rawkghoulsupreme · 1 year
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This is what happens when you smoke Mary On a Cross and listen to Opus Eponymous then see a picture and think: "Oh yeah, get this man a broomstick and pointy hat". Mild Dracopia?
@thebandghostofficial fanart friday spoop because why not!
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alastors-radioshow · 1 year
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//Taking some time out of my weird, off mood to show this, little WIP. I just wanted you all to behold Alastor and his darling fire ghoul, whom he adores tremendously uwu
Said fire ghoul is, naturally, belonging to @iomadachd ~
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mercuryandmeme · 1 year
Currently blaming everything wrong in my life on the fact I *accidentally cut off Ghost’s tour bus, fully blasting their music with my windows down on my way home from working their load out
*this was not an accident, it was 2:30am and I was hangry and running on 2 hours of sleep and several redbulls*
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lizstiel · 2 years
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daddy nihil
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borathae · 1 year
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“They’ve seen the centuries come and go, watched empires rise and fall and witnessed the creation of society as it is today. And now you have fallen into their arms, showing them once again that change never stops.”
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Smut, Hurt and Comfort, Vampire!AU, Magic!AU, Polyamory!AU
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“You change universities after moving towns. Your new university is an old, ancient building with secret tunnels and whispered ghost stories. There are two fraternities, which for some reason always seem to be in a quarrel. Alpha consisting of Kim Taehyung, Kim Namjoon, Park Jimin and Min Yoongi. Handsome, porcelain skinned men, who act as if they are out of another century and for some reason everyone on campus seems to be scared of. And Sanguis consisting of Jeon Jungkook, Kim Seokjin and Jung Hoseok. Men with skin just as pale and their faces just as beautiful, who always wear sunglasses when it is light outside and who never seem to open their curtains. And for some peculiar reason you always find yourself in the middle of them….”
Pairing: OT7 x f.Reader with main Taehyung x f.Reader & Yoongi x f.Reader
Genre: Mystery, Fantasy, Romance, Smut, University!AU, Vampire!AU
《 To Book One 》
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“When your endless game of hide and seek with Namjoon sends your little group all over Europe, you have to fight more than just vengeful witches and bloodthirsty demons. Different morals, beliefs and mindsets bring just as much struggle to your bond as your enemies. And soon you have to accept that the world you decided to live in is darker than you initially prepared for.”
Pairing: Yoongi x f.Reader, Taehyung x f.Reader & Jungkook x f.Reader + more as the story progresses
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Smut, Vampire!AU, Magic!AU
《 To Book Two 》
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“You and your lovers visit The Plains, a magical realm created for the souls of witches and warlocks and home of your dear grandmother. She welcomes you with raspberry pie and tea. You come with many stories to tell and eager hands to help on her cottage. Golden sunlight, blue moonshine and green forests await you alongside early morning snuggles and late night kisses with your lovers.”
Pairing: Yoongi x f.Reader, Jungkook x f.Reader, Taehyung x f.Reader, Yoongi x Jungkook, Taehyung x Jungkook, platonic Yoongi x Taehyung
Genre: Magic!AU, Vampire!AU, Polyamory!AU, Slice of Life, Fluff, Romance, Smut, this is a spin-off meant to be read after the Duology
《 To the Spin-Off 》
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#01 - What You Deserve [YG x JK]
#02 - The Piano Teacher [YG x OC]
#03 - Only For You ([YG x OC]
#04 - Mellifluous [TH x OC]
#05 - Safe Hands [YG x OC]
#06 - Rache [TH x JK]
#07 - Captured [YG x OC]
#08 - Illecebra [TH x OC] ​
#09 - How I Love You [YG x OC]
#10 - Stormy Nights [YG x OC]
#11 - Of Simpler Times [TH x JM]
#12 - Best Seat [YG x OC]
#13 - Deep [JK]
#14 - Painted Blue [TH x OC]
#15 - Drunk on You [YG x OC]
#16 - I Want Your Love Forever [YG x OC]
#17 - Between Friends [YG x HS]
#18 - Bed Head [JK x OC]
#19 - Don’t Tease Please [JK x OC]
#20 - Fade into You [YG x OC]
#21 - Rope Bunny [YG x OC]
#22 - Lavender Warmth [YG x OC]
#23 - The Scholar, The Princess and the Master [YG x OC x JK]
#24 - Picnics [YG x OC x JK]
#25 - Where Love Is [YG x OC]
#26 - Wake Up Call [YG x OC]
#27 - Devotion [TH x OC]
#28 - Bewitched [YG x OC]
#29 - wanna see myself inside you [JK x OC]
#30 - Princess Treatment [YG x OC]
#31 - Guilty Tears [TH x OC]
#32 - Moonlight & Campsites [YG x OC]
#33 - ILY [YG x OC]
#34 - Morning Hours [JK x OC]
#35 - Silly Fights [YG x OC]
#36 - Carefree [YG & TH]
#37 - Cozy Times [YG x OC]
#38 - Drive You Fucking Crazy [TH x OC]
#39 - FWB [HS x OC]
#40 - A Good Life [YG x OC]
#41 - Impatient [JK x TH]
#42 - Love Wins All [TH x OC]
#43 - Cozy [YG x OC]
#44 - Listen In [HS x JK x TH]
#45 - moonlight [TH x OC]
#46 - Stardust [ TH x JK]
#47 - Protective [TH x JK]
#48 - Babybun [YG x OC x JK]
#49 - Just Relax [YG x HS]
#50 - Tenderness [JM & OC]
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polariscroquis · 2 months
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"Just wanna be, wanna bewitch you in the moonlight...!"
I think it's pretty well-established Cardi is a great dancer - or waltz-foot, as we'd say in my country. So here he is: the waltzing Papa dancing with death in a very Dracula attire and some "horns" made of ghostly fabric ;)
You can find the photo I used as a pose reference to this drawing right here: pinterest photo link.
Also: why does it look like a fairy tale illustration? Well, yours truly is a sucker for Illuminated Manuscripts and Illustrations. I showed this to my mom, saying I wanted to draw a frame around it, but had no ideas. She told me to do "my kind of beautiful frames" - and that's what she meant: the Illuminated sort-of frames I study on my free time. Enter Count Copia waltzing under the moonlight, Dance Macabre quote and all.
TLDR: blame it on my mom :)
Classic Artist Disclaimer: please don't use my work without my proper authorization and credit.
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undreaming-fanfiction · 2 months
Just Wanna Bewitch You In The Moonlight
Written for @steddieangstyaugust - Day 7: Moonlight. Another cursed statue Steve because I have been sitting on this idea for ages. Title from Ghost lyrics.
The garden of the Harrington manor was quiet when Eddie snuck in. He already knew all the patrols, cameras, everything important. It wasn't like he wanted to steal something anyway, the worst he could get charged with was trespassing. Or at least he hoped so - Harringtons weren't exactly the most forgiving bunch.
He soon found what he was looking for. A statue of a handsome young man, reaching for the sky. There was something sad about him, the curve of his lips, forever frozen in a wistful smile. Just as beautiful as he was a month ago. 
