tentacledwizard · 29 days
Never ever getting over how good the the Dungeon Meshi Living Armor is. IT’S A COLONY OF MOLLUSKS!! LAIOS MENTIONED THE ADDUCTOR MUSCLE! IT CAN MAKE SOUP
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laylaisthename · 2 years
feeling soooooooo normal about Mason/Morgan's bonus content this month I swear.
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Yan Entity + [G.N] Fastfood Worker Reader
Why the ice cream machine at your job doesn't work anymore. Aka a shitpost made with a little too much effort.
"Y/n! Machine's broke!"
"..Can you fix it?"
You shove your earpiece into the hands of your coworker. As the person who's been on board the longest aside from your manager, wherever they are, and just sane enough to tell the tale the recent hires often ran to you for help with the issue of the day. Or hour, if you're really unlucky- By now, this place has broken you down enough that you simply carry through the task at hand under the guide of ancient instruction manuals you found lying around. You were used to doing things about your pay grade, but this one was personal.
The ice cream was what kept you pushing. Arguably the only thing edible on the menu, with enough taste to back that claim up. Rich, creamy, and a hundred percent free for members of the staff. At the start of your break or during the end of your shift you'd grab a cone to relish in the fruit of your hard labor with frozen goodness.
You walk over the kitchen side of the room. The evening rush was dying down and it was just you and your coworker today so that only left you and whoever was sitting atop the machine you were sent to fix in the area.
"Hellooo there~"
Maybe it's time you go check on the drive in window. Gets lonely this time of night.
The intruder kicks their feet against the side of the machine, humming along happily to the beat. You recognize them as the coworker who quit just the other day, but something's off. Their head bends at an odd angle to get a better look at you from their position; eyes milky white rather than the baby blues remember and their skin ghostly pale, lines of foam frothed in the corner of their lips. Their uniform seemed dated with the outfit painted white as apposed to the typical burnt red and the patch on their shirt depicting the pair of horns floating over an ice cream cone. You can see something roll back on their ashen tongue as they speak again.
"Missed you today."
"You quit four days ago."
"This...." They look at their badge. "Teri individual certainly did. I on the other hand have been here for quite a while and probably the first to see what's so great about you. Nice warm hands and willing to take it straight from the nozzle."
You knew that twenty wasn't worth taking that bet. "That was one time."
"Seven, actually. Believe me I kept track.
"Whatever. Can you move so I can fix the machine?"
"That's a nice looking cone right there."
You follow their eyes. There's an ice cream cone on the counter within arm's reach - topped with the perfect swirl that put your attempts to a murky grave. "What about it?"
"Go on- Taste it. You deserve a little something special after all your effort."
"I really have to fix the machine..."
"Do this and it'll run good as new. I promise."
You pick up the cone. Your "coworker" straights up like a post and place their hands between their legs as they lean in, dipping so far it looked like they were ready to pounce. Tossing them a sideeye, you course your tongue upside the peaked curves of the treat. Probably not the best course of action as you catch the moment their soul figuratively leaves their body. Still, their stare held no weight compared to the fluffy mount of heaven melting on your tongue. The best soft serve you've had by far. You nurse the tip, wanting to savor the treat-
"Keeping going."
But you haven't the time for such pleasantries. Sweeping the cream to the back of your mouth with your tongue, the cone's quickly disappears pass your lips. The ice cream drips and dribbles down your chin, creating suction between the pause you take between licks. Your coworker focuses intensely on the sneaks of the pink muscle lapping at the dessert, practically crushing their hands with their thighs. That foam hanging from their maw bubblish vigorously and glows a haunting blue as they hiss through their teeth. The machine begins to shake.
"Stick it out...."
You stick your tongue out, padding a little too hard against the cone. What's left of the scoop breaks off and runs down the back of your hand, caught by your mouth before it could hit the floor. You shutter as some misses and goes down your shirt. Your coworker doesn't have the dignity to try hiding the moan rippling through their worn throat. Their head rolls back as does their eyes, fog trailing into the air as they claw at their neck. The machine's lights flicker rapidly between red and green, melted ice cream overflowing the edge of the table and onto the floor disbursing through the pipes in thick, fluid streams.
"Yes- you absolute tease. I've waited to see this for so long. Always leaving right when things get good. You don't know how happy I get seeing you every during your breaks. You always look so upset, but then- you come to me..."
