thetriggeredhappy · 4 years
in the latest Dad!Spy fic, it seems like both of them have a degree of separation anxiety. largely *reasonable* separation anxiety because of the whole, y'know, Spy (and eventually Scout) being a mercenary thing, but it's still fascinating to see. i wonder how Spy would deal with easing Jeremy's anxiety and his own all the while knowing that he very well COULD be killed and leave his young son alone any time something goes wrong with work
spy as a dad would i think be extremely concerned about his kid’s safety to the point of paranoia, and the worst part of it all would be all the times when his paranoia is justified.
(warnings for discussion of canon-typical violence, none of it happening onscreen, and assorted mention of spy-type business)
Something about this felt so deeply... dishonest. Something he couldn’t quite place. Maybe some sense of irony, or... maybe just the sort of general guilt he’d had as a very young man starting to reverberate within him again. Whatever it was, sitting there and writing down the cipher of a message intended to ensure his son’s safety if he died, while that aforementioned son slept soundly against his shoulder, felt deeply morally wrong.
His eighth birthday was coming up. It was, according to Jeremy, a pretty big deal. And Jacques was aware that most children in more average situations would be having a party together, eating cake and playing games and having fun while he theoretically chatted with the other parents and talked about... school, or, extracurriculars. He wasn’t sure, to be honest, that was just his assumption. But Jeremy’s situation was anything but average, so he’d be making an attempt to do something else, something he’d enjoy enough that perhaps he would be able to put off the conversations of “why can’t I have normal friends?” for one more year. He’d heard about and marked down an annual fair, and found that this year the weekend it was taking place just so happened to also fall on Jeremy’s birthday.
It was a good excuse for why they were leaving town so swiftly. Much more justifiable to himself and more explainable to a very-nearly-eight-year-old than whispers on the wind of a pair of men he thought he’d killed twelve years previously being seen within the state and that alone being enough to make him very very nervous. He did not believe in coincidences, and moreover, he knew that him finding out about these men being alive was not an accident, it was a warning, and the only one he would be receiving before they struck to kill.
Regardless, he was still a bit troubled by it. And he knew it was an adjustment from the plans he’d been hesitantly laying for some time on where he would be and when, his route a closely guarded secret meant to be known to exactly three trustworthy people in entirely seperate areas of the world, and even then it was a risk he would never have taken previously. But him going missing would be several degrees more significant, as he’d realized roughly eight years ago.
A movement to shift, trying to keep his arm from falling asleep, was enough to wake up Jeremy, who blinked a few times down at what Jacques was writing as if waiting for the letters to make sense. “Is that Russian?” he mumbled sleepily after two minutes of silence.
“No,” he said, having to pause in his writing entirely, broken from the rhythm he’d gotten into. “It’s a cipher. Secret symbols and letters.”
“Oh,” Jeremy said simply, and went silent and still for long enough that he convinced himself that he’d surely fallen back asleep, and he was a bit startled when he spoke again. “Who are you writing secret symbols at?”
“A friend of mine,” he answered carefully, if kindly. “You’ve met him. Twice, actually. A very large man, who also wore a suit. I believe you told him you really liked his tie.”
Peter was a good man, or as good as one could be given the circumstances the two of them both worked in. He had made a very genuine effort at, as Jacques had requested, ‘easing up’ on the usual intimidating way that he carried himself when he’d been been told Jeremy would be there at one of the very brief meetings the two of them had. One was when Jeremy was three, and fully preoccupied with a gift he’d received for the holidays, and the other was when Jeremy was six. Apparently, Peter had decided the best way to appear less intimidating to a young child was to wear a tie plastered with a pattern of cartoonish bubbles. Jacques thought it was perhaps the most ridiculous thing he’d ever seen, but was promptly proven wrong when Jeremy pointed it out gleefully within moments of being in a room with the man.
If Jacques died unexpectedly in most of the mainland United States and immediately surrounding territories, Peter would likely be the one taking care of Jeremy. At least until the other two correspondents could stop by and negotiate further on what would happen with him. Peter, at least, could cook and survive alone for multiple people (as he’d proven before on at least one occasion where Jacques was too injured to take care of himself and required assistance), and if he would stoop so low as to wear a bubble-patterned tie because he wanted to avoid intimidating a six-year-old, he was likely capable of stooping low enough to perform other essential activities involved with raising a child.
“I don’t remember that,” Jeremy muttered, shifting slightly.
“That is fair,” he nodded. “You do meet a lot of people, mon lapin, it is not easy keeping names straight.”
He hummed in sleepy agreement. A pause. “That one looks like a dog,” he finally said, pointing at one of the little letters on the page.
He tilted his head, squinting a little. “Hm. I suppose it does,” he acquiesced.
“Does it mean dog?”
“It is not kanji, the characters represent letters, which spell words in German,” Jacques replied.
“Is it that letter that looks like a B but it isn’t and sounds like that one dog?”
“...Are you referring to an eszett?”
“...And what dog does it sound like, exactly?” Jacques asked, fully baffled.
“The one that howls really loud.”
“Howls really—mon lapin, are you referring to a basset hound?”
“Yeah!” he agreed, sitting up a little and smiling. “That’s it!”
He wanted to further investigate why the word eszett reminded his son of basset hounds, but Jeremy picked that moment to yawn, reminding him of something.
“Well, dogs or otherwise, I do believe that it’s past your bedtime. You should go to sleep,” he said, no room in his tone for argument.
The whining noises began and were silenced by a swift kiss to the top of his head and the setting aside of the notebook he was working from, moving as if to pick up Jeremy and properly put him to bed. But then more genuine protests began, Jeremy moving to dart beneath the sheets before he could even properly set his pen down.
“Can I sleep here tonight?” he asked earnestly, employing the use of his big blue too-much-like-his-mother’s eyes. A slightly disapproving tilt of the head did nothing to dissuade him, so Jacques sighed inwardly, standing regardless.
“Alright, alright,” he surrendered as he moved to also get ready for sleep, “but I will be awake rather early in the morning, and you do not get to complain at me if you also end up awake as a result.”
Jeremy didn’t look upset by this caveat in the slightest, just burrowing further and smiling like he’d won some sort of contest.
And he looked asleep enough by the time Jacques was back that he was very quiet and careful about getting back into bed, but woke up regardless with the express intent of tucking against his arm again.
And he knew he would miss this one day. His son was already growing up much too fast, and at very-nearly-eight-years-old was closer in many ways to twelve, and surely only had another year or so before he would be much too embarrassed to lean against his father’s shoulder this way, to comment upon how things looked like an animal, to speak so freely. Soon he would be having secrets, a life of his own that he’d know nothing about, and he looked forward to it of course but he would also miss it so very dearly.
He’d hate to miss any more of it by dying unexpectedly.
He wished he didn’t need to prepare for the worst. He wished he didn’t feel guilty for needing to work out details about what would happen if the nightmare scenario occurred. And more than that, he wished he didn’t have to feel all the more guilty about having no plan at all for what he would do if something happened to Jeremy. It was unthinkable. He couldn’t imagine having a world without his son in it, not anymore.
And so he leaned back as well, albiet so much more carefully with the understanding of the fact that children tend to be fragile, and couldn’t imagine.
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solastia · 6 years
The Dragon’s Lair | 1
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Pairing: Dragon Hybrid Namjoon x Reader (The others will show up one by one)
Word Count: 3,141
Genre & Warnings: Hybrid au. Fantasy themes. This will have a little bit of everything. Lots of fluff, some angst, perhaps eventual smut. Mentions of physical abuse and possible other trauma or emotional issues in the future. Brief mentions of death but no MCD. 
Notes: I’ve been ‘hoarding’ this in my drafts forever. It was literally only missing a paragraph. I’ve considered the idea of doing something for hybrids for a while, and I kept getting asked about it, so this is my attempt! I wanted to do something other than the ole’ cat and dog thing. Also, keep in mind that the plan for this fic to is write it in a way that I can keep adding to it for as long as I want to. I have no definite end in mind as of yet. I figured I’d release it to give you guys something to read while you wait for Faith. 
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Some days you praised Kwon Soonyoung for being the best friend and overall human being on the planet. Other days, you cursed the day you became friends. Today felt like it was going to be the latter. 
“I really don’t know about this, Soonyoung. It just seems so wrong,” you grimaced as he pulled you along towards the grey-bricked and incredibly ridiculous building.
The Fairy Pawmother was one of the most popular businesses in town these days. And, in case the name didn’t give it away, was styled ostentatiously to look like a small castle. There were koi ponds instead of a moat and a cobbled walkway instead of a drawbridge, but it was painfully obvious the entire place with themed purposely. The two towers on either side of the building were actually a popular cafe and a Hybrid specialty shop that employed the adoptable hybrids themselves. 
“You’re thinking about it the wrong way, that’s all. I mean, sure. It would be nice if they all had their freedom and people stopped treating hybrids like lesser beings. The law is easing up on them little by little every year, so maybe someday there will be hope. Until then, there are all these hybrids without anyone to care about them. They are all alone, no one to care whether they live or die.” Soonyoung sighed dramatically and wiped a nonexistent tear from his dry eyes. 
“The guilt trip route? Ugh, fine,” you groan and follow him towards to entrance.
Soonyoung smiles gleefully, as he usually does when he convinces you to do what he wants. Which is quite often, sadly. 
“Come on. You won’t regret having a hybrid of your own. Since your Grandma died, I worry about you. She was all the real family you had left. I know you have me, and I consider myself your family too, but you could do with more. Just remind yourself you’re saving them from someone that won’t feel about hybrids the way that you do. You’ll treat them good, whereas they could have gone to a sex fiend or something.” 
“Who says sex fiend? Weirdo.” 
“Your weirdo,” Soonyoung drapes himself across your back, squeezing softly.
“Disgusting. Get off me,” you kick your foot back, hitting the giggling Soonyoung lightly, but you can’t hide your soft smile fast enough before he catches it. 
“This place is great too. They treat the hybrids well. They feed them properly, have good rooms and jobs if they want them. They even bring in teachers for homeschooling and stuff. It’s where I got Jihoonie.” 
“My point exactly. Jihoon is a little brat.” 
“A brat that you spoil as much as I do. Don’t think I didn’t notice that you suddenly have jugs of milk in your fridge when you hate milk. Or that you guys have movie marathons where he comes back so stuffed he doesn’t want to eat dinner. Or the fact that those headphones you claimed you won in a contest at work and gave to him were almost $3,000. And you forgot that I share your Amazon account.” 
“Having a nosy best friend is the worst,” you grumble, looking around the lobby of the Hybrid shelter. 
It looked bright and welcoming, with ivory painted walls covered in pictures of past adoptions and a lounge filled with plush crimson couches. There were several nice looking families waiting, presumably to pick up their new Hybrids, but Soonyoung pulled you away from there and towards the front counter. 
The man at the counter was stunning, with beautiful dark eyes and pouty lips. When you couldn’t see any evidence of him being a Hybrid himself, you were almost disappointed. His eyes glimmered with mischief as he caught you checking him out, his gaze piercing you in a way that made you wonder if he could hear your thoughts. You blushed and looked away, glad for Soonyoung’s interference as he excitedly greeted the man. 
“Heechul hyung! How are you?” 
“Better, now that you’ve brought me something pretty to look at. Jihoon’s class doesn’t get out for another hour if you’re here to get him.” 
“I know! I actually brought my friend Y/N here to look around. I think she’d give someone a great home,” Soonyoung pulls you forward, and you wave shyly. 
“Allow me to introduce myself, then. I am Kim Heechul, the Fairy Pawmother himself,” he catches your cringe and laughs. 
“I know, it’s a silly name. I wanted to just call it Heechul’s in sparkling lights, but my partner Leeteuk told me this isn’t a Casino so I couldn’t do that.” 
“It’s not a casino. It’s not a real castle either, but that didn’t stop you. So don’t blame me,” a yell comes from the office behind Heechul.
“Are you getting mad already, babe?” Heechul turns and smirks at the door. 
“I’m not mad!”
“You’re yelling.”
“Well, I’m mad now!” 
Heechul giggles and turns back to you, observing you from head to toe with a thoughtful look. 
“I don’t think a cat or dog will do for you.” 
“If you’re about to suggest a hamster, I’ve already got one,” you smirk and jerk your thumb to point at Soonyoung, who huffs. 
“That’s great! I totally see it.” Heechul laughs, slapping the counter a couple times. 
He slowly sobers before rounding the counter and gesturing to the two of you to follow him down a spacious hallway. 
“No, I mean something...a bit more challenging.” 
As you follow him down the hallway, you look through the enormous windows that stretch all the way across, revealing what appeared to be common rooms on either side. You observed the Hybrids, pleased to note that they all looked healthy and happy. There were multiple televisions and game consoles for them to use, toys for the younger ones, plenty of comfortable lounge chairs. The walls were lined with bookshelves, most of them packed full of all types of genres, some used for organizing board games. All in all, it didn’t appear to be the type of shelter that you’d heard horror stories about. 
“What do you do for a living, Y/N?” Heechul suddenly asks. 
“I’m a graphic designer. I work freelance taking on commissions for various companies.” 
“That’s good. That means you are at home a lot, right? Your hybrid will appreciate that. So you’re the artsy type?” 
“That’s one way of putting it,” you laugh softly. “It’s mostly making promotional stuff. Ads and things like that. Pays well enough. I still try to draw and paint what I want on my own time, but I don’t get paid for that.”
Heechul nods, continuing on silently, but with that same thoughtful look on his face. Maybe he was trying to think of the right hybrid for you? That would explain the questioning, anyway. 
“The halls for exotic breeds are right in here,” Heechul explains as he stops you in front of an elaborately carved door. “Normally, you’re only allowed to see the exotics if you’ve been thoroughly vetted. Most don’t even know they are here, because many of them are the only ones of their kind and we only want them to go to the right people. But I have a good feeling about you. Not to mention, any friend of Hamster's is a friend of mine.” 
“You’re never going to let that go, are you hyung?” Soonyoung sighs next to you.
“Not in a million years. Sorry, Hamster. Anyway, there is a class in session right now, and I thought we could sneak in there so you could look around. See if anyone catches your eye,” Heechul leads you to a room that had an open archway instead of a door. You could hear a deep voice rumbling above the rest, presumably the teacher as he was answering questions. 
Heechul leads you into the classroom, and the three of you sit in the very back of the class. The room was set up like a small college classroom, with one long table and four seats at each one. The room was bright and covered in educational posters, most of them cheesy. There were probably fifteen hybrids here, most of them with no characteristics to tell you what they were. 
When you finally glance at the podium, you feel like the breath has been knocked right out of you. The man standing there is so very tall, with a small waist and long, toned legs. His tan skin was practically glowing, his cheeks slightly flushed with excitement as he enthusiastically explained something to one of the hybrids. When he finished his explanation, he smiled, and you swear your heart stopped. His full lips alone could have caused that reaction, but the sweet grin was accompanied by two deep dimples on either side. You’d never understood the fascination with dimples, but you had to agree they added a touch of innocent appeal to his face, making the overall picture irresistible. 
As you looked closer at the man, you realized he was a hybrid too. His eyes glowed a sparkling golden shade that would be impossible otherwise. He was, unfortunately, wearing a beanie so you couldn’t tell if he had any ears or something under there. His nails were different too. Either he painted his nails, or they were naturally a shimmering blend of silver and gold. 
“Class dismissed! Don’t forget to do your reading, I’ll pop quiz someone at dinner,” the man smirked at the grumbling hybrids as he collected their things. 
You watched the hybrids file past, curious what made them “exotic.” You couldn’t really see much that struck you as something that different. Just the occasional odd eye color or hair that could be brushed off as coloring if one didn’t know better. The golden-eyed man stayed at the front, writing something into his big notebook. 
“Hi, I’m Yixing,” a handsome hybrid plopped into the seat next to you, smiling gently. He was so adorable you couldn’t help smiling back. 
“Hi, I’m Y/N. And this is my friend Soonyoung.” 
“Oh, we all know him. He’s old news,” he teases Soonyoung with a poke to his cheeks, and he tries to act offended, even if the effect is ruined by his giggle. The hybrid turns back to you. “Are you here to adopt?” 
“It seems so.” 
“That’s great! We exotics don’t get adopted out very often, but you look nice. I’m sure you’d take care of one of my friends very well.” 
“Not you?”
“Yixing here is already adopted. His owner had to go to some conference thing for Doctors, so Yixing was staying with us until he comes back. Which will be tomorrow. I bet you’re excited to see your Baekyun again, huh?” Heechul grins at Yixing, who starts babbling excitedly. 
“Yes! I hate when he goes on those trips. I miss him. At least I can come here and still take my classes and stuff, so I’m not lonely.” 
“That’s nice of you guys to do that,” you quirk an eyebrow at Heechul in surprise. “Usually once a hybrid is adopted out, the shelter wipes their hands of them. Or so I understood.” 
Heechul nods. “Most places, yeah, that’s probably true. But we let all the hybrids here know that they can always come back, no matter what. Even if it’s just for classes, or for respite care like Yixing here. This is a safe home for all.” 
At least you knew you’d be adopting from a decent place, even if the idea of ‘owning’ something that was whatever percent of human they were made you feel uncomfortable. 
“So, I don’t know if it’s rude of me to ask or not, but I can’t tell what kind of hybrid you are,” you ask hesitantly. 
Yixing’s eyes shine mischievously as he grins. 
“I see Heechul brought someone back here without telling them everything again. He did that to Baekhyun too. He loves to watch peoples faces as they discover the truth,” Yixing giggles as he and Heechul share a look. 
“I’m a Unicorn.” 
“Har Har,” you respond flatly. 
Yixing winked before closing his eyes. A glittering pastel glow appeared around his forehead, and slowly what appeared to be a horn grew out of his forehead. The color of the horn reminded you of the inside of an abalone shell, truly beautiful and shining brightly with a myriad of colors. You blinked a couple of times in disbelief. 
“And before you say anything, no, I’m not a Rhino,” Yixing laughed as he took in your befuddled stare.
“But...Unicorns aren’t real. They’re a myth,” you stammer, unable to take your gaze from the still shimmering horn that refuted that statement. 
“Myths had to come from somewhere, didn’t they? In fact, most of our exotics could be considered “myths,” Heechul countered softly. “Hybrids themselves shouldn’t exist, according to science. And yet, here I am with a building full of them.”
“Does it...what is...um,” you floundered, trying to search for the way to ask about him without seeming rude. 
“What does a Unicorn do? I have healing magic. I’m also able to emit a calm aura, which is probably why you’re not running out of here screaming about crazy people right now,” Yixing giggles.
You nod, unsure of how else to respond. It was a lot to take in. And you weren’t quite sure what to believe yet. 
“So you thought I should adopt a mythical hybrid?” you mumble to Heechul,  who merely nods and gestures towards the golden-eyed man who was still scribbling away at a desk. 
