afaramir · 1 month
3, 23, 24, 25, 27 and 30? 💕
hi hi ria!! blessings of rain be upon ye...
3. how you feel about your current wip
i am RATTLING the bars of the cage in my brain!!! by that i mean the faramir goes to rivendell au is possibly my favourite best thing ive ever written i am just stuck in the mudpit of the current conversation and i would like to. not be there. but i really do love working on it it feels like gradually assembling a structure around a framework and when i step back and really look at it its just. jrr tolkien and i are having A Conversation. you know? like yes!! i AM transforming the work!! i AM deciding whether he would fucking say that and i do think i am right at least 92% of the time!! ive had the concept of the au in my head for probably 3-4 years at least and i feel like. well i was never really going to feel Ready to write it. and yet i am grabbing it in my hands and doing it anyway and it IS making me a much better writer and i can Feel it. yeah i love it.
and umbar fic/situationship au is just me pushing the bounds of do it weird/do it horny/do it self-indulgent and it is. SO MUCH FUN. i think there has always been a little block in my head stopping me from doing that i mean like everything i write is kind of like. this is specifically created to cater to me. but the panopticon in my head is a crazy thing. but step by step we are defeating it. this is like the next step up from just so long as this thing's loaded which was kind of my first time pushing those bounds and. i mean there are a lot of things about that one that i think i could improve now (this is my REAL answer to that "would you rewrite anything" question from the other ask meme) but it definitely got me here. never underestimate the power of a rarepair to make you WEIRD. (<- abby rarepairnationcore sentences...)
23. pick three keywords that describe your writing
what is this a job application? LOL just kidding but i do suck at these. um. atmospheric. character-driven (yes this is two words but it is true). interrogative (i am IN THERE with. either the original text. or the minds of the characters. shakes u like a snow globe WHAT is going on in your head).
24. how do you recharge when you're not feeling creative?
im really bad at this. like actually spectacularly abysmal. i mostly sit around feeling sorry for myself for three to nine months. until i eventually buck up the motivation and executive function to actually (re)consume a piece of media and more often than not it will seize me by the throat and lead me out of the pit. yeah this does usually work best with things ive seen before that will awaken a dormant fixation.
25. besides writing, what are your other hobbies?
going to the grocery store. doing my dishes. LOL ok when i am Not Writing A Novel-Length Fic i knit. one day i will start doing it again i want to make. the extensive sweater vest collection of my dreams. but i already have this repetitive stress injury because i type for eight hours at work and then come home and type for four more and i think if i started knitting again on top of that i would immediately crumble to dust. and um. is that it? that can't be it. i do calligraphy sometimes. WAIT LOL I BIND BOOKS. -> @hexagonspress
27. your favourite part of the writing process
omg ok i'm not sure if this is like my Top Number One Favourite but ive recently started really enjoying drafting out ao3 tags and start/end notes it's really fun to work out what things i want people to notice that i might wanna talk about in the end notes and compressing everything down into tags (to varying extents) is also just a neat way to think about like. what was i trying to capture/convey with the fic. e.g. whether i wanna be really wordy with it and get it all out in there or just have the reader go in pretty much blind.
30. share a fic you're especially proud of
maybe i'll never shut up about TO THE VERY DEAR MEMORY OF [ ] but like...you guys. i love it so much. it's so so experimental because the place in my mind that is wrapped around yancy becket is so....complicated and full of grief and fundamentally altering to my brain chemistry and i can only capture it through the world's craziest extended metaphors but i kind of feel like i pulled it off. it is like truly the tip of the iceberg of a LOT of stuff that is really fundamental to honestly a lot of my? lotr work? i mean the way i think about water metaphors...the fundamental dead brother complex baked into my writer's brain...it's all pacific rim in there. this fic marinated in my head for THREE YEARS. that is the longest from inception to completion that any of my (published) work has existed (unpublished is a whole different story. there's a longfic that i created at the beginning of my freshman year of college and has stuck around into postgrad. i mean. girl). i wrote the poem that each first line of every section is extracted from in my parents' house during covid lockdown. and then it just had to sit and develop and develop until the yancy becket death anniversary this year yanked it forcibly out of my head and into a fully-formed format.
fic writer's asks
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findmeontheisle · 3 years
chasing the ocean: part 9
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author’s note: i mean, i’m not saying that i stepped up my game on the layout of each part- im just saying i totally did because i went and added proper line breaks and next chapter and previous chapter buttons like sheeeeesh 😩 also i start school again soon so updates might take longer
warnings: cursing lmao, mentions of drinking
previous chapter next chapter
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when harry starts the engine of the motorcycle this time, i’m either too tired to be scared or i’m still in a tranquil state of peace from the sunset that i don’t get scared or squeeze him any tighter. it helps that he is driving noticeably slower and taking the curves more carefully.
trapped halfway in a daze from the wind hitting my face and just being completely sleep-deprived, i feel a burst of confidence. i don’t hesitate as i unravel my arms from around his torso and spread my arms out by my side.
my hair whips around in the wind and i close my eyes as i just focus on how free i feel in the moment. the weight of any stress or guilt that had been on my shoulders for the past month flying away.
the motorcycle slows down even more for a second and i open my eyes to see harry’s head swivel. even through the helmet, i can hear him yell, “i thought ye fucking fell off.”
laughing, i shake my head and wrap my arms loosely around his torso as i lean forward to yell next to his ear, “it’s not that easy to get rid of me.”
when we arrived back at the parking lot of the castle, i climb off and i’m only a little shaky in the knees, which is a massive improvement. harry still throws his arm over my shoulder and we begin the walk back to the castle.
the sun is beginning to peak over the treetops as we reach the front gardens and harry is laughing as he recalls, “i turned around and ye should’ve seen how much fun ye were having. princess, ye know i was right.”
i roll my eyes and elbow him softly in his side, “yeah, yeah. whatever you say, captain.”
his lips are pulled into a huge smile and he taps his feet excitedly for a second. as we enter the castle, i see the guard who normally stands outside my door waiting for us.
yanking the keys out of harry’s hand, i quickly hand it back to him and apologize, “i’m so sorry, david, i really didnt-“
david slyly slides the keys back into his pocket and stiffly answers, “princess y/n, i’m not sure what you’re talking about. all i know is i heard a noise down the hall last night and when i came back to my post, you had gone for a walk in the gardens with mr. hook.”
blinking in surprise, i look up at harry and see him wink at david before shaking his hand, “thanks, lad.”
harry tugs on my shoulder gently and leads me to the stairs. i finally break out of my shock and sputter out, “wait, wait. you didn’t actually steal the motorcycle?”
shaking his head proudly, harry smirks at me and whispers, “no, i just paid him with some money you left lying around back at auradon and he gave me the keys.”
before i can respond, harry is running down the hall and cackling. i shake my head with a smile that makes my cheeks hurt as i yell after him, “you’re gonna pay for that, hook.”
and with that, i’m running after him.
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“-the economy is thriving just as much as your highness said it would. and plans for the annual lantern festival are almost fully finished aside from a few finishing details that still need royal approval.”
my eyes almost slip close, but i manage to subtly jerk myself back awake in time before the older man, who was presenting the kingdom updates of the day, or my parents could tell.
the only sleep i had gotten was the three hours before harry woke me and the hour long nap on the docks. once we got back to the castle, we went to our respective rooms to shower and by the time we arrived to breakfast, my parents had already decided that i needed to sit in on the meetings of the day.
i told harry that he was pretty much free to go wherever he wants on the castle grounds as long as he had david with him, which apparently threw off his plans considering he immediately returned to his room.
instead of getting to return to my room, i was brought to the dress room and put into formal attire. from there, i was ushered into the throne room where i have been sitting for the past four hours straight. the older man has been blabbering uselessly and talking formally in an attempt to win their favor, despite me being in charge for the day. my parents had elected to have me manage the meetings as further practice for when i become queen once i graduate from auradon as we had previously agreed.
looking up at the clock on the wall, i feel my stomach start to growl and i barely suppress a sigh of annoyance as the man flips a page in his notes to continue speaking. thankfully, mom cuts him off before he can continue rattling on.
“thank you very much, sir lentley. your attention to detail is greatly appreciated, which is why we are promoting you to finalizing the details for the festival. we trust your opinion greatly and are preoccupied with a guest and spending as much time as possible with our daughter.”
the man looks like he’s about to go into a lengthy and formal speech of his gratification for the promotion, but dad raises his hand and speaks, “no need, but if you don’t mind, we promised our guest that we would attend lunch with him.”
with that, sir lentley nodded his head like a broken bobble head and was on his way. i sigh in relief and sink into my throne, finally breaking from the perfect posture i had held.
dad slides out of his throne and lays down on the red carpet as he groans, “i hate meetings before a festival.”
mom chuckles at her husband and kicks off her heels as she reminds him, “you’re the one who thought it would be great to get someone to announce the daily reports rather than just have it printed out and brought to our room.”
my eyes widen in betrayal and i gasp, “you’re the reason we have to sit in more formal meetings?”
dad slowly stands from the ground and brushes off his clothes, “yeah so funny story…”
mom and i glare at him and he just raises his hands in surrender, “i’m going to lunch. see you there sweetheart. i’ll save you a seat next to me wifey, but me and hennington are going to start without you two if you take too long to catch up.”
“dad, i don’t even think hennington is a name.”
the door shuts behind him and i snort at his antics. mom sighs from her throne beside me and shrugs, “that’s your father.”
i look up at her incredulously and laugh, “that’s your husband.”
she cracks a smile and stares at the throne beside her where his crown is still sitting, “yep and i wouldn’t have it any other way.”
if there was ever one fact in life that i could always count on for as long as i can remember, it is that my parents are as in love as they were the day they married. if not, more.
taking my crown off and setting it down in my lap, i stare down at it. i only have a couple more months before i’m set to take the oath that makes me the official ruler of eroda. i’ve trained my entire life and deep down, i know i’m more than prepared and that my parents would be by my side to guide me. but that doesn’t mean i feel ready to be queen.
“so, what did you think about the meeting?”
tearing my gaze from the sparkling crown in my lap, i look up into mom’s giant green eyes and as always, i feel like she can read my every thought.
shrugging a shoulder, i run through every mental note i had made while i was still paying attention, “well, i know that our trade deals have been lacking comparatively to previous years because most of the gardeners aren’t certain that they can ship their flowers since we’ve cut back on using vehicles to ship goods. but i was thinking about maybe we can start trading pressed flowers if we talk to some allies and create a demand for them-“
hearing my name, my thought process is brought to an immediate halt and i stop talking.
mom shakes her head and smiles, “i know you already have plenty of ideas for the kingdom. i was asking about how you would change the meeting itself. no one expects you to rule the kingdom exactly like me and your dad. change is okay.”
i nod slowly and look around the throne room. in a few months, i will be queen and sitting in the middle throne. the throne room will be remodeled to how i choose after my coronation to symbolize the shift of power.
finally, i turn back to mom and answer, “no offense to sir lentley, but i’m going to find a replacement for him.”
mom nods in understanding, but stays silent, which prompts me to continue speaking, “i think it would be someone that i’m already familiar with and am used to being around. i need to hear the updates as they are and not as formal as possible so i need someone who feels secure speaking freely to me.”
her eyes seem pleasantly surprised and she teases me, “oh, so you’re still going to have meetings?”
i laugh and roll my eyes at her, “yeah, in my pajamas.”
we share a laugh before she casually adds, “yeah, i wouldn’t make it a habit to spend all night with harry before days when you have meetings.”
i point at her, “to be fair, you didn’t mention the meeting- wait.”
mom is biting her lip to hide her smile and my jaw is dropped until i see pascal turn a deep red and hide behind her neck to avoid my gaze.
“oh my god, you’re kidding me. the fucking lizard snitched on me?”
bursting into laughter, mom waves her hand flippantly at me, “don’t worry, i’m the only one who knows. your dad is oblivious, but i could tell you kept napping during the meeting.”
i groan and put my head in my hands before looking up confused, “wait, if you only saw me napping, then how’d you know i was with harry last night?”
she looks at me incredulously and picks her shoes up from the ground, standing and crossing the room as she calls over her shoulder, “well, i’m not stupid, y/n. i see the way you two were looking at each other at breakfast.”
with that, she leaves me in the throne room with a flushed face and a lizard that had fallen off her shoulder.
“ya know, pascal, sometimes i wish you would shut up.”
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lunch passed quickly aside from harry’s teasing remarks about my formal gown. dad would laugh along until mom elbowed him, which would cause him to clear his throat and act like he was preoccupied with his food. anytime i shot back a retaliation at harry, mom would give me a look until harry would snicker happily.
once we finished eating, mom wipes her mouth on her napkin before reminding me, “don’t forget that you’re taking harry to the snuggly duckling today. we called ahead and let them know to expect you, y/n.”
sitting up in my seat, i excitedly bounce, “oh my god, you’re right! when is the driver going to be here?”
she looks up the clock before tilting her head as she thinks, “you have about half an hour before he gets here , i think.”
i grin and tell everyone that i’m going to change into casual clothes before the driver arrives. as i’m leaving , i hear harry ask what the snuggly duckling and dad patting his shoulder as he sighs, “good luck, humpty.”