You force swallow the ice cream in your mouth, fighting the the ache traveling from jaw to your brain. You briefly tongue the crater left in the cone forgetting about your company momentarily. Realization snapping back, you bite around the shell and shovel it in your mouth once it able. Everything was sticky. Your face, hands, upper chest and mostly uniform.
Your coworker hops off the machine, making quick work of shoving your fingers in their mouth. The cavity and their tongue was wet and slick, but in a way it felt like putting your hand in a cooler with some kind of frozen serpant lying in wait. They clean your fingers in earnest, getting through each nook and even beneath your nails. Doing the same with your opposite, they finally suckle on the collar of your shirt as if to clean it just the same. Their teeth ghost a mark over your skin. You shove them off you.
"That's enough."
"For now." Your coworker surprises you with one more lick scoring the sticky mess staining your cheek. The tip of their tongue manages to hit your lips. With that same domestic flare, they grab the tail end of your apron and use it to wipe up the remaining slick, smiling as if they'd be waiting for you to come home from your busy life all day.
"I hope we see each other again soon. I mean we will, but maybe next time I'll put on something more... comfort. Take care, gorgeous."
Your coworker winks - wandering off towards the back with one lingering smile. They blow a kiss as their body dips behind the door.
"Hey, Y/n did you get the machine fixed?"
Your pants legs sag turning in the flood below. "When you think about it do we really need ice cream?"
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gvtted-ratz · 3 months
read all our tags/ratings. they r important n give u all u need 2 decide if u wanna actually read or not. do not like the tags/rating? do not read.
FEM ALIGNING/IDENTIFYING PPL (unless mutuals/friends) DNI WITH OUR MLM WORKS. fem ppl can still request tho. respect our wishes or get blocked. yes we do read/check everything. we tag appropriately/use tags that go with our posts.
want 2 request? find the rules: here!
want 2 see all the fics? find em: here!
Soft To The Core
König x M!Reader
Last Edited: 03/01/23
TW: death mentioned
anon: 4 with König and he/him male reader. That is all <- frothing at the mouth but being SO COOL about it (4. accidental touching!!!!)
Word Count: 767
Notes: hey again bestie… i see u. i have our dms about the man n u frothing btw. Also. ik absolutely nothing about guns n stuff so uh. oop ig… also. i made the reader like. kinda techy n speak some russian? i was listening 2 gore by graveyardguy as i wrote this just so u know. Didn’t influence much of the thing but the title is definitely from the song.
You hum as you clean your sniper rifle; the disassembled piece of metal all over your lap. Usually, you would be around a table or even in your own assigned room. However, today they had a mandatory room check. While you didn’t mind it, having all the tables and sitting areas taken out in the cafeteria as well as the shooting range didn’t help. This leads to you sitting underneath a small pine. It’s fairly young, being only large enough to cast enough of a shadow to give you cover from the sun.
While you don’t mind cleaning your gun, making sure your laptop was in better shape or needed to be put back together was more interesting. While you’ve done it a hundred times before, for you, it never got old. You enjoyed taking apart the electronic gadgets and putting them back together. Seeing how they work and even improving them intrigued you more than going out on the field and sending bullets people’s way to splatter their blood everywhere. The missions they assign you in KorTac have been nothing but boring or a pain. You’ve never actually trained for this part or even with the rifle at all. You are more of someone who hacks cameras, reads coding to try and find anything that could give enemies away, and even disarm some bombs via the tech you have on hand during said times.
Now, while it’s not something you prefer doing, you can’t help but enjoy at least one of your members. König, or King as many call him, is your favourite man. Despite his awkward social interactions, he’s never been particularly rude to you. Nor has the giant Austrian ever tried to get on your nerves. He keeps to himself mostly, leading to you having to seek him out if you want company. Sometimes he’s out and about, though he’s either alone or towering over the other soldiers.
Of course, that doesn't mean he’s not deadly. You’ve seen him out on the field. He’s truly a rampaging beast. He picks up enemy soldiers and cracks their backs over his knee. He’ll gun them down or snipe them, giving a laugh or giggle. He’ll yell out in a happy tone “I have some cash!” whenever he gets his hands on even a single coin. He’s wilder and more brutal. And you couldn’t help but notice. However, despite noticing it, you didn’t treat the man any differently.
A large pair of military-issued boots appear in front of your crisscrossed legs. Looking up, you see the man you’ve been thinking of as you cleaned the barrel of your gun. “Ah. König,” You say, giving him a small smile. “Привет! How has my favourite man been?” König’s hands are loosely holding each other, nearly touching his stomach with his chosen position.
