#I LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH LUCE i rly rly do :'>
caruliaa · 2 years
okay its suddenllyyy midnight somehow😭😭😭 so i neeeed to sleep rlly badly so im sorry if this is short but i wanna say!!!! i hope ur sleeping rlly well rn beloved and i want u to know that you are suchhhhh an incredible friend im still thinking abt how nice it is to b in the same timezone again and w u on tumblr and stuff like!! ur prescence in my life is just so wonderful and makes my whole world sm better and warmer and i hope u know that and know how good of a friend as well as how incredible and good and lovely of a perosn you are jules!!! tysm for being here for me and pls know im here for u i love you sooooo muchhhh (hugs u v much if u want! 💕💕🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻💕💕💕💕🫶🏻💕💕💕🫶🏻)
NO I GET THE IT SUDDENLY BEING LATE SM pls dw abt the ask being short at all i completely understnad and ya i. did not FHDFHDF sleep well that is i infact spent most of the night coughing and not getting much sleep and threw up<3 but u saying tht u hope i did sleep well is very sweet j like u always r beloved nd esp w this ask !!! ;; iim rly glad to be in closer timezones again too and back on tumblr too since it means we get to talk more beloved bc it rly is so wonderful to talk with you and spend time with you and to hopefully maybe get to call u this weekend ? :> (ofc though i understand if u cant ik youve got a lot going on rn and honestly id spend a decent chunk of the time just coughing bc thats were im at rn GSDGSD) bc spending time with you in any way whenever we can is always just so wonderful my dearest you really do just fill my life with so much warmth and light and happiness knowing you and you really are jsut such a wonderful friend to me whos so kind and thoughtful and understanding to me and makes me feel just soso loved and cared for dearest and are such a wonderful person in the world and in my life and im soso glad that i can be the same to you in any way becuase you really do deserve it sm and i really do want to soso much becuase you really are just soso very special and dear to me beloved and i love you soso much i really do<3 *hugs you back soso much if u wish* !!! 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
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missr3n3 · 3 months
(Luce appreciation "video" / "post")
So in conclusion: Sonic.EXE is just a Sonic who got corrupted or turned into an evil overpowered edgelord for either absolutely no reason or the weakest bullshit reasons I've lived to hear and see, who kills everyone on his game with almost no effort just for gore sake, and who was made even worse by his fanbase who proceeded to use him as the base for their extremely confusing, edgy tried-too-hard game story plots that are so messed up and long, that even a chicken could write something much shorter but more sensical in around three hours
-you know you can talk about the better character now, right?
wait, I can?
Luce. The literal goat. The most gracious king to ever grace my pc. Mine glorious lord who hath brought me salvation.
Needless to say, every dumb fuck point I shat on Sonic.EXE about could never apply to Luce
He's a great definition of a non-sympathetic but likeable villain and antagonist. And do you know why that is?
Because his simple backstory is given to you on a golden plate, no unnecessary plot twist included anywhere, and while his initial motivation does become something kinda different along way, by no means is it ever used as any kind of justification for all the damage he causes through literal centuries
And you know why I absolutely love this guy?
He doesn't reflect about how evil his ways are, he keeps being an asshole through and through, he doesn't get a redemption arc because he'll always be an asshole, and he's aware of it.
honestly i don't think luce is rly above other creepypasta monsters all that much. the only real difference is that his attacks are more about pure rage than either being the joker 2 or an unknowable cosmic force
(tho i do recall there being some interpretations of slenderman that had him be straight-up pissed at his victims so. like i said luce is rly not above it all lol)
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legobatjoker · 1 year
btw one thing is that idk if u know this i think i must have told u when like. they got rerecorded the same time all of the girls you loved before got an official release but like. the taylor songs eyes open and safe&sound were written for the hunger games movies so i was thinking tht like omg not while reading bc like when im reading a book i prefer to without listneing to music even tho i can read fanfic with music most of the time? idk like. actually rly not always but like im much more likey to while reading fanfic while reading a book prob bc with fanfic im already on my electronic device but anyway when i wasnt reading it and way on here to be messaging and stuff i put those songs on and i was like omg its kinda cool i can listen to songs that are written for the book tht im reading and then i had the thought omg luce gets to do this also bc les mis is also a musical (altho the thing abt the eyes open nd safe and sound is that they can def like. much more easily be taken out of the context of thg then i imagine the les mis musical songs can be for les mis but yk) but also one thing abt tht is tht once before ihad like. even located my hunger games books to think abt a reread i started crying listening to safe and sound fully thinking abt the og context of like its meant to be katniss to prim so i feel like if i keep listening to it often thts def gonna happen to me again omg
YEAH it is superr cool to get to listen to music for book ur reading much more so when its tswift but !! !omg yeahhhh not able to copeee with the fact safe&sound is og context katniss to prim omnggggggggggggggggggggg T___T!! THIS BOOK.. THAT SONG.. T____T
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shadowhuntertrash · 4 years
So honestly i am a type of person who loves dramatic, traumatic, character development scenes where we get into a characters head. So i haven’t finish COG yet but i don’t mind spoilers but I think you should make a fanfic about Lucie getting hurt or tortured right in front of the merry thieves. But i especially REALLY want to see james’ reaction because i freaking LOVE sibling scenes and I can never get enough. But also especially Matthew, because honestly Ik ik uncommon ship but i rly like Matthew and Lucie together so his reaction too. So if you think you could do something like that, that’d be amazing!!! <3 Thank you!!
Have funnn *laughs evilly*
Lucie didn’t often spend time with just the boys anymore. She was often with Cordelia or Anna or Jesse, but it was nice to get to spend some time with her brother figures.
   She was currently walking down the street with James, Matthew, Thomas, and Christopher. It was almost midnight and they had just finished patrol. Matthew and James had their arms around each other's shoulders, stumbling as they walked, both their heads thrown back in laughter. She always loved seeing them together, they were both wonderful people but when they were together it just brought out a side of both of them that was simply better, easier.
   Christopher was telling Lucie and Thomas about some experiment he was looking forward to conducting. Lucie was on Thomas’ back, having rolled her ankle while dodging a demon. It didn’t really hurt, but she never passed on an opportunity to be tall for once. Christopher was mad because Cecily had put her foot down and grounded him from experiments for two weeks when he had nearly burnt Anna’s shirt during his last one.
   They were all enjoying each other’s company so much none of them heard the footsteps of the people behind them. No one was ready for the attack. They had been walking happily until Matthew turned to make a joke to Thomas and his face had gone a sickly pale color. 
   His silent scream was the last thing Lucie saw before everything went black.
   Lucie woke up in a dim room with a pounding headache. She went to bring her head to her hand but found it was chained to the chair she was sitting in. Panic bubbled up in her stomach and she looked around quickly. She was in a dark room, it looked like a cellar of sorts, damp and humid.
   Her head swiveled to the right when she heard a noise and a loud groan. “Who’s there?” She asked, confidence in her voice that she was thoroughly lacking. The person to the right of her made a confused sound. “Lucie?” She heard her brother’s hoarse voice ask in the opposite direction of the other noise.
   She turned to her left and saw her brother, slumped against the wall blinking slowly. “Jamie!” Lucie said, relief and fear soaking her voice. “Where are we? What happened? Where are the others?” She asked quickly, James groaned and she thought briefly that he must have a headache too.