“Not just any. I wanted you to meet Namjoon. He’s been here for a long time because I was waiting for the right person to care for him. I have a gut feeling that you’re the one,” Heechul explains. 
“OH! Y/N would be perfect for Namjoon! I don’t know why I didn’t think of that myself!” Soonyoung squealed. 
“Wait, if you know all of them and aren’t surprised by all this, is Jihoon an exotic?” you ask with a frown. 
“Yup. He’s a Bakeneko. So, still technically a cat,” Soonyoung laughs. You make a mental note to remember to look that up later.
You couldn’t even imagine being the one to try to care for someone like Namjoon. Namjoon. You tried the name out in your mind a few times. It fit him. However, he was almost intimidatingly gorgeous and obviously smart, judging by the fact that he was in here teaching a class. What use would he have for you? 
“What is he?” You ask, almost terrified to hear the answer. 
“I’m a dragon,” a deep voice replied in front of you. You quickly meet Namjoon’s eyes as he grins reassuringly at you. 
“Hello. I saw that Yixing had his horn out in front of someone new so I thought I’d see what was going on. I’m Namjoon.” 
“Did you say a dragon?” you ask, unable to keep the shock and worry out of your voice. You realize your mistake when Namjoon’s face falls, and his easy-going grin was replaced with a polite smile. 
“Yes. Sorry.” 
“Oh, no. Don’t mind me. I didn’t mean it in a bad way. I’m just learning that you all exist is all,” your laugh is a little self-deprecating, but Namjoon seems relieved. 
“You’re very pretty.” Namjoon mumbles, a little blush growing on his cheeks as he studies you. 
“Thank you, Namjoon,” you're flattered that someone as beautiful as him would think so. 
“Are you here to pick someone up for adoption?” Namjoon asks as he pulls up a chair to the table and gets comfortable. 
“Uh, yeah,” you blush from the intensity of his stare, his golden eyes flickering as he observes you.
Heechul is grinning as he watches the two of you interact. 
“I brought her to meet you, dummy,” Heechul snorts. 
Namjoon’s eyes widen in shock. “Me? You want to adopt me?”
If you’d had any doubts before, they were gone now. The way that his voice wobbled and his eyes filled like it was unbelievable that someone would want to adopt him broke your heart. 
“If you’ll have me. I have a lot to learn, I think.” 
Namjoon’s smile was so wide and bright, and he reached over to pull you into a hug. 
“Thank you. Thank you so much,” he mumbled into your neck. You squeezed him gently back then turned to Heechul. 
“So what all do I have to do?”
“I can take care of all the boring paperwork myself. Why don’t you and Namjoon hang out for the day? Get to know each other. He can show you his room, so you have an idea how to decorate his. You probably have enough rooms in your Grandma’s house to even build him a studio.” 
You stared at Heechul in shock.
“I never told you I inherited my Grandma’s house.”
“Whoops,” Heechul smirked, not concerned to be caught out in the least. 
“You’re not quite an ordinary human either, are you? Are you a hybrid?” 
“I’d be offended to be called an ordinary anything, sweetheart. Come along, Hamster. Let’s leave them to get acquainted.” 
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fitzroymapletree · 7 years
Have you ever thought of writing a story or a fic? If you have, what would it be about? Would you have any inspirations?
aaaaa i have a lotta messages that im not rly feelin like answering cuz im anxious fuk but THIS one im feelin hoo boy,, also im gonna assume this means taz-related fics cuz if we mean all fics then hi ive been writing them since literal 4th grade (percy jackson fanfic before i knew was fics even were,, rip me)
actually yea i have thought of/started some TAZ fics!! i didnt get far in the few i started but theyre still sitting in my google docs so who knows. maybe ill finish them one day. anyways i have a lot fleeting ideas but there r only 2 that rly stick out to me (one of them is a canon-divergent lucas/magnus fic ive posted about before where pre-crystal kingdom taako dies somehow n leaves ango in magnus’ custody n mags wants some education for the boy but doesnt wanna send him off-base so lucretia is like ‘hey theres a science miller boy here that could help out’ n they meet n eventually bond n move past the traumas of deaths past n cope together n fall in gentle love n its good n pure. the other is just of carey, killian, angus, and no-3113′s experience in camp goodfriend ngl) 
also i have so many original stories im gonna rant about them a lot under the readmore
the first multi-chapter non-fic story i wrote was in 6th grade where this chubby black girl named Ariette goes to hang out w her internet friend Robyn for the summer n they find a mermaid on the beach and they take her back to Robyn’s house n they keep her in his bathtub…her name is K’loshekh Haddok Sheik McCarppal the Third and she was half-longhorn cowfish (this story is the reason why theyre my fave kind of fish!!) and at first Ariette is opposed to have K’loshekh around but they eventually fall in Gay Gay Love and then K’loshekh has to leave cuz she cant live in the fuckn bathtub forever + ariette has to return to her own state n its tragic oh noooo
there was this mediocre story i had in 7th grade where it was supposed to be a parody of love triangles where theres this girl named Juniper Yun Lee n shes got these two friends Miles and Beckett n at first u think Miles n Beckett are Super Straight n like her but shes aro n not interested n it turns out theyre gay for each other n YES this was inspired by that one popular tumblr post,,,,,,the characters n plot were p decent but the actual writing was TRASH n i refuse to go in that google doc to this day
i had this story that i liked a lot in 8th grade that i loved loved loved to death (and i still luv) called Under Our Sugarfrosted Skies where a right-brain transboy artist named Caden Faye meets this hardworking left-brain chef named Leo King and they fall in love p fast n its just them bein gay,,,, theres a lot of b-plot,,,,,and a lot of side characters like Caden’s cool-ass older brother who lives w him n took him in after their parents ditched Caden cuz of his transness n hes a multilingual photographer n they own a cat named Potato (Po for short), and a bipolar tall writer chick named Madelyn Powers whos cousins w Leo n she has heterochromia iridium (one green eye, one brown eye), her n leo live together too n shes friends w Hudson since high school n her n hudson are the reason why caden n leo even meet,,,,,,n idk, like leo n caden were just my Signature Gay Couple™ way back when but i drew them more than i wrote about them tbh so i gave up on that story but i luv it to death tbh
in 9th grade i had this weird story (also inspired by a popular tumblr post) where a college student joined this league of supervillains cuz the leaders were her teachers n she needed extra credit and she ends up being gay for her properly-aged superhero nemesis who is also apart of a league led by college teachers,,,,,the main character was a latino girl who named herself Comet cuz it was a first-person POV n she refused to give her real name away, the leader of the supervillains was a cold, stern black woman who turned villain cuz the heroes couldnt save her beloved 9year old daughter,,,,the leader of the superheroes is an autistic asian lady who loves water and she ends up being gay w the stern black lady,,,,,,,,the nemesis is a blonde super-optimistic sunshine girl w a pixie cut,,,,,theyre all adorable n My Actual Children
early 10th grade i had this story that ive put on hiatus but plan to return to soon,,,its about a senator whos expelled from her job n divorced not too long after that (both for whatever reason i still have yet to decide) so shes left on the streets jobless n homeless. luckily, after a couple months of living on her own, she finds out that her hipster brother that she hasnt rly been in contact w for the past however many years is willing to keep her under his roof for as long as it takes for her to get back on her feet so she makes her way to his small countryside town n lives there for a lil while. she picks up a job as a librarians assistant while she lives there n learns to chill out since she was so uptight n stressed out all the time before, she just kinda unwinds n finally learns who she is as a person since she put that off for so many years. theres also OF COURSE a super gay b-plot where theres this kid named Jonah whos always visiting the library to check out academic books n junk and also theres this rly eccentric woman named Atlas who works at the local coffeeshop that the ex-senator visits on her lunch break. the ex-senator starts striking up a convo w Jonah n they soon become unlikely pals n she finds out that Atlas!! is jonahs mom!! n her n atlas also end up bein gay for one another n also jonah is aro
NOW WE REACH MY CURRENT STORY WHICH I AM?? OBSESSED W??? ik yall stopped reading this post 50k words ago but i have a blog dedicated to it!! shoutout to that blog @virtuefall and, of course, its called Virtue Fall,,,,its basically me dipping my toe in the waters of Fantasy stories cuz of TAZ.. it started out as a completely different story but morphed itself into the Beauty™ that it is atm..spoilers ahead in case any of yall actually do end up reading it idk but its about this middle-aged half-elf woman named Belyeras Chandler whose children get stolen n she embarks on a quest to find them n along the way she picks up a rad-ass squad that becomes her family (an eccentric female orc named Oghash who has trust issues, pacifist tendencies, and some rad-ass clothes; a pair of twin human detectives named Lucan n Luusi, one of which is awkward n self-conscious n a warrior, the other is a charismatic, silver-tongued, deceiving, anxious, chronic-lying wizard; a bounty hunter drow sorcerer named Selakiir who only loves money n cryptids [n later on, lucan]) and basically spoiler alert selakiirs target that hes after is the head of a cult n guess what? that cult is the same one that stole belyeras’ children n theres this big showdown n BIG SPOILERS AHEAD luusi dies along the way, belyeras’ children are killed to summon a god to their plane of existence but their plane isnt meant to have a god in it so reality starts to tear itself apart and selakiirs apart of a destined bloodline so This is His Moment and he rescues everybdoy by somehow repairing reality itself in that moment when no one else could……lucan leaves the scene once everything calms down, blaming belyeras for the death of his sister, and he n selakiir eventually fall in love and get married. belyeras refuses to let oghash go on any more dangerous adventures so they move in together and are platonic soulmates until one of them dies. ALSO literally everybody has a tragic backstory yikes belyeras had an alcoholic ex-wife, oghash grew up w suuuuuuper over-controlling parents n heavy expectations n social norms that she couldnt live up to cuz of her pacifistic tendencies so she stole a portion of her parents money n ran far far away, luusi was the least fave child cuz shes suuuuuuuuuuuuuuper awkward so her parents felt uncomfortable having her represent the family/continue the bloodline so they loved lucan more n neglected luusi which led to major insecurity issues n competitiveness in luusi n there had been high high expectations for lucan so hes accustomed to major anxiety and lying/acting/supression n internalizing emotions, selakiir was sent away from the underdark to a public school in a decent land so he faced major discrimination as the literal only dark creature in the school……Yikes
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monstersmistress · 6 years
Red, yellow, turquoise, gold!
Send me Colors!
red - what are you most passionate about? how did this passion develop?
I guess the most obvious and to the point answer would be art! It developed much like other interests of mine did; through spite :, ). I was 9 or 10 and this asshole kid (I still remember his stupid name too lol) saw my little doodles and was like ‘you can’t draw dragons as good as I can’. And I took that as a massive mother fuckin’ challenge y’all... It’s weird, because he sort of became a friend and ‘teacher’ with art for a brief time? But tl;dr I’m pretty sure I’m the one who became an artist, and I have no idea where he is in life now. If he’s somehow a better artist than me (in my eyes, because art is heavily subjective) then I need to go find out so I can Get Better Faster.
yellow - what’s your happy place? real or fictional?
My happy place in real life is one I haven’t been in so so long, and the only way I know without a doubt it is my happy place, is because I dream of it so often and so fondly. It would be my Pepere and Memere’s house, on Long Lake up in Northern Maine... They built it themselves! Their garage used to be the main house and they built it up from there. It’s a grand place, always felt homey if not a little too perfect, and carried that childhood sense of dread like a ghost would be in a corner. But it wasn’t haunted, I know that with certainty. I spent too much time there... And it’s on a LAKE. A gorgeous lake... In the winter, when snow was 4 feet high, and the lake was frozen two feet thick, my Pepere would get the snow mobiles going and we’d put an ice fishing shack on the lake. A tiny oasis amidst the bitter cold winds where you could, well, fish! I can still remember the way the water seemed to glow inside the cabin, because the inside of the tiny cabin was dark, while the ice was lit with the sunlight from outside. You could see the fish swim way way down, hoping one would take the bait.
I dream about it a lot. I kind of want to write stories that take place in that location because of it. I... really miss it. I just don’t know if I’ll ever be welcome back there. Or if I can stomach forgiving my grandparents for their cruel treatment of my mother. She’s already forgiven them but. It’s different, for me.
turquoise - do you like being in the sea? which is your favourite sea side town to visit?
As you can probably guess from my answer for Yellow, I’m more of a lake girl. I do love the sea, don’t get me wrong. All bodies of water are important and a part of me, but I’ve spent considerably less time among the oceans... Maine beaches, even in the summer, are rather cold. I did enjoy the Jersey beaches though! I don’t really have a favorite sea side town... The beaches were what drew us in, we never really spent time in the town or city that sat on its edge.
gold - what do you consider to be your biggest achievement? when was the last time you won something?
My biggest achievement? Well, it’s not something I can physically produce. Kind of. 
My existence thus far is my biggest achievement. One day, that may not be the biggest achievement but I’m still in the healing process where the fact I am alive is so amazing, especially to myself. I suffered multiple types of abuse growing up, developed depression and PTSD from that and have genetic anxiety and adhd-i. It makes for a vitriolic cocktail of co-morbidity. I wanted to kill myself multiple times, and still deal with less active but still present suicidal ideation at times - mostly when my anxiety spirals and I feel like I lose complete control. 
But I’m almost twenty-six now. I’ve survived and healed so much in the past 5 years alone, and I still have so many more mountains in life to climb. People who know me in real life know I’m vocal about my birthdays, and this is the reason why. I survived another year, and I’m gearing up for another. I’m proud of existing this long.
As for winning something? God I don’t even know lol. I feel like I win the lottery every time I make a new friend who I click with on an intimate level, so I guess last time I won something was November 1st when I met Ray hahaha. Again, not entirely a physical answer. I haven’t participated in contests or events much, and I know I haven’t won any of them :P
Thank you Lioness
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news-ase · 4 years
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kagetsukai · 7 years
for the I found you prompts! With the stuffed animal I won for you at the (Kissing Day) festival. characters of your choice. :D
I don’t know what happened, but I blame @ladynorbert. Still, this was a lot of fun to write and I hope you like it! :D
Read on AO3
Pairing: Varric Tethras/Bethany Hawke
VarricTethras had not considered himself to be a sentimental man so thefact that he was spending yet another Kissing Day Festival withBethany Hawke should have tipped him off that his growing attachmentto the younger Hawke sibling had long since moved past the initialinfatuation stage. Still, he had a hard time being upset when he gotto watch a beautiful women enjoy herself while she drank freshly madeapple cider, ate a ton of cotton candy and cooed at all the cute babyanimals that were available for purchase at multiple stalls.
“Youknow those animals get purchased only to be returned, en mass, tolocal shelters that may or may not be able to reallocate them?” hepointed out after tearing her away from another box full ofmulticolored kittens.
Sheshot him a downright nasty glare and scoffed.
“Ifyou’re going to be such a Debbie downer, Varric, you can always gohome and be a grumpy curmudgeon all by yourself,” she said.
“Andleave you to be scalped by all the merchants or robbed by theurchins? Not on my life, Sunshine,” he grumbled. “Hawke wouldhave my skin.”
Bethanyrolled her eyes.
“Iam perfectly capable of defending myself, you know?” she said andlowered her voice. “I’m a mage, after all. You don’t need tobabysit me just to appease my overbearing brother.”
Varricbriefly thought how Garrett’s appeasement was the last reason why heoffered to escort Bethany around the festival, but he kept thosewords hidden tightly behind his teeth.
“Let’skeep that pretty face of yours out of the Gallows, shall we?” hesaid with a smirk. “Isabela would be devastated if you got yourselfapprehended by the Templars.”
Asoft blush colored her pale cheeks at the compliment. The laugh thatfollowed rang like a silver bell for the midday Chant and the soundsoothed the dark corners of Varric’s soul.
“Yes,she would be so disappointed if she couldn’t inflict her raunchyjokes on my poor, innocent ears.”
Hesquinted at her. “I highly doubt you’re as innocent as you say youare, Sunshine.”
Theglance and the shrug she shot him were positively flirty and he felthimself smile back.
“Wemay never know,” she replied in a sing-song voice and promptlystepped ahead of him. “Let’s get home, shall we? I want to freshenup before the theater production tonight.”
Eventhough Bethany picked up her pace, she remained mindful of hisshorter stride, which Varric felt immensely grateful for; the lastthing he need was to ungracefully pant and huff in front of abeautiful woman. They arrived at the mansion fairly quickly,completely unmolested by any unsavory element. If Bethany noticed it,she did not mention it at all.
Onceat the Amell Mansion, Varric made himself comfortable in the sittingroom while the one who secretly held his heart retreated to her upstairs room.He watched her go and he quietly admired her beautiful form, the gentlesway of her hips, or the fall of her long, black hair. With that image burned into his mind,his thoughts drifted off and he promptly lost track of time.
Perhapshe would have waited an eternity for Bethany Hawke to get ready forthe evening, his mind crafting a string of unlikely scenarios of hisdoomed romance, but the sudden sound of giggles coming from her roomimmediately piqued his interest. She had gone in alone.
Sneakingup the stairs and towards her room, Varric used all of his skills asa thief to make sure he moved silently; the last thing he needed wasto be found in Bethany’s room without a ready explanation. Once at thedoor, he leaned in, hoping to hear the sounds from inside. To hissurprise, he heard Isabela’s voice.
“Justa couple more hair pins and you’re ready to go, sweetness.”
Forthe life of him, Varric could not understand why that pirate womanwas in Bethany’s room, doing her hair, out of all things.
“Doyou think he’ll like it?” he heard her ask in a timid, unsurevoice.
He?Varric quickly wrecked his brain, trying to figure out which mancould have caught Bethany’s eye and drew a blank. She used to have acrush on Anders at one point, but he had been certain she had movedon from that. Something about being possessed by a spirit ofVengeance had really turned her off.
“Honey,when he sees you all dolled up like this, he will have no choice butto ravish you on the spot,” Isabela replied in a drawl.
Asoft giggle tinkled from beyond the door.
“Ithink I will settle for him seeing me as a woman and not as Hawke’skid sister.”
Somethingnagged at Varric from the corners of his mind, but as much as hetried, the puzzle would not fall into place. The missing piecesstayed just outside of his reach and he sighed in frustration; heneeded to be more daring to achieve his goal.
Asquietly as he could manage, he leaned in towards the tiny spacebetween the door and the frame, and peeked inside. He could see therough picture of both women, one sitting and one standing, but the thingthat really caught his eyes was the enormous stuffed animal that satin Bethany’s lap. It was the ugliest cat on the planet, all brown andgray and patched up, but Bethany cradled it to her body like it wasthe most precious piece of jewelry she owned. It took all of Varric’sexperience and training to keep a surprised gasp from escaping hislips. He tiptoed back down the stairs, found the chair he had beenpreviously occupying, and fell into it with a heavy thump.
