spaceoutdreamer · 2 years
Looking for the nicest way to tell someone to fuck off
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Biting Paul pt 2
Author: SadGhostofGarbage
Paul x G/N reader, Paul x David
Warnings: Talking about Sex, insecurities. Mostly fluffy. Hurt, comfort?
It had been weeks since you’d bitten Paul, and he was desperate to have you do it again. However nothing he did annoyed you enough to the point of nipping his flesh again. Recalling the memory had Paul whimpering a bit under his breath, he needed you to do it again.
“Dude, just ask them to bite you.” David said from his seat on the old wheelchair, where he was trying to read his book. Paul made a face at his brother and shook his head,
“I can’t do that, man.” Sighing the head vampire puts his book down in his lap to focus on his troubled brother.
“Why not?” Paul shifts around on his spot, fidgeting with the rings on his fingers.
“I- I just can’t man, okay?” There was a tinge of red on Paul's face, a small reminder of just how young of a vampire Paul was, a remnant of his human life that would fade with the passing years. Paul’s blush gave David pause,
“Are… Are you embarrassed?” Paul scoffs in denial but turns his head to hide his face.
“What are you kidding me, no way man!” David wanted to tease his brother, Paul being embarrassed about his kink? No way, it was unheard of. But he could feel just how upset Paul was so he held it in, opting to try to calm the nervous blonde.
“Paul, you’ve never been embarrassed of admitting what you like, why are you ashamed of this?” Paul puts his head in his hands, and when he looks back over to his brother David could see there were tears in his eyes. 
“It’s just different David.”
“What’s different Paulie? You aren’t afraid to tell us what you like-,” 
“Yeah because it’s you guys, I can tell you guys what I want. It’s different with them.” Paul interrupts.
“Why can’t you tell them what you want Paulie? Are they not okay with you being explorative?” David raises his eyebrow in question. David liked you; he had delved deep through your brain the minute he had felt Paul’s feelings for you, he wanted to make sure you weren’t going to hurt his baby bat. You had passed his judgment (or you wouldn’t be alive) so he couldn’t quite understand his brother's hesitancy of telling you. Paul shakes his head,
“No no no, it’s not that.”
“Then what is it?” Paul takes a deep breath (that he doesn’t need) and looks to his companion.
“I… I… I don’t want to scare them away.” It’s said in such a small way that David was not used to hearing from his brother. “I can tell you guys what I want because I mean… It’s you. You chose me, you guys are my pack, all of you love me. A-and I want them to love me too, but I’m just so afraid I’m going to do something wrong David. I don’t want to lose them because I’m too horny and weird.” Tears were flowing down the blonde’s face freely now.  Moving out of his chair, David made his way over to the weeping vampire. Cupping Paul's face in his hands he began wiping Paul's tears away.
“Hey now Paulie, no need to cry. You’re right about one thing, that being, we love you. However y/n is your partner, they love you too. And they aren’t going to leave you over wanting to try something out. But you have to be honest with them and tell them what you want just like you would tell us.”
“B-but what if-” David shushes Paul and gives him a stern yet soft look.
“No, no what if’s. Chances are y/n is just oblivious and didn’t notice you trying to get attention. And they can’t read minds like I can silly boy, how are they to know what you want if you don’t tell them.” Siffling with a pout on his lips Paul pauses to think about what his sire had said. 
“I- I mean you are kinda right, I guess.” David smirks and lets out a chuckle,
“Of course I’m right, have I ever been wrong?” 
“No.” David’s smirk gets bigger and he gives Paul a kiss on the forehead, and makes his way back to his previous place on the wheelchair.
It had been weeks since you’d bitten Paul, and he was desperate to have you do it again. But after a reassuring talk with David he was ready to just tell you what he wanted.
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Weeks had passed since you’d bitten Paul, and he was acting strange. The little plot you had cooked up to get Paul to stop biting you in public, had backfired… tremendously. It seemed that your little stunt had the exact opposite effect that it was meant to have. Any chance he got, it seemed that Paul would nip at you purposefully, or put his arms directly in front of your face. He even went as far as covering your mouth mid sentence. Hell, he seemed to generally just be a bigger nuisance than usual. Now you loved Paul, with all your heart but you just couldn’t understand why he was acting up, not to mention how much hornier he seemed. If he wasn’t irritating you with his out of character behavior, he was fucking your brains out. This would be great, if you didn’t feel like Paul was left unsatisfied. He came, no question about that; you just couldn’t help but think that he was hiding something. And you were going to confront him about it.  So when Paul asked you to hang out in the cave with him you didn’t hesitate to say yes. Paul leads you into the cave, past the other boys heading out for the night. You waved at them as Paul pulled you deeper through the halls to where his room was. You sat on the bed (that was only ever used when you were around) and went to speak your mind but Paul had the same idea.
