#butterfly bb
cassmouse · 9 months
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'Disappear among the sea of butterflies!'
I love her so so much honestly
But this took me a very very long time to do since I've never made one of these with GIFS before and I have decided it will not happen often
Because this was such a pain
Seele is so powerful she crashed the site I used about twenty different times
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bonefall · 1 month
I like that Waspstar's name has some symbolism to it! Real wasps having a reputation of stinging without reason or being aggressive, when in reality they're normally just protecting their hives..
Oooo, thanks for pointing out, that's delicious.
Most of the time, Canon!Waspwhisker has blue eyes since he's a gray and white cat... but none of his kits have blue eyes anyway, and there's too many cats with this color scheme anyway.
So maybe I'll make BB!Waspwhisker have BRIGHT yellow eyes, just like a yellowjacket. I'll even make the gray patch on xeir head resemble the T-shape that a common wasp has. This mark helps distinguish a more "aggressive" common wasp from the passive (but larger) german wasp
Xey're not trying to hurt you, so don't try to hurt xem. Come openly, speak calmly, perhaps make a small offering of meat and sweets and you'll see no problems.
CW: BUG FACE. Insect. Close-up head of a wasp.
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[ID: A common wasp. From top down, its head is striped black, then yellow, then a black stripe connects its antennae and dips downward into a T. A final black stripe defines its mandible and "lips."]
Funfact; the common wasp is rare in the US, but the German wasp has been widely introduced. If the yellowjackets seem "smaller" in the UK, that's probably because you're looking at a common wasp!
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magnetsonfridges · 7 months
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Commissioned the lovely @paluis-log (oawhirpa on inst / pa__luis on twt) to make art of my Butterfly Boy AU and it could not be more perfect. Just about had a heart attack when I first laid eyes on it. Thanks so much for taking my commission! ^^
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emotionaldisaster909 · 6 months
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I don’t think I’ve ever posted it here!
Look, it’s hualian bby daughter!!!
Inspired by @foxyjoy-art bc i swear to god now i can’t see their baby differently
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 3 months
Hey look guys
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rbrooksdesign · 7 months
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"December Geometry: 1---Butterfly Fractal Resonance," digital, 2023, Reginald Brooks
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coffeemira · 11 months
need an age regression/de-aging fic where a post-KH4 riku has to take care of a younger sora, and bb sora is just completely awestruck over how strong and kind and pretty (and tall!!) his best friend riku got… and is so transparently smitten that riku, who is actually dating present-day sora, is just like: wow we really were oblivious how did either of us miss sora’s glaring crush on me??
#soriku#i’m picturing like… sora right before kh1 or post-kh2#old enough to have butterflies over this other riku but not quite old enough to know what it means yet#just a puppy crush#there’s angst potential too if it’s kh2 sora before he found his riku#so he throws himself sobbing at older riku#but a BBS sora bouncing around teen riku would be very cute also#anyway i would write it myself but i don’t have the time#also am not confident about writing children#i just want riku getting to see firsthand that he wasn’t the only one pining for years and years#and that sora always loved him even at his worst#8yo sora doesn’t care that his riku teased him sometimes he still wants to play games with big riku#10yo sora doesn’t understand why his riku said they’re too old to hold hands#and is thrilled that big riku is happy to give him hugs and ruffle his hair#kh1 sora doesn’t care about their old ‘rivalry’ or that his riku was working with maleficent#he is just overjoyed to learn that riku came back to the side of light and that they get to be friends again#kh2 sora is loud about how much he missed him and very impressed by how far riku has come as a keyblade master#(also blushes when he sees him working out and then is confused as to why)#(i am thinking of that one manga panel where sora talks about riku’s “big arms” and how he can carry big logs by himself lmfao)#any of these soras would follow a cool older riku around like a duckling and be wowed by everything he does i am convinced
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realmyths · 1 month
Francesca Bridgerton Tag Dump
the shyer one (francesca bridgerton.)
melody of my mind (francesca thoughts.)
peaceful garden (francesca isms.)
a long note (francesca desires.)
a beautiful sound (francesca playlist.)
piano shaped music box (francesca soundtrack.)
piano keys and fluttering butterflies (francesca aesthetic.)
the hidden bridgerton (francesca v1.) - s1 & 2 verse
out of the shadows (francesca v2.) - s3 verse
searching for some peace (c: francesca bridgerton.)
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snoffyy · 1 year
“Have you considered using a reusable cup?”
Zhao glanced up at Yue, his usual takeaway cup already in his hands, his heel already in a half-turn to head back to the hospital.
“Uh,” he said eloquently. “No, not really.”