“Ah… Ich meine, es lief gut…” He says, looking uncomfortable standing there. You gesture to the ground next to you, letting him know that he can sit beside you. With confirmation now obtained, König lets himself fall into a seated position right next to you. He ends up knocking his knee into your thigh; you wince at the sharp pain but laugh it off.
“I’m so sorry..! I did not mean to hit you. Bitte vergib mir!” The large man starts to apologize immediately, already beating himself up over the accidental touch. You wave him off, trying to make your smile softer to try and reassure the Austrian.
“ нет, нет! Все хорошо, ты в порядке!” Your words seem to calm him down a bit, despite him not exactly understanding your words. “Besides, König, I say you’re sharp as a knife but Soft To The Core.” You’re not sure why, but the words felt right to say.
“Ja? Well… They do say beauty is on the inside, Freund,” He tells you; a nearly inaudible chuckle escapes him. You feel another smile pull at your lips at his words.
“They sure do, мой возлюбленный. They sure do.” You mumble. With some silence between the two of you, it’s easy to hear the shout of one of your captains letting you all know that the mandatory room clearance has been finished. You playfully smack König’s shoulder, clasping it as you stand. “Let’s go back, да?” When he gives you a nod, you shove your gun parts into the duffle bag you brought just for it. “Let’s go then! Maybe we can grab some food once these bozos clear out.” With those last words, you take the lead, König following behind you quietly and with genuine happiness shining in his eyes.
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sapphic-agent · 6 months
Hopefully, this ask won’t get you in trouble. If you feel it does, then feel free to disregard this. Or if you don’t feel comfortable or confident talking about it, cause it does involve talking about ships.
But it somewhat feels like Horikoshi for the later chapters seems to be catering for same sex pairings, like Midoriya always being around Bakugou, or Ochako’s most significant moments now being around Toga. At least to me.
And the fact he seems to be focusing on same sex pairings certainly isn’t the problem.
The problem is the fact is the pairings he’s focusing on are f****** shit!
BakuDeku is an angry asshole bossing around and being a d*****bag to a boy that has been conditioned to think so highly of his abuser. This is a hop, skip and a jump away from Stockholm Syndrome.
Togachako, imo, is slightly worse than BakuDeku (but not by much) simply because it’s a very one sided relationship where one partner always has to cater to the problems of the other with no sign of returned love or reciprocated love. I wouldn’t trust Toga to know when she’s had enough of my blood. Why should I believe she would know where to stop drinking Ochako’s blood? And despite the images throughout their fight, like Toga GROPING Ochako, Horikoshi, for some disturbing reason, tries SO hard to paint this as a CUTE couple. (Hell, the dude could be showing Toga literally EATING Ochako and somehow paint it as an endearing thing…)
Why is Horikoshi banking on these toxic forms of love for the LGBTQ when he’s had more HEALTHIER couples?!?
TodoDeku? Tsuchako? IidaDeku? Minachako?
Hell, there are other pairings that were literally already there!
Mirio and Amajiki!
It’s just…it’s baffling why BakuDeku and Togachako are paraded as these fantastic M/M and W/W ships when they are anything BUT.
I have a sapphic couple in their wedding dresses as my pfp and my user is sapphic-agent... I'd honestly be impressed if someone could accuse me of homophobia😆Feel free to submit any LGBTQIA asks :)
In the case of TogaChako, I just think Toga herself is queer-bait. Among BakuDeku and other queer ships becoming popular, good old Hori probably thought to himself, "What's the best way to capitalize on this?" without actually putting any thought or care into it (like with Bakugou's redemption once he started to become popular). So he made Toga canonically bisexual (I'm like 90% sure she wasn't originally intended to be bi as she was way more infatuated with Izuku than Uraraka initially). And she's bad rep to boot. Horikoshi is making his only canonically queer character a predator... that's not a good look.
I even like Toga. Or, I liked how much potential she had at the beginning of the series. She was original and I liked her quirk. He could have given her a lot of depth, but nah let's just make her creepy and a predator mfers will eat it right up... And he was right unfortunately.
What makes it worse is that Uraraka has to be at the center of Toga's advances (again, WHY THE GROPING PANEL). Idk if it's because she's the main girl or what, but she deserved better than this.