   “Matthew’s to your right, Kit’s behind you, and Thomas is in front of you.” He said weakly. Lucie strained to see him better, to search him for wounds, but found it too dark to see anything other than his dark hair. She turned to her left and saw a mop of blonde hair, there seemed to be a dark spot in it and Lucie worried that it might be blood. “Math.” She whispered, trying to determine if he was unconscious. 
   Matthew lifted his head, his green eyes dimmed. “I’m alright Luce. We’re all awake.” He paused, a pained look on his face. “Except Thomas.” He said so quietly Lucie almost missed it. Without a second thought her eyes were fixated on Thomas. She could see him best of everyone, a dim light bulb hanging loosely right above his head.
  Lucie realized with a start that he was covered in blood and bruises. She gasped involuntarily and leaned as far forward in her chair as possible. 
   Thomas’ face was cut in such a way that reminded her sadly of his mother, their Aunt Sophie, her beautiful face scarred forever. His lip was bleeding, a startling red on his too pale face. One of his eyes was swollen shut, a dark purple color. Lucie tore her eyes away, a sick feeling settling in her stomach.
   She redirected her attention to figuring out where they were. She shoved the panic down, looking around the room. She assumed Thomas had been awake or at least woken up far before anyone else. There were multiple things turned over, evidence that someone had put up a fight. 
   Lucie was hit again with panic when she thought about the blood stain in Matthew’s hair. Lucie pulled at the chains, only managing to pinch her skin in the rusted metal. Lucie must have made a desperate noise because James was suddenly calling her name, telling her to calm down. “Luce, it’ll be okay. Don’t freak out or they’ll know you’re awake and come back.”
  Lucie whipped her head around. “Who? Who will come back?” She asked, desperately trying to wrap her mind around the dramatic turn of events that led them here. James’ head tilted, something Lucie knew was his way of thinking before talking. Matthew saved him the trouble and answered her in a hushed whisper.
  “There’s three guys, they’ve come down a few times. They did that to Thomas.” He said, pointing to the best of his chained ability to where Thomas sat limply. Lucie said some highly unlady like words and turned back to Matthew. “What do they want?” Matthew shrugged, seemingly unbothered but Lucie didn’t believe that for a second, she knew he was freaking out on the inside.
    Matthew shook his head, eyes not leaving Thomas. “I don’t know. They came down here and started beating up Thomas, something about ghosts and Jesse Blackthorn. Nothing they said made any sense.” Lucie’s whole body tensed.
   This was about Jesse. Who else knew about Jesse? Why had they taken them instead of Tatiana or Grace? What do the men think they know? Questions were firing too fast in Lucie’s brain and she brought her hands up again unthinkingly, the chains holding them back once again.
   James sighed softly. “We’ll be okay though. Mother and father will find us, they won’t stop looking. Our parents have probably already started.” Lucie turned back to Thomas, her heart plummeting when she saw his breathing had weakened. Lucie shuddered and turned back to her brother.
   “I hope they hurry.”
   Lucie didn’t know how long they had sat in the dark before three burly men came in, the door slamming open causing all of them to jump. 
   There were three of them, two were tall though not as tall as Thomas. The other one was shorter but he was deceivingly strong as he reached down and pulled Matthew’s hair, Matthew’s whole body came up and he gave a painful yelp, the man just laughed. “How’s that pretty little head of yours?” He asked, fake sincerity in his voice. Matthew just shook his head, staying silent in a way that made Lucie wonder how many times the men had been in there when she was unconscious.
   The man standing in front of Matthew smirked and slapped him hard across the fact. She felt a surge of protectiveness surge through her, James was yanking on his chains in a way that was surly painful. Matthew glared at the man but stayed silent, the man took him in with evil eyes. “I’m glad you learned your lesson.” He said before slapping Matthew again and turning to Lucie.
   Matthew’s lip was bleeding and his cheek was red but Lucie didn’t have long before the man was in front of her, sneering down. “I’m Micheal, this is Colton,” He gestured to one of the tall men, Colton was squatting in front of Thomas, his broad shoulders blocking Lucie’s view of her giant friend. “This is Mason.” Micheal said, gesturing to the other man, who was standing by the door like a bouncer.
   Lucie didn’t say anything just glared at Micheal as he stared down the end of his nose at her. “Not a talker, well we’ll see about that.” Without warning Micheal struck her across the face, she gasped collapsing back against the chair. James, Matthew, and Christopher who had been silent until this moment all shouted. James and Matthew were fighting against their restaurants, by the sound of it Christopher was too but Lucie couldn’t see him.
   Mason walked behind her and Lucie could hear the sound of chains before she saw Christopher stumble across the room to Thomas. When he reached him Christopher fell to his knees, checking Thomas over and patting his cheek gently trying to wake him up. He was only there for a minute before Colton grabbed his arms and chained him to the wall. 
   Christopher didn’t argue, probably because he was close to his cousin, and instead just sat in a protective stance in front of Thomas.
   Micheal snapped in front of Lucie’s face, causing her eyes to slicker back to his face involuntarily. Lucie looked into his cruel green eyes and watched as an intimidating smile grew across his face. Lucie just lifted her head and maintained eye contact, refusing to appear as scared as she felt. 
   “You’re a strong one, we’ll see how long that lasts.” Micheal turned his back to her and picked up something on the table, when he turned Lucie saw with a spike of fear that he had a large vial of ichor. She knew it would burn but she was used to that pain, she knew she could deal with it.
   Micheal turned his beady eyes to her. “I think that out of everyone here you know the most. So I’ll ask you once before I get the real stuff out, where is Jesse Blackthorn.” Lucie shuddered and shook her head, mouth pulled into a thin line. She would not betray Jesse like that. “I don’t know, all I know about him is that he’s dead. I’m sorry to inform you of that if you had truly thought he was alive.”
    Micheal’s eyes flashed threateningly but Lucie kept her chin held high. Before she knew what was happening Micheal had dumped half the vial of ichor on her cheek. Lucie let out a shriek, her body twisting trying to get it off but only managing to fasten its trip down her neck. James screamed at Micheal throwing curses and pulling hard on his chains.
  Matthew was no better, screaming Lucie’s name and then screaming at Micheal to let her go. Lucie shook her head at the boys, Christopher was watching her with wide scared eyes. Lucie knew her cousin well enough to know he wasn’t scared about himself but rather scared for her, she also knew him well enough to know how long she could last before she gave up, or before her body did.
   Lucie turned to James. “I’m okay, I’m fine.” She turned to look at Matthew who was still thrashing in his chain. “Calm down, it’ll be okay.” She was talking through gritted teeth, the burning sensation growing worse as it set in her skin. Lucie locked eyes with Micheal again.
   “You can torture me all you want but but it doesn’t change the fact that you’re insane and I have no idea where Jesse Blackthorn is, other than in a grave.” Micheal watched her for a minute before he frowned. “Fine you want to do it the hard way that’s fine.” 
   As he walked by James, James hooked his foot around Micheal’s ankle and when Micheal hit the ground James grabbed the front of his shirt, his hands twisting a weird way. “If you touch her I swear on the angel I will kill you. I’ll kill you.” He hissed dangerously in Micheal’s face, a flash of fear crossed Micheal’s face before Mason was hauling a still James away from him.
   Lucie was startled by the darkness lurking James’ golden eyes. She knew he loved her but he needn’t be so protective, he would get hurt. Lucie knew that was hypocritical but she had to make sure James knew it. 
