#I am actually a bit tipsy right now while I cooked this so. hmm yes
emzawheezy · 9 months
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drunk food. Home fries, ground beef, onions, green pepper, cheddar cheese and barbecue sauce. quick “pickled” red onions on top and lime juice :)
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0 notes
imalwaysintune · 4 years
A Birthday Miracle
“Hey do we remember 161? No direct spoilers but this story follows Tim and Sasha after they throw their little party for Jon.
Enjoy! Hit up my ask box too!
Story under cut!
“Well, Jon, I hope you enjoyed this little rendezvous I put together. I know you like to pretend you’re a sinister old man, but I can see in your eyes you really enjoyed it,” Tim joked, with a huge smile stretching across his face.
He saw Jon’s eyes scanning the room, making sure that everyone else had left and it was just the two of them. “Yes, Tim, you’re right. It was a very nice gesture,” Jon said timidly, the ghost of a smile passing over his face. “I just can’t believe you, Martin, and Sasha would go through all this for me.”
“Aw, come on Jon. You gotta give yourself some credit. You’re pretty cool when you’re not acting like a grumpy old guy,” At this Jon actually laughed, albeit a little breathy from it’s lack of use. Tim walked over to Jon’s desk where he sat and ruffled his hair, making it go everywhere.
Jon sighed and brushed the hair way from his face. He looked like he was thinking about something before he came to a conclusion. He stood up slowly and threw his arms around Tim, patting him on the back gently. Tim didn’t have time to react to the hug before Jon was already sitting back at his desk, his head buried in the piles of paperwork on his desk.
Tim decided to leave it for now, and slipped quietly into the hallway. He about jumped out of his pants, however, when he was greeted with an unknown figure in the hallway.
“Sasha! Jesus, you nearly made me shit my pants,” Tim breathed, leaning against the wall for support much like a dame.
“It’s not my fault you don’t look where you’re going,” Sasha chastised. “Look, I’m almost finished up in storage. Do you want to go grab a drink after work?”
“Hold on, are you asking me out on a date, Sasha James?” Tim was practically beaming, and couldn’t resist throwing in a bit of flirty banter.
Sasha walked down the hallway away from Tim without saying anything, just cocking an eyebrow before turning to face away from him. Though, he could’ve sworn he heard her say, “Something like that,” before disappearing around the corner.
While Tim was driving towards the bar he was to meet Sasha at, he couldn’t shake the grin that had ingrained itself into his face. He was jamming out on the radio, smiling at other passersby, earning him many looks of bewilderment. It didn’t kill his mood though, and as he parked in the parking lot of the bar, he tried to school his face so he didn’t look like a maniac.
When he stepped inside the establishment, his eyes immediately connected to Sasha’s. Instead of booking it over to her, he remained cool and tried to channel that into his walk. It made him look like a chicken, and Sasha could barely contain her laughter by the time Tim made his way over to her.
“What in the bloody hell are you doing? You look like an idiot,” Sasha said in between laughter, momentarily snapping Tim out of his façade. He sits down at the bar next to Sasha and places his face in his hands.
“Making a fool of myself, apparently,” Tim says through his hands, muffling the sound to the point where Sasha could barely understand him. 
“Oh Tim, you don’t need to do anything special to do that,” Sasha said, taking one of Tim’s hands from his face and lacing her fingers between his. It was the most intimate thing Tim had ever felt, and he had half a sense to not fall over in his chair.
He did keep some kind of composure though, as he held Sasha’s hand at the bar. He used his thumb to stroke her knuckles, internally screaming at the physical contact.
Their conversation was light, not talking about serious things they had to deal with at work. It was nice, and they laughed and drank until they felt like they needed to go somewhere else. 
Both Tim and Sasha stumbled out of the bar tipsy, arms interlocked so they could lean on each other for support. They piled into Tim’s car and turned up the music, going nowhere fast. 
They ran out of gas just as the pair pulled up to Sasha’s house, where Tim was meant to be dropping her off. The car sputtered to a stop in front of her house, and Tim had half the urge to laugh, it was almost as if the universe was setting them up perfectly.
“Shit, Tim, why didn’t you pay attention to the gas gauge?” Sasha asked, her voice light and airy from the alcohol in her system. 
“I was too busy looking into your eyes,” Tim flirted, resting his elbow on the console and putting his chin on his hand.
“And not the road? Damn, Tim you really need to step up your game,” Sasha joked as she mirrored Tim, their faces mere inches from each other. It took every ounce of Tim’s willpower to not close the gap and connect their lips, but he was willing to wait for her.
He could wait his entire life if it meant that he could kiss her once.
Maybe that was the alcohol talking, but Tim was suddenly overcome with an intense emotion. He leaned back in his seat and spoke softly, “I’ll find some way to get home. Thank you for giving me an amazing night, Sasha, really. I’m glad I got to spend Jon’s birthday having fun even if he didn’t want it to be with him.”
“Oh, come on Tim. You can just stay at my place. I have a guest bedroom and all the coffee you could want in the morning,” Sasha said, more sober than she probably intended.
“Ah, so it took you this long to try and get in my pants Sasha? Well, your evil little devil plan won’t work on me, cause I have standards,” Tim said the last word dripping with sarcasm, but he could see the flash of hurt that passed behind her eyes.
“Oh my god, wait, Sasha I was totally kidding, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. You’re totally up to my standards. If anything, you’re way above my standards and I am so lucky to have someone like you like some like me-” Tim was abruptly cut off by Sasha placing a single finger over his lips.
“I know, Tim. It’s just sometimes you need to learn to shut your mouth,” Was all she said, before getting out of the car with a wink.
Tim quickly unbuckled his seat belt and quickly grabbed the keys before getting out of the car and following Sasha, spouting apologies. Sasha just ignored him, walking up to her house, heading inside and expecting him to follow.
He was like a puppy on her heels, and when they finally got inside, he threw his arms around her shoulders.
“Sashaaaaaaaaa, I’m sorry. What can I do to get you to forgive me?” Tim pleaded, “I’ll do anything?”
“Anything?” Sasha’s eyebrow cocked up in a way that went straight to Tim’s soul, not that he’d ever admit it. He gulped as Sasha disconnected his arms from around her soldiers and turned around.
“I want you to prove to me that you love me,” Sasha said coolly, putting her hands behind her back.
“I... w-what?” Tim was short circuiting, Sasha’s words running circles through his head in a way that made him feel like he was going to pass out. 
“You heard what I said. We’ve been flirting back and forth for the past few years Tim. I want to finally give you a chance to give me a straight answer. Do you love me?” Sasha’s voice was calm, much calmer than how Tim felt.
He had prepared for this moment so much. He had run through every kind of scenario where he was finally ready to confess his feelings to Sasha. But now that it was actually here, he had stage fright. He thought he would be ready, he even had a whole speech written that was buried in a journal under his mattress. What he would give to have that speech with him right now.
Suddenly something clicked in his brain, and his body took over. He hooked his right arm around the left side of her waist and pulled her into him. He took a deep breath and looked into her eyes, which were looking expectantly up at him.
