#but seele first. sleep later
cassmouse · 1 year
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'Disappear among the sea of butterflies!'
I love her so so much honestly
But this took me a very very long time to do since I've never made one of these with GIFS before and I have decided it will not happen often
Because this was such a pain
Seele is so powerful she crashed the site I used about twenty different times
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morphodae · 10 months
🩷Waking Up Beside Them🩷 (HSR Women)
The long awaited female character version of this post
The ones who bask in the tranquil atmosphere as they wake before you. The soft lull of their voice threatens to drag you back into slumber. It doesn’t help, either, when they play with the strands of your hair, caress your face, and all but coo at the state of your sleepiness. You can’t blame them for how precious you are, now can you? It’s a beautiful sight to see their lovestruck gaze as the first thing to greet your eyes in the morning.
“Hehe, sorry, my love. You simply can’t blame me for how lovely you are. If there’s nothing pressing, let’s stay here a while and enjoy each other’s company, okay?”
Hanya, Himeko, Kafka, Tingyun
The ones who are far too energetic in the morning for their own good. They are, perhaps, too motivated to start the day. Yet, their sunny optimism is a welcome delivery— especially if you’ve had a long, stressful week. They nearly hop out of bed while you’re practically dragged with them. They only relent when you plop back under the sheets and continue sleeping soundly until the next time you awake. Once you finally wake for the day and wander into the kitchen, they’re already stuffing their face; a bit of flour from cooking is stuck humorously on the top of their nose.
“Good morning! I just finished making breakfast for us! Oh but uh, if you’d like something else, just lemme know!”
Guinafen, March 7th, Serval
The ones who sometimes scare you; they practically sleep like the dead and you’d think they exited the land of living, too, were it not for their soft snores and drool on the corner of their mouth. It’s such an amusing sight to see, you do your best to hold back a humorous snort. They let out a grumble of protest when you try to prod them awake and you pay the price when they begin clinging to you or their pillow in a tight grip.
“…huh? Jus’… five more minutes, ‘kay? We don’t have anything to do so… *yawn* just stay with me……. Please?”
March 7th, Qingque, Sushang, Silver Wolf, Stelle
The ones who are gone long before you awake. Their duties must always come first and no amount of temptation from you or the comfort of the space you share can pry them back into your arms. Truly, they feel bad, but— duty calls, and they mustn’t abandon it. Perhaps, they think, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to make it up to you later. They could show you around the planet, take you to get something to eat, or do anything you’d like on their next day off.
“I’m sorry for leaving so early, there were things I had to take care of. Oh? You don’t mind? Well, it still isn’t fair to leave you alone for so long and so frequently, too. How about I take a day: just you and I, doing anything we want. Does that sound alright with you?”
Bronya, Fu Xuan, Hanya, Jingliu, Natasha, Pela, Seele, Yukong
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sleepy-sirin · 3 months
Incarnation (Honkai Star Rail x Child! Herrscher! Reader)
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Summary: In which Y/n, the creation of Will of Honkai, successfully defeated her own creator with the help of her friends. After defeating the Will of Honkai, for using too much of her power she goes into a deep sleep.
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Chapter 9
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Y/n's POV:
I woke up from the dream I have or should I say a memory. I sat up from the bed I was lying to and look around to an unfamiliar room, I decided to leave the room and find the others. As I left the hotel I saw an old man appears to have a mechanical left arm waiting for me.
"You're finally awake, your friends were worried about you for sleeping so long." The old man said.
'I wouldn't say they were my friends, more like an acquaintance.' I thought.
"How long was I asleep?" I asked.
"About 2 weeks." The old man replied.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"I'm Oleg, leader of Wildfire." Oleg introduce himself.
"You're awake, I'm glad it wasn't serious." The blue-gray haired woman said, as she approach us.
"You're the doctor that I saw back at the clinic." I said.
"You're right. We haven't officially met, my name is Natasha." Natasha introduce herself.
"I'm Y/n." I said.
A few minutes later...
Stelle, March 7th, and Dan Heng went back in Bolder town after the battle of their intense fight with Cocolia. The trio saw me, Oleg, and Natasha chatting.
"Natasha! Oleg! Hope you didn't have to wait too long. And Y/n, you're finally awake!" March said.
"Oh! It's them!" Natasha looks at the Trailblazers.
"You kids move fast! By the look on your faces, I assume you come bearing good news?" Oleg asked.
"Mm-hmm, you bet! You might not believe this, but we summoned up all our strength, and then..." March was about to continue but she felt a disappointed stare from Dan Heng and Stelle.
"...Uh, maybe Stelle should do the talking. I'm no good at serious stuff- I'll probably say something I'll regret." March said.
"The guardian sacrificed herself to seal the Stellaron." Stelle said.
"We were there at the fight, we witnessed everything." Dan Heng said.
""Sacrificed herself", huh... Sure. Yeah. That's the whole story..." March said.
"Cocolia? In order to save Belobog, she... I see." Natasha said.
'She sacrificed herself, huh... Just like her counterpart, she also also sacrificed herself just to save her daughters. Bronya, Seele, Sin Mal, and Ninti (A clone of Cocolia's real daughter).' I thought.
"So the massive tremors we felt earlier were a result of the battle, right?" Oleg asked.
"Yes, it was a hard-won victory." Stelle said.
"...Thank you. I can't even imagine you've been through up there. I'm just glad everything turned out alright." Natasha said.
Second POV:
The four of them went up to the overworld to go to Bronya's ceremony. As they get out from the train, they saw Gepard waiting for them.
"Welcome back to the Adminstrative District, Trailblazers." Gepard said.
"Trailblazers... first time anyone's called us that on this planet!" March said.
"The Architects think it's only right that we should address you properly. "Outsiders" is hardly fitting anymore." Gepard said.
"...Please allow me to apologize again for what happened in the restricted zone. You were only trying to help... I should've trusted Serval's judgement."
"Well I don't accept your apology." You huff.
"Y/n, you should let it go now. It's in the past." March said.
"I'm sorry about Y/n's behavior, she doesn't like it when someone was ruining her sleep." Dan Heng apologizes to Gepard.
"I understand..." Gepard said.
What the four of you didn't expect that Gepard was kneeling in front of you. All of them (minus you) were shocked including the people who were watching. The Captain of the Silvermane Guard kneeling to a child?!
"I'm sorry for interrupting your dream for what I and my guards did back then. I hope you accept my apology." Gepard said.
"You shouldn't do that Gepard! I'm sure she underst-" March cut herself off when she feels the harsh glare from you.
"Don't. I want to see him beg." You smirk, feeling satisfied.
'What a sadist!' The trio thought.
You, Stelle, March 7th, and Dan Heng finished listening to Bronya's speech, the four of you decided to explore Belobog for a bit. Stelle and March went together to go shopping, while you and Dan Heng went to explore here.
"Hey Dan Heng, can we go back to the underworld?" You asked.
"Why?" Dan Heng asked.
"I haven't fully explored that place." You said.
"Sure. As long I'm coming with you." Dan Heng said.
You nod, you didn't mind Dan Heng coming along with you. In fact, you are comfortable with him since your relationship with Dan Heng is like brother and sister, but you are way older than him by age.
As you both went to the train station waiting for the train arrive. When the train stopped the arrival as the door open all the passengers inside the train went out.
You were about to went inside the train you felt someone was hugging you. You look to see an old man hugging you mistaking you for someone else.
"Oh look at how much you've grown Boboiboy!" The old man said while hugging you.
"Ehh... Mister?" You called the old man.
"Yes?" The old man broke the hug then he was shocked that he was hugging the wrong person.
"You are mistakenly hugging an opposite gender, human." You deadpan at him.
"Eh?!" The old man look at his left and saw the orange dino cap boy hugging Dan Heng, while Dan Heng was stiff as a board he doesn't know what to do.
"Wow, you haven't even aged a bit Tok aba." Boboiboy said while hugging Dan Heng.
"Hey! Who's you hugging over there? That is not me!" Tok aba shouted.
The dino cap boy was shocked what he heard then he looks up at Dan Heng who was staring at him. The boy felt embarrassed he apologize to Dan Heng.
"Sorry mister..."
Tok aba crossed his arms on his chest and sigh. While you looked at him with a poker face.
"Huh, speak for yourself." You walk away and went to Dan Heng.
"Yeah, Tok aba." Boboiboy said as he walk towards to Tok aba.
"Hey, it's not my fault. I'm old. You on the other hand are still young." Tok aba said.
"How are you Tok aba?" Boboiboy asked.
"I'm fine. Alright let's go home." Tok aba said. The two of them walk out the train station.
"You know what happened? The train driver forgot to turn off the mic!"
"Heh, well speak for yourself."
Meanwhile you and Dan Heng watch the two of them walk away.
"Those two are odd humans..."
"Welcome home, you two- Where's Dan Heng and Y/n?" Himeko asked.
Stelle and March went back to the Express after shopping some clothes, they don't know where you and Dan Heng went but they know you two would comeback.
"We don't know where they went and they didn't inform us. But I know those two will comeback here." March said.
"Thank you March, I was worried something happened to them." Himeko said.
"Himeko, Mr. Yang! Team Trailblaze, back from duty! Mission one: Accomplished!" March exclaimed.
*Chuckles* "Although Welt and I didn't get the chance to go with you, I can tell you worked hard to bring things back to normal. Well done, everybody." Himeko said then she looks at Stelle. "And especially you, Stelle. I heard a lot of good things about you."
"Piece of cake." Stelle said confidently as she puts her hands to her hips.
"Confidence goes a long way." Himeko said.
"What about Y/n? She didn't cause any trouble did she?" Welt asked.
"Y/n didn't cause any trouble, infact all she did was fall asleep time to time but she did help us in a fight." March said.
"And she made The Captain of the Silvermane Guard begged for forgiveness." Stelle added. She chuckles at the memory, if only she recorded that so she can use it for blackmail purposes.
"Good thing she didn't cause a havoc. Get some rest on the Express. Jarilo-VI was not an easy ride." Welt said.
Some time later, The four of them saw You and Dan Heng came back here in the Express they noticed that you brought something.
"Dan Heng and Y/n! You two came back! Where were you two?" March asked.
"We went to the Underworld since Y/n didn't fully explored that place." Dan Heng replied.
"And I found this round yellow robot along the way. The robots from the planet we visited were bullying this robot." You said as you show them the robot you were holding.
"Is it alive?" Stelle asked.
"I don't know. I know nothing about humans advance modern technology." You deadpanned.
"Pom-Pom is of the opinion that we should leave as soon as possible to avoid potential resurgences of the anomalies we experienced earlier. Himeko and I agree." Welt said.
"Which means we need to decide where our next destination is, soon." Dan Heng said.
"That's right." Welt said.
"That's the path of the Nameless, I presume? Always on the road, always trailblazing..." March said.
Stelle and Dan Heng went silent and looked at March.
"I-I'm not complaining by the way! One adventure after another, that's exactly what I signed up for!" March assured them.
"Looks like March has fallen in love with the way of the Nameless. That's good to hear." Himeko said.
"You can head back to your rooms for some rest, or stay here and make yourselves a cup of coffee, whichever you like." She said.
