#I also made this while incredibly sleep deprived at around midnight on a thursday
cassmouse · 1 year
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'Disappear among the sea of butterflies!'
I love her so so much honestly
But this took me a very very long time to do since I've never made one of these with GIFS before and I have decided it will not happen often
Because this was such a pain
Seele is so powerful she crashed the site I used about twenty different times
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mwagneto · 5 years
1, 30 & 36
1: Talk about the first time you watched your favorite movie.
oh god you're braver than any us marine ok so instead of what everyone expects I'll do a detour and start with the honourable mention that is rdj sherlock, i was super depressed (and I mean like. incredibly so) after sherlock s4 because it just sucked so bad, like i was deadass in ruins and i was trying to find ANYTHING to take my mind off it and by the end of February I watched and read pretty much all Sherlock media there is except for rdj because for some reason I thought it was bad?? but then I noticed the first movie was downloaded on my laptop so I went ok fuck it and watched it on the 26th of February and HOLY SHIT I fell in love with RDJude's dynamic literally immediately their chemistry was so fucking good and the plot and the script and the setting and the music and- point is I fucking loved it so I watched the second movie on the same day and Mother of FUCK it was somehow even better and gayer and sweet Jesus I've been obsessed with them since
NOW onto the real deal, light of my life and my reason for living....Rocketman
Jesus Christ I don't think I've ever been this hyped for a movie in my life
I saw the first trailer on November 11th but I wasn't into it at all mainly because I saw it in theaters and they played the censored version and made it look like some het movie about an imaginary person
But then I saw it trending when the second trailer came out and I scrolled through the trending tag and watched the trailer and boy I was HOOKED
And holy fuck the wait was Agonising especially since the fandom on here consisted of like. Me and 3 or 4 other people and then some ppl who didn't post but reblogged stuff - point is the fandom just. Didn't Exist
By the time carpool came out there were a bit more but still basically nothing, hell in my desperation I even looked at stan tw*tter a few times but I regretted it each time and thankfully I don't remember anything specific
But anywayS so the movie is supposed to come out on the 31st of May but for some reason they release it on the 18th in the UK and then turns out it won't come out until the 5th of June here???
I was so fucking mad my friend and I literally almost went to Wien to watch it
Worst of all, the big cinema chain that's in my city didn't even put the tickets out
And when they did they only put them out for Thursday and only the dubbed version
Which, ew, but I was like I don't care I'll take what I can get
But THEN I went into the city one Saturday and I was just riding the tram listening to the soundtrack when in passing I saw a theater that had a big ass Rocketman sign on the front
It was literally like a 0.1 second glimpse because the tram was going fast but I immediately went rabid and found it online and turns out not only were they showing Rocketman on the 5th of June, they also have the original English version
So I booked two tickets immediately and waited because I still wasn't sure the usual cinema wouldn't put their tickets out
So I stayed up every night until midnight to see if there were tickets but No
Finally they put them out on Tuesday midnight so a day before it's supposed to be released but only for Thursday so I was like ok fuck you I'm going to the other one
Oh yeah by this point I've been logged off Tumblr for weeks because i didn't want spoilers so I didn't have Any Rocketman content at all, I didn't even dare to look at YouTube videos or anything because I was scared the recommended section would spoil me
So yeah I was absolutely content deprived
Fucking FINALLY the 5th of June rolls around and we get to the theater and wait for it to start and jesus fukingn
I'm gonna be honest I literally don't even remember much because I was so high on "oh my fucking god I'm finally watching it" but holy SHIT IT WAS JUST. SO GOOD.
