#I Wrote My Own Deliverance Chapter 3
dfroza · 1 day
A link to my personal reading of the Scriptures
for the 19th of September 2024 with a paired chapter from each Testament (the First & the New Covenant) of the Bible
[The Book of Revelation, Chapter 19 • The Book of Joshua, Chapter 14]
along with Today’s reading from the ancient books of Proverbs and Psalms with Proverbs 19 and Psalm 19 coinciding with the day of the month, accompanied by Psalm 92 for the 92nd day of Astronomical Summer, and Psalm 113 for day 263 of the year (with the consummate book of 150 Psalms in its 2nd revolution this year)
A post by John Parsons:
Spirituality is lived now, in this world... "I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one" (John 17:15). We are "in but not of" the world; we are part yet also not part of it... This is the tension of living in the realm of the “already-not-yet.” We are haunted by a sense of incompletion - a yearning for the fulfillment of our salvation, an inner ache that helps focus the heart's affections...
A paradox of the spiritual life is that we must descend to ascend... We all sin; we all fall short. First we must accept our own "dark side" -- our own sinful nature -- before we can ever come to know the light... This is the path of confession - acknowledging the truth about who we really are, which is the only way we can learn to "endure ourselves" and eventually let go of our shame. We find ourselves when we give up our defenses and take hold of God's compassion. We all have our sins; now we must find our courage in God’s love.
We must learn to "endure ourselves..." We can't deny who we are; we can't pretend to be what we are not. The root of shame is self-rejection. This is the hidden anguish of heart that leads many of us astray. As Henri Nouwen said, "There are two extremes to avoid: 1) being completely absorbed in your pain and 2) being distracted by so many things that you stay far away from the wound you want to heal." We don't come to the cross to destroy ourselves but to find deliverance and life: our brokenness is a means to this greater end. We "take up the cross daily," which means learning to forgive and endure ourselves... As theologian Paul Tillich once insightfully said: “The courage to be is the courage to accept oneself as accepted in spite of being unacceptable...” (Tillich).
In this age, we are part of a seemingly endless journey of falling down and getting back up once again. It is this struggle, this "good fight of faith," that eventually ennobles the heart and establishes character... In light of this, we must refuse to lose heart when things appear to be going badly, and likewise we must remain vigilant when things seems to be going well. The goal of the process is always to be in heartfelt, genuine, and earnest relationship with the LORD. As Madame Guyon once wrote, "You are born into the world like an illegitimate child who has no idea who his father is. But God comes and draws you out of your old life. He cleanses you and gives you back your innocence."
[ Hebrew for Christians ]
Psalm 51:3 Hebrew audio:
Hebrew page:
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9.18.24 • Facebook
Today’s message (Days of Praise) from the Institute for Creation Research
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schrijverr · 3 years
I Wrote My Own Deliverance
Chapter 3 out of 10
Alexander Hamilton is reborn as Alex Hambleton. He is desperate not to make the same mistakes twice, but it seems he is stuck in the narrative, unable to get out. Familiar faces pop up all around him as he attempts to keep his previous life a secret and write himself out of the story
On AO3.
Ships: none
Wasrnings: Aaron and Alex get punched by the Schuylers and theyre at a party so drinking. Tell me if I missed anything or if you want me to tag something!!!
The week passed quicker than expected and soon enough Alex was dragging Aaron along to the meeting place with Herc, Lafayette and John. Inside he was hoping none of them had read up on their history and wouldn’t know what Aaron had done.
Or that they at least wouldn’t be salty.
No such luck, the moment they arrived Alex skipped forwards as he introduced Aaron: “Hi, guys, this Aaron Bartow, my roommate.”
At the name John surged forwards, only getting held back by Lafayette, who whispered: “Lets not do this tonight.”
John tore himself free and jabbed his finger at Aaron as he hissed: “The only reason you don’t have a broken nose right now is because I don’t want to ruin our evening and Alex is attached to you for some reason.”
Before Aaron could reply Alex stepped in: “Damn, I knew people tell you not to mix social circles, but I did not picture this. What did you do piss John off? He’s practically sunshine.”
The others all stared at him, unsure if they should explain or just leave him in the dark as they had done so far. No one had informed Alex of who they were, besides mentioning soldiers and revolution – or lawyer in Aarons case.
“I feel like I’m missing something.” Alex broke the tension.
“Just leave it, Alex. It’s too complicated.” Herc said.
“Ooohh, relationship drama through the ages.” Alex couldn't help but tease, “Were you past lovers?”
Aaron and John both chocked as Laf and Herc burst out laughing and suddenly the tension from before was gone as Herc gasped: “Oh my god, Alex, I know you have no context, but that was the funniest shit to date.”
“But was I right?” he asked.
“NO!” suddenly Aaron and John could agree, both with horror on their faces.
John grimaced: “I’m gay, but not for him, ew.”
“I feel like I should be offended, but I honestly don’t care.” Aaron replied.
“Sad, you two would be cute together.” now he was just talking shit and if it ever came out that he’d already known right now, he was going to be fucked.
There were more snorts and sounds of horror. When everyone had calmed down again he gestured to the house from which sounds of the party were coming. He said: “Are we going to get shitfaced now?”
John forgot Aaron as he whooped loudly and practically dragged the others inside, leaving Aaron to sigh and trudge after them. He had forgotten how much he hadn’t missed this.
Inside Alex looked around for the Angie, who had invited them. It was polite to sat hi to the host after all. He soon spotted her and dragged his companions over to her and two other girls by her side.
“Hello, Alex, I’m unsure which of you to thank for inviting me.” he greeted with a charming smile, “I also brought my housemate Aaron, hope it’s not an issue.”
“Aaron?” Angie asked.
“Yeah, oh and that’s John, Herc and Lafayette, his real name is way too long so we just call him Laf.” he smiled.
Before he could say anything else one of the other girls had punched Aaron in the face. The puzzle pieces fell in place, but before he could say anything Angies fist collided with his own. His hands flew up and he yelled: “What the hell!”
In the background he heard Lafayette ask: “Schulyers?”
“Yes, naturally.” Angie replied.
“Alex doesn’t remember or he really isn’t him.” Lafayette said softly, “We’re unsure.”
Pretending he hadn’t overheard the conversation, he looked up and said: “I probably deserved that, though I am unsure why, but, and I repeat, what the hell! Do you always go around punching your guests?”
Angie gasped and Alex felt kind of bad, since he honestly did deserve that. She explained: “I’m so sorry, I thought- with Aaron- and then, you- god, I’m so sorry, I knew an Alex, well, an Alexander, in a past life and he broke my sisters heart.”
“Damn, he must have really fucked up.” Alex sympathized.
“Yeah, he cheated on me and published it for the world to know.” the girl who punched Aaron told him, “Elizabeth Schild, but everyone calls me Lizzy.”
“Alex Hambleton, and that guy sounds like a fucking asshole, pardon my language. He deserves more than a punch at this point.” he said, trying to apologize while also not, “But why did Aaron get punched?”
“Well, maybe now it isn’t him, since you’re not-” Lizzy, no Eliza, his Betsy, said, “But if he is who I think he is, then he shot my husband.”
“Holy shit.” Alex forced his eyes to go wide with surprise, “Remember what I said? Holy fuck. I was right, well not completely, but holy shit.”
“What?” Angie, Angelica, asked.
“Well, this is awkward, well, uhm, when I asked these three if I should invite Aaron here, they asked me what, you know- what was the worst that could happen, you see.” Alex stumbled.
“The point.” there was a reason he had always liked Angelica.
“The worst I came up with was that he over there murdered your past lover, not hers, and that you were going to murder him and that I was going to be involved somehow and then I was going to get deported for being an accessory.” Alex told her.
“That is scarily close.” Eliza said.
“Exactly!” Alex said, “Way too close, jikes. Please, don’t murder him, I want to keep my visa, please.”
“I’ll consider it.” Angelica raised a brow, charmed.
“Thanks.” Aaron sounded strained, his nose was still bleeding.
“So, are you the guy who shot the husband.” Alex asked, he had to, it would be suspicious if he didn’t.
Aaron looked around to all the expecting faces and sighed defeated, this was not how he had hoped this evening to go: “Yes.”
“On one hand, damn, on the other hand, that guy kinda deserved it.” Alex told him, “So, silver linings.”
“You are extremely calm for a man rooming with a confirmed murderer.” John said, still mad at Aaron.
Alex shrugged: “I mean, that was the past, people change, my man. And mean, I’m still alive, so I trust him.”
He tried to ignore the look of awe and disbelief on Aarons face.
“Weirdo.” said the other girl, “I’m Margret Smith, but call me Peggy.”
“It’s nice to meet you.” Alex said, he was glad Eliza had found her sisters, she deserved to have something nice like that in her life. He added: “Hey, Peggy, could you show me where the ice is? It’s not that I don’t love this drama that I’m unable to follow, but my nose hurts.”
“Yeah, sure.” she said, before sending her sisters a look and dragging Alex off to give the others privacy to talk about the past.
They wormed their way through the crowd of bodies to a luckily empty kitchen, where Alex was given an ice pack for his nose. Sitting on the counter he asked: “Sorry if this rude, but did you know what they were talking about?”
Peggy shrugged and said: “I mean, technically yeah, we used to be sisters in our past lives, but I died before all the drama, so it’s always more them and then me. I’m the ‘and Peggy’, at least Margret is slightly better than Margarita as a name”
Alex snorted and nodded, de and Peggy had always gotten along. She’d struggled with this before as well. He offered: “At least you know. It seems everyone wants me to be someone, but I am my own person. Having a past life seems to be exhausting and it would only drag me down, I have so much to achieve.”
Peggy grinned and said: “Well, I don’t blame them for thinking it, honestly. You are so much like the other Alexander, he made it to the History books, you know.”
“Really?” Alex asked.
“Yeah, you have no clue how awkward it is to learn about your brother-in-law during high school.” she confided.
He laughed and said: “That must be insane, I’m honestly tempted to ask who he was, but I also don’t want to know, because then I know who everyone wants me to be and it seems like he was a lot to live up to, being a shitty husband aside.”
“Lizzy called him her little hurricane.” Peggy told him, “He was quite much, but in a good way, as far as I knew him. Always talking or writing.”
Alex grinned, he had always gotten the gossip about Angelica and Eliza from Peggy and it seemed even death and more than 200 years had not changed that.
He replied: “Damn, that does sound like too much energy,” god was he one to judge, he was practically still the same, “How about we go back, before they actually murder Aaron and we’re accessories.”
It delighted him that he got a laugh out of the youngest sister as she gave him a drink, for the last of the pain as she told him, before going to find the others again.
Aaron had already left, but the night was good nonetheless. Alex, however, was getting quite concerned with all the people he’d know. If he wasn’t careful, he would be forced to tell everyone he knew who he was.
As much as he loved seeing his Betsy again, he hadn’t deserved Eliza before and he certainly didn’t deserve Eliza again. He wasn’t going to force her to go through that again.
So, he spend the night flirting with a guy, named Yoseph, making sure he had known no one with the name. And distanced himself.
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brujahinaskirt · 2 years
rank your fics
PROMPT: Rank your own fics from best to worst. Reasons optional. Don't be too hard on yourselves; appreciate how far you've come! (Bonus challenge: Find some good things to say about the fics you don't like anymore.)
Tag some other writers when you're done! Tagging @mangocats, @jawanaka, @plummeting-plum, @weterali, @mourningafterdark, @maranzalla, @angels-heap, and anyone who wants to do it! (If you do it, tag me so I can read yours!)
A Strange Hunt (Kingdom Come: Deliverance)
This is my best fanfic. I’m proud of most of the lines even 3+ years later, and I love how the individual chapters resonate/communicate with each other. There are certain lines I would have written differently now and some mistakes I should have caught during the first drafting, but I think it has a ton of heart. I love it a lot and I’m happy I wrote it, mistakes and all.
2. Lost in the Trees (Kingdom Come: Deliverance)
This one wrote itself, and did so pretty fucking well if I’m any judge of my own work. It was supposed to be a quick 8k max piece and it wound up at 22k—and I’m actually glad about that for once. I planned out the vignettes and their parallels extensively and it paid off. Writing-wise, it's flowery emotional imagery built with plainclothes language; I think it “sounds” like Henry’s soul (at least as I depict him), and I believe it brings out the best of my strengths. This is the one I revisit when I feel like shit about my writing.
3. Instead of Stars (Half-Life)
A structurally complicated and sometimes too-dense behemoth, as was its predecessor, but one that I feel honors my roots while showcasing how much I’ve improved in a decade. Feels kind of like a “hey, kid, I didn’t forget you” love letter to the young writer I used to be ten years ago. And given that the central character is also older and more mature, that feels… idk! Appropriate. Nice. We grew up.
4. Fortune Favors the Bold (Kingdom Come: Deliverance)
Probably contains the lines I am proudest of across all my fics. There’s huge range in this story. But right now… it’s sloppy and there’s just too much of it, and the best chapters haven't been uploaded yet. Will definitely need a stern editorial beating when it's done.
5. With Horn and Leash (Kingdom Come: Deliverance)
A clean-faced and inoffensive child. Not a particularly ambitious fic, but serviceable and satisfying enough in its conclusions, I think. The writing is newer and fresher than the below entries. Doesn’t live up to its admittedly killer title which I was smug about for a solid week.
6. In Spring (Kingdom Come: Deliverance)
It’s okay. Too maudlin in parts, too sparse in others, but I do still enjoy the symbolism. I'd say I’ve nailed POV character’s speaking style and I think a lot of these lines could pass for game dialogue.
Also: I adore writing Hans. He is such a beloved mean little cunt.
7. Without Home (Kingdom Come: Deliverance)
This piece always felt to me like it could have done more.
8. Half Full (Thief: Deadly Shadows)
My favorite of my Thief works. Its strength is its dialogue, which still holds up for me.
9. The Jackal (Thief: The Metal Age)
Dusty but I think I really had my finger on Viktoria's pulse here.
10. In Caes of Disastur (Kingdom Come: Deliverance)
Truthfully, I like this little bugger quite a lot. But it’s too short and silly to rank any higher.
11. Black Coffee (Half-Life)
Old, but I feel great affection for it. I put a lot of myself in my depiction of Barney Calhoun, intentionally and unintentionally—in part to fill blank spots in Valve’s writing, but also because… well, I felt a bit like Barney back when I wrote the original. I was just entering college, I had a thick country accent, I desperately wanted to be more grown-up than I was, and I felt like everyone else thought I was the dumbest no-interiority shit-for-brains redneck on campus. Sorry for giving you so much of my teenage trauma, Barney, damn.