   The three men left briefly and the moment the door shut James was moving as close to Lucie as he could get. “Lucie, Luce, you’ll be okay. How much is on your skin?” He asked urgently, making exasperated sounds as the chains held him back. 
   Matthew had also moved as close to Lucie as he could get. Christopher had gone back to trying to wake Thomas up, but he kept sparing Lucie anxious expressions.
  Lucie tried to focus on seeing how much was on her, trying to ignore the burning sensation and the smell that was making her eyes water. “It’s all over my cheek and neck. It’s setting but it’s not enough to cause too much harm.” Lucie said, her voice quiet but strong. James’ face relaxed slightly, taking relief in the fact that she would be okay.
  Matthew on the other hand looked down right murderous. “That bastard. How dare he? How dare he! First Thomas and now you? All for some dead guy?” Matthew was slurring, his hands made into fists as though he was going to fight someone. For the first time Lucie wished he was slurring due to his drinks, but she knew it was just confirming that his head had indeed taken a bad blow.
   James seemed to come to the same conclusion, casting his parabatai anxious glances. “Math-” James was cut off by the door banging open again, Matthew’s face screwed up in pain and Lucie had to fight down the panic that was rising quickly. 
   They all needed to get out now. Thomas wasn’t waking up, Matthew surely had a concussion, and Lucie desperately needed the ichor off. 
   Micheal walked up to Lucie, a blade in his hand. Lucie’s eyes widened significantly and she started squirming. “What are you doing? Stop! Why do you need him so badly?” She asked, desperate to distract him. He just shook his head. “That, young lady, is none of your concern.”
   He came closer, the knife catching the only light in the room. Lucie’s breath was speeding up, all the boys were yelling and begging him to stop. “Stop it! Take me! Let her go and take me!” James shouted, Lucie was startled to see tears making their way down his face. Micheal turned to him annoyed. “Shut up, if she doesn’t answer you’ll have your chance don’t worry.” 
   James shook his head quickly. “No let me go first then. Leave her alone.” Micheal glared at him before walking over to James and punching him in the face. Matthew called for his parabatai, pulling hopelessly at the chains. James just put up a hand, signaling he was fine.
  Lucie watched her brother worriedly. His jaw was bent at a weird angle and Lucie was sure it was broken. She watched hopelessly as Micheal approached her again, she was all too aware of the knife he still had in his hand.
   “I’ll ask you one more time before it gets bad for you. Where is Jesse?” He asked menacingly, towering over her petite frame. She locked eyes with him and said slowly, enunciating every word. Micheal looked at her with utter annoyance. “Have it your way.” He said glaring before he dug the knife deep into her shoulder. She screamed as pain blossomed from the wound, snaking around like vines. Matthew screamed her name but James stayed quiet. Lucie turned to her brother but he had his eyes closed tightly, focused on something. 
   Lucie didn’t know what he was doing until he started fading slightly and she realized with a start that he was trying to shadow travel. Lucie gasped and looked to Matthew who was looking at her with determined eyes, he already knew James’ plan.
   She turned back to Micheal who was currently turning to look at James, Lucie panicked knowing she had to get his attention before he noticed James. Mason and Colton hadn’t come back in with him so as long as Micheal didn’t see James, they had a good shot at getting out.
   “Is that all you’ve got?” Lucie said loudly, pulling Micheal’s attention back to herself. She knew it was the wrong thing to say but it got his attention and that was all that mattered. Micheal sneered at her and dug the knife into her side before she could say anything else.
  Lucie’s eyes went wide and her mouth formed a silent ‘o’. She slowly looked down at her wound, Micheal had left the knife in and she could feel the point buried deep inside her. 
   The next thing she knew Micheal was mirroring her expression as he fell to his knees. James stood behind him, the murderous look still spread across his handsome face. Matthew fell to his knees beside her, James having unlocked his chains before stabbing Micheal. 
   Lucie finally let the tears fall as she slumped against Matthew, his arms wrapping securely around her. James put his foot on Micheal’s wound and Micheal gave a pained shout, James lowered his face so he could whisper in Micheal’s ear. “I told you I’d kill you.” James said before plunging the knife Micheal had left on the table into his chest. 
   Micheal’s eyes went wide once more before he let out a long breath and Lucie realized he was dead. James turned his eyes on Lucie and they softened, the darkness fleeing at the sight of Lucie in pain. His brotherly instincts took over and he fell to the ground next to her kissing the top of her head and putting his hand over hers on her stomach to staunch the bleeding.
   “You’re okay. Lucie you’ll be okay.” James whispered over and over reassuringly in her ear. Matthew let out a helpless sound scrunching his eyes shut in pain. James looked between the two then turned towards Thomas whose head was currently being cradled in Christopher’s lap who was whispering softly, pleading Thomas to open his eyes.
   “We have to go. We need to get out of here.” James said urgently. Lucie shook her head, she knew none of them were in the shape to be going anywhere other than James and Christopher. “No. No you and Kit need to go get help.” Lucie said weakly, James shook his head face crumpling as he realized it would have to happen.
   “I’m not leaving you Lucie.” Lucie smiled fondly at him, she knew he didn’t want to. “Someone needs to get help.” Lucie whispered. James fell silent before looking at Christopher. “Kit, get help. I’ll watch them and keep safe but you need to go get help.” Christopher made a noise of resentment but rose to his feet anyway. 
   He looked at Thomas once more before turning to James. “I’ll go but you have to help me get past Mason and Colton.” Kit said softly, James nodded before turning back to Matthew and Lucie. He ducked down to kiss Lucie on the forehead then turned and grabbed Matthew’s hand.
   “I’ll be back.” He said before he and Kit slipped through the door.
Sorry its so long but I'll make a part two of them being reunited with their parents for some family fluff if yall want it
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badanimereviews · 5 years
summer 2019 anime sum-up
lmao i realized i never did this and posted the fall season b4 this.... oops
kimetsu no yaiba: tbh started out kinda meh. and now it’s turned into one of the new big shounens. i was not expecting that. nearing the end got rly good and i was rly looking forward to more episodes! tanjiro gets cooler and cooler! animation is rly nice (thanks ufotable) and the way tanjiro’s water is animated. like. aesthetic asf. it’s so good. i love black-haired emo dude and zenitsu (my spirit animal) and ofc nezuko she is adorable im c r y. side note: the hashira? i think they’re called? some of the ugliest fkn characters i’ve seen in ages like flame boy? stone boy? i HATE them. and the gem dude too like man get a new tattoo artist on god.... he needs it.,,,,,,and inosuke is so pretty it’s unfair
dr stone: ok man dr stone rly went off. tbh. i’ve always been a whore for chemistry since reading the flavia de luce series (btw, i want more books of) and watching this just tickles my noodle brain in a good way... who needs prozac when i get a shitton of serotonin from watching senku dick around....  (btw what is going on with what’s his face and the girl. yuzuriha????? i can’t remember. i love senku don’t get me wrong but i need their perspective too... bc i hate lion dude... so much.... dick....) again i will repeat that i am a whore for chemistry so i get oFF on this. backgrounds are amazing/ animation so nice n clean (most o the time lmao). i thought i would hate the black n white haired trickster boi and ms yellow ponytail and suika but no! dr stone is such a good show that they are now great, loveable characters. also i am senku and chrome’s whore so jfc. man, i love the explanations of all the chemistry shabang, but some things i think would be better if explained! like senku doing physical labour at the beginning- ex. making all those pots and building that shit by hisself. i know he weak af. yes he smart but like. construction? difficult. pottery? even for me the artist . difficult. and that shed of his was filled to the brim. HOW. anyways, i love this so much i am crying constantly
just realized i didnt need to write about dr stone. oh well. 