I do remember a few things
I know I screamed out loud when Richard first appeared during crocodile rock (even tho I knew he was gonna be there at some point but it was still so sudden I fuckin lost it)
Also I held my friend's hands during tiny dancer like my life depended on it skdnd
And I've told this story a million times but tmttp shocked the soul out of me coz I knew what it meant scene wise and I didn't think they'd play it so fuckign early skmfsk I had like a full body convulsion and drew my hands back and my calf muscle cramped so hard it hurt for a whole week afterwards
anyway I didn't cry
I thought I'd be sobbing like mad but I didn't and I still haven't
Idk for some reason I just can't cry over this even tho I SHOULD and I want to
my friend did sjsnfjd
we were fucking. spent dude I don't think I stopped smiling until I fell asleep
Anyway after she somewhat finished crying and we exchanged a few words we somehow got up from our seats and left
She had to print a few things so we walked to a photocopier and talked about the movie but it wasn't anything more coherent than just verbal keysmashes
Literally it was so smfjsjjdsjdn i felt high
I was so fucking HAPPY bro it was so fucking good and everything I expected and way more like we were over the fucking moon
I brought food coz I like to eat during movies but I didn't even dare to look away from the screen during this one
While she got her printing sorted I logged back into Tumblr and checked the tags (they were still disappointingly empty😔)
We then went to a park near the tram and ate the food I brought and talked abt the movie till it got dark at which point we headed for the train and talked there some more before she had to get off at her stop
I spent the rest of the ride smiling like an idiot listening to the soundtrack and texting her & other people
I went for a bit of a walk on the mountain I live on to clear my head but I was literally so happy and giddy I couldn't stop smiling hhh I'm losing it just thinking about all the stuff I felt
By that point I was super low and empty coz of school stuff and irl stuff so to feel so many emotions after months of feeling absolutely nothing was a LOT
Anyway I got home by...idk, late, and blasted the soundtrack on full volume for a while before booking her and myself tickets for Thursday so we could watch it again
And we did
And it was just as amazing as the first time
And then on impulse I watched it again on Friday
And then I went to watch it again on Saturday and as soon as it ended I ran to a nearby theater and watched it again immediately
Then again on Wednesday
After watching it on the 5th I lost my appetite both for food and for water, and also my need for sleep, so until I gained it back after watching it next Wednesday I basically didn't eat, drink or sleep for an entire week but it didn't take a toll on me, somehow
The Rocketman power
Anyway we watched it again on Saturday and Sunday (the girl I mentioned came with me both times then and on Saturday so did another girl)
And then I had exams, a class trip and a family vacation so I couldn't watch it for an agonizing two weeks
but then finally watched it again on the 3rd of July with another friend (a 3rd one)
And then on the 6th of July with the original girl
And then on the 7th and the 9th at home alone and them on the 12th with yet another friend (4th one)
Then I went to watch it in theaters alone again on the 18th
And then one more time with the first girl on the 24th
Then on the 3rd of August alone
And then the first girl came over on the 9th of August and we watched the deleted scenes and the extras and then the extended movie
Then I was once again busy so I couldn't watch it until the 25th
And I took my laptop to the hotel I'm staying at for two weeks rn so I watched it here on the 30th
And now here we are
Jesus fucking Christ I'm so sorry for making you read all this
This took me like an hour to type
Anyway! Peace and thanks for asking skdmsmcmsmmd
30: Talk about what turns you off.
I don't have any turnons or turnoffs tbh skdndn I'm. not about that sorta stuff
36: Talk about your guilty pleasures.
sometimes I hateread awful old fanfics on Wattpad because they make me wanna die but like in a good way
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tinysciencecow · 7 years
you have any study tips?
i’m really sorry. i am awful at responding to things most of the time. you have to magically catch me when i’m in a responding mood, which could be any time of day any day of the week very unhelpful
2018 resolution: be in a responding mood more of the time. and in general do more stuff.