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stepping out of the limo, harry looks at me in confusion when he sees a dirt path. i shrug and tell him, “this part of the woods is protected by an environmental protection act that we put into place a couple years ago so we made sure that they wouldn’t pave a road down this way.”
harry groans and throws his head back as he stomps his foot childishly, “we gotta walk?”
rolling my eyes, i grab the hand that isn’t holding his hook and drag him behind me, “come on, captain, it won’t hurt you to use your land legs for a little bit.”
the dirt path is lit by the sunlight breaking through the leaves of the trees. it’s peaceful as the only noises that can be heard during the walk is the birds chirping and the leaves crunching beneath our feet.
harry breaks the silence and asks, “so, lass, what makes this place so special?”
smiling at the thought of the little pub, i look up at harry and answer, “it’s mostly the people that make it special, to be honest. but, it also is where i have my birthday every year.”
harry scrunches his nose and asks, “why not at the castle?”
i grimace at the thought of it and shake my head, “hell no. the castle would be a huge gift ceremony followed be an exclusive dinner with a giant ball and a bunch of people i don’t know.”
the corner of harry’s lip quirks upwards and he jokes, “better than the birthday parties on the isle.”
i shove his shoulder and shake my head with a smile, “no, i didn’t mean it like that, dumbass. i’m grateful for everything i have and i love my people, but it’s nice to just be normal, ya know?”
nodding his head, harry’s smirk drops a little as he agrees, “aye, i understand the feeling.”
i bite my lip and want to say something else, but i look up to see the old wooden sign. nudging harry softly, i point at it and grin happily, “harry hook, welcome to the snuggly duckling.”
harry stares blankly at the oddly angular building covered in moss before humming, “how cute.”
rolling my eyes, i step in front of him and cross my arms over my chest, “i’m gonna need some more enthusiasm from you because you are the first guest i’ve ever brought here. ever.”
harry’s eyebrows furrow and he tilts his head in confusion, eyes darting back to the old building, “i thought you have your birthday parties here.”
i nod and inform him, “it’s a pretty small event. anyone who gets invited is already a regular here so this is the first time i’m bringing a new person.”
with that, i grab his hand again and drag him all the way up to the door. from the outside, i can hear the loud conversations and laughter from the rambunctious group inside. the smell of beer and sweat fills my nose and i smile slightly at the familiarity of it all.
throwing the door open, i hear the music come to a halt and the whole pub is silent for a moment until i hear hookman yell from the back, “ITS Y/N!”
cheers immediately follow and a wave of people rush forward and i’m pulled away from harry before i can realize as all of the big men pull me into gentle hugs. despite how fast everyone is moving and talking, i look around and notice that all of the regulars really did come back today so i know mom wasn’t lying when she said that she let them know we were coming.
suddenly, the pub goes silent again and i notice everyone staring at the front of the pub. that’s when i notice that attila and vladimir have harry held up against the door and are glaring at him intimidatingly.
my eyes widen and i’m seconds from yelling at them to drop him when he says something that i can’t hear. a few seconds pass before i see those around him pull out various weapons. this is when i decide it’s my time to step in.
pushing through the crowd to get back to harry, i finally get through and announce, “everyone, this is my friend, harry. harry, this is my extended family.”
i hear a lot of them grumbling behind me so i look over my shoulder and they instantly stop. smiling at attila and vladimir, i wait until they drop him back onto his feet before i grab his arm and pull him with me to the back where hookman is.
i find the bald man with the mustache sitting at the piano like normal and i quickly rush forward to give him a hug. he laughs happily and pinches my cheek gently with his right hand, “ah yes, there’s my y/n. where have ya been?”
pointing over my shoulder to harry, who is currently being stared down by at least three guys, i joke, “i’ve been making sure that harry stays out of trouble and i figured you could help me.”
hookman arches his eyebrow and leans down to my eye level to ask me, “do i need to kill that guy?”
shaking my head, i elbow him and chastise, “no, i need you to tell the other guys to be nice to him.”
i can see how reluctant hookman is to do it so i pull out the trick that has worked ever since before i could walk. my bottom lip wobbles on command and i stare up at hookman with wide eyes, “c’mon uncle hook, ya gotta help me out.”
harry’s head shoots up at the mention of a hook, but i’m staring straight up at hookman. finally, he sighs and lifts his left hand-er, well hook.
he slams the hook across the piano keys, which sends a few flying off to the side and silence crosses the pub once more. i turn to face the crowd that is staring at me and hookman and smile widely at the men i had grown up surrounded by.
“okay, listen up here. y/n came back to visit you lousy fucks so the least we can do is not hurt her friend, gary-“
hookman continues like i never corrected him, “if i see anyone other than me and attila being mean to the kid, we’re gonna have an issue. understood?”
the men all mumble incoherently, but i smile brightly knowing that it’s the best i’m going to get out of them. from then on, everything went pretty smoothly.
i lost track of harry because of the line of guys who were waiting for their turn to catch up with me, but i had full faith that hookman would keep his promise.
after an hour, i find out how well hookman kept his promise when i find him and harry at the bar comparing hooks and happily laughing together.
i take a seat on the stool next to harry as hookman begins telling him the story of how my parents found this place and became official members of the unofficial family.
harry turns to me in shock and almost shouts over the loud noises around us, “your dad was a criminal?”
hookman and i laugh as i point at the archway above the stage. harry follows the direction i pointed and finally sees the wanted poster that is framed and hanging up there. scrunching his face, harry laughs, “damn, they really got his nose wrong in that picture.”
hookman and i share a look of relief that dad wasn’t here to hear that so we can be spared from his usual rant of how no one ever gets his nose right in drawings. instead, hookman points his hook at me fondly and grins, “see, kid, y/n is pretty much our family around here. we helped raise her as one of us.”
harry looks over at me and i’m sure he was still finding it hard to believe. seeing me sitting in this dingy old pub surrounded by big, burly ex-convicts all while i’m wearing a baby blue sweater and a white tennis skirt probably didn’t help him process it. but it was entirely true.
the karaoke machine that the guys installed for my eighth birthday party was still sitting at the side of the stage and is frequently used whenever i visit during the summers. behind the bar, i have a special cup reserved specifically for me and they keep my favorite sodas and juices refrigerated in the back just in case i make a special appearance. in the far right corner of the pub, is the booth where the guys have lined up to let me practice makeup on them for the past four years. despite the vastly difference in appearance between me and the pub, the snuggly duckling is one the few places where i feel completely normal and accepted.
hookman nudges harry and squints his eyes in anticipation, “so, what’s your story?”
harry frowns in confusion and shrugs halfheartedly, “i don’t really have a story.”
this statement somehow manages to catch shorty’s attention. shorty is the oldest of the regulars in the pub and for some reason, no one can ever convince him to keep his clothes on while he drinks, but he always leaves a diaper on so we all just ignore him for the most part.
“wuhhh, no way! everyone’s gots to have a story to ‘em!”
except for when he drunkenly yells at the top of his lungs like that.
all of the guys who were still nearby turn to face us and big nose speaks up first, “yeah, man, we all have stories. what’s yours?”
harry seems slightly thrown off guard by the attention being suddenly turned on him once again, but he doesn’t let it show on his face, “i just really don’t got one, lads.”
hookman shakes his head and sighs, “you’re just like flynn.”
i almost speak up, but hookman’s stool squeals loudly as he pushes back from the bar and stands. placing his hand on harry’s shoulder, he spins harry around and begins to use his hook to point at people as he speaks.
“big nose here spent his entire life looking for love, but he was always too shy to talk to any of the gals because of his nose. but then he met assunta and now he never shuts up about how in love he is. it’s fucking disgusting, but he’s happy so we just let him talk.”
they turn slightly to the left and hookman points at another person, “vladimir’s grandmother left behind a ceramic unicorn for him and for most of his life, that was all he had. now, he has a whole collection of them and he travels sometimes to find more.”
i smile at the big man wearing a helmet with horns on it as he pulls out one of his prized unicorns. it’s a light lavender color with an iridescent horn and i recognize it as the one i commissioned from a local artist for his christmas gift a few years back.
hookman continues to point as various people and tell their stories.
“gunther is an interior designer and he designs for the royal family and local shops in the town.”
“killer teaches after-school sewing classes to the kids who are in low income families so that they can fix their clothes and potentially make things that can be sold.”
“fang does puppet shows for the elderly whenever they get tired of playing bingo at the senior center.”
hookman finally turns back to harry and by now, almost everyone in the pub is staring at him curiously as hookman repeats his question, “so, what’s your story?”
sighing deeply, harry shifts on the bar stool and clears his throat, “well, i’m the son of captain hook and one of the last vk’s to come to auradon.”
i frown and shake my head at harry, “that’s not your story.”
harry’s blue eyes meet mine and i can almost see the thoughts swirling in his brain as he seems to be ashamed of himself for who his father is and where he came from.
i struggle to find words to explain myself more, but hookman does it for me as he taps his hook on harry’s chest.
“your story isn’t your past, harry. everyone in this room has been to jail numerous times aside from the two of you. but i didn’t tell you that vladimir is a thief or that fang used to get in street fights weekly. i told you about who they became.”
harry’s still staring at his dad’s hook that is in his hands so i gently rest my hand on top of his and reassure him, “your surroundings don’t define you anymore. your story is who you choose to be, not who you were when you were trying to survive.”
hookman turns to the crowd and gives them a look, which spurs them all into going back to their normal activities and giving the three of us some privacy. he returns to his stool and we all sit in silence for a moment until he turns back to harry with the nicest smile he can muster.
“kid, it’s okay to not have your whole story written yet. but it is worth something to start thinking about. you wouldn’t want to be like y/n over there.”
i throw my head back laughing before balling up a napkin on the bar and tossing at hookman, “that’s so not fair, uncle hook!”
he holds his hands up in surrender and chuckles as he shakes his head, “i’m just saying, you’re running out of time as a princess.”
we suddenly hear a commotion near the door and hookman sighs deeply before giving me a look that makes me giggle. we both know shorty just broke something while wobbling around drunkenly so hookman wordlessly gets up to go take shorty outside.
harry looks deep in thought until he turns to me with an arched eyebrow, “what did he mean by you’re running out of time?”
my smile slips off of my face and i let my hands fiddle with the hem of my sweater as i try to keep my voice neutral.
“well, my parents made a deal with me that i won’t become queen until i graduate from auradon, which is pretty good compared to ben who has to run a kingdom while trying to pass chemistry. but now, i’m a couple months away from that and i still haven’t figured out my story.”
he seems shocked by this information and like he’s trying to make sense of it all, “wait, ye only got a couple months until yer stuck running this whole kingdom? and why can’t ye run a kingdom and figure out yer story? and why is this whole story thing so important to all of ye ‘round here?”
i chuckle at the questions and twist on the stool so my body is facing him. he does the same, but spreads his legs wider since our stools are so close together that our were touching. i kick my feet out and rest them on the footrest of his stool and think over my answers before speaking.
“yes, only a couple months. and i technically could make my story then, but it won’t be the same then.”
harry leans closer to hear me better and to show that he’s fully paying attention to every word.
“basically, every great ruler has something that they’re driven by. a passion or like a dream. my mom’s before she found out she was royal was that she wanted to see the lanterns. when she became a ruler, her passion was to make sure that people had an equal opportunity to chase their dreams, despite their pasts.”
harry furrows his eyebrows and i can see a little bit of anger in his blue eyes as he bitterly asks, “but she was okay with leaving kids locked up on the isle for crimes they didn’t commit?”
i frown and lean back defensively before i correct him, “not at all, but eroda is part of the united states of auradon. which means that ben’s parents have a final say on the isle and that any actions she took to remove people would be treason. the best she could do was keep as many of our criminals within our kingdom as possible.”
i can’t read harry’s facial expression, so i just continue to speak, “she put into place rehabilitation programs for our criminals and managed to lower the crime rate almost over night. the only person that she couldn’t save from the isle was mother gothel, but you can’t blame her for not fighting to save her.”
harry nods at this so i return back to my original topic, “i mean, everything my mom has done as queen is great and the people love her, but that’s not my dream or passion. plus, she’s already done everything that we can for the time being. so, i’ve spent most of my life surrounding myself with a variety of people, hobbies, social issues, everything. and there’s so many things that i plan on addressing and fixing or improving and all of that is great, but none of it is my story.”
letting my words wash over him, harry slowly nods and continues for me, “and if ye haven’t found yer story in the castle or the kingdom yet, then it’s clearly not here. so when you become the ruler, it’s gonna be almost impossible to get away from it to look for it.”
i almost feel tears prick my eyes from the relief i feel in knowing that someone finally understands it. i finally have someone who understands my fear of living my whole life by just doing the things that should be done and never anything that makes me feel alive. i’ve spent years desperately trying to explain it to ben, lonnie, and jane. i’ve even tried to explain it to carlos and evie, but no one could comprehend why i would need just one purpose when i already have plans on how to address so many issues. but finally, i have someone who understands why i want a story.
the relief and happiness is flooding through me as i lean closer to harry and excitedly ramble, “exactly! i mean, everytime i look at hookman playing piano or gunther designing or anybody in here living their story- they just look so fulfilled with their life. it’s like they’re doing exactly what they were born to be doing and they could do it for forever without being bored.”
harry nods and in his eyes, i can see that he knows how i feel from his own experience as he joins in, “yes and they do it because it’s what they chose, not what was chosen for them.”
we both grin at each other and i can’t stop myself from leaping off my stool to stand between his legs and hug him closely. just like the first time i hugged him, harry seems tense and hesitant at first. after a moment though, i feel his arms wrap around me loosely and his chin rests on the top of my head for a second.
he lets me hug him tightly for as long as i need to and when i finally let go, he laughs and jokes, “ye weren’t kidding when ye said ye would take any chance ye could to feel me up.”
i laugh with him and try to ignore how warm my cheeks get as i wink at him, “i never lie, hook.”
suddenly, we’re interrupted by the sound of the karaoke machine starting and one quick look tells me that big nose has had a few too many to drink and that we’re about to be serenaded with a song confessing his love for assunta. i hear shorty shout from the back that he sucks so i quickly remedy the insult by yelling to big nose, “you’re a great singer, uncle big! don’t listen to him!”
seconds later, it sounds like a goose is choking as he attempts to hit a high note to start the song off. i wince, but keep the fake smile on my face in case big nose looks my way for encouragement.
harry smugly stares at me with an arched eyebrow so i roll my eyes and correct my previous statement, “okay, but i never lie to you, harry.”
