6 years
The Light’s Child - Chapter 7
The Light’s Child, a League of Legends Fanfic. Chapter 7.
Summary: Lux has some worrying symptoms, and she thinks she might just know what it’s all about. Katarina wants to find out the light mage’s dark secret, what will she do to discover it?
Pairings: Darius/Lux, Ezreal/Lux, implied Garen/Katarina
Characters: Darius, Lux, Ezreal, OCs, Garen, Katarina, Talon, Draven, Soraka, Ekko, Swain, Jinx, LeBlanc
Rating: Mature
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‘Where’d that kid go?’ Darius grumbled to himself, strolling quickly through the Institute, opening every door he could find, searching frantically. He’d already been to his apartment and looked for him there, in his room, anywhere he could think of. The boy was nowhere to be seen.
He wasn’t the only one searching for him. Draven and Katarina were too. As well as Demacians and other champions, but he hadn’t dared speak to them.
“Can’t find him.” Talon’s dull voice came from behind him and Darius turned to scowl at the man.
“Where have you looked?”
“Everywhere. I move fast, you know.” The younger shrugged his shoulders, his expression almost bored. “So, he’s your kid, huh?”
The General scowled at him and for a moment, he thought he saw the shadow of a smirk on Talon’s face.
“None of your business.” He grunted, his eyes narrowing.
“It is, actually, grandpa.” The assassin sounded amused. “This whole commotion could possibly trigger a war.”
“Unlikely.” Darius growled, but deep inside, he knew it was a bluff that wouldn’t get past Talon.
“I still can’t get over the fact that he’s your child. I’d never imagined any son of yours doing anything quite this stupid.”
“He’s young and inexperienced.”
“Must be that dumb bitch’s genes.” The assassin smirked, his eyes shining. Seconds after muttering those words, a strong hand wrapped itself around his throat and he no longer felt the floor under his feet.
“Son of a-!” Darius muttered, but was interrupted by a very sharp blade pressed against his Adam’s apple.
“If you wish to not end up with another pretty scar I’d advise you to put me back down.” Talon whispered, a horrid grin still painted on his face. To back his point up further, he pressed his blade harder against the skin of the General.
After a moment of hesitation, he found himself back on the floor and clutching his throat.
“Damn, that hurts!” He coughed, trying to get rid of the sore sensation. He looked up at Darius’s solemn face and chuckled. “Who would’ve known you’d develop feelings for a Demacian?”
“I wouldn’t laugh so hard. Might hurt yourself.” The older one growled, leaning in, trying to be menacing. “Plus your friend is in the same situation.”
“You really think Kat’s in love? Don’t make me laugh.” Talon spat, crossing his arms over his chest. “You know? She was right. You’ve really gone soft.”
The only answer he got was a scowl from the General. The assassin sighed, but was mostly amused by their little conversation.
“Anyway, isn’t it about time you reported the disappearance to his mother? She’d love to hear her precious boy has gone missing.” He commented sarcastically, chuckling to himself as he slid into the shadows and abandoned the General.
Darius sighed, defeated, and started walking towards the medical ward. He was hoping Lux would be alone and that she wouldn’t take the news too badly.
“What do you mean he’s in Noxus!?” Lux screamed, her face red.
“Do you want me to spell it out for you, light mage?” LeBlanc muttered, gritting her teeth in frustration.
“No, I want to know why he’s in Noxus.” The Demacian whined, narrowing her eyes and gazing into the face of the other woman, suspicious.
“Look, I don’t know all the details.” The Deceiver said, exasperated. “You want to come and get him or what?”
Half a minute passed where Lux was silent, just glaring at the Noxian woman, trying to read her mind.
“Alright.” She finally gave in, removing the thin blanket that covered her and placing her feet firmly on the floor. She wobbled when she got up, her legs weak from having passed out before. Darius hurried to her side to make sure she didn’t fall, holding her by her waist. Ezreal whined at the sight, clearly unhappy that that man was touching her. He too walked up to her but before he could say anything, her eyes looked deeply into his.
