#I am an undergrad after all
otaku553 · 10 months
can I ask what ur summer research was about?!!! :0 (u absolutely don't have to answer if ur not comfortable, I'm just a giant nerd and loves to hear about research dhdnfjdmdjfng)
Of course!!! I’d be glad to talk about it!!
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In short, my research over the summer was putting mice in mazes and looking at how well they remember mazes, how quickly they learn the maze, and how learning one maze can help them learn other mazes faster. More detailed under the read more!
Previous maze studies with mice have shown that mice can actually learn very quickly when they’re learning behaviors that are in line with their own evolutionary advantages rather than arbitrary associations. It’s the difference between telling a mouse “go around these tunnels and try to find water to survive” vs telling it “do these very specific and completely useless 5 things and then you’ll get water”. Maze navigation for mice is already a natural complex behavior: mice are burrowing rodents and already have the predisposition for running around tunnels. We set up a maze and cameras and infrared lights around it to record it doing its thing, so that we can look at its natural behaviors with no human interference.
The unique thing about this project is less the behavior and rapid learning of the mouse and more the maze that we use for the study, called the Manhattan Maze. I think my mentor created it but I’m not too certain? But the basic concept of it, as shown in the figure above, is that there are two boxes of parallel tunnels and one layer of acrylic in the middle. Through holes in the acrylic, the mouse can climb between the two layers and make a “turn”. Essentially, this maze is the most reconfigurable setup for studying mouse behavior in mazes possible, because the middle layer of acrylic, which we call a mask, can be changed 2^(n^2) ways (n being the number of channels in a layer) to make completely different mazes. For the figure above, a 4x4 Manhattan maze, we have 2^16 possible different configurations, but we were actually running it on an 11x11 maze, so there were 2^121 different possible configurations! This way, we can look at the mouse in tons of different mazes without actually having to make a new maze altogether and transfer the mouse every time.
And they learn extremely fast! The mazes we used were pretty much linear paths with small dead ends that weren’t far off from the main path, and required 9 turning decisions to get from starting point to end point. There were 3 of these different masks, and after training for one day on one of them, the next day, almost all mice that completed the training managed to learn completely new 9-decision masks in 3 hours or less!
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mueritos · 1 year
The fact that i got accepted into boston university and new york university for graduate school kinda makes me realize i shouldve applied myself more when i was looking for undergrad but at least i dont have as many loans and i still met cool professors ^-^
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bespectacledbun · 10 months
oh my gods. @syneilesis i am so, SO sorry. i was up to 4 playing idv and reading fanfic and was half delirious when I sent that ask. thought I hallucinated it until I woke up to your response in my inbox but no it was very much real hfbsnsnmmamsnkdkfv
but hmmm for silvio it could be either he tries out the True University Housing ExperienceTM (aka a loudass common dorm or a shitty little apartment with roommates) OR alfio kicked him out of the house and cut his fundings so he has no other choice but a shared apartment LMAO. idk I just think the idea of silvio having to rough it out in a dinky little apartment where shit breaks once a week is very much amusing am I projecting? oh yes absolutely
also YOU ALWAYS FIND WAYS TO READ MY MIND!!!! /pos I've been messing around with the idea of a drunk ONS with beast Keith and then seeing meek Keith in class the next day and going ??? are they twins??? internally ajsjdjfkgg I think it would make for some incredibly comedic situations 😂 although before that I want to make sure I actually learn to write keith properly which is why I've been research on DID and reached out to a couple friends who I know are systems so I can properly depict him and not lean into ableist stereotypes hahsjfg which is why I'm hesitant to start anything with him juuuust yet
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kazoologist · 2 months
girl HELP im thinking about horror movie archetypes and racecar drivers again
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belladonnafleur · 3 months
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intertexts-moving · 7 months
new game studies study buddies EP is INSANELY good & im immediately finding a pdf of playing with power tonight it sounds so compelling to me.
