iffasart · 4 months
JWCTcountdown DAY 1-2: favourite character
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Choosing a favourite out of all of them is SO HARD, they change each season, but i drew darius because i love him a lot and relate to him a whole bunch and he's my favourite to draw (alongside ben tbh)
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Version without the text bubbles
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crypticjackal13 · 2 years
is it okay to ask MK, red son, Mei, Wukong and Macaque x a Gender neutral reader that has ADHD, like they they fidget a lot and messes and fumbles over their words a lot? like they try to say something but mixes two words into one? sorry if its a lot to ask for!
No worries! I had some fun with this one
Traffic Light Trio and Shadowpeach (separately) x GN! ADHD!reader Headcanons!
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Redson - condescending at first. But they slowly adjust and are actually pretty good at helping you! Has a spare fidget in one of their pockets in case you ever need one. They’re the “translator” for other people whenever you’re trying to talk as fast as you’re thinking and mix some stuff up—you don’t know how they do it, but they understand you perfectly. If you need something hands-on to do or are just bored in general, they’ll have you lend a hand in their projects, or at the very least let you sit with them and talk about your latest hyperfixations while they work. The only time they’re going to really question your logic (if there is any) is if they pop into the kitchen for a midnight snack and find you just fully zoned out, no thoughts head empty. Don’t worry they’ll snap you out of it lol
MK - OH SAME BRO. You two operate on a routine that you collaborated on because otherwise it would literally just be chaos. He has a whole bin of fidget toys that he lets you borrow from at any time! You two sit together and probably get mesmerized by those slime videos or even just those sensory videos. The apartment is probably covered in sticky note reminders. His favorite thing is letting you infodump to him about what you’re interested in, and then he gets to rant to you as well. He mixes up words just as much as you do, and yet you both always understand what the other is saying.
Mei - is the reasonable one out of the two of you. She helps you remember what you need to do and stuff, and honestly she benefits from making you a routine since she’ll probably end up making one for herself too. Definitely buys you fidget toys from time to time and ends up finding ones that she likes too! She keeps track of your interests so she can talk about them with you! Also probably has a backpack leash for you(she already has one for MK, so honestly it’s only natural you get one too). Very sweet, just wants you to be happy in any capacity!
Macaque - he has a very, very loose understanding of what ADHD is and how people cope with it. He balances out your hyperactivity the best he can, and honestly how could you refuse when he talks so smoothly to you about maybe chilling out for a minute? He’s with you for the good days and the difficult days, especially when you’re super unmotivated to do anything. Loves all the cool creative ideas you come up with; he has you help him brainstorm for his plays. He definitely doesn’t mind staying up late with you when you’re hyper focused, but he also knows there’s a line he needs to draw for the two of you so you don’t wake up the next day feeling exhausted. He himself burns out a lot I think so he’d be very good at recognizing when you’re burning out too(along with helping you manage things in a way that you can prevent it) 
Wukong - he gets it, to a degree! Having known MK for as long as he has, he knows the basics, however he is more than willing to sit down with you and get an understanding of what your experience is like! Runs with most of your ideas and impulses, unless of course you’re thinking too far ahead or even too quickly. Yes, taking a trip on his cloud to visit a zoo a few cities over sounds nice in theory, but hang on, let’s actually plan a proper trip. He has nothing to really do all day other than train with MK and take care of the monkey village, so he’s never gonna say no to you coming over and hanging out with him, doing your thing, etc. He probably has some trouble understanding you if you’re talking really fast, but he doesn’t get frustrated or upset. He just kindly asks you to repeat what you said but slower. He’s doing his best for you :]
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stardusthuntress · 1 year
EnigmaTech - Ch. 3
My Tech Lives AU! (see prior chapters for summary)
Chapter 3 - Up and At 'Em!
Tech x female!reader (pronouns only! Though reader gets a callsign and a touch of background!) Does she catch his eye when they meet in this chapter? Is the inside of Tech's mind ever quiet enough for even him to figure it out? How does a nerd even catch another nerd's attention?
(Part 2) (Part 4)
Word count: ~5.3k 
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Chapter Summary: time to break the "lost 3" out! This is supposed to be Tech's story after all!
TW: Some details of Tech's injury (nothing gruesome! Just mentions of bandages, potential concussions, some mods like Echo's, and migraine-like symptoms). Tech does struggle to stay conscious and focused, but mostly the former. FYI, I don’t know much about medical procedures. Medical actions taken herein could be the opposite of what you’re supposed to do and I wouldn’t know!
A/N: Once again, just needed to get this part out there into the world. I've rewritten it so many times! Action sequences are really hard! But I found a way to describe enough of it to make sense, but not all of it so I don't have to come up with a full exfiltration plot worthy of our favorite nerd and his sadistic archnemesis. Someone commented that this seemed like a way to infodump my film theories, and you is 100% correct. They did Tech dirty, and I needed to fix it. Hehehe! So let's fix it! Time to free the inventive genius, the raincloud of angst, and the sunshine child!
Tech dividers: @/djarrex
Translations: Haran = hell (mando'a)
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His world was dark. It was strange. He couldn’t see or feel anything. But he knew a lot. And he had his familiar routines. He liked routines. They made him feel useful and gave his life structure. Just like the algorithms he wrote all day long, long scripts of instructions for computers to process and provide him with all the data he needed! 
But he couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing. Nevertheless, he must continue. That was his duty. That was what he was made to do. To keep going despite all odds, and to always find a way. That knowledge reassured him. As did his routines. His routines had become quite a lot like his favorite algorithms... Perhaps too much so... No, that couldn’t be. He was just paranoid because things were calm without the constant chaos of war. As long as his routines kept him and his brothers safe… brothers… his brothers! That was what was missing! No nagging reminders to “please stop fiddling and eat something and get some rest, you’ve backspaced frequently in the last half hour and it’s getting on Hunter’s nerves” from Echo. No roughhousing and horsing around from Wrecker. No dramatic sighs from Crosshair… 
Wait, that wasn’t entirely true. Somewhere in the distance, he was aware of Crosshair. And there was someone with him. Someone familiar. Small… and blonde… and… Tech knew those tears! But he couldn't place the rest of it. Knowing about them felt like a distant memory, but he knew it wasn’t. Those tears, Crosshair’s seething, quiet anger, those were happening in the present, not the past… but where? Where are they? And where was he? 
Somewhere amidst the confusion of his mind, he began to become aware of a warning klaxon alarm blaring far away. Something was happening. He could feel the adrenaline begin to surge. That meant something was coming and he had to get ready to protect those he cared about. Right now, that meant Crosshair and the little blonde one. 
Tech paused to take stock. He knew 3 things for certain, other than his name: 
1) Crosshair and a little blonde girl were nearby, and they were his family, 
2) something was happening, good or bad he didn’t know, but he did know that either way that meant, 
3) his family needed his protection, here and now… wherever here is… 
Slowly, more of his world began to percolate into the recesses of his mind, emerging from the darkness and beginning to take form around him. Though, they did not take physical form, he still could only see darkness, but he was starting to be able to hear and to feel things again. And smell. 
BO, this place smells like body odor. But somehow this smell of corn chippy socks and a desperate need to wash the carbon scoring and battle sweat off was very familiar to him. Like their barracks on Kamino… 
Wrecker! Wrecker was here! Wrecker would help Tech find his way back to his surroundings. That was something else he just innately knew. 
Tech added that to his list of certainties: 
Crosshair, Wrecker, and his sister were here, and they were his family. 
Something was happening, as evidenced by the alarm bells he was beginning to hear, which meant that, 
His family needed his protection, 
But first Tech needed Wrecker’s help to find his way back… 
But… back to what? Something was still missing. A lot was missing actually, but that would get overwhelming, so he focused on the last item on the list, hoping the rest would fall into place after he figured out where he was and what was happening. Which he needed Wrecker’s help for. So he focused on Wrecker. 
Sure enough, his brother’s booming voice reached Tech’s ears. Tech concentrated on it, trying to make out what Wrecker was saying. But things were happening too fast. And the voices blurred together. He was still certain Wrecker’s voice was among the noise, as was a building alarm going off, but there was something else too. Something in addition to Wrecker’s voice, and it had the patterns of language - a voice! He was pretty sure that’s what it was. They seemed to be helping Wrecker with something, giving instructions and Wrecker was following them. As they continued on, Tech could feel himself beginning to become conscious of his surroundings again, but he also felt his emotions spiking, and didn’t dare open his eyes yet. First he needed to use that same old trick he’d taught to Crosshair when he had a panic attack, to ground himself now and regain control of his emotions: the 5-4-3-2-1 method. Tech didn’t want to open his eyes yet. That had a tendency to trigger migraines. And there were so many things in his surroundings he couldn’t place yet. So instead he just focused on just putting names and senses to 5 things. 
Wrecker was here - Tech could smell him and hear him. 
An ally was here - Tech could hear their voice, and they were working with Wrecker, who clearly trusted them! 
Hmm, what else… 
The alarm had stopped! At least in this room it had been silenced. Must not have been long ago either, Wrecker was commenting on being able to hear his own thoughts again! Which meant that: 
Tech’s senses were catching up with the world, he was beginning to be able to hear the things Wrecker was saying! 
Tech sighed in relief, the world was coming back to him. In fact, the world seemed to be approaching rapidly. He could hear footsteps around him now. Heavy footfalls desperately trying to be careful as they treaded nervously across the room. Wrecker again! 
Wrecker’s footsteps approached. 
The voice that was not Wrecker’s spoke again. They seemed excited! Something about someone moving and reacting to his surroundings. Tech realized they must have been talking about himself! 
Tech tried to focus on his surroundings, but it was harder than he expected. 
The sound of finger’s snapping near the side of his face made him flinch. It was loud that close to his ears. 
“Oh good! I thought he passed out again!” Wrecker boomed nervously. 
“Give him time, Big Guy, he’s been through a lot,” answered the other voice. “He doesn’t seem to like loud right now.” 
Wrecker tried to make himself smaller, “Sorry, Tech!” He half whispered and half shouted. 
Tech still didn’t want to open his eyes. Between the loud noises - this must be what Hunter felt like when they were all being loud, he realized - and the fact that Wrecker was probably worried, he couldn’t face that just yet… Pun intended. 
Oh good! So his own special form of humor was still intact! Tech took a deep breath and rolled his head to the side, towards the voices that were now whispering. 