“Paul we should talk-“
“Hey sugar, there’s something I’ve been-“ both of you stop and look at each other with wide eyes. Paul was terrified. He fucked up he knew it, you thought he was gross and you were going to leave him. Sensing his panic from the look on his face, you get up and grab his hands in yours. 
“Hey it’s nothing bad Paul.” ( At least you really hoped he wasn’t hiding something bad.)
“Oh, okay?” He didn’t sound convinced as he asked quietly, “you’re not going to leave me are you?” This shocked you, you pulled him to the bed and made him sit.
“What? No! Paul, why would you think that?” Sitting next to him, your hands never letting go of his.
“Because you think I’m too weird and horny?” He said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“What Paul no! I love you! That’s who you are, and I wouldn’t change that for the world.” He looked  partially relieved. “Okay Paulie what did you want to tell me?”
“No babe you go first, I’m still a bit nervous. I want to hear you first.” He was fidgeting with your fingers but made no move to pull away.
“I just wanted to know what was going on with you pretty boy? You’ve been acting strange, and it feels like you’re not satisfied with me?” Suddenly Paul was smiling, David was right, you were just unaware of his hints. He was relieved you weren’t upset with him but this meant he had to confess his secret.
“So uh…” Paul moves a hand to his neck and lets out a nervous chuckle. “Hey babe? If I told you I wanted you to bite me, what would you do?”
“What do you mean Paul?”
“Like I got really turned on when you bit me the other day and… fuck baby, I really want you to do it again.” Getting lost in his anxieties he tries to backtrack “I- I mean only if you want to, I don’t want to make you if you don’t want to.” You cut him off by pulling him into a kiss. Sucking his bottom lip between your teeth you give it a tug as you pull away.
“Why didn’t you just say so?” Grinning like a mad man Paul lays down pulling you on top of him.
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Tagging : @britany1997​ 
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arlandvery · 5 years
Hen, Chick (and Hawk)
A concept sent to @yandere-love-love-love got me started on this fic, and the first thing I’ve written on my new laptop! Still getting used to the keyboard and it sucks! :D Anyhooo, this is written from the pov of the kid, purely because I thought it would be a bit more interesting.
You didn’t like the new apartment.
It was small; your apartment was nicer. It was big. Daddy called it an eyrie. Your room at home was big and soft- it had to be, to accommodate your wings (you were big enough now that you could keep your flapping under control, but it was annoying at home, where the worst meant Mommy and Daddy finding out you lied about brushing your teeth,but here that meant knocking into something, and after a couple of weeks your wings were sore). You didn’t have any toys here either, and that was no fun.
Mama liked it here though, you could tell.
You didn’t get it.
At home, Mama didn’t need to work. She didn’t have to leave. She could play with you all day if she wanted, or lay in bed all day. But now Mama went to work every day and left you with an elderly neighbor named Mrs. Saito. Mrs. Saito was nice, you guessed, but she was old, and didn’t really want to play, or do anything very interesting.
You missed Daddy.
You wanted him here, now. But Mama wouldn’t let call him, or tell you what was going on.
It all got fuzzy when Daddy had to leave town- he said he’d be gone for two weeks, but he’d bring back lots of presents to make up for it. Mama had hugged him tight when he left, and cuddled you when you started siffling. That day, Mama was jittery. She kept disappearing into hers an Daddy’s room. When Daddy called that night, to tell them good night, Mama had picked up and told im about her day, then let you talk to him. 
But the moment that you were off the phone, she’d said you were leaving.
And you didn’t have any choice but to go with her.
You slept in the car the first night. Then you walked everywhere. There was a tiny motel room where the water was brown and the sheets had cigarette burns. It took two weeks for Mama to find a job and another month to get the apartment.
“When can we see Daddy?” You whined that night as Mama tucked you into bed. 
Mama frowned and looked down at you, carefully tucked away for sleep, your wings folded gingerly.
“We aren’t.” She admitted, and you didn’t understand. Why wouldn’t you go home? Wasn’t this just a vacation?