(Tbh, I know she's Izuku's LI, but her and Tsu are way cuter and a lot healthier than her and Toga)
BakuDeku I feel like is part of that queer-baiting. Look, the fact is that it will never be canon. We know it, the shippers know it (even if they feign delusion), and Horikoshi knows it. But that doesn't mean Hori isn't milking it for all its worth. Do you see how the shippers go nuts when Izuku and Bakugou are in the same panel together? The entire MHA feed will be filled with it here on Tumblr for weeks. They eat that shit up and Horikoshi knows that. That's part of the reason why he forced reconciliation between them, so that he'd have more content for them to froth at the mouth over.
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billyloomisbussy · 7 months
wilbur soot
not a real man. just discovered him through his band lovejoy. beautiful lyrics, by the way. especially upon seeing his genius video. imagine my shock when i find out he was in Dream SMP? what? pause? and made fucking meme music about e-girls and soft boys before writing actually really good rock music? the fuck?
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"You take a pirouette under duvet set You sigh with perfect pitch and with time"
this line is so.... sooo.... horny? so beautifully horny? this man's a slut too! look at this outfit! look at that golden retriever smile and the fluffy brown hair and the rolled up sleeves? someone cooked here. who let this happen. i am frothing and foaming at the mouth. mansluttery is writing lyrics like this and looking like this and ugh i wanna be him so bad but i also want him and 8 years isn't that bad of an age gap right and brrrrrrrr help me i'm going feral for him help me help m-
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tekkenenjoyerblue · 24 days
OSBSJKFWK CATCH ME BLUSHING AND ROLLING AROUND ON THE FLOOR I’M SO HAPPY YOU LIKE MY BISON ARTWORK!! This blog has kinda become dedicated to him mainly because I just cannot stop drawing him (not that I’m complaining) there’s plenty more stuff of him always in the works trust me 😭💀
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I really appreciate the kind words though seriously it’s always encouraging to know people actually like seeing all the Bison art <3
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kentocidal · 10 months
congrats congrats congrats on your milestone!!! ive been loving your writing and i hope u have an amazing day! if its alright could i request "what would people say if they knew you were such a slut for me?" for gorou? ❤️
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uploading file gorou48.txt . . . upload complete !
warning! this file has been corrupted with the following malware: semi public, pwp, piv, gorou calls reader ‘pup’, vague breeding kink, dog hybrid during late spring antics, i wouldn’t call this dubcon but like dubcon if you squint at it hard enough, afab reader
internal message: hey guys did i ever mention that i love gorou and when i say that i’m actually frothing at the mouth like a rabid animal because i’m deeply infatuated with him actually
new notification ! @kaedescara @yaekiss (want your own notification? send me an ask off anon!)
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your nails dug into the wood of the desk, your bottom lip threatening to burst from how hard you were biting down on it. you breathed out harshly through your nose as one of those familiar clawed hands grabbed your hip and shifted your posture, making you arch your back and present yourself further to him.
you heard general gorou bark a laugh into the otherwise empty room. “what a treat this turned out to be!”
you had been sent to the general maybe, oh, fifteen minutes ago, just to drop off some papers. that had been your primary objective, your only objective. and in your defense you had even asked to be sent to drop papers off to literally anyone else, but your commanding officer insisted that you needed to go.
so you had been sent across camp to your secret love affair in the most perfect scenario anyone could think of. how lucky for you.
except you had been due back ten minutes ago, and instead the general had sniffed out the wetness between your thighs and had you bent over within the first five.
it was late spring. sue the both of you for falling prey to instincts and hormones.
you whimpered into the wood of the desk when you felt his leaky cock tip smack against your sopping hole. whenever this time of the year rolled around, your otherwise calm and rational secret lover turned into a feral dog, drooling and getting mean for his own pleasure.
“did they know you needed me so bad that they sent you to me to take care of you? hm?” gorou snarled softly, rolling his hips and letting his length drag through your wet folds. you hissed, shaking your head and rocking your hips back against him.
“gorou, gorou, please, ‘m already late-”
“you know i can excuse you. tell them i sent you on another errand. they can’t deny you.” he leaned down against you, his clothed chest coming into contact with your bare back, and you whined from the weight of him, especially now that he was pressing the tip of his cock to your dripping hole and just barely fucking into you with the tip.