Ow. The movement made his head throb. Specifically the back of his head, which had been resting against what now felt like a very hard surface. Cool to the touch. Probably metal of some kind. Though there was a little fragment of cushioning, beyond that of just his own hair. Probably a makeshift medbay. 
One more deep breath and Tech was ready to have a look around. He opened his eyes… hmm, strange, that didn’t seem to work. He tried again, hand automatically reaching for his face as he did so. But someone caught his hand. 
“No, don’t touch the bandages,” Wrecker whispered. 
“It’s okay Wreck. Tech, we don’t have your goggles,” the unfamiliar voice approached, “so you won’t be able to see your surroundings much. And… lemme have his hand Wrecker… you will only be able to see a little out of one eye. I’m going to put your hand on the edge that’s near your nose, okay?” Tech became aware of small, clammy fingers wrapping gently around his own, as the voice continued.“Be gentle and go slow. You’ve been out for at least a few days by the looks of things and you’ve got some pretty extensive mods now, though a new eye was apparently not among them. Just the necessities to keep you functioning as a computer for Hemlock. There’s a probably a lot to unpack in those details. Let’s get back to that in a minute. Just focus on feeling yourself and your surroundings right now.” And with that the voice placed Tech’s hand on the wrappings around his head. 
He traced them over one eye, and around his head. Then he tried to turn his head again. Once again it sent his mind reeling. Tech swallowed hard, trying to keep his stomach from disobeying him. 
“Wreck, put your hand under his head. The fact that they didn’t bother to give him a pillow doesn’t seem to be helping him much.” 
So his discomfort must be visible. Tech wondered if he “looked green” as Crosshair had once described him when he had nearly lost his lunch after a particularly bad day of training. 
Wrecker gently lifted Tech’s head a fraction and slipped his much softer hand beneath it. “Better?” 
“Thank you,” Tech mumbled. His voice felt horse. It must have been a while since he’d used it. This seemed to agree with the stranger’s sentiment, indicating that he had indeed been unconscious for several days, minimum. 
Slowly, the colors of the room slowed down and stopped swimming around his head. He recognized Wrecker’s large shapes of dark armor, and could see the unfamiliar shapes of the stranger’s armor next to him. Though all he could see was the person’s rough size, no details. 
“Sit up… please,” it took less effort to talk this time around. Progress! Slow progress, but progress nonetheless. 
“You got it!” Wrecker whisper-shouted, helping Tech prop himself up. “Is he okay? Why is it taking so long to get him up?” Wrecker had never been good at being discreet and quiet when it came to worrying over his brothers. 
By the looks of things, the dark blobs that he knew to be Wrecker and co. shifted to exchange glances, but said nothing. 
“I’m going to touch your face a little, Tech. You’re a little pink and I need to make sure you’re stable. Okay?” 
“Wait,” Tech needed more information first, this person was still a stranger. Tech knew he needed to trust his medic, but without the ability to see what his medic was doing that was a lot harder to do, “Who are you?”
“My apologies! Call me Spitfire! Pilot and strategist.” The voice answered. 
“She’s Mandalorian!” Wrecker added. Tech zeroed in on the use of identifying pronouns. 
She laughed. “Yes, and I’ll gladly tell you more after we get you out of here—” Tech’s grip on the world around him began to slip again as his head throbbed. 
Spitfire’s voice close to his ear, but gentle and quiet, dragged him back to the real world again. “I need to make sure you’re stable, I’m going to touch you okay?” 
“Kay,” Tech spoke through gritted teeth. He inhaled quickly as her fingers found his temple. Cold. Her fingers were still cold. Then he found himself automatically relaxing into her gentle touch. The cold felt good, and made the pain of the headache a little more bearable. She chuckled, likely reacting to the way he leaned into her cold fingers. And he felt her fingers run through a semi-familiar check up checklist as they danced across his skin: forehead for a fever test, side of his neck to check for an irregular pulse, tilting his chin up and bringing out a flashlight. She moved quickly but thoroughly, though her checklist was slightly different than the algorithm he’d developed. 
He could feel Wrecker tensing next to him. Wrecker never did like medical exams, though he also had a tendency to use himself as a sentient shield. Apparently Spitfire had noticed Wrecker’s disposition too. 
“He’s okay, Big Guy. Seems like it’s mostly just a nasty headache,” she began addressing Tech more directly, explaining the results of her medical checks. “Your eyes react like normal, and your words aren’t slurred, so no lasting effects of a concussion. Though without your glasses and with the wraps partially over one ear, things might be a little disorienting, and you may still have had a concussion, though you’re okay for now. You’re a little warm, but not warm enough to indicate a fever, so it will likely go away quickly and is probably the result of finally being upright and conscious with adrenaline pumping for the first time in a while. You should also know they seem to have embedded some circuitry in you. You were wired into the central computer. Though Hemlock seems to have learned more than I’d like from Echo’s breakout. Looked like you could only access limited information but no building codes nor structural plans or anything like that?” 
“Affirmative. Perhaps even more restricted than that. I was only vaguely aware of Crosshair and Omega’s existence, but could barely access any of my own memories, beyond the things I instinctively knew. I’d surmise… mmmm… mmmmaybe not… headache…” Tech gingerly massaged the pressure points along his temples, careful around the bandages. 
“Without knowing more about what specifically was altered, and what they used to keep you unconscious, I am hesitant to give you any medication. We don’t know what effect it will have when it mixes with whatever else is in your system right now. You also need time for your vitals to exist at this new stable conscious state for a little while before we introduce anything new. I promise you, I’ll do everything in my power to keep your brothers safe. Okay?” 
Tech nodded a tiny bit. “The others? Where?” 
Wrecker gave her a look. Clearly, speaking in partial phrases was not normal for Tech. The pain must have been getting to him. 
“I think you know the answer to that,” her voice was quiet and quizzical. This was clearly another test - a concussion test to see what he remembered. Tech tried to look up at the dark shape he knew was this Spitfire person. 
“Crosshair, Omega?” He tries. 
“That’s right,” she reassures. “We’ll meet up with them on the way out.” 
Tech’s world starts to swim. 
“It’s okay Genius, Wrecker’s got you. Take it easy.I’ll keep you and your family safe.” 
Tech could feel Wrecker’s arm slip around his shoulders, and lift him off the cold table and onto his own two feet. He managed to stay on his feet, though without Wrecker’s support that would have been a lot more difficult. 
Once again, Tech’s world shrank to the size of his own mind as he tried to find ways to combat the pain and stay conscious. There were moments when he was aware of his surroundings, and moments where he was only subconsciously aware, but through it all he managed to make his feet automatically shuffle forward with Wrecker. 
Here and there, scenes formed themselves around the brothers. 
Ping! Mandalorian was right! Tech would know the sound of blaster bolts bouncing off beskar anywhere. Based on the proximity of the sound, she was using her own beskar-clad body to shield both Tech and Wrecker. Tech could see flashes and fresh smudges of carbon scoring on the walls they passed and wondered how many of them had bounced off of her beskar first. 
Wrecker made a comment about wanting beskar of his own. Something about his shoulder aching just watching the blast bounce off of her. Tech silently agreed with him. That sounded like a smart idea. If only it was easier to come by. He’d have insisted his brothers all acquire it ages ago. Especially since even when working for the Republic, they seemed to be the ones to get all the reckless jobs. 
Then Spitfire is in front of them, popping open a panel in the extensive, white wall beside them. Sparks fly and wires now dangle from the opening in the wall. A door Tech had not been aware of before, slid open. On the other side were familiar voices and shapes. The rest of his brothers, and a small blonde blur that darted for his waist. Omega. 
He could feel her shaking, and was vaguely aware that his hip was being used as a tissue for those all too familiar tears. He reached down with his free hand and patted the blonde locks. Her arms relaxed a little, but remained wrapped tightly around his waist. 
Crosshair approached, and knelt by Omega, calming her further. Tech didn’t need to be able to see much to know Hunter was puffing out his chest with pride for their brother. Speaking of, Hunter was in front of Tech now. He seemed to be fussing over something, probably the way Tech seemed only partially conscious. Tech tried to pull himself together to answer, but was vaguely aware of only being able to groan and mumble a little. Spitfire gave what was apparently enough of an answer that Hunter backed off a bit, though by the way he continued to hover nearby, Tech could tell he was still worried. Tech did his best to focus on his surroundings and bring himself back to the present moment, for the sake of Hunter’s nerves. 
The slightly smaller armoured shape that he knew to be Spitfire was back in Tech’s line of sight. She seemed to be fiddling with a long, thin item in her hands, which she then held out towards Crosshair. Tech concluded she must have been modifying one of her own blasters into sniper configuration for his brother. 
Crosshair seemed to finally acknowledge the woman. 
“Who are you?” He snarls at her, but accepts the proffered weapon. 
Echo appears at Tech’s side, “She’s basically just like him,” Echo pats Tech's shoulder, careful to be gentle, “except female… and cute.” The Domino Twin in Echo breaking the tension in the room before he continues on, “you sure you’re okay, Crosshair?” 
Crosshair grumbles and glares, but says no audible words. 
“He’s grumpy. He’s fine.” Hunter’s voice! His vocal patterns indicated he was somewhere between annoyed and bemused. “You okay, Tech?” Clearly he was aware that Tech was once again in tune with his surroundings. 
“I have had a constant headache since regaining consciousness, but I am otherwise in a suitable state to continue, so long as I retain vertical support during our exfiltration.” 
“What do ya know, long-winded, highly-detailed, but complete sentences. He’ll be okay too,” Echo muses. 
Someone pats Tech’s shoulder rather roughly this time, and his head pulses again. Tech closes his eyes, he wants to hold his breath at the sudden pain, but knows that won’t help, so instead he focuses on square breathing. To be honest, it is mostly just an attempt to distract himself from the pain and the chaos with a familiar pattern than anything else. While letting Wrecker guide his feet. 
Breathe in to the slow count of 4…
hold to the same slow count of 4…
whole breath out in the count of 4… 
hold to the count of 4, repeat…
After a few iterations, Tech switches back to normal breathing patterns, and then gets jarred back to reality when it suddenly gets loud and he can feel them getting bumped around. Tech opens his eyes again and is struck by the amount of clone voices and the fact that these clones are not fighting against Clone Force 99. Tech looks to Wrecker, confused. 
