#I am cursed to have a brain that won't shut the fuck up
sheepon · 9 months
I'm stuck thinking about bugs!! Hobby entomologist rant!!!
When I move I have to leave my collection behind for biosecurity reasons, so I'm looking up info on collecting etiquette for Tasmania. The laws, permits needed, etc. In the US, there are plenty of state parks and forests that are chill with you insect collecting, foraging, and sometimes even taking plants home to plant. In Tas, it looks like this is very much not the case. I'm left thinking about my hobby. I love it. I love catching bugs, I think it's a ton of fun. I love spending time pinning them, the care it takes and being able to see all kinds of detail on them that's so much harder to see from afar. I love that it gets me out in nature, I love spotting new ones, I love that it makes me research and ID them. And as I've starting collecting only very sparingly now that it's not for classes, I love that each specimen reminds me of a time and place. I hold so dearly the funny little guys from my sand dunes trip in Colorado the other year! I will miss them :c tachinid fly, my beloved... On the other hand, I am killing living things for hobby. I am selfishly taking lives in order to obtain their bodies. On the other other hand, I've got excuses in my brain. I'm labelling everything meticulously so I can donate them when needed! And insects are r-selected! There are so many, because so many will die anyway! And I kill so, so many more insects when I drive my car out to go hiking, or when I walk around, or when I accidently let one fly into a building it'll never find its way out of. Really I guess I'm just uncomfortable because I want to keep doing this hobby even though I know it's kind of selfish and maybe wrong. And I have a gut feeling that maybe Tasmanian bug nerds might maybe look down on me for it. It feels like it'd be more forgivable if I at least had a spine about it. It's not lost on me though, that I don't really feel bad about fishing. Somehow it's forgivable if you at least are going to eat what you kill. Even though that means I'd kill more trout in my lifetime than I'll ever kill any single species of insect. Ough.
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multi-kpop-fanfics · 7 months
Cheol edging you and you can't cum, but you can't hold back and you do, so now you're being overstimulated with a vibrator and I wonder at what point will Cheol give u a break. Maybe he makes u suck his cock to keep u quiet
i fucking hate you.
tw: hard dom!cheol, sub fem!reader, fingering, edging, overstimulation, use of sex toys, degradation, facefucking, pussy slapping, multiple orgasms, squirting - minors dni.
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"Don't fucking cum."
"C-Cheol, I can't hold it anymore!" You sob, thighs twitching from the assault of Seungcheol's fingers on your pussy.
"I said. Don't. Fucking. Cum." He holds your jaw still with his free hand, the other drilling his fingers in your hole almost violently.
"Gonna cum, gonna cum, fuck!" You cry out and your hole tightens around his digits, thighs closing around his forearm as you see white and writhe on the mattress.
Your brain doesn't have enough time to register what is happening between your legs after your orgasm, but some familiar vibrations inside your pussy bring you back to reality, along with the knot in the pit of your stomach.
"W-What's happening? Cheol?" You ask with a weak voice.
"You got what you wanted, even without permission, princess. Now you're gonna bear with it until I am satisfied." Seungcheol gives you a smirk that seems smug and annoyed at the same time.
"See that?" He shows you the screen of his phone and you immediately recognize the app of your favorite bullet vibrator. "It's gonna sit on the maximum setting until I decide to turn it off."
"That's t-too much! Cheol, I cannot handle that!" You protest and try to reach for your pussy to take the toy out, but he pins your wrists above your head with one hand.
"Keep your hands to yourself, little whore." Seungcheol slaps your pussy and your legs close involuntarily, crying out loud.
You moan once more as you cum again, a string of curses escaping your lips as your pussy squeezes the toy dangerously.
"Hmm, you seem to be taking this a little too well, princess. Makes it hard to believe you won't handle it." He straddles your torso, his cock laying between your breasts.
"I-It f-feels-"
"It's- F-feels t-too good, Cheol, s-so fucking good!" You cry for real this time, tears rolling down your cheeks.
"Mhm, I know, princess." He grins like the devil.
You open your mouth to speak up, but it turns into a scream instead - another wave of pleasure crashes upon you and you squirt all over the bedsheets and your thighs.
"Keep it down, princess, the neighbors will file noise complaints if you keep screaming like this." Seungcheol laughs in your face as he uses both hands to pin your wrists down and slide his cock in your mouth to shut you up.
You moan around his cock and the vibrations of your warm mouth drive him insane, forcing his hips to push his cock deeper in your throat.
"I think I like you better this way, princess. Not to mention your lips look beautiful wrapped around my dick." He grunts as he thrusts his shaft in your mouth, nearly gagging you. Saliva is dripping from the corners of your mouth and fresh tears run from your eyes, looking at him with a fucked out gaze.
"What a messy little whore you are. But you're my messy little whore."
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daisybianca · 7 months
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pairing: lewis hamilton x yn
summary: lewis is kind of a mafia type of guy here, but he still remains the best f1 driver in history with 8 championships (!). mafia means that he kinda kills people. he's always hot put now he is double hot. idk if that's even possible, but anyway. you're his girl, and he sees that someone made a bruise on your hand. spoiler alert: i doesn't end well for the guilty man.
warnings: lots of cursing words, sexual actions, mentions of death, etc
(a/n): it is written in 1 pov, from his point of view. though it couldn't get any hotter? nah, it can.
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WHEN I UNLOCK my mansion's door and come see my girlfriend crying, three completely different options pass through my mind.
One. Killing someone.
Two. Making someone regret.
Three. Doing both of those after kissing my woman's tears until the don't exist anymore.
I rush to her on the couch, not even bothering to shut the door behind me. "What happened, baby?" I get on my knees and try to hold her close to me. She doesn't meet my gaze. She's hidden her face behind her little hands, but I can still take a glimpse of her scorching hot, red cheeks. "Hey, y/n, talk to me." I try to persuade her, even though it seems impossible.
"P-please," she stutters, and something dark and colorful captures my attention on her left wrist.
It's a bruise. A fucking bruise. A huge one to be exact.
I try to compose myself. It's not even enough. I think my jawline starts to tremble, and I don't even notice at first. "Y/N," I force her to look at me, forcing her hands away off her beautiful face. Her features are soft but her precious eyes have turned swollen and her lips are tighter than ever. "Who did this to you?" The words come out sharp. I don't even think about them to be honest.
She is my fucking woman. These are the rules. Nobody is allowed to touch her in a way that she doesn't want to. Not even me.
I cup her small face with both my hands. "Who hurt you, baby?"
I hear a soft cry and then she tries to speak again but doesn't manage to do it properly without stuttering.
Fuck, I won't look good in jail clothing.
I bit my lip in order to not lose it just at this fucking moment. My fists become a ball. My girl notices and places her little ones over my hands to stop the shaking.
"Baby, please," I mouth. "Tell me who the bastard is, and I swear, he'll never see sunlight again to touch you." Forcing myself to stand up, in a matter of seconds, I sit on the couch, and she's moved on my lap. I think I'm losing my mind each time she looks at me, and I don't know who to kill. "Just tell me a name, Y/N."
She finally stops crying. Fuck.
My heart jumps each time she attempts to speak but is unable to due to the silent sobs.
A few seconds pass.
A few more, too.
Eventually, I feel a hand pressing on my chest and immediately blood rushes straight to my cock.
Damn it.
Of course, my dick doesn't get the whole situation. It has a whole brain of its one. In fact, we are under hard circumstances right now. And surely, there can't be anything harder than that at the moment.
She hides her face in my neck. I place my hand on the back of it and wait.
I think my blood pressure is on its fucking limits when she turns to face me. "It's my ex." She blurts out suddenly. I want to laugh but I don't.
Oh this fucking bastard again... Though we were done with him by the time I threatened him with his life if he ever got close to my girl again. But he definitely isn't the type of guy loyal to anything. Not to promises, not to threats, not even to his ex-girlfriend.
"He asked to meet me. I said no, but he wouldn't understand. He was waiting outside my place this morning, claiming he'd like to talk. I wanted to get away from him, but he grabbed my arm and..." her voice breaks.
I hold her for a few seconds as the sobs initiate again. Afterward, I get up and make a very important call. Returning, I am very pleased to meet a much-better-looking, without-any-tears woman sitting on the couch and scrolling through her phone.
Noticing me, she looks at me. I try to smile. "He'll be dead till midnight." Sitting next to her, I take her on my lap and kiss the dry tears off her cheeks.
And then I start undressing her, not because my dick is asking for it since one hour ago, but because she seems in the mood for it.
"I just want you to fuck me, Lewis." She says as I press my palm around her neck and spread wet kissing along her breasts. "Fuck me like you hate me."
I smile. "Baby, I could never hate you."
"Just do it for an hour," she moans against my ear. "Please."
I stop to look at her, laughing. "An hour?" I rise my eyebrows. "Love, you underestimate me."
She laughs too, and we're off to upstairs, where one of the mansion's bedrooms is located.
I want to make love to her, truth to be told. Passionate and delicate. But she asked for a rough fuck.
She knows I'm a man capable of doing both. So I proceeded to doing them.
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archangeldyke-all · 7 months
More tattoo artist sevika pls
Maybe our first date or something 👀👀👀
ur wish is my command bb
men and minors dni
so since you asked her out, you're under the impression that you'll be planning the date.
that is not the case.
once sevika's away from you (and no longer hypnotized by your presence) she snaps out of her lovesick haze and rushes to text you.
"i'm taking u out, btw."
"absolutely not, i asked u!" you text back.
"yeah because i couldn't get my brain to fuckin' work while i was looking at u. i'm taking u out. shut up about it."
and then, "ur tit pic nearly gave me an aneurysm, btw."
she picks out a quiet little restaurant with great drinks, reserves a table for you, and gets there thirty minutes early. she has two drinks before you arrive-- nervous as shit and desperate to be cool once you show up.
she's not.
you show up wearing a low cut top and skin tight pants. she chokes on her drink when she sees you.
you have to pound her back while she coughs and sputters.
she hides her face in her hands in embarrassment as you sit across from her once her breathing is under control. you laugh, endeared by how nervous she is around you.
"you're really cute." you say.
she groans. "you make me stupid with how pretty you are." she mumbles.
it's a great first date after the initial awkward bumble. sevika relaxes when she realizes you're teasing her just so she won't tease you-- because her teasing you leads to you getting so flustered you can't even look her in the eyes.
you guys have a few drinks and split a few appetizers. you take turns trying to fluster the other between asking questions about each other and getting to know one another.
your chemistry is off the charts. you've never met anyone you click with quite as quickly as you click with sevika. by the end of the night the two of you are laughing with each other like you've known each other for years.
you end up sitting at the table chatting for hours, until the restaurant closes forcing the two of you to leave. outside the restaurant, sevika awkwardly asks you if you'd like to take a walk with her. you enthusiastically agree, nowhere near ready for the night to be over.
sevika grins when you agree, and you decide to be bold and take her hand in yours. she trips over her own feet, awkwardly laughing when you help her straighten out.
"nervous?" you ask her. she hip checks you gently.
"shut up." she grumbles. you smile and stop walking. she turns around, ready to apologize, and you cut her off by pressing a kiss to her cheek. she's blushing when you pull away.