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urbanfiltered · 1 year
exhibiting never before seen signs of self actualization/mental illness
#dancing around the apartment with the same emo ass screamy song on repeat for the 20th time and randomly#cutting various t-shirts into crop tops as i see fit#it IS 4 am and i am swinging my hair around like it is midday which is so dangeous for my sleep schedule but#in my defense an evening coffee happened#anyways why did i wait this long to move out lol i love it here#also i think an interesting thing has happened to my brain and i am finally O.K with not having plans on a friday night#comforted by the fact that i have an extremely busy saturday night so i am just allowed to like#chill with myself tonight#and after the week i have had BY GOD do i deserve it#and i dont feel 'lame' and i'm not constantly checking in on other people to see what they are doing like#im genuinely just vibing#extremely new feeling for the girl who always has to be Somewhere#i think i no longer feel like i am making up for lost time#tbh trutfhully i am in my ''disaster undergrad'' era at 25 but with like.#money.#in an unfurnished apartment sleeping on the floor with the rattiest and shaggiest haircut i have ever sported in my life and#eating my breakfast cereal out of a mug with a plastic spoon bc i dont own much dishware#and going to bed at 4 am when i have work at 8 am and somenow manageing to get it all done#cooking my own meals messily and making mistakes#except i can afford to make the mistakes and i can make the adult purchases and plan vacations and trips and buy clothes etc so it is like#the best of both worlds in a way#i feel like i worked really hard to be in the exact space that i am in now and i know a lot of it was sheer luck#of being in the right place at the right time to know the right people to get jobs and stuff#and a SHIT ton of prayer and reflection and introspection and indecision#but things are looking the way i want them to now!!!#veeeeery slowly#anyways on an unrelated note does someone want to help me pick a bedframe <3
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notjanine · 2 years
i have in-person class with that guy today for the first time since we started messing around and like. yes it will be weird to sit in a full, intimate classroom with someone who’s seen my entire naked body and pretend like we are just casual academic acquaintances and not two people who are gonna frantically undress each other in a few hours. yes i am going to be distracted thinking about previous and future activities that are much more pleasant than sitting in a cold monday morning classroom. however. i am asserting dominance by bothering him even more than i will be bothered bc ngl this man has a hair fetish and i went out of my way to make sure mine looks fantastic today, this hair is LOOSE and BIG and SHINY, the curls are DEFINED, he WILL want to touch it and he WILL have to resist and he WILL suffer 😌✨
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northwestofinsanity · 1 month
It's been since 2019 that I've encountered a fire alarm going off at school... I can *almost* say I missed the excitement (though my ears certainly didn't)! A+!
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eileennatural · 5 months
the thing they don't tell you is that chronic pain -- like, any level, even if it's not "debilitating" and you can still perform all the activities of daily living -- is so depressing. when half your energy every day goes towards just tolerating the pain, of course you're going to be meaner, less productive, more isolated and more tired and thus feel worse about yourself. not even to mention that, if your condition is degenerative, living with this pain every day and KNOWING this is the best you'll ever feel again can make you feel SO hopeless. which is WHY any pain management program, especially those using controlled substances like opioids need to be paired with mental health support or else the physician is just setting the patient up for at best, failure of the program and at worst, a fucking opioid addiction
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alxclaremont · 11 months
i may, or may not, have fucked up
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chimaerra · 2 years
i love when a the embarrassment of a crush is entirely negated by how improbable it is. who gives a shit if i get stupid over the thought of one boy when he lives literally 4000 miles away and i will most likely never live in the same place as him again
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vox-fantasma · 2 years
i’ve just submitted my thesis… crying screaming throwing up shaking like a dog
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lovelytsunoda · 6 months
jolene // logan sargeant
summary: nothing breaks the internet more than international recording artist dolly parton appearing in the williams garage. well, nothing more than finding out that her granddaughter is dating a certain f1 rookie
pairing: logan sargeant x parton! reader
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y/nparton just posted!
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liked by mileycyrus, logansargeant, theofficialdolly and others
y/nparton this one's personal. i came back to tennesse after spending a year doing my undergrad. by that point, i'd dropped out of university, found myself drinking to regulate my anxiety, and was ready to walk away from it all. without all the love from my parents, from my grandma and from my dear L, i don't think I would have made it out alive.
"i got so high that i saw jesus" is out now on all streaming platforms.
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theofficialdolly I’m so proud of you, sweetheart!
user I wish I was as strong as you are tbh
user you wtf is Logan Sargent doing here fr?
