#I added quite a few little fun details in here
camelspit · 2 years
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old keeper character designs i never posted
@callas-pancake-tree @neverseen-nevermore @completekeefitztrash @steal-nightmares-leave-dreams @abubble125 @purplesoup-lad-le @gay-otlc @thefoxysnake @arson-anarchy-death @aroace-dadwinstan @ravs6709 @you-have-been-frizzled @stopstealingtomatoes
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youngsadlesbian · 1 month
CHASING DESTINY — wanda maximoff.
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pairing: wanda maximoff x reader
summary: billy and tommy want to know your story with wanda, and you navigate through memories from years ago as you share every little detail possible and allowed with them.
a/n: i’m obsessed with cliché stories where wanda tries to win over the reader, and in the end, they end up together with a beautiful family. i’m an incurable romantic, sorry!!!! hope you like it <3
word count: 2,8k
warnings: none, just fluff.
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You were sitting in the living room, flipping through a magazine while Billy and Tommy played with their toys on the floor. The sound of their laughter filled the room, bringing a smile to your face. Wanda was in the kitchen, preparing a snack for the boys, and you could hear her humming a tune softly as she worked. It was a quiet, peaceful afternoon, the kind you cherished most.
Billy and Tommy, with their curious minds always working, suddenly looked up at you with identical expressions of mischief and curiosity. "Mommy, how did you and Mama meet?" Billy asked, his voice full of innocent curiosity.
Tommy, always quick to follow his brother's lead, added, "Yeah, tell us the story! We want to know everything!"
You chuckled, setting the magazine aside and looking over at Wanda, who had just walked into the room with a tray of snacks. She caught your gaze, a knowing smile tugging at her lips as she handed the boys their snacks.
"That's a long story," you said, a playful tone in your voice as you reached out to ruffle Tommy's hair. "Are you sure you want to hear all the details?"
"Yes!" they both exclaimed in unison, their eyes wide with excitement.
Wanda took a seat beside you on the couch, her hand finding yours as she gave it a gentle squeeze. "I think it's time they know, don’t you?" she said softly, her eyes twinkling with affection.
You smiled, nodding as you turned your attention back to the boys. "Alright, it all started back in high school…"
The halls of Westview High were buzzing with life, students chatting and laughing as they moved from class to class. You were walking with your best friend, Natasha Romanoff, discussing your plans for the weekend when a familiar voice called out from behind you.
"Hey, gorgeous!"
You groaned internally, recognizing the voice immediately. Wanda Maximoff, the school's star cheerleader and resident flirt, was striding toward you with that confident smirk you had come to associate with trouble.
"Here we go again," you muttered under your breath, rolling your eyes as you quickened your pace.
Natasha, always the amused observer, chuckled beside you. "She’s really got it bad for you, huh?"
You shot her a glare, but it was half-hearted. "I don’t get it. She could have anyone she wants, and yet she’s obsessed with making my life a nightmare."
Natasha shrugged, her grin widening. "Maybe she just likes the challenge."
Before you could respond, Wanda had caught up to you, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Why are you running away from me, Y/N? You know I’m not that scary."
You gave her a deadpan look. "Maybe if you stopped trying to flirt with me every five seconds, I wouldn’t have to."
Wanda laughed, clearly not deterred by your cold response. "But where’s the fun in that? Come on, Y/N, just give me one date. I promise it’ll be worth it."
You shook your head, refusing to give in. "Never happening, Maximoff."
Wanda pouted playfully, but there was a determination in her eyes that told you she wasn’t going to give up anytime soon. "We’ll see about that."
As she walked away, her confident stride making it clear she had something up her sleeve, you couldn’t help but feel a mix of exasperation and… something else. Something you weren’t quite ready to admit to yourself yet.
The next few weeks were an exercise in endurance. Wanda had enlisted the help of her friends, who began passing you little notes throughout the day. Each note was filled with cheesy pick-up lines, romantic quotes, and the occasional heartfelt compliment.
At first, you were annoyed. You tried ignoring the notes, tossing them into the trash without reading them. But they kept coming, and eventually, curiosity got the better of you.
One day, after receiving yet another note, you decided to actually read it.
You’re the only person I can’t stop thinking about. Please give me a chance to show you how much you mean to me.
You stared at the note, feeling a strange flutter in your chest. It was different from the others—less playful and more sincere. For the first time, you wondered if maybe, just maybe, Wanda was being genuine.But you weren’t ready to let your guard down just yet. You crumpled the note and stuffed it into your pocket, determined not to let her get under your skin.
Natasha, of course, had other ideas.
"Come on, Y/N," she said one afternoon as you both sat in the cafeteria. "Wanda’s clearly serious about this. Why not just give her a chance?"
You shook your head, stubborn as ever. "I don’t know, Nat. She’s always been such a flirt. How do I know she’s not just playing some game?"
Natasha gave you a pointed look. "You won’t know unless you give her a chance. What’s the worst that could happen?"
You hesitated, chewing on your bottom lip as you considered her words. Finally, with a sigh, you relented. "Fine. One date. But only because you’re practically forcing me."
Natasha grinned, giving you a playful nudge. "You won’t regret it."
Wanda had been ecstatic when you finally agreed to go on a date with her. She went all out, planning a perfect evening that included dinner at a cozy little restaurant and a walk along the beach.
To your surprise, the date was… nice. Wanda was charming, funny, and attentive. There were no cheesy pick-up lines or over-the-top gestures, just genuine conversation and laughter. She was nothing like the girl who had been relentlessly flirting with you for weeks.
As the evening wore on, you found yourself relaxing, your initial reservations slowly melting away. You even started to enjoy yourself, and by the time the date ended, you were seeing Wanda in a completely different light.
"Thank you for tonight," you said as you both stood outside your house. "I had a really good time."
Wanda smiled, and it was a soft, sincere smile that made your heart flutter. "I’m glad. I meant what I said in those notes, you know. You’re really special to me."
You blushed, ducking your head to hide your smile. "I… I think you might be special to me too."
Wanda’s eyes lit up, and she took a step closer, her voice barely above a whisper. "Does that mean I get a second date?"
You looked up at her, your heart pounding in your chest. "Yeah… I think it does."
By the time Valentine’s Day rolled around, you and Wanda had been seeing each other for a few months. You weren’t officially a couple yet, but you had grown closer with each passing day.
On the morning of Valentine’s Day, you found a single red rose on your locker, along with a note that read.
Meet me at the bleachers after school.
You knew it was from Wanda, and as much as you tried to play it cool, you couldn’t help the excitement that bubbled up inside you.
When you arrived at the bleachers after school, you found Wanda waiting for you, a nervous but hopeful look on her face.
"Hey," you greeted her, your voice soft as you approached.
"Hey," she replied, her hands fidgeting slightly as she held a small box in her hands. "I got you something."
You raised an eyebrow, curious. "What is it?"
Wanda handed you the box, her eyes searching yours for a reaction. "Open it and see."
You carefully opened the box, revealing a delicate silver necklace with a small heart-shaped pendant. Inside the heart was a tiny engraving of your initials intertwined with Wanda’s.
Your breath caught in your throat as you looked up at her, your heart swelling with emotion. "Wanda, it’s beautiful…"
Wanda took a deep breath, her voice trembling slightly as she spoke. "I’ve been wanting to ask you this for a while now, but I was waiting for the right moment. And I think this is it…"
She reached out, gently taking your hands in hers. "Will you be my girlfriend?"
The sincerity in her eyes, the way she was looking at you with so much hope and love—it was all too much. You felt tears prickling at the corners of your eyes as you nodded, unable to find the words.
"Yes," you whispered, your voice choked with emotion. "Yes, I’ll be your girlfriend."
Wanda’s face lit up with the brightest smile you’d ever seen, and she pulled you into a tight hug, holding you close as if she never wanted to let go.
"I promise I’ll make you happy," she whispered into your ear, her voice full of love and determination.
And from that day on, you were inseparable.
Years passed, and your relationship with Wanda only grew stronger. You both went off to college together, supporting each other through the highs and lows, celebrating each other’s successes, and comforting each other during the tough times.
On the day of your college graduation, Wanda had something special planned.
After the ceremony, she took you to a quiet spot on campus where the two of you had spent countless hours studying, talking, and simply being together.
As the sun began to set, painting the sky in hues of pink and orange, Wanda turned to you, her expression serious but full of love.Wanda's voice was soft, filled with emotion as she spoke. "Y/N, these past few years with you have been the best of my life. We've grown so much together, and I can't imagine my future without you in it."
You felt your heart skip a beat as Wanda reached into her pocket, pulling out a small velvet box. Your breath caught in your throat as she got down on one knee, her eyes never leaving yours.
"Wanda..." you whispered, your voice trembling with emotion.
Wanda smiled up at you, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "I know this might seem sudden, but I've known for a long time that you're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. So, Y/N, will you marry me?"
Tears filled your eyes as you looked down at the woman who had become your best friend, your partner, and the love of your life. The moment felt surreal, like a dream you never wanted to end.
"Yes," you said, your voice thick with emotion. "Yes, Wanda, I'll marry you."
Wanda's face lit up with pure joy as she slipped the ring onto your finger, standing up to pull you into a tight embrace. You could feel her tears mingling with your own as you held each other, the world around you fading away until it was just the two of you, wrapped up in each other's love.
As you stood there, holding the woman you were going to spend the rest of your life with, you knew that no matter what challenges came your way, you would face them together—side by side, heart to heart.
You smiled at the memories, your heart swelling with warmth as you looked down at the ring that still adorned your finger—symbolizing the love that had only grown stronger over the years.
"And that's how your mama proposed to me," you finished, glancing over at Wanda, who was watching you with a loving expression.
Billy and Tommy sat wide-eyed, clearly entranced by the story. "Wow, mama really did all that just to get you to go out with her?" Billy asked, his voice filled with awe.
You chuckled, nodding. "She sure did. Your mama was very determined."
Tommy grinned, looking over at Wanda with newfound admiration. "You're so cool, mama! I bet no one else could have won mommy over like that!"
Wanda laughed, reaching out to ruffle Tommy's hair. "I had to work hard, but it was worth it. Your mommy is pretty special."
The boys giggled, and you felt a surge of affection for your family. It was moments like this—full of love, laughter, and warmth—that reminded you how lucky you were to have Wanda and the boys in your life.
"And what happened after you got married?" Billy asked, his curiosity still not satisfied.
Wanda and you exchanged a glance, and she smiled. "Well, after we got married, we decided to start a family. And that's where you two come in."
The boys' eyes lit up, and Tommy leaned forward eagerly. "Tell us more! How did we get here?"
You smiled, your heart swelling with emotion as you thought back to those early days of starting a family.
After your wedding, you and Wanda knew that the next step in your journey together was to start a family. You both wanted children—two little ones to love and raise together.
It wasn't long before you began exploring the process of artificial insemination. The decision was easy; you both wanted to carry on the Maximoff name while also honoring your shared journey. You were nervous, but Wanda was always there to hold your hand and remind you that no matter what happened, you would face it together.
When you found out you were pregnant, the joy was overwhelming. Wanda cried happy tears when you showed her the positive test, and she held you close, whispering promises of love and support for the journey ahead.
The pregnancy was full of ups and downs—morning sickness, cravings, and endless doctor’s appointments—but through it all, Wanda was your rock. She was there for every moment, holding your hand, rubbing your back, and soothing your anxieties with her unwavering love.
And then, one beautiful day, Billy and Tommy came into the world.
The moment you held your sons for the first time, you felt an indescribable connection. Their tiny hands grasped your fingers, and you knew in that instant that you would do anything to protect and love them.
Wanda was just as smitten. She looked at the boys with tears of joy in her eyes, and you knew that this was the family you had always dreamed of.
"And that's how you two came to be," you said, your voice filled with love as you looked at your sons. "You were the greatest gifts we could have ever asked for."
Billy and Tommy looked up at you and Wanda with wide eyes, their expressions filled with wonder and love.
"We’re really lucky, huh?" Billy said softly, his voice full of affection.
Tommy nodded, his small hand reaching out to grasp yours. "Yeah, we have the best moms in the whole world."
Your heart swelled with emotion, and you felt tears prickling at the corners of your eyes. Wanda reached over and gently wiped away a tear that had escaped, her smile warm and full of love.
"We're the lucky ones," Wanda said softly, her voice filled with emotion. "Because we have you two."
As you sat there, surrounded by your family, you felt an overwhelming sense of peace and contentment. The journey that had brought you and Wanda together—the ups and downs, the challenges and triumphs—had all led to this moment, right here, right now.
And you wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
That night, after tucking Billy and Tommy into bed, you and Wanda curled up on the couch together, a blanket draped over your legs as you watched the flickering flames in the fireplace.
Wanda’s head rested on your shoulder, and you felt her hand slip into yours, her fingers entwining with yours in a familiar, comforting way.
"Have you ever regretted agreeing to go on that date with me?" Wanda asked softly, her voice barely above a whisper.
You smiled, turning your head to press a kiss to her temple. "Oh my God, no. Never. And I never would have imagined back in high school that we’d end up here—married, with two amazing boys."
Wanda chuckled softly, her breath warm against your skin. "It’s funny how life works out, isn’t it? All those years ago, I was just trying to get your attention, and now… now you’re my whole world."
You felt your heart swell with love as you tightened your grip on her hand. "And you’re mine, Wanda. I’m so grateful for everything we’ve been through—every challenge, every triumph—because it brought us here."
Wanda lifted her head, her green eyes meeting yours, and you saw the love and adoration reflected in them. "I love you, Y/N. More than anything in this world."
"I love you too, Wanda," you whispered, your voice thick with emotion. "Always."
So you once again realized how truly lucky you were—having Natasha make you agree to go on that date and Wanda being so persistent.
You couldn’t imagine a happy life without her.
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cherrifire · 7 months
Please share your thoughts on the other 5 cutie marks, I'd love to hear!
Hi everypony! I got like 20 asks for the Dogwarts cutie mark lore so I'm here to speak my truth!
Before we start, I would like to write a quick reminder that a pony's cutie mark is not always their "special talent", but can also represent who they are, their personalities, and a possible destiny. Different cutie marks have different meanings and interpretations, but they're not just about representing what you're good at.
That being said, let's start with the cutie mark design I'm proudest of!
Ren's Cutie Mark
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Ren's cutie mark is of a sunrise and looks pretty simple at first glance but there was a lot of thought that went into this one.
First of all, I bet you're wondering why a sunrise? Well, in the show, it is pretty typical for unicorns with great magical abilities to have one relating to space (examples being Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, and Sunburst). And I figured since I wanted Ren to fall into a similar position of potentially becoming an alicorn, I gave him a cutie mark following the same trend. And I chose a sunrise to reflect the way Ren seems to glow when he enters a room. The way he carries himself is very warm and bright it just catches your eye in a similar way the sun would.
Also, Ren wears sunglasses. So a sun-themed cutie mark seemed appropriate.
Additionally, there are a couple of smaller details I want to point out too. Like the sun rays, if you look at them for a moment you'll see they're shaped like little crowns! I of course had to put a crown in thanks to how much Ren likes to play royalty, so I snuck it in there. And then the red spots underneath could both be interpreted as the sun reflected over water or blood. (But of course, this is a kid show AU so there wouldn't be any blood in Ren's destiny, just a fun reference to the red king and his whole thing about blood dyeing the snow red)
Martyn's Cutie Mark
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I explained this one in an earlier ask but I thought I'd explain it again here for anyone who didn't see it!
Martyn's cutie mark is of a chopped log and a small stick.
This one is mostly a play on the name "Littlewood" but has other meanings too. As a character, Martyn tends to travel and explore quite a bit. In the Life Series specifically, he is usually the last one to find a permanent base and even then doesn't spend a lot of time in one place. Always on the move. Additionally, he's more of a wild card compared to other characters, always trying to be as unpredictable as possible.
The smaller detail here is the little swirl on top of the log is the same as the one on his Minecraft skin's shirt.
BigB's Cutie Mark
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Cookies! Cookies! Cookies! BigB's cutie mark is of 3 cookies where one is trying to eat the others. There are also a few sprinkles there made to look like action lines.