12. The Princess-Boy (Red Dead Redemption 2)
So far so good, but it’s too new for me to rank higher (or lower).
13. Words Unanswered (Tolkien)
This one’s just too old. It was written in large part to match a dear friend’s stylistic tastes, not necessarily my own. I’m no longer proud of the writing, which makes it difficult to work on. Many of the early chapters now strike me as flat and kind of babyish. I’m not outright embarrassed of it yet, but I know I’ve come a long way since I started, and I’m ready to lay this one to rest.
14. Desert of Ghosts (Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodlines)
L o r d.
(I still love-hate my Ms. Woeburne, who is The Worst.)
15. Regaining Balance (Thief: The Dark Project)
Now in relic territory, but I don’t hate it! I feel fondness for it, even if I no longer think it's well-written.
16. Haggling Freedom (Dragon Age)
Frankly stupid, but some of the descriptions still slap.
17. Running on Faith (The Walking Dead)
Not good, but not in truly awful territory yet. Some genuinely cute sentiments and images.
18. Killing Snakes (Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodlines)
Getting into profound oof territory here. This is ancient, so I don’t feel too terrible that it’s terrible, but I am kind of relieved canon materials have since been released that render my take completely invalid.
19. You Do Not See (Tolkien)
Kind of boring, but at least it’s short.
20. You Do Not Know (Tolkien)
Boring as hell and too long for what it does.
21. You Do Not Hear (Tolkien)
Boring as fuck.
22. On White Shores (Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodlines)
Kill me.
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rizlowwritessortof · 3 years
Riz’s Master List
Just updated my master list (finally) - haven’t added anything new for a few months, unfortunately, but I’m working on it! Links below the cut. HUGE THANKS to @firefly-graphics for the dividers, you are a GIFT, my friend! 
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Never Look Back
Dean Winchester/Female OC, 21 chapters
Bethany Rae Cooper didn’t realize when she met the Winchesters in her family’s bar and grill that her life would never be the same. But she’s always believed that everything happens for a reason, even if it’s not exactly what you were expecting…
The Shadow’s Edge
Dean Winchester/Female OC, 17 chapters
Sequel to Never Look Back. When the demon Dameon was killed, Dean and Beth thought their son was safe from the prophecy. But when Cas brings them news of the new battle for Hell, they realize that their war has just begun.
The Fine Line
Dean Winchester/Female OC, 34 chapters
An unexpected tragedy sends Devon down the dark path of hate and vengeance, but she will learn that things are not always what they seem…
Dean Winchester/Female OC, 10 chapters
Sequel to The Fine Line. Dean and Devon’s relationship has always been stormy - but can they work through the scars of their past to find each other again?
Stars In the Darkness
Dean Winchester/Female OC, 8 chapters
A crushing loss brings Dean and Sam to Sioux Falls, and ghosts from the past and present bring them across the path of Tiara, a girl they haven’t seen since childhood.
Dean Winchester/Female OC, 5 chapters
Dean Winchester has always been a bit of a thorn in Kelsey’s side - a very attractive thorn, but still… A visit at her uncle Bobby’s reunites her with the boys, and she begins having vivid dreams - about Dean. Is it just her subconscious trying to tell her something? Or is there more to it than that?
My Unimportant Little Life
Dean Winchester/Female OC, 11 chapters
Season 5 timeline. Dean gets yanked from 2009 to 2014, so he can see the ‘consequences’ of saying no to Michael. At Camp Chitaqua he meets Reggie, and is surprised to find that she comes from 2009 as well…
Back In the Saddle
Dean Winchester/Female OC, 10 chapters
Dean and Sam are back in the old west again - in answer to a cry for help from Samuel Colt. And if Dean just happens to get tangled up with the spirited redhead that owns the saloon… what’s the harm, right?
Sweet Escape
Dean/Female Reader, 2 parts
What happens when a friend jokingly does a spell at your birthday party to bring your cardboard standup of Dean Winchester to life? This one’s dedicated to my friend, Liz, who gave me the idea. If only…
Sweet Escape Part 1
Sweet Escape Part 2
Shut Up and Drive
Dean/Female Reader, 2 parts
Reader teases Dean while he’s driving, so - he gets even
Part 1 - Keep Your Eyes on the Road
Part 2 - Or We Could Park - Parking Is Good Too
Take the Long Way Home
Dean Winchester/Female OC, 8 chapters
A look at Dean and Rusty’s relationship, in the present and through their memories. Flashbacks/memories are in italics.
Black Velvet
Demon!Dean/Female Reader, Dean/Female Reader, 9 chapters
You and Sam are broken after Dean’s death. Nobody expected him to come back with black eyes…
Fade to Black
Dean/Female Reader, 11 chapters
Sequel to Black Velvet. Dean is no longer a demon, but he’s still cursed with the Mark of Cain, and the lure of that darkness grows stronger as time goes on.
Dean and Toby Series
Part 1 - The Meet-Cute (Actually Rescue but Whatever)
Part 2 - The Emergency Bed-Share/Move In With Us Combo
Part 3 - The Hit and Then Run Like Your Ass Is On Fire
Part 4 - The FINALLY Admit Your True Feelings and Get Busy
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I’m Good
This is the story that was published in the Seasons - Supernatural Short Story Anthology in 2017. Bobby sharing some memories.
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Combo Shot
Dean/Female Reader
June 2015 GIEPP (Girl In Every Port Project) entry. Prompt: Pool/Poker hustler competitive chick. Pretty much pure smut.
A Hunter Walks Into a Bar
Dean/Female OC
Prowling hunter, sassy bartender
Dean/Female Reader
Dean providing comfort
That’s How It Should Be
Sheriff!Dean/Female Reader
They have to make a fast escape, but Dean won’t let being on horseback stand in the way of showing a lady a good time
The Storm
Dean/Female Reader
You’re terrified of storms, and Dean is concerned, feelings get shared
Pest Control
Dean/Female Reader
You think you’ve got mice. The exterminator that shows up is Dean Winchester. He’ll just let you believe that, and take care of the problem. And you.
Happy Birthday, Baby
Dean/Female OC (KK)
Fluffy, smutty birthday fic written for a friend
Gunpowder and Dean
Dean/Female Reader
You’re pissed off at Dean, taking it out on the firing range, but he just won’t leave you alone…
Juicy and Delicious
Dean/Female Reader
My entry for Dean’s Flavor of the Month fic challenge - Peach Pie. You bake some peach pies for Dean, and he’s very grateful…
Lost In You
Dean/Female Reader
A casual flirtation leads to a violent encounter, and Dean’s reaction is a little more than you expected. Warning for brief description of attempted (unsuccessful) assault. Protective Dean.
What You Need
Dean/Female Reader
You’re watching as Sam and Dean prepare to interrogate a demon. Dean knows you’re watching him, and he knows exactly the kind of effect it’s having on you…
Santa Claus Is Coming Tonight
Dean/Female Reader
Dean’s really getting into the Christmas spirit…
I Need You
Dean/Female Reader
You screwed up, Sam got hurt, Dean’s pissed and you aren’t handling it very well.
Snow Day
Dean/Female Reader
You and Dean, stuck in a motel room in a blizzard
Frisk Me
Dean/Female Cop Reader
You’re a cop, in hot pursuit of a murderer, and guess who crosses your path?
Dean/Female Reader
Dean had a rough hunt, and he’s beating himself up as usual. You take his mind off things for a little while…
When I Think About You
Dean/Female Reader
It was a wild hunt, and you’re both a little high-strung. Surely there’s some way to blow off some steam…
One Finger
Dean/Female Reader
Dean Winchester has never been one to back down from a challenge
What Makes You Feel Alive
Endverse!Dean/Female Reader
The world is bleak, the struggle endless after Croatoan. You and Dean do what you have to do to keep going.
Sweet Misery
Dean/Unnamed Female OC
My entry for Bev’s Song Challenge - song prompt was Cryin’ by Aerosmith, lyrics at the beginning
Winchesters Don’t Giggle
Dean/Female Reader
A friend and I were having this discussion about giving Dean a back rub, and whether he might be ticklish…
Dean (Priest!Dean)/Female Reader
When Dean returns from some undercover work, you discover a fantasy you never realized you had
The Bait
Dean/Female Reader
This was written for @jessica-bones-winchester’s (now on her 100th url as @cavillanche - Love you, Jess!) Dating Dean Writing Challenge. The prompt was ‘dressing up as an anime character for his birthday.’ And I have to admit, I really enjoyed this one… Reader dresses as Sailor Mars (from Sailor Moon) for Dean’s birthday.
Hey, Man - Nice Shot
Dean/Female Reader
This is for @jessica-bones-winchester’s ( @cavillanche ) Dating Dean Writing Challenge. The prompt was ‘competitiveness in the shooting range (loser cleans the kitchen for a week) No smut.
Take the Pain Away
Dean/Female Reader
This was written for @jessica-bones-winchester’s ( @cavillanche ) Dating Dean Writing Challenge. Prompt was ‘him taking care of you when you’re sick.’ Reader falls victim to a migraine, and Dean helps her through it. No smut.
Lose Yourself
Dean/Female Reader
Smut, pure and simple… Just imagine having Dean tied up, at your mercy while you worship those perky nipples…
The Contest
Dean/Female Reader
Dean loves to give you a hard time, and one night he pushes things a little too far… Flashback in italics. All’s well that ends well.
Slow Ride
Dean (Bullriding!Dean) /Reader
Yeah, after 12x11, y'all should have known this was coming - they don’t call me Cowgirl for nothing… Written (coincidentally - timing is everything!) for the Smut Apocalypse (Smut Appreciation Day) on Tumblr.
The Photo Booth
Dean/Unnamed Female OC - Dean’s POV
This was written for @winchestersandwordprocessors SPN Valentine’s Fic Challenge. Prompt was Semi-public/Risk of getting caught.
Make You Mine
Dean/Female Reader
Dean’s jealousy gets the best of him, which is not a bad thing…
Take a Chance
Dean/Unnamed Female OC - Dean’s POV
In 7x04, Dean gives himself a little pep talk before his planned hook-up with the bartender. That scene is what inspired me. This one is more important than the usual one-nighters, and it’s making him a little nervous…
If We Don’t Make It
Dean/Female OC
This fic was written for @whispersandwhiskerburn Angel’s 2K Follower Celebration. My song prompt was “Broken” by Lifehouse, and the dialogue prompt was “If we don’t make it out of this, I need you to know…” No smut.
My Deliverer
Dean/Female Spirit - Her POV
Dean is hunting a vengeful spirit. But another spirit is in this place, and she is drawn to him…
Friendly Advice
Dean/Female Reader - Dean POV, Reader POV
This was written for @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog Mimi’s RomCom Fluff Challenge. The fluff got a little smudged into smutty fun… oops! Two POV’s, Dean’s thoughts are in italics and Reader’s are in regular font.
Old Times
Dean/Female OC
Sequel a few years down the road from A Hunter Walks Into a Bar. Tiara goes back to the bar for a visit, and who should show up the next night but Dean Winchester… Flashback in italics.
You Can Leave Your Hat On
Dean/Female Reader (nicknamed Taz)
Inspired by the sexy AF Cowboy!Dean we were treated to in 13x06 Tombstone. Helped along by Joe Cocker’s rendition of “You Can Leave Your Hat On.“
Wish Her the Best
Dean/Female OC - Dean’s POV
This is an angsty li'l fic inspired by Thomas Rhett’s ‘Marry Me,’ tore at my heart until I finally wrote it. No smut.
A Matter of… Time?
Dean/Female Reader
This is the crackiest piece of work I’ve ever written - for @percywinchester27 Ana’s PJO Quotes Challenge. Prompt was “Don’t you ever feel that way? Like you could do a better job if you ran the world?” - “Umm - no. Me running the world would be kind of a nightmare.”
Demon Seed
Demon!Dean/Female Reader
Demon!Dean stops in for a drink and decides he wants you. He’s very persuasive. Written for @evansrogerskitten’s Hottest Dean Challenge.
Not Wasted Now
Dean/Female Reader
When you all decide to get drunk in the aftermath of a bad hunt, lines get a little blurred. Or crossed. Or fucking erased. Fluffy, smutty, comforting, sweet and sexy Dean.
Bad Guy
Demon!Dean/Female Reader
This was written for @eyes-of-a-disney-princess Rapunzel’s Tangled Up With Supernatural Challenge. My Tangled quote was “You want me to be the bad guy? Fine, now I’m the bad guy.”
Trucker!Dean/Female OC
Trucker!Dean AU. Breaker, breaker, got your ears on? 67 Midnight Rider, put that hammer down…
Some Kind of Hero
Dean/Female OC
Written for Tiff’s WTF Challenge. Dean’s just filling up Baby, minding his own business, when he hears an argument and gets involved. Protective Dean, no smut, left that to your imagination.
Dean/Female Reader
So, have some ‘Riz is craving some sexy Dean action with a big ol’ side of schmoopy fluff’ stuff. Because I was, and I’m sharing with you - the smut and all the sickenly sweet cuddly that I just need sometimes. If y'all are in the mood for that kind of thing.
Perchance to Dream
Dean/Female OC
Using African dream root on a case leads to an awkward situation, and Karlie can’t handle the tension between her and Dean any longer
Dean/Female Reader
Dean comes home from a hunt, and he’s had something on his mind…
Going Home
Dean/Female Reader
Written for @crispychrissy’s Gif It To Me Challenge. Overhearing only part of a conversation sends her running, but jumping to conclusions without the whole story isn’t the best decision. No smut.
Not the Smartest Thing
Dean/Female Reader - Reader POV
Only Dean Fucking Winchester could turn taking a swig of beer into pornography. Cocky bastard. But two can play at that game.
Suzy Q
Dean/Female OC - OC POV
Written for @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan’s Multi-fandom Follower Celebration Challenge. Prompt - “I think I’m having a feeling. How do I make it stop?”
Invisible Touch
Dean/Unnamed Female OC
Rowena teaches Dean something new, and he gets inspired. I have no idea where this came from, but here it is…
Maybe I’m Amazed
Dean/Unnamed Female OC
An accident leaves her unconscious and fighting for her life in the hospital, drifting in and out of awareness and memories as Dean refuses to leave her side. Written for @rockhoochie’s 1K Love Supernatural Style Writing Challenge.
Dean/Female OC
Passing through town, Dean runs into an old high school classmate. Fluffy and smutty, no angst here!
Playing With Fire
MOC!Dean/Unnamed Female OC
Late Season 10 MOC!Dean smut fic that just wouldn’t leave me alone…
Michael!Dean/Dean/Unnamed Female OC
Michael gives Dean a choice, because sometimes Michael likes to watch…This one is darker than my normal, PLEASE heed the warnings.