these are all from my experiences and based on my own body and mind and work flexibility; you have your own so pick and choose
- don’t try to be productive if you feel like shit (physically or emotionally). much more efficient to watch a movie or take a nap (or a real sleep) or read a book or play an instrument or call your parents or hang out with your friends and then do things when you’re not miserable and unable to focus and incredibly prone to errors
- same goes for when it’s superlate. time after midnight does not actually exist; it slips mysteriously by without your perception and next thing you know it’s 3am and nothing has happened except you just wrecked your week or at the very least your next few days and definitely your tomorrow
- i try to start my day/productive time with duolingo. why? because in addition to strengthening/building language skills it’s a really nice way to gauge how alert i am that day and how prone to really dumb mistakes. and that helps me decide what kind of work is most appropriate for the day
- write down literally everything you have to do, in some nice grouping that is pleasant for you, such as by class. write down how long you have to do it. write down how long you honestly think it’s going to take you (honestly, not optimistically). and then, in a way that will not ruin your life, allocate tasks to each day that you have available to you such that you finish things on time. make a nice list for each day. make it editable. make it flexible
- something i discovered recently is that these lists need to be front-loaded. in other words, allocate more stuff to the days that are closer to the current day and leave less stuff to the days that are farther from the present day. that way if something awful or unexpected happens and you need to push things off a day it’s not a complete disaster like my last semester halfway kind of maybe was oops
- sometimes music is nice, especially and like my mom advises me, when you have to do something you really have to do that you really don’t want to do
- sometimes music is distracting. it’s important to notice when silence will be better for your focus and actually make it quiet. it’ll suck, but you’ll get done faster and then you can do something actually fun instead of something 10% fun like an unpleasant task with a soundtrack
- my boyfriend taught me this and this is what i do when i can’t get myself to do anything. set a timer for 25 minutes and commit to nonstop work for those 25 minutes. then you get a guilt-free 5-10-minute break. for some reason it’s easier to commit to 25 minutes of focused work than to consciously decide to just do a thing
- it’s also nice to, when planning out tasks, allocate 25-minute blocks to them. then you have a little goal to work toward, and you can consciously adjust your expectations or pace if you notice that tasks are taking a lot longer than you expect, which is something that always happens to me
- usually when you are trying to work on something but you suddenly open a new tab for no reason at all, that means you’ve hit a roadblock. it’s nice to consciously note, when you catch yourself opening tabs and you’re not entirely sure why, that it might be because you have hit a roadblock in your work. then you can give yourself a 5-minute break to avoid the task to your brain’s satisfaction, then set a 25-minute timer of commitment to determining what the roadblock is, making a detailed list or journalling how to get out of it, and then seeing how things look after those 25 minutes and the well-deserved break that follows
- group your meetings in a few days of the week. i like mondays and fridays because mondays aren’t real days anyway but they ARE days when i need to get pumped and motivated to do things and by friday i’m usually recovered from monday and feeling enthusiastically social again and then i get the whole weekend to recover from friday. then you get tuesday and wednesday and thursday to WORK FROM HOME and NOT TALK TO PEOPLE and actually really really get things done. this is a very new discovery for me that i am just now trying out and i really like it so far. it is far more productive for me. i miiiiiight be an introvert. or a very very selective extrovert, and a more promiscuous extrovert on fridays only, once the alone-ness of tuesday, wednesday, and thursday has had a chance to develop into its less fun form loneliness. (you might think i’m a very complex person but noooo, you see it all makes perfect sense)
- it is very important to do things you like just for the sake of them that have some form of progress that you can see and feel good about when work or school feels like it’s going to shit. i like duolingo and i like piano and i like to read and i like to be involved in my family’s lives. you pick what is genuinely rewarding to you and entirely outside of your career and then you should consciously allocate time to it and make it a priority to do those things every day
- don’t be sleep deprived. time just slips away and then next thing you know everything is terrible and you’re miserable and nothing is getting done anyway and you might as well have just had a full-night’s sleep at the proper time anyway
- exercise like a quick run outside is really great for getting a second burst of energy after you’re exhausted after the day having happened (as days sometimes do)