"you make me nervous too." you say, biting your lip and smiling. "good nervous, though."
"yeah." sevika says with a sparkle in her eyes. "good nervous."
the two of you walk for hours, circling the same block and talking about any and everything.
she tells you secrets she's never told anyone, you tell her practically your whole life story.
you point to her most eye catching tattoos, ask her the story behind each one, what made her choose the design.
it's only when the sky starts to get light that sevika realizes how much time has passed.
"oh fuck." sevika curses, looking down at you. "i am so sorry, i had no idea it was getting so--"
"it's okay." you cut her off. "i did. i just wanted to keep spending time with you." you watch sevika melt, her eyes getting wide and her face going soft. you giggle. "plus i got all my steps in, so that's good."
"probably enough steps for the whole week." she says.
"speaking of... are you free this weekend?" you ask. sevika grins.
"yes." she says, nodding enthusiastically.
"you gonna let me take you out this time?" you ask. she shakes her head no.
"never." she says. you roll your eyes.
"walk me to my car." you demand. sevika does.
when you get to your car-- the only one left in the parking lot besides sevika's, you turn around to hook your hands over sevika's shoulders.
"i'm really glad you asked me out." you whisper.
"i'm really glad you came to silco for your nose piercing." she says.
"i had such a good time tonight." you say.
"me too."
"sevika?" you ask, blinking up at her. her eyes are focused on your lips.
"can i kiss you?" you ask. she grins.
she leans down as you lean up, your lips meeting in a gentle kiss. something warm and sparkly bubbles in your stomach, and in a moment you're grinning against her lips. she pulls away with a shy smile of her own, clearing her throat and scratching the back of her neck.
"text me when you get home safe." she says. you nod up at her.
"you too." you say.
sevika turns to walk to her car and you watch her go, raising your eyebrows when she stops and turns back around to stride up to you, a determined look on her face.
she scoops you up into her arms and kisses you fiercly, a ray of sun cutting through the sky to illuminate the two of you as you moan into each other. she sets you down three minutes later, much more satisfied with that kiss than the one before it, and then walks backwards all the way to her car, grinning and giggling at your flustered face the whole way.
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winchestersickness · 7 months
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Sorry anon I somehow deleted your ask 😔 but here's the rec! I went through my ao3 history and picked these, I hope there's something you haven't read yet and that you will enjoy :))
Gift Horse, Mouth, etc.
Sam gets accidentally stuck with a curse that can only be lifted by acting on his deepest hidden fantasy. Dean thinks it's hilarious, and why won't Sammy just tell him what it is already? It can't be anything that weird. Right?
Please Tell Me Who I Am
A/B/O AU. As a beta, Sam shouldn’t even be attracted to his alpha brother (much less be yearning for Dean to finally take that last step into claiming him officially) but, a few compatibility issues aside, they’re happy with the pseudo-mateship they’ve got going on. At least, until a hunt-gone-wrong ends up with Sam being cursed into an omega. He and Dean race to find a way to reverse the spell before it’s too late…but now Sam’s not entirely sure if he even wants to be cured.
Post-Cage!Sam seen through the eyes of others.
(more under the cut)
In Loco Parentis
“Sam, are you,” Dean pauses, squeezing his eyes shut for a second because his brain just doesn’t want to catch up. “Are you jerking off and thinking about Dad?” (Sam is 15).
take the things you love
The thing is, Sam’s reinforcing every bad behavior Dean’s ever had with this kind of shit. Fucking Sam stupid over the hood of the Impala? Dean’s wet dream—unfortunately also Sam’s—but more importantly the implicit validation of every claim Dean thinks he has on Sam—unfortunately every claim Sam’s lizard brain wants Dean to have. (Sam knows his brother wants to possess him. It's a point of internal conflict.)
There's An Enochian Incantation
Dean finds a spell to create a weapon to banish leviathans. It involves an Enochian incantation. The last thing Sam's already-fragile mind needs is to hear words in the language of angels.
brother only wants
Sam breathes like it takes effort, and then he says, "Wanting you was the very first thing I realized was wrong with me. It was how I knew there was something sick inside." (One of them had to fall first. A story about devotion.)
Hands Away
When you’re horny and alone with one person in one room for a long time and you’re sixteen and all you’ve ever been taught is to love your brother more than anything, it doesn’t seem like that far of a leap to start imagining what his mouth would feel like around your dick.
Squint into the Sunset | Glare into the Gloaming
The 70k-word nonlinear coming of age story that literally no one asked for. "I know you want to give him the world, Dean, but you were never supposed to give him this."
Taking Advantage
Sam is doing everything Dean tells him to. It’s weird, and Dean wants to get to the bottom of it so he pushes Sam. Sam breaks.
I'd Gladly Lose Me To Find You
Sam takes a vow of silence in order to pull Dean out of Hell, but by the time Dean comes back, Sam's lost more of himself than just his voice. Splits off completely from canon after the season 3 finale.
One Going On Eternity And Counting
Some boundaries were never meant to be crossed ...
with hearts that are guilty, not remorseful
“I’ve wanted you since I knew what wanting was.” It’s a fact, as plain as the day. The sky is blue. Their mother was killed by a demon. They hunt monsters. Sam wants Dean. “I’ve loved you for longer, I think.” “God,” Dean’s voice is barely a whisper, raising a hand to grip his own hair by the roots and pulling. He looks absolutely wretched. “I fucked you up, didn’t I?”
When You're Not Here
The third time Sam Winchester comes to school with bruises, Mrs. Davidson decides it's time to intervene - before it's too late.
Sticky fingers, that’s what Dean always calls him.
Bullet for my Valentine
Stupid. He is so goddamn fucking stupid. Running his mouth like a fucking idiot, not knowing when to leave well enough alone. Bad enough that he just practically talked dirty to his little brother, which, Christ – he must be more stressed than he thought if his self-control mechanisms have started malfunctioning that badly. But no, no, he came up with a scenario straight out of a bad slasher film, as if that is something normal people talk dirty about, as if that is something Sam would seriously enjoy. As if – As if Dean hadn’t hunted his own brother through the maze of the bunker, eyes black and hammer raised to strike, not even a full year ago. As if Sam hadn’t, just a few weeks back, knelt at his feet, neck bared, waiting for Dean to deal a fatal blow with a fucking scythe.
I haven't been reading spn fics for long so idk if all these are well known already, but I loved all of these (a couple of them are platonic). hope you'll like them!
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valeffelees · 3 months
hey Valen, umm, 🍕🥑🍎?
hey what's up, thanks for coming to hang out!
🍕 What's your favorite comment you've received on a fic?
oh fuck this is a hard question, because i don't think anything could have prepared me for the overwhelmingly kind things people had to say about without sun. i still haven't replied to any of the comments i've gotten on that fic bc when i scroll through them, i feel like my brain shuts down for a moment. i look at them and think, they can't be talking about me. they can't be talking about my story, my writing. but they are, and what the fuck am i even supposed to do with that, yk? every comment i've gotten on that fic feels like my favourite comment i've ever gotten. someone told me it was heartbreaking. someone told me my depiction of the mage was complex and intimidating. someone called my prose lovely, aching and beautiful. someone said the atmosphere was deeply haunting, that they hope i write for this fandom forever, that one of my scenes captured something extremely magic and extremely human and universal at the same time. i keep seeing all these words—visceral, melancholy, gorgeous, immersive. and i just, holy fuck. holy fuck. holy fuck? so yeah, i dunno, i really can't pick a favourite. (i have another fic i posted several years ago now, and every year since i've gotten an annual comment from the same user telling me that they still love the story, and that means a lot to me, too.)
🥑 What are you currently working on?
my main wips at the moment are: - without sun, a magickal mishap story in which simon snow accidentally curses the entirety of watford into thinking he's dead, allowing him to take a look into the lives of the people he loves most to see how they would handle a world without him, only for him to discover the reality of grief is not what he expected it to be. - ballad of the final sparrow, also known as bitverse. a non-magical alternate universe, set in small-town ontario, in which simon snow's mother has died, his best friend is moving away, he's pretty sure his girlfriend is ghosting him, and his father won't get off the couch. in other words: his life is falling apart, and to make it worse, he can't seem to get any sleep. he begins to spend his nights scrolling the back corners of the internet, diving through abandoned web forums and exploring old, innocuous threads. then, one night, he stumbles across the link to a private domain titled BAZ.ai/chatroom-1. this fic is unposted, but it's one of the most bleak, visceral stories i've ever attempted to write. - fragile things (and how to break them), once upon a time known as there's a werewolf in london. i talked about the plot at length before here, if you're curious, but something about it i don't think i mentioned in the orig post is how much of the story is actually a journey about baz and his vampirism, about him learning what it means to accept and be accepted, finding family in strange places, and discovering that sometimes true happiness starts with letting go.
🍎 How do you prioritize which stories to work on when you have multiple ideas?
and i answered this one here
[ask me things!]
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ve1vet-cake · 8 months
Teo drabble
(this was almost called 'Oh naur'. My brain doesn't function)
14days with you is still an 18+ game and explicit stuff will be mentioned
Enjoy fellas
Probably very ooc Teo cuz am stupid weeeeee
You woke up after a night with with Teo, like many nights before. Somehow you had gotten close enough to Teo for him to genuinely want to keep you around. You had met some of his other friends and even were one of his more regular 'dates' whenever you went out to party.
It was rare to make it simple. His friends were always eyeing you. You aware of he fact they were making bets on how long it would take Teo to discard you as well. Just last week he had apparently dropped someone for making him breakfast.
You had shrugged it off, though you were starting to like certain aspects of Teo and how surprisingly gentle he could be you were accutely aware of his boundaries. No love, or else you're out.
And you didn't want to lose such a good sex partner. You needed someone with experience after years of not having proper sexual partners.
Now here you were, sitting up in Teo's bed, stretching gently while figuring out how you'd get home this time. It was already 7am after all and you knew that Teo had a habit of waking up around 8 or 9 to get started with workouts and his skincare.
Cursing under your breath you peeled yourself out of his blanket, making sure he was still fairly covered before plucking your clothes off of his floor. With a yawn you made your way to his bathroom, grabbing your bag from his couch.
While you washed up and got ready for the day you tried getting rid of the soreness in your core and legs. He had been rougher than usual last night- not that you minded.
With a slight huff you smacked your cheeks to wake up a little more and got changed, putting on the spare clothes you'd prepared already.
With a last check in the mirror you smiled at yourelf before walking out of his room, quietly shutting the door behind you.
"I could walk to the nearest convenience store..." You were grumbling to yourself, deciding against going straight home and getting something to eat and drink first.
Lost in thought you didn't notice the woman before you, nearly bumping into her.
"A-ah! Sorry-"
You blinked, briefly apologizing. She must be one of Teo's staff.
You bit your lip, cursing yourself mentally for taking too long. If Teo were to come down now you'd be off the list.
"I was just about to leave. Don't mind me" You smiled gently at her, bowing your head before continung your way toward the front door.
Her kind eyes followed your figure a second, tilting her head in confusion before focusing the stairs.
"Won't they join us for breakfast?"