-> user hear me out, hear me out: look at the second picture. clearly she has a boyfriend. her boyfriends name starts with an L. she has the name ‘Logan’ engraved on her guitar, all this time I just thought it was the brand name, but what if it’s her lovers name?
user I have never felt so many emotions in one song before
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logansargeant just posted
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liked by y/nparton, oscarpiastri, alex_albon and 69,231 others
logansargeant my evaluation of your cowboy reputation has me thinking you’re a cutie and I am hopelessly in love with you
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oscarpiastri thank god were allowed to talk about it now, you were getting insufferable
-> logansargeant oh be quiet
y/nparton love you most, florida boy
-> logansargeant love you to saturn, country girl
liamlawson30 Jolene, Jolene, Jolene Jo-leneeee
-> user not the Jolene jokes, they’re so unserious 😭
theofficialdolly you take good care of my granddaughter, young man. welcome to the family.
-> logansargeant of course, ma’am. I love her with my whole heart and soul.
y/nparton just posted!
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liked by logansargeant, theofficialdolly and others
y/nparton memphis, always a pleasure 🩶
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oscarpiastri okay so maybe I do like country music
-> logansargeant says the guy who was singing the climb in the car on the way there
logansargeant proud of you sweetheart ❤️
(liked by y/nparton)
user this is the sexiest american power couple I have ever seen # pargeant4eva
user my american royals
user so does this mean we get dolly in the williams garage more often
-> williamsracing yes.
I got so high that I saw Jesus - noah cyrus
save a horse ride a cowboy - big&rich
you sexy thing - zella day
@magnummagnussen @twinkodium @httpiastri @arshiyuh @userlando @mignonricciardo @oconso @lorarri @thatsdemko @libraryofloveletters @sidcrosbyspuck @scuderiamh
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WIBTA if I asked my friends to choose a different activity? 👩‍🦽
I am a wheelchair user. I can walk most of the time, but if I'm walking more than the distance to a parking lot from a building, it's extremely painful. I can't go on hikes without my wheelchair (which is good enough for a lot of trails anyway)
My boyfriend (we will call him Jim) and his best friend (we will call him Mitchell) and Mitchell's wife (we will call her Christina) are all pretty close, have known each other for decades. I've been with Jim for almost a year and I have gotten to really consider Mitchell and Christina my friends, got my nails done with Christina a few months ago, they came to my birthday, etc
Anyway, they invited Jim and i to go rafting this weekend. Then the weather forecast changed and it was going to be too cool out to go rafting. They decided to go hiking instead, and they picked a trail. I looked up the trail, and it's not wheelchair accessible. I wouldn't be able to go with them.
I'm ok with Jim going without me, I said I'd just meet them afterwards for lunch, but they're kind of planning to stop for lunch somewhere on their way back, and it's a 30-40 minute drive. I'm sad because this was the first weekend Jim and I are both out of school (he's a teacher and I'm an undergrad) and I am spending this week all by myself lonely af while I wait for Jim's district to finish classes. And now I'm gonna spend that Saturday all by myself and lonely instead of spending time with my boyfriend and friends.
Christina's birthday is today (Tuesday) so even though her birthday party was the weekend before last, this seems like it is still kind of a birthday thing for her. Jim wants to go. I bought her birthday gift from both of us, but he's going to be the one to give it to her. I feel left out.
I want to be the cool girlfriend who's ok with this, and I normally would! If they were just inviting us along on something they'd already planned, I would step back. But this is the new plan after the plan that DID include me changed.
I already told Jim that I am completely fine with him going, that he shouldn't have to miss out on things just because I can't walk right... But I kind of want to suggest an alternative hiking route, like one that can accommodate a wheelchair. Would that be a dick move? Would I be the asshole, given that it's probably a belated thing for Christina's birthday?
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Guilty As Sin? — Chapter One
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pairing: professor!javier peña x f!reader
rating: series is 18+ only, minors DNI, not a lot here beyond some world building, the party starts next chapter :)
word count: 3.6k
series masterlist
Though it was the first day of the fall semester and your first day as an official law student, you felt exactly the way you had the year before when you were a struggling undergrad. Same town, same friends, even the same apartment in the student housing complex right next to campus that you shared with three of your closest friends, Nina, Derrick, and Alondra, who just so happened to be law students as well. 