- nighttime biphasic sleep is really cool. it is what i seem to do when left to my own devices without caffeine or sleep-ruining life things and it is really nice because it allows me, when i have too much to do, to squeeze in a bit of work between my two sleeps, usually around between 3 and 7 am, and it is very nice and silent and peaceful in that time and i am well-rested after my first sleep and so i usually can be very productive and get a surprising amount done in that short time and then still get enough sleep
- i find that when i can’t get a writing flow going there are a few books and stories that always activate the voice in my brain. if you can find those and have those to come back to then that might be really nice
- if you have some dreams that involve doing and finishing things that you never seem to have time for, break them down into small steps and break those down into really tiny things you can do every day and then make it a priority to do those tiny things each day and then hopefully after a while you can look back and see that you’ve made progress that is gradual but great and then hopefully after another while you can look back on your work and see that you’ve reached your goal
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willswalkabout · 8 years
Sydney, Melbourne
This post is fairly delayed, as I departed Melbourne last Sunday, 20th. For reasons to be explained later I was extremely tired on the way home, followed by a pretty busy schedule while in the UK. I'm writing this entry during the last 2 hours of my Singapore to Auckland flight. The journey from hell to Sydney took its funniest twist when Melbourne airport informed me that I'd actually booked my 4th, and final flight of the last 36 hours, from their smaller more remote airport, Avalon. It was also to be the airport I would fly back into, and to this day I cannot work out the point of it. I could only laugh at this information, and was lucky that JetStar agreed to put me on the next flight from the airport I was standing in, for only £30. It would have cost me ~£100 to get the taxi to Avalon in time to catch my flight. I met Madeline, my aupere of 7 years previous, near her home in Bondi, where she had generously let me stay for the next 2 nights. After a pretty awful last 3 nights, spent ill, in a cell, and on a cramped plane, it was an incredible relief to have my own room, and the ability to wash clothes. That night I joined her at a cookout/dinner party hosted by some of her friends. The next day, and do forgive the details being a little weaker, this being two weeks back, I started out with an incredible brunch. Google had recommended it, and I since found out Sydney is well known for its brunch culture. It was also a wake up call to food prices, something I had come, well warned of. The meal with coffee was $24 Australian, for something that was delicious, but wouldn't come to £17 in the UK. This sadly meant that other than a few token occasions, I mostly ate pretty badly while in Australia. I then did the coastal walk from Bondi beach to Coogee beach, before getting a bus to Watson's bay. From here you can get a commuter/tourist ferry into Circular Quay. Monday was my only warm day, so it was nice to get the ferry into the Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge area. I walked to St Mary's cathedral, and then got the train back to Madeline's flat. That night I went for a great burger with Madeline and her boyfriend Morgan. The next day the weather was horrible so I lied in as long as possible so I'd be able to go straight to my hostel and check-in immediately. There's very little else to say about that day. In the evening I tried to find a couple of bars that I'd read about, but due to Sydney's ludicrous lockout laws they were closed. I walked to Mrs Macquarie's chair, a good viewpoint of the harbour. I was having quite a nice reflective moment when Sydney's heavens opened and I got absolutely drenched, before getting an uber back. The next day it was grim again but I managed to fill it by going up Sydney's sky tower, and then a tour of the Opera House. The tour is great, and the magnitude of the auditoriums is impressive. Sadly the one photo in this blog is the only photo I was able to sneak. With productions on the whole time photos were banned and the tour guide was quite scary, watching everyone leave before he left the room. That evening I hung out with an American who was on his 2 week break from an eight month tour of Afghanistan. He was clearly fairly senior and there was quite a bit he couldn't tell me about his life, but what he could sounded horrific, tiring, and a lifestyle you've got to believe in to take part in. On my last day I had to leave at 4 for a flight, and so I just went to the NSW art gallery, which was alright, and then made my way to the airport. I also had breakfast with Viv, who you'll find in the Thailand blog, and who had told me I simply had to visit Sydney. She then told me I simply had to come back as I hadn't seen enough sunny days. On arrival in Melbourne, which took a while cause the bus at the stupid rural airport was delayed and so it was two and a half hours from landing to hostel, I took a short walk around Melbourne river before finding myself the only person in my hostel room at midnight. A clear sign that Melbourne had a vastly different nightlife culture to Sydney. It did give me an opportunity to continue my addiction to the Netflix serial drama, 'The People vs OJ Simpson'. The next day I met up with Kitty, who was at forest sixth form. We went to Hosier Lane, famous for its street art, then to the library, and onto Brighton Beach, which is a warmer, cleaner, less