“B-but I want Daddy!” You whined, your eyes getting hot with unshed tears. Mama sniffled and climbed into bd beside her, pulling you close.
“I know baby, but it’s better this way.”
But you didn’t understand.
So Mama told you a story.
It wasn’t a nice story.
But you never asked when you were going back to Daddy again.
You think about your Dad more than you want to admit.
It’s hard not to think of him, when wings sprout from your back, soft white and itching to fly. But you don’t, because that quirk would be too noticeable.
(Mom paid someone in the Quirk Registration offices to lie- you’ve got a weak quirk on paper, something about sensing changing wind currents. You don’t fly. Your wings are always folded neatly beneath your clothes, feathers plucked as soon as they grow in.
Mom cries every time you do it.
But she doesn’t stop you.)
You look like him too. You hate that.
But Mom doesn’t flinch when you move too quickly (a memory that you recovered when you were ten), or spend a scary amount of time with hat blank-faced stare when you do something that reminds her of him anymore (something that she did but used to hide). So things are okay.
You think about the story.
(The first time she told it, it was the bare bones.
There was a man who fell in love with a very unlucky woman.
He followed her and learned everythig about her; her name, where she lived, what she did, what she wanted.
And he approached her and wooed her and she loved him so much. Everything moved so fast her head spun, but that was alright, she thought, because she loved him.
She married him.
And then things got bad.)
Things are nice now. Normal. You’ve moved out of the dingy apartment and the gross hotel room. Now you live in a nice neighborhood. Mom has friends that she goes out with on Thursday nights. You usually hang out on Sundays- they remind you of when you were little and it was just you and Mom, because Dad-
(Her new husband always wanted to know where she was. He always kept her busy, and soon her other friends faded away. He was angry whenever she suggested going back to work because he could provide- why would she need to work? 
She let him isolate and manipulate her until one day she went out without telling him.
For no reason she decided one day that she wanted to go out. If he loved her, she said to herself, he’d understand her need to breathe, to be away from him, just for awhile.
She didn’t do much that day, just walked around. Did some window shopping.
But she never entertained the thought of calling her friends. Or leaving him.
When she came back that evening, he was waiting at the door for her. He dragged her inside and that was the first time he hit her.)
Mom’s gonna be late tonight, so you’re probably just gonna get pizza and do your homework. You’re thinking about calling your friend Chi and bitching over the latest garbage episode of your guys’ least favorite show that you both watch unironically.
You like Chi because his favorite hero wasn’t Hawks. Well, there was more to it than that, but it made your friendship easier, purely because you didn’t have to look at your Dad’s smug PR smile on his merch everywhere when you went to his house. Chi preferred All-Might, something you both had in common.
 But the thing is, you feel uneasy.
It’s nothing new, you always feel like that. Anxiety, Mom calls it, looking guilty. So you don’t tell her about it. It’s not her fault that you’re always scared that Dad’s coming, that he’ll find you both. You keep your long nights secret- nights where your breath is shallow and rattles in your throat and you can’t breathe because you’re so sure that he’s outside the window waiting waiting waiting
But you get home without incident. You unlock the door, lock it behind you, change into some sweatpants and text Mom you made it home safely. Then you study- math’s kicking your ass. You learn better by doing, and sitting still has and always will be a nightmare.
Mom says you get that from him.
But she didn’t sound sad when she said it. You’d been in the teacher’s office, again, because you didn’t get it, you got frustrated, so you lashed out. Mom had to leave work. You felt awful. But she didn’t yell at you or anything. She let the teacher talk, agreed you were in the wrong and then you talked about it at home. When you finally told her how hard it was she’d nodded and petted your hair.
“We’ll work on it together.”
And you did.
You learned how to listen, how to pay attention. Little tricks.
You’re not stupid, you just needed extra attention.
(And not because you don’t have a dad, like the PTA mom’s hush-whisper about)
Around 6 you order pizza, checking your phone. Chi hasn’t called you back. Mom’s messaged you to remind you not to stay up too late and that she loves you.
Love you too, ma, you text back.
(After that, her husband didn’t let her leave the house. He kept her locked in the bedroom. Sometimes he drugged her to keep her quiet. He’d come home and fix dinner and bring her out and feed her as if she were some pet.
But now the woman knew what kind of man she’d married. She began to fight him, using the pain to spur her onward.
One night she nearly got away.
But by nearly, she almost made it to the door. 
