meirimerens · 1 year
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brides and crones
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beean-s · 11 months
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sketchy comic because diakko are soulmates and u can't convince me otherwise
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lesbicosmos · 2 months
"i could fix her" well i could accept her as she is.
this came to me like a vision while i was walking to school listening to dream girl evil this morning
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meamiiikiii · 10 days
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[reverse entry AU]
so glad the work week is over!
no more meetings!
what do you mean its only tuesday.
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vyibunni · 5 months
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this moment really reminded me of my tav <3 dialogue is from the video "turning random lines of action into characters" by Drawfee Show on youtube, modified a bit to be more british lol
+ bonus
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cherrieguroo · 3 months
soooo i started playing the sims again and
hatchetfield brainrot,,, man...
yeah so ive been making some hatchetfield characters in the sims. blinky's rewatch party discord has already seen most of these already but i felt like posting them on here too
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i HAD to make a simlish version of the shirt
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boy jerma shirt on girl jerma
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they were gossiping and i just had to screenshot sheila's reaction
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this wasn't intentional btw. i made his cold weather outfit be the homeless man outfit and he just AUTOMATICALLY put it on as soon as he grabbed the bag
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i killed a random townie and pete got depression from it
he did not know the townie at all
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that's all. thank you for observing
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Redraw of one of my really old fenhawke pieces from 2023 because they are on my mind again <3 (original under da cut)
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saetoru · 1 year
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the first night al-haitham spends with you, he’s unsure what to do with his arms.
“just wrap this one around me here,” you giggle, maneuvering his arm to curl under you. he does so stiffly, laying on his side like a log as you press close against his body. “now lay the other one over me.”
he does—and by that, he simply plops his other arm to lay flat over your torso.
“this is a rather awkward arrangement, don’t you think?” he raises a brow.
“it’s because you’re laying like a robot. loosen your limbs,” you huff, “you might as well eat nuts and bolts for breakfast.”
he’s not good at these kinds of things. he wants to tell you that—that if you’re looking for a boyfriend to hold hands and cuddle with, he’s probably not the best candidate. or the second best. or even the twentieth. he’s probably the last person on the list that you could get intimate with.
yet here you are, curling his arm around you like there’s any hope of him getting this right.
“are you sure this is—”
“here, i have a better idea,” you interrupt. suddenly, you’re hands are shoving him away, making him blink as you roll him around to turn and face away from you.
“what are you—” your arms wrap around him, and your chin rests on his shoulder as you press a gentle kiss to his skin. it’s warm, feeling you pressed against him like this. it’s nice and comforting and it feels like home.
and sure, maybe he lays a little stiff, maybe he’s unsure what do with his arms as he awkwardly lays there on his side, but you wrap yourself around him tightly, pressing a few kisses to the side of his head as you smile against his hair. he can feel you—he can count the beats of your heart and if he tries hard enough, he can feel the way the rhythmic pounding is just as quick as his.
“there,” you murmur, satisfied with yourself. a part of him feels he should turn back around and get it right—that he should be holding you and not the other way around.
but then you pull him closer against your chest, and he can’t help but melt into you. “this will get uncomfortable for your arms rather quickly,” he points out.
“shh. just sleep,” you click your teeth.
he thinks it’ll be harder to sleep with someone here, someone breathing and moving against him and keeping him locked in place. but oddly enough, he falls asleep quicker than usual that night—and every night after too.
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dikatsuu · 2 years
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gooperts-gunk · 3 months
im so crazy over the tragedy of everything q!bbh does being under a demon pretense even though he's a fallen angel.
do u think he just accepts the demon label because it's easier. do u think he believes it too, and catches himself in his thoughts with "oh, right. im not exactly that". and maybe he believes that he did this to himself? do u think what he did was to protect himself or someone? no matter the fall, he still has so much kindness to give and his brain just isn't wired the way a natural-born demon would be, he can't hold back instincts when time demands it, maybe that's why he fell in the first place.
and when he's finally bad, not good, it's treated like the end of the world, without empathy on why he would act out. do you think this keeps happening? the same scenario, multiple times, every timeline? he has to be used to it. so he has to take it in stride. he's good until he lashes out under extreme pressure, and suddenly he's called demon. and once again he's what heaven made him out to be. what he made himself to be, his brain would ruthlessly provide...
i don't think he wants to be that, though he hides secrets behind secrets of which neither identity is a home... but i don't think he wants to have to change, either. and i don't think that's wrong of him.
...you collapse atlantis ONE TIME and all of a sudden YOU'RE the bad guy and SURE it was FUN but REALLY now,--
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saintadeline · 10 months
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gingerale13 · 4 months
U&U Comic 1:
Hit The Road
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-> And with that, our story begins... Scout & Miss Pauling are on a mission!
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vampiricsheep · 2 months
Don't think I've seen this question make the rounds before, so:
Do any of your OCs hunt/fish/trap? Who taught them, and why do they do it? Do they have preferred gear or quarry?
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tomatotrash · 5 months
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eternal-moss · 2 months
Falin panel in my style
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:D I suddenly felt compelled to redraw the panel. Miss Touden you are my muse
Lineart + original panel under the cut
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I mean, look at the improvement from one drawing to the other, Ryoko Kui’s art makes me think hard about anatomy + physics and it feels really good to draw :3
\/ original panel!
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mango-fizz · 2 years
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some demon slayers 😳
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