“do you think they figured it out yet?” he nibbled his way along your exposed shoulder the claws on your hip digging into your skin and threatening to draw blood, “do you think they know how much i’m devoted to you? how devoted you are to me when we’re alone?”
you gasped out when he finally, finally sunk his cock into your drenched pussy, clenching down around him and feeling every curve and vein. he let out a low growl as his sharp canines dragged along the crook of your neck.
“pretty pup, you had to have known i wasn’t gonna let you leave without cumming in this hole of yours.”
“yes, yes, gorou, please…” you whined, and gorou of course obliged you, biting your shoulder as he started a rough, brutal pace, his balls smacking against your achy clit. you moaned, and his hand left your hip to cover your mouth.
“what do you think they would say?” he started to murmur against your skin, his voice mixed with snarls bubbling from his chest as he fucked you, "what would people say if they knew you were such a slut for me?"
you whined behind his hand as you felt his drool drip from his lips onto your shoulder, and he bit down into your skin as his other hand slapped onto the wooden desk under you to brace himself.
you didn’t get back to your post until an hour later with a bandage on your neck and your cunt dripping his cum into your panties.
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possamble · 2 months
aren't they just so fascinating. i've never cared this much about an m/f pairing before even platonically. i don't know what it is about the fact that they'd conventionally be meant for each other in a traditional storytelling sense that makes me so feral about them not actually being romantically involved. But their relationship is still almost as strong if not even more well-developed and intimate than most het protag pairings everywhere else.
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ronwestbreeze · 4 months
GABBI. when i tell you i am actually frothing at the mouth over the last 3 chapters!! You know that meme that’s like, a stick figure person, on all fours, shaking something in their mouth like a dog? Yea that’s me eating up these new chapters.
I have always been and probably always till be a Tsu’tey girl at heart so having these past chapters focus on their developing relationship has me s c r e a m i n g. It’s just soooo good, the angst, the comfort, the UNDERSTANDING, absolutely just 🤌🏽🤌🏽
(arstut when i find you, be prepared💪🏽)
yeeee I’m so glad you like it! i am also a lowkey tsu’tey girlie and i hope to do him justice in this fic!
one of the things i like to write is how similar they are and reeds and tsu’tey can definitely relate now that more is unfolding about him!
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redbelles · 5 months
author interview
tagged by: @starrybouquet and @sluttyhenley; i'm love you both 💖
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
49 + 1 currently unrevealed work
2. what's your total AO3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
i never truly abandon old fandoms, but recently been it's house of the dragon, elden ring, stranger things, gilmore girls, and some niche fandoms like berserk and [redacted]
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
like a heartbeat drives you mad
the dreadful need in the devotee
and my body found the wind
stuck in colder weather
all the love you need
5. do you respond to comments?
yes! it may take me eighty-four years, but i love and appreciate every comment i receive, and i will get around to responding to them eventually! i swear!
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
lmao uh. probably either the clouds will form a crown or in the violence of our dreams, both of which just provide nuance around the canon endings of robert baratheon and judas, respectively
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
hmmm. this is a self drag, but i feel like i rarely do out and out straightforwardly happy endings? i feel like the answer is either the mercy wheel, which fixes dany's atrocious season eight character arc, or tongue's talkin' riddles (sticky sweet), which gives chrissy and eddie a mostly happy future together instead of horrible deaths in deeply cursed hawkins
8. do you get hate on fics?
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
unfortunately, i do in fact write sex. most of it very explicit, even! i'm a big believer in sex as an emotionally-charged vehicle for character development
also sometimes you just wanna see two characters bone, you know?
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
i have a lot of fun throwing crossover spaghetti at the wall in various dms, but i have never actually written a crossover
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i'm aware of, no
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
i've had a couple requests to translate my fics, but i unfortunately had to say no because the translators wanted to host the translations outside of AO3, which is not something i'm comfortable with
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
i have indeed! keep calling me home is a really fun little round robin fic i wrote with three other authors a couple years ago
14. what’s your all time favorite ship?
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you want me to choose? come back with a warrant.
15. what’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
shut UP leave me ALONE i am GOING to finish all my wips!!!!!!!
16. what are your writing strengths?
emotion! imagery! themes!
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
l m a o it's plot. also: humor.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
unless you speak the language, it gets real dicey real fast. i personally avoid it unless a) it’s a canonical term/phrase, like all the faux-russian bullshit in the grisha trilogy, or b) i can check the grammar/usage with a native speaker or someone who is solidly fluent
19. first fandom you wrote for?