It seemed every aspect of your life had remained stagnant for the last four years, except for one critical thing—you were now a single woman. Four years of the most confusing, toxic, passionate relationship of your life now dead and buried thanks to your ex-boyfriend’s inability to keep his dick in his pants. You’d have to see him too this semester, though you tried to keep the prospect of an awkward run-in out of your head as you got ready for the day to the sound of a busy apartment. Nina and Derrick had breakfast duty this morning, the two of them shuffling around the kitchen as loudly as they could, it seemed. Alondra, like you, was sitting across the hall in her bedroom blasting Kali Uchis out of her speaker, though after two years of living together the noise didn’t really affect you at all anymore. 
“Food’s ready,” Derrick said, popping his head in the crack of your open door. 
Standing at six-foot-two with brown skin, hazel eyes, plump lips, and the sharpest bone structure you’d ever seen, Derrick was beautiful. The two of you had done an awkward dance ever since you’d known him, with Derrick silently crushing and you silently rejecting him. You didn’t know what it was about him that didn’t appeal to you; he was kind, handsome, and funny, all the things a normal girl could want. 
But you never really felt like a normal girl. 
You liked the men that didn’t like you back, the men who desperately needed someone to fix them, always convinced that you had what it took to do just that. Of course, you knew better than that by now, but there was a part of you that worried you. A part you always had to keep an eye on, too afraid of your naive, trusting heart taking the reins. 
“I’ll be out in a sec,” you said, coating your eyelashes in a decent amount of mascara. Derrick leaned against the doorframe, watching you with something too close to adoration for your comfort. You laughed it off, waving your hand at him. “Go away.” 
“Am I making you nervous,” he teased. Truthfully, he was. Just not in the way he probably hoped. 
“I’m trying not to stab myself in the eye,” you said instead. 
“Mmhm,” he chuckled, patting the doorframe. “Hurry up, your plate’s at the table.”
“If you’d let me concentrate.” 
Ten minutes later, you were sitting at the table with Derrick on your right—his plate conveniently set beside yours—and Nina and Alondra across from you.
“I’m swearing off of hookups this semester,” Alondra announced, earning skeptical glances from the three of you. “I am!”
“Until Sabina calls you up late at night claiming she’s lonely and sad,” Derrick teased. You kicked him under the table only to find out that Nina had done the exact same thing. “I’m just speaking the truth.”
“You’re a man, you don’t get to speak your truth here,” Nina said. “And as for you—“ She turned to Alondra beside her. “The minute you run into that bitch, you’re done for. Best to accept it now.”
“No, I’m done with her,” Alondra insisted, though you’d all seen this before. Every fall, without fail, Alondra and her toxic cheater of an ex-girlfriend, Sabina, get back together, and every summer they find a reason to break up, only to repeat the cycle the next year. “I might try dudes for a while.”
“Shut the fuck up,” you snorted, carrying your plate to the sink. “Since when are you into dudes?”
“Since Sabina ruined all women for me,” she sassed. “Besides, sexuality’s a spectrum.” 
“What about you?” Nina asked, turning in her chair to watch you wash your dish. “Any plans this semester? Hopefully ones that don’t include a toxic relationship?”
“Certainly not,” you replied with a laugh. “I’m gonna be the most boring fucking person at this school this year. No shitty men, no partying, just school.”
“Twenty bucks I get her to black out this weekend,” Nina challenged, turning to Derrick and Alondra. 
“I’ll take that bet,” Derrick said, shooting you a wink. 
“Alright, while you guys are betting, I’m gonna head out to class. You know, like a serious law student,” you teased, drying your hands off before making your way to the front door. “I’ll see you guys in class.”
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The first class of the day was Dr. Brown’s Contracts lecture. You’d had him during undergrad for your Criminal Psych class and specifically sought him out while registering because of his laid-back approach to teaching. Though he appeared to be yet another stuffy old man at face value, his personality was much more in line with that of The Dude from The Big Lebowski. He reeked of weed, loved to curse, and didn’t give a shit about all the formalities the rest of your professors insisted upon. 
Dr. Brown’s class passed by with ease, his lecture on the contract breach between Apple and Samsung paired with a meme-filled PowerPoint amusing you enough that you forgot you’d been sitting there for two hours. 
The next class of the day—Dr. Arman’s Legal Research and Writing course—was far less amusing, but at least Dr. Arman didn’t ask much from her students besides following along with slideshows and turning in the occasional paper. Still, the next hour and a half drudged on like feet on sand, Alondra nodding off beside you in the back of the lecture hall. 
