you-me-we-04 · 20 days
Before I start let me be clear I am an MCR5 truther until I die. However I've had this feeling/thought in the back of my mind since The Foundations of Decay dropped that the song and everything around it reads like an exit note.
A true comprehensive ending for the band. Not a short breakup paragraph posted to the band website or a letter posted by a frontman without a band saying goodbye to said band or solo material that may be about the band.
But rather Foundations is the band back together looking back on their past, their impact, their legacy and being at peace with it all. Hell the first line of the song is "See the man who stands upon the hill/He dreams of all the battles won." it's about looking back on the past on their past as a band. The song itself covers at lot of ground that MCR have covered in the past from 9/11 to gender to religion to everything in between. Almost like a final statement from the band on those issues or I'm just reading into it.
The song ends with "Yes, it comforts me much more/To lay in the foundations of decay" To me it read as acknowledgement that there is comfort in the past, in nostalgia, in the band you loved at 15. But we can't live in that nostalgic haze forever the final line being "Get up, coward!" looking back is fun but at some point we have to face the future. The thing about nostalgia is the further we get from it from the original thing whatever that may be the more it decays becoming a parody of itself. We have to move on from this band, this time of our lives before to totally decays or we run the risk of it become a parody of what it once represented, like so many bands before them not naming names.
Hell musically the song itself beautifully transition into Romance the first song from their first album creating in a sense a perfect loop of their discography from beginning to end. A loop that would be broken if the band drops another song.
Let me clear again I say this as someone who would kill for more MCR anything but also as we come ever closers to the last performance dates currently announced with it unclear what comes next for the band I would not be upset if this time their break-up post was/is The Foundations of Decay, as if it was a warning that we didn't listen to.
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arthursfuckinghat · 7 months
。゚ Will you welcome your extinction in the morning rays? ゚。
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dazais-guardian-angel · 3 months
With today's entry, I was rather surprised and confused that Johnathan seemed to turn around so quickly from the absolute pit of despair he was in yesterday, having newfound determination and energy when he's seemingly been completely hopeless and inactive for weeks now (and for good reason). Not that I ever thought he'd completely given up, but there's definitely been a slow decline in how descriptive his journal entries have been to reflect his declining mental state (more robotic, less of his actual feelings about things), and today was a sharp contrast; it feels more like the early entries again. I thought, well, his mind is probably just so cracked at this point that he's looped all the way back around to being bold and energetic again, because by now he's desperate enough to throw caution to the wind: he either succeeds doing something extremely reckless to escape, or he fails and meets his end in a far better way than if he just waits for his fate by Dracula's hands.
...But having thought about it and reading other posts, I realized (probably stupidly obvious as it is) that his sudden change in mood probably has to do with what happened to the baby. Despite how scared he's been all this time, yesterday he didn't hesitate for a single second to try to save the baby once he realized from the previous incident what was happening, not thinking about his own life at all. And then he despaired when he couldn't save the child, the first time he's mentioned crying in the book at all, and then he had to witness the mother blaming him for her baby's death, and being killed herself for trying to rescue it. Now, the day after that horrific and heartbreaking failure, he's suddenly more determined than he's been in ages to escape. Maybe that was a turning point for Johnathan, and lit a fire under him... maybe he's clinging to the need to escape not just for himself and the people he loves anymore, but for the vain hope that he can put a stop to Dracula's schemes somehow once he gets out, because he doesn't want to let any more children die :' )
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cardinal-hexation · 9 months
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I don’t wanna talk about it
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wonderlandsakura · 21 days
I graft Penelope's The Challenge song from EPIC: The Musical onto Patrochilles
You know the ending of the song:
"Let the arrow fly
Once you know that your aim is true
'Cause I would rather die
Than grow old without the best of you!"
wait (checks notes) ACHILLES
I can just imagine him,, no I can literally hear him,, shouting this at the Trojans up on the wall as they shoot arrows at him while he drags Hector's body around, begging daring them to kill him
(cause to achilles patroclus was better than anyone else there, I cri)
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thebatcreature · 9 months
Bruce loves visiting Kents at the farm and spending time with them. He's always having the best time over there. but sometimes seeing Clark being childlike around Martha and Jonathan, specially being such a mama's boy... it just makes something ache in him.
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simmyfrobby · 1 year
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― Louise Glück, The Seven Ages
Hockey Poetry Post 37/?
(Photo credit: Francois Lacasse, Minas Panagiotakis, Mike Carlson, link, Vincent Ethier, Scott Audette, Francois Lacasse, Scott Audette, Scott Audette, Dave Sandford, link, Francois Lacasse, link, Mark Blinch, Mark Blinch, Brett Holmes, link, Mark Blinch, Jeff Bottari)
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blubujollyrancher · 1 year
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that relatable moment when you assumed the girl you used to care for perished in a tragic lab ablaze incident and only realized she still lived when you stumble upon her years later after you've erased yourself from everyone's memories and now she no longer remembers you
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broodygaming · 2 years
Man oh man, it confuses me, very genuinely that ppl dont think that Beau and Yasha were a good end pairing. That they don’t see it. Idk. I catches me off guard every time I read it because, to me I suppose, they go together like... Chocolate ganache. You heat the milk, pour in the chocolate and stir and stir.... and you’re staring at it and there’s awkward chocolate chunks and it’s just milk with chocolate, oh my god I’ve messed it up, it’s sticking to the bottom omfg ive wasted ALL this milk holy shit I’m an idiot and - Bam. Suddenly. One last little stir and it magically transforms before your eyes into smooth rich brown chocolate ganache.  