"Hi, sweetheart," muttered Eddie and squeezed his stone hand. He sat down at its feet, leaned against the statue's legs and waited. The sky was clear today, he could even see stars through the light pollution, so it would not take long. If only the moon hurried up.
"Fancy meeting you here."
Eddie leaned back and smiled at the upside vision of the handsome boy, now with color in his cheeks. "Hi, sweetheart," he repeated, pulling him down for a kiss.
The statue obliged. "Hi yourself. I don't mean to rush you, but can I have my legs back? I'd like to stretch for a bit."
"Sure thing, Stevie." Eddie quickly moved away and offered the statue - Steve - a hand so he could leave his pedestal. He seemed uncertain on his feet for a moment, but soon he was on the ground and doing stretches that Eddie would never even consider. "I'm always amazed that this is what you want to do with your precious time," he laughed and watched Steve stretch his calves.
"And I always tell you that if you have to stay still for a month, your body will scream for a good stretch," Steve smiled at him and changed legs. "I'm more amazed that you still haven't given up. It has to be annoying, always having to come here. How long has it been?"
Eddie pretended to count on his fingers. "Hmmm, let me see…two decades, give or take. I was nine when I met you, I'll soon be thirty. Why, are you counting?"
"I lose track. Still, I feel guilty about it. You should be living your own life too, you know." Steve finally stood up and nudged Eddie's side. "I'd understand if you wanted to quit. I can't ask you to keep doing this for the rest of your life."
Eddie caught Steve's hand, swinging it back and forth. "You don't have to."
They always did this, ever since Eddie was a child roaming the Harrington grounds where his uncle worked. He couldn't sleep one day and got lost in the fancy maze that was the estate's garden. The moonlight made everything so pale, it was difficult to find his way back to Wayne's shed. Eddie was getting tired and cold, but he wasn't about to panic. He just needed to catch his breath. He half collapsed against another piece of art that Harringtons had collected over the years.
And then, just as the full moon showed up in all her glory, the statue that Eddie was leaning against moved.
Eddie was so terrified he couldn't even scream, he just fell backwards into a thorny bush. Before he knew it, the statue rushed to him, pulled him back up and started fussing over him. "Are you okay?" it asked. "I overheard you talking to yourself, you're going the wrong way. The shed is further to the right, come with me."
It took Eddie's hand and swung it back and forth, establishing a brisk pace with Eddie skipping next to it. They didn't really talk, but when Eddie was back safe with Wayne, he saw a moonlit figure give a small wave.
After that, Eddie would go to visit the statue every night, but it never moved. It just stared towards the stars, as if it was reaching out to grab the moon itself.
It finally happened a month later, at another full moon. Eddie thought that maybe he'd hallucinated the whole thing at that point, maybe he just hit his head when he fell into the bushes, but as the moonlight hit the statue, it yawned and stretched its arms. "Oh," it said when it noticed Eddie, "you're back? I hope you don't end up like a pin cushion this time."
After that, they talked. A lot. The statue was called Steve, and he didn't always use to be a statue. He never really knew the scorned witch who cursed him, or what he did to her. "I used to be a real jerk back in the day," he smiled at young Eddie. "Maybe I trampled over her herbs when I was rushing back home after another party. Maybe I knocked into her. Or maybe it wasn't even me, maybe my dad did something nasty to her. He isn't really the nicest person."
"The old Mr. Harrington?" Eddie asked. "But he's like, ninety? How long have you been here?"
Steve shrugged, stretching his arms. "Hard to say. I only get to fully wake up every full moon. The rest of the time, things are hazy. But I think I got cursed in nineteen thirty two. I was twenty then."
Eddie's jaw dropped. "Wow. That has to suck. Does your dad ever come and visit you? Maybe try and break the curse?"
"Not really." Maybe it was just the moonlight playing tricks on him, but Steve's smile seemed sad. "He doesn't believe in the whole magical mumbo jumbo, you see. Or that's what he used to call it. He's ashamed that I made a spectacle out of our family."
"But it might not have even been you!" blurted out Eddie. That's not fair!"
Steve reached out and ruffled his hair. "I know. He tried bribing the witch, but that didn't work. Then he tried to destroy me or move me, but that's impossible. So he just ignores that I'm around. He used to send someone to leave a snack for me, before I woke up, maybe to ease his conscience, but now that he's old, I don't think he remembers me anymore. Maybe it's better for him this way. And since another part of the curse is that I can't leave the garden...he doesn't really have to worry about anyone finding out about me."
He fell silent, but Eddie's mind did anything but that. He stood up and grasped Steve's shoulders. "Well, fuck your dad."
Steve blinked at him. "Hey, aren't you too young to swear like that?"
"Fuck that too. And shush, I have something important to say. I, Edward Munson, herefore...ther....I mean, I promise on my soul that I'll find a way to free you." Eddie was grinning at him, but there was something in his eyes that made Steve take that promise seriously.
"Eddie. I appreciate it, really do. But you don't have to do that. I'm fine."
Steve smiled at him as he said it, he tried to sound persuasive, self-assured. But that scrawny kid in front of him just rolled his eyes and, much to Steve's surprise, patted his head. "Now now. Wayne says that pretending to be okay isn't cool, so we're not doing that. I'm keeping my promise, Steve. You'll see."
The evening was colder than usual. Eddie threw a blanket over himself and Steve, cuddling close. "The research is going well, you know. Dustin believes he found the origin of the curse, or at least some of the components. He believes we have a real shot at freeing you."
"I still can't believe you roped other people into this," laughed Steve. "How did you even get them to humor you and come here? Did you just tell them that you met a cursed statue when you were a kid, and they just went with you?"
"Oh, you'd be surprised how curious these little assholes are. Not so little now, they're starting college, but they're all committed. Especially Max, she considers it an insult we haven't solved it yet."
Steve sighed, staring into distance. "College already? I met them when they were barely teenagers. Time flies so fast."
"Not for you, baby," whispered Eddie and kissed Steve's cheek. "Not for you."
It was soon time to part. Steve's hands grew colder and more stiff by the minute, pulled back into their original position. As life gradually left Steve's body, Eddie repeated his promise again, just like he had for twenty years. He didn't know if Steve could hear him at this point, but it didn't matter. It was equally for both of them.
Maybe they would finally set him free in a year, five, or twenty. Maybe Eddie would be older, full of wrinkles and with grey streaks in his hair, while Steve would still be young and handsome. It wouldn't matter, as long as Eddie could see him walk past that garden's gate, feel the sun on his skin again.
Steve might have been worried about the day that Eddie would inevitably stop coming. Maybe he'd give up, or something would happen to him. Maybe, as he told Eddie many times, he'd finally find a life purpose that would bring him happiness.
But Eddie made a promise, and as long as he was alive and breathing, as long as he had anything to say about the matter, one thing was certain: Steve Harrington would never be alone on full moon again.
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emeritusemeritus · 1 year
Wanna Bewitch you in the moonlight. Pt. 1
[F.W X Reader X G.W ]
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Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Title: Just wanna bewitch you in the moonlight.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x reader x George Weasley
Timeline: Predominately set between GOF and OOTP (some canon has been altered to fit the story)
Summary: Both twins like Gryffindor!reader. Reader likes both twins. How will she decide who to chose in the end? Amortentia might be able to help, or not.