What Happens At the Roadhouse…
Early-Season Dean/Female OC
Bailey’s just looking for a couple days post-hunt R&R at Harvelle’s - and then he shows up. Cocky bastard.
Post-Purgatory Dean/Female OC
She’s still struggling to cope a year after Dean disappeared in the explosion that killed Dick Roman.
The Pool House
Dean/Unnamed female OC
Inspired by a dream - one I will never forget!
The Break-In
Dean/Tara (female OC)
One night I started thinking about what it would be like using mics and earbuds and having Dean’s voice RIGHT IN YOUR EAR. And then this fic happened. Hope you enjoy!
Tired of Missing You
Dean/Journey (female OC)
This is one of those times when my story yanked the wheel out of my hands and I just went along for the ride. So if you’re in the mood for a fluffy, angsty cookie with a smutty, creamy middle - here ya go!
Dean/Brandi (female OC)
Have you ever had a really bad day at work? I’ve never had a day quite as bad as Brandi’s - but damn, I’d love to use this method to relieve the stress…
The Devil Made Me Do It
Demon!Dean/Shea (Female OC)
Shea is in a reckless mood. Demon!Dean is happy to help her indulge that mood.
Driving Miss Baby
Dean decides you need a driving lesson in Baby.
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Just a Little Story About Lou and Sam
Sam/Female OC
Lou and Sam walk into a bar… written for a friend who’s a Sammy girl
Doctor-Patient Relations
Sam/Female OC
One-shot inspired by The Born-Again Identity - sick Sammy and Dr. Nicole. Written for another Sammy-girl friend
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Head vs. Heart
No title
Fourth of July
Working Saturday Isn’t So Bad
11x17 Drabble
Some Nights He Dreams
Most of the Time
The Name Game
God Bless America
Stress Relief
Dean Hurt/Comfort Drabble
@mrs-squirrel-chester ‘s Album Fanfic Writing Challenge Drabbles
    For My Brother
    In Chains
    Kiss and Tell
    The End of Me
    In the End
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okay hear me out - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and twenty. for the ask thingy, please ma'am
Gonna go ahead and tag @wanna-be-bold here because your ask clearly had some overlap with Sofia’s mega-ask. XD 
1. who is the hardest character for you to write? Anyone outside of my normal ships, lol. I’m pretty comfortable with Tiva but you throw Vance (and his toothpick) in there? I’m gonna struggle. 
2. who is the easiest character for you to write? Ziva, I think, or an original character I wrote years ago. Characters I really feel like I understand! 
3. How do you know if your writing is “in character”? I don’t, lmao. I just write what feels right and then hope for the best!
4. Where do your story ideas come from? YOU SOF. And sometimes other places too, lol. But seriously, a lot of my ideas are sparked from the fics of other writers! I love a good “what if” that stems from a different “what if”.
5. Do you tell the people in your life that you write fics? Lmao. Well you know my mom read WAAO so you really think I keep any secrets after that? Everyone in my life knows what I love and I don’t hesitate to talk their ears off about it all! 
6. What has been the hardest fic for you to write? We Are an Ocean, definitely. There’s so much more range to it than anything else I’ve ever written, so I’ve had to figure out how to shift gears from smut to fluff to plot to angst and back again! 
7. What fic of yours makes you the most emotional? The Place Where the Light Enters, a very old collab I never finished, lmao. That story saw me through some tough times and we put our characters through some REAL TOUGH times, too! Actually, one of my tattoos relates back to it, lol. “I picked up a pen; I wrote my own deliverance.”
8. What is a scene you wrote that you are most proud of? Gotta be some scene from That We May Forgive, but I’m not sure which one. I just know that’s the fic I’m most proud of!
9. Is there one character that you refuse to write? why? Ehhhhhh not really. But there are definitely characters I don’t enjoy writing. Jenny Shepard, lookin’ at you! 
10. When you write fics, how much of canon are you willing to ignore/skip over? Lmao. Depends on the day, my mood, and the fic in question. I love AUs so really I’m willing to throw everything out the window. Suck it, canon writers. You don’t own me. 
11. Do you prefer to be cold or hot when you write? COLD COLD COLD COLD COLD. I’m allergic to the cold but I would love to be cold for my whole life, so long as I have a decent supply of quilts and hot tea. I can’t focus when it’s too hot... living in Ghana was a STRUGGLE.
12. What is your ideal writing area? I usually write in bed, laptop in my lap and my back leaning on a pillow propped against the wall. It’s not ideal but I don’t have a desk so it’s become MY “ideal”. 
13. How do you come up with your titles? I have zero creativity in my body so I’ll decide on a theme and then google quotes for that theme. For example, for a fic I referenced earlier, the theme was healing. I found the quote “The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” (Rumi) The fic then became titled as a shortened version of that quote, The Place Where the Light Enters. 
14. How do you come up with chapter titles? I never title my chapters, lol.
15. At what point in writing a fic, do you decide to quit? I... okay, I can’t truthfully say what I was about to say. I WANTED to say “I don’t quit fics” but I have definitely abandoned a few in my day. (Haven’t done that for years, though.) Unless this question really means when I decide a fic is finished and ready to be published, in which case my answer is that I throw a dart at my nonexistent plotting paper and end the fic wherever it lands. I’m terrible at ending things, lol. 
16. How much of your personal life do you put into fics? Oof. Enough to be offended by this question, lmao. I sometimes use events from my personal life to inspire or plot fics, but more often, I explore my own confused emotions by making characters feel similar ones and writing it out. 
17. What is the most supportive comment you have gotten? Definitely something from you, @indestinatus, the queen of fic comments (and also the queen of fics, shush). But I’ve gotten some really really nice ones from strangers, too, especially on ff.net. 
18. What is the most negative comment you have gotten? Well this is embarrassing to admit. My first ever fic when I was... eh, ten years old? I tried to post it on Mugglenet, the only fanfic site I’ve ever been on that needed fics to be approved. My fic was rejected and the mod who rejected it said my main character was a Mary Sue. I’ve never recovered. 
19. How do you handle negative comments? I genuinely don’t get them often, so I’m not sure how to answer. People are usually really really nice. 
20. What story that you have written makes you the happiest to re-read? That We May Forgive! I poured my heart and soul into it. 
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shreddedleopard · 5 years
Decided to post AQR on AO3 too ...
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan, 進撃の巨人 | Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan (Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Krista Lenz | Historia Reiss/Levi Characters: Krista Lenz | Historia Reiss, Levi, Eren Yeager, Hange Zoë, Mikasa Ackerman, Connie Springer, Jean Kirstein, Sasha Blouse Additional Tags: RivaHisu, Canon Universe, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Feels, Post-Time Skip, Reiss-Ackerman Bond, Ackerman Bond, Royal Krista Lenz | Historia Reiss, Pregnancy, Secret Relationship Summary:
When Historia realises she must become pregnant to delay the plans of the Paradis Government, she is left with the impossible choice of selecting the father of her future child. There are many possible candidates, however Historia knows that there is only one set of genes which will give her child the very best chances of survival. The only problem is, will he consent to it?
Important information for you to be aware of before you begin:
+This is a Levihisu fic - despite this, I would invite all shippers to read - I didn't realise I shipped them until I wrote this, either!
+This work was originally posted and is updated on Fanfiction.net, where it is currently at Arc 4. The version posted here is a re-edited, tidied up version.
+I have tried my absolute best to write AQR to run alongside the Manga; there are elements that I've tweaked from canon (timescales, for example) but right now, as of Chapter 119, I don't think there are any plot points which could be seen as diverging hugely from the realms of canon possibility (don't get me wrong, the events of the story are highly, HIGHLY unlikely to be anything like Yam's reveals to us in the Manga, but what I'm saying is they technically COULD be possible.)
+Following on from the above, this story WILL contain manga spoilers right up to the latest chapters - I highly recommend you don't read this unless you're familiar with these, one so that you're not spoiled, and two so that it makes a bit more sense!
'An act of asking politely, formally or officially for something.'
CHAPTER 1: A Visitor at the Orphanage
Levi pulled his hood tighter around his sullen features and swept quietly along the path to the old farmhouse. There was a faint light drifting through the window, but the usual chatter of young, excitable voices was absent in the late evening air.
He reached the door and gave two swift knocks, before glancing behind him. He was alone still; good.
A moment later, the door cracked ajar, and one pale blue iris met his pale grey through the gap.
"Oh, Captain!" Historia pulled the door open the rest of the way to reveal her short figure, clothed in a plain dress more fitting of a lowly maid than royalty. "Hange told me to expect you."
"Good." Levi swept passed her into the hallway without invitation.
Historia closed the door softly and lead Levi through into the large dining area of the farmhouse. She gestured to one of the many worn, wooden chairs set at the table at the centre of the room. Levi sat, finally removing his hood.
"Tea?" Historia asked.
Levi inclined his head. "Are all of the brats asleep now? Or are we likely to be interrupted?" He raised an eyebrow at Historia, who rolled her eyes but smiled good-naturedly despite Levi's curt words. "They're all asleep. We're good. I'll make us a pot." With that, she disappeared into the adjoining kitchen.
Levi gave an inaudible 'tch' at her eye-roll; her confidence around him these days was far from the nervous demeanour of that honey-haired girl he had threatened in the dining room of a farmhouse not too dissimilar to this those four years ago. He was reminded of the playful punch to his arm she had given not so long after becoming Queen, and her daring him to retaliate. She had been right – what could he do about it, really? He may have once been her Captain and she his subordinate, but she was now his Queen. Check mate.
"I'm surprised you don't have people to make tea for you these days, Your Majesty." He made sure the sarcasm in his voice was especially evident. She may be the Queen, but he was still as difficult as he had ever been. Some things would never change.
Historia popped her head around the door frame, tea leaves in hand. "Surely you know me better that that, Captain? After all these years, and all that tea I brewed you when you helped me open this place!" She gave a soft chuckle before returning to her task. "Keep your voice down. What's the nature of this shady late evening visit, anyway?"
It was Levi's turn to roll his eyes this time. "I forgot how much you enjoy playing woman of the people." He paused, waiting for her retort from the other room. When none came, he continued. "We've uncovered information regarding the situation with Zeke, and the plans for your, ah … future."
Historia returned to the table, a tray of tea in her hands and a frown painted across her pretty features. "What sort of information? From who?"
Levi took a cup in his fingers from the tray she set down, avoiding the dainty handle, as was his way. He sipped quietly, before raising his eyes to meet Historia's across the table. "Premier Zackley and The government don't trust Zeke, and particularly this new-found secretive relationship with Eren." Levi sighed. "Honestly, I can't say I blame them completely; he certainly wouldn't be my first choice of ally." He placed the cup down and knitted his fingers together, elbows on the table.
Historia nodded her head and took a sip of her tea. "Go on, Captain."
"They grow very nervous. They dislike the fact that Zeke is a not a pawn in this game they can easily control. They do, however, have options to change this …" Levi glanced at Historia, trying to gauge her reaction, looking for any sign she understood where this conversation was heading.
"They want control over the Beast Titan. I imagine they'd also like to know a bit more about this 'secret plan' of Zeke's," Historia pointed out. She frowned. "The easiest way to achieve this, I think, would be to have a titan under their control consume Zeke, thus inheriting his power and memories …" She glanced back at The Captain, clearly looking for confirmation.
"So you're not just a pretty face then, Your Majesty. You've been paying attention." Levi sat back in his chair, and simply regarded the young woman before him for a moment.
It was now Historia's turn to give a small 'tsk' of annoyance. "Of course. It's my duty, isn't it?" Her eyes blazed fiercely across the table at the Captain. "So where do I fit into this?"
Levi raised his eyebrows at her. "Surely you know that answer?"
Historia hesitated, her dainty blond eyebrows knitted together in consideration. Suddenly, her eyes widened with realisation. "They want to replicate Zeke's circumstances exactly, using someone from Paradis. They need royal blood … My royal blood. Just like Eren said. They ... want me to transform into a Titan, and consume Zeke...?"
Levi nodded. "They've come back to that idea. Except they want to do it sooner, rather than later, so that everything is done to their terms rather than Zeke's. They think if we wait, he could betray us and use this secret plan for his own gains." He watched Historia gaze down into her now empty tea cup.
"I see." A small frown spread across her features. "So what would you have me do, Captain?" She lifted her eyes to his once again.
"I would not 'have' you do anything, Historia." Levi tried to keep his expression unreadable and his face flat. "Gone are the days where I can coerce you into doing what I believe is the right thing, as you once pointed out to me."
Historia gave a small laugh at that. "I think 'coerce' is putting it lightly, when you decided your hands around my throat were the best approach to 'coerce' me into becoming Queen."
Levi dismissed her last comment with a small flick of his hand, feeling the very faintest trace of guilt at his previous, very physical, methods with the girl. "Either way, this is your decision to make as Queen. Except, if you don't wish to become a Titan and consume Zeke, I honestly don't think a simple 'No' would do it. If they have to do it by force, I imagine they'd have no problem, considering the level of threat they believe Zeke to be."
"I don't particularly want to become a Titan Shifter, if I'm honest."
That is probably the understatement of the century, Levi thought, eyeing Historia's apparently calm exterior disbelievingly. He wondered whether she had always suspected this day might come.
"Do you think Zeke is a threat? Do you trust him?" She asked, her blue eyes searching his.
Levi sighed. "Do I trust him? Absolutely not. Do I think he's a threat? Potentially." He paused, turning his cup in its saucer absent-mindedly. "But do I think turning him into Titan food out of fear is the right thing to do?" He glanced at Historia, and for a second was sure he caught a glimmer of fear in the girl's eyes. "No, it's not. It's a knee-jerk reaction. And we are forgetting one very important element in all of this."
"Eren." Historia murmured.
"Yes. And while I confess that Jaeger can be an idiot at times - reckless and hot headed - I truly believe that his intentions are for the benefit of Paradis, and his comrades. I don't believe he would agree to go along with any detrimental plan Zeke may throw his way, and I don't believe, either, that he could be brainwashed or otherwise persuaded to change this. His will is too strong when he knows what he wants. He's too much of a titan sized pain in the ass, quite frankly." Levi put his head in his hands, suddenly reminded of the headache that the head strong Jaeger had personally caused him over the years. Yet it was somehow because of everything that they had been through together, that Levi still felt that he could trust Eren.
There was a small chuckle from across the table.
Levi looked up "What?"
"Nothing, Captain. It's just – you seem to be speaking from personal experience." Historia chuckled again.
"Hmph."Levi sat back and folded his arms.
