crabussy · 2 years
i would love 2 hear about wasps i will gladly ask you about them tell me things about wasps please
OH HELL YEAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it’s late as hell so I’m just gonna show you some pretty wasps but I’ll be back with wasp facts tomorrow (:<<<<<
my favourite types of wasps are these guys:
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this little lady is a thistledown velvet ant!!! she’s actually a wasp, they just have silly names- females don’t have wings which makes them look very ant-like!!! they also squeak when in danger as a defense mechanism
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I looooove mud dauber wasps. thinnest waist in the west… AND LOOK AT WHAT SHES DOING!!!! SHES CARRYING MUD WITH HER LITTLE PAWS TO BUILD A NEST…
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I also adore ruby-tailed wasps,,, they’re just super shiny and vibrant and I love that for them
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akemima · 10 months
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Canon howdys such a bitch i love him
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saturnniidae · 9 months
I'm falling back into my trollhunters/toa hyperfixation
Is the fandom still alive other than straggling fanartists, or did rott kill it?
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wi11owbird · 1 year
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c00kietin · 4 months
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never mind. I drew this too :3
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waterlemon-melon · 4 months
“We are dancing on the edge of a volcano” - Ravel
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no text lava and lava-less versions below the cut
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lillazyboithings · 2 months
I just got really busy from studying for tests n shit, and I had to do a deadline for the school newspaper but I'M BACK WITH ART BABY
Which is mostly more OC art....I am not normal about her nor about any of my other ocs (to the person who wanted me to infodump about her, you're gonna get it soon-)
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 10 months
Woke up in a good mood
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I want to infodump fnaf lore on Cross
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cross being a big nerd about shows and stories/anime/video games in my personal headcanon so she already KNOWS about fnaf lore >B) but she'll share theories with you<3333
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ok I haven’t posted much recently but here’s a silly guy for you!!!
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nutklcker · 3 months
HI (I LOVE THE PARAGRAPHS EACH OFYOU LEAVE IN MY TAGS SO FUCKIMG MUCH) do any of your ocs have ref sheets. or even just full-body drawings . totally not asking for any specific purpose ....
WE'RE SO GLAD YOU LOVE OUR RAMBLING you have such pretty art and reblog some of the best posts and you're so good at writing so we just have to explode in the tags sometimes hehe
Also we saw this ask like four? Five? Hours ago and went Oh Shit No We Don't and have spent the whole time drawing and we were like Oh we should throw our LC alters in there too since this is their blog and their mutuals should know who they're talking to! And then we got distracted and ONLY drew the alters and host's self insert and none of our OC's so :> we'll do that eventually though but we'll also do like another post with more info ANYWAYS here's the art we made of the self insert and the Lethal alters :3
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Info for each of us under the cut (also Rend and Anno are heavily derived from a fever dream March had after we got surgery and had complications, as such they have a story and are pretty attached to it so we'll go into that too)
The "Story"/Fever Dream:
There were two crews who led a revolution against The Company about fifty years before the game takes place, and of them were eight people named Experimentation, Assurance, Vow, Offense, March, Rend, Dine, and Titan, and they weren't named after the planets, the planets were named after them. (Rend, March, Assurance, and Vow were on a team with Rend being the captain, and the other team was led by Titan and had Dine, Offense, and Experimentation.) Eventually, the revolution got pretty popular and widespread so The Company gave in and agreed to meet with the two teams to discuss their requests, and at the end of the discussion they promised the requests would take place within the next few weeks. The eight members of the revolution were satisfied and went back to work, but the next day they were given news that due to their conjoined efforts they would have to all split up and join different teams to ensure that they didn't again backstab the company once their requests were fulfilled. They, unfortunately, did not put up a fight against this and within the next quota cycle each of them were abandoned and killed on different, new moons none of them had ever seen before. The company never enforced the things they agreed upon but because the leaders of the revolution were killed before word of the promises got far, and because they mysteriously went missing and had new moons named after them, nobody said anything and nobody acted out against The Company.
- Pace is Geno's self-insert OC and he uses He/Him pronouns and is transmasc <3
- He was an employee for The Company AFTER the time of the revolution and worked not as a scrap collector but as a biologist. His team was tasked with finding specific monsters and collecting some bio matter from them to then bring back to The Company. Pace had a rivalry with one of his teammates who was tired of Pace always succeeding, so, he pushed for Pace to receive a Bracken as his quarry and succeeded. However upon arriving Pace was easily able to find the Bracken of Vow (who was actually Vow from the revolution) and collect bio matter from it by befriending it, which enraged his competitor and led to both Pace and Vow being shot. Vow tried to protect Pace after realizing the shot that hit him was not meant for him, but both were too wounded to survive. Vow disintegrated atop of Pace, leaving him and his open wounds covered in Bracken spores, and his competitor left to eventually be killed by a coilhead. Their other two teammates made it out.