Her husband dragged her back to the bedroom and he hurt her.
-Mom shows you the scars on her back when you’re 10, because you didn’t know how bad it was and you wanted to know.
You traced the scarring carefully, with gentle fingers. You could imagine the feather in Dad’s hand. Brighter red than the blood welling up. He’d taken care that it was scar, would pull if she moved a certain way.
Hawks, the letters said, because she’d never escape being his-
And after that she couldn’t fight him, because then she was going to have a baby.)
You take a break after you order. Your eyes are starting to ache and your hand is cramping. You could call it a night reasonably. Instead you shower and unbind your wings, sighing as you flex them. You’d be lying if you sad that you didn’t worry about what the constant plucking and binding was doing to your wings. 
There’s a knock on the door and you scramble to grab your wallet.
“Coming!” You shout, running because, well, pizza.
But when you open the door and standing there, holding the pizza box is your Dad, smiling like nothing is wrong. Like you saw each other this morning, not 6 years ago. Like he isn’t a monster.
“Dad,” you say quietly, gripping the door. His smile is every bit as predatory as his name.
“Hey eyas! Gonna let your old man in?” You notice that his foot is wedged against the door. You couldn’t close it if you wanted. Or, rather, if you had the presence of mind. 
But all you can think about are the scars on your Mom and how much he scares her still. What will he do to you?
Dad’s still waiting, and laughs a little, “c’mon kiddo, pizza’s getting cold. We can catch up til your Mom gets home!” There, there’s that darkness that you know is there, never noticed as a kid.
Wordlessly, you step aside and let him in, trying not to tremble.
You know what he is, and you hate him. But that’s still your Dad. And he wants to know all about you.
“You don’t deserve to know me!” You snap, interrupting his steady stream of questions as he goes through your phone. You shove your pizza away and stand up to leave- to run.
But your Dad’s wing flares out, blocking the door and cornering you. Dad just looks up at you without moving his head.
“Kiddo, sit down. We’re gonna have a talk now, okay?”
You know what he can do with those wings. Mom tortures herself and watches his televised fights. There’s a reason that he’s #2. So you sit your ass down. He nudges the pizza towards you again.
“Tell me, why don’t I deserve to know you? Is it because I didn’t find you immediately when your Mom had a moment of insanity and stole you?” You open your mouth, but he keeps talking, eyes flashing. “Do you have any,” he takes a deep breath and tries to lower his voice, “any idea what it was like when I came home and you both were gone? Bags packed, no note, your mom’s ring just there on the counter-!”
“You can’t even tell the truth now, can you!” You demand, because damn the neghbors, hopefully they’ll cal the cops. “You called her nightly to make sure she was where you put her! How long until you rushed home because you knew she’d found a way out, a way to get us out and stay safe-”
“Safe?!” He snarled, “I finally track you down and you’re terrified of me, your wings are- are plucked, living illegally-”
“Mom has a legal job-!”
“Lying to the Quirk Registry Office is a crime, along with kidnappig.”
“You kidnapped her! You isolated her and hurt her and raped-”
His backhand is sharp and snaps your head to the side.
“Don’t you ever say that again.” Hawks voice is dangerously low, and goosebumps break out on your skin. Your cheek hurts- it’s gonna bruise. But you don’t move. “I love your mother, I did everything for her, to keep her safe, and happy. Sometimes people don’t know what they want,” remarkably, he smiles again, and you want to hurl. “She needed me, and she needed a baby- and now she needs to be reminded exactly why you don’t kidnap your child and hide them for 6 years.”
“Love is a beautiful thing, kiddo,” he cups your hand and curls his wing around you, and you stifle a sob.
You...you have good memories of your Dad.
Memories that you don’t like thinking about, because he’s a monster, good memories of him aren’t fair.
But dad taught you how to groom your wings and held you when you were scared. He took you to the doctor when you got sick and surprised you in the morning with omelettes and cheese because he wanted to show his family that he loved them. When sat on his lap he’d wrap his wings around you and you felt warm and safe and you’re crying now, you can’t help it as he hugs you close and strokes your hair.
“Love is so beautiful, and I can’t let anything ruin that,” he coos, kissing your head. 
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brianc521 · 6 years
Borrowed T-Shirts
Series Masterlist
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You stood in the walk in closet, his old grey sweatpants tied around your waist, black bra pushing your tender breasts up as you try to find a shirt to wear.
“Baby, we gotta go.” He says from his seated position on the bed.