Mostly because he kept losing his travel mugs and cups. It came with rushing around the place all the time. He’d take a sip, write a report, get up to do something else, take another sip if he remembered, hurry off to a consultation, and…
By the time he remembered he’d had coffee in the first place, he was usually already at home, belatedly realising that he couldn’t quite remember if he’d put it in his clinic, in the staffroom, or lying around literally anywhere but on his person.
So no, he hadn’t considered a reusable cup in a long, long time.
Yue wrinkled her nose at him and brought out a reusable coffee cup from under the counter, setting it in front of him.
“Here,” she said. “I’ve been trialling these. They’re cute, aren’t they?”
It was cute. Not that he’d ever admit it even under torture. Cartoonish koi patterned the baby blue cup, the same koi that were featured in the café’s logo. It was sickeningly cute, and if Jee saw him using it, he’d never let Zhao live it down.
Zhao was going to paste a name label on it, wasn’t he?
“How much?”
Yue waved him off. “Bring it the next time you come here for coffee, and it’s on the house.”
He still had the cup. It had been weeks, and he still had it. Yue had been beyond pleased with him, as if managing to not lose a cup was some insurmountable achievement. It certainly had nothing to do with the happy little smile she would proffer whenever he came by with cup in hand.
No, it most certainly did not have anything to do with that.
And he didn’t care if it was some Pavlov conditioning thing because it was not, it was simply him making use of the gift because if he didn’t, it would be a waste, and he didn’t like waste. There was no other reason, none at all, because he was all about pragmatics and not fixating on pretty smiles or cheerful anecdotes or watching someone putter around with their nose scrunched up in concentration as they experimented with enough syrups and flavourings to make his head spin.
“Do you mind helping me keep record of what I’m doing?” Yue asked distractedly, pushing a notepad and pen in his direction. “Sorry. I’d usually try do it myself, but it’s a lot easier with two people.”
“Of course,” Zhao said, because he was a pragmatic person up to the task and would not get distracted by anything as ridiculous as a dollop of whipped cream adorably adorning Yue’s nose.
Frankly, it was ridiculous. How was he to know that over time, somewhere between all the coffee and pastries, he’d find himself sitting here writing notes about how many pumps of hazelnut syrup she’d dumped into a cup when he knew for a fact that he still had to write three letters to his patients’ GPs.
But he didn’t care. He was too busy dutifully jotting down the dashes of cinnamon and cocoa she was sprinkling into the drink.
Caramel drizzle.
Whipped cream.
Conclusion, Zhao wrote, she has produced a sugary monstrosity.
Yue’s face suddenly appeared next to his, her wide blue eyes examining the notepad.
“Did you get everything?”
“Yes,” Zhao said, handing it over.
She took the notepad, tilting her head as she scanned his writing, her brow furrowing more and more with every second.
And then her face broke out into a grin.
“Oh my,” Yue said gleefully. “You have terrible doctor handwriting!”
She turned the notepad towards him, and Zhao couldn’t help cringing at the sloppy, slanted mess that was scribbled along the lines. He should’ve slowed down, he knew. But he had been distracted by the deft flicks of her hands, the way she’d scrutinise between two different syrups, and how she deliberated between toppings by tapping a slender finger against her chin.
He must’ve looked a little too downtrodden, as Yue softened, patting his shoulder.
“It’s fine. Honestly, it’s still legible. I can read it.”
He wasn’t offended, not really. He was more surprised that he’d gotten so distracted by Yue that he’d forgotten everything else that had been happening. It was then that the strange, squirming feeling in his gut suddenly made sense.
His mouth was already moving before his brain could form a semblance of logical thought, and much to his mortification, the words that came out of his mouth were:
“My digits are usually fine, though. Maybe I could give you my number instead?”
If there were ever a merciful higher being, they should have taken pity on him and put him out of his misery. A comet could come careening through the sky, hurtling towards him to smear him into atoms, and he would be grateful.
He’d have to find a new favourite café. And maybe a new favourite barista too. There were many coffeeshops around the hospital, after all. Or, if the shame were to follow him everywhere, he could put in a request to transfer to a different hospital. Or he could go private. There was no shortage of work for surgeons.
Or he could take an extended vacation. When was the last time he’d went on proper leave?
Yue started giggling. Then outright laughing. She muffled her mouth with a hand, but there was a delighted glint in her eye, a rising flush evident even against her tanned skin.
“I think,” she said with a wide grin once she’d composed herself, “I’d like that very much.”
He stared, helpless, and it occurred to him that not only had he figured out what the strange feeling was, but he was also completely, utterly fucked.
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"I don't care if we're already neck deep in the water, don't splash me!"
"Girl? You need to take a chill pill...fr. "
"I'm serious Karlee!"
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"I spent a lot of time pinning this hair up!
"Well why come in the water if you're gonna worry about that hair?"
"It was hot!"
"..... Alright."