danmachi 2: wtf yo. haruhime is so pretty but not a fan of her personality! bell still cute af and still don’t rly like aiz! animation good as always, and my god i shit myself whenever the argonaut theme starts up bc that is ? one of the best pieces of non-sawano hiroyuki pieces i’ve ever heard? addicted to it. and the opening! love the dynamics, the brief ‘rain’ scenes like when mikoto slashes the raindrops and just her motion basically? as an animator that is what i aspire to accomplish because i just love that. tiny little scene. 
arifureta: this would have been so much better had they dragged out mc’s op-ifying process! made him suffer more! i explained this briefly in my ‘first thoughts’ post for this season, but story-wise and pacing-wise his power-up could have been so much more deserved and gratifying. think shield hero- loser suffers, gets angry, slowly builds up power in an epic payoff! would have been so epic too. and also if they’d made his gained powers less.... crazy nerfed. again: HE SHOULD HAVE SUFFERED MORE AND THIS WOULD HAVE MADE A BETTER SHOW. harem thoughts: yue- meh. sucky char honestly. shea- my fav girl, she is a great character don’t judge- sexy and love her personality and love her character design and love how much fanservice she gets lol. panty flash ftw. dragon girl- discount darkness honestly , tho nice design. and mermaid girl- yuck, annoying,  DO NOT like the ‘papa’ trope! (ahem sao.) it’s gross. also just fuck mc’s classmates honestly- paladin dude sucks ass, healer girl OOF that last episode ruined her, samurai girl is ok i guess. hate ai-sensei too like shut UPP annoying ass HOEEEEE (postscript: opening=very epic too)
kanata no astra: plot twist? check. trillion well-done plot twists? check. this was done very well. i am so happy. all those plot twists and turns would usually suck in any regular anime- but this was written with GODLIKE ability. thank you, lerche. legit, this was such an enjoyable ride, i eagerly awaited each new ep! typically i hate space-related stuff but like! survival stuff gets my goat.... like this was good- (tho maybe more technical-stuff in the survival theme would make it so cooler) what shocked me the most: (spoilers alert) didn’t end up hating quitterie or funi. (tho the puppet made me want to strangle smth) luca’s gender had rly confused me but i’d decided on him being a boy- so basically that reveal left me like WHOA. i died. did luca rly have to show emo boy their tity tho... kanata losing his arm gave me the yeeeks, charce being the traitor was made sO WELL into a surprise even tho i’d kinda already suspected him<- like that was just fucking amazing writing there. gj. and ares the princess! ok man! shocked! AND also the whole clone thing, just fucked me right up. up the ass. like there are probably more plot twist layers in this than a fkn ogre has.... anyway shrek aside, yun?’s character arc was very pleasing, i think that was done very well! and the ending made me UwU like BRO? goals tbh. yeah this is a hidden gem and is just so good, so well-written overall. 
cop craft: didn’t have high expectations. i am now,,, quite,,, shocked &,,, blown away. sweetheart this is a good fucking show. so why @ livechart.me DOES IT HAVE 7.40 STARS WHEN FKN ARIFURETA HAS 7.72. can someone explain this to me? i’m outraged. LIVID.  matoba and tilarna were amazing characters btw! loved their dynamic! briefly i thought it might get romantic! nope, it didn’t, so it’s all good. actions scenes were epic, tilarna’s design and outfits were so much nicer than i thought they’d be like. she is so cute. and the op- man, if that is not such a bopper vibe then idk what is. i could watch it forever. it deserves so much more than what it’s got rn.
naka no hito genome: (serious question: is this considered some sort of isekai?) genome gave me btooom vibes honestly but like- this is SO much better than btooom and most game/trap/ kinda shows. fkn BOP of an op, especially the sequence at the end with short clips of each character in action (nutt). paka-san was a good boy and he deserves irl merch. i fell in LOve with all the characters (bubble boy= hot, akatsuki= ok meh actually kinda boring, karin= hot and i want her to punch me, ruromori= beautiful 12/10 would let her stalk me, sleepy eyes boy= baby + dazai vibes and hot af, twin boy= also hot, onigasaki= hot and love him so much, and loli girl= her light grenades got annoying but nice char design) anyways yeah more of this would be epic. i wanna see sakura and her twin reunite, and how they get out basically! also animation quality was very good which is surprising considering it’s a silver link anime.
kono yo no hate de koi wo utau shoujo yu-no: i include the whole title bc this is a good anime. (also livechart.me why 7.27 stars i will fuck you up) only meh part of this is the return to earth from dela granto bc that was like a culture shock and honestly at that point i’d forgotten a lot about what had happened on earth and didn’t care as much. btw, f ayumi and f the other brown-haired oneesan. mio and kanna ftw. obvs i didn’t understand the sayless x takuya thing like dumbass horny teenager . why u gotta creampie the worst girl. u have mio. bruh. (tho mio x ‘oyabi!’ boy is a great ship) also, takuya’s mom? keiko-san? idk if you’ve noticed but that’s literally my name so yeah just glad to finally have some keiko representation. altogether goodass anime. the time travel/ rezero esque reset thing almost got me but this was done well. so no problems. both ops very good. first song was bae, second also bae (just realized it’s by konomi suzuki, one of my waifu idols, so yea nice) and ed2 also so pretty! also yu-no’s design was rly pretty, the outfit colours, and her pigtails rly suited her :)
granbelm: sorry this is the last one lol this was a long ass post! other than the fact i dont rly like mecha this was good.... action, CHARACTER designs aesthetic asf, honestly rly pretty ok. i liked the cast, very diverse and more depth than most shows of this ilk. op was nicely choreographed- especially the part where the girls’ faces are contorted by their gems, showing their magical girl side. nicely done. mangetsu didn’t end up being that bad a char, and honestly? suigetsu is best girl and deserved better. and the ending too- like, bro, that made me kinda sad. some off points: anna’s mom was a little unrealistic as a mom like woman- please learn to control your child, and, white-haired girl’s sister should have played a bigger part, based on how her parts in the opening were emphasized! (quick note- blue girl, love her, great bad guy, when she dumped anna made me so happy honestly, she is beautiful, and i couldn’t actually decide who i wanted to win between her and suigetsu....)
hope u enjoyed this bad review. pls share ur opinions w/ me on some of of these more controversial shows. thank. 
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ep: things leo does; by jason grace
chapter 2. aftermath link to chapter 1
summary: 2. hey, mom? okay, there's this guy named leo, and i'm in love with him. wait - wait, you knew that already? well. fuck. wait! aha - i bet anything you didn't know he was in love with me, now did you? yeah, i thought - fuck. word count: 2,051 warnings: mention of cannibalism (not serious), mention of DDLB/NSAP, morse code a/n: valentines chapter because i’m a sucker for the babe :/  read on ao3
5. taps out messages in morse code when he thinks no one is paying attention
Two short taps. One short, one long, two short. One long, one short, two long. Rinse and repeat.
Three letters.
Jason’s sure nobody else has noticed - Leo tapping his fingers in what seems to be a random pattern is nothing new, and his eyes track Chiron’s movements with what seems to be laser focus.