- The spores found the decomposing body of a human to be the perfect place to reform and create a new Bracken; that being Pace. Pace spent about twenty years hunting loot bugs and hiding from scrap collectors before a woman named Kite and her captain Calamity found him at the fire exit of Vow. The two found that he was friendly and took him upon their ship, but one of their teammates was appalled at having a "friendly" Bracken and, as they were leaving, pushed Calamity out of the ship in anger, landing her between a dog and a baboon hawk. Pace jumped to rescue her and while he was successfully able to lure the dog away enough for Calamity to safely jump back on the ship, he was grabbed by the Dog and torn to shreds. The ship's autopilot took off while he was fighting the dog and the crew (excluding the asshole) started to panic.
- The next day Vow was eclipsed and, much to Calamity and Kite's disdain, the crew decided to wait for the eclipse to pass before landing back down on Vow and looking for Pace. Meanwhile, Pace had managed to crawl his way back to the fire exit, tumbling down the ravine, and set himself up on a pallet just inside the door. There, sleeping through the whole day, he was able to slowly heal.
- The third and last day of the quota cycle, Calamity's crew got into another argument with Asshole over going to save Pace, and landed at Vow without realizing another team (March's team, as he had already been rescued by a crew by this time) had already landed there. Calamity and Kite rushed in to find Pace while Sail, the crew's navigator and Kite's twin brother, argued with the asshole. The captain of the other crew, who's ship was nearby, overheard an argument about saving a "friendly bracken" and connected the dots that another crew must have found someone like March, their friendly coil-head, and walked out to confront the two. Sail left to help Calamity and Kite find Pace, and the captain (name yet unknown) spoke with the asshole, found out he wanted to kill Pace and attempted to kill his own captain, and promptly hit him over the head with a shovel in order to protect not just his crew, but March as well. The asshole was left there as the captain rushed in to inform his crew of another friendly monster and tell the other crew bus was happy to help, and the asshole was left there to be picked up and carried away by a Giant.
- Pace was eventually found , missing most of his arm, leg, and leaves on his left side, and the two crews met up and became friends. Pace was placed in a large pot covered up to his shoulders in dirt and for the next few quota cycles his crew would place him outside to soak up the sun and look around. Because his arm and leg were fully submerged in the soil and water, they regrew, but his eye never did. He doesn't mind too much though, he can tell when things are looking at him and, in his opinion, that's all he really needs his eyes for. He helps scavenge for scrap and is able to carry two heavy items at a time, however, he can only carry one light item when doing so as it's uncomfortable to hold in his big hands
- March was our first LC alter and has been around since about late October? He's not too conncected to his source and is actually the version of March from our fever dream BEFORE the revolution ended. So though the March in our dream was a coil head by the end of it, our March still thinks of himself as human. Being compared to a coil doesn't bother him though, they're his favorite enemy in the game :) also he's mute and considers himself cis and demiro-ace.
- Rend is also one of our alters but is a lot more attached to both the game and the "story" so he has some funky false memories and is a little delulu about it, but he's happy and healthy and aware of reality and not hurting anyone or our system or himself so we don't mind hehe also, Rend is transmasc just like host and his pronouns are he/him but he's trying out they/it
- Rend is of course based on Captain Rend from the "story" but, unlike March, is from AFTER he died and he much prefers being seen as a nutcracker than a human. Our assumption over why is because Rend had actually been a fragment for most of our life who managed family interactions, and since that was all our brain found him fit for he never really gained a personality or sense of self and as such thinks he looks exactly like our host and would probably share the same name and everything. We think subconsciously our brain makes him like being a nutcracker more than a human in order to make it easier to distinguish him and host
- Rend, being much more intrigued by the fever dream likes daydreaming about it a lot, like he's roleplaying in his head in his own, and as such he likes talking about it and thinking about it a lot more than March does. So, here's some things he daydreams about a lot and thinks would be "canon" continuations of the "story"/fever dream:
- Before March's team found Pace and his team, they got to a pretty high quota and started visiting Rend and Dine. One of their first times visiting Rend, Melody, an employee on March's team, found a seemingly deactivated nutcracker deep in the facility. The team had split up so Melody knew she would have to be careful, but she wanted the shotgun so she crept close and clumsily grabbed it, setting it off. This startled here and she backed off, watching in silent horror as the Nutcracker slowly started to move and stand and, eventually, open up and look around. In panic, Melody ran despite being looked at and, for a moment, Rene stood there confuse before he realized he had finally found someone. Forgetting his voice, he chased after her for a bit but she would frequently stop and hold still so he had trouble. Eventually he shouted to her to wait and she paused, turning to look at the apparently able to speak nutcracker