We all know BigB loves cookies so of course I had to give him a cutie mark with cookies in it. For this one, I decided to follow the cutie mark trend of "symbol/item important to the pony duplicated 3 times" (examples being Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie) but I added a bit more creativity to it with the top on trying to eat the others to represent just how tasty they are 😋
Additionally, rather than the first cookie trying to eat the others, you could interpret it as opening its mouth to talk. Because BigB can not keep a secret to save his life! In Double Life when he started "secret soulmates" with Grian, he didn't last a day without opening his mouth. He told Ren about it immediately because he felt bad for keeping things from him.
Also worth quickly mentioning: People pointed out in my original post that they don't think BigB would be the element of honesty because of his behaviour in Secret Life. But that's just Secret Life. I think Secret Life to BigB was like that episode of My Little Pony where Discord makes the main 6 act the opposite of their true element. BigB was just going through a weird phase of telling very obvious lies because a book told him to.
Skizz's Cutie Mark
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Skizz's cutie mark is of a lightning bolt from a couple storm clouds hitting the ground.
I think this is the cutie mark with the least thought put into it, unfortunately. There was still though just not as much as the others. The big thing I thought was fun was I made the lightning bolt shaped like an "S" to stand for Skizzleman. But other than that, this cutie mark sort of has the same meaning as Rainbow Dash's cutie mark. Quick like lightning, loud, bold, dangerous, and powerful.
Impulse's Cutie Mark
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Impulse's cutie mark is of a lit-up lightbulb.
I absolutely crowded this cutie mark with the letter i. If you look closely, there are 6 of them. Impulse's design also has an i-shaped pattern on the belly if you look closely enough. But that's more of a fun easter egg and doesn't exactly reflect Impulse as a character.
There are a couple of reasons I chose a lightbulb for Impulse, the first and probably most obvious is that he's a redstone guy! He's a technical guy who likes to work smarter, not harder. So I figured the My Little Pony equivalent would be a light bulb/electricity. The second reason for the lightbulb is that it's usually used as a visual representation when characters have that "eureka!" moment in cartoons. When someone has a brilliant idea a little lightbulb turns on above their head. So since Impulse is the ideas guy, I figured a lightbulb would work for his cutie mark.
Etho's Cutie Mark
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Etho's cutie mark is of a snowflake with a missing branch.
I promise there is more to this cutie mark than just "Canada is cold" even if that's part of the reason I wanted to give him a winter-themed cutie mark. While it is fun to make a nod to Etho being Canadian, I thought a winter-themed cutie mark would be fun to represent how he sometimes presents himself. Cold and a bit mysterious. I think deep down once you get to know him, those attributes melt away, but for people who have never met him, he may be intimidating that way.
I'll be honest, I don't watch a lot of Etho content, but I do have a few friends who identify as Etho girlies so I did my research. I was told in his Minecraft Let's Play World, that he has a snowflake build somewhere. I believe they said it was an iron golem farm? (Please correct me if I'm wrong) but I thought that was perfect for the cutie mark. And if you're wondering why there's a branch missing, it's because one of my friends said he was incapable of finishing builds sometimes so I thought that would be fun to include.
Alright. Rant over. To celebrate, here are a few pony doodles so I can put this post in my art tag.
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taeu7 · 2 months
"Shooting for the Stars, Falling for You"
Reader × Kim Mingyu
Genre : fluff , Romence
You stood in front of your closet, carefully selecting a cute white casual dress. Today was special, and you wanted everything to be perfect. The dress was simple yet elegant, with delicate lace detailing and a soft flow that accentuated your movements. You put in a little extra effort, adding a touch of makeup to highlight your features and pulling your hair back into a loose, effortless style.
As you gave yourself one last look in the mirror, you couldn’t help but smile. “This is it,” you whispered to your reflection, feeling a flutter of excitement in your chest. “Today is going to be amazing.”
Stepping out of your house, the morning sun greeted you warmly. The gentle breeze carried the scent of blooming flowers, adding to the sense of anticipation that filled you. The short walk to the college campus felt different today, every step echoing the excitement of the day ahead.
As you entered the campus, the familiar sights and sounds of college life surrounded you. Groups of students chatted animatedly, while others hurried to their classes, the air buzzing with energy. But today, all you could think about was Mingyu and the basketball ball match.
You made your way through the bustling courtyard, feeling the occasional gaze of passersby. You caught a few appreciative glances, which made your cheeks flush slightly, but you kept your focus. Today was all about Mingyu.
Just as you reached the center of the courtyard, you heard a familiar voice call your name. Turning around, you saw one of your friends waving at you with a curious look on her face. “Wow, you look amazing! What’s the occasion?”
You laughed softly, feeling a bit shy. “Thanks! I’m actually going to watch Mingyu’s basketball ball match later today. He invited me.”
Her eyes widened in surprise. “No way! That’s so exciting! Mingyu, the senior? You two are dating now?”
You nodded, your smile growing. “Yeah, we just started. Today is our first official day as a couple.”
She beamed at you, her excitement infectious. “That’s so cute! You two are going to be great together. Have fun at the match, and cheer him on for all of us!”
“Thanks, I will!” you replied, waving goodbye as you continued on your way.
As you approached the gymnasium, the noise level rose, the sounds of excited chatter and cheers filling the air. You felt a surge of nervous excitement. The basketball ball court was already full, with students eager to watch the match. You scanned the crowd, hoping to find a good spot when you noticed someone waving at you.
It was one of Mingyu's friends, a tall guy with a friendly smile. He waved you over enthusiastically. “Hey, over here! Sister-in-law, this way!”
You couldn’t help but laugh at the teasing tone in his voice. As you made your way through the crowd, he continued to gesture, making sure you found your way to the reserved seat. “We saved this seat just for you. Hope you enjoy the match!”
“Thank you so much!” you replied, feeling grateful and a bit shy. You took your seat, settling in as the anticipation in the gym grew.
You glanced around and noticed the sea of spectators. There were quite a few girls holding posters with Mingyu’s name and picture on them, cheering enthusiastically. The realization struck you with a jolt – Mingyu was not just any senior; he was immensely popular. And yet, he had chosen to pursue you.
You looked down at your hands, feeling a mix of pride and amazement. The fact that someone as admired as Mingyu had gone out of his way to win your heart made you feel incredibly special.
The anticipation in the air was palpable as the final moments before the game ticked away. The players began to enter the court one by one, the crowd's cheers growing louder with each new arrival.Your heart raced as you waited for Mingyu to make his entrance.
And then, there he was. Mingyu stepped onto the court, his presence instantly commanding attention. His eyes scanned the crowd, and the moment he spotted you, his entire face lit up. His gaze was intense, those glittery eyes locked onto yours, unable to look away. You felt a rush of warmth and pride. His bright smile was infectious, and you couldn’t help but smile back.
He waved at you, a gesture full of joy and excitement. You waved back, your heart swelling with happiness. Seeing him so happy made you feel even more confident about being there for him.
The referee's whistle blew, signaling the start of the game. The players took their positions, and the crowd hushed in anticipation. The ball was tossed into the air, and the match began with a flurry of movement.
From the very first play, Mingyu's skill and athleticism were evident. He moved with a combination of speed and grace, effortlessly dodging defenders and making quick passes to his teammates. His movements were fluid and precise, each action showcasing his deep understanding of the game.
As the point guard, Mingyu had a commanding presence on the court. He dribbled the ball with ease, his eyes always scanning for opportunities. In one swift move, he faked out an opposing player, spun around, and made a perfect pass to a teammate, who scored a clean three-pointer. The crowd erupted in cheers, and you felt a surge of pride.
“Mingyu’s on fire today!” one of his friends shouted, clapping enthusiastically.
You nodded in agreement, your eyes never leaving him. “He really is amazing.”
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Throughout the game, Mingyu’s leadership shone brightly. He orchestrated plays with precision, directing his teammates with confident gestures and shouts. When he had the ball, he was unstoppable. At one point, he made a daring drive to the basket, weaving through defenders and finishing with a powerful dunk that left the crowd roaring in approval.
His defense was just as impressive. He blocked shots with perfect timing, his height and athleticism giving him an edge over his opponents. He intercepted passes, turning defense into offense in the blink of an eye.
Every play he made seemed to energize his team and the crowd.You watched in awe as he continued to dominate the game. Each time he scored or made a brilliant play, he would glance your way, his eyes seeking your approval.
The final whistle blew, marking the end of an exhilarating game. Mingyu's team had won, and the gymnasium erupted in applause and cheers. You stood up, clapping enthusiastically, your heart swelling with pride and joy. Mingyu’s eyes found yours amidst the crowd, and you locked gazes. With a beaming smile, you mouthed, “Congratulations.”
From across the court, Mingyu smiled back, his expression softening with a blend of happiness and gratitude. “Thank you,” he mouthed, his eyes sparkling.
The court quickly filled with teammates and students, all eager to congratulate the players. Mingyu was at the center of it all, receiving pats on the back and enthusiastic handshakes. Despite the chaos around him, you could tell he was looking for an escape.
Just then, one of his friends approached him, puzzled. “Where are you going, Mingyu? Aren’t you waiting for the trophy ceremony?”
Mingyu glanced at his friend, then looked over at you, standing a bit apart from the crowd. With a mischievous grin, he pointed in your direction. “Oh, the trophy? My trophy is right over there.”
His friend followed his gaze and chuckled, clapping Mingyu on the back. “Go get her, champ.”
Mingyu didn’t need any more encouragement. He made his way through the throng of well-wishers, his eyes never leaving yours. As he approached, the noise of the crowd seemed to fade, and it felt like it was just the two of you in that moment. “Congratulations, Mingyu,” you said warmly, your voice filled with pride.“Thanks,”
he replied, his smile lighting up his face. “ ummm I guess you are my lucky charm , I’m so glad you were here. It meant a lot to me.”
“I wouldn’t have missed it for the world,” you said, feeling a rush of affection for him.
Before either of you could say anything more, the announcement for the trophy ceremony came over the loudspeaker, reminding everyone of the official celebrations still to come. Mingyu glanced towards the stage, then back at you.
“I guess I should go get the trophy,” he said reluctantly. “But stay close, okay? I want to share this moment with you.”
“I’ll be right here,” you assured him, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze.With a final smile, Mingyu made his way to the stage with his team, who were eagerly awaiting the presentation. The ceremony was a blur of applause, speeches, and flashing cameras, but through it all, Mingyu kept looking your way, his smile never fading.
When he finally received the trophy, he held it up triumphantly, the crowd cheering loudly. But as he descended from the stage, trophy in hand, he headed straight for you. He stopped in front of you, holding out the trophy.
“This is for us,” he said softly, his eyes shining with sincerity. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”
Tears of joy welled up in your eyes as you reached out to touch the trophy. “I’m so proud of you, Mingyu. You were incredible.”
He stepped closer, wrapping an arm around you. “No, we’re incredible. Together.”
As the celebrations started to wind down and the crowd began to disperse, Mingyu turned to you with a playful glint in his eye.
“So, how about we go on that date now?”You giggled, feeling a wave of excitement wash over you. “I’d love that.”
“Great! Let’s get out of here,” he said, taking your hand and leading you away from the bustling gymnasium.
As you both made your way out of the gymnasium, the cool evening air greeted you, a welcome contrast to the heated energy of the court. You and Mingyu walked hand in hand, the world around you seeming to fade as you focused on each other.
The campus, usually bustling with students, was quieter now, the only sounds being your soft footsteps and the occasional distant chatter. Mingyu squeezed your hand gently, drawing your attention.
“I feel like I’ve won two trophies today,” he said, his voice warm and sincere. “One for winning the game, and another for winning your heart.”
His words made your heart skip a beat. He brought your hand to his lips, planting a tender kiss on it. The simple, affectionate gesture sent a wave of warmth through you, and you felt your cheeks flush.
“Mingyu,” you murmured, your voice barely above a whisper, “you’re making me blush.”
He chuckled softly, his eyes sparkling with joy. “Good, because I’m blushing too.”
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For extra feel do listen to song ! Hehe
Author note Idea just pop up in my mind so thought of writing it. Hope you guys like it ! if you like it please do repost and drop your review ✨
Thank you ! 💘
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roosterforme · 1 year
Batting Practice Part 9 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley takes you out, and it's clear he remembers all the details you told him. He even treats you to a trip to the batting cages, and at the end of the night, he's more than happy to give you a little tour of the Bronco.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, swearing and smut (18+)
Length: 4700 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female single!mom Reader
Check my masterlist for more Top Gun fun! Batting Practice masterlist.
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You locked yourself away in your bedroom as soon as Molly arrived and reread the text Bradley had sent earlier this morning. You had picked out a cute sundress to wear tonight, but now you were scrambling to change up your outfit.
Bradley Bradshaw: I wanted to surprise you tonight, Kitten, but I need to make sure you wear appropriate attire. I want to take you to the batting cages after dinner. You mind wearing sneakers?
You didn't mind doing anything he wanted. 
Quickly you perused all of the jeans you had lined up on your bed. You chose the pair that had a few casual rips and made your butt look good. You paired them with a flattering black top and some casual slip on sneakers. And then you focused on getting your hair and makeup in order. 
While you were a little hesitant for Everett to know you were going out with his coach tonight, you didn't see any way to hide it. He was making a pillow and blanket fort with your sister in the living room at the moment, and you figured Bradley would want to see him when he came to pick you up. 
As you were swiping another layer of mascara on your lashes and double checking yourself in the mirror, you heard Molly yell, "He's here!"
Your heart was absolutely racing as you capped your makeup and ran down the stairs just as you saw Bradley approaching your porch through the front window.
"Coach is here!" Everett called as you opened the door for him. Bradley was holding a bouquet of flowers in each hand, and he looked impossibly handsome. 
"Hi," he greeted all three of you, since Molly and Ev were now crowding around the door as well. 
"Hi, Coach. Come on in," you told him, nudging your sister out of the way with your leg. 
"I got one of these for you," he said, handing you some flowers. "And one for you," he told Molly, handing her the other bouquet with a smile. "Thanks for making tonight happen."
You would have been a little concerned about the way Molly was looking up at him if she was any other woman except for your sister.
"And this is for you," Bradley told Everett, extracting a baseball card from his back pocket. 
Everett's eyes went wide. "A baseball card? It's a Phillies player!"
"Yeah," Bradley replied with a laugh. "Do you collect them?"
"No," Everett whispered, gently turning the card over in his hands. You were ready to cancel dinner and the batting cages and take this man right up to your bedroom. The way he treated your son was perhaps the sexiest thing about him.
"Well, I do. That's one of mine, but you can have it," Bradley told him. "If you want to collect them, too, I'll get you a binder to keep them in."
Now both Molly and Everett were looking at Bradley like they never wanted him to leave their presence. 
"You ready to go?" he asked you softly, and you realized you were quite mesmerized by him too. 
"I'll take care of these for you," Molly said, gently pulling the flowers out of your hand. "Go have fun."
"Oh, Molly," Bradley added with a grin. "Bob says hi."
You turned and looked at your sister, and she was biting her lip and trying not to smile. That was interesting. 
When Bradley held out his hand, you laced your fingers with his, and both of you waved goodbye to Everett. 
Bradley opened the passenger door and helped you climb into the Bronco, but before he closed it, you gave him a quick kiss. "Thanks for the flowers. And Molly's flowers. And Everett's baseball card. You're really fucking sweet."
Bradley laughed and kissed you a little harder. "We're just getting started, Kitten."
The flowers and baseball card seemed to have the unexpected but also desirable effect of your hands constantly on Bradley. 
You held his hand as he drove to the beach and found a parking space. You linked your fingers with his while he led you along the boardwalk to get burgers. And you wrapped your arms around his waist while you waited in line. 
"Okay, Kitten. I know it looks like I put in very little effort here, but you told me you like cheap burgers."
You looked up at him, your chin grazing his chest while you laughed. "My favorite."
"These ones are good," he promised you, guiding you up to the window when it was time to order. You turned around in Bradley's arms, and now it was his turn to get his hands on you. He listened to you rattle off your burger order as he stood behind you and let his hands settle on your waist. 
"Make it two," Bradley told the guy who was working once you were done ordering. "And you're holding something special back there for me as well."
You turned and looked up at Bradley over your shoulder, but he just shrugged and gave you his most innocent face.
"What?" he asked, trying not to laugh. 
"You're going to go out of your way to make tonight perfect, aren't you?"
"Of course, Kitten."
He watched your brow crease. "Huh. I never went out anywhere with Frank. Same goes for Danny. Unless you count dinner at Red Lobster after our quickie courthouse wedding."