He likes to think he knows Leo better, by now.
Jason thinks back on his old Morse training (“Why do I have to know this?” “Just in case.” “What the hell kind of situation requires us to tap Morse code to each other when we have fucking mouths?”) - laborious months of bullshit memorizing that he never used on quests, but damn if it isn’t coming in handy now.
Two short taps. I
One short, one long, two short. L
One long, one short, two long. Y
Jason jerks up in his seat, avoiding Leo’s eyes when his fingers stop tapping and he glances over, obviously concerned.
Leo’s mouth quirks up into a tiny smirk - how the fuck does he manage to lift only a corner of his mouth, and still convey so much? It’s fucking adorable, and Jason hates it - and he focuses back onto Chiron, who is trotting across the front of the room with a vaguely frustrated expression on his face.
Leo’s fingers continue their tapping, slim fingers pressing coded messages into the tabletop.
Two short taps. I
One short, one long, two short. L
One long, one short, two long. Y
One short, three long. J
One short, one long. A
Three short. S
Three long. O
One long, one short -
“Alright, any questions?” Chiron asks suddenly, raising his voice to attract the attention of any heads whose heads are drooping (Jason tries not to feel guilty - fails - whatever.). “No? Alright, dismissed.”
Jason glances at Leo, who is standing up like nothing’s changed, slapping his hands on the table like nothing’s changed, brushing a hand down his jeans like nothing’s changed, turning to leave like nothing’s -
You get the point.
Okay, so Leo had spelled out ILY JASO- something. That something was either a K, a D, a Y, a C, an X, a B, or…
An N.
Was it too much of a stretch to think he might have been spelling out JASON? Zeus knows it wasn’t JASOD, anyway.
  6. acts like a child when he gets tired*
* leo doesn’t get tired.
“… so the chip attaches to this port -” Leo yawns, and then shakes his head to clear it up, “ - and so it becomes able to track -” another yawn, “ - the movements -”
“Leo?” Jason asks, tilting his head slowly. Leo glances up, blinking blearily (ha, alliteration) up at him.
Jason smiles fondly, unable to hold back his reaction to an evidently tired Leo.
“You look tired. Ready for bed?”
Leo shakes his head again, more rapidly this time, and his curly hair flops around with his movements. He blinks a few more times, then opens his eyes as far as he can. “Nuh-uh,” he says, with an expression like a guilty child.
Yeah, right. Even Jason’s tired, and Leo likes to call him Superman - mostly because he looks like a blond version of him, but also because he’s basically superhuman. Jason doesn’t really get tired.
“Yuh-huh. C’mon, let’s head to my cabin. It’s too late, I don’t want to wake the Hephy kids up.”
Leo shakes his head with a petulant expression, narrowing his eyes and leaning back in his chair. With arms crossed, he mutters, “Nuh. Uh.”
Jason raises an eyebrow and nods to himself for a second, fighting back an amused smile at Leo’s behavior. “Alright, you’ve got a couple of options,” he relents, watching with the fond grin that he hadn’t been able to restrain as Leo slowly relaxes, nodding with lingering suspicion still present on his face. “You can either get up and walk with me, or I pick you up. Your choice.”
Leo sighs heavily, tipping his head back and huffing out another breath through his nose. “Fine.”
Jason stands, hovering for a few seconds. He frowns as suspiciously as he can manage when Leo doesn’t stand up like Jason thought he would, instead slouching further into his seat with hands outstretched, as if…
… he wants Jason to pick him up. Of course he does.
“You’re a fucking baby, y’know that?”
Leo shrugs, a carefree smile on his face. “Yup.”
Jason sighs indulgently. “Yeah, of course you do. Alright, we’re doing piggyback, because we both know - despite how incredibly underweight you are - there’s no way I’ll be able to hold you on my damn hip or whatever for the amount of time it’ll take us to get back to the cabin.”
Leo nods and Jason turns his back to the shorter teenager, crouching on the balls of his feet with his hands outstretched behind him. As carefully as he can manage (which isn’t saying a lot, considering how fucking delirious he seems to be), Leo tucks his legs into the slots of Jason’s hips and he stands up, chuckling softly when Leo yelps behind him.
He regains his balance, though, and wraps lanky arms around Jason to rest in the juncture between his neck and shoulder.
“Good to go?”
Leo says nothing, merely nods against the shoulder he’s already starting to fall asleep on - not that Jason expected anything less.
“¡Dios mio, las luces!” he cries almost immediately, shoving his face into the back of Jason’s shirt. [t - Oh my god, the lights!]
Jason can’t stifle the chuckle that escapes him - okay, so maybe he forgot to tell Leo it was basically morning, but. Who could blame him? He’d been… distracted. By Leo. And his hands. And his hair. And his smile. And his laugh. And his -
You see? It just happened again. Totally not his fault.
"Sorry, love," he says, trying and failing to sound truly apologetic. (Did he just say love in reference to Leo? He’s not going to think about that.) "Afraid I can't turn these lights off."
A groan spills its way out of Leo's mouth, sounding suspiciously like a "Why not?" but with a lot more vowels, probably.
"Well," he starts, the fond amusement (he’s fond way too often when it comes to Leo, damn it) probably ridiculously evident in his voice, "there's this thing in the sky - now, don't get too excited - called the sun. Totally crazy, right? It -"
Leo's left hand knocks harshly against his temple. "Asshole."
"- even makes this wild thing called - wait for it - light! It's pretty fuckin' awesome, if I may say so myself."
Leo sighs. "You may not," he grumbles, and Jason can feel the fluttering of the other boy's eyelashes against his neck. He fights back a shiver at the surprisingly intimate feeling and tries to concentrate on getting them to his cabin.
"Hey, dad?" he murmurs, words slurred through a heavy tongue. Jason opens his mouth to answer, but -
He freezes.
Mentally, of course, because otherwise Leo would know something was up, and he was so close to falling asleep, and Jason really didn't want him realizing what he said, because it'd turn into a whole production, and Leo would never get to sleep, and then... you get the idea.
But - anyway. Back to the matter at hand:
Is that, like, a kink thing?
Jason remembers reading up on kinks (it was a late night and too many Wikipedia articles, sue him), and he's pretty sure daddy kinks are a thing.
(Eugh. He shudders at the thought. Yikes.)
But - that didn't sound like a sexy Dad word. What would a sexy Dad word sound like? It'd probably be Daddy and not Dad, for one.
Oh, gods.
He's getting off track.
Jason decides, as any sane (teenager) semi-mortal would do, to completely ignore the last word of Leo's sentence. "What's up, squirt?"
Okay, what the fuck?
He definitely meant to say Leo, or maybe bro, as regular teenage boys do, but squirt? Gods, Jason's out of his mind.
Maybe it's because Leo's way heavier than he looks. Who knows.
"'m tired."
Jason resists the urge to fist pump the air, instead pulling Leo onto his hip for ease of motion.
"Yeah, yeah, me too. Don't worry, we're almost there."
  7. has horrible grammar when he texts (no, it doesn’t annoy jason)
[17:49] leo_valdez: wht do u want 2 do 4 dins 2nite
[17:55] jason_grace: Salmon with asparagus and rice?
[17:58] leo_valdez: damn chef grace out here [17:58] leo_valdez: yeah boi
[17:59] jason_grace: Okay, cool.