"So, you think we're better off letting Zeke continue with his plan?" Historia was thoughtful. "Just go along with it? Because you trust Eren?"
"Erwin trusted Eren, and I trusted Erwin." Levi raised a hand to his temple. "I think, what we need, is time. I don't know what the right answer is, but I know turning you into a titan right now and consuming Zeke is not it."
Historia nodded, slowly. "Agreed, then. But you said saying 'No' is not going to cut it, right?" She folded her arms. "So how can I stop the government from physically forcing this on to me? What, are you going to be my personal body guard? I know you're Humanity's Strongest, Captain, but there's one hell of a lot more MPs than you."
Levi rolled his eyes. "Please. As though I'd have the time to hang out in some farmhouse drinking tea all day." He suddenly lent forward, his fingers steepled. "We've got to be smarter than that, Historia. We don't want them to think we're purposefully delaying their plans. How do you suppose we might do that?"
Historia raised an eyebrow quizzically. "I've no idea, Captain, but I feel as though you might be about to enlighten me?"
Levi tilted his head slightly, wondering how to best phrase what he needed to tell her next. He'd never been very good at this shit. "You're very important to the success of Paradis, Historia. The people love you. You're also the last of the Royal bloodline who is completely, undoubtedly loyal to this island. The government would never risk harming you ... or your offspring."
The Captain sat before Historia quietly, eyebrows raised, hoping that the emphasis placed on his last words would sink in.
"My … offspring?" Historia repeated back quietly. Suddenly, she snapped her head up to meet Levi's expectant gaze. "Wait, what? You want me to get pregnant!?"
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gduncan969 · 3 years
Each of You
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1 Corinthians 14: 26 “How is it then, brethren? Whenever you come together, each of you has a psalm, has a teaching, has a tongue, has a revelation, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification.” (NKJV)
One of the great challenges the Church of Jesus Christ faces today is how to bridge the deep chasm that divides the bible’s description of a “normal” church gathering as described by Luke in Acts Chapters 5 & 6 and Paul in 1 Corinthians 14 from the “average” church gatherings as seen in most churches across the world today, particularly in the west.  Many years ago someone wrote in to the monthly magazine of the Presbyterian Church in Canada (“Presbyterian Record”) to ask a question as to why Presbyterian ministers always raise their hands when they pronounce the benediction at the end of each service.  The answer by the denomination’s historian was surprising.  Seemingly, the practice of raising the minister’s hand as he pronounced the benediction comes from a time centuries before when it was common for the congregation to immediately rush forward after the benediction to receive the laying on of hands for healing, deliverance, etc., so the minister’s hands were up and ready to go as soon as he said “Amen”!  My, how things have changed but it raises the question: how does our current “order of service” compare with the biblical model and if it doesn’t, are we willing to make the changes necessary to do church the biblical way?  
The pandemic restrictions  have had a devastating effect on church services, seeing both a dramatic drop in physical attendance in obedience to the COVID rules for congregants which require families to stay six feet apart, wear masks and not sing.  Despite the efforts of many churches to compensate for this by broadcasting their gatherings through social media outlets, after two years of living with the restrictions many churchgoers have simply ceased attending altogether whether online or in person.  In some ways, this should not surprise us.  A computer screen is a poor substitute for real face-to-face encounters with fellow believers and even those that do make the effort to physically attend church are hindered by mask-covered faces six feet apart and plexiglass shields that make the whole encounter with one another awkward and unnatural.  But this “falling away” of the faithful cannot be blamed solely on the COVID restrictions because the problem of falling attendance is bigger than the pandemic.  People are very unwilling to give up what they hold dear, especially when it gives meaning to their lives and brings joy to their hearts so why are we seeing this rapid erosion of church attendance?  I believe the answer goes much deeper than the inconveniences imposed upon us by the virus.  
The New Testament Church Service
The New Testament is pretty sketchy on how the early church conducted its services during the events following Jesus’ death and resurrection but both Acts chapters five and six and first Corinthians gives us a peek into how the early believers handled their gatherings.  First of all, the early Church was much more committed to living together (in the true sense of community living) than almost all churches today.  “They had all things common” (Acts 4:32) which is why Annanias and Sapphira’s punishment was so severe (Acts 5) because the risk of damage to the life of the Church from their lying was so serious.  The early believers committed everything they owned to the Church so “lying to the Holy Spirit” was a capital offense.  The Corinthian church clearly had a number of issues, some that needed praise for good behavior but many more that needed correction for some of the things that still trouble churches today; things like bickering and gossiping between members and groups of members over unimportant issues like who had baptized who (chapter 1) and which preacher was the best (chapters 2 and 3).  Other issues were raised like those who were puffed up and full of talk but no action (chapter 4); those who were sexually immoral (?? In the church?—how could this be?) (Chapter 5); those who were suing each other in open court (chapter 6); those who were struggling with their sex drive (Chapter 7); those struggling with how far does our liberty in the Spirit go to accommodate the world we live in (chapters 8 - 10); and those acting selfishly by gorging themselves at the communal dinners attached to the Lord’s Supper (Chapter 11).  Also, It’s interesting to note how Paul revealed his source about all the goings on in the Corinthian church when he says in his letter: “For it has been declared to me concerning you, my brethren, by those of Chloe’s household, that there are contentions among you.” (1 Corinthian 1:11).  What a refreshing way of dealing with discord between members in the church rather than the more usual approach as in most churches today, “Someone told me there are contentions among you but I can’t say who because I was told in confidence..”, an approach which only builds more suspicion between the members.  Paul’s openness meant that either Chloe’s family were gossips, or, Chloe’s family were the only ones with the courage to speak the truth in love. Either way, Paul hid nothing and the church today is desperately in need of such openness among its members.  Despite all their faults, the Corinthian church was a vibrant church which manifested the power of the Holy Spirit in their meetings in ways that are very much missing in most churches today.  I have never run into any church today where the big problem was far too many people bringing prophetic messages, praying in tongues with interpretation,  giving words of wisdom and knowledge, operating in gifts of faith and healings while fighting each other for time and space to do so!  I’m sure they exist somewhere but I haven’t found one.  This blog is an encouragement to become one, minus the contentions.
The Modern Church Service
Visiting a typical local church today, you will generally see a group of people seated in rows of pews (or chairs) separated in family groups six feet apart and wearing masks.  They stand to sing led by the music team on the platform and sit to listen to the staff members lead, pray, bring the news and preach the Word. Depending on the particular denomination and its liturgical leanings there are multiple adaptations to this basic model but by and large the bottom line is that apart from the worship part of the service, the congregation comes to receive and the staff comes to give.  That is NOT the biblical model although it’s an understandable model given the impracticalities of doing much more than these basic activities among hundreds (?) of people gathered together in a room for an hour or so on a Sunday morning, especially if they are all wearing masks and staying six feet apart.  Such churches hold little in common among themselves because the members don’t really know each other and are not intimately involved in each other’s daily lives in a significant and meaningful way, nor sadly, do they want to be in many cases if the truth be told.  Young adults, raised in the church, are deserting churches in droves  because there’s nothing holding them to the local body and the deep, loving relationships they are looking for are nowhere to be found nor is the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in evidence through the multitude of supernatural gifts He has bestowed within the Church. To those who would dispute this somewhat gloomy picture of the modern (western) church, how do we answer Paul’s response to those who were arrogantly disputing him in 1 Corinthians 4:19,20 “But I will come to you soon, if the Lord wills, and I will find out not the talk of these arrogant people but their power. For the kingdom of God does not consist in talk but in power.” (RSV). That last sentence has always scared me. The one thing the church must be able to demonstrate to the world is the Kingdom (and love) of God and God has given “power from on high” to demonstrate that Kingdom through signs and wonders operating in us that convinces others we are who we claim to be—children of the most high God!  We receive this power not to glorify ourselves but Him who saved us.  If these signs are missing—and if we are honest they mostly are among the congregations today, then the world (and our young people) write us off as having much talk but no action!  Look at what Paul writes to the Galatian church in Galatians 3: 1 - 5 when they fell into the trap of forsaking the traditions of God to follow the traditions of men based on the works of the Old testament Law rather than faith.  
“O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed among you as crucified? This only I want to learn from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?  Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh?  Have you suffered so many things in vain—if indeed it was in vain?   Therefore He who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you, does He do it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?”
This was the same mistake the Israelites made after God’s voice thundered from the mountaintop the ten commandments . “Then they said to Moses, “You speak with us, and we will hear; but let not God speak with us, lest we die.” (Exodus 20:19).  They wanted to know God’s rules but not hear His voice.  Knowing the rules would let them do what He demanded (they thought) but hearing His voice required them to be in His presence and who wants to be that close to such an all consuming Majesty that could kill you in a moment?  They preferred religion over relationship and many churches have fallen into the same trap of following the rules and the traditions of men but forsaking the relationship that only comes from hearing His voice. The result is legalism which is the letter without the spirit which is deadly.
Each of You
The question that must first be asked is: “have we received the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?”   Also, will God supply the Spirit to us and work miracles among us by the number of chapters of the bible we read, or the number of prayers we pray or songs we sing or will it be by what we show to be true by the actions we take?  Actually, that question could be shortened to simply ask: does God work miracles among us?  All of the former activities are good but does my talk match my power in the Gospel?  If there are no miracles in our midst, if there is no evidence of the gifts of the Spirit in our meetings, then what do we have to offer to God and to others?   The Corinthian church did not fall short on spirit-filled action and miracles, it was just over-zealous about who gets to do them and when, so Paul reminds them in 1 Corinthians 14:26 “Each of you has a psalm, has a teaching, has a tongue, has a revelation, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification.”  This was not a church where the congregation showed up on a Sunday morning to spend an hour or so sitting and listening to get blessed but to be a blessing to others, to share their giftings and experiences for the edification of everyone in attendance, to eat together, to fellowship together and to share their lives together.  It is sad to see the lethargy that has taken hold of so many churches today where all the work is done by ten percent of the people and testimonies of God’s miraculous intervention are rare.  It is sad to see so many young people struggling to find deep relationships with one another as they hope and pray for a godly marriage and a godly family but can’t find anyone within their church community who shares the same desires because their lives are not entwined in meaningful relationships.  Today, the average age for marriage—for those young people who actually want to get married rather than live together—is pushing thirty and beyond!  Until we decide that the responsibility lies with each of us to bring to our gatherings what the Lord has blessed us with to bless each other, the church will continue to decline in its impact in the world and on each other.  
How Do we Change Things?
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled.” (Matthew 5:6).  If we are not hungering and thirsting for the Kingdom of God to be revealed in us and through us then nothing will change but how do we begin to change?  Every revival begins with desperate prayer, longing prayer, ardent prayer, prayer that comes from the belly, not the brain and you can’t work that up, you can only submit to what you recognize is already within you, put there by the Holy Spirit.  If it’s not there, pray for the Holy Spirit to put it there.  If we agree the current model is not working then our first prayer is to repeat David’s prayer “Search me, O God, and know my heart...” (Psalm 139:23) and then be willing to forego our lethargy and our anxieties to step out into what the Lord has put within us (which we receive by faith).  That means recognizing that each of us has something to add to our gatherings whether it be a testimony, a tongue, a revelation, a meal served and so on.  It also means space and encouragement is given in our gatherings for the congregation to minister to one another and for the leadership to yield control of the meeting to the Holy Spirit. This can be risky and many pastors worry about things getting “out of hand” because the rebels (that are always present) jump in and sound off on some personal grievance but a strong leadership can deal with this gently, lovingly and convincingly.  A pastor I heard many years ago spoke from Psalm 68:1: “Let God arise and His enemies be scattered” and he asked the question: “Who and where are the enemies of God?” then went on to answer his own question: The enemies of God are those who know God is real but they hate Him because they blame Him for the tragedies they’ve endured which He didn’t fix when He should have.  They’ve lost a loved one to cancer, lost a husband to divorce.  As to where these enemies are: They are located in the front pews of the church resisting every move of the Holy Spirit and making sure nothing ever happens but they are the first to scatter the moment the Holy Spirit rises in power among the people! 
“For I’m building a people of Power and I’m making a people of Praise, That will move through this land by my Spirit and will glorify my precious name.  Build your Church, Lord,...”
This is a wonderful chorus we sing but does it describe what our neighbors see us to be?  That’s the sore point we each must deal with before we point any fingers. In this COVID-ridden, corrupt world that is changing faster than we can keep up with—and not for the better, is there any smoldering fire in our bellies calling us to leave our problems and complaints aside to seek His face and awaken us from our slumber.  May He descend upon us in a way that will have our neighbors and our nation beating a path to our doors because we have all the answers they are looking for.  
“Build your Church Lord, make it strong Lord, Join our hearts Lord, through your Son, Make us one, Lord, In Your Body, In the Kingdom of Your Son.”
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frederickwiddowson · 4 years
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The writings of Luke the physician starting with his version of the gospel - Luke 12:22-40 comments: Jesus continues a radical sermon against materialism
Luke 12:22 ¶  And he said unto his disciples, Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat; neither for the body, what ye shall put on. 23  The life is more than meat, and the body is more than raiment. 24  Consider the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor barn; and God feedeth them: how much more are ye better than the fowls? 25  And which of you with taking thought can add to his stature one cubit? 26  If ye then be not able to do that thing which is least, why take ye thought for the rest? 27  Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. 28 If then God so clothe the grass, which is to day in the field, and to morrow is cast into the oven; how much more will he clothe you, O ye of little faith? 29  And seek not ye what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, neither be ye of doubtful mind. 30  For all these things do the nations of the world seek after: and your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things. 31  But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you. 32  Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. 33  Sell that ye have, and give alms; provide yourselves bags which wax not old, a treasure in the heavens that faileth not, where no thief approacheth, neither moth corrupteth. 34  For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. 35  Let your loins be girded about, and your lights burning; 36 And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their lord, when he will return from the wedding; that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately. 37  Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them. 38  And if he shall come in the second watch, or come in the third watch, and find them so, blessed are those servants. 39  And this know, that if the goodman of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched, and not have suffered his house to be broken through. 40  Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not.
 Jesus was previously invited to dinner with a Pharisee who considered that Jesus did not follow the ritual hand washing the Pharisees required which drew a sermon on the hypocrisy of the Pharisees which he then reiterated to a throng of people, encouraging them to confess Christ before men in spite of the persecution they would face from the Pharisees. He then reinforced that they should focus on what is important and not on worldly matters. He spoke of covetousness and laying up treasure with God. This has been a very powerful teaching time for Christ and is very important for us.
 Jesus continues His lesson about covetousness and what to concern ourselves with and not concern ourselves with from the previous passage and tells His disciples that they should not worry about the basics of life; food and clothing. In His model prayer for them, which He gave in the previous chapter He included Give us day by day our daily bread.
