#I also said a lot about Nene and Kou
musicalmoritz · 1 month
I talk a lot about characters being exclusively gay or lesbian on here, so I wanted to switch things up for once and talk about some tbhk characters who are most likely bi
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Starting off with the most obvious and undeniably most bi-coded character in tbhk (can we even call it coding anymore?? the subtext has become text), we have my boy Kou!! His main love interest is Mitsuba, and in addition to the other characters teasing Kou about his feelings, the two of them have gone on a date together. While it’s true Kou offhandedly said it’s “not a date” (outside of a speech bubble even), AidaIro would not have labeled it that way if they didn’t want people to interpret it as such. They’re also often drawn very romantically together and…c’mon, their story doesn’t make a lot of sense if they’re just friends (in comparison to other male friendships in tbhk like Hanako and Kou or Teru and Akane that DO make sense platonically)
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Kou also had a huge crush on Nene for the majority of the manga, and may still like her (he no longer gets flustered when people suggest that he likes her so imo it’s up to interpretation whether or not his feelings have changed). His feelings for Mitsuba don’t discredit his feelings for Nene or vice versa, so it’s safe to assume this man swings both ways. He frequently blushes around Nene and, as aforementioned, used to get very flustered whenever someone teased him about his crush. I believe in the pilot of tbhk he also confessed to her
So as we’ve established, Kou checks off both bi boxes. But what about Nene herself?
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Nene’s main love interest is Hanako, but other than that she’s shown to be very boy crazy. She swoons over every man she meets, and dedicates herself to her crushes even when she doesn’t really know them. The sky is blue, the sun rises in the morning, and Nene wants a boyfriend
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…Or a girlfriend? If you can’t call what Nene felt towards Sakura a crush, then I don’t know what you would call it. She blushed around her, called her a babe, compared her to a doll, emphasized her beauty, and got so distracted spending time with her that she forgot to stay on guard. This is how Nene acts around all her crushes, dazed and a little stupid. I also think it says a lot that she still seemed awfully friendly with Hanako when he got turned into a girl in ASHK. At the very least I’d say Nene is bi-curious
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I bet you can’t tell which Aoi this is about lol. I theoretically could call out Aoi but I feel like it would be slightly more of a reach with her so for now I’m sticking with Akane. His main love interest is Aoi- hell, his whole word is Aoi. He worships the ground she walks on, and their character development is reliant on one another. I fully believe Akane would feel the same way about Aoi if she were a man; it’s not about her gender, it’s about who she is as a person. But that’s only speculation so let’s look at the facts
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In the Confession Tree chapter, Akane fell in love with and started dating Lemon. Now, this is purely up to interpretation, but I don’t think a love potion would have the power to change someone’s sexuality, at least not something like the Confession Tree. It’s perfectly fine to disagree with that statement, but my takeaway here was that Lemon and Akane would both be fine with dating men (I would’ve put Lemon on this list but I don’t think he’s shown any interest in women, I do hc him as pan tho)
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And lastly, we have Natsuhiko, who would love Sakura regardless of their gender…and who apparently is fine with changing their own gender at the drop of a hat?? Does he have something he wants to tell us??
I could have included more characters, but I wanted to stay semi-realistic here. A lot of people also bring up Hanako flirting with Kou when he got turned into a girl, and I will say he acts very flirty with Kou in general, but I have a hard time deciphering whether they’re just joking the way friends do or if there’s some level of seriousness to it lol. I interpreted it as a friend thing but I’m open to hearing different opinions, I usually headcanon Hanako as bi anyway
I also mentioned Aoi but again, I can’t tell if the way she sometimes gets a little too close to Nene is just girls being girls or if it’s girls liking girls. And I don’t rly count Mei falling in love with her in HKOM as evidence because Aoi didn’t like her back, although it’s reasonable to assume they started dating since they were mentioned to hang out a lot after that. But Aoi/Aoi is still a thing in HKOM so…I don’t know. She could like both ofc (that’s kind of the whole point here) but I didn’t see enough of her liking Mei to come to a definitive conclusion. Aoi definitely gives me sapphic vibes but I didn’t feel like there was enough evidence to put her on the list so for now I’ll leave her as an honorable mention. Then there’s Teru’s weird thing with the Aois but I don’t think anyone can decipher what’s going on there
In conclusion, bi rights
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mari-lair · 10 months
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I feel like Teru is this angry because he made it personal. There are two reasons for this.
The first is as you mentioned Anon: He trusts Akane, we can see him turn his back on him, letting Akane cover him many times, all of which Akane never disappoints.
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I guarantee Teru wouldn't go "This will be the first and last time I'll ally with a supernatural" if Akane wasn't a part of the clockkeeper.
Teru is confident Akane would pick him over the clock keepers, that if the other keepers got aggressive for any reason, Akane would have his back.
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But instead Akane hit him in the back.
This is the second time he assumed he was a loved one's priority, and was proven wrong.
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Akane is not the first blow he got, Kou's opposition, this betrayal to the idea "family will always be on my side" happened recently, so he takes it very personally, he is not acting rationally at all, he doesn't even let Akane explain.
The second reason I believe he is so fucking angry, is cause Akane switched sides so fast. Kou had shown a lot of signs he is overly attached to supernaturals but Akane always, consistently complains about them. It comes out of nowhere for teru, like he switches from "yeah yeah, lets be allies" to "Sorry situation changed" in a span of a few pages (so a few minutes? at most)
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Being literally hit in the back doesn't help either. Teru is a fighter, I am sure that survival instincts activate when someone hit you in the back without you noticing. Which is not a good instinct to act on when you're feeling betrayed.
As for Teru holding this against Akane... I don't think so.
I do think Teru will be salty but it won't destroy their trust or anything.
Akane accepted his role in this chapter, he is not acting as Akane but as the keeper of the present, he has said that many times throughout this chapter. Even how he refers to Teru changes.
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But Teru ironically cannot see it, he can only see his friend, his student council colleague, and human: Aoi.
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When he does talk to Teru about his personal feelings, he is sorry, is nothing against Teru as a person. But Teru won't hear it.
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He is just doing his duty, which I believe is to judge.
Cause Mirai cannot pass proper judgment without Akane.
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It is also heavily implied that Kako does not need to be present for judgment to be passed on others, since Akane decided the court have started.
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EDIT: KAKO IS THERE!!! I only noticed on re read.
That makes a lot more sense. You need the three clock keepers to start the judgment. Akane can't be absent, just as Kako can't be absent
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Akane claims the clock keepers are the most dangerous ones to the school at the moment, but since he included himself as part of the danger, I don't think he means the clock keepers want to destroy the school or anything of sorts, he would never side with them if that was the case.
My theory is that he is being forced to judge everyone that may have broken the clock, and passing judgment to others can yield very dangerous results.
Perhaps they lose their lives.
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Considering how warped he sees Mirai and Kako, I am confident he doesn't trust them to make a fair judgment.
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I believe Akane will protect Teru in court, I truly do, but he needs to be a non-biased arbiter, so he will fight tooth and nails not to doom him, but I can't see him coddling Teru either.
Once Teru stops taking things so personally and realizes he is being forced into his role, he is not betraying Teru because of personal feelings or preferences, he should be able to understand and calm down.
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Why Akane feels forced to obey them is a different story.
It could be something related to their contract that we aren't aware of, or even related to Aoi, because it is strange we don't get any panel of her reacting to the flower petal monsters Sakura made as a distraction, and we could not find her in the auditorium with the rest of Nene's class when time stopped. We don't know where she is, we don't even have hints of her whereabouts. which is suspicious.
But it is honestly, hard to say.
I personally would like if they didn't get the clock keepers yorishiro, failure is good for the MCs sometimes, but since I am pretty sure the yorishiro will be destroyed by the end of the arc anyways, I at least hope it is not by Hanako or Tsukasa's hand, who don't even know what/where the yorishiro is.
Maybe the judgment will go wrong and Akane will take off the Yorishiro seal himself (Cause the mysteries are capable of destroying their own yorishiro, that was an important thing to learn with Sumire)
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Cause unless the yorishiro becomes Aoi when he tries to destroy it (which I have my doubts, I don't think a living person (even one that was 'dead' for a while before coming back to life) can be a yorishiro.) I can't see Akane not putting an end to the court if it goes too far.
But... As dark as it is I would be, I am down for exploring how Akane, mister "murder is unforgivable" would react to losing control of a situation and accidentally being an accomplice/having a hand at killing someone.
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sillyyuserr · 6 months
terukane analysis, and/or just random stuff, i have too many prompts in drafts but they’re too small to be their own analysies so they’re here pt. 2 💫
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I already made one of these a bit ago, so if theres anything not here it’s either in that other one, or i just haven’t covered it (yet)
Item A: “I like Akane-san”
When teru says this, it comes out differently in every language. And seemingly equally ambiguous which i find interesting
for example, in the french translation of this line, teru says "I love you more than you might think akane" rather than saying “i like akane-san” and i mean having a mistranslation here is obviously something, but what he actually says is just what?