“Shit,” she whispered, snapping awake after a nudge from your elbow to her side. “Is it almost over?”
“Yeah,” you chuckled, backing up your bag. “I have to hustle to Criminal Law, you good?”
“Yeah, just gonna rest my eyes for a second,” she mumbled, already falling back to sleep. With a fond smile, you rolled your eyes at her and left the hall. 
The last class of the day was Criminal Law I, taught by Dr. Peña, a professor you’d never had in any of your undergrad classes. It was always a toss up every time you entered a new lecture hall whether or not a professor would end up on your shit list, and a sinking suspicion told you Dr. Peña would not be as casual as Dr. Brown nor as lenient as Dr. Arman. No, there was always one overly demanding, arrogant old prick of a professor each semester without fail. 
Though you’d arrived fifteen minutes before class, all the good seats were taken by the time you walked into the hall, leaving only a few seats at the very front. Sighing, you looked longingly at Nina as she sat in one of the back rows, surrounded by a flock of hopeful men desperate to make her laugh. She caught eyes with you and gasped when she realized where you were headed. 
“No, girl, not the front,” she called, earning a dejected nod from you as you reached the mostly deserted front row. 
As you unpacked your bag and notebook—you hated using your laptop in class—Derrick quickly slid into the seat beside you with a huff, as if he’d just finished a marathon. 
“Had to climb over a row of people to get down here,” he said, smiling at you.
“You didn’t have to do that,” you said, nudging his shoulder with yours. 
“Wasn’t gonna let you slum it down here alone.”
“Thanks,” you chuckled. “You know anything about this guy?”
“Yeah, my brother had him when he went here a few years back,” he said, opening his laptop. “Apparently he’s a dick.”
“Of course he is,” you sighed. 
“You have class after this?”
“Nope,” you shook your head. “You?”
“Nah, just the gym with Nina,” he said, stretching out his legs and relaxing into his chair. “You could come, if you wanted.”
“I hate the gym,” you said, scrunching up your nose. “Besides, I need to go get groceries and stuff. Maybe get a head start on Brown’s project.”
“Responsible,” he nodded in approval. “Boring but responsible.”
“All these boring years are gonna pay off when I graduate top of the class,” you quipped, earning a scoff. 
“That’s what you said in undergrad and who ended up graduating at the top?” he asked with a smirk, sticking his chin up with pride. 
“I was one percent away from kicking your ass,” you rolled your eyes and chuckled. 
“Maybe you’ll find another shitty boyfriend to distract you—“
Though you would have liked to hit him for his comment, you were stopped dead in your tracks as the most handsome, brown haired, broad shouldered, puppy-eyed looking man walked out of his adjoining office and up to the desk at the front of the class. He carried an air of authority with his furrowed brows and disapproving frown as he waited for the class to quiet down. 
“If you’re all finished,” he said, unpacking his book bag while scoping out the faces he’d be spending the semester looking at, starting with the back. You watched him with interest, hating that kick of adrenaline the moment his eyes met yours. He seemed to linger for a half a second longer than he had with everyone else before looking away, furthering your delusional thoughts. “Welcome to Criminal Law I. My name is Dr. Peña, you’ll refer to me as such. I except professionalism, conciseness, and competency from the lot of you. You’re graduates now. Time to act like it.”
“Jesus,” Derrick muttered beside you, shaking his head. 
“There will be no whispering, no texting, and for God’s sake, no music in my class. You’re here to learn and I’m here to teach.”
You listened as a few students gathered their things and silently made their exit from the hall. Dr. Peña watched them with a smug look that did little to shoo away your interest. Fantasies of receiving that same look in a far more inappropriate context flooded your mind, visions of you on your knees in his office. 
“Good, now let’s begin. We’ll be covering the penal code today, along with territorial jurisdiction. Can anyone give me a definition of the latter?” 
Never one to volunteer an answer without being called on, you waited for someone else to take the fall. Dr. Peña seemed just as patient, his arms crossing over his chest in a way that pulled at the fabric covering his arms. You quickly turned your eyes down to your notebook when he caught you staring, busying yourself with jotting down the date. 
“In the front,” he said, earning your attention. When you found him still watching you, you let out a small sigh. “Would you care to give us a definition, Miss…”
Giving him your last name, you searched your mind for the definition that you remembered learning at some point during your four years of undergrad. 