 Paul wrote by the wisdom given to him by the Holy Spirit.
 2Peter 3:15  And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you; 16  As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.
 Paul told the Philippian church…
 Philippians 4:19  But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
 An interesting note here is that God provides our food and that of the beasts and fowls in spite of all of the National Geographic and Discovery Channel blather about predator and prey. You didn’t think that zebra that the lions brought down was chosen by God for their food did you? We are so clueless to the unsearchableness of God’s mind, the Holy Ghost, acting in the world.
 Psalm 104:21  The young lions roar after their prey, and seek their meat from God.
 In God’s own words as He spoke to Job He said the following.
 Job 38:39  Wilt thou hunt the prey for the lion? or fill the appetite of the young lions, 40  When they couch in their dens, and abide in the covert to lie in wait? 41 Who provideth for the raven his food? when his young ones cry unto God, they wander for lack of meat.
 Jesus reveals how powerless we are to change many of the most important circumstances in our lives. For instance, all of the Norman Vincent Peale or Dale Carnegie type of positive thinking in the world won’t make you 6’3 rather than 5’8.
 We don’t control the most basic of circumstances and yet we worry about things that are way beyond our control. We think we control our health and thereby extend our lives by diet and exercise, one of my favorite objects of thought and action, but that too may be an illusion.
 Job 7:1  Is there not an appointed time to man upon earth? are not his days also like the days of an hireling?
 Psalms 39:4  LORD, make me to know mine end, and the measure of my days, what it is; that I may know how frail I am.
 We see news stories about how scientists are on the verge of or at least thinking about everything from extending our lifespans hundreds of years to curing all diseases with gene manipulation and, truthfully, it is almost laughable if it were not so painfully sad in that man thinks so highly of his ability to oppose God’s ordinances and the boundaries He has set and people hope while they lay dying.
 God will care for us and we are not to doubt. The unbelieving world is concerned about these carnal things, these things of the flesh, but we are to be about God’s business and all of these things will be given to us as needed. Of course, this is easy to have as a standard of our faith in a rich country where we spend so much less of our income on food than in places in Africa, South America, or Asia. Christians are suffering in some places and in some instances almost always due to cultural impediments and economic injustice and the oligarchic rule of a few powerful, narcissistic sociopaths, sin and wickedness which we who are so blessed should be willing to fight on our poorer brothers and sisters’ behalf. They, on their side, need to trust in God to provide, to pray for deliverance, and that this day they receive just enough to get by knowing that things may not be resolved in this life as they live in a fallen world in fallen bodies under the judgment of sin and the evil, malicious designs of the powerful and the wealthy.
 Specifically, and doctrinally, though, Jesus is speaking directly to His Jewish disciples in the first century in a preview of the book of Acts by telling them to sell what they have and be about His business telling Israel about Him and then, after His crucifixion expectantly waiting for His return in an hour they will not have imagined. We must remember in reading this that Christ’s crucifixion and His resurrection were immediate future. We must also remember that God dispersed the Jewish Christians from Jerusalem in Acts so that they would fulfill His command for them to be witnesses to the world rather than hold up in that compound/bunker mentality in Jerusalem.
 We Christians today are given this from Paul to keep in our hearts.
 Titus 2:11 ¶  For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, 12  Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; 13  Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; 14  Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.
 For those who would use the watches mentioned as a key to knowing when Christ will return verse 40 is an alarm that tells us we should not claim knowledge we do not have. Your preacher does not really know when Christ will return and acting as a minister of Satan by misrepresenting God does not speak well for those who claim that knowledge from the pulpit. We are not given prophecy for us to sit smugly and shout to those we consider spiritual lessers that we know when that will be or who the Antichrist is or other things we do not know. Prophecy is given for a specific reason according to Jesus Himself.
 John 16:4  But these things have I told you, that when the time shall come, ye may remember that I told you of them. And these things I said not unto you at the beginning, because I was with you.
 Just as Paul gave us the reason for the preservation of the Old Testament writings and histories.
 Romans 15:4  For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.
 To all those people out there who divide and parse out words and verses and examine numbers and compare verses to current news items, writing books like ones I have from the 1990s about how Saddam Hussein was rebuilding Babylon and could be the Antichrist all the way back to those who called Kaiser Wilhelm the Beast of Revelation I say one thing. Spend more time considering and obeying what Christ has told you to do, how to treat God and others, and less time presuming knowledge you do not have.
 Deuteronomy 29:29  The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.
 My final comment on Old Testament prophecy in particular is to ask you to remember that every individual Christian’s life is like the experience of the entire nation of Israel taken collectively. We can be visited by God and judged in this life for our sin and disobedience but God will never forsake us, as He will not Israel, or put us away forever because it is Christ’s righteousness and not our own that saves us. We can look at Old Testament prophecy as directly applying to the Jews then, as applying to the first and second advents of Christ, and as a tale of how our backsliding and rebellion can lead to ruin and despair knowing only that Christ will lift our sorry heads out of the dust, as He will Israel’s, at the end of the day.
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Whatever you are going through might seem difficult to you, but I came to let you know “this is nothing to God!!” Refuse to die in darkness when God has given you light. You must INITIATE your blessing! It’s better to move in faith and potentially fall – than to sit in doubt and do nothing. BUT YOU WILL SUCCEED!! I want to talk to you and tell you- Go on the offensive, get your shovel and make up your mind: “I’m going to dig until I hit something.” “I’m going to dig until I hit water in this desert.” “I’m going to dig until I get a breakthrough!! DIG YOUR OWN BREAKTHROUGH! You have to do what you have to do to get what you need! I know what it is to turn the corner and the lights are out. I know all about living on government cheese; no money, no income… Nothing to eat… And grab a shovel and start digging ditches… They told me I had an incurable illness, 28% lung capacity… I grabbed a shovel and started digging. I refused to live in poverty, depression, and sickness, I started digging. When life throws you a curve ball, instead of giving up, crying, or getting someone to comfort you, GET MAD AT THE DEVIL, GET A SHOVEL AND DIG! I am going to show you how!! KEEP READING… Remember the Bible verses I wrote you about— 2 Kings 3:5-20 (NIV), “…King Joram set out from Samaria and mobilized all Israel. He also sent this message to Jehoshaphat king of Judah: "The king of Moab has rebelled against me. Will you go with me to fight against Moab?" "I will go with you," he replied… "By what route shall we attack?" he asked. "Through the Desert of Edom," he answered… After a roundabout march of seven days, the army had no more water for themselves or for the animals with them. "What!" exclaimed the king of Israel. "Has the Lord called us three kings together only to hand us over to Moab?" But Jehoshaphat asked, "Is there no prophet of the Lord here, …An officer of the king of Israel answered, "Elisha son of Shaphat is here… The word of the Lord is with him." So they went down to him…While the harpist was playing, the hand of the Lord came upon Elisha and he said, "This is what the Lord says: Make this valley full of ditches. For this is what the Lord says: You will see neither wind nor rain, yet this valley will be filled with water, and you, your cattle and your other animals will drink. This is an easy thing in the eyes of the Lord ; he will also hand Moab over to you. You will overthrow every fortified city and every major town. You will cut down every good tree, stop up all the springs, and ruin every good field with stones." The next morning, about the time for offering the sacrifice, there it was water flowing from the direction of Edom! And the land was filled with water.” When they go to defeat the enemy, the Bible says: “They go through way of the wilderness.” They went through the wilderness for days and realized they had no more water, so the prophet says, “GRAB A SHOVEL AND DIG!!” I want to talk to someone in the wilderness right now. It’s barren in the wilderness, nothing seems to be working… it’s ineffective, it’s not producing… and you may be asking, “When God? When???” You are in a time that has been set in eternity, which is now ready for the fullness of its manifestation. Your spirit knows it… IT IS SO CLOSE! Your victory is going to be in the desert! Whenever there is a shift of seasons, God sends a Prophet! Your season has shifted. I don’t know who’s in a wilderness right now. Some feel in the wilderness because of finances, because of family, a battle in your mind, but I am writing you today to tell you- TRUST GOD, IT IS A SETUP!!! And I have a word for your wilderness… Isaiah 35:6 says, “…For in the wilderness shall waters break out and streams in the desert.” Get ready for a refreshing breakthrough, oasis. GOD IS FAITHFUL!! It is the time to “DIG A DITCH!” Stop waiting for the tide to turn. The question is, “CAN YOU DIG IT?” Can you dig your way out of that mess? Can you dig your way out of that debt? Can you dig your way out of depression? God has a prophetic word for you, a destiny and a purpose to fulfill and a map to get you there, all you have to do is DIG!! God has a miracle for you. I came to tell YOU- in the wilderness you’re facing impossible situations, trouble and trying to do the right thing for God. Just DIG! You can dig your way out of depression, out of defeat, out of despondency, out of debt, out of the label they have you in!. You have to DIG in your wilderness. God has a miracle for you, if you’ll just DIG! I wasn’t digging ditches because I like dirt, I was doing it because God said to do it! Stop living by what you feel and live by what God and His Word says. God said, “If you can dig a ditch in the wilderness – then I will turn this thing around!! What God told you in the light, remember in the darkness! You have to DECIDE: Am I going to die here, or am I going to get up and fight? Am I going to “dig a ditch?” Choice, not chance, determines destiny. “Do I die in this wilderness or do I DIG A DITCH?” Even though you may be weary, surrounded by enemies… Even though they are laughing at you. DIG! If you keep on digging after a while you will hit something. “CAN YOU DIG IT?” Someone said, “your marriage is over”? DIG. Someone said, “Your house is going into foreclosure”? DIG. Someone said, “Your not good enough, smart enough”? DIG. Someone said, “You will never start that ministry”? DIG. Someone said, “Your illness has spread”? DIG!!! DIG YOUR WAY INTO YOUR MIRACLE! You must learn to dig your way through discouragement. As long as you have your shovel, you can dig your way out. If you see a person with a shovel in their hands, God will open doors. You might be in a wilderness but, “CAN YOU DIG IT?” I want you to get ready for a new level. Just like in 2 Kings, Elisha instructed to “DIG DITCHES.” And “AT THE TIME FOR OFFERING THE SACRIFICE, THERE WILL BE WATER!” I want you to get a ministry gift immediately- we are going on the offensive and taking back what the enemy stole. About the time you lay your sacrifice on the altar, God is going to fill your land with water, deliver you from your enemies, and it will be AN EASY THING FOR HIM!!. When click the link below and sow your best Ministry Gift of any size today, I will bless you with my powerful message I preached “Can You Dig It” on DVD. “I Can Dig It Paula!” Sow an Offering in Paula White Ministries   To give from your smartphone: Text "DIG" to 1(321)338-1333 or click here. -OR- Call 1(800)PAULA-17 24 hours / 7 days a week For your Ministry Gift of $45 or more, I will rush back to you a 2-DVD set “Dig For Your Miracle!” that includes the “Can You Dig It” message as well as another anointed classic message on digging for your destiny! And I will also send to you my hardback book, “Dare To Dream.” These DVD’s are the perfect companion to my powerful book that helps you discover your uniqueness in God and locate the true person God created you to be and intends for you to become! 25 chapters like, “self gone missing”, “See yourself as God sees you”, Healthy boundaries”, and more!! *Someone needs to lay a sacrificial seed for deliverance at the altar, just like in 2 Kings- someone needs God to pull them out and save them from a situation that seems impossible. Someone is in the wilderness with no water and no chance of escape- BUT GOD!! The prophetic declaration is GRAB A SHOVEL AND DIG! LAY YOUR SEED AT THE ALTAR AND LET GOD BE GOD- What God is about to do is a light thing in the sight of the Lord! Lay your sacrifice at the altar, grab a shovel and DIG! “I Am Laying My Sacrificial Gift At The Altar!” Sow an Offering in Paula White Ministries   To give from your smartphone: Text "DIG" to 1(321)338-1333 or click here. -OR- Call 1(800)PAULA-17 24 hours / 7 days a week UPDATE: We recently assisted the Mayor of Apopka and the Senator of Florida, distributing food, water, diapers, supplies, prayer, and love in Central Florida after the devastation of Hurricane Irma, and we are currently working to get tons of food and supplies into Puerto Rico to distribute… any extra ministry financial support you can provide will go far with Paula White Ministries! I love you so much, and I am so thankful for your ministry support and prayers! You will have breakthrough in the name of Jesus!! Your Partner in Ministry, image
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dfroza · 16 days
A link to my personal reading of the Scriptures
for the 4th of September 2024 with a paired chapter from each Testament (the First & the New Covenant) of the Bible
[The Book of Revelation, Chapter 4 • The Book of Deuteronomy, Chapter 33]
along with Today’s reading from the ancient books of Proverbs and Psalms with Proverbs 4 and Psalm 4 coinciding with the day of the month, accompanied by Psalm 77 for the 77th day of Astronomical Summer, and Psalm 98 for day 248 of the year (with the consummate book of 150 Psalms in its 2nd revolution this year)
A post by John Parsons:
People perish because "they refuse to love the truth and so be saved" (2 Thess. 2:10-12). Therefore the issue of truth - physical, moral, aesthetic, spiritual, etc. - is central to salvation. The following post is a prelude to the "Forty Days of Teshuvah" leading up to Yom Kippur. Hashivenu. May the Lord turn our hearts to Him.
In the New Testament, the Greek word “metanoia” is the most commonly used word to express the idea of “repentance.” The word is formed from the prefix 'μετα' (“after, beyond”) combined 'νοεω' (“to think”) and it generally means “changing your mind” (in the noun form) or “thinking differently” (in the verb form). Since it can also represent an “afterthought” expressed emotionally as disappointment over a loss of some kind, metanoia is similar to the idea of nacham (נָחַם) in the Hebrew Scriptures, which literally means to “sigh” heavily as a way of expressing regret or consolation. The Greek word strepho (στρέφω), like the Hebrew word shuv (שׁוּב), means to “return” to God in a practical sense, that is, by performing acts of contrition. In either case, however, Hebrew or Greek, a change of direction is implied, and that begins with changing how we think and what we regard as the truth. Repentance, then, involves a new vision, a new way of seeing reality...
Yeshua's earthly ministry began with the message, "The time has come and the kingdom of God draws near: repent (μετανοεῖτε) and believe (πιστεύετε) the good news" (Mark 1:15). These two verbs (repent and believe) are in the imperative mood. We are commanded to repent, to "change our thinking," and therefore to turn away from hopelessness - and the sin that hopelessness begets - by accepting God’s intervention and deliverance. But you cannot believe if you do not first turn, and therefore you must change your focus; you must clear away the world’s distractions and ready your heart to hear the message. It is then that we hear a voice crying out: "Prepare the way of the LORD and make straight in the wilderness a highway for our God!" (Isa. 40:3).