“i love you more than you might think akane” EXCUSE ME??
also not to mention “san” is gender neutral. He very well could be calling akane by his first name and them (akane & nene) misunderstanding what he said. Although he does refer to aoi as “akane-san”, the translators wouldve translated it to “aoi” instead of “akane” if he was referring to her (or not, im not completely sure on how they do the translation 😭)
Item B: queer association
(Edit: Im fucking dumb and forgot to add the panel of that one dude yelling “no i want to be his boyfriend!” But i can’t find it for the life of me so pretend its here)
not only is this one of the only canon queer characters in tbhk, (my guy only got one panel 💔) but also this associates “queerness” or wtv that means with teru
along with akane mentioning both genders being attracted to teru. Again, associating queerness with him. And you may be wondering, why is this important? well, notice how out of all of the main and/or reoccurring characters, he is one of the ONLY characters to be associated with queerness. (The only others being kou; his friends teasing him about wanting to “undress mitsuba” and akane; the whole yamabuki thing) for example, take note of how scarily popular aoi is because of her beauty, shes like a literal god, everyone loves this girl, but notice how never once has a girl ever confessed to her? actively not associating her with queerness, unlike teru.
and notice how the other characters that are associated with queerness are kou, who (its pretty much been canonized atp) has romantic feelings for his male friend mitsuba, and AKANE. The guy i swear he has a crush on like cmon now AidaIro can you be more obvious
Item C: reoccurring patterns
in tbhk, all of the confirmed/obviously implied romantic relationships between the main characters have been supernatural x human, hanako and nene, mitsuba and kou, akane and aoi, excluding only teru and aoi. But this does not exclude teru and akane, almost showing us that in the love triangle between teru, akane and aoi, it may not be revolving around which one gets with aoi, but which one gets with akane. It seems as though teru x aoi was never an option from the start.
Although teru has said he likes aoi, his actions say otherwise. for example teruaoi’s conversation in the convenience store was obviously extremely awkward, the only non-awkward part being when he helped her out of that creepy interaction with the clerk.
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And the face he made when akane asked/assumed he had a crush on aoi
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(Which he never definitively answered)
The point of this section was because of these reoccurring patterns we can conclude akane is the main love interest, not aoi.
Item D: their relationship
Something teru likes about akane, is how no matter what he doesn’t seem to ever give up. Which yes in some aspects this can be a bad thing, coff coff
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But most times, you can kind of tell this is a big reason he likes akane, almost like a “he pushes him down, he gets back up” kind of thing, its a big part of their dynamic. If akane wasn’t like this, their dynamic would change a lot. He likes this because as stated in the spinoff, he kind of uses akane as a “stress toy” (which has obviously changed, as their relationship did when the series progresses) but he likes this because at the end of the day, akane will come back. No matter how many times he ties akane up, he returns to the student council room. No matter how many times teru pushes akane down (in this example, literally) he gets back up.
Something i like about terukane, is their relationship. The trust and motivation they give one another. For example, its shown early on Teru has disassociates himself from other people. Teru views the living as “delicate” and kind of makes it his job to protect them from supernaturals (when i say he made it his job i mean his dad did). He was raised to have a very different view towards the living vs supernaturals. Rounding this back to Terukane, teru doesn't view akane as “fragile” like other people, and I think that's something to take note of. The reason he thinks like this could definitely tie into the fact that he’s half supernatural but also he views akane in a higher regard then most people. Akane keeps up with him, teru actually acknowledges this, saying he values his intelligence and enjoys talking to him. 
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Its kind of been shown teru has had a hard time making friends ever since grade-school, i mean yeah he talks to people, but the only people he’s lowered his guard around has been tiara and kou (siblings), and akane. A literal supernatural (the kind of person this guy is supposed to exterminate??) Literally what makes akane so special? This guy is the most popular person in THE school, second to none, and the only person besides his family that he can let his guard around is akane? They both work in the student council, president and vice president meaning they work in extremely close quarters, everyday, giving them lots of time to talk, so its no doubt they became close, but out of everyone, teru choosing akane to put his trust in is just odd to me idk man
Item E: bringing up each other alot
in many instances, teru and akane bring eachother up when they aren’t even involved in the current situation, or unintentionally show us they think about eachother more than we think they do, a few examples:
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Teru talking ab akane to his family. Call me insane but i have alot to say ab this one. This one really gets me because that would mean throughout his entire way home from school, including if he fought off supernaturals on his way back (which he seems to do pretty much everyday), from the last time he saw akane, he had to have been thinking about him the entire time. Since they are in the student council they stay together for most of the day when its not their extra/curricular classes or lunch, meaning they probably stayed together until about an hour after school ended, and according to google
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School ends around 3:50 to 4pm and their after school activities last until around 6pm. In one chapter i forget which one, kou complains about his brother not being home much and whenever he is home he’s usually sleeping or too sleepy to answer him properly, (and in art of their ‘home life’ teru is always either sleeping or sleepy) because of his constant fighting with supernaturals well into the evening. Now lets assume at this point teru has left the school building, and about a few (5) minutes down the sidewalk and he runs into supernaturals, fights them off yadayadayada, at this point it’s presumably now 6:30-6:40, now lets also assume they live about a few (5) blocks away from the school, one block presumably taking 5 minutes each, times the 5 blocks they live away, taking approximately 25 minutes to half an hour to walk, plus the additional time he took to exorcise the supernaturals on his way home, which by this point we can probably assume its 7-7:20 now which is around an hour after families/people usually make dinner, we can assume he gets home at the 7-7:20 mark, sits down with tiara and kou to have dinner when this panel was shown
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Meaning for an esitmated two and half, to three consecutive hours, akane was on teru’s mind. Thats a pretty long time to be thinking ab someone teru. I know what you are
Item F: extras
the “Aoi is coming too.” Bro brings him up at any given opportunity
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akane having a literal DREAM about him.
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Like I havent had dreams with life long friends in them so to have a dream about this boy you “hate” is.. hmmm
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Innermost subconscious feelings you say? okay okay so not queer at all yk so buddy so bro of them
Item G: the original plot
tbhk was originally going to be a oneshot manga featuring the love triangle between akane, lemon and aoi but later was cancelled, and in the official manga, they made lemon and akane “fall in love”
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obviously as a joke but that shows AidaIro is not oblivious to the idea/premise of the two boys instead falling in love with eachother, rather than the girl, so the idea (i talked more ab in a past analysis) of teru&akane getting together rather than teru&aoi or akane&aoi getting together is ON THE TABLE
would add more but i fear this will take me too long💔 new chapter next week yall prepare urselfs
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enulaz · 15 days
My reread of TBHK, Spook 3: The Boy Exorcist
I love how the chapter opens with Nene and Hanako just hanging out on the school's roof. She brought a magazine and I imagine she thought about what Hanako said before about hanging out with friends after school, and she wanted a way to connect with him.
She daydreams about a cute boy coming from the sky and saving her from an evil spirit. Then of course Kou shows up and it would almost seem like foreshadowing here, but I love how the manga flips the trope here. The boy will end up saving the evil spirit for her to then get her first kiss with said spirit.......but I am getting ahead of myself here.
So Nene questions how Kou can see Hanako and that's when Hanako explains a brief history of the Minamoto-clan, but again I wonder why he didn't bring this up when Nene was trying to get Teru to notice her in Spook 1.
Also, Hanako knows a lot about the history of youkai and how they were slain by the Minamato-clan. I'm interested to know when he learned this and who he learned it from.
Nene blocking Kou from harming Hanako is a great scene. He's now saved her twice, and she saved him. Sooo onto another interesting section. Kou explains how Hananko is not just any supernatural but a *super* evil one and it took all of his grandmas strength to seal him. One tiny thing I'm curious about here is.....so the rumors have always been that Hanako-san was a girl. Yet all those long years or rumors never changed his gender. I mean, maybe that's not quite how it works. But just thinking about how human rumors effect the supernaturals sooo.....
I wanna know if Grandma Minamoto knew Yugi Amane and helped him become a supernatural when he died....
Also Hanako reveals he made a deal with God, and if he fulfills his duty on earth, God will erase his sin. And. I just wonder if this "God" was actually God and not another evil spirit that convinced him into something like it did with Tsukasa. Kou even says "that doesn't even make any sense."
I love how, when Hanako gets the upper hand with Kou, he just teasingly swings his knife around. Then flicks and sits on him.
Hanako seals Kou's staff and Kou demands he take it off. Hanako says "don't wanna" and it reminds me of when Nene saves him from Teru way later and she tried to get him to confess his feelings for her, and he says "don't wanna!" Such a brat.
Love how Nene openly admits that she's worried about Hanako and wants to hide the staff. "So you can get along with even a murderer, huh, Yashiro?" I really want to know what he's truly thinking here. Is he judging her? Is he impressed?
The chapter ends with the rumor starting regarding the Misaki stairs.
This was a great chapter to get our three main characters established. Though now I feel like I'm even more curious about how things went down in the past based on Kou's story of his grandma. I know this is still only volume 1 and pilots often get reconned later when the authors decide to go in a different direction, but I'm sticking with the notion that all these early chapters have huge meaning for the rest of the story and it's about putting together all the puzzle pieces.
End Spook 3.
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nanabansama · 2 months
hiii! i only recently found your page, but i love your theories and analysis of the recent chapters. i share a lot of the same thoughts!
i also feel that tsukasa is still tsukasa. although i’m unsure about the whole timeline change since he’s still young, but it’s insinuated the clock keepers changed something in 1968 or when he was 12/13. maybe he never came back after he got “lost” since in this timeline nene and kou never went to the red house. he’s just been stuck being taken over by the entity in the red house.
but the idea the clock keepers change something in 1968 is where a long standing theory of mine clashes, or it seems to.
see i theorize that amane’s “moon” rock is what changed the timeline in the end. he says the rock landed right in front of him in his backyard while he was very young. it was the whole reason he wanted to stay alive at some point, until he gives it to tsuchi. once nene accidentally goes back in time the first time, i started to wonder if she threw the rock in front of him somehow.
this could be possible, but i just can’t quite put together how this could align properly with this new timeline. if he lived, did he ever have the rock? or did he have the rock, but no tsukasa? it’s got me very jumbled now, so i’m curious what you think.