“We let ‘em all out!” Wrecker booms. “Good ‘ol Cap said he couldn’t leave a job like this half done! They are brothers too, after all.” 
Tech nods, and returns to trying to fend off the headache that is threatening to become a migraine if he’s not careful. Especially with all this new chaos alongside them. 
As they press on, Tech becomes aware of a nagging feeling in the back of his mind. In an attempt to distract himself from the pain in his head, he tries his best to untangle it via the limited data available to him right now. If only he could see! There were always so many clues in places like this, if only he could observe them! 
Suddenly, the start of an answer begins to emerge, and he surfaces from the recesses of his own mind. They’ve been standing still for too long, likely at a control console. Tech has a strange feeling of deja vu, though he’s not entirely sure why, but it definitely has something to do with Crosshair. Without warning the answer dawns on him, as images of Crosshair, alone, collapsing near a control console very much like this one makes it way to the forefront of his mind: they are walking into a trap! 
“This is undoubtedly a trap!” Tech exclaims, finger raised to emphasize his point. 
“We know,” Hunter speaks loud enough the group can hear him, but soft enough any surveillance equipment would struggle. “We sprung it intentionally, it was the only way to get you 3 out.” 
“Yes!” Spitfire seems happy about that, and Tech is grateful when she launches into an explanation of why. “Hemlock made sure that springing it was inevitable. Which meant the part of the plan that really mattered was the part that came after. However, there is no way he could have predicted a Mandalorian on the extraction team, nor my specific skillset, even if he did entertain the idea of you lot teaming up with a Mandalorian. Therefore, my skills represented a wildcard that we could not reveal to him until after we had sprung the trap!” She takes a breath, ready to continue on, but Crosshair gets there first. 
Acknowledging Echo’s earlier comment by looking directly at him, Crosshair addresses the group. “This is getting out of hand, now there are two of them!” 
“You got that right!” Wrecker laughs. 
Crosshair sighs. “So how do you usually get out of the big messes you make now?” exasperation and a longing to have been with them dripping from every word. 
“We don’t,” to everyone’s surprise, it’s Omega’s voice that answers, “we make a bigger mess that cancels out the first one!” 
Tech can tell Hunter’s helmet is turning slowly towards Omega, Hunter’s hands making a ‘hey!’ gesture. This must be the expression Omega had once described to Tech as a “sarcastically offended Dad face”, based on her laughter. It was good to hear such a happy sound again. 
Tech wonders how long it has been since she had laughed like that. Which, in turn, prompts another question: just how long the 3 of them have been stuck here? Tech turns his mind inwards for a moment. He knows Omega arrived not long after he did. He saw her arrive at Crosshair’s cell via security camera feed. He remembered Hemlock’s voice telling him his effort to protect his family was in vain, that she was all that was left, but he was glad he had not believed Hemlock. His family was clearly alive now. But no matter how hard he tries, there’s no sense of time attached to all the memories after the fall… Spitfire was right. Hemlock had learned a lot from Echo’s escape, and had made sure to keep Tech disconnected and in the dark. It felt like everything the sadistic ‘doctor’ had done was as poisonous as his name implied. Tech wondered if the name ‘Hemlock’ was even the man’s given name. It fit him far too well to be a coincidence. 
Once again loud noises draw Tech from his revelations. 
“Oh look!” Echo’s voice is the first thing Tech hear’s clearly. Echo is clearly amused, “they’re lining up for us!” 
“They’re excited,” Wrecker returns the jest. 
“On my belt.” Hunter’s hip shifts towards Crosshair as they stand in front of Wreck and Tech. Crosshair pulls something from Hunter’s utility belt, and Tech notices it glints in the light. Crosshair’s reflector pucks! Crosshair holds the puck in front of Tech’s nose, but does not address him. 
“Throw it to the end of the corridor,” he instructs, never taking his eyes off the targets. Something about the way he’d deliberately brandished it in front of Tech’s face indicated that this was Crosshair's attempt to keep Tech in the loop despite his lack of certain faculties at the moment. 
“You got it!” Wrecker reaches for the puck. 
Tech feels Echo’s arm shifting Tech’s weight off of Wrecker. He complies with the shift, wishing he could do more than just follow lamely like a lost massiff puppy. Though it was comforting to hear his brother’s banter pick up like nothing had changed, and he was grateful for Crosshair’s silent efforts to keep him in the loop. 
With a single shot from Crosshair, the corridor falls eerily quiet. Crosshair turns to Hunter, Tech can only guess that he’s likely raising his eyebrows to ask when that “bigger mess” is coming into play. 
There’s a hissing sound, and the hallway begins to fill with something foggy from the grates in the ceiling. 
Crosshair points up. “That’s a trap. Hemlock is immune.” 
Hunter tosses something to Crosshair and Spitfire from his pack, and then extracts 1 more, turning to Omega. 
Spitfire approaches Tech with the item, “respiratory mask!” She explains, placing it over his nose and mouth. “They took your helmet, but we’ll build you a new one,” these words are only loud enough that Tech can hear them. And they make a small smile cross his lips for a moment, between the surges of pain in his head. 
Tech zones out again, mind jumping between thoughts with little to no consistency. It seems likely that he is also still a little loopy from whatever they used to keep him unconscious and compliant, but his brothers and Spitfire have everything covered for the time being. He can let his mind explore the various scenarios as long as he stays conscious during the exfiltration. 
It’s likely that the resurgence of the headaches is related to the toxin pouring from the ceiling. 
Hmm, more evidence that Hemlock is a chosen name and not a given one. Next time he won’t take such a clearly carefully selected name for granted. It’s almost like Hemlock wanted people to know what he was good at. 
If Tech had his gear he’d take notes. His gear. Tech wondered what Hemlock had done with his helmet… and his datapad… and his helmet… how much had the people here learned about him and his brothers, or had Tech’s own safety measures prevented them from learning anything? 
Had any of the data the Empire had retrieved from Tech’s own work gotten back to his brothers? Is that how they were able to find them? Endless questions… always endless questions… Tech made a mental note to ask Echo about it all later. Hunter too, but Echo was better at included the details Tech wanted in the first go around. 
A raucous but familiar giggle over the intercom breaks through the haze of the hallway that mirrored the haze in Tech’s mind. 
“Your turn 99’s! Ready or not, here I come!” 
Normally, a sentiment like that would have put Tech on high alert, but the voice that said it was one Tech knew he could trust with the lives of his brothers. Captain Gregor! Which meant that Captain Rex was also likely nearby, probably orchestrating the brothers that once clamored through the hallways with them. It was instances like this that showed how much Rex cared, determined to protect all their brothers. That was what assured Tech that Rex was a leader worthy of his title. 
Tech isn’t sure how much time passes, just that he is vaguely proud of Omega for something that seems to help neutralize the toxin descending from the ceiling and accumulating as a foggy drift at their feet. Tech watches it swirl as they start to move again. 
After a few moments as foggy as the clouds drifting around their ankles, Tech is aware that he was witnessed an explosion and is not standing anymore. That jolts him back to his senses. But what he finds is not what he expects to find. 
Echo and Wrecker seem to be sitting Tech on a soft bench. The calming of the chaos around them would suggest they are now safely out of Hemlock’s facility and onboard a ship of some kind. Tech puts a hand on the bench he sits on and feels around. A medbay bench. Probably a smart idea. Tech doubted he was “ship-shaped” anymore as Hunter had once described it. 
That new voice is again near Tech, but he knows his brothers are still nearby too. The voice says something about “might sting” and “hang in there”, and Tech feels a sharp pain in his neck. Tech flinches, sitting up straighter, and feels his senses once again tune into the world around him. This time with less effort on his part. 
“All aboard?” Gregor's voice rings out from the cockpit. Hunter’s still-blurry shape disappears in the direction of Gregor's voice. 
Tech even notices when the ship jumps to hyperspace! 
“Is that better?” Spitfire asks, turning back to him, one hand still on his cheek, but not so cold this time around. 
“Significantly,” Tech answers, the pain subsiding rapidly, “I take it you were able to successfully determine whether my modifications could handle standard migraine medication and administer it?” 
She laughs, “Yes, and it seems to have worked wonders. We were all worried about you there. You started to fade again after that last booby trap. How are you feeling now?” 
“I believe we made the jump to hyperspace a moment ago?” He asks. 
“Yes we did!” Spitfire answers. 
Wrecker cheers behind her. 
“Is there any chance you have been able to fabricate another pair of my goggles? I would like to see my environment.” 
“I’m afraid not. I’m glad you seem to remember you had your spare pair on you, though. But we’ve been a little more focused on finding you than making new lenses. Though, we have the frames, and I was able to locate your notes on your prescription on your datapad, so I’m sure we will be able to pull something together. For now, let’s get everyone patched up. We’re on our way to a secret medical facility, courtesy of the Alderaanean senators, but if we can give everyone a once over before we get there it will save time in the long run, and we will know for certain who needs first priority.” 
Behind her, raised voices begin to echo in the small cabin, naturally summoning Echo to calm them. 
“Crosshair! Hunter! Enough! Yes, we sold the 733. Yes, we are sorry. No, we didn’t have a choice. You know damn well Hunter wouldn’t have sold it without good reason, none of us would have. Haran [hell], he even sold me as a droid. Calm down. We’re all here. That’s what matters.” 
“Good to know being brothers matters so much to you,” Crosshair spits out, reluctant to give up his grudge. 
“I wasn’t gonna–” Hunger starts, continuing the argument in true brotherly fashion. 
“ENOUGH!” Echo interrupts, “Again, we have the whole squad back now. Can we just focus on that? I’m getting a headache just listening to you two.” 
“Family,” Omega’s voice is smaller than usual, but she still pipes up. 
“What?” Hunter asks. 
“Family. Echo said squad,” she turns to him, “but you meant family.” 
Echo smiles and kneels in front of her, “You’re right kid. I did mean family.” And he scoops her into a big hug. 
Tech releases a breath he didn’t know he was holding. His family is safe now. At least that checklist that had started amidst the darkness was now complete. He had found his way out of the darkness. He had his family back. And he and his family were all safe. He could relax and focus on other things now.
(Part 4)
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Please don’t steal my work! I pour my heart into these so if you like it please reblog to share instead of reposting it!
taglist: @bambambunny
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lampternfish · 2 years
Databot: Another Lampfish headcannon i will infodump about
As everyone knows, i infodump about my hc for a darker version of boboiboy
This time, databot, the powersphera of archieved knowledge.