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by the time shorty found his way to the karaoke machine, harry and i had decided it was time to head back to the castle for dinner.
he trailed behind me loosely as i hugged everyone and made promises to visit again before the end of the week. some of the guys would clap on harry’s back or shake his hand and the look of surprise in his eyes every time would make my lips turn up a little more. once we reached the door and i was hugging hookman, my cheeks were hurting from the smile covering my face.
we walk out the door, but i hear hookman call out to us before we could get too far.
harry and i share a look of confusion as we turn back to him. hookman strolls over to us and he squints his eyes at harry intimidatingly, “who do you think you are, kid?”
silence pans on for a second and harry is struggling for words as hookman finally cracks a smile.
“you can’t leave without a hug.”
my chest is warm as harry is pulled into a giant bear hug. harry laughs when hookman picks him up and sways him. when he’s placed back down on his feet, hookman rests his hand on his shoulder and taps his hook against harry’s chest, “you don’t realize it yet, kid, but i can tell that you’re story is gonna be one worth telling the world about.”
for the first time since i’ve met harry hook, he is completely speechless. his jaw is dropped slightly and from the way his eyes are darting across hookman’s face, i can tell that this is a defining moment for him. the glimmer of hope that i saw in him on the docks is back and brighter now.
hookman looks around the woods surrounding the snuggly duckling and shrugs as he continues, “i know it ain’t much out here, but if you leave auradon and find yourself looking for a place… you’ll always have one here with us.”
harry nods slowly and swallows harshly as he rasps, “i appreciate that.”
i look away from harry when i notice him tearing up. i know that he prefers no one ever seeing him in a vulnerable state so i give him some privacy in the moment. nodding at hookman in thanks, i step back and stand at the edge of the tree line near the start of the path back to the limo to wait for harry.
when harry finally comes to stand by my side after spending a couple more minutes talking to hookman, we begin walking in silence.
i keep my eyes focused on the dirty path and let harry have some time to think things over.
he breaks the silence when we can no longer hear the quiet rumble of voices and the karaoke machine behind us.
“so, does a story have to be a hobby?”
his voice is low and quiet, but i can hear the shakiness in his voice still. my eyes dart over to check on him and see his face is mostly neutral aside from a newfound determination in him. his shoulders are set and he walks with his head held up as high as he did the first day i met him in auradon. i hadn’t even noticed how much his cocky attitude had diminished until this moment as i stare up at him, confidence rolling off of him in waves.
shaking my head, i clear my throat and inform him, “not at all. big nose’s is assunta and his love for her. hookman’s is playing piano. it’s more like your purpose, ya know? like the reason why you get up everyday and keep trying.”
harry looks over and our eyes meet. his eyes have never looked as blue as they did in that moment. i can see the emotions and thoughts swirling behind his eyes as he pieces together my words.
i briefly break eye contact to watch my steps as i avoid a hole in the path that was probably caused by some animal.
“what about your dad?”
glancing back up, i see him staring straight ahead as we walk. he abruptly wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him. i follow his gaze to see a tree branch that would’ve hit me directly in the face since i hadn’t been watching where i was walking. i mutter a thanks before answering his question, staying aware of my surroundings now.
“um, well… my dad’s story is his passion for the orphanage probably.”
harry seems surprised and in a slightly raised tone, he asks, “not yer mum?”
i laugh and shake my head, “they’re best friends and in love, but you’ve never seen him talk about the orphanage.”
kicking a rock and watching it bounce off the path and into a bush, i bite my lip as i choose my next words carefully.
“see, my dad grew up in the same orphanage that they met me in. the doctors had just told them that even if my mom managed to get pregnant, the likelihood of her carrying the baby full term was extremely low. and the likelihood of a miscarriage was really high.”
a lump is lodged in my throat as i remember the look in my mom’s eyes when she had first told me the story of how i was adopted. the pain that flashed through them as she repeated the words that doctors had told her resonates in my brain. but the joy that lit up her whole body when she reached the part in the story of meeting me? it brings chills to my arms even thinking about it.
“my mom was heartbroken. but my dad knew this was the perfect opportunity to help a kid in need. so, at least once a week for months, they volunteered at the orphanage. they would read stories and play with the kids. they would’ve adopted all of them if they thought any of those kids would actually enjoy the pressure of royal life. they waited and waited until they could find the perfect kid for their situation.”
harry snorts and nudges my shoulder teasingly, “yer too humble, princess.”
i laugh, nudging him back, and defend myself, “i’m just retelling the story the way i’ve always heard it.”
looking ahead, i can see the shine of the limo window in the far distance, but continue to walk at leisurely pace. over the past few days, harry hook had been tolerable to be around so i found myself enjoying spending time away from the hustle and bustle of the castle even if it was with him.
“wait, so if yer adopted… how did you get the glowy hair thing?”
i laugh at the way his face is scrunched in confusion before sighing, “well, after they adopted me, the kingdom was beyond excited to have a princess. i was actually adopted on my mom’s birthday so we celebrate our birthdays together.”
harry seems confused where the story is going, but listens intently, “the lantern festival that year was the biggest one the kingdom has ever had. there were millions of people present to release a floating lantern. but with that many people, it meant that it was easy for some people to go unnoticed.”
this time as i remember my mom’s face as she told the story, i have chills again, but for an entirely different reason. my mom is known as the most peaceful, patient, and loving ruler that eroda has ever seen. but anytime she recalls this part of the story, i see a quiet rage overtake her face that i never see otherwise.
“this was right after the curse was placed on the isle, which accidentally brought back all villains back to life. we didn’t know it at the time, but mother gothel was alive again and she wanted to destroy my parent’s happiness in the easiest way she could think of. so, she snuck into the castle disguised as a servant and poisoned me.”
harry stumbles over his feet abruptly and i hold my arm out to steady him. his eyes are amusingly wide as he sputters, “the fuck ye mean she poisoned ye?”
laughing, i shrug and answer, “exactly that. the guards arrested her, but the doctors couldn’t cure me with medicine and i had a limited amount of time. they sent a search party and managed to miraculously find a sun drop flower.”
we climb in the limo and harry sinks into the seat next to me. he hands me his hook as rubs his hands over his face. the hook is heavier than i had expected and the handle is worn from how much harry carries it around. i twist the hook around as harry sits in his thoughts.
he breathes a laugh and holds a strand of hair in front of my eyes, “lass, i know ye got magic hair and shit, but how are ye supposed to be my lucky charm when ye got the worst luck? like an orphan then ye got poisoned?”
i laugh and push his shoulder. he shakes his head in disbelief and mumbles, “ye deadass almost met yer birth parents right after ye got adopted.”
my eyes widen and my jaw drops as i begin laughing without being able to stop myself.
“god, harry, you’re so fucked up for that one.”
he snickers to himself before leaning closer to my face and brushing the strand of hair that he had been holding behind my ear. i can feel his warm breath fanning over my face and my cheeks flush as i stare up into his blue eyes.
the limo rocks slightly from a bump and we are impossibly close to each other now, but neither of us back away. i become distinctly aware that i can feel his lips ghosting over mine and if the limo hits one more bump, then our lips will touch.
harry’s eyes are flickering all over my face and his smirk seems to just get bigger when he looks at my red cheeks and wide eyes.
“yeah, i’m a lil fucked up,” his voice just a mere whisper, “but ye know ye love it.”
his eyes are tempting me, beckoning me closer. i can tell that he is leaving me in charge of setting the pace and making the move, which i appreciate but also despise him for. my thoughts are running to the best of my racing heart as i try to think through what the effects this will have.
i try to consider my feelings for harry, but it all feels so muddled. less than a week ago, i could barely stand being in the same room as him and any conversation would turn into a screaming match between us. but now, i found myself enjoying being around him and smiling anytime we were together. fuck, i let him convince me to get a matching tattoo with him.
but then i remember that after this week, we go back to auradon and there’s no way to know how he’ll act. because even though people were still scared of him, that didn’t change how many girls constantly fawned over him and how often he would flirt with anyone who gave him the time of day.
that thought shocks me back to reality and i let myself run a hand through his surprisingly soft hair as i try my best to look completely unaffected. i grin up at him and ask, “says who, captain?”
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//tag list: @kitkatgaming @reblogserpent @marichat4lyf @thomaslefteyebrow @newtshairdryer
228 notes · View notes
Afternoons at the Hawkins Community Pool
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Billy Hargrove x Reader
Word Count: 5,056
Warnings: Drowning, blood, hints at abuse, drug use, swearing
Author’s Note: GUESS WHO’S BACK, BACK AGAIN? MADDIE’S BACK, TELL A FRIEND! First fic finished in literal months hello yes I still write! I’m not washed up! Is this any good? I don’t know. Is this even a romance? No clue. Will anyone read it? PLEASE DO LMAO
Tags: This is my old list, if you want to be added or removed, shoot me an ask! @hotstuffhargrove @casaharrington @thechickvic @alex--awesome--22 @lilmissperfectlyimperfect @so-not-hotmess @hipsmcgee @carolimedanvers
“It’s show time, ladies.”
Judging by the switch in the squad of middle aged women who made the west deck their pride rock, Billy Hargrove’s shift had begun.
You only had two hours left of your shift now. Once Billy got on deck, you could finally take a break. Fucking Heather always took an hour instead of the allotted thirty minute break, claiming to be easily susceptible to heat stroke.
As if you weren’t.
Still, now that her shift was over, everything would calm down.
Most people were either enraptured or absolutely terrified by Billy. He was…difficult to deal with.
Sure, he was sweet to the adults of the pool; the people who didn’t get in the way were always a favourite of the staffers, but to the kids? He was a menace. You didn’t understand why he’d take a job where he’d have to prioritize the safety of children.
As if on cue, Billy began his stupid strut to the south chair. You always took the north side, where the sun didn’t hit so hard. This gave Billy ample opportunity to strut around the deck like a peacock, smirking at the moms in heat, drooling over him.
“Afternoon ladies,” he crooned as he passed and you swore that at least three of them passed out from the sheer excitement of it all. He nodded to Mrs. Wheeler. Here came the cincher, the line that would make the group’s dreams come true and fuel their fantasies for weeks.
“Dig the new suit, Mrs. Wheeler.” He gave her a nod, chewing on something. If you had to guess, it was probably cinnamon gum. His breath always stunk of the stuff after shifts.
You averted your gaze after that; you knew exactly what would happen next. Billy would climb up onto his post and the ladies would check out his ass, giggling to themselves and high fiving Mrs. Wheeler for earning his attention for the day.
The image of Mrs. Wheeler’s sharply manicured hand gripping the top of her deckchair, mouth half open in utter lust, red lipstick smeared over the lines of her lips and eyes half closed as she stared at him climbing into the chair was something that would stick in your mind for the rest of the shift.
And then there was you on the other end of the pool, watching them like a creep.
Maybe you were the problem.
You had taken the job at the Hawkins Community Pool purely because it was tradition. You took the job every year, strapping into the bright red one piece with your hair pulled tight into a ponytail at the top of your head. You liked the job: the smell of chlorine and the sounds of happy kids splashing in the cold water. It was a relaxing job-most days nothing bad happened. The kids in town all took swim lessons in the winters one town over. Carmel had a heated indoor pool and a great deal on group swim lessons on weekends. You hadn’t seen a kid have a problem in the pool in three summers.
Today, someone had a problem.
You had just climbed out of your chair to head for your break. You were more than ready to step into the lush air conditioning of the office. Your back had only been turned for a second, Billy was supposed to be watching the pool anyway. But when you turned back you heard a scream.
Some weird kid had fallen into the deep end without a lifejacket. He couldn’t have been older than five. You quickly looked up to Billy.
That little fucking bitch.
He was flirting with Mrs. Wheeler.
You blew hard into your whistle, letting out a loud blast before taking off in a full sprint towards the deep end. You dove quickly into the pool and swam up to the kid before grabbing him under the armpits and swimming him into the shallow end, lifting him onto the deck and letting him cough and sputter.
“Do you need assistance? Can you breathe?” you asked quickly, catching your own breath. You had to ensure the victim was actually in need of medical assistance before you performed any life saving manoeuvres on them. The kid nodded quickly as an older man rushed up, bending down to rub his back. The kid immediately broke into tears, gripping tightly onto the man’s legs.