"I'll head back to my room then." Dan Heng said as he went back to his room.
*Sighs* "There I was thinking this guy would open up..." March said.
*Chuckles* "We need to give him some, March. I think he treasures the time spent with you guys." Himeko said.
"Y/n, you are now officially a member here in the Astral Express." She said.
"Huh? I didn't agree to join here." You stated.
"But you didn't try to harm your teammates and helped them in a battle." Himeko said.
"I was only doing it just for her. And I made a promise to protect humanity." You said.
"It doesn't matter if you only do it for her, you showed yourself worthy to become a member. So, what do you say?" Himeko asked.
'This woman is way different from her counterpart...' You thought.
"Fine." You said not caring if you join or not.
"Good choice! Here I have a gift for you!" Himeko said as she handed you something.
You look at the phone and stare at it. "What's this?"
"A phone. You can use it for communication or you can play games on it. March will teach you how to use it." Himeko said.
"Don't worry Y/n! I'll teach you how to use it-" March was interrupted by her ringtone on her phone.
"I just got your messages~"
March blushed in embarrassment because of her ringtone. Stelle gave March a knowing look.
"Didn't know you played Mystic Messenger, an otome game. And you called me desperate." Stelle smirks at March.
"Ah I think I need to rest now! I'll teach you how to use your phone some time later Y/n!" March quickly left the lobby and went straight to her room.
"I'm going to my room." Stelle said as she left the lobby while playing Mystic Messenger, she's playing 707 route.
"Where do I sleep?" You asked the two adults in front of you.
"Mr.Yang and I prepared a room for you. Mr.Yang, kindly show Y/n to her room." Himeko said.
Welt nodded and he showed you where your room is. As the both of you went towards your room none of you spoke.
"This is your room." Welt opened the door as he showed you your bedroom.
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You were awestruck at the sight of your bedroom, it reminds you of the ocean. You went inside to your room and looked around.
"If you need anything let me know." Welt said as he closed the door.
You put the round yellow robot and your phone on the side table near from your bed. You lied down on your bed and quickly fell asleep. A few minutes later the yellow robot opened its eyes and scanned the room.
"Where am I?"
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Taglist: @starxao
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lovingherrscher · 1 year
Playing Honkai Impact with the BSD men (Dazai, Chuuya, Kunikida and Fyodor)
Note: Crack, OOC even maybe, random ideas at 2AM while I do the Honkai grinding. Might do a Genshin version later if I feel like it. Genre: Crack, fluff, if you squint hard enough there'll be 4th wall breaking and some spoilers for Storm Bringer.
Is willing to play with you, and he is kinda bored so he needs something to kill time in the office when he's not sleeping or messing around with Kunikida.
SUPER, like, super lucky. First 10 dorm supply and he already got 3 S-Rank Valkyries????
Man makes you question your luck because just 10 roll in any banner and he WILL get all the rate-up character, weapon or even stigmata.
"F2P btw"
That certain player who skips the story just to play the game.
Said that he's gonna read it later but never will. Too lazy to do that, but does read the comic/manhua version when you brought that up.
But he does read Elysian Realm, including the main story.
Is a simp for Elysia and the other Seele aka Veliona.
Got them at SSS with full gear as well.
Man also got Stygian Nymph at SS2 like how-
Sometimes when he's too lazy or bored he'll throw the phone to you or Atsushi to help him with the daily tasks.
HATES, absolutely hates Otto with a fierce passion. Will switch to Chinese VA if he had to or simply unplug the headphones when he doesn't want to changes VA back and forth too much.
Man started you by almost jumped out of the bed when he first heard Otto's voice in Memorial Arena.
Was suprised af hearing Welt's voice too. Will use that as the reason to 'persuade' Kunikida into playing the game.
"Hey Atsushi-kun, help me a bit will you? Just skip the materials event and play enough to reach 600 BP points and you're good to go!"
With that said, he threw the phone to his subordinate and immediately went to lay down on the couch. Poor Atsushi knows nothing and was fumbling with it for a good while until you took Dazai's phone from his hands.
"It's alright, I will do it for him. You can get back to work, sorry for that, Atsushi."
Is okay with it actually because he does want to relive some stress, and because you told him to cut out on the cigarettes so he needs something that can distract him.
Enjoys the story enough to play the game with you. That is, until he read Void Heavens & Diane's Sojourn.
Was crying at the part when Herrescher of Void told Fu Hua that Kiana's existence is built upon lies and that she only exists to serve as her vessel.
He cries for the whole night in your arms because that reminds him of what he's been through back then. He was lucky enough that he is, actually a real human being. Still, deep down sometimes he wishes he could be a normal person, for if weren't because of Arahabaki inside him, he wouldn't had to suffer like that.
Didn't touch the game for a whole week after he finished Thunders over Nagazora.
Cries even harder after the end of Theater of Domination and the birth of Herrescher of Flamescion.
Immediately whale for Kiana. He whaled so much in just ONE DAY that Hoyoverse had to contact him and ask is he sure that he wants to continue the transaction.
He had all Kiana's battlesuits at SSS and with proper stigmata sets + weapons for them.
Did whale for Himeko as well because why not? Aunt Himeko deserves it ❤
Those doesn't left even a dent in his black card. Will let you whale as well, as long as his princess is happy ❤
"You have quite the collection there, Chuuya. By this rate they're gonna give you a Kiana golden statue as a gift."
"They are?!"
Chuuya widened his eyes in suprise. He didn't expect to get anything back, he just wanted to see Kiana's growth, for he saw a glimpse of himself in the valkyrie. He admires those with a strong will like that, maybe it was a part of his younger self who admires the heroes in those stories which he convinces himself that he will never become someone like them.
"Well, they might be. I heard that a company use to sent a wedding ring as a token of appreciation for their most loyal customer." (*)
Absolutely not. He "will not waste his time on such things."
Too busy to afford a hobby, no?
But when Dazai shows him Welt's voice?
He was so suprised his jaws could fall off right there on his desk.
Still not going to play because he insists you that his schedule is already packed. But he will listen to you when you ramble about the game though.
Might ask you to lend him your phone so he can read the story at one point.
He bursted out at the last bubble universe in In The Deep where Welt, Herrescher of Reason turns his back against humanity instead of fighting for them like he always did.
He was scared that he might become like that. Sasaki and the Azure King case still haunts him. He was afraid that one day he will be like him when he is fed up and let his ideals consumes him.
Please hug the man. He deserves a vacation and someone who'd be there for him.
Honestly, he isn't too fond of the idea of playing games and such.
Will try because of curiosity when you show him Otto's voice.
Does read the story properly, and whilst he shows no interests in the valkyries, he find the Overseer amusing.
Is one hell of a lucky man as well.
When he saw Dazai in the Memorial Arena rankings, he'd starts a race to beat the other. He does owns enough valkyries and equipments, but if he felt it isn't enough he'll whale just to beat Dazai. Of course that's the same case for our beloved detective.
Isn't happy after he finishes Kolosten and Thus Spoke Apocalypse. He doesn't understand why does Otto have to go so far for Kallen.
Is amused again when he saw the fake Otto in A Post-Honkai Odyssey though.
Eventually will quit the game after Otto is gone because it no longer amuses him.
(*) This actually happens iirc I've read an article about a game company in China sent their most loyal player a ring upon their wedding as a token of appreciation after all the money they spent for the game.
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laseratingfist · 1 month
Luka didn't remember much from before he woke up in the Snow Plains. He didn't even remember, or rather, know that's what they were called. He only knew that he was cold, and something was broken, and he didn't know where he was. 
The most upsetting thing was the cold. 
In a sort of way, his body remembered — it remembered warmth, and light, and laughter. None of which was to be found where he lay in the snow. Under the dark moon and stars. Silence, a blanket over his ears.
"And then the Silvermanes arrested you," Hook sighs. "You've told me this story before! I don't want to hear about something sad and boring again." 
Luka laughs, "Sorry. I guess you've heard all my stories now."
Hook soon wandered away. Luka was in the clinic for a checkup of sorts with Natasha, but she was busy today — he had to wait for her, and that's when Hook popped in to bother him. Hook would've gone sooner or later, though, so he wasn't offended. He was hiding out in one of the spare rooms, the one that served as Nat's office. Hook was probably looking for Seele's comic books....
The door opens, breaking Luka out of his thoughts. He stands upright, pushing off the bookcase he was leaning against. It's Natasha in the doorway, with a stack of Wildfire pamphlets. 
"Hey, Nat...." Luka starts, already feeling guilty.
She gives him a tired smile, sets the papers on her desk. 
"I tore the stitches in my shoulder," he smiles sheepishly. "Could you patch me up again? I'll pass out those flyers— um, I can watch Hook for you tomorrow, too."
Natasha is already pulling a sewing kit out from one of the many drawers in the room. She directs Luka to sit at her desk chair. He keeps talking even as she does, even as he shirks the cloak from his shoulders and unbuttons his shirt. Like he can't stop himself from filling the air with sound—
"I don't know if I'll be able to get the usual supplies to you any faster, though. It's hard to source them right now, the supply lines are backed up because of some new bureaucracy, paperwork thing. The tram line is under maintenance, too—"
Natasha tunes him out. Luka's worrying, right now, which isn't that unusual. A lot of people can't catch up with their mouths when they're anxious. She can go over again with him what she expects in return for being a bad patient — hopefully, rest and recovery for once so he won't ruin her handiwork for the hundredth time. She was sure, if he could reach back there, he would've tried to sew himself back up on his own — that's why he was so jittery right now. Luka, likely, only trusted her with this because she had seen it before.
The wound on his back could only be called that because it was a lesion in the skin — a four inch gash above his right shoulder blade. Or, where a shoulder blade was presumed to be, because underneath the layer of skin was nothing that should've been there. Not blood, tissue, or bone, but.... something. It was hard to look at. Firm, but it gave under the pressure of the needlepoint — she had to be careful not to sew up anything more than the skin to itself. It was more like repairing a stuffed animal than a normal patient. 
When Luka had lost his arm — a handful of years ago, and several years since she first met him — the poor thing had been found in a ruined house in a neighboring town. He'd been defending a small child from a Fragmentum monster, which wasn't unusual due to the increasing rate of attacks — what was unusual was the wound itself. He'd tried to hide away, to run like a wounded, stray dog. Oleg was able to bring him back to the clinic after he'd passed out. 
When Natasha saw the wound, she swore it must've been sleep deprivation. Second look, Fragmentum corruption. Third look didn't help much in diagnosis — she still had to disinfect and bandage the wound to the best of her ability. 
When Natasha was young, her parents gifted her a music box with a dancing ballerina inside. Her brother, one day, when had a childish fight, had thrown the box on the ground to get an upper hand. It shattered, gears and porcelain and brass strewn all over the floor. The inside of Luka's wound looked like that, glittering and fragile beneath the scraps of skin. 
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thg-rcg-simps · 4 months
How old is Serval supposed to be??