He relied on his instincts finally and connected their lips, wrapping his arm tighter around her waist, sliding his other hand along her jaw to cup her face.
It felt amazing. Her lips were so soft, and the way her body fit into his made him go crazy. Sasha groaned softly and gripped Tim’s shoulders, squeezing tightly. She smiled against his lips before moving back.
“There. Was that so hard?” She said, trailing a single finger down his jawline.
The rest of that night felt like a blur to Tim. Sasha showed him to the guest bedroom, sending him off to bed with a chaste kiss on the lips. It made his heart soar, and it took him hours to calm his mind and heart down enough to actually fall asleep.
When he awoke the next morning, the smell of bacon and coffee immediately hit his nose. His mouth was watering as he hopped out of bed and opened the door into the hallway. The smell of a home cooked breakfast was even stronger out here, and he followed the fumes all the way to the kitchen.
“Aw, Tim, you look like a little lost dog. When was the last time you ate?” Sasha asked, flipping pancakes on a griddle she had on the counter.
“Hmm, I guess the cake yesterday at Jon’s party. No wonder I was so drunk with only a few drinks,” Tim walked over to the coffee maker, grabbed a mug, and filled it to the brim. “Yum, my life force.”
Sasha rolled her eyes at this and smiled, finishing up breakfast and serving the both of them. 
“Do you think Jon is going to be any less grumpy today?” Sasha joked over her breakfast and coffee, just trying to make light conversation.
“It’s Jon, that question basically answers itself,” Tim joked back, finishing up his breakfast and helping wash dishes.
At one point, Sasha had turned the spray nozzle towards him and drenched him with sink water, much to his dismay. Soon enough though, the time came when they both had to leave for work or risk using late. Almost like a miracle, Sasha had a spare gas canister in her garage that allowed them to get to a gas station.
Sasha couldn’t stop rubbing the fact that she’s saved him multiple times already in his face. But even as he was rubbing it in his face, all he could do was smile.
Arriving at work, the pair realized how weird it might look if they showed up at the same time together. They agreed that Sasha will go in first, then Tim five minutes later. 
In the end, it didn’t matter though because everyone was too busy actually doing their jobs, much to Tim and Sasha’s surprise. Trying to shed their look of shame, they headed further into the Institute towards the Archives.
When they reached the door, the pair entered without knocking, much to Jon’s surprise. He looked like he had been deep in thought, reorganizing files that were scattered all around the Archives. He looked annoyed, yet almost grateful for the human interaction.
“How ya feeling, Jon? Feelings pretty old yet?” Tim teased, going over to ruffle Jon’s hair yet again. It was soft, surprisingly, and he found he liked touching it.
“Tim, we’re literally almost the exact same age. My hair is already going gray because I have to deal with all of you interrupting my work all the time,” Jon said annoyed, yet Tim could hear the edge of love that was in there.
They all loved each other, in their own way, even if they were all too proud to admit it. They really only had each other in this place, as all the other staff were so far removed or borderline evil that they had no reason to form actual relationships with them. 
So yeah, they loved each other. Mostly.
As if on cue to bring the whole squad together, Martin opened the door gently and froze when he saw the scene in front of him. 
Jon, sat at his desk, hair all messy from Tim. That same Tim sitting on the edge of Jon’s desk, turned towards Jon and laughing at the comment he just made. And Sasha, staring at the two boys with a goofy smile on her face, as if there was nowhere else she’d rather be.
“Oh, sorry, um, was I interrupting you guys? I can come back later...” Martin said, and started to close the door to the office before he heard Tim’s voice beckoning him back into the room.
“Come on in Martin, we were just making fun of how old Jon looks,” He said, picking up a strand of Jon’s gray hair off his head.
“That is not what we were doing at all. You guys were interrupting me, and I was working,” Jon said grumpily, yet he couldn’t hide the smile that was making its way onto his face. 
These are the days that really made Tim happy. It was these kinds of days that were able to chase away the nightmares and the dark thoughts that clouded his mind. But he didn’t want to think about them right now, so he chose to throw his arm around Martin and joke with his friends until Jon kicked them out.
The rest of the day went smoothly, and Tim’s mood was carried by banter with Sasha. Not only that, but Martin and Jon were also in high spirits. Everything felt right for the first time in awhile.
When the work day was finally over, Tim headed towards Artifact Storage to ask Sasha if she wanted to retrieve her car, but was interrupted when he was pulled into one of the hall closets by a dark figure. 
The figure had thrown an arm around Tim’s neck and a hand clamped over his mouth. He was about to scream when the figure leaned next to his ear and spoke, “So Tim, you thought you could start an office romance and fail to tell me about it?”
Tim all but rolled his eyes at the voice that spoke. Elias. He shoved off the older man and looked at him with disgust. “Really Elias? You’ve resorted to kidnapping now? What I do outside of work doesn’t concern you, so I’d appreciate you staying out of my business. This is low, even for you.”
“Oh please, I only care about it when you are distracting my Archivist from doing his work. I don’t care about what you and Sasha do outside of the Archives, as long as it doesn’t interrupt anything going on inside. Am I clear?” Elias purred, getting uncomfortably close to Tim.
Tim made a split second decision, and shoved Elias hard. He stumbled back and, for the first time, he looked taken aback. Anger flashed in his eyes, and Tim decided he didn’t want to deal with the consequences he had just brought upon himself. He shoved open the door to the closet and stepped out into the hallway, closing it behind him and booking it to Storage.
He was met Sasha exiting Storage, and the two collided, knocking Sasha over. Tim reached out his hand instinctively and caught her, but the force of her falling sent Tim toppling after her. They landed hard, with Tim on top of Sasha, though he landed on his elbows to avoid crashing his entire weight into her. It hurt like hell.
Sasha stared up at him expectantly, and Tim was confused until he realized that he was still on top of her. He quickly scrambled into a sitting position beside her and hit his tailbone on the smooth concrete floor. Ouch again.
Sasha stood on her own, brushed off the dust that had accumulated on her from being around old pieces all day, and held out a hand to help Tim up. He took it, bashfully, and slowly stood till he was facing her.
“Hey there, clumsy, you gotta be more careful when you’re making your way through a spooky haunted building, or you might run into a ghost instead of the love of your life,” Sasha said with a wink, before making her way down the hallway. 
Tim quickly followed her, stumbling over his words as he offered to drive her to the bar from last night to grab her car, to which she agreed. 
They piled into Tim’s car, and drove to the bar, the tension in the car becoming so thick you could cut it with a knife. Tim wasn’t sure why conversation was suddenly so hard to make, and the silence was deafening as they pulled into the parking lot. They sat there for a few minutes, just staring anywhere but at each other.
Finally, Sasha broke the silence and turned towards Tim, looking at him for the first time in almost half an hour.
“What are we Tim? What do you want us to be?” She asked. It sounded like the words were being dragged out of her against her will, and it hurt Tim’s heart to hear her speak that way.