You froze, hand already on the doorknob. 'Fuck'
"Why should they?" Teo's raspy morning voice seemed to echo through the foyer. You suddenly felt trapped, afraid.
You heard him make his way to you or more the woman behind you.
"I mean we already started with breakfast and it's been so long since you had someone else to eat with." The woman pouted a little, worry glistening in her eyes.
"It's fine. They won't be coming back either way."
You felt your heart drop. Biting your lip hard you turned the doorknob and tried opening the door before hearing a smack sound behind you.
As you looked behind you with widened eyes you saw the woman stand in front of a now defeated looking Teo. She had her arms crossed.
"You can't just treat every guest like that! I raised you better than his. Also; Aren't they the person you told me about??"
Teo's eyes seemed to widen as he shot her a clear 'Do not' glare.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"C-can I just.. go now?"
You stood there like a deer in headlights, unsure on what to do.
"No, come eat with us." The woman grabbed you by the arm, dragging you to the kitchen. "I like you, Teo has said that you're the first one to have held out for so long and to have respected him that much. You surely just overslept today, hm?"
"Y-yeah.. But.. He doesn't seem to want me here I can just g-"
The woman pouted at you.
Suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder.
"You're lucky she likes you. after breakfast you're out. Understood?"
You just nodded, trying not to show your hurt. You had just lost something you held dearer than you thought.
After the in your opinion awkward breakfast you practically dashed out the door, immdiately calling a cab home.
"Are you really going to cut them off? They're so sweet and I like them.." Teo looked up from his phone, finger hovering over the delete number button.
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scienceoftheidiot · 1 year
Do I have a lot of work to do today ? Yes
Will I manage to work ? Probably not
Ramblings. I'm just fed up with my own brain. Worse than usual because I don't sleep well (and this time it's my own fault!!!).
Thing is, as I get older I start to understand how my brain functions
I notice that I will do things I don't want to do (work, chores) only if I'm insured I will relatively immediately have time to do things I want to do after (most of the time these amount to creative things, drawing or writing, but just knowing I have free time coming will help me not freaking out and sit down and work).
If I know I will NOT be granted this, my brain will just.
Shut off.
I can try. I can try and I'll manage crumbs, but it'll be painful, and I'll have to reset the whole thing 20 times over the span of 10min, and I'll have to work with a background thing to listen to that I WILL NOT LISTEN TO but that will stop my brain from immediately daydreaming about what I WANT to do which I will not be able to. Orrrrr just shut off and I'll fall asleep.
Like for real.
Good thing I'm not working behind a desk anymore because it's increased lately. Like. Can't do what want? Okay g'night.
And I'm like.
Surely everyone is like that, right ? It's just lazyness. It's just a lack of discipline (this. This is true. I have no discipline. I live in the moment. Too bad eh. I can't do anything else because I'm absolutely unable to anticipate anything further than tomorrow. Everything else is just a blur of days with no end. It's always been the case, I'm just as short sighted with time than I am with my eyes)(when not a blur it's just anxiety territory so I'm happy with blur, trust me)
1) idk like lazyness isn't having to physically fight you own body to keep its eyes open and its head straight, huh?
2) my husband can just churn work and chores for hours and days uninterrupted without even sleeping well in the mean time (and creative outlets aren't his thing, though he's taken to sewing and likes it. I guess I'm rubbing off on him). I mean he's not an example he seems to like to suffer for some reason but
I wish I could say it's ADHD but apparently it's not and it's not impairing my life enough to be treated anyway because I always manage
Which is a fucking curse at times. Because I have anxiety. And this is diagnosed. I always manage but I never trust myself to manage and thus I'm here stuck doing nothing because what if I don't manage but my brain isn't in the right mood to manage anything I should be doing right now and then I'm stuck in limbo unable to do anything
So you know what
I'm going to try to work for 15min and if nothing works I'm switching to writing because at least I'll have done something. I know exactly what I want to write and exactly where to put it and I probably won't be able to do shit unless I put it down on paper.
Fuck. It.
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songofdefiance · 1 year
okay I'm like... a stranger things fan in that i enjoy the show but don't really engage with it very deeply (because it is VERY straight and somewhat predictable and hey, kudos to all the people who subvert it with fanfiction, which i also enjoy, but it's not something i want to write for)
i am also a huge fear street trilogy fan, fucking adore those movies, and lately my brain won't stop thinking about a stranger things au with the fear street characters
not everything fits neatly one-to-one, but here are a few ideas:
the main thing i got stuck on was the idea of cindy and alice kind of serving as a steddie parallel (so no alice until s4, sadly, but w/e), except i'd keep their backstory from 1978 - in that they used to be best friends, until cindy decided to try to live up to her rich, absentee parents' expectations, alienating herself from both alice and ziggy; cue ultimate Drama for their s4 reunion, when alice has been accused of murder and cindy is trying to keep all the kids safe
deena and sam being mike and el? look, i do think byler is adorable, but i also love the idea of the 90s baby lesbians being the mike/el parallel. deena is (i think) strong-willed enough to be the 'mike' in this situation, while sam is the one who's escaped the lab
kate is dustin. full stop. she's a straight-a student but she's also a massive nerd, and is assertive enough to kidnap cindy and get her to help in s2
i haven't really figured out who would be Nancy in this scenario bc even though Cindy is Steve (down to the polo shirt), she's also a lot like Nancy. so i guess she's like. a fusion of them
at some point Cindy and Alice have a heart to heart, where Alice admits that she wishes she could do what Cindy did so that it would get her out of shadyside, but that she's convinced that the town is cursed (by vecna rather than Satan, but yeah) and so gave up on that. Cindy admits that she's had crippling self doubt all the while and isn't convinced she'll ever be able to leave either
meanwhile, in California, deena has to be physically held back from going after sam's bullies; when Sam slams a roller blade into Main Bully's face, deena walks out holding sam's hand, and she might as well be holding a sign that says "i love my girlfriend and am proud of her"
"violence is bad, deena." "shut the fuck up - you did great, Sam"
ziggy and max are A LOT alike (beyond just being played by sadie sink), so ziggy is vecna's target, and Cindy is going feral trying to find ways to keep both her and Alice safe
(cue a lot of guilt from Cindy because how did she not notice, how did she not realize just how bad it had gotten for her sister)
i don't think i would put nick goode into the story, exactly, but i would probably say "hey when you're picturing one, picture the guy who played adult Nick/Solomon goode". man does a good job being a creep
hard to say who the other adults would be in this story, bc fear street was (purposefully) bereft of actual adults. sorry jopper. it kinda plays into the theme of adults not really being reliable in actual tough situations, so I'm not too upset about it, though
ngl I'm leaning towards Ruby Lane being 8? maybe nurse lane can be the only adult, trying to figure out what happened to her daughter
uhhhh... hmm. Tommy was Cindy's bf for a while, and he's genuinely a good dude, unwittingly gets involved in s2, does his best to help out. unfortunately, i think he also ends up being the mind flayer's avatar in s3 (I'm putting poor Cindy through the ringer I'm so sorry)
this would require A LOT of character development that i would have to build myself but I'm kinda leaning towards arnie being Cindy's Robin? they both end up working at scoops, and bc Cindy knows he's dating Alice (Alice and Arnie do genuinely like each other and like dating, but it's more of a bi4bi arrangement), but Arnie is generally pretty chill around her and Cindy eventually relaxes. they bond during the Russians stuff and arnie comes out as bi, and Cindy is like "cool"
we've got Josh and Simon to round out the Party
okay I'll admit it, i have no fucking clue who any of the byers are in this scenario. genuinely zero idea. aaaand with that, that's all i got
(this is 90% because Cindy/Alice makes me sad and i want them to be happy; no Alice does NOT die, she gets badly hurt but she lives)
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shshshshshowrunner · 11 months
14, 18, 29, 32, 38, 4, 20, 23, 24, 33
oh went really went for the jugular here friend.
14- biggest turns offs
it's more of a vibe than any particular thing. i can't pinpoint what happened most of the time but sometimes i will just entirely shut down and start spiraling. so i guess sometimes my brain just does the Big No and makes me smack my head into a wall
18- most traumatic experience
probably when i lost Rion and Steri. I was fully feeling then, i wasn't numb like i was when i was created. Rion and Steri, they were both cursed by a witch to be deer, and I managed to uncurse Rion most of the way. Most. he ended up being murdered by townsfolk in front of me. this was before i learned necromancy, and actually what drove me to do so. promised myself i'd never be caught off guard and lose a friend because of a skill issue ever again. steri, he... he ran off into the woods. i was driven away. i never did find him.
29- reason i've lied to a friend
wouldn't you like to know *xigbar dying in kh2.gif*
32- what words upset me the most
i super don't like when people insult me but for whatever reason it sets me on f i r e when people insult me as a (ex)wife or a mother. like bitch hello. i'm gonna insult you as a breather. the fuck do you mean you think i was a bad wife i was the best wife now shut your bitch ass mouth before i punch your teeth so far down your throat the tooth fairy's gonna need to do a colonoscopy. not fucking budging on this i was the best wife it just so happens that he was an atrocious husband. anyone would have ran, and sooner. cunt ass bitch. perish.
38- my childhood career choice
"childhood" "choice" lmao
4- do you drink
swamp sauce babie when i am stressed and crisis-ing or when xigbar becomes silly with it involved.
20- what i hate most about myself
i can't stop trying to help people and it never works and they never want it and i make everything fucking worse and i need to s t o p but i can't fucking stop because i was made to do this i can barely- if- if i don't try to help i feel like tearing my skin from my face its- literally not to quote supernatural here but the very damned touch of me corrupts i fuck everything up always.
23- my relationship with my siblings
i think about this. see, i don't have siblings, or even siblings in law. unless you count... um. gods my family tree is fucked up. if you squint and ignore the turning in your stomach, paph and arme are my half siblings. and now im trying to do math for... but no, i won't, anyway things are okay with my kids i think
24- my relationship with my parents
i killed my husband actually and i intend to do it again (date night!) and i've never seen aphrodite in the flesh after the very first time. xigdad though we watch x files on the regular it's great
33- what words make me feel best about myself
when people i care about engage with me in shared interests without it feeling like they are tolerating me or humoring me. the narrator teared up with me about destiel over lunch that was pretty great. as for specific words i like 'doll' but only coming from xigbar anyone else can die by my blade. i like 'friend' also and 'bestie' and that can come from anyone im kh-close with (have talked twice). 'bestie' can also be used by other fans of supernatural as is customary. uhm i also like being reassured that im not colossally fucking up at every turn so when people go 'yes' or 'great' or 'good job' in genuine ways it's like 'oh thank the gods i didn't just throw my whole life down the drain by fumbling that interaction'
0 notes
1tad0ri · 3 years
hiii. can i request a rough nsfw with sukuna where he's so frustrated with jujutsu sorcerers that he decided to unleash those said frustrations on the reader? like he just won't stop until he release all the stress inside him— kshjsch i feel like sukuna would do that 😳 he'll be rough all night long
warning: degradation, choking, breath play, very mild pain kink, hate fucking
ryoumen sukuna x fem!reader
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i feel the same way so thank you, i’m going to be thinking about this for a long time
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“you know, i really thought you’d put up more of a fight.”
the grip he had on your neck was bruising, but certainly a lot looser than you thought the king of curses would be. your hands clawed at him nonetheless, although the whole current concept of being shoved against the wall of your bedroom wasn’t exactly something you were complaining about.
the three impatient raps at your door earlier had you rolling out of bed, wanting to sleep after your latest mission. you’d thought it was yuuji, hungry for your warmth, but when you unlocked the door, rubbing your eyes and stifling a yawn, you’d been unceremoniously shoved backwards, the wind knocked out of you when your back met the wall. the glint of tattoos on a familiar face in the moonlight coming from your window told you all you needed to know.
sukuna watched you curiously and then his sickening grin was back, fingers squeezing a little harder. you gasped, stretching your neck away. “what? not going to answer?” he sneered, “maybe you all really are the same. scared little fucking sorcerers.” he leaned closer, breath fanning across your face. “isn’t that fucking stupid? you’re all a bunch of scaredy cats, aren’t you?” he pouted mockingly when he spat out the name. his lips were so close, if you just tilted forward—
no. whatever morbid fascination you harbored towards him didn’t change the fact he was... well... him. you stood your ground, leaning forward to bump your nose against his, your own scowl evident. “you can’t do anything, sukuna. once we find all the—”
“all my fingers you mean? the ones you can’t destroy on your own so you have to come up with some little plan to get rid of me?” he laughed bitterly in your face and you bit your lip, trying to calm your fury before you did something you’d regret. “it’s all the same. you’re scared of me. you don’t have the upperhand. never will,” he whispered at the end.