Ithad been exactly two years prior that he had offered to win that stupidstuffed animal from a merchant that had clearly stacked the oddsagainst any potential contestants. Varric being Varric, he saw theway Bethany coveted that ugly thing, so he made short work of theweighted arrows and the poorly constructed bow. The thankful grinshe gave him that day may have been the beginning of theseill-advised feelings. Which he now had a strong suspicion werereciprocated.
Anyfurther thoughts he might have had were promptly wiped from his mindthe moment he heard a soft tap of shoes against the stone floor. Hestood up and watched in wordless awe as Bethany fucking Hawkedescended down the staircase looking like a vision sent from Andrasteherself. The dress she chose to wear was of deep burgundy color thatsubtly accented the curve of her breast and fell perfectly around herhips in cascades of crushed velvet. A gold ribbon lined the edgesof her sleeves and collar, twinkling in tandem with the woven belt that cinchedher waist, rounding out the sparkle with a lovely necklace thatforced his eyes towards the visible swell of her chest.
Bythe time Varric’s eyes finally fell upon her face, a beautiful blushhad already colored her porcelain cheeks. Her lips had beenhighlighted with a lovely shade of red and her sparkling eyes weregently lined with kohl, making sure that by the time she stepped onthe ground floor, he stood perfectly still, captivated by her gaze.
“Hi,”she said quietly and broke him out of his stupor.
Feelingdrunk and reckless, he reached for her hand with slightly shakingfingers and pressed her knuckles to his lips. He may have heard herbreath stutter at the contact, but it did not matter anymore.
“Youlook beautiful tonight, Bethany,” he said in a voice thatdefinitely sounded gruffer than usual. “Shall we head out?”
Hereyes widened at the use of her given name, the chocolate brownsparkling with emotions Varric was not yet willing to decipher.
“Ofcourse,” Bethany said and smiled as she moved past him.
Heonce more watched the sway of her hips, slightly exaggerated by theshoes she wore, admired the beautiful slope of her shoulders onlypartially covered by the cascade of raven hair, and the shy littlesmile she sent him when she turned to make sure he was following.
Andhe knew, then: Hawke would definitelyhave his skin.
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Another Teenage Blogger.
Welcome to my page or, if you’re just scrolling through tags and this came up then it would be extremely appreciated if you would take a second to read. 
This page here is something I decide to create for a mixture of reasons, to post my Thoughts, Ideas and somewhere to Post the little bit of photography I do. 
For my first post I decided I would start off with the ‘100 Questions you’ve never been asked before tag’ 
Also, side note; This blog will be semi Anonymous. 
1. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? I only have curtains but they stay closed.
2. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels? Who doesn’t?
3. Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? IN.
4. Have you stolen a street sign before? Not yet 
5. Do you like to use post-it notes? I have them Everywhere.
6. Do you cut out coupons but then never use them? I’ve done it in the past...
7. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees? Bear!
8. Do you have freckles? A few across my nose
9. Do you always smile for pictures? Only when I have to
10. What is your biggest pet peeve? People who won’t Listen to others who don’t have the same views or opinions.
11. Do you ever count your steps when you walk? When I’m anxious
12. Have you peed in the woods? Multiple times 
13. Have you ever pooped in the woods? Noooo
14. Do you ever dance even if there’s no music playing? Guilty 
15. Do you chew your pens and pencils? Sadly yes....
16. How many people have you slept with this week? Living that Virgin Lifeeee
17. What size is your bed? Twin.....
18. What is your song of the week? New man By:Ed Sheeran
19. Is it OK for guys to wear pink? Of course, Fuck gender stereotypes 
20. Do you still watch cartoons? All the time
21. What is your least favorite movie? The Shining
22. Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some? Under a tree
23. What do you drink with dinner? Usually Milk or Soda
24. What sauce do you dip a chicken nugget in? Ranch
25. What is your favorite food? Chicken? Fruit? Ranch (lol)
26. What movies could you watch over and over again and still love? 21 Jump street 
27. Last person you kissed/kissed you? A guy 
28. Were you ever a boy/girl scout? Girl scout, for a year
29. Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine? Not my thing
30. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper? I write them but don’t send them, a few weeks ago
31. Can you change the oil on a car?.....No
32. Ever gotten a speeding ticket? Nope
33. Ever ran out of gas? Almost
34. What’s your favorite kind of sandwich? Peanut butter & Marshmallow fluff
35. Best thing to eat for breakfast? Parfait or smoothie 
36. What is your usual bedtime? It’s 2AM right now so....
37. Are you lazy? I’d like to say no but.....
38. When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween? A princess for a few years
39. What is your Chinese astrological sign? Taurus?
40. How many languages can you speak? Barely 1 
41. What magazines do you read? Nylon
42. Which are better: legos or lincoln logs? LEGOS
43. Are you stubborn? Not at all.....
44. Who is better: Leno or Letterman? No.
45. Ever watch soap operas? Not usually
46. Are you afraid of heights? Not really
47. Do you sing in the car? Always
48. Do you sing in the shower? Only if I’m home alone
49. Do you dance in the car? Very Badly
50. Ever used a gun? Nope
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? I believe it was November of 2016
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? I loved High school musical 
53. Is Christmas stressful? I love Christmas but it can be.
54. Ever eat a pierogi? not that I know of....
55. Favorite type of fruit pie? Banana cream pie
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? A vet
57. Do you believe in ghosts? Honestly I don’t know
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? I have a few times
59. Do you take a vitamin daily? I have them, I don’t take them
60. Do you wear slippers? I am usually bare-foot
61. Do you wear a bath robe? Nope
62. What do you wear to bed? Typically just a T-shirt and underwear
63. What was your first concert? Taylor Swift in 2011
64. Walmart, Target, or Kmart? Can’t beat Midnight Walmart trips
65. Nike or Adidas? Adidas
66. Cheetos or Fritos? Cheetos
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? Sunflower seeds
68. Ever hear of the group Tres Bien? Apparently not
69. Ever take dance lessons? I did but had to quit
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? Honestly, anything as long as they are passionate 
71. Can you curl your tongue? yes, and twist it 
72. Ever won a spelling bee? HAHAHAHA no. I fell asleep during one once
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? A few times
74. Own any record albums? A full box.
75. Own a record player? Not anymore :(
76. Do you regularly burn incense? I used to, I need to buy more
77. Ever been in love? I honestly believe I have yes.
78. Who would you like to see in concert? Panic! at the disco
79. What was the last concert you saw? 5 seconds of summer
80. Hot tea or cold tea? Both
81. Tea or coffee? Coffee 
82. Sugar cookies or snickerdoodles? Sugar Cookies 
83. Can you swim well? It’s my only sport 
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? Yep 
85. Are you patient? Typically, more so with kids then adults.
86. DJ or band at a wedding? DJ
87. Ever won a contest? Nope 
88. Have you ever had plastic surgery? noooo
89. Which are better: black or green olives? Neither....
90. Can you knit or crochet? Very badly but both
91. Best room for a fireplace? Living room
92. Do you want to get married? yep
93. If married, how long have you been married? Single 
94. Who was your high school crush? D <3
95. Favorite Animal Names? Scarlett 
96. Do you have kids? Nope
97. Do you want kids? YES!
98. What is your favorite color? I like groups of colors....
99. Do you miss anyone right now? A few people
100. Favorite kid names? Jacob and Mckenzie 
I hope you learned a little bit about me from this post, future posts could be tags, diaries or just little things I want to get off my chest.
Xx, B 
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redcoatoflight · 8 years
The Summer at Lake Valor: Chapter One
Fanfic Link Here
Summary: When Top Coordinator Dawn Berlitz finally gets chance to meet her penpal Drew Hayden, she decides to use this as an opportunity to reunite him with his old flame, May. But little do they know, everything is about to change when the lives of Dawn, May, Misty, Gary, Drew, and Ash collide at Lake Valor’s Hotel Grand Resort. Major Pokeshipping, Contestshipping, and Cavaliershipping.
RoseradePetals has just logged on! Dawn was in earshot of the ping noise her laptop made from receiving the notification. That was probably Andrew, her internet pen pal from Hoenn. They’d been exchanging messages through the pokepen chatrooms for the past several months. Pokepen was nothing like your average social media site, full of demanding creeps who harass others. Pen pals were assigned here, paired up by interests and trainer description. Andrew was a Coordinator, just like Dawn. And she was determined to meet him today at the Lakeside Resort’s Grand Hotel at Lake Valor for the summer trip.
NoNeedToWorry has just logged on! Dawn slid into her seat and clicked on Andrew’s chatbox, opening up the new message he sent her.
RoseradePetals: I imagine that username of yours only makes people worry more. LOL!
NoNeedToWorry: Oh, give me a break “Roserade Petals” what were you even thinking?
RoseradePetals: Hey, Roserade is a very elegant Pokemon! You wouldn’t be knocking my username if you knew a thing or two about that. :P
NoNeedToWorry: All of your usernames always have something to do with roses, makes me wonder if you’re even a guy. Probably a catfish. :o
RoseradePetals: Well you’re about to find out today, aren’t you? Who knows, you’re probably the catfish, Dawn! How do I know you’re not like, Team Rocket or something behind those emails? Probably reeling me in so you can force me to join you!
NoNeedToWorry: UM! Morbid much? That was like the worst thing you could come up with lmao but Arceus, never! Anyways, don’t worry, you’re going to meet two coordinators today because my BFF May is going to be there right next to me.
RoseradePetals: Whoa, wtf that’s crazy you know, cause’ I dated a Coordinator named May at one point lmao
NoNeedToWorry: “Dated” as in past tense, because you probably scared her off with your obsession with Roserade petals.
RoseradePetals: Let’s see if you’ll be so cheeky when we meet IRL!
NoNeedToWorry: Same to you! But you know I don’t mean that.
RoseradePetals: Better. She… truly meant a lot to me. It’s a long story.
NoNeedToWorry: Maybe you could tell me at the Lakeside Resort if you feel like it.
RoseradePetals is typing…
“Dawn!” A voice called from outside, followed up with a sound of a car honking. That was May, waiting for her to come outside. Her little red car was visible from the corner of the window.
Shoot, Dawn sped over to her window and opened it, “Hold on, May. I’ll be right there!” she quickly popped back down her chair to say goodbye to Andrew.
NoNeedToWorry: Anyways, I gtg. Ttyl.. irl I’m actually really looking forward to it!
RoseradePetals: Yeah, same here. See you!
NoNeedToWorry has logged off.
RoseradePetals has logged off.
“Coming!” Dawn yelled out, shutting off her laptop and packing it inside her suitcase. She ran downstairs and made her way out. Johanna kissed her goodbye and saw her off as she rushed into May’s car.
“God, Dawn. What was holding you up?” May put her foot on the pedal and turned right out of Dawn’s house, checking her mirrors. “Was it that pen pal of yours again? Andrew?”
“Yeah, sorry about that.” Dawn strapped on her seatbelt slumping into her seat, “We were just talking and we’re finally going to meet at the Lakeside Resort! I get to spend the whole summer hanging out with you and my pen pal in person! How great is that?” For Dawn, this was going to be a great experience. Only the most accomplished Pokémon Trainers were invited out to this year’s summer trip. Both Dawn and May had become grand festival champions at some point over the years, which qualified invitations for each of them. That meant Andrew had to have been a pretty good Coordinator himself.
But May, however, was not all that enthusiastic. She was silent, uncomfortable. When the traffic light turns red, her eyes were staring straight at the road, contemplating something. She and Dawn had kept a pretty solid friendship over the years. They even began travelling together right after they both won a grand festival contest from their respective regions. But the last several months hadn’t exactly been so easy for May, not since Dawn had signed up for a pen pal service over the internet. She was never against her communication with Andrew. It’s just that the more Dawn talked about him, the more he sounded like-
“Um… May?”
May shook her head, snapping from her daze, “You’re fine, Dawn. It’s just—your pen pal somehow reminds me an awful lot of my first true love.” Her heart tightened up at the confession.
Dawn raised her eyebrows in surprise, “What?! No way! Oh, come on, May. Now you’ve gotta tell me everything.”
“Okay, I used to date this Coordinator I was traveling with before I competed at the Grand Festival in Hoenn again, and I know that has absolutely nothing to do with your pen pal but when you told me he was a Coordinator from the Hoenn region, that was the first person I thought of. Those letters Andrew sent you reminded me of everything I used to share with him.” May said this all in one breath, trying not to reel from her memories because she was on the road.
“I’m so sorry, May. I had no idea.” Dawn’s voice took on a soft but shocked tone. She supposed this was just one of the few things she didn’t know about her. But with the disappointment layering over May’s face, Dawn couldn’t blame her for not talking about it. But then she suddenly remembers the message Andrew sent her. That’s crazy you know, cause’ I dated a Coordinator named May at one point. May didn’t know that Andrew told her that, though. “I don’t mean to pry, but could you tell me his name? Are you two still in contact?” Dawn asked, her eyes filled with curiosity.
She paused, trailing off, brown bangs falling over the corner of her eye, “His name was Drew. And I never saw him ever again.”
The moment the light turns green again is exactly when Dawn put two and two together. Andrew, the name clicks into her brain, with emphasize on Drew. Dawn didn’t think much of it then, but now she knew just exactly who she’d be looking for.
The Lakeside Resort is bustling with crowds of elite trainers and top coordinators. Most of the were recognizable because of the fame they’d obtained. When the both of them arrived, their baggage’s were picked up by a few bellboys to be moved to wherever their assigned suite was.
“I wonder if I’ll see anyone I know.” Dawn said, referring to old friends rather than celebrities she’d competed with in the past. She’d hope to be able to see what they were all up to after all these years. It was mostly all in the news.
Ash went back home to Pallet Town to start all over and won the Kanto League.
Brock achieved his dream of becoming a Pokémon Doctor, working alongside Nurse Joy.
Cupid Lyra managed to beat out Lance and became Johto’s newest Champion… and opened a matchmaking business after that.
Kenny finally became a Top Coordinator.
Nando became a Top Coordinator and made top four in multiple conferences.
Barry became a poketech model.
And Gary Oak was now one of the most renowned Pokémon Researchers to date.
Lastly, there was Zoey. She was still a traveling Top Coordinator, but Dawn never heard much from her after they competed against each other for the second time in the Sinnoh Grand Festival, which resulted in Dawn’s first victory against her.
It was nice to know they’d all become so accomplished, but it wasn’t quite the same as when Dawn was traveling with Ash and Brock.
“After that Veilstone City traffic I had to go through, I just hope I don’t see some of my old rivals here.” May puffed, crossing her arms. “Anyways, my suite number is 192. So, meet me there if you need me!” May waved, taking off.
“Alright!” Dawn waved back, waiting for May to be out of sight before initiating her plan. As Lyra used to say, for this matchmaker—it’s cupid time!
“Could I get this note to go to Drew’s room? You know, the Coordinator Drew? It's very urgent.” Dawn slipped a hundred-dollar bill to the receptionist with the note.
The receptionist nods, taking the cash and sending a bellboy to do the favor.
“Thank you so much!” Dawn winked, waving off, “You’re a huge help!”
“Please don’t tell me that was a love letter to the famous Top Coordinator Drew.” A voice crept up on Dawn from behind.
“Oh, as if!” Dawn put her hands on her hips, her chin raised up, not facing the source of the sound. “I’ll have you know, I’d never have feelings for someone I haven’t even met! Let alone write a love letter.”
“Well, that’s good, because then I’d have to trash this poem I wrote for you if you had eyes for someone else.”
“Huh?” Dawn’s eyes perked up, that voice sounded familiar. Her blue locks whip around her shoulders when she turns around to face the source. “Gary?! You’re here too?!”
Gary chuckled, his brown hair was messier than ever, “Surprise, haven’t seen you in a while.” His arms spread wide open.
“No kidding! Oh, my god, I missed you!” Dawn exclaimed, skipping over to give him a quick, tight hug. “Tell me how you’ve been! I haven’t seen any of my old friends in forever, you know. C'mon, you’ve gotta tell me about the cool adventures and breakthroughs you’ve had as a researcher!”
“And I will, Dawn.” Gary assured her, “But not before you tell me about your journey leading up to your fame as a Top Coordinator. You’ve been in so many Grand Festivals!”
Dawn beamed at him, “Well, that’s no fair because I asked first!”
“Okay, we’ll play rock, paper scissors. Best two out of three! Loser has to go first.” Gary pumped his fist.
“Oh, you are so on!” Dawn pumped up her fist as well.
“Rock, paper, scissors…”
An envelope slipped in room number 190, Drew Hayden’s suite. His eyes perked up in curiosity, picking it up and opening it.
Hey there, Andrew!
Or should I say RoseradePetals?
Today is finally the day, huh?
Anyways, if you’re reading this, it means we’ve both finally arrived.
So, I’ve got this great idea.
In thirty minutes, come meet me at Suite #192.
It’ll save the trouble of looking for each other in this huge crowd.
- NoNeedToWorry
Drew chuckled. So, she’s finally here. And only two doors down from him, too. He flipped his green bangs from his eyes, Alright, Dawn. See you later.
“I cannot believe we’re roommates!” May exclaimed excitedly, hugging Misty, “If I’d known you’d be here, I would’ve told Ash when he called me from the PC in the Pokémon Center!”
“Wait, Ash is going to be here too?!” Misty gasped, “I haven’t seen him since he won the Kanto League, god he’s becoming a greater trainer each and every day. It’s like he turned into a full champion right before my eyes! May, he looked SO different when we reunited in Kanto. It was like the boy I once knew finally became a man!” she said that last bit in a dreamy tone.
May blinked, going through her thoughts, “Misty, are you and Ash…” she twiddled her thumbs, which has been a habit for her every time she asked a question that made her feel uncomfortable “…You know— ”
There fire set in Misty’s eyes were as red as her hair, “NO FREAKIN’ WAY!” she yelled, tossing a nearby pillow at May, causing her to fall face down on the ground, “AS IF I’D EVER! NOT WITH THAT KID!”
“G-Guess it was wrong to step on that minefield…” May stammered, her body lying flat on the floor.
Before Misty could spit out anymore disgust with May, there was a knock on the door. A voice rang from the other side. “May, open up! It’s me!”
“O-Oh look, right on time! Misty, you really need to meet my best friend Dawn, she was also one of Ash’s traveling companions!” May rushed up off the ground and ran to the door, pulling Dawn in and shutting it quickly.
“Uh—” Dawn started, only to be cut off by May.
“Dawn, Misty. Misty, Dawn.”
“Oh, my gosh!” Dawn clapped her hands together and beamed, “You’re even cuter as a full sized human!”
“Um, what?” Misty uttered in confusion.