Ahaaa! I can't believe I overlooked that Kou was the one to inspire Tsukasa to return to Amane in the first place. I highly doubt he did anything like that in this timeline. This whole time travel stuff is truly confusing...
Anyway, the moon rock... I agree it's important, but I want to mention that I subscribe to the theory the moon rock is a metaphor for Tsukasa. The moon rock came to him when he was 4, Tsukasa came back when he was 4; his mother doesn't think Tsukasa's real, nobody but Amane and Tsukasa believe the moon rock is real; they're both his greatest treasures...
Any discussion of the moon rock that doesn't mention Tsukasa simply feels lacking, to me!
But it's also a metaphor for Amane's hope and dreams like you say, and giving it away signifies how he's given up on ever achieving them. Truly a useful little narrative device, that rock!
That said...I don't think simply carrying a rock around was why he didn't become a teacher. He gave it away in the first place, after all. Because he wasn't going anywhere anymore.
So I think that might be the actual trigger: whatever made him decide so resolutely not to go anywhere anymore.
In any case, if I had to connect the moon rock to 1968, I'd like to call to attention how during that time Amane was trying to fix a clock that allows you to travel through time. Perhaps Kako helped Amane fix the clock, allowing Amane to go back in time and make some changes himself. (Remember, in the old world, Tsukasa stated Amane never managed to fix the clock. Ergo...?)
That opens up a whole new world of possibility. Perhaps Amane himself did something about Tsukasa, eh? Let's not forget, Kako told Amane to get rid of him...
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Maybe he really did! And maybe he never gave away the moon rock, too. Or maybe he never found it at all, considering he found it with Tsukasa in the first place...and maybe that's why he became a teacher, and not an astronaut or a ghost. Or maybe not! I'm just trying to help you with your theory.
Anyway, thank you for the ask! You gave me a lot to think about. :)
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thelunarfairy · 3 months
Hello! I recently read the novel or game Narisokonai Snow White by Aida and Iro and well it seemed curious to me that she also had twins in that story hehe, although I feel that in some way the story, attitude and way of being of Estelio and Rasphards are similar to Amane and Tsukasa, in a way I feel that way, what do you think? one was destined to be the happy twin and the other was not, in Narisokonai Snow White, Estelio was the twin destined to be happy and in TBHK Tsukasa too, Rasphard was the twin destined to not be happy and in TBHK Amane also had the same destiny, at least I think so I thought this because in the red house arc when the twins were 4 years old it is seen that Amane was a very sick boy and could not get out of bed while Tsukasa was a very healthy and imactive boy, Amane was going to die, Tsukasa was going to die. to live, in chapter 78 it is said that Amane was not going to last long, that he would die within a month.
In the case of Estelio and Rasphard it was a little different, they had different roles to fulfill, Rasphard was educated by his grandfather to be a scholar and Estelio educated by his grandmother to serve Princess Neige, Estelio was the one everyone loved while Rasphard He was not loved at all, Estelio would live a happy life, Rasphard an unhappy life.
In chapter 81 it is discovered that Amane had a kind of envy of Tsukasa just like Rasphard did of Estelio, they wanted something that they lacked, on Amane's part he wanted health and energy. from Tsukasa and on Rasphard's part he wanted all the attention, care and love that they gave to Estelio, Tsukasa and Amane have a serious communication problem as do Rasphard and Estelio, consequently the younger twins think that the older twins do not love them/ They hate, or reject and vice versa. Well, it's a small parallel that I found, maybe I'm wrong haha, I would like to know what you think about this, and also if you think that the relationship that Nene and Amane/Tsukasa have is similar to that of Neige and Estelio/Rasphard? Another question I have is um well…Do you think Tsukasa has fallen in love with Nene like Rasphard has with Neige? At one point I thought like this, maybe this isn't like that and I'm getting ideas haha, I found it curious that the first time Tsukasa met Nene is something similar to the first meeting of Neige and Rasphard Rasphard had met Neige after going out to the yard to gather herbs, Rasphard suddenly felt someone grab him by her waist, and say "There you are! She was so worried!" no one had hugged him before, so it was a strange feeling, he thought it was his grandfather, father or brother but they had no reason to touch him, then he realized it was a girl, he didn't know who she was, she complained that there was promised to make her a wreath of flowers, Rasphard, despite being an educated child and buried in books, could not speak, a girl had never spoken to him before, she called him Estelio (his brother had gotten sick, that's why he confused them) that's when it happened. He realized that it was Neige, with whom his brother had fun, instead of telling the truth he lied saying that he had been cured with a strange medicine that had changed his eyes to a golden color, they played a lot, during which time the boy had He felt extreme happiness that was not compared to reading any book. After finding it, his grandfather took him away from her. At that moment, a different feeling was born. He had fallen in love.
Now in the meeting between Nene and Tsukasa something similar happens, after Nene and Kou entered the red house and arrived at the place where they believed there was a child, after hearing some noises and asking some strange questions and Nene answered they opened the door , someone similar to Hanako came out from behind the door after this Nene reacts compulsively and hugs him, then says "I got you!" There you can see Tsukasa's reaction, he doesn't speak, he stays still, he looks surprised, maybe I even feel that he likes me, his eyes shine, you can even see those things, those little stars and circles that appear when a character likes or He is excited, at that moment I felt bad for Tsukasa, I thought that after being alone for so long for who knows how long being a type of bait to attract people to "the thing" under the house, looking forward to happy families, missing the his, the affection of his mother, father and…his brother, seeing people/families being murdered (?), it is not known how much "the thing" influenced Tsukasa, I do not doubt that it was not a good influence, but later After spending so much time alone witnessing terrible things, someone hugged him, willingly (I think it's cute that Nene carries him a lot, he likes physical contact) and that person wanted to help him get out of there and be able to reunite with his family, with His brother, even that girl knows him, she loves her brother like him, they really are similar. What do you think about this? I'm so sorry to ask so much! I hope you see it!
Hello Hello! hahahaha wow, I loved it!!
Well, I'll confess that I didn't follow the Novel's story, because I couldn't find it anywhere and the way to find out more about it was quite complicated.
I know a few things about the story Narisokonai Snow White, and yes, there are these parallels. In fact, I believe that Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun is a collection of all of Aidairo's works. There are some extras that fit with some characters. Like the extra that has a character like Sakura who has a clumsy guardian and she can hit him from time to time.
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Just like the one shot that has Akane and Aoi, in a different context than the canon. And of course, we can't forget Dear My Living Dead, where most people who know it fear that Nene and Amane's story will reflect on Lily and Karuto's story. Given the similarity not only in appearance, but in the situation that surrounds them.
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So, it won't be the same, but Aidairo likes to take advantage of previous ideas, it would be predictable for her to repeat the endings, but nothing prevents the development from being similar.
Comparing the Yugi twins with the Narisokonai twins is something valid and I'll confess that I've seen a lot of people talking about it. And well, Aidairo is confirming the comparisons in some details.
Like the visceral and unfair relationship between the twins and about them and the world, about a brother who suffers for crumbs and another who reigns in full greatness, and of course, the girl, who came to bring a significant change in the paradigm.
Comparisons are inevitable, but don't delve too deeply into the concept. Because, if it were to create the same story, there would be no need for reproduction.
Tsukasa is the boy who chooses loneliness, sacrifice, Amane would be reason enough for him to decide to sacrifice himself for a wish, just so he could be happy. Tsukasa doesn't care about himself, even though he wants to be loved, he doesn't care about the love of others besides Amane.
At least for now.
Amane has this difficulty in saying how he feels, he made Tsukasa feel the way he is, and after a long time without receiving affection, Tsukasa is surprised by Nene, the girl who hugged him without fear, after so long.
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But, let's also think about how Amane is also unloved. His eyes also lit up when he heard from Nene that she really liked him as a friend.
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In this case, we are dealing with two brothers who are not loved, one does not feel loved because he believes that his older brother hates him, and the other does not believe that he deserves to be loved, because of the past.
Nene isn't here to save Tsukasa, or Amane, she's here to save both of them.
Still, we have the similarities with the novel, you see, the details are there, but as a creative author, JSHK will follow her own rules.
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iamhereinthebg · 2 years
One of the things I really like with Nene and Kou, is how insensitive they can be to others characters. Absolutely unwillingly all the time.
And on the other side, we have Teru and Hanako. Stating the harsh realities and coming off as insensitive so they can get shocking reactions, and force people to understand.
Teru and Hanako are annoyed and look down at people for not knowing things, even if they are the ones who refuse to share the information they have most of the time. When they decide to do so, it’s mostly because the person in front of them has no idea what they are talking about.
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In chapter 85, when Teru said he was going to kill Nene to Hanako. We all know that he wasn’t gonna do it at all, his main mission is to protect humans after all. He only said it, in the most shocking way, to give Hanako another perspective and make him realize what he did. Even if he was planning to instantly exorcize him just after, Teru needed to say all of this, so Hanako could understand how wrong he was.
It’s normal for Teru to act like this towards Hanako, he doesn’t like him after all. 
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Most of the time, when he needs to let the truth out, he isn’t happy about it. Especially to people he cares about. He is distressed when he has to announce Aoi is dead to Akane, or when he has to make Kou realize how weak he is. Letting his emotions show way more than people give him credits for. 