Warnings: Smut, mentions of sex, established relationships, threesomes, friends to lovers, all the good stuff. NO Twincest. Mentions of illness, Brief mentions of vomiting.
Tags will be updated along the way.
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Part 1
"Oh, y/n dear, how wonderful to have you with us!" Mrs Weasley said wiping her hands on her apron before she threw her arms around you, embracing you in a warm and maternal manner as you stepped inside the Burrow.
"Mrs Weasley, thank you so much for having me," you smiled, wrapping your arms around her, smiling at the comforting feel and smell that encapsulated the entire Burrow and each Weasley inside.
"Oh Mrs Weasley," she laughed pulling apart, "how many times do I have to say, call me Molly!"
"Maybe just once more," you joked, smiling wide as she huffed out a laugh, rubbing your shoulder.
"We're back too you know," Fred said from behind you, leaning on the doorframe with George fixed to his side. She hurried over smiling, pausing briefly to hit Fred's shoulder at his tone, before wrapping her arms around both the boys at the same time. It was a sight to behold, seeing little Molly Weasley trying to reach up to give her two 6ft 3 sons a hug but it was completely heartwarming, seeing their smiles.
"Oh how lovely to have my boys back," she smiles, standing beside them. The entire scene was entirely endearing, particularly the hint of a blush that spread almost in perfect sync upon the twins' cheeks.
"Is Ginny not with you?" She suddenly asks, realising that two of her expected children were not present.
"No they're stopping by Hermione's to get some things before they come home," George replies absently, wandering over to the counter where a fresh batch of scones caught his attention, sat cooling on a wire rack. He reached for one and was immediately intercepted by Molly, earning a swift slap to his hand in a silent warning.
"Right, y/n dear," she says, turning to you with a smile. "I wasn't sure what the sleeping arrangements would be for you all so you can either share Ginny's room with her and Hermione or," Molly began to say, trying to do the mental arithmetic of sleeping arrangements until she was interrupted by George.
"She can stay with us mum, we'll move our beds together and pop up the old cot from Charlie's room," he says, sounding like he had already planned it out in great detail.
"Oh, yes I suppose that would work," she says, completely unaware of the relationship blooming between the three of you. You knew she'd never agree to you sleeping with either of the twins alone, but having the other one in the room seemed to ease her mind that nothing untoward would happen.
"You aren't making her sleep in that old thing!" She suddenly says, horrified at the thought of her guest having to sleep on the death contraption that had been in their family for decades.
"No mum, she can have my bed, I'll sleep on it," Fred says, moving forward to place his hand on your shoulder, doing his best to act innocent, though you could see straight through it.
"Wonderful," Molly says, clapping her hands together as she moves away and busies herself in the kitchen again. She shouts to the boys to help you with your bags, to which they both reply in perfect synchronisation that they already were.
They usher you up the stairs, each twin carrying one of your bags as you make your way to their bedroom. It's exactly as you remember, except it looks like it's been cleaned recently, no doubt by Molly.
"You're not really sleeping on the cot are you?" You ask, turning to Fred. He gives you a look of bewilderment before snorting out a laugh, reaching out for your hand to pull you into his chest, his right arm securing you to his body as it wraps around your waist.
"Not for a single second," he smirks, reaching up to play with a strand of hair that had fallen in front of your ear.
"But we are pushing the beds together," George says from behind you, moving closer to you both.
"And you are going to sleep right in the middle, between both of your handsome," Fred adds.
"Charming," George.
"Well endowed..."
"Boyfriends," they both say, sandwiching you between their bodies. You couldn't help but smile at their antics, realising that they had clearly had this planned for quite some time.
"So I get to sleep on the divide of the beds and fall between in the middle of the night? How romantic," you joked, reaching up to play with the collar of Fred's jacket.
"Ahh we've thought of that too," George says from behind you, reading down to place a kiss to the side of your neck.
Suddenly, both twins pull away and start organising the bedroom. Fred pulls away the small cabinet between the beds and places it next to you near the door, winking at you as he moves back to help George move the beds. They drag Fred's bed over from the right towards George's on the left and create one large bed in the middle of the room. George rushes off to get the cot from Charlie's room and unfolds it for decorative purposes in the space left behind where Fred's bed used to be.
Fred suddenly pulls back the sheets from both beds and then pulls out his wand and casts a charm you'd never heard of. The bed is immediately fixed together through magic, causing you to raise your eyebrows in amazement. He throws the covers haphazardly over the beds before doing the same to the sheets, making it one large duvet. He turns his head to you, seeing you look on in amazement and shoots a cocky smirk towards you.
"Your boyfriend's good right?" He smirks, causing you to roll your eyes slightly. George then moves the cabinet beside you towards the back of the room, sliding it under the space of the desk, kicking the little waste paper bin to the side.
"Fit for a Queen," George smiles, gesturing towards the large bed.
"Or for a fit Queen," Fred quips, gesturing towards you. "Crash test?"
You huff out a laugh at the terrible pun and move to throw yourself down onto the newly extended bed, instantly surprised by the lack of divide between the two and the fact that it was actually quite sturdy.
"You know we could test it out in different ways," George says smirking as he looks at you, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. You look up at him with a sultry look, liking the idea very much, before you turn to look at Fred with the same pointed look.
"Boys! Y/n! The others are here and lunch is ready!" Molly's voice radiates surprisingly well up the stairs of the burrow, effectively ending your next moves and the boys immediately huff and grunt in frustration. You offer them a sad smile before reaching your hand out to George for him to pull you up. He instantly reaches out for your hand in his large one and pulls you up towards him effortlessly.
"Later?" You ask with a small smile, reaching up and pouting so that he'd kiss you. His eyes light up just slightly as he silently nods enthusiastically before reaching down to give you a sweet kiss. You then turn to Fred who is not so patiently waiting his turn before he drags you out of his brothers arms and into his own. He also reaches down to give you a sweet kiss, though his is much more loaded than George's, his tongue licking along your bottom lip as he fights to deepen the kiss. You pull away with a chuckle, placing your hand on his chest. "Down boy," you joke and he grins down at you.
"Not me you need to be telling princess," he cheekily grins, wiggling his eyebrows and poignantly flicking his eyes down to his groin, which seems excited to say the least. You bite your lip and drag your hand down his chest towards his excited member, placing your hand gently over the bulge in his trousers. You flick your eyes up to his face as he stands with wide eyes and his lips parted in a little 'o' shape, following your movements very carefully.
"Down boy," you whisper, teasing as you suddenly pull your hands away and move to walk out of the bedroom door. You can hear George's laughter as you descend the stairs and then a little commotion and 'ow' from George, no doubt caused by Fred.
You greet Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny in the kitchen, followed by George only a minute later and then by Fred five minutes after that. You don't miss the little mock glare he shoots you as he takes a seat at the table, one twin either side of you. All you can do is give him a little innocent, doe-eyed smile before you focus your attention on the array of food that Molly had prepared.
"So, y/n, what are your plans whilst you're here?" Ginny asks you from across the table, pausing at the end to frown at Ron who had shovelled as much food as possible into his mouth and then asked, with a mouthful of food, for Harry to pass the bread rolls.