“Oh, when Ash and I journeyed together, we went fishing once. And he took out the CUTEST red-headed fishing lure and told me you gave it to him. He wouldn’t even let me touch it!”
Misty nearly blushed, “H-He still kept it? After all that time?”
“Wow, Misty. He must have told Dawn all about you.” May smirked at her.
The faint red streak from Misty’s face had vanished as soon as May said that, shooting a deathly glare at her “For the last time, May—”
“Anyways,” Dawn announced, shaking her head, “Listen up! I came here because my pen pal is going to be knocking on that door at any moment, we’re finally going to meet him for the first time!” She directed that last bit to May, looking her in the eye.
“A pen pal? Misty tilted her head, letting the reality of what she said seep into her brain before scrunching her face in repulsion, "YOU MEAN SOME GROSS, CREEPY STRANGER ON THE INTERNET IS GOING TO KNOCK ON OUR SUITE?! DAWN, YOU’VE GOTTA GET RID OF HIM!”
But Misty would find that it was too late, as someone was already knocking on the door, “Oh, great…” Misty softly grumbled, rushing over the kitchen counter to hide while May followed suit.
“Shhh,” Dawn whispered, placing a finger on her lip, “Quiet.” She turned on the handle, revealing a mop of green hair on a male figure.
“Dawn?” his yes dilated upward.
“Mhm, Andrew.” Dawn nodded, smirking.
“Well, what do you know.” Drew flipped his bangs with his fingers, “My pen pal was the Top Coordinator Dawn. And here I thought I was talking to a complete nobody.” He laughed at his own joke.
Dawn beamed at him, “Trust me, today is going to be full of surprises. Guess I was wrong about you being catfish, why don’t you come in? I want you to meet May and Misty. She widened the door opened.
He took a few steps inside the suite, with Dawn following behind.
"Okay, guys, you can come on out and meet Drew.” Dawn said with as much clarity in her voice possible.
“Wait, Drew?” May’s head was the first to pop up. She walked over to him in disbelief, “No way…”
Drew took a step back, the shock was slowly morphing its way into his face, “May?!”
Dawn stood by and watched the scene unfold as the two stared at each other in awe and surprise.
“Hey.” May started.
“It’s been awhile-” Drew beamed at her faintly.
Misty popped out from the kitchen counter angrily, “You invited a fuckboy into our suite?! Dawn, I’m going to let this one slide since you probably didn’t know any better, but he can’t be trusted!”
Drew’s eyebrows furrowed, “Okay, who’s the redhead and what the hell her problem?”
“Misty, stop! It’s okay!” May grabbed her by the arms, holding a thrashing Misty back from rearranging Drew’s face.
“Whoa!” Dawn exclaimed, running over to help May, pulling Misty back from him as much as possible.
Dawn tightened her grasp on Misty’s arm, “Drew!” she grunted, “Step back!”
“Drewy-kins!” A familiar, feminine voice interrupted, the sound of heels clicked into the room, “Are you done meeting your pen pal yet? I got tired of waiting.”
“Drewy-kins?” May grimaced, loosening her grip on Misty.
Dawn let go, whipping her head to the source of the voice. From the bottom of her Mary-jane heels to her signature pastel blue dress and strawberry blonde hair drills—it was Ursula.
“What’s the prissy Barbie doing here?” Misty snorted as soon as she stopped her thrashing completely.
“Excuse me, Ariel but my name’s Ursula and I’m here because you and your little friends are holding my boyfriend hostage.” She rolled her eyes, and shot Dawn a look, “Nice seeing you again, Dee Dee.”
“Boyfriend?” May snapped her head towards Drew, who looked at her with as much disappointment.
Looks like my matchmaking plan was a bust. “Why don’t you come over here and say that to my face!” Dawn challenged her, stepping forward with her fist clenched, only for Misty to grab her wrists. Never in her life did she hate Kenny so damn much.
“It’s not worth it, Dawn. The people in China would just make another one in her place.” She smirked at the displeasure surfacing in Ursula’s face.
“I just love it when exes downgrade.” Misty’s smirk doesn’t falter.
“Oh, please!” Dawn exclaimed, “Drew is way too down to earth to go out with someone like you.”
“Well then, I hate to break it to you Dee Dee, because we’ve been an item ever since he started sending letters to that pen pal of his.” Ursula nearly hissed, “So which one of you is it?”
“That would be me.” Dawn said sweetly, watching the lines scrunch up on Ursula’s forehead.
“Well, Drew. I think it’s time for you to leave! You wouldn’t want to catch dandruff in your perfect hair now, would you?” Ursula smirked.
Dawn took out Pachirisu’s pokeball, “I’m about to show you how I got that nickname in the first place!”
“Dawn, stop.” Drew finally said, “And you stop, too, Ursula.” He shot a glare at her, “She’s my friend and she’s just as important to me as you are. So, can you guys please try to be civil? At least around me?” he pleaded.
Dawn was the first to give in to agreement, pocketing away Pachirisu’s pokeball. “Okay, sure.”
Ursula rolled her eyes, letting out a very exaggerated sigh before responding, “Fine, but you’re coming back to my suite once you’re done!”
Misty interjected, “Actually, he should just get going right about now. I mean, you do know that it’s rude to leave your trash in other people’s suites, right?”
“Misty.” May hissed, “That’s enough. If Dawn and Ursula can agree to be civil with each other for Drew’s sake, then you and Drew should do it for mine.”
Misty looked at her guiltily, “I’m sorry, I was just trying to look out for you.”
“Hey, I was civil.” Drew pointed out, “She was the one that started it.”
Misty shook out of her apologetic mood, cracking her knuckles together, “Why don’t I go ahead and finish it then, huh?”
“You guys!” May yelled.
“Okay, sorry we’ll be civil.” Both Misty and Drew said in unison.
When all was said and done, Drew and Dawn made reservations at the Seven Star Restaurant to have lunch tomorrow. It was the end of the day, and Dawn hadn’t even got a chance to see her suite yet.
“Alright, #191 is right next to May and Misty’s suite.” Dawn took out her key card, sliding it through the lock, “I wonder who my roommate is going to be…” she murmured to herself, walking inside the room. Her bags were placed near the living room couch, next to a few other different suitcases.
Maybe it’ll be someone she knew, like Zoey. It would’ve been great for them to catch up again, it might even be a gym leader like Candace or Maylene. Dawn always got along with those two very well. Or, it could’ve be Lyra. That didn’t sound too bad.
Dawn nearly dropped her jaw at the pastel drenched figure with stiff strawberry blonde hair curls. “Arceus, hell no.”
Or, it was Ursula.
“Hell no is right.” Ursula retorts, “What do you think you're doing here, Dee Dee?”
“What am I doing here?! This is my suite!” Dawn whipped out her key card, “My room number. #191.”
Ursula also whips out her key card in response, “Well, you’re mistaken because this is mine!”
“Oh my ARCEUS. Please don’t tell me you’re my roommate.” Dawn groaned. “There’s no way I’m going to share a room with your sabotaging ass!”
“We’re not roommates, Dawn. Because this is MY room.”
“As if I’d just hand it over to you!”
“I got here first!”
“Right, just like how you were also the first to get eliminated from the Wallace Cup, but that’s none of my business!” Dawn stuck her tongue out as she played the petty card.
“Bringing up a loss from what was years ago?” Ursula’s irritation became visible in her twitched eyes, “Grow up, Dee Dee!”
“That’s because you keep using that age-old nickname from all those same years ago!”
“You’re not getting this room!”
“I have a right to be here too, Ursula!”
“Fine! We’ll share.” Ursula hissed, “You stay out of my way, I stay out of yours.”
“Hmph!” Dawn crossed her arms, “And we both get equal halves of this suite.”
“Deal.” Ursula quickly but reluctantly agrees.
I’m probably not even going to be here all that often. A thought ran through Dawn’s head, followed by a mental sigh.
Over by the docks, three young men had emerged from a small little boat. The one with a Pikachu on his shoulder took a nice, long stretch as the boat sailed off, while the one with the sketch book started a sea portrait. The tallest of them all lowered the map in his hand, knowing for a fact that they’d arrived at Lake Valor’s Grand Hotel Resort.
“Alright, Pikachu, we’re here!” Ash beamed, pumping his fist up in the air, “Man, we haven’t been here since the Wallace Cup. I’m so psyched to be here!”
Tracey finished up the details to his drawing, “Viola, my first Sinnoh Sketch!” he held it up with pride, “This trip is already off to a great start.”
Brock stepped forward, eyeing the hotel, “May did say the girls would be here, right Ash? It’d be nice to have the whole gang together again. And it’s about time Dawn finally met Tracey.��
Before any of them could say a thing, the girls had already been ahead of them. Running towards the docks were Misty, May and Dawn- ready to greet the boys after many years of separation.
“No freakin’ way, it’s Ash!” Dawn exclaimed as she gave him a hi-five.
“It’s so great to see ya, Dawn!” Ash smiled widely, touched that she remembered their signature hi-five after all these years.
“Gosh, Tracey, you barely just got here and you’ve already finished a full portrait. You just never stop drawing do you?” May giggled.
“Some things never change.” Tracey beamed at her.
Misty almost cried when she saw Brock, “I haven’t seen you in forever! And what’s this about you being a doctor now? Oh my god. I bet you became a doctor just so you can get close to Nurse Joy, huh!” she smirked, arms crossed.
Brock scratched his neck awkwardly, “Well, you see…”
The six chatted it up for a little while, mingling amongst each other. Dawn and Tracey were finally acquainted. Misty and Ash reunited. And May could not wait to explore the Lakeside’s mall district with the only guy that didn’t dread shopping with her.
She snatched the map from him, pointing at the shopping district, “Brock, you have no idea how many new stores they’ve put up here! If we go now, we’ll have a full six hours to shop before the midnight curfew!”
“Speaking of time,” Misty started, “It’s about time Ash caught up with the rest of us and actually got himself a car. Everyone else drove here!”
“Misty, do you have any idea how expensive cars are?!” Ash flinched at the amount of zero’s that amounted to the price. Pikachu became dizzy at the idea of Ash strapping him to a seat belt, meaning he’d be restrained. (Although Pikachu had a very exaggerated version of seat belt restraint playing in his head.)
“Yeah, but you’re the Kanto League Champion now. You could afford it.” Misty shrugged.
“Driving takes away all the fun from the adventure!” Ash curled his fingers into his palm, “Plus, uh, I almost backed up mom’s car into Gary’s house once, so…” he smiled shyly.
“Typical Ash behavior.” May beat Misty to the punch as she said that, “But at least someone here finds it charming.” she smirked at Misty.
“Don’t you dare test me!” Misty chided.
“Huh?” Ash tilted his head, “Who finds me charming?”
Dawn snorted. But after witnessing what Misty almost did to Drew, she knew better than to interfere with matters involving Misty.
“No one.” Misty said, a little too quickly, “As if any girl would wanna date a guy who doesn’t have a car!”
“Guys, I wanna go shopping!” May almost whined, “And I’m also hungry… Brock, let’s go!” she tugged on his arm.
“Wait!” Brock stopped her, “What’s the rush? We’re all here together now, and most of us have traveled with each other before. Don’t you think this little reunion calls for a group picture?”
“Oh!” Ash’s eyes perked up, digging in his backpack with his hand, “We can take it with my phone. It’s the latest model so it’s got the best camera!” he pulled out a slim white phone with a pokeball case, installed with the latest Pokedex Updates.
“Whoa, that’s so cute!” Dawn exclaimed dreamily, “I’m so getting that model!”
“That’s Ash for ya.” Misty rolled her eyes, “Always got his priorities messed up, picking a new phone over a car.”
“Well, I don’t need a car to become the greatest Pokemon Master!” Ash stuck his tongue out at her.
“Uh,” Tracey coughs, speaking in a way that only Ash could hear, “However, you do need one if you’re planning on taking a certain special someone out on a date.”
“THAT’S RIDICULOUS!” Ash yelled, his Pikachu shook his head.
Dawn whips out a hairbrush and started carefully brushing through her locks, “So, are we gonna actually do this thing or what? I wanna look as good as I can for our reunion picture! C'mon, it’s a pretty big deal.”
“Alright, alright!” Brock projects his voice and manages to settle everyone down, getting them ready for the picture.
“Let’s take more than one, I wanna send a couple of these to Max back in Hoenn.” May smiled and struck a pose.
“Okay… one… two…” Ash beamed for a final click as he raised his phone up in the air to get everyone in the picture, “…Three!" Snap.
"Pika pi!”
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Into The Future/Afterlife Freestyle Creative Fiction Series episode Five-Start of Creative Fiction Career Stories by Stella Carrier
oops I needed to remember to put her name which I used the name generator  to come up with naomi newman
Into The Future/Afterlife Freestyle Creative Fiction Series episode Five-Start of Creative Fiction Career Stories by Stella CarrierJuly 19, 2018 Into The Future/Afterlife Freestyle Creative Fiction Series episode Five-Start of Creative Fiction Career Stories by Stella Carrier start time of mini story 841 pmcompletion time of mini story (counting gathering of resources and sharing on certain social media outlets) 1105pm It is the year 2141 on August 30th and I am a 30 year employee who just celebrated my 60th birthday last week. I work at the University of Heart at Restaurant City less than 2 miles between the University of Maryland College Park Campus and a newly build community college that was built by the year 2090 that is a special writing and food publicity teaching college. Some of the things I do involve baking goods, setting up for food orders at various music events sponsored at the campuses in the area, and I work with some of the restaurants that set up shop on the campus by the year 2139. Yes, you heard that right over 50 different private sector restaurants are set up side by side. I manage the baking goods and cook some of the meats in  2 of the restaurants. I Naomi Newman typically work from 7am to 6pm each day because some of my day to day work involves travel time to places both across the country and globe. For instance, 2 writing workshops less than a mile from here order their food from our company and the University of Maryland and our university has some shared restaurant/food mall agreements with other college and universities across the Maryland, Virginia, District of Columbia and abroad. For instance, a concert arena complete with its own 2 mile stretch of 50 supermarkets and restaurants was added to the area between this university and the University of Maryland by the year 2089. What this has to do with me and the 55000 other food employees is this; Panera Bread won a contract to do business with our college, the University of Maryland College Park campus, the 2 writing colleges and our sister campuses in Switzerland, Virginia, and Bethesda Maryland. What does this have to do with me you may ask; Well I have from 10 am to 3pm to travel to help give bread baking contest supplies to 42 other employees who are demonstrating in Arlington Virginia and 70 employees who are representing our school at a bread festival being held in Switzerland.  It is expected that I choose when to take my meal break as the trains that I travel on can easily take me all the way to Europe within an hour or less. By the year 2092 there were many eateries and other types of businesses built into underground train stations both across the U.S. and the globe and I could tell you stories just of that alone. When I say other types of businesses yes both the family friendly kind and the controversial kind. For instance, a place that I shall leave unnamed for good reasons gave me great massaging services and had been doing so for the past 10 years and this made this an easy decision to tip well for superb services rendered. However, halfway between my most recent massage session a female that I trusted handed me off to one of her male friends without asking me first. He was attractive and he heard about my reputation somehow as he told me during the session and despite the surprise I was almost about to tip him well until right as I thought he left the room I got up to put my clothes on and less than 60 seconds later he pounced on me and much to his surprise I got up and slammed him against the wall and advised him regardless of how slutty or sensual a female is  in her reputation that he needs to always make sure that she is in the mood. I have yet to go back to that business and I even gave another safer reason why I choose to avoid going when the female contacted me one day to politely ask me why I go to another massage business. I could easily bluntly tell her the deal yet the caveat is that the aggressive romeo I told you about is  her best friend's boyfriend and this best friend is related to one of my career mentors which is why I live by the rule that sometimes some things are better left unsaid andor carried into death. However, I Naomi Newman am filled with more joy/elation to share the following A recent sleeptime dream I had; I was helping 23 of multiple celebrities with portraying parts that I wrote a story script for yes I am a part time creative fiction writer. This was less than 2 months after the script was sold for movie rights.  2 of these celebrities invited me to hang out with them at the spiritual centers they are a part of. volunteering-I volunteer part time for a lottery headquarters that helps set up parties and organizes choice of food from the lottery winners. I also work as a DJ part time at a club called Monster which was founded by a fan of Lady Gaga. Volunteers to serve andor make food at various events affiliated with Busch Gardens Williamsburg on an occasional basis. more details to eventually cometherapy andor life coach-has 5 of them-a career psychic who is a lookalike of Kelly Rowland in the music video for Commander with David Guetta who is also a retired naval commander, an intuitive life and social relationship building coach who resembles Armin Van Buuren in the music video of Therapy feat. James Newman and who also works part time as a chef at a museum, a therapist resembling Brittany Murphy in the Faster video with Paul Oakenfold and who has even been invited for free to Paul Oakenfold tribute concerts, a law of attraction writing author storytelling coach who resembles the singer from Angel City in the Do You Know music video who also speaks and organizes many writing workshops both across the U.S. and abroad, upcoming plans for free time andor funany vacation goals-Going to dinner with an Amazon mall employee who she met at  a Pet Shop Boys concert during the Miracle music videospiritual beliefs of each character andor awareness of spirit guides/spirit alliessleeptime dreams that impacted me-has over 40 spirit guides with one of then named who worked as a cruise ship cook in his most recent earth life before he passed over by the year 2080.advice that came from my life coaches to help me build upon my wisdom further knowledge etc. the lookalike of Kelly Rowland recommends that I look at trends relating to both male and female success stories/male and female success stories to help strengthen my awareness that wisdom and spiritual evolution can continue to happen regardless of one's age. Even though  she is my career mentor she also explained to me why she was getting the feeling from one of her celestial spirit guides that I need to remember the concept of trains for a multiple number of my dream stories. resourceshttps://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/20th-century-english-names.php#.Wx8w1-4vycwsymbolism of restaurant city gamesome weird sleeptime dreams I had less than a year ago where I was at work where one of the work food stations at the University of Maryland College was built installed next to a Baskin Robbins-the harvest salad station and some Baskin Robbins vendor were directly next to each other and some blonde haired female that I truthfully do not recall having met before was joyfully working at the stand serving the customers. My late adoptive mother was Caucasian and she did color her hair blonde yet  I know that this female was not her because I easily recognize my late adoptive mother's energy  in my sleeptime dreams.  This female appears to not have even been born on earth yet and she seemed like a nice person and somehow I got the feeling from this sleeptime dream  I intuitively got the feeling that I may have been looking at something that is over 50 years into the future when I am easily at least 80-90 years old in my current earth lifetime andor after I have already passed on from the earth plane into the afterlife. During the same timeframe of this dream I was transported to another part of the work area where I spotted some  walking living potato having its way with some ambigous looking smaller living being happy to be taken away to be eaten (the size of the walking potato was of your normal looking potato and the ambiguous looking living being at least 3 times smaller than the potato).  