That was the second time you had mentioned how badly your douchebag ex husband and coworker fling had treated you. Bradley desperately wanted more information, but a bag of burgers and a bottle of chilled champagne were being handed to him through the window.
"Veuve Clicquot? That's like a hundred dollars a bottle!" you said when the champagne caught your eye. 
"Oh, that's how you pronounce it? I just asked the woman at the store what to get for someone I was trying to impress."
You looked giddy as he handed it to you. "Well you can go back and tell her that you did a great job with that."
Bradley led you back to the Bronco where he pulled out the heavy blanket he had stashed on the backseat. "Feel like watching the sunset on the beach?"
You and Bradley ate your burgers side by side on the blanket, facing the setting sun and the Pacific Ocean with paper cups of champagne. 
"Your job sounds a lot more exciting than mine," you commented after he told you about the six months he spent on an aircraft carrier last year.
"Kitten. Six months in the middle of the ocean with nobody to hang out with except Bob. Are you insane?"
You laughed and turned to look at him after you finished your food. "Are you insane? Bob is a literal angel! He's the sweetest man!"
"Hey, now. Did Bob ever buy you a three dollar burger? I don't think so."
You laughed harder as he leaned a little closer and kissed your cheek. "No, he never did that." Then your eyes went wide. "Why did you tell my sister that Bob said hi?"
Bradley shrugged. "They were pretty chatty after practice on Monday. Bob usually flirts by talking about income taxes or recipes he tried out. But Molly was laughing. Quite a bit. You have to bring her to another practice and see it for yourself."
You squeaked. "Molly thinks he's hot."
You watched Bradley grin and rub his hand over his mustache.
"And I still think he's so sweet," you added. "And so do all the other tee ball moms. You should hear what they say about the two of you."
"What do they say?" he asked, sounding slightly concerned. 
You snorted and shook your head. "That your arms are the size of fire hydrants. That you and Bob could take turns bench pressing them. That they would love a tour of your Bronco. I thought that one sounded like an innuendo, but I'm not exactly sure."
He smirked at you. "I'm only giving a tour of my Bronco to you."
"So... it is an innuendo then," you said, teasing him as he topped off your cup of champagne. 
"Don't take this the wrong way, Kitten, but is there a reason why you decided to get involved with that shitty guy from work?"
You glanced down at the blanket and scrunched up your nose. Frank had been an easy, convenient option, or at least that's what you had told yourself. When you looked up at Bradley, you took a deep breath and said, "I didn't think I could do better."
Bradley almost dropped the bottle of champagne, barely catching it before it hit the blanket. 
"Are you fucking joking?"
"No," you said quietly. 
"Jesus, Kitten. You could do way better than me, and I'd like to think I'm an upgrade from Frank who doesn't know how to take no for an answer."
You turned to look at the sun as it started to dip below the horizon, illuminating everything in orange. But your eyes were drawn back to Bradley and his beautiful face.
"See, Coach, the thing is... Frank was already an upgrade over Danny. We only got married, because I was pregnant. We weren't really even together."
"Kitten," he whispered, hooking his fingers underneath your chin and running his thumb along your lips.
"It's really all okay, because I got Everett out of the deal." The last thing you wanted was for Bradley to feel bad for you. Your life turned out better than you ever thought it would when you were still married. 
"Your son thinks you're cool," he said with a smile, and you smiled back. "I grew up without a dad, too. It scares me a bit how much I can relate to Everett."
You leaned into his palm where it was cupping your cheek. "What happened to your dad?"
"He died when I was four. And my mom died when I was nineteen."
You felt your face crumble as you scrambled across the blanket to reach for him. 
"It's okay, Kitten," he said with a soft chuckle as you wrapped your arms around his neck. "It was a long time ago."
"That just makes me want to hug you more," you told him, your words muffled against his neck. The deep laughter that rumbled in his chest made you push him back until he was laying on the blanket with you on top of him, your cheek resting on his chest.
Bradley tucked one arm behind his head and kissed your hair while he kept his other arm around your back. The two of you ended up watching the sun disappear from view and the sky start to turn purple with you draped across him, not saying a word until the first few stars were twinkling. 
"You ready to visit one of my favorite places with me?" Bradley asked softly when you tipped your chin up to look at him.
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" you asked, biting your lip as he parked at the batting cages. "I'm not even sure I know how to hold a bat correctly."
"I thought you were a pro now, Kitten. Watched all those YouTube videos."
You shot him a playfully scathing look as you unbuckled your seatbelt. 
"But don't worry," he added, leaning across the seat to kiss you. "I'm gonna be a lot more hands on." 
You pressed your lips together and nodded, and Bradley was excited for this. 
It was dark out now, but the bright stadium lights allowed this place to stay open late. There were some teenagers and another couple here as well, and Bradley led you inside to pay.
The air conditioner was blasting, and Bradley immediately opened his arms for you to snuggle against him. "Hi, one cage for an hour, please," he said, handing over his credit card. You were snuggling against him, but your lips also found their way to his neck as he quickly signed his credit card receipt. Bradley grunted your name as you kissed him, contemplating just taking you back to the car.
"Show me how to play baseball," you whispered. "I want to be a power hitter, too."
Bradley laughed and took you by the hand. "You gonna behave?"
You just shrugged as he led you to the helmets and helped you select one in your size. He grabbed one as well, along with two bats, and headed to the assigned cage with you, popping the gate open and then closing it behind you both. The sounds of other people hitting balls and laughing filled the air. 
"Keep your helmet on the whole time, okay?" He wiggled it onto your head and then gave you a kiss. "Want me to go first? Show you where to stand?"
"Yes, Coach Bradley," you said with a smirk. He wanted to wipe that smirk off your face with his lips. 
Instead he hummed as he positioned you in the corner of the chainlink cage and put his own helmet on. He turned the pitching machine on and set it to the highest speed. 
"See that light?" he asked, pointing down to the far end where the machine stood. "When I press the button to signal that I am ready for some pitches, it will change from red to green before each ball gets launched."
"Okay," you nodded, letting him know you understood.
"I have it set on fast, but I come here a lot. We can slow it down when it's your turn." Bradley pressed the button one more time and watched the light change to green as he got into his batting stance. He took a dozen pitches, hitting all of them hard up into the mesh or down along the ground. 
Maybe Bob was right; maybe he should join the officers rec league. He'd probably be better than everyone else, but maybe he could pitch instead of playing shortstop. He thought Everett might like to come watch him play. You and he could sit in the bleachers and cheer for him, and then Bradley could take Everett to pick out some baseball cards at the flea market in Coronado. 
"I know it sounds cliche, but keep your eye on the ball," he told you, hitting a few more pitches. "That's more important when you're hitting against a real pitcher than a machine, from a safety standpoint. But it's still important."
"You're all about safety, huh? I think it's part of the reason you make such a good tee ball coach." 
He turned and glanced at you. He hadn't really considered that he might be doing a good job at coaching the team; he usually deferred to Bob most of the time. But he was enjoying more aspects of coaching than he thought he would be. 
When he was done with his second round of pitches, he paused the machine and picked up the smaller bat. "Super into safety, Kitten. You have any idea how upset I'd be if you got hurt because of something I could have prevented?"
You took the bat from him and said, "Tell me."
"Devastated," he whispered, hooking one finger through your belt loop and pulling you toward him while he backed away. "Ready to give this a try?"
He turned you so you were in position with him standing behind you. "Plant your back foot over this way," he said, gently pushing your right foot back with his. "And then bend your knees a little more. Perfect."
"How do I hold the bat?" you asked over your shoulder.
Bradley wrapped his arms around you, and helped you place your hands where they needed to go. His front was pressed against your back, and he could feel the friction of his jeans rubbing against yours. 
"Like this," he rasped. You had goosebumps on your arms, even though it was still warm outside, and you were leaning back against him a bit.
When you were in position, he let his hands trail the length of your arms and down your sides until they settled on your hips. He'd been dying to be able to touch you freely like this for weeks, and now you were egging him on. 
"Like this?" you asked, your voice practically a moan as you pressed your ass back against him.
"Just like that," he agreed, letting his fingers slide up inside your shirt, making you giggle as he caressed your skin. "You ready for me to turn it on?" He squeezed you with both hands before letting go.
"I thought it was turned on," you mumbled before turning your face toward him and saying, "Yes, coach."
Bradley laughed as he selected the slowest pitch speed. "Watch for the green light, Kitten."
You swung too late at the first pitch, missing it completely. Same for the second and third pitches as well.
"You're swinging a little late, but you look good. Really good," he promised, staring at your ass as you swung a little earlier this time. You almost had the timing down, but you were just not quite there yet. "I'm pausing it for a minute." Bradley watched you bend to pick up one of the balls and he groaned. "Fuck."
"What?" you asked innocently. 
"You know what, Kitten. You love teasing me," he said, taking the ball out of your hand and tossing it toward the mesh fencing. He was a little hard now; something about the combination of your body and watching you try to hit a ball was really doing it for him. 
"Get me back into position?" you asked, and Bradley had his hands all over you again. When you wiggled slowly against him, he groaned before releasing you. 
"Focus. Let's try this again. Remember to swing earlier," he said, adjusting himself as the machine sent a pitch your way. 
You missed the first pitch and groaned. You missed the second one, still swinging a little late.
"Come on, show me where Everett gets his skills from," Bradley told you. "You can do it, Kitten."
Then you nailed the third pitch, sending the ball up into the netting. "Oh my god, did you see that?" you screeched. 
"Sure did! But pay attention, you've got more pitches coming."
You hit the next few in a row as well, and then Bradley turned off the machine and caught you just as you jumped into his arms. 
You dropped the bat to the ground and kissed him. "I'm a power hitter," you whispered against his lips with a smile. Bradley pulled off your helmet and let that fall to the ground too. He held your lips to his with a firm hand at the back of your neck.
He was certain you could tell he was a little hard, the way you were moving against him. "You proud of yourself?" he asked. 
That simple question could have so many meanings, but the way you gasped, "Yes," had him slipping his fingers underneath your shirt again. 
He kneaded your skin softly while you kissed him, and he finally managed to say, "Let's get out of here, Kitten."
The short ride back to your house was quiet, the air in the Bronco thick with anticipation. Bradley must know you couldn't invite him inside tonight. Even if you could sneak him in and back out again, you weren't going to do it when Molly was there.  
When Bradley pulled into your driveway and cut the engine you had your seatbelts off immediately. "Come here, Kitten," he whispered, easing his seat back and rubbing his thigh. He groaned as you crawled across the seat toward him and kept his hands planted at his sides until you were straddling his right thigh. 
"This is technically our third date, right?" you asked, licking your lips.
"That's right," he confirmed.
"Makes this okay, then," you whispered. You were wet; you could tell your underwear was soaked from the anticipation of the ride home. But it felt so good pressing yourself against him, like you were quenching a need you didn't even know you had before tonight. 
"Hi, Coach," you said softly, scooting up along his thigh with a soft gasp as your hands came to rest on his shoulders. 
Bradley's hands found your hips in the darkness, and then his lips and mustache were on your neck. "Hi, Kitten." He bit you softly, and your head tipped back slowly, your body arching against his. 
You could feel yourself slowly grinding against his leg, and then you stopped yourself, embarrassed. You were like a cat in heat, humping his thigh. 
Digging your fingers into his soft hair, you pulled his head back so you could get your lips on his. "Don't stop, baby," he commanded, hands on your hips guiding your core slowly along his thigh. "Feel good?" his breaths were a little shorter, and his voice was deeper now. The interior of the Bronco was so quiet, every single tiny noise either of you made felt impossibly amplified. 
"Feels so good," you whined softly, right next to his ear, and he jerked his leg up against you, making you cry out his name. 
"That's right, Kitten. I'll take care of you," he promised. "Give you what you need."
You nodded vigorously, lips parted before you mashed your mouth to his, letting him invade you with his tongue and taste your teeth. He swallowed all of your moans as he pushed his hands higher up your shirt until he was pulling it off. You were moving against him slowly, his huge palms warm on your back as the cool air hit your skin. 
Bradley leaned back against the seat and smiled at you. "Been dying to see everything since you sent me those dirty photos while you were at work."
His fingers found their way between the fabric of your plain black bra and your skin, and you could hear yourself begging him to unhook it. 
When you felt the fabric slide away from your breasts, only to be replaced by his rough thumbs, you became one hundred percent certain that he was going to make you orgasm with your jeans still on. 
"So pretty," he whispered, toying gently with your breasts while you moved your hips along his thigh, your movements becoming a little more erratic. 
"Bradley," you gasped, a little nervous about what was going to happen. "Is this okay?" Your voice was quavering. 
"I love it," he promised before his lips wrapped around your tight nipple, and you were practically seeing stars. Your underwear was slick and soaking wet as your clit was met with the perfect amount of pressure. 
Bradley sucked harder on your right nipple, palming your left breast a little roughly. "Oh, god," you gasped. He was amazing. He was doing everything you needed him to with almost no prompting. 
"Fucking gorgeous," he murmured, brushing your wet, hard nipple with his lips and mustache. Now you were bucking against him as he devoured you, all needy lips and gentle teeth. Bradley held your chest to his lips, both hands on your back as your legs started to shake.
"Oh!" you cried out into the darkness. "Bradley!" 
"Cum, baby." He was swirling his tongue against you as you stuttered and clenched deliciously around nothing, soaking your panties even more. 
You rode out your orgasm until your hips were barely rocking against him. Bradley was rock hard inside his jeans, pressing against your right leg, and when you reached for his zipper, he eased you back along the seat with his knee pressing firmly against your core.
Once you had eased his zipper down, you reached inside to stroke him through his underwear. He hissed for you when you squeezed him gently. He was huge. He was going to make you feel so good all over again.
Your phone alarm started to screech inside your purse, and Bradley whacked his head on the passenger door while you scrambled beneath him.
"I'm so sorry," you said breathlessly, reaching to try to silence your phone, but it took you a few seconds to find it. "Sorry."
Bradley just grunted and kissed your cheek. "Is that your cue to end our third date?" he asked through clenched teeth. 
"I'm sorry," you said again.
He was still holding himself above you, and you assumed he was still hard when you started to reach for him. But he eased himself away from you, and you wanted to scream out that it wasn't fair. 
"Bradley," you whispered, but he was already helping you up to a seated position. When you reached for his jeans again, he stopped you, and brought your hand up to his lips. 
"It's okay, Kitten. We'll have more time another day," he told you, reaching for your bra and helping you put it on. 
"I'm sorry, Bradley. It's just that Molly has to work tomorrow, and I promised I wouldn't be out-"
He quieted you with a kiss, letting his forehead rest against yours. 
"I had fun with you tonight." His breath was hot against your face. "I want to go out with you again."
"Me too," you agreed right away. That wasn't even a question in your mind. 
He pulled your shirt over your head before he popped open the passenger door. The air outside felt freezing as you stepped down onto your driveway, but Bradley followed you out, zipping up his jeans before wrapping his arm around you. 
As he walked you up to your door, you bit your lip and nudged his semi hard length with your palm, and he groaned before he started to laugh. 
"I'm sorry about that," you said with a grin. 
"Don't be, Kitten," he said and then kissed you. "Got you off. That was more important."
You squeaked as his lips met your neck. "Nobody else has ever made me cum like that," you whispered into the cool air. Bradley groaned against your skin, making you clench as you added, "Frank couldn't get me off at all. I had to think about you to be able to finish."
Bradley froze and then backed you up against your porch railing, examining your face. "You thought about me when you were with another man?" he growled, and you trembled.
"Yes," you whispered, and he was pushing himself against you and tasting your tongue again. You were about to chance taking him up to your bedroom with you, but your neighbor's motion activated light turned on and lit up your entire porch. 
Bradley pulled his mouth away from yours, but he was panting now, and his cock was twitching against your belly.
"I'll be thinking about that forever," he promised, looking at you in awe. He exhaled a ragged breath and said, "Go inside. I'll see you at the game tomorrow, Kitten."
You moaned as he stepped away from you and guided you to the door by your shoulders. "Good night, Coach." With one more kiss, you were opening your front door and letting your fingers brush against his. 
When you closed your door and leaned against it, you saw Molly was smirking from your couch, holding a book on her lap. 
"Oh my, look at you," she said, making you grin and giggle. "The two of you were sitting in the driveway for an awfully long time."
"Shut up," you mumbled, still smiling at her as she started to grab her things so she could leave. "Thanks, Molly."