“I’m going to save my child. You can do as you wish.” The intensity with which her gaze bore into him made his heart skip a beat, much to his surprise.
“I-I’m coming too.” He stammered, blushing.
She nodded her approval and turned to Darius.
“Get ready. Get your axe, armour, whatever it is you need.”
“I’m already ready.” He grunted, pleased with himself that he was always one step ahead. “Are you sure you can do this?”
She nodded without hesitation and looked at Ezreal.
“Are you ready?”
“Yes.” He pointed at his gauntlet and shrugged his shoulders. “It’s all I’ve got.”
“Are you done?” LeBlanc whined, rolling her eyes.
“Alright. I’ll start the teleporting spell. Hold on tight, it’s going to be a rough ride!”
Ezreal grabbed Lux’s hand and squeezed it, closing his eyes as his head started to spin. The light mage held on to both men as she felt Darius’s grasp on her waist tighten. She felt woozy and fought against the rising nausea. When the dizzy feeling left all of them and they dared open their eyes, they found themselves in a dark room.
The General looked around, not sure if they were actually in Noxus. Maybe they’d been tricked by the Deceiver.
“We’ve arrived!” LeBlanc smiled at them, running a hand through her hair. “Told you it would be a rough ride.”
“I think I’m going to be sick…” Ezreal whimpered, queasy, clutching his stomach as he bent over.
“Ah, just the three I wanted to see!” A voice greeted them. From the shadows, two figures came out. A sly grin was on Ethanial’s face as he stared at the newcomers.
“Good to see you all got here.” LeBlanc appeared behind him, smirking.
The visitors gaze’s darted from one Deceiver to the other, unsure of how to react. The one that had accompanied them on their journey smiled, before vowing and disappearing.
“She was a double?” Ezreal rolled his eyes, exasperated. “Great. What’s next?”
“I am!” Ethanial roared, taking the three visitors by surprise.
Darius tightened his grip on his axe and his eyes rested briefly on the amulet around his son’s neck. He quickly looked at LeBlanc, who cocked her head and chuckled darkly. She nodded her head at him, as if answering his silent questions and gazed into his eyes, very much amused by the situation.
Ethanail raised his hand and directed it at them, shooting a beam of light, freezing them in their spot.
‘What is this magic!?’ Lux panicked. She knew her son very well and knew he had never been able to do such a thing. She looked into his eyes, pleading with him.
“Hello mother.” He spat out, his eyes narrowing. “We have much to discuss.”
‘The amulet!’ Darius screamed internally, as his mouth was unable to move due to the spell.
“And greetings to you two, as well, fathers. If I can call any of you that, that is.”
Ezreal was trying his best to struggle and groan but it was all useless, he was totally paralysed. All he could do was watch and hope for everything to go well. There was a growing sense of despair in the pit of his stomach and there were no signs of it going away.
“HAVE YOU ANY IDEA HOW I FEEL RIGHT NOW?” Ethanial shouted, walking up to them. “Did you ever stop to think what you were doing to me? All you did was think of yourselves and I hate you for it!”
He paused, raising his hand again, shooting magic at them, finally releasing them from their invisible prison.
“Adults are disgusting. I don’t care if their Noxian, Demacian or whatever. You’re all the same.”
Lux gasped for breath as she landed on the floor. She was up on her feet as quickly as she could and tried to run to him, but LeBlanc shot her a look.
“I will not let you get closer to him.” She said, raising an eyebrow gently.
“Ethanial, it’s not like that.” The Light Mage cried, tears falling down her face. She felt exhausted and could feel the strains of the day on her body.
“Listen up, brat.” Darius groaned, getting up and staring into the defiant eyes of his son. “Life isn’t easy. Adults have to fucking chose sometimes. You can’t always get what you want so fucking deal with it. As mature adults we did what was needed to do. If you don’t understand this it’s because you’re still a stupid little boy.”