busy, version of the British version. I also got pretty badly burnt there, something I'm still suffering from today. That night I went to see the Melbourne Rebels vs Waikato Chiefs (Rugby Union). The Rebels were supposed to get taken to pieces, given they had shipped 80 points the week previous, and this game was 18th vs 5th (in an 18 team league). The Chiefs did receive 2 yellow cards, but it was still impressive that the game was 14-14 with 10 minutes to go. Although Melbourne went down 27-14, the local papers the next day practically treated it as a victory they were so in shock. I then had a pretty late St Paddy's day night with some people from my hostel. This meant that the next day checking out at 10am was a struggle, and I didn't have a huge amount of energy to achieve much. I did walk around Melbourne's CBD for a bit, I had intended to go to St Kilda beach but in too much pain from the previous day's burn. Luckily I had Adele tickets with Kitty that evening, at the 75,000 seater Etihad Stadium. She was incredible, and came with her trademark self depreciating stories, and quirky mid show events, such as shooting t-shirts into the crowd, and revealing that she had hidden a letter behind the seat of the person she believed to have the 'worst seat in the stadium'. Despite buying the cheapest seats in the stadium we actually had a great view as the pictures hopefully show. It's taken me a long while to complete this blog, the plane landed and then I was busy etc, now sitting in the tent near Lake Taupo, NZ. So to cut a long story short, I wandered around Melbourne for a few hours that Saturday night, before going to the 24 hour casino to watch England lose to Ireland in the rugby. Then, heavily sleep deprived, I slept in the hostel's lounge room for the majority of Sunday, before flying home. At home I played in the old foresters hockey game, and was with family on Thursday for Granddad's funeral. I am so pleased I was fortunate enough to be able to get back for it, and I feel we did him justice. I'll try and post again after 10 days in NZ with a roundup. I will also add some photos to match these words, tomorrow night, when I will have better wifi.
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dandelliongirl · 8 years
More or less
back in action.
What a crazy two weeks it was! Unforgettable in the best of ways ♥
Mum came over to stay with me and dad last weekend. We went to see the ladies race on Saturday, and I joined mum for the awards ceremony. On Sunday I had a day off so me and mum went to watch the latter half of the men’s 50km race. It was an unforgettable day. The sun shone warmly and we went to the forest stands to cheer for the skiiers. Mum bought me a crepe, and we got to cheer with the audience as we took 3rd place! Such an almost unbareably exciting moment! We drove back home in the evening, and stopped to buy groceries on the way.
Needless to say that after a two weeks absence from everything getting back to work and studies was a bit of a struggle. I noticed how fast my deadlines were approaching and had to do some serious planning and scheduling to survive. I had very little freetime all week.
On Monday I watched a video lecture, worked on my thesis and my game development essay. I went to work and to a meeting with the board of the organization I teach dance for. I was chosen as the secretary, which gave me a few added tasks such as compiling meeting records and updating our documents. That kind of threw me off the loop on Tuesday and Wednesday.
I watched a lecture and went to the office on Tuesday. I had a whole bunch of IT issues but after an hour I got to actually log on to the computer and do work. In the evening I did some reading for methods class but was extremely tired. My two weeks at the world championships was basically a vacation, but even so I didn’t really take a single day off apart from the last Sunday.
I had ballet class in the evening, and turns out I have to learn a duet variation by the end of April. Me and my friend chose the pearls’ variation from the Little Humpbacked Horse and she’s already been ordering costumes online. It’ll be super cute even though it’s a bit of extra burden on my spring semester. ♥ My friend is also moving away next summer, so it’ll be kind of a farewell choreo for us...
On Wednesday I stayed at home working on my thesis, game dev essay and methods essay as well as seminar comments. My friend from high school and my guy’s current classmate visited, and they worked on physics homework. I got a bar of chocolate from my guy for women’s day, and our friend gave me a coffee/tea ticket to the uni café! How sweet! In the evening me and my guy lay on the sofa watching animal videos on YouTube.
Thursday was busy. I woke up early to watch some video lectures for game dev class and work on my thesis. So far thesis work has been going really well. I’ve gotten some good results from my analysis so far, and I’m really proud of it already. Let’s hope I don’t get crushed or sutuck in a rut at some point.. We had a double methods class with a visiting lecturer. Nobody really understood the reading materials that he sent us beforehand and I was afraid it would be super awkward. Luckily he loved to monologue and a few of us had actual questions for him so we survived the almost 4 hour torture. The second part of the lecture was a lot more entertaining, so time went by reasonably quick. I came back to the apartment to plan Friday’s dance classes for my students and rush off to ballet in the evening.
