nicki0kaye · 4 months
expand on your zagreus pissing off asterius tags pls i would like to hear them :3
Just like!!! the implication that Theseus is a 'bad influence' on a guy who has clearly been in Elysium longer than Zag's probably been alive
and take all this with a grain of salt, I haven't replayed Hades in a hot minute, but I've had this opinion since I got into the mf
like, I'm sure Zag doesn't mean anything by it, if you read the codex, there is no real mention of what Asterius went through, he clearly has no idea what actually happened during either Asterius' or Theseus' lives and cannot follow why certain things piss Theseus off so much
so Zag has no idea he's talking down to a guy who ate people to survive. There's a lot of hero worship getting in the way. And Asterius is polite to him out of a sense of honor, but it's clear he doesn't consider Zag a friend. Asterius doesn't have issues with chatty mfs, he's in an eternal fraternal bond with Theseus ffs, but he keeps his conversations with Zag curt and to the point, and imo it's bc he's sure Zag sees him as a poor babby who is being led around by the nose and had/has no actual agency in his relationship with Theseus.
When Theseus is losing his shit over Zag replacing him, Asterius says something along the lines of "he's no threat to our bond; he doesn't even understand it." Like...to Asterius, Zag serves his purpose. He's a fun kid to spar with. That is the extent of their relationship in his eyes, bc he isn't going to degrade himself to get this kid to understand he is right where he wants to be, doing what he wants to do, and no one has caged him or manipulated him to get him here. If Zag can't see that using his own eyes, he isn't worth the wasted breath to explain it, beyond correcting direct statements. Theseus is the man he respects most, not because Theseus is his king or bc he owes Theseus for bringing him to Elysium (though he may site that as means of shorthand), but bc Theseus has earned that respect and trust through action.
I wrote a whole fic trying to deconstruct this idea that Asterius would only know Theseus in Elysium, that he only learned about the world through Theseus' guidance--and also the idea that Asterius is an inherently noble soul who had no issues adjusting after spending his entire mortal life in periods of isolation broken only by having to murder for food and survival. I like the idea that Asterius chooses to be noble and polite, chooses how he presents himself to others, makes those choices based on years of experience and trial and error in socializing from an extremely unique and disadvantaged position as a literal monster in paradise. And yes he chooses to emulate Theseus, but that's still an informed choice. He loves and respects that idiot, and he keeps Zagreus at arms length. What's the difference? Theseus actually knows who Asterius is and respects him in turn.
If you want more Zagreus slander, I wrote another fic that diverges halfway through to drag him for not understanding dick about shit
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brainlessbaguette · 6 months
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Rising from my funk after finding out I work way better with prompts and time limits. So thats something. But also got myself the sims horse ranch pack and we are hyperfixating as it reawakes my inner horse girl. So uh my brains fighting itself over wanting to work or being sad and playing with horses. Truly the battle of the century.
Anywho, been forever since I played hades but I distinctly remember finding out I can decorate and immediately buying Zags supportive parent the flowers she deserves. Love you night mom.
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tanjaded · 18 days
It's incredible how much the raised stakes of Hades 2 have increased my enjoyment of both games. I enjoyed the first plenty but there's no real urgency in the story, you know? You're trying to leave the Underworld, discover find Persephone, etc. But this? This is important.
This is the fate of the world, Olympus and the gods, and most importantly, the family of the House of Hades that Melinoë never got to grow up within. It feels like there's so much more to be concerned about, to care about. The surface? Under warfare with Olympus itself under siege. The Underworld? Stolen and corrupted by Time itself.
And there's no one else who can make the changes that you (or rather, Melinoë) can. You've got to win, or else, and you've got to do it from the most difficult position against the most difficult foe because he took everything and despite dominion over Time and Hades he still wants more.
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lovromajers · 7 days
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ami-du-raisin · 9 months
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Hey ! Même si j'étais déjà dans le fandom kaamelott avant, c'est mon premier post sur mon kaamelott art account !
Et qui de mieux pour commencer que Guenièvre ?