Light shot out from Ethanial’s hand, hitting the General square in the chest, forcing him to groan in pain.
“Yeah, anger him some more, that’s the way to do it.” Ezreal rolled his eyes and sighed, also tired.
“SHUT UP!” The boy started crying, his face red. “FIGHT ME!” He created a beautiful sword made out of light which he swung at a still dazed Darius. The Noxian was still able to dodge the blow, which narrowly missed him. Ethanial kept attacking him but the man noticed how it was different from when they trained. The younger was much more energetic, the pure rage and hatred fuelling his blows and Darius was tired and weary from the exhausting day. He wouldn’t last much longer.
“Ethanial, control yourself!” Lux imprisoned him and was prepared to scold him like she normally would but LeBlanc was smirking by her side
“I don’t think that’s your fight, Light Mage.” She grinned. “Want to stop him? Take me out first.”
“Don’t you dare touch her!” Ezreal’s Essense Flux hit the Deceiver on her shoulder, and she turned around to see the teenager ready to shoot her another bolt of magic.
“You’re still on her side?” LeBlanc chuckled. “Eh, I can take on both of you, easily.”
With no warning, another mage appeared. They looked at each other and grinned.
Darius swung his axe and the boy was forced to dodge it, but the General shot his hand out and grabbed the amulet, pulling it towards him.
“Nggh, let goooo!” Ethanial moaned, trying to pull back.
“What’s the meaning of this, LeBlanc?” The Noxian shouted, pulling at the amulet some more, the boy gasping with each thrust.
There were no longer two Deceivers as the woman appeared next to the boy, grinning even as she watched the younger struggle.
“Oh, wow, you caught me, this is all my doing.” She laughed sarcastically, ruffling the teen’s hair roughly. She then stopped grinning and stared at Darius, anger glimmering in her eyes.
“I knew from the very start.” She started, caressing the boy’s chin now. “So I gave him this as a gift, knowing that one day he’d be ready to know the truth.”
“You’re controlling him.” Darius bared his teeth, leaning in closer. “How?”
“Well aren’t you smart.” She snickered. “It’s too bad that you’re wrong.”
He’d been distracted, or that’s the excuse he used when he found a sword pointing at his throat. He heard her laugh as Ethanial managed to pull free and the General had to be quick as he felt the pressure of the weapon on his neck.
“Now’s your chance, Lux, blind her!” He screamed as his axe struck the light sword.
The Demacian shot her magic aiming it at LeBlanc, but she disappeared again, only to appear behind her and root her to place.
“I get what you see in Darius. Too bad you’ll never leave this place alive.” She whispered, before she got hit by Ezreal’s bolts.
“You’re annoying.” She groaned, clearly in pain but a second LeBlanc started shooting her black magic at him.
“Ethanial, focus, listen to me!” Darius grunted, out of breath, exhausted from having to dodge the persistent blows that his son kept shooting at him. “Don’t let her into your mind. You love your mother! You love Ezreal! Realize it, please. This isn’t you!”
“Will you shut up, you old man?” The young teenager shouted and this time the General wasn’t able to dodge anything and the sword opened a wound in his arm. He took a few steps back, wincing in pain as blood started to trail down. “Do you still not get it? She has nothing to do with this! These are my real emotions!”
Darius hit his back against the wall, noticing he was cornered. He watched as his son approached him, rage in his eyes. The General’s eyebrows twitched as he saw light accumulating at the hands of the boy. Moving quickly, he darted to his right, trying to escape. He ran to Lux, swinging his axe at what turned out to be a LeBlanc clone that disappeared at the touch of his weapon.
“DON’T RUN AWAY, YOU COWARD!” Ethanial screamed, his face red as he chased after his father.