“Thank you.” The man said quickly, picking up the boy, who hugged him like his life depended on it. You assumed he was the parent and didn’t ask any more questions. Usually, you lay in with questions, but the kid couldn’t be more shook up. You watched to see where they’d go, letting out a relieved sigh when the group returned to the Wilson family, all examining the boy. He must be a cousin of theirs, in town for the weekend or something. You could go on your break with the knowledge that you hadn’t let a strange kid go off with an even stranger man who he didn’t know.
You blew your whistle again and pool activities resumed, although more cautiously. Now, you could start your break. But first, a quick pit stop.
You marched your way over to Billy and Mrs. Wheeler. It was as though they lived in their own bubble that sound couldn’t penetrate. Neither of them seemed to notice the commotion or hear the whistle blow. Mrs. Wheeler just kept laughing at whatever Billy was saying. She reached out to bat his arm and her fingers grazed there just a bit too longer, although neither of them noticed.
It was utterly disgusting.
You tapped Billy hard on his shoulder. He didn’t turn around. You tried again. Same response. You let out a loud, annoyed cough. Mrs. Wheeler didn’t even bat an eye at you and she could see you just over his shoulder. You finally blew a hard, short tweet into the whistle, effectively taking out Billy’s eardrum.
He turned fast, his face pulled into a sneer that you could only smile at. “What?” he snapped bitterly, fists clenched at his sides.
“Just wanted to make sure you could still hear. Since you missed the two other times I blew my whistle.” You replied, your fake smile turning sarcastic as you held his gaze.
“Sorry, I must have been distracting him, I’m sure he heard.” Mrs. Wheeler cut in, placing a manicured hand on his shoulder. She looked too proud of that fact, her lustful gaze unhealthy looking.
“That’s alright Mrs. Wheeler.” You looked over her shoulders briefly, catching sight of her group packing up to leave. Your smile turned to a malicious smirk “Oh, your friends seem to be leaving. If you don’t have your locker key, you should go grab it before they leave, don’t want to have your purse get stuck again.”
The last three times she’d come to the pool, she’d given her key to Mrs. Carol Simpson, whose son Billy had threatened to ban upon entering the deck. Mrs. Wheeler ended up stranded without her key, her bag locked in the locked with no way of getting it out. She had to have the janitor of the pool open her locker with the master key and then, to make matters worse, she had to prove that the stuff was hers. All of her things were dumped on the deck as she tried to prove that her granny panties and tampons were hers based on the shrill cries that there was a Minnie Mouse keychain on her purse. She got her stuff back, at the expense of her humility.
“I gave my key to the front desk, won’t lose it again.” Mrs. Wheeler chuckled proudly, an embarrassed flush creeping up her neck and ears.
“Oh, then you should ensure that they still have it. Mara is not the brightest bulb in the bunch, she’d lose her head if it wasn’t screwed on.” You replied, matching her laugh. Mrs. Wheeler’s smile dropped and she rushed off without another word.
You turned your attention back to Billy, your smile dropping away. “I’m going on my break, can you actually do your job while I’m gone.” You snapped bitterly.
“I was. Customer satisfaction is a key part of our job.” He made a big deal out leering at Mrs. Wheeler’s ass as she bent over to grab her things off the chair.
You scoffed “Watch the fucking pool, Hargrove, Mrs. Wheeler and her saggy ass will be back tomorrow.” You turned dramatically on your heel and stomped off.
You could scream. That boy was so…so…fucking frustrating! He was a nuisance and a pervert and a showboater and god, just a pig! All year he’d done nothing but screw anything in a skirt, just whoring around all year and making a mockery of some very nice girls. And now, now he decides to be a one woman man. And the woman is a married mother of three. What the fucking fuck??? How nasty! And she was into it? God who knew Karen Wheeler was a creep? Lock up your sons, mothers of Hawkins, Mrs. Wheeler is on the prowl for jailbait! It made you sick just thinking about it.
Even stepping into the cool office didn’t alleviate the feeling of heat stroke on your skin. You decided that you’d take a cold shower before eating. You couldn’t eat much, you had to go back out to the pool and potentially swim after eating. Usually, you’d take forty-five minutes instead of thirty since nobody was watching anyway, but Billy was distracted today and you didn’t want to risk him fucking up because you were being selfish with your break.
You plopped into the wheeling desk chair, sprawling your limbs and taking in the cold air blasting in the room. You let out a satisfied sigh, letting your head fall back and your eyes flutter shut. You could die happy in the air conditioning.
Billy Hargrove was such an ass. You’d never allow yourself to sleep with him. Not that he’d ever want to, you weren’t exactly his type. You were his lab partner that year and you had heard him on more than one occasion telling Tommy about how ‘shrill’ and ‘annoying’ you were. It wasn’t your fault that you weren’t going to sit around and do all the work for the both of you. And it benefited him! His highest grade that year was in fucking science! He thanked you at the end of the semester! Sure, it was a forced and uncomfortable thank you, and you didn’t need to know that it was his highest grade that year, but still! You two should be good! You should be fine! But instead, you were the shrill bitch who tells him what to do at work. God, you didn’t want to be the awful co-worker, the ‘shrill bitch’ that everyone gossiped about and made fun of, but somebody had to take the job seriously! And not seriously like Billy did, who got out his aggression by yelling at kids and threatening to ban them for the most minor infractions, even though the pool didn’t have a banning system period. No, you had to be the boring, mean one who saved lives and got shit done.
Everybody else got to have fun, you just had to work.
You let your head lull towards the window, peaking out at the pool from the half closed blinds. There was a pack of girls around your age surrounding the lifeguard chair, trying to engage Billy in conversation. God, that’s such a safety hazard, how the hell was he supposed to get down quickly in the event of an emergency? He should tell them to move back away from the ladder. Not that he was even paying attention to them; his eyes were on the pool, watching someone swim across the pool with a half smile. He was ignoring the girls, which was expected, but you were glad to see that…wait.
That’s Mrs. Wheeler.
Jesus Christ this guy!
You groaned, pushing yourself up off the chair and heading into the locker rooms, turning on a shower and blasting cold water over yourself. The initial shiver and burn of the freezing water faded fast and soon Billy Hargrove and his stupid thing face were far from your mind. Every one of your senses was heightened by the icy water that was soaking into your skin. You felt utterly refreshed and calm again. He was far from your mind and so was work in general. As your muscles began to slowly unfurl and release tension, your mind led you to the wonderfully comfortable world of the novel you’d left behind.
You were Anne Shirley on that bridge, waiting glumly for her Gilbert to arrive. And there he was-in his silly bloomers and flat cap, white shirt half buttoned and that smarmy look and that stupid mullet and-fuck. Your eyes shot open. God you couldn’t escape him! Billy fucking Hargrove was intruding on your comfortable dreams in rural 1910s Canada. God, it was weird enough that you were fantasizing about rural 1910s Canada, you didn’t dumbass Billy with his ugly ass tattoo creeping in to make it worse.
You turned off the water, checking the numberless clock over the doors leading out into the pool. Your break was just about over anyway. With a heavy sigh, you headed back out into the blinding sun, tightening your ponytail and climbing back into your chair.
You heard a loud blast from the whistle across the pool. “Hey! No running!” Billy barked from across the pool. Most of the people at the pool turned to look at him, except the pudgy kid who’d started running again. The kid didn’t stop this time, his mother gone now, and he barrelled over a little girl. She went down hard. You grabbed the first aid kit off the back of your chair, walking calmly over to the little girl.
“Hi there, are you alright?” you asked, kneeling down next to her. There was blood running down her tiny leg and cheek, two large scraps from the rough deck that made her skin ragged.
The little girl shook her head, sniffling loudly. She was holding back her tears, trying to be brave. It was very cute. “Can I help you?” you asked, offering her a small smile.
“I’m not supposed to talk to strangers…” the little girl muttered, shaking her head with a quivering lip.
“Well, I’m Y/N, I’m a lifeguard here. What’s your name?”
“Sylvia…” she muttered again, wiping her eyes hard with the back of her tiny hand.
“It’s nice to meet you Sylvia. Can I take a look at those cuts?” you asked. The little girl nodded and you opened the kit. You hadn’t noticed that Billy was looming over you, casting a shadow over you.
“You…okay here?” he asked awkwardly, earning your attention briefly.
“Yeah, we’re okay. You wanna go handle that kid? Ban him or something?” you replied, turning your gaze back to the alcohol swab in hand. “Now, this is gonna sting a little, okay? If it hurts too much you can squeeze my hand.” You offered her your spare hand as you wiped the wound gently.
Billy stood there longer than he should have. He knew he looked weird. He knew he should be tearing that fucking kid a new one. But there you were, smiling at some snot nosed kid, letting her squeeze your hand with her grubby little fingers, putting Barbie Band-Aids on her cuts and checking her head for bumps. You looked so…pretty. You had this look on your face; he’d seen it before when you were reading in class, the world tuned out except for the words on the page. Your eyes crinkled in the corners and lit up bright, your lips curled into a smile that creased your cheeks and scrunched your nose. You pulled a lollipop from the kit, and he knew that you had added those yourself, his didn’t have those. You sent the kid on her way, standing up again and brushing the gravel off your knees.
“You get that kid?” you asked, clicking the kit closed.
Billy swallowed “Nah, he wasn’t worth it.” he said smoothly, trying not to cringe. Since when does he give mercy to kids?
You rolled your eyes “The one time I want you to raise hell, you let a kid slide? You’re losing your touch, Hargrove…” you smirked, walking back to your chair. No faster than you turned away, Billy rushed off to kick that kid’s ass.
He never did what anyone told him. He didn’t know why this time it mattered.
The last hour and a half of your shift surprisingly flew by. And when it was time for Billy’s break, you didn’t even mind staying behind to watch the pool. You pulled the lines across the pool by yourself, preparing for the switch to the adult swim. Mike Wheeler and his grubby friends burst in while you were working.
“The pool area is closed right now. Please wait in the change rooms.” You said, not bothering to look over at the group.
“Is my mom still here?” Mike asked with an annoyed sigh.
“She left about an hour ago.” You replied.
“She said she was gonna drive us home!”
“Is Billy here?” a redheaded girl stepped directly into your view. You recognized her vaguely as Billy’s stepsister, you thought her name was Max but you weren’t sure.
“Yeah, he’s still on the clock for another two hours.”
“Fine, we’ll wait.” She snapped.
You finally looked up at the group, all milling around in their street clothes. You sighed “Okay, you can’t be on the deck in your street shoes. And you can’t be here during adult swim. You’re not adults.” You explained boredly. You turned back towards the office, catching sight of Billy spinning around in the desk chair, banging his head to whatever he was playing through his headphones.
“Follow me.” You said, heading towards the office. You didn’t bother to knock on the door, throwing it open without caution or fear. Not that Billy noticed, he was flailing along to what sounded like, through the muffled sound of his headphones, We Are Not Alone from the Breakfast Club movie. It certainly wasn’t the heavy metal that he associated himself with.
“Hargrove.” You got no response; he did another spin and a dramatic kick. You held back a laugh. He looked so silly. Dare you say…cute? That was something you didn’t think you’d ever say.
“Hargrove!” you cried. He pulled off his headphones quickly, practically jumping out of the chair. You swore there was a light blush on his face, although he could plausibly say it was a sunburn.
“What?!?” He snapped.
“You’re um…you’re stepsister is here…she’s looking for a ride home. What do you want me to tell her?” you asked awkwardly, your hand subconsciously coming to your left arm, rubbing your upper arm awkwardly.
Billy’s scowl dropped away, his face draining of colour “Oh shit um…shit it’s like seven, right?” you nodded awkwardly “Fuck…I gotta get her home…shit. Um, I might be late coming back can you just watch for like ten minutes, I’ll be back I just I gotta-”
You cut him off “I can handle the close for tonight, if you wanna just stay there.” You offered against your better judgement. Usually, you’d never offer to take a close. Closing a pool sucks ass. But…he just looked so utterly freaked out. He looked scared.
“You sure? I can come back, gimme like twenty minutes I can-”
“Nah, I can do two more hours. It’s adult swim, nothing happens anyway.” You replied with a shrug. Billy nodded, rushing out of the room and grabbing the nosy redhead, pushing her out.
He didn’t even say thank you.
Fucking dick.
You rolled your eyes. It wouldn’t be that bad. You finished putting out the lines and took your seat at the furthest end of the pool. As always, the usual old people came in and did their laps. The two hours went by incredibly slow and you wished you’d just offered to drive the brats home. But the hours were great and, luckily, the crowd finished their swim thirty minutes before the pool closed and nobody else came in. You closed off the pool and locked the gates, taking your sweet time to milk the extra minutes out of your shift. You left the pool with damp, clean hair and dried out skin.
You came home to an empty house, your mother promising to be home by ten. There were leftovers in the fridge. You were ready to settle in to a night at home. You slicked your skin in lotion and changed into dry, warm clothes. You piled up your dirty clothes and started a load of swimsuits. You wanted to watch a movie, but you hadn’t gone to the video store before work so all you had were your parent’s crappy recordings of movies from their era, which you had no interest in.
You had an empty house and nothing to do. Then it hit you.