(Will contain spoilers regarding Javrilo-VI/Belebog)
So when we first met our lovely "I-will-totally-sleep-with-your-mom-for-fun" rocker lady, we were like "okay, older sister from Gepard, cool". Also regarding her comments about Pela we assumed the labarian was younger but not too much? (even tho she kinda hits on her for some reason, or maybe she is just a massive flirt, you never know with this woman)
Later as you progress with the story Serval mentions multiple times things that let you (well at least us) assume she and Bronya haven't had that much of an age gap/were around the same age. Because like Gepard mentioned, he was around Bronya's age.
We also know that Bronya is considered an adult, alongside with Pela, Lynx (both younger to her), Seele (her girlfriend), Serval and Gepard and Sampo (and all other heavily adults in the area).
We also know that the Underworld was closed off 10 years ago (which doesn't make any fucking sense but let's dwelve into that detail another time), which concludes that neither Bronya or Seele can be that old, since the adoption thing and all.
However, than we learn that...Cocolia and Serval are (around) the same age?? WUT?!
Logic, where are you??
Because even if we assume, that Cocolia adopted Bronya when she was around 20 and I don't know Bronya was like 6-8 or something, that would steal mean they have an age gap with around 12 years at the fricking very best. Which would also means Serval is at best around 12 ish years older than Bronya?? Which would conclude that she is much more around Natashas age then Bronyas?
Because at the very very best Serval has to be in her 30's for it to make sense, but it doesn't.
Also what type of age difference do the Landau's have then? Because even if you say "okay, so Serval is 30 something, Gepard is around 25 (if you discard that he and Bronya are around the same age, losley at least) and Lynx is around 19, where is the problem?"
The problem are her comments that don't make sense towards Bronya AND Cocolia. If she grew up with Cocolia, that would make her motives and just all sided storylines weird? Because she would hold grudge towards the lady for long long years (does the ending with her smashing the guitar make sense to me because she suddenly has bad feelings towards Cocolia make sense to me? Not that much, but maybe that's just my personal misunderstanding that Serval is much more missing the old Cocolia then anything else) And this is speaking for the very best option in which we completely forget that Cocolia being 20 when adopting an 8 year old Bronya makes barely sense regarding her studies, we know she had.
It just doesn't add up at all!
But besides that, her model in game screams much more "I'm a young adult!", then "I'm in my 30's and Nat is my age". Sure she could look younger, but that much?
It just feels like a weird design choice to me.
I also have to mention that when we first saw Serval and Gepard we totally thought that Gepard was Cocolias younger brother (since we saw the Landau's light cone). And if he was Servals brother, that he was her older brother. because his comments on the other side made much more sense that way. But okay, you can discard that because he's the one that worries while Serval doesn't (openly) do it and is more "youthful".
Also this debate doesn't really affect her Simp Status, I mean, look at her, she's gorgeous!
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(Art doesn't belong to me)
But stil, Hoyoverse, please make any sense with Javrilo-VI, there are so many weird things about the timeline, ages and just around everything there even tho it's supposed to be the most "simple" storyline.
-RikkaCatGirl (& TakumiHairGuy)
Or maybe my brain is just mush from all the simping, who knows XD
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laugtherhyena · 1 year
How would Chapter 3 go in Voidswap? Would it be the same as the canon Chapter 3 or would it be like totally different??
Voidswap chapter 3 got reversed just like the other cases + Hibiki lives, she's actually one of the survivors in the au
The case starts basically the same as canon chapter 3, but Setsuka wakes up earlier than Kanade had anticipated and attacks her in self defense, which accidentally kills her. From here on out it becomes V3 trial 5 where Setsuka makes the body unrecognizable and the whole trial is them trying to figure out who's actually dead and who's the killer.
There are more details but i figured you can read for yourself! Your question reminded me how i have a shit ton of notes for this chapter from back in the day, so enjoy! Tho keep in mind these notes are very rough and messy + they're like 2 or 3 years old now.
Ch3 daily life
-Nikkei telling shinji that the idea of seeling of the balcony is bullshit, shinji replies by saying he is just complaining due to being too much of a wimp to help them
-Sora drags iroha to the ghost house in ch3 just to see her being a cry baby but ends up getting scared herself when they see someone else at the house
-Mikado getting his handbook snached by Syobai
-The twins find the mistery box alongside the parade dolls at other stuff at one of the storage rooms. Sora enters it to test out how it works and a CG shows up
-Nikkei and Yuki exploring Satsuki land together
-after the motive videos Sora watches everyone freak out then turns to iroha, who looks upset but it's not actually crying or anything, she tries to talk with her but iroha just leaves
-later same night she finds iroha while going back to her room and they talk. Truth is, iroha doesn't have anyone she considers her "most important person", as such, she had no motive video at all.
-this leads to Iroha finally telling sora the truth about her family and how her life has been, sora then comforts her and they part ways to go sleep.
[Hey! Present Carol here! This was written before i had even came up with Hitaru, Jiro and Akemi. Wow, it's been a hot minute. Tho i guess it could be kept the same since this Iroha how she was in her teens so it's not like she appreciated her siblings back then?]
-The satsuki land parade is going around and iroha talks about hibiki not being in the parade and sora teases her about having a crush on her
-everyone having fun at the parade until a fucking explosion happens and everyone goes "HOLY SHIT-"
-Shinji being the first one to get to the pool area after the explosion, helping to pull off the fire before the bda starts
-Kanade's bda starts with a ton of smoke covering the whole sceen, when the smokes starts to move/fade we see a destoryed pool area. The pool itself is a little visible despite the damage. The burnt body is next to one of the walls (now almost all broken) with parts of this same wall and prices of the roof over it. Not a lot of parts of the body are visible and the corpse itself is unrecognizable.
-The place is all fucked due to the explosion and because of that not only is the body very rough but they can't get really close to it which add on to why they couldn't identify the body.
-the file is very unhelpful this time which leads to the characters questioning monocrow about it, in the meantime he just says it's because this case is very special.
-Hibiki and Setsuka are missing during the investigation which worries the team, when they get to the elevator and they're still not there Nikei talks about the possibility of them being dead as well just not found.
-This worries the others a lot until Hibiki comes in, people question her but she is oddily quiet and ignores most of them.
-They try to talk more but all of the sudden a parade/satsuki doll enters the elevator which causes everyone to get confused including teruya which gets the others also very confused since he is the mastermind.
-Before they can say much the elevator starts going down, when they get to the trial grounds they question the doll and later the fact that Setsuka and Kanade's portraits have a question mark on them.
-Monocrow explains how not even he knows who the culprit is because the culprits purposely tried to make the case unsolvable, possibly have a CG of the doll while he talks(?).
-Teruya shows his angry side to the students for what i assume can be the first time(?), he screams about how ridiculous this is and demants that Monocrow makes the person on the costume reveal themselves.
-Monocrow replies by saying that even if this isn't what he had planned, it is still a valid class trial and he will just have to go with it. Teruya is still super angry but he notices everyone looking and him and brushes it off with his happy-looking personality.
-Teruya is way more active than canon Mikado in this trial, as losing could mean the end for his plan. He kinda replaced canon Kanade in a sense that he is helpful and has the crazy expressions during the trial.
-Sora would have to work together not only with Syobai but also Teruya! Isn't that fantastic to her
-At some point in the trial Yoruko would accuse Hibiki of hiding information from them, since she barely talked to them and wasn't anywhere to be seen in the investigation.
-Teruya backs her up and proposes the theory of Hibiki being the real culprit of the case and that the person in the suit is actually just an accomplice for her, as such their identity doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things.
-People keep talking and the majority of the class seems to believe on the theory, Hibiki counters by saying that Teruya is the mastermind and they shouldn't believe him in the first place, in which he responds by saying that losing this trial could ruin his plans so why would he try to sabotage it (he would probably be screaming this at her and calling her stupid too).
-After Hibiki's TTS she goes silent for a while, Sora talks and asks hibiki to confess already to which serves as a last straw for her.
-Hibiki lends out a loud scream and breaks down crying, we get a CG of her like that as she screams about how she has no idea of what is happening and how this is the worst moment in her life. Since she is not only worried about her parents due to the motive video, but this trial means that either her sister ot closest friend is dead and the other is the culprit.
-After witnessing this scene everyone is in shock and the trial goes silent for a second before they decide to start voting.
-However before they can do it Iroha yells at them to stop and starts defending Hibiki, a few would ignore her since it's Iroha, she is not smart. But this is enough to make Sora question if this is really the correct answer, so she proceeds to back up Iroha and tell the others that they should discuss this case more before voting.
[I couldn't find any more notes on the trial itself :(, not sure if i even wrote any others? so let's go straight to the aftermath]
-At the post trial, the mood starts tense as no one thought Setsuka would ever kill someone, they start by questioning if she is a void and her support on their group was solely a facade
-Teruya confronts Setsuka about messing with his plans and spying on him to figure out his problems (the glitch on the mass executions that crashes the game, tho he doesn't say what it is) being her motivation for this case. She admits she was investigating him but is cut off by hibiki before she can say much
[Ok so i had to read this part again a couple times to figure out what i meant here, but basically: Setsuka, while spying on Teruya, figured out that there was a glitch involving the mass executions, meaning that if one was triggered the game would shut down and everyone would return to the real world. That's why she made the trial the way it is, she wanted them to get it wrong so that she'd be able to save everyone. Why didn't she just told them that? I honestly don't know, maybe she thought they wouldn't believe her?? Again this is VERY rough.]
-We get a cg where Hibiki screams at Setsuka and yells asking why she murdered her sister before being told the truth about Kanade.
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-Setsuka stops her and begs them to just let her explain what happened, Hibiki and a few other students (Iroha and Yuki possibly??) don't agree and keep yelling at her. But then Sora tells them that they should at least listen to what Setsuka has to say, Nikei backs her up by saying the need to know what was going on.
-Setsuka starts talking about how things went, she talks about being called to the pool by Kanade and then faling unconscious, she stops for a second and then as she continues a flashback scene starts.
-The scene starts with a black screen as Setsuka slowly regains consciousness, a CG of Setsuka on the pool floor, her face facing away from kanade so she doesnt notices she woke up, with a terrified expression as Kanade monologues about her crimes and how her plan of making Hibiki a puppet is close to becoming a reality.
-Kanade comes closer to Setsuka (probably have it being the same cg as before, just with kanade kneeling down close to Setsuka) to turn her body to face her, Setsuka punches her. She is surprised and angry that she is up and attacks Setsuka, despite her trying to make kanade give up on the plan.
-A fight breaks in and the scene ends with Kanade falling in the pool as setsuka runs to check on Hibiki (maybe have a CG for that too?? Unsure).
-After the flackback Setsuka talks a little more and tells them that it was never her intention to murder Kanade, but she went as far as she did to make a good use out of her death by making a case that would end the killing game.
-Everyone is surprised and some doubt her but we then turn to hibiki who is just standing there in shock, people try to talk to her and the cg of her remembering Kanade's actions shows up. While she slowly talks about how she remembers things now.
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-After the CG Hibiki screams and cries, the other students try to calm her down. Setsuka talks about a note she has on Teruya but realizes that the note is missing and when she realized why it's missing we get that cg of her and the ghostly Kanade.
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-Setsuka panics a little and Monocrow decides that it's death time and starts dragging her away before she can tell them about what was in the note. Hibiki tries to run up to her and hold Setsuka in a failed attempt to stop Monocrow from killing her friend.