“Cover for me.” The General whispered to his two allies. Ezreal obliged, quickly shooting his magic at the boy, who reflected them with his sword. The explorer gasped, watching as his powers bounced off easily.
“What…” He whispered, shocked. “How…? He was never this powerful…”
“LeBlanc!” Darius tried to swing his axe at the real dark mage but she rooted him to the ground, smirking as she disappeared before appearing right next to him.
“Have you figured it out yet?” She whispered in his ear, chuckling.
“Figured what out?” Was the response she got. He stopped his weapon mid-swing to secure the answer he needed.
“The amulet. You’re fixated on it. Ever since I gave it to them. You worried for nothing. It wouldn’t have worked.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Its true powers were waiting for him to awaken.”
“To awaken from what!?”
“Leave her alone, Darius, and fight me!” Ethanial screamed as he walked towards the rooted General. The boy was still reflecting Ezreal’s powers. Lux just watched in horror at the scene.
“I’ll let you two settle things.” LeBlanc whispered, freeing Darius, who immediately hurried to Lux’s side.
“Forget LeBlanc, we need to stop Ethanial.” He muttered, looking at the wound in his arm.
“Yeah, but how?” Ezreal whined. “My magic does close to nothing to him. It’s so frustrating.”
“We must fight him together I guess. Give it all you’ve got.” Darius groaned, charging quickly. His battle axe met the light sword with a familiar clinking sound. He used all his force against the boy, hoping it would be enough. Lux quickly darted to his side, blinding her son, as she couldn’t bear to physically hurt him. Ezreal was bolder as he shot the kid right in his left shoulder.
Ethanial whimpered in pain as he was hit by the magic. He’d already been forced to shut his eyes and he couldn’t fight off Darius anymore. He wobbled, suddenly letting go. The light sword disappeared and he feared he’d be torn in half by the axe, but he felt nothing.
“Lux, now!” The Noxian shouted, throwing his weapon back, his reflexes on point. It didn’t take long for the blond woman to imprison her son, but she did it hesitantly.
“Oh, bravo, bravo!” LeBlanc said sarcastically, clapping her hands. She’d been watching intently, expecting this exact outcome.
“You’ll pay for this!” Lux screamed, shooting her laser at the woman, who dodged it nicely.
The dark mage was by the boy’s side, laughing. She appeared and disappeared so fast it was nearly impossible to track down. She wiped a tear from the boy’s face, who was looking at her with a pained expression.
“What’s up?” She smiled slyly. “You can do better, you know. Just look inside yourself. What is it you feel?”
“I… Anger.” He answered, slowly.
Lux looked at her son, her mouth slightly open. Darius was panting as he watched the scene, apprehension clutching at his heart as his son broke down in front of him.
“Hurt.” The boy continued, his head turning to gaze at his three parents. His features turned to a scowl as he looked at them. “I… cannot…”
“Yes, yes!” LeBlanc screamed in triumph, her laugh almost sounding crazy as she cackled, victorious. “Give us power, boy!”
“THEY USED ME!” Ethanial shouted as his fists clenched and his face reddened. “I was lied to, used and now, mocked. I HATE THEM. I HATE THEM, I HATE THEM, I HATE THEM!”
He roared in anger and pain, throwing his head back as he felt power like no other travel all over his body, enveloping him in warmth. His eyes shot open as he forced himself to look at them. He could feel it. Light was coming out of him, he was brimming with energy. It was so strong the prison his mother had created for him vanished as he touched it.
Darius gasped as he watched as the boy made his way towards him. The kid had a deranged look on his face, his eyes seemed blank and he was so bright it almost hurt to look. Lux dropped to her knees, feeling shock, pain and so many other emotions. She couldn’t quite understand what was going on in her mind as her blue eyes followed the slow paces of her son.