“i’m not scared of you.” your thoughts tumbled out of your mouth plainly without a second of hesitation, but the tilt of his head in question, his forehead brushing against yours, made you think that perhaps telling the truth around him was a very bad idea.
it was dark, hard to see his face, but god he was so close. “yeah? what are you then?”
good question. wait, no, bad question. bad, very bad, because you already knew the answer to it. or... did you? vocal chords at a stand still, there was no way to verbalize what you felt.
“hurry up, brat.” sukuna tightened his grip on your neck before loosening it just the smallest bit so you could speak. “i don’t have all day. how do you feel then? you with your little human emotions.”
words... what are the words. it turns out staring down a literal demon king in the eyes wasn’t the optimal place to think. “i... i don’t know.” your voice was small, unsure, lying.
the staring contest, backed by deafening silence, continued for a mere beat longer as you regarded each other with quiet contemplation. you could just barely make out his eyes and the curve of his lips, parted slightly. his breath was warm.
you couldn’t take it anymore and it seemed like he couldn’t either—you both automatically tilted your heads, lips pressing against each other easily, eyes falling shut. mouths sliding against the other, he gently pushed your head back to hit the wall, tongues running over one another. it was slow, hot, and you decided you should probably thank yuuji for keeping his lips so soft.
sukuna sucked your bottom lip between his own and your hands fell away from his grip on your neck to pull him closer by the front of his shirt (he hadn’t ripped it apart yet, an impressive feat). his leg slipped between your own, and you pushed down on it with your hips, the friction making you open your mouth further to him, something enticing about the fact he was a very good kisser.
but then it was like a switch flipped and his hold on your neck tightened once again. “what... what am i doing,” you thought he mumbled, voice hoarse (then again, your brain wasn’t exactly listening when you were busy making out with someone like him), kiss faltering for a brief moment. his lips curled into a frown, disdainful.
shoving you further into the wall as he pushed against you with his mouth, sukuna was all sharp teeth and rough lips now, swallowing up your whimpers, nothing soothing about it like his previous actions.
“i fucking hate you,” he spat, his hand abandoned your neck and moved up to squish your cheeks together, finding satisfaction in the way your lips puckering out, barely able to move. “do you hear me? i hate all of you.”
“the feeling’s mutual,” you mumbled around his grip, hazy from the kiss but knowing what you stood for, fury evident in your eyes and furrowed brows. he was the enemy. and you were... you. and... and...
you were met with a bitter laugh, your stomach curling into knots at the sound. you hadn’t noticed his free hand tugging at your waistband until it was too late, his hand slipping in and wasting no time running two fingers harshly against your soaking folds. “why are you dripping wet then? a slut and a liar?”
“fuck off,” you mumbled again, a lot quieter this time, face burning hot from embarrassment.
“i’ll fuck off when you stop acting like you want to fuck me.”
his words made you straightened up. “i- i’m not—”
“you’re not acting? mmm,” sukuna let go of your cheeks just enough that he could properly kiss you, tongue forcing it’s way past your lips, “of course you’re not. of course.” he was mocking you and you couldn’t say anything.
a finger pushed into your heat and you bit down on his lip in surprise, although the pain only seemed to spur him on further, a second finger easily shoving its way in next to the first. curling, pushing, rubbing against that sensitive, spongy spot inside of you, sukuna’s fingers had your legs shaking, the knee he still had pressed between them the only thing keeping you up at this rate. the grip on your face as he hummed against your mouth prevented you from avoiding eye contact with him, lips wet as he disregarded any type of mess he was making.
he was everywhere at once and you felt trapped. hot—it was too hot, your body was burning.
“su- ku... n... a,” his name came out garbled between the onslaught of your face being squished together and the sloppy kisses he pressed into you at irregular intervals. when his thumb rubbed against your clit as the two fingers continued to pump in and out, you gripped his shirt so hard you were sure you would rip it this time. “too... mmm,” a kiss that was more tongue than lip cut you off and you weren’t even sure if he heard you as you choked out the next words, “mmm, hah— much, suku—”
at once he released you, almost letting you drop to the floor, but you were able to just barely steady yourself against the wall in time. sukuna stepped back and away from your shaking form. you were gasping, lungs burning.
“w...why did you—”
“i can listen you know.” you could practically feel his eye roll from his dripping tone, even if you weren’t looking at him. “‘too much.’” he laughed as he mocked you. “more like you’re too weak.”
you were thankful he actually seemed to have a brain, but still— “you’re an idiot.” fuck, your lungs hurt, the retort scraping against the walls of them. he was good. it had been a while since anyone had left your head spinning like that.
sukuna flicked a hand dismissively. “‘an idiot’ who’s giving you a chance to breathe, you brat.” he decided to ignore the name for now, thankfully for you (although you didn’t exactly see it that way).
you couldn’t choke out another snarky response and simply focused on clearing your head. he gave you a chance to think and once you seemed clear-minded, he wasted no further time.
you blinked, eyes bleary, peering up at him from where you bent over, trying to catch your breath. “w...what?”
“on the bed. now.” he shoved his hands into his pockets, watching you blankly as you regained your senses. “unless you want me to fuck you on the floor?”
“no...” god, what was with you? or rather... what was with him? the ache in your core answered your question, your cunt feeling so empty now—he hadn’t even bothered to let you cum and you already wanted his fingers stuffed back into you. he was irresistible—you felt stupid even having the thought.
sukuna’s eyes narrowed, close to shoving you to the ground to finish what he started but exercising restraint for your sake. you’d need it. “i’m being nice and giving you a chance to get comfortable on your stupid bed, you idiot. go. now.” he was getting tired of repeating himself.
the last few snarky words and your own desire for him actually had you moving this time, climbing up onto the bed a few steps away and settling uncertainly onto the covers. you went to look up for further instructions but he was already on you, both of you tumbling back onto the mattress as he practically shoved his tongue down your throat, hands pushing up and under your shirt to squeeze your tits.
“take this off.”
you automatically pulled at the hem of the flimsy t-shirt at his command, sukuna giving you just enough room to get it over your head, and then his teeth were on your exposed breasts, marking them up. your fingers threaded through his hair, his head moving under your touch as you watched his mouth work with half-lidded eyes.
you didn’t think you’d be able to change in front of anyone any time soon, already knowing the blossoming colors of bruises would be apparent the next morning. reminder to self: cancel your upcoming shopping trip with nobara; the dressing rooms with her would surely be a disaster if he kept this up.
“who’s are these?” his grip was rough when he cupped your breasts, squeezing.
you immediately knew the answer he was looking for, all too eager to hand it over. “yours. fuck, they’re all yours.” your hands ran through his hair, urging him to continue his onslaught on the previously unmarked skin.
sukuna laughed, thumbing your nipples, giving one of them a light lick that made you squirm. “you’re more obedient than i thought you’d be.” he pinched the buds, rolling them between his fingers as you squeezed your eyes closed, gasping at the pain. “but that’s enough of that.” your eyes snapped open, about to ask him what the fuck he meant by that, but he was already setting to work.
his fingers hooked around your sleeping bottoms and pulled them down with your underwear, the night air cold against your damp lips. you rubbed your thighs together but his hands on your knees forced them apart as he peered down at you. you felt so exposed under his hungry gaze, entirely bare for him to see while he was still dressed. unfair.
“wanna see. don’t close them,” was his short, clipped explanation as he kept your legs spread. one hand on your knee, sukuna brought the fingers of his other to run along your folds again just as he had done before, except this time he could actaully see how you quivered under him, cunt glistening and dripping. he slipped two fingers to run between the folds and then popped them in his mouth, sucking the slick from his fingers and maintaining eye contact with you the entire time. you couldn’t look away.
he hummed, content as he licked the last bit off of the tips. “you don’t taste bad for a slut.”
all the focus was on you, him criticizing everything little thing you did, and you were a mess because of it. not even a chance to run your hands over his chest? unacceptable. you pointedly ignored his comment, pining after some form of a reward instead. “at least take your shirt off. thought you hated those things.” the clothing ratio here was starting to grate on your nerves.
sukuna rolled his eyes but crossed his arms over his chest to grab ahold of the sides of his fitted t-shirt and tug it over his head. you watched, mouth watering at the sight—the moon provided excellent illumination for the scene, his body revealed inch by painstaking inch as he disposed of the fabric. god, he was so hot. you hated it.
muscles on display, sukuna raised an eyebrow at you as though he were asking, happy now? your silent reply came when you reached up to run your hands over the dips of his abs, his chest solid and tattoos curling over the surface.
“that’s better.” you made a show of your gaze tracing over the surface before looking up at him, smiling to yourself. “surprised you didn’t just rip it off.”
sukuna simply scoffed and swatted your hand away, moving from between your legs so he could work off his pants and kick them off to the side.
“knew you’d like to see me take it off properly,” he answered at last, back to you as he wiggled out of his boxers finally and chucked them off the foot of the bed. you didn’t get much time to admire his flexing back muscles before he was on you again, settling between your legs like he knew he belonged there (you weren’t sure you could argue with that point).
he pumped his cock, grabbing one of your legs and pushing it back. precum leaked from his tip, length already fully hard, and sukuna was enjoying your gaze on him maybe a little too much. leg shoved back and in the air, you whimpered when he rubbed the head along you. you didn’t need prep after being fucked by his fingers earlier you supposed and you weren’t sure you’d even be patient enough to sit through him stretching you out any further with anything but his dick.
you wanted to feel it yourself and so you reached a hand out to wrap around the base, captivated by how he watched you as you thumbed the slit, breathing heavy but not saying anything, letting you do what you wanted.
you wanted it in you so badly.
when he opened his mouth in question, eyes flitting up to yours, you were quick to cut him off, already knowing what he was going to ask. “yes, i’m sure.” you didn’t know curses could actually be compassionate, and it was cute when his jaw locked hard at your confirmation and he nodded, shifting his gaze back to your hand.
you released his cock and sukuna set back to lining it up with you, grip on your leg locking the limb in place. you shivered under his hold and he grunted when the head nudged your entrance, slowly pushing in.