-That causes Setsuka's hairpin to fall down, something noticed by Hibiki after the trial. She pickes it up and puts it on her pocked, when the elevator doors open she is the first to go without saying any other words to the other students.
[Just to be clear, we were NOT using Setsuka's unused execution here. I wrote one for her back in the day but I can't find any notes for it, from what i remember it was her inside of a giant billiards ball that had the inside walls of it coated in spikes and there were some giant monocrows playing billards using the ball she was in. By the time they're finished with the game the ball opens up and Setsuka's turned into mush in there]
Ch3 case rundown
-Kanade wakes up before anyone else and puts sleeping drugs in iroha's coffee, that ends up being taken by Sora so she sleeps through most of the afternoon.
-Kanade calls Setsuka to the pool and ambushes her, knocking her out with a taser and pouring blood over the body to make it look like she was dead. (note that kanade already had all the itens she would need in her murder plan at the pool)
-She calls Hibiki to the scene and makes her enter using her monopad (Kanade's monopad), that makes it seem like she had left the pool.
-Hibiki sees Setsuka and enters the puppet stage, Kanade starts preparing to kill her and monologues about her crimes and plans, not knowing Setsuka had woken up and listened to all of it.
-Setsuka punches kanade in the eye as she gets close to her, she tries to make kanade give up on the plan but kanade attacks her. In the end setsuka pushed kanade to the poll and she hits the back of her head on the edge, failing unconscious and then drowning.
-Setsuka runs up to Hibiki to see if she is ok, she notices Hibiki's puppet stage and going from what she heard kanade said deduces that she can only wait for her to go back to normal. She notices how quiet kanade has gotten and only then she notices kanade had drowned.
-She takes her out of the pool and after confirming she is dead, starts working on her plan.
-Setsuka makes an improvised coat using some of the bags kanade had brought to the pool, as to walk around the island witouth being recognized she also makes sure ro avoid people and cameras as much as posisble. The coat also limits her movements.
-Setsuka leaves to the mart to get things she can use to destroy the cameras and later explode the pool. [Teruya would later notice the itens being gone, as he doesnt join the parade with the rest of the gang, this brought up at the trial]
-While she is away Hibiki snaps out of her puppet stage and sees all the blood on the floor that Kanade had poured over the place [Setsuka had hid Kanade's body somewhere in the pool area before leaving so Hibiki didn't see her when she woke up] she freaks out thinking someone had attacked her and runs away out of fear.
-Hibiki running back to the monocruise is witnessed by yoruko while going to reunite with the group before the parade. [This is later brought up in the trial when she accuses Hibiki of hiding information]
-When Setsuka comes back she cuts off kanade's hair and takes off most her clothes, as to start making Kanade not recognizable, she puts these itens in one of the bags to dispose of it later.
-She proceeds to starts destroying the cameras which causes a fire at the pool that starts to damage the place, she also sets Kanade's body on fire, Setsuka leaves with what she will need and runs straight to the nearest storage room
-On her way she disposes of Kanade's clothes and hair she leaves the medicine kit behind, it's remains are found in the explosion site and becomes an important clue later on.
-Once she is the storage room setsuka puts the itens she kept inside the doll and enters it too, she uses Kanade's finger to open her monopad and send a mesaage to the group that are going to the parade.
-pretending to be kanade she tells people she is not feeling well and won't be able to join the parade.
-The parade starts and the other dolls start to move, Setsuka decides to go along with them as to not look suspicious. Tho she does leave in the middle of the parade to get back at the pool. [The students don't notice where she head to, they just point out how one of the dolls is acting weird]
-She gets back to the pool where the fire has already been put out by the sprinklers. She takes off the costume and uses the tools kanade had brought to use in her dismemberment to damage the pool area as much as she can. [????????]
-Using itens she got from the mart earlier, Setsuka makes a potassium bomb alongside some smaller improvised bombs. She puts back the doll costume and sets these around the area so they can explode once the main explosion goes off. [Remants of these bombs are found and brought up by syobai during the trial]
-Setsuka catches up to the parade again before the pool explodes and ends up in the opposite side of the park as the explosion goes off.
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Change the story's course part 1
Pairing: Loki x female reader
Summary: Falling asleep to thoughts of a new better life and with an obsession to the Marvel universe, the reader wakes up exactly where she'd always wished to be! Maybe a little later than what she would've hoped...but she can still change the ending for the better.
Warnings: troubled past (death of family and abandonment) Please tell me if I missed any!
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As a chilly wind makes it's way into my room I decide to go against sleeping in my underwear, like I'd usually do, instead I slip into my thinnest pijama. It being and overly large old t-shirt I had given the function of nightgown!
Years ago you would've recognize the gold lining of Loki's helmet on top of the soft baby green color, but right now if you manage to tell apart the gold from the slightly darker green I'd be a miracle, not to even try and recognize anything.
It was still, even after years of wearing it, one of my most priced possessions! Reminding my of my childhood as a Marvel fan, growing into my teen years when movies started to be published.
It was embarrassing to admit my first crushes where fictional both from my fantasy books and the Marvel movies.
It's something I love and forms part of me! I'm a huge fan of Marvel, so what if I tend to quote my favorite line or make weird jokes?!
I really must be crazy!
Laughing to myself I lay down on top of my crumbled bed sheets.
As I try and relax into sleep, my eyes lock on a piece of paper on my bedside. Bitting my lip, I try and ignore the urge of looking at the number written on it...
...it's no use he probably has his own family by now!
I sight and sit up picking up the piece of paper scanning the phone number with a name written besides it. Trying to convince myself it was for the best that our ways separated after the incident...
Swallowing the lump in my throat, I squeeze the paper into a ball and throw it away.
There's no use, no point, in calling him! R2-D2 is long gone, he's an adult, now working God knows where!!!
In case you have already started calling some asylum on me, no I haven't ever had hallucinations, involving the small robot from Star Wars! R2-D2 used to be my older brother's nickname, when we where children.
His name is Arturo, but my mom always called him Arturito, which said quickly sounds exactly like R2-D2.
He was 8 years older than me and already an adult when the accident happened, that day I lost my parents but I also lost my brother.
As an adult he was offered to take my custody, since no other family members wanted anything to do with me, they said I was cursed. I really never knew if he believed, that I was indeed cursed or if he simply couldn't face his only sister and reminder of his parents death every day...
As you can tell already, he denied, never even said goodbye before disappearing from my life!
Not long ago an old friend of mine from my old town somehow got his number and identification.
Not too long ago, meaning two weeks ago, and yes this situation has happened quite a few times over them...not something I am proud of
That's it, I'm throwing this shit away! I do nos need someone who abandoned me at my weakest, no matter their reasoning.
Standing up I walk through my corridor into the kitchen and throw the paper ball into the trash, saluting it dramatically. Before heading back into bed having lifted some weight off my chest.
Once safely tucked in, after fighting against my blanket for a comfortable position, I look up at my seeling lit up by the lights of the city that managed to shine in through my slightly raised blinds.
"Starting tomorrow you, Y/n L/n are going to live, not just survive! Tomorrow will be the start of my new life..."
And like that I let my eyes drift closed, relaxed into the mattress feeling it absorb me into it. I don't really give it much though until that horrible feeling hits me!
You know the feeling you're about to fall to your death, the one that makes your whole body tense up, immediately waking you up.
Only this time the feeling continue, that sensation of falling into nothing, opening my eyes they immediately widen, as I don't see my ceiling but the white night sky.
My body is overtaken by fear and I loose complete control over the fall, turning and moving around desperately. Down on the ground, which is quickly getting nearer by the time we speak, are people I don't recognize but that look like officers.
What I seem to ignore is the devastation and destruction of my soundings, the gigantic big green monster with them and the alien bodies littering the ground. That I am very quickly going to join, such a joy!!!
To my suprise one of the man that where once on the ground jumps towards me, or more like flies. How can anyone jump so high?!
His hand are reaching towards me, and in my fear, I don't even notice the iconic hammer in one of them. Simply clinging to the blonde man for dear life, yelling at a high pitch from the depths of my throat.
After a second thought it becomes mute as though I no longer knew how to produce any sound.
I wrap my arms tighter against my savior hoping to somehow survive this and get an explanation.
The landing was ruff and maybe even painful, if some part of my body ever came in contact with the ground, which the man made sure to stop.
That's when I noticed he'd been holding me with one hand with his hammer in the other... WHAT THE FUCK WAS MY LIFE JUST AS IMPORTANT AS KEEPING HIS PRECIOUS HAMMER?!?!
Either way, said man gently prompted me on my feet, which didn't exactly work out, my knees buckled and I fell to the ground shaking like a leaf.
Strangers came over asking me things I couldn't understand, adrenaline and terror continued to flow through my veins, I did the only thing I could...
...burst out laughing, till tears!
Those around me quieted probably trying to figure out whether I was laughing or crying.
My breathing returning to a fairly normal rythme sometimes interrupted by small hiccups or a casual sob.
I slowly exhaled before looking up, to thank my saviors, only to find myself at lost of words.
Everything started to piece together...
The inhumane jump, truly was inhumane! The hammer was definitely Mjølnir, making his holder Thor! The decrepit state of whatever city this was, the alien corpses I had just noticed
But most importantly the chained black haired men with glowing green eyes and that was annoyingly high and unaturaly pale...
"Avengers 1..."
My words where barely a whisper and yet somehow everyone around me heard me distinctively. Maybe the the air had completely fucked up my ears in my fall?
Had I yelled it?
"I am in a freaking movie, and the Avengers just saved my pity full life."
I was no longer whispering more like talking to myself like a mad woman, my voice slowly getting higher.
All of this couldn't be a dream, I'd have plenty weird fantasy adventures but I'd usually recognize it was a dream! The numb pain in my heart from it's previous reckless rythme, where much to real for me to imagine it.
If all of this was a dream, then I'd been saved by Loki...
I would also be able to control all of this!
I was slowly managing to keep my nerves under control. I mean out of everywhere I could've been sent to, this was I pretty good deal!
My trembling fidgeting hands said otherwise, as I tried to convince myself of the positive side in this... situation
There isn't anywhere safer than next to the Avengers! And you can finally change everything you ever wanted, warn them of the dangers in the future!!!
I'd give them what they deserve, a true happy ending! And who knows maybe I'll even get my own...
The idea made me smile softly. That's right, if I'm going to be launched into the MCU, at least I'll make a change for the better give it my best shot!
Maybe this is will be the new life I'd been hoping for?! Let's just hope I manage to survive it...
I was shocked to see the figured of Robert Downey Jr come into view, or should I say Tony Stark, as he crouched down to my height.
"Hey kid, we know that you might as well feel like you're having a heart attack, right now...but we need you to tell us what you know, so we can help you!"
Breathing in deeply once more and raising my head, before slowly standing up.
Still I forced myself to stand straight and confident, at least in appearance.
Pep talks aren't really my thing so I just keep repeating "you gotta survive" over and over again, trying to look serious.