For Hanako it’s a bit different.  Both Teru and him still want to be loved at the end of the day, despite what they do and knowing how some things are wrong. But compared to Teru, Hanako also wants to be hated. He knows what he does is wrong, and wants people to despise him for it. He is awful with Nene and with Kou. With Kou to make him move, to obtain a reaction out of him because even if he never said it out loud, he trusts him.
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 And with Nene, because he desperately wants to keep her away from him, despite wanting to be the (only) one doing everything for her. He wants to keep her at a distance to ‘protect her’, while being her savior and having the most important role in her life.
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He knows Kou and Nene are good kids, so it’s easy to say things who will shock them. 
Teru and Hanako tend to have this belief that they need to carry all responsibilities, while keeping everyone in their ignorance, to better protect them. 
So they come off as insensitive, wanting people to let them be in charge, and getting angry when they go against their plans. 
Ignorance is a gift, and the best protection to exist in their opinion. Teru is not saying anything to anyone. Hanako is doing the same and thinking that time and memory loss would fix everything, and that it’s better to make humans live in a sugar coated version of reality. 
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Teru and Hanako act insensitively to get the reactions they want or to prove their points. They KNOW what they are talking about, only letting glimpse of the truth and letting all of it out when they want to.
 On the other hand, Nene and Kou are insensitive because of their ignorance. 
They know nothing about what they are talking about, what is the true meaning of being supernatural, or the real value of life. The knowledge Teru and Hanako have, or at least acknowledge way more. 
They say things that are so stupid at their core, which always come from great intentions. But they really end up hurting people thinking they are doing the greater good. 
Teru was harsh with Kou when he said he was on Nene’s side, going against his brother’s plan and putting them into trouble.
Hanako gets annoyed , and has the need to put them in place, whenever Kou or Nene are over the top optimistic. He always has to put them back in place when they ignore the fact he killed someone.
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Nene has no idea what she is talking about half of the time, and this is normal, she is learning and no one is telling her anything. 
 They are both very naive at their core, thinking that motivation and love will save everything. It is something Hanako loves a lot, it’s important to have people who are optimistic, they both seem to value life and enjoy it and always see the good part of everything.
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But the more the story progresses, the less Hanako talks. He lost all trust in Kou in the perfect picture arc, realizing that nothing is better than actions, and that Kou had no idea what he was talking about. Strong will to talk about big opportunities and futures, but unable to really achieve any plans. 
Kou always talks big about everything, taking way too much work he has no idea how to deal with. And he fails, a lot. He is always a step behind compared to the other characters, and he tends to acknowledge it more and more. Mitsuba is always annoyed at how much Kou is taking, and how big he talks despite not being able to do anything. 
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And Kou’s lack of self confidence is not helping him, transforming even sometimes in absolute lack of self awareness and preservation. He wants to do good, but ends up saying absolutely nonsensical things to Mitsuba or Hanako because he has no real idea what he is supposed to do to make things change.
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It’s no wonder Kou is taking Mitsuba’s request badly in chapter 99, when he has been trying so hard to do the right things, and can’t seem to succeed in any of them. 
Kou’s wish is to make everyone happy, but he still can’t accept Mitsuba’s request, because it would just prove one thing. That he has failed. 
 Kou and Nene are just not good at executing plans right from start to end, because they lack comprehension and knowledge. 
A lot of their actions coming from good intentions, end up being absolute disasters. 
Nene in her escape with Hanako, left her friends to deal with Aoi’s situation. She trusts Akane to take care of it, and Kou to take care of Teru. She never said anything about coming back to Kou, letting all of the responsibilities to deal with the others on him. She isn’t even aware what is happening to them when she is alone with Hanako, thinking she is doing the right thing. Not considering that Aoi will be left in the same position as her, being alive because her best friend died. 
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She absolutely doesn’t get anything about Sumire’s situation, not saying entirely hurtful things, but being wrong on it from A to Z, because she lacks maturity. She refuses to listen to Sumire, when it’s not about Nene at all. Sumire has every right to make her own choices, even if they can come off as weird or horrible from Nene’s pov, but she doesn’t listen. Thinking that if she keeps looking, if she keeps avoiding what is supposed to happen, to find something ‘where no one will be hurt’, it will be better. It’s really coming from good intentions, Nene is a really nice person. But she has no idea how supernaturals work, and that their wants can be really different from humans. 
She will be slapped in the face by the reality by Sakura just after, who won’t even deny that it’s partly her fault, even if she never wanted this to happen. To better manipulate her probably, but also because Sumire indeed already said she was okay with disappearing. 
They have no idea what are the rules they are playing with. And it is a problem. They are slowly starting to realize that they are living a life they have no control over.
The more the story progresses the more they are aware of what is happening around them. They can’t make everyone happy, some people will be left behind, some will die or stay dead. They lost people during their adventures.They realize that not everyone can have a good end, that sometimes, they are absolutely hopeless and useless in some situations. 
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Especially in the red house, despite having found a way to go to the far shore. They had to let Katakuri and little Tsukasa behind, unable to change anything about their fates. And even being the ones creating messes while trying to do good. Saying to Tsukasa that Amane killed him or giving little Amane the wish tags so he can have his wish granted for example.
We can see them trying being more aware of what is happening. With Nene pretending to accept to die to make everything back in order, and Kou bursting into tears when he understands Mitsuba really wants him to exorcize him. They are more aware of the situations they are in and how cruel it can be. 
Kou and Nene are good kids, with self confidence problems. But even with good intentions, they still make selfish decisions, which end up hurting the other persons they know and love. 
They are more aware of the supernatural world, its consequences and injustices. 
 But they are still more optimistic than realistic. This optimism still helped them to manage to come out alive from all the situations they are in. They are slowly gaining maturity on different subjects and I can’t wait to see in which directions their choices will led them now.
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hanakou-often · 27 days
One day, when Kou was still caught between his crush for Nene and otherwise, he decided to try and bake something for her as a thank you for something idk ... Anyways, he was struggling over what to make, when Hanako appeared to see what he was doing (because he was bored) so, they end up making donuts, and Kou offers him some as a thanks and also they just get up to cute baking shenanigans lol
Sorry if this was like ooc or something lmao
AWWW it's not ooc at all!! I can definitely see this happening behind the scenes :D To add onto this:
I'd like to think the thank you gift is for babysitting Tiara over the weekend!! The Minamoto brothers had an important excursion together and urgently needed a babysitter and Nene steps up to the challenge (something something Kou thinks seeing Nene being so good with kids is absolutely adorable and something something she'll be a great wife and mother of a lucky someone someday)!! Knowing that Tiara can be a lot sometimes, he decides to treat Nene with a baked good when he got back
when Hanako suggests donuts, Kou would look at him stupid asking, "you just want them for yourself, don't you?" And Hanako would just pout, guilty as charged. With a sigh Kou agrees and he can't deny how much he enjoys seeing Hanako light up.
Hanako is horrible at baking but he'll watch over Kou's shoulder, jokingly nitpicking everything he does and it would drive Kou batshit insane sometimes ("Aren't you supposed to wear gloves, kid? You know I'd hate for someone to get sic--" "As if you know anything about cleanliness, you live in a damn bathroom")
Kou burns himself and Hanako kisses it better like in this art (I tried reverse searching for the original artist but nothing turned up 💔 If anyone knows who they are, please let me know!!)
Hanako taste tests the raw dough and Kou panics, worrying he'd get sick and die until he realizes 'oh yeah. He's. A ghost.' For weeks to come Hanako would love to hang it over him, always teasing him for being so forgetful ("aww worried for lil ol' meeee?") <3 He never tells him how endearing he actually finds Kou's useless worries are though lol
When it's all said and done Kou reluctantly hands some to Hanako partly as a thanks for his company and partly as a bribe ("how many donuts does it take for you to leave me alone next time?" “Nice try, kid. You’re stuck with me forever.”)
There’s more to be had in the actual baking process shenanigans but all in all, it’s a pretty cute headcanon!! Thank you for the ask, I’ll be chewing on these ideas for a while LMAO
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faerishv · 2 years
psst..guess who has another req! Hanako, Nene, Kou, Natsuhiko, Sakura, and Tsukasa with a y/n that looks angry/sad as their resting face (also if u want me to limit my reqs, pls lmk i dont wanna overwhelm you <3!!) - 🐝
don't worry , reqs are not a problem , i just have a lot to study so im a bit slow !!
angry / sad resting face
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; hanako :
when he met you he always tried to avoid talking to you much because he thought about what reaction you could have towards him ( he was a little scared of just you tbh ) ; tho he has to admit that your face looks fascinating even if you look always angry / sad. When nene asked you gently if you were really angry / sad , hanako butted in the conversation , he wanted to have an answer about you face ; you explained that it was just your resting face , you weren't really angry nor sad. This explanation calmed down the boy , he began to have more conversations with you and actually noticed that your personality was far different from the "emotions " you show on your face.
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; yashiro :
she felt intimidated by you but curious too ; even if your face looks angry / sad she still thinks you're really pretty. She tried to talk to you and realized you are actually a nice person. Seeing the people avoided you because of your face she introduced you to aoi , hanako , kou and mitsuba. Her favourite hobby is to squeeze your cheeks so that you look like your smiling ( with your consent ofc ) she loves your resting face but she also loves seeing a smile from time to time.