Tim had to think about his answer carefully, so he just took a minute staring at a treeline in the distance. “I think... I would love for us to be something, Sasha. You’re such a wonderful girl and anyone would be lucky to have you.
“In all these years that I’ve known you, you’ve always managed to blow me away. You’re sweet, you’re kind, you’re witty. You are so perfect in every way, and it took me a while to realize that. All these years we’ve played this “will they, won’t they?” game and all I wanted to do was finally be like “they will”. I’ve wanted to make you mine for awhile now, I just didn’t know how to go about it,” Tim was pouring his heart out at this point, completely relying on his feelings to get his point across.
“I want to make you happy. I want to give you a life that you can look back on and smile at when we’re old and married. I want to grow old with you. I want to build a house and a family with you, and be able to invite our friends over and have dinner and laugh about stupid shit. I want you to become my life,” Tim felt the tears building behind his eyes. This was the first time he’d cried since his brother had disappeared, and it felt refreshing. It felt right, knowing it was because of his love for Sasha.
From the looks of it, Sasha was also crying. When Tim finished his speech, he saw a single tear roll down her cheek. He brought his hand up to her face and held it, using his thumb to wipe away the tear. 
“Fuck, Tim, I didn’t know you had that little love confession rooting around in your brain,” She laughed gently, and it tugged at Tim’s heart. 
“Can I kiss you?” He asked, hoping against hope that she fully reciprocated his feelings. 
She barely had time to nod before Tim was cupping her whole face and kissing her. He reveled in how soft her lips were, and how well her face fit in his hands. Sasha’s hand circled around Tim’s right wrist and drew him ever closer.
This day just couldn’t get any better.
When they finally disconnected, Tim had the courage to ask her to come over to his place, and, to his surprise, she agreed. He quickly texted her his address and then they were on their way in their respective cars. Tim was giddy again, riding the high of kissing Sasha for the second day in a row. Usually he couldn’t even get a second date, let alone a second kiss.
Most people were turned off at the fact that he worked at the Institute, almost like they believed he was a bad luck charm. All his dates seemed to go wrong in some way, no matter how many different scenarios he tried to set up. It was always once the girl or guy found out where he worked, they seemed to almost... fear him? The dates didn’t last much longer after that. He had basically given up on dating.
Until Sasha.
When they had met at the Archives, it was an instant connection. Conversation was easy between them, and there was plenty of banter to go around between them. It gained them a lot of curious glances from other people at their work, but they knew they were just friends. Until...
Until one day in the Archives, when Sasha was sorting through the Storage to find something Tim needed for a follow up. He had just been idly watching her as she sifted through what he thought was a mess, but she claimed she had a system.
He noticed how well her eyes had matched her outfit that day. And how her lipstick made her lips look incredibly appealing. And how well her body looked in the outfit she was wearing...
And he was suddenly brought back to the moment when Sasha waved the item he needed in his face, making some joke about staring that he couldn’t quite remember. He had laughed it off as a friendly gesture. There was nothing wrong with people thinking their friends were attractive.
But it kept happening. He would notice himself zoning out and thinking about Sasha. The way she looked, the way she laughed. Also, and he would never tell this secret to anyone as long as he lived, he had had a few sex dreams about her that had caused him to wake up more confused than ever.
And here he was, in the present, having just confessed all these feelings he had been holding back for years. He felt light and airy, as if a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders. And in a way, a weight had been lifted. He no longer needed to hide his feelings from Sasha anymore. Whether she reciprocated them fully or not was a whole other story. She had barely said anything about it, just kissed him- which was more than enough, but-
Tim smacked himself in the side of the head. He shouldn’t let his thoughts get the best of him. He just needed to hear it straight from the horse’s mouth. Not that Sasha was a horse, of course-
By the time the pair arrived at Tim’s flat, he had gone through every possible scenario that was about to play out. Most of them had turned out bad, but when he tried to reason with his brain why things would end out bad, it wouldn’t give him a solid reason. He almost felt sick, but when his eyes connected with Sasha’s, all was right again.
It was almost like she could read his thoughts and school her expression to respond to his crazy mind. It was another thing he loved about her; she was always able to get him to calm down and see the bigger picture instead of focusing on all the small problems.
He didn’t realize that he had a goofy smile on his face until Sasha walked over to him and looked expectantly with her own smile on her face. He quickly set himself in motion and led her up to his flat, opening the door for her and pretending to be a chivalrous gentleman, even bowing as she passed him in the doorway. 
This earned him an eye roll from Sasha, but the smile hadn’t left her face. She truly was beautiful. As he closed the door, his other hand shot out and caught at her right wrist, spinning her into him and pinning her against the entrance hallway, careful to not knock her into any of the knick-knacks that scattered the wall. 
“Please tell me, Sasha. Tell me you love me and that you want to be with me, or tell me that you just would rather be friends. It’s killing me that you’re playing coy with me,” Tim was practically pleading with her at this point. He couldn’t take the waiting much longer or he might explode. 
“Tim, will you be my boyfriend?” Sasha asked, completely throwing off Tim’s thought process. Apparently he hadn’t thought of every situation, as he had no comeback for this question. What had just happened?
“Sasha I... O-of course I’ll be your boyfriend! Are you kidding me?” He answered, mentally kicking himself in his head for sounding so desperate and taken aback. Sasha, though, was smiling as if she’d just won the lottery.
“You’re cute when you’re flustered,” Was all she said before connecting their lips once again. This kiss was slow and almost agonizing. It’s one that spoke the unspoken word between. It was a kiss that made up for the years of stepping on eggshells around each other when it came to their romantic lives.
Tim was beginning to lose count of how many times things had just clicked for him that day. Everything about it had been perfect. Everything from breakfast with Sasha, to messing around with his friends, and now coming home and actually getting to say that he was Sasha’s boyfriend. He hoped this feeling would never go away.
They sat in Tim’s living room for hours after that, talking about all the signs that the other had missed during their time as friends. The times Sasha had intentionally worn something more revealing to work just so Tim would notice and say something- he never did. The way that Tim’s eyes would linger on Sasha’s face when she was talking about something she was passionate about- she never noticed either.
It was easy for them to laugh at each other for being so obvious, but it was just as easy to laugh at themselves for being so clueless. 
Sometime in the night- they weren’t paying attention to the clock- Tim busted out drinks and made them martinis. Just like he’d hoped, Sasha was impressed and even clapped when he presented her drink to her. When you lived alone and had nothing better to do, you learn odd hobbies just to keep yourself from going insane.
So they drank, but not enough so that they couldn’t pay their full attention to the conversation they were having. 
Tim kept commenting on how beautiful Sasha was, and each time without fail, Sasha would blush and start tripping over her words. Tim thought it was the most adorable thing ever, so of course he kept doing it. He loved the way she would smile, and her ears would flair up red along with her cheeks.
He suddenly longed to touch her soft skin, so he did. Reaching across the small space that separated them on the couch, he cupped her jaw with his left hand, and placed his drink down on the table. 