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yunhoiseyecandy · 4 years
ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ꜰᴏʀ ʟᴏᴠᴇ (ᴍ)
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✕ ɢᴇɴʀᴇ — ꜰʟᴜꜰꜰ, ꜱᴍᴜᴛ, ᴀɴɢꜱᴛ
✕ ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ — ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇ!ꜱᴇᴏɴɢʜᴡᴀ x ꜰ.ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
✕ ᴡ.ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ — 𝟸.𝟶ᴋ
✕ ɴᴏᴛᴇꜱ — ᴠᴀɴɪʟʟᴀ, ꜰɪʀꜱᴛ ᴛɪᴍᴇꜱ, ᴘᴇᴛ ɴᴀᴍᴇꜱ, ꜱʟɪɢʜᴛ ᴛᴇᴀꜱɪɴɢ, ᴅɪʀᴛʏ ᴛᴀʟᴋ
it was strange, at first. all the fluffy gowns and early mornings, but you’d learned to get used to all of it. 
it was worth it, day and night, having people dress you up in fancy outfits, only to have them take it off an hour or two later to put something else on. because no matter how annoying or stressful it was starting to get for you, all the pressure being put on the future queen of this palace, it meant so much to seonghwa. 
and that was the main thing that kept you going
the thought of making him happy, something he’d only just recently started to feel;
happiness, love
you two had met only a year ago when you had taken the position as his maid, soon realizing that the person who people have claimed to be a notorious monster of a human was someone who might’ve just been the most beautiful person you’d ever met in your life.
he was pleasant to be around, treating you with such respect that made you feel as if you had known him your whole life, and not only a week.
it didn’t take much time for you both to warm up to each other, soon becoming closer than anyone could ever imagine. and maybe it was because of how much time you’d spent together, or it might’ve been because of how warm and giddy he made you feel inside, but you soon came to realize that maybe you were meant to be more than friends.
but of course, that could never happen, only stories held fantasies where the prince fell for his maid. at least, that’s what you believed.
“y/n, why can’t you just listen?” the food you had brought him had been discarded a long time ago, the only thing that could be heard throughout the palace walls being your screams towards each other. “listen? seonghwa, I can’t just listen,”
“well, why not?”
“because I’m sick and tired of it! you keep telling me we’ll be fine, that we’ll make it through this because we’re strong,” you paused to take a deep breath, the tears running along your waterline threatening to fall. “but how can you be so sure? I’m a maid, for christ’s sake - your maid!”
he hated the words that were spewing out of your mouth, knowing they were only the result of fear and anger, and he knew you were just-
“I”m scared, seonghwa. what if we can’t get through this? what if we’re not meant to be together?” he watched as you sat on his bed, hands running along your skirt to try and fix the wrinkles you had made from fisting the material.
“baby, of course we’ll make it past this,” he walked over to where you sat and knelt in front of you, “just give me some time, okay?” 
and you did, to which he proved he was able to hold himself to his words. the day after you both had broken out in an argument the king himself had asked his son what had happened, concerned for seonghwas well being.
seonghwa told you that his father had known about your relationship with him, but had decided it’d be best to keep to himself about to matter. 
and you were more than grateful for that, telling the king yourself how much it meant for him to accept your feelings for one another. it meant more than the world itself to have his blessing, and when he had told you the queen had adored you since the day you’d started working here you burst out in tears at the joy that was overwhelming your body.
to say you got lucky would be an understatement. you were starting to feel confident being in a relationship with seonghwa, now that you were allowed to show public affection towards him. it was an amazing feeling, the first time you kissed him in front of other people, finally being able to claim the man you love.
and whenever he would wrap his arms around you, pulling you in for a deep kiss, it would make your tummy do backflips. his simple actions becoming habits that were no longer meant for only in private.
and god were you excited to start this new chapter in your life.
“love, you look beautiful.” seonghwa said as he gently grabbed your hands in his, his warm skin easing your nerves. 
“seonghwa, shut up.”
he giggled, looking over your features. your hair was tied up in a tight bun, the baby hairs that layed along your hairline popping out. he’s been waiting his whole life for this moment, and so far everything was going as planned.
‘do you, seonghwa park, take y/n l/n as your beloved wife?”
seonghwa felt tears spring in his eyes, trying his best not to hold you by your waist. but as soon as he looked over to you, he tried to blink them away as fast as he could, noticing that you were already crying.
“I do.”
the priest smiled and turned towards you, book in hand. “and do you, y/n l/n, take seonghwa park to be your beloved husband?”
choking back a sob, you spoke out the words you’ve been waiting to say all day. 
“I do.”
“my god, am I exhausted,” seonghwa plopped down on the chair closest to the window, looking outside to the palace garden. “me too, baby. do you want to go to bed?”
he pondered over the thought for a moment.
of course he wanted to go to bed. it’d been a long and tiring day for both of you. so of course his body longed for the soft pillowy feeling to engulf him.
and as much as he longed for sleep, he couldn’t ignore the feeling of need in his stomach, his eyes moving to the light coming from the bathroom where you stood doing your night routine.
“seonghwa? are you listening to me?” you shouted, hands moving the warm, damp cloth over your body. you hated feeling all sticky, the sweat from earlier starting to build up. 
“good, did you hear me?” pulling the towel around you, you stood up and picked up the white lace in your hands, admiring the material and how it felt. if he’s tired, this can wait until tomorrow.
“baby, can you come out please?” he swished the water in his cup around some, pulling the glass up to his lips. 
thinking of his next actions, he placed the cup on the window seel and pulled at his tie, unbuttoning the few first buttons of his shirt.
the only thing on his mind right now being how gorgeous you are; pretty, plump lips that he so badly wanted to engulf in his own, and you had such a beautiful body, too.
he absolutely adored the stretch marks that layed across your waist and tummy, loving to move his fingers along them whenever your shirt rose up just enough.
and your thighs? god, the amount of times he’d wished he was in between them is concerning-
“are you okay, love? you have that serious look on your face that you only have when you’re deep in thought.” you giggled, opening the door to reveal you in one of his shirts.
“y/n,” he hesitated, unsure if he should say it or not. “I want to make love to you.”
you paused, body tensing up while pulling the covers down to the end of the bed where he was standing. “w-what?”
walking up to you he pulled you flush against his body, “you heard me, love. may I?”
you were speechless as you rested your hands against his chest. you felt the heat start to pool between your legs, back arching into him ever so slightly. “I-”
he softly met his lips with yours in a soft, but meaningful kiss, his hands resting dangerously low. you felt him nip at your bottom lip and you moaned, giving him perfect access to taste you.
“seonghwa, you can touch me more if you want.”
and so he did. he pushed you back and onto the bed, hands flying to push up your shirt. but before he continued his eyes flickered to yours as if asking permission, and you nodded to let him know it was okay.
your mouth fell open when his hand gently rubbed against your nipple, mouth coming down to lick at the perky nub, his eyes never once leaving yours.
“seonghwa, shit.”
his lips felt like feathers while he trailed down your body, hand pulling down your underwear and tossing it to the side. “you sensitive, my love?” and some part of him told him not to feel bad when you didn’t respond.
because as soon as he spread your legs open, mouth trailing sloppy, wet kisses along the inside of your thighs, that’s when he knew you most definitely were sensitive.
and that thought had him wanting to taste you even more
“you’re just my sensitive little baby, aren’t you? such a good girl for me,” his hands ran over your thighs while he placed soft kisses on your clit. “more, please.”
his senses were on overdrive as his tongue slid over your slit, collecting your wetness and dipping the tip of it into your needy hole. “feel good, baby? you’re so fucking sweet,”
your back arched and you clenched around him while you looked down at the view below you. his head was dipped between your legs, and you don’t think you’ve seen a prettier sight. “y-yes, gonna come-”
he pulled away at your words, hands coming down to pull his pants down with his underwear.
“I want you to come on my cock, love. maybe later you can come on daddy’s tongue.”
kissing his way up your body, his lips met yours in a more heated kiss this time, tongues moving with each other. “see, baby? you taste so damn good.”
you wrapped your legs around your waist, arms finding their way to rest at his shoulders. his skin was warm against yours, touch easing your burning skin. “I can’t wait to be inside you,”
he ground down into you, tip grazing your clit, and it had you moaning for him to fuck you already.
“you’re so wet, love.” he pushed inside some, eyes roaming your face for any sign of discomfort. “can you take all of me?”
you nodded, and he pushed in, bottoming out and moaning at how tight you felt around him. he knew you relaxed some, so he knew you weren’t in pain when he pulled back out and pushed in again.
“fucking hell, love. you look so beautiful like this, screaming my name like the good girl you are.”
he felt so good inside of you, the vein running along the bottom side of his cock grazing your walls. “s-seonghwa, I can feel you everywhere,”
“yeah? love how good daddy’s making you feel?”
his cock twitched when you clenched around his cock, hand resting at your waist to steady himself. “c-close!”
“me too, love. come on, soak my cock.”
you squirmed under him, legs tightening around his waist. he shoved his head in the crook of your neck and groaned while he came in you, filling you up till it leaked out of you.
he layed on his elbows for a moment, taking some time to get his breathing back to normal.  
slowly he pulled out of you, kissing your forehead and walking to the bathroom the get a washcloth. 
“are you okay, baby? was I too rough-”
“I’m okay, seonghwa. promise,” you said and offered him a cheeky smile. “good,”
“can we cuddle?”
[ ᴛᴀɢ ʟɪꜱᴛ ]
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ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ.
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justletmereadmyfic · 3 years
Scum Villain x Pokemon AU
I didn’t realize I had strong opinions on this until the exact moment I realized I had an opinion at all. I didn’t even have to think about it.
Mobei-Jun: A distant and unfriendly Articuno, passed down from his father and through the family line for generations. Also a very prissy and VERY pampered Glaceon, his since childhood. 
Linguang-Jun: A Slowking and a Cherrim (there’s some whispered gossip that the Cherrim had something to do with MBJ’s mother, but what exactly—was it formerly hers? An intended betrothal gift?—no one knows or will say).
Shang Qinghua: A veritable menagerie. As a kid and young disciple, he had a Bidoof. But after it died (of natural causes; they don’t live that long) he was gifted a Delibird by the then-An Ding Peak Lord as congratulations for becoming Head Disciple. He also received a Seel from Mobei-Jun at some point, and later a Jigglypuff from MQF, who thought SQH was getting overworked and could use the sleep aid (SQH: “Why do people keep giving me Pokemon?!?”). 
Mu Qingfang: The obligatory Chansey, but also an Ekans.
Shen Jiu: A Cubone (“How appropriate,” people had sneered when they saw).
Shen Qingqiu: At first, a Marowak (“How... odd,” people had wondered when they saw). When Shen Yuan came on the scene, Marowak immediately knew this wasn’t its SQQ, and wanted nothing to do with him. Eventually it left, and no one ever saw it again. SY as SQQ eventually acquired a very cute Chimecho that had been living in his bamboo grove.
Luo Binghe: Pre-Abyss, a Poochyena. Post-Abyss, a Houndoom (he never talks about what happened to his Poochyena).
Liu Qingge: A Farfetch’d. But when he goes on hunts, the same wild Zangoose sometimes tracks him down and accompanies him, although it never follows him back to the Peak. 