I confess that even to this day I still have yet to decipher what my intuitive soul was trying to tell me with this sleeptime dream  because it unexpectedly popped up less than a month  after I had been praying for my destiny life long career life path  to be shown to me and I admit that so much was wandering in my head after i intuitively realized that I need to be clearer in my intent with the universe when deciphering my career life destiny. What I do know for sure; I did feel a sense of synchronicity with my soul and brave/confident in this strange sleeptime dream at least the part where I saw the baskin robbins part-it is not in my destiny cards to work at baskin robbins rather I sense my intuitive soul was trying to tell me something that some of the private sector eateries in the area may merge/combine with some of the eating establishments 50 years into the future-hopefully well after the 2060s andor later-the potato part I think might have just been some symbology of something my soul picked up on for me to figure out months from now and may only make more sense years from now. I'm aware that I continue to have so much to learn yet this is one clue where I can tell the difference between sleeptime dreams influenced by my human ego andor external influences compared to subliminally picking up sleeptime dreams influenced by the language of my intuitive soul/heaven influenced higher self/my celestial spirit ally team-the sleeptime dreams have a quality where I am feeling self confident andor with a sense of celestial divine life purpose andor a sense of mystical knowing/awareness from the sleeptime dream.volunteeringtherapy andor life coach psychic coachupcoming plans for free time andor funany vacation goalsspiritual beliefs of each character andor awareness of spirit guides/spirit alliessleeptime dreams that impacted meadvice that came from my life coaches to help me build upon my wisdom further knowledge etc. I preface sharing this freestyle story that I am doing as creative writing therapy both to show appreciation for all who look at my online writings yet to also make this clear; I am humbly and modestly touched at an online communication I received pertaining to someone who wants to become a career coach. However with both modest and brave intent, I must make it clear that I do not plan to become a career coach as I sense that I am destined for a career path(s) completely different from career coach. Rather, I am writing this for other reasons pertaining to wanting to be employed as a career coach one of the reasons I feel comfortable sharing  that my creative fiction genre freestyle writings are a form of creative writing therapy. Additionally, I notice that the more I write, the more my wiser parts of my logic and creative intuition are activated/increase for the benefit of the wisdom I seek for greater knowledge and application of that knowledge in various areas of my life both offline and online.With that out of the way, here is today’s mini story I Stella Carrier Humbly Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future. I also welcome any and all forms of spiritual assistance and divine intervention in all areas of my life both present and future. I Stella Carrier give thanks for the blessing of a sweet and handsome husband who is supportive of my education and career goals for both present and future.I Stella Carrier feel blessed to be an American born woman who has the freedom to live wherever I desire within the United States regardless of my economic andor career situation.Every Day I Stella Carrier Become More Creative, Intuitive, and Imaginative.Each Day I Stella C songs for me to keep in mind; Faster Kill Pussycat by Paul Oakenfold feat. Brittany Murphy, Miracles by Pet Shop Boys, Close Your Eyes by Novaspace,Commander by David Guetta and Kelly Rowland, Monster by Lady Gaga, Fever by Adam Lambert, Do You Know by Angel City,Therapy by Armin Van Buuren feat. James Newman I admit that I find this lottery win story of sisters Sharon Calhoun and Juanita Simpson to be a feel good story as both women seem extremely happy from the photo. https://pilotonline.com/entertainment/lottery/article_8322e942-8b72-11e8-80e0-3f27cfc5c1e2.htmlVirginia Beach Sisters Win $10 Million From the Lottery by Robyn Siderskyhttps://pilotonline.com/entertainment/lottery/article_8322e942-8b72-11e8-80e0-3f27cfc5c1e2.html new idea added creative fiction storytelling at 1108 pm sisters celebrate lottery win at both Walt Disney World and certain other key places within the US and abroad The steak pictured in this Robb Report  Santa Monica California themed article looks delicious.https://robbreport.com/food-drink/dining/best-restaurants-santa-monica-venice-citrin-eg18-2807135/A Michelin Star Chef's Guide To Dining In Santa Monica and Venice by Jeremy Repanich about Josiah Citrinhttps://robbreport.com/food-drink/dining/best-restaurants-santa-monica-venice-citrin-eg18-2807135/new idea added creative fiction storytelling at 1110 pm-Some writers from Robb Report magazine team up to invest in some of the restaurants a year after some were written about with over ten times their return on investment added by 1106 pmhttps://buschgardens.com/williamsburg/dining/ new idea added creative fiction storytelling at 1111 pm a couple celebrating their 50 year wedding anniversary stop at Busch Gardens Williamsburg to have one of their renewal of vow ceremonies at one of the renewal of vow ceremonies added by the year 2100 unexpectedly popped up online tonight posted by 1107pmHarvard Extension Schoolhttps://www.extension.harvard.edu/harvard-education-designed-you?utm_source=quantcast&utm_medium=display&utm_campaign=EXT&utm_content=people&utm_term=FY19&=8269304&=20585867&=4339983&=224821654&=422881367 new idea added creative fiction storytelling at 1114 pmA female entrepreneur of childrens snacks aged 48 obtains her bachelor degrees from Harvard on the same day that one of her companies make 3 times her original expected profit. popular women food businesses I strive to have an open mind about success stories by both men and women. However, the ambitious spirit in me indirectly influenced a positive feeling I have about sharing this inspirational story of 10 food brands founded by women. https://www.thedailymeal.com/eat/10-food-companies-you-didnt-know-were-founded-women-slideshow10 Food Companies You Didn't Know Were Found by Women by Slideshow by Daily Mealhttps://www.thedailymeal.com/eat/10-food-companies-you-didnt-know-were-founded-women-slideshow new idea added creative fiction storytelling at 1114 pm to 1115pmA workshop event is held in California that is almost like an oscar awards for business owners, an idea started by the year 2094
0 notes
Into The Future/Afterlife Freestyle Creative Fiction Series episode Five-Start of Creative Fiction Career Stories by Stella Carrier
her name is Naomi Newman I realized that I needed to remember to give her a name I used the fantasy name generator website
Into The Future/Afterlife Freestyle Creative Fiction Series episode Five-Start of Creative Fiction Career Stories by Stella CarrierJuly 19, 2018 Into The Future/Afterlife Freestyle Creative Fiction Series episode Five-Start of Creative Fiction Career Stories by Stella Carrier start time of mini story 841 pmcompletion time of mini story (counting gathering of resources and sharing on certain social media outlets) 1105pm It is the year 2141 on August 30th and I am a 30 year employee who just celebrated my 60th birthday last week. I work at the University of Heart at Restaurant City less than 2 miles between the University of Maryland College Park Campus and a newly build community college that was built by the year 2090 that is a special writing and food publicity teaching college. Some of the things I do involve baking goods, setting up for food orders at various music events sponsored at the campuses in the area, and I work with some of the restaurants that set up shop on the campus by the year 2139. Yes, you heard that right over 50 different private sector restaurants are set up side by side. I manage the baking goods and cook some of the meats in  2 of the restaurants. I Naomi Newman typically work from 7am to 6pm each day because some of my day to day work involves travel time to places both across the country and globe. For instance, 2 writing workshops less than a mile from here order their food from our company and the University of Maryland and our university has some shared restaurant/food mall agreements with other college and universities across the Maryland, Virginia, District of Columbia and abroad. For instance, a concert arena complete with its own 2 mile stretch of 50 supermarkets and restaurants was added to the area between this university and the University of Maryland by the year 2089. What this has to do with me and the 55000 other food employees is this; Panera Bread won a contract to do business with our college, the University of Maryland College Park campus, the 2 writing colleges and our sister campuses in Switzerland, Virginia, and Bethesda Maryland. What does this have to do with me you may ask; Well I have from 10 am to 3pm to travel to help give bread baking contest supplies to 42 other employees who are demonstrating in Arlington Virginia and 70 employees who are representing our school at a bread festival being held in Switzerland.  It is expected that I choose when to take my meal break as the trains that I travel on can easily take me all the way to Europe within an hour or less. By the year 2092 there were many eateries and other types of businesses built into underground train stations both across the U.S. and the globe and I could tell you stories just of that alone. When I say other types of businesses yes both the family friendly kind and the controversial kind. For instance, a place that I shall leave unnamed for good reasons gave me great massaging services and had been doing so for the past 10 years and this made this an easy decision to tip well for superb services rendered. However, halfway between my most recent massage session a female that I trusted handed me off to one of her male friends without asking me first. He was attractive and he heard about my reputation somehow as he told me during the session and despite the surprise I was almost about to tip him well until right as I thought he left the room I got up to put my clothes on and less than 60 seconds later he pounced on me and much to his surprise I got up and slammed him against the wall and advised him regardless of how slutty or sensual a female is  in her reputation that he needs to always make sure that she is in the mood. I have yet to go back to that business and I even gave another safer reason why I choose to avoid going when the female contacted me one day to politely ask me why I go to another massage business. I could easily bluntly tell her the deal yet the caveat is that the aggressive romeo I told you about is  her best friend's boyfriend and this best friend is related to one of my career mentors which is why I live by the rule that sometimes some things are better left unsaid andor carried into death. However, I Naomi Newman am filled with more joy/elation to share the following A recent sleeptime dream I had; I was helping 23 of multiple celebrities with portraying parts that I wrote a story script for yes I am a part time creative fiction writer. This was less than 2 months after the script was sold for movie rights.  2 of these celebrities invited me to hang out with them at the spiritual centers they are a part of. volunteering-I volunteer part time for a lottery headquarters that helps set up parties and organizes choice of food from the lottery winners. I also work as a DJ part time at a club called Monster which was founded by a fan of Lady Gaga. Volunteers to serve andor make food at various events affiliated with Busch Gardens Williamsburg on an occasional basis. more details to eventually cometherapy andor life coach-has 5 of them-a career psychic who is a lookalike of Kelly Rowland in the music video for Commander with David Guetta who is also a retired naval commander, an intuitive life and social relationship building coach who resembles Armin Van Buuren in the music video of Therapy feat. James Newman and who also works part time as a chef at a museum, a therapist resembling Brittany Murphy in the Faster video with Paul Oakenfold and who has even been invited for free to Paul Oakenfold tribute concerts, a law of attraction writing author storytelling coach who resembles the singer from Angel City in the Do You Know music video who also speaks and organizes many writing workshops both across the U.S. and abroad, upcoming plans for free time andor funany vacation goals-Going to dinner with an Amazon mall employee who she met at  a Pet Shop Boys concert during the Miracle music videospiritual beliefs of each character andor awareness of spirit guides/spirit alliessleeptime dreams that impacted me-has over 40 spirit guides with one of then named who worked as a cruise ship cook in his most recent earth life before he passed over by the year 2080.advice that came from my life coaches to help me build upon my wisdom further knowledge etc. the lookalike of Kelly Rowland recommends that I look at trends relating to both male and female success stories/male and female success stories to help strengthen my awareness that wisdom and spiritual evolution can continue to happen regardless of one's age. Even though  she is my career mentor she also explained to me why she was getting the feeling from one of her celestial spirit guides that I need to remember the concept of trains for a multiple number of my dream stories. resourceshttps://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/20th-century-english-names.php#.Wx8w1-4vycwsymbolism of restaurant city gamesome weird sleeptime dreams I had less than a year ago where I was at work where one of the work food stations at the University of Maryland College was built installed next to a Baskin Robbins-the harvest salad station and some Baskin Robbins vendor were directly next to each other and some blonde haired female that I truthfully do not recall having met before was joyfully working at the stand serving the customers. My late adoptive mother was Caucasian and she did color her hair blonde yet  I know that this female was not her because I easily recognize my late adoptive mother's energy  in my sleeptime dreams.  This female appears to not have even been born on earth yet and she seemed like a nice person and somehow I got the feeling from this sleeptime dream  I intuitively got the feeling that I may have been looking at something that is over 50 years into the future when I am easily at least 80-90 years old in my current earth lifetime andor after I have already passed on from the earth plane into the afterlife. During the same timeframe of this dream I was transported to another part of the work area where I spotted some  walking living potato having its way with some ambigous looking smaller living being happy to be taken away to be eaten (the size of the walking potato was of your normal looking potato and the ambiguous looking living being at least 3 times smaller than the potato).  I confess that even to this day I still have yet to decipher what my intuitive soul was trying to tell me with this sleeptime dream  because it unexpectedly popped up less than a month  after I had been praying for my destiny life long career life path  to be shown to me and I admit that so much was wandering in my head after i intuitively realized that I need to be clearer in my intent with the universe when deciphering my career life destiny. What I do know for sure; I did feel a sense of synchronicity with my soul and brave/confident in this strange sleeptime dream at least the part where I saw the baskin robbins part-it is not in my destiny cards to work at baskin robbins rather I sense my intuitive soul was trying to tell me something that some of the private sector eateries in the area may merge/combine with some of the eating establishments 50 years into the future-hopefully well after the 2060s andor later-the potato part I think might have just been some symbology of something my soul picked up on for me to figure out months from now and may only make more sense years from now. I'm aware that I continue to have so much to learn yet this is one clue where I can tell the difference between sleeptime dreams influenced by my human ego andor external influences compared to subliminally picking up sleeptime dreams influenced by the language of my intuitive soul/heaven influenced higher self/my celestial spirit ally team-the sleeptime dreams have a quality where I am feeling self confident andor with a sense of celestial divine life purpose andor a sense of mystical knowing/awareness from the sleeptime dream.volunteeringtherapy andor life coach psychic coachupcoming plans for free time andor funany vacation goalsspiritual beliefs of each character andor awareness of spirit guides/spirit alliessleeptime dreams that impacted meadvice that came from my life coaches to help me build upon my wisdom further knowledge etc. I preface sharing this freestyle story that I am doing as creative writing therapy both to show appreciation for all who look at my online writings yet to also make this clear; I am humbly and modestly touched at an online communication I received pertaining to someone who wants to become a career coach. However with both modest and brave intent, I must make it clear that I do not plan to become a career coach as I sense that I am destined for a career path(s) completely different from career coach. Rather, I am writing this for other reasons pertaining to wanting to be employed as a career coach one of the reasons I feel comfortable sharing  that my creative fiction genre freestyle writings are a form of creative writing therapy. Additionally, I notice that the more I write, the more my wiser parts of my logic and creative intuition are activated/increase for the benefit of the wisdom I seek for greater knowledge and application of that knowledge in various areas of my life both offline and online.With that out of the way, here is today’s mini story I Stella Carrier Humbly Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future. I also welcome any and all forms of spiritual assistance and divine intervention in all areas of my life both present and future. I Stella Carrier give thanks for the blessing of a sweet and handsome husband who is supportive of my education and career goals for both present and future.I Stella Carrier feel blessed to be an American born woman who has the freedom to live wherever I desire within the United States regardless of my economic andor career situation.Every Day I Stella Carrier Become More Creative, Intuitive, and Imaginative.Each Day I Stella C songs for me to keep in mind; Faster Kill Pussycat by Paul Oakenfold feat. Brittany Murphy, Miracles by Pet Shop Boys, Close Your Eyes by Novaspace,Commander by David Guetta and Kelly Rowland, Monster by Lady Gaga, Fever by Adam Lambert, Do You Know by Angel City,Therapy by Armin Van Buuren feat. James Newman I admit that I find this lottery win story of sisters Sharon Calhoun and Juanita Simpson to be a feel good story as both women seem extremely happy from the photo. https://pilotonline.com/entertainment/lottery/article_8322e942-8b72-11e8-80e0-3f27cfc5c1e2.htmlVirginia Beach Sisters Win $10 Million From the Lottery by Robyn Siderskyhttps://pilotonline.com/entertainment/lottery/article_8322e942-8b72-11e8-80e0-3f27cfc5c1e2.html new idea added creative fiction storytelling at 1108 pm sisters celebrate lottery win at both Walt Disney World and certain other key places within the US and abroad The steak pictured in this Robb Report  Santa Monica California themed article looks delicious.https://robbreport.com/food-drink/dining/best-restaurants-santa-monica-venice-citrin-eg18-2807135/A Michelin Star Chef's Guide To Dining In Santa Monica and Venice by Jeremy Repanich about Josiah Citrinhttps://robbreport.com/food-drink/dining/best-restaurants-santa-monica-venice-citrin-eg18-2807135/new idea added creative fiction storytelling at 1110 pm-Some writers from Robb Report magazine team up to invest in some of the restaurants a year after some were written about with over ten times their return on investment added by 1106 pmhttps://buschgardens.com/williamsburg/dining/ new idea added creative fiction storytelling at 1111 pm a couple celebrating their 50 year wedding anniversary stop at Busch Gardens Williamsburg to have one of their renewal of vow ceremonies at one of the renewal of vow ceremonies added by the year 2100 unexpectedly popped up online tonight posted by 1107pmHarvard Extension Schoolhttps://www.extension.harvard.edu/harvard-education-designed-you?utm_source=quantcast&utm_medium=display&utm_campaign=EXT&utm_content=people&utm_term=FY19&=8269304&=20585867&=4339983&=224821654&=422881367 new idea added creative fiction storytelling at 1114 pmA female entrepreneur of childrens snacks aged 48 obtains her bachelor degrees from Harvard on the same day that one of her companies make 3 times her original expected profit. popular women food businesses I strive to have an open mind about success stories by both men and women. However, the ambitious spirit in me indirectly influenced a positive feeling I have about sharing this inspirational story of 10 food brands founded by women. https://www.thedailymeal.com/eat/10-food-companies-you-didnt-know-were-founded-women-slideshow10 Food Companies You Didn't Know Were Found by Women by Slideshow by Daily Mealhttps://www.thedailymeal.com/eat/10-food-companies-you-didnt-know-were-founded-women-slideshow new idea added creative fiction storytelling at 1114 pm to 1115pmA workshop event is held in California that is almost like an oscar awards for business owners, an idea started by the year 2094
0 notes
A nation divided?
This lecture, A nation divided? The identities, politics and governance of England, was given in Speaker’s House at the House of Commons on June 27th by invitation of Mr Speaker, the Rt Hon John Bercow MP
I’m very grateful to Mr Speaker for inviting me to speak and for hosting this lecture. I can’t think of a better place than Speaker’s House to make my remarks tonight, though I hope the foundations are in good order.
I always thought it odd that my colleagues on the left felt so uncomfortable with patriotism, but I only began to think about the politics of national identity seriously when David Blunkett asked me to lead the response to the northern riots of 2001. It was Ted Cantle’s ground-breaking report that highlighted the lack of any shared national identity between the white and Pakistani-origin youth.
The subsequent debate was centred on British identity. But I began to realise, partly from my own sense of English identity and partly that of my constituents, that it was English identity that was most contested, most challenged and also ignored.
I’m grateful to Winchester University and its support for the Centre for English Identity and Politics at Winchester in providing some space to explore those issues.
