#I also decided to throw the laserdisc in here as well
eighthwholove · 1 month
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Doctor Who (1996) + VHS & DVD covers, variations.
Featuring Australia's M rated cover, and the very rare US VHS.
I included Finland's release of the VHS, for apparently (according to The TARDIS Library), it translates to "1999: Destruction of Earth." And I found that quite interesting!
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Bonus: The Chinese Laserdisc, Japanese VHS, & Czech Republic VHS:
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Sidenote: The Czech Republic & French VHS both translate to: The Lord of Time. How intriguing!
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pastrydragon · 2 years
Batman Villains(Mostly) as "Crazy Ex Girlfriend" quotes
Mr. Freeze: Don't touch the air conditioning, I sweat like a pig!
Firefly: It's like the FROZEN TUNDRA in here!
Catwomen about Bane: Oh, he's a terrible person! He is a terrible, terrible... dreamboat. Like, it's weird how good looking he is. Right? It's like he's chiseled out of evil marble.
Harley: Let's Thelma and Louise this thing!
Poison Ivy: Great!
Catwomen: Thelma and Louise drove off a cliff, so be careful!
Joker: Okay well, let's not knock someone for a fetish. I mean, you know, some people like being... choked by red licorice. I'm not saying who, but I think you know it's me.
Bane: Here is a list of all of the objects that I can hold under my pecs: Stapler, ten pencils, paperback copy of Arabian Knights, dog bone, remote control, hardback copy of Wuthering Heights.
Music Meister: I don't trust you as far as I can throw you, which is not far because you eat bagels after 8 p.m.
Twoface: Don't underestimate the joy of a midnight bagel!
Tim to Bruce: Are you taking me off the case? Please don't take me off the case! Because if you take me off the case, that means I'm not working, and if I'm not working, it means I have to think thoughts!
Riddler: Oswald is so damned disorganized. Some of the papers in here are so old. Oh, good news, I found a coupon from Blockbuster. The Color Purple is now available on laserdisc.
Flamingo to Professor Pyg: I wanna kill you and wear your skin like a dress, but then also have you see me in the dress and be like, 'O.M.G., you look so cute in my skin!'
Pyg: *Genuinely flattered*
Riddler: Well, if it isn't Mr. 'I can't come to your party, because I have a bunch of complicated reasons. I prob'ly have to buy more burlap clothing, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.'
Scarecrow: That's a long name I have.
Penguin: I don't believe in sick. If it's not cancer, you come to work. In fact, most cancers are a half day.
Harley trying to get her friends to make up: I'm not forcing, I'm aggressively facilitating.
Killer Croc: I've decided to eat my feelings, and it turns out my feelings are pork rinds, whoopie pies, mac and cheese... Yeah, I'm going full-on Cathy cartoon.
Bruce in front of his kids(Not serious): I always wanted a daughter. My kids are not daughters, they're terrible. I'll tell you about it later - or now.
Music Meister: You're pretty, and you're smart, and you're ignoring me, so you're obviously my type.
Mad Hatter: I'm sorry, what were you saying?
Music Meister: Perfect.
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