Note that the Hebrew word translated “prepare” in this verse (i.e., "panu," see verse below) comes from a root word (פָּנָה) that means to turn to face someone... The Hebrew word panim (פָּנִים), “face,” comes from the same root, as does the word penimi (פְּנִימִי), “inner,” and the word penimiyut (פְּנִימִיוּת), meaning “inwardness” or “immanency.” This suggests that we must go within our own hearts, and there, in our "desert places," prepare for the Presence of the LORD. It is in the solitude of the desert - away from the mindless noise and empty distractions of this vain world, where we can listen and focus our heart, confess our sin, and express our great need for God... Being honest with ourselves makes us yashar (יָשַׁר), “upright,” and crooked ways are made straight for God to be received... The Hebrew word mesilah (מְסִלָּה) alludes to the ladder (i.e., sullam: סֻלָּם) that Jacob saw in the desert when he received the blessing of God (Gen. 28:12). Yeshua is the Bridge, or Ladder (הַסֻּלָּם), that unites and mediates heaven and earth (John 1:51).
Since God holds us responsible to repent and believe the truth of the gospel (Acts 17:30-31), He must have made it possible for us to do so (“ought” implies “can”). And indeed, God has created us in His image so that we are able to discern spiritual truth. He created us with a logical sense (rationality) as well as a moral sense (conscience) so that we can apprehend order and find meaning in the universe He created. All our knowledge presupposes this. Whenever we experience anything through our senses, for example, we use logic to categorize and generalize from the particular to the general, and whenever we make deductions in our thinking (comparing terms, making inferences, and so on), we rely on logic. We have an innate intellectual and moral “compass” that points us to God.
Since we all necessarily must think in order to live, we should value clear thinking. This should be obvious enough, though people often make various errors and misjudgments because they devalue the effort required to carefully think through a question. As William James once said, “A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.” When it comes to questions about the gospel, however, God regards such carelessness to be blameworthy. Again, the LORD holds us accountable for what we think and believe, especially when it comes to the reality and mission of His Son.
The truth about God is always available to human beings, if they are earnestly willing to look for it. The Divine Light that was created before the sun and the stars represents God’s immanent presence that “lights up” all of creation - including our minds (Gen. 1:3). As Paul stated, “the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen so that people are without excuse” (Rom. 1:19-20). The heavens are constantly attesting to the reality of God’s handiwork (Psalm 19:1). All of creation “shouts out” that there is a God. Even small children understand this.
[ Hebrew for Christians ]
Psalm 19:7 reading:
Hebrew page:
For more on this subject, see “Teshuvah of the Mind.”:
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9.3.24 • Facebook
from Today’s email by Israel365
Today’s message (Days of Praise) from the Institute for Creation Research
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schrijverr · 3 years
Hamilton Masterpost
I Wrote My Own Deliverance: tumblr chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 & AO3
I Couldn't Seem to Die: tumblr & AO3
Riverside Stroll: tumblr & AO3
'Till Death Do Us Part: tumblr masterpost & AO3
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tobns · 7 years
so even though i literally owe no one a single explanation, i wanted to take a second while i’m not doing much of anything and...ramble, i guess, about the last month or so. feel free to look at it under the cut, and even if you don’t read all of it, just peep at the first paragraph, it’s for you!
i guess i’ll preface this by saying TO ALL OF THE NEW PEOPLE WHO’VE FOLLOWED ME OVER THE LAST FEW DAYS: hi hello welcome to my blog i’m em and i love you, you are very special and worthy and amazing and i hope you enjoy my blog and the shit i post and know i consider you a friend and am here for you always if you ever wanna talk or need someone to vent to about literally anything from real world problems to fandom feels, i got you ♡
before i begin, if you read ANY part of this below pretty pretty please send asks in my inbox telling me what you think, alright??? ‘cause i do need opinions on some stuff below, so thank you thank you thank you in advance!!!
moving along!
so, number one: as you can probably tell, writing has been kinda slim to none around here lately, and i really don’t know what to tell y’all. i don’t have any kind of grand “oh i’ve been away!” excuse, my reasoning is pretty straightforward — my motivation has been low, i’ve been putting a little more time into exploring solo muses/characters, and as of the last week or so, completely had it with certain, toxic as hell fandoms. one of my really good friends makes youtube videos and she made a video this last week i resonated so much with, where she basically talked about how she was turning youtube into a chore and wasn’t having any fun with it. she was making layouts and trying to pep herself into actually Doing Shit and when the time came, she was completely disappointed with the quality or couldn’t bring herself to finish, and i was screaming “why is this my life??” the whole damn time because i absolutely could relate to it. watching that video made me realize that a) i was turning my fic writing/video editing into something like a chore, i was beating myself up when i didn’t do something on time and could never get it done when i forced myself to work on stuff and that’s so the wrong way to go about it, and b) i’m just not really passionate about what i’m writing now. i’m not. do i love cdg/grey’s? yes, i do, and i still have every intention to finish that story. but like i said, i realized earlier that this is not my job. no one other than myself is forcing me to crank out updates, and the reason i force myself to crank out these updates is because i’m scared that if i take time away from my stuff, when i come back to it, i’ve lost a readership. and it’s incredibly, incredibly hard finding a balance — i want an audience because what’s the point in sharing my shit if no one else is looking, but at the same time i also want to take my time with stories on days where i don’t feel motivated and want to be a little lazy and still maintain that readership, not have them jump ship. i and i’ve had it happen and it completely stripped my desire to even WRITE for a fandom away, and i love grey’s too much to ever want that to happen. but of course, lately all i feel inspired to write is slexie, which died out five years ago, so my readers are slim as is. see my dilemma? it’s a hard, hard thing for me to find a perfect balance with because i either work myself into the ground or neglect it entirely, but it all comes back to the root of this: i’ve come back to terms with the fact that this is not my job, i’m not answering to anyone other than me, i don’t have a paycheck on the line, i’m not under any other restrictions other than the ones i set for myself, and i’m just overall too hard on myself when it comes to something THAT IS SUPPOSED TO BE FUN. it’s supposed to be FUN. FANDOM. IS. SUPPOSED. TO. BE. FUN.
and so that’s what i’m trying to do. have fun. write the stuff i want to write because i want to write it, not because i’m feeling obligated or pressuring myself to, but because i’m passionate about it and i want to write it. the saying’s true, if you’re passionate about what you’re putting your effort into, it shows, and i think that is certainly true for all of the fics that have seen any sort of remote success, save for a couple. when my heart’s in the right place, the reactions reflect, and even though that’s a very fucking blind process for me to trust, i’m gonna trust it. 
therefore, i have a fewwwwww little things i wanna let you know about if you do follow my creations
i’ll start with the short one: videos. 
i have not been inspired to make another fucking video because, once again, i keep comparing my shit to others and just not having fun, making it into a job and thinking more about the destination rather than the journey (a very big problem i have that i’m trying to work on). if i’m passionate about it, expect me to edit it. it may not be the greatest, most wonderful video on youtube you’ve EVER SEEN, but i just wanna edit stuff that makes me happy. expect videos for fics that i’ll touch on below, expect videos with more of my favorite musicians and shows and just less of the shit i don’t really want to edit. (this is me, repeating this phrase a lot in order for it to sink into my brain and register okay)
and...now for the not so short one (i’m trying to make this as spaced out, brief and organized as possible for your reading convenience if you’re still fucking reading this lmao): fics.
cdg is the only fic i am going to go forward with updating right now out of all the ones you see on my fic page (which i’m gonna update soon) i got a super sweet review a few days ago that really made me want to keep moving forward. when you’ll see an update? i can’t say. i’m gonna rework some of my outlines and then go from there, but it will be updated. have no fear. xx
i really don’t know if any of you remember/are interested, but ever since 2013, i’ve had an ongoing fic series (the only thing i’ve ever written a sequel for EVER) that’s a hunger games x avengers crossover. the first one is atrocious, honestly, second one is only slightly better, but i’m on the third sequel and lately, i’ve just been dying to do more with it, since i’m actually feeling good about the mcu again with spiderman and the new trailer releases? the fic’s called cataclysm, you can read the first chapter (from a year ago lmao) here if you’d like; to me, this was my fun way of combining super special fandoms for me together. basically, if you want a synopsis of what i did (back 4 years ago) was essentially write katniss into the mcu films. i wrote lights out four years ago and it is...cringe, there’s a good story there if you overlook my shitty deliverance, and i’ve always been pretty proud of the tone inferno took on, even if there’s some stuff i’d like to edit and whatnot. i’m going to try and continue on with cataclysm because it’s what i’m really pumped about right now, and i’ve got a few little things i’d love for y’all to help me with:
#1 — i obviously post this on ffnet, would you like me to also post cataclysm updates to ao3?
which leads into this — if i post to ao3, would you want me to import the other two stories into ao3 as well? fair warning: i’d probably give a solid day to tweaking and editing lights out and that’s it, i could take that fic apart and rewrite it to be much better but that’s simply not something i’m interested in nor do i want to spend my time on. like i said, i wrote it 4 years ago. it’s no longer my best, it’s kind of incredibly rough around the edges, and could i have done better with crafting the storylines and making things feel a little more natural? yeah, especially now that i’ve worked her into 3+ movie storylines and have had the practice. but that’s beside the point. you’d have to essentially take it as it is and i’d probably disable comments on the first two for my own sake of mind — ao3 gives me a lot of stress and it’s why i don’t like updating on there (oh look, more confessionals!) because i feel an immense load of pressure to impress and write up to a certain bar instead of writing true to my voice. 
please don’t expect any sg fics out of me for awhile. i haven’t talked much about this since the implosion of the fandom, but i’m just not comfortable right now touching any of it with a ten foot pole. like i said, it’s not fun for me, i don’t wanna write it and i’m not about to force myself and be miserable. 
depending on where i get, i have plenty of slexie/japril fic ideas that i’d love to put into use, and we’ll see how things go!
so yeah, basically, what you should take away from this is that i’m putting a fucking finish on stressing myself out so much; i’m going to go back to focusing more on the process instead of the result, and i’m just gonna have fun with shit. i look back on my posts 5 years ago when i was writing thg fanfics and god, while i was a mess, i could tell how much fun i was having in the process and i just wanna get back to that? and that’s what i’m gonna do
i love you guys, i love creating stuff and sharing it with you guys, and i love this blog. xxxx
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rizlowwritessortof · 5 years
Riz’s Master List
Master List under the cut, updated 3/14/2020 - in case y’all are bored or anything... :)
Never Look Back
Dean Winchester/Female OC, 21 chapters
Bethany Rae Cooper didn’t realize when she met the Winchesters in her family’s bar and grill that her life would never be the same. But she’s always believed that everything happens for a reason, even if it’s not exactly what you were expecting…
The Shadow’s Edge
Dean Winchester/Female OC, 17 chapters
Sequel to Never Look Back. When the demon Dameon was killed, Dean and Beth thought their son was safe from the prophecy. But when Cas brings them news of the new battle for Hell, they realize that their war has just begun.
The Fine Line
Dean Winchester/Female OC, 34 chapters
An unexpected tragedy sends Devon down the dark path of hate and vengeance, but she will learn that things are not always what they seem…
Dean Winchester/Female OC, 10 chapters
Sequel to The Fine Line. Dean and Devon’s relationship has always been stormy - but can they work through the scars of their past to find each other again?
Stars In the Darkness
Dean Winchester/Female OC, 8 chapters
A crushing loss brings Dean and Sam to Sioux Falls, and ghosts from the past and present bring them across the path of Tiara, a girl they haven’t seen since childhood.
Dean Winchester/Female OC, 5 chapters
Dean Winchester has always been a bit of a thorn in Kelsey’s side - a very attractive thorn, but still… A visit at her uncle Bobby’s reunites her with the boys, and she begins having vivid dreams - about Dean. Is it just her subconscious trying to tell her something? Or is there more to it than that?
My Unimportant Little Life
Dean Winchester/Female OC, 11 chapters
Season 5 timeline. Dean gets yanked from 2009 to 2014, so he can see the ‘consequences’ of saying no to Michael. At Camp Chitaqua he meets Reggie, and is surprised to find that she comes from 2009 as well…
Back In the Saddle
Dean Winchester/Female OC, 10 chapters
Dean and Sam are back in the old west again - in answer to a cry for help from Samuel Colt. And if Dean just happens to get tangled up with the spirited redhead that owns the saloon… what’s the harm, right?
Sweet Escape
Dean/Female Reader, 2 parts
What happens when a friend jokingly does a spell at your birthday party to bring your cardboard standup of Dean Winchester to life? This one’s dedicated to my friend, Liz, who gave me the idea. If only…
Sweet Escape Part 1
Sweet Escape Part 2
Shut Up and Drive
Dean/Female Reader, 2 parts
Reader teases Dean while he’s driving, so - he gets even
Part 1 - Keep Your Eyes on the Road
Part 2 - Or We Could Park - Parking Is Good Too
Take the Long Way Home
Dean Winchester/Female OC, 8 chapters
A look at Dean and Rusty’s relationship, in the present and through their memories. Flashbacks/memories are in italics.
Black Velvet
Demon!Dean/Female Reader, Dean/Female Reader, 9 chapters
You and Sam are broken after Dean’s death. Nobody expected him to come back with black eyes…
Fade to Black
Dean/Female Reader, 11 chapters
Sequel to Black Velvet. Dean is no longer a demon, but he’s still cursed with the Mark of Cain, and the lure of that darkness grows stronger as time goes on.
Dean and Toby Series
Part 1 - The Meet-Cute (Actually Rescue but Whatever)
Part 2 - The Emergency Bed-Share/Move In With Us Combo
Part 3 - The Hit and Then Run Like Your Ass Is On Fire
Part 4 - The FINALLY Admit Your True Feelings and Get Busy
I’m Good
This is the story that was published in the Seasons - Supernatural Short Story Anthology in 2017. Bobby sharing some memories.
Combo Shot
Dean/Female Reader
June 2015 GIEPP (Girl In Every Port Project) entry. Prompt: Pool/Poker hustler competitive chick. Pretty much pure smut.
A Hunter Walks Into a Bar
Dean/Female OC
Prowling hunter, sassy bartender
Dean/Female Reader
Dean providing comfort
That’s How It Should Be
Sheriff!Dean/Female Reader
They have to make a fast escape, but Dean won’t let being on horseback stand in the way of showing a lady a good time
The Storm
Dean/Female Reader
You’re terrified of storms, and Dean is concerned, feelings get shared
Pest Control
Dean/Female Reader
You think you’ve got mice. The exterminator that shows up is Dean Winchester. He’ll just let you believe that, and take care of the problem. And you.