Tonight, I want to talk about England: its divisions and its governance.
England divided
England is deeply divided. We are divided by our poverty and our prosperity; between London and the South East and most of the rest of England; yes, within the wealthier regions too.
In many parts of England, city centres may prosper while nearby towns lose their purpose and their able young people.
The lines that divide us are being re-drawn. Poor white working-class children from towns and the seaside are now more likely to do less well in school, than most ethnic minority kids of the large cities. But race and faith, prejudice and discrimination still have the power to divide us.
We are divided by our experiences and our values.  Age, class, and higher education are strong predictors of which of us is likely to hold individualistic cosmopolitan liberal views and which to hold of a more, communitarian social conservatism.
These differences don’t map readily onto the familiar divides of class, of ‘left’ and ‘right’. Older working-class voters may be less keen on rapid immigration and diversity than their university educated grandchildren but are strong supporters of public ownership and the NHS. Young liberals may to be less keen on redistribution and the welfare state; more likely to blame poverty on the individual.
We sometimes lack the ability to talk to each other. One person’s resistance to change in their community is another’s clear evidence of racism
England would be happier if we could find common ground across those divisions.
Tonight, I want to explore how.  
Why England matters
England is by far the largest part of the union. It is here that the forces that have torn us apart on Brexit are most violent. And it is England – and England outside London in particular – that is taking the whole of the union out of the EU.
England’s politics are distinct within the union.   Despite the apparent return of two party politics in 2017, it was still the case that the elections in each nation were contested by different parties, won by different parties, and, to a large extent, fought around different issues. Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales have their own cultural dividing lines that are different to those in England.
England, as we recently learned from the massive BBC/YouGov survey, believes that its best years were in the past, while other parts of the union believe the best lies in the future. Not a single demographic in the published poll had future optimism ahead of nostalgic pessimism. Confidence in Westminster’s ability to represent people where they live is catastrophically low, as is their ability to influence their local council.
The other parts of the union enjoy their own political identity and space, their own democratic institutions and their own democratic powers, England has none of these.
England, as England, is absent from our national political debate and conversation. What happens in England affects the whole of the union, but England is rarely mentioned.
Yet English identity has taken on a new weight and political significance.
By the extent to which people say they are English, British or both, we can predict their likelihood to vote Leave or Remain, to the left or right, be satisfied or dissatisfied with the current constitution, feel empowered or disenfranchised, or prioritise England over the union, Brexit over the Irish border.
England matters.
I’m not going suggest that all the answers to our current problems lie with England. I was in politics long enough to learn to beware simple answers to simple problems, let alone simple answers to complex problems.
I will argue that we won’t meet the many challenges we face without addressing England: without engaging with English identity, England as a nation, with England as a place, as a democracy and as a political community.
I’ll ask why – even though English is the most widely shared and strongly held national identity amongst England’s residents - why that ubiquity and popularity is marginalised? Why is it actively opposed and even suppressed in public life and the national debate: not by the British as a whole, but by elite liberal Britain?
I’ll argue that we cannot overcome our national divisions unless Englishness is allowed its proper place as an accepted, legitimate and celebrated identity within the multiple identities of modern England.
I’ll suggest that our historic attachment to the remains of the unitary imperial state has left England without political institutions of its own and with a level of centralisation quite incompatible with good governance
While those who feel strongly English must in future be fully included and represented, the future cannot belong exclusively to those who feel most strongly English.  Reforms to England’s governance are needed but they must rest on sound, inclusive, democratic and civic foundations.
English and British
I don’t like peppering talks with numerous statistics, so I hope you’ll accept that the broad points I make are, to the best of my ability, based on sound data. When I come to write this up I’ll provide the numbers.
Around the turn of the century, when Scottish and Welsh devolution began, a marked change took place in England. The apparent assumption that English and British were pretty much the same broke down. Increased numbers of people began to identify as English as well as British. There was a sharp fall in those naming British rather than English identity.
The numbers bounce around a bit but, over the past 20 years a broadly stable position has emerged.
If asked about strength of identity, the great majority say they are strongly English and strongly British.
If asked to choose one identity, slightly more will choose English than British.
If asked whether English, more English than British, and so on, the largest group is equally English and British (35-40%), with the English and more English outnumbering the British and more British by around 3 to 2.
By any measure, Englishness is the most widely shared national identity; it is at least as strongly held as Britishness, and more people emphasise their Englishness than their Britishness.
The preference for Englishness over Britishness is strongest in the over 65s. As we move through the generations, it becomes more balanced, until, amongst the 18-24 years olds the more British exceed the more English, though even amongst the youngest, a large majority say they are strongly English.
The major cities have higher numbers of British identifiers, though nowhere outside London do the more British outnumber the more English. (And London is more polarised between English and British identifiers than any other region, with fewer ‘equally English and British’). In smaller cities, the towns, suburbs and villages, the more English markedly exceed the more British. Regional and county identities, particularly in the north and in Cornwall, are strong enough to present a major part of people’s identities.
As for the political salience of identity, just under 70 % of the English not British voted Leave; over 70% of the British not English voted Remain.
46 % of the strongly English say they voted Conservative in 2017, 25% Labour.
My survey of Conservative activists revealed deep scepticism amongst English identifying members about the benefits of the union to England. It prompted Paul Goodman, editor of Conservative Home, to describe the Tories as the ‘Conservative and just about Unionist’ Party.
Labour members are significantly more likely to identify as British than the electorate as a whole, which may go some way to explain its relative lack of appeal to English identifiers.
In 2015 English fears of SNP influence on Labour dominated the campaign and some commentators, and those close the party campaigns, believe the issue gave David Cameron his majority.
National identity
There are many different takes on national identity, so let me explain how I understand it.
Both Trump in the US and Brexit here prompted a flood of analysis correlating voting patterns and individual pieces of data. Every week produced a new explanation: economic status; demographics of age or race; education attainment; levels of recent migrations, ‘open’ or ‘closed’ values.
These insights are very valuable, but in the search for the holy grail of the ‘real cause’; the single explanatory factor, we can miss the wood for the trees.
All these issues, our economic experience, our experience of migration, our levels of education, the values of our community together to shape our view of the world.
Our national identities become the repository of our experiences and perceptions. They offer narratives that help to make sense of them. They help to shape the way we understand the world.  
Our national identities reflect our sense of who we are; the values we hold, the symbols we recognise, the history we understand, how we see our status and influence. It’s not the individual elements of those identities that explain people’s behaviour, but the overall world view that they reflect and sustain.
You may find echoes tonight of David Goodhart’s ‘people from somewhere’ and Will Jennings work on England’s divisions between cosmopolitan and socially conservative values.  I want to emphasise the importance of national identity in organising, reflecting and expressing those different world views.
If, for example, your experience of 40 years EU membership has been of factories closing, jobs lost, status diminished, community weakened and now changed beyond recognition by rapid migration, you may be attracted to a world view, and its associated identity, that gives a particular explanation of why that has happened. If by contrast your experience has been one of expanded opportunity, stimulation and personal success, this is likely to be reflected in a different identity.
If people who feel English rather than British tend to vote in a particular way, it is because they share a world view for which that behaviour makes sense. And vice versa.
This understanding of identity goes some way to explain why the correlations in voting behaviour are so strong, yet identity is rarely ‘operationalised’. Few people, after all, said I’m voting Leave because it is the English thing to do, or I’m a Remainer because I’m British.
Anthony Barnett, author of The Lure of Greatness, highlights the word clouds of important Brexit issues from the British Election Study. For Remains it was the Economy, followed by Rights; for Leavers it was Immigration followed by Sovereignty. This was not one group of people answering a question in different ways, but two groups, giving different answers to different questions.
It was not Brexit, of course, that divided us; Brexit highlighted the divisions that already existed.
Not two tribes, but divergent views
The recent BBC survey gives some new insights into the different world views of English and British identifiers.  I don’t want to overstate the case. We are not separate tribes; mixed identities happily co-habit in most of us.
But there are real differences between English-only identifiers and British-only. And, by and large, there is a smooth gradient from one pole to the other as we move through more English than British and to more British than English.
One divide, of course, is whether someone’s primary allegiance is to the geography and institutions of Britain or the geography and political identity of England. The English are more inclined to prioritise England over the union; the British to prioritise the union.
The way that British unionist priority has been expressed politically has caused its own problems, but I will return to that later.
The British and the English also describe England in different terms.  Twice as many British chose ‘diverse’ to describe England as do the English. Half as many are likely to say England has always been proud to stand alone.
On the other hand, well over two thirds of the English believe we are tolerant, welcoming, friendly and generous. Just under half the British see the English in this positive light.
And the survey at least hints at the emergence of minority amongst British identifiers who are not just ‘not English’, but positively antipathetic to the English.
The clue is in the people who say they would be embarrassed to call themselves English, about just 7% of the total sample.
The embarrassment is not felt by people who identify as English, or equally English and British, but by those who emphasise their British identity or who otherwise say they are not English.
This anti-English fragment of Britishness seems to be highly educated, found more in cities and university towns, and much more likely to identify strongly as European than the general population. Contrary to what you might expect, this anti-English outlook is not stronger amongst ethnic minorities than white people.
Minority though it may be, I’d suggest this anti-English fraction is over-represented within the institutions of government, within the leadership of the public sector, within the media, within corporate capitalism, and in academia (in short, a large part of what is sometimes called the elite). It is of course found within politics, and on the left in particular.
That observation is based on personal experience, rather than hard data, though I suspect most of you will recognise what I am describing. I’m often struck by how many people in powerful positions say they are British not English while expressing disparaging views about English identity. They seem blissfully unware that being British not English puts them in less than on in ten of the population, and by being antipathetic to Englishness, in an even smaller minority.
We saw their influence in Remain’s decisions to campaign as Scotland Stronger in Europe, in Scotland; as Wales Stronger in Europe, in Wales, and – only in England – as Britain Stronger in Europe. The English were, apparently, not worth even speaking to.
Given that the Remain campaign lost heavily amongst English identifying voters, this was a mistake with serious and far-reaching consequences.
Before the World Cup senior police officers described the St George cross as ‘almost Imperialistic’, and the Royal Mail – the RoyalMail - banned it from their vans. Yet polling shows support across the nation and diverse communities for both the England team and the flag.
England disappears from the national conversation.
The Prime Minister recently e-mailed English voters about health funding but did not make it clear she was talking about the English NHS. Labour recently published eight policy consultation documents which were largely about England but only in one actually mentioned England.
The UK government has recently produced a video for Scotland on a new UK child care policy, with the #deliveringforScotland. The same policy applies in England but, as yet, no video addressing England. No #deliveringforEngland.
I was pleased to take part in the York Festival of Ideas with David Willetts recently. Several of us discussed English higher education for a day – under a banner which read ‘the future of UK higher education’.
And it does seem that more academics have a fascination with the minority of English people who express their identity in racist and ethnic terms than the majority who do not.
On Tuesday Gareth Southgate gave a powerful interview in which he said ‘We’re a team with our diversity and our youth that represents modern England’ and talked explicitly about English identity. The Guardian headline today was ‘England team represents modern Britain’.
That’s not lazy reporting. You have to work extra hard to write England out of the story.
No wonder people say, as they do on the doorstep: ‘you’re not even allowed to say you are English anymore’.
The cumulative impact of this influential fraction is to delegitimise and marginalise Englishness; by portraying it as inherently reactionary and unpleasant we don’t need to engage with it as we do with other identities.  
It claims that Englishness is an ethnic identity; is a racist identity; it belongs to the far right; and that any political expression of Englishness is both extreme and the product of English nationalism.
Three quarters of people believe you do not have to be white to be English (although it’s true that some are more accepting of those who were born here and have a local accent)
Far right groups do try to appeal to English identity. But fully 80% of the population is strongly English. How can Englishness belong to the far right?
Yes, the English do identify English issues and interests; they may sometimes feel they are ignored. But is this really a political movement we can call English nationalism when we find none of the things we might expect from a nationalist movement: there is no mainstream nationalist political party, no nationalist cultural institutions, nor nationalist public intellectuals? Supposed ‘English nationalism’ becomes another reason to exclude the English from debate.
Now, I’m not naïve. Englishness, like Britishness is not monochrome. Look for the more unpleasant edge and you will certainly find it. Its fears can be inflamed by populist right. The current ‘Campaign to Free Tommy Robinson’ trades on claims that the ethnic dimension of grooming has been ignored.
But this reactionary minority does do not justify the marginalisation of Englishness as a whole; indeed, the very opposite. Fears can most easily be exploited amongst people who feel they are not being listened to. The shunning of Englishness feeds the populists.
The English are more concerned about the cultural impact of immigration, though as many British identifiers share similar concerns it is largely a matter of degree. While some do reject migration for racist reasons, as trade unionist Paul Embery says about rapid migration into east London, ‘it wasn’t their sense of race that had been violated by the sudden upheaval in their community; it was their sense of order’. I would say the same about my old Southampton constituency.
But instead of engaging with this view, the anti-English fraction simply takes it as proof that Englishness is beyond the pale.
The marginalisation of English identity prevents us exploring the shared values and common goals that are needed to heal England’s divisions. The work of British Future has found a large centre ground on migration, valuing its contribution but wanting it controlled. Yet public debate does not allow this to be expressed.
Without question, much good has come from the spread of socially liberal cosmopolitan values. This is a far less closed and less bigoted society than the one into which I was born. But I would also argue that communitarian values of collective identity and solidarity – what we might call the bonds of belonging – that mark much of English identity also have a power and value that deserves recognition.
Exclude the English and we also lose the ability to draw on England’s radical and reforming traditions. Our defence of liberty, our traditions of self-organisation, our history of struggles for rights and freedoms.
We will also struggle to shape shared identities and challenge the less pleasant aspects of Englishness
It is not actually a surprise that people from ethnic minorities are more British than English, and not just because of perceptions of English as an ethnic identity.
Being English is strongly associated with being born here, and it’s the younger generations that are more likely to be English.
And identities change their meaning. As Prof Tariq Modood reminds us, forty years ago many felt that association with the legacy of racism and colonialism would prevent ethnic minorities ever calling themselves British. That did not happen, and Englishness too is continuing to change.
The popular acceptance of a multi-racial English football team suggests an inclusive Englishness is being built as we speak. (It’s only a generation or so since some fans didn’t count goals scored by black players).
I wouldn’t argue for one moment that we should just take Englishness as it we find it. Just as the far right want to make it reactionary, those of a more progressive outlook should make every effort to strengthen its progressive, patriotic and inclusive expressions.
But once again, the anti-English elite does its best to get in the way; rather than help shape Englishness and counter its more reactionary manifestations, Englishness is absent from public policy. The contributions of high profile ethnic minority figures, including Sadiq Khan, Yasmin Alibhai-Brown and Trevor Phillips, who are all at ease talking about Englishness, are ignored.
There is a stark contrast between the pro-active efforts of the Scottish government to inculcate an inclusive Scottish identity and the lack of almost any public engagement with English identity by the UK government that runs England.
Instead of nation-building we have national neglect.
Identity, values and change
These divisions of culture and identity have huge implications for our ability to tackle England’s other divisions.
We cannot heal this divided nation without radical changes to our political economy that will reduce inequality, the gaps between regions, and raise productivity, innovation and the quality of working life.
In the vision of the recent IPPR commission on Economic Justice
‘an economy in which prosperity is joined with justice and builds the common good’
But that change needs more than technocratic policy; it will depend on a shared vision of our nation; a shared idea of the common good; shared values. In the search for those common goals we cannot ignore national identity.
National identities transmit values, and popular values determine how society can and can’t be changed. To take one example, the NHS is popular, despite its failings, because its core value ‘we all pay in and it’s there when we need it’ is not so much a funding mechanism but a statement of the sort of people we imagine ourselves to be.
Old identities of the unionised working class; and the conservatism of order, service and respectability have weakened. Across the west, the identities of people, nation and place have assumed greater importance. Sadly, it is the divisive and xenophobic right that has taken most advantage. Centrist parties like the SNP and leftist parties like Syriza have been the exception.
The urgent need to address England stems, not from a narrow nationalism or parochialism but as a necessary condition to create a strong sense of shared identity, common interests and a determination to work together to build a better society.
The governance of England
Thisplace, this nation of England, will always belong to people with multiple and mixed identities. Yet the most widely shared identity is too often excluded from the national debate.
England and the English must be included if we are to overcome the divisions – of identity, culture, geography, values and economy; if we are to create the sense of shared identity and common purposes that is now so essential. But where on earth can that discussion currently happen?
This is where we must turn to the governance of England.
England is now the only part of the UK governed permanently on most domestic policy by the UK government and not by its own elected parliament or assembly.
It is the only unreformed element of the old imperial state and parliament. Reform that started with the division of Ireland in the 1920s and continued when Scotland and Wales took authority from Westminster at the turn of the century, has not yet touched England.
Nor, in the main, has it touched the political parties that dominate England.
Attachment to the old unitary state was embedded in the pretence that Scottish and Welsh devolution simply lent Westminster powers to the nations. This was used to justify the UK government continuing run England. That pretence about devolution has been dropped, but not the belief that England should be subject to the parliament and government of the UK.  
Of course, people say that England is so big within Westminster that the distinction is a technicality, a matter of form not a matter of substance. This is to miss the point about what a national parliament is.
As Vernon Bogdanor observes, the Commons has now the semblance of an English Parliament – because it largely discusses English issues – without being made up of English MPs.  
England is sometimes subject to the direct interference of non-English MPs (as when the DUP demands English revenues to sustain the Conservatives in power and prevent an early election, or when Labour Scottish and Welsh MPs to imposed higher university fees on England). English voters are denied the democratic right to determine national policy outside that is taken for granted in the rest of the UK.
English Votes on English Laws have given English MPs a veto on legislation, but, in the words of one authoritative study, it has not yet given England a voice. The Commons does not provide a forum and focus for the politics of England in the way that the elected bodies of Scotland, Wales and, (though temporarily incapacitated), Northern Ireland do for those parts of the union.
There is no crucible for England’s national debate.
This constitutional conservatism has shaped how England sees itself.
Scotland and Northern Ireland both delivered large Remain majorities. As did London. Wales had a narrow Leave vote, in line with the UK average but much less than England-outside-London.
The more pro-Remain parts of the UK have enjoyed civic processes, political debates, and political institutions that have enabled them to reimagine their identities in a post-imperial world. Scotland took that opportunity enthusiastically, Wales less certainly though there would now be no going back. Northern Ireland as a way of moving beyond its own tragic history.
London, of course, is the one part of England that enjoys statutory powers, its own elected leadership and political institutions to shape its identity.
These debates have allowed different parts of the union to see themselves as modern, European, post-imperial.