"I'm not really sure," you smiled with a little shrug, not really considering what was on the agenda.
"She's busy, whatever you've got planned," Fred says bluntly as he pokes at his food, already disliking the idea of you spending time with anyone else whilst you were away from school. You immediately elbow him roughly in the shoulder, earning a laugh from George who watches on silently.
"Never too busy for you Gin," you said, winking at her with a smile. She smiled back and began talking about you girls having a sleepover one night, which did sound fun. Fred muttered something under his breath but you gave him a swift kick to the shin under the table which George snickered at, keeping quiet himself as to not also feel your wrath.
As soon as Fred and George had finished eating they all but dragged you away from the table and up to their bedroom, pausing only briefly for you to shout out your thanks to Molly for a wonderful lunch.
As soon as you were back in their room, you threw yourself down onto the bed, rolling to lie on your stomach as you watched them pull out their trunk of tricks. You'd already agreed earlier on that morning on the train home that you would help them with their new idea for their business, some sort of new confectionary, no doubt with a sinister twist.
From your conversation and actions before lunch, you'd assumed the boys had dragged you upstairs for another reason entirely, but it seemed that their current developments had overshadowed their needs. You had to hold back a laugh at the pair, realising that they were the only two men you knew that would focus on their pranks over sex with their girlfriend.
They had assured you not long after that they had the afternoon and evening all planned out and they would only spend a little time doing this before you could do something more exciting, something you'd really enjoy.
"So they're like puking pastilles but not?" You asked from your position on the bed, bent legs swinging behind you as you watched them concentrate on their project. Fred simply nodded, eyes never once leaving the prototype, his tongue poking out the corner of his mouth as he tried to perfect the recipe.
"Kind of, angel," George explained, using his nickname for you, flicking his eyes up to yours as he spoke, "but they don't make the eater sick, just make them turn pale and sickly looking."
"Ahh make them turn into a Weasley then," you joked. George immediately threw a piece of whatever he had in his hand at you in retaliation and Fred simply snorted, still focusing on the task at hand.
It was the most you'd spoken since they began tinkering, their full attention and focus on their creation. It wasn't exactly the day you had in mind and you were quite frankly thoroughly bored, something you very rarely were in the presence of the Weasley twins. You couldn't blame them, they were in the development stage of their new product, which meant perfecting the recipe and then the antidote which took time and patience.
"Are you adding them to the skiving snack boxes?" You asked after a few more moments of silence, trying to occupy yourself as you sat bored in their room.
"No, they're more like an additional add on," George explained, reaching up to grab something beside you on the bed, briefly pausing to touch your leg as he leaned beside you.
"Ah a savvy business move," you replied cheekily.
When it fell silent again, you rolled over onto your back and stared up at the disjointed ceiling, watching how the wooden beams interlocked at awkward angles and looking at all the various memorabilia and stuff that littered the walls of their room. You briefly considered going to visit Ginny and the others before your eyes started to close on their own accord.
"Bugger bugger bugger!"
You frowned at the sudden burst of noise, your eyes struggling to open and then focus as you realised you'd fallen asleep on the bed. You sat up, squinting at the light from the windows around you and watched in confusion as George paced around the room in a tizzy.
"George?" You asked weakly, your voice not quite working yet. He turned around with such a speed it was almost alarming. His face looked panicked and nervous and you immediately sat further up in concern, your sleepy haze fading rapidly as worry took over you. "What's wrong? What happened?"
"Fred, I told him not to but you know what he's like when he gets something in his head and he wouldn't listen," George babbles, messing with his hair as he paces the room.
"Fred? What's wrong with Fred?" You asked, trying to figure out what George was saying.
"He ate the bloody thing!" He says, throwing himself down onto the rickety metal cot in the corner of the room. It suddenly all made sense to you and a lingering unease settled in your stomach as you thought about the dangers.
"Where is he?" You asked quickly, worried that he wasn't in the room.
"Toilet," George mumbles, running his hand through his hair again.
You immediately leapt off the bed and ran out into the corridor, trying to be quiet as to not alert anyone else as you quickly scaled the wooden staircase that lead up to the next level of the burrow where the toilet was.
You quietly knocked on the door, "Freddie?"
You heard a brief, slow shuffle on the other side of the door and the door creaked open to reveal Fred who looked bloody awful.
"Bloody hell," you said without thinking, looking upon the appearance of your boyfriend. He quickly pulled you into the bathroom and closed the door behind you both. You scrunched your nose at the vague smell of sick that hung in the air but you quickly got past it, moving to stand in front of Fred.
He looked ghostly pale and a little green in his undertone, sweat forming like droplets on his forehead where he had pushed back his hair. His eyes looked sunken and dull, no longer twinkling like usual and his under eyes were almost purple looking. You tried not to react, already feeling bad about your subconscious outburst at seeing him and tried to wipe away a few beads of sweat off his brow. To your surprise, they wouldn't actually wipe off and had become an effect of the sinister sweets they'd created. "How you feeling Freddie?" You asked, trying to keep your voice even.
"At least we know they work, a little too well," he says, deflecting the question. He suddenly lurches away from you and shuffles quickly to the toilet as he heaves whilst clutching his stomach, though nothing comes up. "Sorry," he cringes in embarrassment at you seeing that, "thought I'd got through the worst of that."
"How long does is take for the antidote to kick in?" You asked, concerned about the lasting effects, not knowing exactly how long ago he'd eaten it. He didn't verbally reply but instead gave you a little uncomfortable smile, telling you everything you needed to know.
"Fred Weasley!" You whisper yelled, striking him in the shoulder as you realised he hadn't created the antidote yet. "You frigging idiot!" You hit him again and he just stood there and took it, though he did seem to lose a little of his balance.
"It was more to test out the taste," he said quietly, as if it was an excuse for eating the contraption. "Which definitely still needs work by the way, bloody awful aftertaste, too much caramel." You shot him a look of utter bewilderment as he heaved again, frustration building in you as he didn't take it seriously at all, despite looking like a walking corpse and heaving all over the place.
"Come on, you need to lie down," you said, extending your hand to his to lead him back to his bedroom. You lead him down the stairs and into his and George's room, carefully avoiding anyone else in the house.
"Bloody hell," George said, looking up from his hands, not moving an inch since you'd left, as his brother entered the room, seeing him look absolutely awful.
"At least we know it works," Fred says with the hint of a smirk, though his eyes still looked sad and glimmer-less.
"Bed. Now." You ordered, annoyed at his joking especially at a time like this. Surprisingly, Fred complied without any qualms and threw himself down onto the bed, his eyes closing in relief as he lay there. You tipped out a few loose crumbled papers from the waste bin next to the desk and placed it beside the bed incase he needed it.
"George, can you get him some water please?" You asked, turning your attention back to the notes they'd made on the recipes, trying to figure out if any of the ingredients had a reverser you could use to cancel out the effects.
Fred heaved again and you tensed, turning to offer him some help, only to see him half flinging out of bed to lean over to the bin. You stood and reached out for the bin and placed it into his arms, where he kept it secured and never out of reach.