You had a joint in your vent. You cousin Casey finally came in clutch. But you couldn’t smoke it in the house. The smell lingered too long, you’d get caught. You grabbed your keys, your purse, and the joint, scribbling at the bottom of your mother’s note that you’d be back by curfew.
You could hide out anywhere. You always chose the same spot though, out by the quarry where death haunted the weak of heart. The rumour was that the dead body found out there two years prior was actually Will Byers and he’d been replaced by a doppelganger. Either way, the area is supposed to be haunted by the dead little boy found there. You weren’t scared of ghosts which meant that you were always the only person out there. It became your little spot.
The drive there was short and sweet, you’d barely made it through the first song on your driving playlist. You parked close to the water’s edge, turning up your stereo and taking a seat on the hood of your car. You always chose the furthest edge of the quarry, where no one would bother you.
A car pulled up too close to you. You could’ve screamed.
And then you recognized the driver.
“Kill me now…”
Billy stumbled out of the car. His knuckles were bleeding. He had a cut under his eye. He looked…fucking pissed.
“Am-scra, freak.” He snapped, not looking over to see who actually was there.
“You scram, asshole, I was here first.” You snapped back, digging through your purse for a lighter, joint held firmly between your teeth.
Billy didn’t move. He took his seat on the hood of his own car, wrapping gauze tightly around his knuckles, knotting it roughly behind his fingers.
You sighed. You didn’t have a lighter. Hargrove did. You scowled turning to him as he struggled with the wrapping around a Band-Aid, losing it into the quarry.
You pulled one from your bag, holding it out to him “I’ll trade you for a light.” He turned to you with a scowl, looking over the scene. He nodded gruffly, pulling his steel lighter from his back pocket and flicking it open. You leaned over, letting the flame burn the end and start off the joint. You passed him the Band-Aid, which he immediately lost into the dirt.
You pulled another from your bag, letting out a puff from the joint before reaching into your bag. You pulled out your last Band-Aid, jumping off the hood.
“This is my last one. Let me do it.” you replied, pulling open the paper and stepping closer. Billy leaned away defiantly. You sighed, pulling the joint from your lips. “Relax, smoke this, I’m not gonna frisk you or anything.” You said, handing him the joint. He took it without another word, not complaining about free drugs.
You carefully pealed back the Band-Aid, sticking it to the delicate skin of his under eye, covering the cut. You smiled at your work, pulling your hands away from his face quickly. You took the joint back, returning to your seat.
Billy stared at you for a beat too long and you noticed. You caught his eye, raising an eyebrow at him. “What’s your problem?” you asked.
“None of your damn business.” He snapped back angrily, defensively.
You scoffed, rolling your eyes “Geez, chill out man. You were the one staring at me…”
Billy turned away dramatically, crossing his arms over his chest. You noticed for the first time that evening that he was still in his work clothes. You averted your gaze quickly, not wanting to get caught.
Billy spoke first. He didn’t have to, but he did. “Why are you so fucking nice to everyone?” he asked, almost whispering.
“What’d you mean?” you asked, keeping your eyes trained on the smooth, still water pooled just a foot from your feet.
“You helped some kid with a scraped knee, you saved the dumb kid who fell in, you helped me twice, you helped Karen Wheeler-” he listed off bitterly.
“Okay, one: helping those kids is literally our job. And helping you…well, you needed the help and watching you try to open a Band-Aid with your messed up hand was kind of pathetic.” You replied with a laugh. Billy rolled his eyes, turning away from you slightly.
“And…I didn’t exactly help Mrs. Wheeler. I needed her to go away so I could yell at you. She could report me and get me fired if she saw me being pissy with her favourite lifeguard.” You added, looking away.
“Karen wouldn’t do that.” He replied, looking over to you again “You gonna bogart that?” he asked, reaching out for the joint.
“Didn’t think I was sharing.” You passed it to him nonetheless.
“You can’t finish it on your own. I’m helping you.” He took a long drag, coughing on the end as the smoke filled his lungs. “This is shit.”
“It’s better than what Tommy buys.” You replied with a shrug.
“Tommy has shit taste.” He passed it back to you.
You took a long drag, finding courage in the cloudy feeling in your brain to ask a question burning in the back of your mind.
“So what the fuck is up with you and Mrs. Wheeler? Are you actually screwing her or is she just making a scene everyday for no reason?”
Billy chuckled “I’m not telling you.”
You made a face “That’s so fucking gross…she’s your stepsister’s friend’s mom, man. She’s got like three kids.”
Billy’s cocky look slipped away “I know, Y/N.”
“And you still want to screw her? Dude, that’s nasty.”
“I never said I wanted to screw her.”
You gasped loudly “Billy, do I need to call the cops?”
“No! Jesus, Y/N…” he groaned, slapping the hood of his car with a frustrated look “Look, I’m not fucking screwing her.”
“You tell anyone that and I’ll fucking kill you.” He warned, leaning over to get in your face. You hadn’t realized how close you two were until that moment. You’d both subconsciously moved as close as you could to one another, each of your spare legs hanging off the side, close enough to kick each other but far enough to not have to awkwardly touch.
“Got it, dude. Not like anyone would believe me. You’ve proved yourself to be believed on that front.” You muttered, silently puffing away.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked. He sounded sadder than you expected him to ever sound.
“I mean…everyone in school knows that you’re this…this macho man, de-virginator or some shit,” Billy burst out laughing and you blushed crimson, turning away. “I’m serious! Everyone knows that you get whoever you want.”
“I’ve never gotten you.” He said with a shrug.
“Yeah well I’m a ‘shrill bitch’, remember? Not exactly worth much bragging rights wise.” You countered. Billy didn’t reply, he looked out at the quarry silently.
“Nobody said that.”
“Nobody had to, Hargrove, I hear what you and your friends say. You don’t have to pretend that I’m some prize.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I’ve literally heard you and Tommy laugh about annoying I am, how I’m shrill and shit. Don’t play stupid.”
Billy didn’t reply immediately, pulling his knees up to his chest.
“I don’t think you’re shrill. You’re a bitch sometimes, but you’re not shrill.” He said quietly.
“I mean…you’re cool. You’re good at your job and you’re nice to everyone and you’re hot and you’re smart and shit. You’re chill. Fuck Heather and her friends if they say shit.” He said to the quarry instead of you.
You smiled softly “Thanks, Hargrove…you’re not too terrible either.”
Billy chuckled “Thanks…”
You were both silent for a moment, staring out at the lake. Billy spoke first. “If I don’t tell anyone about it, can I kiss you?”
You furrowed your brow “Why would you want to?” you asked incredulously.
“Why wouldn’t I?” he shot back. You didn’t have an answer to that question. You dropped off the hood of your car, walking up in between his knees, wrapping your hands around his neck.
“You tell anyone about this and I’ll tell everyone about you and Wheeler.” You said, unable to hide the little twinge of nerves in your voice.
He smiled cockily “Deal.” He pulled you down to him by your neck, pressing his mouth to your demandingly, pressing himself up against you and wrapping a free hand around your lower back, fingertips inching towards your ass. Every inch of him was made of fire and it was catching every one of your nerves, igniting them. Your fingers dug into his curls and your nails scraped his scalp. You let out a whimper as his teeth dug into your lower lip and you tugged on his curls.
You broke the kiss first, pressing your palms into his chest and taking a deep, slow breath. He smirked up at you and you found yourself smiling back.
“Friends?” he asked cockily, pressing the joint into your half open mouth.
“Sure…” you breathed out, taking a long drag off the joint.
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
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IG info/bio: @/elisacoisbabe | 34.2k followers | why yes I’m shaking my ass while having a mental breakdown, mind ur business yeah?? 👸🏿
22 (23) years
Born in Louisiana, New Orleans
Has two sisters: Camille & Manon
Raised by her aunt & uncle in London, England
Does not address her birth parents as her real parents, her aunt & uncle hold that title & deff has a lot of anger towards her birth parents—to her they’re as good as d*ad
Haitian roots
Keeps her family life as private as she can, however her fans occasionally see her sisters on her channel
Social media influencer who got her start from posting makeup looks on her YouTube channel & her story times
Canon: calls her fans “Elisa-bee’s” we don’t know why either
Loves 80’s style blush
Loves 80s music & aesthetic and she liked it before u teenagers hopped on the bandwagon, sorry not sorry ;-)
Doesn’t feel Lottie is competition at all when it comes to posting content even if fans feel that way, they have completely different techniques
Vacations in Paris & Louisiana often
Her older sister, Manon resides in Louisiana and when they link up??? Issa vibe
Camille is the youngest & kinda a party pooper, she’s more on the serious side
Loves snacking on macaroons... salted caramel praline & lavender white chocolate are her favorites (I feel like I said this about someone else too...)
She’s scared of owls/any type of birds partly from a childhood trauma where she was attacked by a bunch of seagulls on a pier & as punishment when she was up to no good, her parents would force her to watch “the birds” (1963) strapped to a chair
Went thru a “ugly phase” growing up & was often called “lady-b*y”
Has been in multiple relationships/entanglements/situations/experiences but there are many that she doesn’t count & or acknowledge “I hope no one considers me an ex especially if they couldn’t make me c*m”
Has had threes*mes before
Sex posi!
Supports trans lives!
In the last few years she was recently diagnosed with borderline personality disorder
When she finished secondary, she didn’t think uni was for her. Found school rather boring although she did quite well at it. She was exhausted with everything that came with it & decided to go into stripping for a couple of months (almost a year) before she decided to work on her YouTube channel
Currently in a polyamorous relationship
A few of her experiences with her significant others got jealous of her job, the attention she got from it & the time she put into her job as a influencer— it was annoying
Gemini sun + Sagittarius moon + Capricorn rising? Idk man but she’s got Leo & Scorpio in her chart too I’m sure of it
Has no problem bringing her issues with someone to the table
Kinda likes confrontation but only if SHE’s the one to start it, not if SOMEONE ELSE does it FOR her, due to her spreading the info around in the first place...
Will try her best to read someone but sometimes her comebacks lack...
Still doesn’t like Chelsea, Jo, OR Shannon & it’s been a year but she don’t gaf
Found herself a friend in Blake
They’re opposites, she’s more laid back & slightly reserved whereas when Elisa enters the place you KNOW it because she makes it known—she loves to be seen
After Marisol & Graham called it quits, Elisa swept in & they explored what they could be? Intimately. Yet Elisa doesn’t seem like she’s ready to settle down right now & she doesn’t HAVE to while Marisol seems like she likes to have fun too BUT is also always thinking two steps ahead—she’s calculated, so a small part of her thought of the what if’s? But knew there was a chance there shouldn’t be any strings attached
That shifted their friendship forsure!!! Priya told them it was a bad idea from the start but Elisa had some snippy words for her ofc “mind ur business luv, or I’ll do it for ya x”
She thought about ghosting marisol for a little bit to see if she’d chase after her, she loves to be chased but decided not to. She was upfront about their rendezvous after awhile, she agreed if they ever got lonely again to hit each other up...but marisol doesn’t feel like what they had was based on loneliness...
Probably still has a crush on Bobby & was kinda mad he asked someone else to marry him but she still showed up to the reunion/wedding like the baddest bitch she knows she is, ‘got to make him regret not choosing me, ya know?’
Will chat with him every now & then but Bobby being the friendly guy he is doesn’t pay much attention to her seduction or rather he ignores it but if it gets too much he’ll gently tell her about herself
Hey, Elisa knows shade when she sees it & can be a shady bitch when she wants to be too
Only drinks the real ginger ale not the fake one the rest of u lot drink
Has no issue showing her figure, she loves her body, she loves herself, & that took along time to appreciate so she doesn’t care if people view that as arrogant, most don’t know her story & if they still shitted on her for it then they can all fuck right off
She has a soft side too...somewhere in there but it’s very rare to see! Only ONE of her exes had the chance of seeing it
She has a image to protect & show the world but there’s going to be a time where she gets tired of constantly putting on a show
Is a sucker for animation films & whenever there’s a sad moment in the film she deff triggered!
Has two dogs: Dachshund & a chihuahua
Makes the best Pikliz
loves a good lace front, will drop bands on one whenever she feels like she needs something new & that’s quite often
Owns a bedazzler kit
Has a stun gun
Can make her own jewelry + working on starting a line for it
Body scrubs are to die for in her opinion, her skin HAS to be soft & she’s always moisturized. That’s right stay away from her if ur ashy cause she’ll bring shame to you
She’s slightly a mean girl/bitchy I feel like we all know this lmao
Live tweeted about season 3 & dragged it like we all did with no remorse
I feel like she’s a wild sleeper? Lol
Enjoys not only 80s style music but Lofi beats, cocaine80s, PARTYNEXTDOOR, IAMDDB, Ravyn Lenae, VanJess, Ibeyi, Tayla Parx, CITY GIRLS, & Kash doll, saweetie, etc
Celeb crushes: Zoe Kravitz & Lenny Kravitz, Issa Rae, Winston Duke, Theo James, Robert Pattinson, Alexa Demie, Kelvin Harris Jr., Kedar Williams-Stirling...