England, uniquely within Britain, has neither been challenged nor enabled to re-imagine its position in the union, its identity, and its role in the 21s century. It split culturally, regionally, by age and education, because there has never been an attempt to articulate what the people English share in common.
The symptoms England displays – the Brexit vote, the regional imbalances, the cultural divisions, the obsessive centralisation – are rooted in the failure of England to reconsider our role and nature in the modern world.
That England provided the lion’s share of the Brexit vote was not a pathological failing of the English people, but the outcome of England being denied any political identity, institutions and national debate of its own.
In the absence of that national debate, in the absence of any English political institutions, and with the widespread marginalization of English identity, it should not be a surprise that the English more than anyone else wanted to ‘take back control’.
Scotland, of course, also enjoyed its own ‘take back control’ moments when it both threw out Labour and determined its relationship with the union.
Of course, many British unionists have actually worked hard to prevent England being allowed a political identity, including many in my own party. Unlike the liberal anti-England British, these opponents have often been motivated by concern for the union.
These British unionists – whilst often the staunchest advocates of devolution to Wales and Scotland - have feared that England is so big that allowing a political identity would inevitably wreck the union. Instead of working out how a reformed union could accommodate England’s democratic rights, and the rights of the smaller nations, they have resisted all change.
We can now see what a catastrophic mistake that has been.
It is the ultimate irony that the architects of England’s suppression are now seeing an angry England taking the whole union out of the EU, against the wishes of the majority in the devolved nations.  The defenders of the union have triggered unprecedented threats to the continuation of the union itself. Instead of blaming a supposed English nationalism, it is time that they confronted their own responsibility for the current situation.
The attachment to the old imperial unitary state has a second consequence.
It has consolidated the Whitehall centralist state.
Wales and Scotland – and less certainly – Northern Ireland – have broken free of Whitehall micro-management.
England again is unchanged, not just in the formal system of governance but in the entrenched in the pattern of thinking in Westminster and Whitehall.
Decades of centralisation have produced a nation with dramatic variations in morbidity, mortality, education, life chances, social care, and not just by region but by city, town, village and street.  Yet propose the most modest devolution and yet within half a mile of here, the cry of ‘beware the postcode lottery’ will go up.
As the admirable Mark Sandford of your own House of Commons library has documented, the much-hyped devolution deals, as with Labour’s regionalism, are primarily designed to co-opt and engage local stakeholders in the flexible delivery of Whitehall priorities. They are not intended to transfer the ability to set different policy priorities, or accountability for public money to a more local level, let alone give statutory backing to local democratic rights.
The Barnett formula requires the UK government to give relative protection to Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland by linking their spending to that of England. Barnett does not require the UK government to provide any similar protection to the poorest parts of England. Hence, since 2010, the UK government has imposed bigger cuts on the poorest regions of England.  
If Barnett has been an essential underpinning of UK, devolution across the UK, English devolution requires fair funding within England. So stunted is the debate about England that I’m not aware of proposals from any party to entrench a fair funding formula for England.
No wonder so few people in England feel they can influence local and national policy. Only 13% feel that politicians in Westminster reflect the concerns of people in their part of the country. Only 23% think local people have a significant influence on local government decisions.
If anything, the English feel even less empowered than the British, and, according to the Centre for Towns, the most English towns feel least well represented. But this is a civic and democratic crisis across identities, not just for the English.
What is to be done?
If you are still with me, I hope the inter-related challenges I outlined earlier are beginning to take shape.
I want to foster an England that is more optimistic about the future than it is nostalgic for the past; an England in which there are shared aims, shared identities and a shared idea of the common good.
We need to enable the English and English identity to be fully expressed and accepted in the national debate, as legitimate as any other identity, and to encourage its development as inclusive.
We need to create the institutions in which those shared aims and the common good can be developed.
And we need to ensure that the average person in England feels far more empowered to shape their locality and their nation than they do at present.
There has been some talk by Gordon Brown and others of a new union of the nations and the English regions, but these proposals are inadequate, undemocratic and far from radical. They give other nations enhanced rights, including treaty powers; butEnglish legislation and English finance would remain in the hands of the UK government.  
The regions, a modern invention, bear only an occasional and coincidental relationship to real local and regional identities. And in a small, crowded, nation, English legislation needs to be made at English level by English democracy.
I would argue that the only system of governance that can meets our pressing is an English Parliament coupled to radical statutory devolution within England.
Westminster needs to move beyond the formal mechanism of English Votes for English Laws to allow English legislation to be fully made by elected English MPs. That is a demand that has been consistently enjoyed majority support, British identifiers as well as English, since the establishment of the Scottish Parliament. It should evolve, initially at least, as a dual mandate Commons in which English MPs sit both as members of an English Parliament and of a union parliament.
At the same time, to overcome the regional disparities of wealth and opportunity, or to reduce the material divisions in England, we need a fundamental shift of power and resources from Whitehall to England’s localities. This devolution must be underpinned by statutory rights to take decisions locally.
Perhaps the moment for change may be coming.
In the BBC survey a third expressed no opinion on changes of governance. This is a debate that is starting, not one that is ended.
But exclude them, and 62% support an English Parliament.
73% support the devolution of power to combined authorities, a remarkable result given how new they are, but it strongly suggests that building on existing institutions in localities that we understand, is likely to be the best way forward.
Since Brexit, England is being taken more seriously across the political spectrum and amongst liberal and left intellectuals.  The Constitution Unit has analysed options for an English Parliament. The very commissioning of the BBC’s poll recognised England’s growing significance.
The emergence of a network of symbolically powerful elected mayors, backed by business as well as local authorities may create a powerful voice for change for all parts of England.
Few people now argue that Whitehall can solve the regions’ problems. Just ask Northern Rail passengers.
Yes, the call for an English Parliament raises questions about the future of the union, although less sharp if the first step is a dual mandate Commons. But, in anycase it seems unlikely, post-Brexit, that we will get through the next few years without facing questions about the structure and future of the union; whether from the Irish border, renewed calls for Scottish independence, or the simple impossibility of the UK government representing both UK and English agricultural interests at the same time.
Those coming debates will not be able to exclude England. Lord Salisbury’s Constitution Reform Group has laid the groundwork for a serious re-founding of the union.
The political parties have not reached this conclusion yet. It may still take them some time.
But I would suggest that this is the time for the civic consideration of England’s governance to begin.
Large sections of the public want change, they have a sense of direction.
Now is the time for civil society groups, faith organisations, unions, business and local authorities to lead that essential, overdue public discussion.
0 notes
nosakkayuuma · 7 years
Year-End Fic Round-Up and Meme
2017 Fanfiction Round-Up (Template adapted from https://trey.dreamwidth.org/584.html!) My AO3 page! Total Year-Long Wordcount: AO3 tells me 18,160. Actually about 4200 of those were written last year but at this point I will take what I can get, so, Genghis Khan, you belong to 2017 now. Also, I wrote a whole ton of words in draft form, but it doesn’t count until it gets published, so I guess this year’s work will bolster next year’s (fingers crossed) word count!!
This year I wrote and posted: 6 whole new shiny fics!!! (OK, 5, because Genghis Khan was actually written by 23 December 2016 or so... but it’s near enough to 2017 that I’ll count it.) They’re all oneshots varying from 1.5k-4k in length, and fall in either the Inazuma Eleven or Saint Seiya fandoms. More under the cut~
Overall Thoughts Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted? I wrote a heck of a lot less than I thought. Should probably figure out how to write faster next year. I have been thinking of taking 1 day out of the 5-day workweek off for writing, but ultimately I think it’s either anime/manga/video games or writing which is not a fun thing to consider. This year, I have played a lot more video games, which I think is a great thing, but maybe not if it affects my writing (not saying that it does... correlation does not equal causation x)) What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? Saint Seiya fits the closest, because even though I had started watching it by then it firmly fell (and still falls) in the category of fandoms where I don’t feel like there’s anything I can contribute. What's your own favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest? It has to be What draws me to you. No contest. I feel like I just about put myself into a depressive funk for 2 weeks just writing it and it was really worth it. And, for once, the title came to me and I didn’t have to do silly Google tricks or listen to a million songs to come up with a title. Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them? This year was so tame, I guess the biggest risk I took was in [redacted] (it is still not posted under my account due to being judged in a writing contest... but it is up, go look for it please) where I played around with nonlinear narratives... KIND OF. I guess I should take more risks next year, which I was already planning to do anyway but am definitely gonna do now! OKAY I went back to this because while I have mentally blocked out all the effort of working on [redacted] from my mind because it’s taking like four months to judge a contest and I’m a little frustrated... umm... I mean, anyway. I definitely thought long and hard about meta for once when writing it, and tried my hardest to make it so that readers had to put the pieces together to figure out what I was trying to do. One can say I was too subtle; honestly I’m not sure because there has not been a lot of feedback. Still, while it was a gruelling experience writing it, it was fun in the end, and the end result is pretty nice too. From my past year of writing, what was.... My best story of this year: What draws me to you My most popular story of this year: It was First Time according to hits, but that’s to be expected since the Saint Seiya fandom is a lot larger than the Inazuma Eleven fandom. Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: What draws me to you What draws me to you What draws me to you also [redacted] Most fun story to write: Okay to be honest, it was Peripeties, mostly because it was so fun to revisit the world of Renegade (my Fudou longfic about him between Shin Teikoku and Inazuma Japan) again and also think about what my convenience store gang OCs would be like a few years on. Antagonistic Fudou flowed so easily as well. Also I really enjoy thinking about Teikoku high school :^) Story with the single sexiest moment: I guess I’ll have to say [redacted], since there’s like, an established relationship in it which is probably the closest thing to sexy. I mean in Genghis Khan Someoka and Fubuki share a Look and in What draws me to you Fudou and Sakuma fucking hold hands. What more do you want from me!!! A kiss?! Most "Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story: I guess that’s on my to-do list for next year. Actually, one of my WIPs (the one I wrote 20k words of notes/first draft during NaNoWriMo for but haven’t got around to refining) will have elements of that...  Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: Definitely A Request, because I never write Gouenji or Kidou so I learned quite a bit about them while writing it. Which is probably a hint that I should challenge myself next year lol.  Hardest story to write: I don’t remember any of them being particularly difficult to write, which is weird because when I eat my own cooking I remember how much effort I had to put in to make it (although the fact that there’s a much shorter wait between cooking and eating probably explains that). Probably What draws me to you. I obsessed over every word, I did so much research (but it was interesting reading), I focused so hard on the vague images in my mind and tried to translate them faithfully into text... Biggest Disappointment: I am not entirely satisfied with [redacted] which is probably a good thing. I don’t think it’s quite exactly what I wanted to write, but only minutely different. Biggest Surprise: I guess I didn’t realise how big (or HyoShun-starved?) the Saint Seiya fandom was until I posted First Time and watched the hits grow day by day. Most Unintentionally Telling Story: I already did all of that in Renegade so I guess being its sequel, Peripeties is probably it. Favorite Opening Line(s): When Raimon had been told that they would all be sent to various schools around Japan to serve on their reinforcement committee, Someoka had been over the moon. Finally, some real responsibility. Then they had told him that he was assigned to the boondocks. From Genghis Khan Favorite Closing Line(s): I mean I could pick any of my emotional punchlines or whatever but who am I kidding, it has to be from First Time. "Nii-san," Shun finally said. He took the potent cocktail from the counter and drank, eyes sparkling with mischief. "Whoever said we weren't?"  Favorite 5 Line(s) from Anywhere: His heartbeat quickened, and he was about to drop Fudou's hands, only to freeze as Fudou started to tug his fingers closer in with his own and intertwine them together. Their palms touched, and Sakuma felt the calloused skin where Fudou's fingers met his palm. He couldn't help but close his fingers around Fudou's cool hands and give them just one light, hesitant squeeze. The answering pressure sent Sakuma's heart madly aflutter, and Fudou flushed, complexion growing darker even as he stubbornly maintained eye contact. The two of them stared at each other for the shortest eternity, or was it the longest moment? To be honest, there were multiple contenders for this just from What draws me to you alone, but after a close fight this won. Top 5 Scenes from Anywhere You Would Choose to Have Illustrated:  1. What draws me to you, New Year’s festival at the temple, Sakuma in a suit, Miyabino next to him, both staring at a rogueish corn vendor Fudou in a dark blue kimono who’s fanning the coals with a rolled up sheet of newspaper, to the orange backdrop of the setting sun. I WANT THIS SO BAD I CAN’T EVEN 2. The final punchline of First Time. Shun’s sly grin!!! 3. What draws me to you, Fudou and Sakuma holding hands and all around them is the flowy, fluffy white of sakura petals 4. The chicken nugget confrontation in Peripeties! 5. Sakuma being a badass in [redacted]. Shouldn’t be more specific than that but I don’t think there are many scenes of Sakuma being a badass in that fic anyway... Also I have to say that my friend Ro illustrated the shooting stars scene in Peripeties and it’s soooooooo. Good!! <3 Fic-writing goals for 2018: 1. Finish Real Illusions, my Souda- and Sonia-centric post-SDR2 [Super Danganronpa 2] fic. OHHHHHH MY GOD. I THOUGHT THIS YEAR WOULD BE THE YEAR SINCE DR3 /AND/ NDRV3 WERE BOTH RELEASED. APPARENTLY NOT. 2. Finish part 1 of Blind Sin AU, and also think of a title for it instead of constantly calling it Blind Sin AU all the time, I guess. 3. Finish Redemption? To be honest I want to focus equally on original next year so I’m not exactly going to write 20 fics or anything like that. 4. Oh, yes. Try to push myself by writing characters, situations, styles, structures etc. I’m not familiar with.