Happy Birthday, Baby
Dean/Female OC (KK)
Fluffy, smutty birthday fic written for a friend
Gunpowder and Dean
Dean/Female Reader
You’re pissed off at Dean, taking it out on the firing range, but he just won’t leave you alone…
Juicy and Delicious
Dean/Female Reader
My entry for Dean’s Flavor of the Month fic challenge - Peach Pie. You bake some peach pies for Dean, and he’s very grateful…
Lost In You
Dean/Female Reader
A casual flirtation leads to a violent encounter, and Dean’s reaction is a little more than you expected. Warning for brief description of attempted (unsuccessful) assault. Protective Dean.
What You Need
Dean/Female Reader
You’re watching as Sam and Dean prepare to interrogate a demon. Dean knows you’re watching him, and he knows exactly the kind of effect it’s having on you…
Santa Claus Is Coming Tonight
Dean/Female Reader
Dean’s really getting into the Christmas spirit…
I Need You
Dean/Female Reader
You screwed up, Sam got hurt, Dean’s pissed and you aren’t handling it very well.
Snow Day
Dean/Female Reader
You and Dean, stuck in a motel room in a blizzard
Frisk Me
Dean/Female Cop Reader
You’re a cop, in hot pursuit of a murderer, and guess who crosses your path?
Dean/Female Reader
Dean had a rough hunt, and he’s beating himself up as usual. You take his mind off things for a little while…
When I Think About You
Dean/Female Reader
It was a wild hunt, and you’re both a little high-strung. Surely there’s some way to blow off some steam…
One Finger
Dean/Female Reader
Dean Winchester has never been one to back down from a challenge
What Makes You Feel Alive
Endverse!Dean/Female Reader
The world is bleak, the struggle endless after Croatoan. You and Dean do what you have to do to keep going.
Sweet Misery
Dean/Unnamed Female OC
My entry for Bev’s Song Challenge - song prompt was Cryin’ by Aerosmith, lyrics at the beginning
Winchesters Don’t Giggle
Dean/Female Reader
A friend and I were having this discussion about giving Dean a back rub, and whether he might be ticklish…
Dean (Priest!Dean)/Female Reader
When Dean returns from some undercover work, you discover a fantasy you never realized you had
The Bait
Dean/Female Reader
This was written for @jessica-bones-winchester’s (now on her 100th url as @cavillanche - Love you, Jess!) Dating Dean Writing Challenge. The prompt was ‘dressing up as an anime character for his birthday.’ And I have to admit, I really enjoyed this one… Reader dresses as Sailor Mars (from Sailor Moon) for Dean’s birthday.
Hey, Man - Nice Shot
Dean/Female Reader
This is for @jessica-bones-winchester’s ( @cavillanche ) Dating Dean Writing Challenge. The prompt was ‘competitiveness in the shooting range (loser cleans the kitchen for a week) No smut.
Take the Pain Away
Dean/Female Reader
This was written for @jessica-bones-winchester’s ( @cavillanche ) Dating Dean Writing Challenge. Prompt was ‘him taking care of you when you’re sick.’ Reader falls victim to a migraine, and Dean helps her through it. No smut.
Lose Yourself
Dean/Female Reader
Smut, pure and simple… Just imagine having Dean tied up, at your mercy while you worship those perky nipples…
The Contest
Dean/Female Reader
Dean loves to give you a hard time, and one night he pushes things a little too far… Flashback in italics. All’s well that ends well.
Slow Ride
Dean (Bullriding!Dean) /Reader
Yeah, after 12x11, y'all should have known this was coming - they don’t call me Cowgirl for nothing… Written (coincidentally - timing is everything!) for the Smut Apocalypse (Smut Appreciation Day) on Tumblr.
The Photo Booth
Dean/Unnamed Female OC - Dean’s POV
This was written for @winchestersandwordprocessors SPN Valentine’s Fic Challenge. Prompt was Semi-public/Risk of getting caught.
Make You Mine
Dean/Female Reader
Dean’s jealousy gets the best of him, which is not a bad thing…
Take a Chance
Dean/Unnamed Female OC - Dean’s POV
In 7x04, Dean gives himself a little pep talk before his planned hook-up with the bartender. That scene is what inspired me. This one is more important than the usual one-nighters, and it’s making him a little nervous…
If We Don’t Make It
Dean/Female OC
This fic was written for @whispersandwhiskerburn Angel’s 2K Follower Celebration. My song prompt was “Broken” by Lifehouse, and the dialogue prompt was “If we don’t make it out of this, I need you to know…” No smut.
My Deliverer
Dean/Female Spirit - Her POV
Dean is hunting a vengeful spirit. But another spirit is in this place, and she is drawn to him…
Friendly Advice
Dean/Female Reader - Dean POV, Reader POV
This was written for @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog Mimi’s RomCom Fluff Challenge. The fluff got a little smudged into smutty fun… oops! Two POV’s, Dean’s thoughts are in italics and Reader’s are in regular font.
Old Times
Dean/Female OC
Sequel a few years down the road from A Hunter Walks Into a Bar. Tiara goes back to the bar for a visit, and who should show up the next night but Dean Winchester… Flashback in italics.
You Can Leave Your Hat On
Dean/Female Reader (nicknamed Taz)
Inspired by the sexy AF Cowboy!Dean we were treated to in 13x06 Tombstone. Helped along by Joe Cocker’s rendition of “You Can Leave Your Hat On.“
Wish Her the Best
Dean/Female OC - Dean’s POV
This is an angsty li'l fic inspired by Thomas Rhett’s ‘Marry Me,’ tore at my heart until I finally wrote it. No smut.
A Matter of… Time?
Dean/Female Reader
This is the crackiest piece of work I’ve ever written - for @percywinchester27 Ana’s PJO Quotes Challenge. Prompt was “Don’t you ever feel that way? Like you could do a better job if you ran the world?” - “Umm - no. Me running the world would be kind of a nightmare.”
Demon Seed
Demon!Dean/Female Reader
Demon!Dean stops in for a drink and decides he wants you. He’s very persuasive. Written for @evansrogerskitten’s Hottest Dean Challenge.
Not Wasted Now
Dean/Female Reader
When you all decide to get drunk in the aftermath of a bad hunt, lines get a little blurred. Or crossed. Or fucking erased. Fluffy, smutty, comforting, sweet and sexy Dean.
Bad Guy
Demon!Dean/Female Reader
This was written for @eyes-of-a-disney-princess Rapunzel’s Tangled Up With Supernatural Challenge. My Tangled quote was “You want me to be the bad guy? Fine, now I’m the bad guy.”
Trucker!Dean/Female OC
Trucker!Dean AU. Breaker, breaker, got your ears on? 67 Midnight Rider, put that hammer down…
Some Kind of Hero
Dean/Female OC
Written for Tiff’s WTF Challenge. Dean’s just filling up Baby, minding his own business, when he hears an argument and gets involved. Protective Dean, no smut, left that to your imagination.
Dean/Female Reader
So, have some ‘Riz is craving some sexy Dean action with a big ol’ side of schmoopy fluff’ stuff. Because I was, and I’m sharing with you - the smut and all the sickenly sweet cuddly that I just need sometimes. If y'all are in the mood for that kind of thing.
Perchance to Dream
Dean/Female OC
Using African dream root on a case leads to an awkward situation, and Karlie can’t handle the tension between her and Dean any longer
Dean/Female Reader
Dean comes home from a hunt, and he’s had something on his mind…
Going Home
Dean/Female Reader
Written for @crispychrissy’s Gif It To Me Challenge. Overhearing only part of a conversation sends her running, but jumping to conclusions without the whole story isn’t the best decision. No smut.
Not the Smartest Thing
Dean/Female Reader - Reader POV
Only Dean Fucking Winchester could turn taking a swig of beer into pornography. Cocky bastard. But two can play at that game.
Suzy Q
Dean/Female OC - OC POV
Written for @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan’s Multi-fandom Follower Celebration Challenge. Prompt - “I think I’m having a feeling. How do I make it stop?”
Invisible Touch
Dean/Unnamed Female OC
Rowena teaches Dean something new, and he gets inspired. I have no idea where this came from, but here it is…
Maybe I’m Amazed
Dean/Unnamed Female OC
An accident leaves her unconscious and fighting for her life in the hospital, drifting in and out of awareness and memories as Dean refuses to leave her side. Written for @rockhoochie’s 1K Love Supernatural Style Writing Challenge.
Dean/Female OC
Passing through town, Dean runs into an old high school classmate. Fluffy and smutty, no angst here!
Playing With Fire
MOC!Dean/Unnamed Female OC
Late Season 10 MOC!Dean smut fic that just wouldn’t leave me alone…
Michael!Dean/Dean/Unnamed Female OC
Michael gives Dean a choice, because sometimes Michael likes to watch…This one is darker than my normal, PLEASE heed the warnings.
What Happens At the Roadhouse…
Early-Season Dean/Female OC
Bailey’s just looking for a couple days post-hunt R&R at Harvelle’s - and then he shows up. Cocky bastard.
Just a Little Story About Lou and Sam
Sam/Female OC
Lou and Sam walk into a bar… written for a friend who’s a Sammy girl
Doctor-Patient Relations
Sam/Female OC
One-shot inspired by The Born-Again Identity - sick Sammy and Dr. Nicole. Written for another Sammy-girl friend
Head vs. Heart
No title
Fourth of July
Working Saturday Isn’t So Bad
11x17 Drabble
Some Nights He Dreams
Most of the Time
The Name Game
God Bless America
Stress Relief
@mrs-squirrel-chester ‘s Album Fanfic Writing Challenge Drabbles
    For My Brother
    In Chains
    Kiss and Tell
    The End of Me
    In the End
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michaeljopetro · 3 years
Tumblr media
The Two Witnesses
The Lord has been showing me bits and pieces about the two witnesses for the past few months. We’ve been prepared by the last handful of teachings to understand what the Lord is revealing now. To understand it, we need to understand the High Priesthood and the anointing. Ben Sira wrote that when the High Priest would come out of the Holy of Holies on the day of Atonement that he would shine like the sun and would make the Holy Place glorious. 
To the Jews and the Early Church, the voice was God’s direct speech through an individual. This was why there was a closeness between His chosen vessels and  the people they raised up. The voice is the Lord speaking through His messengers.  The people under these men of God knew how important they were because of the message they carried. 
These men were anointed by God. When David was anointed, it says the Holy Spirit came upon him (1 Sam. 16:13). Many pastors today teach that they did not have the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament, but it’s clear to see that’s false, since David was anointed with the Holy Spirit. Also, in the book of Acts it says that Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit. The Gospel tells us what Jesus was anointed to do:
1.    Preach the gospel to the poor
2.    Heal the brokenhearted, to preach
3.    Bring deliverance to the captives
4.   Recover the sight to the blind
5.    Give liberty to them that are bruised
The anointing is to preach the revelation that will set others free. We see so many come to the ministry broken hearted who then receive healing from this anointed Word. When God gives us that anointing, it is not only to bring healing to ourselves, but it’s to bring healing to others as well. If we’re really anointed, we should be able to heal the sick, raise the dead, and preach to others to bring them to the Lord. If we’re not doing that then it means there’s no anointing. 
The book of Zechariah is a key to unlocking the Book of Revelation. In the book of Revelation, John makes many references to the book of Zechariah to help us understand what is being said in the Book of Revelation. Zechariah was awakened by the Angel of the Lord. Every time a prophet is awakened to revelation, it is done by the “Angel of the Lord.” The angel of the Lord was asking God to have mercy on Israel - Israel was being scattered because of the false prophets that were leading the people astray. That is what false teaching does; it brings discord. The prophets are always sent to bring God’s children back to the Torah, which is the true understanding of the Word by the Spirit and not the letter. 
Joshua, the High Priest, mentioned in Zechariah (chapter 3), is a reference to Jesus. Jesus’ name in the Hebrew is Joshua, or Yahushua. The garment of iniquity that His body is covered in is really you and I covered in this fallen body of flesh. Jesus is the head and we’re the body. This body that we’re wearing is the garment of iniquity, but God is going to remove it and clothe us with a glorified body. The remnant will operate in the glorified body to deal with the nations. 
In Zechariah, it speaks of a stone that has seven eyes - that stone is the church. In the Book of Revelation, it says that the seven eyes are the seven spirits, and those seven spirits are the seven golden lampstands that are at the right hand of Jesus. This speaks of the menorah, which represents the church. Jesus told Peter, “Upon this rock I will build my church” (Matthew 16:18). The church is built on revelation!
The menorah is supposed to be in the Holy Place but in Revelation chapter 4 we see that the menorah goes into the Holy of Holies - this speaks of the church transitioning into the Kingdom Age. The menorah needs to be filled with oil at all times, and the Early Church said that the oil is symbolic of divine teaching. The two witnesses are the ones who are pouring the oil into the church. 
These two witnesses are represented by the two olive trees, where the anointing oil is procured. We have saints in our church in Houston who have recently had golden oil break out of their hands. I started seeing that back in 2000. We saw an outpouring back of oil back then, but now it’s not as much. The Lord told me it is because we are getting the last bit of oil before it runs out. The wise will buy the oil, but the foolish won’t get it in time because they did not take it seriously or make it a priority. 
These two witnesses are pouring out oil now from the realm of the glory, being on either side of the Lord. They carry an apostolic anointing that pours out wisdom to those who will listen, and to those who have ears to hear. This is not for everyone, just like it was not for everyone in the time of Jesus. Not everyone has eyes to see and ears to hear...
These two witnesses will be given power like Moses had to release the plagues on Egypt. They will judge Babylon, which is the religious system, in order to set people free from the bondage of religion and false teaching. They will prophesy for 3 ½ years to get the church ready for the second coming of Jesus. 
As we go deeper into the book of Zechariah, we’ll see more of the Book of Revelation open up, and see the spirit of Elijah that’s prophesied through that book. It’s going to reveal the false teachers that will be removed and how God will use those who were pulled out of Babylon to build the last temple. We’re that temple! 
The two witnesses are the covering cherubim. The book of Revelation shows us that there are two menorahs as well. The upper Menorah is Jesus, telling those two witnesses to pour the oil into the church. Jesus is basing everything on the oil. The wise who bought the oil were the ones who went into the marriage chamber (Matthew 25). They brought oil in their lamps and their vessels. We should have enough oil to put it into other lamps and to be able to give it out to others before the time is done. The golden oil is flowing again now. 