"What do you mean he's sick? Fred, er, George move out the way!" You heard Molly's voice getting louder and louder, matching the influx of panicked footsteps that seemed to be running up the stairs. She immediately burst through the room and made an ungodly sound as looked upon her son, seeing his frighteningly pale complexion and overall malaise as he clutched his bin, looking helpless.
"Oh my boy," she said, running over to him. She immediately put the back of her hand towards his head and frowned at feeling a lack of temperature.
"That's odd," she mutters. "Are you two okay?" She asks, turning to you and George who are standing off to the side, both a little scared of her reaction and Fred's symptoms.
"Yeah mum."
"Yes Molly," you both replied at the same time, trying to sound completely sincere.
"Did he eat anything on the train?" She asks, trying to smooth his hair down in the front to keep it away from his face. You could tell he tried his hardest to hold back the impending heave but he couldn't hold it any longer and dry heaved once again into the waiting bin.
"Cauldron cake," you said, thinking quickly, "he did eat a cauldron cake on the train, but we shared some fizzing whizbees, didn't we George?" You looked at George, imploring him with your eyes to go along with it.
"Yeah," George said suddenly nodding as he looked at you before turning to his mum, "maybe the cake was bad?"
Molly mumbled something in frustration as she looked at Fred before zooming out the door, muttering something about her apothecary kit which might be of use.
"Georgie," Fred says quietly as he tries to get his brother's attention. George moves closer to Fred and leans down so that Fred can whisper in his ear. You frown, watching them secretly converse, wondering what they are saying.
Molly returns not a moment later, armed with an array of various potions and elixirs which could hopefully cure Fred.
The truth was, the only thing that was able to cure their inventions quickly were the antidotes, otherwise the symptoms would stick around for roughly 24 hours at most, the effectiveness of the enchanted foods rapidly decreasing once the 12 hour mark passed with the entire malady vanishing after 24 hours. You and George both knew that Fred would be okay tomorrow but it wouldn't hurt for him to at least take some of the potions to ease his queasiness.
"Here eat this, slowly, that's right," Molly says, thrusting some form of wafer towards Fred. He pulled a disgusted face as he ate it but to his credit he did manage to consume it without gagging and keep it down. "Dehydrated ginger root, it should help with the nausea," she explained to no one in particular as she faffed about in the little case, searching for a specific bottle. She eventually gave up and pulled out her wand, mumbling accio to bring the thing she needed to the front.
"Here, drink this, it's dandelion root and burdock oil, it will help with your complexion and ease your tummy," she said to Fred, smoothing back his hair again as another wave of gagging ran through him.
He took slow sips of the potion and raised his eyebrows at the taste, clearly not expecting it to be so tasty.
"We have that at home," you said, not really sure of why you said it but it was funny to see the wizard if equivalent to a muggle drink.
"Really?" Molly asks, turning to you with a surprised look on her face.
"Yeah but it's just a fizzy drink, not really medicinal anymore," you explained with a laugh, feeling a little silly about your random tangent.
"We need to get some," Fred mumbled, drinking down the rest of the potion enthusiastically, causing Molly to loudly warn him to take it steady.
"We could nip into the village and get some for you?" You turn to George, asking him with your eyes if he'd join you, "I know where they sell it." George nodded with a little shrug. You then turned back to look at Fred and Molly who looked at you in surprise, "if it would make you feel better." Fred nodded enthusiastically with a little smile, already seeing a little more colour coming to his face.
"Oh, how lovely, what a lovely gesture," Molly said with a warm smile. "You can take your father's car, as long as you are safe," she said, fixing George with a look of warning.
"How little you think of me," George said sarcastically.
"Or how well she knows you," you snorted, reaching behind him to search for a sweater in your trunk.
"I'll go get the keys," Molly says, taking her apothecary case with her as she moves out of the room.
"Fuck," you mumbled, still searching for a sweater but not finding any.
"What's wrong?" George asks, moving to stand behind you.
"I can't find my sweater," you mumbled again, trying to dig through your belongings but coming up empty handed.
"We've got plenty, borrow one of ours," George says casually, walking straight over to the drawers on the left side of the room and pulling out a thick knitted cardigan that you'd remembered the both of them wearing to the quidditch World Cup. "This okay?" He asks, extending it towards you.
"It's perfect, thank you," you smile, reaching for it and slipping it around yourself, feeling the warmth and coziness of it already, the wonderfully comforting scent of the twins surrounding you. You couldn't help but raise the fabric of the sleeve up to your nose for a closer smell, your eyes closing as you smiled at the scent. You could tell this one was Fred's from the unmistakable but subtle marshmallow sweetness of his natural scent which George didn't have.
When you looked up, the boys were both watching you with smirks on their faces, clearly seeing everything you'd done. You blushed under their intense gazes and turned away, grabbing a few things you'd need and placing them into the little bag you'd brought, making sure you had your little coin purse of muggle money.
"You ready?" You asked George, who was stood next to Fred quietly talking. He turned and nodded, mumbling out 'nearly' and walked over to the little wardrobe hidden in a nook in the corner before pulling out a blue patterned shirt. He slipped off the polo shirt he'd been wearing and you couldn't help but watch as he stood shirtless, slipping into his blue shirt and slowly buttoning it up. You couldn't take your eyes away from him, admiring his naked torso and staring at the small patch of hair on his chest and the beautiful trail that started just below his naval and stretched downwards. He looked at you, amused with his eyebrow raised as he caught you looking and for the second time in minutes you couldn't help but blush. "Ready," he said with a firm nod, appearing by your side.
"Do you want anything else?" You asked, turning to Fred but found him sleeping, clearly exhausted by his sickness or one of Molly's potions had knocked him out cold. George reached for your waist and smiled as he guided you out the door, slowly closing the wooden door as to not wake his brother as you both went on your little adventure.
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cosmicharm · 4 months
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Just wanna be Wanna bewitch you in the moonlight Just wanna be I wanna bewitch you all night
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 3 months
Yandere Prince x Witch! Reader pt. 2
TW: Drugging mention, abortion mention, violence, honestly just the ordeal of waking up and finding out you're pregnant.
Five Months Ago...
"I need it. I need the reassurance she'll love me when I pick her," Helia said, walking into The Woods.
The Woods have light peaking from the tall trees, vines in the sky, and houses of flying creatures in the tree branches. Like an ecosystem, the fairytale characters and creatures that aren't in a castle harmoniously live in the Woods as a community. Near the lakes and streams are where the mermaids and nymphs live. The forest grounds are where mostly minotaurs, elves, fairies, dragons, and dwarfs live. Meanwhile, the sky has the harpies, phoenixes, and others. But everywhere in the forest has witches, vampires, and other magical beings to find and chat with.
"Excuse me, Mr. Elf, do you know where to find someone who can make a love potion?" Helia asked, tapping on the elf's shoulder.
"Oh wow, another royal in these woods. Luckily, you'll find what you seek right in front of you. My friend Y/N made extra potions of the highest quality with the most potent ingredients for the upcoming ball of Prince Helia," The elf responds, handing Helia a vile of pink liquid.
"Do the people who requested this potion want to use it on the prince?" Helia asks, giving the elf some golden coins. "And what does this friend of yours look like? Is she a witch?
"Haha! No. Let's just say gala and ball babies are trendy," The elf laughs, creeping out Helia. "But if you want to see her, look there."
