batmanego · 2 months
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(Cole cash voice) They have taken everything from me. Now there’s nothing left. They can take me too. They can have my life.
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USPS is being so anti black woman rn 😔
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scaryfaggot · 10 months
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dickspooky · 2 years
Fuck companies that don’t have constant shipping updates
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idowhatiwantspock · 4 months
FedEx is my least favorite delivery service.
I sent this to a friend to explain what's going on so y'all get it to now. You're welcome.
Context: my computer is broken and needs a full upgrade.
[So I order parts from Best Buy for the computer and the location nearest me doesn't have all the parts. So I ordered for shipping cuz it's free. And on the order it says it might even be here by Thursday. On Friday at around noon there was a knock on the door but I was half asleep so I didn't answer it and I found a FedEx tag that said that they would try three more times on consecutive business days before holding it for a week for me to pick up from them up in the NE. I get an email from Best buy at 4 p.m. saying it was shipped.
Then nothing which is not unusual. I was expecting for something on Monday. Monday comes and goes nothing. I call yesterday being like "where package?" The person updates my delivery information to let them know I'm disabled and it'll take a bit to get to the door and tell me that they're coming with my package after the call. I wait outside for THREE HOURS and nothing.
I called today after class and the person's like "they've already tried to deliver it four times. It wasn't even going to arrive yesterday. It's at our warehouse ready for pickup." Meanwhile, the tracking app says it's returning to sender and it has been since before I called them yesterday. So I ask for a supervisor who tells me that they use different systems for tracking and the customer isn't seeing what they are seeing and it says that they tried to deliver it four times: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Monday. Told them I have been home and the only time I heard a knock was Friday. They tell me that they will give my package to a delivery person tomorrow because all of the deliveries are done for the day already???? And then text me so I know when it'll happen. But guess what? That'll be at 7 A.M.. So now I have to wake up at 7 in the morning and wait until my package arrives.]
Context: I go to bed at 3 a.m. on a good night. My Pokemon sleep app is already confused about my sleep and now FedEx is gonna fuck it up even more.
Lesson: Best Buy free shipping is a lie. You pay with sanity and hours of sleep.
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cinnabeat · 1 year
when will my package come back from the war
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steeiydan · 1 year
angry pissed off mad peeved seething etc
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turtleblogatlast · 4 months
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Was thinking about this again haha
Anyway I adore Hueso and Leo’s dynamic and wanted to include Hueso Jr in it because I like to think Leo can be shockingly good with kids
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rantingxoxo · 1 year
why is my package not here yet I cannot
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classic-heavy · 1 year
i think if my package comes it’ll fix me
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older i get the more i understand supervillains. if i woke up one day with magic powers my first instinct would absolutely be "do crime and cause problems on purpose"
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dimeadozencows · 6 months
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I have endured what no one on earth has ever done before
I put my lips to the hands of the man who killed my son
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lifeline-zone · 16 days
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"cus' im heaving a good time"
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winkle-pickers · 8 months
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Inspired by this post, a really good discussion about it, and reassurance that life doesn't end after your twenties - quite the opposite in fact. Happy 43rd birthday Kaiba <3
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twinkskeletons · 4 months
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folie pin idea!! 🧸❤️🐻
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danandfuckingjonlmao · 5 months
a good animated show must have at least 4 of the following:
- gay
- existentialism/nihilism
- morally grey lead characters
- horrendously depressing themes/messages
- psychedelic weird shit that highlights the absurdity of life
i don’t make the rules (i do make the rules pls recommend me shows—i’ll put the ones i’ve watched in the tags, feel free to add any you think of)
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