Anthem: Dreezy ft. Kash Doll — Chanel Slides
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parkjmini · 6 years
Outlier | the end
poly!au: park jimin x reader x kim jennie while your lovers said they needed you, you wondered if they knew how much you needed them. word count: 3988 genre: angst warnings: explicit language
[an]: nothing is medically accurate lmao im so sorry i researched like 70 percent and then i implied everything else so dont trust me idk what im talking abt. but a BIG thank you to everyone who sent me so so so much support and feedback for this entire series bc i wouldn’t have had the motivation to finish. getting those messages after posting a chapter made me giddy for my own story and i know what happens. I truly love interacting with my readers and going into plot/character analysis, i just love hearing everyone’s thoughts and thinking processes bc we all interpret things differently, again, thank you everyone who enjoyed reading this story (: 
prologue . 01 . 02 . 03 . 04 . 05 . 06 . 07 . 08 . the end 
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After confirmation of the surgery, it became prepping sessions. Your doctor slowly took you off the chemo and gave you medication to ease any discomfort. You were given less visiting hours because you needed to rest. 
But your troubles stirred when you were alone. The moment replayed in your mind when Jennie told you that they were broken up. There was nothing you could say, nothing for you to fix. Jennie and Jimin were respectfully dating you, aware of your decision for still wanting to be with the both of them. It didn’t feel the same though, it didn’t feel secure or safe.
There was no way you could date them separately. Jimin lacked what Jennie brought to the relationship and vise versa. It wasn’t complete without the both of them. Your nurses didn’t let you worry about that, brushing away Jimin and Jennie during your resting hours. 
Jungkook visited you once after you added him back onto your list. He also brought you a vase of your favorite flowers. There was part of you where you didn’t want to make things awkward, but the other part didn’t allow for that. Instead, you blurted out that you knew about his crush on you. Then, he left quickly after you rejected his offer to be with him.
Hoseok respected your time and didn’t visit when he wasn’t allowed to. You were aware of how he had other important events in his life, but you really wished he tried to see you more. You’d hate to admit it, but Hoseok seemed to be the only person you could turn to for any non-biased advice. Since he stopped coming around often, you had to turn to your nurses.
The two weeks were absolutely the dullest moment in your life. You thought that living in your small town with your mom was bad, this was worse. You were stuck in a huge hospital with no friends majority of your stay. Your nurses were only with you for max ten minutes before they needed to go. You had the television, sleep, and your own nervousness.
Surgery was a big decision, so big that you even called your mom about it. You didn’t have the best relationship with your mom, so calling her was a surprise to even her. She totally didn’t bother to follow up on your life, so she never called first. But, you couldn’t go into surgery with the possibility of death and not tell her about it.
She offered to fly over and you insisted that she didn’t. So when she arrived to see you, you didn’t hesitate to give her a piece of your mind.
“What are you doing here? I told you that you didn’t need to come. Where did you find which hospital I was staying at?” You groaned into your pillow.
Your mom set her things down and crossed her legs while she took a seat across from you. “I asked the school. I’m your mother, for fucks sakes.” 
“Yeah, well you didn’t think that when I was growing up, so now that I’m dying, you decide you should start caring.” You rolled your eyes at her gasp.
“How dare you say that to me? I raised you when your dad walked out on us.”
“If you think being drunk and picking me up from my after school programs means raising me, then yeah. You did great mom.” Your sarcasm came out in train wrecks when it came to your mom; she drew the worse out of you.
“(Y/N), you have cancer and you decide to let me know when you’ve already decided for surgery is not exactly the most responsible daughter thing you pride yourself to be.” She shot back.
Your nurse came in to cue that she only had 15 minutes left before she needed to leave. “It honestly didn’t cross my mind that I needed to tell you since you’ve never cared enough to call me these past years except to invite me to your stupid wedding. Might I also add that you didn’t tell me about until the day before, so that makes two of us.”
“I didn’t raise you for you to treat me like this.”
“You didn’t raise me at all, what are you saying? But how about we talk about something else, since that’s all we ever talk about. News flash, mom, I have fucking pancreatic cancer and I’m going into surgery tomorrow. I’ve been going to chemo these past three months and I have almost to no hair. My body is bruised from being poked by needles. I am dying! Thanks for even having the audacity to come see me before my maybe death tomorrow. Don’t let the door hit you in the face.” You shouted as loud as your lungs let you go.
Your door opened and you both stopped your argument to see Jennie and Jimin standing under the frame. They looked stunned and confused to see the lady who you resembled. “Did we come at a bad time?” Jimin asked.
“No, since this is your visiting time.” You crossed your arms, glaring at your mom.
“Who are you two?” She asked, rudely.
“Mom, that’s my boyfriend, Jimin and that’s my girlfriend, Jennie. Welcome to the modern society of polyamorous relationships where I love two people at once.” Jennie and Jimin have never heard such sarcasm run out of your mouth. You were always just subtle, but this side of you was new.
“Hi, it’s nice to finally meet you.” Jennie stepped forward and your mom got up.
“Well, I can see that you have a whole double life I know nothing about. I guess you don’t need me anymore. Good luck on your surgery and whatever you call a relationship.” She grabbed her things and walked past Jennie and Jimin.
“She was pleasant.” Jimin said sarcastically and you rolled over on your side.
“This is why I never brought you home with me for the holidays.”  Jennie hurried to cuddle up to your side. 
“At least we avoided an awkward argument over Christmas dinner.” She chuckled and kissed your ear.
Jimin sat on your opposite side. “Are you ready for tomorrow?” 
Sitting up in Jennie’s arms, you buried your face in your hands. “No. I’m so scared.” 
“You’re going to be fine. Jennie, Hoseok and I are going to be right outside of your door. We’re going to be with you when you’re recovering. We’re with you every step of the way, we already packed our go-bags.” Jimin tried to comfort you, but you sobbed into your hands. You couldn’t help but cry so much nowadays. Staying strong was hard when you were so vulnerable. 
“And if something happens? Will you be there with me?” It was a rhetorical question that caused them to both fall silent.
“Nothing will happen. They’re highly trained professionals and I made sure you had the best surgeon in this hospital.” Jennie bragged proudly and Jimin laughed.
“Yeah, seeing her demand it was very terrifying. But, she did it. You’re in good hands, baby.” Jimin smiled and kissed the top of your head.
“Can you two just lay with me for the last couple of minutes before my nurse comes and kicks you out?” You sniffed and moved over for Jimin to join the sandwich fest.
“(Y/N), I love you so much.” Jennie and Jimin said in unison, and the unsettling feeling set back into your system.
A group of nurses and surgeons rolled you into a double door room. It was dim, except for the big spotlight that shined above you. Squinting, you saw the surgical masks that blinked back at you.
“Ready?” Your doctor was smiling behind her mask.
“No.” Your voice trembled from your nerves; your palms slick with sweat. “I want to be okay.”
“And you will be, (Y/N). We’re going to start with the anesthetics and we’ll get everything going. Relax, I’m right here.” She held onto your shaking hand and you stared back up at the bright light.
You felt the drugs enter your system, slowly stripping away your consciousness. You’ve already cried out all night your worries and said a few important goodbyes before the day arrived. The jittery feeling caused your body to shake uncontrollably and you were so terrified. This could mean recovery or death.
And while you hoped for survival, you knew the chances were split between the two options. Death was unavoidable, but to die so early shook your bones. Your dreams have just been memories of past events in your life, reminding you of the life you lived. The life you might soon leave. It was harder to ignore death than it was to wish for recovery.
Once your eyelids fell over your eyes, you’ve never felt more alone in your entire life.
“Would you stop pacing? You’ve been walking back and forth for the past two hours.” Jennie complained.
Jimin stopped in his tracks and narrowed his eyes at her, “I’m nervous.” 
“What happened to ‘it’s going to be fine’ and ‘you don’t need to worry’?” Jennie laughed and Jimin rolled his eyes.
“I can’t help that my body reacts the way it does when I’m the slightest worried. How are you so calm about this? They’re literally cutting her open in that room.” Jimin gestured to the closed doors.
“By not thinking about it like that. I’m thinking about the lovely time I get to spend with my girlfriend when she’s done.” Jennie muttered.
Jimin walked up to her and pointed to his chest, “you mean my girlfriend?”
Hoseok pushed the two apart. “She’s both of your’s. Are you two done making a scene in a hospital?” 
Jimin went over to sit next to Hoseok’s other side, making him stuck in the middle of a not-so-friendly feud. Even though they showed up together for visits, they were incredibly hostile to one another when they were alone. 
They slept in separate beds, Jimin taking over your room and Jennie in her’s. They ate dinner with their own friends and didn’t bother to tell each other about their whereabouts. They mostly spoke to each other in scoffs or groans.
Suddenly, the hallway doors were slammed open and nurses were rushing in a big machine --- a defibrillator.
The three of them stood up, seeing how rushed and hurried the nurses looked. The surgery door opened and a surgeon walked out with sweat dripping down the side of his head. The sound of a flat line heartbeat caught the attention of Jennie.
“Her heart isn’t beating, is it?” She was afraid to hear the answer to her question, her chest rising and falling violently.
Your doctor held the door open for the other nurses and defibrillator. “Her pulse went out, but we’re doing our best. But prepare for the worse.” 
Jennie collapsed onto the floor, bawling. “Holy fuck, we’re going to lose her!” She shouted with heavy tears running down her face. It was like her words pulled Jennie’s heart down to the pit of her stomach. Her whole mind and body were shutting down at the news.
“You have to stay calm, Jen.. we’re in a hospital.” Jimin tried to get her up, but she kept slipping his grasp.
“I don’t care! That’s our girl in there and her heart isn’t beating!” She exclaimed and Hoseok helped with holding her up.
Jimin’s head was in shambles, utterly speechless at what was happening. Hoseok was numb to the news, unaware to how to react. They wanted to stay optimistic, that the defibrillator will work. It had to work. 
“Why don’t you two go outside and get some air? I’ll stay here for any further news. Please... it’s not a suggestion. Go.” Hoseok needed to clear them out before they both stressed him out more than he already was.
Jimin walked Jennie outside. The light breeze clearing their heavy, crazy minds. Jennie was choked up by her tears, constantly wiping at her wet cheeks. Jimin stared at the ground, listening to her sorrows. His heart too heavy to express.
“Aft-er -- everything.. --Jimin --- I’m.. really, truly sorry...--” Jennie had trouble speaking with the endless waterfalls from her eyes.
“--Jen..” Jimin barely got out.
“No.. listen to me first. I’ve felt really guilty about all the rumors. We should’ve never gotten together in the first place, especially with someone like me. I’m known as the campus hoe, right? I can’t hold onto a stable relationship even if I wanted to and now my --- girlfriend --- is-- she’s -- dying.” Jennie cried harder, holding her face in her hands as she slid against the wall and onto the ground.
“I didn’t do anything with Jisoo ever. I don’t know how many more times I need to tell you, but I would never hurt you or (Y/N) like that, especially coming from a place where that has happened to me multiple times. Maybe you’ve always secretly doubted our relationship, considering how we got together through an accidental one night stand.” 
“Through our three months together, I fell head over heels for you, Jimin. I’ll admit it. I liked (Y/N) first, but you had a piece of me I didn’t think I could give to anyone after Taehyung. You’re so open, so understanding, so kind. I’ve never fully gotten the chance to explain myself because you keep shutting me down and every time, I believed that my explanation doesn’t matter. I’ve been devalued my entire life by my partners and sadly, I made myself feel that way with you when you ignored my pleads. But I think now is the best opportunity to tell you because we honestly don’t have anyone else who understands us the way we do. We’re both suffering because our girlfriend is in there not breathing. Our girlfriend, Jimin. I love you and through everything, you’re the one of the only people in this world who knows my struggles.” Jennie held him by the shoulders, so he could look her in the eyes as she gripped onto the only hope left in her life.
Jimin invited her into his arms, holding her tight. He had forgotten why he was upset before. He just wanted to be with his girls. He wished, hoped, prayed that things were back to how they were before the misfortune. 
“I’m sorry for making you feel invalid. I’m sorry for hurting you the way I did.” He admitted and Jennie sobbed harder into his chest.
“It’s okay... -- we’ll --- be...”
“--- Okay?” Jimin finished off and she nodded. 
You couldn’t breathe or move. Your lungs collapsed into your chest and you struggled to supply oxygen to your body. You screamed, but no noise came out and your arms were glued to your side. It was like you were trapped in a motionless body.
Everything was turning fuzzy and a white light blurred your vision. This was it. You were dying. You weren’t sure what realization hit you. Maybe it was the lost of breath and your heart rate slowly declining. Maybe it was the blinding light that caught your attention ahead.
Your memories started flashing before you. Jennie and Jimin flooding your mind. Your eyes scanned for anyone else, but them. However, you were left with scenes of your once perfect relationship.
Your first date night. It was the day you officially joined your partners. Jennie hurried you down to meet Jimin. He was cleaned up nicely, standing all cool against his sleek car. He peered up to see Jennie with the biggest smile on her small face, hand holding yours. 
She told Jimin the news and he was overjoyed, ready to hold you in his arms. He rushed you into the car and it didn’t feel much different than it was when all three of you hung out. The only difference was that you’ve never been more intimate with your best friends. 
Your first kiss. You anxiously sat next to Jimin on the couch during a lazy movie fest you were having with them. He had his arm wrapped around you, twirling the ends of your fingers with his. Your heart beating so fast, being not use to the touching from either of them.
He picked up your chin, knowing that you were distracted. It was an instant spark once your eyes connected and soon, your lips did as well.