After your sister left, you were too jittery to go to bed. Your skin felt flushed with heat, so you stripped down to your bra and damp underwear and fell back onto your bed, a puddle of satiated lust. 
You giggled as you thought of the state Bradley left in. You grabbed your phone and texted him.
Sorry I left you with such a big problem to take care of.
He texted back so quickly, you were scrambling to see what he said. 
Bradley Bradshaw: I just got home. I'm about to take care of it, Kitten.
You sucked air into your lungs, heart pounding as you wrote back.
Just how big of a problem is it?
He attached a photo that had your jaw dropping open. His cock was huge, tenting his gray boxer shorts. And he was grabbing himself through the fabric. You groaned as you were filled with need once again.
Bradley Bradshaw: Massive.
Massive. Thanks to @beyondthesefourwalls and @mak-32!
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violetflowerswrites · 4 months
I’ll Be Here
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Summary: After a traumatic injury, your SWAT roommate turned boyfriend (?) Jim Street strives to take care of you, and meet all of your needs.
Pairing: Jim Street x (Female) Reader
Disclaimer: Minor mentions of leg injury, meds, and recovery with wheelchair, casts, and crutches. Reader has a protective older sister. One scene of nightmares, mentions of trauma. Discussion of child abuse, drug use, drunkenness, in Street’s family history. Filthy Smut. Oral sex (female receiving). Consensual P in V sex. 18+ for explicit smut, and language
Word Count: 4.0k
A/N: I felt like there needed to be one more epilogue / ending to this Street x Roommate fic series. It picks up directly after the ending of Part Two (Taking it Slow). I got a little caught up fleshing out her backstory and recovery journey, but there’s a bit of angst, a bit of fluff, and quite a bit of smut. I added some details from Season 4, Ep 2 as well. It’s a slower paced story than what I normally like, but I still had a fun hell of time writing it. Enjoy!
Part One Here - “Too Complicated”
Part Two Here - “Taking It Slow”
Masterlist Here
The click of the door makes the two of you startle, and quickly.
“Commander Hicks is gonna put you on armory duty for a week for pulling a stunt like that.”
“Hey, Tan.” Street smiles at his teammate’s lack of greeting. Classic Tan — a bit of hard-ass, but always means well. “Hicks already chewed my ear off on the phone earlier.”
“Figured. I just wanted to come down, see how my friend’s sister was doing. I already briefed her on what happened. She’s on her way back from a case up in Burbank.”
“Thank you, Victor.” You breathe out a sigh of relief.
Victor Tan was co-workers with your older sister back from his days in LAPD’s Hollywood Vice division. When you decided to move to LA, she figured you being roommates with a SWAT officer was the safest place you could be.
But the world is a dangerous place, even if you live with Jim Street, LAPD SWAT.
Victor looks you up and down, noticing that besides being a little pale, and having a massive cast on your leg, you don’t seem to be in pain.
Then, he notices the way that Street is standing— body turned to yours, hand hovering on the bedside protectively, as if he wanted to hold your hand at any given moment.
“Hold on, don’t tell me you two are a thing now.”
A hot flush creeps up your skin and you and Street immediately stumble over your responses.
“We were trying to take it slow—“
“and not make things too complicated…”
“but then this happened so…”
“We don't really know what we are, but I do know that I am so so grateful for you Victor. You and Street helped save my life.”
You end your rush of words with a watery smile, emotion cracking your voice.
Tan looks down sheepishly, immediately trying to be casual about it.
“Nah, Y/N. It was the tourniquet you made that probably saved your life. You gave us a big scare today, but I am glad to see you’re okay.”
“That makes 3 of us.”
A petite, fierce-looking female cop stands in the doorway of the hospital room, her hand sweeping back some stray hairs that fell out of her tight bun in her rush to get to you.
Your bad-ass cop sister stays over for a week while you recover, watching Street like a hawk. You’re so hopped up on pain-killers that you barely notice the tension between them.
Street on the other hand, feels like he’s being evaluated in some test he didn’t train for. He couldn’t take time off, so he’s eager to see you whenever he gets home. But most of the time, your sister is hovering over you, helping you adjust to moving around in the wheelchair, and making sure you are eating your meals and taking all your meds correctly.
One late evening while you’re supposed to be sleeping, you overhear your sister confront him.
“So. When were you gonna tell me you’re fucking my sister?”
Street spits out the beer he just took a sip of. He’s barely exchanged more than a few sentences to your sister, and that was when she helped you move in a few months ago.
“I see the way you look at her. I’m pretty sure I warned you that this arrangement was solely to keep her safe while living in this neighborhood. Didn’t expect you guys to fuck so quickly.”
Damn. Your sister is known to be blunt, but this is next level. You remembered how she reacted when your dick-head of a college ex-boyfriend broke your heart. He was sorry to have ever known you after that.
“About that…” Street starts, but gets cut off with a raised palm in his face.
“Before you say anything, I’m not an idiot. I’ve seen the way she looks at you. She hasn’t told me yet, but I know. She’s down bad for you, Street.”
You automatically pull your covers up in embarrassment, hearing your sister lay all your feelings out in the open like that. She’s right though, you’ve fallen hard for him and it’s not just because he saved your life a week ago.
It’s because he's an empathetic listener to your rants about work, LA traffic, anything.
It’s the way he notices the small things, like when you're stress baking, or when you have your shoulders hunched up in frustration at the kitchen counter.
It’s how he gently pries your closed off doors open, helping you heal from your past.
It’s how he loves you, in such a sweet, gentle way that only he can.
“So you have 2 days before I go back to Vice to show me that you can take care of her.”
“You’re leaving?”
“Well, I don’t want to, but we’re about to make a big drug bust and my team needs me. Y/N is strong. She can take care of herself, but I worry about her. Her surgery was intense, and it’s gonna be a long recovery. I was gonna have her live with me for a few months, but I don’t think she wants to be away from you.”
“Thank you.” Street lets out the breath he didn’t know he was holding. He may be a big bad SWAT officer, but your 5 foot nothing of a cop sister scared the shit out of him.
“Don’t thank me yet.”
That weekend, you get the full princess treatment from Street. He helps train your upper body strength to be able to lift yourself on and off your wheelchair. He takes you to the park to get some sun, and makes sure the entire house is wheelchair friendly so you can move around independently. He rearranges the fridge and pantry so that your favorite foods are all easily reachable from your lower height. He even meal-preps some home-cooked lunches to have while you go back to work on Monday.
Working with your sister, he re-arranges his schedule so he can drive you to the office in the morning and your sister can take you home.
On Sunday evening, you read out a long string of dates as Street writes all your upcoming appointments on the fridge-calendar and your sister says which ones she can take you to, and which ones she needs Street to help drive you.
“Well…fuck.” Your sister swears, which only happens when she’s particularly exasperated.
”What? What’s wrong?” You look up from your laptop with your Google calendar open.
“Y/N, I didn’t wanna admit it, but you got a good one here.”
An ear-splitting grin spreads across Street’s face as he realizes what she means.
You obviously told your sister that you overheard Friday night’s conversation, and all of what’s been going on between you and Street…minus the mind-blowing sex.
“He passed?” You ask eagerly, hopeful stars in your eyes.
“He never had to pass anything in the first place, Y/N. If you chose him, that’s all the approval I needed to know. I trust you. I was just giving him a hard time, because I love you.”
You burst out laughing while Street spits out a flabbergasted “The hell did I try so hard for?!”
“That’s what big sisters are for. Y/N deserves all the princess treatment she can get. We put our lives on the line every day, but she doesn’t normally have to. She’s gonna need you, Street.”
Street places a reassuring hand on your sisters’ shoulder.
“I’ll be here.”
Street lives up his promise, taking care of you through some of the worst physical and emotional pain you’ve ever been in.
He’s there at your physical therapy appointments, making sure you’re practicing the exercises at home even when you just want to lie down from exhaustion.
He’s there holding your hand even though you squeeze him until his fingers go numb. It hurts him to see your face contort with unexpected pain when the meds wear off and you try putting some weight on your leg for the first time in weeks.
He’s there when the trauma sets in. He notices when you’re on the couch in the evenings, the TV on, but you’re not really watching. He holds you tightly while you wake up in the middle of night crying, reliving the moment you almost died.
He’s there through it all.
“How do you deal with it?”
You’re sitting upright in bed, the soft yellow glow of the bedside lamp warming the darkness of the middle of the night.
“Deal with what?”
Street’s sitting next to you, holding your hand while your sweat-soaked forehead leans against his shoulder, your racing heartbeat finally slowing down.
Your breath draws in and out in a steady rhythm as you calm yourself from your latest nightmare with his comforting presence.
Street ran into your room when he heard you. That’s been the third night in a row that you’ve woken up to the sound of your own screaming.
“Deal with trauma. Not the physical pain, but those horrible moments that just keep flashing before your eyes every time you close them.”
“Well, I’ve been dealing with trauma my whole life I guess.”
Street has already talked to you about growing up in the foster system, because his dad was a drunk. You knew that his mom was in jail for killing him, but Street didn’t go into details. You knew as much as he hated talking about his past, he hated talking about his complicated relationship with his mom even more.
“Last week, we were surveilling a house, trying to get someone for the CIA, and I saw a kid. A little boy, covered in bruises on his back porch. He looked so alone, and so scared.”
“What happened?”
“I got into it with Hondo a bit, almost compromised the mission because I wanted to get him out of that abusive home.”
“Did you?”
“Yes. But it brought back a lot of memories, and none of them good.”
It was your turn to comfort Street as you could hear his breath come in shudders as he thought back to his rough childhood.
“Have I ever told you that my earliest memory of kindergarten was my mom putting makeup on my chin to cover up my dad’s crappy weekend?”
“No.” The word comes out in a saddened whisper. “You’ve never told me that one before.”
“Well, it’s not something that comes up in casual conversation. And I’ve tried a lot of things to make sure I never have to mention those moments.”
“What kinds of things?”
Street lets out a wry chuckle.
“What haven’t I tried? Drugs, alcohol. Thrill seeking. Street racing. Driving way past the speed limit.”
“You still do that one.”
Street laughs genuinely now. “Yeah, but not where I’ll get caught by cops.”
“You are a cop!”
He chuckles again, but quiets down into contemplative silence.
“For many years, I just poured myself into my job. Climbing the ladder until I could make something of myself. Run away as far as I could from that childhood me. The one with the drunk dad, jailed mom. The helpless foster kid.”
“It didn’t help, did it?”
“No. Not really.”
“Then, how did you heal?”
Street looks down at you now, his heart breaking to see tears streaming down your face. He’s certain those are empathetic tears, tears for his hardships. His rough childhood. Pangs of guilt wash over him.
He doesn’t deserve your tears.
Then, he sees the way you’re looking at him. The way you’re holding him in a bone-crushing embrace. Well, as tightly as you could possibly hold all of his heavily-muscled torso.
So, he sucks in a grounding breath and reminds himself that you’re crying because you care about him. Because you love him.
And it’s okay to accept your love.
Street caresses your cheek with a strong hand, and thumbs off a few of your tears.
“I’m still healing. But when those moments come, I’ve learned that it helps to talk about it.”
All those late-night bike rides down the California coastline could never truly help him escape from his problems.
He thinks back to all the people in his life who’ve helped him open up. Who’ve confronted him on his bullshit and made him stop running away.
Hondo and Buck.
Chris, Deacon, Tan, and Luca.
Even his ex-girlfriend, Molly Hicks.
As much as he hates to admit it, putting his trauma out in the open was better than keeping it in.
Your hand in his starts trembling and that small movement pulls him out of his thoughts.
“What if I’m not ready to talk yet?” You choke, as if you could barely get the words out.
“Then I’ll be here waiting until you are.”
Weeks pass in a whirlwind of work, doctors’ appointments, and recovery exercises at home. Eventually, the nightmares subside, and you start seeing a therapist to help you work through the trauma.
You graduate from the wheelchair and giant full-length cast to a bootie on your calf and ankle. The hardwood floor is littered with little dents from the first few days you learned to hobble around on crutches, but you get the hang of it quickly.
Both Street and your sister feel much more at ease leaving you at home alone, knowing that you can take care of yourself more easily now.
Except today.
Because your idiot brain put the crutches by the bathroom door instead of next to the towel rack.
And here you are, butt-naked in the shower, the floor wet and a slipping hazard, and 6 feet away from independence.
Just as you debate bear-crawling across the cold tile to grab your crutches, you hear the front door open and close.
“Street!” You call out.
Heavy footsteps rush over to the bathroom and skid to a stop as Street quickly leans his head against the door and asks urgently, “What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”
“I’m fine! I just left the crutches by the door and I can’t reach them. Can you help me get out of the shower?”
Street breathes out a sigh of relief. Ever since the accident, he finds himself panicking easily about any situation that has to do with you getting hurt.
“Of course. I’m coming in.”
You’ve managed to dry yourself off, wrap your body in a fluffy white towel, and sit on the edge of the tub.
It doesn’t go unnoticed by Street how your damp hair clings to your skin, flushed from the hot water. Lavender-scented steam hits him in a rush as he opens the door, a familiar smell to him. You love lavender shampoo, soaps, lotions, candles, anything.
He scoops you up gently, trying not to think about the last time he carried you like this was when you were bloodied, unconscious, and barely alive.
A small moan draws him out of his head immediately.
Not a moan of pain.
A moan of lust.
Street freezes and gently places you on the bathroom counter, carefully holding your injured leg against his hip.
His eyes dart across your flustered face as you realize just what kind of inadvertent sound escaped your lips as soon as you were in Street’s strong arms, and you inhaled the familiar leather of his bike jacket.
Without a moment’s hesitation, Street kisses you breathless and pulls your towel down, inhaling your damp skin and that damned lavender soap that is making him dizzy with lust.
Water drips from the ends of your hair down your body, and Street licks up the river trailing from your shoulder, down the swell of your breasts, all the way to your core.
He pulls you to the edge as he kneels down in front of you. Ever-conscious of your injury, he lifts your hurt leg onto his shoulder, which only serves to widen your thighs, giving him full access.
Your knuckles tighten against the counter and your moans bounce off the tiled walls the second he licks your dripping pussy.
Street is a master at oral and it’s been weeks since you’ve had the pleasure of being his pupil.
His tongue dives first into your center, stretching your hot, leaking core. Then his lips find your clit, sucking it in gently, until the nerve endings in the sensitive nub light your body up with pleasure.
Before you have a moment to recover, his fingers find your entrance and enter with ease. Your slick gushes out, dripping onto the towel as he thrusts two fingers in and out. His knuckles curl up, searching for the spongy spot that he knows will drive you absolutely wild.
Filthy sounds of wetness fill the bathroom as he eats you out and fingers your clenched center, once, twice, three times.
Before long, his moans mix with your own as you voice your pleasure, cumming on his face in moments.
“Keep going.”
Street freezes at the first words you’ve uttered since he kissed you. It was an impulse, a lack of self-control that got him to this point in the first place.
It was seeing you nearly naked, with that damned lavender filling his nostrils that drove him crazy.
But he was going to stop. It was enough to get you off.
”I’m not done yet, Street.” You demand arrogantly, and look pointedly at the hard erection pushing against his dark-blue jeans.
“I’ll be fine. Just hold my leg up and fuck me.”
You pull him up by the collar of his leather jacket, and kiss him roughly, panting in his ear as you lick and suckle the skin of his cheek, his neck, the underside of his jaw.
It’s been too long since you’ve had his body, his touch, his cock. You crave him with a hunger you’ve never known before.
And now that you’ve had a taste, every cell in your being is vibrating with one simple word.
Needing no other encouragement, Street strips off his jacket only for you to take it and pull it over your bare shoulders.
The sight of you, fully naked except for his jacket, makes him suck in a breath.
His eyes darken immediately and he can hear his heart beat in double time.
You make him go feral.
It takes no time at all for him to rid himself of his remaining clothing, and line himself up with your pink entrance.
“You’ll tell me if I’m hurting you?” Street asks, still hesitant, even as the pre-cum of his throbbing member mixes with your juices.
“Yes.” You affirm breathlessly, feeling the round tip of his hard cock start to breach your center.
“You’ll stop me if you can’t handle it?”
“You’re sure about this, Y/N?”
“Yes! Street, fill me with your cock already!”
He blushes at your filthy words, feeling the heel of your good leg dig into the small of his back, trying to draw him into your waiting core.
You finally feel him push through the tight circle of your center. You’re especially tight, having not had sex since the accident over a month ago.