You two were currently supposed to be meeting Aaliyah and his cousins for a movie.
“Hold on.” You say, annoyance starting to rise because you couldn’t find anything to wear.
“We’re gonna be late.” He says holding onto the door frame and hanging in the doorway.
You look over with a mean glare, lips pursed out. “I know!”
He stops, taking in your attitude and getting ready to adjust to it when his eyes rake over your body.
You turn away from him before he can say anything, making his eyes go wide.
“Wait Baby,” He says, your head whipping to look at him over your shoulder.
“What?” You spit.
“Turn back to the side.”
“Just do it.” He pleads. “Please, I just wanna,” He says walking closer, turning your hips to the side.
You stare at him confused as he takes a step back to look at you.
“Oh my god, Baby, you’re,” He smiles, eyes getting a little misty as he brings his hand up to cover his mouth.
“What Shawn?”
“You have a-, oh Babe, you’re so pretty.” He smiles, it makes his eyes crinkle, and he’s practically glowing. He’s the definition of happiness at this moment.
“What are you talking about?” You ask him.
“You haven’t noticed?” He asks, blinking at you.
“Noticed what?”
“Baby, you have a bump!”
You look down at your tummy and back at him.
You grin at his smile, “No I don’t.”
“Yes you do,” He surges forward, hands out to touch your bare belly. “Right here.”
You move with him to look at the floor length mirror on the back of the door.
He turns you, letting you stare at your belly and sure enough.
“Shawn there’s a bump!” You clap, laughing happily as you look at him.
He moves to stand in front of you, taking your face into his hands. He leans down as you lean up, meeting his lips with yours.
“You have a bump, a lil baby bump.” He says after he kisses you softly.
Your foreheads rest together as you both smile giddily.
He drops to his knees, letting his hands take purchase on your belly, fingers running over the small bump.
“Hi Bug,” He smiles, wiping his eye quickly. “It’s Daddy,”
You smile down at him, bringing a hand to rake through his curls.
“You’re getting big, I mean I know your like the size of a peanut but we can see you.” He kisses your belly. “We can see you,” He laughs. “And I’m so excited, you keep growing in there, okay?” He taps your belly button. “Mommy keeping it warm for you?”
You giggle and he looks up with raised eyebrows.
“Eavesdropping?” He asks you.
“Excuse me?” You laugh.
“This is private conversation,” He pouts.
“Can’t be that private, I’m sort of carrying our Baby.”
“Shut your ears then, I’m talking to my Baby.”
You laugh and nod, making a scene of looking away.
“Okay, I’m back.” He whispers to your belly, making you bite back a giggle. “Had to put your Mommy in her place.”
You tug at his curls earning a chuckle from him.
“What was I saying before I was interrupted?” He sighs. “Oh right, we can see you. Keep growing for me, and I’ll make sure you and Mommy are well taken care of. Deal?”
You smile and watch him nod, lean forward, kiss your belly, then stand up.
“What was that?” You ask with an amused smile.
“Just making deals.” He shrugs. “But we seriously gotta go.”
“I’ll stay home.” You say looking away.
His eyes go wide as he catches your hand before you walk away. “Excuse me? Why?”
“I just, I don’t fit in any of my clothes.”
He looks around at the mess of clothes on the floor before looking back at you.
“Here,” He says turning around and rummaging through your drawers. “Where these,” He hands you your stretchy yoga pants. “And then you can borrow one of my shirts.”
He siffles through his side of the closet as you stretch your black yoga pants on, moving around a bit to make sure you’ll be comfortable.
When you look up he’s holding his black Eddie Vedder shirt. “Wear this one, I don’t wear it much anymore.”
You take it and pull it on, adjusting it around your small bump.
“It hides the bump, which is good since we haven’t told Liyah yet.” He says standing behind you as you assess yourself in the mirror. “Also you look really good in my clothes.” He kisses the side of your neck.
“Yeah?” You ask, biting your lip as you lean back into him.
“Yeah, I promise.”
You nod and turn to slip your flip flops on, taking his offered hand as he helps you to the car.
Throughout the night you catch him staring at you, hand holding yours through the movie. Your conjoined hands are rested in your lap and his pointer finger discreetly rubs against your belly the whole time.
Once you get in the car to head back home you call him out as he stares at you at a red light.
“What are you staring at?”
He smiles, blushing since you’ve caught him.
“My wife.” He says with a cheeky smile.