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spineless-lobster · 2 months
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pclungs · 2 years
hanging out with my roommates constantly and not giving myself enough alone time to realize I'm extremely depressed again but not sure why bc of lack of alone time
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lovelybrooke · 21 days
Ok I was basically binging through your self aware Hades AU (absolutely love it btw)
But I was thinking about it and how I personally play it. And I feel like it'd be funny if yes, the player is a regular person but somehow the muscle memory of handling the weapons translate over if they do get transported
Because personally, I function on 99% muscle memory with how many times I've played it. To the point were I miss fishing areas because my hand moved faster than my brain
Like, after all the fuss and scrutiny dies down about the player being normal, and out of curiosity the player just wants to feel how heavy the Stygian Blade is. There's a feeling in the back of their mind that they know just how to swing it despite lacking any swordmanship experience
Idk, I'm torn on the idea of the player being just completely normal and the player being mostly normal with a few things wrong with them from being transported to a different world
The only reason I want reader to be a normal person is because I really am not a fan of those Self Aware Au's where reader is essentially a god (looking at you self aware genshin au). It gets really boring really fast, and since there is some historical context behind everything I just find it more interesting if reader is just some regular person.
However, I think reader having a deeper connection to the gods, or being able to use Zagreus's weapons interesting. Like some knowledge from the game has transferred over in a way.
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captain-renas · 1 year
Yeah I like headcanon what Hades is good father to melinoe but not because "fathers love more daughters then sons" I like it because after hades1 hades trying to connection with zag he really did. And I think when Melinoe was born, hades saw that if you wanna your kids love you them need be loved by you and when melinoe call hades "dad"(what zag never did) he actually feel guilty for everything he messed up with zagreus and I think he tells zag about it(of course with Persephone help) I guess zag is not that person that will hate hades to the end of the days, he wouldn't jealousy to the melinoe I think he would be happy for her and he is proud of hades because he became better person and better dad
(Sorry my English btw not my first language)
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macroglossus · 14 days
when the idea of a sequel to hades was introduced to me i was like. alarmed. on account of where does my fella play a role…. but now when people incessantly bring up zagreus (who i LOVE btw. obviously) it pisses me off a little….. let my PRINCESS have her story!!!
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darlingpoppet · 6 months
emica it’s killing me and I have to ask, what do you mean by klastos?? 😂 I don’t know enough Greek to understand omg I’m a fake fan
Hello Mag!!! 💕 nooo omg not at all aldkfjsjakdh iirc Klastos was the name Zagreus gave his plant in @elemmacil’s fic so when I saw the plant in Ease Off I was all like OMG IT’S KLASTOS ;3; That was a cute cameo btw! I love that we’re all being inspired by one another, legends referencing other legends behavior <3 HGCU (Hadesgame cinematic universe) uwu
For reference, here’s the relevant passage from Ch 1 of A Bit Of Earth (which everyone should go read because it’s lovely):
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eanul-rmbl · 23 days
hhhhh I have so many hypnos fic ideas but no time to write it and when I do start, I hear metaphorical and symbolic crying of the poltergeist of a crocodile ghost and it spoils my mood and I can't write anymore.....
Prince Zagreus/Nobility Hypnos
Hypnos/Endymion kind of reader. Basically Hypnos is Hypnos but he actually goes outside. Reader (I will refer to here as "Endymion" but I'll avoid using names in the fic) is the adoptive child of a nomadic shepherd who spends a lot of the time staring at stars and, mainly, the moon. One constant in Endymion's life is the Moon and Hypnos, who he sees every so while at night before he goes to bed when his adoptive father is asleep. His father is like. I dunno. He's YOUNG. like. His parents died early and he inherited no land and everything. So he became a shepherd. And saw this abandoned baby child who is Endymion the reader!! (All of this is made up, the Greek mythos of Endymion is either a Shepherd (most common) or an astronomer and Shepherds are cooler without magic. Most shepherds are sons who didn't inherit land from their farmer parents. Shepherds are also nomadic commonly, because of that). Anyways. Back to the fic. Hypnos sort of subconsciously ages at a similar pace to Endymion. They talk often at night. Hypnos rrrreally likes his eyes btw. Endymion likes Hypnos' eyes, but like Hypnos rrreally like Endymion's eyes. It progresses from 7 years to pre-teen to teenage to young adult I think. 7 years describes everything before that, and all action that happens during that year. Pre-teen you sort of get a feel of them having crushes on each other. Endymion doesn't have a crush because he has a crush on this girl he sees every full moon (Selene). Teen years describes early and late teen years. Endymion and Selene had a falling out (yes it will be in depth) romantically in early teens (say they break up at like 14ish). He then starts to want to know the truth of what they (Hypnos and Selene) are at around mid teens (15-16). Endymion's dad dies shortly after Enymion reaches the age when his dad adopted him (early to mid 20s) a little older than Endymions grandparents. And some contention grows between Hypnos and Endymion. Because Hypnos and his family are immortal and whatnot. At one point I want hypnos and/or selene to allude to making Endymion fall asleep forever (this happens in the actual myth) but I only want fluff in my fic so I don't want it to actually happen. How to tackle the entire Mortal/Immortal thing going on? Maybe, uhh.. I could make him do something like Psyche, power of love motivates him to do something big and gain immortality and whatnot but that might be boring. I could also just make him a shade and die early. That works too. But that's be abandoning the sheep. I haven't figured it out yet.