Your first ‘I love you’. This moment was one of your favorites. It was Jennie’s birthday and you three were excited for the day ahead. However, a huge storm was rolling in and you were almost home. Jimin insisted in stopping to buy more snacks before rushing back. 
Once you all stepped out from the convenience store, it was showering, pouring heavy amounts of rain. Jennie, you and Jimin were drenched within seconds of going outside. Your plastic bags filled up an inch with collected water. Jimin’s leather seats in his car pooled with rain. All three of you laughed with glee as you marveled the escape from the wet mess.
And you suddenly stopped to admire the way Jimin’s eyes disappeared cutely and how Jennie’s nose scrunched up, her adorable snort catching your attention. In the midst of their happiness, you blurted out, “I love you two.”
The news of your mother’s wedding. An invitation was addressed to you. It had pretty cursive handwriting and a beautiful design. It was a wedding for your mom and her boyfriend, inviting you to join them for an evening of unity. You weren’t aware of them even being engaged, let alone a marriage. 
Jennie and Jimin never mentioned your mom, knowing you didn’t like pressing on too much about her. Their initial reaction was for you to go, until you explained that you didn’t even know she was getting married. You had crumpled up the invitation and threw it away in the trash.
Jennie consoled you, reassuring you that it was perfectly fine that you don’t attend. While you sulked in the living room, they approached you with the idea of still giving your mom a gift to congratulate her. It showed that you were the bigger person and that you acknowledge her efforts. They made you a better you.
Throughout every flashback, and every memory, your heart was searching for something beyond them, an image that wasn’t them. You laid there, dying, and all you saw was your girlfriend and your boyfriend. There had to be more than that and your heart was looking, waiting, for any other memories to surface. 
But nothing. It was only them and you couldn’t help, but feel a little disappointed. For the last few years of your life, you’ve revolved your entire world around these two people. You’re alone, not because you’re not social, but because you chose to focus all of your efforts into your relationship. And as you slowly lost sense of your consciousness, you became regretful about how you lived.
You heard distant voices, “1, 2, 3!” and you slowly opened your eyes. There was a rush of air that filled your lungs. Your vision adjusted to the bright spotlight and the many surgical masks above you. 
“She’s awake! We got her pulse!” They cheered and one of the nurses pulled down his mask.
“You’re going to be okay, Ms. (Y/N). The surgery was a success.” He smiled and you nodded, reaching for his hand to hold to make sure it was your reality. 
“We’re going to move you to your recovery room now, but you did really well.” The young nurse cheered with so much excitement, there were tears in his eyes. He was a complete stranger that just saved your life, yet he was even crying for you.
“T-Than-k yo-u.” You barely made out and he patted your shoulder. You shut your eyes again and felt the bed move and the voice of Hoseok calling after you as natural light hit your eyelids.
Several hours after the surgery and going over the post-surgery care, you carefully sat up in bed. Hoseok had to leave, but the two stayed. Jennie held onto you tighly, and Jimin blinked at you with stars in his eyes. But the thought you had while you were close to death never left your mind. 
“There is something I need to talk to you about.” You began, and Jimin and Jennie shared glances. “There was a lot to think about when I went under, my heart stopped for a few minutes and I was so close to my death. All I saw were our memories. I saw you two, but... something inside of me longed for something else, something more.” 
“If it’s not the three of us, then I don’t want to be in an individual relationship with either of you. That would mean making me choose and I don’t love one more than the other. It’s either both of you or neither. I will always love you two with all that my heart has to offer, but my life is so valuable and I need someone who is going to recognize that. I realized that the best for us is that there simply is no us. I love you both so much, I really do, but right now is not the right time. I’ll never forget us. ”
“Jennie, you were the first girl I love. Jimin, you were the first boy I love. But throughout it all, I won’t try to remember us. Maybe we’ll realize each other’s worth once we’re ready for it and we’ll be new people when we meet again.”
Jennie didn’t let go of your hand, instead, she nodded to every single word that you poured from your heart. “If that’s what you think is the best option for us, then I’ll accept your decision.” She agreed and no longer shed any more tears. She knew it was for the better, even if it did break her heart.
With a turn of events, Jimin was actually the one crying this time. Jimin’s tears spilled down his plump, supple cheeks. It was difficult for him to talk.. it was difficult for him to express how he felt in general. “I felt so regretful because I thought I was going to lose you forever when I was ready to trade my life for your’s. I’m just happy you’re alive and breathing. I respect your decision and I think that you’ll always know what’s best for us three.” 
Your heart was healing, bit by bit. The shock of almost death woke you up and you no longer wanted to be trapped in something that didn’t seem to work out well anymore. It was time for an end. It was time for change and you were more than thankful to have Jennie and Jimin, who loved you so much, they were willing to let you go and live life with no more regrets. 
Jennie smiled before gently kissing your hand, “I’m unsure how long me and Jimin would’ve lasted without you, but we were two people who fell out of love for each other, but back in love through you. I want you to know that even though you felt like you didn’t belong in our relationship, you were actually the connection between us. You were the reason there was an us.”
It was an epiphany ---- you were not the outlier in the relationship. You were the core center. Jennie and Jimin were more than thankful to have you in their lives, who loved them so much, that you were willing to look past their differences and to fight through every trial. 
“You were the reason there was an us.” That single line replayed in your thoughts, in a constant loop. And you smiled at Jimin and Jennie, the monitor beeping being the only noise in the room.
“I love you both, don’t you ever forget that.” 
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naptis-lucis-caelum · 6 years
HAPPY 420 (Noctis x Reader)
welllll it’s officially 420 and I’m stoned so might as well right? based on this photo of Noct, Iggy, and Prompto getting high as fuck floating around, posted by his-shining-tears, and the source says Twitter but the link just goes to the homepage. if anybody knows the original source, kindly send it to my inbox please! idk why it got fluffy in the end, but yall know me i’m a thirsty Noctis hoe and will do just about anything to write about him lmao. AANNNNDDD ENJOY 
p.s. I know they’re in a tent in the photo but wtv
Rating: SFW
Pairing(s): Noctis Lucis Caelum/Reader
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV
Warning(s): Drugs, swearing
Plot Summary: The guys invite you to celebrate the mystical stoner holiday of 4/20 with a little help from Gladio’s not-so-secret stash.
Words: 2,143
As soon as you finished your last lecture for the day, your phone began to vibrate violently in your pocket.
New Message from CHOCOBO BUTT HEAD:
Tumblr media
“Oh, for the love of–” you hurriedly scrolled down in order to hide that extremely compromising photo of the Crown Prince and his Crownsguard. 
You lowered the brightness of your screen and scrolled back up again, pinching the screen and zooming on their faces. The only thing that gave Prompto’s current state of mind away was the redness in his eyes; Iggy was clearly stoned, with his eyes almost invisible; while Noct’s cheeky grin-and-thumbs-up combination made your heart flutter a little bit. Leaving the classroom, you replied,
omfg whose stash are u smoking?
CHOCOBO BUTT HEAD: irrelevant question
You knew for a fact that Ignis had grabbed Prompto’s phone to send that reply himself. 
CHOCOBO BUTT HEAD: u didnt answer the question
i just finished class
CHOCOBO BUTT HEAD: k cool were at the apartment
The sender’s disregard for mentioning whose apartment they were in specifically only meant that the person currently holding Prompto’s phone was none other than the owner of the apartment himself, Noctis.
...is that an invitation or
With two paper bags filled with chips, candy, and Ebony, you stepped off the elevator and entered the hallway. You could already smell the dank from there, hearing laughter faintly echoing the corridor. The noise gradually got louder as made your way to the apartment, confirming that they were indeed the laughter of your friends.
After a bit of struggling, you finally managed to ring the doorbell. Obvious shuffling from the other side of the door moved closer to you until a blondie opened the door.
“She’s here!” Prompto yelled out. He looked back at you and noticed the bags you were carrying, taking them off your hands and adding, “And she bought the food, guys!”
You closed the door behind you and followed Prompto into the living room. On the floor sat the other two who appeared in the photo; they were missing an additional person. You stared at each of their obviously stoned faces one by one, adding two and two together until it hit you.
“So,” you grinned, joining their circle and taking the space between Noctis and Ignis. “Does Gladio know you’re smoking his weed?”
Noct chuckled lazily, “Nope, but what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”
Ignis passed you a freshly rolled joint and a lighter. “Spark it?” he offered with a sluggish smile.
“Why thank you, Iggy.”
You took the joint and placed the filter between your lips, leaning forward as Ignis sparked the lighter. You took a puff, then another, and one more until the burn looked even from your end. A deep exhale with a cloud of smoke escaped your lips, adding to the already low visibility of the room. Psychedelic rock music softly blasted from Noct’s speakers on the table as you passed it over to Prompto who was busy digging in.
He grabbed the joint and took a sip of water. “You guys know what,” he inhaled sharply. “I love eating.”
Prompto took another puff, holding it in for a couple seconds before releasing completely. He passed it to Iggy who just opened a can of Ebony. Careful, he took a quick sip from his fountain of youth and followed it with a deep inhale of his perfect roll.
“And I love Ebony.”
The Prince happily accepted Iggy’s joint offer, moving forward to grab it before leaning back on the couch. He stretched out his right leg and fixed his left knee up. 
Giggling, he took his first drag of the new joint. “And I love–” He turned to you for a second then quickly looked away, shaking his head. “Lucis!” he quickly finished, exhaling the smoke.
“You always get nationalistic when you’re high,” you pointed out, erupting in laughter with Prompto and Iggy. 
Noct joined in and ran a hand through his midnight hair, “It’s because I think the past Kings of Lucis try to speak to me when I’m stoned!”
The roaring got louder with his comment and the joint started another cycle. You took it from Noct and passed it on to Prompto who kept it between his thumb and index fingers. 
“Do you guys think the past Kings see us right now?” he asked.
“If they did,” Noct said. “I just wanna say sorry to my great-great-great-grandfather’s grandfather,” he finished off.
Next thing you knew, Noct was already handing the joint to you. Has it been that long already? Or did I space out? Wow, this is some pretty good shit.
Your eyes began to droop, but from the corner of your eye, you could see the Prince watching you take a hit. Unsure of whether it was the weed or just you, you started to become more conscious of your actions as you handed the half-joint over to the marksman. Prompto let it hang on the corner of his lips for a few moments, fixing the snacks you had bought on the table in the middle of your circle.
“... I’m fairly certain His Majesty’s done his fair share of rule breaking,” Ignis chimed in, snapping you back into reality.
Okay, you were transcending your current realm. 
You shook your head to look at the three men chatting away. You must’ve been quiet for a while now, considering the fact that you weren’t entirely sure what they were on about.
“King Regis toking? Fuck me, that’d make for one hell of a cover!” Noct exclaimed as he entered a fit of laughter. 
Slowly, Iggy exhaled once more and a cloud of smoke appeared above your heads. He tapped Noct’s arm and showed him the remaining of the joint, prompting him to calm down a little bit so he could take his hit.
“Your old man? A stoner?” Prompto reiterated with his thumb under his chin. “I could so picture it, dude!”
“And as it turns out, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” Ignis teased.
“Get off my dick, Iggy,” Noct joked in response, making all of you laugh this time. “And stop trying to sneak vegetables in my food all the damn time. If you like them so much, just eat it yourself!” He puffed out and stretched his arm out to you. “You should roach this,” he suggested with a faint smile quirking up his lips. 
“Nah, go ahead,” you offered back. “You’re already holding it.”
“But you just got here!” he retorted, moving his arm up and down to add emphasis to the burning joint. “Those in favor, say I.”
“I!” Prompto and Iggy voted together, raising their right hands in support.
You shrugged, “If you insist.”
You roached what was left of the roll, then killed it on the ashtray on the table. The moment you leaned back on the couch, you felt a tap on your arm and saw Noctis doing the exact same thing he was doing just now.
“Wait, what the fuck?” you said out loud, looking over at the filter of the last joint on the ashtray, then back at the joint Noctis was holding. “Didn’t I just kill one?”
“Dude, that was ages ago,” Prompto answered you as his right hand dove inside a bag of chips.
“No way,” you replied in disbelief. 
On your left, Noct refrained himself from chuckling, in turn making Iggy chuckle too. The two of them looked at each other and, unable to control themselves, burst into a mixture of heavy wheezing and loud ha-has.
Your eyes switched from studying Noct and Iggy’s face, bouncing back and forth as you watched them either slap their thigh or clap their hands. The Prince favored the thigh slap more, while the Royal Advisor preferred to clap his leathered hands.
“Ah, you’re so fucking cute when you’re stoned,” Noct blurted out, turning his head to face your blush-mantled cheeks. 
You rolled your eyes in a response but you could feel the heat on your face rising. Mockingly, you grabbed the not-so-new joint from his fingers and inhaled. “I swear,” you held your breath. “I just roached the other one.”
“If you did, we wouldn’t be having this conversation, now would we?” Prompto fired back as he pulled his hand out to take the joint. 
You paused, “But we were having a totally different conversation before this.”
“Indeed,” Iggy nodded. “Prompto and I best be going.”
“Huh?” you responded. “I just got here, Iggy! Come on, stay a while longer?”
“Just got here?” a voice from below you asked.
You looked down and found Noct’s head resting on your lap, his glassy blue eyes looking straight into yours. Once you began to feel the physicality of your body, you found your right hand unconsciously combing through his hair. When did he lie down?