Helia looks at the sunny Woods' path and sees a witch with a basket of herbs, fruit, and meat.
"She's beautiful," Helia thought, embodying the feeling of being bewitched.
Helia returns to his castle and doesn't look back at the woods, for if he did, he'd never return.
It's been six months since the ball, and your relationship with Helia couldn't be better. However, that's because after the first love potion dose wore off on Helia, he's been giving you doses so you can't wake up from your lovely dream. But more importantly, the two of you have been preparing for the arrival of your baby girl, Maya.
"How's my beloved wife doing?" Helia asks, crawling onto the bed and rubbing your big stomach.
"You're gone too long. You missed our little girl kicking when I ate some peppers," You say, kissing your husband.
"Aw, sorry I missed your feeding time, baby," Helia coos, kissing your stomach. "How about this? I'll give you extra cuddles while we sleep."
"No complaints from me as long as I get free access to your cock if I get horny," You say, pulling back the covers and letting your husband in.
Helia climbs into bed and spoons you as sleep creeps up on you for the 45th time today. You wake up at 3 am, your body floating a foot in the air. Questions run through your fatigued body as you process your surroundings. A mirror sparkles in the moonlight, and you see the silhouette of your pregnant belly.
"Wha?" You whisper, subconsciously feeling the other side of the bed as if someone was supposed to be there.
You get up and look at your body. Your stomach is large with child, and your breasts are big and swollen with milk. You stare at your reflection in horror, touching your stomach and confirming your new reality. A whimper escapes your lips, and you sink to the ground. Your fetus kicks your stomach, and your whimpers turn into cries.
"Stop moving!" You cry, your nails digging into your stomach.
Your fetus kicks more and more, making you look for a way out of the bedroom. You see an uneven wall and run towards it, hitting the wall for a secret opening. Eventually, you hit the right spot, and an opening appears, leading to a dark passageway with cobblestone stairs spiraling downward. You put a hand on the wall to help keep your balance and go down the stairs, hoping for an escape. When you reach the end, you take your first step toward freedom as you walk on the crisp new grass of spring.
"Into the Woods I go," You say, walking away from the castle and to your home.
It's a silent walk on the way home as the village surrounding the castle is asleep. With only you, your fetus, and your thoughts, you begin to talk to your daughter.
"You know, I thought about trying to find someone to abort you, but it wouldn't matter anyway. No one on this land, Woods or not, would do it. Ever since the royal family passed the lineage law a century ago, nobody could abort a fetus of royal lineage, illegitimate or not. The last time someone did that led to everyone not human living in The Woods. It's not your fault you're inside me, it's not my fault I'm pregnant with you, it's not our fault we were in that castle," You say, stumbling into the lively Woods.
As you walk the village's dirt roads, the castle erupts with noise. You hear horses leaving their stables and running out.
"No, no," You groan, walking into the Woods faster.
"Find Queen Y/N, and bring her back to the castle or King Helia. Do not harm her!" The royal head knight commands, making you run further into the Woods.
The Woods become dark, and the liveliness you love and know becomes non-existent.
"I must be in the Fairytale district," You say, holding your stomach as you trek through the dark woods full of thorns, shrubbery, and trees that seem to be closing in.
"My love," Helia says, seeing your figure in the woods.
You run, tearing your dress as it gets caught in the thorns.
"Y/N, my love! Wait! You'll hurt yourself!" Helia yells, making his horse speed up.
You jump over a fallen tree and try not to focus on the pain from your feet.
"Leave me alone!" You yell, sliding down a steep hill.
You think you can handle the speed, but suddenly, you're sliding out of control. You scream as you head toward a dark valley full of fog and embrace your stomach, preparing for the worst. A hand grabs your arm at the last minute, and you're dangling an inch above raging rapids. Helia carries you back up, and you both rest on the forest floor.
"Are you crazy? You could've gotten yourself killed!" Helia screams, grabbing your shoulders.
"It would've been better than whatever was going on in that castle!" You scream, holding your stomach. "Do you know what it's like waking up and not knowing what happened to your body? What happened to yourself, and why you can't recognize places that feel familiar?"
"All you had to do was stay as my sweet wife, but it's my fault. I didn't give you another dose of love in time. But I won't make that mistake again," Helia states, pulling out a syringe filled with a love potion.
"No! No, please!" You beg, holding Helia's hands.
"Just stay still, and it'll all be over!" Helia screams, trying to stab your neck.
Magic shoots out of your body, flinging Helia across the forest. The silence from the forest takes over, leaving you with your tears and your baby's kicks.
"I'm sorry, May-Maya-no, May. That's right, May. I'm sorry, May. I shouldn't have hurt your daddy," You ramble, crawling to Helia's body.
You grab the syringe and use your magic to incinerate it. Then, you tap on your husband's cheeks for a sign of life. If his body is found in The Woods, it'll be the end of the magical and supernatural creatures in the kingdom.
"Helia, please. Please wake up," You beg, lightly slapping his cheeks.
"Mm...my love, you didn't leave," Helia groans, weakly holding your hand.
You couldn't leave. Not if you wanted any semblance of a future for your friends and family.
"Hey, how about we read parenting books, and have dinner?" You suggest, hoping he will not wonder where the love potion went.
"Queen Y/N, what happened to King Helia?" The head knight asks, jumping off his horse.
"A bear was about to attack me. Helia defended me and got wounded in the battle," You lie, holding Helia's hand.
"Guards, take King Helia to the infirmary for treatment and get the royal doctor and wizard. I'll take Queen Y/N back to her quarters," The head knight commands, picking you up and putting you on his horse.
And so, the witch and the prince return to their castle. Their unborn child is as calm as ever as the witch opens a book with a stork carrying a baby on the cover. The prince, now king, curls up next to his wife, his hand rubbing her belly. The witch hiding her disgust and she turns the next page.
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mimisempai · 2 months
Not drunk, just bewitched
A little tipsy after a few cocktails, Aziraphale and Crowley stroll along the beach in the moonlight. Suddenly, Aziraphale is seized by the desire to enjoy the sea. Naked.
Prompt : Skinny-dipping
On Ao3
Rating G -  1142 words
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After another round of cocktails prepared by Muriel, Aziraphale and Crowley, a little tipsy, had decided to take a walk along the beach before going to bed.
They'd been walking for a few moments when Aziraphale looked behind them and began to chuckle softly.
"What are you laughing at, Angel?"
The angel turned and pointed to the tracks they had left in the damp sand, "If anyone wants to follow in our footsteps, they won't be going straight."
"First, there is nothing straight about us, and then, in a few hours, the sea will have erased them. The only trace we'll have tomorrow will probably be a hangover."
A wave punctuated his words, erasing part of their tracks before they set off again.
Aziraphale hummed in appreciation and said, burying his toes in the sand, "I didn't think the water could still be so warm at this time of night."
"Wanna go for a swim, Angel?"
"Actually, yes!"
Aziraphale began to unbutton his linen shirt and asked, "Will you come with me?"
Crowley shook his head. "I won't. I'm too tipsy."
Aziraphale handed the demon his shirt and replied with amusement, "You shouldn't have asked Muriel to double up on that third cocktail, my love."