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"All this swimming has got me starving..." Jacqueline said from behind.
"Oh there's a food place I saw the other day near the area where the flowers festival took place the other day. It smelled really good girls." Kiera interjected.
"Alright, let's go y'all!" Anastasia rallied the girls out of the water and let Kiera lead the way to the food stand.
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"Mm this is good! Good job on spotting this place, Kiera!" Jacqueline praised.
"Yeah this is the bomb!" Kristi took another bite out of her fish sandwich. "So good... Definitely will be coming back again." She declared.
"I don't know mine taste like slim. Maybe we should've picked a better spot." Joelle said with a face of disgust.
"Well we like it so I guess it's just you. Not everything can be handled your way, Joelle." Kristi said as she took another bite.
Joelle turned to her and narrowed her eyes. "And what the hell does that mean?"
"Whatever you think girl."
Looks like the girls grabbed something to eat and a small bit a shade gets thrown into the mix! (⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠) Part 7 here / part 9 here
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bonefall · 5 months
If Sasha had left Hawk and Moth with Thunderclan or Shadowclan do you think Tigerstar would have been able to sink his claws that deeply into Hawk?
In ShadowClan, perhaps. Blackstar starts doing his damnest to stamp support for Tigerstar and his ideas out, but Ratscar is a clever cat. A clever, charming one. I can see him easily leveraging his charm to earn Hawkfrost as an apprentice, or the other Thistle Law supporters coalescing around their "young heir."
There would be less chance of Tigerstar getting his claws deep into his boy than RiverClan, which actively has NO reckoning and is deeply politically divided.
Meanwhile, it would be extremely unlikely in ThunderClan. ThunderClan as a whole HATES Tigerstar. Being part of his legacy is NOT something Hawkfrost would have been raised with-- and I can honestly see Sasha, if she realized ThunderClan was a good place to go, ALSO developing a pretty significant bond with Goldenflower.
...Thinking about it, it really would have been the Good Ending for Sasha here. Goldenflower would have learned about everything and felt a deep need to protect Sasha. Tigerclaw took EVERYTHING from her, and she immediately moved to reject him, but he still managed to convince her daughter to leave her side. TOOK Tawnypaw from her, and KILLED their oldest son Swiftpaw.
Learning that Tigerclaw went on to use Sasha would make Golfy sick. She doesn't have to think through it logically to know, deep in her gut, that what Tigerclaw liked about Sasha was that he could control this one. That Sasha was her replacement, to birth him kits he could own. Stealing her own child wasn't enough-- he wanted ones he could instill loyalty in from the very beginning.
There's a precious memory in her mind, of when their daughter Lynxkit caught greencough. Everyone knew she wasn't going to survive. Tigerclaw took his little kit, so small he could cradle her in his paws, and he hummed her to sleep for the last time. EVERY moon, she learns something that cracks that memory a little deeper, a little further, and one day she feels that she will loose one of the most meaningful images she has of her lost child.
How can she reconcile that image, to the trembling, half-starved woman who stands before her? This thin-boned rogue, who believes she is selfish and stupid for the egregious sin of losing a child while desperately trying to raise them alone?
Hawkkit and Mothkit would have had a very different upbringing. I also don't know if Sasha would have vanished back into the wilderness. World hard and cold. Golfy soft and warm.
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nullbutler · 1 year
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Okay! Claps my hands together! I finished Pupa! I feel really weird about it and myself! I've been in a terrible place mentally for the past day, so being distracted by something that's so interesting and yet so "WTF???" has certainly been an experience
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specialgels · 2 years
A literal newborn: *stares at unfamiliar thing
Rei: Shit fam, you wanna smoke? Why didn't you say so earlier, have a cig! Look at you all manly!
Meanwhile in Ikebukuro we probably have Ichiro shuddering, cause he can sense that some severe bullshit happened.
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It’s okay! Because Ramuda came out of the test tube already as an adult so he can’t be counted as a child! (Not that it would probably stop Rei lmao)
Like legit I heard (I unfortunately have not been able to perceive that chapter yet beyond the preview pages) that Rei told Ramuda that he’s an adult when he learns how to smoke and then later in the chapter Ramuda like smokes all the time. It’s so funny Rei you really told this impressionable new adult to do a thing you caused this.
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buglopedia · 10 months
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Just saw this cutiepie basking in the sun! It seems to be a tropical buckeye!
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rbrooksdesign · 7 months
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"December Geometry: 3---Butterfly Fractal Resonance," digital, 2023, Reginald Brooks
If you double a quantity, you end up with twice as much.
If you double that quantity, you again end up with twice as much -- as the previous doubling.
If you keep track of the TOTAL quantity along the way -- assuming your first quantity = 1 -- you end up with an ODD sum, each step (doubling) along the way.