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; kou :
he was kinda scared of you because you kept watching him with your angry / sad look. Little did he know , you thought he was really cool and wanted to be friend with him , you just had a problem on approach him. Instead he thought you had some problems with him or you hated him. He asked some recommendations to teru and he said to try and talk to you , like civil people. He found you on the roof alone ; he felt bad for you , maybe you weren't a bad person like he thought at first. He asked you to explain and you admitted you just wanted to be friends ; he was shocked but accepted right away.
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; tsukasa :
he liked your espression and told sakura that he wanted to know you well. he bombarded you with questions of why you looked always angry / sad ; tho he was just curious , he didn't mean any harm ( for now ). You became his second ( third if natsuhiko is an assistant as well ? ). He began to be attached tto you much more than he does with sakura and he wanted to take parts of his evil plans 😦. He does the same thing yashiro does eith your cheeks but he doesn't ask permission.
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; sakura :
instead of an angry / sad face she has a tired resting face ( and it's so beautiful on her let's be honest ). She's silent most of the times but she thinks that your face looks pretty too and distinguishes you from all the others. The times you smile , you can be sure that she'll remember it. Overall she treats you like a normal human being unlike others .. ( i don't know what to write for her anymore )
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; natsuhiko :
he literally doesn't care about your resting face , he thinks everything about you is beautiful and treats you like a god / dess ( have you seen how he treast sakura ). He will not ask you about your face and try to make you smile by force. He gets all blushy if you look at him with your angry / sad gaze. If you smile at him he will literally faint please help him.
natsuhiko is so underrated ..
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garfeildfanpage · 8 months
What is your opinion on teru minamoto and how he is as a character :3 I find him and akane’s (boy) interactions very interesting tbh
Woah an ask! And as of the recent chapter(s) I think they help confirm a few things I had already thought, but I’d love to go in depth!
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Overall, Teru is probably my favorite. He’s different from the rest of the cast in the sense that he’s not a “hero” nor a “villain”. To me he, Akane, and Aoi all sit right in the gray moral area rather than characters like Kou, Nene, and the members of the broadcasting club, who play the direct roles of protag and antag. But he’s always held my attention over any of the other characters because everything around him is just as morally gray, from childhood to now his values never changed as his view on the world is just as strict, though with a few exceptions (which are pretty important).
His interactions with other characters show his views in the most obvious way. He acts charming and aloof around Nene, but he’s never really paying direct attention to her (ex: the mokke of the dead arc and the current trial arc).
When with Kou his actual softer side is shown a little bit more, acting as normal as he possibly can be; save for the times when Kou goes against Teru’s moral code (Young exorcist, Bound for the far-shore) and he goes on the defensive, when Kou’s view on supernaturals rival his he immediately goes from being on his side to disregarding him and acting on his own judgment full throttle. Which shows how he ignores their differences instead of actually addressing them, since he wants Kou to not only NOT be an exorcist but also to not get in his way. And to him pretending Kou isn’t doing exactly what he doesn’t want him to do, keeps the positive dynamic alive and well in his mind.
Now, Akane specifically is where it gets a bit confusing. I’ll take it chapter by chapter (or arc by arc whatever)
Clock-Keeper (technically the chapter after but I’m not super technical about this and it’s close enough)
Where it gets silly! Their dynamic of not only Spirit v Human but also President and Vice-President is established. Teru’s bias towards Akane compared to other supernaturals is from the beginning pretty obvious (he didn’t kill him so that’s a good start) while he isn’t exactly nice to him, he does value Akane in some way or another. It also shows that Teru knows a lot more than he lets on, and that he doesn’t tell people what he does either (which foreshadows some stuff later) also the glasses stuff is kinda tease-y flirty if you ignore the getting attacked by mokke part. What can I say he’s just so charming!!!
Where the care is more obvious. Showing off the more playful side of their dynamic, along with Akane’s view on Teru, which as of now isn’t very positive. At the end, Teru asks Akane for a favor, showing again that he’s psychic or something. But his cruelty here can mostly be seen as him making sure he gets Akane’s help, so the immoral part of it is debatable, he just seems to go about things the wrong way most of the time. could also be seen as him giving an insensitive to Akane to help up his grades for the final, since his grades for the previous semester are comparatively not as good.
Oh great heavens. Teru’s continued disregard of other peoples values comes to a head here, where this time he’s shown how the person feels when not told important information. But I understand why he did it. If he had told Akane that Aoi wouldn’t have returned to the near-shore, he wouldn’t have returned either, and there’s no way Teru could’ve dragged him out. But would that have been an issue? If Akane was left in the boundary? He could’ve died, he was kindof already doing that anyway, but was that the reason? Or did Teru do it out of selfishness? Did he want Akane to stay? Maybe he wanted to kick some sense into him, maybe he just didn’t want him to leave? Could be a lot of things, Teru isn’t dumb, and typically he’s pretty rational, but he never said why so everything is always up for interpretation.
To regain lost trust. Hanging out, it isn’t obvious why exactly Teru wanted Nene and Akane to tag along, maybe he and his apparent prophetic mind decided it would be the best course of action to do so, or maybe he just wanted a girls day or something. Akane seems to have gotten over his anger at Teru (possibly due to off-screen conversations cause that’s convenient) but when Teru tells him that Aoi isn’t dead, a little bit of trust in Teru’s judgment is recovered. Maybe he had the whole thing planned out from the beginning who knows he seems to suck at being overt. Akane interrogates Teru about the severance and gets all up in his face. And then the “I like Akane-San” happens and stuff gets confusing again.
Red house
I’m starting to think he doesn’t actually like Aoi. Teru learns to complain for basically the first time! At least in front of Akane. It’s obvious Teru’s trust towards Akane didn’t falter the way it did for Akane, in fact in some way Teru put more of himself out for Akane because of the severance. He brings up the dreaded Akane & Aoi chapter, and remarks about it in a really…strange way. Not upset but more bitter, really. But it also seems that Akane’s view on Teru has improved as well, having Teru go from a nightmarish demon stealing Aoi away from him, to a seemingly doting husband to her, what does this mean? Something gay probably. But nonetheless it seems that Teru wants Aoi back as well, but for what reason specifically? Other than just the general “unjust death caused by some undead demi-god 10 year old”, he wants Aoi back for some “dream”. Or is he just bluffing to tease Akane? I don’t know, dissecting a characters motives is hard when he isn’t nearly fleshed out enough to infer things with any kind of confidence. But overall they end on better terms than the severance started with.
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Bound for the far-shore
Back to normal-ish. Teru’s fight with Kou is the main catch of these chapters for him, but his back-and-forth with Akane is fun too. It’s playful, it’s sweet, and it’s also nice to see them show trust towards one another!
School festival / Omen
A subversion of the viewer’s beliefs that Teru would go back to tormenting Akane but in actuality he protects him from a threat and makes a weirdly flirty face at him?? I love literature! Anyway I love their interactions here, it’s fun yet simple! I really hope nothing bad happens right after!
Trial of the Clock-Keepers
Ok gonna be honest this chapter is interesting but dear god is the pacing so slow I’m kindof losing interest. But nonetheless! Divorce. It’s a pretty obvious parallel to the severance; in the sense that Akane blindsights Teru, Teru tries to fuck his shit up, and is then forcibly stopped and dragged somewhere else. And though it’s played off as comical, it’s not silly to assume that this is, just like the severance, another reset of trust. I mean Teru does dick while Akane gets his shit rocked (not like he can actually do anything to be fair). but even so he still shows the smallest bit of concern, concern about why they aren’t actually fighting back in any significant way, even though they’re all well capable of doing so. But since the arc is still ongoing, that’s about where by opinions end.
Overall, I love Teru! And I love his dynamic with Akane! Sorry this is like, really long I’ve been waiting for an excuse to talk about this, so thanks for the ask!!1!1!…,ninja out
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ngmn2002 · 1 year
Ch 106: Random thoughts part 2
part 1
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Really… he meant it when he said come play with me, huh? ~
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And so, the game started! How fun!!! The dash she made with how she looked had me laughing hard. Love her expressions and words next, SAME GOES FOR TSU. He looks really silly... then cool! His face when counted zero… oh boy… he is enjoying himself too much. ♡ Just perfect!
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Nene with Tsu!~ 1- ^^ 2- ^^ 3- ....
I did make a joke before saying Nene might end up running at full speed from Tsu... but this thing is way better!
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Haha, how fun.
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And… how adorable & funny he looks while he is searching for her… aww….
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BOO! AHAHAHA. Love it. all of it. him chasing after her… OMG… too funny… lovely… cute… adorable… ahhh!!!
"I've got you N-ene-chan" WHY? WHY?! WHY was he cut of before finishing it, huh?! you don't know for how long I've been waiting for it to happen!!! Ahhh!!! Feel my happiness when he finally didn't refer to her with "that girl"!! ugh!!!
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This thing has to be my favorite!!! AhAHaAHA lol, it reminds me of the time Amane hit his head with Akane's while chasing Mirai. Tsukasa… ah… I'm laughing too hard. It's all too funny. Though his state after the hit is better than Amane's. He seems to be not in pain at all. reminds me of that little moment between 4 yo Tsu and Kou in the red house as well. Alsooo.. wow. what a move you made, Nene-chan! Seems your training to be a perfect twister have paid off! ahh... the whole scene is so funny.
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He is really holding back a lot, I believe he can catch her any time he wants so easily, hmm... he wants to go easy on Nene-chan and just have fun, huh?~
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...and so, the chase kept on going. Too fun, hilarious and funny. So enjoyable.