By Friday I was exhausted from the week. Our study group met for the last time and we tried to finish up our report. It didn’t exactly work out as well as I had planned, mainly because my guy hadn’t finished any of his work. It stresses me out so much to know that it’s going to cut really close to the deadline but what can I do... I just have to wait and kick him into finishing his part. Friday’s thesis seminar was bad. The poor guy whose seminar work we were commenting on is super bad at taking feedback, and his work sucked majorly. We tried to stay positive but eventually our teacher flat out told him he wouldn’t succeed unless he started taking feedback seriously, and fixed the issues in his text. For a nonconfrontational person like me that was a pretty awkward situation to be in, but I’m glad our teacher was strict with him. I was really annoyed by his dismissive attitude. I didn’t read and write down comments on this 20 pages for you to laugh it off? I’m trying to help improve your grade, at least respect it.
Anyway after my seminar I came back to continue writing the report. My guy had bought me a veg burger. ♥ I had to rush off to work and I didn’t even have my parent-child dance group’s spring show CD with me so we had to practice without music. Other than that (and a terrible tantrum for one of the kids which embarrassed the mother more than it inconvenienced me), work went great. I went home to eat dad’s baked potatoes and salmon filling and take a shower. Mum took me back to the apartment where I played a bit of ACNL. My friend finally got her copy and I’m so excited to have a friend who plays the game. She got wifi to work on her 3DS so we could finally visit each other’s towns and it was a lot of fun. ♥
After 9 I met up with my friend in the corner store. She came over for the weekend to play DAI and Mass Effect with me to celebrate both her and my birthdays. We bought chicken nuggets and mozzarella sticks, and came to eat and play DAI. I watched the Pax East stream of Mass Effect Andromeda while she played. It was past 5am when we went to bed and didn’t actually go to sleep until around 6am, but we had tons of fun finishing up Trespasser with her inquisitor - finally.
On Saturday we went to buy some groceries. We made veggie soup and bread rolls with carrot. We played a bit of Mass Effect 1, she went for a quick excursion to her boyfriend’s parents’ place and I edited my and grandmum’s poem project. My friend came back around 8pm. We baked a delicious carrot cake and continued playing ME1 until 3am. We talked a bit about dreams and nightmares but I was super exhausted so I passed out pretty soon.
This morning we snoozed the alarm and stayed in bed scrolling instagram until almost 1pm. We had a bit of breakfast and started up ME1 again. For dinner we made some pizza, and I got to play ACNL for a few hours visiting dream towns and doing some landscaping in Sonetia♪ for the first time in a while. We continued playing ME1 until 9pm -ish and then she left. So yeah, we sat gaming for the entire weekend, stayed up late/early, ate a ton, talked and laughed. It was amazing and much needed after a tough week at school and work. I feel so blessed and happy even though I’m incredibly sleep deprived :)
I finished editing the material for the poetry project and copied an early version of it on a CD. I’m going to take it to granny next week so she can listen to it, make comments and decide on a name for it. I need her to write an intro text for it and we need to decide on a cover picture as well. But at least we have a concrete CD now and it’s awesome! Some of the poems hit so hard on granny’s own life and she’s an amazing artist so I teared up several times while editing. I have one blooper track saved on my computer for times when I feel like crying.  It’s rough to edit stuff this emotional, personal and important to me, but I’d do it a hundered times over for my granny ♥ She truly means the world to me, as do each and every one of our artistic projects together over the years.
My guy is still at his friend’s working on his studies. He’s been working incredibly hard this past few weeks to arrange things for his exchange year and get enough study credits to get his financial support back up again. I’m incredibly proud of him. He’s also holding out on Breath of the Wild, and won’t start it until the start of April even though he’s getting his Nintendo Switch next week.
I’m probably going to call it a night, it is past midnight after all. Another busy week with two written works to complete.. Man I’m tired - but emotionally well rested after my girls’ gaming weekend.. ♥
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