“fuck. take it. take it all in. fucking slut.” he sunk fully in in one motion, the pace enough not to have you screaming out at the stretch but making your breath catch in your throat all the same. “yes, just like that. a good bitch, that’s what you are, aren’t you? look at you.”
you didn’t even know what to think at this point, a shaky resemblance to his name tumbling from you, more so a moan than actual talking. you could feel him everywhere—so full, so overwhelmingly full.
shoving your leg back further until it was almost painful, cock bottomed out in you, sukuna snapped his fingers in front of your face. “i asked you a question, brat. or are you already too fucked out of your mind to answer?”
you couldn’t breathe, head heavy, and tried to nod in confirmation as you struggled to puzzle through his words, but then you shook your head to answer no—god, you were confused. what was the right answer? what was happening?
maybe you really were already too fucked out of your mind. you vaguely recalled his words from earlier and were able to form a somewhat coherent response. “a good bitch... yes, i a- wait.” what were you saying? first you let him fuck you and now you’re openly submitting to him? the curse that had nearly cost you and your friends your lives countless times?
pride wouldn’t let you go along with his little game even as your dripping pussy told a different story. “i’m not anything to you.”
sukuna scoffed, hips grinding into you as he leaned over you, hooking both of your legs over his shoulders and pressing them back, close to your head. “and here i thought we were actually starting to get along.” a mirthless laugh left him, both of you eye-to-eye now where you lay.
fire burning in your eyes, you were very much reminded why you hated him so much. a self-obsessed asshole was what he was. “i’m not exactly looking to be friends with the king of curses, you idiot.”
“but look at you now. you wanted this.” he licked a stripe up the side of your neck, pausing at the base of your jaw to grin and press a sweet kiss to the area. you shivered and your hands found his shoulders to grip onto. he wasn’t wrong about the wanting it part—the amount of times you’d fantasized about exactly this was concerning. “i wonder what would happen if your little friends knew about how you really felt. what’s that term you like to use? ‘fraternizing with the enemy?’”
sukuna laughed again when your expression fell, face hot at the reminder of the others. “i suppose this is considered a bit more than mere fraternizing though, hm?” he continued, smiling and kissing your cheek.
whatever. no one would find out anyway. expect... expect maybe... yuuji—what had happened to him anyway for this to happen? knowing him, he’d probably been too tired after the last mission and sukuna had easily switched in—the same mission that seemed to have set sukuna even further along in his fury against jujutsu sorcerers this night.
you weren’t dating yuuji per say (it was... complicated), so your qualms when it came to fucking the curse possessing him were... minimal to say the least. you wouldn’t have done it if you were already taken, couldn’t have done that to yuuji, sweet as he was. but even in spite of all that, sukuna was right... this whole thing was so... no, don’t think about it.
you didn’t care either way (...maybe)—you couldn’t let his words get to you.
“just move already.”
you heard him grumble, annoyed, and he propped himself up to hover above your face. “i was giving you time to adjust. you’re so ungrateful.”
and with that, sukuna snapped his hips into yours without another moment of hesitation and you dug your nails into his back, mouth open in a silent scream because fuck.
“ungrateful fucking brat.”
“more,” your voice was hoarse, focus narrowing in only on the way he was fucking you.
you weren’t sure if it was your words or his own desire that spurred him on, but he set a bruising pace from the start, the places where your hips met hurting every time he rammed back into you. he was marking up your neck, the area already feeling sensitive and oh-so overabused, yet you not wanting to tell him to stop.
sukuna’s hand wrapped around your neck again, the feeling familiar now and you clenched around him at the sensation, him growling when you did so. the slight squeeze of his fingers had you seeing stars, the light-headed feeling going straight to your building arousal.
just like before, his hand traveled up to squeeze your cheeks and he was hovering over your mouth again, lips brushing against your own from the momentum of his thrusts. “let me kiss you again.” sukuna’s eyes were dark, unreadable.
you were quick to act at that, not letting him lean down, but rather craning your neck up to latch onto him, moaning as your mouth fell open for him to push his tongue in. his hand released your face to travel down to tweak at your nipples and grip your breasts again, other hand holding your leg steady against him. “filthy fucking slut.” he forced the words into your mouth, speaking around your lips that kept chasing after him. “fuck, you’re so fucking tight.”
sukuna’s attention returned to your neck, leaving you to gasp into the air and missing his warmth against your face. when his thumb found your clit, your breath hitched and you knew you so close to coming undone. the rubbing of his cock against just the right spots inside of you, filling you so wholly was not helping.
“su...kuna, please, i’m gonna—” you were babbling, chest heavy when his teeth sank into your shoulder, stinging. his wet kiss on the area was cooling, the contrast making your head tilt further back, wanting to give him easy access to whatever he wanted.
“i’ve got you.” he was whispering against the wet skin, voice low with his pants, and you shivered, digging your nails into his back even more. “come on, brat, you want to cum for me, don’t you?” yes, you did. the stretch, his hands everywhere at once, his scraping lips—yes, you wanted to let everything go.
“fuck, fuck, fuck.” you let yourself come undone, heat filling your chest. everything was him—that’s all you knew in this state.
“look at you, creaming all over my cock. god, you’re so pretty. pretty little slut.” the words just kept flowing as he fucked you through your orgasm, chasing his own release.
when he finally came, your hole was aching, abused, the sound of skin against skin the only thing you could focus on, mind cloudy. his cum was hot and filling when it spilled into you, your stomach doing summersualts at the feeling. his pace gradually began to slow, the sopping sound of him fucking his cum into you as he rode out his own high the only sound besides your ragged breaths. when he eventually stopped, he was leaning over you, sweaty foreheads pressed together, and he pushed one final bruising kiss to your lips that you gladly returned.
you were panting, chest rising and falling unevenly. “fuck, oh my god.” you reached up pull him back into another kiss, needing something to hold onto. it was an easy kiss, no thought going into its form, just knowing that lips were meant to be on each other and slotted together. his lips were so soft, and his fingers along your side were so soft, and his chest against yours was so soft and you were absolutely lost to everything.
sukuna finally pulled back to let you breath, knowing you were probably stupid enough to just keep pulling him in more and more and ignoring your lung capacity until the very last second unless he stopped you.
chests heaving, you stared at each other and he brought a thumb up to rub at your swollen lips. you flicked your tongue out to lick at the digit playfully and smiled. a laugh bubbled out of you and he returned the grin, his own deep chuckle vibrating through you where you were still pressed against each other.
it was laughing that you moved to push him to roll off of you. “oh my god, i can’t believe we just-” the hand that gripped your wrist, your own hands still planted on his chest, stopped you immediately. his smile had morphed back into one that was anything but sweet.
you were suddenly aware of the ache in your legs where they were still pressed over his shoulders and the dull throbbing of your pussy as it begged for a break, him still not having pulled out—the look on his face told you that you wouldn’t be getting a break from those sensations any time soon.
“who said we’re done?” his teeth glinted in the moonlight and god the line was so cliche and he must’ve known you’d hate it so much. what you hated even more was the throb in your core at his words despite all that. “wanted to cum in you at least once, but your tits-” he paused to squeeze one of them for emphasis, “are looking a little too clean.” body covered in sweat and marks all over your chest from his handiwork made you think clean wasn’t exactly the correct description, although you understood his sentiment.
surprise ridden expression falling away, you rose to meet his challenge, your own grin reflecting back. how would it feel when he came on your stomach, on your face, on your ass—anywhere and everywhere? would it be the same feeling as before when he’d spilled inside of you? (would you get to taste it?)
the thought was horrible, you knew, but the trickle of white out of your hole around his cock and dripping onto the sheets made you think maybe it was okay to be horrible for once.
“do your worst, king.”
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kiridarling · 3 years
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katsuki bakugou | competitive sex + f!reader + pro hero!kats + hickeys + hair-pulling + ripping clothes + a surprise guest + more! minors dni.
— 1.8k words
"Text Shitty Deku we're gonna be little late."
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“Katsuki. Hands off.”
The ash-blond sighs, grumbling like the petulant child he is before forcing his hands to his sides. Glaring at you through the mirror, he grunts, “Fuckin’ why.”
"Because I'm trying to get ready and you're in the way." You swat his hands away and reach for a brush, rolling your eyes when he ignores everything you just said in favor of hooking his chin around your shoulder and wrapping his arms around your waist. You shrug him off, "Now move."
In your defense, you've been pushed to your limit.
You two are already late enough for the Gala as it is, you know, the one that's exclusively for pro heroes. And yet, for some reason, today's the day your boyfriend's brain seems to be in his dick.
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Katsuki digs his teeth into your neck, hard enough to make you whimper before you rip his head away by the strands of his hair. He growls in frustration, the grip on your waist ever-tightening.
"Y'know...if people saw the type of shit you pull in private, they'd think you were the aggressive one."
"You let me get away with it," you respond absentmindedly, leaning towards the mirror until the cool from the counter presses into your gut. Mistake.
"Right. I've been too fuckin' soft, huh?" Katsuki says more to himself than to you before he's forcing you over the sink with a heavy hand on your back; the metal from the faucet knocks you in the collarbone. "That shit changes today."
"I—Kats, we don't have ti—" but the indisputable sound of ripping cloth bounces off your bathroom walls, and the addition of cool air brushing your inner thighs implies precisely what you hope he didn't just do.
His phone clatters on the counter before he's nudging your legs wider, nestling between them, and settling on his knees.
"Text Shitty Deku we're gonna be late."
"Katsuki Bakugou, did you just rip my fucking stockings?" You howl, grip tightening around the marble countertop in fury. Katsuki growls, delivering a heavy slap to your ass.
"I said fuckin' text him."
Your chest rises and falls with indignance, and yet you're punching in the code to his phone anyway, telling Izuku to reserve two spots at the table next to him because you two won't be able to do it yourselves.
"D'ya send it?" Katsuki asks, having a blast as he kneads your exposed ass to the point where it's sore. You nod, dropping the six-by-four box onto the countertop in resignation, and the ash-blond's chest rumbles at that, hand disappearing only to crack back down twice as hard. "Good girl."
Pushing your panties to the side, Katsuki wastes no time in sliding in his finger to the first knuckle, grinning when you shudder against him. You squeal as his teeth graze your inner thigh, and he hikes your knee onto the couch, dismissing how much you complain about the burn.
"What? Can't get a better view?" He growls, cheeky bastard, before he's sucking a hickey into your thigh because he knows you like it and pushing his finger in the rest of the way. You narrow your eyes, glaring at the small sliver of his smug face you can actually see in the mirror—and he's quickly filling you with a second finger, chuckling at your moan.
"You shouldn't have a view in the first place," you grumble, insistent on standing your ground. "You should be viewing the road because we're supposed to be driving right now."