Yue Qingyuan: A Linoone (although some people claim to have seen Lugia at his side when he battled TLJ).
Tianlang-Jun: Entei. Also a Totodile for some reason. 
Zhuzhi-lang: A snake Pokemon, right? Wrong. A Breloom. 
Sha Hualing: A Salazzle.
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arthurflecksgirl · 4 years
Imagine giving Arthur a clown soft toy🥺
Plushie clowns and happy tears 
was a Headcanon I wrote a while back. It was one of my first I think.
I`ll copy it in here:
* When Arthur was still a little boy he had no toys at all. Penny didnt have much money and she wouldnt try to get him at least even one single toy. He knew that toys existed, though. He saw other kids on tv playing with teddy bears and plastic cars. Little Artie always looked at them with a heavy heart. He wished so much for  just one toy.
*When he would ask Penny if he could have one, she would always say that she is poor and can`t afford such unnecessary stuff. That he didnt needed toys anyway, because he was already such a happy boy.
*Arthur wasnt happy. And watching the kids in the movies playing in their bedrooms made him even sadder. He didnt had his ow bedroom eighter. He slept on a matress in the corner of the living room, right beside the radiator. He always thought it would help him a lot to have something to cuddle with while lying there. Stuffed animals were his faves. No one ever hugged him, so at least he would have something to hug and cling on.
* Sometimes he wished for a present from his mum on his birthday.  But it never happened. No one ever mentioned his birthday. Some years he even forgot his birthday himself. It was like it doesnt even existed. It was like HE doesnt even existed. He just wished Pennys boyfriend also thought he didnt existed. But he did.
*One day, when he got hurt by Pennys partner again, little Artie would run away from home. Running down the streets in Gotham city. He didnt knew where to go to. He wished he had a friend, but he was all alone in the world.He thought that  If he had a friend right now, he could go there and maybe he or she would have some toys to play with together. Maybe even a teddy bear.
*Gotham was a very ignorant city. They didnt even noticed the little kid running around without his parents. Arthur sat down on a bench. He wanted to cry but he couldn`t.  He felt the urge to cry so many times, but it was difficult for him to make the tears come. So it was just a feeling of being chocked. No one could see how he felt inside. That he was getting short of air.
* After the air came back again he would walk down the streets and find a junk market. He saw one of those markets before when Penny neeeded a new jacket. It was people seeling their old stuff for a cheap prize. Arthur walked through the pretty crowded place. Many clothes and books. Sometimes he watched people buying stuff and looked at the differents things with curiousity. But he never dared to touch or ask for something.
*After fiveteen minutes of pushing himself through the crowds he would see the most colorful tables of them all. It had stuffed animals, plastic cars, puzzles, games and other  toys all over. Arties couldnt belive his eyes. It was so beautiful. He made a stop right there, staring at the teddy bears.
*The old woman sitting behind the table looked at him and asked him if he lost his parents. He didnt answered. All his attention was focused on green hair sticking out between the different teddy bears. It chatched his attention right away.
*“I see you are looking at something?” the woman asked. Arthur pointed at it “Does that one teddy bear have green hair?”. The lady smiled “Oh no, thats not a bear.” Her hand was reaching out for it and she pulled out a small plushy clown with yellow vest over  a checkered jacket. Arthur loved the huge, curly, green hair and his painted face.
*The old lady showed him the plushy “He`s got one big, smile,huh? He was always my fave but I am getting old. I dont need him anymore.”
*Arthur kept in staring at the small clown. There was something about this toy that made him feel less sad when he was looking at it. The woman asked him one more time if he was all alone here. And Arthur told her that he ran away from home, which alarmed the woman right away. She told him that he cannot walk around Gotham all alone. That its a dangerous city for a small kid like him.
*The old lady touched the hair of the plushy clown. “Would you promise me to go back home if I give you Mr. Clown?”. Arthur nodded sadly “But I dont have any money”. “Thats okay, little boy. Just please go back to your parants,okay?” Arthur nodded one more time as she handed him the clown.
*He felt something that must have been joy when he held the clown in his hands. He touched the fabric of the clowns clothes and looked at his big smile. He looked up to the seller “My mum always tells me that I should put on a happy face”.
*“See?” the lady said “I am sure your mum is already worried about you. Hurry up!” And as litte Artie said thank you for the present and turned around to leave the place, the old lady ran after him and told him “Hey, little boy, just to let you know. His name is carnival”.
*30 years later
*Arthur was having nightmares again. He woke you up in the middle of the night, just like you told him he should if the nightmares wouldnt leave him alone. And it would happen a lot.
*You told him that its okay and turned on the lights. He was covered in sweat, his brown culs hanging heavy upon his forehead, dark bags under his eyes. He was even having trouble breathing a bit.
*You wrapped his arms around him tight as he was kneeing on the bed. Usually there were no words needed. Hugging him was enough. He just needed human connection. Something he never experienced in his childhood.
* He told you that it was memories of his childhood again. He wasnt sure which part of his nightmares were based on true memories and which ones were just stuff his mind made up while sleeping. He always had this one dream about his only toy being taken away from him. A small, plushy clown he found at a junk marked after running away from home. He didnt even remembered who it was that took th plushy away from him, but the pain of losing his one and only toy was unbearable for little kid Artie. It wouldnt even leave him alone 30 years later.
*After you managed to calm him down , he would crawl back under the sheets again, pressing the pillow against his face to build a shelter.
*The next few days you thought about his memories a lot and wondered how you could help him with that. You might not be able to change the memories but maybe there was a way to comfort him. And suddenly soemthing came to your mind. What if YOU would make him his own clown plushy all by yourself? He told you so many times how his old one looked like and you were really good in  knitting. So maybe you should give it a try?
*You started to knit a small clown the next day. You had everything you needed for it. There was just some meterial missing that you needed for his clothes,so you bought some fabric to make sure it would look like the plushy he discribed. It took you some days and you were hiding your work in the wardrobe between your sweaters to make sure he wouldnt find it before its finished.
*You were really excited about the thought that you might make him happy with the clown plushy. Knitting it for him made you happy,too. You put all your love in it. Thinking about kid Artie always made you sad but now he wasnt alone anymore. He wouldnt be alone ever again. You loved him with all your heart and you would never leave him alone ever again. He knew that.
*As the clown was finished you looked at it and felt satisfied with the result. His smile was big and bright red. You even managed to make the green hair look real puffy and curly. The jacket looked a bit big on him but you thought this would be just right.
*Early in the morning after you made some coffee, when Arthur was still asleep you tip toed back to the bed and placed the plushy right beside his pillow, so he would see him right after he wakes.
*You sat beside him on the bed, sipping your coffe, reading a book and twenty minutes later he started moving, mumbling something you couldnt understand, before he opened his sleepy eyes.
*You touched his messy bed hair “Hey, my love. Good morning”. Arthur immediately saw that there was something lying beside his head. He asked you what it is and reached out for it.
*You could never forget his face when he saw what it was. He wanted to ask you where it came from right away, but he couldnt say anything. He just looked at the small clown. And at you. And back at the plushy. His eyes watering, tears of happiness running down his cheeks, as he pressed the plushy close to his naked chest.
*You crawled up to him, laying your loving arms around his fragile shoulders “I hope it just looks like the clown from your childhood, Artie. I knitted this one for you myself. I thought you need your little friend again”.
*Arthur pressed the clown even closer to him, he was crying so hard. “I don`t know what to say” he whimpered. “This makes me so happy. YOU make me so happy. I don`t deserve it.” He smiled between the tears “Look at his big SMILE!”. He gave you a sloppy kiss on the lips. His face wet from crying.
* You kissed his salty tears away. One by one. A taste of his happiness. The happiness he deserved so much.
*Arthur took a close look to every detail of the plushy. “He is holding a sign with his name on it!” he said.
*Yes Artie, he does. Remember you told me the name of your childhood plushy? I didnt forgot.
*Arthur`s smile grew even wider than the clown`s smile. His eyes lighted up as a single tear fell on the plushy´s sign which said “MY NAME IS CARNIVAL”.
So yeah....
Oh my god, Arthur would be the cutest when receiving a clown soft toy or a plushie. He would be so moved. Artie is a little boy at heart and he deserves to get all the things he never got when he was a kid.
He would be in tears. Happy tears. I often imagined this. I think he would hug it all night long when you wouldnt be home.
I would definitely give him one!
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skepticalcatfrog · 4 years
Aurora Cycle Ranch AU
I was going through my Watch Later playlist on YouTube (which has nothing to do with this), and I got thinking. That thinking turned into brainstorming, and that brainstorming turned into this. It's mostly going to be Finian de Seel x Scarlett Jones, so if that's not your jam then I suggest you don't get invested. In conclusion, buckle up and get ready for some real rom-com shit.
So! Finian de Karran-de Seel was a young inventor and a self-proclaimed businessman. Very much a city guy. 
He was looking to pitch his ideas to some big companies. He'd been 0% successful so far, and he was still making money from an office job.
But he was optimistic! He thought he had some good ideas up his sleeve, and that he could probably make a lot of money from selling them to be mass produced.
Now here's where the real story starts. He was looking for somewhere new and different to go to seek out entrepreneurs. 
Due to scheduling complications, he ended up with tickets to an unbelievably small rural town. Seriously, it was a miracle this place even had an airport.
The second he got off the plane, he already knew he'd made a mistake. He was like a fish out of water with his briefcase, crisp suit, and fancy prosthetics.
Practically everyone else in the building looked like they could and would snap him in half.
And aside from that, the dingy motel room he was staying in was a total downgrade from his apartment at home. He wanted to get out of there as soon as he could. Unfortunately, his return flight wasn't for another week.
It only took him about two hours to wander the whole town. He got numerous strange looks. After seeing every single building in the area, he had come to the conclusion that there wasn't anyone for him to talk to directly. 
He had to come up with another plan.
What he found himself doing was going from house to house in hopes that by some miracle, someone would have a connection to people in high places.
He'd been reduced to a door-to-door salesman. He'd written himself a script on a napkin and everything. He put it into effect at the first house he walked up to.
"Hello! My name is Finian de Seel. I'm a freelance inventor, and I was hoping to take just a moment of your time to talk about my work. You see, I-"
And just like that, the woman who had answered the door slammed it in his face again. Damn the people in this town are rude, he thought to himself as he moved on to the next house.
He got varying reactions as he traveled down the road, but they all had the same general idea.
"Hello! My name is Finian de Seel. I'm a-" SLAM.
"Hello! My name is Finian de-" SLAM.
"Hello! My name is-" SLAM.
"Hello-" SLAM.
I think you get the gist. No matter how they chose to say it, there was a general vibe of 'I don't want to talk to you' floating around.
Some people didn't slam the door, though. Some of them didn't even answer. Some of them just walked away, not bothering to close the door behind them. 
One specific person threw a bucket of water at him, bucket and all. The water came out pretty fast and got all over his clothes, and the tin bucket hit him square in the head. It left a small cut, which he stuck the script napkin to for the time being. It hurt like hell when he got hit, but the injury wasn't bad, and he was too determined to go home yet.
Despite already having been out for hours, way past the time when he'd normally already be sleeping, he was going to keep on keeping on. He could feel the dark circles around his eyes forming already.