just as March had sped up beside her to block the path between her and Rend. Staring down at an employee with his shotgun and a coilhead that was looking at him and not said employee, Rend ran. In instinct, as she had gotten used to March by now, Melody turned and March gave chase. He was scared and angry that the nutcracker had presumably tried to shoot his friend and, upon trying to push the nutcracker to get it to stop running, he sent a surge through its body and caused it to bleed (like how we headcannon them to work, building up pressure in the body's blood). Melody followed a few rooms behind, having trouble keeping up with the two big monsters but, when Rend was hurt he screamed, and Melody knew that wasn't any of her teammates so she picked up the pace. Rend had been cornered but Melody caught sight of March which forced him to stop moving, and tried to rush to the nutcracker when she saw him bleeding, but, turning her back to March Rend panicked and stepped between the two, telling Melody that he wanted to talk to her but couldn't protect her with the state he was in, so she needed to look at the coil head. He was seemingly trying to protect her. For his comfort she did look at March, but tried to assure him to calm down, sit for a little so she could try and tend to whatever part of him was bleeding, and that she would be more than willing to talk. They spoke for a while, Rend having trouble believing that the coil was friendly given how it seemingly tried to explode him, but he let bygones be bygones. Melody and March both started to wonder if this was one of his old friends but they had decided beforehand not to bring it up to any possible teammates without getting a gauge for their mental state, and Rend was very frazzled so they decided to wait to ask his name or story until he calmed down. They gave him back his shotgun, he turned the safety on, and Melody convinced him to open up so she could tend to his bleeding eye, and eventually the three started to make their way back to main in order to meet up with the rest of the team and get Rend out to their ship
- On the way there they met up with the teammate March had been with before he came running after he heard the gunshot, but this teammate was actively running from a thumper. Rend tried to shoot it but missed due to his eye injury and urged the rest of them to run as he'd hold it back as long as possible. The three left and Rend dragged the Thumper around for a bit before it got loose and rocketed down the hallway after the three. Rend, knowing the layout like the back of his hand, took an alternate route to get to main in order to hopefully outpace the thumper. He made it in time to tackle the thumper and send it and him over the balcony railing where they landed near Melody, March, and their other teammate who were actively trying to scare off a Bracken. Rend urged them to head outside and leave for their safety and they did. It took them a while to get back enough money to go back for Rend, and in this time they met Pace and his team. Rend is still actively daydreaming about this all the time so I'm sure he'll infodump about it more another time.
- Anno has been around for the least amount of time, we had a major allergic reaction while Rend was fronting and so he spent time curled in a ball daydreaming as he always loves to. For comfort he daydreamed about cuddling a friendly masked, but eventually got so fed up he told our partner, aloud "I really hate this body" and our little asshole of a brain (/lh) essentially went "oh really? New alter be upon ye" and turned that cute little Masked Rend was daydreaming about into a new fragment. Anno has since become more concrete, he's transmasc and uses it/its pronouns, and it's not very interested in Lethal Company but LOVES Rend a lot. It's just kinda gay and likes Minecraft, like those are its things so far. Rend has decided that if Anno was in the "story" it would've been from far before the revolution and was left behind by mistake. That's about it for Anno, it's just kinda a thingy that's very gay
Wow so that's the end of that, I'm incapable of making long stories short apparently tee hee. I've been talking for way too long and I doubt anyone got this far, but this was mostly for us since we're soupy right now and it made us feel grounded. If you got this far Anno gives you a cookie.
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sophaeros · 9 months
U should post your drawings :3
oaky since u asked :3
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this is dean and florence <3 dean is like am era alex if he was half chinese and had a fifteen-year long unrequited crush (so pretty much the am album) and florence is the transfem nb midkey sleazy landbastard of the house the main cast of this story stays in. she lives there too bc her situationship girlfriend lives there and she kinda fuck it we ball'd into deciding to move in IDK sometimes u try to beat the commitment issues and they beat ur ass instead. i should note that dean is crushing on his childhood best friend's much older brother. and his best friend is florence's gf. LEAST ENTANGLED SITCOM CAST IN EXISTENCE
this is literally just two out the fuckin. Nine people staying in the house no dont ask me where they got a nine-bedroom house in this economy ok just suspend your disbelief for that
@cluedoenthusiast and i have been so unwell about these ocs (there are actually more btw the cast of characters does not end at the nine housemates) for the past like idk month and a half i could and have spent hours talking abt the lore
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artinandwritin · 3 months
would love to listen to the promises promises playlist if you were ever comfortable sharing it!! You know I love playlists loll
OH yeah ofc!! Here you go!!!