[18:38] jason_grace: Hey, Percy said he’d cook. Cool with you?
[18:43] leo_valdez: yeah np
[18:45] jason_grace: He might take a while, though, so I think we’ll be eating late tonight :/
[18:45] leo_valdez: ye its fine i ate late 2day
[22:24] jason_grace: How’s it smelling over there? I’m hungryy
[22:30] leo_valdez: lol i cant smell anything
[22:31] jason_grace: Omg lol. Do you think it’s your poor sense of smell smell or that nothing is cooking??? Haha
[22:31] leo_valdez: both lmfaooo
[22:32] jason_grace: Lol, okay.
[23:11] jason_grace: 11:11!
[23:14] leo_valdez: my wish is 2 eat
[23:15] jason_grace: Mood [23:19] jason_grace: I’ve died a million hungry deaths already. I may start to eat paper any minute. [23:19] jason_grace: It’s organic, right???
[23:20] leo_valdez: yeah totes gotta get on that #vegan #organic #freerange #localwoodonly trend [23:20] leo_valdez: ykno this shirt is made out f cotton????? thts a crop i cld totally eat this
[23:22] jason_grace: As long as you take tiny bites like a rabbit.
[23:22] leo_valdez: yeahhhhhhh [23:23] leo_valdez: i s2g im gonna eat percy if he doesnt tell me its fuckin ready soon
[23:23] jason_grace: Wait what’s s2g again? [23:23] jason_grace: Oh, nom.
[23:23] leo_valdez: swear to god
[23:23] jason_grace: Nvm*
[23:23] leo_valdez: NOM NOM I HUNGRY
[23:24] jason_grace: Lolzzzz.
[23:24] leo_valdez: thnks jace u rly gotta remind me ://////
[23:24] jason_grace: He’d probably be pretty tasty. [23:24] jason_grace: Remind you of what?
[23:24] leo_valdez: how hUNGRY I AM
[23:25] jason_grace: Nom nom nom I have no other words.
[23:25] leo_valdez: nom [mood in hungryspeak]
[23:26] jason_grace: Me nom.
[23:26] leo_valdez: i just saw th word omw and rly tht it said nom im losing my mind over here
[23:27] jason_grace: Our bellies could have been full hours ago. Savage.
[23:27] leo_valdez: ikr [23:27] leo_valdez: horrible
[23:29] jason_grace: Are tears edible???
[23:29] leo_valdez: hopefully im producing way 2 many of thm
[23:30] jason_grace: Sip slowly, I don’t want you getting full before we eat.
[23:30] leo_valdez: i gotchu [23:31] leo_valdez: trying 2 remind myself tht festus 2.0 is a living being and im not ready 2 b a murderer
[23:34] jason_grace: Oh honey. He wouldn’t be tasty. Too much fur.
[23:34] leo_valdez: u rite u rigt
[23:34] jason_grace: What were we thinking??? We know Percy well enough by now lmao. Sigh. Burp. Ugh.
[23:36] leo_valdez: im crying salmon
[23:37] jason_grace: Oh noooo why’d you have to say salmon?????
[23:38] leo_valdez: LMAOOOO
  8. loves jason grace
Okay, okay.
You gotta keep this one a secret until Jason finds his journal again, okay? He doesn’t know I took it.
I’ve read through it a couple of times, and - damn is Jace a fucking sap. It’s a pity I love him.
No it’s not, who am I kidding.
Aha! That’s the first time I’ve written it down since I realized (which was… too long ago for me to feel comfortable admitting to).
If you didn’t get that, Jason: I love you, you piece of shit.
Fuck, whatever, maybe this thing is a prank and he doesn’t actually love me. Maybe this is a hallucination? Dad knows I’ve been spending way too much time in the Bunker, anyways. Maybe… who knows, honestly.
God, I’m tired.
Whatever. I hope he finds this soon, I’m tired of waiting, for Christ's sake.
See you soon, hopefully.
- leo valdez, the one & only
I love you too, Leo.
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altarofistus · 7 years
hc that the starblasters quarters were very tight, like 3 to a room with davenport having private quarters tight. Lup immediately snatches up lucretia to room with her and taako because "women need to stick together" and "yeah he's my BROTHER but he doesn't really care" "yeah gender is totally fake, mdude." lucretia finds them overwhelming at first, but eventually finds comfort in them and their little shared space. Lup is upfront about all that, always reading to provide cuddles and (1/?)
(2/?) affirmations and maybe a mock threat if someone is bothering her (maybe smooches if that’s your thing?? it’s definitely mine). taako is much more subtle. lucretia has a stressful day and without even a word to him about it, her favorite dish is served for dinner and a plate of her favorite sweets are on their little bedroom desk. he’ll wordlessly make little twists in her hair while she’s working, and even though he acts like he’s doing her a favor, she can tell from the way he (2/?)(3/?) the way he speaks and the tension in his hands that hes coming to her to ease his stress. they have nice nights in with nail painting parties and vent sessions and bottles and bottles of exotic alcohol. Lup tucks sweet notes with little doodles in the empty pages of lucretia’s journals so she’ll find them as she works and have a little something to smile at. the twins are so tactile it throws lucretia for a bit, but eventually she finds being pulled into lup’s lap or having her deft (3/?)(4/?) hands guided into taako’s hair with the unspoken command to “do whatever” to be comforting and affirming as to how close they are. she has a habit of getting into her own head, and for a hundred years taako and lup are there to pull her out just a little with gestures that look brash but have a subtle unexpected gentleness. Lup is there after too, fresh babysoft hands playing over the new lines on lucretia’s face and cradling her hands, sore with use and new age, telling stories about(4/?)(5/5) work while lucretia files documents for her work with the bureau of benevolence. it’s never the same with taako, at his wedding receptions there’s a plate of lucretia’s old favorite thumbprint peanut cookies and her preferred champagne at the table she’s sat at, and that’s enough, she decides.
op open your door ive come to kiss you on the lipsthis all aligns so beautifully with my hcs- the only ones ive rly thought about sharing a room have been lup and taako and tbh i think all their mess would drive luce nuts but augh. AUGH. shared room and lucretia and lup girl bonding time clears my skin and lucretia and taako bonding time is so good too.  and yeah i agree with post story-and-song taako and lucretia.  no matter how much i want them to make up and be the same, its not smth i think would happen, but the little gestures are so. ghgh. clutches my heart. it would be hard to forgive what she had to do but he loves her still.  this family is going to be the death of me
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rakastuin · 8 years
bc i'm a dick i'm going to ask for your detailed opinion on 91 days, your fav characters, possible least fav-characters, anything that you can think of!! include pics too!! and would you recommend it to your followers??
bby u arent a dick u the best. u loyal. i appreciate u. and this ask. (pistin vähä paremmaks ko pistän gifei enkä kuvii;P en vaa oikeest jaksa tallentaa mitää kuvii HEH)
anyway.. lol SPOILERS!!91 days!!! what a magnificent story.