Those ODD sums -- a.k.a. Running Sums (∑) -- inform some of the most delicious geometry one can imagine -- and see.
If you treat one of those ∑ as the new starting quantity to double, it too, will fractal itself out into doublings.
Those 2nd Doublings will both relate back to the 1st Doublings, and, sum up with them to = the whole?
We call the 1st Doubling the Butterfly Fractal 1 -- a.k.a. the Exponential Power of 2.
If you combine it with the 2nd Doubling Fractal, you get the Mersenne Prime - Perfect Number pairing as found in its parent form, the Mersenne Prime Square (MPS).
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rafe + mean!reader orgasm control
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warnings: friends with benefits, mean!reader, dark!reader, orgasm control, degradation (i promise rafe loves it <3), orgasm denial, fluff (just a lil)
a/n: this is so evil your req is perfect bb!!
“please, just let me touch you.” you smiled wickedly, shaking your head as rafe shuddered underneath your gaze. “let you touch me? no fucking way.” he swallowed thickly, your laugh echoing in his ears. “look at yourself.” you tugged on the roots of rafe’s hair, making him examine himself in the mirror. “this is the big bad rafe cameron that everyone is so scared of? how pathetic.” you whispered the last part in his ear.
your eyes traveled down his reflection, his cock rock hard. “what do you think people would say if they saw you like this? so needy and desperate while i still have all my clothes on?” he looked up at you as you stood between his thighs. “beg for it.” you giggled at the way his jaw clenched, running a nail underneath his chin. “please, ‘wanna make you feel good.” his hands rested on the back of your thighs, kneading the flesh there.
“yeah? it looked like you wanted to make that touron feel good, too.” at the mention of the girl he had on his lap all night long, rafe groaned, meeting your stare. “that was stupid of me, i-” you shushed him, rolling your eyes. “i don’t care who you do, ‘cameron, we have a ‘no strings attached’ arrangement, remember?” rafe blinked, watching as you slowly pushed him down on your bed. you were by far his favorite view, his heart skipping a beat when you started pulling down the straps of your dress.
“you look so good like this.” his chest rose and fell as you traced the ridges of his muscles. rafe thought he’d die if he couldn’t cup you through your bra, the swells of your breasts making him run his tongue across his bottom lip. without warning, you wrapped a hand around his length, a groan tumbling from his throat. “oh, fuck,” you gripped him at the base, leaning down to take his lips in your own. rafe kissed you like a man starved, physically restraining himself from flipping both of you over so he could have his way with you.
“you’re killing me, y/n.” his eyebrows knitted together, mouth falling open in a silent moan. you picked up your speed, pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose. “good.” he half laughed, the smile dropping from his face when you ran your thumb over the head of his cock. “i’m not going to last long.” rafe shook his head, groaning to himself. “already?” you teased, the man in front of you shooting daggers in your direction.
you felt his hips stutter, his jaw going slack as his head rolled to the side. knowing rafe was on the edge of finishing, you pulled away, his body writhing with need. “no, no, no, why did you stop?” he sat up, panting for air. the look on his face was priceless. dark eyes, swollen lips, you couldn’t deny the way he made butterflies flutter in your tummy. letting your dress fall to the ground, rafe didn’t care anymore, too sexually frustrated to allow you to keep up your cruel ministrations.
a yelp left your lips when he pulled you on top of him only to roll you over and pin you beneath him. “you’re cute just as you are stupid.” you cooed, hand finding his length once again. “you know what’s going to happen?” rafe hummed, his head falling on your shoulder. “i’m gonna get you right on the edge again, ‘wait until you’re about to blow your load before i kick you out.” he knew you meant every word, having not been the first time you do this.
“you’re cruel, you know that?” he huffed out, pecking your temple. you tried to keep the flutter of your heart at bay, ultimately betraying yourself when you met his gaze. “maybe. but that’s why you keep crawling back for more.. literally.” rafe shut his eyes momentarily, the strokes of your hand sending a shiver down his spine. “please, please, please.” you kept a steady pace, making him look you in the eyes as he neared pure euphoria.
“your pretty face isn’t making this any easier for me.” rafe said through gritted teeth, welcoming the kisses you trailed across his chest. he knew when he felt you smile against his skin, you were going to kill him with your next words. “go home, rafe.” you pushed him softly, moving out from underneath him and settling in the comfort of your sheets. he blinked, the tension in his abdomen melting away into nothing.
even though this was torture for him, he loved every second of it. you were the only girl that didn’t give him what he wanted, and for that reason he found himself absolutely hooked. rafe kept his eyes trained on you as he got dressed, admiring your features before he opened your bedroom door. “i’ll be by tomorrow..” you hummed, turning away from him. “of course you are.”
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