She leaned into his hand, much like a cat when you pet it. Tim’s heart swelled in his chest and he grinned as he stared into Sasha’s eyes. Her eyes flicked all over his face and he suddenly wanted to know what she was thinking.
As if on cue, she spoke as she reached up to grab Tim’s hand in her own. “You know, I don’t know if everyone in the Archives is even going to be surprised or not. I get the feeling that everyone knew we were gonna get together more than we did,” She spoke, her hand squeezing his tighter.
This made Tim chuckle as he spoke. “I think you’re right. Though, I think we might give Jon a heart attack if we tell him. He’s so invested in his work all the time that he barely pays attention to anything else anymore.
Sasha looked sad at that, sighing before speaking. “Well, guess he can find out when he gets an invitation for our wedding.”
“That’s only if you can get to the status of “engaged” with this sexy fellow,” Tim joked while puffing out his chest and putting on a “big guy” attitude, which earned him a belly laugh from Sasha. It was wonderful to hear.
Abruptly, Tim got up from the couch with bravado and walked over to his Bluetooth speaker. He connected his phone to it as Sasha stared him with a goofy grin on her face. Music began to fill the room, slow and classical.
Tim walked up to Sasha, sat on the couch and extended a hand, which she took immediately. She was swept off the couch as Tim practically yanked her up and into his arms. He was rewarded with a yelp and a look of embarrassment on her face.
“What are you-” Sasha began before Tim started to dance with her. He spun her gracefully, and held her against him as they swayed gently to the music. 
Soon she got the idea and danced skillfully with him, taking the lead sometimes, much to Tim’s surprise. He let her take the lead and laughed heavily when she dipped him. As he was staring up at her, her smile was real and chaotic, and it caused his face to mirror hers. He was so happy. 
He leaned up his body enough to kiss her once more, quickly, and was rewarded with her chasing his lips when he pulled away. 
“Ah ah ah, we can’t be too greedy, now can we?” He said before standing up fully. All of a sudden, waves of exhaustion rolled over him and all he wanted to go to bed.
He reached for one of Sasha’s wrists and held it with both hands. He looked down at the ground and his voice came out weakly. “Will you stay with me tonight?”
Sasha tilted his face up with a single finger under his chin and smiled at him gently. “Of course I will. I just might need to borrow some of your clothes because I didn’t bring my own.”
It took all of Tim’s willpower to not jump around the whole living room. Instead he just nodded and led Sasha to his bedroom, where he threw a pair of his sweatpants and an old t-shirt. She got dressed in the bathroom and when she came out, Tim was shirtless and in old basketball shorts.
Sasha walked over to him and placed both of her palms flat on his bare chest, and the feeling sent shivers up Tim’s spine.
“Thank you for today,” Was all she said before she walked over to the bed and got under the covers. Tim was stuck in place until he finally snapped out of it and also got into bed, turning off the light on the way.
And they slept, better than either of them had in a long time. When they awoke in the morning, they found themselves tangled in each other. Everything was exactly as it was supposed to be, and neither of them were inclined to change that.
The End
P.S. they lived happily ever after and married each other and nothing bad ever happened to them and they grew old together and if anyone says anything otherwise i’ll be mad >:(
This one took me forever ahh!! I worry that it’s boring in some parts and that they aren’t exactly in character but i’m still proud! I wanted to try writing a longer one and that’s how this was born! I hope you enjoyed and don’t be afraid to hit my ask box! Also show some love to my ao3
Words: 5293
73 notes · View notes
Day 3 : Kiss - Ezio Auditore
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“Come on, Kat, it’s gonna be fun, I promise!” Claudia whined, holding both of my hands, looking up at me with puppy eyes. “No, Claudia, it’s not gonna be fun. I don’t want to have a joint birthday party. I know your birthday is on January 2nd, and mine on the 3rd, but...But come on, I’m so used to people forgetting about my birthday, it’s not even fun anymore. I’m sure it’s just gonna be you who remembers, and the rest would just celebrate your birthday or something, so what’s the point?” I sigh, plopping on the bed, hanging my head in disappointment. “Hmm...Okay, how about this! Let’s make a party this weekend, now that December finally started and it was the 1st snow already? It’s just gonna be the two of us, Federico, Ezio and Petruccio, and my house. It’s family! And it’s gonna be okay to get drunk, nobody’s gonna judge, right? Federico and Ezio get drunk ALL the time and nobody bats an eye, and besides, Petruccio is finally 18 and he is legal to drink! So many great things happening this year!” the younger girl chirped in glee, making me groan and lay on the bed completely. “I don’t know what to say...Not my best year.” I smile sardonically, looking up at her. “Oh, fuck that, he was a shithead and you know it! Everybody knows it! He was nothing and WILL be nothing! You deserve a break from all this...This mess, okay? You deserve to be happy and have someone who loves you! And let me tell you, Ezio is head over heels with you! -...Wait...Shit, I shouldn’t have told you that...Urgh.” she facepalmed and started mildly panicking, before giggling awkwardly. “Ezio...The guy who sleeps around and stuff...? Who doesn’t flirt with me or shows even the smallest hint...? Likes me...? Spare me, Claudia. I know he’s your brother, but...Just because he’s your family, doesn’t make him right for me.” I shake my head, getting up, ready to leave the room, but she stops me. “Wait, no, don’t go, please! Look, this was supposed to be a secret, okay? Ezio has been into you since you started hanging out with me and I kept telling you how nice you are, showed him your Facebook and Instagram, would sometimes show him our snaps and so on...I overheard him asking Federico for advice 2 years ago. It’s just...He’s trying to learn more about you so you won’t dislike him, but he’s very shy about actually being himself around you. And he hasn’t been whoring around, actually. So, uhm...If you decide to come over...The party is this Saturday, bring sweets, please. I’ll make sure to make your favourite shots.” she explaiend before letting go of my arm, letting me go home, able to overthink all my life choices.
Should I go? I mean...Ezio IS a lovely person, or at least, that’s what I could see. But so were my Ex’s, at the beginning, and it was all a facade, making everything go down in the flames of hell.
Why must decisions be so complicated?
I get over my shyness and go buy some cookies from the bakery and make my way over to the Auditore Villa, where I had to stay for about 5 minutes in front of the door to convince myself to go for it... So I put my hand on the handle and get in, being greeted by the beautiful smell of Italian cuisine, namely, Pizza.
I go in the kitchen slowly, feeling not very welcomed, but I see the Auditores drinking wine together waiting for the Pizza to get cooked.  They all looked so merry and cheerful together...What the hell was I even doing here, intruding in a family party? What an idiot...
I turned around to slowly make my presence unobserved, but that couldn’t happen because Ezio raised from the table in shock, saying my name a little louder than preferable, making everyone’s attention focus on me.