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i honestly can not believe they were able to do all that in just 12 episodes. that they were able to make me care for so many of the characters so quick. i absolutely love angelo’s character. he’s not good at all by any means but still his quest to avenge for the death of his father, mother and little brother really makes you feel for him. he’s so bitter and empty and just really interesting in my opinion. the fact that he was so perfectly able to claim nero’s trust is amazing to me. the whole time i was watching the show i mostly felt bad for almost every character i saw on screen. i’ve never been too interested in media that contains mafia or something like that.. the whole concept of mafia is so disgusting to me i rarely enjoy anything that has something to do with it. but 91 days was one of the only “mafia shows” i’ve ever enjoyed. and even though alcohol was a big topic in this anime i managed not to care about it too much so that’s also good lmao.
even if the animation was kind of shit most of the time (i feel like that’s the case with most animes nowadays tbh) i rly enjoyed the style and the character designs. especially angelo, corteo, vanno and nero! the eyes were brilliant and i liked the old timey clothes and shit oh man. also the expressions of the characters at some points (especially angelo’s) were just absolutely perfect and they really created a nice atmosphere for the scenes.
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fave character’s must be angelo and vanno. i also really liked corteo, nero, volpe, fio, frate, cerotto and luce lol. these characters were the ones that i felt the most for and i would’ve hugged them all if i could have the chance lol. and i rly enjoyed fango even tho he was creepy lmao!! i wouldn’t call him one of my faves but his character was interesting. honestly i wish we could’ve had more interactions between some of the characters for example nero and vanno!
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my least faves…. hhmm. probably going to go with vincent. he had too little screen time and whenever he was on screen he was either dying of coughing or he was just boring. i kind of rly wanted him to be more than he was. he just… said a few words and then got a rly anti-climactic end????? i felt bad for nero but god i would’ve maybe felt even worse if i would’ve known anything about vincent.
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idk what else to say without spoiling tooooooooo much of the anime!!!! i rly enjoyed it and i’m glad @kimonofuck and @oikawaiiii made me watch it. i had planned to watch it when it came out but then i didn’t have any energy lol, anyway.. the anime left a few questions unanswered but i guess that’s not a bad thing! i just rly hope i could’ve know a bit more about the characters and the story but yeah.. 
i would totally suggest watching it if you like these kind of animes. maybe if you only enjoy moe stuff and shit like that then this anime might not be your cup of tea but!!! to anyone who likes mysteries and mafias and complex characters this might be a nice anime^^
anyway bby thank for this ask i hope this is a good answer
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caruliaa · 1 year
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feeling stupid + miserable + bitter mad whatever for reasons its nearly june 5th dont ask why thts relevent i dont wanna get into that with most people bla bla heres a bad poem abt being queer and outed and wanting to kill ppl when they mention god a bit WHATEVERRR rbs off and no transcript on account of it being bad sorry posting more as a vent than look at my writing tbh but also if u wanna comment on my writing i wont be offended or anything i just need to get a buncha shit of my chest ig good night !!!
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caruliaa · 2 years
wahhhhhh okay once again i stayed up late doing random shit gavshsja looking forward to being tired tmrw lmaooooo also i just found out that we're going on a daytrip to like another state on saturday which??? in theory fun but in reality i am so tired i just want to be lazy all weekendddd -____- at least ill be back sunday tho since it is a daytrip..... but anyway i do rlly rlly need to rest up now so !! i will be going to sleep but first i want to say that oughhhh i really do love you sososoo muchhhhhh darling like you are such an amazing increddible friend to me and just so understanding and sweet and thoughtful and gooodd and you make me feel soooo loved and care for and safe and that means sooo much to meee!! and i hope you know just how wonderful of a prescence you are in my life and how u bring me sm hoy and brightness and happiness smmm and i just love knowing youu smmmm and im so grateful to and for you and you are just suchhhh an incredible amazing good personnn !!!!!!!!! and yeah i just care abt u smm and i love you soooo muchhhhhh (hugs you gnighttt !! if u want ofc!!iluuuuuuu💕💕🫶🏻🫶🏻💕💕💕🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻💕💕💕💕💕🫶🏻💕💕💕)
yea i get tht sm esp bc well i also do that always every day FGHDHDF and omg yea the daytrip thing is rly frustrating i feel when ur rly tired nd wanted to relax on the weekend im rly sorry tht thts smth u have to do -__- esp since it wld have been rly nice to start cs weekly watching it 2gether (not to make it abt me ofc) but i hope its not too tiring and that you got some good rest last night despite the late bedtime and can get some good rest tonight too love !!! and ough omg ur so so sweet beloved ;; !! i hope you know that youre such an amazing friend to me too dearest you really are !! like just. youre always so so kind and thoughtful and understanding and caring to me and i know that youre always here for me through everything and i hope you know that that really does just mean everything to me and just makes me feel soso loved and cared for and safe and warm with you dearest !! :'> and i hope you know that im really soso glad that i can be the same to you dearest beucase you really do deserve it so so much and also just becuase i really do just want to soso much dearest because you really are just such such such a wonderful dear special person to me and really do just want to be a good friend to you and support and care for you and help make your life better and happier so i just really am so so glad that i can dearest and i hope you know that you really do just bring so os much joy and light and happiness and light and comfort into my life and i really am soso lucky to know you love i really really am, i love you so so much luce <3 *hugs you back rly rly close if thts okay !!!* 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
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legobatjoker · 1 year
OKAYY ITS NEARLY 4AM told myself id go to bed ealrier than that tongiht but unfortunately the minute it hits twelve every hour is 10 minute long so i didnt do that 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽 but i do need to do it now holy shit !! so i willl lol but before i do this is prob gonna b rly rly short but just really wanna say that !! i really do jsut love you soso much dearest i really do like !! you really are just so so dear and special and important to me love i hope you know like youre just such such a wonderful amazing person who is so amazing and smart and talented and funny and kind and thoughtful and you just bring so much joy and light and happiness and warmth into my life dearest just knowing you and bring ur friend u bring sm joy into my life and sm love into my heart dearest !!! and youre just such a wonderful understanding caring considerate friend whos so good to me and just makes mw feel soso loved and cared for and safe and warm with you and i hope you know that you really do just mean the world to me luce and i love you soso muchh :'> i hope ur days been good and that you sleep well, ilusm gnight <3 💗🍰🌸🌷💌🦋🐞💕🥭💗💞💞✨✨✨✨
HAVSHDHSHS I UNDERSTAND THAT SMMMM its such thee spring break thing hinestly altho also an all the time thing for us a little bit ahsbsjsj… but yeah u r sososoooo special to me tooo dear and youre just such an amazing person and considerate friend as wellll and im justs sosoooo glad i can be the same for you and sooo grateful i know u and have u in my life !!!!!! i loveyou sososooo muchhh gnightt💕💕🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻💕💕💕🫶🏻🫶🏻💕💕🫶🏻🫶🏻💕
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legobatjoker · 2 years