Idk. For me. They are this fascinating twirling of strong forces that at some point just meld together to make this beautiful thing neither of them could have ever even visualized. The dichotomy of two violent women who have been battered by the world. Told over and over how Destructive they are. Who have destroyed each other in all these crazy situations? Who have been lauded as machines of war and bastions of retribution or cast out as “too much to deal with”..... These two women who have been taught over and over again that EVERY single fucking hand that touches.... strikes.... So strike back and first before they get the fucking chance.... 
Gods be damned do they deserve gentleness. 
And not to say there’s not many places you can find that. But the idea of standing there, holding your broken parts and looking around to find someone to help you... Not fix you, just help you hold them all... And the peace someone might feel handing them to someone whose hands have known pain. Someone whose hands are scarred and battered and tough. Someone who won’t be shocked to see so many broken parts. Someone who is carrying their own armful and a few more of yours won’t be a huge burden. Someone who fucking gets it. You know? I just think of Beau sliding into that hot bath and thinking of the kind words. Not even just kind words, but the acknowledgment and the sincerity. 
The... “I see you. I see you. And I’m not looking away. I will carry these pieces with you, if you might also carry some of mine”. 
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blueshykitsune-blog · 2 months
Hey don't forget sometimes it's okay to cry.
Some people laugh while crying, it could be hysteria.
However that's okay too. To cry and laugh.
To laugh or smile when your in pain. It's your way of expressing.
Some cry when happy too. It can be a happy cry. To much joy maybe.
It's okay to be angry. People have limits on the rude comments they can take.
Feeling jealous can cause anger. It's okay if that's what you feel.
People can feel angry when sad or vice versa.
Sometimes you can instantly turn angry. Sometimes even the slightest of things can make you angry. It's okay.
Sometimes you feel things you don't want to. It's just a part of being alive. It is healthy to let yourself feel emotions. Even if others do not understand. Even if others seem to judge. Even if others shame on it. That doesn't change that having feelings is valid and everyone experiences them.
People just experience emotions and feelings differently, some might be similar but others are different. Doesn't make feeling less important.
However feels can be bad. Sometimes they hurt you or others. It that's the case take tome to relax, calm, and reflect on it and see what you can change. Sometimes it's others who need to change.
Sometimes you need to feel what others consider negative. Like even grieving, boundaries being pushed, seeing others hurt by others, being hurt yourself, and many other reasons. Feeling a negative emotion isn't bad. It's just a part of being alive.
Sometimes they are telling you to take a break, or that you are taking too long of a break. However some still are harmful. Explaining how you feel is something children are supposed to learn. Yet many of us never did or when we did we got hurt ourselves.
However that's because there are so many who refuse to believe that you are supposed to feel negative sometimes. It's not bad. And of you ever get told feeling negative is only bad then maybe change up who your around or what you see online. If you need help doing either of those then please, don't feel afraid to ask. Especially someone like me.
Even if I feel too it doesn't mean I won't listen. Actually it means I have experience that could help you out. And no it doesn't matter how old you are as many people experience different things and also known others whom been through things they haven't themselves. There's also the thought of knowing what to do if you ever do have something happen that you've never felt yourself before.
I and many would agree that you need to feel emotions, just make sure no one gets hurt, even yourself and if they do apologize. Even if your apologizing to yourself. I promise you it can help. Go look in a mirror and apologize to yourself. No matter what for. That is if you want to. No rush. Of course no rush. And I know many don't like looking at themselves so I won't force you too.
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zaynes-left-chesticle · 8 months
Okay I just read Zayne's "Still in Dark" anecdote, and now I'm crying and also my jaW IS ON THE GROUND, WHAT IN THE FUC-
enjoy the tags, I just needed to vent....
And I'm scared 🤣
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seokmins · 2 years
if you tell me at least one (1) thing that made you happy this year in the tags, I'll give you a gentle kiss on the forehead ❤️
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roitaminnah · 2 years
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ON FRIDAY my beloved fellow bsoupers sorry to shop post this will be the last time for now until I inevitably loose control and design more buttsoup merch FRIDAY at 5pm EST these babies will be available for you to purchase! if you would like. I have about 45 of each, super limited since idk how well they'll do but if you want em! they are real and so small. and I love them
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potatobugz · 11 months
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i submitted my lovely mouseboy Finnegan for the @ahatintime-oc-competition yesterday :D here is the art i drew 4 them!
for those unaware: he came from a dream i had once involving him and Snatcher But As A Bird; and i sorta just. added onto them from there. they're so sillay
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evansbby · 4 months
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