“Katrina, cara mia, what are you doing here?” Ezio asked, making his way to me. “Uhm...I brought cookies?” I said unsure of myself, looking away. “I asked her to come for our party! I bet you’re happy I did, right, guys?!” she grinned at us, but I could only shoot her a very poisonous glare. “Si, of course we are happy Kat is here! The room suddenly became much brighter!” Ezio cheered, bringing me to the table, letting me sit between me and Claudia. “Uh...Right...Whatever you say.” I mutter, putting the bag of cookies on the table and biting my lip at how awkward I felt, not exactly knowing what to say or do. “Aww, Kat, I’m so happy you are here! Hey, Federico, make the B52 shots, Kat is here so we can celebrate and do party games!” Claudia cheered, making me sweatdrop. “Food first, then alcohol. You’ll just end up sick and with a nasty hangover.” I shrug, trying to look out for her. “Experience?” Petruccio asked in a shy voice. “Yes. Others’ experience. Makes for a ton of entertaining material, if you ask me.” I chuckle softly, only able to gaze in Claudia’s direction. “And what great timing, the pizza’s ready!” Federico chuckled already putting the pizza on the table - One pizza for him, one for Claudia and Petruccio...And one for me and Ezio. Am I reading too much into it, or is there a conspiracy theory going on here? “Ezio did these. He’s the best at making pizza out of everyone here.” Claudia winked, making me roll my eyes in annoyance. “Sure, but I’m the best at Pasta, you can’t deny that.” Federico chuckled, making Ezio laugh.  “Well...Guess Claudia was right. You did a nice job with this.” I admitted in shock at how great it was, especially compared to the ones at pizzerias or restaurants. “100% Italian quality right here, baby!” he fist pumped, making me let out an amused breath. “Bring the shots! Shot! Shot! Shot! Shot!” Claudia chants, getting joined by Petruccio, while I looked at her with amusement, one of my eyebrows raised in confusion. “Someone’s rather enthusiastic to get drunk. But fine, be that way.”
We went to the living-room, on the carpet, waiting in a circle for Federico to come with the chocolate shots already so we can play our party games, which was basically Truth or Dare for the most part, but we were so lazy or tipsy from the high intake of alcohol (SOME of us) that we preferred to just play Truth or Truth, so we won’t have to get up.
It seems though that Claudia and Petruccio couldn’t hold their liqueur at all, so they became sick and had to go to the bathroom and puke, while Federico, despite being close to drunk himself, had to go take care of them, while I remained wobbly, humming to myself some random songs that came into my mind while cleaning up some of the mess that we made, only to notice that Ezio remained behind as well.
“What are you singing, bella?” he asked randomly, making me turn around at him in slight confusion. “Uh...Just some Christmas songs, I guess. My friends keep singing them, you hear them on the radio too...Kinda got them stuck in mind head, I s’ppose.” I shrug, looking away from him, busying myself as a way to not look rude. “May I ask you something, Kat?” Ezio asks, getting in front of me and resting his arm on the table, looking straight at me. “Uhm...What is it?” I mutter, feeling awkward as hell. “Have you been avoiding me? Have I done something that annoyed you so much that you act so cold with me?” he asked with the most serious, yet puppy looking face I’ve ever seen on him. “I-I didnt avoid you, okay? And if I did, I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry.” I tried to reason with him, but he only shook his head and sighed. “I may be tipsy, but I’m not stupid, Kat. If something that I’m doing is bothering you, then I’d like you to tell me so I can stop, okay?” Ezio pressed the subject, making me rake my fingers through my hair. “Okay, fine, look...I will be straight with you, I guess. I’ve been pondering a lot of things this week and...My head hurts like hell because of it, I have to admit. Claudia invited me to this party just before she let it slip that you have a crush on me or something and since Monday I’ve been trying to sort out my feelings and judgement, and honestly, I don’t know what to say or do. So yeah, sorry for being cold and distant, it wasn’t on purpose or anything, I have nothing against you.” I bit my lip in annoyance, not really up for a heart-to-heart conversation with a person that makes my heart feel like it has a panic attack. “Claudia told me about what happened with those jerks in the past. I can only imagine how bad it would be for you and I can only imagine how bad it must have hurt you that it made you not believe in true love anymore. Before she told me about it, I wanted to try my chance and ask you out very soon, but what chance do I have with someone like you?” he chuckled as his cheeks got faintly pinker. “Uhm...Shouldn’t it be the other way around?” I snorted in mock-amusement, but it made him shake his head vehemently, gripping my shoulders. “You, cara mia, are an amazing person, okay? Beautiful, smart, talented, funny, kind? Literally so perfect? And I’m what? A guy with a pretty face, fabulous hair and a bad reputation.” he shrugged dramatically, making me stifle my laugh. “I don’t know, Ezio, the last guy told me he dated me out of pity. I’m not sure where my self-esteem lies anymore, you feel me?” I give him a self-deprecating half-smile, but it only caused his expression to change from dramatic to offended. “Oddio santo, if I ever see that guy, he’s dead. How dare he treat such a beautiful soul like that? If anything else, you were with him out of pity!” he spoke out, shaking his head. “To be fair...I never actually loved any of my ex’s. Is that sad? I don’t know. You think you like someone, but then you realise that you just made yourself like the person for the sake of a relationship and...When you get to the point when you just want to get the hell out of it, you realise that it was all for nothing. It’s pretty sad, y’know?” I confess, looking away, but from the corner of my eye I could see him nodding slightly. “I know I’m basically out of your league, but would you let me show you that true love exists? Would you allow me to help you believe in it again?” Ezio leans in closer to me, one of his hands on my face, caressing it gently, as I leaned into his touch by reflex, as he let out an amused, adoring breath. “I mean...What’s the worst thing that could happen anyways? It can’t get any worse than what I’ve already been through, so...Okay, Ezio, do your magic.” I smile timidly, looking away. “Trust me, mi fiore, I won’t make regret it.” he ushered as he cupped my face and leaned in, planting a long and loving kiss on my lips, as I could only put my hands on his chest, too out of it to know what to do. “W-Well...I’m pretty sure I won’t regret it.” I managed to say after a while. “Oh~? Did you like that, Kitten?” Ezio teased me, as I could only chuckle shyly, nudging him slightly. “Hey, I mean, compared to my first kiss, that was a tongue-forced one, in front of a public toilet...This was heavenly, okay?” I cover my mouth with my hand as I laugh at the stupid memory, only to have my hand snatched away and kissed by the Italian boy. “And it will only get better from here on. Also, I’m so happy Claudia told Federico about that shot mix, ‘cause chocolate tastes so good on your lips.” he smirks, but he wasn’t expecting me putting my hands on his neck to steal a quick kiss from him, leaving him stunned and blushing. “Awww, I guess I have competition, ‘cause you sure tasted so damn sweet too~.” I wink at him playfully before chuckling at how adorable he looked. “Ay ay ay, cara mia, you’re going to be the death of me.” was the last thing he could say before we went to check on the others, who apparently all fell asleep.
I suppose...Sometimes it’s nice to face your fears and be brave in your decision to take risks and have such a nice win.
And so much more free, 100% genuine Italian pizza!