This is sort of a hc + possible future oc
Databot used to travel with a partner to archieve that of information, several theories of information, several sides and views of information.
This partner, lets say, is one that has a long lifespan, a tortoise like alien perhaps, i will call him tortuah, because it seems like monsta likes funny joke names
Tortuah is part of the organisation that runs the arc of information, as he was tasked to record information with the assistance of the at the time, newly built powersphera databot.
Tortuah will dress in but a simple manner, he simply looked like any traveller from afar, he was the one to even go into places where political chaos is oxcuring witht he chance of death to record that of information so it wouldnt be forgotten, a brave journalist in a way, he would also share his knowledge to the people in need, sometimes, the information he does know will plague him at night as terrifying nightmares, but he persisted, anything for the archival of information that may be lost to the hands of time, he continued, databot remained like that of an inncoent child, as he wasnt propgrammed to feel overbeared by the knowledge he stored, he is simply, a very big usb with some sentience. He is basically a character based off the "sometimes, knowledge is a curse", eventually, he did come to perish, whej death finally came to take him, ironically, his name and his identity was lost to time, databot too, vanished, as they lost contact with him, until boboiboy found databot in the old arc, his memory nearly full, maybe his system discarded that of the last memories of him and his old friend, as to make room for more important information to record
Well that was depressing, i hope you like the idea tho, if you ever made any stuff based off my ideas, tag me, i would like to see! [○|](
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primptownklug · 3 years
roleplay notes!
AJR X ROAR cover of The Fright's "You Are Going to Hate This" | AKA Sexism is No Good!
arle kare & arle doppel are basically sisters
chaos theory remy... butterfly wings and so much angxiety
maguremy kis<3
will of the worlds comes down and causes problems on accident
squares talks to remy abt how his friends should respect him
satan cries
the arles Merge just like in steven universe they're a system
maguro contemplates
The Gang plays minecraft and destroys a p2w server
maguro infodumps to literally everyone who will listen
amitie infodumps to literally anyone who might listen
popoi spreads misinformation and causes problems on purpose
risukuma makes an appearance! wow
ecolo must confront his sins or something idk
remy destroys a cruxifix with klug as a friendly bonding activity, BUT his brother sees and he's filled with so much religious guilt he runs away
he/they polycule
the only twowho are not explicitly dstig in the he they polycule are Ami and Remy and that's just cause they r qpps
maybe have the arles talk over Totally Normal Tea
additional notes/rp ideas:
i HAVE. to find someone to rp say with... it is just a need i Require.
i think that alden would be a good new name for mitie... he'd still use amitie sometimes but. yeah
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Riverdale 5x08 Thoughts
So usually I would write a review for an episode where I go really in depth and analyse everything that happened in the episode, give you all some of my theories for next but to be honest I just don’t have the energy for that. I thought after a couple of days processing everything and giving the episode a rewatch I would be able to but nope. So instead here are just some thoughts and opinions on the episode. Again just my own opinions I am sure there will be some out there who disagree and that is fine. Also there are spoilers. 
1) So I didn’t like this episode and a large, well to be honest nearly all of that was because of the writing. The writing in this episode wasn’t their best and made me dislike so many of the characters, I mean they were all doing things that just seemed really random and out of the blue and I think the reason why it felt this way is because it was too rushed and these were character arcs that should have spread across several episodes but were instead crammed into well not even one episode really, it was more like half an episode. I just feel like in the first half the episode nothing really happened and then the second half everything happened which was really jarring. Overall too many storylines in this episode just felt rushed and alot of them just didn’t make sense. 
2) Ok so the key party was way too hyped up for what it was. It had the potential to be soo much more interesting than it was. I mean it lasted no time at all and not much really happened I mean half the characters walked out and the other left with the people they came with. The most interesting thing that happened was the kiss between Reggie and Fangs. I also find it kind of funny that this was a key party and yet the only people who actually end up sleeping together is Eric and Minerva, off screen but its still heavily implied. I just think that the writers hyped this up to be some big dramatic scene and then nothing really happened. And like even within the show Cheryl really hyped the key party up, with all that talk about throwing some chaos at it, and it’ll be a sexual switcheroo, one last night of wanton abandonment to remind them of their youth and yup literally nothing happened. If I had written this scene I actually would have had Eric go first and pull Minerva’s key to set up the fun vibe. Then followed with Reggie to keep that oh this is kind of fun vibe going. Then I would have had Betty pull Archie’s key first or rather instead of Veronica pulling it. Then maybe Kevin could have made some kind of comment or joke about how Betty and Archie have already been hooking up, then Veronica could seem shocked and question them about it, which leads to Chad accusing her of being jealous of Archie and still having feelings for Archie, which leads to Archie standing up for Veronica and telling Chad to leave her alone, which leads to Betty asking Archie if he has feelings for Veronica. They could also have then ended the scene with Jughead drunkenly deciding to pick a key because he just can’t deal with this drama right now which interrupts all the arguments and leaves everything between all those couples unresolved at the key party which could then lead into those scenes that followed. It would have been more dramatic and tense but would still have lead to the same place if that’s where the writers really felt they wanted to go though I have my own opinions on that too. 
3) Kevin. Oh Kevin I just, I don’t know what was going on with him this episode. I mean the opening was shocking, I do think the writers wrote that well, it did kind of send you for a loop and wonder what the hell Kevin was doing, because it did look like a was cheating on Fangs but then later we get the reveal that they are actually in an open relationship. Which fair do’s. However Kevin just seemed very self destructive in this episode it was like he wanted him and Fangs to fail. Something is clearly going on with Kevin and the synopsis for episode 9 talked about Kevin having to face something dark from his past so I am assuming his behaviour this episode has something to do with that. My theory is that it is related to the storyline from Katy Keene with Kevin and that Director Lester Darin. Whatever it is I do think he needs to talk with Fangs about it. I was 100% on Fangs side when he pointed out that they were having a baby together and asked what about Toni. Like a child isn’t something you should mess about with if Kevin wasn’t ready then he shouldn’t have brought up having children. And that’s what’s so odd about this situation is we find out that Kevin is the one that pushed for it all, it was him that wanted to have the open relationship, it was him who wanted to get married and it was him who wanted to have a child. Also its not just Kevin and Fangs who are involved in this its Toni too, Kevin needs to get his head on straight and fast because that baby is coming and soon. Look I wasn’t entirely happy with the Kangs storyline this episode because once again it felt rushed. It again felt like it should have been drawn out over several episodes. Just in this episode we for a moment believed that Kevin was cheating, then we found out they were in an open relationship, then we found out they were getting engaged, then we found out they and Toni were all having a baby together, which you know  I called that all the back when they first announced Toni was going to be pregnant post time jump, we get all this infodump in the first half of the episode then by the end of the episode Kevin and Fangs are on the rocks. A lot of people are saying that they have broken up and I’m not sure they have technically broken up, they definitely aren’t in a good place though. But again if they had just had the engagement and baby announcement in say 5x04, then revealed the whole open relationship in say 5x06 it would have felt like a much more fleshed out story and not as rushed. 
4) Ok so this is one that has probably split some opinions in the fandom but I want to talk about Veronica. Now I do want to make it clear that I am not hating on Veronica here but there were some things she did this episode that I was not a fan of and again I think alot of it was just bad writing. I was not a fan at all of the way Veronica used Archie to make Chad jealous, to me that was very petty and very childish and yes I know that Chad was also behaving childish but I was kind of hoping Veronica would rise above it. I also was not a fan of the way she was flirting with Archie whilst still married to Chad, I don’t care how crappy of a person Chad is that still made me uncomfortable. But on the flip side of that like with the whole Barchie cheating storyline I am aware that people can make mistakes and get caught up in their feelings, I mean they are still only young adults, so they are still growing and learning. I think the thing  that bothers me the most with Veronica or rather I should say the way they wrote Veronica is that whilst Betty and Archie clearly showed that they felt remorse and guilt for cheating Veronica did not seem to give two hoots about the fact that she was flirting with her ex behind her husband’s back. And I know people will say ‘oh but Chad’s a bad person and treats her bad.’ Ok fine then just leave him, that's not an excuse to behave that way. Also the other thing that bothered me was her attitude at the key party when she pulled Archie’s key. Now at first I thought that meant Archie would go home with them both if they followed the rules but then when I rewatched it I realised that when someone picked keys they would then retrieve their own from the bowl. After Veronica announces ‘oh look I’ve got Chad’s keys’ she then picks her own up out of the bowl. Also the fact that Kevin and Fangs both had their own keys in the bowl and yet they left with separate people. So I actually think Chad and Veronica were going to leave with separate people so it wasn’t that the three of them would be hooking up it was that Veronica was going to leave to hook up with Archie. It makes sense then that Chad would not be comfortable with this. I mean I can’t blame Chad for not wanting his wife to leave a swingers party with not just her ex but with the same guy who Veronica was deliberately using to try and make him jealous and who he has already voiced his suspicions about. The part that bothered me was when Chad first protested she said don’t be rude those are the rules, I was just like girl what are you on, she might as well have said ‘don’t be rude Chad I want to have sex with my ex and you need to be happy about it ok’ and yet a few moments later when it gets too tense for her liking and she gets Chad’s keys instead and Cheryl says that’s breaking the rules, she tells Cheryl to call her lawyer. So basically when it suits her and she wants an excuse to hook up with her ex its the rules but when it becomes an inconvenience then she’s breaking the rules and you can call her lawyer. It just did not paint Veronica in a good light at all in my opinion. But I also hated that scene when Chad confronts her asking if she just called him to humiliate and make him jealous. Firstly this tells us that Veronica called her husband and asked him to come to the party with her which really why would you do that if you are having feelings for another man and you felt like you needed time away from your husband? It makes no sense. Also she lied and then said no she wasn’t trying to make him jealous and the way she said it made it seem like she was insulted that he would even think that. Again didn’t paint Veronica in a good light. Also to be clear I am not saying that because it didn’t paint Veronica in a good light that it did paint Chad in a good light, he’s still trash but I don’t really care about him so you know whatever. And once again I was not ok with the fact that what brings her to the realisation that she needs to end her marriage was again the fact that he wasn’t ok with her hooking up with her ex at a key party. Like I am sure this isn’t how the writers meant it to come across but that’s how it did and I just feel like there were so many other ways and other things that could have brought her to that realisation then the key party. I also I was not ok with the fact that literally 5 seconds after she decides to divorce Chad she is making out with Archie. I just, no it’s too fast and it’s too rushed. I do not think it was necessary for them to kiss in that moment. Like it would have been fine if she had just said you know ,’I’m divorcing my husband,’ and then have Archie have some kind of look not even necessarily say anything and leave it there. It would have left some intrigue for next episode like ooh does this mean they are going to rekindle things, will they kiss next episode. Instead because of how close it was to her deciding to divorce her husband the scene where they reunite just felt icky to me, I mean the ink on her divorce papers isn’t even dry yet, hell scratch that it isn’t even wet yet because she only made the decision to divorce she hasn’t even filed for divorce yet so technically she’s still married. But more than all of that my biggest problem with Veronica’s storyline this episode is once again it revolves around the men in her life. Like the writers seem incapable of writing this woman as single. Even when Archie left Riverdale in season 3 which would have been the perfect opportunity to have Veronica be single for a while they matched her with Reggie. Now don’t get me wrong I loved those two together in fact out of all the people Veronica has been with her and Reggie are my favourite, I just think they worked really well together. But again it brings me to another thing that made me feel uncomfortable and that is I’m sensing this pattern with Veronica where she’ll be with someone when Archie is away and then when he comes back she’ll ditch the other person for Archie. Which would be ok if it weren’t for the fact that she always seems to do it in a way that makes it look like she doesn’t have any care for the other person’s feelings. Unfortunately this makes Veronica seem not just disloyal but kind of cold and that’s not a true testament to Veronica’s character at all. I just get so frustrated with the way they write for her sometimes. I mean there was so much that was badly written about her marriage to Chad and just this episode in general as I said before painted alot of the characters in a bad light. I just wish they would keep Veronica single for a while and write a storyline that is solely about her because there is a heck of a lot more to her character than just who she’s attracted to.  