You roll your eyes and look away. “Well would you stop, it’s annoying.” You shoot him a look.
“Wanna know what I’m staring at?” He says bringing your hand up to his mouth to plant a sweet kiss to your knuckles. “You’re glowing.” He sighs. “And I’ve been waiting for it, the pregnancy glow, and I noticed it tonight. Your eyes have this sparkle, even when your glaring at me, like right now.” He smiles, making you blush. “And your skin is glowing, like you look incredible. And your smile is brighter. Bigger even. You just, you look good Babe. And I’m gonna stare as much as I want because I’ve been waiting for this day.”
“What day?”
“For you to be pregnant. Like I know you are and have been. obviously, but like today made it real. Because you can see it now. I can see my Baby,” His palm finds your belly. “My Baby is right here, it just like, I don’t know, it hit me tonight.”
You smile at him, leaning over and kissing his cheek. “You’re the best Dad.”
“You’re the best Mom.” He looks at you.
You smile, shaking your head as you look back at the window.
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dancingskys · 6 years
I’m so happy you’re doing short story recs I love your writing!! Would u do a hybrid fic maybe? Maybe yoonmin? Where one of them (u can pick which ones the hybrid) is a stray and gets taken in by the other with lots of fluff and comfort? (I think this concepts so adorable!!) thank you so much ILY!!❤️
Pairing: YoonMin
Word Count: 1,548
I’m so weak for hybrid stories T^T and thank you, I luv u too
More Mini Stories here
A sudden bright flash of light startled Jimin slightly and he moved to take off his headphones just in time to hear a loud clap of thunder. It was dark outside, the previously blue sky now overtaken by dark grey, stormy clouds which loomed dangerously low.
“Yoongi?” the male asked, turning around in his chair but he stopped as he didn’t find who he was searching for. Another flash of lightning illuminated the room almost eerily, Jimin once again having forgotten to turn on lights so it was dark except for the irregular flashes.
The male turned off his laptop and stood up, stretching to get rid of his sore spine before he left to room and turned on the light in the hallway. “Yoongi?”
Again there was no answer and Jimin pursed his lips. Where would a frightened cat hide of not in his lap in a situation like this? He turned his head a little, seeing that the door to his bedroom was slightly opened so he decided to look there next. He called the other’s name again upon entering but didn’t receive a reply so he looked under the desk, behind the curtains, he even opened his closet but the other was nowhere to be found.
It wasn’t until Jimin turned on the flashlight on his phone and looked under the bed that two bright orbs reflected the light and startled him slightly. “Jesus, Yoongi,” Jimin huffed, turning on the light on his nightstand and bending down to look under the bed properly once he had put his phone away. Huddled together in a small ball and pressed against the wall was no other than his cat hybrid Yoongi, looking like he was frightened beyond belief which was probably the case since he was absolutely terrified of thunderstorms.
Jimin didn’t know why exactly he was so scared. Maybe because it was loud and scary or because of the light and bad weather but… no matter what the reason he was sure his fear had developed or worsened during his time out on the streets without proper shelter.
The young man had found the hybrid in tattered clothing on an autumn evening, rummaging through the trash behind a restaurant when suddenly a waiter had stormed out from the backdoor and had swung a broom at him, chasing him away with loud yells and some hits of the broom.
The hybrid had been quick to make his escape, running through the maze of streets and alleys and Jimin had somehow managed to follow him. Once he found him hiding in a corner, siffling quietly and licking at the scratches the broom had left behind on the back of one of his hands he had gotten beyond angry at the world for letting things like this happen. No one cared for strays, everyone just chased them away like they were rats carrying diseases.
Carefully he had approached the scrawny hybrid who noticed him and couldn’t decide between whimpering and growling, looking like he just wanted to run away again.
“It’s okay, I just want to give you something,” Jimin had tried to reassure him, crouching down and reaching into his handbag to take out the bagel with cream cheese he hadn’t gotten around to eating during work. “Here,” he said and offered it to the hybrid whose ears flicked a few times, nose twitching in interest. It had taken a while of coaxing for the hybrid to finally snatch the bagel out of Jimin’s hands, turning away from him and immediately starting to eat like he was scared of his food disappearing all of the sudden.
Jimin had just watched him sadly, his heart clenching at the sight. The hybrid was dirty and filthy, he smelled bad but even then Jimi just couldn’t turn away from him. This was the first time he had actually seen a stray because most either died or were put into shelters that were way too overrun and in awful condition. He didn’t want this little fellow to end up there.