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noona-clock · 6 years
Have You Heard? - Part 5
Genre: Office!AU
Pairing: Shownu x You
By Admin B
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 
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Like many things in your life recently, you severely regretted agreeing to go to this company dinner.
And agreeing to sit by Shownu.
I mean, really. What were you thinking?
You’ve eaten lunch with the man plenty of times. You knew how amazingly adorable (and somehow sexy at the same time?) he is when he eats!
Your boss had chosen to take all of you out to a barbecue restaurant, the kind where you grill the meat at the table. Of course, Shownu had taken over the grill in front of the two of you, and you honestly had no idea a guy could look so sincere while cooking.
Honestly, how dare he?
And then there was an incident with the ketchup where he couldn’t get it to come out of the bottle and he just looked so cute and your heart nearly burst and then he laughed at himself when he realized the cap was still on and you had never seen such an adorable grandpa in your life.
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Oh, god, your whole plan of avoiding him so he wouldn’t find out about your crush was just going completely down the drain, wasn’t it?
Maybe that’s why you hadn’t refused a shot of alcohol when it was placed in front of you.
But one shot wasn’t going to affect you, so what was the harm? It barely even took the edge off!
And, trust me, sitting next to Shownu while he grills meat and then puts it on a plate for you... there were a lot of edges you needed to take off.
Besides! Shownu was also drinking just as much as you. Whenever he poured a shot for you, he poured one for himself. So if you did get a little too tipsy, it wouldn’t matter if you mentioned anything about feelings. He would have the same amount of alcohol in his system and probably wouldn’t even notice a word you said.
"Here, let me make something for you,” Shownu offered about halfway through the meal as he reached for a roll sitting in the table bread basket.
“Make something?” you asked with raised eyebrows. “What are you going to make?”
“You’ll see,” he replied, grinning.
You watched as he tore open the roll, laying it out on your plate like two pieces of sandwich bread. He then proceeded to smother some sauce on it before placing grilled pieces of meat on top.
“Are you making me a sandwich?” you asked, noticing the ‘s’ in ‘sandwich’ had been just a teensy bit slurred.
“No, not a sandwich,” he corrected. “A burger.”
“Oh, a burger. My apologies for the mistake,” you giggled.
Oh, lord. A giggle was a bad sign.
Once he’d piled enough meat on, Shownu took one piece of bread and flipped it over, smushing it gently on top of the other. He then took the burger and held it out to you, a very proud and accomplished expression on his face. “Here, eat,” he smiled.
You leaned forward and took a bite, reaching out to hold onto his wrists as he held the burger for you.
Immediately, your eyes widened as the tangy sauce and smoky meat hit your tastebuds. “Are you a secret chef?” you asked suspiciously, your mouth still full of the delicious makeshift burger.
Shownu chuckled, his eyes crinkling and his cheeks warming just a tad.
“No, I just like to eat,” he replied bashfully.
Shownu continued to make you try things, all the while pouring shots for both you and him.
So not only had your plan of avoiding Shownu gone down the drain... but so had your plan of not drinking any alcohol.
What was your problem?! You’d never had trouble sticking to your guns before!
Apparently, when Shownu was involved... things were just different.
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The thing with alcohol is... you don’t realize you’re drinking too much until it’s too late.
Just before your boss sent the check off with the company credit card, you’d felt fine! Absolutely normal. Not intoxicated in the least even though you’d had over a dozen shots (just as Shownu had).
But by the time everyone was standing from their seats and suggesting round 2 at a nearby bar... the room started spinning.
“Here, let me take you home,” Shownu said softly, taking hold of your arm.
“Oh, nonononono,” you insisted with a fervent shake of your head. “No, I don’t --”
“Yes, you do,” he chuckled. “Come on.”
He guided you toward the door, his grip firm enough to keep you from stumbling, and by the time you got out to the sidewalk, you were leaning against him pretty heavily.
And lord did he smell good.
He smelled like food and soap and just a tiny bit like sweat, and you’d never smelled anyone so appealing before.
And because you were filled with a bit too much alcohol, you said, “You smell really nice.”
“I’m sorry, but you don’t.”
“Ouch,” you slurred.
“Well, I guess it’s just the alcohol I’m smelling,” he laughed softly.
“You drank just as much as me, why are you --” You gestured toward him wildly. “Still you?”
“I have a very high tolerance,” he explained, moving to put an arm around your waist - presumably so you wouldn’t fall over.
“Well, I do not,” you told him.
“I can see that.”
“And you know what else I do not have?”
“Any willpower,” you hiccuped. And then you looked around you, realizing you were actually walking away from the restaurant. “Where are we going?”
“I’m taking you home,” Shownu reminded you gently.
“...You know where I live?”
He inhaled sharply and slowed to a halt. “...No.”
“‘S okay,” you assured him with a choppy nod. “I do. I know exactly where I live. Here, let me show you.”
You continued to walk -- stumble -- along the sidewalk, fairly certain you were heading in the right direction.
If not... Well, at least you weren’t alone!
“As I was saying,” you continued. “I don’t have any willpower.”
“What do you mean?”
“I told myself not to drink any alcohol tonight, and what did I do?” you sighed.
Shownu tightened his hold on you as you teetered on the heel of your shoe. “Why didn’t you tell me? I wouldn’t have poured you all those shots!”
“How was I supposed to say ‘no’ to you?!” you cried, moving to clutch at his shirt.
“You say ‘no, thank you, I’m good,’“ he chuckled.
“Easier said than done,” you lamented.
“What are you talking about?”
A very deep sigh escaped your lips and you let your head loll over to the side. “I don’t think I can say no to you. I don’t want to.”
Shownu didn’t respond, so you did what anyone who had too much alcohol in their system would do: you kept on talking.
“We’re friends, right?” But you didn’t wait for him to answer. You answered your own question. “Right. We’re friends. Except you are the most difficult person for me to be friends with.”
“Why?” he asked quietly.
“Changkyun said you were oblivious, and I thought you were, but are you really?”
“...Oblivious? What are you talking about?”
“You really don’t know?”
“Know what?” he chuckled.
You let out another sigh, and you ignored the tiny voice in your head telling you to shut up. You weren’t sure why you ignored it, but you did anyway.
“The reason I didn’t want to drink around you is because it turns me into a blabbermouth. I just talk and talk and talk when I normally don’t, but it’s not, like, nonsense talk, you know? It’s the truth. And the truth is I have the biggest, hugest, majorest crush on you.”
...Well. There we go.
You could feel Shownu’s head jerking back in surprise, and he stopped walking.
“I’m sorry, what?” he asked, his tone one of pure disbelief.
“Ah, so you are as oblivious as we thought,” you murmured. “You thought I was mad at you this week, but I was just trying to keep my distance so you didn’t figure out that I like you. I mean like you like you.”
“You --” he began, but you interrupted him.