Hmm...!!! Leave it to Tsu to make things so much fun.♡ it feels like this is his specialty. ~
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I wonder too… why? is there anything… causing him to be like that? And aww… sweet girl.
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She is too lovely and too trusting… well…
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wow! Is that what's meant by the rumor??? So this thing will take your time… I see… though… the place should be the boundary… not the clock, and not the time left... it seems its steals your own time until you're left with nothing and gone?
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Good to see middle school Nene-chan again!!! Too cute and lovely!!!
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Yeah, that's the same guy.
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How cool. ~ yeah, it looks like my wishes are coming true? I wished to see Tsu this way again, Tsukasa and Nene having fun FUN, dealing with a yorishiro together, Tsukasa making a face... cool.
And wow… love how this boy changes… from cheerful, playful, carefree… to being deadly serious and focused in like… a split moment. even while fighting he kept on going back and forth between these things! A thing to admire about him. Again, love it when he is explaining things!
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AWWW!!! THIS! THISSSS!!! Guess who won the game of tag at the end??? ~ ^^ Now.... Oooh!!! little Nene-chan!!! ♡ wanna hold her!!! don't cry dear!!! she was into hamsters since she was so little how adorable!!! gotta love Tsukasa's surprised face upon finding her, same goes for his face when she is crying, and how he is covering his ears, haha. See, Nene-chan? you carried your plan just right. lol how he held her at the end!!! oooh!!!
Another wish of mine that came true... I did say before I wonder if Tsukasa would be making a face like Akane's in here... it's not really the same... but a bit similar.
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spot the difference. I wonder how Hanako would react to know not only the 2 left him behind… but also went to play tag. fear he would cry harder to find he was double betrayed.
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Uh... soooo... researcher T went through things like these?
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Now I respect researcher T more than I ever did before. Thanks for all your hard work, dear researcher.
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So now, you too… Tsu… need to bring the researcher T inside of you out!
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Yes, good boy.~ Would love to see you taking care of her like T once did. That's going be really interesting. Looking forward to see it. ♡ He has a good record of taking care of other so far I think. Amane, Mit 2.0, and now Nene-chan!
So, yeah. a really nice and funny chapter. I enjoyed it a lot! looking forward to see ch 107!!!
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Would like to keep this thing as just funny and not go into any serious stuff like I always do. This chapter is made for me to juuuust have fun and enjoy seeing my little 2 cuties doing the same. ♡ ~ I'm so so so so happy to get this chapter. I wanted to see Tsukasa and Nene this way for so long!!!
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My little dream came true with a game of tag. Unbelievable amount of beauty lies in simplicity. ♡ ~ How pleasant!!!!
Though, I will mention a little thing briefly, I expected Tsukasa at some point might take Nene-chan to No.1's boundary and have her destroy the yorishiro. I was right in there. didn't expect he would turn things into a little game of tag, though. This boy… always unpredictable, always so lovely.
still a bit sad Nene still keeps her guard up around him... but maybe this thing happening now might turn to be a push for them into the right direction! I'm all up for it! ~
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musicalmoritz · 14 days
TBHK Mischaracterization
Imo the leading cause behind mischaracterization in the TBHK fandom is that most fans either don’t understand the characters or they dislike them, so they subconsciously rewrite the story to fit their narrative. I don’t have as much of a problem with this when fans are upfront about it, if I don’t like it I just ignore it; but many fans don’t even realize they’re doing it
This type of rewriting is further allowed by the fact that the fanon TBHK characters don’t look like stereotypical fanon tropes. Fanon Kou isn’t an abusive womanizer, he’s a helpless puppy who can do no wrong. They can get away with that because technically that characterization is drawn from canon, Kou is a very kind person and a gentleman. But they run with those two traits until he loses all of the agency and nuance that he has in canon
Similarly, fanon Mitsuba isn’t an uwu soft boy who needs Kou’s help to tie his shoe. He’s a grumpy edgelord that goes out of his way to be rude to people. This is pulled from him having no filter in canon, but that’s where they end his characterization. They take away all of the softness that makes his character so unique. If someone said Mitsuba is the type to cry when his boyfriend ignores him, many fans would probably call that ooc, despite the fact that it’s canon. Because they don’t want to admit that Mitsuba is emotional, or that Kou is mean to a lot of people
To give the fandom the benefit of the doubt, I do think this comes from a fear of going in the opposite direction with fanon. They don’t want to turn Mitsukou into fanon Baku//Deku, so their solution is to swap the roles and make Mitsuba the fanon Bakugou and Kou the fanon Deku. Those should not be our only two options. We should be able to talk about these characters without reducing them to tropes
This goes for all the characters, they’re mischaracterized to be more digestible. Fans don’t have to put any work into analyzing Akane’s character if they reduce him to a creep. They don’t have to think too deeply about the Minamoto’s home life if they make Teru out to be an abuser. They don’t have to wrap their heads around a female character having an unlikable personality if they limit her to one half of a wlw ship. And so on, and so forth
I will also say that since romance is such a major part of TBHK, you’re going to have to put extra work into maintaining accurate characterization for fanon ships. That’s not to say you can’t enjoy fanon ships, I’m like the biggest multishipper ever, but when you’re writing them keep in mind that you’re removing love stories that are integral to a character’s arc and development. They can still be kept in character but try to imagine what they would be like if they didn’t have that development, or if the development happened differently
For instance, if Kou never fell in love with Mitsuba, he never would have learned how to be selfish. He wouldn’t know what it feels like to be relied on, and a lot of his significant character flaws would be erased. So how does that play out if he falls for Hanako or Nene instead? Does he have a similar arc or do things go a little differently? What problems would arise within those relationships that we don’t see with Mitsukou?? If you’re writing them pre-Mitsuba arc then you won’t run into as many problems, but after that Kou falling for someone else would change things up a bit. Just like Hanako and Nene falling for other people would majorly change the direction of the story. It can be done, but do it carefully
A lot of the time with fanon pairings I see fans just sort of try to copy and paste the dynamic of the canon ships. With Aoinene, I’ve seen people write Nene to be the only one who understands Aoi. That removes all of Aoi and Nene’s canon conflict and turns them into wlw AoiAoi. Let ships have their own dynamics and conflict!!
That’s not to say canon ships don’t require any effort for characterization ofc, I did start this off talking about how Mitsuba and Kou are mischaracterized by Mitsukou shippers. They just have an easier start because Kou and Mitsuba being in love with each other already maintains a prominent element of canon. It changes nothing about the direction of the story the way a fanon pairing would. Keep in mind tho, just because that one element remains close to canon doesn’t mean everything else is gonna go right. I see fans butcher the canon ships all the time lol
I obviously give more leeway to AUs but like, guys. Can we please sit down and read the manga😭
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mari-lair · 2 years
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Sure! Hanako have too much to work with, since he is the main character, so I’ll focus on the thing I love the most about him: His inexperience when it comes to caring about others.
Hanako put up thick walls between himself and his peers, rarely connecting to others, be they humans or supernaturals.
Helping students and keeping them safe is his duty, his punishment to atone, not something he personally wants, his own personal view is far more ‘cold’, Amane’s empathy was destroyed after he became a supernatural, beaten down after sixty years of being dead.
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What he tells Kou here is true.
He has shown time and time again, people’s life isn’t particularly important to him,  he’ll exchange one life for another without guilt for the person he doomed because of personal preference, and had destroyed yorishiros since the start of the manga, knowing of the danger of doing so, for his own gains.
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Before the manga story starts, Hanako is alone.
He plays with the other mysteries but he doesn’t consider anyone his friend. He keeps a distance even from Tsuchigamori, unaware Amane’s moon rock is his old teacher’s yorishiro and seemingly not talking to him much, only looking for Tsuchigomori when he needs him for something.
He is apathetic to practically everything, drowning in his own misery: Tsukasa is the only one that can break him out of his apathetic state, and he terrifies Hanako. Even though he is the titular character, we never see Hanako’s boundary because he doesn’t want to face his yorishiro, finding it much easier to hide and spend his afterlife in the bathroom instead.
Tsukasa was important to Amane, and while he is important to Hanako as well, Tsukasa is rarely perceived as his brother, his presence is mostly treated as the personification of Hanako’s guilt. Hanako hasn’t tried to understand Tsukasa’s feelings or expressed worry about his well-being: out of all his comflicting emotions, his priority is usually to look away.
Hanako has spent his afterlife in this limbo of running away and not connecting with anyone, but eventually, he met two people he got very attached to: Kou and Nene.
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He loves them a lot, much more than he loves himself.
He will try his very best to face Tsukasa, the embodiment of the trauma he has been running away from, to keep them safe.
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Most of the time, Hanako fails: he is too terrified to act, he panics.
He can’t help when Tsukasa is his oponent.
Even outside his past, there are still things Hanako can’t help with.
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The guilt and panic and pain of having no use for someone he wants to help hurt, but Hanako doesn’t run away from this pain.
He tries to help anyways, to reach out as best he can.
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And Kou’s trouble linger in his mind, when the kid gets depressed again, Hanako try to help him again.
He want Kou to feel better.
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He may have said “He is kind of like you, isn’t he, No.2?” but he doesn’t care about Yako or her attachment to Misaki, his attention is on Kou the second he finish his request: interested in his reaction, not her feelings.
He is selfish though, he cares about their feelings, but he mostly listens to his own, which is most obvious to see with Nene.