“RUN!” The Noxian shouted, realising it was their only way to survive. He quickly grabbed Lux from the floor and forced her up. Tears were falling down her cheeks as she started to make her away from there. Darius turned to look at Ezreal, who was still engrossed with the glowing Ethanial and tugged on his arm to force a reaction out of him.
“Move!” He urged.
“YOU’RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!” LeBlanc cackled, raising her hands. As she did, a giant wall formed around the five of them, closing all exits and all chances of them getting out of there alive.
“We’re trapped!” Lux sobbed. Her hands raised to cover her mouth.
“We’re doomed…” Darius gasped, looking around frantically.
“Didn’t you see?” Ezreal whispered, his mouth slightly open as he frowned, tracing his finger in the air unconsciously.
“What?” The General muttered, turning to look at the young explorer.
“Anger. When he gets angry, he gains power.” The Piltovian whispered, a light smile striking his face as he came to the realisation.
“You’re right! You are so right!” Darius cheered after having thought of it for a few seconds. “All we need to do…”
“Is make the anger disappear” Ezreal finished his sentence for him, nodding happily.
“But how are we going to do that…?” The Noxian trailed off, thinking. He turned around to look at Lux, but what he saw shocked him. She was walking towards the boy, trembling, clearly afraid.
Her steps were weak and his were determined. Ethanial raised his hand slowly, a sword appearing from his palm. Behind them, LeBlanc only cackled.
“I love you.” The light mage whispered, tears in her eyes. The glowing figure in front of her suddenly stopped.
“Lux! Lux!” Darius screamed, running towards her. Ezreal followed him and placed a hand on her shoulder, but his eyes couldn’t look away from the radiant boy with the amazing powers.
“I love you.” She repeated. “I will always love you.”
Ethanial cocked his head slowly. His armed hand started moving again and was about to strike Lux when two things happened. Darius quickly pushed the light mage away, forcing the woman to fall to the floor. The explorer shot a powerful blast at the sword, which was knocked away from the boy. It fell a few meters away and disappeared as it came into contact with the ground.
“Ethanial, please snap out of it.” His mother whispered, getting up again and looking into the dead eyes of her son.
“Oh, how lovely it is to hear you plead like this.” LeBlanc clapped her hands, happy. “It’s pathetic.”
“You’re my son, my baby.” Lux continued, ignoring the dark mage. “You’re my light.”
Hearing her say that triggered something inside of the boy. His raised hand slowly started to retreat.
“I forgive you.” She muttered before she fell to her knees, exhausted. Tears were streaming down her face as she said those last words.
“How could’ve I been so blind?” Ethanial muttered, the light that emanated from him slowly dying down. His eyes fell on the three people in front of him and his features contorted to that of a frown, which alarmed Darius so much he got in front of Lux, to protect her.
The light sword made its appearance again and the boy picked it up eagerly. The General tightened his grip on his axe, on guard, but Ethanial did something that completely took him by surprise. The teenager raised the weapon, turned it around, and with one precise strike, pierced the amulet he was wearing.
LeBlanc screamed, clutching her heart in pain as the wall surrounding them shattered. The boy moaned, his world going black. He fought back the urge to close his eyes by blinking quickly but with a small gasp he lost consciousness, falling to the floor in a heap. Lux hurried to her son, picking him up gently and hugging him, whispering how much he loved him over and over again.
Darius sighed in relief, letting go of his axe, the sound it made as it fell to the floor echoing around them. He watched the scene in front of him, which filled him with a sense of calm and warmth.
“It’s over.” Ezreal sighed, defeated. He let himself fall and breathed in. A small giggle escaped his lips as he whispered “It’s finally over.”
The blond explorer started laughing, as he fought back tears, which he eventually let out. He trembled as he made his way to Lux and Ethanial and started stroking the boy’s hair.
“You did it!” He laughed, overjoyed.
“No, the amulet! Get away from him!” LeBlanc screamed, grabbing Lux’s arm and throwing her out of her way as she pushed the explorer to the side. She leaned down and looked at the unconscious boy. “The amulet… this is bad…”
“What!? What’s going on!?” The Light Mage panicked, getting closer to the other woman.