5) Ok Archie, this episode I just. To be honest I’m still too mad about it to even really talk much about it. I feel like out of everyone, the one the writers made look the worst this episode was Archie. I mean outside of who you ship, that conversation he has with Eric after Betty calls him because of her nightmare, was just well I don’t have words for what it was. It made it seem like all he cared about was sex and that he was annoyed/ didn’t care that Betty was upset. This is not our Archie Andrews, in no world would he be that cold about Betty upset he has always been there for her. It wasn’t just insulting to Barchie it was insulting to Archie’s character and who he is at his core which is someone who always cares about his friends above all else. 
6) Cheryl is once again going about everything the wrong way. I could understand her being a little upset at the fact that Toni is making this big happy non traditional family for herself because she probably thought that one day it would be her and Toni having the baby and so this might make her feel left out. I mean she was genuinely happy for Kangs when they announced their engagement. So its not like she doesn’t want anyone to be happy when she’s not. I also feel like given that Toni came to see her twice during the time jump which we learn when her and Archie are catching up in 5x04 that maybe originally she was hoping to include Cheryl in the whole baby thing and raise the baby all four of them together. A part of me still hopes that might happen but I feel like there needs to be alot of growing and healing for all four of the characters first. However unfortunately Cheryl’s jealousy at the situation leads to her being too manipulative and she arranges the key party so that she can show Toni how ‘fragile some unions can be’ and makes her the creepiest nursery in the world hoping that they can all hole up in Thorn Hill together. I am glad that Toni called Cheryl out on her manipulation I do think Cheryl needed that. Also as a side note I was expecting some explanation as to why Toni won’t be appearing in the next few episodes but at first I thought we didn’t. But then again on the rewatch I realised they kind of did. When Cheryl comes barging in after the baby announcement Toni tells her that she wants to take a step back from the Vixens. But then Cheryl interrupts her. I think the writers were expecting us to put the rest together ourselves which is Toni now that she’s nearing the end of her pregnancy she is likely going to be staying at home more and resting up.  
7) I am ok with the kiss between Cheryl and Minerva. My hope is that Minerva is not going to manipulate her in some way and that this relationship will give Cheryl something that will make her a better person so that when she is ready to go back to Toni she has learnt something if that makes sense.  
8) Ok so I want to talk about some positives because at this point it feels more like a rant than anything else and there were some things I liked in this episode. Obviously as a Barchie shipper I thought the firefighter scene in the beginning of the scene was really sweet and it was very aesthetically pleasing with all the candles and everything, it was just a well shot scene. 
9) I am very intrigued by Jughead’s blackouts and trauma that he experienced in New York. I do have a theory that the visions he is seeing of the mothman and how twice they are shown as a reflection is suppose to be because he is seeing the mothman/ this monster in himself. I really do think that Jughead killed someone while blacked out and subconsciously he remembers it but he’s so traumatised by it he’s keeping it repressed. Now whether he killed someone accidently, or whether it was self defence or the drugs just made him lose it on someone I’m not sure but I am convinced that he is responsible for someone death somehow. 
10) As always I loved Jughead and Tabitha’s interaction this episode. Tabitha is an absolute angel and such a supportive friend. The way she went to the support group with him and got him to open up to her. How she took care of him after the key party. She’s clearly come to care about him a lot and its nice to see someone supporting Jughead. 
Ok and that’s it for this episode. I don’t have any theories for next episode but I’ve also kind have lost any enthusiasm I had for the show which is frustrating because up until this episode I was really enjoying this season but this episode was so bad its literally knocked the wind right out of me.                  
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des-draws · 4 years
1-A autistic hcs!
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Alright it’s already past midnight here but. I’m still posting this.
Back in my 1-A pride hcs post I also mentioned my autistic hcs, and said I might elaborate on them in April. But because I am a master of procrastination, of course I left it for last minute. 
But either way, here you go; over 3k of projection and infodumping. I’m gonna leave an AO3 link in the replies if it’s easier for you to read there.
(general tw for some mentions of ableism, and specifically tw for ableism/child abuse/ende*vor in the very first bulletpoint)
Ende*vor absolutely refused to believe that there could be something “wrong” with the one supposed to surpass All Might, and so he ignored any and all traits Todoroki would show, punished him for the ones he couldn’t ignore, and chalked up the meltdowns he caused him to Todoroki being a brat.
As such, Todoroki spent a lot of his life masking and hiding and suppressing himself.
Thankfully, much like with everything else, after moving to the dorms he’s starting to unlearn all that internalized shit and instead accept himself for who he is- including indulging in suppressed stims, special interests and other autistic behaviours in a safe, accepting environment. 
He’s found that cold soba is apparently a samefood for him- he knew he liked it enough to eat it all the time without getting bored of it (not that he actually does, since with their hero training a balanced, diverse diet is important), but he didn’t know there was a word for that.
Monotone voice and trouble with facial expressions, you know how it goes. He actually tries to use the “correct” tone and make the “correct” expression, if only so that the people he’s supposed to protect don’t think of him as “aloof”, but he gets easily tired of going back to the masking. He cares, he cares so much, this is just not one of the ways of showing it that comes to him naturally.
Can people please stop talking in metaphors and idioms around him and expect him to know the translation to everything. Thank you.
He’s reluctantly letting himself indulge in his recently discovered special interest on a certain manga series; he’s been buying the volumes, and at some point Sero found him reading one and they started bonding over it. Now Todoroki goes to Sero when he feels like infodumping- though, he has to be careful not to spoil anything. Sero is a way behind since he doesn’t go through the volumes like someone’s chasing him. He has, however, helped Todoroki make a blog where he can infodump about it, spoilers and all. He’s quickly becoming “fandom famous”, Sero says- and even though Todoroki’s not sure what that means yet, he’s very happy to see others as into the series as he is.
Iida gives him stim and fidget toys all the time- Todoroki is reluctant to keep them as the other says, since he could buy them himself, but Iida insists. Todoroki especially likes the tangles. He’s building himself quite the collection.
He’s also invested in some high-quality sound-cancelling headphones. Long overdue, but better late than never.
Favorite stim: TBA, although clenching his fists around his thumbs is something he’s always done- even before he had a name for it, or knew why it was so comforting. 
His special interests are Quirks and All Might (the Hero Persona™ rather then the person)! He can infodump about different quirks and theories on how to use them and “what if x quirk exists how would that work” for hours. He’s spent entire evenings arguing on forums about which of All Might’s hero outfits was most efficient and useful for what was needed. Inko, on more than one occasion, had to lure him out of his room with the promise of a rare comic book so he would eat something.
On that same vein, he is appalled by some of his classmates’ hero costumes. He’s too polite to be that crass about it out loud, but in his brain he’s always going “what in the everloving fuck is this???? Who let a teenager go into battle naked???? Did she just go ‘oh yea give me a pair of gloves and boots and I’m set’ and they let her??? Who agreed to this?? Nothing tracking her vitals, nothing keeping her warm in fucking December????? This is just irresponsible”
So you can imagine the rants he goes into when one of them does ask him for advice on how to update their costume.
He likes visual stims a lot- you know that thing where you shut your eyes and wave a bright phone screen in front of them? He loves that
Having trouble emotionally regulating means lots of crying. Not a bad thing, just. A thing. That a lot of people don’t expect when they first meet him.
Inko has always tried her best to accommodate him, but there’s only so much to do when they’re just getting by. He’s very understanding though. She gets into making DIY stim toys for him, and as he grows up he joins in and it’s a very pleasant pastime for the two of them (to the point that he’d rather keep them as mementos of the time spent together than use them for stimming).
Favorite stim: Hand-flapping and back-and-forth rocking!! Classic and good!
No volume control we die like men (he’s trying to work on it but a lot of the time he’s louder than he realizes. His friends never fault him for it tough.)
Always loved putting his toys in a line- lines are neat! Don’t you see how tidy everything looks now? This is fun! Unfortunately, kids his age didn’t have the same opinion and just chalked it up to him being a “neat freak”.
The kind to separate his food into sections. He had to get used to eating with company in school, since no one wanted to sit with him during lunchtime before, lest they be subjected to his “bizarre eating habits”.
His family is, thankfully, very supportive and accommodating. They were a little worried when he moved into the dorms, but he reassured them that his classmates are just as accepting and understanding. And besides, he’s not the only “out” neurodivergent kid around anymore!