[redacted] way back ages ago on [redacted]
20. favorite fic you’ve written?
oh man, this is tough! i think right now it's something in the night, because i got to dig in to one of my all-time favorite characters by having him froth at the mouth about my all-time favorite musician, and i'm really pleased with how it turned out
(jess mariano: absolutely unhinged about bruce springsteen! just like me!)
tagging: @littlelindentree @hyperphonic @windowsandfeelings @ninzied @carry-the-sky @majicmarker @woodswit @ladywaffles @jacyevans @thatworldinverted @scoopsgf and anyone else who wants a go ✨
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karizard-ao3 · 8 months
In a very crazy yet canonical way, Historia is Eren’s half-step-idk-cousin. As in, she’s very much Zeke’s cousin on his mother’s side. It’s a cousin many times removed in canon (their last shared ancestor must’ve lived around 100 years prior), but if we simplify things and just say they’re cousins. Mikasa is jealous because Eren keeps seeing Hisu at school and in family events as well ???? She doesn’t understand what’s going on, they were never that close to begin with??? Meanwhile Eren thinks of Hisu as just his brother’s cousin he has to put with for some stupid rich family (the Fritz family) event he was dragged to. A fancy wedding with many rehearsals maybe, idk. He’d rather have Mikasa around but Hisu is nice, he guesses, she hates family things as much as he does. Like the connection between them is so thin nobody even begins to guess they’re “related” somehow, and Mikasa is frothing at the mouth that Eren is spending so much time with another girl
I am a fan of Eren and Historia both having the hots for Mikasa (let's say Ymir isn't in the picture yet) and it being a source of contention between them, so I think we should add that to the mix, where Eren is constantly in a snit at these things because Historia keeps asking him about his hot friend. At first he was happy to have the excuse to talk about Mikasa but then he figured out Historia's real motivations for it and he's NOT okay with it.
And then we've got Historia coming up to him at school, which Mikasa's reading as H being interested in him when actually she's just trying to get close to her crush, Mikasa. He is fuming but trying to play it cool so M doesn't realize that he's got a crush on her. It's all a mess.
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dashielldeveron · 6 months
literally wasnt in a bnha phase atm when i got smacked in the head with the absolute DELIGHT that is your writing??!?! oh my GOD your writing is so delicious i was kicking my feet and had to put my phone down MULTIPLE times when going through shinsou's, monoma's, and dabi's part of the soulmate series and im Not Ready for aizawas or todorokis. what RIGHT do you have to make me have to stuff my comforter in my mouth to stifle my laughter as i clutch my phone in my hands and grin like a maniac at the absolute comedic gold that is your writing.
Your dialogue? masterful. i want to eat your writing because the interactions between characters seem so Real and Complex and in depth i am frothing at the mouth you dknt UNDERSTAND!!! And the fact the reader insert has a nuanced personality!!!! the snark and sheer Kindness from the reader in dabi's fic and TENDERNESS!!! HAD ME!!! SHAKINF!!! goddd you write tenderness and yearning so so well im going to be re reading your fics for the next couple years, actually. "shy boy" and "sweet boy" being used for dabi , , , im on my hands and knees you have no right!!! at all!!! to make me want to kiss the reader insert!!! hello!!!! what the fuck!!
AND MONOMA!!! MY BABYGIRL!!! HES SUCH A THEATRE NERD WHO WANTS TO PRACTICE AND SATISFY YOU BECAUSE!! TO SEE U BE UNRAVELED BY H I M --- NOT AN ABILITY HE MIMICKED FROM SOMEONE ELSE--- MAKES HIM SO SO WEAK. i have no words. best monoma character portrayal ive seen. hands down. im gonna die happy, actually.
reader: wanna try sexting?
shinsou: no <3
made me cavkle so hard aksbjsbsbs i love that man sm
Oh btw!! may i ask what other chars you have planned for the soulmate au? i will be. frothing over whatever you put out nonetheless!! i hope you have a lovely day <333
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four hours?!?!?! you could've watched gone with the wind in that time!!