0 notes
Into The Future/Afterlife Freestyle Creative Fiction Series episode Five-Start of Creative Fiction Career Stories by Stella CarrierJuly 19, 2018
Into The Future/Afterlife Freestyle Creative Fiction Series episode Five-Start of Creative Fiction Career Stories by Stella CarrierJuly 19, 2018 Into The Future/Afterlife Freestyle Creative Fiction Series episode Five-Start of Creative Fiction Career Stories by Stella Carrier start time of mini story 841 pmcompletion time of mini story (counting gathering of resources and sharing on certain social media outlets) 1105pm It is the year 2141 on August 30th and I am a 30 year employee who just celebrated my 60th birthday last week. I work at the University of Heart at Restaurant City less than 2 miles between the University of Maryland College Park Campus and a newly build community college that was built by the year 2090 that is a special writing and food publicity teaching college. Some of the things I do involve baking goods, setting up for food orders at various music events sponsored at the campuses in the area, and I work with some of the restaurants that set up shop on the campus by the year 2139. Yes, you heard that right over 50 different private sector restaurants are set up side by side. I manage the baking goods and cook some of the meats in  2 of the restaurants. I typically work from 7am to 6pm each day because some of my day to day work involves travel time to places both across the country and globe. For instance, 2 writing workshops less than a mile from here order their food from our company and the University of Maryland and our university has some shared restaurant/food mall agreements with other college and universities across the Maryland, Virginia, District of Columbia and abroad. For instance, a concert arena complete with its own 2 mile stretch of 50 supermarkets and restaurants was added to the area between this university and the University of Maryland by the year 2089. What this has to do with me and the 55000 other food employees is this; Panera Bread won a contract to do business with our college, the University of Maryland College Park campus, the 2 writing colleges and our sister campuses in Switzerland, Virginia, and Bethesda Maryland. What does this have to do with me you may ask; Well I have from 10 am to 3pm to travel to help give bread baking contest supplies to 42 other employees who are demonstrating in Arlington Virginia and 70 employees who are representing our school at a bread festival being held in Switzerland.  It is expected that I choose when to take my meal break as the trains that I travel on can easily take me all the way to Europe within an hour or less. By the year 2092 there were many eateries and other types of businesses built into underground train stations both across the U.S. and the globe and I could tell you stories just of that alone. When I say other types of businesses yes both the family friendly kind and the controversial kind. For instance, a place that I shall leave unnamed for good reasons gave me great massaging services and had been doing so for the past 10 years and this made this an easy decision to tip well for superb services rendered. However, halfway between my most recent massage session a female that I trusted handed me off to one of her male friends without asking me first. He was attractive and he heard about my reputation somehow as he told me during the session and despite the surprise I was almost about to tip him well until right as I thought he left the room I got up to put my clothes on and less than 60 seconds later he pounced on me and much to his surprise I got up and slammed him against the wall and advised him regardless of how slutty or sensual a female is  in her reputation that he needs to always make sure that she is in the mood. I have yet to go back to that business and I even gave another safer reason why I choose to avoid going when the female contacted me one day to politely ask me why I go to another massage business. I could easily bluntly tell her the deal yet the caveat is that the aggressive romeo I told you about is  her best friend's boyfriend and this best friend is related to one of my career mentors which is why I live by the rule that sometimes some things are better left unsaid andor carried into death. However, I am filled with more joy/elation to share the following A recent sleeptime dream I had; I was helping 23 of multiple celebrities with portraying parts that I wrote a story script for yes I am a part time creative fiction writer. This was less than 2 months after the script was sold for movie rights.  2 of these celebrities invited me to hang out with them at the spiritual centers they are a part of. volunteering-I volunteer part time for a lottery headquarters that helps set up parties and organizes choice of food from the lottery winners. I also work as a DJ part time at a club called Monster which was founded by a fan of Lady Gaga. Volunteers to serve andor make food at various events affiliated with Busch Gardens Williamsburg on an occasional basis. more details to eventually cometherapy andor life coach-has 5 of them-a career psychic who is a lookalike of Kelly Rowland in the music video for Commander with David Guetta who is also a retired naval commander, an intuitive life and social relationship building coach who resembles Armin Van Buuren in the music video of Therapy feat. James Newman and who also works part time as a chef at a museum, a therapist resembling Brittany Murphy in the Faster video with Paul Oakenfold and who has even been invited for free to Paul Oakenfold tribute concerts, a law of attraction writing author storytelling coach who resembles the singer from Angel City in the Do You Know music video who also speaks and organizes many writing workshops both across the U.S. and abroad, upcoming plans for free time andor funany vacation goals-Going to dinner with an Amazon mall employee who she met at  a Pet Shop Boys concert during the Miracle music videospiritual beliefs of each character andor awareness of spirit guides/spirit alliessleeptime dreams that impacted me-has over 40 spirit guides with one of then named who worked as a cruise ship cook in his most recent earth life before he passed over by the year 2080.advice that came from my life coaches to help me build upon my wisdom further knowledge etc. the lookalike of Kelly Rowland recommends that I look at trends relating to both male and female success stories/male and female success stories to help strengthen my awareness that wisdom and spiritual evolution can continue to happen regardless of one's age. Even though  she is my career mentor she also explained to me why she was getting the feeling from one of her celestial spirit guides that I need to remember the concept of trains for a multiple number of my dream stories. resourceshttps://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/20th-century-english-names.php#.Wx8w1-4vycwsymbolism of restaurant city gamesome weird sleeptime dreams I had less than a year ago where I was at work where one of the work food stations at the University of Maryland College was built installed next to a Baskin Robbins-the harvest salad station and some Baskin Robbins vendor were directly next to each other and some blonde haired female that I truthfully do not recall having met before was joyfully working at the stand serving the customers. My late adoptive mother was Caucasian and she did color her hair blonde yet  I know that this female was not her because I easily recognize my late adoptive mother's energy  in my sleeptime dreams.  This female appears to not have even been born on earth yet and she seemed like a nice person and somehow I got the feeling from this sleeptime dream  I intuitively got the feeling that I may have been looking at something that is over 50 years into the future when I am easily at least 80-90 years old in my current earth lifetime andor after I have already passed on from the earth plane into the afterlife. During the same timeframe of this dream I was transported to another part of the work area where I spotted some  walking living potato having its way with some ambigous looking smaller living being happy to be taken away to be eaten (the size of the walking potato was of your normal looking potato and the ambiguous looking living being at least 3 times smaller than the potato).  I confess that even to this day I still have yet to decipher what my intuitive soul was trying to tell me with this sleeptime dream  because it unexpectedly popped up less than a month  after I had been praying for my destiny life long career life path  to be shown to me and I admit that so much was wandering in my head after i intuitively realized that I need to be clearer in my intent with the universe when deciphering my career life destiny. What I do know for sure; I did feel a sense of synchronicity with my soul and brave/confident in this strange sleeptime dream at least the part where I saw the baskin robbins part-it is not in my destiny cards to work at baskin robbins rather I sense my intuitive soul was trying to tell me something that some of the private sector eateries in the area may merge/combine with some of the eating establishments 50 years into the future-hopefully well after the 2060s andor later-the potato part I think might have just been some symbology of something my soul picked up on for me to figure out months from now and may only make more sense years from now. I'm aware that I continue to have so much to learn yet this is one clue where I can tell the difference between sleeptime dreams influenced by my human ego andor external influences compared to subliminally picking up sleeptime dreams influenced by the language of my intuitive soul/heaven influenced higher self/my celestial spirit ally team-the sleeptime dreams have a quality where I am feeling self confident andor with a sense of celestial divine life purpose andor a sense of mystical knowing/awareness from the sleeptime dream.volunteeringtherapy andor life coach psychic coachupcoming plans for free time andor funany vacation goalsspiritual beliefs of each character andor awareness of spirit guides/spirit alliessleeptime dreams that impacted meadvice that came from my life coaches to help me build upon my wisdom further knowledge etc. I preface sharing this freestyle story that I am doing as creative writing therapy both to show appreciation for all who look at my online writings yet to also make this clear; I am humbly and modestly touched at an online communication I received pertaining to someone who wants to become a career coach. However with both modest and brave intent, I must make it clear that I do not plan to become a career coach as I sense that I am destined for a career path(s) completely different from career coach. Rather, I am writing this for other reasons pertaining to wanting to be employed as a career coach one of the reasons I feel comfortable sharing  that my creative fiction genre freestyle writings are a form of creative writing therapy. Additionally, I notice that the more I write, the more my wiser parts of my logic and creative intuition are activated/increase for the benefit of the wisdom I seek for greater knowledge and application of that knowledge in various areas of my life both offline and online.With that out of the way, here is today’s mini story I Stella Carrier Humbly Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future. I also welcome any and all forms of spiritual assistance and divine intervention in all areas of my life both present and future. I Stella Carrier give thanks for the blessing of a sweet and handsome husband who is supportive of my education and career goals for both present and future.I Stella Carrier feel blessed to be an American born woman who has the freedom to live wherever I desire within the United States regardless of my economic andor career situation.Every Day I Stella Carrier Become More Creative, Intuitive, and Imaginative.Each Day I Stella C songs for me to keep in mind; Faster Kill Pussycat by Paul Oakenfold feat. Brittany Murphy, Miracles by Pet Shop Boys, Close Your Eyes by Novaspace,Commander by David Guetta and Kelly Rowland, Monster by Lady Gaga, Fever by Adam Lambert, Do You Know by Angel City,Therapy by Armin Van Buuren feat. James Newman I admit that I find this lottery win story of sisters Sharon Calhoun and Juanita Simpson to be a feel good story as both women seem extremely happy from the photo. https://pilotonline.com/entertainment/lottery/article_8322e942-8b72-11e8-80e0-3f27cfc5c1e2.htmlVirginia Beach Sisters Win $10 Million From the Lottery by Robyn Siderskyhttps://pilotonline.com/entertainment/lottery/article_8322e942-8b72-11e8-80e0-3f27cfc5c1e2.html new idea added creative fiction storytelling at 1108 pm sisters celebrate lottery win at both Walt Disney World and certain other key places within the US and abroad The steak pictured in this Robb Report  Santa Monica California themed article looks delicious.https://robbreport.com/food-drink/dining/best-restaurants-santa-monica-venice-citrin-eg18-2807135/A Michelin Star Chef's Guide To Dining In Santa Monica and Venice by Jeremy Repanich about Josiah Citrinhttps://robbreport.com/food-drink/dining/best-restaurants-santa-monica-venice-citrin-eg18-2807135/new idea added creative fiction storytelling at 1110 pm-Some writers from Robb Report magazine team up to invest in some of the restaurants a year after some were written about with over ten times their return on investment added by 1106 pmhttps://buschgardens.com/williamsburg/dining/ new idea added creative fiction storytelling at 1111 pm a couple celebrating their 50 year wedding anniversary stop at Busch Gardens Williamsburg to have one of their renewal of vow ceremonies at one of the renewal of vow ceremonies added by the year 2100 unexpectedly popped up online tonight posted by 1107pmHarvard Extension Schoolhttps://www.extension.harvard.edu/harvard-education-designed-you?utm_source=quantcast&utm_medium=display&utm_campaign=EXT&utm_content=people&utm_term=FY19&=8269304&=20585867&=4339983&=224821654&=422881367 new idea added creative fiction storytelling at 1114 pmA female entrepreneur of childrens snacks aged 48 obtains her bachelor degrees from Harvard on the same day that one of her companies make 3 times her original expected profit. popular women food businesses I strive to have an open mind about success stories by both men and women. However, the ambitious spirit in me indirectly influenced a positive feeling I have about sharing this inspirational story of 10 food brands founded by women. https://www.thedailymeal.com/eat/10-food-companies-you-didnt-know-were-founded-women-slideshow10 Food Companies You Didn't Know Were Found by Women by Slideshow by Daily Mealhttps://www.thedailymeal.com/eat/10-food-companies-you-didnt-know-were-founded-women-slideshow new idea added creative fiction storytelling at 1114 pm to 1115pmA workshop event is held in California that is almost like an oscar awards for business owners, an idea started by the year 2094
0 notes
Into The Future/Afterlife Freestyle Creative Fiction Series episode Five-Start of Creative Fiction Career Stories by Stella Carrier
Into The Future/Afterlife Freestyle Creative Fiction Series episode Five-Start of Creative Fiction Career Stories by Stella CarrierJuly 19, 2018 Into The Future/Afterlife Freestyle Creative Fiction Series episode Five-Start of Creative Fiction Career Stories by Stella Carrier start time of mini story 841 pmcompletion time of mini story (counting gathering of resources and sharing on certain social media outlets) 1105pm It is the year 2141 on August 30th and I am a 30 year employee who just celebrated my 60th birthday last week. I work at the University of Heart at Restaurant City less than 2 miles between the University of Maryland College Park Campus and a newly build community college that was built by the year 2090 that is a special writing and food publicity teaching college. Some of the things I do involve baking goods, setting up for food orders at various music events sponsored at the campuses in the area, and I work with some of the restaurants that set up shop on the campus by the year 2139. Yes, you heard that right over 50 different private sector restaurants are set up side by side. I manage the baking goods and cook some of the meats in  2 of the restaurants. I typically work from 7am to 6pm each day because some of my day to day work involves travel time to places both across the country and globe. For instance, 2 writing workshops less than a mile from here order their food from our company and the University of Maryland and our university has some shared restaurant/food mall agreements with other college and universities across the Maryland, Virginia, District of Columbia and abroad. For instance, a concert arena complete with its own 2 mile stretch of 50 supermarkets and restaurants was added to the area between this university and the University of Maryland by the year 2089. What this has to do with me and the 55000 other food employees is this; Panera Bread won a contract to do business with our college, the University of Maryland College Park campus, the 2 writing colleges and our sister campuses in Switzerland, Virginia, and Bethesda Maryland. What does this have to do with me you may ask; Well I have from 10 am to 3pm to travel to help give bread baking contest supplies to 42 other employees who are demonstrating in Arlington Virginia and 70 employees who are representing our school at a bread festival being held in Switzerland.  It is expected that I choose when to take my meal break as the trains that I travel on can easily take me all the way to Europe within an hour or less. By the year 2092 there were many eateries and other types of businesses built into underground train stations both across the U.S. and the globe and I could tell you stories just of that alone. When I say other types of businesses yes both the family friendly kind and the controversial kind. For instance, a place that I shall leave unnamed for good reasons gave me great massaging services and had been doing so for the past 10 years and this made this an easy decision to tip well for superb services rendered. However, halfway between my most recent massage session a female that I trusted handed me off to one of her male friends without asking me first. He was attractive and he heard about my reputation somehow as he told me during the session and despite the surprise I was almost about to tip him well until right as I thought he left the room I got up to put my clothes on and less than 60 seconds later he pounced on me and much to his surprise I got up and slammed him against the wall and advised him regardless of how slutty or sensual a female is  in her reputation that he needs to always make sure that she is in the mood. I have yet to go back to that business and I even gave another safer reason why I choose to avoid going when the female contacted me one day to politely ask me why I go to another massage business. I could easily bluntly tell her the deal yet the caveat is that the aggressive romeo I told you about is  her best friend's boyfriend and this best friend is related to one of my career mentors which is why I live by the rule that sometimes some things are better left unsaid andor carried into death. However, I am filled with more joy/elation to share the following A recent sleeptime dream I had; I was helping 23 of multiple celebrities with portraying parts that I wrote a story script for yes I am a part time creative fiction writer. This was less than 2 months after the script was sold for movie rights.  2 of these celebrities invited me to hang out with them at the spiritual centers they are a part of. volunteering-I volunteer part time for a lottery headquarters that helps set up parties and organizes choice of food from the lottery winners. I also work as a DJ part time at a club called Monster which was founded by a fan of Lady Gaga. Volunteers to serve andor make food at various events affiliated with Busch Gardens Williamsburg on an occasional basis. more details to eventually cometherapy andor life coach-has 5 of them-a career psychic who is a lookalike of Kelly Rowland in the music video for Commander with David Guetta who is also a retired naval commander, an intuitive life and social relationship building coach who resembles Armin Van Buuren in the music video of Therapy feat. James Newman and who also works part time as a chef at a museum, a therapist resembling Brittany Murphy in the Faster video with Paul Oakenfold and who has even been invited for free to Paul Oakenfold tribute concerts, a law of attraction writing author storytelling coach who resembles the singer from Angel City in the Do You Know music video who also speaks and organizes many writing workshops both across the U.S. and abroad, upcoming plans for free time andor funany vacation goals-Going to dinner with an Amazon mall employee who she met at  a Pet Shop Boys concert during the Miracle music videospiritual beliefs of each character andor awareness of spirit guides/spirit alliessleeptime dreams that impacted me-has over 40 spirit guides with one of then named who worked as a cruise ship cook in his most recent earth life before he passed over by the year 2080.advice that came from my life coaches to help me build upon my wisdom further knowledge etc. the lookalike of Kelly Rowland recommends that I look at trends relating to both male and female success stories/male and female success stories to help strengthen my awareness that wisdom and spiritual evolution can continue to happen regardless of one's age. Even though  she is my career mentor she also explained to me why she was getting the feeling from one of her celestial spirit guides that I need to remember the concept of trains for a multiple number of my dream stories. resourceshttps://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/20th-century-english-names.php#.Wx8w1-4vycwsymbolism of restaurant city gamesome weird sleeptime dreams I had less than a year ago where I was at work where one of the work food stations at the University of Maryland College was built installed next to a Baskin Robbins-the harvest salad station and some Baskin Robbins vendor were directly next to each other and some blonde haired female that I truthfully do not recall having met before was joyfully working at the stand serving the customers. My late adoptive mother was Caucasian and she did color her hair blonde yet  I know that this female was not her because I easily recognize my late adoptive mother's energy  in my sleeptime dreams.  This female appears to not have even been born on earth yet and she seemed like a nice person and somehow I got the feeling from this sleeptime dream  I intuitively got the feeling that I may have been looking at something that is over 50 years into the future when I am easily at least 80-90 years old in my current earth lifetime andor after I have already passed on from the earth plane into the afterlife. During the same timeframe of this dream I was transported to another part of the work area where I spotted some  walking living potato having its way with some ambigous looking smaller living being happy to be taken away to be eaten (the size of the walking potato was of your normal looking potato and the ambiguous looking living being at least 3 times smaller than the potato).  I confess that even to this day I still have yet to decipher what my intuitive soul was trying to tell me with this sleeptime dream  because it unexpectedly popped up less than a month  after I had been praying for my destiny life long career life path  to be shown to me and I admit that so much was wandering in my head after i intuitively realized that I need to be clearer in my intent with the universe when deciphering my career life destiny. What I do know for sure; I did feel a sense of synchronicity with my soul and brave/confident in this strange sleeptime dream at least the part where I saw the baskin robbins part-it is not in my destiny cards to work at baskin robbins rather I sense my intuitive soul was trying to tell me something that some of the private sector eateries in the area may merge/combine with some of the eating establishments 50 years into the future-hopefully well after the 2060s andor later-the potato part I think might have just been some symbology of something my soul picked up on for me to figure out months from now and may only make more sense years from now. I'm aware that I continue to have so much to learn yet this is one clue where I can tell the difference between sleeptime dreams influenced by my human ego andor external influences compared to subliminally picking up sleeptime dreams influenced by the language of my intuitive soul/heaven influenced higher self/my celestial spirit ally team-the sleeptime dreams have a quality where I am feeling self confident andor with a sense of celestial divine life purpose andor a sense of mystical knowing/awareness from the sleeptime dream.volunteeringtherapy andor life coach psychic coachupcoming plans for free time andor funany vacation goalsspiritual beliefs of each character andor awareness of spirit guides/spirit alliessleeptime dreams that impacted meadvice that came from my life coaches to help me build upon my wisdom further knowledge etc. I preface sharing this freestyle story that I am doing as creative writing therapy both to show appreciation for all who look at my online writings yet to also make this clear; I am humbly and modestly touched at an online communication I received pertaining to someone who wants to become a career coach. However with both modest and brave intent, I must make it clear that I do not plan to become a career coach as I sense that I am destined for a career path(s) completely different from career coach. Rather, I am writing this for other reasons pertaining to wanting to be employed as a career coach one of the reasons I feel comfortable sharing  that my creative fiction genre freestyle writings are a form of creative writing therapy. Additionally, I notice that the more I write, the more my wiser parts of my logic and creative intuition are activated/increase for the benefit of the wisdom I seek for greater knowledge and application of that knowledge in various areas of my life both offline and online.With that out of the way, here is today’s mini story I Stella Carrier Humbly Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future. I also welcome any and all forms of spiritual assistance and divine intervention in all areas of my life both present and future. I Stella Carrier give thanks for the blessing of a sweet and handsome husband who is supportive of my education and career goals for both present and future.I Stella Carrier feel blessed to be an American born woman who has the freedom to live wherever I desire within the United States regardless of my economic andor career situation.Every Day I Stella Carrier Become More Creative, Intuitive, and Imaginative.Each Day I Stella C songs for me to keep in mind; Faster Kill Pussycat by Paul Oakenfold feat. Brittany Murphy, Miracles by Pet Shop Boys, Close Your Eyes by Novaspace,Commander by David Guetta and Kelly Rowland, Monster by Lady Gaga, Fever by Adam Lambert, Do You Know by Angel City,Therapy by Armin Van Buuren feat. James Newman I admit that I find this lottery win story of sisters Sharon Calhoun and Juanita Simpson to be a feel good story as both women seem extremely happy from the photo. https://pilotonline.com/entertainment/lottery/article_8322e942-8b72-11e8-80e0-3f27cfc5c1e2.htmlVirginia Beach Sisters Win $10 Million From the Lottery by Robyn Siderskyhttps://pilotonline.com/entertainment/lottery/article_8322e942-8b72-11e8-80e0-3f27cfc5c1e2.html new idea added creative fiction storytelling at 1108 pm sisters celebrate lottery win at both Walt Disney World and certain other key places within the US and abroad The steak pictured in this Robb Report  Santa Monica California themed article looks delicious.https://robbreport.com/food-drink/dining/best-restaurants-santa-monica-venice-citrin-eg18-2807135/A Michelin Star Chef's Guide To Dining In Santa Monica and Venice by Jeremy Repanich about Josiah Citrinhttps://robbreport.com/food-drink/dining/best-restaurants-santa-monica-venice-citrin-eg18-2807135/new idea added creative fiction storytelling at 1110 pm-Some writers from Robb Report magazine team up to invest in some of the restaurants a year after some were written about with over ten times their return on investment added by 1106 pmhttps://buschgardens.com/williamsburg/dining/ new idea added creative fiction storytelling at 1111 pm a couple celebrating their 50 year wedding anniversary stop at Busch Gardens Williamsburg to have one of their renewal of vow ceremonies at one of the renewal of vow ceremonies added by the year 2100 unexpectedly popped up online tonight posted by 1107pmHarvard Extension Schoolhttps://www.extension.harvard.edu/harvard-education-designed-you?utm_source=quantcast&utm_medium=display&utm_campaign=EXT&utm_content=people&utm_term=FY19&=8269304&=20585867&=4339983&=224821654&=422881367 new idea added creative fiction storytelling at 1114 pmA female entrepreneur of childrens snacks aged 48 obtains her bachelor degrees from Harvard on the same day that one of her companies make 3 times her original expected profit. popular women food businesses I strive to have an open mind about success stories by both men and women. However, the ambitious spirit in me indirectly influenced a positive feeling I have about sharing this inspirational story of 10 food brands founded by women. https://www.thedailymeal.com/eat/10-food-companies-you-didnt-know-were-founded-women-slideshow10 Food Companies You Didn't Know Were Found by Women by Slideshow by Daily Mealhttps://www.thedailymeal.com/eat/10-food-companies-you-didnt-know-were-founded-women-slideshow new idea added creative fiction storytelling at 1114 pm to 1115pmA workshop event is held in California that is almost like an oscar awards for business owners, an idea started by the year 2094
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