“Territorial jurisdiction refers to a court’s power in a certain territory,” you said, swallowing down your nerves as you began to feel your ears heat. 
“And in regards to Texas? Can you give me the section of the Penal Code that covers territorial jurisdiction?” he asked, his voice a deep, whiskey warm timbre that hit you like an aphrodisiac, your mind running rampant with all sorts of inappropriate scenarios of hearing that sinful voice up close and personal.
“I…don’t know,” you said, lowering your eyes down to your desk just to get a break from his steady eye contact. 
“Section 1.04,” he said, a hint of arrogance in his tone. “Now that you have the section, would you mind reading the text for us?”
Taking a deep breath, you flipped to the section in your textbook, hoping that your nervous stutter didn’t make an appearance today. 
“I can do it,” Derrick volunteered, mildly irking you. Did he think he was saving you? Or was this his attempt at competition? 
Dr. Peña waited until he was finished to admonish his interruption. 
“Thank you, Mr…,”
“Crawley,” he said, offering him a charming smile. 
“Yes, thank you, Mr. Crawley, but in the future, I ask that you refrain from interjecting. I’m sure your friend was perfectly capable of reading aloud,” Dr. Peña said, causing Derrick to scoff under his breath. “Alright, I need a volunteer from the second row to read the next section.” 
Derrick seemed to take it to heart, his ever-present smile long gone as he typed his notes on his laptop. 
“Sorry,” you whispered, tapping his shoe with yours. 
“S’whatever,” he shrugged, but you knew him well enough by now that it was far from whatever to him. Derrick was always the best in every class, always adored by professors. You weren’t sure he’d ever been scolded by a teacher in his life, let alone in front of the entire class. “He’s a prick.”
“Are we interrupting?” Dr. Peña sighed, leveling a look at the two of you as if to say, really? You shrank in your seat, avoiding his stern eyes. “Anyways, you were saying, Miss Martinez?” 
After a tense hour spent listening to Dr. Peña pick on the class, it was time to pack up. You could practically hear your bed calling as you packed your things into your bag, except…
“Would you mind staying behind for a moment,” Dr. Peña asked, calling your name. You gave Derrick a wide eyed look, earning a raise of his brow. 
“Sure, um—“
“I’ll wait up for you,” Derrick offered, slinging his bag over his shoulders before filing out of the lecture hall with the rest of the class. 
Once alone with Dr. Peña, you began to feel sick with anticipation, especially as he sat quiet at his desk shuffling through papers. 
“I’d like to apologize for today. I’m afraid we may have gotten off on the wrong foot,” you said, carefully approaching his desk. “I assure you, this is nothing I take more seriously than this. I—“
“I asked you to stay behind because I’m in need of an assistant for my undergrad Intro to Forensics class and your name was given to me by the Dean,” he said, looking up at you with a mixture of exhaustion and boredom in his eyes.  
“Wait—what?” you gave him a puzzled look. 
“Your name is listed in the TA program, is it not?” he asked, leaning back in his chair. You tried not to ogle him, but the way his white button down stretched across his broad chest made it damn near impossible.
“It is, but—“
“You’re one of the only law students available who’s taken the class before,” he said, clicking his pen as he began to mark the syllabus sheets he’d passed out towards the end of class. “So, what do you say? Three labs a week. Paid, of course.”
“I’m not sure I can handle the extra load, honestly,” you said. Though you were sure the extra work would certainly up the pressure, it wasn’t the real reason you were so quick to decline. Truthfully, it was him. How were you supposed to be around him an extra three days a week when you were already worried about the three you’d be spending with him in this class? “But if you’re in need of a recommendation, Mr. Crawley took Intro to Forensics with me and—“
“Take a day, think about it. First lab is Wednesday,” he interjected, glancing up at you with those brown eyes that looked both innocent and dangerous at the same time, a confusing balance your overly romantic heart longed to study in depth. You chuckled, a sound of disbelief over his disregard for your rejection, as you watched him turn back to his work. “I’ll have the Dean send over a formal offer this afternoon.”
“What time are the labs?” you asked, slowly accepting your fate—or, more accurately, accepting his stubbornness on the matter. 
“Eight to ten in the evening,” he replied, sounding as though he might yawn at the prospect. “Not ideal.”