Hypnos/Pasithea type reader
Once again, I'll refer to the reader as Pasithea but I'll avoid using names in the actual fic. Also this is a fic idea based off of Pasithea Hypnos mini Iliad moment so like, not much as for accuracy. Hypnos and Pasithea meet at a party methinks. A party on Olympus. He doesn't rly wanna attend but here he is. I don't know if I want to make Zeus her dad or Dionysus (she's one of the graces (which are Zeus' daughters) but one Dionysus fan boy decided to make her Dionysus' daughter in his retelling/Dionysus fanfic)). He meets Pasithea, is smitten, etc. Maybe note how Hera wants Hypnos to fall asleep during Herakles moments. Then Iliad happens and Hera wants Hypnos to fall asleep again. This time she's like "hehe pasithea wify wify" and Hypnos is all "omg wify wify" and they arrange a marriage. And Pasithea's viewpoint on it. With Aphrodite. Aphrodite mad. They have another party (THIS PARTY NEVER HAPPENS IN GREEK MYTHOS BTW) and hypnos and pasithea meet properly and they hit it off (pasithea doesn't know it's hypnos and they forget to exchange names). Later on, Hypnos goes to hang out with Pasithea (based off one except that says "Hypnos went to Pasithea's couch and woke everyone up, hehe" (I always saw that as "he went to play video games w her like the loser teenage Romeo and juliet they are but it's prolly intercourse or smth now that I think abt it idk, but no explicit stuff in my fic!!). Pasithea later is like "omg I have a fiancee" and distances herself and eventually she sort of chases him away. But yall he doesn't know he never introduced himself so he's mad lost and considers calling off the wedding. But pasithea in hermes letter is all "nah its fine whatev" and they get married and pasithea is SHOOKETH. She's a bit upset that Hypnos didn't tell the truth but anyways. I don't have much else.
Yall I hafta study for my last test during test week (its biology!!) So I'll return to this later
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So in one of the later episodes of the animated series, both Hercules and Hades refer to Hermes as Hercules' uncle... but Hades doesn't call him his brother and I don't think he ever has, despite calling Poseidon and Zeus brothers. So that got me wondering if, in this universe, Hermes was Hera's brother instead of Zeus/Hades', or maybe he's their half-brother, or if they just call him uncle because he's so close to the family. I figured you would know more about the ins and outs of that universe's weird familial cannon so I figured I'd ask you what your opinion was...... because part of me thinks the idea of Hades and Hermes being brothers is funny considering the similarities they share
I am SO sorry for replying to this so late!! I was so excited to answer this because I too wanted to talk about this lol! Also I totally appreciate you wanting to ask my opinion on this!!! Thank you!! ☺️💕
Anyways, I most certainly noted how in the Big Show episode Hermes was referred to as an uncle of Hercules by Herc himself and Hades (his ACTUAL uncle lol). Actually, I know I’ve talked about this before, but I find it crazy that not ONCE in the series OR in the movie does Hercules refer to Hades as his uncle. He just calls him Hades. Actually, I don’t even think Hercules even knew Hades was his uncle in the movie. Hades first introduced himself to Hercules in the movie while he was training (after his big fight with Phil). He doesn’t say anything like “Zeus’ little brother” (probably because he hates the fact that he’s Zeus’ little brother lmao, like why would he bring that up?) or “I’m your uncle btw” lmao. He just gives his iconic intro lol. Not even Zeus refers to Hades as his brother in the movie. He just treats him like an old friend he hasn’t talk to for years lol (which isn’t surprising lol). Like, you wouldn’t even know Hades was Zeus’ brother or Hercules’ uncle unless you read the plot summary or watched the animated series lol. Actually, now that I think about it. It’d be so funny that if after the movie Hercules finds out from Zeus that Hades, the guy that made his true love an indentured servant and tried to take over Olympus, was actually his uncle. Like, I feel like Hercules would be so shocked like
Hercules: Wait…he’s my UNCLE?! Hades is your BROTHER?! You’re actually RELATED to him?!