"That's a real fuckin' pity then," Katsuki responds apathetically, lips pink as he moves to suck another hickey—closer to the apex of your thighs this time. You whimper as he scissors his fingers and passes a messy thumb over your clit, hips burning from holding this position for so long. With a final lick, Katsuki pulls away from his third or fourth mark (you're not too sure) and smacks his lips. "On the sink."
"On the c—Katsuki we have to g—wah!"
Katsuki takes it upon himself to hook his arms under your thighs and hoist you onto the cool thing, sending all miscellaneous bathroom items flying. You sigh, accepting the fact that you're probably not going to make it out of the house tonight as your back kisses the freezing glass, and Katsuki pushes your knees as far back as they'll go.
He curls a lip, and then he spits, getting saliva all over your pussy and thighs, and it's wholly and utterly lewd. And yet, you bite your lip at the feeling, and he grins, knowing you like it just as much as you'll say you hate it.
"You're a fuckin' dirty girl, y'know that?" Katsuki's eyes go dark. You huff, threading a hand through his ash-blond locks to tug—and you're the one grinning when he moans.
"I'm not the one who's making us skip a mandatory gala to get his dick wet," you quip with a raised eyebrow, and your hand never leaves his hair. "Am I?"
Katsuki growls with a curled lip, but you know better, and so does the clammy grip on your thigh. You tug on his hair again, and suddenly you're full of him, yelping in surprise as your arms scramble for his back for better purchase instead.
"What was that?" He asks breathily, hiding a groan behind a bitten lip. You're just thankful he's giving you time to adjust, or so you think, until he almost pulls out entirely before his hips snap forwards as hard as they can, knocking your spine into the mirror and a bottle of lotion onto the floor.
You moan, hands searching for his hair again because you know it's one of the only things that will provide a one-up—Katsuki bares his teeth at that, bending over to suck a mark into your neck and his hips continue to fuck you into tomorrow.
"You fit like a goddamn glove," Katsuki wheezes, the grip he has around your stocking-covered thigh edging on bruising. "So tight around me—fuck—"
"K-Kats—" you grapple for his dress shirt so hard it tears, causing you to crash against the counter and make more of a mess that's already been made. The ash-blond's hips don't do anything but speed up though, filling you to the point where a deep breath feels like too much.
"Fuck baby, you're so goddamn needy," Katsuki grabs your attention by your jaw with a gritty chuckle, "But this shit's only for me, ain't it? 'Cause you're fuckin' mine."
You whimper with a nod, nails latching onto hot and sticky skin now. Katsuki hisses as they rake down his back, but that only makes you want to dig in harder.
"Fuckin' say it—tell me you're mine and no one else's," he challenges with a glint in his carmine red eyes, and something in your gut churns underneath it. Something painfully primal and raw, which has you howling out:
"'M yours, only yours!"
You jolt when his thumb returns to your clit and refuses to let up. Katsuki growls at that, somehow finding the stamina to speed up—and gripping your shoulder for leverage. You moan, eyes fluttering as his cock reaches the deepest it has tonight, and you’re sure Katsuki can tell as well if his curse is anything to go by.
Ring, ring! Ring ring!
Surprisingly, Katsuki's phone survived the purge and still sits on the counter, albeit teetering on the edge of absolute destruction. The ash-blond catches it before it falls and has the nerve to swipe right, not allowing you to fit in an objection or any say in this at all.
"The fuck do you want, Deku?" He grunts, putting the phone on speaker before he sets it back down. You eep in protest, but all he does is mouth the words quiet, baby. So you're huff, biting onto the meat of your palm for extra precaution.
"Um, Kacchan? Where are you guys?" The greenette's voice echoes off the bathroom walls to the point where it's nearly comical how clueless he is, and yet Katsuki refuses to slow down. "People are starting to ask when you're getting here..."
"Not fuckin' goin'," Katsuki's sweat drips from his brow onto your chest, and all of a sudden, you're aware of how painfully close you are, but hold back in fear of making too much noise. Izuku sighs through the phone, and you can feel his disappointment from here.
"I—Kacchan, you can't just opt out of these things, you know," Izuku says, echoing your words from earlier. "Mandatory means you have to attend."
"Yeah, well, I got better shit to do, Deku," the ash-blond spits, though he's grinning like the devil because the asshole knows you're close, he can just tell at this point, and you hate how well he knows your body.
"It doesn't matter if you don't want to go, Kacchan!" The pro-hero shrills, voice peaking out of pure frustration. "This is mandatory. As in, M-A-N-D-A-T—"
Katsuki hangs up.
"Why is everyone so goddamn mouthy these days?" He grunts, primarily to himself, and somehow you have the will to giggle. Katsuki's eyebrows furrow as you tighten around him, spurred when the head of his cock nudges the perfect spot, and his nails start to tear into what's left of your stockings as he shudders, "I—fuck baby, I'm gonna cum."
"What? Being on the phone with Izuku got you all riled up or something?" You jest breathily, and Katsuki growls, slapping your outer thigh.
"Don't fuckin' bring the nerd up right now," he wheezes, and you resist the urge to quip back—mainly because you're close yourself. You reach to pull Katsuki's hair again and his hips stutter, eyes fluttering with a breathy moan as he finally fills you up, keening over to dig his teeth into your neck. And his orgasm is only the catalyst for your own, thumping your hands against his chest as your body ignites like a live wire, toes curling and eyes screwed shut.
Katsuki stays seated in you as he catches his breath, head resting on the cool mirror with his ash-blond hair mattes brown to his forehead. He's always uncharacteristically soft while basking in his afterglow, face and chest flushed bright red from exertion as his eyes soften in a way he rarely lets them.
"You good?" He pants, chest still heaving as he blinks down at your exhausted figure. Somehow, you find the energy to nod.
"I don't feel like leaving anymore, though," you declare towards the ceiling. Katsuki clicks his tongue.
"Was hopin' you'd say that," he says gruffly—you narrow your eyes but bite your tongue. "Wanna watch a movie?"
A movie doesn't sound...bad.
You sigh in defeat (again), though jolting when Katsuki's phone rings. He quickly presses red, and 9 missed calls from shitty fucking deku is the first notification on his home screen. You two share a look—the ash-blond shrugs.
"What? I told the fucker I had better shit to do."
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wrote this for a friends bday and i was like,,,i guess i could put it here too...
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bellfort3 · 2 years
SBI Fanfics of the Week (week 55—Merry Christmas!)
lurking by Cypherr
Tommy knew that playing Resident Evil so late at night was a slippery slope. It was inevitable that he face the consequences
azalea by Cypherr
Tommy just wanted to be able to plant the pretty azalea trees. Was that so much to ask?
acknowledge me before we part ways by plantform
“Why are you still online, Toms?” Wilbur asks. “You sounded really tired on stream.”
I am. He presses his palms tightly onto the armrests—pushing down with all his force to center himself somewhat. “I- you didn’t say goodbye.”
Wilbur’s quiet. “I didn’t, did I?” He sounds considering, careful. “I’m sorry about that, my brain was so focused on the fucking flowers.” He chuckles and it’s fake. “Have you been- Tommy, have you been in your office this whole time?”
Tommy presses down on the armrests harder. He squeezes his shut against the onslaught of tears he knows will rush down his cheeks. He doesn’t answer.
Or: the 5 times Tommy struggled to ask for a goodbye, and the 1 time he talked to Wilbur about it.
The Shadows and the Son by SunOfIcarus
And it’s… well, at first Techno thinks it's a human. He’s got rounded cheeks and a small button nose, mouth wide open and yelling. He’s waving his arms around angrily, tiny fingers clenched into a fist. But then Techno looks slightly up, and he can see the pointed, furry ears sticking out from his unruly blond hair. Techno shifts the boy to the side and he can see a tail.
“–me go, you bitch! Fuck you! Let me go!”
'A little warrior,' Techno thinks as the boy kicks and curses in his fist. 'Runt,' his mind screams, looking at just how small the boy is in his hands.
Werewolf Tommy is abandoned by his pack. Vampire SBI decide to take him in (only until they find someone else to care for him. They won't get attached-right?)
rust covered in rust by fraseris
"We should talk more," Tommy says. "This is fun."
"It's hardly proper, considering we were at war," Wilbur points out dryly.
Tommy rolls his head to the side to look up at Wilbur. "That was like five years ago, man. Keep up with the times. Aren't you supposed to be a fuckin'- prince or king or something?"
Ah, there's the self-loathing. "I do try my best. Also, it was only two years ago."
Or: Wilbur and Tommy have one thing in common, and it's hating royal banquets.
if you're around, why am i down? by plantform
He could, in theory, message Wilbur for help, or Ranboo, or even Dream himself. He could do that. And he knows they’d be more than happy to help. Objectively, he knows that. But he can’t help but think that, under the easygoing, helpful exterior, their respect for him dwindles; that they’ll think him less than capable; that they’ll suddenly realize he’s not as creative as he makes himself out to be. And he doesn’t know if they’d be right or wrong.
Or: The 5 people Tommy went to for comfort.
When it's strange to take a walk downstairs by justsummr
Phil couldn’t turn away, not when the chances of both of the boys being sent to a bad home was so high. He couldn’t look at this eleven year old boy, the one with the fiery blue eyes, and take him from his brother. How could he look at Wilbur who was sixteen and he did best in history and music and turn him down? He couldn’t send either of them away, let alone separate them.
They weren’t just two kids in the system anymore. They weren’t just names in the pile of thousands. Phil had seen them. He’d seen their faces, the homes they'd been too, the people they were. He’d seen them and he knew so much about them. It wasn't just an idea anymore, these boys were real.
or: phil adopts two brothers, wilbur and tommy. and maybe he bit off more than he could chew
title from Helena Beat by Foster the People
i can't lose hope (what's left of my heart's still made of gold) by blladnna
This kid was so small.
That was Phil’s first thought upon opening his front door—that the kid on his front porch was so small. Too small for the warnings heaped upon Phil by the state, warnings of wild magic and dangerous words, of the treachery and trickery that came hand in hand with the legends of the fae. Phil had known many fae over the course of his lifetime, both kind and cruel. The kid on the front porch just looked like a kid.
He just looked scared.
Or: Phil signs up to be a foster parent and ends up just stacking broken kids in his house.
i don't wanna feel better  by Cypherr
Tommy wasn't sure how it happened. Well, he knew how, he just wasn't quite sure what led up to it. Tommy wasn't sure he knew much anymore. Life was strange
Or, Tommy's home life wasn't that great, but Wilbur was determined to be there for him 
the arctic winds (have brought you here to me) by since_I_saw_vienna
The boy stares up at him with wide eyes, baby blue and fit to start crying at any moment, and Techno knows his fate's already been sealed
Or; The Antarctic empire gains a new prince.
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strawbxrryneptune · 3 years
When We Fall
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Warnings: Graphic sexual content including oral (Male and female receiving w 69) use of sir kink, light biting, pain kink, wing play, etc, mentions of suicide and character death, hints at cheating but it didn't happen, sacrilegious themes? I think?? You're fucking an angel so like,, that's pretty blasphemous lmao, fuckin in front of amirror, reverse cowgirl
It's gonna sound a little wonky at certain parts but bare with me, I'm bad at serious stuff.