“Yes,” you nodded. You began walking again, and Shownu jolted back into action, reaching out to hold onto you and keep you from falling over. “I didn’t want you to figure it out, and I didn’t want to tell you because we’re co-workers, and we’re friends, and now it’s just going to be awkward, so I really don’t know why I drank and why I’m telling you and why --”
You cut yourself off, finishing your thought with a sigh and moving to rest your head on Shownu’s shoulder.
“I don’t know anything right now,” you whispered.
Shownu squeezed your shoulder, and you nuzzled against his neck.
“That’s all right,” he assured you. “Maybe you’ll know more tomorrow.”
“Please don’t remind me about tomorrow,” you chuckled. “Because tomorrow I’ll be sober, and I am going to be sooooooooo mad at myself. And embarrassed. And hungover. Not a good combination.”
“No, not really,” he agreed with a laugh. 
“So, I’m sorry I just totally ruined everything but it’s really your fault. It’s your fault for making me go to dinner and asking me to sit next to you and pouring me drinks and -- and it’s your fault for being so handsome and nice and perfect. I mean, you know a ton of people like you, right? Not just me!”
“Really?” he asked incredulously.
“Oh, yeah! There’s a whole private message group especially for when you wear that sweater vest you have.”
“Oh, my god,” he chuckled.
“Yeah, you’ve created quite a stir in the office. ...And in my heart. Oh, my god, please forget I said that,” you giggled. “That was so cheesy.”
You heard Shownu let out a quiet, breathy laugh, and your heart clenched just thinking about how his eyes were probably crinkling. God, you just loved it when his eyes crinkled like that.
You continued to ramble on about whatever came to your mind - mostly all the reasons you liked Shownu and a lot of the major details of the #SSV message group. 
Before tonight, you would've sworn you didn’t live this far from work, but during the amount of time it took you to walk from the restaurant to your place, you managed to divulge just about every secret thought and feeling you had about Shownu. To Shownu.
“Oh, this is me!” you cried when you saw your front door just up ahead. “That’s me -- that’s where I live.”
“All right, let’s get you inside,” Shownu said softly, pressing his hand to the small of your back and guiding you down the sidewalk.
Once you arrived at your doorstep, you halted. You turned to look at Shownu, your brow furrowing as a thought appeared in your mind.
“Can I --” you began, though you stopped short.
Shownu, his hands on your shoulders, looked back at you earnestly. “Can you what?”
Your gaze focused on his lips as he spoke, but they stayed focused on his lips even after he finished speaking. Because, seriously? His lips were amazing.
You’d noticed them before, but now that you were this close to them... really looking at them...
They were damn near perfect.
But they were especially perfectly kissable.
So you stumbled toward him, raising yourself up on your toes and pressing your lips to his.
Okay, you probably should have asked first, but... 
Too late now!
Before you could give in to the urge to really kiss him, though, you felt a very strange sensation in your body.
Specifically, in your stomach.
So you stepped away from Shownu just as quickly as you’d stepped up to him, your brow furrowed as you looked into his eyes.
“Excuse me,” you said casually. “I’m going to go inside and throw up now. Good night.”
Part 6
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opepin · 7 years
april: week two
10: IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL DAY. i got to wear my light jacket and my elephant “harem” style pants vivian got me from cambodia. my morning wasn’t as perfect as i wanted it to be but everything worked out. i woke up 10 minutes later than i was supposed to because i started using the fitbit’s silent alarm. i guess the vibrating doesn’t work well for me. then i found out my bracelet was knotted :( i qq’d and just wore it and actually untangled it on the train. i got to work before 9:30 am though :) i worked on videos in the morning and then charles, me, and cole went to get tenoch! they didn’t have tacos and horchata there T___T so i just got the torta with carnitas and chorizo because cole was pushing it. i didn’t get cheese because my stomach has had enough. lol. it was super salty and didn’t have enough veggies... i rated it a 6/10 and charles rated it a 7/10 LOL. cole was so disappointed in us. i had standup at 12 pm so i went back to the office, chatted for a bit, and then got on.
i got to work on a client map but i only worked on that after i finished editing my videos. these two videos were super long (lots of pauses) so they took longer. x__x; it was such a beautiful dayyyy. cole and i stopped by the cookie monstah ice cream truck and i helped cole pick out an ice cream sandwich. well, i told him to get the cinnabon cookie and reese peanut butter cup ice cream but he got vanilla ice cream. what a basic fool, ahah jk. he offered me a bite but i didn’t want to because i need to get back on my health/fitness grind. the train trolled me because the cart that stopped in front of me was completely empty and the doors were broken but then one came right after :) i snacked a bit when i got back and then did some hip hop cardio and went into the new blogilates ab video and chloe’s new full body/abs workout. i saved both of them to do again :) kevin came back earlier than expected from climbing because he kind of hurt his hand again... tsk tsk.
i showered and then de-boned and cut the fat off the pork. then i tenderized with them with the back of my knife. i watched the latest episode of ‘reign’ while doing this. kevin finished his shower so then i took a break (my neck hurt) while kevin seasoned, breaded, and fried them. then i helped with the noodles and the herbs. we had a real late dinner at like 10 pm and just sat, ate, and talked. i made kevin all of his spring rolls and the rolls we packed for lunch ;D i was like the head chef and giving him da omakase LOL. kevin cleaned as i packed the lunches and then he played soome hollow knight and i tried playing bravely default but i completely ko’d before 12 am. my fitbit says i fell asleep at 11:54 pm...ahah. i got up eventually (kevin left me to play overwatch), brushed my teeth, and then went to sleep right away on the bed. i didn’t even charge my phone. .___. idk why i was so tired...
11: i was still kinda tired when i woke up. i was surprised to wake up though. i don’t remember all of the details before my sleep though? hmm. i wore a dress today and i took my time going to work; i was still one of the first few people in the office! haha. i just worked on the map in the morning. i ate lunch and talked to kal (he came into the office to visit) and then with the 15 minutes i had before stand up, i took a walk and found the one of the few chase atms in boston LOL. it’s surprisingly close to my office! i was a bit late because i didn’t understand the card reader, the atm was small and kind of hard to find, but the walk and getting cash was worth. the rest of the evening was filled with meetings. i was actually the last person out of the office today :OOO everyone went to grab drinks at the rooftop bar at envoy and i just waited for kevin by doing some more work. lol, kevin got to the chase atm before i even left so we met outside of my building.
then we walked to the boston public market and we couldn’t help ourselves and bought some food there. we first delved into a lobster roll -- one of the best i’ve had since coming here. then we walked around and kevin told me that he never had a churro before?! so i bought use two with dipping chocolate from the taza chocolate booth. the chocolate was super bitter at first but paired so well with the churros. kevin really liked it. we walked around some more eyeing the produce, the meats, the eggs, and etc. then we stopped by red fish once more and got their fried fish sandwich because one of the guys working there suggested it, and it was delicious. we were pretty full by then so we took the train home and gamed for a bit before kevin started cooking burgers. we had a super late dinner but it was so yummy! then kevin went to play overwatch and i did my 45 minute “500″ calorie burning exercise video. my fitbit said it only burned about 300 calories and that sent me into a deep dark researching binge on it. some people say yes, it works and some think that it under calculates. meh. then i showered and watched a good amount of youtube videos in bed and slept at like 2:30 am? kevin was still gaming at this point ahah.