“Do you have anywhere to go?” he asked softly and the hybrid looked at him with dark brown eyes that seemed way too sad and lonely. He continued staring for a while before he shook his head reluctantly.
Jimin sighed and nodded his head. “Okay… if… if you want you could come to my apartment and wash up, eat something, maybe spend the night if you want to? It just… it breaks my heart to see someone in a situation like this, I just want to help…”
The hybrid just stared and Jimin wondered if maybe he was mute for a moment before the other opened his mouth. “You… don’t want anything in return… I don’t… I don’t have anything,” he mumbled unsurely and Jimin shook his head, glad about having received a response at least. “No, I promise. I don’t want anything in return, I really just want to help.”
“Y-you… won’t put me in a shelter?” the hybrid asked fearfully and again Jimin shook his head. “No, just my home, nowhere else, promise.”
Two hours later he was watching a freshly showered hybrid chowing down on his leftover lasagne from the day before, taking in the other’s appearance. He was an adult already, that much was clear but he was too skinny and scrawny, most certainly from malnutrition. His hair was a dark brown like dark chocolate and almost black if it weren’t for some warmer and reddish undertones. Two ears were peeking out of his damp, messy hair, flicking occasionally as if to fend off some annoying waterdrops. The hybrid had scratches and scars all over his body, some seemingly fresh bruised crawling up his forearm.
Though from what Jimin could see he seemed to be somewhat relaxed right now because his long and fluffy tail of the same color as his hair was swishing contently, making JImin smile the slightest bit.
Since the hybrid was about the same height as him finding clothes had thankfully not been too difficult, getting his tail to be comfortable had, however, taken a few minutes as adjusting.
Yoongi, the hybrid’s name was Yoongi, as he had mumbled quietly after curling up on the couch in a wooly blanket and purring for half an hour straight, content with a filled belly, clean skin and warmth all around him.
And Yoongi stayed. He stayed with Jimin, settling in his life and in his apartment. After a few months of tiptoeing around the human he had gotten comfortable, letting Jimin pet his ears, snuggling up beside him and looing forward to him coming home after a long day of work.
Yoongi looked better with each passing day, gaining strength, health and weight with each meal and each night of peaceful sleep. It made Jimin beam with happiness whenever he noticed the stark difference to the scrawny little thing he had picked up and the cuddly hybrid who was now purring into his ear contently whenever they snuggled.
“Oh Yoongi,” Jimin said softly, watching his hybrid with a sad smile. “It’s just a thunderstorm, it’ll be over in a while.”
Yoongi just looked at him with a big eyes, flinching as another rumble of thunder echoed in the room.
“Come here, then we can cuddle, hm?” Jimin proposed, patting the spot next to him just in an attempt to coax the cat out from under the bed. It was cramped and dusty under there after all. “You’re not goona get hurt, it’s alright,” he reassured and slowly Yoongi uncurled a little, crawling over to Jimin and immediately settling in his lap, clinging to the human like he was afraid of getting whisked away by an invisible force. He was shaking all over, obviously terrified and Jimin stroked his back in a hopefully comforting manner.
“It’s alright,” he said again, standing up with some difficulties and moving Yoongi onto the bed to tug one of the blankets around his shoulders like a cape of protection. “There,” he smiled softly, petting the hybrids head. “That’s better than hiding under the bed, isn’t it?”
Yoongi just sniffled and turned his head away, not giving any answer but Jimin knew he was just embarrassed and scared.
“I’m gonna got get my laptop and some snacks and then we can watch a movie and wait until the thunderstorm goes away, okay?”
The black-haired’s head snapped up and he looked at Jimin almost pleadingly, latching onto his sleeve as he turned around to get said items. “D-don’t leave,” Yoongi whimpered pitifully and Jimin wanted to put him into his pocket and protect him from all evil, even thunderstorms. “It’ll be just a minute, I’ll be right back,” he reassured but Yoongi still didn’t look exactly convinced.
“Promise?” he asked with trembling lips and Jimin smiled, nodding his head. “Yeah, I promise, I’ll be right back.”
He was back within a minute and Yoongi crawled into his lap as soon as the other had sat down, getting comfy and leaning against his chest, still wrapped up in his blanket like a precious bundle. JImin just smiled and hugged his hybrid close and they watched a movie for the next two hours, not even noticing that the storm had ended a long time ago.
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