yessss YESSSS get back into bnha!!! we want you back!!!! lol it's fab that you were reacting like that to thinking about the boys; i think that monoma would be kicking his feet, too, if he were reading about you!!! and shinsou would get so overwhelmed reading fluff about you that he'd have to take breaks, splash water on his face. if dabi read fic, he'd prob read the whole thing in one sitting, emotionless, but then have to go throw rocks at windows. whatever you're feeling, they'd feel, too
and yesssss dabi is shy/sweet boy bc that's what he is!!!! he's prob not feeling very shy/sweet in canon rn, but he'll remember eventually!! ohhhhhhhh monoma my beloved. GOD it makes me so happy to hear that you like him here. i love monoma soooooo much; i dislike how he's villainised in fic bc it's easy to, but i think he's so charming and devoted, both to his friends and to the bit. and based on 1-B's play at the festival, someone's a huge fuckin' nerd about LOTR and Shakespeare and stuff, and i think it would fit monoma well; he seems aware of the roles of characters in stories and overall storytelling, and LOTR/HP/Shakespeare are all about structure and word choice. i love him. i'm going to take him to therapy and make out with him in the car afterwards.
also!!! not that there's a "correct" order to read the routes in, but it sounds like you're reading them out of release order!!! which is great!!! i'd be FASCINATED to hear back from you after you read aizawa's chapter, bc that's where most of the tainted love lore is dropped--and aizawa's and shinsou's routes have pretty heavy overlap.
i'm writing shigaraki's right now, and then i have a route for [secret character], censored not bc he's the "true route," or anything, but bc he already appears in the story, and from my POV, it would sour his current scenes if we knew we had a route with him. these are the routes i have planned, and then i will either 1) let the fic marinate or 2) leave the fic "finished" but occasionally add "non-canon" routes for other characters and perhaps "fandiscs" for existing routes. considering i have lots of ideas for other fics, i'm leaning towards the first one, since i don't think i can commit to the latter right now idk
but ohhhhhh i love you. you are SO kind, and i'm so so so glad you're liking the fic!!!! i hope the rest of it is just as fun and that your day is peaceful!!!! xx.
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skydoesthings · 9 months
A.N: Welp, I wrote chapter 2. Fun fact, this was written on a scrap paper with a pen in a sudden autistic burst of energy I found I could not channel into maths class in school. Did I get into trouble? Why yes, yes I did. Was it read out in front of the class? Why yes, yes it was. Was I made fun of? No actually, my classmates fucking PRAISED me. I'm gonna get them to read the wonderful zera @hopepetal's (sorry if you no like tags) fanfics, they are gonna froth at the mouth. That being said, let's get into the story!
(you can find the intro post and chapter one by browsing the potmfts tag btw)
Martyn missed Mumbo. Again. Seriously, he should be used to this by now. But, sadly, it never hurt any less.
As he trudged along the cliffs, he bitterly thought to himself about the events of the day. He watched Grian explain the rules of double life. He missed Mumbo. He was weirded out by the fact that Grian had a clone of him. He missed Mumbo. He went to go punch a tree. He missed Mumbo. The watchers tried to control him again. He fought them off. He missed Mumbo. He met Pearl! Jeez, he hadn't even realised he missed Pearl since the Evo days. She helped distract him from missing Mumbo. He got the bright idea to go to the nether. He doesn't know why. He dragged Pearl into it too. Sorry Pearl. He remembered the time he and Mumbo went into the nether together. He missed Mumbo. Pearl was silly. He and Pearl sang their own version of 'Do you want to build a snowman'. They came out of the nether. They finally found their soulmates. His was Cleo, Pearl's was Scott. Scott and Cleo hated them for finding them so late. He had blamed Pearl for it. He winced, he shouldn't have done that. And now, here he was, missing Mumbo yet again.
He was sick of it, but he couldn't stop. He missed his husband so much. But, he couldn't meet him ever again. The thought brought tears to his eyes. He wiped them off quickly, couldn't have anyone seeing him this weak, especially Cleo. They'll just hate him even more.
But, another thought sprang to his mind. He hadn't ever found out who killed Mumbo. When he found out who it was..."Let's just say they might not leave with the same amount of lives they had before", he thought, clenching his fists.
And, suddenly there was a lightning strike. Martyn was okay, just a little startled, but it was what he saw that made him freeze. Because in front of him, was his husband. His ahasband. His mustached lover. His Mumbo. But he was transparent.
"M-Mumbo? Oh Mumbo, w-who did this to you?" He stuttered out.
But he suddenly turned tail and ran.
"Mumbo, wAIT! PLEASE! I CAN'T LOSE YOU AGAIN!" He shouted, running after him, fully aware of the tears streaming down his face, doing nothing to stop them.
Suddenly Mumbo disappeared. Martyn was alone and heartbroken once more. Wiping the tears from his face, his eyes wandered a little further, and his heart stopped.