Has copied the language habits of his parents around Important Customers and never stopped. No one in his family talks quite as formally as he does in casual settings, but hey, better to be too formal than too informal and be considered rude, right?
Owns quite the collection of stim toys. Cubes, squishies, tangles, slime, kinetic sand- you name it, he has it! It’s not so much for himself, since he has a few favorites and sticks to them, but keeps the rest more so for anyone else that might need them.
He’s partial to the fidget pen- he likes fidget cubes too, but they’re usually a little small for his hands and harder to work with.
Doesn’t use memes quite right, but is always eager to learn where they originated from. Kaminari (always good-heartedly) never misses an opportunity to explain them to him, and gets so proud when one of Iida’s attempts lands.
He was kind of worried he’d look out of place on stage in the Cultural Festival, but with his friends reassuring him it’s alright, not only did he go out there, but had lots of fun as well!
Very routine focused. He loses half an hour of sleep and he’s already thinking about re-structuring his entire schedule.
Orange juice is a samefood. That boy need his orang juice
Special interest in the mechanics that go into hero costumes and quirk-assisting gadgets. It’s why he was so eager to accept help from Hatsume during the sports festival (he has mixed feelings about this one), and he’s sure they would work well together if only she stopped trying to make him a test subject.
It’s also something he and Midoriya can spend hours going back and forth about. Iida doesn’t usually lose track of time, but he can’t help it when such an interesting conversation is happening!
Screw “quiet hands”. In this house we wave our hands around intensely enough to almost smack someone (“but not actually smack them!! Always be aware of your surroundings!!”)
Favorite stim: Believe it or not, running! The wind resistance, the stomp of his feet, is all Very Good!!
He used to chew stuff a lot- first as a way to get used to his new, sharper teeth, and then because he just liked how very stimmy it is! But he’d also chew stuff that’s not really supposed to be put your mouth so his moms helped him find healthier stim alternatives, since actual chewelry were either a) not stimmy enough, b) wrong texture or c) destroyed too quickly and he’d just go back to chewing unhealthy stuff.
Since he’s grown enough to not go through chewelry at a breakneck pace, he keeps a couple at hand for when he’s studying- helps him focus! He was kinda embarrassed to bring one to his and Bakugou’s study sessions at first, but after Bakugou admitted that he’s also autistic he started keeping one on his person during them- assuring the other that he’s taking proper care of washing it and everything.
He used to bite on his hands as well- still does when he's under extreme stress (imagine summer camp/AFO showing up at Kamino levels of stress) even though he's grown out of it for the most part.
Hyper-Empathy Station. Makes him good with people (and animals) but leaves him exhausted more often than not.
“Hey don’t you get tired of sticking your hair up like that every d-” “It’s routine bro you can’t just quit it that would be chaos”
Whether he wears it up or not, his hair always seems to be a very good tactile stim, both for him and, surprisingly, Bakugou. When it’s up, the pointy spikes are very satisfying to run one’s hands over, just rough enough to slightly scratch the palm, but just light enough to not completely bring them down. When it’s down, Bakugou doesn’t miss an opportunity to touch it, which works for Kirishima too, since having people run their fingers through his hair is very relaxing to him.
He Cannot handle kinetic sand and most slimes. It either feels grainy and dry or too wet and sticky. The crunchy sound sand makes when it’s cut is like nails on a chalkboard in his head. It’s just not for him.
Gullible. Please be nice to him he just wants to believe in the good in everyone
Special interest on Crimson Riot!! I mean, come on; basing his hero persona on him, naming himself after him? Turning to interviews of his in moments of doubt and uncertainty, finding comfort in media about him? Yeah
Has a couple Comfort Sweaters™ and a single comfort plushie- a shark one, the first gift his Ma got him when she met his mom. It’s been patched and stitched up dozens of times, and barely holds itself together, which is why he never takes it out of its safe place in the closet unless he’s seriously in need for some comfort and has already exhausted all other options.
Bro, We Are Autistic . Its Ok To Stim Around Me . Im Ur Best Friend . I Love You . ... Bro, We Are Infodump ing Now . . No Dont Stop Bro .. Bro ...
Favorite stim: Bumping his hardened fists together!! Sometimes he’ll simply rub his hardened knuckles back and forth together- it’s more discreet, and while not as satisfactory, still good for emotional regulation.
Branded a problem child early on, Bakugou had the majority of his meltdowns called “tantrums” instead. So he decided that if everyone treats him like a brat, he might as well be one.
Even before he started losing his hearing, he had some auditory processing issues- which is why he hates hates hates when Midoriya mutters (and similarly, why he didn’t immediately turn his back to Kirishima- the guy talks loud and clear like 95% of the time. Bakugou can appreciate that, even if he won’t say it).
Face blindness is inconvenient as all hell, which is why he gives people ridiculous nicknames: connecting names to faces is difficult enough, and at the beginning he doesn’t really care to try and memorize them anyway, so he just finds a prominent characteristic to remember each of them by. 
[Insert Smart Guy Meme] “You can’t be deceived by fake politeness and sarcastic compliments if you react aggressively to everything people say to you”
Loves his routine and having everything planned. If you drag him into something out of nowhere and disrupt his schedule he will be mad at you for a week minimum (something his friends found out the hard way)
Prolonged human interaction is absolutely exhausting, more than any quirk training exercise, and he gets cranky at the speed of light when he reaches his limit. As time goes on he does find a few people (first Kirishima and then progressively the rest of the Bakusquad) that aren’t as exhausting for him to be around for longer and longer. He still needs his alone time, but now he knows that he can recharge around them as well, if he feels like having company.
Drumming is Very Good stim-wise. So is spicy food, which is why he likes it so much.
Pressure stims are The Worst for him- weighted blankets, tight vests, anything at all that might constrict him in any way? He Will react like cats do to cucumbers. The only exception is that once in a while, when he’s exhausted but can’t seem to ground himself enough to drift off, he’ll ask Kirishima to just. Lie on him, also like cats do, just until he falls asleep.
This is a No Socks Zone. These foot prisons are absolute sensory hell, and with how sweaty he gets it’s only made worse. 
How Can People Talk About Emotions While Simultaneously Looking Each Other In The Eye This Feels Disgusting I Will Blow Something Up: an autobiography
Favorite stim: Tiny explosions popping in his palms. Sure, grand light shows are fine and all but small ones, just big enough to feel through the roughed-up skin of his palms have a certain calming effect. Sucks that people immediately jump to assuming he’s threatening them when he’s just trying to cool down.
Very blunt. She doesn’t mean to be rude, but sometimes it comes across like it when she’s only trying to be honest and offer advice.
Raptor hands 24/7. what an icon
Has trouble with physical contact in the sense that she’s??? not really sure how to do it??? She offers hugs and hands to hold left and right but it always feels like she’s just. doing it. Like how one would tie a loose shoelace or button up a shirt. It’s not like she hates it, but her nonchalance when someone does hug her makes people assume she’s being cold- which is not the case at all! She’s just offering comfort in a way she knows other people will understand even if it’s not really doing much for her.
Jelly is a samefood! She likes sour apple jelly the best 
Kind of a black-and-white mind. She’s working on seeing the world in shades of grey though, since she saw how her Absolute thinking can impact her friends.
Low/no empathy. She hates that to some people’s eyes that automatically makes her a bad person. Kindness is a choice, one that she doesn’t need empathy to make every day.
Favorite stim: Her near constant kero-kero-ing is very much a vocal stim, as well as echolalia!
Makes her own stim toys using DIYs rather than her quirk, and is very eager to make any personalized ones for her friends! 
She also likes experimenting with what kinds of textures she can make using her quirk.
Has a semi-popular account where she uploads videos of her playing with slime and kinetic sand regularly.
Much like Iida, she adopted the more formal ways of speaking from her parents and house staff and has trouble toning it down (not that anyone faults her for it).
Very picky about who touches her. She genuinely does not want to come off as the Snobbish Rich Girl but sometimes when someone touches her with no warning or consent she feels like crawling out of her skin 
In the exact same vein, she was extremely hesitant to admit that the futons at the training camp drove her up the wall with that hellish texture. She didn’t want to be the nitpicky one and make a new one using her quirk, either. If anything good came out of the disaster that was the training camp, it was that she didn’t have to sleep on it another night, she thinks (and then feels terrible about it).
Her special interest is tea! Like, actual tea that you drink. Just look at how she lights up when she gets an opportunity to talk about it, or make some for others!! It’s also a samefood for her- she tries to be diverse, but there are a couple with juuust the right combination of smell and taste that she will always go back to.
Sometimes she won’t even drink any- just the process of making it is extremely comforting.
Favorite stim: Double-sided sequins! Tactile-visual stim combo!
Largely nonverbal. Talking to people is too stressful 99% of the time. Animals are way better listeners anyway.
No volume control we die like men part 2 (but it’s the complete opposite from Iida, in that he can never seem to raise his voice enough)
Likes his peace and quiet, and can easily go into sensory overload if one too many sounds are happening at once. He wants to invest in some headgear for his hero costume that helps him tune out distracting sounds so he can focus on matters at hand while still being able to hear and help those in need.
A plushie hoarder if I ever saw one. His room is the Ultimate Comfort Corner. 
Favorite stim: Humming to himself. Reluctant to do it in the presence of others, but increasingly comfortable around friends.
Samefoods with those juice pouches he always keeps around
Permanently exhausted due to having to interact with people
Talks in a monotone and has trouble making expressions
His sleeping bag is very good pressure stim. It’s also very hard for him to replace it, because it has to be Just Right, so by the time he does find one that is Just Right, the old one is practically falling apart.
The only reason he’ll sleep in a bed is if Mic is there to share it with him. Otherwise it’s too cold and exposed and weighted blankets can only do so much.
He kinda misses the time before he got top surgery for the sole reason that binders offered a very comforting pressure stim. However, he acknowledges that it’s for the best he got it, since a lot of the time he’d bind for longer than it’s safe. He was lucky to still have the option of getting surgery.
(this has been a safe binding psa, please don’t do what he did)
He does however, tend to wear a tight, though still breathable undershirt at near all times. 
As much as he complains about Mic’s mustache, he actually likes it. He tried to kiss Mic once when he shaved it for the first time in forever and instantly went “yea no. This isn’t working. Feels wrong and bad, Put It Back™”. Didn’t kiss him again until it grew back.