Street lets out a growl as he feels your pussy gripping him, struggling to push in deeper.
But instead of pain, you only feel pleasure.
“Fuck—! That feels incredible. Go deeper, Street. Please!” You beg him, desperate for more.
He grabs your thighs, fingers digging into your soft flesh as he pulls you towards his pelvis. You can feel his cock thrust to the end, finally completely filling you with all of him.
You throw your arms around his waist, breathing heavily as the heady lavender steam only serves to make the two of you even more sex-drunk.
You hear Street suck in another deep breath before he pulls out, and slowly inches his way back into you, experimenting with how fast he should go.
How much you can handle.
But the slower pace feels heavenly to your hot, needy core. His cock stretches every part of you, pressing against your spongy center, all the way to your cervix as he thrusts down to the hilt once more.
”How’s that, Y/N? Does it hurt?” Street checks in with you again, a vein popping out of his neck as he strains to maintain his self-control. All his cock wants is to fuck you with total abandon, but he refuses to put himself first.
Your voice comes out in a stream of incoherent whimpers as you wordlessly express just how good it feels to be filled by him.
So Street cups the back of your ass, and presses you flush against him, and you cry out, feeling him impossibly deep inside.
“Oh my god! Street!”
“I’m just getting started.” He grins, licking the side of your neck as he starts to roll his hips into you.
You feel his cock slip out just a few inches only to thrust back in as far as it can go, over and over.
As you look down, you are blessed with the magnificent sight of Street’s abs clenching with every sensual roll of his body against yours.
Every slight motion pushes you to the brink of orgasm, your body almost unable to handle all the stimulation after having only known pain and discomfort for the past several weeks.
Impulsively, you bite down on Street’s shoulder, trying to expend all the pleasure you’re feeling somewhere else, muffling your moans against his muscled flesh.
“Shit! Are you biting me?” Street growls, incredulous, but also massively turned on.
“Does it hurt?” You grin mischievously, pulling his lower lip in between your teeth next.
“A good hurt, or bad hurt?”
“Good.” Another sharp inhale. “Fuck, I’m already close!”
Street’s body shudders as you feel his grip slide back to your hips, his slow thrusts giving way to a faster, more desperate rhythm.
You nibble and nip the side of his neck, the bottom of his ear, as you feel just how hot his skin is under your tongue and lips.
Another loud moan is wrenched from your throat as he hits a particularly sensitive spot inside you. His cock satisfies your body in a way you can’t describe.
You can’t wait any longer.
“Cum for me.” You whisper into his ear, demanding his obedience. His brow furrows as he tries to delay his incoming orgasm, and you kiss it, giggling as you watch him come undone by your body.
Street pushes his cock into you, your wetness making the movement easy, but your tightness gripping him like he is never supposed to separate from you again.
You lock your fingers behind the small of his back, pulling him in and clenching down until you feel his cock spurt out jets of hot cum into your core.
Street grits his teeth and heaves out the sexiest, most overstimulated moan you’ve ever heard from any man.
Your own orgasm follows right behind his, your entire being vibrating with pleasure, wetness repeatedly gushing around his cock. Your pussy stutters, muscles spasming as it tries to recover from the best sex you’ve ever had, with the biggest cock you’ve ever had.
With the most loving, caring man you’ve ever had. Your heart fills with love and contentment at the moment the two of you just shared.
This is what sex should be like - intimacy, pleasure, love.
It is truly something else.
“Y/N?” Street murmurs against your damp shoulder, slowly regaining some semblance of control and coherent thoughts.
“You know I love you, right?”
“I know.”
“I never want to hurt you.”
“I know.”
“I’ll always be here for you.”
You find the rough skin of his jaw and pry him off your body, and instead, pull his face towards you, your forehead pressing against his. As you lock eyes with the emotional gaze of your lover, you notice that he’s a little teary, and your heart melts for him even more. Jim Street. The love of your life.
“I know.”
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directdogman · 7 months
Hello Hound!! Since it's Dialtown's 2nd anniversary, I've been planning up a few "general" related questions about your series that I've been meaning to ask, but I decided to save them up for the big day because why not? Anyways, here's what I've got, these were meant to be fun to answer so don't sweat it :]
1: How do you feel about Dialtown's success? Are you proud of how far you've come? 
2: Which character was the MOST fun for you to write, and which was the most PAINFUL?
3: What is something you wish more people would talk about or just know about related to Dialtown in general?
4: If you had the opportunity to write a FULL complete, detailed life story of any of your characters, who would that be?
5: What's a character you wish you could have given more screen-time or just in general content? (Considering iirc you were trying to make sure Dialtown wasn't TOO long, so I was wondering if this ever came to mind)
6: From what I know, you've been doing the job of cosplaying several characters in the game and acting out their sprites, which one was the most fun to act out?
7: Speaking of sprites, do you have a sprite you could consider your favorite, out of ALL your characters?
8: Do you have a specific line of dialogue you could consider your favorite throughout the entire game?
9: Could you ever see Dialtown expanding into perhaps sequels or maybe even prequels? More DLCs mayhaps? Heck, maybe even a Dialtown 2 or a Chapter 4??
10: If you could make any fan-made interpretation (such as headcanons, designs, or ships) canon if given the opportunity, what do you think would be your pick?
11: What was the MOST fun part about developing Dialtown? Coming up with new characters? Writing them? Adding all the bizarre dialogue options?
12: And last but not least — on a scale of 1-10, how fun was developing Dialtown just in general?
That's all I have for now, and I'm really excited to see your answers!!
I normally don't answer this many questions, but... alright, sure, tis the season!
1: How do you feel about Dialtown's success? Are you proud of how far you've come? 
Yeah, of course! I'm a lil proud, admittedly, but I'm aware of how comically little I really have to do with it all, even if I did make the game. Luck does play a LOT into it, of course. Granted, I made my share of predictions that wound up being useful, but it always comes down to lady luck at the end of the day. I've seen good projects fail and bad ones go viral. It's really all just a hodgepodge of probability and whimsy. That being said, I am very pleased with DT's success, and the community that's formed around the game! It caught me by surprise!
2: Which character was the MOST fun for you to write, and which was the most PAINFUL?
Gingi's always fun to write. And Mingus. Most painful is tough to say. Maybe Crown. I got a little weird when I wrote his full backstory, kinda caught up in the emotion Norm talks about. Never been a fan of stories getting cut short. You gotta wonder what would've happened if he'd made different choices, y'know?
3: What is something you wish more people would talk about or just know about related to Dialtown in general?
Honestly? Karen, probably. She's super underrated for sure. The fandom still loves her, but she doesn't get the same kind of attention as Oliver, Gingi, Randy, Norm. She's worth it.
4: If you had the opportunity to write a FULL complete, detailed life story of any of your characters, who would that be?
Oh, I already have. I have this monstruous 30-40 page document detailing Crown's life and entire career. It's quite a read. and quite a mind-fuck if you don't know Dialtown's universe too well.
5: What's a character you wish you could have given more screen-time or just in general content? (Considering iirc you were trying to make sure Dialtown wasn't TOO long, so I was wondering if this ever came to mind)
Oh yeah, a few characters had scenes that were cut. Stabby, Shooty, Mingus, Bunny, even Bigfoot! There's also the game's cut 6th datable, who was an interesting character with ties to other characters in the cast who I wanted to do more with. Ah, maybe one day.
6: From what I know, you've been doing the job of cosplaying several characters in the game and acting out their sprites, which one was the most fun to act out?
Bigfoot. I made the ape noises in the suit. Had to. It felt right.
7: Speaking of sprites, do you have a sprite you could consider your favorite, out of ALL your characters?
I quite like Norm's set, Mingus' too. Karen's poses too are quite good.
8: Do you have a specific line of dialogue you could consider your favorite throughout the entire game?
That answer probably changes every day. I like pretty much any scene where Mingus loses her temper.
9: Could you ever see Dialtown expanding into perhaps sequels or maybe even prequels? More DLCs mayhaps? Heck, maybe even a Dialtown 2 or a Chapter 4??
I'd love to make sequels one day! I've got a lot of ideas for where the characters/story would end up. By the time DT1 wrapped up, I'd conceptualized way too much stuff to put in one game (without it taking another few years to finish), so if I ever wanted to make sequels, I'd 100% know where to start! But, that's a later down the road conversation.
For now, I'm gonna keep working on the Roger DLC and if there's demand for more, I can go from there :)
10: If you could make any fan-made interpretation (such as headcanons, designs, or ships) canon if given the opportunity, what do you think would be your pick?
I guess I COULD do that with, like, anything. Nothing immediately springs to mind, since, y'know, I'm in control of the canon anyway. I will say, I've seen headcanons and theories that ARE scarily accurate to canon, to the point where I've feared people would just think I'm lifting stuff from the fanbase! It's a good thing I talk about these things with collaborators, huh? I've got a PAPER-TRAIL!!!
11: What was the MOST fun part about developing Dialtown? Coming up with new characters? Writing them? Adding all the bizarre dialogue options?
Finishing a new scene and realizing how stupidly long it was (without me realizing it) was always a treat. But yeah, writing the characters had to be it. Specifically any scene where a character the audience knows meets someone the audience doesn't know well (or at all), with the dynamic changing. Those are fun to write.
12: And last but not least — on a scale of 1-10, how fun was developing Dialtown just in general?
Hard question to answer. I do really wanna give a high number, but truthfully, a lot of game dev actually isn't super 'fun'. Some tasks are, granted, but many parts are a slog. Sitting and formatting dialogue, and then adding text pauses and pose changes isn't exactly a super thrilling activity. The engine itself also has some issues which I have to work around that adds to the workplace. Play-testing a scene for the 4th time isn't super fun either, or trying to figure out why the game crashes on some PCs and ONLY very rarely... Those tasks are Sisyphean to some degree.
...But, while most of those parts aren't fun, it's all still rewarding. There's a sense of accomplishment when you finish a scene. You get to look back at your hard work, remember the hours you spent typing dialogue into a text box and formatting mass amounts of pngs, painstakingly + manually getting the game's awful pre-loader to deal with the sprites right, etc... and suddenly, at the end, you've got this lil experience that people can play and enjoy. Somehow, the sum of all of those not so fun activities has created something that's going to make people laugh, feel happy. That's special. and even if some parts of development weren't super fun on their own, that's always what I remember. That in the end, all of those not so fun days mattered.
The route I agonized the most over was Oliver's. I went through a few weeks of writer's block, and now, it's one of the most popular routes in the game! Crazy how that happens. I was SURE for about a week that people would rank the route at the bottom! That's what I mean, all of the stress I went through trying to figure it out amounted to something people connected with! To think I almost CUT the route entirely!!!
And y'know, God knows Dialtown gave me something to throw myself at during a time where I REALLY needed the outlet. I'm very grateful to the project for that. So, I'll give DT an honorary 8 out of 10, even if it wasn't a consistently 8/10 experience making it heh heh! Sure glad I did, though and I'm very glad if any of you reading this had a really good time playing it! :)
Thanks for the questions!
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omaano · 4 months
SW Hades AU May Status Update
I wanted to make a dedicated post about what I’m currently working on for the Star Wars meets Hades AU that looks more consistent than just sharing bits and pieces whenever I’m tagged in a Last Line Challenge. Because what else do I have but the poly sketch requests and this AU for my weekends? (If nothing else I know that the Hades AU has got me XD)
Other updates: June - July - August
For now Obi-Wan and Maul are stuck at the same stage: they are both lined, have their base colours down as well as the two adjustment layers of coloured lighting.
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I suspect if I were ever to get through the agonozing few hours of shading Obi-wan’s face it would be mostly smooth sailing from there. The problem is that there are at least 2 - if not 3 - separate stages where the shaded face looks like I have no idea what I’m doing, and you need to get through the whole thing before it really comes together 😅 on the other hand Hades 2 has a lot of the directional shading I might need for his character art so that might help to get me there.
It also needs to be said that Obi-Wan comes with the extra disadvantage that is the entire background behind him. I’m really hyped to line it finally, it is quite a challenge, but at the same time I’m slowly coming to the realization that I have no idea how I will colour it. Hades backgrounds are so so pretty and full of details and gorgeous colours, and while I’m not delusional enough to think I could match that on first try… I still wish I could, you know? At the same time I will have to erase or recolour a lot of my lines, which will hurt quite a bit, I imagine. I’m so bad at killing my darlings 😅 also I hate laying down flat colours. I just find it very difficult to immerse myself in that process, while lining and shading can have their flow.
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I had covered up so many lines and details in Maul’s spider parts it’s a miracle I didn’t cry XD However, tips on grouping my shadows and allowing the shape to speak for itself and the details in them are very helpful and on point.
Worrying over writing dialogue for them is also not as far down my to-do list as I wish it were. I have a good enough idea for a quip for Obi-wan, but Maul? He’d need a whole melodramatic rant of his own XD
Aphra has gotten some new lines and I had fixed the satchel I had forgotten the last time I shared the rough sketch for her, thanks to the new character art for Hades 2! Seeing Odysseus and Hermès’s updated looks were great helps here, so I might as well move on to lining her, and finally adding another female character to the roster on top of Ahsoka!
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And then there is the biggest update on these little guys below! I will need to clean up the ones I had drawn for Cobb and Boba (and Din) well over a year ago, but with these my version of chtonic companions are done, and thanks to @lesquatrechevrons I have a full list of keepsakes for each character as well. I’m not very good at drawing these little tchotchkes (I say with Rex’s blaster right there LOL) but I hadn’t been very good at lineart or cell shading when I started this project either, so through forced practice I’m determined to change that :D
(It’s not a screwdriver under Boga, it’s one of Cody’s antennas. “It will grow back, don’t worry,” he says as he snaps it off his pauldron and hands it over to Din. Rex backs him up on that one without question. They can't lie for shit but trolling the shiny is their thing.)
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Additional fun fact: the reason why I’d picked up the chtonic companions concepts was because I’d been poking at minor details in the background behind Maul (aside from the Chaos doors), and I started adding credits and recoloured nectar to the corner (before I realized that they wouldn’t be visible once the character interaction comes up oops), and I tried to figure out to whose keepsakes Maul would react favorably. I also mixed up companion dolls and keepsakes, so that’s why the Ahsoka doll came to being (I also forgot that that one belongs to Rex, and not Ahsoka herself but uh… they are close enough that they should count by proxy anyway. It’s not Obi-wan’s cup of tea and that should be enough!). Also bless @mapleowl18 for suggesting Lil Soka as companion for Rex ❤️
So this is the current state of this AU project right now. I have my lists and notes, a few scribbled pose ideas in my sketchbook for Sabine (she might be next, unless Bo and her Nite Owls make a comeback), Satine and Omega (with Batcher), as well as some angry scribbles and question marks for Quinlan (who has apparently made his way back into this AU even though he didn’t get a little icon of his own originally orz), and Obi-wan The Second that would stand with Cody post reunion, but I cannot make that one work for now 😅
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kybercrystals94 · 3 months
A Dangerous Dance
Read here on Ao3!
Summer of Bad Batch 2024 | Week 3 | Prompt: "It's just a scratch."
Rated: G | Words: 540 Minor CW: Someone accidentally cuts their hand, but the minor injury is not described in detail.
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The Mandalorian trainer pulls a knife from the sheath strapped around his vambrace, and twirls the short blade deftly between his fingers. The man isn’t even looking at the weapon, his eyes following the movements of his sparring clone cadets. If he notices the shaggy headed cadet unabashedly watching him in the far corner, he doesn’t give any indication. 
Awestruck, Hunter doesn’t notice an enemy attack approaching until Crosshair charges into him, tackling him to the ground and pinning him. “Pay attention, idiot,” Crosshair growls. “It’s no fun getting the advantage if you aren’t even trying.” 
Hunter squirms in Crosshair’s hold. “Fine. Get off.” 
Crosshair rolls to his feet and puts out a hand to help Hunter up. Hunter grudgingly accepts the offer, his brother yanking him up roughly. The two get back into ready position, and while Hunter does put his all into the exercise, he can’t quite stop himself from occasionally glancing at the Mandalorian, the blade catching the light as it flits in a dangerous dance between his fingers. 
Hunter grins to himself. He can do that. 
“That is not a training knife,” Tech observes critically when Hunter pulls the very real weapon from his bag. “Where did you get that?” 
“I found it,” Hunter says. 
Crosshair rolls his eyes. “More like stole it.” 