In the clock keepers arc he mentioned he kept Nene’s lifespan secret because he wants her to live her best life in blissful ignorance, but he doesn’t make her the priority, he makes himself: He is aware she hates toilet duty, no one enjoys being forced to waste their evenings cleaning a bathroom, but he likes it.
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He rarely enjoys things, so he can’t let go of it. He can’t sacrifice this hint of joy for the sake of Nene living “her best life”.
He adores spending time with her, and since he has very little self-worth, he is convinced she would never spend time with him by her own volition, he needs to use the cleaning duty to keep her close.
Is why he gets so happy when she calls him a friend.
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This love, this care, is something Hanako really wants from her.
But is also something Hanako doesn’t think he deserves.
He can get frustrated by how much they love him, by how distorted their view is, as if he is a ‘good ghost’. He loves their kindness but he feel greedy for it, he loves their optimist but he is constantly looking down at them for it.
He loves them but he hates himself. So he sabotage himself.
He tells Kou and Nene point blank his bad traits “I am dead already. I don’t care if someone dies or not.” “I killed someone and you shouldn’t excuse it” “I am selfish, I care about you Nene, and not your best friend.” are things he only tell Nene and Kou, as if he was screaming. “I am not a good ghost!” even if he will never  tell them “Leave me alone, stop visiting me.”
Hanako is constantly fighting between clinging to what he loves, regardless of how much his behavior hurt them, and telling himself he should want them away from him.
Both of his attempts to save Nene involved being away from her, either trapping her in picture-perfect until she forgot about him, or exchanging Aoi’s lifespan with Nene’s, saving her but making it so he can’t see her again, and she would eventually forget about him.
The more Hanako's love for Nene grow the bigger the lengths he is willing to go for her, even if at it core, his love remains selfish, he knew Nene wouldn’t be happy with his solutions, but he doesn’t care, cause she will live, and she will live by his own hands.
He acts like doesn’t know why he does this a lot of times:
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And to some degree, he truly doesn’t know.
Hanako has many mental blocks when it comes to admitting vulnerability, even to himself. He looks anguished when he confesses to Nene that he wants her to live.
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Hanako never had a wish, not outside his “wish” to atone, which he constantly refears to as punishment, not something he personally want, just something he deserves.
 Even as Amane he had given up on his wish.
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So wishing for Nene to live is a very new feeling.
This wish makes him go against his duties as No.7 and his quest to ‘repent’, but he can’t even care because he really wants her to live. And is not like going against “god’s will” is what trouble him, since he destroys yorishiros the second he got the chance.
He just want her to not die that much. He can no longer deny he is smitten with her.
We can see this all consuming care with Kou too, even if it is more subtle it’s still very present, and just as impactful in his afterlife.
Nene is someone he loves but very rarely rely on, she is his special someone, he’ll go above and beyond to do what he believe is best for her, ask anyone and even if they disapprove of his actions, they can’t deny he cling to her, always ready to rescue her.
His view on Kou is different, he is someone he ask to fight and help. Is not that he doesn’t trust Nene, not exactly, but he had the “I’ll keep you in the dark mentality” from the second they met, while he never planed to treasure Kou, he just saw enough potential, or use, in this exorcist kid to occasionally rely on him.
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Hanako plans for Kou only involved a vague “he can exorcise me later” idea, but he ends up genuinely caring about Kou after he stand up for him agaist Teru in the young exorcist arc. 
It’s no longer just “this boy is so funny! I can both make fun of him and use him”, now Kou is his friend.
Just compare how he treats Kou when he is in Yako’s boundary, and in Hell of Mirrors.
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He has gotten the habit to be more honest with Kou, he is always counting on him on little things when they are together, and it hurts so bad when Kou fail, because Hanako trusts him, and he hasn’t trusted someone in such a personal way in 60 years.
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Hanako is more comfortable hating himself them his friends, so he usually doesn’t let his dissapointment in Kou linger. Focusing most of his negative thoughts on himself.
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Kou isn’t infallible, but he is the one Hanako trusts the most. Hanako used to trust Kou almost blindly, holding on to the feeling, but once he was let down, he gets so hurt, he resents the feeling.
He is a contradictory character. It feels like he hate Kou at times and is frustrated by Nene, but he can’t stop caring about them. He only got attached to two people, he can try, and he will, but he can’t pretend they aren’t important to him.].
We know Hanako lingered in Mei's fake world because his deepest wish is to be human with Nene. So even though it is a big red flag for Nene to see “Amane” in her class, the supernatural couldn’t resist playing pretend.
Just for a bit, just for a taste of a normal life with her.
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He is consistently selfish and irrational when it comes to Nene. He can’t let go.
His view on Kou is less frenzy but he can’t be discarded either, the kid is the other half of his reason to want to be alive after years of just accepting his death.
He have made up his mind about not going anywhere, he still refuse to follow the crew to Mei's exit, to the moon, but he wants Kou and Nene to always come to him.
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Cause even thought Yashiro was his focus, and Mitsuba took most of Kou’s time, Hanako does make it very clear he want Kou there. He even try to knock Kou out like he did with Nene the second he notices Mitsuba failed to distract him.
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He risked Kou being in this world, indulged Mitsuba in his dream to be human and live a normal school life by the side of friends, which is a wish Hanako has shown to actively disapprove of in hell of mirrors (and is the very same wish that Hanako have expressed to have in this arc), because Kou is part of it.
His motives for wanting to trap Kou until he lose his memories are unclear but his anger towards Kou for giving him hope after years of nothing only to realize he can’t back up his promises to make Nene live is all over picture perfect.
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And Hanako is a coward, he get angry kou want to stop him, discount his anger on Mitsuba, doesn’t explain anything, take Nene, and leave Kou confused.
Hanako only loses his patience and tell how he feels when Kou is in his way, and Hanako needs to beat him if he wants Nene to stay.
The one thing that he’ll always prioritize above all else is Nene after all.
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There is a certain determination to only focus on Nene after picture-perfect, not take Kou as seriously.
And what kills me is that Hanako’s attempts to distance himself are very half-hearted.
It fails.
No matter how real his anger and dissapointment, his care is just as real, if not more so. He is still eager to play fight with Kou and spend time with him. Their overall trio dynamic isn't affected.
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Is always “Nene” and “Kou” and “everyone else”. Even when Kou isn’t in the scene, Hanako thinks of him.
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There is this idea Kou is important, an implied “If I can’t save Nene, Kou will be the one to save her”, even with all the reasons and proof he has that Kou can’t do something as big as alter her fate, part of him still believe Kou can do it. Is a part of him that is illogical and Hanako hates it, and doesn’t want to deal with it.
So he focus on Nene's lifespan, he became obsessed with it.
He has always been possessive of Nene. In any chapter they are together he is touchy and flirty and so openly attached to her, it’s insane!
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He knows he is in love.
He also knows he is the ghost of a dead killed and feels like Nene deserves better than what he has to offer, but he can’t let her go.
Even when he is determined to grant her wish, to make a ‘no turn back’ decision, his determination crumbles the second they are face to face, his logic dies and he is just... Happy to see her again.
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Even if he knows his plans failed, even if he knows she will die, he just... like seeing her.
His love is openly selfish and doomed to not last, which is something he understands and doesn’t know how to deal with, but just like he can’t force himself to truly hate Kou and stop believing in him, he also can’t force himself to stop loving Nene and desperately trying to find ways to make her live.
He is a mess.
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professional-idiots · 9 months
1. I love this panel sm 😭 they’re all so cute and it just makes me wish and wish and wish that they could all be normal together
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Also Kou’s cardigan looks like Mitsuba’s cardigan and now I need official art of him in it
3. Uh… no comment
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4. This is just a Mitsuba appreciation post now
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*please note that both of Mitsuba’s hands are visible here…
5. I love so much about this—Yokoo being terrified is actually so real and also LOOK AT KOU LISTENING SO INTENTLY TO HIS BF
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6. Okay ngl… I was a little spooked at Mitsubas story… well up till the end
7. Now this is an Aoi appreciation post
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9. Everything about her starting to question her surroundings!!!! Like oh my god????? I had chills!! (Kou looks so cute with his little head tilt)
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Edit: how tf did I not realize Kou didn’t have his lame ass earrings on here??!?! Like the head told literally like annunciates it
10. He’s so—
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I actually love them so much 😭
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“The world I love” I know who you’re really talking about Yashiro Nene….
11. My good sir is THINKING about that shit
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Okay I actually have a lot of theories for this chapter and it’s not even part of the main story.
So while I was reading it I went through a few different ideas. First I started drawing comparisons to the pilot chapters (Yashiro is in a long sleeved uniform and at first I saw Kou’s cardigan and thought that it was the same from the pilot BUT upon further research the jacket Mitsuba has on is closer to Kou’s original jacket. Which to me could still point to the pilot bc it could just be the old uniform for them but idrk) (and speaking of Mitsuba—like I said before his sweater isn’t over either of his hands…) but Teru being there kind of put a pin in this theory. Also I don’t know if the Mitsuba thing points any fingers to the pilot chapters but it’s just something I noticed and I think it must mean *something*. I also noticed that Aoi’s hair was back to being up which was really weird…
So then I started thinking about what exactly this could mean otherwise. Now, I’ve seen a lot of people calling this a nightmare, but was it?
The next place my mind jumped to was that Hanako wasn’t with them from the beginning and is not mentioned at all till he shows up at the end. Curious.