Everything Happens So Much
He talks back to cats. Like, actually meows back at them. Very good echolalia, makes Mic’s day to walk into a scene like this
Favorite stim: Petting cats! The fur of different breeds offers a variety in texture and when they start purring a very good auditory stim is added to the mix! And when they sit on him and add a pressure stim? Cats are the whole package!!
That’s all (for now?) Thanks for reading!! Hope you had a nice Autism Acceptance Month!!!
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kattimariias · 5 years
infodumping my infinite theories bc why not
Let’s started off with the unknown, deeper parts of his backstory, since I think there’s things Forces does not tell us.
Canonically, we already know that he was a mercenary that led a squad of other jackals, and harbored extreme hatred towards the world. I know he says that he’s grown bored of it, but I think that’s just saying it lightly. He wants it to be empty and destroyed, as visualized by the Phantom Ruby.
This is what motivates him into working with Eggman (despite protests from other members), which leads to his squad getting “destroyed” and his defeat done by Shadow. He breaks down, changes who he is, and then the events of Forces happening.
And this is where the questions come in. Why is he so bitter towards the world? Does actually care about his squad? What made him hate the thought of ever showing/being weak?
I think the first and last questions tie in with each other, and there’s evidence of this.
We know that he is a leader. A leader of a team that has to go through a lot of shit. Mercenaries basically risk their lives working for people, as there’s a strong chance they’ll be back stabbed themselves. 
In order to thrive, Infinite likely things he needs to succeed and never back down, or else they’ll be screwed. And such a thought process definitely has gone long enough to the point where he thinks that he is, well, ultimate. Better than the half-alien-chaos-powers-wielding-occasional gun agent.
Not showing weakness is a survival tactic that went too deep into his head. So when he is defeated by someone, probably for the first time in a long while, it basically breaks him, who he used to be.
Infinite is a lot less calm in both the tie-in comic and Episode Shadow. He lacks the elegant way he talks, and is outwardly aggressive; cutting straight into the action as fast as possible. This behavior is dropped as soon as he puts the mask and ruby on, and I think that’s because he tied it with weakness.
If he didn’t take the time to mock, if he sounded more subdued and less reckless-then maybe he won’t be weak anymore. He can change himself, and become better.
Not the better that the world needs.
His leader role also likely effected the way he views the world. Like I said before, being a mercenary often leads to danger. It can potentially show the worst parts of the world. Perhaps Infinite’s upbringing wasn’t terrible, but as soon as he needed to retreat to taking services from complete strangers, his viewpoint changed.
He couldn’t do much to escape from said viewpoint, so things became muddled. He objected to the poor treatment of others once before, but eventually he realized that this is the way things are in the world, and there’s not much that he could do about it. Least in his position.
Because I highly doubt he thinks hes worthy of redemption, but that’s for another time.
Also, note some of the lyrics in his theme song:
“I was born in this pain, it only hurts if you let it.”
“Only scars remain of who I was.”
“This pain, persists, I can’t resist, but that’s what it takes to be Infinite.”
I think it switches between his defeat, and what he feels internally on a general level.
He suppresses the pain inside, from losing what he thought he was, to the immense struggles of leading his squad, and the things he has seen that has changed his perspective. But he can’t fully resist, nor escape from it. He knows this by now, and it’s basically a part of him.
The scars are a representation of who he was in the past. Scars from battles, particularly the last one he had as his old self, are what’s left of those times.
Now onto the squad question. Are they related, or do they just happen to resemble him? Does he really care about them? Are they alive?
I personally believe that they are indeed related. Jackals in real life work as family units, and they can be kinda big. From what I can gather on that one panel from Rise of Infinite (the part where we first see Infinite), there seems to be six of them. There’s probably more we haven’t even seen, but I digress.
Which makes this next part kiiinda f/ucked up.
Infinite used to care about them. But the intense need to survive and improve himself as a leader led to him becoming selfish, and it came to a point where he just did what he wants and forced his siblings to follow suit. Hell, they became less of a family in his eyes and more like a squad. (they functioned as both, but more on the lines of family)
That’s what also makes me doubt they aren’t related/he never cared. If he never did, then they likely would’ve abandoned each other already. The reason why they stuck with Infinite is because he was apart of their family.
I also believe the theory that Shadow merely defeated the squad, and Eggman lied about them dying. Simply because it’s out of character as hell for Shadow to kill people after already experiencing familial death himself.
But I think Infinite becoming, well, Infinite, led to them no longer wanting to do with him. It wasn’t an easy decision, but it was obvious that the Infinite they knew was gone. There wasn’t much they could do anyways, he’s much more powerful than them now.
Does Infinite care about their supposed death? Deep down inside, yes. But he doesn’t recognize these feelings anymore, due to pushing himself to becoming near emotionless. I’m not even sure if he understands emotions like fear and grief, because he seemed...confused? Seeing himself shake after his fight with Shadow.
One last thing is something more meta, but what does SEGA have in plan for Infinite?
His fate in Forces is pretty ambiguous (andistillcannotwatchthatcutscenewithouttearinguprip), and he hasn’t appeared in much since then.
Since Forces was a mixed bag reception wise, leaning towards more negative, SEGA probably wants to throw everything about that game away. But considering how characters from other mixed/badly received games (06 with Silver, Lost World with Zavok and Zazz) made appearances after, I’m not sure if this is a factor in it.
Even though the fandom does have a mixed opinion on Infinite, you can’t really deny he does has a lot of fans. Said fans that have been kinda begging to see him again. I think SEGA might be aware of this, social media accounts can help with getting reception from fanbases.
Infinite can’t be in IDW, and he hasn’t even appeared in any spinoff titles. But it seems like companies can make merch of him? Which is something Mephiles and Eggman Nega barely even have.
With those things in mind, I think it’s possible that SEGA isn’t getting rid of Infinite. There’s something they have planned for him, and honestly? I’m not sure what other than a major role in the next mainline game. Hell, they could even be secretly making an Infinite spinoff game...but that’s just wishful speaking lol.
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themyskira · 6 years
Wonder Woman #48
Previously in What If Wonder Woman But Men???: Earth is being invaded by +~teh D4rK g0dz~+!! They’re an iteration of the Olympian gods from the Dark Multiverse. This means they’re suuuuuper dark and gritty and edgy (i.e. they’re into murdering and subjugation) and have suuuuuper dark and gritty and edgy backstories (i.e. with excessive fridging, slut-shaming and violence).
The reason they’re attacking now is that Diana accidentally summoned them by making a very big and very vague wish while in contact with a magical wishing device, and then forgot all about it.
Last issue, Diana was lured away from Earth by a nakedly obvious distraction so that the Dark Gods could launch their invasion behind her back. This time, we see how Jason managed while she was gone. (In essence: he fails to have any effect on the invaders, but he does discover that his armour gives him a handy infodump power. This entire issue is a waste of space.)
Meanwhile Wonder Woman, our alleged title character, appears in a grand total of one page. Two, if we’re generous and count an unnecessary recap panel.
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The panel in question, included here because WHERE THE FUCK IS HER RIBCAGE.
Diana disappears, leaving Jason to fight them monologue at us all on his own.
He calls on the magic of his armour — which, remember, enables him to access ALL THE POWERS OF ALL THE GREEK GODS, but only one at a time because let’s not be greedy.
I want to talk about the armour for a bit, because it comes into play, the more we learn about it, the more utterly half-baked it’s looking.
As of issue #47, we know that the armour was created by Zeus as a weapon against the coming Dark Gods, to be wielded by ‘Earth’s greatest hero’. In a plot snag that only remotely works if every single one of the Greek gods is not only sexist but a complete dunce, the Olympians thought the ‘greatest hero’ in question was Jason and gave the armour to him.
The idea behind the armour seems to be that it allows the wearer to hit the Dark Gods with the combined power of all the Olympians, dealing a greater blow than any one could strike individually. That would make sense. Except that the only stated limitation of the armour explicitly prevents the wearer from doing this: they can only use a single power at a time.
Which means that the benefit afforded by the armour isn’t actually all that great. The Olympians would do better to fight the Dark Gods as a group. Or perhaps appoint a champion who already carries a divinely powerful item and the blessings of many gods. Say, the strength of the earth from Demeter, wisdom from Athena, a hunter’s eye and unity with beasts from Artemis, sisterhood with fire from Hestia, speed and flight from Hermes OH WAIT.
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What’s more, the actual powers bestowed by the armour are absurdly ill-defined. In theory, the wearer can draw upon any of the abilities of any of the gods. In practice, that has meant that Jason leans almost exclusively on the Speed of Hermes and the Wisdom of Athena (and oh, friends, we’ll get to that one), with the occasional Strength, I Guess?? and Managed To Hit Something One Time And Claimed He’d Used A Marksmanship Power.
What are the actual powers and limitations of this thing? Can he use the power of Poseidon to cause earthquakes? The power of Dionysus to induce a drunken frenzy in people? The power of Aphrodite to make people fall in love? The power of Hephaestus to forge cool stuff? The power of Demeter to govern the changing of the seasons? The power of Hera to be a petty jealous ass?
Part of the problem with the concept of the armour is that it assumes that the Greek gods have discrete and clearly differentiated powers. It treats them like a team of superheroes as opposed to, you know, gods, with many and varied domains and associations.
Another problem becomes apparent here as Jason summons what he calls “the Wisdom of Athena”, but could more accurately be described as “the Infodump of the Lazy Writer”. This power doesn’t gift Jason with superior insight, understanding, judgement or strategic thinking — it just enables him to instantly know key pieces of plot-relevant information so that Robinson doesn’t have to go to the effort of folding them organically into the story.
This is how Jason learns the identities and domains of the Dark Gods and, hooboy, if you thought ol’ Khrysanthemum the Grimdark Love Deity was embarrassing, get a load of these guys.
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“Mob God, goddess of Chaos. And order, too— the “order” of mob rule. The order of a riot.”
MOBGOB! Horns, feathers, plate mail metal bustier and hoodie make for a confused sense of fashion, but the ripped fingerless gloves let you know she’s edgy™.
Literally just a shit version of the Greek goddess Eris.
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“The God With No Name. God of doubt. God of nothing.”
THE HORSE WITH NO NAME! Too lazy to get a proper Halloween costume; thinks nobody can tell he just threw a couple of dirty sheets over his regular clothes. We can tell, Horse. We can tell.