There is a fear in me...The Lord is showing us that this is the judgment. It’s how we handle the things of God that will determine our eternity. The way we handle the next few weeks and months will separate us into one of two categories. Don’t believe the lie of religion that everything is going to be alright and we don’t have to do anything. The lie of religion tells you that you’re fine because you prayed a prayer. Paul tells us many will be saying, "Peace, peace" but destruction will suddenly come upon them (1 Thes. 5:3). We need to be serious and work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. Amen.  Sincerely, Michael Petro
0 notes
faithfulnews · 5 years
What to Do in Difficult and Trying Times
Some of the most impactful spiritual lessons I have ever learned when I’ve faced challenging and difficult times is when I have continually and consistently applied, these five simple truths listed here. I have found that these truth lessons about who Jesus is really do win the argument in the negative situations I may be facing. I have also found that most, if not all, challenges I face have an underlying goal—to skew my perception of God’s righteousness, faithfulness, and love. But when I practice what I have learned, I find strength and renewed hope. And I believe it is this power that will carry me to the end.
We all have been told that reading the Scriptures and applying due diligence to the study and application of God’s Word in our everyday lives will move us into joy and fulfillment. I bet if I asked you if you could be like the Apostle Paul as he described himself in his letter to Timothy, you would agree that yes, that would be amazing. We all would. What did he write? Glad you asked. He wrote,
I was appointed a herald and an apostle and a teacher. That is why I am suffering as I am. Yet this is no cause for shame, because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until that day. (2 Timothy 1:11–12 NIV)
When we love and serve God, it is natural to desire to be anointed and appointed to herald His message—the message of a God who causes us to triumph over all. But then, at the first sign of trouble, for most of us, our faith often trembles, our focus gets diverted, and the issues we face start to overtake us. We try but typically fail at heralding triumph. I confess that I have been quick to forget who I am in Christ, what He says about Himself, His faithfulness, and His power to rescue me. Yes, failed (and miserably) at that. But as I grow in my spiritual walk, I find a go-to remedy—a balm of truths to remember when I face trials and difficulty. And it has made all the difference.
These five simple truth-filled lessons have changed my perspective of the problems I may be facing, aided me in how to pray when my faith is challenged, shaped my faith, and solidified my walk during hard and difficult seasons. I have come to know in whom I have believed in a new and powerful way. And yes, I am learning to say as Paul said, convincingly, that God “is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him.”
Before you glance down and assume you have read all this before, before you tap the delete button or, as in some social media cases, swipe left to remove this blog from your screen, I urge you take a moment to read and ponder. Allow the Holy Spirit to breathe life upon what you might otherwise consider “just another blog full of insipid platitudes.” I promise this is in no way a trite A-B-C or 1-2-3 method or solution. I realize that some of you who are reading this may be struggling with extremely difficult or painful situations. And this is in no way intending to minimize sorrow or pain. These suggestions or lessons listed here may not solve your problems or make them disappear; they will, if allowed, anchor you to the God of hope. And hope does not disappoint (Romans 5:5).
Lesson 1 You Are Never Alone
Have you ever wondered why the Lord says, “I will never leave you or forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5) but does also say, “You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13)? I have.
If He will never leave me, why must I seek Him—especially in a difficult and trying time when I need Him most? Scriptures say He is a very present help in time of trouble (Psalm 46:1). I have asked what does “present help” look like. Here is what I have learned and applied in my prayer life and has made the difference: He promises to be near to the brokenhearted and the one crushed in spirit. God completely understands our prayers of desperation, our cries for relief. He hears, and He feels compassion towards us—”for we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses” (Hebrews 4:15).
However, I’d like to suggest that in our trials and difficult seasons perhaps there is an opportunity for us to seek Him and ask: “Lord, how are You revealing Yourself to me in this situation I’m facing? How are You being glorified in this trial?” I’d like to also suggest considering Jeremiah 29:13 in context, with the before and after scriptures. Verse 11 says, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” He has thoughts about each and every one of us, our situations, our future. And they are good, full of peace, and intended to give us hope. When we cannot see during our difficult challenges is when we most need God to share His purposes with us. Verses 12–14 continue, “Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.  And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. And I will be found by you, says the Lord.” We have this promise of “finding Him” right in those moments when we can’t see how He could possibly be glorified in what we are facing.
Many would say, “But I am seeking Him; I am praying for a miracle, for deliverance, for provision, for healing, etc.” I say to continue to do so but in addition to try these aforementioned questions. You will find Him in a way that will encourage, strengthen, and empower you to move forward.
Lesson 2 Remember What You Know
Psalm 77 portrays precisely the conflict of the psalmist’s heart as he faced trial and tribulation. When his circumstances threaten to convince him that God has forgotten him, the psalmist articulates exactly what each one of us does in our propensity to forget God’s goodness and miracles. It’s as though the Psalm conveys that the real battle is to obliterate God’s righteous goodness from our memory forever.
But wait! There’s more. The Psalmist makes a choice in verse 11: “I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember Your miracles of long ago” (NIV). And by the time he finishes writing, not only has he encouraged himself through remembrance of the Lord’s great goodness but he is now exalting the magnificent power of our God!
Another example of this is found in the book of Exodus chapters 14–16. In just a few chapters, we see the Israelites delivered from slavery, brought through the Red Sea, and before you know it, they are grumbling about not having food to eat! The Israelites used to build altars of memorial. We write it down. Yes, the best way of remembering God’s faithfulness is to record it, write it down, refer to it, and share it with others.
Let us not forget. May we be people who fight against every difficulty with the God-given gift of remembering.
My friend, we have to figuratively park in the camp of past memorials where the goodness of God was manifested on our behalf—how He healed, provided for, kept, and sustained us. In trying and testing times it can be easy for our attention and focus to be removed off of God and unto the problem we face. We can be overcome by the distractions of the issues. I’ll admit I am likely first in line when it comes to being completely centered on Jesus but in challenging times. However, I hold on to this truth. I force myself, strain if need be, to see that my mind and heart remember Him. And it works!
Lesson 3 Choose Gratitude
It has been said (tweeted and posted) that to be thankful is to be grateful, and to be grateful is to be happy. But I submit to you that the Scriptures foretold this truth long ago. Because it is just that. Truth. “All the days of the afflicted are bad, but a cheerful heart has a continual feast” is what we read in Proverbs 15:15 (NASB). Consider the value of this scripture. It plainly lays out the difference between a miserable life and a wonderful life. We can choose the negative, bad feelings and live afflicted by them, or we can consider that a continual feast is an option, one that is within the reach of every believer.
When the Scriptures say in Psalm 23:5, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies,” I believe it talks about God imparting to us the thankful, grateful, and cheerful attributes of His own nature. You see, when we choose gratefulness and express it in our worship, the happiness and kindness of our happy God are measured to us and become our portion. We can have as many helpings as we desire.
And this joyful feast satisfies us and sustains us in hardship. It is served right before the eyes of our enemy, and he can do nothing about it—except hate it and retreat far away for it renders him useless and of no effect in our lives.
Lesson 4 Pray for Others
There is an excellent example in Scriptures of what we often call “intercessory prayer”—praying for someone other than ourselves. We find this example in the life of Job when the Lord restores the fortunes of Job after he prays for his friends (see Job 42:7–10 RSV).
One thing we see in that passage is the example of a man interceding on behalf of his friends and God taking it very seriously. But the most significant of all is that Job was not yet healed nor restored when he prayed. This passage is helpful in understanding the power of intercession for others and is setting an example for us to take during our own hardships.
I have experienced times when I have been under tremendous pressure, depressed, overwhelmed, exhausted and someone prayed for me. This steadied me, strengthened me, upheld me, and enabled me. Likewise, there have been times when I have been privileged to pray for others who were in need. And when I have done this, I have found it to be like a medicine for my own soul, because praying for others has been an effectual tool that has kept me from being focused on myself.
What could transpire if we all took the same posture as Job? Job’s actions of praying for his friends in this story are remarkable—to not only be able to take his focus off of himself but to do it in humility, willingly, and obediently is a tried and true lesson for all of us indeed.
Lesson 5 Proclaim It on the Rooftops
I don’t know much, but one thing I do know: I was blind and now I see (John 9:25, paraphrased). In other words, I don’t care what you think, I don’t care what you believe, this is the irrefutable truth: I was blind and now I see, and Jesus Christ the Son of God is responsible for it! This man was facing the rage of the leaders of that day. He knew not what would ensue, yet he was sure of one thing: the way the miracle-working power of God had affected his life.
Talk about the Lord’s goodness with others. Share His Word, His promises, His miracles; the ones He has done for you, the ones you read about, the ones He has done for others, and the ones you are believing Him for! Talk about them, write about them, sing about them, shout them aloud—but whatever you do, make them known (Deuteronomy 11:18–20, paraphrased).
And lastly, because we overcome “by the blood of the Lamb and the word of [our] testimony” (Revelation 12:11), I believe the greatest battle we face in difficult and trying times is trying to avoid accusing God and living offended. Accusation and offense draw us away from Him. Perhaps practicing these simple steps in prayer and conversation might help us find our safe place hidden in God, under the shadow of His wings.
Hold on. Stay steady. Don’t quit. God is for you. May you find His grace to help in your time of trouble (Hebrews 4:16). May you experience God granting you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in your inner man (Ephesians 3:16).
 What are you currently experiencing that could use one of these five lessons?
The latest book from author Daniel Hoogteijling can be used to help you walk through life’s tougher moments knowing you’re loved by God and that He has hope and an answer for the challenges you face. 
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torreygazette · 5 years
Learning to Read Scripture
“You keep infusing yourself into the stories of the Bible like you’re the hero. Now this happens all the time. Right, so I want to be straight, I love you enough to be straight. You’re not David.” 
This quote is from a sermon by Matt Chandler from 2012. Today, I would say “Amen!” to “You're not David,” but that was not always the case. Infusing myself into the stories of the Bible was all I ever knew. I grew up in a Christian home. I loved Jesus. I loved the Bible, and I thought I knew the Bible pretty well. But when it came down to it, the point was to find myself in the text. Doesn't everyone do this? After all, this is how we can find out how God is going to take care of us in a given situation by putting ourselves in the sandals of David, Abraham, Joseph, etc. 
To illustrate how this works, I was going through a long and painful trial several years ago. My daily Bible reading was in the book of Isaiah, so when I came to chapter thirty-seven and the Assyrian siege of Jerusalem, I did what I always did. I put myself and my situation into the text. Consequently, I cast myself in the role of Hezekiah, of course, and the people who were causing my trouble were cast as Sennacherib and Rabshakeh, of course. Thus God was telling me to spread out my situation before him like Hezekiah, and he would deliver me just like he delivered Jerusalem.
“Therefore, thus says the Lord concerning the king of Assyria, ‘He will not come to this city or shoot an arrow there; and he will not come before it with a shield, or throw up a siege ramp against it. By the way that he came, by the same he will return, and he will not come to this city,’ declares the Lord. ‘For I will defend this city to save it for My own sake and for My servant David’s sake.’” Isa. 37: 33-35 (NASB)
I was desperate for deliverance, desperate for one word of comfort, and one word of assurance that God would take care of me. But this comfort in the Word was fleeting. I would read a passage, and think, “Aha. This is how God will come through,” and I would wait and see. But if the circumstances did not go according to what I imagined was promised, my trust was shaken. That is until I found another passage in which to insert myself and wait yet again. This is how I read the Bible for decades as a Christian because no one ever took the time to show me otherwise. That is until I joined my present church.
Our pastor spent a few weeks in Uganda teaching a seminary class on hermeneutics (how to interpret the Bible). Since his lecture notes were all prepared, he taught a version of that class, minus the homework and tests, to the women in the church. There were two classes. One was during the day for the moms with young kids with childcare provided and a second class in the evening for those of us who worked. The class lasted about 12 weeks, and I can honestly say that many of these concepts that Christians may take for granted were completely new to me. Such as:
Authorial intent versus reader response. If God has imparted meaning to the text, I need to know what his meaning is, not “what it means to me.”
Verbal plenary inspiration—the human authors were consciously thinking and writing. Simultaneously and mysteriously, God superintended the process so they wrote the exact words that God wanted them to write.
Understanding the different genres used in scripture and interpreting accordingly. In other words, don't interpret wisdom literature like historical narrative and vice versa.
The context of a verse, the chapter, and the book in relation to the whole of scripture matters (i.e. a verse doesn't stand-alone). For example, “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me” (Phil 4:13) isn't a Pauline pep talk before the big game or the final exam. The Apostle is writing to the Philippian church about being content in all circumstances—which in his case was a Roman prison.
The Bible interprets itself and is a unified whole of God's revelation of himself and his plan of redemption— it isn't a collection of separate books with no connection. Shadows and types, such as the Tabernacle and the Day of Atonement, point to their fulfillment in the perfect Lamb of God sacrificed once and for all. Thus a formerly confusing and seemingly repetitious book like Leviticus makes sense in the light of Hebrews.
By the time the class was over, I saw the Bible in a completely new light and engaged it in a completely new way. I learned that it was okay and actually normal to think and use my brain when reading the Word. And most of all, I learned that the Bible wasn't about me but about God Himself. You may think that this offered less comfort than reading myself into the text, but rather I found quite the opposite.
From Genesis to Revelation, I began to trace the promise of Genesis 3:15 to its fulfillment in the coming of Jesus and the final consummation in Revelation. I began to see how God was faithful to preserve the line through which the Messiah would come despite the unfaithfulness of his people. And when the world's stage was perfectly set, in the fullness of time, Christ was born—fully God and fully Man to perfectly carry out the Father's will and complete the work of redemption. If God was able to do all this, then surely he will be faithful to keep and preserve me to the very end (Rom. 8:28-30). My security changed then from trying to put myself into verses to resting in the gospel and the certainty that God has put me in Christ:
For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus. (Phil. 1:6 NASB)
As I was writing this, I checked to see how long it has been since we had this class. It's been seven years, and to this day, I still use the concepts that I learned back then, and I still marvel at the storyline of the Bible. But I also get a little teary-eyed as I consider that our pastor would take the time to train us especially when people are still arguing today over whether it is worthwhile for women to learn theology or not and even have the wherewithal to comprehend it. The solution isn't to keep the Bible off-limits and to be told what to believe for fear we will misinterpret it but to learn the principles of handling the Word correctly in the context of a Christian community.
When the class was over Pastor Ryan said that he would consider it a success if the women in the church are a little less intimidated by the Word and more faithful in our interpretation. If this isn't a pastor's heart, I don't know what is.
Photo by Drew Mills
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