OKAYY ITS NEARLY 2AM !!!! and im gonna hoenst im also i aa lot of pain rn period cramps are soo fun/s took some ibuprofen but if anything after that was when they got rly bad yipee DFHDFH anyway so for both lateness and pain related reasons this will probably be really short but before i go to bed i do just really wanna say that i really do just love you so os much dearest i really do !! like i really dod have sm fun calling with you today watching. shown medaz crocodile movie DFGDFSGFS and just getting to chat w you and hear ur voice it rly was so so fun and nice and j such a good time just like it always is whenever i spend time with you love like you really are just ushc such a wonderful part of my life i hope you know youre such an incredible friend to me whos so supportive and understanding and caring and thoughtful and just makes me feel soso loved and cared for and safe with you and just you really are such an amazing incredible person who brings so much joy and light and comfort and happiness into my life and i hope you know you really are just so os lovely and loveable and good and you really are soos special and dear to me and the world and i you really do just mean the whole world to me and i really do just love you so so very much luce i hope you know really really do :'> i hope you days been good and that you sleep well, ilusmm dearest <3 💗💕🍓🥭🍰🌼🌻🍋🌸💞✨✨
nooooooo im so sorry abt the cramps truly theee worstttt -_____-!!! rlly hope the ibuprofen helped at least a bit and !!!!! i really hope u can get some good rest<3 and omg i love you sososooo much tooo !! and yesssssss finishing shawn mendez crocodile movie was the absolute best like i mean ofc best movie but also best person to watch it withhhhh like yeah you just are suchhh an incredible caring friend and bring smm joy into my life and i am sososo gladi can do the same and be the same for you and !!!! you justmean sm to mee and i love you smmmm <333 gnightt💗💗💗💗💗
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legobatjoker · 2 years
BTW OMG BTW OMG hi um imm very sorry i didnt answer ur asks they where really so lovely and so sweet and kind and i feel really bad bc the reason was that i was like. answering other asks bc i kept getting so many and doing carulia sweep stuff which is dumb ik like maybe its how late it is and the emotions of the dumb part of my brain taking the stupid bracket seriously but i feel rly bad so im sorry but like i said its really late 4am infact so im going to go to bed now love and im also sorry that this is is short but before i do i do just really want to say that !! i really do just love you soso much luce like just !! you really are just such a wonderful amazing kind presence in my life and such a sweet thoughtful understanding caring friend to me love and i hope you know you really do just make me feel soso loved and cared for with you and that really does just mean the world to me and that even beyond that just knowing you and having you in my life brings me soso much happiness and light and joy because you really are just such a wonderful amazing incredible person love and i hope you know that you really do just mean the world to me and that i really do just love you soso very much dearest :'> i hoe ur days been good and that you sleep well, ilusm <3 💕💕🥭🍊🌷🌻💞💖✨
DW AT ALLL I VERY VERY MUCH GET THAT and in general please j never worry ab that kinda thing w asks bcuz its v much okay and !!!! i hope u can at least get a bit of a good sleep in tonight anddd i love you sososoo much toooo flappy like you are also a very amazing kind lovely prescence in my life as well and you make me feel sooo loved and cared for as well and im sososoo glad i can do that for you and !!! i just love you soo much toooooo gnighttt<333333<333<33
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legobatjoker · 2 years
ALSO TSI FUCKING UUHHH 3:30 AND UM BABES !! i need sleep im tired and i want to not be falling asleep ib the cinema watching puss in boobs sooo um !! DFHDFHD going to bed now may be short due to the time but i do just really want to say that i really do just love you soso much luce i really do !!! like you really are just soso wonderful love like !! knowing you and spending time with you and talking with you and seeing tjhe things u make always just bring me soso much happiness and joy and light and warmth and i hope you know you really are jsut the most incredible friend to me whos os kind and thoughtful and understanding and loving to me and that really does just mean the world to me and make me feel soso cared for and safe and loved with you dearest and i hope you know that i really do just want to be the same to you and care for you in every way i can love because you really are just so so dear and special to me and i love you so so so very much dearest !! ik w the trips and stuff things r going to b rly stressful so i hope that can bel ike. as little as possible and stuff and that you get lots of good rest tonight, ilusm <3 💗💞💕🌻🍊🌷🍰🥭🌺💕🌻💗✨✨✨
I HOPE THE PUSS IN BOOTS IS SO GOOD imean i have seen the tusers enjoying it so it def seems v good and its literally ab puss in boots but still pls tell me how it is and !!!! oughhhh i really love you ssosooo much toooo lik eyou are also sooo wonderful and spending time with you is truly so sooo amazing and incredible and i really do love and care ab you smmm and i j hope you know i love youuu and i appreciate u sm and how like lovely u r as a person and friend and im sooo glad i can be good to u as well and !!! just yah ilysmmmm gnightttt<333<3333<33333<33
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legobatjoker · 2 years
okay it is 4am and tbh im prob gonna stay up a bit more i have. a verryy bad movie tbh on but im pro j gonna eventually fall asleep watching yt youtube w that in the background but befor i fall alsep w out realising i do just rly wanna day that !! i love you soso very much luce i really do like just !!! i really am just so so lucky to know you love i really am youre just like !! such an amazing and kind and caring friend to me and j do sm for me to care for me and be here for me and makes me feel loved and i hope you know that i really do just appreciate it so so much my love and i hpe you know that more that than you just really do mean so so much to me and just bring so so much joy and light and comfort and warmth into my life dearest and i really do just hope you know that i really do just want to be here for you and care you in every way that i can beloved and i just hope you know that you really are just soos very special to me in so many ways and im grateful for you and to be your friend and to have you in my life beloved and i really do just love you so so very much with all my heart dearest :'> i hope youve had a lovely valentines dearest and that you sleep well w sweet dreams, ilysm <3 💕💝🦋🐞🌺🌼💞💟💗✨
OMG I GET THAT SO MUCH THERE R SO MANY BAD MOVIES THAT I LOVE SM altho idk if ur watching it bcuz u love it or bcuz its fun or funny or what ahdbsjs but i think the plan to have it on in background and fall asleep w yt is a good one for ur break time >:33 and oughhhh i really really love u sooooo soo much tooo like you are also such a good friend to me who is soo kind and amazing and wonderful and here for me and caring and u bring smmm warmth and joy into my life and im sosoo glad i can do those things for u and!! happy valentines day i love u sooo muchhhh tooooo<3<3<3!!! iluuu
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caruliaa · 2 years
wahhhh okay i rllly should get to sleep now since it is ahhh late !!!! and i wanna wake up early enough tmrw to vc with you>:3!!!! but firstly i want to say sm that i reallyyyyyy do love you sosoooo much like you rlly truly are the mostt amazing friend to me and you are just so understnading and sweet and thoughtful and good to me and you make me feel sosoooooo loved and cared for and safe wtih you and that tht rly does mean sm to me and i hope you knowww !! youre really suchhhh a wonderful presence within my life and bring me smm joy nd light and happniess every single day like just spending time with you and knowing you is soo wonderful and and i really am soso gratefull for that and for youesp since youuu are such an amazing good person in and of yourselfff peaches and i really hope you know that i care abt u and i really do jsut love you soso very much !!! (hugs youuuuuuuu v much tho onlu if u wld like ofc💕💕💕💕🫶🏻🫶🏻💕💕💕💕🫶🏻🫶🏻💕💕!)
!!! ya getting good sleep is v important so i hope u were able to love :> nd ya i rly hope we get to vc too :'> wld b rly lovely to get to i think !! and ough omg ur so so sweet dearest u rly are ;; i hope you know that im so so glad that i can be such a good friend to you dearest and be understanding and thoughtful and good to you and make you feel loved and cared for and stuff dearest becuase you really do deserve it so so much and just becuase i really do just want to beloved becuase you really are just soso special and dear and important to me and just such an amazing wonderful person i think and i hope you know that you really are the same to me like youre really just such a wonderful incredible kind understanding friend to me and and make me feel so just warm and safe and cared for with you my love and knowing you and spending time with you really does just bring me so so much joy and light and happiness and i hope you know that you really are just such an amazing comforting presence in my life and i hope you know that you really just mean the world to me and i really do just love you so so much luce i really do :'> *hugs you back so so much if ud like !!* 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
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