Because ahead, he saw Grian in Impulse's lap, unconsious, Impulse calling for him to wake up, both their faces illuminated in the moonlight.
He ran over to them. He could not lose another friend.
A.N: Oh. My. God. The trauma I have made Martyn go through in this. Also I was playing Tourner Dans Le Vide the entire time while writing this, it sets the mood so well I cannot-
But honestly I am really happy with how this turned out and I shall let you guys know when I get motivation to write chapter 3!
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thorniest-rose · 1 year
hey! I love every steddie morsel I see you post, including--or even especially--the darker stuff.
that said...you mentioned you loved the branding developed by the organizers of the steddie big bang. now, my brain saw "steddie" and "branding" and it just...stopped. like, can you imagine it--eddie branding steve's ass? either as an actual brand or as a tattoo (god, eddie with steve spread over his lap doing a stick-and-poke...). and I can't decide if I like it more in a dark setting or as just a bit of ~spice added into something more typical. either way I am fucking frothing at the mouth just thinking about it. thoughts?
((I hope I didn't overstep by coming into your asks like this! If unwelcome, I apologize.))
omg no please do send me in as many asks as you want, it's not overstepping at all, I love getting them!!! And I love that you enjoy the dark steddie things I post, I have so many ideas that I’d love to turn into fics.
And I looove the idea of Eddie tattooing Steve, it's so hot and possessive. I can see it both ways, in a scenario where Steve's the one who wants to wear Eddie's ink on his skin, right on the intimate skin of his ass, and Eddie's reticent about it like "baby I don't know, that's pretty permanent..." but Steve is wrapped around him, wants to be marked by Eddie so bad, isn't satisfied with hickeys or even being cut anymore, even wounds heal, he needs something that'll never fade or wash away. And finally of course he gets his own way because Eddie might be his Dom, but he's putty in Steve's hands, can't resist anything his baby wants, and besides, he already has Steve's name tattooed on his chest. So he does it for him, and it gets Steve so horny he winds up on the floor with Eddie's dick down his throat, telling Eddie to fuck his face because he wants it hard. But I can also see a scenario with a darker, meaner Eddie who tattoos Steve there because it's what he wants, because Steve belongs to him, maybe something in my toxic ex Eddie verse because that version of Eddie is so mean and obsessive, it's exactly the kind of thing he'd do to ensure Steve can't ever leave him or be with anyone else.
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motherthroat · 4 months
What do you think of the consensus that most bylers are girls?
not wrong lmaooo
since u brought this up, i'm gonna talk a bit abt a related claim that is "most m/m ship fandoms are filled w fujoshis" which got sm bylers so mad. expected, fujoshi has a negative connotation nowadays that ofc ur knee-jerk reaction is to say "i'm not one of THOSE gross cishet girls"
maybe it'd be easier to swallow if it's worded as afabs n not girls (🙄) as if that made major changes. not living the cis guy experience is what made it thick here ─ idc if u are a bi/lesbian woman or if u don't identify as a woman, humans r curious by nature. most immerse themselves in shit they want to be a part of it but can't in real life. cis girls feel this way too even if they're comfortably girls, blv it or not. u aren't exempt from "fetishizing" a group u aren't a part of, u just insist on this distinction b/w a good n a bad m/m shipper bc it's much easier to "empathize" (+ much less acceptable to slander) w the Personal TM fixation of anybody who's not a cishet girl. other factors r brought in like the gen desire to see good gay reps (do y'all not think cishet girls feel tht), the desire to see urself in them (what'd i say bfr), etc etc. what is the goddamn difference really. is this desire gross? does the fact tht it's not actually exclusive to a group u can comfortably throw under the bus changes how u thought of it? idk, form ur own opinion 🤷🏻
does this mean girls sorry, afabs, can't like cis m/m ships at all? ─ ofc not. that'd be like me firing at everybody in the room. i don't automatically consider ppl fujoshis unless they 1.) behave in a way that is obsessive n a bit gross like the equivalent of frothing @ the mouth 2.) cannot bring themselves to give a fuck abt anyth else in the shipping-sphere other than (usually white) gay ships. most fujos hv a history w only liking ships tht fit a certain physical criteria.
esp in this fandom, u can't deny the hots towards the actors largely influence the shipping experience so. doesn't help beating the allegations at all. but hey, fujos r annoying at best n embarassing at worst. not the end of the world if somebody consider u one lol
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