Finally, he got to the end of the road, having been battered and bruised significantly more along the way. The people in this town really didn't give a single shit about lawsuits, did they?
The last house was practically in the middle of nowhere. He wasn't even sure he was still in the same town at that point. It was a lot bigger than some of the other places too, with lots of land. And- wait, were those horses? They were just silhouettes in the dark, and some of them looked like they could be cows. But he didn't care about any of that at the moment.
He trudged up to the door and gave it one solid knock. He started talking in a tired, gravelly voice as soon as the door opened, not even bothering to look up at the person who'd answered it.
"Hello. My name is Finian de Seel. I have had a very long day, so if you're planning on slamming this door, chasing me away, and/or throwing something at me, I suggest you get all that out of the way now."
"And why would I do that?" It was a girl's voice, smooth and pleasant with a light southern accent. "You already look like you've been to hell and back."
"I know I do. But we're not here to talk about my appearance, we're here to talk about-" 
"Why don't you come inside for a bit?"
"Yeah, I'll patch you up and you can tell me all about whatever it is you're doing here."
The girl offered him a hand. Fin knew it would probably end up being a big mistake to just walk right into a stranger's house, especially looking back on the rest of his experiences in this damn town.
But for some reason, this felt different. 
And all Fin wanted to do at that moment was collapse on the ground and sleep for a week.
So he accepted her hand, and stepped into the house.
If y'all like this, maybe I'll do a part 2? Feel free to ask to be on the taglist, as well!
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imagine-loki · 5 years
Pride and Prejudice
TITLE: Pride and Prejudice CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 33 AUTHOR: wolfpawn
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki was raised on Jotunheim as Laufey’s son after the war, but an agreement was then made that he would wed Odin’s daughter so Odin could secure the alliance of Jotunheim through the marriage. Loki, in turn, was raised to be king of Jotunheim, but how he views Asgard is far different from how Odin’s daughter is raised leading to a clash of cultures as well as uncertainty between the pair of betrothed youths.     RATING: Mature   NOTES/WARNINGS: Forced Marriage, not all fun and games. My first real step back into the Loki scene in over a year.
Tags - @skulliebythesea @asimovethroughthisworld @blackcherry26-blog @we-shadowhunter2901
Loki looked around the throne room, sighing as he tried to get some form of energy to deal with the last of the evening. His father had him, Arden and Helbindi all but exhausted from dealing with different matters that he wished to organise. It was late and he was annoyed to have missed having dinner with Ella.
Since the day she asked him why he was not as open with her, he tried to be more so. It was not perfect and he often was second-guessing himself, wondering if she would be like Angrboða and use his most private thoughts as ammunition to throw back at him as he had been forced to endure after he did what was best for the realm and severed the relationship with Angrboda, the one he thought loved him only to see that his love had not been as reciprocated as he had thought it was. But he tried. She could see it was hard for him and encouraged him without ever trying to force him and he could see it in how she spoke. He appreciated her efforts to understand him when he did not even understand himself.
He could not deny that having her in his rooms most night was pleasant also. She had informed him that his rooms would now be soundproofed in a manner that meant that should she lose her cognitive ability again, none would hear it. He informed her that it did not bother him, yet noted it clearly bothered her, to the extent he could see her fight her own wishes to make noise during any of their couplings. He had thoroughly enjoyed hearing her call out his name in ecstasy, but he knew that she would not do so willingly again. He wondered if it was an expected norm on Asgard to remain silent or a personal choice to her as she seemed to not be the least bit shameful in admitting to certain things pertaining to the act and even her own actions regarding it, be it in research or self-pleasure. All he could think about was going to his rooms to spend time speaking with her. They were preparing to go to Vanaheim in the near future and she was providing him with the majority of the information that would better their chances of a good deal with the Vanir as well as the details that were not overly public with regards certain beings who were better to avoid.
Laufey continued into the night. He had been very worn of late, so with some energy from Norn’s knows where, he decided to use said energy to deal with different matters, leading to him, his brother and Arden having to endure it into the night.
“What news from the West, has there been any more unrest?” Laufey asked.
“None, Sire. Býleistr has made mention that there has been nothing since. Those who were acting out have ceased with such talk, he is satisfied that there will be little to no such talk again.”
“Good,” Laufey nodded.
“He also reports that his first mate has come into heat once more and that he hopes that it will be a successful one,” Arden added.
“That he should be so fortunate,” Laufey agreed. “Though I do not wish misfortune on my son and his second mate, I do not think a child as a result of that mating right now would be a good thing, all things considered.”
Loki did not mean to, but he nodded at his father’s statement, agreeing with him. He did not want to think about it but he did. He was glad Angrboða and Býleistr had not been successful on their first attempt. He knew it would happen with time but that would only be salt in a wound for him. With time to allow himself heal, he would not be so bothered by their attempts to procreate. With the realm becoming more fruitful once more, it was already noted that there was an increase in heats and subsequent pregnancies. It was usually three heats recorded in a single year for the realm with, if lucky, one pregnancy since the Casket returned, there were already three females were pregnant. It would cause a population growth once more, but Jotunheim was a realm that needed more young, unlike so many realms.
“Well, if that is everything…” Helbindi tried to move along the evening.
“Not so fast, Loki, what have you prepared for Vanaheim?” Laufey asked.
Loki groaned internally, Helbindi sighed loudly and Arden showed his dismay in his eyes at Laufey’s question. They would not see their beds for a significant time yet to come that night, and they knew it.
When Loki did make his way to his rooms, it was closing in on midnight. He wondered if Ella would be there but it was doubtful. She would never enter his rooms without him being there, she was too honest and respectful of him to go about his personal space without his being there. When he got to his rooms, he was unsurprised but disappointed to see them void of any sign of life since his leaving them that morning. He readied for bed before getting in, looking to where Ella usually slept for a moment before looking to the ceiling, hoping for sleep to come.
Sleep did not come. Three hours later, he was still staring to the ceiling above him with no sign of sleep coming to him. He wanted not to be frustrated as that only fed his lack of sleep, but all he could do was be frustrated, resulting in him not sleeping. He wondered if Ella was resting well in her rooms, if she felt odd being by herself. He pondered for a time before his annoyance bothered him enough to rise from his bed and leave his rooms.
Looking at her bedroom door caused him to pause and consider his actions. Part of him saw no issue with what he was doing, he was simply checking something, the other part knew it was entirely wrong to bother someone in their bed at almost three in the morning, yet he opened the door all the same and entered her front rooms. When he got to the bedchambers, he became more apprehensive but before he could do anything, the bedroom door unlocked by seidr and Ella was in front of him. “Loki?” Her voice was heavy from sleep. “Is everything alright?”
“Fine, sorry I woke you.”
“Why are you here?” She looked at him for a moment, rubbing her eyes as she realised there was no reason to be worried. When her seidr had informed her someone had broken the magic seel she had placed on her rooms before going to sleep, she had been worried, seeing it was only a somewhat meek Loki, she saw that there was no reason to fret, she stretched slightly. “What time is it?”
“Three, I think.”
“Why are you up?” He looked at his feet. “You have not slept, have you?”
“Did Laufey keep you that long?” She opened the door more so he could enter.
Loki did so. “No, he let us leave a few hours ago.”
“Yet you are still awake.”
“Yet I am still awake,” Loki repeated.
“I don’t know.”
“And do you think talking to me will find the reason?”
“I think I am talking to you because of the reason.”
Ella looked at him confused. “You will need to expand on that if I am to make sense of it.”
“You were not in my room.”
“No, why would I go there without you being there?”
“It felt wrong.”
Ella realised then what the issue was and smiled. “Have you gotten used to company in bed?”
Loki felt somewhat embarrassed. “I fear I may have.”
Ella, knowing this was a significant admission to him, looked him in the eye as she spoke. “It is far too late for any form of intimacy. I am tired and I want to go back to sleep.”
“I know.”
With his confirmation, she took his hand and used her seidr to transport them to his room. Loki looked around in confusion before looking at her. “What, are you really surprised by me any more?” She walked over to the bed and got in at the side she usually did, using her seidr to warm it enough to her liking as she disliked the coldness of bed when she first got into it.
With the sense of something not being right gone, Loki got in his side, looking at Ella’s back for a moment before getting comfortable and feeling himself drift off to sleep contently.
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make this fast (if you ever loved me) (Branjie) - Mac
AN: This is an old draft for the drabble series that I finally finished and just felt like getting out. Ignore me.
Summary: Brooke likes to call Vanessa late at night. Vanessa likes to ignore her.
The sound of her phone ringing woke Vanessa up.
She groggily raised her head from the pillow to glance at the clock.
Seems about right.
Seems about the time he usually called.
She seeled herself for the inevitable slur in his words. The compliments that would wash over her body like honey, too sweet to clean the filth that he would later rush out between grunts.
She closed her eyes and tried to slow her heartbeat in time with her breaths. It didn’t work. The knowledge that he was calling. That he wanted her.
Now, he wanted her.
Not then, though. Not when they were together and happy, and things were working. He didn’t want her then because it was too easy. It made too much sense. Now he could call her at whatever time he wanted. He made the rules.
She doesn’t know how long she can keep doing this. She prays, and she never really believed in God, but Lord, she prays, night after night that he won’t call. That this time, when he drinks too much and he is carried home by a friend, and he says nice things to her that she won’t go over to his place. With its hardwood floors and strange art pieces that she never gets to admire because it’s always dark when she leaves.
And Lord does she want to know what picture is hanging above his fireplace. But she’s not sure she does. Because what if it’s ugly. What if it’s a terribly ugly picture and he asks her what she thinks, and she lies about it?
She groaned at the incessant ringing.
She let it go on, telling herself that this time she would let it play out. Go to voicemail and then back to sleep.
It gets all the way to the last three rings when she picks up.
“Come over,” He says.
“It’s late,” She doesn’t mean.
“Come over,” He says again.
As she orders the Uber, she looks back through their recent messages. She usually looks through them when she’s drunk. They make her feel worse, so she’s not really sure why she does it.
That’s a lie. She does it because she knows it’s the closest she can ever seem to get to him. Through a screen.
Through an artificial portrayal of the person she knows he isn’t. Though she isn’t sure.
Isn’t sure if the cool facade he puts on is really a facade or not. Because he was the one to throw his arm around her first. He leaned in first. He pulled her close and whispered sweet things in her ear till the sun came up.
She doesn’t know if the sweet, sensitive terrified boy she fell for is the same as the one posting thirst traps and pictures of someone who looks a lot like her, even though no one wants to say anything about it. Naomi and Kameron don’t bring it up backstage in Vegas. Asia, thank the Lord, keeps her mouth shut for once. Though Vanessa is pretty sure Kameron had something to do with it. She makes a mental note to thank her later.
She isn’t sure that this boy she’s so infatuated with even deserves it.
So maybe it’s self-destructive. But Vanessa has never been any good at coping.
So she climbs into the car when it arrives.
He greets her at the door, and before he can pull her into the bedroom, she stops him.
And looks at the painting above his fireplace.