^^Pictures do not belong to me !! I made the collage but the art is not mine^^
Katsuki Bakugou never saw himself as worth saving. If he was dumb enough to fall behind, dumb enough to let things get too much, then it was on him.
If he was gonna be saved, it would be by himself. He didn't need anyone for anything. He told himself that for years, as a young angel in training, through his apprentice years, even now as a successful guardian.
He got this far by himself, why did he need anybody else? He didn't see that he was stuck. He couldn't move past this point without someone else. That's why Deku was the right hand man of The Highest and not Bakugou. Stupid, stupid, Deku. Bakugou was furious when the courts announced it. What did Deku have that he didn't? He was strong, he was powerful, and he got the job done. That's basically what you need to be a guardian angel, isn't it? When he had complained to the courts, all they had said was "Patience, young one." He had scoffed.
What did patience have to do with anything? He had plenty of patience. Patience was something he had to practice daily, dealing with the kinds of people he did.
He was always assigned to old people, dying out before he could even get attached. Not that attachment would be a problem. He was Bakugou Katsuki, for Christ's sake!! He didn't "get attached", especially to old farts.
That all changed once he was assigned to you.
You, with your glowing skin and beautiful eyes, pulling him in the moment he saw your case file. He used to see you when he was living, a friend of a friend. He never got to talk to you cause you were always around stupid Deku. Y'all might have been together, but he didn't care. He had to meet you, talk to you, touch you, taste you. He would visit in your dreams, talking to you and making you laugh, holding you though the bad parts he couldnt change.
When you finally worked up the gal to ask who he was, he took a deep breath and told you. He was your guardian, assigned to you until you die, there to protect you and keep bad things away. You simply laughed and told him,
"Fine, don't tell me."
He only growled down at you, huffing before disappearing into the cloudy depths of your consciousness.
You didn't see him for weeks, trying to conjure him back in your head, but to no avail. Finally, finally he showed up, but it was not in your dreams. No, he showed up at the foot of your bed, glowing a dewy gold with his wings spread out behind him, tunic wrapping lightly around his slim hips.
You gaped at him, your brain trying to process what it was seeing. He smirked down at you, stalking over to where your soft body lay, trailing thick, calloused fingers over the expanse of your exposed thighs. He lifts up the hem of your oversized tshirt slightly, quirking an eyebrow in question.
You bite your lip and spread your thighs as an invitation, making him groan and slide into the sheets with you.
He gently positions you so you're straddling his face, facing his swelling cock as it makes his tunic rise.
He kisses you through the fabric of your panties, running his tongue up and down the fabric while groaning about how wet you got for him, how much of a slut you were for lusting after an angel.
He finally rips your panties off of you after teasing for what felt like hours, immediately sucking your fat clit in his mouth, moaning at the taste of you. He grips your hips to grind you roughly against him, sucking at you and sliding thick fingers into you, making you mewl and shake above him.
As you push your hips against his pretty face, you notice how big the bulge is in front of you, looking almost painful. You moan softly at the feelings coursing through you and the sight of him so aroused from just eating you out. You bring shaky hands up to grope at his clothed cock, causing him to let out a startled sound into your pussy.
"Fuck, Princess- whaddya doin-"
You cut him off by grinding yourself further onto his mouth, unwrapping the cloth around his waist and watching his cock slap up. You salivated at the sight of it, thick with veins running along it, the head leaking copious amounts of prespend. You shiver when you feel Bakugou's tounge slide into your slit, his teeth catching on your sex and making you whimper above him.
You lean down and run your tongue along the pulsing veins littering his fat cock, ripping a raspy moan from the blonde's lips. His thighs clench in front of you with the sudden urge to fuck up into your mouth, but he resists it in favor of adding two more fingers into you, now stretching you with three and making you groan. He laps at your clit, determined to make you cum before him.
You suck at his tip, dipping into it before moving down further, rolling your tongue along the underside of his shaft as you fondle his balls, making his hips jump when you circle his taint with your fingers. He whimpers into your pussy, tongue stilling inside you as he revels in the pleasure. He's glad you can't see him, cause his eyes are rolled all the way up, drool and your slick running down his cheeks. You slide your hands up and down his thighs fondling his balls and sucking him down your throat, moaning around him when his movements pick up. Just when you think you'll make him cum, he pushes you off of his face.
You blink to yourself in confusion, before he grabs you from behind and positions you over his leaking cock, his breath fanning over your neck before he sinks his cock inside of you, simultaneously sinking his teeth into your neck to muffle his whines.
You arch your back in pleasure, locking eyes with him in the mirror at the foot of your bed that you know wasn't there before. He smirks against your neck, snapping his hips up into you as he grabs at the fat of your tits, playing with your nipple with one hand while the other brushes over your clit.
"Why don't you ask your guardian to help you cum, hm?"
You gasp out, barely able to get out a word as he bounces you on his lap, his fat tip hitting your spot with every thrust.
"Nu-uh, that's not my name, slut. You only get to call me Sir, yeah?"
You choke out a feeble,
"Yes sir-!"
Before going back to being a garbled mess. You reach back for stability, only to brush along soft feathers, realizing that Bakugou hadn't put his wings away. In your hazy state of mind, you slowly started to run your fingers up and down the spine of his wings, moaning breathing in his ear as your head tilts back, causing a shudder to run down Bakugou's body, all the way to the head if his dick which pulsed violently inside of you.
He flicked at your clit, growling into your neck to cum, which you did without hesitation, creaming his cock. He gritted his teeth at how tight you clenched around him, and with one look at the white ring you left around the base of his swelling cock, he came inside you, spurting endless amounts of spend. He panted hotly against you, gs tly pulling you off to go clean up, chuckling when he saw you passed out.
The hall of the Higher Ups was always huge, but with the guilt and shame resting on his shoulders, the room seemed even bigger to Bakugou. He avoided eye contact with the Advisor, staring dead into Shitty Deku's eyes.
"Why the fuck am I here, nerd? Shouldn't I have already transferred Down There?"
Deku winces at Bakugou's language, straightening up.
"I managed to convince the Council to give you a second chance, Kaachan. This was the first time you were assigned to someone young and appealing, and it's not like there are a lot of options up here-"
"Would you shut the fuck up already? I did what I did, I don't need you picking up after me and trying to be my saviour."
Bakugou sneers, backing Deku up. He rolls his eyes when the Advisor steps forward to intervene, only for Deku to hold a hand up.
"I don't know why you're always right there. You're like some creepy stalker or sumthin'. You have everything you could fuckin' want! Why are you bothering me, especially when I'm to get your position-"
"Because I fucking care, Kaachan!"
Bakugou flinches back at the tone of Deku's voice, surprised at the curse that came out of his mouth.
"Why do you think you're even here still? I'm the one who convinces the Council to let you stay here, even with your foul mouth and crude ways. I'm the one who got you up here in the first place. They gave me a choice. Condemn you to Hell for what you did to me, or let you be here and make peace, but you make it so hard. I thought you would've changed. But I guess you just hate me that much, huh Bakugou. Hate me so much you would fuck her, after all this time."
The blonde's eyes widen, his face burning hot in anger.
"Why would you bring that shit up, it was in high school-"
The hall is silent, Deku's voice echoing around the walls, the words "because of you" ricocheting in Bakugou's head.
"You didn't do shit cause of me, Midoriya. You decided to do it, right?"
Deku scoffs, tears filling his eyes as he turns towards the Advisor.
"Still as blunt as ever, Bakugou. Take him away."
Bakugou turns away, spitting out an "I can do it myself" before waking out the hall, keeping his head high even as scornful Higher Ups regard him, strutting to the transporter. He gets in and pushes the button, vermillion eyes locked on piercing green ones all the way down.
When you wake up in the morning, the bed is empty, but there's a note on your dresser from Bakugou, telling you how he's going on a little trip for a bit, but he won't forget you.
He'll never forget you.
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yeongwvnhi · 3 years
ᴸᵒᵛᵉ ᴬᵍᵃⁱⁿ
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Pairing - Baekhyun x fem reader -> exes to lovers | Genre - Angst, fluff | warnings - none | taglist - @twancingyunhoe @trashlord-007 @tiddy-boys | synopsis - when Baekhyun and you broke things off a year ago, it felt alright, but you came to the painful realization that nobody could ever replace him or love you like he did | word count - 2.1k | thanks to @tiddy-boys for beta-reading ♡
It's days like these, rain hitting the window in harsh taps and angry wind blowing, when the nostalgia hits the hardest. After all, you were always one to dwell on the past. It's just what you do. 
Every day felt the same after the two of you broke things off. You don't even remember why exactly you even ended it in the first place. The pain still sits deep, coming to haunt you when you least expect it. 
Rainy days like those just trigger the nostalgia, the memories and bygone feelings. 
It's 12pm when you check your phone, yet you're still laying in bed. The lack of motivation due to this sudden wave of sadness is something you're not experiencing for the first time. 
And it's killing you slowly. These feelings are eating you up from the inside out. 
Without even realizing, tears are running down your cheeks in even, salty streams. 
"Why am I even crying…" You mumble and lift your arm to cover your face, trying to make it stop. "God, I'm so pathetic" 
You try to manage to stop your tears, wrist harshly rubbing your eyes. After a minute or so, you succeed in stopping them. 
instead pick up your phone, unlocking it and opening Instagram. 
One peek won't hurt, right…? 
His name at the top of your searches seems to be mocking you as you hover your finger above it. Should you really do it? What if he found someone new and his profile is filled with couple pictures? Or what if he feels nothing and is glad to be alone? What if, what if, what if…
"Fuck it" you hiss and tap on his username, his profile popping up after a brief second of loading the page. 
He… hasn't posted anything for a few months, his last post being from October last year. 
Oh for fucks sake… is this a good sign or not? It could mean he's been seeing someone new, but it could also mean he's just been living his life like usual. 
So many possibilities, yet no resolution seems to be in sight. 
"This is so annoying, oh my gooood" You groan and smack your head into your pillow, laying sprawled out like a star with an annoyed pout on your face. 
"It's been a god damn year," You grumble, "why do I still feel like this?" 
The sound of your fist hitting the mattress of your bed is dull, not the way you wanted it to sound. "I hate this, UGHH" The frustration in your voice is for sure loud and clear, accentuated well by the 'ugh'. 
This whole situation is stressing you out. "I need a shower.." You mumble, absent-minded, as you fling the covers back and swing your legs over the edge of your bed. 
Despite the gloomy weather, you decided to take a walk outside. The rain still hasn't let up, droplets of it occasionally hitting your face. 
"Why is it so cold today? It's already spring…" You mumble quietly to yourself, eyes strictly trained on the path in front of your feet and head held low. 
You're so lost in your thoughts, you don't see the person headed your way. 
And apparently, the person doesn't seem to notice you as well. So your shoulders collide and you stumble, umbrella falling out of your hand and fast quick steps to regain your balance. 
"I'm so sorry! Are you al-" The man rushes to apologize, but his words get stuck in his throat as he takes in who he just, quite literally, stumbled into. 
Rain has hit you mercilessly, soaking you from head to toe within seconds as you stand there, paralyzed. "Baek…Baekhyun?" 