“No,” you agreed, offering him a small smile. “I, uh, I’ll think about it.”
Not wanting to embarrass yourself—or endure more of this delusional torture—you made your exit as quickly and gracefully as you could manage, waiting until you were out in the main hall to freak out. 
“What did his fine ass want?” Nina asked, approaching you with Derrick in tow. You snorted at her brashness and rolled your eyes. 
“His fine ass wanted me to TA for his Intro to Forensics lab,” you replied, shaking your head as you looked through your tote for some gum, hoping to distract your rampant fantasies about said fine ass. 
“What the fuck?” Derrick griped, shaking his head. “I’ve been begging the dean to get me a TA position this semester but he said all the positions had been filled.”
“I tried to recommend you,” you offered, giving him a sympathetic frown. “I don’t even know if I’ll take it—”
“Then let me,” he said, hope lighting up his eyes. Even though you still had yet to make up your mind on the matter, his assumption that you’d just give urubbed you the wrong way. 
“I’m gonna think about it first,” you said, sharing a knowing look with Nina. 
If there was one thing to fault Derrick for, it would be his tendency to step on people—even his closest friends—to secure an opportunity. Even when he didn’t need to, even when he’d already won over most professors on campus, even when he knew his female friends struggled to reach even half of the respect given to him strictly because he was a man. 
“You coming with us to the gym?” Nina asked, changing the subject as she watched you bite back the urge to tell Derrick that maybe, just this once, it would be you stepping over him to secure a good opportunity. 
“No thanks,” you chuckled. 
“Lame,” she said, glancing over at Derrick who seemed to be lost in thought. “Well I’m gonna go change.” 
“See you later on,” you said, watching as she made her way down the hall. 
“So you think you might take the job?” Derrick asked, sticking his hands in his pocket. 
“I might,” you admitted, shrugging your shoulders. 
“Just…be careful,” he cautioned, causing your brows to furrow. “Male professors can be creepy as fuck.”
“Men in general can be, yeah,” you laughed. “But I’m sure I can take care of myself.” 
He nodded, ticking his jaw. 
“Well, I gotta go get groceries,” you lied, desperate to get back home, crawl into bed, and maybe do something about those fantasies from earlier. “I’ll see you back—“
“Come to dinner with me,” he blurted, biting his lip as he watched you go through a rollercoaster of emotions. Shock, amusement, confusion, before landing on something akin to empathy. 
“What? Derrick—“
“Just one date,” he promised. “One date and if it doesn’t work out, you know…we can just stay friends.” 
“I don’t know that it’s that simple,” you said, looking anywhere but at him. 
Why was he so dead set on going down this road; of making this mistake that you knew would end terribly? 
“Just a date,” he coaxed. “And I promise no weirdness afterwards if it doesn’t work out.”
“You can’t promise that,” you muttered, shaking your head. “And even if you can, I don’t know that I can.” 
“That’s assuming it goes bad,” he said, nudging your shoulder with a smile. “Friday night, you and me, some fancy restaurant I can barely afford. What do you say?”
Perhaps it was the new year, or maybe just the endorphins brought on by the sight of Dr. Peña in his tight slacks, but what did you have to lose? A good friend that you weren’t even sure would be your friend if he didn’t believe it was his only way in? 
“Fine,” you said, sighing. “One date. No weirdness. No expectations.”
Derrick grinned, nodding as he pulled you in for a hug. “Won’t regret it.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you chuckled. 
“Excuse me,” Dr. Peña appeared, in the doorway the two of you were blocking, causing Derrick to pull you out of the way and into his side. You watched Dr. Peña’s eyes scan the proximity between the two of you, a hint of disapproval on his face that you were sure you were imagining. “Have a good afternoon, you two.”
“You too,” you managed, sliding Derrick’s arm off your shoulder. “Also—“
Dr. Peña stopped, turning back towards you. “I, uh, I’ll take the job.”
“What?” Derrick scoffed, earning a curious look from Dr. Peña. 
“Very well,” he nodded. “You’ll find the contract in your email tonight.”
“Thank you for the opportunity, Professor,” you said, trying your hardest not to purr the last word out the way your filthy mind yearned to. 
Thank you for the opportunity, Professor. Such a fucking cliche that you had no intentions on perpetuating. 
Except for the fantasies. After all, what harm could come from a silly little fantasy?  
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