“Yeah, didn’t we just...?” You pointed over at the overflowing ashtray on the table, spotting the countless filters resting on top of each other. The food was completely devoured, and you realized you actually felt pretty full.
“Holy shit, how stoned are you?” Prompto taunted. “It’s almost midnight and I’m fuckin’ sleepy.”
“Again, you guys don’t have to go,” Noct said. “Just sleep here!”
Iggy and Prompto looked at each other, rolling their eyes at that comment he just made. You stared as the two of them conversed with their eyes, obviously making sure you wouldn’t get the hint. 
“Nah, I’d rather sleep on my own bed,” Prompto declined.
“I share the same sentiments,” Iggy nodded, moving his hand up to adjust his glasses. “By the way, Noct, I’m in no mood to drive so I’ll be leaving the Regalia in your hands.”
“Ha,” Noctis scoffed. “I’m a great driver!”
“I meant to say, ‘don’t fuck it up.’” Ignis bit back. “Goodnight, you two.”
"Later!” Prompto called out.
This left you and Noctis’ head on your thighs all alone. You awkwardly continued to play with the softness of his hair, pretending like this was a normal occurrence in your friendship. He attempted to do the same, lightly grazing the thumb on his right hand over your left knee. 
Finally, he cleared his throat and broke the silence. “I don’t... I don’t think you’re in the condition to drive,” he stated.
Was he seriously asking you to sleep there?
“I think I’ll be fine,” you nodded.
“Please, I insist!” he maintained. “If anything terrible happened to you...” 
Noct’s voice trailed off but he kept his eyes locked on yours.
You took a deep breath, “Alright. Alright, yeah, sure.”
Okay, he gets it, you’re staying the night. Calm down.
“Cool!” he squeaked, getting up and patting the dust from his cargo pants away. “I’ll... I’ll get the couch ready. You can take my bed,” he generously presented.
“Noct,” you titled your head. “Please, I’ll take the couch. I don’t wanna displace you in your home.”
He scratched the back of his head and aired out a laugh, “It’s no big deal, really!”
Your heart began to beat faster as the seconds passed. Finally, you plucked up the courage and proposed,
“I don’t mind sharing the bed.”
His sea blue eyes grew wide for a moment before he quickly bobbed his head up and down in extreme concurrence. You entered the bedroom behind him, and even though you’ve been in there countless times before, being along with Noctis was pushing your mind into overdrive, your heart into arrest, and your primal want into a need. 
As you settled into bed with him, all cleaned up and still quite blazed, you snuggled up to his side and patted his arm in an upward motion. He looked down at you and grinned, lifting his arm up and allowing you to place your head on his shoulder. Tilting your body sideways, you closed your eyes and rested your hand on his chest. 
It was a relief to know that his heart was beating just as fast as yours.
“Happy 420,” he said randomly, causing you both to giggle.
“Happy 420, Noct.”
He planted what seemed like a long, overdue kiss on your forehead. Maybe the next time you smoke together, the two of you will finally be vocal about how you feel for each other.
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toddsfall · 7 years
Oh, what are you willing to do?
Written for day 5 of Nurseydex week :) 
summary: What do you do when your friend is hurting and you're too far away to comfort him?
read on ao3 (which I would recommend doing, since I didn’t copy the formatting on here :p)
It's not like they had never talked before the summer started. Logically, Nursey knew that. Still, he couldn't help but smile at how close his friends felt when he kept in touch with them like this on the daily. Summer in New York away from the guys didn't seem so daunting anymore. It made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside. He was so glad Chowder didn't have the emotional range of a teaspoon. The dude was never shy to let them know how he was feeling. It was one of his best qualities and Nursey loved him for it.
The Frogs B-)
Chowder: I miss you guys :(
Nursey: aw me 2 c
Dex: same
Chowder: What have you been up to?
Dex: work mostly, kinda boring
Chowder: aw no tell us about it! We're interesting. Right, Nursey?
Nursey: sure
Dex: oh okay
Dex: I'm working in my uncle's shop this summer
Dex: it's a hardware store, but we haven't had many customers. so, pretty boring
Chowder: pity :(
Nursey: u should install some games on ur phone
Dex: hmm maybe
Dex: what are you doing, then? roaming around the city?
Nursey: p much, yeah
Nursey: I'm looking for inspiration, trying 2 write some poems
Chowder: cool! what are they about?
Nursey: lots of things
Nursey: the city, my mom, summer, etc
Nursey: I even wrote one about you guys
Chowder: noice
Dex: u should write about the ocean
Nursey: I don't see much of it, but yeah. maybe
Chowder: I have the best view of the ocean anyway B)
Nursey: oh, here we go again
Dex: Christopher Chow I love you with all my heart but you are Wrong
Chowder: :))))
Nursey: pls
Dex: ...
Chowder: I'm going to go help my mom with food
Chowder: we should keep talking guys
Chowder: it feels weird not talking to you guys every day
Nursey: I feel that
Dex: we will C, don't worry. go help your mom :)
Chowder: toodles
The Frogs B-)
Chowder: u know who's really pretty and smart
Chowder: and funny
Chowder: Farmer
Nursey smiled down at his phone. Chowder had many good qualities. Subtlety was not one of them. He was surprised it had taken Chowder a full two weeks before asking though.
Nursey: hmmm
Nursey: are you perhaps trying to ask us if you can add Farmer to the groupschat Chowder
Chowder: ... perhaps
Nursey: go ahead dude
Chowder: you won't regret it!
Chowder: I'm just tired of having to keep typing things in double when I have news to share
Nursey: lol
Chowder added Caitlin Farmer to the chat
Nursey: sup Farms
Cait: hey guys
Nursey changed the name of the chat to Farmer and the Frogs
Cait: oh that sounds like it could be our college band name
Chowder: omg yes! too bad I can't play any instruments :(
Nursey: too bad, we'd look so hot
Dex: oh good another rational person
Cait: hey dex, honored to join the chat
Cait: it's kinda infamous to me now lmao, Chris has told me a lot about it
Nursey: oh no
Dex: not cool c
Dex: what happens in the groupchat stays in the groupchat
Chowder: don't worry I didn't tell her about your embarrassing encounter with that cashier the other day
Chowder: oops
Cait: what happened?
Nursey: Dex stumbled when he got to the register
Nursey: he was holding a very juicy tomato in his hand
Nursey: and he was wearing a white t-shirt
Nursey: it was a very Me move
Cait: oh no :o
Dex: I feel very betrayed right now
Chowder: sorry Dex, I'll try not to do it again
Chowder: but Cait can be VERY persuasive
Cait: *wiggles eyebrows*
Cait: yeah I can
Dex: no flirting in the groupchat
Farmer and the Frogs
Nursey: why did I do this
Dex: what's up Nurse?
Nursey: remember how I thought it might be fun to enter that writing contest?
Nursey: Yeah, it's no fun
Dex: have you written anything for it yet?
Nursey: yeah I have a big chunk of it lined out
Nursey: I just can't bring myself to write :(
Dex: hey no pressure
Dex: I know that's weird coming from me, but putting too much on yourself just isn't going to help right
Nursey: yeah I know, it's just. I wanted to do this
Nursey: make myself proud or whatever
Dex: hey what about this
Dex: you promise to do nothing but focus on your writing for the next ten minutes
Dex: and I'll be proud FOR you
Nursey: aight i'll try
Cait: oh sorry only seeing this now, I was at work
Cait: how's the writing going Nursey? :)
Nursey: I actually made myself sit at myself and write
Nursey: and the chances of me actually finishing this thing are looking a lot brighter
Cait: yay!
Chowder: we're proud of you too!
Cait: you bet :D
Nursey: thanks guys :)
Nursey: thanks for earlier bro
Nursey: you actually helped me
Dex: you're welcome Nursey :)
Nursey: :)
That night, Nursey went to bed feeling very grateful for his friends. He stared at his phone, trying to see if Dex was going to say something else. When it didn't look like he had anything more to add, he went to sleep.
Farmer and the Frogs
Nursey: do you guys ever think about how small we are and how infinite the universe is?
Cait: all the time lol
Nursey: it's craaazy
Cait: tell me about it
Dex: guys please go to sleep it's 4 am
Nursey: okay but why are you awake dude
Dex: I'm already up bro
Dex: have to drive my uncle around today, we're talking to his suppliers
Nursey: kay, good luck
Cait: night guys
Nursey: night
Nursey: and morning Dex
Farmer and the Frogs
Dex: fuck fuck fuck
Dex: ugh
Nursey: bro?
Nursey: what's up?
Nursey: Dex?
Nursey: what's wrong
When Dex still hadn't answered after ten minutes, Nursey decided to call him. Maybe he was feeling worried over nothing, but he wanted to make sure. Dex was there for him when he needed him, now he could be there for him too.
Dex picked up after three rings. "Hey Nursey." He sounded tired, but not in a panic or anything. Nursey blew out a breath.
"What's up man? I saw your post in the chat. Sorry I didn't answer immediately, I was writing."
"That's okay. I was just blowing off some steam. Don't worry about it."
"Well, I have you on the phone now. You might as well tell me. C'mon, I'm your d-man. Let me carry the weight, got your back and all that."
"It was nothing major, really. Just one of those days you know?" Nursey hummed, he knew those days well. He was in fact so intimately familiar with those day, that he might as well be in a long-term relationship with them by now. Dex continued. "Like, this morning. I overslept, so I had to rush to the store and I couldn't eat breakfast. Then, to add to my already great morning mood, I dropped a wrench on my foot. Of course, I was wearing work boots. That didn't stop it from hitting my shin, though."
Nursey sucked in a breath. "Ouch, that sounds painful."
Dex huffed out a laugh. "Yeah, it fucking was. And then after my morning in the darkest timezone had finally ended, of course everyone in town suddenly decided to stop by the store. I was swamped all afternoon. God, I'm so tired."
"That sucks dude, but now you're home right? Go rest. Watch some youtube videos of people doing stupid things and falling. Those always cheer you up. Forget about this day for a bit."
Dex sighed. "I wish I could. I got home with that exact plan in mind. But of course my teenage sister has decided that today is the day she's going to rebel against my parents. I heard them fighting when I came in. And now everyone is in a foul mood."
"Yikes. Alright dude. Let's go, you're getting out of the house." Nursey was already getting, putting on his shoes.
"Where am I supposed to go? Nursey, what are you doing?" Dex said, sounding concerned.
"Go sit outside, your yard or your roof or whatever. Just, somewhere without any people around. Can you do that?" Nursey tried not to sound too excited. He was just helping his friend. Not his crush.
Dex sighed again, but Nursey could tell it was the kind of sigh that came before Dex decided to give in. "Okay, fine. I'm going outside right now. Hold on, I'll call you back."
"Aight dude, take your time. I want to show you something."
Nursey went outside, grabbing a blanket as he went. He wanted to settle in before Dex called back.
It wasn't long before he got the call. "Okay, okay I'm on my roof. What now, Nursey?" He could hear the smile in Dex's voice. Good, he was getting him out of his head already.
"I'm going to FaceTime you. Hang up."
Derek Nurse calling
Nursey waved at Dex. "Hey Dexy! Okay, I'm going to show you the view from my roof." He moved his camera around while he went on. "It's nothing special, I know. I just like coming up here when I'm feeling down. Look how pretty and pink the sky looks, though. That's pretty dope right?"
Dex's camera showed his face. A small smile was creeping in the corners of his mouth. "Yeah, it's pretty dope Nursey."
They stayed talking like that for a long time. Nursey felt a little overwhelmed, he hadn't been able to look at Dex's face for most of the summer. Snapchat just wasn't the same. Eventually though, he had to admit that he was getting cold. The sun had set and on the roof, a cool night breeze was giving him goosebumps. "I'm going to have to go inside soon, I'm getting a little cold."
Dex smiled at him, looking infinitely more relaxed than he had hours before. "Okay Nursey. But first, let me show you something too." He turned his phone so Nursey could see the night sky. There were many more stars visible than he could see in the middle of the city.
"Wow, that's pretty cool." The comfort of the moment must have gone to his head, because he added. "Those stars kind of remind me of your freckles."
Dex flipped the camera back around. His blush was visible, even in the low light of his phone. "Oh. Well, thanks. I guess?" His nose scrunched up.
"You're welcome." Nursey smiled at him. He looked adorable.
Dex's answering smile was blinding.
Farmer and the Frogs
Chowder: sooo what's up guys
Chowder: me and Cait are going to the aquarium today :DD
Cait: we're v excited
Nursey: sounds great bros
Dex: have fun
Chowder: thanks! I'm excited to see the sharks
Dex: wow would've thought
Nursey: not me that's for sure
Nursey: I've finished my draft for the writing contest thing btw
Cait: whoooo
Cait: you should celebrate
Nursey: mm maybe I will
Dex: you called?
Chowder: haha wow
Chowder: and you say my jokes are corny
Nursey: oh well, maybe I WILL call you
Dex: oh yeah? and what would we talk about?
Nursey: oh, all sorts of things
Nursey: maybe poetry
Nursey: or sustainable energy sources
Dex: what makes you think I want to talk about those things
Nursey: I can be very persuasive
Chowder: no flirting in the groupchat they said
Cait: hypocrites
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