I tried to put the songs a bit in order but bc a lot of these are not just related to plotbeats or character moments but are just in there bc they help with my writing mood as well, that turned out to be harder than i thought lmao
Hope you enjoy tho!! <33
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petit-procrastinator · 5 months
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guys i think they’re autistic
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meimeikyu · 11 months
can i ask 4 random cqtrio headcannons pls? would love 2 hear em :)
These will be fore their canon (mostly) versions, but i also have tons for others bcs i love exploring diff verions of the cqtrio!!!! oki lets go
1; Colourblind fresh. I donf know where i got this one but i love it sm. I think hed know how horribly colourful he is but he just. cannot see it. I think hed be like full greyscale colourblind (theres a term for it but. i dont remember-)
2; Geno would like really sweet things!! I love having major contrast between him n error, and error loves underfells spicy chocolate, so i think geno would love really sweet things instead!
3; Error will eat anything. Chocolate wrappers,, Forks,,, maybe people. I think hell try anythinf once. bonus he thinks the chocolate wrappers r meant to be eaten. if its on the chocolate why cant he eat it?
4;ERROR WOULD SAY UNDERNOVELA QUOTES CONSTANTLY! Bonus. he doesnt know what they mean most of the time. hes going on vibes alone to figure this out. This would slso be extremely funny in front of any of the sanses i hc speak spanish bcs. he would just say the most out of pocket things without knowing.
I love them all so much they r so (puts them in a blender)
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crystalwhisp · 6 months
Your fnaf au! Do you have a list so far of what characters and ideas you have sorted?
Why yes I do!
So I already have a post about the animals/characters each of the boys is regardless of model generation (Edds=bear/Freddy, Matts=barn owl/Chica, Toms= Rabbit/Bonnie, Tords=Fox/Foxy. The only exception to this rule is the Circus or Funtime animatronics
The one I haven't gone over yet are:
Lolipop kid (AK) who replaces balloon boy and hands out lolipops to guests!
JJ doesn't have a replacement yet so send me asks for ideas!
The puppet (Laurel) who replaces the marionette and worked the prize corner!
I still gotta go over the human characters and the souls that poses the animatronics! (Please note that most of these are ocs made specifically for this au cuz I wanted more girl characters and didn't know how to use the background ones from Eddsworld)
Rosetta Silver fills Afton's role of resident child murderer and, in the interest of not giving away too much before her solo backstory post, she's a complete POS! Like you will want her DEAD by the time I'm done explaining.
Michie Goliard fills Mike Schmidts role as night guard. She's made some awful mistakes in her past but she has a kind heart and genuinely wants to make everything right.
Jessie Felbers fills the role of Jeremy Fitzgerald as the day shift guard! She is just the sweetest thing! Too bad she her head munched during "the incident." (More on that later) Not to worry though she lived and all it took was a little surgery! Btw her and Michie have a thing for each other.
Now for the aforementioned children (Tw child death and description of said death, details about the victims personalities always come first as they are more important than how they died NOTHING WILL BE USED FOR SHOCK)
Bea is the little Italian girl possessing Withered Eddy and Toy Elly (I'll explain joint/twin possession later). Timid and mild mannered, she loved singing and sewing. She was 10 years old.
Cause of death: She was stabbed
Hilde is the little German girl possessing Withered Matt and Toy Matilda. She loved helping bake sweets and was very sweet herself. She was 8 years old.
Cause of death: She had an artery cut open and was left in the deep freezer in the back.
Kaia is the little Māori girl possessing Withered Tom and Toy Tamara. She was loyal to a fault and a bit headstrong with a serious love for music. She was 9 years old.
Cause of death: She had her skull crushed.
Sunny is the little Norwegian girl possessing Withered Tord and Toy Tori. She had a special interest in marine life and was an adventurous child. She was 8 years old.
Cause of death: She was drowned in the kitchen dishwashing sink.
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arsenicflame · 6 months
!! Excited to see what song comes up
Standing on shingles at night, Can't you see that there's a reason? The plans aren't on the ground, They're high and hanging down
put a "∞" in my ask box and I'll shuffle my music player and give you my favorite lyric from the song that comes up.
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