Would crap his dacks in the face of the primordial void of Khaos or the gaping jaws of Tartarus.
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“Savage Fire, goddess of war. Not war for some ideal or common good. War for power. War for profit. War for blood.”
SEXY SATAN LADY! Crotch is literally on fire. May want to get tested for UTI because that looks painful. Unclear how flaming-dominatrix-in-a-Halloween-mask getup is thematically connected to war domain.
Bro, you do realise that bloodlust, violence, destruction and slaughter in war is literally Ares’ entire deal?
The fourth Dark God — King Best, whose name sounds like a Melania Trump initiative — remains inside his floating statue, apparently biding his time while the other three take it in turns to attack.
Bear in mind, Jason is completely isolated and overwhelmed at this moment, and there’s no better opportunity for the Dark Gods to crush him into a pulp and feed him to King Be Best (he absorbs people’s power or something, it’s a thing, we’ll get to it). But no, they have to softball it by each waiting in turn to attack Jason while delivering some stilted line or other, aka the exact thing Robinson was poking fun at Jack Kirby for six-odd issues ago.
Sexy Satan Lady sets a bunch of flaming bats on Jason. I get the feeling she’s really not all that on board with the war portfolio. Like, she auditioned for the part of Lucifer, got cast as a war goddess instead, and now she just keeps trying to shoehorn hellfire and brimstone into everything.
Mobgob harnesses the power of the mob and uses it to… make a bunch of people jump off a skyscraper. This provides the Dark Gods with their second opportunity to incinerate Jason, as he scrambles to catch everybody before they hit the ground, but instead the Horse With No Name waits politely until all civilians have been delivered to safety before making his move.
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Jason: To me, Polly! Jason [VO]: Named my spear after Mom — discovered another of its powers, too — it can appear and disappear out of nowhere if I will it to.
Oh, get fuuuuuuucked.
Jason has spent pretty much his entire life resenting Hippolyta, and now he loves her and named his magic spear after her because James Robinson told us so (yet again, abusing narration boxes for an infodump). And, by the way, how many super-special magical gifts does Jason friggin need?
But mostly what pisses me off here is that Jason’s weapon — a divine polearm with a feminine name that comes to the wielder when summoned with the words “to me” — is basically just Artemis’ ‘Mistress’.
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Also, if you take another look at that panel of Jason, you’ll notice that as he summons his spear he is also diving out of the way of the Horse’s murderblast, allowing three innocent civilians to be horrifically killed in his stead. Cool hero.
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(No idea how noxious green murderblasts fit in with Mister Ed’s doubt-and-nothing domain, either, but it’s clear that none of the Dark Gods are particularly married to their areas of patronage.)
Jason throws the spear at the Horse, who disappears, and Sexy Satan Lady tags in, attacking him in the form of a pterodactyl made of fire.
Supergirl shows up and decks her. This makes Kara dizzy, because something something magic, and so rather than pay attention to what Sexy Satan Lady is doing or who she might be endangering, Jason swoops right in to help the swooning Supergirl.
Wait, why isn’t Supergirl still in the Dark Gods’ thrall? I thought their very approach was intoxicating and frenzy-inducing to people? Particularly those, like Kara, who have ambivalent relationships with their own divinities? Have we dropped that plot thread?
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Jason: Where did you come from—? Glad you did, but— Kara: Those insane gods possessed me, using their energy like I said—
That… does not explain anything.
After a couple of panels, Jason realises he’s forgetting something important. “Wait, what are we doing talking—? Should be looking— those ‘insane gods’ are still here.” But they’re not any more, because all of them except King Be Best’s flying stone statue have fucked off. Great heroing, guys!
Welp, out of sight, out of mind: Jason goes right on back to pointless talk.
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“This armour is a gift from my father, Zeus. It allows me the powers of the gods — only one power at a time, but still — Athena’s wisdom allows me to know some things… but my inexperience and stupidity don’t always tell me the best way to act upon it.”
This is where it becomes clear that Robinson is confusing ‘wisdom’ for ‘knowledge’. Athena isn’t the goddess of Knowing Shit, she’s a goddess of strategy, innovation, crafty thought and good counsel. In other words, blessed with the wisdom of Athena, you might not have all the answers, but you can assess what you do know with clear and discerning eyes and judge the best course of action, a.k.a. the complete opposite of what Jason is saying.
Jason and Kara only remember that they’re supposed to be stopping supervillains from taking over the world when Steve radios in to tell them that the Dark Gods are taking over the world.
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“They appeared in different parts of the world, sowing madness. Their very presence creates worshippers who then fight or become insane in some way.”
If that’s the case, how did Supergirl break free?
Once again, this is the kind of threat that could potentially be very effective, both in terms of building up the villains as a truly terrifying force and in terms of presenting Diana (remember her?) with a serious challenge in which the civilians she’s trying to save are trying just as hard to kill both her and each other.
And once again, Robinson delivers it in off-panel exposition, rendering it all kind of toothless.
The Justice League shows up and Jason fills them in. Somehow he now magically knows that Diana and the Star Sapphires are fighting another Dark God, I guess because his armour told him so. He also knows that the reason King Best & Less has yet to stir is that he’s waiting for something — though it’s not clear what that something is.
Because the Justice League are pros, they immediately decide that the best thing to do is to all fly right up to the super-dangerous floating murderstatue and stare at it curiously.
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Supergirl: The way he’s firing those rays reminds me of the dead New Gods on the Source Wall.
oh good. Please, do talk to me more about some crossover event that I’m never going to read.
Jason: Gods? Funny, I never dreamed I’d hear that term as much as I have.
Aquaman: Yes, old, New, Dark. Lots of gods.
I’m so glad we climbed halfway up the Big Bad’s nostrils to have this chat.
It’s at this exact moment that Bestie stops firing his eye lasers and eats the Justice League, which is no more than anybody in this book deserves. Or at least, he absorbs them or eats their energy or something. According to Jason’s useless power of infodump, he needed their power to animate his giant stone form.
Which really raises the question of why he needs a giant stone form. I’m sure it must be fun getting to trample the city and swat drones out of the sky like you’re Godzilla, but when it’s been established that you could be using your powers to induce frenzied levels of devotion and bend everybody to your will… stomping about in a giant rock suit that takes seven of the world’s greatest superheroes just to fuel seems kind of inefficient?
King B swats Jason out of the air, and then we get four pages of Best stomping on buildings while Steve tells us that the world is ending.
“The world’s gone mad. The Dark Gods are defeating everyone — armed forces, superheroes — those whom they haven’t possessed.”
Again, you’re not selling this. You expect me to believe that these dudes are an Apocalypse-level threat, but aside from Be Best eating the Justice League (we already know they’ll be fine), all I’ve seen of them is three rejects in unconvincing costumes making a half-hearted attempt to kill Jason before buggering off. Ten minutes later, I’m supposed to buy that they’ve crushed the world’s armed forces, beaten every hero and brought the entire world to its knees, all offscreen?
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Best Buy tries to incinerate Jason; unfortunately Diana arrives in the nick of time to save him, and thus ends another entirely unnecessary issue.
(Oh yeah, and it turns out the big guy in the last issue wasn’t a floaty-stone-statue-Megazord, it was just Be Best. Pity; at least a Megazord might have been slightly more fun.)
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smarmykemetic · 7 years
Is it ever awkward with Set and Heru-sa-Aset working with you? What's your UPG of how they feel working with each other and their overall feelings to each other?
*cracks knuckles* finally an excuse to infodump and feelings vomit about my main (pagan) gods! my experience with them, and with kemeticism in general, had a sorta weird and rocky start that has a huge effect on how i see and interact with them in general, so. long personal shit under the cut~!
Ironically, I first approached Set and HSA with the assumption that they were strictly enemies. My first interactions with the NTRW were overwhelmingly negative due to Set’s insistence on bothering me when I was too young and too Christian to not be terrified of even the possibility of pagan gods existing, much less a god of chaos insisting we were totally gonna be besties. By the time I accepted his existence as a deity rather than a demon, there was enough bad blood between me and Set that I was willing to turn to a different pagan god, one I had basically no interest in at the time, to get away from him. I’d read that Horus was Set’s enemy (during my Egypt mythology phase as a kid), had a vague idea that Horus was supposed to protect young people, put two and two together, and periodically tried to protect myself from whichever one of them I happened to feel more threatened by at any given time by pitting them against each other. 
My current theory is that Set was also being a dick to me because he was fulfilling his mythological role as the dread initiator -and that despite all of the moral outrage I would hear on the topic from HSA for years afterwards, was sort of doing it because “trial by Set” is part of ‘becoming’ Heru-sa-aset, who I would later decide to honor alongside Set (which fulfills their mythological role of rivals who work together for order and all that good stuff). However this is all speculation based on stuff I’ve read years after the fact, and it’s worth noting that my discernment was far from perfect back then, so it’s sort of open to speculation what really happened and why. But I digress.
In the process of learning that kemetic polytheism was a thing and starting to actually listen to the NTRW when they talked to me (Djehuty showed up often back then as well as Set and HSA), I found that while they disagreed on lots of things and would often argue where I could hear them when they were both present at the same time, they actually encouraged me to honor both of them. Hell, Set was the one who kept insisting I should try and talk to Heru in the first place; if he hadn’t, I doubt that I would’ve had much to do with him at all other than an offering now and then to thank him for helping me when I was in need. Their approach, ever since they stopped arguing most of the time they were together and around me, has been to point out the differences between them and how those differences complement one another. Consequently while I love them for (mostly) opposite traits and roles in my life and the world, I see them as two parts of a simultaneously conflicting and harmonious whole.
Which leads me to my UPG on the relationship between the two of them. Simply put, I see them as rivals and lovers. While there’s some historical evidence for this interpretation, my experiences with (through?) the two of them leads me to believe that not every version or offshoot of them (yay squishy gods!) has the relationship that I see. I also want to stress that their relationship (as I’ve been shown) is based on having spent a lot of time having to cooperate in order to keep Egypt/society/the universe going, and learning to respect and trust one another over a lot of time after having both abused one another at different points in time. This doesn’t mean that what either of them did to each other is okay or that they’re no longer hurt by it, but that they mended their relationship through actually treating each other right for long enough that they could move past what had happened.
I could honestly talk about this forever, but this reply is already long enough, lol. Let me know if there’s something else you’re curious about
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