Crowley took off his summer jacket and placed it on the floor to sit on. Aziraphale began to untie his pants under the watchful eye of the demon, who replied, "The first two were almost fruit juice, please."
Crowley glanced appreciatively at the angel, who bent down to pull the pants down his bare legs before removing them and handing them to Crowley, who folded them and placed them on the already folded shirt beside him.
Just as the demon was expecting to see the angel enter the water, now that he was only in his briefs, he saw Aziraphale hook his thumbs under the elastic of the underwear and begin to slowly lower it.
"Angel? What are you doing?"
Aziraphale slid the underwear down his legs in the same manner as his pants and chuckled slightly before replying, "Really, dear? I thought it was obvious, no? It's called skinny-dipping."
He playfully tossed his underwear to Crowley, who caught it without paying attention, so much so that the sight in front of him consumed all his attention and any part of his mind that wasn't clouded by alcohol.
"I know what skinny-dipping is, Angel, but I'm surprised you're doing it. Not that I'm complaining, quite the opposite."
Oh yeah, Crowley wasn't complaining. Not at all. For Aziraphale naked in the moonlight was a sight for sore eyes. 
There was just enough light to highlight his soft curves and Crowley had never seen anything more alluring.
He couldn't stop the words from coming out of his mouth. 
"God, you're gorgeous."
"Don't bring the Almighty into this, and besides, you're exaggerating."
The angel started to walk away toward the sea when Crowley grabbed his wrist to stop him.
"No, I'm not exaggerating at all."
Still holding the angel's wrist, Crowley stood and lifted his free hand to rest it on the angel's bare shoulder. He then moved it down in a gentle caress, following the arm and then the curve of the hip to the top of the thigh, repeating, "You are absolutely gorgeous." 
He let go of Aziraphale and began to pull his shirt over his head.
"Crowley, what are you doing?"
The demon tossed his shirt into the sand and replied, a playful smile on his lips, "I'm getting undressed."
"I can see that, thanks."
Crowley didn't take the time to remove one garment after the other and slid his pants and underwear down his long legs in one motion before sending them to the T-shirt.
Then he grabbed the angel's hand again and pulled him toward the sea, saying, "There's no way I'm letting the sea enjoy this magnificence all by itself. You can't show me something like this and expect me not to touch it.
Aziraphale laughed softly and replied, "So I take it you're no longer tipsy?"
The water was now halfway up their thighs and Crowley continued to move before replying, "The mere sight of your glorious body was enough to sober me, my angel."
Aziraphale laughed lightly and replied, "I really think you're still a little tipsy to be that sappy."
"I'll show you how tipsy I am."
They now had the water over their hips, and Crowley wrapped his arms around the angel's waist as they continued to move forward. Then, when they were at a point where only Crowley had a foothold, with a small movement he forced Aziraphale to hook his arms around his neck and, to keep his balance, the angel had no choice but to wrap his legs around the demon's waist.
Crowley's hands then slipped under the angel's butt to support him, and just as the angel was about to protest, the demon pressed his lips to Aziraphale's to prevent him from speaking.
The kiss didn't last, as a stronger wave forced them to break it, and they remained that way, swaying to the rhythm of the water, forehead to forehead.
Crowley said softly, "If you don't believe me, Angel, I'll tell you again in the morning when we're all sober. For now, let me enjoy this beautiful body against mine."
He buried his face in Aziraphale's neck and murmured against his skin, "I can't believe all this softness is mine."
Aziraphale took Crowley's face between his hands to raise it to his own and, leaning over him, whispered against his lips, "Of course it's yours. You're the only one who loves my softness so much."
"That's because I have taste."
At these words, the angel's lips captured Crowley's in a tender kiss that lingered, for this time no waves came to disturb it.
It was not until a few minutes later, when a slight chill ran through both of them, that they parted, breaking the kiss gently.
Holding the angel in his arms, Crowley made his way to the beach until the water was barely above their knees. There, Aziraphale slid to the ground and, after taking Crowley's hand, planted a light kiss on his lips before continuing toward the beach, saying, "Let's go inside, it's getting chilly."
Crowley pulled him close again, and after stealing a kiss in return, he replied, a playful little smile on his lips, "But I expect you to warm me up properly when we get home, Angel."
Aziraphale smooched him back, winking as he said, "I wouldn't have it any other way," then letting go of Crowley's hand and starting to run, the angel added, "But you'll have to catch me."
Crowley laughed softly, but didn't quicken his pace. He wanted to enjoy the sight of his angel running on the beach. 
Glorious in his nakedness.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Ineffable Growing Love - Series post S2 - Part 1 - Part 2
Ineffable fan fictions Masterpost : here
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baileypie-writes · 9 months
YOUR HEADCANONS ARE SO AMAZING WHA- eats you headcanons eats your headcanons eats your headcanons eats your hea-Now; I am extremely sorry if I come off as needy but I loved how you wrote for my last request with my Male Reader, and I was hoping you could write headcanons (or a one-shot if you prefer) about the intimidating yet wholesome Reader maybe preforming a rock and roll genre concert or something that fits his scary style? However! He brought Veneer along, and by the end of one of the songs he takes a moment to announce he brought someone special, saying that the audience might know who it is, and once Veneer walks on stage some of the audience are confused as to why Veneer is there, while others ( who may or may not have been shipping the two) are just ESTATIC Maybe they can sing together???Please and thank you! Remember to take your time with this, no pressure!!!!
A/N ~ Rahhh thank you! I’m so glad you like my stuff! Hope you enjoy! Btw I made them sing a song by the band Ghost. It’s a really good rock band, highly recommended it if you don’t already know them.
~Surprise Guest~
Veneer x Male!Intimidating!Soft!Reader
Fandom: Trolls 3: Band Together
Relationship: Romantic
Genre: Fluff
Synopsis: You brought Veneer along to one of your concerts as a surprise guest.
Warnings: Kinda cheesy but idk
The song Reader and Veneer sing together is Dance Macabre by the band Ghost(my favorite band)
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One final strum of a guitar marked the end of your “final” song. The crowd cheered, jumping up and down enthusiastically.
You smiled at the sight, grateful to have such adoring fans. Thanking the crowd, you caught sight of the man hiding backstage. You smirked, and nodded to him, signaling your next action.
“Hang on, guys!” You addressed the crowd. “No need to be sad just yet! I have a little surprise for all of you!” The crowd murmured excitedly.
You took a few steps back on the stage. After waiting a few moments for the people to cheer impatiently, you finally motioned for somebody to come on stage. The crowd went silent in anticipation. A familiar green haired man walked on stage, and everyone went wild.
When he finally was by your side, you put a finger to your lips to shush the crowd. Once they obeyed, you made your announcement.
“This is Veneer, my boyfriend.” Once again, your fans went wild. This time, though, much louder. The two of you each plugged an ear, smiling to each other. You and Veneer had been seen together on many occasions. Sensing something was between the two of you, both of your fans began shipping you. They thought that your intimidating looks, yet kind personality went perfectly with Veneer. While they were correct, you had kept silent about your relationship for a while now, waiting for a good moment to announce it. And much to your fans’ delight, tonight was the night.