“You stole it?” Wrecker gasps. 
Hunter frowns. “I borrowed it. I’ll put it back when I’m done.” 
“Done with what?” Tech asks. 
“I wanted to try something,” Hunter says. He’d been practicing with his rubber training knife for weeks, and he’s gotten pretty good in his opinion.
“Please tell me you are not going to try spinning that sharp knife around your fingers,” Tech says.
Hunter flashes Tech a grin. “I’m not gonna try.”
“Yeah,” Crosshair says, sitting down at the table, folding his arms and resting his chin on them. “He’s gonna cut his fingers off on purpose.”
“Could he really cut off his fingers?” Wrecker cries, alarmed. 
“If not his fingers, then his entire hand,” Crosshair says. 
“I’m not going to cut anything off,” Hunter assures Wrecker, “I’ve been practicing, and I know what I’m doing.” 
Hunter holds his bleeding hand over the fresher sink. “It’s not a big deal. It’s just a little scratch.” 
“A little scratch does not bleed profusely,” Tech deadpans, examining the wound before pouring bacta over it. Hunter hisses, jerking away, but Tech’s tight grip on his wrist prevents a full retreat. “Please hold still.” 
Wrecker and Crosshair crowd in the doorway, watching. 
“It did look really cool,” Wrecker appeases, “Well, until you sliced your hand open.” 
“I didn’t slice my hand,” Hunter growls. “It’s just a scratch.” 
“If you keep telling yourself that, maybe it’ll come true,” Crosshair snarks. 
Hunter glares. “Maybe if you shut up, I won’t sock you in the jaw.” 
Crosshair grins back triumphantly. “I’d like to see you try with that gimp hand of yours.”
“I advise you let the cut heal before you get into a physical altercation with anyone,” Tech says, wrapping a bandage around Hunter’s palm. 
Hunter huffs, glancing at the knife balanced on the edge of the sink. He just needs to practice with his rubber blade for a few more weeks before he tries again. 
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kuerie · 8 months
rocky and his water motif
ive seen a few people analyze rocky and his symbolism with water, and i thought id jump on the train and contribute what ive found. i looked through every piece of art in the gallery and messed around with the dead drop to find everything here! with that being said…
obvious spoiler warnings! and warning for a lot of speculation and over analyzing! a lot of things i mention are really big stretches but i added them anyways incase anyone else wants to look into it more
starting where the pilot starts and near the start of the comic (the page “lackadaisy dithyramb”), right off the bat we have an entire poem from rocky dedicated to the mississippi river. this iconic poem is literally just about the river, and he recites it in both scenes from on the bridge over the river.
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note that in both cases there is also a crescent moon featuring in the background
more poetry! this one is from the comic on the page “lackadaisy doggerel”. this is actually one of my favourite pages in the comic, its very cool! we have this poem that, again, is entirely about water. it talks about water in a metaphorical way, comparing it to memory and the passage of time. maybe ill try to analyze this poem sometime but idk im not very good at that stuff. seems to talk about rockys past but im not sure
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i didnt want to just put this entire page here but i will note that the page has a raging storm, an ocean, a water mill, another storm cloud and a waterfall all picured above rocky, who, in this case is ahem under water, in a way.
last bit of poetry im talking about is probably the most relevant. rockys feauture in the “lacrimosa” poem/halloween artwork shows him seemingly drowning outside a window.
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the significance of it being outside a window is somewhat unclear to me, as every other character appears in something reminiscent of a picture frame. my only idea is that its meant to show him outside of what could be a home, in reference to him getting the “unceremonious boot”. the text emphasizes this idea, saying hes away from home
this next one is more obscure and much more of a stretch! after digging around in sketchbook pages, i found this tiny little sketch on a page simply labeled “lackadaisy preview 0018”. the sketch page features sketches that were used for the page “lackadaisy palaver” in the comic, and a few bonus doodles. this was one of the bonus doodles, and i cant seem to find a comic pannel that matches it anywhere.
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this sketch could be a lot of things, its a bit hard to tell. most likely, its an unsused pannel of rocky that was going to be used on the comic page. maybe him on whe windshield, or something like that. that being said, the first thing i thought of was the lacrimosa art. its a stretch but i thought id add it, just in case! who knows really
next up is rockys character artwork, which features him standing on a barrel floating in a river.
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be careful rocky, you might fall! one little detail about this art that i like is that hes quite literally hiding his sadness behind his back. and again, the crescent moon motif features in the background. the cattails in this image also remind me of this scene in the pilot
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…but i mean cattails do grow near water so i dont think that means anything
speaking of the pilot, this scene has rocky accidentally blowing up a water tower and flooding the area, and getting a whole bunch of water dumped on him
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be careful rocky, you might get hurt! ...i dont think he cares
one last note from the pilot (for now) is a line from mitzi after rocky comes back with alcohol for them. it could mean nothing, could be foreshadowing, who knows
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note in the second image: “rest” as in the rest of the alcohol they were meant to bring back
the music video for liquid gold ends with rocky dropping a bottle and the golden liquid flooding the room
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i wasnt even looking for water symbolism when i found this, i was just rewatching the music video for fun! i just about had a heart attack when it ended like that D: rocky please dont drown
back to the comics! sorry this is a bit all over the place. forgive me for just uploading an entire comic page, but the page “lackadaisy thunderhead” features rocky standing over a river. at the bottom of the pannel on the right there are daisys, a symbol that features in a lot of rockys artwork and is generally associated with the lackadaisy speakeasy. the daisys could just be for aesthetics or to frame the pannel better, but its also notable that they appear where the water is.
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the name “thunderhead” is interesting given some other pannels
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not sure what it means though
the very first scene in the comic aside from the introduction shows rocky at the river.
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in the page “lackadaisy trouble boys” from the early concept art mitzi makes a comment about rockys aim, and makes an… interesting metaphor
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side note: im gonna cry is that actually how rocky gets the little hole in his ear lmao
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the mini comic “wilderness” has rocky climbing out of a small muddy pool of water claiming “the waters great”, despite looking absolutely horrible. isnt shown here, but he says he cant feel his legs and calls for freckle to come back.
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knock knock! its time for the playing cards! rockys card depicts him as the 8 of spades, although hes also been shown as the ace of clubs multiple times.
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first up, 8 of spades! i really like this art but i have a lot of questions. for one, why is rocky holding a shovel and whats with the lantern? theres nothing wrong with it, just caught my attention since i think freckle is drawn with shovels a lot more than rocky (might be wrong on that though) second, this is the only picture i can find where you can CLEARLY see rockys head injury healed. cool! third, the outfit hes wearing is… atypical for rocky, you could say. for obvious reasons. he always wears blue, why suddenly the change to black? and obviously, the choice of making him the 8 of spades. some quick google searches and this is what i found: from various websites (the first things that popped on on google), apparently spades symbolizes the winter season and the water element. it seems to represent old age, change, wisdom and acceptance. the number 8 supposedly represents victory, prosperity and overcoming. i was going to put images, but i could only have 30 and i ran out of space lmao im so sorry this is SO LONG djfjsjnrfj
make of it what you will. as for the ace of clubs:
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my google searches were much less interesting so ill just put my own thoughts. the clubs is likely just for the association with the lackadaisy speakeasy, as in both of these cases he is shown alongside other characters from the lackadaisy and everyone has clubs. as for him being the ace, the main notable thing about the ace is that its generally the highest card.
the main idea i personally took from these cards is the idea rocky will possibly not be a part of the lackadaisy in the furure. we see him in his classic outfit, no head injury as the ace of clubs, with clubs being associated with the lackadaisy. but we also see him with a healed head injury (so clearly in the future) with a new outfit and no more clubs suit.
not sure if this is even notable but this entire (very iconic) scene in the comic takes place in the rain
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be careful rocky, you might get shot!
and now, even more crescent moon motifs
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so why have i been pointing this out? well its undeniable that rocky also has motif with this crescent moon. i have no idea what it means but heres my very quick five minute thoughts on it: one: the moon controls the tide. obviously a river doesnt really have a tide, but still! theres some association with water there, so its notablea. two: this might be a stretch but in the pilot theres this very memorable frame where it shows the reflection of the moon (which initially looks like a cat) ahem in the water. obviously water reflects stuff so its not abnormal for the moon to reflect in the water but i just thought it was cool!
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aaaand last but not least
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this analysis was brought to you while listening to hatsune miku, i probably made a lot of typos so yell at me and ill fix them but not my grammar its terrible and im not fixing that, lmk your thought and if i missed anything, thank you for reading have a nice day sorry it was so long <3
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snail-clops · 4 days
If I go to work, today, I'm gonna-
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More femtanyl inspired trigun art after ages without !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this time around we have the lovely Gazelle The Peacemaker with influences from the Femtanyl inspired song K1LL SOMEBODY by Tanger :3
extras under the cut as always !!!!
this was alot of fun !!! :D I took a break from doing these bc i just didnt feel motivated to make them >.> but then i got a sudden burst of motivation to make this, so i did !!
i wanted to do gazelle for this song bc its not directly by femtanyl. its disconnected from them, like how gazelle is disconnected from the rest of trigun bc his game was never completed or released
also he was so fun to draw????? i made a few posts complaining about the struggles of interpreting bits of his design from figures and such but this was genuinly so much fun to make X3
heres him btw and the song art that inspired this art :3
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smaller details im happy with !!!!
subtle lines on the soles on his boots !!!! they look neat methinks :3
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bull belt buckle !! i thought it was such a cute lil part of his design so it was nice to draw it bc its something so small and i feel proud for spotting it x3
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his lil face !! i like how pouty i drew him, also i was sure to ad that little bit to his chin since he has a quite prominant chin in his design
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thank you for reading this if you did !! i appreciate the support <3
Femtanyl art tag list: (ask to be added :3)
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blossom-works · 1 year
Power Couple
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Request (anon): Hiii!! How are you? Can I ask for a kylian request where both the reader and him go on Ridiculousness and it’s just all fluff and jokes, thanks anyway
Thank you for your request! I had to tweak your submission since I don't think Kylian would allow his s/o on a platform like that for privacy's sake. I do hope that I made you proud with this though!
About a month ago, you and the board of your hospital agreed that it would be best if you quit your job. Now, why would you quit a job you absolutley loved doing? The reason why both parties agreed to it is because while you were on maternity leave, someone found out you worked at the hospital and told the world. People started coming to (and sneaking in) the hospital just to snap a photo or a short video of you. Some even harrassed you. It got so bad that the safety of the staff, patients, and actual visitors came to the surface.
When you told Kylian about this, he was furious. He took it to his social media and posted a statement saying that he was disappointed with his "fans" behavior. Kylian also said that he would be taking the threats and harassment towards you to court. "I do not take the safety of myself or my family members lightly. All threats and harassment made towards my wife maliciously or jokingly, will be investigated by my legal team."
You cried for days after you left your job. You truly loved it and the kids there. Kylian even asked to take a day off practice to make sure you were okay. Since then, you have been distracting yourself by being a stay-at-home mom. You loved it. You love being able to take care of your child 24/7. In fact, you took pride in it. When Matthew was old enough, you and Kylian enrolled him in daycare. It would be good for him to socialize with babies his age and people who are not you or Kylian. You hated being home alone with no husband or kid to dote on. It was just you and that big ass house.
You brought this to Kylian and you both came up with a solution. Fayza, your mother-in-law, is working on a project for Inspired by KM and she could use your help. You immediately accepted Kylian's proposal and the next week, you were working alongside your mother-in-law. Your first day was pretty easy, just reviewing the project itself and adding your little details. The following days were more hands-on work. You even had to do a small interview with Fayza about the project.
To say that you were nervous was an understatement. You are grateful that Fayze was there to take the lead when you stumbled here and there. While in Bondy, you met the kids there and did so many fun activities with them. From cooking and baking to playing a game of football with them. At that time, the targeted demographic did not know that you were Kylian's wife, but now, people know that Kylian's wife is supporting her husband through his organization.
Now, you are confident when doing your interviews. You added a lot of value to the organization that you ended up being named "director". A position that sits just under Kylian. You even have your own secretary! French news media went wild about how much of a power couple the two of you are. When you were given the position of director, Kylian threw a huge party to celebrate. The more projects you push out in Inspired by KM, the more your face gets recognized. You transferred the knowledge you gathered while working at the hospital and inserted it into Kylian's organization.
You and your family traveled to France a few days ago because you and Kylian have to do an interview there to talk about the latest project of Inspired by KM. Kylian's parents will be at the family home so they can watch their almost one-year-old grandson.
The two of you agreed to stick to a neutral-colored wardrobe. Kylian is wearing a white button-down and black slacks with some loafers and as always, donning a HUBLOT watch. You chose to wear something a little more dressy. A back shirt and blazer with a pair of beige, velvet pants and nude heels. You tied your hair in a low bun and are wearing an Olivia Burton watch Kylian got you for your first anniversary. Quite the power couple look indeed.
(Bold dialect will be in French)
"Mrs. Mbappe, it's well known that you joined your husband's organization because you lost your job at a Spanish hospital. How was that like for you?"
Ah, a question you have heard and answered a dozen times before.
"It was hard. I loved my job but the board and I came to a mutual understanding and agreement. Both parties agreed that it was no longer about whether or not I should keep my job, but it was about the safety of the people who worked and were administered there."
The interviewer nods and writes down a couple of notes. He then asks Kylian how he felt about the situation. Kylian just said that he was angry for you and did what he could to protect you. He calls the incident a blessing in disguise because you have done so much for his organization, and it has made the two of you closer as a couple.
"You gave birth in the fall of last year, correct? Has motherhood clashed with your duties for Inspired by KM?"
"No, it hasn't. I'm thankful for my husband's resources that allow me to work with Inspired by KM. Motherhood has made me a more nurturing woman which helps with my job at KM."
Again, he nods and writes down some notes. The interview so far is a bit redundant. His questions have been questions you have answered before, just worded differently. It does not help that the interview is a live one (with a live audience), so you cannot make any signs that show your disinterest.
"So, the recent project Inspired by KM was actually partnered with UNICEF. Can you tell me how that happened, Mrs. Mbappe?"
Finally! A question about the project that was recently launched.
"Certainly! I have always admired the work that UNICEF does and our missions align. One is just more global than the other. I shared my desire to expand KM's reach to children all over the world with my husband and our board at KM. Everyone came to an agreement and I wrote a proposal partnership to the general director of UNICEF."
"Why did you agree to it Kylian? Other than it being because your wife wanted to."
"When my love first brought the idea up, it was just the two of us. She had already come up with the project's structure and it was all very detailed. It wasn't just something she came up with on a whim. My wife did her research because she truly wished to make the project a reality. She was very passionate. She was still passionate when she proposed the idea during a board meeting. My wife supports me by cheering for me in the stands when I'm playing, and she supports me by working for my organization. I agreed because I want to support her."
The audience watching clap for Kylian's response. They even hollar when you kiss Kylian's cheek in appreciation. You are so glad that you are wearing makeup that hides your blushing face (besides the actual blush used).
"I want to bring attention to this projection screen here." The interviewer motions to the object. The projection turns on and a video pops up. The play button is clicked and when the first frame comes on, you hide your face into Kylian's shoulder in embarrassment. He too hides his face in your hair in embarrassment.
What on earth is being displayed to make you and Kylian want to hide from the world? It is a video of you and Kylian carelessly dancing in the office building. To destress the two of you, Kylian put on some music and coerced you to dance with him. Neither of you realized that Wilfried recorded the moment.
In the video, neither of you cares to observe your surroundings. Heck, one part of the video shows Kylian trying to twerk to the beat of the music. The room fills with laughter and you and Kylian are trying your best to shrink yourselves. Oh God! This entire interview is being broadcast! - Live!
Thankfully, the video stops at one minute and the torture is over. Takes a couple of seconds for the laughter to die down which does not help with your embarrassment. You are pretty sure your blushing face is showing through your makeup, but you can only know when the videos and photos of today come out. You lift your head off of Kylian's shoulder and fan your face. Kylian is busy wiping the tears of laughter and pain away from the corner of his eye.
"Well, it seems like the two of you do a great job at supporting each other." The interviewer coughs out. "In all seriousness, it's great to see two busy people such as yourselves enjoying the small moments in life. It's relatable and I believe it brings a positive message to people that they should have fun when they can."