“It’s dark magic… I need to try and… Look, the boy, when he broke it in the way he did… this is bad.”
“How so? Explain!” Ezreal frowned, trying to get a better look at the scene in front of him.
“The amulet has some dark magic he might have released when breaking it in the way he did. Move, I need to see if I can fix this.”
Slowly, LeBlanc raised an open palm and let it hover over the broken amulet. A trail of black magic started to flow from her hand to the thing. Her face looked strained as she increased the power she let into it.
“It’s… no use…”
“What’s no use!? LeBlanc?” Lux grabbed the other woman’s shoulders and started shaking her vigorously.
“I am so sorry…” The woman mouthed, tears brimming in her eyes. “This is all my fault…”
“Please tell me what is going on, you are killing me!” The Light Mage screamed, still shaking the other.
“I didn’t make this amulet. I bought it off some strange merchant on one of my travels around Noxus. It’s far more powerful than I had imagined and now it’s… linked to your son.”
“Soul linked.”
“I… don’t know.”
“I mean I’m not sure. It could mean your son’s possessed. Or it could mean nothing! Or it could give him special powers… Dark magic manifests itself in many different ways, so I…”
The sound of a slap resonated through the room when Lux finally grasped what the other was getting to. LeBlanc flinched, raising her own palm to her cheek as an unconscious gesture.
“How dare you give this to my son.” The Demacian muttered, her face red with anger. “You knew how dangerous that thing was and you… you exposed my son to it! I will not forgive you! I… I will fucking kill you, you fucking bitch!”
Lux trembled, an orb of light forming in the palm of her half-raised hand as she pointed it at the other.
“Calm down!” LeBlanc screeched, getting up and backing away from the boy. “Look, I already said I’m sorry, I…!”
“I will never forgive you, you…!” The orb became larger and seemed like it was about to burst with power when Ezreal grabbed Lux’s wrist gently.
“Don’t.” He muttered, forcing her to look at him. “If you do this you will be stooping down to her level.”
“But she… you heard what she’s done! My son… he’s!”
“He’s what, Lux? We don’t know yet! She said so herself, nothing might happen.”
“That’s right!” LeBlanc whispered, still backing away. “The side effects might not even appear! Or they could be what you already saw! You know, his magical powers.”
“His magical powers?” The Light Mage frowned, the orb of light slowly getting smaller.
“The amulet helped bring out the power he has within him. All you saw today, that was all Ethanial, I had nothing to do with it. I just enchanted it so that it would teleport him to Noxus.”
“I don’t believe you.” Lux sneered as her hand raised and she fired the orb of light, which the other barely dodged.
“Trust me, Light Mage. I didn’t mean that boy any harm, I did this… because of…” She bit her lip before answering. “I was jealous. I wanted Darius.”
“You what!?” Lux screamed, another orb making its presence on her palm.
“I said so before, didn’t I? I knew from the start… so I planned to… take advantage of Ethanial’s feelings to bring you all here and…”
“And, what?” Darius grunted, a frown on his face as he looked at her in disgust.
“I wanted to charm you. Ethanial would be emotionally unstable and I would’ve used him to get Lux out of the picture so… uhm, yeah.”
“Lux.” Ezreal tugged at her wrist again, ignoring how her words had secretly hurt him. “Calm down. She didn’t succeed.”
The Noxian man hoisted himself up and put his arm on her shoulder. They looked into each other’s eyes for what seemed like an eternity.
“Plus you know he only loves you.” Ezreal forced himself to say, but he couldn’t help but look away when he did. It somehow really pained him to tell her that, but he figured out she really needed to hear those words right now.
She finally sighed and fell to her knees, right next to her son. She looked at him and started sobbing, relief and exhaustion taking the best of her senses as she cried.
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