Sooo what could this meannnnn? Well I don’t think it was a nightmare at all. I think that this is a parallel universe (it’s still weird that in this universe Amane isn’t friends with Yashiro and Kou/is dead but Mitsuba isn’t, but who knows….) and our Yashiro is summoned into this parallel world by the stories her friends are telling. And so she is the doppelgänger as Teru and Natsuhiko say.
I think this is really plausible because Mitsuba’s story is very strange in that it doesn’t end normally and he says that he heard it from a friend of a friend then reiterates that same thing. In a way it almost seems like this really *was* just some real story he’d heard and maybe he’d mistaken it for fiction but it was actually true. And! These other versions of her friends that she’s with don’t recognize her versions of them (as we see with Kou), but really we can see this from the very opening because our Teru would NEVER participate in this normally. Especially not with such enthusiasm. And Hanako showing up and knowing what to do like that is very indicative of him hopping into this universe with her to protect her (like the consequences of the doppelgänger are real) (and obviously this is within Hanako’s power). Then when we cut back to the real world/the original universe Yashiro doesn’t tell us that she’d been sleeping, just that suddenly she found herself in the classroom. AND when she’s talking to Hanako later he doesn’t say he *didn’t* help her, he says “who knows” and I feel like that’s a classic Hanako deflection line!!! Meaning that he DID help her!!!!!!
Anywayyyyy I really liked this chapter. Like I feel like the afterschool chapters don’t normally feel so lore-heavy…. Part of me wants this to come back somehow. Like maybe later in the main series they travel between parallel universes for whatever reason (maybe that’s what it is when Yashiro sees past Amane—though I hope not because I really want that to have actually happened in Amane’s life in our timeline)
EDIT: OH MY GOD OH MY FUCKING GOD KOU DOESNT HAVE HIS EARRING IN!!!! HE DOESNT WEAR IT HERE!!!!!!!! THIS IS CRAZY ACTUALLY JESUS 😭 (I wonder if this can somehow be linked to Mitsuba being alive… cause traffic safety and whatnot… hmmmmm) (like he still has an earring but it’s not the traffic safety one arghhhhhhgg!!!!)
Edit edit edit: I’m Stan and I was wrong. I’m singing the Stan wrong song. I shouldn’t have taken that chance. Now here’s my remorseful dance. (Translation: even though it can’t be seen in most panels and that does feel kind of purposeful to me still, there are like two or three panels where his right ear is in clear view)
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2n2n · 3 months
I was wondering if you’ve heard of the Japanese myth that lovers who committed dual suicide get reincarnated as twins? It feels like the Yugi twins are a warped version of that myth if the incestual undertones ( not even undertones ) have any credence to them, in that Aidalro sensei shows us a kiss or something. I just wanted to see if you felt there was a connection with that myth! I find your thoughts and ramblings very interesting!!!
I'll veer slightly off-topic and quibble a little bit about ancillary stuff, but I don't think there needs to be something like a kiss to lend credence to the Yugi twin's love!! I think they could never, ever kiss within the canon, and we could still have effective 'confessions' in a metaphoric and symbolic sense, which we could all understand plainly & have a hard time denying. I think central, evocative story themes that are understood in a prevailing literary sense to be symbolic of romance, is actually lending all of the credence it needs. (In that case, cultural divides probably would become the factor in not perceiving it...)...
I think an awful lot of people would not have any questions or second-guessing if they got the kinds of images we get for the Yugi twins, for their pairings… and, I think if one replaced the images participants with Hanako and Nene, or , well, Mitsuba and Kou, that it would be transparent. If you had an image of Mitsuba on his back, clutching Kou's lips, Kou looming above him, dressed as his Knight, with imagery of flower petals & torn wings scattered about them, and anyone looked into the symbology of such… there wouldn't be a single question about the intentions of that image. Actually, I think if you tried to fervidly deny the implications, you'd be called homophobic or something, right? I mean this playfully and with good humor, ok.... it's funny!!!
The same can be said about story parallel between Hanako and Nene-chan, and Amane and Tsukasa…. Sumire and Hakubo's story…
Anyway, I would say that, the entire aspect of a murder-suicide does call to mind all sorts of various theater plays, stories, myths, etc, in Japanese culture!! the very word 'shinjuu' contains the 'mind/heart' (心) and 'inside'(中) characters...
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isn't it an interesting thing..............
'Shinjuu' are said to grant lovers to be reunited in heaven/the next world together. This is why Amane's decision to perform a shinjuu with Tsukasa is innately suspicious-- it's loaded… What was he hoping to accomplish? There almost isn't a way to depict this negatively or neutrally, in my opinion… the deciding factor (in how familial we perceive it to be) becomes the author's choices regarding imagery, emphasis... the very language of 'bound' reminds one of the dire passion of a shinjuu, the act of lovers binding fates. He is bound-boy Hanako-kun! He binds Nene-chan to him through the mermaid's curse ... binds, binds, binds....
As for this 'lovers reuniting as twins' contingency you specifically bring up... it doesn't seem to actually be a historical mythos quite like the old buddhist beliefs around shinjuu, but more secular, and maybe it seems to be more of a scattered superstition? I'm not very familiar with it, as a result!! It does seem to exist ? but not altogether popularly ?... hmm.. the only research I could easily find on it as well, referred only to twins of different sexes (kind of makes sense-- I don't think most people would want to like, imply or lampshade a same-sex relationship even by a magical proxy like this... I think it would generally be seen as tragic to be lovers reunited to be same-sex LOL... also, this research is dated from the 90s)
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the term 'shinjumono' mentioned here, I mostly just see referring to shinjuu-centric kabuki/puppet plays.... no relevance to the superstition here. I can't find much.
I would say it's doubtful as a reference AidaIro-sensei themselves intend to make?
if YOU know of other research or historical accounts, let me know ?! I'm no expert hahaha....
However, I would love to take the chance to reference the mythos of lovers turning into butterflies after dying together, which AidaIro-sensei do borrow imagery from....
AidaIro-sensei love to use the imagery of butterfly's wings… for both the twins, and HanaNene. With Hanako, we'll see his wings as torn, damaged…. this spread coupled with the Severance arc-- an arc which ends with Nene-chan attempting to kill herself to be with Hanako in the far shore.... in the story, a girl mourning the death of her beloved, leaps into his grave to die with him instead of marrying another.
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so too, of course, does Nene-chan forsake her future prospects in favor of dying with Hanako, her beloved.
Of course, someone else threw their future prospects away.... but why?
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so, tattered butterfly wings scattered around a pair of lovers, gives an interesting impression...
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nanabansama · 5 months
hi!! I loved hearing your thoughts about ch113!! I am definitely also team I hope in my heart amane and tsukasa are working together lol. one thing that surprised me in 113 was teru, akane, and nene all splitting up, since they’re the only ones we’ve seen who remember the other timeline. I was wondering if there’s anyone you hope or think nene will run into or seek out for help in the coming chapters? or do you think she’ll be on her own for this one? (this is tsutsumi-kurose btw!!)
Oh hello!! Hi!!! As always we are in sync re: the twins. 🤝 Shaking your hand vigorously. (I also loved your thoughts on 113!)
And that is a WONDERFUL thought! I hadn't considered the implications of them splitting up at all. Yes, I imagine they'll all be getting up to some business one way or another...
Regarding specifically who I'd like Nene to meet, obviously Yugi-sensei! But I have little doubt AidaIro will deliver on that, lol. Oh, and I'd just LOVE for her to meet the rumor Tsukasa-kun too... Which I also have little doubt about... ehm... ...
I do feel like she'd want to bring Kou-kun into all this? If she can, at least. He's on her side after all and he wouldn't be happy about this new world if he knew. That said, Kou and Nene are always teaming up to the point it's gotten to be cliché... and I feel he tends to steal the show from Nene when they're together, too, so I really hope it's something else actually!!!
Someone who could be more useful to Nene is Tsuchigomori, who is not only buddy-buddy with the new Hanako but also the school's resident supernatural record keeper. It's a little shocking since everyone's alive rn but Kamome Academy is still haunted and likely has an entire new cast of Mysteries. 😭 Err...probably, anyway. We can't say for sure but most likely...
Anyway, since Team NTA (Nene Teru Akane) are investigating what was changed in the past so that they can undo it, I bet Tsuchigomori could help if he's willing to share his secrets with Nene. I'm not sure if Nene would be bold enough to ask about that, though, and it'd be risky to incur his wrath without Hanako there to keep him in check. Tsuchigomori doesn't have any reason to like Nene yet, after all...still, I'd love to see more about how him and the Mysteries are doing if we can. :)
Also, she's only cameod so far so that might be the extent of it, but I would love for her to formally meet the new Shijima... I feel it'll only be a short scene, but as a school faculty member maybe she could help point Nene in the right direction? ^_^ Having Nene actually MEET her would be really feelsy, too, and it'd be fun to give Nene a reason to hesitate about doing away with this new timeline altogether.
So ultimately I guess I would say I'm leaning towards Nene being on her own for this one...mostly because there aren't a lot of good options to choose from. >_< And heck, Nene almost never does things alone! I think it's about time she had another solo adventure.
But above all I really just want to be surprised! And AidaIro is generally good about being surprising in a good way. :) Perhaps Nene could team up with someone we haven't even seen yet...? And I'm hoping we get some insight into the new lives of Team NTA and the other characters. ^_^ Considering (almost) everyone is alive rn I'm fully expecting to see Mama Minamoto and get kicked in the feels, lol. Aah!! So exciting!!!
Anyway I got kinda rambly there but that's the the fun part of questions like these right!? If you like, let me know what you want to happen!
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