His eyes are wide and mouth slightly open in shock as he doesn't know what to say or do. 
He hasn't seen or talked to you in at least nine or ten months for sure. What is he even supposed to say? "Yeah… it's- it's surely been a while" he dumbly answers. "Ah! Your umbrella!" Baekhyun rushes to pick it up and hold it over your figure. 
But the damage is already done. 
You're shivering, dripping with water but still you've a tiny smile on your lips at the sight of him. 
You delicately take hold of the handle, fingers gently enclosing around the man's hand. 
He doesn't move to let go, just standing there and staring into your eyes. "I-" 
You cut him off by mistake with a sneeze, the cold creeping in deep. It feels like your bones might freeze, grasp around both Baekhyun's hand and the handle of your umbrella tightening, muscles contracting to desperately stay warm. "S-Sorry for interrupting you" You say, teeth clattering and eyes averting. 
"No no don't worry about it!" He insists, "but we should get you home, your hand is cold as ice, Y/N" 
"Ah… you're right" You nod and he flashes you a warm smile. 
"Do you still live in the same apartment or did you move?" Baekhyun asks, back to being concerned about your wellbeing now. 
"I- I still live in the same place" You reply, your free hand holding onto your jacket for warmth, but in vain. 
"That's too far away, my place is way closer" He objects and gently pulls you along, "come on, let's get you freshened up before you really get sick" 
You only manage an awkward nod and let him lead you along, a surprisingly pleasant silence engulfing you two. 
Baekhyun unlocks the door to his apartment and firstly puts both of your umbrellas away, taking off his wet shoes in the process and you follow along. 
"Come on, I'll show you the bathroom" He says and you tag after him. 
He opens the door, turns on the light and quickly pulls out two towels for you. "You can just use my shampoo, I don't have anything suitable here for you, sor-" 
"Thank you" you break his rambling. "You wouldn't need to do this, so thank you" 
Baekhyun smiles softly, although his eyes tell a different story. "I'll bring you some clothes in a bit, okay?" 
"Mhm" you nod and give him a curt bow before he leaves the room, shutting the door behind him. 
You waste no time in stepping out of your soaked clothes and into the shower. 
You set the water to a nice warm temperature and rinse off the cold first, feeling relieved. 
Then there's a knock. "Hey Y/N, I'm putting some clothes on top of the washing machine for you now" he announces before opening the door, doing as he said and then leaving just as quickly as he came. 
"Still the considerate guy he always was…" You mumble with a sad smile, old memories coming back to haunt your mind with sweet images of the two of you. Him always knocking before he'd enter a room you would be in to announce himself. 
You loved that about him, he was always mindful of others and you're happy to see it hasn't changed at all. 
You finished quickly and put on the clothes he gave you. Some boxers and a way too big on you, black shirt. You dried your hair as best as you could with the towel he gave you and made sure you don't look like a lion by patting down your hair a bit. 
"Baekhyun?" You timidly call out after opening the door a bit. 
"Yeah?" He replies and you hear his footsteps approach. "What is it?" 
"Uhm- Where to put my wet clothes?" You ask. 
"Oh- Hold on, I'll put them in the washing machine" He says with big eyes and opens the machine for you to put them in. "I'll dry them after they're washed so you can change back, alright?" 
You nod quickly and thank him quietly. He opens the machine and you put your clothes inside, him doing the rest. 
"So, uh-" 
"Do you want some water?" He quickly asks, ears flaring red as he avoids your eyes. 
"Sure" you squeak back and follow him into the kitchen. He gets a glass out of a cupboard and fills it with water before handing it to you. 
You nip at the liquid as Baekhyun leans against the countertop adjacent to you, eyes taking in your figure. 
He missed seeing you in his clothes, you always looked so good in them. He just missed you in general. 
The reason why the two of you broke up a year ago? 
Baekhyun remembers it all too well. 
It was a work related thing actually. The two of you worked in different shifts and barely saw each other, yet alone had time for any couple stuff. 
Free days? Spent alone or arguing about never seeing each other. 
And at one point you had said to just break up. In that moment Baekhyun felt like he was hit by lightning, body stiff and eyes wide. He couldn't believe what he heard. Baekhyun felt anxiety cursing through his veins as his brain processed your words.
You had told him that you wouldn't hate him, but that your situation at that time just didn't allow any dating. The two of you never had hard feelings about the outcome, but it was hard to suddenly go back to being alone. 
And now you're here, in his apartment, wearing his clothes and smelling just like him. He can't believe this is happening. 
"Uhm, so" You speak up after setting the glass down on the other counter behind you. Your hands come up to grab the surface besides your waist and you avoid the man's eyes. 
"Yes?" Baekhyun can't help the hopeful hint in his voice as he urges you to continue your thoughts. 
"How has life been for you?" 
A chuckle escaped his lips at your question, shoulders jumping up and down in the process before he answered. "It's been rather boring but nice, if you get what I mean? I found a different job and work from home now" 
You nod quietly, "I've also found a new job and my shifts are less hectic" 
"Have you… found someone new?" 
You halt at his inquiry, gears in your mind temporarily stopping and he seems to take the lacking answer the wrong way. A frown pulls at his normally friendly and soft expression, making him look grumpy and bothered. "I see" 
"No, no! I- I haven't found anyone!" You quickly say, "I just… I couldn't move on" 
His expression changes to a sad smile, although he's kind of glad you're still somehow his. "Me neither" 
You scoff lightly, a cheeky smirk suddenly on your face. "No wonder, nobody could put up with your annoying ass anyway" 
"Hey!" He exclaims in shock. 
"I'm joking, I'm joking!" You insist, holding your stomach and laughing. "You're bearable most of the time" 
"That doesn't make it any better!" Baekhyun whines and you laugh out loud, hand flying up to cover your mouth. 
"Still the cocky little girl you've always been" He fires back and you snort. 
"Like you're one to talk" You roll your eyes at him and he exhales through his nose. 
His hands grab you by the collar of his shirt you're wearing and unexpectedly pull you into him. You squeal, hands shooting up to brace against his broad chest and you look up to be met by his cocky smile. "You never knew when to stop, no change at all there" he playfully nags. 
"Shut up" You weakly fight back. 
Baekhyun chuckles and you feel the rumble drumming against the palms of your hands. "How come you haven't moved on?" 
You lower your head, hands fumbling with his shirt. "Well… I came to the conclusion that just nobody could replace you. Nobody could love me like you did…" You mumble against his chest and Baekhyun feels a smile creeping up on his face. 
"I felt the same" He whispers back and his arms move to pull you into him more by your waist. 
After hearing that, you look back up at him with big eyes. "Really?" 
He nods and flashes you a bright smile. "Even though we fought a lot and barely had time for each other, I never stopped loving you" 
"Shut up" You almost whimper and move your hands to pull him closer by the back of his neck, lips meeting in the middle. 
Baekhyun's eyes almost fell out of their sockets before he came to his senses. 
One of his hands found its place on the back of your head as he moved his lips against yours with fervor. He greedily breathes you in, not wanting this to end as moves his mouth against yours. 
You shiver when his tongue meets yours and that's when you draw the line… for now. 
He chases after you for a second and you chuckle, dazed eyes meeting yours. "Slow down tiger" you say and peck the corner of his mouth. 
"Okay, okay" He smiles and pulls you in for a hug, "will you let me love you again?" 
"You bet" 
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mxtcha-tea · 3 years
haikyuu as my pinterest content
⊹genre; crack, slight fluff? ⊹warnings; cursing lmao
⊹flight details; I don't need to explain this one
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Hinata: I do not have a fake social media personality. I am genuinely this fucking stupid in real life
Kageyama: why can't we end essays with "so yeah" instead of writing a conclusion??
Tsukishima: why would i face my problems when i can just listen to music instead
Yamaguchi: if you don't see me in 24 hours...I'm in my room pretending i'm at a ballroom with my enemy then suddenly became lovers
Yachi: "u okay?" nah, mf, I can't express my feelings without feeling embarrassed
Tanaka: i suffer from lip biting emoji syndrome
Noya: *gets a math problem right* BITCH I'M A BIG GANGSTA
Ennoshita: the sexual tension between me and smashing my head against the fucking wall
Daichi: I'm going insane, does anyone want anything
Suga: my therapist can't help me
Asahi: sick of being nervous all the time
Kiyoko: who will make spotify playlists with me tonight
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Oikawa: I will be in 3 moods today, 1. crying, 2. acting like i'm the hottest person alive, 3. staring at the ceiling wondering where i went wrong
Matsukawa: what if we kissed on the communism bench
Hanamaki: Girl you are crying over a guy who literally has no swag. please seek help
Yahaba: do i have social anxiety or am i just an attention seeker
Watari: fuck being cheated on, you ever woke up
Kyoutani: shut the fuck up
Kindaichi: do ya'll also hug a blanket and pretend it's a person
Kunimi: maybe i have a personality. nvm, that don't even sound right
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Kuroo: fast replies are so attractive like damn, I got your attention like that
Kai: the moon is proud of you, and so are the stars, and so is the sun. the aliens are watching you, a little confused about your life choices but are proud of you too
Yaku: show me where i asked *holds map*
Fukunaga: i don't feel like dealing with my mental problems so i'll just shit post online
Kenma: my brain be so happy and then boom, life and school
Lev: sometimes i think, but then i forget
Shibayama: mfs think i got options but the only options i got are the 10 voices in my head
Inuoka: when they compliment something you're insecure about <3
Teshiro: you may consume 3 beans but no more. they will know if you consume more
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Yukie: how do i stop unironically say bro, bruh, dude
Kaori: physically i am human, but mentally i am a frog guitar
Washio: "you're so quiet" THANKS, i've actually been talking this entire time, none of you have listened to anything i've said
Konoha: I have to keep reminding myself that not everybody thinks i'm funny. they're wrong for that tho
Bokuto: do you ever just russian doll? *multiplies*
Akaashi: life's fun until you have no motivation to do anything
Komi: normalize being stupid
Sarukui: I'm fine until i see a group of people my age
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Ushijima: *still uses pinky promise as a legitimate foundation of trust*
Tendou: what part of "you have two weeks to do this assignment" didn't I understand. i get on my nerves
Semi: do you ever kin a song
Yamagata: sick of people who walk slow in school hallways
Reon: people with clean handwriting are pretty, people with messy handwriting are pretty. no, i do not compare, everyone's valid
Shirabu: not now sweaty, mommy's cyberbullying
Kawanishi: hot pockets sandwich, 427 sandwiches, other hot pockets, hot pockets with more fucking hot pockets, 100% more hot pockets
Goshiki: shit, i got cyberbullied
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Kita: sick of people valuing grades over mental health
Aran: i got 99 problems and being able to focus could solve at least 73 of them
Akagi: that feeling when you, you're just a doormat
Oomimi: mfs be like "ass or tits", mf, some affection
Atsumu: Atsumu asks you on a date, do you accept? say yes
Osamu: if you want to kiss and dance in the rain with me, marry me
Suna: maybe i won't wake up tomorrow. yeah, i hope not
Ginjima: bitches be like "just be yourself" bitch, i don't know who i am
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