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wolfpawn · 5 years
Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 33
Story Summary - Based on an idea I had that I submitted to Imagine Loki. Imagine Loki was raised on Jotunheim as Laufey’s son after the war, but an agreement was then made that he would wed Odin’s daughter so Odin could secure the alliance of Jotunheim through the marriage. Loki, in turn, was raised to be king of Jotunheim, but how he views Asgard is far different from how Odin’s daughter is raised leading to a clash of cultures as well as uncertainty between the pair of betrothed youths.
Chapter Summary - Time is passing and Loki finds himself in interesting positions with regards to his time with Ella.
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Loki looked around the throne room, sighing as he tried to get some form of energy to deal with the last of the evening. His father had him, Arden and Helbindi all but exhausted from dealing with different matters that he wished to organise. It was late and he was annoyed to have missed having dinner with Ella.
Since the day she asked him why he was not as open with her, he tried to be more so. It was not perfect and he often was second-guessing himself, wondering if she would be like Angrboða and use his most private thoughts as ammunition to throw back at him as he had been forced to endure after he did what was best for the realm and severed the relationship with Angrboda, the one he thought loved him only to see that his love had not been as reciprocated as he had thought it was. But he tried. She could see it was hard for him and encouraged him without ever trying to force him and he could see it in how she spoke. He appreciated her efforts to understand him when he did not even understand himself.
He could not deny that having her in his rooms most night was pleasant also. She had informed him that his rooms would now be soundproofed in a manner that meant that should she lose her cognitive ability again, none would hear it. He informed her that it did not bother him, yet noted it clearly bothered her, to the extent he could see her fight her own wishes to make noise during any of their couplings. He had thoroughly enjoyed hearing her call out his name in ecstasy, but he knew that she would not do so willingly again. He wondered if it was an expected norm on Asgard to remain silent or a personal choice to her as she seemed to not be the least bit shameful in admitting to certain things pertaining to the act and even her own actions regarding it, be it in research or self-pleasure. All he could think about was going to his rooms to spend time speaking with her. They were preparing to go to Vanaheim in the near future and she was providing him with the majority of the information that would better their chances of a good deal with the Vanir as well as the details that were not overly public with regards certain beings who were better to avoid.
Laufey continued into the night. He had been very worn of late, so with some energy from Norn’s knows where, he decided to use said energy to deal with different matters, leading to him, his brother and Arden having to endure it into the night.
“What news from the West, has there been any more unrest?” Laufey asked.
“None, Sire. Býleistr has made mention that there has been nothing since. Those who were acting out have ceased with such talk, he is satisfied that there will be little to no such talk again.”
“Good,” Laufey nodded.
“He also reports that his first mate has come into heat once more and that he hopes that it will be a successful one,” Arden added.
“That he should be so fortunate,” Laufey agreed. “Though I do not wish misfortune on my son and his second mate, I do not think a child as a result of that mating right now would be a good thing, all things considered.”
Loki did not mean to, but he nodded at his father’s statement, agreeing with him. He did not want to think about it but he did. He was glad Angrboða and Býleistr had not been successful on their first attempt. He knew it would happen with time but that would only be salt in a wound for him. With time to allow himself heal, he would not be so bothered by their attempts to procreate. With the realm becoming more fruitful once more, it was already noted that there was an increase in heats and subsequent pregnancies. It was usually three heats recorded in a single year for the realm with, if lucky, one pregnancy since the Casket returned, there were already three females were pregnant. It would cause a population growth once more, but Jotunheim was a realm that needed more young, unlike so many realms.
“Well, if that is everything…” Helbindi tried to move along the evening.
“Not so fast, Loki, what have you prepared for Vanaheim?” Laufey asked.
Loki groaned internally, Helbindi sighed loudly and Arden showed his dismay in his eyes at Laufey’s question. They would not see their beds for a significant time yet to come that night, and they knew it.
When Loki did make his way to his rooms, it was closing in on midnight. He wondered if Ella would be there but it was doubtful. She would never enter his rooms without him being there, she was too honest and respectful of him to go about his personal space without his being there. When he got to his rooms, he was unsurprised but disappointed to see them void of any sign of life since his leaving them that morning. He readied for bed before getting in, looking to where Ella usually slept for a moment before looking to the ceiling, hoping for sleep to come.
Sleep did not come. Three hours later, he was still staring to the ceiling above him with no sign of sleep coming to him. He wanted not to be frustrated as that only fed his lack of sleep, but all he could do was be frustrated, resulting in him not sleeping. He wondered if Ella was resting well in her rooms, if she felt odd being by herself. He pondered for a time before his annoyance bothered him enough to rise from his bed and leave his rooms.
Looking at her bedroom door caused him to pause and consider his actions. Part of him saw no issue with what he was doing, he was simply checking something, the other part knew it was entirely wrong to bother someone in their bed at almost three in the morning, yet he opened the door all the same and entered her front rooms. When he got to the bedchambers, he became more apprehensive but before he could do anything, the bedroom door unlocked by seidr and Ella was in front of him. “Loki?” Her voice was heavy from sleep. “Is everything alright?”
“Fine, sorry I woke you.”
“Why are you here?” She looked at him for a moment, rubbing her eyes as she realised there was no reason to be worried. When her seidr had informed her someone had broken the magic seel she had placed on her rooms before going to sleep, she had been worried, seeing it was only a somewhat meek Loki, she saw that there was no reason to fret, she stretched slightly. “What time is it?”
“Three, I think.”
“Why are you up?” He looked at his feet. “You have not slept, have you?”
“Did Laufey keep you that long?” She opened the door more so he could enter.
Loki did so. “No, he let us leave a few hours ago.”
“Yet you are still awake.”
“Yet I am still awake,” Loki repeated.
“I don’t know.”
“And do you think talking to me will find the reason?”
“I think I am talking to you because of the reason.”
Ella looked at him confused. “You will need to expand on that if I am to make sense of it.”
“You were not in my room.”
“No, why would I go there without you being there?”
“It felt wrong.”
Ella realised then what the issue was and smiled. “Have you gotten used to company in bed?”
Loki felt somewhat embarrassed. “I fear I may have.”
Ella, knowing this was a significant admission to him, looked him in the eye as she spoke. “It is far too late for any form of intimacy. I am tired and I want to go back to sleep.”
“I know.”
With his confirmation, she took his hand and used her seidr to transport them to his room. Loki looked around in confusion before looking at her. “What, are you really surprised by me any more?” She walked over to the bed and got in at the side she usually did, using her seidr to warm it enough to her liking as she disliked the coldness of bed when she first got into it.
With the sense of something not being right gone, Loki got in his side, looking at Ella’s back for a moment before getting comfortable and feeling himself drift off to sleep contently.
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kaysreviews · 4 years
My Review of Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995)
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For my first review I want to talk about Neon Genesis Evangelion, a show that everyone has already talked about millions of times. It is arguably one of the most well known and classic animes and has sparked a shit ton of games, merch and spin offs. This show was created in 1995 by Hideaki Anno and is a 26 episode show. It revolves around a middle-school aged kid, Shinji Ikari, who fights in a massive robot-not-robot-human-monster-thing called an Evangelion. He fights alongside two other middle school girls, Rei Ayanami and Asuka Langely Soryu, to defeat mysterious destructive creatures called Angels.
Of course the story goes a lot deeper than that, sometimes being borderline confusing. Theres Adam sleeping under NERV, but it’s not Adam it’s Lillith, and its not NERV running the show it’s SEELE, and SEELE wants human instrumentality and... what the hell is human instrumentality? What is Adam and the angels? what the fuck is happening? On my second watch through (after doing heavy research on what the hell that show was about) I was finally able to even comprehend what was going on with the show. And when I did, I fucking loved it. Granted, I barely paid attention the first time around which was my mistake. The show really requires your full attention to get all the information that it throws at you.
On the surface, this show looks like your regular 90′s mecha anime, but once you dig deeper you discover this show is about loneliness, escapism, and what it means to be human and how shitty it can be. This show is actually a deconstruction of the mecha genre, which is usually a genre filled with substance-less shows that are primarily meant to sell toys. (though evangelion had it’s fair share of merch and toys as well.) and I’m a big ol’ sucker for deconstruction shows. 
Now let’s get into what I thought of it. I love it. The art is beautiful, the animation is great (as great as a low-budget anime from the 90′s can be) and the story and characters are original and thoughtful. On my first time watching, I hated our main man Shinji. I though he was a little bitch for lack of a better word. He wouldn’t stand up and be a man, he was awkward and pervy, and he was so distracted by his past trauma that he couldn’t live in the present. Then on my second watch I unfortunately realized something. I am a whole lot like Shinji. I’m socially awkward, I often live in my past traumas, I expect people to care about me without caring for them back, I expect pity and I live off of the praise of others. This shocked me when I realized how much I can relate to this little bitch. It actually made me want to start to work on myself and grow, unlike Shinji. In a way, Shinji represents the worst in all of us, that’s when I started to understand him and feel for him. I hated him because I saw so much of me in this character, and I decided to like him for the same reason. I like him because he is literally the worst. It’s an interesting take to have the main character of the show be someone no one roots for, but be such a reflection on the worst parts of all of us. I fuckin love it.
I went through this love-hate with several of the other characters too, particularly Asuka and Gendo (though there isn’t really any kind of redemption for Gendo I just love that he’s somehow worse than Shinji) But overall the characters are very well-rounded and we get to see the best and worst of them all, and why they act they way they do. This show about mechs and aliens is extremely human and discusses the worst parts of us.
Ok now we’re done talking about the subtext, lets talk about how fucking badass this show is. I love when shows get biblical. Now this show isn’t actually referencing anything that actually happened in the bible, it only uses vague ideas, names, and a whoooole lot of crosses. But doesn’t it make everything a bit cooler? I thought the lore in this show was very interesting, the second impact and human instrumentality especially. I thought it was a good blend of the science fiction and post apocalyptic genres (my two favorite genres) while also being a creative concept. I loved the fight scenes between the Evas and the angels, I thought they were well choreographed and made use of dynamic editing to give the scenes more weight and power.
The only gripe I have with this show is the last two episodes, just like everyone else. I didn’t like them and I thought the show needed a grander ending. I understand, though, why they happened the way they did. The show was not doing well production-wise and they didn’t have the budget left. This paired with Anno’s deep depression at the time produced episode 25 and 26. the episodes were very slide-show like as we delved into the psyche of the NERV gang as human instrumentality took place. The show even regressed into paper and pen illustrations near the end of episode 26. At the end of the show Shinji eventuallly accepts human instrumentality and everyone congratulates him. The end. And that was the happy ending? people were not happy about that at the time so two years later in 1997 came End of Evangelion which gave us a more grim, but way more badass ending. (it honestly needs its own post so I won’t talk about it here) In my canon EoE was the true ending, but that does not mean the last two episodes should be negated. As abstract as they are, they still give a lot of insight on the characters and are still worth the watch.
I could probably go on and on about this show but I decided to keep this review to my main thoughts. As far as a review its a 9/10 and I’d recommend this to anyone honestly. There’s a reason why this show has lived on for 25 years and why it should live on forever. What do you think about Neon Genesis Evangelion? do you love it? do you think its pretentious garbage? Let me know!
Thank you for reading.
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