After letting the crowd let their excitement out, you silenced them once again. “We’re gonna sing one more song for you guys.” You said. After confirming with Veneer, you signaled for the band to begin playing.
(Play the song)
The crowd quieted down as the song started. The guitarist and drummer led most of the beginning. When it was finally time, you began to sing.
“You’ll soon be hearing the chime
Close to midnight
If I could turn back the time
I’d make all right.”
You looked at Veneer, silently telling him that it was his turn. He nodded, and sang as well.
“How could it end like this?
There’s a sting in the way you kiss me
Something within your eyes
Said it could be the last time
‘For it’s over”
Your eyes met once again. And the two of you joined your voices together.
“Just wanna be
Wanna bewitch you in the moonlight
Just wanna be
Wanna bewitch you all night”
The crowd was highly enjoying this romantic collaboration. Their hands waved in the hair, and many bobbed their heads along to the beat. No one dared to sing along, though. They knew this moment was special to you. It was special to them as well, as they’ve been waiting for this for a long time.
You and Veneer continued the song. Most of the time, your eyes stayed glued to one another’s. This has been a dream for you; singing with your boyfriend in front of a large crowd. Now that you were finally experiencing it, you knew that this would be your new favorite memory.
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7-dreamers · 3 months
‘Fireflies’ [VirtuouS] Lyric Translation
따스한 저 빛으로 나 홀린듯이 다가 가 Towards the warm light I head as if bewitched 흩뿌려진 색 비늘로 네 이름을 새기려 해 With the scattered color scales I want to carve your name 품 안 가득히 널 안고싶어 I want to embrace you deep in my arms 내 맘 아득히 널 보고싶어 I want to see you to the end of my mind
마침내 긴 긴 햇살이 저물고 When finally the long long sunshine sets 너를 찾는 바보같은 날 위해 꼭 For me, the fool searching for you please 불을 밝혀 줘 Turn on your light 하루가 긴 긴 그 날의 From that long long day 널 안고 싶었던 이야기 the story with me wanting to embrace you
I wanna fly to you, Like firefly 온기를 나눌래 Firefly Let’s share our warmth Firefly You’re like a moonlight and I’m firefly 날개를 펼쳐 난 Firefly Open the wings I’m a Firefly
온기를 머금은 네 어깨에 기대 Lean on your shoulder filled with warmth 매 순간 우리가 더 환하게 Hoping that with every moment 비춰지길 we shine more brightly
언제나 서로에 머물러 Always staying in each other 어제의 우린 오늘도 the us of yesterday will again do so today
하늘이 빛을 숨긴대도 Even if the heavens hide their light 너와 난 점점 더 Closer- You and I will grow even Closer-
마침내 긴 긴 햇살이 저물고 When finally the long long sunshine sets 너를 찾는 바보같은 날 위해 꼭 For me, the fool searching for you please 불을 밝혀줘 Turn on your light
하루가 긴 긴 그 날의 From that long long day 널 안고 싶었던 이야기 the story with me wanting to embrace you
만약에 우리 Even if we 사계절을 don’t make it through 다 못 이겨내어도 all four seasons 다시 네게로 I will again head to you 온기를 알아 knowing the warmth
빛 사이로 새겨놓은 Following your name 네 이름을 따라 Oh- that I carved between the light Oh- Oh I’ll be with you- Wah-
마침내 긴 긴 햇살이 저물고 When finally the long long sunshine sets 너를 찾는 바보같은 날 위해 꼭 For me, the fool searching for you please 불을 밝혀줘 Turn on your light
하루가 긴 긴 그 날의 From that long long day 널 안고 싶었던 the story with me wanting 이야기 to embrace you
I wanna fly to you, Like Firefly 온기를 나눌래 Firefly Let’s share our warmth Firefly You’re like a moonlight and I’m firefly 날개를 펼쳐 난 Firefly Open my wings I’m a Firefly
I wanna fly to you, Like Firefly 온기를 나눌래 Firefly Let’s share our warmth Firefly You’re like a moonlight and I’m firefly 날개를 펼쳐 난 Firefly Open my wings I’m a Firefly
Lyrics by Ollounder, Door Composed by Ollounder, Door, tankzzo, LAKOV Arranged by Ollounder, tankzzo, LAKOV
Translation by 7-Dreamers HojuneTL Please do not take translation without credit
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kingofscoops · 2 years
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Just wanna be Wanna bewitch you in the moonlight Just wanna be I wanna bewitch you all night
Dance Macabre by Ghost
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criticowl · 2 months
Lunter Fic Idea
The idea is that Hunter reads an Empire-approved book about Wild Witches that claims that they intend to rebuild their clans and culture using the "Superior, magic rich genes of proper Coven Witches!" and then lists out all the ways they go about formally claiming and courting a mate like they're some wild animal. Hunter thinks it's nonsense of course, but then Luz starts fulfilling some of those conditions and performing some of those actions (Without realizing) and he ends up thinking that she has fully embraced Wild Witch culture and is after his powerful Coven Witch babies. Luz, meanwhile, is just vibing and bonding with her newest friend! She also enjoys just how blushy and easily flustered the cute Witch boy is! Luz: *Grabs Hunter's hand* C'mon, I wanna show you this new glyph combo I just found! Hunter: Sure Hunter in His Head: UNHOLY TEMPTRESS! VILE SEDUCTRESS! WICKED BEWITCHER! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA- Of course, it wouldn't always be silly moments, gotta throw some real sweetness in there too. I thought of juxtaposing them with dreams at the start and end of each chapter, the starting one being goofier and playing more into the "Empire Boy Thinks He's Going to get Unga Bunga'd", where as the close-out one would be more intimate and soft-hearted, all hooded eyes and candlelight. Highlight his turmoil over these feelings of attraction and a different kind of Want, wholly new things to him that Luz induces, how he both wants to luxuriate in and fears these emotions. As an example of one of those closing dreams; Hunter wanders in the dark forest, unsure where he is or why, when he suddenly clears the wood. There, up a hill illuminated by blue moonlight, standing before a simple stone altar, she stands. Luz, clothed in a black, sheer cloth that flowed in the gentle breeze, her back to him as she stares up. He's as confused as he is drawn to her. When he's naught but a few steps away, she finally speaks. "The oldest Witches joined under the full moon, whenever it shone." She said quietly, as she reverently traced the runic designs in the altar, "So that their children would be born healthy and strong, so that their magic would be as a deep well, plentiful and pure." She turns to him, and while her smile is as bright as ever, it's different, more demure and coy, the moonlight outlining her toned, lithe body behind the thin cloth, stealing his breath away. However, the shine it gives those ever wide, chocolate brown eyes, hooded now and warm, always so warm for him, is what steals his heart. "Well come on, silly," she says with a quiet chuckle, reaching a hand out to him, "Don't keep me waiting!" And then he wakes up, and all at once his heart feels so full it might burst, and like he's in freefall, terrified of how much he enjoys these feelings, of what's at the bottom of this fall he's taken
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stargaze-ren · 1 year
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Just wanna bewitch you in the moonlight 🌙✨
Finally posting this one because I really need to keep an eye on what I haven't posted, this drawing is from April - Jun!
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