12: i still only got 6 hours of sleep or so but i was so awake. i made myself breakfast and went straight to recording. then i got on standup and went into another meeting and after that, ate a hamburger for lunch (still yummy -- kevin made mushrooms with gravy mmm), and then did some video editing. i got to edit a showcase video as well and uploaded that to youtube. it was a pretty quiet and chill day and i got my work done. then i got ready to head out and pick up kevin from work. we walked to a starbucks so i could pee and chilled there while waiting for the children’s museum to open up for the children’s museum grown-up event. it was so much fun! there was a mini climbing wall, we lifted ourselves up on a rope, colored, we played with bubbles, we climbed on one of the play structures, took pictures in a photo booth, and stepped in a real 100 year-old japanese house that was donated by kyoto to boston because we’re sister states?! kevin got a gin and tonic and drank on an empty stomach so i’m pretty sure he was a little tipsy. we got really hungry after the japanese house tour and got a taco for $12...because that’s what they were selling them for...haha. it was a pretty good taco though -- not worth $12.
around 9 pm, we went back home and made spring rolls for a really late dinner. then i did a quick workout before showering and ko’ing in bed. i still slept pretty late and kevin was still up gaming. he’s been binging overwatch because he hasn’t played in a really long time. it was a really tiring yet fun day <333
13: i was so tired in the morning but i got up, changed, ate breakfast, and got to work. phil was off for two days so i thought it was going to be a real chill day but i ended up getting forwarded all of the support emails and etc. i was also super tired so it was not a good combo, but i made it through. i forgot my 3ds at home T_T and cole brought his today so i was like skdfndjkgnfkj.  the rest of the day, i just worked on editing my videos. it was a long and hard process but i managed to get everything uploaded by the end of the day. yeah, i didn’t even take breaks to go bother cole and steve. x_x; however, i did eat a bit of shrimp pizza and will not do it again. i also managed to cut off just the crust of the leftover pizza and eat that as an end of the day snack. i waited for cole to finish up a phone call before heading out. i walked him to the front of south station and then walked halfway to kevin to meet up with him and also to get more steps LOL.
we got home and then kevin played overwatch and i exercised. then i showered and kevin made a ton of stir-fried veggies for dinner. we ate while watching two episodes of black mirror. we watched the white christmas one and the singer one, which is the most popular? then i played bravely default and watched youtube videos while kevin gamed. we both went to sleep before 2 am :) that’s early for us. x__x
14: it was a really productive wfh day! i was also more vocal during standup and checked in on everything. go, me, LOL. anyway, i listened to jazz the entire work day and then made sure i got up and took 250 steps whenever my fitbit reminded me. kevin was surprised at how many steps i took while i was at home. :P when kevin got home he was sooo tired for some reason??? he actually napped on and off for 3 hours. i stayed in bed with him so at some point i fell asleep too and i woke up grumpy because i was hungry haha. kevin was full because he got pizza at his happy hour. then i got mad at fitbit because of how discouraging the UI is, but i totally understand why it says over budget and then the next few hours it could say under budget now. it’s all a matter of how much you’re burning throughout the day rather than the calorie burn overall. anyway, i exercised to get my energy back. it was a bad nap because we both woke up moody ahah. kevin had a skype date with mike and brittany though so he had to wake up.
after his skype session, i apologized to him and then kevin cooked. i was full because i ate cereal before the workout and had some leftovers before i accidentally fell asleep with kevin. i ate a bit of his chives and egg with rice after my shower and then i gamed a bit and looked up stuff online. hmmm what a day. we stayed up of course because the weekend is here!
15: it was another bummy day and we feasted for breakfast. i ate some cereal, chinese broccoli, a couple of dumplings, and a plum. kevin ate dumplings with chinese broccoli and a plum and fermented veggies. x_x; i talked to my mom on the phone for about 30 minutes toooo. :) after eating, we went to the movies to get tickets to watch ‘get out’ at 10:20 pm and then went to target again to check if they have coconut milk. kevin didn’t know that target expanded to a semi-grocery store so his mind was blown when he saw that they had a very large selection of food and milk. i found my unsweetened milk there <333 we also picked up strawberries, some pretzel rolls, and some candy. we got gummy bears and these new trolli branded gummy crushers that aren’t that amazing. kevin dropped me off and he went climbing. then i looked up shoes and inserts from dr. scholls because of my current toe problems haha and then lazed around for a bit. i played some bravely default; i finally got past the beginning of eternia. then i prepped the meat for dinner.
kevin got back and then i did hip hop cardio and arms/back for the day. kevin annoyed me during my work out so we had a mini-argument about explaining things and trying not to make each other seem stupid and it all worked out. then i showered and we ate dinner while watching another episode of ‘black mirror.’ then we ate grapes for dessert and we cuddled for a bit before we headed out for the movies. ‘get out’ was such a great movie. it was the epitome of horror and comedy. kevin got scared a few times and i jumped a bit at the first scene haha. we got back and then gamed a bit more -- kevin got heated while playing hollow knight :P and then we went to sleep at 3 am.
16: it was good morning :) we actually woke up at 10:30 am even though we went to sleep around 3 am? it was a beautiful day outside. i showered in the morning because i wasn’t planning on doing any heavy exercise today and then started doing the laundry after breakfast. kevin played hollow knight while waiting for the rice to cook and then i joined him after doing internet errands and looking at some more shoes and doing some budgeting. we ate lunch and watched the latest ‘worth it’ youtube video and then we planned meals for the week and headed over to kam man. we only spent $17 and $11 of it was spent on swai (fish). we stopped by roche bros only to find out that they were closed for easter. x_x; we forgot it was easter today too, lol -- that’s why the grocery store was so empty! so we just headed to oh my tea and they got new drinks for the summer! my mom told me to stop drinking cold things so i got their latest ginger tea boba <3 it was fate. kevin got their lemon lime tea boba and it was delicious. both were super refreshing.
we headed back to the apartment and took a quick break before starting to deep clean the apartment, especially the kitchen and the living room area. x_x; it was fun cleaning with kevin though :) then we washed up and kevin started cooking the fish and some wood ear mushrooms. i took this time to play bravely default. lol. i’m currently over it because of the rest of the storyline but i must play through T^T then we ate and watched the latest episode of ‘supernatural.’ kevin went to play more overwatch and i just planned out my new workout schedule. i’m planning to split up my workout and do cardio in the morning and then cardio / pilates or whatever else when i get back from work and also try to sneak in a 10-15 minute walk during the day. i’m trying out the whole “being active throughout the day” without tiring myself out completely.  i just hate that i have to sleep earlier and wake up earlier, but i’m testing it out tomorrow to see how that is. i planned on sleeping at 11 pm but then we had to make the bed and everything so i ended up sleeping at 12 am, but nbd. it’s way better than sleeping at 2 am haha.
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