Your husband speaks up. "I agree. It's like with football. I have to be serious when I'm on the pitch but when I'm off, I can have some fun and enjoy life. Enjoy the life I have with my wife." Kylian reaches over and holds your hand in a tight grip. He brings the back of your hand to his mouth and plants a firm kiss on it. The star athlete is never big on PDA. He always finds a way to hold onto you though. It could be hand holding or putting his hand on your waist or the small of your back. The most PDA Kylian will do is a kiss on your head or a small peck on the lips.
For the remainder of the interview, Kylian never let go of your hand. The two of you had to stay an hour or two after the interview to do some fan service (mainly Kylian). Many of his fans came up to you and asked how Matthew was doing. It warms your heart to know that there are people who you do not know, who care about your small family. You tell them how Matthew is a wiggle worm and how he loves to eat squash. He hates tomatoes and is unsure about cucumbers. Bread and cheese though, Matthew would live off of it if he could (French genes amirte).
A little far from you, you think you hear someone asking Kylian if he can teach them how to twerk. Your husband persistently declines the request that was clearly made to poke fun at him. Gosh, that video is going to haunt him forever, huh? Mentally, Kylian sarcastically thanks his father. The day was eventful for the two of you. Over the course of a few months, you have learned how to see the blessings in the curse. You found a way to help children not just in your community, but to the children spread across the globe.
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Hope my little newsletter isn't too cringy or pathetic
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plussizeficchick · 2 years
Want to Play?|Izuku x Chubby! Reader feat. Bakugo
*gasp* a Halloween fic on Christmas Day?
And what about it?😉
Merry Christmas ya filthy’s😘thank you guys so much for another great year. Hears to another year of nasty smuts and being sluts🥂🎄part 2
(Warnings: major character deaths, gory-ish details, smut(fingering(fem receiving)dubcon?)
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You hated this fucking town.
Granted, you haven’t lived here for long, but just the mere thought of staying in the miserable place was enough to actually drive you insane.
It didn’t always used to be like this.
Quite the opposite, this used to be your solitude when you were younger, but then, as you blossomed into young adulthood, your parents decided that they’d had enough of your “rebellious attitude” and that maybe spending some time with your grandparents in this god forsaken place would “straighten you out”.
They were just mad that you weren’t married and pregnant at 22 like they were.
The one good thing that came out of moving here was reconnecting with your childhood friend Izuku. You remember him being a shy thing, hiding behind you whenever you defended him against some losers that would try to bully you both. You remember the adorable freckles that adorned his face, almost forming constellations that you’d spend hours trying to connect. Forest green hair and eyes intrigued you from first glance.
He had matured. Quite nicely, in fact.
No longer was he a shy, fragile boy ready to cry at the drop of a hat. Instead, you were met with a fucking beast of a man. Bulked up with muscle, his arms were huge and his thighs matched in thickness as he towered over your plush form.
He looked absolutely delicious if you were being quite honest with yourself.
And that seemed to transfer to the people that he hung out with because he introduced you to some of the most attractive people you think you’ve ever seen.
Okay, maybe you will enjoy your time here.
— —
Izuku invited you to a little Halloween get together with his friends. While you know they’re trying to be as welcoming as they can, you can’t help but feel like an outsider, being the only quirkless civilian out of the bunch. Izuku and Katsuki try to make you feel better about it, but when you think about the thin, athletic women that they’re surrounded with all day, it dampens your mood a little.
But you were determined to have fun at this kickback, ready to drink and dance to your heart’s content.
At least, that was the plan.
You decided to go dressed as Sailor Moon, adding a few accessories to customize it to your style before waiting for Izuku to pick you up. You didn’t tell anyone what your costume would be, knowing it was a bit out of your comfort zone, but you wanted to surprise everyone. Starting with him.
“Hey, “Zuku.” You coo, waving at him through the window. You wait for him to exit the car to open your door for you, something he insisted on doing ever since reconnecting with you.
His eyes give your outfit a once over, trailing particularly slowly over your thick thighs and exposed cleavage. He was clad in black jeans and a black muscle tee, his bulging arms busting at the seams. You swallow thickly, your eyes catching his. “Where’s your costume, Izu?” You question, your eyes furrowing as you glance at his outfit once again. “‘M wearing it.” He says, motioning to the Sniper Mask cosplay he fastened on the top of his head. You pout, your glossy lips puckered in the cutest way. “Izuuu,” you whine, “just a mask is not a costume. I would’ve even settled for you dressing up as yourself as a pro hero.” Izuku chuckles, opening your door for you. “Don’t worry, doll. When the night’s over, you’ll change your mind.” You initially wondered what he meant, but shrugged it off.
Maybe other people will just be wearing masks?
— —
You both arrive at the party fashionably late, you never did like getting there too early, and by the time you greet your friends the event is in full swing, people dancing, drinking, making out. Now it’s a fucking party.
You immediately go to take 2 shots of vodka, chasing it with whatever god awful concoction that was put together in the punch bowl. “Easy there, Chubs. Ya jus’ got here.” You turn around to face the familiar voice, seeing none other than Katsuki standing with a smirk on his face. “And just what are you supposed to be?” You sass. From where you stood, he was dressed in black jeans, a black tee and his infamous combat boots. The only noticeable difference is the Cuban link chain dangling around his neck. “Homicidal maniac. They look like everyone else.” “Haha, very funny.” You deadpan, turning to look around the room. Katsuki grabs your chin between his thumb and forefinger, angling your head to look at him. “You’re looking very good though. I mean garters? You’re itchin’ for a rough night, doll.” He walks away before you get the opportunity to say anything so you take the chance to hightail it to the bathroom. The way him and Izuku are able to reduce you to a pile of mush should be a crime.
On your way to the bathroom, you notice droplets of what looks to be red paint on the floor. “Huh, they really went all out. That almost looks real.” You shrug as you enter and honestly, nothing could’ve prepared you for the sight.
It was a blonde guy, Monoma, you think his name was, laying there with his throat cut wide open. You weren’t close by any means and quite frankly, you’re kind of shocked to see him at this party. Katsuki is always raving about how the guy is bad news, yet here he is, laying dead in the tub of you don’t know who’s house.
You let out a blood curdling scream, the sheer horror of someone murdered before your very eyes shaking you to the core.
Izuku finds you first, his voice sounding distant as he tries to shield you away from the sight. “It’s gonna be okay (Y/NN). Don’t worry. Everything’s gonna be fine.”
Will it?
— —
For the most part, only Izuku, Katsuki and their friends were the only ones who’d heard you and you were currently in a guest room trying to figure out what to do. “Okay, so we’ve got a dead body and basically a rogue serial killer on the loose who's probably here looking for their next victim, sound about right?” Kirishima asks, looking around. After a brief nod from everyone, he busts out into hysterics, “WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE GOING TO DO?! I can’t go to jail, Kat. I-I’m not fit for jail. I mean I am fit, but that’s not the-“ “SHITTY HAIR, PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER! Fucking idiot. Nobody’s going to jail.” Katsuki grumbles angrily. “But, what are we going to do-“ “GIVE ME A FUCKING SEC TO THINK!” He practically shouts at you. “Hey, there’s no reason for you to yell at her. She’s scared.” Izuku defends. “Yeah, well we’re all fucking scared, Shitty Deku. She can pipe down for a minute.” You place a reassuring hand on Izuku’s bicep as you feel him ready to start up again. He looks at you before giving you a brief smile, taking your hand in his.
“Alright,” Katsuki finally says after a few minutes of silence. “We’re gonna have to hide the body. Us boys will take care of the moving, you girls take care of the clean-up and kicking everybody the fuck out of this house. That not only slims down the chances of having another murder on our hands, but also the possibility of having a fucking killer in our house. Sound good?” He checks in, looking around for any signs of hesitation. When he’s satisfied he claps his hands together, “All right, let’s move.”
— —
You decided to take to ushering people out of the house, while a lot of people were upset at having their fun cut short, you were more delighted at the fact that the possible murderer was being escorted out. Once you were certain that everyone besides your group had left, you closed the door behind you, leaning against it. “Feeling better?” You yelp at the sound directly in your ear. You turn to see Denki, one of the more eccentric people in the group. You aren’t particularly close to him, but you’d like to think you have a good relationship with him. “Oh, uh, kinda. Still a bit shaken up, I guess.” He hums, almost as if he’s considering your words. “I guess anyone would be. It’s not everyday something like this happens.” He says, closing in on the distance you’d put between you two, eyes trailing over your plump frame. “We should probably head back to meet with everyone.” You suggest, turning away and hurrying in the direction of what is now, the conference room.
You enter and see Katsuki, along with Kirishima and Mina, and as you turn, you see Izuku and Shoto entering after you. “Where’s Dunce face?” Bakugo asks, scowl present on his face. “He was just with me. I don’t know where he could’ve wandered off to.” You practically whimper, already scared of the possibilities. “Relax, Chubs. I’m sure he’s fine. Don’t worry your pretty little head. I’ll go look for him, how’s that sound?” He suggests. “I’ll go with you.” Izuku pipes up. “That way it’ll be safer.” You nod, not wanting anything to happen to your closest friends. As they leave, you sit quietly as Kirishima, Mina and Shoto all try to make sense of what’s happening.
It isn’t even an hour later before the lights in the room you’re in start to flicker before going out completely. You all immediately pull out your phones for your flashlight. “Um, guys. Something’s wrong.” Mina says after a few beats of silence. Kirishima is about to reassure her before he’s cut off by a gut wrenching scream. He takes to holding her against his chest, hoping to shield her away from the horrors that await on the other side of the door. The screaming stops for a while before starting back up once again, this time more chilling than the last. The screams come to a stop once again when all of a sudden, your phone starts flashing.
*Incoming FaceTime Call*
You glance around, wondering if you should answer when you decided, fuck it, and answer the call.
You’re all met with a figure in a mask, his voice distorted as he speaks, “Let’s play a game shall we?” The figure doesn’t wait for a response before continuing, “If you guys can somehow find your friend in the next ten minutes, I won’t kill explosion boy. Tick tock.” They say before disconnecting the call. You all don’t get the chance to discuss the call before the door to the room you’re in bursts open.
There stands Izuku, his attire disheveled and his face rather shaken up. “Izu,” You run up to him, giving him a onceover. “What happened? Are you okay?” “Ka-Kaachan.” He barely gets out. “What, honey? What happened with Kat?” You ask, hands rubbing soothing circles onto his back. “That’s just it, (Y/NN). I- I don’t know what happened. One second we were together, the next we weren’t. As soon as I realized I lost sight of him I came back here. I thought he would’ve had the same idea.” He sighs out. He felt like a failure. Not one, but two of his friends had gone missing within the span of an hour and he had the nerve to call himself a pro hero? “Then we’ll all go look.” You say, determination set in your voice. “They would do the same for us, we’ve got to look out for them.” You say, grabbing his hand. You look at everyone else the best you can and just barely make out their nods. “Let’s get going.”
— —
You all walk together, flashlights in hand down the corridor of the house. “I think the screams came from the front of the house.” You hear Kirishima say. “Okay, we’ll check out there first.” Izuku says, leading you all towards the front of the house.
It takes you a while, but you finally arrive and nothing could’ve prepared you for the sight in front of you.
Almost like a sensor, the lights cut on, and you’re met with Kaminari beaten bloody and strung up against the wall and his throat slit.
But that wasn’t all.
There laid Katsuki, your Katsuki, with what looked to be six knives in his back and a pool of blood surrounding him. You turned away to keep yourself from throwing up. “Oh-oh my God. Oh my God. What the fuck?!” You practically shriek. You’re shaking, you’ve never been in a situation like this before. “What the fuck is going on, man?” Kirishima grunts. “Let’s go back to the room.” Izuku suggests. “What, why? What if the killer is still in here?” Mina asks. “What if they’re right outside waiting to kill us?” He counters. Everyone looks at each other before nodding, heading back to the conference room.
Once you all arrive, Mina’s on you. “I don’t care what anyone else says, I’m onto you, quirkless.” She practically spits, finger pointing harshly into your chest. You look at her stunned and everyone else is taken aback by her sudden outburst. “These murders didn’t start happening ‘til you showed up. And you just so happen to be the only quirkless person here? Seems a bit fishy to me, no?” She questions, looking around for confirmation. You notice Kirishima considering her words and you feel yourself begin to panic. “Mina, what the fuck? I thought we were friends?! How the fuck would I be able to kill a bunch of pro heroes in training? You said it yourself, I’m quirkless!” You exclaimed. How was this suddenly being put on you? “I don’t know (Y/N). It kinda adds up. You were the last person seen with Kami and you “found” Monoma’s body. Plus, you just so happened to be the one the killer calls? It’s just too many coincidences.” Kirishima sighs. You feel your heart breaking as you feel your friends turn on you. “You guys have literally no concrete proof that it was me.” “(Y/NN)-“ “No Izuku, they’re trying to blame me for something I didn’t do.” “I know, but if you’d just-“ “No! Fuck that, Izuku, I’m not the killer!” You cry. The tears blur your vision, so you fail to notice the smirk making its way to Izuku’s face. “I know.” He says as he pulls out a gun and shoots both Mina and Kirishima in the head. They both immediately drop dead to the floor, and you’re too stunned by the sight to say anything.
Izuku sighs, wiping the barrel of his gun. “Such a shame, I was gonna let them go, but then they had to go and rile you up. Are you okay, love? She didn’t hurt you, did she?” Izuku asks, giving your body a once over. “What? What’s going on?” You finally manage to take your eyes away from Mina and Kirishima to look Izuku in the eyes, alarmed. “You’re mine, silly. Had to get some competition out the way though.” He sighs. You’re taken aback by his proclamation. This whole time, Izuku had feelings for you? He liked you back, enough to feel like he had to kill for you? “You- you did this, for me?” Izuku nods emphatically, nuzzling his face into your neck, inhaling your scent. “Did it for us, baby. Can’t have people thinking they can have you.” He says, moving to pepper kisses along your neck. Unconsciously, you move your head to the side, granting him better access. While doing this, you’d completely forgotten Izuku’s other friend, Shoto, who’d not only been privy to Izuku’s love confession, but also to his friend’s admitted murder spree. “Uh, Izu? What about-“ “Todoroki? We don’t have to worry about him. Wherever I go, he’s sure to follow.” Izuku smiles. He turns to him, addressing him for the first time all night. “Actually, Todoroki, can you do me a favor? Stand outside for me?” You’re a bit confused why he’d want him to stand guard outside, but you don’t have time to ponder that when you feel Izuku’s lips on yours, his warm tongue gliding inside your mouth.
You know you shouldn’t want this. He’s a fucking serial killer! But, he admitted he did it for you, so the sentiment is there, right? It may not be the most conventional, but at least he put some thought and consideration into it. Right?
That was enough for you to kiss back, moaning into his mouth as you wrap your thick arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around your waist, grabbing handfuls of the fat settled there. God he loved your stomach. Not in a fetishizing way, whether you had it or not he’d love you either way, he just liked to have his hands on it. “Fuck, you’re so pretty. Want you so bad. For so long.” He murmurs against your lips. You whine as he snakes your panties down your legs. “Gotta be quick, not gonna like that I didn’t share you.” He mutters to himself. You’re about to ask him what he means when you feel one of his fingers running through your folds. You take a deep breath just as he works a finger inside your hole. “Fuck, this wet from a little kissing? You’re a little slut, aren’t you?” He mocks you, sucking hickies into your neck. You whine as he slowly works his finger in and out, stretching you far better than your own fingers ever could. Just as you're about to cum though, it’s suddenly ripped away from you.
You cry at your ruined orgasm and Izuku hushes your cries with sweet kisses to your forehead as he guides you to a table in the middle of the room. “Shh, baby. I’ve got something better for you.” He soothes, as he pulls his cock out of his jeans. It’s gorgeous if you were being honest. Pre beading at the tip, veins running along the sides. You wanted it in your mouth.
Almost as if he could read your mind, Izuku answers, “Next time, love. Gotta be in you now.” You nod as he bends you over and lines up his cock with your entrance before pushing into the hilt. You gasp at the intrusion, his thick cock filling you in ways you haven’t been before. He sets a steady pace, not too fast or slow, just enough to keep you wanting more. “Izu,” you whine, your words slurring together from the pleasure. “Feels s’good.” He nods in agreement, the pleasure almost too much for him to even speak. “Fuck,” Izuku grunts, picking up his pace, thrusting harder. “So fucking good. Pussy’s soo fucking good, baby.” He moans in your ear. You both meet in a sloppy kiss, tongue and teeth mashing together as you fuck mindlessly against the table.