Meg: Hmm, it really is a small world. I guess, it’s a good thing you didn’t get any of his genes, huh, Wonderboy? *smirks*
Funnily enough though, Hades has referred to Hercules as his nephew a couple times in the show (mainly in the Tapestry of Fate and the Driving Test episodes). But he doesn’t verbally refer to himself as Hercules’s uncle. Like, he doesn’t say anything like “I’m his uncle for cryin’ out loud!” or anything like that lol (though, he does call himself “Unca’ Hades” in the Gorgon episode when he talks to Medusa about her “girly troubles” as a joke).
But anyways lol, I don’t think Hermes is related to Hercules in any way. Like, that’s literally the only time he’s referred to as an “uncle” or a familial member of Hercules’ family. I honestly think it’s just because Hermes is so close to Herc and his parents. Like, those really close friends of your parents that you call “uncle” or “aunt” when they’re not even actually related to you (like, I made an incorrect quote during the holidays with Zagreus, Persephone, and Hades where Zagreus refers to Artemis as “Aunt Artemis” even though they’re not related because she and Persephone are besties lol). So yeah, I feel like that’s what was going on for that episode lol. Hermes is like an “honorary uncle” to Hercules because he’s so close to his parents and to him (even Hades knows this and doesn’t seem to care since as I said, he doesn’t even verbally refer to himself as Hercules’ uncle lol).
I do think the idea of Hermes being Hera’s brother is kinda cute though lol. Like, it really would explain why he and Zeus are so tight lol. He’s his brother-in-law lmao. But yeah, as I said, (as far as I know) nothing’s ever mentioned about Hermes being related to Hercules. He’s just a close friend of the family and is kind of an “honorary uncle” lol.
Of course, I could go on and on about the (supposed) family connections between Hera, Hestia, and Demeter from the series, but this post would get too long 😂
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annachum · 10 months
Some HCs I have for Disney Hercules! Persephone :
. Fun loving, charming and charismatic
. Loves to SING AND DANCE and ofc spring
. Loves Hades very much yet sometimes rolls her eyes at his at times antics
. Met, fell in love and later got married with Hades in a similar way as in the Greek Myths
. Isn't as much of a villain/antagonist as Hades but even Hercules and Megara knew better than to mess with her
. Hades defo loves to sing her songs. Bless
. Basically Loves to sing and pick the flowers AND a fucking badass combatant and queen. Girl can do both
. Hades and Persephone got married sometime before Hercules and Megara first met in person
. Defo helps patch up Hades after Hercules got soundly defeated by Hercules
. After Hercules and Megara got engaged, Hades and Persephone both are wondering WHO is gonna tell Hercules that Zeus isn't actually as ' honorable ' as he seems
. Yeah after whatever shit happened in the Disney Hercules movie, Hades got reminded that it is a stupid idea to get involved with whatever business Hercules is up to and just focuses on running Tartarus and his wife btw
. After all
. Persephone was pregnant with her and Hades' 1st kid ( Zagreus ) sometime after Hercules and Megara got engaged
. Hades was SO FUCKING OVERJOYED AND SHADOWS ACCIDENTALLY BURST IN THE AIR. Some mortals may think Hades is really angry that day. Nah, he's just being so fucking happy that his darling Persephone is pregnant sometime after their first winter together
. And then Hercules and Megara are like, ' Okay, Hades tried to whup us before, but he loves his wife so much. So we'll just not interfere him becoming a new dad. '
Also also my voice headcanon for Disney Hercules! Persephone is Patti Lupone 🤩🤩🤩🤩
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ancientgreekyuri · 1 month
i want to say that reading ur very sweet post and seeing that theseus and asterius r relatively minor characters had me so shocked as someone w very minimal hades knowledge like thru u i had thought they had much more story importance omg bc of the thought and love u put into portraying n analyzing them (@dmclr)
😭 this makes me curious about the impression people who've never played get about them from me...! In the actual game they're a boss battle for Zagreus ^.^ a mandatory one so they do interact with him a lot, but unlike most other characters the audience doesn't get to see what they do in their down time... So I fill in the blanks 🫶🏾 of course I truly to do so using actual things they've said and talked about in battle :~) here's a random clip btw
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candyn-gutz · 5 months
zagreus my cringefail wife i love him i also speedran romancing thanatos btw theyre so insanely cute thanzag save me also how do we feel about life x death symbolism they got going on because i for one am normal abt it
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going insane if you cant tell
i know what you are
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