Izuku breaks away from the kiss to bring one of his hands to his mouth, before pressing his wet thumb against your clit, rubbing harsh circles into the bundle of nerves. “Cum for me. Right. Fucking. Now. Cum.” He practically demands, sucking hickies into your neck as his free hand grabbed handfuls of your tits, and how can you refuse? You practically squirt all over his cock as you ride the waves of your orgasm.
The tightness of your cunt triggers Izuku’s orgasm and you feel him flood your womb with his seed. You both sigh as the endorphins slowly start to wash away as you come down from your highs.
You both don’t get to enjoy yourselves for too long, the door to the room you’re in bursting open for a second time. “What the hell, Shitty nerd? I told ya we were sharing.”
— —
Taglist: @xogabbiexo @pervysenpaix @dabilovesme @sintiva @blkchxrryblyss @tenyaiidasslut @luna-indigoduh @bookwormsenpai @bl--ankhaeji @thicksimpx @namjoonswifeyy @nasty-quillz @haikyutiehoe @musicisme333 @anotherfuckedupdayinthelifeofme @celi-xxmoon
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juustozzi · 2 months
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@thepinksky18 hello, and thank you sm!! <3 I hope it's okay to reply like this, I got kinda carried away with reference images..! I can try to share some things that help me with my art, hopefully they'll be of some help for you too!
when I do group pics like this, the thing I focus on the most is how everything looks and feels together! details and stuff can wait for later, first is to figure out that the overall picture works, and the characters are in balance with each other!
I'll use the Tenma horse pic you replied to as an example, will be continued under read more!
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here's the sketches for the art! the very first sketch is very simple and blocky (I usually use a thick brush) to just settle everything in place and see how it all works out. the second sketch is more detailed and sometimes deviates from the first sketch a lot, if something seems to work better some other way.
depending on the complexity of the finished art, I do just these two sketches or add one more even detailed one, but the last sketch before lineart is the one I tweak the most! usually I draw characters on different layers so it's easy to select them separately and resize, fix proportions or positions, etc. to make the big picture look good to you!
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here's the lineart (which could also be the 3rd sketch) compared to the previous layer. now I'm adding more details, but I still keep fixing the overall image - you can see how the lineart doesn't quite match the sketch in places: hikaru is shorter, the position of aoi's feet and tenma's hind legs are different, etc. some people like to do a very detailed sketch and practically trace their lineart over it, and if that's what feels good for you, go for it! I'm the kind to just throw lines over vague sketch and call it a day, especially with more simple drawings like this :,)
there's good tutorials and studies on bodies and proportions online already so I'm not going to even try to speak about those, but I got a few tips! I tend to do them in my mind nowadays, but I tried to draw them out for easier visualization!
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I mentioned earlier how for me the main thing is that everything's balanced, right? that also inclues characters and their proportions. I think that in group pics it's more important the characters work out together, not so much if their insividual proportions are perfect. especially if there's notable differences between them - height, bulk, lenght of limbs, and so on! a few pixels here and there don't matter in the overall image, but for example with Shinsuke who is Tiny, it's important for me to really make him smaller than others.
my most used tool is a scale chart! it helps to visualize the proportions for the characters, even when they're piled up like in the example doodle, or otherwise not in a neat row on the horizon line. (again, separate layers help you tweak them individually if needed! there's no need to get them right on the first try, especially when drawing digitally when there's layers.)
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if your drawing eye hasn't gotten used to proportions, the chart can also be used to make a neat little ruler to check your sketch! the rulers over the sketch are all same size, just moved around; tsurugi and shinsuke fit in pretty well, and while Tenma's torso is a little long (even when taking into accound he's a little bent from waist, which makes him even taller when straightened out), it's not by much and it wouldn't bother my eye.
and while I myself sometimes tend to be a slave for the references and get gray hair over minor details, or of some part of the anatomy is off and I can't fix it the way I want, the overall feeling and style mean a lot more! I think it's important to put some thought into the proportions especially if you feel like wanting to make progress with your art, but if it's getting too stressful or draining the joy of drawing out of you, then screw it and just have fun! (I say this as someone who has learned not from studying anatomy and stuff, but instead just. has drawn a shitton and had fun while at it. I think getting comfortable with just creating is the bigges step you can take!)
...oops, sorry if this got too long or off the rails! and yeah hopefully you (and anyone else reading all this) got something out of it!
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rainbow-filmnerd · 2 months
How I painted my G3!Cleo doll's molded wrappings (and other stuff)
Hey! So I wanted to make this neat post to break down the steps on how I did some customizing on my G3!Cleo doll.
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This is obviously the signature doll that came out in 2022, right when g3 was starting and when Monster High made its return. This is the polypropylene hair version, but I did wash it a bit and it feels better (still not great, but an improvement). I'm not quite done adding all the details and things to her, but I feel like I made more than enough progress to share what I did.
Firstly, as you can see, I have completely modified her dress. Although the wrapping printed sleeves were fine, I personally found it hard to put her extra fashion accessory (which is this cute wrapping/fringe jacket) because of those sleeves. I wanted to save them so I chopped off the sleeves and cut them up to my likings. Although, I had to take the dress apart to get the sleeves themselves, so I used a seam ripper to do just that, and then I stitched the dress back together.
I also wanted to try to make the sleeves look like those arm gloves that Maddy Perez wore with that one look from Euphoria btw, please stop making MH/Euphoria AUs because the casting feels out of character and MH and adult content shouldn't mix. But I ended up with one longer arm glove/sleeve on the left and a smaller piece on the right upper arm.
Speaking of wrappings, Cleo de Nile dolls have been seen with molded on wrappings on her lower right arm/hand and left lower leg since g2. I wasn't sure if I liked how it's brought back, and after getting my hands on this doll, I grew to appreciate that detail. I decided to paint these parts to bring out that detail. I painted most of her hands (up to her fingers to make it look like a glove, and most of the arm and leg (I painted to just above the toes).
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So what I used was acrylic paints and matte Mod Podge to seal everything (mostly). I mixed an ivory with a bit of yellow to get that aged bandage look. It took a few layers of paint on each part to get it as solid as possible. Although I didn't have to paint that much of her leg since I'm keeping her in her boots, this is also used as a reference on how I imagine Cleo's wrappings on her leg look. And yeah, it did chip a little when I put her boot back on, but it's in spots that's not noticeable. This goes for any doll that you paint, but please do be careful if you decide to do this. It's always a nightmare to see all that hard work get scraped off.
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Also, if you paint most of Cleo's hand like I did, PLEASE don't paint the articulation point on her wrist, right where the peg is (seen here!). The paint will chip off if you paint that area and move it around so much. The same goes for the arm and leg, but I stopped short before the joints, because I don't want that paint to wear off regardless.
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Also, you might've noticed that I made a cuff bracelet for Cleo, because her right arm just felt bare. A quick and easy way to make these types of bracelets is cutting a piece of a drinking straw to the desired length. I then painted it gold and painted blue "jewels" just to add color. And like with my other G3 dolls (I plan to do the same for my G1 and most of my EAH dolls), I painted her nails. Inspired by the cartoon, I painted Cleo's nails turquoise, and her accent/ring finger is painted gold. I know there are looks where one finger nail on a hand (usually the accent/ring finger) is painted or styled differently from the other nails. So I had fun with this (I also did the same thing for Catty!).
All that's left for me with Cleo is her boots, belt, necklace (need to fix a smudge), and headband, but a lot of the bulky stuff is done. I hope this post helps inspire someone who plans to make these modifications to their g3 Cleo doll(s). 💛
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North Star Series
Chapter 51 - The Chapter That Shall Not Be Named
(i.e., I couldn't think of a decent title, and you wonderful people have been patiently waiting an insanely long time for this, so I'm posting it anyway)
Start here:
Summary: The weight of the war takes it toll.
Warnings: a couple of curse words, not the happiest of chapters, only did one quick proofread instead of the 97,438 proofs I usually do
Sunday nights were quiet at the Weasley twins' household. Except for the occasional explosion accompanied by an earth-shattering boom, followed by raucous yelling and laughter emanating from the boys' workroom.
It was, in other words, experimentation night. When most of the twins' inventions were created. And since the store was closed on Mondays, they usually didn't stumble into bed until the sun was cresting the horizon. A fact that George was quite happy about these days because it meant no nightmares. He'd found sleeping during the day so much easier. There was just something about the sunlight peeking through the closed curtains that held his damned fears at bay.
Fred stretched and gave a jaw-cracking yawn. "Looks like you and Y/N had fun last night."
"We have fun every night," George responded with a cheeky grin.
"Well, with those monumental suitcases under your eyes, I'd say you had extra fun." Fred waggled his eyebrows at his twin, then turned his attention back to the prototype in his hands.
The younger twin chewed on his bottom lip for a few seconds before speaking. His lack of sleep was a subject he'd not yet brought up to his twin. And he wasn't entirely sure it was worth the bother. They were just stupid dreams, after all.
"Sales have really gone up for the - " George blurted out.
"Nope." Fred interrupted and leaned back in his chair.
"Nope? What do you mean, nope?" The younger twin eyed his brother.
"Don't try to change the subject."
"Well, I'm certainly not regaling the details of my sex life to you."
"And thank Godric for that!" Fred chuckled. "Besides, I know this isn't about your sex life."
"Oh?" George crossed his arms. "So what's it about, then?"
Fred mirrored his twin's movement and added his trademark smirk to the effect. "Hell, if I know. But I do know that look. It means something's wrong. And I'm pretty damn certain it has nothing to do with dancing the horizontal mambo."
Fred flopped onto his back and stared at the ceiling. Then he stared at the clock.
2:42 am.
So much for a decent night's sleep tonight.
He'd knocked off early, feigning tiredness in the hopes that George could catch up on his sleep.
It worried him. His twin's nightmares.
Despite all his bravado, Fred held no illusions to the realities of war. Though it wasn't himself he was worried about. Not really. Of course, the possibility of his own demise had crossed his mind a time or two and while he certainly didn't want to die, if it came down to the wire, he'd take the killing blow for those he loved any day of the week.
Except... how could he leave George?
The thought haunted him, always lingering there in the back of his mind. Ever since they were little, he'd taken care of his twin brother. It was his mission in life. And he knew, deep down, that Y/N would take up the mantle, should the worst happen. But still, he needed to hear her say the words.
Fred sighed and looked at the clock again.
"Well," he muttered to himself. "There's only one thing for it."
Stretching, he rolled out of bed and plodded into the kitchen. Maybe some nibblies and a shot or two of firewhiskey would calm him. He needed a few hours of sleep, at least, before having a little chat with Y/N.
Y/N slouched back in her chair, her eyes scanning the array of dots and squiggles covering the parchment on her desk. She and Callie had been writing to each other in their own personal code since their third year at Ilvermorny. Over Christmas break of that year, Callie's older brother had swiped one of their letters, which revealed his little sister's crush on one of his friends which he then proceeded to read out loud in front of said friend.
Callie was mortified and barely left her bedroom for the rest of the holiday. That's when Y/N decided they needed a better way to communicate.
Neither of them had ever expected it would become a matter of life or death.
Y/N sighed and folded up the letter and slipped it into the envelope, placing a stamp neatly onto the top left corner. She missed the days of just dropping her mail off a few doors down at the International Floo to be whisked away across the Atlantic.
But now, with Deatheaters intercepting the mail, it was just too much of a risk. So, muggle mail it was.
Now for the hard part...
Y/N grabbed another piece of parchment.
Dear Gran, she began. Then, put down her pen and massaged her forehead. Writing to her grandma these days felt like one big extravagant lie. Thus far, Y/N'd managed to keep the war hidden from her, even managing to keep it secret during her visit to England for the wedding, thanks to her husband's last minute suggestion that they conveniently move the festivities to a secluded farmhouse in the north of Scotland.
"Sorry, we can't take you to visit the shop," Y/N had apologized.
"Oh nonsense," her Gran waved her off. "I'm here to see my only granchild marry the love of her life. That's the most important thing. I'll see everything next time."
And that was something else that worried her.
While Y/N certainly appreciated her Gran's easy-going attitude on the matter, she'd still expected a little push-back. Yet, her Gran's usual feistiness was noticeably absent. And as much as she wanted to agree with Callie and George's reassurances that her grandma had probably just been exhausted from the whole excursion, having just hopped off her millionth cruise and pretty much straight onto the plane, Y/N couldn't rid herself of the nagging thought that time and age were finally catching up with her beloved grandmother.
She sighed and rubbed a hand over her face. Things would be so much easier if Gran just lived nearby. Maybe after the war, Y/N considered, she could convince her to move here. Perhaps set her up in a little cottage or something.
'If there's anything left after...'
The thought trickled through Y/N's mind unbidden and she shook it off with an irritated huff, picking up her pen again.
Things are going great... (her marriage was indeed going great, so that wasn't a total lie).
Business is booming... (also not a lie, just never mind that it was government contracts for magical Britain's war machine that was keeping it afloat).
My research... she started, then erased it.
Best leave her illegal activities out in case the letter fell into the wrong hands. After a long lull, things had picked back up again thanks to the recent acquisition of a couple vials of muggle blood, courtesy of her former mentor's muggle wife during their brief sojourn in London.
The weather's been nice...
With a groan, Y/N tossed down the pen again, oblivious to how it bounced across the table and onto the floor.
"Bullshit! Bullshit! Bullshit! Who gives a fuck about the weather?" She demanded of the empty room and let her eyes fall back down to the parchment, scanning the words. The whole damn thing read like a fucking form letter, and she hated it. But what else could she do? She couldn't tell her Gran the truth. The truth that they were at war. The truth that every day had become a strategic game of survival.
After a few quiet weeks, kidnappings and killings were on the rise again. And no one knew why.
Maybe her stupid magic 8-ball could give her some answers. Y/N had picked up the toy at muggle joke shop while on an outing with George shortly after her return to England.
"What is Voldemort planning?" She asked and shook it.
Reply hazy, try again later.
She sighed, rolling her eyes and absentmindedly reached for the pen that wasn't there, when a soft knock sounded on the lab door, followed by Fred's grinning face poking in. "Hey, Y/N, got a minute?"
"You're up early," she said, blinking in surprise. It was rare indeed for Fred to be up and about before George. "What's up?"
"I wanted to talk to you about George and... well... his nightmares."
"Ah, the nightmares," Y/N nodded, waving him in. She'd been expecting this conversation.
Fred pulled up the spare chair and jumped right to the point. "How bad are they? How often are they happening? Is there anything I can do?" He asked in rapid fire succession. "George tried to play them off like they're nothing. But I know better."
Y/N exhaled a long sigh. "Two or three times a week. They're always intense. He wakes up shaking and sweating." She leaned forward a little. "They're far from nothing, Fred. The thought of losing someone he loves terrifies him. Especially you."
Fred gave another nod. "And you." His eyes softened a little, and the corners of his lips quirked up. "I'm glad you found each other. You're so good for him. And to him. And I know you'll take care of him if something happens to me."
Y/N's breath caught in her throat. Fred wasn't one to wear his heart on his sleeve or anywhere else on his clothes, for that matter. He buried it deep within him, hidden under a maze of jokes and witty diversions. The fact that he'd even brought it up meant he'd been thinking about it, and it worried him. Maybe even scared him a little. But he'd never admit to that. Not even to himself.
"Nothing's going to happen to you," Y/N spoke slowly, enunciating every word, as if that would somehow make it so.
Fred shook his head, and his eyes shifted down and away from her gaze for the briefest of moments before darting back up with their usual mischievous glint. Then, he leaned forward, motioning her closer. "Ok, what I'm about to tell you is a big secret, so don't tell anybody," he said in a conspiratoral whisper. "But even the great and powerful Fred Weasley can be hurt."
Y/N opened her mouth to speak. But he continued on with a stare that bore straight into her soul. "And I just want to make sure that if something happens to me George is taken care of."
It wasn't a request.
"You know I'll take care of him," Y/N said. "I promise."
"Good," he stood and stretched, a crooked grin playing across his features. "I'll see what I can do to help with those pesky nightmares. We'll get Georgie dreaming sweet dreams again in no time.
"Okay... thanks, Fred," Y/N said, pasting on a smile.
He nodded, still grinning, and bounded out.
Y/N sat stone still, watching him go, a sinking weight settling deep in the pit of her stomach.
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